NSJ’s coverage of Brinson Bell’s ask included $400 million in CARES Act money for elections.
Justice Samuel Alito wrote in May that is not clear how the high court’s past First Amendment cases, many of which predate the internet age.
During a late March 2020 meet ing, NCSBE Director Karen Brin son Bell asked lawmakers to make absentee voting by mail easier, cit ing the COVID-19 pandemic.
In a statement at the time, Brinson Bell said, “We believe the legislative recommendations released today would go a long way toward en suring safe, accessible elections in 2020.”Brinson Bell went on to say that “We look forward to continuing to work with the General Assembly to respond to the unprecedented threat facing our elections system at thisLater,time.”at an April 7, 2020, meet ing of the NCGA House Select Com mittee on COVID-19’s Continuity of
Public comments submitted to the subcommittee mirrored tes timony such as the recovery pro gram having a lengthy and com plicated application processes, lack of clear communication, and being passed from one person to another with no usable informa tion
Years later, victims of hurricanes Matthew, Florence are still waiting to go home
But the decision by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans is unlikely to be the last word in a legal battle that has stakes beyond Texas, and could impact how some of the world’s biggest tech companies regulate content by their“Todayusers.we reject the idea that corporations have a freewheeling First Amendment right to censor what people say,” U.S. Circuit Court Judge Andrew Oldham wrote.
58 2017752016 $0.50 VOLUME 7 ISSUE 30 | WWW.NSJONLINE.COM | WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2022
Joining Trump and the state’s Republican U.S. Senate nominee are Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, U.S. Rep. David Rouzer, congressional candidate Bo Hines, and N.C. Republican Party chairman Michael commitment“PresidentWhatley.Trump’stoprotecting and promoting American jobs grew our economy and created more and better opportunities for all Americans,” said Budd in a statement.”Trumpvisited Wilmington in September 2020, honoring the it as the first World War II Heritage city.
A federal appeals court ruled in favor of a Texas law targeting major social media companies like Facebook and Twitter in a victory for Republicans who accuse the platforms of censoring conservative speech.
“The Office of Recovery and Resiliency has made tremendous progress in getting disaster mon ey out to the people who need it, but recovery is always a long-term process for storm survivors,” Coo per said in a Dec. 2019 press re
Court rules in favor of Texas law on social media regulation
She also requested that the state eliminate the requirement that a mail ballot be witnessed by two people or a notary. Because of social distancing, Brinson Bell recom mended that the state require only one witness or eliminate the wit ness requirement altogether, which would “further reduce risk.”
NCSBE director omitted dealings with ballot portal vendor from testimony before lawmakers
Raleigh Former President Donald Trump will host a rally for Ted Budd and Republicans in Wilmington on Friday.
RALEIGH — On the four-year anniversary of Hurricane Flor ence landing on North Carolina’s shore, a legislative subcommittee met find out why many hurricane victims still have not been made whole.The 15-member Hurricane Re covery panel is a subcommittee of the Joint Legislative Commission on Government Operations. The formation of subcommittee and its members were announced in July.Hurricane victims Willie Wil liams and his wife Geraldine, both disabled veterans with medi cal issues, both became emotional at times while relating their situa tion to “What’slawmakers.doneisdone. You can’t change what happened in the past,” said Geraldine Williams. “It’s not about us being angry, it’s about us not being heard.”
, page A8 See NCSBE , page A3
The Williames told lawmakers they first applied to Rebuild NC for help in repairing their home in 2019, yet they are currently still living in a hotel room.
Trump visits state Friday for rally
A nother giving testimony was Lavonne Merritt, who said she and her father applied for relief in 2019. She said Rebuild NC keeps “passing the buck” meanwhile she is still waiting and her father has since passed away.
By A.P. Dillon North State Journal
Austin, Texas
ment Disaster Recovery (OSBM) and Laura Hogshead and Ivan Duncan of the North Carolina Office of Recovery and Resiliency (NCORR).NCORR was established by Governor Roy Cooper in 2018 to oversee and manage the $778 million in federal disaster relief received by the state for both hur ricanes Matthew (2016) and Flor ence (2018). The money comes from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).Under Cooper’s control, only around 60% of those funds have been encumbered with just $231 million actually spent to date. The funds have deadlines to either be spent or encumbered by 2025 for Matthew and 2026 for Florence.
Washington, D.C.
The number of migrant arrivals reported along the U.S.-Mexico border in fiscal year 2022 surpassed 2 million in August, an all-time high, CBS News reported.
Brinson Bell also asked that the state pay for postage to make it eas ier for people to return mail ballots.
Journal show conversations be tween NCSBE staffer Veronica De graffenreid, Bell, and Democracy Live’s Brian Finney beginning in June 2019. Some of the emails ad dressed a grant opportunity and others centered on a “UOCAVA and accessible absentee solution.” UO CAVA stands for Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act.In the email exchanges related to grant money that took place in mid-September 2019, Finney men tions money being offered through Tusk Philanthropies that could “fund 80-90% of the cost.”
Biden: US would defend Taiwan against Chinese invasion
RALEIGH — An outside money grant from a Democrat-linked or ganization would have paid for the majority of North Carolina’s absen tee ballot portal, according to email discussions occurring at least nine months before the pandemic ar rived in North Carolina. N.C. State Board of Elections Director Kar en Brinson Bell omitted the grant and past interaction with the por tal vendor in remarks given during hearings with lawmakers in 2020.
The portal, powered by Democ racy Live, is currently active. Grants offered in 2019 by Democracy Live to state election officials to defray costs of the system came from Tusk Philanthropies; a group whose for mer head now serves as chief of staff for the Biden administration’s U.S. Department of Education and previously served as chief of staff to Jill Biden when she was Second Lady. The Tusk grant was declined according to the N.C. State Board of ElectionsEmails(NCSBE).obtained by North State
“After so many weeks, they came back... and told us that it will be an additional two months,” Geraldine Williams said. “After that two months, they [came] back and tell us it will be an addi tional two months. And this went on and on up until this date.”
Beijing China’s attack.sentwhetherpeacefullyTaiwan’sWashingtonchanged.interviewWhiteChinesedefendU.S.Minutes”duringretaliation.gavetheoftriesdefendthatPresidentgovernmentcommunistcriticizedJoeBiden’sstatementAmericanforceswouldTaiwanifBeijingtoinvadeasaviolationU.S.commitmentsaboutself-ruledisland,butnoindicationofpossibleBidensaid“yes”whenaskedaninterviewon“60whether“U.S.forces,menandwomen,wouldTaiwanintheeventofainvasion.CBSNewsreportedtheHousesaidaftertheU.S.policyhasn’tThatpolicysayswantstoseestatusresolvedbutdoesn’tsayU.S.forcesmightbeinresponsetoaChinese
Willie Williams said it felt like they were being led on and on “until it is too late.”
According to vendor records pro vided by the NCSBE, Democracy Live was paid a total of $423,950 in 2020 by the NCSBE for its ser vices. Based on Finney’s estimate the grant would cover “80-90%” of the costs, had the NCSBE tak en the Tusk grant, the amount the state would have received in that
Prioroffered.tohearing from some of the victims, subcommittee chair Sen. Brent Jackson opened the meeting with testimony from of ficials from two agencies playing a role in hurricane recovery proj ects; Richard Trumper of the Of fice of State Budget and Manage
In her March 26 NCBSE recom mendations Brinson Bell asked that voters be allowed to request mail ballots through an online portal, and to allow them to return ballot request forms by fax or email. At the time of her ask, voters had to return ballot request forms by mail or deliver them to a county elections office in person.
A resident wades through the flooded entrance to an apartment complex near the Cape Fear River as it continues to rise in the aftermath of Hurricane Florence in Fayetteville, Tuesday, Sept. 18, 2018.

With one month left, CBP officials stationed along the Mexican border have processed migrants over 2.1 million times in fiscal year 2022, a tally well above the previous record set in fiscal year 2021, when the agency recorded 1.7 million migrant“Failingencounters.communist regimes in Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Cuba are driving a new wave of migration across the Western Hemisphere, including the recent increase in encounters at the southwest U.S. border,” said CBP Commissioner Chris Magnus.
NCORR runs Rebuild NC, a program established in October 2018 to aid families impacted by Hurricanes Matthew and Flor ence.Per the governor, NCORR’s purpose was to “streamline recov ery programming and assistance.”
Border encounters top 2M in fiscal year
Cooper’s recovery chief questioned on completing only 789 out of 4,100 projects
During her testimony Merritt became tearful and said she “just wants to go home.”
By A.P. Dillon North State Journal
grant could have been up to or over $339,160.InMarch 2020, officials in the state were dealing with the emer gence of COVID-19 in North Car olina and lawmakers held meetings and hearings to determine how to manage various challenges the pandemic presented, including that year’s upcoming election season.
Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. 2 In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. 4 And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know. 5 Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way? 6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. 7 If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him. 8 Philip saith unto him, Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us. 9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father.
nues — from large revenue short falls in 2009 during the Great Recession and in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, to multibil lion-dollar surpluses in 2021 and 2022.There were also recent mas sive influxes of federal dollars
William Nicholson contributed portions of the article. His works are now in the public domain.

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A2 WEDNESDAY 9.21.22 #352 “Variety Vacationland” Visit us online nsjonline.com North State Journal (USPS 20451) (ISSN 2471-1365) Neal Robbins Publisher Matt Mercer Editor in Chief Cory Lavalette Managing/Sports Editor Frank Hill Senior Opinion Editor Emily Roberson Business/Features Editor Lauren Rose Design Editor Published each Wednesday by North State Journal 1201 Edwards Mill Rd. Suite Raleigh,300NC 27607 TO SUBSCRIBE: 336-283-6305 or online at nsjonline.com Annual Subscription Price: $50.00 Periodicals Postage Paid at Raleigh, N.C. and at additional mailing offices. SendPOSTMASTER:addresschanges to: North State Journal 1201 Edwards Mill Rd. Suite Raleigh,300NC 27607 North State Journal for Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Many across the world heard this scripture read Monday morning by new British Prime Minister Elizabeth Truss at the state funeral of Queen Elizabeth II. Fourteen passages from the Bible were read during the state funeral at Westminster Abbey along with hymns referencing scripture.
NC budget director Perusse to retire; Walker is successor

PHOTO VIA AP Charlie Perusse, the North Carolina state budget director, answers questions during a briefing at the Emergency Operations Center on Feb. 4, 2021, in Raleigh.
legislative leaders never got fully resolved.Thebudget director also serves in other roles, such as serving on the state’s debt affordability study committee and on a panel that awards economic incentives to companies seeking to build in the state.Walker, who will be North Car olina’s first female budget direc tor, became the deputy in 2017. She had worked for 10 years as fiscal analyst within the Gener al Assembly’s nonpartisan staff, with budget development as a chief task. She is a graduate of the University of Michigan and Duke University’s Sanford School of Public Policy.
By Gary D. Robertson The Associated Press
John 14:1-9a
A Way obviously implies a place to which it leads. In the preceding verses, Christ says he was going to Heaven. Heaven is the dwelling-place of God. To that glorious residence, and to God, Jesus Christ is the Way.With reports of over 4 billion people tuning in to the queen’s funeral, her final sendoff could have opened the door for many others to follow the way of Jesus through exposure to the holy scriptures.
“My kingdom is not of this world.” Hence the inquiry of Thomas and the answer of his Master; “I am the Way.”
“I know that state finances are in capable hands with Kris tin Walker and I look forward to continuing to work with her to re sponsibly manage the state bud get and taxpayer dollars,” Cooper added.Perusse, known for his easy-go ing style, also served as a lobbyist at the legislature on spending pri orities of the chief executives he servedSenateunder.leader Phil Berger praised Perusse in a brief inter view, saying his staff could speak frankly with him on spending is sues. Matters wouldn’t always get resolved, Berger added, but “you can’t get mad at him even if you disagree with him.”
“Princess Elizabeth of York” by Philip de Laszlo (1933) is a painting of Princess Elizabeth of York — the future Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom — when she was seven years old.

RALEIGH — Charlie Perusse, who served as North Carolina state budget director for three Democratic governors, including current Gov. Roy Cooper, is retir ing this fall, Cooper announced Monday.Succeeding Perusse as budget director will be Kristin Walker, the current chief deputy within the Office of State Budget and Management.Perusse,who will retire Nov. 1, has served in state government for 31 years, with stints as acting budget director at the end of Gov. Mike Easley’s tenure in 2008 and for two years as permanent budget director for Gov. Beverly Perdue until early 2011. He later became chief operating officer for the University of North Carolina system.Perusse returned to the direc tor’s post in early 2017 at Cooper’s beckoning. As director he carried out what is now an annual state budget of $27.9 billion and other spending directives approved by the legislature. He also worked with governors on preparing their spending recommendations to lawmakers.“Iamdeeply grateful for Char lie’s years of service to our state,” Cooper said in a news release. “He worked tirelessly to help North
Carolinians and was instrumen tal in helping craft fiscally respon sible budget proposals that invest in education, healthcare and the day-to-day needs of North Caro linians.”Perusse was forced to respond to dramatically changing reve
Through these verses, Christ endeavored to comfort the hearts of his disciples in prospect of his departure from earth. He tells them the great design of his departure to the cross to suffer and die, and of his ascension to Heaven to reign — is to prepare a place for them in his Father’s celestial house, intimating also that at a future time he would remove them from earthly sorrows, and receive them in a glorified state, to himself, never to part again.
What Christ said to his disciples, he says to his people now. The disciples were ignorant of the great design of Christ’s coming. They dreamed of a temporal kingdom in external pomp and power, and doated upon this notion — though Jesus had frequently told them to the contrary.
from pandemic relief and Amer ican Rescue Plan laws approved by Congress. Perusse also had the responsibility of carrying out government spending with out a conventional budget when a 2019 negotiations impasse be tween Cooper and Republican
Project details, including maps and a video, can be found on the NCDOT project web page: https://publicinput.com/NC42-PineyGroveWilbonRd. The information will be presented at the meeting allowing for one-on-one discussions with engineers but no formal
Thepresentation.meeting will be held Sept. 29 at Piney Grove Baptist Church, 3217 Piney GroveWilbon Road, Fuquay-Varina. The public is invited to attend at any time between 5 - 7 p.m
“I applaud all the honorees for the 2022 Na tional Blue Ribbon Schools Award for creating vibrant, welcoming, and affirming school com munities where students can learn, grow, reach their potential, and achieve their dreams,” U.S. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona said in a pressLastrelease.year,eight K-12 schools in North Caroli na were named Blue Ribbon Schools. Five of the eight were named as Exemplary High Perform ing and three as Exemplary Achievement Gap Closing schools.
Government Operations working group, Brinson Bell’s presenta tion included an “immediate” COVID-19 response item which was to “Establish online portal for absentee requests.” (Audio)
“Institutions have entered new sister university agreements with Chinese universities, established “new” centers closely modeled on defunct Confucius Institutes, and
She said there was “a lot of conversation” around a move to all mail balloting and whether it was a feasible option for the state considering the personnel needs, costs, and logistics to accomplish thatLesstask.than 5% of North Caroli
na’s 4.8 million votes cast during the 2016 general election used the traditional process for mail-in absentee ballots. Bell said during the April 7 meeting that number was expected to spike and that the NCSBE was expecting a 30-40% voter participation in November. Bell said that “Then we’re look ing at is that enough to shift from an in-person vote to mail-in vot ing and the states that are already doing this said it took them not months but years to be prepared.”
On Feb. 10, 2022, the NCSBE announced that the ballot portal had been reopened for the 2022 primary elections. The portal will also be active this fall during the November general election.
“Whether by mail or in-person, we want folks to vote in the manner they’re most comfortable with this fall.”The online absentee ballot por tal powered by Democracy Live was publicly named and officially launched just a few weeks later on Sept.
“These students.”outcomesevertheschoolsstrongerthehelpingparentsstudentseducators,—communitiesentireCarolina.ineducationbestexemplifyschoolsfivetheofpublicNorthTheirschoolincludingand—aretoleadwaytowardacrossstateandbetterfor
“At1.the State Board, our goal is to ensure all voters can cast a bal lot, whether in person or by mail.
has to prepare for the “potential impact” of state legislation that may bar operation of a CI. In July of that same year, UNC Charlotte issued a statement saying it was evaluating its CI program.
NCSBE from page A1
“These five schools exemplify the best of pub lic education in North Carolina,” Truitt said in a statement. “Their entire school communities — including educators, students and parents — are helping to lead the way toward stronger schools across the state and ever better outcomes for stu dents.”The five schools are among 297 schools na tionwide recognized this year for their overall academic performance or progress in closing achievement gaps.
The five schools receiving the award this year all fall under the category of Exemplary High Performing.N.C.State Superintendent Catherine Truitt congratulated the schools chosen.
“The demise of Confucius In stitutes, one of the Chinese Com munist Party’s most strategic beachheads in American higher education, has not deterred the Chinese government from seek ing alternative means of influenc ing American colleges and uni versities,” the report’s executive summary reads. “It has used an all-of-the-above approach to pro tecting its spheres of influence on American higher education, rang ing from full-throated defenses of Confucius Institutes to threats. Among its most successful tactics, however, has been the effort to rebrand Confucius Institute-like programs under other names.”
“This new form is more user friendly and one of many steps we have taken to make voting simpler for North Carolinians in the era of COVID-19,” Brinson Bell said in an Aug. 19, 2020, statement.
RALEIGH — A report from the National Association of Scholars (NAS) details a rebranding of past and remaining Chinese Confucius Institutes in the United States.

This was the first public men tion by Bell of an online portal for absentee ballots.
By A.P. Dillon North State Journal
Confucius Institutes (CIs) have been replaced by similar programs at 28 institutions, according to the report. Additionally, 58 higher education institutions have been found to be maintaining a “close relationship with their former CI partner and at least five have kept their CI program in place by transferring it to a new host.
One of NAS’ case studies in volving a CI that closed down is the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.Thecase study includes text of a letter sent by the school’s In terim Chancellor Joan F. Lorden to Hanban Director General Ma Jianfei describing how the school
People may also submit comments by phone at 512-580-8850 (project code 4594), email NC42-PineyGroveWilbonRd@PublicInput.com, or mail at the address shown below by Oct. 13, 2022
The report by Rachelle Peter son, Ian Oxenvad and Flora Yan is titled After Confucius Institutes: China’s Enduring Influence on American Higher Education.
The NAS report also notes that some Confucius Classrooms, which are CI K-12 equivalent programs, continue to operate. In June 2020, North State Jour nal reported on Confucius Class rooms operating in North Caroli na, including in the state’s largest district of Wake County.
Exemplary High Performing Schools are among their state’s highest performing schools as measured by state assessments or nationally normed tests.
The report says 64 colleges and universities have reopened a CIstyle program under a different name.Itis also noted in the NAS re port that certain nonprofits have been involved in finding new homes for CI programs and cites as the example of BG Education Management Solutions, run by Terrill Martin, the former CI di rector at Western Kentucky Uni versity.The funding for and control of CI’s has been through the Han ban, an agency within the com munist Chinese government. In July 2020, the Hanban changed names to the “Ministry of Edu cation Center for Language Ex change and Cooperation (CLEC).” CLEC subsequently created sub-organizations including the International Education Founda tion (CIEF) to oversee CI fund ing and rebranded CI programs.
By A.P. Dillon North State Journal
Aquellas personas no hablan inglés, o tienen limitaciones para leer, hablar o entender inglés, podrían recibir servicios de interpretación si los solicitan llamando al 1-800-481-6494.
A3 North State Journal for Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Those who do not speak English, or have a limited ability to read, speak or understand English, may receive interpretive services upon request prior by calling 1-800-481-6494.
Brinson Bell cited federal dead lines for military and overseas ballots, calling that an “area of great concern” because “some of the mail system has been shut off” and was not delivering to other countries.“When we started factoring that in, knowing that we had to have absentee ballot mail enve lopes ready, any other procedures in place, our training and so forth, we knew between your legislative schedule – your session schedule –and what we need to prepare for, that our long-term response is re ally about three months,” Brinson Bell told the committee.
“During the next six months we will evaluate the Confucius Institute programming to deter mine which aspects fit within our college 2021-26 strategic plan, which we are currently develop ing,” Nancy A. Gutierrez, dean of the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences said in a statement at the time. “We will be guided by our commitment to prepare our students to thrive in a globalized world, and our efforts to expand relationships in the Charlotte re gion and worldwide.”
FUQUAY-VARINA - The public is invited to a public meeting with the N.C. Department of Transportation this month to discuss the proposed roundabout at the intersection of N.C. 42 and Piney Grove-Wilbon Road in Wake County.
RALEIGH — Five North Carolina public schools have been named as National Blue Rib bon Schools for 2022 by U.S. Department of Ed ucation.Thefive schools include Weatherstone Ele mentary School in Wake County; Seventy-First Classical Middle School in Cumberland County; W.A. Bess Elementary School in Gaston Coun ty; East Robeson Primary School, in Robeson County; and Southeastern Academy Charter School in Robeson County.
At the time, the chairman of the committee was Rep. David Lewis (R-Harnett) who has since left the legislature. Lewis said during discussion that the online portal “could be beneficial if done right,” but neither Lewis nor any other committee member asked for any details about the online portal suggestion.
“We did not request nor receive a Tusk Philanthropies grant, nor was Democracy Live contracted with the State Board of Elections at that time,” Brinson Bell said in an email Duringresponse.themeeting, Brinson Bell discussed the implementation of emergency rules on March 20, 2020, and that “unfortunately, I don’t think any of us had that fore sight” when it came to the pan demic and infectious disease.
In March 2021, U.S. Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) co-sponsored a bill targeting the influence of CI’s on college campuses. Senate Bill 590, titled Concerns Over Nations Funding University Campus Insti tutes in the United States (CON FUCIUS) Act, passed the U.S. Senate unanimously on Mar. 4, 2021, but has not seen any move ment since.
Report: Chinese Confucius Institutes are being rebranded
On July 17, 2020, an NCSBE order cited a “crush of absentee ballot requests” in other states, bolstering the premise of an on line ballot portal.
Exemplary Achievement Gap Closing Schools are among their state’s highest performing schools in closing achievement gaps between a school’s subgroups and all students over the past five years.
“The Absentee Ballot Request Portal will streamline voting by mail for voters who choose this voting option,” Bell said in a Sept. 1, 2020, statement. That NCSBE’s statement also mentioned for the first time pub licly that the “State Board has col laborated with Democracy Live” to introduce the new platform despite having been in communi cations with the company since at least June of 2019.
Five NC schools receive National Blue Ribbon awards
Blue Ribbon Schools awards have two catego ries:
In August 2020, Brinson Bell announced a “cleaner” version of the state’s absentee ballot request form and an upcoming launch of a new online absentee ballot portal.
even continued to receive funding from the same Chinese govern ment agencies that funded the Confucius Institutes,” the report’s summary says.
Thereballots.was no mention of the past year’s ballot portal discus sions with Democracy Live or the 2019 Tusk Philanthropies grant offer passed on to NCSBE officials by Democracy Live in Brinson Bell’s March and April remarks andNorthpresentations.StateJournal asked Brinson Bell why Democracy Live and the grant offer were omitted during her testimony, Brinson Bell referred back to a slide in her presentation on the need for an absentee ballot portal.
NCDOT will provide auxiliary aids and services under the Americans with Disabilities Act for disabled people who wish to participate in this meeting. Anyone requiring special services should contact Tony Gallagher, Environmental Analysis Unit, at 1598 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1598, 919-707-6069 or magallagher@ncdot.gov as early as possible so arrangements can be made.
By Mail: Reid NCDOTDavidsonHighway Division 5 –Division Design Engineer 2612 North Duke Street Durham, N.C. 27704 STIP Project No. W-5805A
Her April testimony mainly encompassed logistics of offline processes for increased numbers of mail-in ballots and absentee balloting, as well as overseas ab sentee
A similar bill was introduced in the House in July of 2020 that had the same name and purpose as Senate Bill 590. The House bill, H.R.7601 - CONFUCIUS Act, also saw no advancement.
A total of 118 Confucius Insti tutes had operated in the United States with 104 closing in recent years following investigations at the Congressional level and at the Federal Bureau of Investigations.
CancergubernatorialconsideringbidHospitalnamed for late Senate leader Basnight
New Hanover County Federal officials say large amounts of ammunition were stolen recently from freight line shipping containers. The U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives alerted firearms dealers that a sizable amount of Winchester 9mm ammunition was taken from containers in Wilmington, Raleigh and Durham. The ATF warns that those responsible for the thefts might try to sell the ammunition to federal firearms licensees in the area. Officials also ask anyone who encounters suspicious activity that might be related to the theft to contact the nearest ATF field office.
The Transylvania County Sheriff’s Office held active shooter training drills at Rosman Middle School and Rosman High School last month and used targets that showed a man in a traditional Palestinian head scarf holding an AK-style rifle. Police said the target was donated by a local range and was the only one that showed a full-sized person holding a gun. The Council on AmericanIslamic Relations raised concerns over the use of the target.
Robinson has become a favorite of social conservatives aligned with the state GOP for his no-nonsense approach to cultural and education issues. He makes frequent appearances before party groups and churches.
The Associated Press
The Truth AboutTheAg Truth About Ag 98% of ALL Farms are Family Farms 98% of ALL Farms are Family Farms ncfb.org ncfb.org WEST PIEDMONT EAST counties that require emissions inspections counties that do not require emissions inspections Beginning Nov. 1, vehicle owners in Lee, Onslow and Rockingham counties will join 78 other counties that are not required to conduct emissions tests. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency approved a reduction in North Carolina counties required to perform yearly vehicle emissions tests.The approval was a result of the passage of the Regulatory Reform Act of 20162017 by the General Assembly. After Nov. 1, annual vehicle emissions inspections will only be required in 19 counties: Alamance, Buncombe, Cabarrus, Cumberland, Davidson, Durham, Forsyth, Franklin, Gaston, Guilford, Iredell, Johnston, Lincoln, Mecklenburg, New Hanover, Randolph, Rowan, Union and Wake counties.
FBI: Soldier linked to racist post, online extremism
Buncombe County Erwin High School brought in additional security to serve on campus earlier this month after an online threat was made against the school. A post on social media said that the author wanted “everyone scared” because they were “abt to set it off at Erwin high.” The post included images of a gun and said “watch ya’ll back because I … blow a cap in u”
Franklin County
CHAPEL HILL — The North Carolina Cancer Hospital was formally named Monday for the late state Senate leader Marc Basnight, who helped approve the state funds to build the facility and later create a special state cancer research fund.Gov. Roy Cooper, current Senate leader Phil Berger and former UNC system President Erskine Bowles were among those who spoke on the University of North Carolina Health main campus in Chapel Hill as a Basnight plaque was unveiled at the dedication ceremony.
Folwell told The Associated Press that he is mulling a gubernatorial bid, but that he won’t make any decision until after the November elections. He said several Republicans have encouraged him to run, according to WRAL-TV, which first reported his potential bid.
Robinson said last year he was fairly certain he would run for governor, and he has written an autobiography that’s being released for sale later this month.
Gaston County North Carolina is getting $100 million from last year’s federal infrastructure law to widen an often-congested stretch of Interstate 85 near Charlotte and build amenities for modern travel and communications. The state Department of Transportation’s award is one of 26 grants nationwide announced by the federal government. The money will assist the state DOT to widen 10 miles of I-85 in Gaston County from six to eight lanes. It also will help build sidewalks, bike lanes and paths crossing over the route, as well as install electric-vehicle charging stations and broadband improvements in Gaston and Cleveland counties.
North Carolina wins Wolfspeed semiconductor materials plant
Chatham County A North Carolina-based semiconductor company says it will build a $5 billion manufacturing plant in its home state to produce silicon carbide wafers. Wolfspeed Inc. announced plans to create 1,800 new jobs by the end of 2030 at a location in Chatham County. Wolfspeed could receive $775 million in cash incentives, infrastructure improvements and other sweeteners to build. The silicon carbide chips are emerging as a favored part for renewable energy products. The jobs announcement marked another big economic win for central North Carolina.
retirees and the broader population.
ATF: Ammunition stolen from shipping containers
Salvation Army beginning Angel Tree program
Robinson has faced criticism for many of his comments, in particular for some about sex education in schools that critics say disparaged LGBTQ people. Robinson said his words focused on reading materials found in some public schools, not people, and didn’t apologize.
Halifax County A mayor who livestreamed a Confederate monument being knocked down in a town park last month is calling on the governor to investigate and declare a state of emergency after he said he and others received threats. Enfield’s town commissioners voted last month to remove the monument, which stood in Randolph Park since 1928. Days later, Mayor Mondale Robinson posted a video of a front-end loader pushing over the monument. Since the removal, Robinson and some Black residents say they’ve received threats that included racial slurs.
“My reputation has always been built on not being outworked, raising my hands to volunteer for the tough jobs,” he told the AP in an interview.
A man was charged with murder after turning up at a police department to report a dead woman in his car. Wake Forest police responded to a report of a shooting at a gas station but couldn’t find a victim. An hour later, a man arrived at the police in neighboring Youngsville to report a dead woman in his car in the parking lot. Terrance Hartsfield was charged with murder and possession of firearm by felon. The woman who was killed, Jacqueline Beckwith, was in a relationship with Hartsfield.
Folwell believes his own manner and credentials would be attractive to gubernatorial voters.
The Associated Press
Annual emissions inspections ending for three counties
Police used target of Middle Eastern man during shooter drill at school
“People are just sick and tired of being angry,” Folwell told WRAL-TV. “People are sick and tired of having people at each other’s throats. What people really want is someone who speaks to them like an adult and what they say makes commonDemocraticsense.”Gov. Roy Cooper is barred by term limits from seeking a third term in 2024. Attorney General Josh Stein is a likely candidate for the Democratic nomination.
County commissioner accused of racist, sexist posts Henderson County Members of the community have called for the resignation of Henderson County commissioner Daniel Andreotta after he posted memes on his personal Facebook page that they called racist and sexist. One post discussed slavery, while another made fun of a female referee. Andreotta defended both, saying that the term “racist” was being thrown around loosely and said that the referee meme was a joke. The NAACP has met with Henderson County officials over the matter, and Andreotta has since made his Facebook page private.
Mayor seeks probe of threats after monument’s destruction
High school brings in additional security after threat
Buncombe County The Salvation Army is kicking off its annual Angel Tree holiday program. Needy families in the area can request wish-list items which are put on tree decorations that are taken by volunteers willing to provide the item in need. Families in need of the service can call the Salvation Army to schedule an appointment to begin the registration and screening process. Last year about 1,200 children received clothing or toys as part of the program.
RALEIGH — State Treasurer Dale Folwell confirmed Friday that he is strongly considering a run for North Carolina governor in 2024. That could put the veteran elected leader in a Republican primary with Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, whose political profile has grown widely since his 2020 victory while a first-time candidate.
“I’m receiving a lot of calls of people who know my track record, know my results and the way that I approach attacking problems and not attacking people,” Folwell told the station in a recent interview. “At the end of the day, if you’re going to be the CEO of the largest business in the state — which is the state — it’s results that’s going to matter, not rage.”Folwell is a former local school board member and state legislator who was elected treasurer for the first time in 2016. One of his chief responsibilities is overseeing the state’s massive government employee pension funds. He was reelected in 2020 and has been emphasizing recently efforts to curb health care costs for state employees and
Police: Man reports dead woman in car, charged with murder
Cumberland County Investigators say a U.S. Army soldier wrote on Instagram that he joined the military for combat experience to be more proficient in killing black people. Killian Mackeithan Ryan had five Instagram accounts that were in contact with others “associated with racially motivated extremism.” Ryan’s alleged social media activity is documented in a case filed in U.S. District Court. Authorities accuse him of providing false information on a security clearance form. The charges against Ryan come at a time when the U.S. military is trying to purge its ranks of extremists and white supremacists.
Murphy to Manteo
A4 A5North State Journal for Wednesday, September 21, 2022 North State Journal for Wednesday, September 21, 2022
Transylvania County
Police: NC man killed in hit-and-run after parking dispute
The General Assembly also created in 2007 a University Cancer Research Fund that received $58 million during the 2021 fiscalPeteryear.Hans, president of the University of North Carolina system, said that when Basnight led the Senate, institutions such as UNC “always benefited from bipartisan goodwill.”
State gets $100M grant to help widen Interstate 85
School asks Supreme Court to review dress code ruling
Basnight Cancer Hospital opened in 2009, replacing a building that had been used as a tuberculosis sanitarium. The 315,000 square-foot facility tripled the amount of space for cancer patients. More than 270,000 outpatient visits are made each year to the hospital, which is the clinical home for the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center and its affiliated clinics, UNC HealthBasnight’ssaid. wife, Sandy, died in 2007 after being treated for leukemia for several years.
Brunswick County A charter school is petitioning the U.S. Supreme Court to reconsider an appeals court ruling that the school violated female students’ constitutional rights by requiring them to wear skirts. In June, a majority of the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals found that Charter Day School’s dress code violated female students’ equal protection rights. The court’s majority concluded that since public charter schools receive public funds they’re subject to the Constitution’s equal protection clause.
Basnight, a Dare County Democrat who served a record 18 years as Senate president pro tempore through the end of 2010, died in December 2020 at age 73. The legislature authorized $180 million for the hospital project in 2004. What’s now known as the North Carolina
Cabarrus County Police say a man was killed in a hit-and-run crash after a dispute over a parking space at a Walmart. Concord police say officers were called to the Walmart on Thunder Road Northwest on Thursday night for a report of a hit-and-run crash with injuries. Leon Fortner was pronounced dead at the scene. Crash investigators obtained a description of the suspect vehicle and driver and police say Anthony Amey was later arrested and charged with felony hit and run. Police say investigators determined that the incident began as a dispute over a parking space.
Jones & Blount


Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor

North Carolina native Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym Sister Toldjah and is a media analyst and regular contributor to RedState and Legal Insurrection.

These are not even “nasty” negative ads. As former Congressman Alex McMillan used to say: “It isn’t negative if it is true.”
Rarely can it be said a specific election is “the most important” in our lifetime. 2022 is one of them. The fate of our country truly depends on each and every vote in each and every race this time around. | STACEY
A6 North State Journal for Wednesday, September 21, 2022
Two new states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico will be admitted to the United States in 2023 adding four more Democrat Senators and at least six more electoral votes to the Democrats. Simple majority votes in the House and Senate, signed by the president, create states; not via 2/3 vote super-majority to begin the process, and 70% to adopt, as required by constitutional amendments.
It’s only when you have 50 illegal aliens end up in a wealthy rich this.to(Biden)enclavesanctuarythathedecidesscrambleon
potential threat to Biden’s reelection chances in 2024, the popular Florida governor noted that it was rather interesting that of all the major issues that have happened at the southern border since he’s been president — including actual human trafficking and fentanyl smuggling, the only time Biden was quick to publicly condemn and then take swift action was when around 50 migrants were sent to the backyards of rich, white
It’s most definitely not “secure,” as the busloads and planeloads of border-crossing migrants that the Biden administration dumps on already-overwhelmed Texas and Florida cities on any given day of the week and oftentimes without advance warning attests.


If Republicans do not gain at least six net seats in the House ― in April, many were chortling about picking up 60+ seats ― Nancy Pelosi will remain Speaker. If Democrats win the Senate, everything President Joe Biden and progressive socialist Democrats want will pass by majority vote. High inflation, gas prices, crime rates and illegal immigration will escalate, not diminish.
Those two races alone make this a critical election.
God forbid that two conservative US Supreme Court justices die or resign in the next two years which would give President Biden unfettered ability to appoint two new young far-left progressive justices to the Supreme Court to rule for decades. Short of that, Democratic control of the Senate will mean they expand the court to thirteen justices; appoint four new liberal judges and enjoy a 7-6 majority for years to come as well.
LAST WEEK, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis sparked outrage among the Usual Suspects on the left and in the media when they bused/flew migrants bound for their states to so-called “sanctuary” communities like Vice President Kamala Harris’ Washington, D.C. residence and Martha’s Vineyard respectively.
To reiterate a point my fellow conservatives and I have made ever since Abbott put his charter bus policy for migrants in place back in April, Democrats don’t have any issues whatsoever telling border states to just “deal with” the tens of thousands of migrants who pour across the border each month, but don’t you dare give blue states a taste of what it’s like.If anyone is “playing politics” here with the lives of illegal immigrants, it’s the same Democrats who are perfectly okay with open borders and who say that they have no issues living next to illegal immigrants, but who immediately clutch pearls when it actually starts happening in their neck of the woods.
In response to the wave of criticism that hit both Abbott and DeSantis, particularly DeSantis since he’s viewed by Democrats as a
The popular red state governors made their moves just days after Harris did an interview on national TV, where she declared the southern border to be “secure.”
Think the last two years under Biden have been horrible? Give Democrats outright control of the Senate and retain control of Congress and the next two years will be ten times worse.
What Democrats losing their minds over migrants flown to Martha’s Vineyard tells us
President Joe Biden, meanwhile, was said to have been scrambling members of his cabinet together to explore “litigation options” against DeSantis and Abbott for doing exactly what Joe Biden has been doing for well over a year now to states like Texas, Florida, Iowa, Indiana, Tennessee, and Pennsylvania except on a far more widespread scale: dumping migrants on local leaders and telling them to handle it.
The ads could write themselves at every level: “If you love inflation, vote for (insert Democrat opponent name). They will vote for every Biden initiative, all of which so far have failed miserably”. Take out “inflation” and then run successive ads and put in “high gas prices”; “illegal immigration”; “high crime rates” and on down the line and anyone can drive the negatives of an opponent up to 80% given the current climate in America.
What’s at stake in this fall’s elections
The two courtstatefallCarolinaracesimportantmostinNorththisarethetwosupremeraces.
The Democrat-controlled North Carolina Supreme Court vastly over-stepped their legal boundary and took over control of redistricting which has been the prerogative of the state legislature historically and constitutionally. “If you want NC Supreme Court justices to act like state legislators, vote for (Democrat candidate)” could be another “contrast” ad.
Ted Budd (R) is running against Cheri Beasley (D) to replace retiring Senator Richard Burr. Republicans have almost no shot at gaining control of the Senate if they lose this critical North Carolina seat.IfRepublicans lose net two seats in the Senate, Democrats will eliminate the filibuster. The once august “Greatest Deliberative Body in the World” will become just another rubber-stamping mill for all of President Biden’s failed policies.

In response to Abbott’s and DeSantis’ actions, the accusations that they were “playing politics” and were engaging in “reprehensible” conduct were swift, with some including California Gov. Gavin Newsom calling it a “disgrace” and demanding the Dept. of Justice investigate both governors on alleged “kidnapping” grounds. Twice-failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said their actions “literally” amounted to “human trafficking.”
“It’sDemocrats.onlywhenyou have 50 illegal aliens end up in a wealthy rich sanctuary enclave that he (Biden) decides to scramble on this,” DeSantis said during a Friday press conference.
The two most important races in North Carolina this fall are the two state supreme court races. Lucy Inman (D) is running against Richard Dietz (R) for the vacated Robin Hudson seat. Trey Allen (R) is running to unseat Incumbent Sam Ervin IV (D).
Despite the fact that Martha’s Vineyard openly bills itself as a safe and welcoming place for illegal immigrants, within 24-48 hours upon the migrants’ arrival, the affluent white liberals on the posh Massachusetts island were hurriedly putting them on buses and sending them off to a Cape Cod military base with the help of the state National Guard.
north STATEment
Such charges are of course ridiculous, but their reactions have been a remarkable case study in what happens when Democrat virtue-signaling about the supposed benefits of open borders gets put to the test.
If one or the other Republican candidate wins a NC Supreme Court seat, or both do, the state legislature, which should remain in Republican control, will be able to redraw congressional and state legislative districts without any veto threat from Democrat Governor Roy Cooper or any further interference from activist justices on the state supreme court.
There is not a single elected Democrat in Washington who will vote against far-left wing progressive Biden policies. Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia caved on Build Back Better. Manchin and Arizona Senator Krysten Sinema are the only two holdouts protecting the filibuster ― but they have voted for everything else progressive socialists want.
This is commonly known as NIMBYism (Not In My Back Yard), where a group of people advocate for something seen as unpleasant but necessary but who then balk at the idea that it could happen near them. It’s ugly, but it’s just who Democrats are on issues like these. At long last, their masks have been ripped off.
IT SEEMS AS IF Republican political “attack” ads would be very easy to write for this fall’s elections.
A7North State Journal for Wednesday, September 21, 2022
“’Based on the Pentagon’s own data, 24% of enlisted personnel are food insecure,’ said Mackenzie Eaglen, an analyst at the American Enterprise Institute. ‘While food stamps are a Band-Aid, they’re also an admission that basic pay for enlisted troops and their families is too low — further exacerbated by unyielding inflation causing paychecks to shrink more.’”It’sno wonder there is a recruiting problem in the military. We are asking young men and women to risk their lives for our safety and freedom in exchange for a salary structure which will require them to apply for food stamps to feed their families.
Never going back: a parent’s choice in education
Speaking at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum in Boston on Sept. 12, the president declared: “Beating cancer is something we can do together, and that’s why I’m here today.” For perhaps the first time in his presidency, Biden seemed to cross the aisle and reach out for Republican support by saying: “Cancer doesn’t discriminate red and blue; it doesn’t care if you’re a Republican or a Democrat.”Bidenisright that the race for the cure is and should always be bipartisan. After all, who doesn’t want to defeat cancer? Well, actually, the president and every Democrat in Congress seem not to have this as a top priority — or even a priority at all.
During the first full year of the
Biden is losing the race for the cure
The “Never Going Back” data suggests parents like the freedom to choose the best educational experience for their children. I agree the choice is better, and now that parents know what it feels like, it doesn’t seem they will give it up and go back to the way it used to be. In addition, the survey results show parents are not ideologically rigid about a particular educational experience, and 93% agree
The data also suggests parents may ignore party affiliation and become single-issue voters on education. Education will likely be an issue of significance in upcoming elections this Fall. Republicans and Democrats support and want more public charter schools in their area. Many voters would be willing to vote for someone outside of their party depending on the candidate’s stance on education issues.
Does this sound like a good trade to you?
At the same time, Biden and the Big Government Socialists can find billions of dollars to forgive debt for college graduates with good jobs — and tens of billions of dollars to take care of people who cross the border illegally — but not one penny more for the lowest paid men and women in uniform.
So, one day the president says he wants to pour more money into cancer research, and the next day he takes $300 billion from the companies that are supposed to develop these newThecures.law Biden just signed is a de facto tax of $300 billion on the profits of the companies that are on the front lines of trying to win the race for the cure. In other words, Congress transferred almost one-third of a trillion dollars from drug companies, one of America’s most productive and lifesaving industries, and gave that money to the wind and solar and electric car industries.
PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN recently announced, with great fanfare, his Cancer Moonshot initiative. Biden used soaring and promising rhetoric about, at last, finding a cure for one of the world’s leading killers.

Biden and the Big Government Socialists’ cost-of-living crisis
In the middle of this cost-of-living crisis Biden and the Big Government Socialists proved how outof-touch with reality they are when they scheduled a White House event to celebrate the dishonestly named, Inflation Reduction Act.
According to the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools, during the first full year of the pandemic, enrollment at traditional public schools fell by at least 1.4 million students. We know nearly 240,000 enrolled in charter schools. That’s where the “Never Going Back: An Analysis of Parent Sentiment in Education” survey originated. The survey revealed that most parents who made a switch are happy with their choices and aren’t planning to return. The National Alliance reported that 89% of parents whose children have switched school types say that they or their child experienced a positive change due to the switch. 57% said their child is happier.
But price controls always lead to shortages of products and discourage innovation and investment in an industry. American investors pump tens of billions of dollars into drug R&D and biotechnology research. Why? Because they want to make a return on the investment. If you lower the return, then less money will be invested. It’s as simple as the law of gravity.
We all want lower drug prices. The good news is that in recent years, drug prices have finally started to come in below the rate of overall inflation. And there are sensible ways that drug prices could be brought down quickly — for example, by allowing more drugs and treatments to be sold over the counter at drug stores rather than requiring prescriptions and pharmacists approving the transactions at premium costs.
Parents who had once relied on centralized districtrun schools learned more about how their children were being educated than ever before and realized they had options.
We also could speed up the drug approval process so that new drugs with billions of dollars invested in research and development can reach patients sooner. This would save lives and help the industry get a return on investments.
in the U.S. Army. Just the News reported on Sept. 11 that the cost-of-living crisis has led the U.S. Army to recommend that low-ranking soldiers apply for welfare and food stamps to make ends meet.
wages.risenofBiden,monthsconsecutiveForstudents.leastschoolstraditionalenrollmentpandemic,atpublicfellbyat1.4million17underthecostlivinghasfasterthan The dollars.raiseinitiativeMoonshottheasfivebycancerwillReductionthecontrolspriceinInflationActreduceresearchmorethantimesmuchasCancerwillresearch COLUMN | RHONDA DILLINGHAM
The only solution to this cost-of-living crisis is a big Republican victory in November. We must bring spending and regulations under control and start returning to an America that works.
I encourage you to vote this Fall. When parents and policymakers align about our children’s futures, the right choice (and resulting policy) will fall into place.
Rhonda Dillingham is a former high school English teacher, charter school leader, and is now the Executive Director of the North Carolina Association for Public Charter Schools.
The Democrats celebrated a bill that most Americans believe will increase inflation because of its increased government spending. At the same time, the new, higher inflation rate was announced, and it made their message ridiculous — but they stayed on message. As the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 1,200 points over the new inflation numbers, Biden and the Big Government Socialists congratulated themselves on spending more money.
Scott Rasmussen has reported that 88% of Americans agree we are in a cost-of-living crisis. In fact, 66% — two of every three people — said it is a serious crisis.
MORE THAN TWO YEARS AGO, COVID-19 changed the world as we know it. Everyone questioned societal norms, including K-12 education.
one size doesn’t fit all in education.
“The food index increased 10.9% over the last year, the largest 12-month increase since the period ending May 1979. The food at home index rose 13.1% over the last 12 months, the largest 12-month increase since the period ending March 1979. The index for other food at home rose 15.8% and the index for cereals and bakery products increased 15% over the year. The remaining major grocery store food groups posted increases ranging from 9.3% (fruits and vegetables) to 14.9% (dairy and related products).”
The most recent Consumer Price Index Report had an average rise of 8.3%. But even this understates the pain in key areas. Fuel oil is up 68.8% (watch New Hampshire and northern Wisconsin and Michigan as this hits home in October). Electricity is up 15.8%, and more than 20 million American families are already behind in paying their electric bills.The biggest impact may be on the price of food, which is up 8% at restaurants but a staggering 13.5% at the grocery store. This is the largest jump in grocery prices in 43 years. Grocery bills are almost certain to go up in September and October as the combined effects of the food disruption from Ukraine and Russia, the drought in a good bit of American farmland, and the drought in Brazil combine to drive up the price of food. Beef, for example, may face a supply shortage and skyrocketing prices.
One of the experts on this topic is Tomas Philipson, who specializes in the economics of health care at the University of Chicago. He finds that “price controls on prescription drugs would reduce quality of care by reducing the number of better new treatments coming to market.”
The price controls in the Inflation Reduction Act will reduce cancer research by more than five times as much as the Cancer Moonshot initiative will raise research dollars. In other words, tens of thousands more people are likely to die from curable diseases as a result of these policies. Almost half of the new drug research today is for cancer medicines. Washington has just incentivized investors to pull out.
Remember all this the next time you donate $100 or $1,000 to research for cancer, heart disease, Lou Gehrig’s disease, epilepsy or Parkinson’s disease research. We Americans give. And the government takes away. This is a good way to lose the race for the cure.
Stephen Moore is a senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation and an economist with FreedomWorks. His latest book is “Govzilla: How the Relentless Growth of Government is Devouring our Economy.” or 1201 Edwards Mill Rd. Suite 300. Raleigh, N.C. 27607. Letters must be signed; include the writer’s phone number, city and state; and be no longer than 300 words. Letters may be edited for style, length or clarity when necessary. Ideas for op-eds should be sent to opinion@nsjonline.com.
This is especially tragic because most of the wonder cures of the last 50 years have come from America, not Europe. And most of those lifesaving cures were developed in private labs, not by the government. And profits are what drive that research. Shame on many of the disease groups that refused to speak out against the price controls in the Inflation Reduction Act.
THE SCALE of the Joe Biden-Big Government Socialists’ disaster is becoming more obvious.
On Tuesday, economist Steve Moore, in his invaluable Unleash Prosperity Hotline, reported that Biden’s Big Government Socialist program had dropped real earnings by $3,000 for the average American in less than two years (with even more cuts to real income coming down the road). For 17 consecutive months under Biden, the cost of living has risen faster than wages.
As the outlet reported:
Just a few days after giving this speech, the president held a big celebration at the White House with the signing of the so-called Inflation Reduction Act. This bill, among other things, imposes price controls on American drugmakers.
Otherwise, the economy will continue getting more painful and destructive.
They became experts on school choice.
Six percent with more than one school-aged child in the home reported their children were not enrolled in the same type of school. So, as a lifelong advocate and mother, I did just that! As a result, my daughter graduated from our local district-run public school, which was the best option for her. During that same time, I also founded a charter school in our area, which met the needs of students in my community who found that it provided options and filled the needs that our local district-run public school couldn’t offer.
President Joe Biden
As the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported:
Philipson finds that over the next two decades, the price controls would reduce drug R&D by more than one-half trillion dollars. This in turn would result in more than 100 fewer new medicines. Many multiple lives would be lost as a result of these delays in new drugs than the number of Americans who died from COVID-19.
The cost-of-living crisis has even reached soldiers
Every Democrat in Congress voted against the race for the cure, and the president had a wide grin on his face. Musician James Taylor strummed the guitar at the White House as Biden signed the bill into law.
COLUMN | STEPHEN MOORE BE IN TOUCH Letters addressed to the editor may be sent to letters@nsjonline.com
The green energy firms are one of America’s least productive industries. Solar and wind survive in most markets only because of tens of billions of dollars of taxpayer handouts.
Addressing Hogshead, Britt said, “You and I have talked a lot and you know what is happening is unac ceptable. The idea the pandemic has caused the backlog is ridiculous to me.”Britt went on to say, “Everything that [NCORR] has done thus far has been unacceptable... we need to
The St. Bernard Project ran South Carolina’s Disaster Recovery Program from 2015 to 2019.
line, right?” Britt asked and Hogs head responded with a “yes.”
During a three-day visit to Washington in 2011, Charles, an
King Charles’ history with US presidents: He’s met 10 of past 14
Many of the former Prince of Wales’ conversations with recent U.S. presidents centered on his in terest in tackling climate change. Charles has campaigned for the environment for 50 years, but he acknowledged after becoming king that his new role requires that he set aside his activism on that and other Charles,issues.73,and Biden, 79, dis cussed global cooperation on the climate crisis last year while both attended a summit in Glasgow, Scotland. They also met at Buck ingham Palace in June 2021 at a reception the queen hosted before a world leaders’ summit in Corn wall.Biden rejoined the 2015 Paris climate agreement after Trump as president withdrew the U.S. from theBidenaccord.and the king spoke on Wednesday, with Biden offering his condolences over the queen.
Rep. Sarah Stevens grilled Hogs head on the lack of progress, and asked “So, we are building 1,000 homes in the same time it took to help 789 people?
from page A1
A company called HORNE, which has been providing project management services related to the federal relief funds, supplied a memo at the request of the sub committee detailing their involve ment and issues with working with NCORR staff.
In his toast at a White House dinner in 2005, the future king told President George W. Bush that the world looks to the United States “for a lead on the most cru cial issues that face our planet and, indeed, the lives of our grandchil dren.“Truly, the burdens of the world rest on your shoulders,” he said.
“Yes,” replied Hogshead.
Of the experience, Reagan later wrote in his diary:
King Charles III, who became head of state following the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, has made the acquaintance of 10 of the 14 U.S. presidents who have held office since he was born in 1948.
In the remarks, Charles also said the trip reminded him of his first visit to America, “when the media were busy trying to marry me off to Tricia Nixon.”
The king has chatted up presi dents on his visits to the U.S. and met others when they traveled in the United Kingdom. He was in the company of Donald Trump, Obama, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush when he represented the British monarchy at the state fu neral for former President George H.W. Bush in 2018 in Washington. Charles met President Joe Biden last year at a climate change con ference in Glasgow, Scotland.
The royal siblings had been in vited to Washington by Nixon’s daughters and son-in-law, Tricia Nixon, Julie Nixon Eisenhower and her husband, David Eisenhower, grandson of President Eisenhower, for that three-day visit in July 1970.
Trump has said that during his visit with Charles, the former prince “did most of the talking” and pressed him on climate during a scheduled 15-minute meeting that stretched to 90 minutes in 2019 at Charles’ residence in London.
The young VIPs had a packed schedule that included frolicking at the Camp David presidential re treat, a nighttime tour of Washing ton’s monuments, museum visits, a luncheon cruise down the Potomac River to George Washington’s es tate at Mount Vernon, Virginia, a dance on the South Lawn for 700 guests, and a Washington Senators baseballCharlesgame.and Nixon also met in the Oval Office. But if the president had his heart set a union between his family and the royals, it wasn’t meant to be.
The HORNE memo says they had made “numerous attempts to recommend best practices” but that NCORR rarely implemented them and many of those attempts “were met with HORNE’scriticism.”memo also indicted NCORR had limited their ability to talk to construction management and related state agencies, and that “The case management team was limited in its ability to provide sub stantive updates and support to ap plicants.”“AsIsit here today and read the
That process used in South Car olina resulted in an average turn around time of 37 days for mobile homes, 56 days for stick-built, and 88 days for complete reconstruc tion. Additionally, Sanderson said they were able to turn over 110 homes a month or an average of 3-5 perLawmakersweek. asked Sanderson about NCORR’s progress, and he in dicated he did not believe that they will meet the federal deadlines and action should be taken to contract out NCORR’s management system.
do better to help these folks.”
wrote to Nixon. “Both my sister and I take back to Britain the most heartwarming evidence of what is known as the special relationship between our two countries and of the great hospitality shown to us by you and your family.”
“The ushers brought him tea — horror of horrors they served it our way with a tea bag in the cup. It finally dawned on me that he was just holding the cup and finally put it down on the table. I didn’t know what to do,” Reagan confessed.
Sanderson testified the program in South Carolina used a stream lined system using one vendor to as sign contractors to housing projects. Under that program, contractors could be fined up to $100 a day for work not completed on time.
Hogshead’s presentation showed 4,100 applications taken since fed eral funds were received, but only 789 projects have been completed.
“The kindness shown to us at the White House was almost overwhelming and for that we are immensely grateful,” the prince
Nixon, himself, had pushed for Charles to visit the U.S. for the per ceived public relations bonanza, according to a January 1970 memo he sent his national security advis er, Henry Kissinger.
In June 1971, less than a year after Charles’ visit, Tricia married longtime beau Edward Cox in the White House Rose Garden. A de cade later, in July 1981, Charles married Lady Diana Spencer. They divorced in 1996.
“I think this could do an enor mous amount of good for U.S.-Brit ish relations,” Nixon said. He wrote that he’d been told that Charles “is the real gem” of the royal family and “makes an enormously favor able impression wherever he goes.”
advocate of environmentally friend ly farming, met with President Obama. In a speech, he praised Mi chelle Obama’s campaign against childhood obesity and hunger, and U.S. manufacturers’ efforts to pro duce healthier foods.
Laura Hogshead, NCORR’s di rector, admitted the effort was off course and took responsibility during her opening remarks.
He was just 10 when he checked off his first president in 1959. That was when Dwight Eisenhower vis ited the queen and her family at Balmoral Castle in Scotland, where she died on Sept. 8 after a 70-yearreign.“Iguess you can’t start too ear ly,” said Barbara A Perry, director of presidential studies at the Uni versity of Virginia’s Miller Center. She noted that Charles’ grandson, Prince George, was a toddler when Kensington Palace released a pho tograph of him shaking hands with Barack Obama during the presi dent’s trip to London in 2016.
President Donald Trump and Britain’s Prince Charles toast, during the Return Dinner in Winfield House, the residence of the Ambassador of the United States of America to the UK, in Regent’s Park, part of the president’s state visit to the UK, in London, June 4, 2019.

The subcommittee will meet again in 90 days on Dec. 14 and will expect a status update on NCORR.
According to her testimony, NCORR’s current rate of construc tion is between five to six houses per month. Hogshead indicted the rate in 2020 was twenty-eight a month but following the pandemic in 2021 that rate dropped to fourteen a month.Sheadded that around 1,100 ap plicants are currently either waiting to find a contractor willing to do the work or for work to begin. Addition ally, 294 applicants are still living in temporary housing situations such as hotels or rental properties.
Hogshead as named director on Jan. 1, 2019. She had previously been Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Chief of Staff for Budget and Policy at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).Herpast role at HUD was raised several times by lawmakers in rela tion to why she only began to make changes to policies regarding con tractors and applications in the last sixHogsheadmonth. said the pandemic was partly to blame for the lack of prog ress.Lawmakers on the subcommit tee were unreceptive to the excus es offered and Sen. Danny Britt (R-Robeson) was particularly sharp in some of his remarks.
lease praising the agency.
Visiting with Reagan in the Oval Office in 1981, the two discussed their interest in horseback riding as a steward brought tea. But it was not served the British way.
Rep. Brenden Jones (R-Colum bus) also grilled Hogshead for quite a while, ending his questioning by asking her, “What would you say to those who have died and never get to go “There’shome?”nothing I can say to them,” Hogshead replied.
Belgrade, Serbia Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban lashed out over a European Parliament declaration that stated Hungary no longer could be considered a full democracy. Orban dismissed the resolution as “a joke.” In the declaration that passed 433- 123 with 28 abstentions, European Union lawmakers said Hungary had become “a hybrid regime of electoral autocracy” under Orban’s nationalist government and undermined the EU’s values to the extent of removing the country from the community of democracies.“Ifinditfunny,” Orban said in Serbia’s capital, Belgrade, after receiving the highest Serbian decoration from his close populist ally, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.
Charles never met Harry Tru man, Gerald Ford, Lyndon John son and John F. Kennedy, Perry said.His encounters with U.S. pres idents included what he recalled as an “amusing” weekend visit to Nixon White House in 1970 with his sister Anne, when the 20-yearold future king — one of the world’s most eligible bachelors — sensed there was an effort afoot to set him up.“That was the time when they were trying to marry me off to Tri cia Nixon,” he later recalled.
Geraldine Williams
The royal has visited America about 20 times since that memora ble first trip in the Nixon years, he told CNN last year.
Jackson and other legislators ex pressed concerned the work won’t get done by the 2025 and 2026 deadlines.“Nowwe’re in a hole so deep that, quite frankly, I don’t think you or your staff can dig yourself out of it,” Jackson said to Hogshead.
Berlin Germany is taking control of three economy.transitiontransformationandPCKcurrentlyforpackagethemillionoilrefiningaboutincludingofpetroleumSchwedtisasmedium-iswe’reanymore.”reliableknownScholzGermantoenergyandBayernoil,PCKsharesalsostatement.EconomyFederaladministrationwill&GmbH—Russianyear,frombeforetorefineriesRussian-ownedinthecountryensureenergysecurityanembargoonoilRussiatakeseffectnextofficialssaid.TwosubsidiariesofoilgiantRosneftRosneftDeutschlandandRNRefiningMarketingGmbH—beputundertheofGermany’sNetworkAgency,theMinistrysaidinaAsaresult,theagencywillcontrolthecompanies’intherefineriesSchwedt,MiRoandlocatedintheeastsouthofGermany.“Thisisafar-reachingpolicydecisionprotectourcountry,”ChancellorOlafsaid.“We’velongthatRussiaisn’tasupplierofenergy“Withtoday’sdecision,ensuringthatGermanysuppliedwithoilintheandlong-termwell,”Scholzsaid.“Thatparticularlytruefortherefinery.”ThefacilityprovidesproductstomuchnortheasternGermany,Berlin.Rosneftaccountsfor12%ofGermany’soilcapacity,importingworthseveralhundreddollarseverymonth,ministrysaid.Scholzsaida$1billionwouldsecurejobsabout1,200peopleworkingattherefineryinSchwedthelpwithitslong-termaspartofthetowardagreen
During questioning, Sen. Jarvis asked Duncan what percentage of NCORR’s 300 employees were out actually checking on site progress. Duncan replied 20. Under further questioning it was revealed that perhaps only one of the 20 had any general contracting experience.
comments submitted from survi vors talking about delays, lack of communication, and red tape, and then look out across this room and see the anguish on some of these faces, these could have been avoid ed if NCORR had just focused on helping our citizens instead of win ning imaginary bureaucratic gold stars,” Jackson said following the discussion of the HORNE memo.
In the final segment of the hear ing, lawmakers heard testimony from Col. J.R. Sanderson of the St. Bernard Project, a nationwide di saster recovery organization.
Charles returned the praise in a thank-you note.
By Darlene Superville The Associated Press
“The only reason we don’t laugh at it is because we’re bored of it. It’s a boring joke. It’s the third or fourth time they’ve passed a resolution condemning Hungary in the European Parliament. At first, we thought it was significant. But now we see it as a joke,” he said.
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Hang ing out with Richard Nixon’s daughter Tricia at a White House supper-dance. Swapping stories with Ronald Reagan about horse back riding. Bending the ears of Donald Trump and Joe Biden about climate change.
A8 North State Journal for Wednesday, September 21, 2022
“It’s not about us being angry, it’s about us not being heard.”
Germany takes control of 3 Russianowned oil refineries
Orban: EU declarationdemocracylawmakers’isajoke
“You would need a 600% increase in output to meet the Florence dead
“This recovery is not going as you want it to go. It’s not going how I want it to go, and it’s certainly not going how the families sitting be hind me and out in eastern North Carolina want it to go,” said Hogs head. “And that is on me.”
The declaration, while a symbolic gesture, sets Hungary apart from other EU member countries in its alleged failure to uphold values enshrined in the EU treaty, including “respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities.”Theresolution, which was approved during a plenary session in Strasbourg, France, doesn’t impose any penalty on Orban’s government, nor does it bind other EU countries into taking any particular actions.
He criticized U.S. government subsidies for large-scale agricul ture and encouraged increased business and government support for organic and environmentally friendly food production.
The ACC is staying in North Carolina, but it’s leaving Greensboro. The conference’s 15 school presidents voted unanimously Tuesday to move the league’s headquarters to Charlotte in 2023. The decision comes more than a year after new ACC commissioner Jim Phillips said the league would explore relocating, and a flirtation with Orlando opened the possibility of the conference leaving the state it has called home for nearly seven decades. It will, however, leave Greensboro and move into Bank of America Tower in Charlotte.
NC State 12th, Wake 21st in latest AP poll
“I think it’s the same old Notre Dame.”
This week is no different, except for the side of the ledger on which the history is being made.
The Irish head to Chapel Hill to take on the 3-0 Tar Heels. Notre Dame is coming off its first win of the season, surviving a Hail Mary attempt by Cal to win by seven and improve to 1-2 in coach Marcus Freeman’s first season at the helm.
The Demon Deacons last beat the Tigers in 2008
Greensboro NC State moved up four spots to No. 12 in The Associated Press college football poll released Monday, the Wolfpack’s highest ranking in two decades. NC State, which beat Texas Tech 27 14 on Saturday, reached a high of No. 10 in 2002 and finished the year ranked 12th. Wake Forest moved down two spots to No. 21 after its closer than expected 37 36 win over Liberty. App State and UNC remained just out of the Top 25, with the Mountaineers receiving 77 votes (28th) and the Tar Heels earning 72 (29th).
Wake Forest will be looking to snap a 13-game losing streak against the Tigers and start its season 4-0 for the second straight year. Clemson, mean while, is trying to move to win its first four games for the eighth consecutive season.
It’s the first time Notre Dame has played UNC with a losing re cord since the 3-4 Irish took on Carolina in 1962. It’s also the first time the Irish have had a worse re cord than the Tar Heels when the two teams played since 1956 when 1-6 Notre Dame faced 3-5-1 UNC.
T he Demon Deacons are com ing off a dramatic 37-36 win
The last two seasons, the Tar Heels have been in striking range, trailing by a touchdown in the fi nal two minutes before the Irish scored late to ice both contests.
Hollow, B4
Despite the three takeaways, Clemson struggled with Loui siana Tech quarterback Parker McNeil, who threw for 311 yards and a “Wetouchdown.gottoreally improve this week, have a great week of practice,” Clemson coach Dabo Swinney told reporters on Sun day. “A tough road game against a really veteran, experienced and very competitive champion ship-caliber team in Wake For est. They’re the Atlantic Division champs. And they know what it looks like and they’re confident in that, so we’ll have to correct some of these mistakes to have a chance to go and find a way to
See WAKE FOREST, page B4 See UNC, page B3
ACC moving to Charlotte
erty but also threw two inter ceptions and was sacked three times.“We were just off. Sam was not on,” Clawson said. “He missed some throws he can usually make in his sleep. Some of those quick outs and quick hitches to the boundary, they were open
By Shawn Krest North State Journal
record book, however: Four. That’s how many times Notre Dame has beaten the Tar Heels since UNC’s last win in the series, back in 2008.
“ One of the signs of a good team is when you don’t have your fastball and you can still figure out a way to win,” Wake coach Dave Clawson said after the vic tory. “We found a way to win.
By Jesse Deal North State Journal
Barely.”The Deacons will need a strong showing from veteran quarterback Sam Hartman if they want to beat Clemson. The fifth-year quarterback, who has thrown for 9,891 yards and 79 touchdowns in his record-break ing career, had 325 yards and three touchdowns against Lib
“They’re the Atlantic Division champs. … We’ll have to correct some of these mistakes to have a chance to go and find a way to win this one.”
“We have been in position the last two years. We were down by seven here two years ago, they ended up scoring to beat us by 14,” Brown said. “We didn’t make a first down in the second half. We
Presidents comes to Quail
The Irish come to Chapel Hill with a rare losing record
The last time North Carolina had a winning record and a better record than Notre Dame at game time was 1950 when the Tar Heels were 1-0 and the Irish were open ing their season. That’s also the only time that’s happened. This Saturday will mark the first time a winning UNC team faces a losing IrishUNCsquad.coach Mack Brown fo cuses on a different number in the
Swiderski’s goal lifts Charlotte FC over Fire
Unlucky 13: Wake looks to end drought vs. Clemson

and we just overthrew them. Then on third down we threw a few in the Clemson’sdirt.” offense, built around quarterback DJ Uiagale lei and running back Will Ship ley, proved it could shrug off a slow start in last weekend’s 4820 win over Louisiana Tech. The Tigers outgained the Bulldogs 280-12 on the ground, and the Clemson defense had three in terceptions in the game.
WINSTON-SALEM — The No. 21 Demon Deacons host the fifth-ranked team in the na tion on Saturday when Clemson comes to Winston-Salem in a battle of unbeaten ACC Atlantic Division teams.
Mack Brown, UNC coach
“Last year, we were down by four with a chance to win and they broke a 91-yard run, which you just can’t have happen. We had a fourth-and-3, we stopped them and got off the field, but we got a
Karol Swiderski scored his second goal in the sixth minute of second half stoppage time and Charlotte rallied for a 3 2 v ictory over Chicago on Saturday night that ensured the Fire will miss the MLS playoffs for the fifth straight year. Swiderski pulled Charlotte (12 17 2) to 2 1 in the 68th minute and Nuno Santos tied the score in the 76th after Chicago (9 15 8) had built a 2 0 lead. Charlotte next hosts Philadelphia on Oct. 1.
UNC looks to write history against Notre Dame
UNC running back D.J. Jones, pictured last season against Notre Dame, will try and help the Tar Heels get over the hump against the Irish when the iconic football program comes to Chapel Hill on Saturday.
CHAPEL HILL — History al ways seems to follow Notre Dame football. When the Fighting Irish come to town, it sends everyone to the record book to check the last times and bests of the program’s long and storied history.

over Liberty that ended when the Flames failed a potential game-winning two-point con version. Wake Forest for the win but struggled on offense, partic ularly in the running game — the Deacs averaged a paltry 0.8 yards per carry against Liberty.
have been really good around here offensively, they completely shut us down better than anybody that we played since we’ve been here.
Dabo Swinney, Clemson coach
Arizona State athletic director Ray Anderson announced the decision on Sunday, a day after the Sun Devils lost 30-21 as heavy favorites. Edwards, a former NFL coach, went 46-26 at Arizona State, including 1-2 this season.
“I’ll be taking my talents to Welcome.”
“They call it God’s country for a reason.”
San Francisco quarterback Trey Lance underwent season-ending surgery on his broken right ankle Monday, leaving the 49ers to go ahead for the rest of the 2022 season with former starter Jimmy Garoppolo back as the team’s starter. Lance got hurt on a run during San Francisco’s 27-7 win Sunday over the Seahawks.

| AP

Beyond the box score
Bryce Ramirez:
Cameron Smith:
The British Open champion won his first LIV Golf title and the $4 million for finishing on top at the LIV sinceeventsinmoreJohnson’stime.theandaUihlein.overwinleadroundSmithInvitational-Chicago.Golfstartedthefinalwithatwo-shotandshota69tobythreestrokesJohnsonandPeterJohnsonmadebirdieonthelastholehisteamwonforfourthconsecutiveThatpushesearningstothan$12millionthefiveLIVGolfhehasplayedearlyJune.
Cup Series driver Kyle Busch announcing he will drive the No. 8 for Richard Childress Racing next season.

The Texas linebackerTechhad a second surgery on his broken left leg and will remain hospitalized a few more days after fracturing his lower left leg in the first half of a 27-14 loss to NC State when the fourth-year junior was making a tackle. The school says Ramirez is expected to return to Lubbock from Raleigh later this week.
App State coach Shawn Clark after the Mountaineers’ stunning last-second home win over Troy on Saturday.
Consecutive losses for the Panthers, the longest active losing streak in the NFL, after Carolina dropped a 19-16 decision Sunday against the Giants. Five of those defeats have been by eight points of fewer.
Another playoff race, another first-time winner in 2022. Chris Buescher gave RFK Racing its first victory in more than five years and became the 19th different driver to win a Cup Series race this season, pulling away to win Saturday’s night race at Bristol. The race also saw four drivers eliminated from the postseason as the playoff field was cut down to 12 drivers. Kyle Busch, Kevin Harvick and both Richard Childress Racing drivers — Austin Dillon and Tyler Reddick — were knocked out.

Texas Tech is paying the family’s expenses related to the injury in accordance with NCAA rules. Ramirez was one of four Texas Tech players awarded scholarships before the season after appearing mostly on special teams last year.
Herm Edwards:
Roger Federer announced last week that he is retiring from professional tennis at the age of 41. Federer, who won 20 Grand Slam titles during his legendary career, has not competed since Wimbledon in July 2021 following a series of knee operations. Federer’s farewell event is this week’s Laver Cup in London.

B2 North State Journal for Wednesday, September 21, 2022
President Joe Biden will host the 2021 World Series champion Atlanta Braves at the White House just a few days before the start of the postseason. The Braves will meet Biden on Sept. 26. Atlanta, which beat the Houston Astros in six games last year, is jockeying with the New York Mets for first place in the National League East.
The football coach was fired by Arizona State in his fifth season following an ugly home loss to Eastern Michigan and a lingering NCAA investigation into illegal recruiting practices.

With defensive back Shyheim Battle injured last week, Aydan White filled the void against Texas Tech. The cornerback had two in terceptions, including one returned for an 84-yard touch down, to earn National Defensive Player of the Week and ACC Defensive Back of the Week honors.
UNC from page B1
That’s hardly the only prob lem new Duke coach Mike Elko faces. Each of the last two weeks, the Blue Devils have lost the time of possession battle. North western had the ball nearly 10 minutes more than Duke, and A&T won time of possession by a nearly four-minute margin.
“I don’t think there’s any ques tion they’d tell you they weren’t as excited about playing Marshall,” Brown said of the Irish. “When you stand around, you get beat. You can’t let a team like Marshall hang in there or they’ll get excited and then the pressure’s on you.”
The Irish changed quarter backs last week after a sea son-ending injury to starter Tyler Buchner, and Drew Pyne led No tre Dame to a win over Cal.
The Wolfpack have allowed just 12.3 points per game during their 3-0 start, tied for the 16th fewest in the country. NC State also ranks seventh against the run, giving up just 68.7 yards per game and 3.0 per carry.
“We’re going to try and get bet ter. That’s what really good pro grams do. It doesn’t matter who you play, it’s how you play, and this started back in the preseason. Our worst enemy is us, not anyone else on our schedule, and we’re going to repeat that exact same verbiage to them throughout the week.”
RALEIGH — It’s no secret where to find the heart and soul of the NC State football team. From the D-line to the D-backs, the Wolf pack’s defense is hungry to lead the nation’s 12thrankedHard-nosed,team. experi enced and boasting one of the best linebacker tri os in the nation, NC State has a formula for success with its defense.
Still,quickly.these are good problems to have for a team coming off of 3-9 and 2-9 seasons that is 3-0 to start the Consider:year.Before Duke’s 21-0 woes in the first three games, the Blue Devils had led by a 21-0 or greater margin just three
“They played Ohio State (in the opener), who may be the best team in the country,” he said. He plans to show the team the video of that game, which saw the Irish play even with the Buckeyes for much of the day. “Don’t take that for granted.”
And about that “scoring too fast” problem?
Just add it to the list of con cerns on a successful Duke team that just seems riddled with them.
“He can play better, but he led us in tackles his first full game back,” Doeren said. “He can cover ground. The guy’s a tremendous athlete. (It’s) just putting another elite com petitor that is very gifted back on theThisfield.” weekend’s upcoming matchup against bottom-feeder UConn has all the makings of a rout, but Doeren doesn’t expect that to lessen his team’s effort.
While the takeaways are the most noticeable game-changing plays, the defense is also domi nating on third down, helping the
“The good thing for us is that there’s been enough examples out there in college football this year to point to where you don’t have to talk about it,” Doeren said of the rampant upsets early this season. “It seems like every week somebody is losing a game like that.
The surprising Blue Devils are preparing for Kansas, which is also 3-0
Coach Mack Brown and the Tar Heels had two weeks to prepare for this Saturday’s visit from Notre Dame after being off last week.
times in the last 60 games. They also scored 10 points or fewer in half of their last eight games heading into this year, so scor ing quickly — or at all — seems like a problem that can be over looked, at least for a while.
facemask across the field, on the other side of the field with a differ ent
“We had a little bit of a lull in the second quarter, which has obviously been a bit of our chal lenge,” he said. “So I really chal lenged them at halftime to come out in the third quarter and get back to playing the way we were capable of. We did score on two straight possessions and really kind of put the game to bed.”
Unbeaten Duke dealing with nice problems to have
Tar Heels can stay fo cused on the task and finish the job, they might just start writing some history of their own on Sat urday afternoon.
“I think sometimes maybe we relax a little bit at times more than I would like us to.”
Mike Elko, Duke coach
“I want to score,” Elko said. “So however we have to go about scoring we’re going to do it. I’ve said this before, we’re going to play offense in a way that allows us to Dukescore.”will need touchdowns, fast or slow, on Saturday against a Kansas team that has put up 159 points in three weeks, with wins over West Virginia and Houston in the last two games.
Brown also thinks the players will be able to draw a lot of paral lels to last season in Notre Dame’s upset loss to Marshall in Week 2.
The defense is also excelling at creating turnovers. The Wolfpack are averaging more than two inter ceptions per game and have forced two fumbles so far this season.
So now Duke faces another issue — how to deal with the pressure of a big game. It’s a problem Elko hoped he’d face but probably wasn’t expecting in his first month on the job.
Perhaps most encouraging is the depth of the Wolfpack’s defense.
B3 North State Journal for Wednesday, September 21, 2022
NC State defensive back Aydan White (3) celebrates with teammates after one of his two interceptions last week against Texas Tech.
Wolfpack gain valuable field posi tion for its struggling offense.
So it’s been up to the defense to carry the load, and they have more than lived up to the task.
NC State has stopped 73% of op ponents’ third down attempts and forced a turnover on downs five times already this season.
While NC State’s offense struggles to get in a rhythm, its defense is feasting on opponents
“We’ve got to be tougher,” he said. “Be more confident in the fourth quarter, to give us a chance to win. Those are things we have not been able to do. They are very, very physical in both line of scrim mages. This will be a good test for us to see if we can handle this.”
The Wolfpack have needed it. Outside of its game against FCS oppo nent Charleston South ern, NC State’s offense has struggled through the season’s first three games.

“I just think it’s consisten cy,” Elko said. “We talk to them about the game of football and
By Shawn Krest North State Journal
DURHAM — Teams seem to have figured out Duke football’s big weakness this year: Let them get up by 21 points and they tend to let up.
Duke’s Jordan Waters is averaging 7.0 yards per carry through three games, teaming with fellow running backs Jaylen Coleman and Jaquez Moore and quarterback Riley Leonard to help give the Blue Devils more than 200 yards per game on the ground so far this season.

While Duke has struggled the last few years, Kansas is coming out of a decade-long desert. The Jayhawks are looking for their fourth win, which would be the first time since 2009 they’ve won as many. They had back-toback 50-point outings to open the season after hitting the half-century mark just twice in the previous 68 games. Kansas opponents scored 50 or more 16 times over that span, including four straight weeks in 2020.
Thisplayer.”year, with the Irish perhaps down a bit from recent editions of the team, Brown wants to see the Heels take that final step forward and come out with the victory.
Defense leading the Pack through 3 games
For a UNC team that opened last season in the Top 10 and then suffered a series of upset losses, Brown also wants to keep his play ers focused on the fact that it won’t be easy to beat the Irish.

But a head coach is never pleased, and Elko addressed both “issues” heading into this week’s game — a road game against a Kansas team that has had a start even more surpris ing than Duke’s.
On the other hand, Duke scored just seven points in the final 23 minutes and allowed A&T to put up 14 points in the fourth quarter.
“It’s really a team, in my mind, that’s 1-1,” Brown said, disregard ing the Ohio State loss. “I think it’s the same old Notre Dame. They run the ball, play physical ly, don’t make mistakes. They’re really strong on both lines of scrimmage. You’re going to have to play a great game to beat Notre Dame.”Ifthe
“One of his biggest strengths as a D-linemen is his explosiveness off of the line of scrimmage,” NC State coach Dave Doeren said of Clark. “You’re starting to see that again. He’s very strong, he’s running through contact, his first sack he split a double team. I’m happy for him and happy for us because we need that. We need that pass rush from our front.”
In each of the first three games, the Blue Devils have hit a bit of a lull after going up by three touchdowns. In the open er against Temple, Duke led 24-0 at the half then managed just six more points in the final 30 minutes. After going up 21-0 at Northwestern, Duke allowed the Wildcats to score the next 16 points. And against NC A&T, the Blue Devils scored 21 points in the first 8:07 then played the Aggies to a nearly-even 28-20 score the rest of the way.
“I don’t want to trade starting fast. I know that,” Elko said. “So, if what you’re telling me is all I have to do is get up 21 and then let the team come back a little bit, I’d rather have that than the other way for sure.”
how you put your head down and you execute, and that’s re ally what you have to do, play in and play out for over three hours. … I think sometimes maybe we relax a little bit at times more than I would like us
By Ryan Henkel North State Journal
NC State lost two key pass rushers in Daniel Joseph and Levi Jones going into this season, and the defense struggled to get to the quarterback in its first two games.But the Wolfpack exploded for four sacks in last week’s 27-14 win over Texas Tech, led by C.J. Clark’s two sacks against the Red Raiders.
to.“Having said that, we still scored a touchdown all but one drive when Riley [Leonard] was out there at quarterback. I think some of it is expectations, too, as like I said after the game, we’re not going to score a touch down every single time we have the ball no matter what it looks like on the first three drives.”
The reason is obvious: Duke had scoring drives of 1:54, 2:00, 2:13 and 2:44 against North western. In the A&T game, the Blue Devils reached the end zone in nine seconds, 45 sec onds, 2:15 and on a fumble re turn on defense. Clearly, they’re scoring too fast and sending their defense back onto the field too
“We list those guys as ‘Or’ for a reason,” Doeren said. “We look at Aydan as a starter. I don’t think there’s much difference right there. Each of them have different skills and things they are better at, but we look at all of those guys as equals when it comes to the rotation they’re going to be in.” That said, it’s still nice to get back the guys at the top of the depth chart, and the Wolfpack got that in the return of lineback er Payton Wilson,Wilson.playing his first full game in a year and a half, led NC State with 10 tackles against Texas Tech and looked like his old self in his re turn to the lineup.
All jokes aside, Elko did scold his team at halftime on Satur day after the Blue Devils scored just seven points in the final 22 minutes of the first half.
score or less. Carolina is 5-16 in those games. Including both loss es in this young season, the Pan
er than that. It’s millimeters and split seconds. At the NFL Com bine, a future Arena Football play er’s 40 time is close to that of an NFL first-round pick. A few weeks ago, all 32 NFL teams cut 27 play ers who can compare themselves to the 53 that made each team.
By Shawn Krest North State Journal
Close, defensive end Brian Burns said after the Giants loss, “almost doesn’t matter.”
Brian PanthersBurns,defensive end
Sure, the COVID-19 pandemic pushed the Presidents Cup back a year. Far more disruptive was the Saudi-funded LIV Golf that depleted the experience from the International side.
The difference? Close. After two full seasons and two weeks of a third, the Panthers have had their fill of close. Twen ty-one of their 35 games under Rhule have been decided by one
CHARLOTTE — The last Presidents Cup was so close the International team walked away with renewed hope that it had enough game and enough fight to conquer the mighty Americans.
“I feel bad for the game of golf right now that this is the story going in,” Love said. “I feel bad for all of us, really. But Trevor has a job to do, and that’s to take 12 guys in there ready to play, and he’s going to be focused on that.”
UNC alumnus and Charlotte native Davis Love III talks after Tuesday’s practice for the Presidents Cup at Quail Hollow Club in Charlotte. Love is serving as Team USA captain during this week’s event.
It’s one-sided on paper. It’s a one-sided history. If there is pres sure on the Americans, it’s about not being the team that finally loses.Immelman doesn’t hide the disappointment at not having Oosthuizen, Smith, Niemann and those who were looked upon as being big contributors.
page B1
of players from outside Europe starts Thursday at Quail Hol low Club, and it looks to be as one-sided as the record suggests.
That now seems so long ago.
di riches at LIV Golf knew they faced PGA Tour suspension, which meant not competing in the Presidents Cup.
“When the players decided to ask me to be their captain ear ly on in 2020 — this was before the pandemic, before the profes sional game was fractured and divided — I signed up to a par ticular set of rules, and our team is a team of loyalty,” Immelman said. “Our team is a team of their word. We’ll abide by those rules.
While the tandem of Uiagale lei and Shipley are the majority of Clemson’s running attack,
teams through the first three weeks of the season. The Demon Deacons are averaging 425 yards per game on offense compared to Clemson’s 434 yards, and the Wake Forest defense has allowed 318 yards per game to Clemson’s 317.
Immelman brings eight Presi dents Cup rookies to Quail Hol low Club in Charlotte. Only three players on his team have won tournaments this year. Only two — Matsuyama and Adam Scott — have won majors.
“I believe that with all my heart. I think we’re so close,” Rhule said on Sunday. “We’re coming down the stretch but we haven’t found a way to get it done. That’s my job, to help us get over that last hump.” He’s right.
win a Nowmajor.think back to Melbourne in 2019, a Presidents Cup that was going the International team’s way until a U.S. rally on the final day and a 16-14 victory. Ernie Els was the captain who gave his side a new logo, a new identity and a fighting spirit.
The biennial event is being held at Quail Hollow Club in Charlotte
“I know you guys have a lot of questions about the game,” he told reporters after the 19-16 loss to the Giants that dropped his team to 0-2 on the season. “I just want to make sure I say that we’re close.”There’s no doubt that the Pan thers have been close. Throughout Rhule’s pro career, now in its third season, Carolina has had close calls, and the Panthers always seem to end up on the wrong side of them.There were long field goals that kickers missed at the buzzer and turnovers on last-ditch drives in the final minute. In the last game, it was a long kick that a former Panthers kicker, Graham Gano, knocked through to decide the game in New York’s favor.
thers are 0-6 in games decided by a field goal or less.
can’t set up and stop my feet just because it’s a sprint out or else I would try to, to give them a better ball, but it was very, very close on thatInstead,one.” the ball was just off target, bouncing off Smith’s hands.“He’s a good player, he’s got to be able to make plays, but that’s a look that I kind of caught him off guard and we were very close to still making the play,” Mayfield said.Close to a touchdown, but in stead, the Panthers punted. The Rams were close a lot last year. They went 6-2 in one-score games, including three-point wins in the divisional round, NFC Championship Game and Super Bowl. They’re 1-0 in such games this year. One of those playoff wins was over Tampa Bay, who had won nine straight one-score games before that, dating back to the previous season. The Chiefs have won five of their last seven close games. The Jaguars have lost 11 of their last 13 one-score games. But they’ve all been close Close is not an explanation. It’s the way of life in the NFL. Good teams make plays, the old saying goes, bad teams make excuses.
The Americans have five Pres idents Cup rookies, though two
S aturday’s game will be the first against ranked competition for both teams, and they’ve had similar success against lesser
Els said of his team when it was over, “If you look at their re cord and where these guys are at the moment, they are going plac es, I can tell you that.”
win this one.”
“It’s better than not being in the game at all, I can say that,” Burns said in the locker room. “But it’s time. I’m tired of being close. I want to win those extra reps, win those plays and really win these games.”And yet, Rhule continues to take solace in being close.
(149) and Justice Ellison (113) are joined by wide receivers A.T. Perry (222), Donavon Greene (184), Ke’Shawn Williams (151) and Taylor Morin (139).
“These are the 12 players that wanted to be eligible. These are the 12 players that wanted to be on the team. Those are the 12 that I want at the end of the day.”
There are also concerns about Clemson’s secondary, with the status of cornerbacks Nate Wig gins and Sheridan Jones as well as safety Andrew Mukuba up in
The Panthers are 0-2 this season and have lost nine straight, and coach Matt Rhule is 10-25 in two-plus seasons with Carolina.
The Americans were not im mune to the defections — Dustin Johnson, Brooks Koepka and Bryson DeChambeau were on that Ryder Cup team — though there was no certainty they would have made this team. Johnson hasn’t won on U.S. soil since the November 2020 Masters, while the others are trying to return fromAndinjury.thestate of American golf is such that replacements are easily found. All 12 players are among the top 25 in the world ranking.TheInternational team count ers with only three players from the top 25 — former Masters champion Hideki Matsuyama, Sungjae Im and Tom Kim, the 20-year-old South Korean who wasn’t even a consideration until he won the Wyndham Champi onship six weeks ago.

MATT RHULE summed up what’s wrong with the Carolina Panthers after last Sunday’s game.

Love’s team has only three players who haven’t won this year. That includes two-time ma jor champion Collin Morikawa and Cameron Young, the PGA Tour rookie who has been a run ner-up five times and twice came within one shot of a chance to
theThatair. could benefit Wake For est, which is as good as any team in the conference at sharing the wealth. The Deacs have six play ers with more than 100 yards of total offense this season: run ning backs Christian Turner
Gano, by the way, was released by the Panthers halfway through a four-year, $17 million contract when Rhule took over the team. Since then, he’s made 64 of 69 field goal attempts for the Giants and 40 of 42 extra points. Five different players have kicked for the Panthers, making 59 of 69 field goals and missing five extra points.Like the Panthers themselves, many of those errant kicks have been close. A few feet this way or that, a yard or two longer. Closer still — a centimeter in this direc tion or that on the hold. A half-adegree difference on the angle of the kick and they sail down the middle, and the Panthers win.
At some point, close will stop being an acceptable explanation for failures on the field and side lines. For some Panthers, it ap pears that point has been reached.
The Americans have lost only once, in 1998 at Royal Melbourne in Australia, matches that ended 12 days before Christmas. There was a tie in South Africa and then eight consecutive U.S. cele brations.TheU.S. is not quite a year removed from giving Europe its worst beating ever in the Ryder Cup, 19-9 at Whistling Straits, with a young and hungry team.
wideouts Beaux Collins, Antonio Williams and Joseph Ngata have combined for nearly 400 receiv ing yards this season.
B4 North State Journal for Wednesday, September 21, 2022
Everything stacked in US favor at Presidents Cup
What he has is 12 guys who wanted to be at Quail Hollow. Players who signed up for Sau
New quarterback Baker May field talked about the team being close on Sunday. Tied at 13 in the third quarter, Carolina gained eight yards on the first two plays of their drive to reach midfield. Mayfield then rolled out and re leased a bomb to Shi Smith up the sideline.“We’re very, very close from that being an explosive play for a touchdown,” Mayfield said. “I
The Panthers look to snap their losing streak
“That’s something that we’ve been looking forward to for the last three years,” said British Open champion Cameron Smith, who 20 days later officially an nounced he was defecting to the rivalJoaquinleague.Niemann of Chile and Marc Leishman of Australia also took the cash to sign with LIV Golf just two days before the 12man International team was to be filled out. Louis Oosthuizen, so good in the Presidents Cup he had a winning record while nev er playing on a winning team, was among the first to go back in June.U.S. captain Davis Love III was asked if he felt bad for Trevor Immelman, who was chosen In ternational captain long before LIV was anything more than a Roman numeral.
of them (Morikawa and Scottie Scheffler) played in the Ryder Cup, and two others (Sam Burns and Max Homa) have collected three PGA Tour victories in the last 12 months.
The 14th edition of the match es between Americans and an International team composed
The NFL is a game of inches, it’s said. The truth is much tight
“It’s time. I’m tired of being close.”
By Doug Ferguson The Associated Press
Matt Rhule and the curse of close
Going to a rival league for guaranteed riches was not what he had in mind.
of the virus and the need with how people who simply ask when things can start getting back to with contempt.
cil nonpartisan think tank, 105 countries representing more than 95% of global gross domestic prod uct already are exploring or have created a central bank digital cur rency.The council found that the U.S. and the U.K. are far behind in cre ating a digital dollar or its equiva lent.Treasury, the Justice Depart ment, the Consumer Finance Pro tection Bureau, the Securities and Exchange Commission and other agencies were tasked with contrib uting to reports that would address various concerns about the risks, development and usage of digital assets. Several reports will come out in the next weeks and months.
The Associated Press
Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym Sister Toldjah and is a regular contributor to RedState and Legal Insurrection.

In order to put the crisis caused by China in perspective, zero worldwide pandemics can trace their source to the United States over our 231-year history. At least four in the 20th century alone can be directly traced to China: 1957 “Asian u,” 1968 “Hong Kong u,” 1977 “Russian u” and the 2002 SARS outbreak. There is evidence that the massive 1918 “Spanish u” pandemic also had its origins in China.
We fromandtransparencyneedhonestyour big questions nobody
That is, unless an exogenous event meltdown in 1986. Some experts program of Reagan, led directly to
How the strong U.S. dollar can affect everyone
Visitors walk along a shopping street at the Asakusa District, Friday, June 10, 2022, in Tokyo.

Consider the Japanese yen. A year ago, $1 could get a little less than 110 yen. Now, it can buy 143. That’s about 30% more and one of the biggest moves the U.S. dollar has made against another curren cy.Foreign currency values are con
My rst concern as we go along in all this, of course, is my family. I’m worried about them catching the virus, and I’m worried I will. After su ering from the H1N1 virus (swine u) during the 2009 pandemic, I’ve been trying to take extra precautions, because all of this brings up way too many memories of a painful experience I’d prefer not to repeat.
Bank of America Global Research report
Since when did questioning government at all levels become a bad thing? That is what free citizens living in a free society were supposed to do, last I checked.
Since when did questioning government at all levels become a bad thing? That is what free citizens living in a free society were supposed
Because the U.S. economy is do ing better than others.
a society simply must accept without tells us about when it’s safe to begin the normalcy.us,and we have the right to ask those stay-at-home orders are in place all over the them get in states, such as Michigan, feeling isolated and/or anxious about providing for their families, will demand levels should be as forthcoming as they again, not vague answers, but answer statements believability. what we can to keep our families, safe. But we should also still continue because while reasonable stay-at-home should also have an expiration date. and it is not normal. Not in any way, remain vigilant and stay safe, at comfortable with this so-called “new
or stay-at-home majority of course,societylevelsCooperendnormal.”Americansofthismonth.statedduringknowyet”iftheaskedastothevagueoneslike“weofthisstatewhoundeterminedthousandsofcasesaskedandthenquestionsaboutasked,thereistotreatthosestartgettingbackarepeoplewhosick.becomeabadweresupposedismyfamily.I’mworriedIwill.After2009pandemic,ofthisbringsupprefernottorepeat.mosteveryonehas
That’s helped offset worries about a slowing housing indus try and other parts of the economy
NEW YORK — The buck isn’t stopping.Thevalue of the U.S. dollar has been on a tear for more than a year against everything from the Brit ish pound across the Atlantic to the South Korean won across the Pa cific.
Treasury recommends exploring creation of a digital dollar
Some of these orders extend at least through the end of this month. Virginia’s stay-at-home orders go into June.
The Associated Press
China lied about the origin of the tried to tell the world there were only worldwide panic, economic collapse and being thrown out of work.
I know that during working from home be glad” as the Bible and dad, the Easter have to be thankful and pandemic.Forme,my faith is making. As I celebrated Corinthians 1:4, which a iction, so that we a iction, with the comfort
THIS WEEK, according to members of the federal and state and local governments, Americans have the curve in the novel coronavirus outbreak. The excitement muted — after all, trends can easily reverse — but have abided by recommendations and orders. They’ve to stay at home; they’ve practiced social distancing; they’ve donned masks.
orders thanks to local or state governments, a majority of Americans are having to adjust to what is being called the “new normal.”
Since when did atgovernmentquestioningalllevels
Some papers accepted for publication in academic journals advocated training men like dogs and punishing white male college students for historical slavery by asking them to sit in silence on the oor in chains during class and to be expected to learn from the discomfort. Other papers celebrated morbid obesity as a healthy life choice and advocated treating privately conducted masturbation as a form of sexual violence against women. Typically, academic journal editors send submitted papers out to referees for review. In recommending acceptance for publication, many reviewers gave these papers glowing praise.Political scientist Zach Goldberg ran certain grievance studies concepts through the Lexis/Nexis database, to see how often they appeared in our press over the years. He found huge increases in the usages of “white privilege,” “unconscious bias,” “critical race theory” and “whiteness.” All of this is being taught to college students, many of whom become primary and secondary school teachers who then indoctrinate our young people.
I know that during this challenging time of social working from home or losing a job, it may be di be glad” as the Bible tells us to do. However, as a Christian, and dad, the Easter holiday has reminded me of just have to be thankful and hopeful for, even in the midst pandemic.Forme,my faith is an important part of my daily making. As I celebrated Easter with my family, I Corinthians 1:4, which reminds us our Lord “comforts a iction, so that we may be able to comfort those a iction, with the comfort which we ourselves are God.”Ifyou are celebrating the Easter season, I urge re ect on this message and be comforted, so that God’s example and comfort all those in need around this di cult time. Through faith and by helping one con dent we will emerge out of this pandemic stronger
Even though inflation is high, the U.S. job market has remained remarkably solid. And other areas of the economy, such as the services sector, have been resilient.
I doubt whether the coronaviruscaused nancial crunch will give college and university administrators, who are a crossbreed between a parrot and jelly sh, the guts and backbone to restore academic respectability. Far too often, they get much of their political support from campus grievance people who are members of the faculty and diversity and multicultural administrative o ces.
They’re treated as though we as a society simply must accept without question what the government tells us about when it’s safe to begin the process of returning back to normalcy.
Authors Helen Pluckrose, James A. Lindsay and Peter Boghossian say that something has gone drastically wrong in academia, especially within certain elds within the humanities. They call these elds “grievance studies,” where scholarship is not so much based upon nding truth but upon attending to social grievances. Grievance scholars bully students, administrators and other departments into adhering to their worldview. The worldview they promote is neither scienti c nor rigorous. Grievance studies consist of disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, gender studies, queer studies, sexuality and critical race studies.In2017 and 2018, authors Pluckrose, Lindsay and Boghossian started submitting bogus academic papers to academic journals in cultural, queer, race, gender, fat and sexuality studies to determine if they would pass peer review and be accepted for publication. Acceptance of dubious research that journal editors found sympathetic to their intersectional or postmodern leftist vision of the world would prove the problem of low academic standards.
The comfort and hope
The Blockchain Association, which lobbies lawmakers on Capi tol Hill, said in a statement that the White House reports are “a missed opportunity to cement U.S. crypto leadership.”“Thesereports focus on risks — not opportunities,” the statement reads, “and omit substantive rec ommendations on how the United States can promote its burgeoning crypto industry, including job cre ation, improvements to the finan cial system, and expanded access for all Americans.”
business & economy
aberrant ways and decisions through Diplomacy has obviously not worked world of 21st century health, hygiene communist regimes never take the blame remorse, because that is not what take advantage of every weakness pushing until they win or the event happens such as the Chernobyl believe that event, not the Star Wars the dissolution of the Soviet Union
“It is why this administration be lieves that now more than ever,” he said, “prudent regulation of crypto currencies is needed.”
See DOLLAR page B6
stantly shifting against each oth er as banks, businesses and trad ers buy and sell them in time zones around the world.
Stacey Matthews has also written and is a regular contributor to RedState

We should all continue to do what we can to keep our families, ourselves, and our communities safe. But we should also still continue to ask questions about the data, because while reasonable stay-at-home measures are understandable, they should also have an expiration date.
taxpayer at least $2.4 trillion in added Reserve backup liquidity to the the U.S. dollar were not the reserve fund any of these emergency of rampant in ation and currency
According to the University of Washington Institute Metrics and Evaluation model most oft cited by members Trump administration, the expected need for hospital peak outbreak was revised down by over 120,000, ventilators by nearly 13,000 and the number of overall
It will need to be explained in detail to the people of this state who are being told to remain jobless and at home for an undetermined amount of time why models predicting hundreds of thousands of cases areToreliable.date,I’ve gone along with what the state has asked and then mandated that we do, but along the way I’ve also had questions about the data. State Republican leaders have, too.
Sponsored by 15, 2020 opinion
He said on Friday that the Ad ministration plans to “execute a comprehensive action plan with priority steps to mitigate key risks of cryptocurrencies — among oth ers, money laundering and financ ing for terrorism.”
The U.S. Dollar index, which measures the dollar against the euro, yen and other major curren cies, has climbed more than 14% this year. The gain looks even more impressive compared against oth er investments, most of which have had a dismal year. U.S. stocks are down more than 19%, bitcoin has more than halved and gold has lost more than 7%.
But what also makes me lose sleep is how easily most everyone has
Here in North Carolina, Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper stated during a recent coronavirus press brie ng that “we just don’t know yet” if the state’s stay-at-home orders will extend into May.
U.S. companies that sell abroad are seeing profits decline, but American shoppers are seeing lower prices for imported food and goods, offering a small perk in the midst of historic inflation
Chernobyl.isCOVID-19PerhapsChina’sSincewhen did checked.tosupposedsocietylivingfreeThatbadbecomeatgovernmentquestioningalllevelsathing?iswhatcitizensinafreeweredo,lastI
Here in North Carolina, Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper stated during a recent coronavirus press brie ng that “we just don’t know yet” if the state’s stay-at-home orders will extend into May.
The comfort and Lenten and Easter provideseasonsa
fallen into place. I understand the seriousness of the virus and the need to take precautions, but I’m uneasy with how people who simply ask questions about the data, and when things can start getting back to normal are treated in some circles with contempt.
depreciation.Chinahasto pay for their aberrant economic and nancial means. Diplomacy to bring China into the civilized world and fair trade. Totalitarian communist or express sincere regret and remorse, totalitarian governments do. They they nd in adversaries and keep
WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Biden administration is moving one step closer to developing a cen tral bank digital currency, known as the digital dollar, saying it would help reinforce the U.S. role as a leader in the world financial sys tem.The White House said on Fri day that after President Joe Biden issued an executive order in March calling on a variety of agencies to look at ways to regulate digital as sets, the agencies came up with nine reports, covering cryptocur rency impacts on financial mar kets, the environment, innovation and other elements of the econom ic system.Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said one Treasury recommenda tion is that the U.S. “advance poli cy and technical work on a poten tial central bank digital currency, or CBDC, so that the United States is prepared if CBDC is determined to be in the national interest.”
If he does decide to extend it, questions should be asked as to the justi cation for it. And the answers should not be vague ones like “we must do this out of an abundance of caution.”
In this same spirit, I continue to be inspired by neighbors helping neighbors.
“Right now, some aspects of our current payment system are too slow or too expensive,” Yellen said on a Thursday call with reporters laying out some of the findings of theCentralreports.bank digital currencies differ from existing digital money available to the general public, such as the balance in a bank account, because they would be a direct lia bility of the Federal Reserve, not a commercial
This is all new to Americans, and it is not normal. Not in any way, shape, or form. So while we should remain vigilant and stay safe, at the same time we shouldn’t get comfortable with this so-called “new normal.”Notone little bit.
They’re treated as though we as question what the government tells process of returning back to normalcy. No. The government works for questions. And the longer stay-at-home country, and the stricter some of them the more people, sitting at home feeling when they can get back to providing answers.Leaders at the local and state levels can be with those answers — and with details that give their statements
The cavalier manner in which China virus, covered up its spread and tried 3,341 related deaths has led to worldwide millions of Americans needlessly
If he does decide to extend it, questions should be asked as to the justi cation for it. And the answers should not be vague ones like “we must do this out of an abundance of caution.”
The dollar’s rise affects nearly everyone, even those who will nev er leave the U.S. borders. Here’s a look at what’s driving the U.S. dol lar higher and what it can mean for investors and households:
under the pseudonym Sister Toldjah RedState and Legal Insurrection.
Even more importantly, we have no clue how many actually have coronavirus. Some scientists suggest of identi ed cases could be an order of magnitude number of people who have had coronavirus and not
First, what is the true coronavirus fatality rate? important because it determines whether certain be open or closed, whether we ought to pursue — more liberalized society that presumes wide spread,
alreadyChernobyl.talking about the possibility debt we owe them as one way to get have caused the US. Don’t hold your “Jubilee” to happen but ask your elected accountable in tangible nancial ways for expected to operate as responsible citizens of
Atlantic Coun
Essentially that one dollar can buy more of another currency than it could before.
ONE THING IS CERTAIN; after this COVID-19 virus dissipates around the globe and in the United States, China will pay for this catastrophe one way or another.
No. The government works for us, and we have the right to ask those questions. And the longer stay-at-home orders are in place all over the country, and the stricter some of them get in states, such as Michigan, the more people, sitting at home feeling isolated and/or anxious about when they can get back to providing for their families, will demand answers.Leaders at the local and state levels should be as forthcoming as they can be with those answers — and again, not vague answers, but answer with details that give their statements believability.
Sheila Warren, CEO of the Cryp to Council for Innovation, said in an emailed statement that the re port “seem to kick the can down the road” she said, “we don’t see clear recommendations.”Thedirectorof the National Economic Council, Brian Deese, told reporters that “we’ve seen in recent months substantial turmoil in cryptocurrency markets and these events really highlight how, without proper oversight, crypto currencies risk harming everyday Americans’ financial stability and our national security.”
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen speaks after touring the IRS New Carrolton Federal Building, Sept. 15, 2022, in Lanham, Md.
Several of the fake research papers were accepted for publication. The Fat Studies journal published a hoax paper that argued the term bodybuilding was exclusionary and should be replaced with “fat bodybuilding, as a fat-inclusive politicized performance.” One reviewer said, “I thoroughly enjoyed reading this article and believe it has an important contribution to make to the eld and this journal.”“OurStruggle Is My Struggle: Solidarity Feminism as an Intersectional Reply to Neoliberal and Choice Feminism,” was accepted for publication by A lia, a feminist journal for social workers. The paper consisted in part of a rewritten passage from Mein Kampf. Two other hoax papers were published, including “Rape Culture and Queer Performativity at Urban Dog Parks.” This paper’s subject was dog-on-dog rape. But the dog rape paper eventually forced Boghossian, Pluckrose and Lindsay to prematurely out themselves. A Wall Street Journal writer had gured out what they were doing.
The best hope lies with boards of trustees, though many serve as yes-men for the university president. I think that a good start would be to nd 1950s or 1960s catalogs. Look at the course o erings at a time when college graduates knew how to read, write and compute, and make them today’s curricula. Another helpful tool would be to give careful consideration to eliminating all classes/majors/minors containing the word “studies,” such as women, Asian, black or queer studies. I’d bet that by restoring the traditional academic mission to colleges, they would put a serious dent into the COVID-19 budget shortfall.
What does it mean to say the dollar is stronger?
Some of these orders extend at least through the end of this month. Virginia’s stay-at-home orders go into June.
If you are celebrating re ect on this message God’s example and comfort this di cult time. Through con dent we will emerge In this same spirit, neighbors helping neighbors.
It is about time they are expected the world like any other modern nation.
On Capitol Hill, lawmakers have submitted various pieces of legis lation to regulate cryptocurrency and other digital assets.
for this COVID-19 catastrophe
Lenten and Easter
“THIS IS THE DAY the lord has made, let us rejoice in it” (Psalm 118:24).
Eswar Prasad, a trade professor at Cornell who studies the digitiza tion of currencies, said Treasury’s report “takes a positive view about how a digital dollar might play a useful role in increasing payment options for individuals and busi nesses” while acknowledging the risks of its development.
It will need to be explained in detail to the people of this state who amount of time why models predicting hundreds of thousands of cases
BURLINGTON — SteriTek, a contract sterilizer, will invest $59.9 million to build an East Coast sterilization facility in “SteriTek’sBurlington. new facility in Alamance County is a great addition to our already themoretheofTheannualCounty’swhichpositionsannualAltogether,warehousevalidationspecialists,officeoperators,includesuccess.”withcompaniesdevelopmenttalent-focusedchainpharmaceutical“OurMachelleCommerceCounty,”facilityestablishbyclusterflourishingsterilizer.tolifetopurchasingofsaidstatecommunitiesdeviceservicesoffersquare-footsystemmachinesdemandindustry’scapacitySteriTek’sBurlingtonThesafelycomplexhumandevices,high-volumessystemservicesoffersCalifornia-basedtoresearchtissuepharmaceutical,biotechnology,supportssterilization,andhereexecutesciencetalent,central“Companiessaidsciencesbiotechnologythrivingandlifeindustry,”GovernorCooper.valueourlocation,skilledandthrivinglifeecosystemastheytheirstrategiesinNorthCarolina.”UsingelectronbeamX-raysystemsforSteriTekthemedical,andindustries.Fromanddevelopmentvalidation,thecompanyturnkeyprocessingwithaproprietaryforsterilizingofmedicalpharmaceuticals,tissues,andotherproductsbothandwithefficacy.newlocationinwillincreasesterilizationtomeettheincreasedwithfourE-beamandoneX-rayina125,000facility.“SteriTekisexcitedtocontractsterilizationtothemedicalandpharmaintheofNorthCarolina.”LarryNichols,CEOSteriTek.“Weareextralandnextourfacilitytoattractsciencecompaniesopenfacilitiesneara“NorthCarolina’slifesciencesisstrengthenedSteriTek’sdecisiontoitsEastCoastinAlamancesaidN.C.SecretaryBakerSanders.biotechnologyandsupplycombinedwithoureconomicplanprovidelikeSteriTektherightformulaforThenewpositionsmachinemanagers,personnel,qualitysalesstaff,specialists,andemployees.theaveragesalaryforthenewis$52,500,exceedsAlamanceoverallaveragewageof$46,199.annualpayrollimpactthenewpositionshaspotentialtocreatethan$2.6millionforregion.
He said the report sets the stage for the creation of agency regula tions and legislation “that can im prove the benefit-risk tradeoff as sociated with cryptocurrencies and related technologies.”
mandated that we do, but along the way I’ve also had questions about Unfortunately, when certain types of questions get asked, there is sometimes a disturbing tendency among some people to treat those simply questioning the data and asking when we can start getting back to normal as though they are conspiracy theorists or are people who
FACTSFAST China will pay
AMERICA’S COLLEGES are rife with corruption. The nancial squeeze resulting from COVID-19 o ers opportunities for a bit of remediation. Let’s rst examine what might be the root of academic corruption, suggested by the title of a recent study, “Academic Grievance Studies and the Corruption of Scholarship.” The study was done by Areo, an opinion and analysis digital magazine. By the way, Areo is short for Areopagitica, a speech delivered by John Milton in defense of free speech.
Fixing corruptioncollege
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen
The crisis has cost the U.S. taxpayer debt plus trillions more in Federal markets and nancial outlets. If the currency, we would not be able to measures without immediate fear
fallen into place. I understand the to take precautions, but I’m uneasy questions about the data, and when normal are treated in some circles
We should all continue to do what ourselves, and our communities safe. to ask questions about the data, because measures are understandable, they This is all new to Americans, and shape, or form. So while we should the same time we shouldn’t get comfortable normal.”Notone little bit.
In Concord, a high school senior named Tanner money to buy a 3-D printer and plastic to make face health care workers out of his own home.
The result: a reduction in expected hospitalization
After rising again Friday, the dollar is near its highest level in more than two decades against a key index measuring six major cur rencies, including the euro and Jap anese yen. Many professional in vestors don’t expect it to ease off anytime soon.
There is 100% agreement, outside of China, that COVID-19 originated in Wuhan Province probably from the completely unregulated and unsanitary wet markets. Some believe it came out of a
Perhaps COVID-19 is China’s Chernobyl. Senators in Washington are already of China forgiving $1.2 trillion in China to “pay” for the damage they breath waiting for a Chinese “Jubilee” representatives to hold China accountable

The 3
Here’s the problem: We still don’t know the answers questions that will allow the economy to reopen.
In Concord, a high money to buy a 3-D health care workers
Cutting edge medical sterilization facility coming to Alamance Co.
“THIS IS THE DAY in it” (Psalm 118:24).
“Right now, some aspects of our current payment system are too slow or too expensive.”

WITH MOST STATES under either shelter-in-place or stay-at-home orders thanks to local or state governments, a majority of Americans are having to adjust to what is being called the “new normal.”
Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University.

“The Fed has to get more concerned about growth than inflation — and we are not there yet.”

Unfortunately, when certain types of questions get asked, there is sometimes a disturbing tendency among some people to treat those simply questioning the data and asking when we can start getting back to normal as though they are conspiracy theorists or are people who otherwise don’t care if they get themselves or others sick.
We’ve seen case fatality rates — the number of deaths the number of identi ed COVID-19 cases — but both and the denominator are likely wrong. We don’t know people have actually died of coronavirus. Some sources number has been overestimated, given that classi of death, particularly among elderly patients, can sources suggest the number is dramatically underestimated,
Why is the strengthening?dollar
My rst concern as we go along in all this, of course, is my family. I’m worried about them catching the virus, and I’m worried I will. After su ering from the H1N1 virus (swine u) during the 2009 pandemic, I’ve been trying to take extra precautions, because all of this brings up way too many memories of a painful experience I’d prefer not to repeat.
But what also makes me lose sleep is how easily most everyone has
When is deadlinethetoapply?
B6 North State Journal for Wednesday, September 21, 2022
When the Biden Administra tion announced the forgiveness,
But if a borrower paid through out the pandemic and still owes $14,000, they won’t get an auto matic refund. They can, howev er, apply to have $10,000 of that debt
So there are only winners from a strong dollar?
Truss said her priorities for the meeting with Biden were “making sure that we are able to collective ly deal (with) Russian aggression,” and ensuring “we are not strategi cally dependent on authoritarian regimes.”“Iwant to work with our allies like the United States, like France, the EU, the Baltic States, Poland to take on the challenge we face from Russian aggression,” she said. “That should be our priority.”
Truss campaigned for Conser vative leader on a promise to shake up Britain’s economy by cutting taxes, slashing regulation and at tracting more investment to the U.K. But the start of her term has been dominated by the death and commemorations of Queen Eliza beth II, which put Truss’s political plans on hold during a 10-day peri od of national mourning.
for the loan forgiveness program prior to requesting a refund.
For example, if a borrower had $5,000 in debt at the start of the pandemic and paid it all back during the freeze, but is eligible for up to $10,000 in forgiveness, they would apply for a $5,000 refund, then apply to have their debtTheforgiven.refund is not available for private student loans.
The Associated Press
Borrowers should expect to re ceive their refund six to 12 weeks after requesting it, according to the Department of Educa tion. But you might want to dou ble-check with your loan ser vicer.
For the dollar to weaken meaningfully, strategists wrote in a BofA Global Research re port, “the Fed has to get more concerned about growth than inflation — and we are not there yet.”
NEW YORK — Prime Minis ter Liz Truss has kicked off her first visit to the United States as Brit ain’s leader with an admission that a U.K-U.S. free trade deal is not go ing to happen for years.
that do best when interest rates are low. That in turn has trad ers expecting the Federal Re serve to follow through on its promise to keep hiking interest rates sharply, and to hold them there a while, in hopes of knock ing down the worst inflation in 40 years.
That puts the U.K. broadly in line with Biden’s tough stance toward Russia and China, but the trade impasse leaves the of ten-touted “special relationship” between Britain and the U.S. on
the back Supportersburner.of Brexit say one of the chief benefits of leaving the bloc, and its vast free market of al most half a billion people, is the chance for the United Kingdom to make new trade deals around the world.U.K.-U.S. trade talks were launched with fanfare soon after Britain left the EU in 2020, but negotiations faltered amid rising concern in the U.S. administration about the impact of Brexit, espe cially on Northern Ireland.
Truss says she wants to reach agreement with the EU, but will push ahead with rewriting the treaty if that fails. She has said the situation can’t be allowed to “drift.”
In response, Britain has an nounced plans to suspend the checks and rip up part of its Brex it treaty with the EU — a move that angered the bloc and alarmed Washington. Biden has warned that no side should do anything to undermine the 1998 Good Fri day Agreement, the cornerstone of
With hopes of a U.K.-U.S. agreement fading, Britain has re sorted to signing trade deals with individual American states. So far it has inked agreements with Indi ana and North Carolina.
Tuesday’s report on U.S. in flation shocked the market and showed it remains more stub born than expected. That has traders upping bets for Fed rate hikes going into next year. Fed officials have been busy recently reaffirming their commitment to keeping rates high “until the job is done” in breaking the na tion’s high inflation, even if it damages economic growth.
NEW YORK — When Pres ident Joe Biden announced a plan to forgive student loan debt, many borrowers who kept mak ing payments during the pan demic wondered if they’d made the right
and“ThoseQatar.are our trade priorities,” sheTruss’ssaid. downbeat assessment about trans-Atlantic trade came ahead of her first one-on-one meeting with President Joe Biden since she took office two weeks ago. The two leaders are due to meet Wednesday on the sidelines of the U.N. gathering in New York. Both were among scores of world leaders who attended the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II in London on Monday.
“There (aren’t) currently any ne gotiations taking place with the U.S., and I don’t have an expecta tion that those are going to start in the short to medium term,” Truss told reporters aboard her plane to New York, where she landed Tues day to attend the United Nations General Assembly.
How will the refund work — and when will my loans be forgiven?
The dollar’s biggest moves may be behind it, but many pro fessionals expect the dollar to at least stay this high a while.
Before calling your loan pro vider to request your refund, you need to know your account num ber and the amount you want re funded.
Northern Ireland is the only part of the United Kingdom that shares a border with an EU mem ber, and Brexit has brought new customs checks and paperwork for Northern Ireland trade, an is sue that has spiraled into a polit ical crisis for the power-sharing government in Belfast.
DOLLAR from page B5 Total Cash & Bond Proceeds $2,939,733,389 Add Receipts $139,441,090 Less Disbursements $225,794,348 Reserved Cash $125,000,000 Unreserved Cash Balance Total $6,638,455,203 Disaster reimbursements: $115,300,000 For the week ending 9/16
You’re eligible for debt relief if you had an annual federal in come below $125,000 individu ally or $250,000 if you’re mar ried or head of household in 2020 or 2021. The application is
expected to open in early Octo ber and you can apply until Dec. 31,It2023.isunclear when borrow ers will see debt relief. So far, the plan only mentions borrow ers will be notified by their loan servicer when their debt is for given. There is also a possibility that forgiveness could be delayed if the Biden administration faces legal challenges.
The deadline to apply for a re fund is December 31, 2023. How ever, Welbeck recommends that you apply for a refund before you apply for debt forgiveness.
Northern Ireland’s peace process.
How can I apply for a refund?
The Associated Press
Say you had $15,000 worth of debt remaining at the beginning of the payment freeze and have since paid $8,000, but qualify for $10,000 in debt relief. You might decide to ask for a refund of just $3,000. Then, your debt balance will be exactly $10,000, and you can apply for maximum loan for giveness.
How to get a student loan refund if you paid during pandemic
A strong dollar helps U.S. Tourists, right?
Where’s the dollar heading from here?
For some people, that refund will be automatic. You can get a refund without applying if your payments brought your loan bal ance below the maximum debt relief amount: $10,000 for all borrowers, and $20,000 for Pell Grant recipients. Borrowers can check their balance in their stu dentaid.gov account.
A string of other companies have given similar warnings re cently, and further gains for the dollar could add more pressure on profits. Companies in the S&P 500 index get roughly 40% of their revenue from outside the United States, according to FactSet.
That bias toward still-higher rates by the Fed should contin ue to offer support for the value of the U.S. dollar.
Who is eligible for a refund?
Anothererased.group of people that has to apply for a refund is those who completely paid off their loan balance during the pandem ic. If that’s you, you’re eligible for loan forgiveness, but you’ll have to request a refund prior to ap plying for debt relief. Borrowers should confirm their eligibility
The application process for loan forgiveness is expected to take four to six weeks.
No. U.S. companies that sell abroad are seeing their profits getAtsqueezed.McDonald’s, revenue fell 3% during the summer from a year earlier. But if the dol lar’s value had simply stayed put against other currencies, the company’s revenue would have been 3% higher. Micro soft, meanwhile, said changes in foreign-currency values sliced $595 million off its revenue in the latest quarter.
The war in Ukraine will be top most in Truss’s message when she makes her debut speech to the United Nations as British leader on Wednesday, urging more sup port for Kyiv and calling on na tions to stop buying Russian oil andAftergas. the United States, the United Kingdom has been one of the biggest contributors of mili tary and civilian aid to Ukraine.
Youamount.might pick this option if, during the pandemic, you paid enough to get your debt below the maximum amount of forgive ness. You could get a partial re fund, then apply to have your re maining debt wiped out.
Borrowers who hold eligible federal student loans and have made voluntary payments since March 13, 2020, can get a re fund, according to the Depart ment of Education.
Truss said she was more focused on obtaining accession to the Trans-Pacific trade partnership and striking trade deals with India and the Gulf Cooperation Coun cil of states including Saudi Arabia
Yes. U.S. travelers in Tokyo spending 10,000 yen on dinner will be using 23% fewer dollars than a year ago for the samepricedWithmeal.thedollar up sharply so far this year against everything from the Argentine peso to the Egyptian pound to the South Korean won, the dollar is going further in many countries than before.
Britain’s Truss doesn’t expect UK-US trade deal anytime soon
Borrowers who want a specif ic amount refunded can apply by calling their loan service provid er. Right now, refunds are only being done via phone and not through any website or email.
For example, if a borrower paid $100 a month for 10 months of the pandemic and their bal ance is now $8,000, that $1,000 will automatically be refunded. Then they can apply to get the rest of their debt forgiven.
loan servicers found themselves inundated with calls. But many borrowers now say they’re not waiting long when calling.
You can get a refund for the entire amount you paid during the payment freeze, according to the Department of Education. However, you can choose a low er
Truss said a trans-Atlantic deal is not one of her priorities — a sharp contrast with the stance of her immediate predecessors as Conservative prime minister, Boris Johnson and Theresa May. Both dangled the promise of a deal with the world’s biggest economy as one of the main prizes of Britain’s exit from the European Union.
When you request a refund, the amount that you have paid during the payment freeze will be added back to your student loan balance, said Katherine Welbeck, Civil Rights Counsel for the Student Borrower Protec tionThatCenter.amount is still eligible for cancellation and can be eliminat ed after you apply for forgiveness.
The Department of Education is offering a subscription page where you can sign up to be noti fied when the application is open.
Truss wants to reassure allies that she’ll maintain the staunch sup port shown by Johnson. She will promise that in 2023 Britain will “match or exceed” the 2.3 billion pounds ($2.7 billion) in military aid given to Ukraine this year. British

A strong dollar can put a fi nancial squeeze across the devel oping world. Many companies and governments in such emerg ing markets borrow money in U.S.-dollar terms, instead of in their own currencies. When they must repay their debts in U.S. dollars, while their own curren cies buy fewer dollars by the day, it can create lots of stress.
When will i get my refund?
How much can I get refunded?
If you are not sure which loan you have, visit your dashboard at studentaid.gov and find the “my loan servicers” section. If you can’t access your dashboard, you can call the Federal Student Aid office at 1-800-433-3243 to ask for loan servicer information.
Graduates walk at a Harvard Commencement ceremony held for the classes of 2020 and 2021, Sunday, May 29, 2022, in Cambridge, Mass.

Borrowerschoice.who paid down their debt during a pandem ic freeze that started in March 2020 can in fact get a refund — and then apply for forgiveness – but the process for doing that hasn’t always been clear.
Any other collateral damage?
Even with lower-cost items from budget-friendly retailers like Amazon and Target, fur nishing an entire space gets cost ly. And if you want higher-end items, a premium couch or bed room set alone can run you sev eral thousand dollars.
“It’s a historical moment ... and I didn’t want to miss it,” said Manchester area resident Natalie Dotson. “So we found an English pub on Google. And then we’ve just come in today to watch (the funeral).”Sipping her drink, Parisian Martine Paranthoen said she had “a little bit of a tight heart ... be cause for me the queen was im mortal.”InBritain, 125 movie theaters opened their doors to broadcast Monday’s funeral live.
First, see what you can get for free
Before you venture into the Ikea maze or go down a rab bit hole of online shopping, see what your local community has to offer. Ask people you know if there’s anything they’re getting rid“Yourof. friends and family may be moving, too,” says Henna Noor, a full-time student at the University of California, Irvine. Noor recently moved into her first apartment with a furniture budget of under $700 and scored a free couch from her girlfriend’s
selves from his legacy.
parents. “It might benefit them to get rid of an item without having to pay to move it or try to sell it before they go.”
“There are limited options at a store like Ikea,” says Miranda Escobar, a marketing manager at a tech startup in New York City , who moved from Manhattan to Brooklyn in April. “A peer mar ketplace opens you up to differ ent, unexpected furniture styles.”
To save on furniture, try turn ing to your community and peerto-peer resale platforms to find quality secondhand pieces, and
IF YOU’RE SETTLING into a new home, you might be look ing to fill it with furniture. But after your rent or mortgage, se curity deposit and moving ex penses, there might not be much left over for your dream couch or dining room set. But between lo cal resale apps, social media pag es, thrift stores and your own friends and family, searching off the beaten path of big-box stores can lead you to unexpected trea sures that make your new res idence feel like home without tanking your budget.

Space out expenses
Some of the coverage was ac companied, however, by discus sions on the legacy of British co lonialism and how — or even whether — the queen’s life should be celebrated in a former British colony like South Africa.
The four had not been seen to gether since before Juan Carlos unexpectedly left Spain in 2020 amid financial scandals. Since then, the royal family has made obvious efforts to distance them
“It can take hours of digging to find the true steals,” says Noor. Noor checked the OfferUp app daily for a week before her move, keeping an eye out for fresh list ings from users who needed to get rid of items quickly.
Many neighborhoods also have “Buy Nothing” Facebook groups you can join to give and receive household items. However, you’ll likely need to find a way to trans port the items, possibly by rent ing or borrowing a truck, or get ting a friend to help you.
B7 North State Journal for Wednesday, September 21, 2022
The Associated Press
Tom Fell, a 42-year-old British citizen living in Hong Kong for the past three years, said it was “so hard” to be away for the fu neral.“Iremember I was at Prin cess Diana’s funeral. I was at the Queen Mother’s funeral. To feel the level of grief and loss, but not to be able to be part of it, makes it harder,” he said.
If you’re shopping at peer-topeer marketplaces, garage sales or estate sales, take the oppor tunity to bargain. Note that the
Waiting on the lower-priority items can ensure you’re ready to snag pieces at rock-bottom pric es from users who are up against moving deadlines; they’re like ly to take the best offer available.
Don’t be afraid to talk to your neighbors or make a request on social media; the people in your life are likely happy to help you navigate this exciting life change.
Furnish your new place
In former British colony of Hong Kong, many among the hundreds of mourners who gath ered with candles and flowers outside the British Consulate on Monday night watched the live broadcast on shared devices.
In central Paris, locals min gled with British tourists at The Cricketer pub to catch the cer emony on screens more accus
tomed to sports coverage.
Peer-to-peer resale platforms
Try peer-to-peer platforms
seller is often trying to get rid of the item, but also try to offer a price within a reasonable range — lowballing may not get you a response.“Ialways compare with simi lar items on the market,” Escobar says. If it’s a name-brand or vin tage piece, look up what it would cost to buy new or what other re sellers are listing it for. Know ing the ballpark value of the item you want can help you negoti ate more confidently with a sell er and steer clear of listings with unreasonable prices.
also spacing out your purchases strategically.
On the other side of the En glish Channel in staunchly re publican France, broadcasters scrapped normal programming to carry up to 12 hours of live footage Monday.
like OfferUp, Letgo and Face book Marketplace feature thou sands of secondhand items. You might be able to find some hid den gems sitting within a 5-mile radius of your new place.
story, even amid rolling electric ity cuts across the country that have dominated the news for days. Radio stations also led with news of the procession.
Patience is helpful when shop ping retail, too: Out-of-season furniture is discounted in winter and summer to make room for new items arriving in the spring and fall, and most stores offer significant discounts around hol idays like Black Friday and La bor Day. At thrift stores, furni ture stock can change regularly, and waiting for the right deal on a secondhand piece could save you more than buying it new.
ATHENS, Greece — In mov ie theatres and pubs, on giant screens and smartphones, people watched and pundits droned on as Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral in London flooded the airwaves live across time zones and continents.
Escobar’s go-to is Facebook Marketplace, where she search es a single keyword like “dress er” and then refines the results by color, material, price and lo cation. For example, she might search for wood items under $50 within 2 miles of her new ad dress.However, some locales have more listings than others, and it can be time-consuming to sort through the results. Not all items are priced to sell, either; some sellers are more motivated by making a profit than getting rid of old items.
Spanish national public broad caster RTVE offered almost min ute-by-minute coverage. But what grabbed viewers’ attention was an issue of domestic con cern — the sight of former King Juan Carlos and his wife, for mer Queen Sofía, sitting in the church next to Spain’s current king and queen, their son Felipe and his wife Letizia.
The Associated Press
South Africa’s national televi sion broadcaster SABC carried the funeral live as its headline
Haggle respectfully
If you need something imme diately, like a table for example, try finding an inexpensive place holder piece to use for now, such as a low-cost folding table. You can always upgrade later when you have the funds. on a budget
sale sign stands outside a home in this 2022 file photo. AP PHOTO A family watches television coverage of the state funeral of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II, at their home in the low-income Kibera neighborhood of Nairobi, Kenya Monday, Sept. 19, 2022. features ‘I didn’t want to miss it’: Royal funeral on global live TV

In Germany, public broad casters ARD and ZDF dedicat ed hours of detailed live coverage and commentary, as did private all-news channels — though at least one of those later switched to a live shot of the hearse on one
side of the screen while business as usual resumed on the rest of it.
Moving season is almost over. But if you’re one of the many peo ple settling into a new home right now, you might feel like the fur niture-buying season is just get ting started. And that can get ex pensive.After paying rent, a security deposit or mortgage down pay ment — plus all the costs asso ciated with moving — furniture can come as an afterthought, leaving a less-than-ideal budget for the items that make your new place feel like home.
“Of course, you want to get your new place feeling like home immediately,” Escobar says. “But it’s better to be patient and wait for pieces at the right prices that really fit the space.”
pen & paper pursuits

from September 14, 2022 sudoku solutions
B12 North State Journal for Wednesday, September 21, 2022
“The murals are against city ordinances, and while we tried different avenues to keep them, our choices were only to either keep the murals or be able to open our doors.”
The Stanly County Historical Society will hold its annual member appreciation banquet on September 29, where Dr. Charles Coble will serve as the keynote speaker. Coble is the nephew of the late Warren L. Coble, who flew on companion flights for both atomic bomb missions over Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II. Dr. Coble will give a presentation on the 1945 nuclear bomb droppings, which will include personal recollections from his uncle’s mission and rare photographs. The dinner is scheduled to take place from 6 until 8:15 pm at the Family Education Center of the Central United Methodist Church at 172 N. Second Street in Albemarle. The cost is $10 per member.
The Buzzed Viking Brewing Company taproom and restau rant, owned by Jon Pokorny and Mike Moroe, is gearing up to open its second location in Octo ber or November after beginning with a Concord location two years ago. Specializing in the fermented honey drink mead and a diverse food menu, the brewery will be located at 805 W. Main St. in a 5,000-square-foot space where Outfitters Steaks and Seafood pre viouslyAfteroperated.hiring Charlotte street artist Shane Pierce (who works un der the moniker Abstract Dissent)
LOCUST — The owners of an upcoming Locust brewery recent ly decided to paint over a newly-in stalled mural design to avoid a de lay of its opening that is set for some time this autumn.
“Detecting a number of West Nile virus infections is a reminder to take precautions, especially because there are two months of active transmission season ahead of us.”
The business could either erase the artwork and move forward with the construction process or be forced to encounter a three-tofour month delay by re-submitting a plan to both the Locust Planning & Zoning Department and Locust CityBuzzedCouncil.Viking Brewing Com pany posted online that it was “disappointed but not mad” after choosing to paint over the murals in order to avoid the local govern mental gridlock: “The murals are against city ordinances, and while we tried different avenues to keep them, our choices were only to ei ther keep the murals or be able to open our doors so we chose to open to the public as soon as we possi
West Nile virus is one of sever al mosquito-borne viruses which may infect people in North Car olina. Others include eastern equine encephalitis virus and La Crosse virus. Insect repellants are effective against the mosqui to species that carry these dis eases.For more information on pre vention of mosquito bites and West Nile virus visit the NCDH HS Division of Public Health website at www.cdc.gov/westnile/faq/rehs.gov/cd/diseases/wnv.htmlhttps://epi.dph.ncdhand
A Change.org petition asking for the city to allow the repainting of the mural has recently started gaining traction on Facebook. As of Sept. 20, the petition has sur passed its 1,500 signature goal in order to spread awareness of the situation.
ty to reduce mosquito breeding near their homes.”
number of cases, NCDHHS rec ommends that citizens use mos quito repellent that contains DEET (or equivalent) when out side in areas where mosquitos might be present, install or re pair screens on windows and doors to keep mosquitos out, to reduce mosquito breeding emp tying standing water from yards.
Fall is the time of year when most cases of mosquito borne illnesses are reported. With an already higher-than-average
“I’m not anti-art, and in my opinion, a mural is not a sign,” Haigler continued. “I can’t say that our sign ordinance specifically dis cusses or covers murals. I have since had conversations with our city administrator asking that we seek ordinances from other towns specifically dealing with street art and murals… The only issue I have with it at all is that when the origi nal plan was presented by the own ers and conditional zoning was requested and approved by the council; the mural was not men tioned or presented. By NC law, conditional zoning is specific to that request.”
Buzzed BrewingVikingCo.statement
North State Journal
NCDHHS reports increased West Nile Virus activity across the state
to spray-paint an image of a Viking with a battle-axe on the side of its building, along with other art piec es, Buzzed Viking came to a cross roads this month when faced with potential Locust city zoning issues.

blyLocustcan.” Councilman Mike Haigler addressed the situation in a social media post on Sept. 16:
Coble to headline the annual historical society banquet
Stanfield furniture store destroyed in fire
Numerous emergency services crews responded to a multi-alarm fire this past Friday after a large furniture shop in Stanfield erupted in flames. Morgan Chair, which has operated in Stanly County since the 1980s, was completely destroyed in the fire. The West Stanly Fire Department was the first to arrive at the building on 391 Sunset Lake Road before issuing additional requests for help from Midland, Union, and Cabarrus units. Black smoke is reported to have been seen for miles. Fortunately, only one employee was at the building when the flames broke out, and no one was injured.
While the majority of people who become infected with West Nile virus usually experience ei ther no symptoms or a mild, flulike illness, about 20% of infected people will develop a fever with other symptoms such as head
Michael Doyle, State Public Health Entomologist
ache, body aches, joint pains, vomiting, diarrhea or rash. In about 1% of infections, West Nile virus causes serious conditions, including encephalitis (inflam mation of the brain), meningitis (inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord) and standingquitotionsgist.StateaheadoflyerNilecases.virussurrounding(inflammationmeningoencephalitisofthebrainandtissues).WestNilecanleadtodeathinsome“DetectinganumberofWestvirusinfectionsisaremindtotakeprecautions,especialbecausetherearetwomonthsactivetransmissionseasonofus,”saidMichaelDoyle,PublicHealthEntomolo“Peopleshouldtakeprecauwhenoutsidetowearmosrepellentandbyemptyingwaterontheirproper
By Jesse Deal North State Journal
The mural that was painted at Buzzed Viking Brewing Co. photographed before it was painted over due to town restrictions.
RALEIGH — Public health of ficials from the North Carolina Department of Health and Hu man Services (NCDHHS) are en couraging residents and visitors to take precautions to prevent mosquito-borne illness following recent cases of West Nile virus in several parts of the state.
The four reported human cas es of West Nile virus is double the average number of cases at this point in the year. The aver age number of cases by the end of August each year is two.
“The mural on Buzzed Viking was pretty cool, and I don’t think it was offensive. I know it wasn’t every one’s taste or what they wanted Lo cust to look like. And that’s okay.”
58 2017752016 $0.50 VOLUME 5 ISSUE 49 | WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2022 | STANLYJOURNAL.COM SUBSCRIBE TODAY: 336-283-6305
Buzzed Viking Brewing Co. moves forward without mural due to Locust zoning issues
If you or a family member might have the contracted the West Nile virus, the NCDHHS recommends that you reach out to your health care provider as soon as possible.
“What it may be is that we’re seeing an easing of some of the is sues that were caused by the pan demic — speeding, open roads, risky driving issues,” Brooks said. “Traffic is returning to normal, the roads aren’t as empty as they were.”“The fact is the fatality rate is still very, very high,” he said. “There is a lot that remains to be
WEDNESDAY 9.21.22 conversation”“Join#255the WEEKLY CRIME LOG ♦ CABRERA, INMAR YOVANIS (I /M/27), TRAFFICKING IN COCAINE, 09/19/2022, Stanly County Sheriff`S Office ♦ DENNIS, CLYDE DALE (W /M/24), RESISTING PUBLIC OFFICER, 09/19/2022, Stanly County Sheriff`S Office ♦ MUSSELWHITE, TYLER RYAN (W /M/30), Sheriff`S09/19/2022,CONCEALMENTSHOPLIFTINGGOODS,StanlyCountyOffice ♦ ZAGADA, GUMERSINDO RANJEL (W /M/56), INDECENT LIBERTIES WITH A CHILD, 09/19/2022, Stanly County Sheriff`S Office ♦ DAVIS, CODY LANE (W /M/27), Sheriff`S09/18/2022,METHAMPHETAMINE,PWIMSDStanlyCountyOffice ♦ LOWERY, JOHN FRANKLIN (W /M/45), Sheriff`S09/18/2022,METHAMPHETAMINE,PWIMSDStanlyCountyOffice ♦ ROLLINS, BRANDY LEE (W /F/40), SIMPLE POSSESS SCH II CS, 09/17/2022, Stanly County Sheriff`S Office ♦ BREWER, MONTIE KRISHUN (B /M/23), POSSESSION OF FIREARM BY FELON, 09/15/2022, Stanly County Sheriff`S Office ♦ CHARLES, CHRISTOPHER DAVID (W /M/38), CRIME AGAINST 09/15/2022,NATURE,Stanly County Sheriff`S Office ♦ LEVERICH, NICHOLAS JACOB (W /M/34), Sheriff`S09/15/2022,METHAMPHETAMINE,POSSESSStanlyCountyOffice ♦ GRIFFIN, KRISTIN LEILANI (W /F/41), RESISTING PUBLIC OFFICER, 09/14/2022, Stanly County Sheriff`S Office ♦ BROWN, MARYBETH (W /F/25), CONSP ARMED ROBBERY Sheriff`S09/13/2022,BUS/PERS,StanlyCountyOffice WEEKLY FORECAST AP PHOTO Emergency crews work the scene of a fatal crash in this 2020 file photo. AP PHOTO Get in touch Stanly County Journal www stanlyjournal.com US traffic deaths dip in Q2 but still high as pandemic eases Book of Limbaugh radio commentary to be published Oct. 25 WEDNESDAY SEPT 21 HI 89 LO 65° PRECIP 5% THURSDAY SEPT 22 HI 91° LO 5 4° PRECIP 24% FRIDAY SEPT 23 HI 74° LO 49° PRECIP 1% SATURDAY SEPT 24 HI 7 7° LO 55° PRECIP 3% SUNDAY SEPT 25 HI 8 3° LO 61° PRECIP 24% MONDAY SEPT 26 HI 7 9° LO 5 3° PRECIP 4 4% TUESDAY SEPT 27 HI 75° LO 50° PRECIP 8% This 25.publishingLimbaugh,thecommentaryofaof“Radio’sEditionsbyimagecoverreleasedThresholdshowsGreatestAllTime”compilationradiobylateRushOct.
Carlson said that because the es timates for this year are early, the agency doesn’t have specifics about why fatalities dropped. Agency es timates are typically close to ac tual numbers, which won’t be re leased until later in the year.
Estimates from the Nation al Highway Traffic Safety Admin istration show that 20,175 peo ple died in crashes from January through June, a 0.5% increase over the same period last year.
The agency estimated that 10,590 people died this year on roadways from April to June, nearly 5% few er than the same period a year ago.
NHTSA Acting Administrator Ann Carlson told a group of state safety officials Monday that she hopes the recent decline is the be ginning of a downward trend, but that the number of deaths remains unacceptable. “That is not the new normal we want,” she told the Gov ernors Highway Safety Associa tion.Fatalities began to rise two years ago when roads were largely empty due to stay-at-home orders in many states. With less traffic, speeds increased as did reckless and impaired driving, leading to a record spike in deaths last year. Many people weren’t wearing seat belts, the government said.
The Associated Press
There also was a small sec ond-quarter drop in the traffic death rate per 100 million miles driven, from 1.34 in the second quarter of 2021, to 1.27 this year, Carlson said.
DETROIT — The number of people killed on U.S. roadways fell slightly from April through June, the first decline in two years as pandemic-era reckless driving ap peared to ease. But the govern ment says the number of deaths re mains at a crisis level.
2 Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, September 21, 2022
Yet the second-quarter decline ended a string of seven straight quarterly increases that began in the summer of 2020 with the on set of the coronavirus pandemic.
Auto safety advocates welcomed the dip but said there is more the Biden administration can be doing to reduce traffic fatalities.
deaths are preventable, not inevi table, and we should act accord ingly,” he said in a statement.
Stanly County Journal ISSN: 2575-2278 Neal Robbins Publisher Matt Mercer Editor in Chief Griffin Daughtry Local News Editor Cory Lavalette Sports Editor Frank Hill Senior Opinion Editor Lauren Rose Design Editor Published each Wednesday as part of North State Journal 1550 N.C. Hwy 24/27 W, Albemarle, N.C. 28001 TO SUBSCRIBE:
done.”Buttigieg earlier this year un veiled a national strategy aimed at reversing the trend of ris ing deaths, including new feder al guidance and billions in grants under President Joe Biden’s infra structure law over the next two years to spur states and localities to lower speed limits and embrace safer road design. But auto safe ty groups say the Biden adminis tration has remained slow to act in other areas, such as rulemaking to mandate automatic emergency braking in all passenger vehicles as required under the 2021 infra structure law.
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said while deaths may be declining, they are still at levels that require urgent action. “These
The Associated Press NEW YORK — A compilation of radio commentary by the late Rush Limbaugh, from his early years on the air to his decades as a bombastic and influential voice in conservative politics, will be pub lished Oct. Threshold25.Editions, a conserva tive imprint of Simon & Schuster, announced Wednesday that “Ra dio’s Greatest of All Time” will in clude contributions from former President Donald Trump, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. The book was curated in part by Limbaugh’s widow, Kathryn Ad ams Limbaugh, and his brother, David“ThisLimbaugh.bookiswritten in appre ciation of the millions of listen ers who Rush considered to be his extended family and ‘the greatest audience in the world,’” Thresh old’s announcement reads in part. Limbaugh died of lung cancer in 2021 at

“I think it’s premature to be hopeful about the slight dip in fa talities especially considering the tremendous loss that we’ve expe rienced over the last couple years,” said Cathy Chase, president of Ad vocates for Highway and Auto Safety.“We do know good safety sys tems, if implemented, will prevent many crashes,” she said.
Nearly 43,000 people were killed on U.S. roads last year, the highest number in 16 years as Americans returned to the roads. The 10.5% jump over 2020 num bers was the largest percentage in crease since NHTSA began its fa tality data collection system in 1975. age 70. In his lifetime, he published the bestsellers “The Way Things Ought to Be” and “See, I Told You So.” Raleigh,Suite1201NorthSendPOSTMASTER:mailingatPeriodicalsAnnualSTANLYJOURNAL.COM336-283-6305SubscriptionPrice:$50.00PostagePaidRaleigh,N.C.andatadditionaloffices.addresschangesto:StateJournalEdwardsMillRd.300NC27607
For many months now, crashes have declined even as deaths have surged, suggesting reckless driving that could now be declining as of fices reopen and more cars return to the road, said Michael Brooks, executive director of the nonprofit Center for Auto Safety.

So, yes, cheer.
A commitment to America
President Joe
In addition to economic and border security, we are also dedicated to protecting public health. Just last week, my bipartisan MOBILE Health Care Act advanced in Congress to expand access to health care in rural and underserved communities. These are the kinds of commonsense solutions you deserve.
Biden Democratsand onracespecificbutbackorTheouryourissuesmostaddressactionappropriatetohaveWashingtoninfailedtaketothepressingfacingfamilyandcountry.GOPmaymaynotwintheSenatewhichSenatehasturnedDobbs?
President Joe Biden’s fortunes, miserable only a few months ago, have suddenly turned around. The Economist says that cheering on Dobbs was “one of the worst political decisions of recent memory.”
Full bans, without exemptions in cases of rape and incest — even if it is morally consistent — are probably never going to be popular nationally. But most Republican-run states allow for some level of firsttrimester abortions, a position more in line with the mainstream than
Overdose deaths, primarily from fentanyl poisoning, hit an all-time high last year and are now the leading causes of death for Americans aged 18-45. This epidemic is plaguing communities across the country, including in North Carolina. Last week, I met with a mom from Sanford who tragically lost her son to an accidental encounter with fentanyl. She has courageously turned this tragedy into motivation to help other families, but we must do more to ensure no one has to endure the same heartache.Whydo Democrats in Washington continue to ignore these crises? Last week, Speaker Nancy Pelosi called Congress back to Washington after a 6-week recess. However, House Democrats did not bring forward any legislation related to stopping inflation, securing the border, or promoting public security. Instead, their focus was on making the census process less transparent.Itdoesn’thave to be this way. House Republicans have a plan to turn things around called a “Commitment to America.”

The evidence that Dobbs has been a critical factor in undermining Republican fortunes is unconvincing in other areas as well. A Reuters/ Ipsos poll finds that only 8% of Democrats view “the end of national abortion rights” as their most important issue. Most other polling comes to similar conclusions. Were any of these people going to vote for Republicans to begin with? Conservative enthusiasm remains high.
Absolutely Dobbs was worth it
However, these bad decisions are not limited to the economy. Since President Biden took office and opened our southern border, nearly 4 million illegal immigrants have been apprehended coming across. In July, there were 199,976 illegal immigrant encounters – the 17th straight month over 150,000 and almost the entire population of the city of Fayetteville. Even in the face of these facts, officials like Vice President Harris and Press Secretary Jean-Pierre claimed last week that the “border is secure.” The truth is that President Biden and House Democrats’ open border policies have created a migrant crisis and jeopardized public safety across the country. The greatest threat comes from allowing deadly drugs like
CONVENTIONAL D.C. wisdom says Republicans are about to pay a heavy political price for supporting the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision that overturned Roe v. Wade. The prospects of a red wave election are deteriorating. An “invisible army of women” are flocking to register to vote. Dobbs has fired up Democrats.
Richard Hudson is serving his fifth term representing North Carolina’s 8th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives. He currently serves on the Energy and Commerce Committee and in House leadership as the Republican Conference Secretary.
Last week, we learned inflation remains up 8.3% from last year. The cost of daily essentials like electricity, groceries, and transportation remain sky high, up 15.8%, 13.5%, and 11.3%, respectively. Despite the hardship these price hikes are causing, Washington Democrats continue to prioritize liberal, inflation-driving policies such as their so-called “Inflation Reduction Act,” a measure that will raise your taxes, grow federal bureaucracy, and make inflation worse. Biden’s student loan plan will also unfairly force you to pay for others’ student loans. At a time when folks are struggling just to pay for the basics, the last thing you need is more taxes and more reckless government spending.
“FOR WE ARE GIVEN POWER not to advance our own purposes, nor to make a great show in the world, nor a name. There is but one just use of power, and it is to serve people.”
Historically, midterms during the first term of a new president are tough on any administration. Despite the White House’s risible contention that the economy is humming, few people buy it. A new Marist poll finds that 62% of Americans believe we’re in a recession. The economy is, by far, the top concern of voters.
Whether it’s the economy, border security, or public health, Democratic leadership has neglected their obligation to serve the people – but I never will. Through our plan, the “Commitment to America,” I will continue to work hard to hold those who dodge their responsibilities accountable and to produce real solutions to the problems facing you and your family.
The GOP may or may not win back the Senate — I’m no prognosticator — but which specific Senate race has turned on Dobbs? In Pennsylvania, where even the Democratic Party’s existing senator still pretends to be pro-life, polls show Dr. Mehmet Oz tightening the race against John Fetterman. Herschel Walker seems to be gaining on Raphael Warnock, as is Adam Laxalt on Cortez Masto.
Our commitment is to get our economy back on track by cutting needless government spending, lowering taxes, and building an economic environment that encourages growth and lowers costs. We will also enact proven measures to secure our border and stop the flow of drugs like fentanyl by keeping “Remain in Mexico” in place, maintaining Title 42 authority, giving Customs and Border Patrol the resources it needs, and finishing the wall.
Few on the left, of course, need to worry about the consequences of their radical position because they are almost never asked to defend it. But, if, say, Gov. Ron DeSantis is the presidential nominee in 2024, he will be defending Florida’s 15-week ban against Biden’s NARALendorsed extremism. I’m not sure that works out exactly how Democrats imagine.Democrats have been fooling themselves with faulty and push polling for years. Even if we conceded the tepid swing in national momentum toward Democrats is real, it could be attributable to any number of issues, including an easing of high gas prices. Yet I keep reading stories about how abortion has put Republican control of the Senate in jeopardy.
3Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, September 21, 2022
You might also cheer because if someone had told you 10, or even five, years ago that Roe would be overturned, you wouldn’t have believed them. Roe has been treated as a sacred text for over 50 years, not only by the press but by most of our institutions. The “right” to terminate life for convenience’s sake had been irrecoverably tethered to feminism and progress. For millions, it probably remains the only SCOTUS decision they can name. And once the left procures a new “right,” it rarely relinquishes it. The prospect of there being six justices willing to uphold the Constitution in the face of this immense pressure was improbable, to say the least.

After decades of indoctrination on abortion “rights,” it’s also almost surely the case that a majority of Americans were under the impression that overturning Roe would mean a national ban on abortion. One recent poll found that 52% of registered Democrats still believe the Supreme Court outlawed abortions in the United States. The realization that this isn’t so may also temper any outrage over Dobbs. Then again, even if it didn’t, it would be worth it.
the Democrats’ maximalist position on abortion on demand, for any reason, until birth, funded by the taxpayers.

This quote from former President George H.W. Bush reminds us that the sole purpose of political leadership is to serve the people and develop solutions to the problems most important to you. Unfortunately, many of those who have been entrusted with leading this nation have forgotten this responsibility and have instead used their positions to pursue their ownPresidentagenda.Joe Biden and Democrats in Washington have failed to take appropriate action to address the most pressing issues facing your family and our country. Instead, Washington Democrats have largely ignored challenges or pushed leftist policies that have crushed our economy, made you less safe, threatened your freedom, and made the federal government bigger and less accountable.
And, surely, once Roe was overturned, there would be a tumultuous political upheaval with a massive price tag? Even if we accept everything we’re hearing about the political fallout over Dobbs, the blowback is quite underwhelming. If a two-point swing in the presidential approval rating during a midterm election is the price for overturning Roe, then it was maybe the greatest bargain in history.
Just because Dobbs was “worth” celebrating doesn’t mean Republicans shouldn’t have been better prepared for the probable outcome. It always amazes me how timid and ineffective Republicans are at making the pro-life case, which makes me suspect many of them are unhappy that pro-life legislation is no longer just a theoretical proposition.
David Harsanyi is a senior editor at The Federalist. Harsanyi is a nationally syndicated columnist and author of five books — the most recent, “Eurotrash: Why America Must Reject the Failed Ideas of a Dying Continent.”

Even if all of this were true, and I’m highly skeptical it is, “cheering on” the Dobbs decision was completely worth it. Just as cheering the overturning of Dred Scott v. Sanford or Schenck v. United States was worth it. Not everything is about short-term partisan gain.
fentanyl to flood our communities.
Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor

Chris Buescher celebrates in Victory Lane after winning Saturday’s NASCAR Cup Series race at Bristol.

won with a late call for two tires on the final pit stop. “It’s special to get RFK into Victory Lane for the first time.”Keselowski, who left a long suc cessful career at Team Penske to become an owner and driver at re branded RFK, won the first stage for his first stage victory of the sea son. He congratulated Buescher both on-track and in victory lane.
Dick Harpootlian, South Carolina state senator
“The only state money commit ted to this project has been invest ed in accelerating the construction of a new interchange in one of the fastest growing parts of the state,” governor’s spokesman Brian Sym mes said in a statement.
The Flyers finished with a 25-46-11 record last season under Alain Vigneault and Mike Yeo and were last in the Metropolitan Division. The team hired John Tortorella in the offseason for what is expected to be a rebuilding year.
“I don’t think anybody is safe,” Elliott said. “Nobody is safe in these rounds. And we want to do better, too.”The opening race of the sec ond round of the playoffs is Sun day at Texas Motor Speedway. Ryan Blaney won the All-Star race there in May, and Larson won the play off race there last season when Texas opened the third round and Larson’s victory earned him an au tomatic berth in the championship finale.
It was the first points-paying win for RFK — then called Roush Fen way Racing — since Daytona in 2017, and the first non-superspeed way win on an oval since Carl Ed wards won at Bristol in 2014.
But state Sen. Dick Harpoot lian, who has been a critic of the project since 2019, said last week on the Senate floor that the state “got suckered in by the lure of a football team and a billionaire.”
The Democrat asked McMas ter to sue Tepper so he can’t make as much money off the land he still owns near the new interchange.
Defense attorney Steve Haney says the vehicle and the gun didn’t belong to Bates. Bates averaged nearly 10 points a game last season as a freshman at Memphis. He missed much of the season with a back injury. Bates will return to court on Oct. 6.
GT Real Estate Holdings had offered $21 million to York Coun ty. It suggested giving the proceeds from selling part of its site in Rock Hill so the city would get at least $20Butmillion.thecounty and city have filed separate lawsuits and court papers. York County said it is en titled to more than $80 million in part to get back money from a special penny sales tax that was supposed to expand a road but Tepper’s company used for the pro posed practice facility.
Tax breaks from the state for the Panthers were based on the num ber of jobs created by the team, so South Carolina didn’t directly lose money on the project. The state did
The 19 winners in a season has been done a record four other times in NASCAR history and Elliott, who cycled back to the points lead for the start of the second round of the playoffs, noted the first three races showed what a crapshoot the process is this year.
Rock Hill and York County continue to spar with the team and its owner
NASCAR Larson signs 3-year extension with Hendrick
The RFK Racing driver is the 19th different driver to win a race this season
4 Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, September 21, 2022 SPORTS
The Associated Press
“He got hoodooed by this guy. He’s worth $16 billion. He’s obviously hoodooed a few people here and there. He took our governor for a ride.”
NHL Flyers’ Couturier out again with injury
‘NFL Sunday Ticket’ outages ires fans
“Unfortunately, the City and County have instead chosen to pursue a flawed litigation strate gy, making exorbitant and unrea sonable demands well in excess of their entitlements,” GT Real Estate Holdings said in a statement.
Philadelphia Philadelphia Flyers center Sean Couturier suffered an undisclosed injury and will be re-evaluated during training camp. He is considered week-to-week. Couturier underwent back surgery in February and missed the rest of the season. He signed an eight-year, $62 million contract extension in 2021 and ended the season with 17 points in 29 games.
The second win of Buescher’s ca reer marked the first time in this format of NASCAR’s postseason that a playoff driver failed to win a race during a round. Erik Jones won the opener and Bubba Wallace won last Buescherweek.won for RFK Racing, the longtime Jack Roush-owned team that took on Brad Keselowski in the ownership group this season, to give the organization its first win in a points-paying Cup race in over five years. Buescher and Keselows ki both won a pair of exhibition rac es for RFK at Daytona in February.
NASCAR champion Kyle Larson signed a threeyear contract extension through 2026 with Hendrick Motorsports. The extension includes sponsor HendrickCars.com, which will sponsor the No. 5 Chevrolet for 35 races a season. Larson’s extension and the sponsorship renewal are concurrent. The original deal for HendrickCars.com to become Larson’s primary sponsor was announced last July when Rick Hendrick’s online automobile site enjoyed massive traffic spikes whenever it was featured on Larson’s car.
El Segundo, California DirecTV’s “NFL Sunday Ticket” package malfunctioned for the second straight week, causing fans trying to watch through the app or online to miss entire games. DirecTV said via social media that customers trying to stream the 1 p.m. EDT games were unable to through the app. Shortly after 4 p.m. EDT, they said the server problems were fixed and streaming could resume. This is the final season that DirecTV will be the exclusive carrier of “Sunday Ticket” — Amazon and Apple are among the bidders for the package of out-of-market games after commissioner Roger Goodell said during the summer that he expected a new carrier.
BRISTOL, Tenn. — Chris Buescher closed out a bizarre first round of the NASCAR Cup Series playoffs in which none of the title contenders won a race by becoming the 19th winner this season with his victory Saturday night at Bristol Motor Speedway.
Superior Township, Mich. College basketball player Emoni Bates has been charged with two felonies related to the discovery of a gun during a traffic stop near Ann Arbor, Michigan. Bates transferred to Eastern Michigan after one season at Memphis. Authorities say Bates was pulled over after failing to stop at an intersection Sunday night. Bates was released Monday.
“It’s special to get RFK into Victory Lane for the first time.”
Buescher wins Bristol; Harvick, Busch, RCR out of playoffs
Former top recruit Bates charged with 2 felonies
RCR teammates Austin Dillon and Tyler“ThisReddick.place is tough on the driv ers. It’s tough on the cars,” Reddick said. “You never know how it’s going to go.”Harvick, Busch and Dillon were all below the cutline headed into the race, but Harvick had a shot at the win until a wheel fell off his Ford during the final pit stop. He’d inher ited a near-clear path to the victo ry — and an automatic berth into the next round — when Keselowski got a flat tire and hit the wall while leading.“Just went from having a chance to lead the parade to being a part of the parade,” said Harvick, who not ed he was ahead of Buescher at the final pit Austinstop.Cindric barely advanced
provide about $35 million to build an interchange on Interstate 77 near the facility and state officials said Tepper’s company continues to pay its share for that work.
“This is so special, this team does such a good job,” said Buescher, who
Rock Hill sued for $20 million it spent on the project and has asked the bankruptcy case be heard in South Carolina, where most of the people who lost money are locat
Chris Buescher
Panthers withdraw city, county deal over abandoned facility
“He got hoodooed by this guy. He’s worth $16 billion. He’s obvi ously hoodooed a few people here and there. He took our governor for a ride,” Harpootlian said.
because he was one of the early Ford drivers to run into trouble with a flat tire. There was a rash of tire prob lems for Ford drivers, and it would have eliminated many of them if so many playoff drivers didn’t have problems.Among those who had no prob lems were Hendrick Motorsports teammates Chase Elliott and Wil liam Byron, who finished second and third in ChristopherChevrolets.Bellfinished fourth in a Toyota for Joe Gibbs Racing and was followed by Kyle Larson and Ross Chastain of Trackhouse Racing. Non-playoff drivers AJ All mendinger and Cole Custer finished seventh and eighth.
COLUMBIA, S.C. — Caroli na Panthers owner David Tepper’s real estate company wants to re voke a bankruptcy settlement it negotiated with the city and coun ty where its abandoned South Car olina practice facility was sup posed to be built because it says the governments are making exor bitant and unreasonable demands.
ed, instead of Delaware, where GT Real Estate Holdings is incorpo rated.Tepper announced plans to build an $800 million practice fa cility in Rock Hill in 2019 to much fanfare, saying it would rival the NFL’s best — such as the Dallas Cowboys.SouthCarolina Gov. Henry Mc Master and state and local offi cials aggressively pursued the NFL owner to move the Panthers head quarters across the state line from North Carolina, where they would continue to play games in Char lotte.Less than two years later, Tep per’s company halted work, saying Rock Hill and York County didn’t fulfill financing and other obli gations. Both the city and county have denied the allegations. York County’s lawyer didn’t re spond Wednesday to the latest bankruptcy filings. Rock Hill of ficials said the city is looking for ward to the dispute being heard in court.The latest proposal from Tep per’s company would lump the city and county in with most other con tractors. GT Real Estate Holdings said that would allow those con tractors to begin to make claims for their share of $60 million set aside for them in the bankruptcy settlement as soon as possible.
The showdown on the Bristol short track was the first elimination race of NASCAR’s playoffs and it was a nail-biter to the very end as at least a dozen of the 16 title contend ers had some sort of problem. There was a rash of flat tires for Ford driv ers, mechanical problems for Toy ota, an engine failure for Kyle Bus ch and Richard Childress Racing’s two drivers were both involved in a crash.The 16-driver field was cut by four, and eliminated from the play offs were Kevin Harvick, Busch and
The Associated Press
Panthers owner David Tepper’s real estate company filed court papers on Tuesday asking to revoke a bankruptcy settlement it was trying to make with a city and county in South Carolina over its abandoned practice facility.

Senior wide receiver Corrie Ellis racked up a team-high 59 receiving yards for Albemarle (1-4), while six different Bull dogs combined for nearly 100 rushing yards. Quarterback Dre Davis connected on 6 of 11 passes for 104 yards.
Rosy retrospection inflicts many people who closely watched the boxing greats of the 1960s, 1970s or 1980s. Most modern fighters don’t stand up to their memory of giants from an era when boxing attracted more of the world’s top athletes and reigned supreme on sports pages and tele vision with passion and drama.
Wide receivers Ju nior Hill, B.A. Harris and Gavyn Covington added a combined 88 yards.The Comets open up Yadkin Valley Con ference play on Friday when they host Union Academy, which start ed its season with a 42-0 win over Wake Prep Academy but has lost four in a row by an average of 35 points.
Canelo Alvarez, right, fights Gennady Golovkin in a super middleweight title boxing match on Saturday in Las Vegas.
5Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, September 21, 2022
(5-0).The Colts finish their noncon ference schedule Friday when Eastern Randolph becomes the first of three straight opponents to visit Oakboro.
“You see it. You see it,” Wilson said in the on-court celebration. “This is what we’re building. This is what we’re doing. This is it. I’m so happy right now.”
Hammon also paid tribute to former Aces coach Bill Laimbeer, who was on the floor for the cere mony: “He put this team together and saw the pieces.”
West Stanly suffered a 2412 loss at Oak Grove on Friday, dropping a second consecutive game after starting the season 3-0.Although running backs Shane Mecimore (100 yards) and Rene Salazar (125 yards) each found the end zone and helped the Colts (3-2) estab lish its ground game, the Griz zlies’ offense was too much as running back Isaiah McGuf fin racked up 112 yards and two scores and quarterback Connor Creech completed 12 of 23 pass es for 123 yards for Oak Grove
South Stanly suffered anoth er blowout loss Friday, losing 69-0 to unbeaten Cen tral Davidson (5-0). The Bulls (0-5) have been shut out in three of their five games and outscored by a 25023 margin this sea son. South Stanly has now lost 11 of its past 13 Ongames.Friday, the Bulls will host YVC confer ence opponent Mount Pleasant, which re cently snapped a twogame skid with a con vincing 30-9 win over Anson.
Canelo is correct, actually: The good old days weren’t always good, and modern boxing has plenty to offer — even if the sport’s most re cent showcase event didn’t deliver that punch in the gut.
“We champs! We champs! We champs!” Wilson screamed at teammates as they pulled on their championship hats and T-shirts before the trophy ceremony.
court, but they’re unbelievable hu mans, first and foremost,” Ham mon said. “They care about each other. They invest in each other. It’s been an absolute honor to be their coach. I saw excellence and I wanted to be a part of it.”
“Las Vegas, we are world cham pions,” Davis said.
By Pat Eaton-Robb The Associated Press
“When you come up short it cer tainly, really hurts,” Sun coach Curt Miller said. “But that means that there was something that mattered, and something special among that group of players.”
Albemarle lost for the second week in a row, drop ping a 21-14 decision at home to Southwestern Randolph.
Aces win first WNBA title
Boxing has declined in over all popularity from its peerless height, and the natural inclina tion is to assume the quality of the sport has declined as well. Cane lo Álvarez’s clear unanimous de cision victory over Gennady Golovkin on Saturday night is the biggest fight currently on the box ing calendar for the second half of
Oak Grove 24, West Stanly 12
Gray went 9 of 13 from the floor
“I think we had a great fight,” Álvarez insisted afterward. “Not every fight can be a knockout. That’s just boxing. That’s the way it always is. We had blood. We fought hard. My fans are happy.”
338 runningNorthAll-purposeyardsforStanlybackCameronSmithintheComets’40-34winoverRandleman
Central Davidson 69, South Stanly 0
The trilogy ended with two wins for Álvarez and a draw
Becky Hammon, Las Vegas Aces coach
The Cougars (3-1) held Albe marle to just one score in the game, a 10-yard touchdown grab by wideout Jaylen Pink ney.YVC conference play starts for Albemarle this week with a visit from Robinson, which has won four straight while averag ing 36 points during its streak.
North Stanly tops Randleman for 3rd win
“They’re unbelievable on the
Courtney Williams had 17 points to lead Connecticut and Alyssa Thomas had her second straight triple-double with 11 points, 11 assists and 10 rebounds.
UNCASVILLE, Conn. — Las Vegas never had a professional sports champion — until Sunday.
NEW LONDON — Led by quarterback Chance Blake and running back Cameron Smith, North Stanly topped Randle man 40-34 on Friday, erasing an early 21-7 deficit to improve to 3-2 on the season.
Canelo-GGG underwhelms, but boxing has more punches to throw
mon, who didn’t get a title in her standout WNBA career, the ring completed a decades-long quest. She left an assistant coach position with Gregg Popovich and the San Antonio Spurs to take over in Las Vegas. The move paid off.
West Stanly’s Rocky River Conference schedule will begin with a visit from Parkwood on Oct. 7 before hosting currently undefeated Forest Hills on Oct. 14.
Riquna Williams had 17 points for Vegas, Kelsey Plum added 16 points, Jackie Young had 13 and
Las Vegas’ Chelsea Gray was named MVP
West, South and Albemarle all suffered losses
By Jesse Deal Stanly County Journal
“This is high level, the best fight for boxing,” Golovkin said after ward. “Look at his face. Look at my face. It’s high level because we trained well, and this shows that we did a very good fight, very good quality.”Those fans with rosy retrospec tion seem to expect a violent clas sic in every big night, forgetting about the countless megafights that have underdelivered over the decades. Even the greatest multifight rivalries have flopped in their finales before, from Sugar Ray Leonard’s anticlimactic third vic tory over Roberto Durán in 1989 to Rafael Márquez’s unsightly fin ish of a worn-out Israel Vázquez in 2010.Boxing doesn’t have as many giants, and its truly transcendent events are fewer and farther be tween. But few live sporting events can still match the pure excite ment of attending a big fight night: When Golovkin shook off his slow start and began to connect with Canelo in the late rounds Satur day night, T-Mobile Arena was in a frenzy.Evenif it can’t match some fans’ memory of the glory days in box ing’s past, there’s still plenty of like about modern day boxing.
Blake completed 18 of 24 passes for 255 yards and a touch down, while Smith amassed 338 all-purpose yards and three scores, rushing for 189 yards on 27 carries and totaling six receptions for 149 receiving yards against the Tigers (32). The running back now has 681 rushing yards and six touch downs this season.
“They’re unbelievable on the court, but they’re unbelievable humans, first and foremost.”
Wilson added 11 points to go with her 14 Wilsonrebounds.hopes this is just the be ginning for the franchise.
For Aces coach Becky Ham
Vegas finished on an 8-0 run. As the buzzer sounded, league MVP A’ja Wilson, who played every min ute of the game, grabbed the ball and stomped the floor before being mobbed by her teammates.
Las Vegas’ A’ja
LAS VEGAS — If you know a lifelong boxing fan, chances are you know somebody with rosy ret rospection.That’sthe term for the psycho logical phenomenon that leads people to believe the past was much better than the present.
This third meeting between two of the current era’s greatest champions was not a viscerally thrilling bout, and neither fighter scored so much as a knockdown in the entire trilogy. The 40-year-old Golovkin looked slower than ever, and Canelo grew weary in the late rounds while nursing an injured leftAllwrist.three bouts were still elite-level competition between two beloved fighters with world wide fame and bulging bank ac counts from their popularity. But in a sport built on blood, sweat and toughness, a bout without se rious damage or drama just won’t satisfy a large portion of the box ing public.

2022, but its lack of primal plea sures left some fans wondering if that’s the best boxing can do.
and was named Finals MVP after averaging 18.3 points in the series.
Chelsea Gray scored 20 points to lead the Las Vegas Aces to their first WNBA title, and the city’s first pro title, in a 78-71 road win over the Connecticut Sun in Game 4.

Aces owner Mark Davis, who also owns the NFL’s Las Vegas Raiders, wasn’t with his football team Sunday. He was in Connecti cut to get a trophy. He hoisted it, then turned it over to gleeful play ers who did the same.
By Greg Beacham The Associated Press
U.S. Rep. Jared Golden, D-Maine, speaks to a reporter at his home, Thursday, Sept. 1, 2022, in Lewiston, Maine.
in the district in 2020, though he lost the statewide vote both times because of overwhelming mar gins in the 1st District, centered in liberal PoliquinPortland.hasfocused his cam paign on issues such as curtail ing immigration and protecting gun rights. It’s a shift from his earlier campaigns, which focused more closely on controlling taxes and protecting rural jobs, though he continues to tout those issues. His website has warned of liberals who want to defund law enforce ment and push critical race the ory in schools, and boasted of his

“I’ve seen these guys arrest very few people on the shoreline that didn’t have something in their pocket,” he said. “A lot of them have a source they know where they can sell the stuff. That’s where you re ally run into the almost-industrial scale looting.”
The race is likely to be much closer than Golden’s 2020 reelec tion victory, said Mark Brewer, a political scientist at University of Maine. Golden won that elec tion handily over Republican Dale Crafts.It’ll be closer this time in part because of national backlash against Democrats over issues such as inflation, Brewer said. But it’ll also be closer simply because the 2nd District is unpredictable, he “It’ssaid.the kind of district that has a lot of the people Trump made his appeal to in 2016. Relatively rural, largely white working class voters who have a sense of griev ance, economic grievance,” Brew er said. “I don’t think there’s any doubt that this race is going to be closer than Golden’s last race.”
Ward can use the drone to look for people who’ve become lost, help with cultural site surveys and look for looters almost silently from the sky, he
Maine rematch could be a bellwether for control of Congress
“There’s 12,000 years and more of history and prehistory,” he said. “Most of the sites are Native Amer ican, but we also have early pioneer sites, Civil War sites up through the early- to mid-20th century. Techni cally, any site over 50 years old can be an archaeological site.”
“You have to think about how the river system has changed with in undation. The channel of the river was out here,” he said, sweeping his hand toward the middle of Chick amauga Lake. “What we’re sitting over right now was flood plain, so this is ideal land to live on when you think about the past.”
ness to buck his own party over the years, including coming out against President Joe Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan in August. His positions have sometimes won him crossover en dorsements from groups that of ten back Republicans, such as when he received the backing of the state’s largest police union in July.The union also endorsed Re publican former Gov. Paul LeP age, who is running for his old job. Golden said he expects vot ers to reward him for standing up to the Democratic Party leader
Bond said she expects ranked voting will play a role again this time around.
Avery said many cultural re source thieves are converting their finds into cash for drugs.
6 Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, September 21, 2022

AUBURN, Maine — Don ald Trump isn’t on the ballot in Maine’s 2nd Congressional Dis trict this year, but his brand of politics is.
In a race that will help decide control of the U.S. House of Rep resentatives, Democratic Rep. Jared Golden will defend his seat against Republican former Rep. Bruce Poliquin and inde pendent candidate Tiffany Bond. The race is a rematch for Gold en and Poliquin, who ran for the same seat in 2018, when Gold en emerged victorious by a ra zor-thin margin.
The result is a race that could be an indicator of Trump’s contin ued influence on swing districts and rural politics.
“We’re here to talk about the Ar chaeological Resources Protec tion Act,” Angst said standing near a table filled with information for members of the public.
The Archaeological Resources Protection Act has a requirement that a site must be more than 100
The district, one of two in Maine, includes the state’s sec ond- and third-largest cities — Lewiston and Bangor — but is mostly made up of vast rural ar eas in northern and western Maine. It also includes the state’s Down East coastline and is home to Maine’s traditional industries such as lobster fishing, logging and potato and blueberry farm ing.The district is also geographi cally the largest in the U.S. east of the Mississippi River, and it is far more politically mixed than the heavily Democratic 1st Congres sional District in southern Maine.
Golden, a Marine Corps vet eran, has positioned himself as a moderate who supports the 2nd Amendment and works to safe guard industries such as com mercial fishing and papermaking. He’s continuing that approach this time Goldenaround.hasshown a willing
work with Trump when he served in “ICongress.cameout again from semi-re tirement because our country and our state are in deep trouble,” said Poliquin, who was once an invest ment manager and served two years as Maine’s state treasurer.
Angst said the 12,500-plus sites now recorded are only a fraction of those believed to be on TVA lands in Virginia, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, Kentucky and Mississippi.
“Looting cultural resources is a problem in our area,” Fiedler said. “So, we want to get the public in volved to say something if they see something.”Mostof the sites are Native American, some are from early Eu ropean settlers and others are tied to more recent human develop ment from 100 years ago or more, according to Mike Angst, an ar chaeologist with TVA’s Cultural Resources Department.
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. — Ar chaeological looting is a serious problem on the Tennessee Valley Authority’s vast land holdings in a seven-state area where an estimat ed 12,500 archaeological sites have beenIt’sidentified.possiblethere could be three times that many sites, according to TVA archaeologists who were on hand recently at the Chickamauga Dam for an educational event for theTVA’spublic.cultural team and TVA police hosted the event at the Tay lor Boat Ramp at the day-use area at the Chickamauga Dam in Chat tanooga to bring awareness to the region’s rich history and help peo ple understand what to do if they see someone taking or damaging a cultural site, according to TVA spokesman Scott Fiedler.
“I was the candidate who got all the votes that neither party could,” she said.
six batteries, allowing almost con stant use, he said.
Trump won the 2nd District in 2016 and performed even better
Tennessee Valley Authority’s Roy Rogers, center, drives the boat as Jimmy Nelson, left, and Paul Avery stand by, on Sept. 9, 2022, in Chattanooga, Tenn.
years old to fall under the act’s pro tections, he said.
The race will include the use of ranked-choice voting, which Golden needed to win the seat in 2018. Bond, who came in third in 2018, said independent voters in the race will be the ones who de cide it. She said she’s focusing her campaign on issues such as im proving health care access and addressing climate change.
By Patrick Whittle The Associated Press
“In the last two years, I don’t know of anyone who has been more independent, and more will ing to stand up to their own par ty, than I have been,” Golden said. “I’m not trying to strategize ‘How do I hold on to the Democratic voters or to the Trump voters?’”
Fromsaid.aTVA police boat with in spectors Jimmy Nelson and Roy Rogers at the helm, TVA archaeol ogist Paul Avery said the way wa ter in TVA’s reservoirs erodes the shoreline -- at a significantly higher level than the original river channel -- can uncover artifacts and relics.

The Associated Press
“Our goal with the cultural com pliance at TVA is to make sure we can keep as many of those resourc es where they are as long as we can,” Angst said. “We don’t want to see them wash away or walk away in somebody’s pocket. We don’t want to see them stolen. They’re every one’s sites. It’s public property, and it’sForeveryone’s.”archaeologists, when some one damages a site, there is no way to restore it, and whatever is taken is lost along with its historical con text, he “Lootingsaid.is a problem, and it oc curs everywhere,” Angst said. “Ar chaeological resources, archaeo logical sites are a finite resource. Once they’re gone, they’re gone for ever. When we do professional ex cavations, we try to do them very carefully because we know that when we excavate a site, we destroy it.”Steven Ward, TVA police inspec tor and drone pilot, said his role in investigation and site location is a recent development in TVA’s inves tigative arm. Ward was already an airplane pilot, so it was a short step to get up to speed on flying drones, he Thesaid. drone TVA uses has high-resolution cameras, can op erate up to 5 miles away and has a controller the pilot uses that has a screen offering a first-person view from the drone, Ward said, holding the drone and turning it to show its features.Thedrone can provide thermal imaging, can be linked to a large screen television and has about 25 minutes of flight time on each of its
The appeal of Trump-style poli tics has grown in the district since then despite the fact it is repre sented by Golden, a moderate Democrat. Poliquin, who repre sented the 2nd District as a mod erate Republican from 2014 to 2018, has shifted his own messag ing rightward to try to take ad vantage of those headwinds.
TVA seeks help combating looters of cultural resources
ship on issues such as the nearly $2 trillion climate and health care bill the House passed in 2021. He voted against the bill. He subse quently voted for the slimmeddown $740 billion measure that passed Congress last month.
TVA reservoir’s lake banks are where looters are most likely to be found because of fresh erosion along the new shoreline created by damming the river more than 80 years ago, Avery said. The Chick amauga Dam was completed in 1940.“When these guys are on the wa ter patrolling, they look for these guys along the shoreline,” he said of TVA police patrols.
Mr. Smith is survived by his five children, Billy Patrick Smith, Jr. (Penny), Ann Smith Ruiz (Carlos), Charlie Lee Smith (Tobi), Jonathan David Smith (Jennifer) and Emily Smith Booth (Bryan); grandchildren, Sarah McKinna Estridge, Tyler Ann Estridge, Samuel Earl Estridge, IV, Madison Elizabeth Smith, Charlie Elias Smith, Jonathan Daniel Smith, Jacob David Smith, Keith Loyd Booth, William Patrick Booth and Sarah Catherine Booth; sisters, Lilly Stoker (David) and Betty Garner (Doug). His three brothers, Robert, Walter, and Freddy predeceased him.
July 7, 1993 ~ September 11, 2022
March 26, 1954 ~ September 17, 2022
December 30, 1941 - September 18, 2022
Frances Eagle Sides, 90, of Albemarle passed away Sunday, September 18, 2022.

Born September 19, 1931, in Cabarrus County, she was the daughter of the late Clarence M. Eagle and the late Lucille Voncannon Eagle. Frances was a graduate of Millingport High School. She worked alongside her late husband, Fred Sides, as the secretary and treasurer of Music Mart in Albemarle for several years. Frances was a member of Tabernacle United Methodist Church in FrancesAlbemarle.issurvived by her son Fred Michael Sides of Albemarle and daughter Janice Sides Poplin (Phillip) of Albemarle. She is also survived by her grandchildren Sara Sides Poplin and Brynn Efird Poplin. In addition to her parents and husband, Frances is preceded in death by her sister Joan Sikes.
He was born on December 30, 1941 in Norwood, NC and was the son of the late Haywood Smith and Elizabeth Smith.
Bill Swan
William Hale Swan passed to the next life on Thursday, September 16th, 2022 at 6:42am. He was surrounded by his loving family and many of the wonderful staff members of Spring Arbor of Albemarle.Billwasborn September 21, 1940 in Albany, New York to the late Ruth Ellen Kinsland Swan and Robert Edward Swan. The Swan family lived for a short time in New York before moving to Sanford, NC, to join in the family timber business.
Also surviving are greatgrandchildren, Nick Lowe, Jace Biles, Emmett Biles, Bella Swan, Ana Marie(Rosebud) Swan and Mae EliseHeSwan.hasmany family members who have passed before him, including a brother, Donald Wayland Swan. He is survived by his brother Robert Edward Swan, Jr.,(Pam) and their family.
Bill Swan leaves to cherish his memory his devoted wife of 60 years, Nancy. Also surviving: his son and friend, Eddie (wife Denise), his talented daughter Ellen, and his four precious grandchildren: Ellis Cole Misenheimer, Samantha Jo Swan Biles (John), Melissa Renee Swan Brewer (Ethan) and Master Sergeant Andrew Ray Swan (Alexandra) of the United States Air Force.
7Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, September 21, 2022
Mrs. Bartlett was preceded in death by her first husband: Sam Lee Fisher; second husband: Earl Samuel Bartlett; brother: Andy Triplett.
October 8, 1938 - September 15, 2022
Bradley Smith, Jr. 80, of Charlotte passed away on September 18, 2022 after a courageous battle with ALS and other health ailments.

Larry Charles (L.C.) Diggs, 68, of Stanfield, passed away Saturday, September 17, 2022, at Bethany Woods Nursing & Rehabilitation Center in Albemarle. L.C. was born March 26, 1954, in North Carolina to the late William Alexander Diggs and the late Helen Yow Diggs. He was preceded in death by his L.C.parents.lovedhis family, friends, and animals dearly. He never met a stranger, and he enjoyed picking and carrying on with everyone he met. He loved being outdoors and working on the farm. He enjoyed riding the tractors and hauling hay as well as doing various work for people using his farm equipment. In his later years, he probably sold everyone there today some produce at one time or another, particularly watermelons, cantaloupes, mountain cabbage or apples. He dearly loved his daughter; Donna and his grandson was his pride and Survivorsjoy.include daughter, Donna Cox (Josh); grandson, Hunter Cox; sister, Elizabeth Clontz of Monroe, NC; sister, Elaine Rushing (Zayne) of Stanfield, NC; brother, Gene Diggs of Concord, NC, and a host of nieces and nephews and great-nieces and nephews.

In addition to her parents she is survived by her Sister, Stephanie Weaver of Norwood. Her brother, Timothy Weaver of Albemarle, her half sister, Brittany Dean of Raleigh and half brother Keith Christy. Maternal grandfather, Tom Luther of Albemarle and paternal grandmother, Joyce Weaver of Albemarle. Numerous Aunts, Uncles andShecousins.waspreceded in death by her maternal grandmother, Patricia Hathcock Luther and paternal grandfather Ralph Leroy Weaver.
September 19, 1931 - September 18, 2022
Bradley Smith, Jr.
July 22, 1935 - September 15, 2022
Mr. Eudy is survived by his wife of 69 years, Tommie Poplin. Other survivors include daughter Theresa E. Dry and Jimmy W. Eudy Jr. (Jan), two grandchildren Tiffanie E. West and Hank Dry, two great-grandchildren and one sister Betty Mabe of Charlotte. He is predeceased by a brother Kenneth Eudy.Mr. Eudy was a retired truck driver and a member of South Albemarle Baptist Church where he served as past deacon and past chairman of the building and grounds committee.
Mr. Smith was born October 8, 1938 in Anson County, NC to the late Richmond Elwood Smith and Radie Elizabeth Pope Smith. Mr. Smith was retired from Albemarle Spinning Mills and Stanly County Schools.“Pete,” “Papa Bear,” or just plain “Papa,” was a simple, hardworking man who enjoyed the simple things in life. He was happiest when he was working outside cutting wood, mowing his yard, fishing in the pond, or riding his ten grandchildren on his Kubota. . For Mr. Smith his actions spoke louder than his words, and he instilled a sense of hard work, devotion, and love to his five children who will miss him terribly.
Gladys Kathaleen “Kat” Bartlett, 89, of Locust, passed away on Thursday, September 15, 2022 at her home.Mrs. Bartlett was born December 20, 1932 in Spartanburg County, SC to the late Oscar Everett Triplett and Martha Lucinda Norris Triplett. She was a current member of Fellowship Baptist Church in Mint Hill. Kat was a long-time resident of Myrtle Beach where she worked as an Executive Housekeeper at the Myrtle Beach Martinique before retiring. Mrs. Bartlett was a previous member at Ocean View Baptist Church. She was truly loved by everyone who met her and was loyal to her family.
He was a graduate of Aquadale High School in 1960 and served in the United States Army from 1965 to 1971. After completing his service, Bradley opened Central Park Barber Shop in Charlotte, NC and served a large number of customers there for 60 years before retiring in 2021. He was a member of Wilson Grove Baptist Church in Charlotte.
September 21, 1940 ~ September 16, 2022
Billy Patrick Smith
He was married to his loving wife Ellene Whitley Smith and they just celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. He is survived by Michael Smith and wife Debra of Charlotte, NC, Troy Smith of Norwood, and Ellen Smith Watson and husband Howard of Charlotte, along with his grandchildren, Whitley Watson, Holton Watson, R.J. Waldroup, Brianna Andrews, and James Andrews.
Born September 21, 1980, in Stanly County, he was the son of the living Kenneth Tucker of Albemarle and the late Tamara Calloway Tucker. Chris was a graduate of North Stanly High School and had numerous jobs throughout his life. Chris enjoyed playing softball, going fishing, and archery.Chris is survived by his wife, Tabatha Tucker of the home, sons, Ryker and Gauge Tucker, daughter, Destinie Tucker, and honorary daughter, Kadie Deaton. He is also survived by his sister, Melren Cauble of Albemarle, his grandmother, Sadie Tucker of Albemarle and numerous nieces, nephews and aunts and uncles.Chris is preceded in death by his maternal grandparents, Joe and Dorothy Calloway and paternal grandfather, Luke Tucker.
February 28, 1936 - September 10, 2022
September 21, 1980 - September 13, 2022
Born February 28, 1936 in Dillon County, SC he was the son of the late Douglas Smith Napier and Maggie Barentine Napier. He was a retired carpenter and a veteran of the US Army. Pete never met a stranger and was always happy. All who knew him lovedSurvivorshim. include children Pam Albertson of Matthews, NC, Cindy Hagler of Albemarle, Jennings Napier of Matthews, the mother of his children, Jeanette Moose Napier, sisters Peggy Thompson of Albemarle and Susie Wilson of Albemarle, six grandchildren and six great-grandchildren . He was preceded in death by a daughter Terry Napier Chastain and siblings Ike Napier, Laura Clark, Jimmy Napier, Helen Napier, and John Wayne Napier.
Tiffany LeeAnn Weaver 29 of Albemarle died Sunday, September 11, Tiffany2022. was born July 7, 1993 in Cabarrus County to Joey Lee Weaver of Rockwell and Donna Luther Weaver of Albemarle.

He befriended people in all walks of life and was a positive influence on many people young and old.
Henry Leon Napier"Pete"
On August 19, 1962, he married his childhood sweetheart, Nancy Smith, and they soon welcomed a son, Edward Ray Swan, and a daughter Ellen Ann Swan.
December 20, 1932 - September 15, 2022
He is also survived by his brother Eugene Smith and wife Kay, Marvin Smith and wife Bonita, Larry Smith and wife Patti all of Norwood. He was preceded in death by his sister Carolyn Barbee of Albemarle.
Tiffany Weaver
Kathaleen is survived by her daughters: Cindy Crook of Locust, Rhonda Boswell (Shawn) of Burlington, NC; son: Dennis Fisher (Tracy) of Roswell, GA; grandchildren: Dale Faircloth, Shawn Crook, Brea Fisher, Courtney Bartlett (Josh Stout), Hayley Ramsey (Dustin), Tyler Boswell; great grandchildren: Sam Faircloth, Addison Bartlett, Landon Stout, Mila Boswell, Willow Ramsey, Anneliese Ramsey; sister: Barbara Harris; many nieces and nephews.
Henry Leon "Pete" Napier, 86, of Albemarle passed away on Saturday, September 10, 2022 in his home.

He enjoyed boating, fishing, gardening, traveling and most importantly spending time with his family; especially his loving grandchildren. He was a great husband and father.
Christopher "Puppy"/ "Puptent" Bryant Tucker, 41, of Albemarle passed away Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at his home.

Jimmy William Eudy Sr. passed away on Thursday, September 15, 2022 in his home. Mr. Eudy was born to the late Ben and Martha Eudy on July 22, 1935.
Billy Patrick Smith, 83, of New London, passed away Thursday, September 15, 2022 at Trinity Place.

Mostweeks.Republicans oppos ing the legislation have said it is simply unnecessary because the court ruling still stands. But oth ers have gone further.
One group that has been op posed, the conservative Alliance Defending Freedom, has pushed back on the legislation.
The bill protecting same-sex marriage cleared the House in a July vote with the support of 47 Republicans — a larger than ex pected number that gave the measure a boost in the Senate.
By Mary Clare Jalonick The Associated Press
Democrats punt same-sex marriage vote until after election
The Senate push for the his toric vote — and the openness by some Republicans to back it in an election year — reflects a large shift on the issue since the Supreme Court’s 2015 Oberge fell v. Hodges decision legalizing gay marriage nationwide. Polling shows widespread public support for allowing such unions.
are confident that when our leg islation comes to the Senate floor for a vote, we will have the biparti san support to pass the bill.”
The North Carolina Healthcare Association said the offer sent to Republican legislative leaders and Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper also contained reforms to some state laws that require regulatory ap proval before certain medical buildings can be constructed or services offered in a region.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of N.Y., listens during a news conference at the Capitol, Sept. 7, 2022, in Washington, D.C.
A spokesman for Schumer said he is “100 percent committed” to holding a Democratsvote. and the small group of Republicans have moved to safeguard same-sex marriage following the Supreme Court decision over the summer that overturned Roe v. Wade and the federal right to an abortion. Law makers fear the court’s ruling, and a concurring opinion from Justice Clarence Thomas, indi cate that an earlier high court de cision protecting same-sex mar riage could come under threat.
In addition to Collins, Portman and Tillis, a fourth GOP senator, Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski, has supported same-sex marriage in the past. Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson, who is up for reelection this year, has said he doesn’t see a “reason to oppose it” but has talk ed on both sides of the issue in re cent
North Carolina is one of a doz en states that have yet to accept the federal government’s offer to cover people who make too much to be insured by traditional Med icaid but too little to receive subsi dized private insurance. The fed eral government would pay 90% of the medical costs of expansion.
“We’ve asked Leader Schumer for additional time and we appre ciate he has agreed,” Baldwin said in a statement, along with other members of the bipartisan group that is negotiating the bill. “We

The proposal would do away with certificate of need laws for psychiatric inpatient beds and beds to treat people with chem ical dependency. It also, within five years, would scale back regu lations for operating rooms with in ambulatory surgical centers, which the association says would result in a loss of revenue for them.
Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, September 21, 20228
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Dem ocrats are punting a vote to pro tect same-sex and interracial marriages until after the No vember midterm elections, pull ing back just days after Majority Leader Chuck Schumer vowed to put the Senate on the record on the issue “in the coming weeks.”
Wells said in a news release. “CON law changes could threaten the survival of community hospitals if they are not implemented careful ly. We are putting a lot of trust in legislative leaders to do this cor rectly.”The House passed its own ex pansion bill during the final week of the General Assembly’s prima ry work session this year that con tained none of the medical sup ply-side proposals that the Senate wanted. House Speaker Tim Moore has said Republicans in his chamber would prefer to handle those provisions separately from expansion.Moore’s office was still review ing the offer late Friday, Chief of Staff Neal Inman said. Berger spokesperson Lauren Horsch said the same thing, adding: “We ap preciate the NCHA’s willingness to come to the table with a pro posal.” There was no immediate response late Friday from Coo per’s
Theoffice.General Assembly is sched uled to reconvene Tuesday for what’s expected to be a three-day administrative session with no re corded floor votes. They are next scheduled to return to Raleigh in October.
It’s not clear how many Re publicans would support the bill.
RALEIGH — North Caroli na’s hospitals and hospital sys tems on Friday unveiled an offer that could shake up stalled nego tiations to pass legislation that would expand Medicaid to cover hundreds of thousands of low-in come adults in the state.
The bipartisan group has been working closely with the GOP senators who are open to the leg islation but have religious liber ty concerns. They finalized an
“We all want to pass this quick ly,” Schumer said last week. “I hope there will be 10 Republicans to support it.”
hospitals to negotiate with Berg er on those rules, which hospitals contend help community facilities that disproportionately serve the uninsured or underinsured re

“Each day the General As sembly waits is a day that harms 600,000 North Carolinians,” as sociation president and CEO Steve Lawler said. “We hope that any legislation crafted will be done in a thoughtful way that pro tects health care facilities that take care of people and improve community health.”
NC hospitals offer new Medicaid expansion proposal
But some Republicans who had wavered on the bill were not yet on Respondingboard. to the group’s statement Thursday, the White House emphasized again that the
administration was leaving the mechanics of the legislation — such as the timing of a vote — to the“WeSenate.believe the Senate should find consensus just as the Amer ican people have,” White House press secretary Karine JeanPierre said Thursday.
The UNC Hospitals campus in Chapel Hill are shown in this photo.
Senate leader Phil Berger this summer accused the association of refusing to compromise on “certificate of need” rules. Chang es to these rules were contained in the Senate version of an expan sion measure approved in June. Berger said they were needed to increase the supply of medical services that would be needed to treat the growing Medicaid pop ulation.Cooper, a big expansion pro ponent, told reporters earlier this week that it would make sense for
amendment this week that would clarify that the legislation does not affect the rights of such pri vate individuals or businesses — rights that are already enshrined in law. The legislation requires the federal government and states to recognize all marriages that were legal where they were performed, along with interracial marriages.“Through bipartisan collabo ration, we’ve crafted common sense language that respects re ligious liberty and Americans’ diverse beliefs, while upholding our view that marriage embodies the highest ideals of love, devo tion, and family,” the group said in the statement.
The association said its propos al would have hospitals paying a majority of the state’s share to cover another 600,000 people at a cost of over $550 million annual ly. The state’s hospitals also would participate in a federally fund ed program that would enhance their Medicaid reimbursement rates for providing care, provid ing new revenues.
By Gary D. Robertson The Associated Press
But as the weeks went on, more Republicans raised religious lib ertyAnotherissues. proposed tweak to the bill would make clear that a marriage is between two people, an effort to ward off some farright criticism that the legislation could endorse polygamy.
“In the grander scheme, the Respect for Marriage Act is a way of putting an exclamation mark on the sexual revolution and its ideology,” wrote Ryan Womack, who works for the group, in a blog posted on its website.

main“Ouropen.board of trustees has made the difficult decision to pro pose certificate of need law re forms,” board chair Dr. Roxie
The statement from Baldwin, Democratic Sen. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona and Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine, Rob Portman of Ohio and Thom Til lis of North Carolina came after a meeting with Schumer, who had been considering a vote as soon as next week.
The delay was requested by key senators who have been negotiat ing changes to the legislation and comes at a time when many Re publicans have been signaling op position.Wisconsin Democratic Sen. Tammy Baldwin, the lead cham pion of the bill, had predict ed they would be able to secure the 10 Republican votes need ed to break a filibuster and push it to passage. But hopes dimmed as some Republicans raised con cerns about whether the bill would protect the rights of reli gious institutions, business own ers or others who oppose samesexThemarriage.decision adds to the uncer tainty facing the legislation, as it gives interest groups and oth er lawmakers opposing the bill more time to rally Republicans against it. But supporters hope that by pushing the vote back, they will relieve election-year pressure from some conservative voters and persuade more Repub licans to support the legislation.
Kersey Valley offers a variety of themes, specializing at this time of the year in haunted attractions.
Finally, substitutes are going to be able to receive bonus pay as well if they work the equivalent of 20 full-time days from Octo ber 1 through January 31. The bo nus for substitutes that reach this marker will be a $500 bonus.
Kersey Valley has a market ing budget of about $200,000 and can accommodate crowds of Crowds of up to 800 visitors per hour. That means, on some nights, about 4,000 people might venture through the amusement.

The bonus pay is also being uti lized to recruit new hires. Any body who is hired by the board of education between October 1 and January 9, will have a recruit ment bonus of $500 in their first paycheck, and if they stay till the end of the year, they will also get the additional $500 as well.
“This school system, in many
ed among national Hallow een-themed listings. Hauntworld Magazine listed Spooky Woods as one of the top 13 haunted houses and horror attractions national ly for 2022. That put Archdale on
bring other ones to us.”
“For the thunderstorm, it’s real ly going to shake your soul,” Wohl gemuth said. “It goes right through you… We keep re-inventing our selves and finding new ways to in novate.”Wohlgemuth, 52, is a Southern Guilford High School graduate. He was 15 years old when the idea for Spooky Woods came to frui
Public health officials from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services are encouraging residents and visitors to take precautions to prevent mosquito-borne illness following recent cases of West Nile Virus in several parts of the state. There have already been four reported human cases of the virus in the state at this point in the year. Usually, the average number of cases by the end of August each year is two. While most people who become infected with the virus usually experience either no symptoms or a mild, flu-like illness, about 20% of infected people will develop a fever with other symptoms such as headache, body aches, joint pains, vomiting, diarrhea, or rash. North Carolina citizens are encouraged to use mosquito repellent that contains DEET (or equivalent) when outside and to reduce mosquito breeding by emptying standing water whenever possible.
the same list with attractions from Baton Rouge, La., Cincinnati, St. Louis, Salt Lake City, and Seattle.
“This is a new report that will be coming before the board in the fall of even-numbered years based on some legislation passed by the state of North Carolina in 2019,” said Director of Testing and Ac countability Meredith Weipert. “Districts are submitting infor mation about the number of stan dardized tests and the amount of time that students spend on stan dardized tests during the school year. Based on Randolph Coun ty School Systems numbers over the 2020-21 and 2021-22 school years, we are currently over the state average both in the number
The venue is located along the Randolph-Guilford county line. It was annexed into the City of Arch dale, with building permits for the site issued through Randolph County.Kersey Valley is located on a 60acre farm, with multiple buildings serving as part of the attraction.
Over 50 cars and 30 homes targeted in Randolph break-ins
The board was also given an updated local testing report.
Halloween – and the month-plus leading up to that date.
Haunted farm builds on reputation as major attraction
“It takes over almost the entire farm,” Wohlgemuth said.
By Bob Sutton Randolph Record
“As we get closer to fall, it gets busier and busier,” office manager Sydney Jones said.
Randolph record See BOE, page 2
The board approved the reso lution to provide COVID-19 Pre mium Pay to Randolph Coun ty School System Employees due to pandemic-related disturbanc es and staff shortages through the ESSER funds.
“We have great staff members, they’re highly qualified, and they are loved and appreciated by our school system’s leadership and the board of education,” said Superin tendent Dr. Stephen Gainey. “And so we want to present this tonight as a recommendation to try and keep staff members with us and
It’s a far cry from the simpler set-up from a few decades ago. Digital lasers and custom-built speakers are used to assist in cre ating the scene.
ASHEBORO — The Randolph County Board of Education met Monday and was presented with a resolution to provide bonus pay to nearly all of its employees.
By Ryan Henkel Randolph Record
Kersey Valley has become a must-visit attraction for many thrill seekers each autumn.
ways, survives and has survived many staff shortages because of substitute teachers, but also sub stitute bus drivers, substitute child nutrition staff members, substitute custodians, substitute clerical staff,” Gainey said. “It’s not just substitute teachers.”
page 2 58 2017752016 $1.00
Randolph County School System employees to receive bonus pay
Spooky Woods has land
For current employees that are employed by September 30, they will receive a one-time payment of $500, and if they stay on by the end of the year, they will receive an additional $500, according to Gainey.“The beauty of this is that it doesn’t matter what position you’re in,” Gainey said. “There’s a $1,000 bonus for you.”
Local testing report shows testing above state average
Last Tuesday, the Asheboro Police department and the Randolph and Guilford County Sheriff’s Office released a report claiming that at least 50 cars and 30 homes were broken into along Highway 311. It is believed that at around 3 am, the suspects drove through neighborhoods looking for unlocked cars and homes to break into. Deputies are still searching for their suspects, who they believe to be driving a bluish-gray sedan.
ARCHDALE — While Kersey Valley’s Spooky Woods has grown to become more technical with special effects, owner Tony Wohl gemuth said he understands the grassroots nature of the themed venue.Now the Archdale business has gained considerable national at tention.“This particular year, it got picked up a lot,” Wohlgemuth said of listings among the best haunt ed attractions nationally. “It puts Archdale on the map with a lot of bigThecities.”scene is a fictional town called Kersey Valley. The oldest at traction at Kersey Valley is Spooky Woods, which revolves around
Spooky Woods scares up attention for Archdale
♦ Brooks, Nathan Farley (M, 42), Arrested on charge of Possess Meth, Possess Drug Paraphernalia, on 9/11/22, at Archdale Rd Near Pine Ridge Rd.
tion. Tickets cost $2 for the first version of the haunted attraction in 1985.“Itwas a bunch of teenagers,” he said. “I literally grew up in the business.”What excites Wohlgemuth is seeing how visits to Spooky Woods have become a tradition for families. Those trips to the farm are passed down through generations.“Theywant their kids to experi ence it,” he said.
By Dan Gelston The Associated Press
By Bob Sutton Randolph Record
The season’s opening comes Saturday night, with the following weekend open just Sept. 30 and Oct. 1. Then it’s Friday through Sunday until the first weekend in November. The hours are 7 p.m.-midnight Friday and Satur day and 7-10 p.m. Sunday. Plus, it’s open on Halloween.
Jimmy Lee Brooks, age
After two years of planning during the pandemic, the 2021 Christmas theme at Kersey Valley was deemed successful, Wohlge muth said. Another version of that is slated in a few months.
Sept. 24
♦ Geraldine Chisholm Cranford, age 88 of Asheboro, died September 11, 2022 at her home.
“He just lit up. He was so ex cited about it,” Herring said. “I thought, ‘I could do this every sin gle day for my job.’”
Kersey Valley also includes ziplining, laser tag, axe throwing, and other activities.
For the current summer ses-
176 E. Salisbury St, Asheboro, on 07/13/2021.
The board also approved the acceptance of a change order from Trinity Middle School to
♦ Wayne Henry Wyatt, age 69 of Asheboro, died September 16, 2022 at the Hospice House in Asheboro after a short illness.
Town of Liberty Council Meeting
♦ Cockman, Jason Howard (M, 35), Arrested on charge of Felony Larceny, Possession of Stolen Goods, on 9/12/22, at Randolph Co Courthouse.
the frenzied atmosphere toandberg,tionsandtheeachattract“takement,altorytheNetworksometimesbetertained,beautyed,directionsoverple North State Journal (USPS 20451) (ISSN
credit back $727,800.90 in un used funds and a grant that was awarded to Southwestern Ran dolph High School.
2022, at The Randolph Hospice House in Asheboro.
♦ Boggs, Matthew Harrison (M, 39), Arrest on charge of Misdemeanor Larceny, at 2587 Wayne White Rd, Pleasant Garden, on 07/14/2021.
Marijuana, PWIMSD Schedule III CS, Possession of Firearm by Felon, on 9/12/22, at HWY 70/W Green Dr, High Point.
sion, there’s enrollment of 915. That’s off slightly from the usual number that ranges up to 1,000, WilliamsTraditionalsaid. enrollment num
“Overall, we’re still seeing a decline in enrollment comparing to previous years prior to the pandemic,” Williams said. “I don’t know if we’ll get to numbers we’ve seen in previous fall semesters. … We’re reaching out to every student we can in every way we can.”
Herring became chair of a committee to boost student and teacher morale.
Sept. 23-24
America’s #1 Bar Poker League right in Asheboro at the Carolina Tap House. Entry is free and the event takes place every Wednesday night. Register online at inworldtavernpoker.comhttp://orperson.
Jeffrey Doyle Maness, age 48 of Randleman, died September 14, 2022.
♦ Mildred Mae Cozart Poole, age 85, of Asheboro, died July 9, 2021. County Journal 2575-2278
Publisher Neal Robbins Editor Xxx Sports Editor Cory Lavalette Senior Opinion Editor Frank Hill Design Editor Lauren PublishedRoseeach Wednesday by North State Media LLC 1550 N.C. Hwy 24/27 W, Albemarle, N.C. 28001 (704) STANLYJOURNAL.COMINFO@STANLYJOURNAL.COM269-8461 TO SUBSCRIBE: 704-269-8461 or online at nsjonline.com Annual Subscription Price: $50.00 Periodicals Postage Paid at Raleigh, N.C. and at additional mailing offices. Albemarle,1550StanlyPOSTMASTER:CountyJournalN.C.Hwy24/27W,N.C.28001. WEDNESDAY 7.7.21 “Join#1 conversation”the WEEKLY CRIME LOG ♦ Williams, Denishia Lorren (B /F/30) Arrest on chrg of 1) Pwimsd Marijuana (F), 2) Maintain Veh/dwell/place Cs (f) (F), 3) Possess X DEATH NOTICES ♦ Christopher Enos Burris, 40, of Oakboro,X See OBITS, page 7 WEEKLY FORECAST WEDNESDAY JUNE 30 HI 91° LO 70° PRECIP 15% THURSDAY JULY 1 HI 91° LO 70° PRECIP 15% FRIDAY JULY 2 HI 78° LO 66° PRECIP 57% SATURDAY JULY 3 HI 81° LO 62° PRECIP 43% SUNDAY JULY 4 HI 84° LO 62° PRECIP 24% MONDAY JULY 5 HI 88° LO 65° PRECIP 17% TUESDAY PRECIPHILO
♦ Tony Rain Vuncannon, age 86 of Asheboro, died September 13, 2022, at his home.
♦ age
♦ Jonathan Edward Ferree, 50, of Black Mountain, formerly of Asheboro, died July 11, 2021.
See OBITS, page 7 WEEKLY FORECAST 2 Randolph Record for Wednesday, July 7, 2021 Stanly
Williams said there’s an effort to bolster enrollment. He cited the RCC Commitment Grant, a program designed as a funding mechanism to fill the gap that’s
♦ Seibert, Sarah Elizabeth (F, 32),
This school year, Herring be gan a new role as a teacher for Ac ademically/Intelligently Gifted students for grades K-12, spend ing time at both Trindale Ele mentary School and Archdale El ementary School.
83 of Asheboro, died September 15, 2022, at Alpine Health and Rehabilitation in Asheboro.
Herring, who stands 5-foot1, said some of the fifth-grad ers are taller than her. She said that makes for an interesting dynamic.Now,she said she hopes her latest recognition brings positive attention to the teaching profes sion.“I’m young in this gig,” Herring said. “I still got a lot more left. We all love what we do.”
Meeting6pm are held on the fourth Wednesday of the month at the Historic Courthouse, which is located at 145-C Worth Street in Asheboro.
1st Annual Rumble in the Park
“It’s pretty scary,” Jones said.
The5:30pmLiberty Town meeting will take place at 239 S Fayetteville Street.
RCC held a one-week break earlier this month amid the summer semester, which began May 24 and concludes July 26. Late registration for the fall semester runs through Aug. 10, with classes beginning Aug. 16.
ASHEBORO — Enrollment at Randolph Community College isn’t likely to bounce back to pre-pandemic levels right away despite a school official pointing out unprecedented financial incentives for potential students.
Publisher Neal Robbins Editor Matt Mercer Sports Editor Cory Lavalette Senior Opinion Editor Frank Hill Design Editor Lauren PublishedRoseeach Wednesday by North State Media, LLC 3101 Industrial Dr., Suite 105 Raleigh, N.C. 27609 TO SUBSCRIBE: 704-269-8461 or online at nsjonline.com Annual Subscription Price: $50.00 Periodicals Postage Paid at Raleigh, N.C. and at additional mailing offices. 3101to:SendPOSTMASTER:addresschangesNorthStateJournalIndustrialDr.,Suite 105 Raleigh, N.C. 27609 WEDNESDAY 7.21.21 “Join#3 conversation”the
♦ Richardson, Erwin Quint Jr (M, 31), Arrest on charges of Felony Larceny and Possession of Stolen Goods, at 5471 Needhams Trail, Seagrove, on 07/14/2021.
The Randolph Guide is a quick look at what’s going on in Randolph County.
perThatsemester.makes attending RCC the most enticing from a financial standpoint in the 16 years Williams has been at the school, he said. He previously worked in RCC’s financial aid office.
PJ WhoCoryFrankLaurenMattWard-Brownis“Editor?”4”Ad
A fall semester at the two-year school in Asheboro would often have 2,600 to 3,000 students enrolled. At the beginning of this week, that number stood at about 1,900 with about a month to go
Sophie Herring was selected as the Teacher of the Year for the Randolph County School System.

♦ Spurling, Myles Robert (M, 30), Arrested on charge of Injury to Real Property, on 9/12/22, at 5506 Ronniedale Rd.
Twice8am a year, 400 dealers from more than 25 states pack the Pike Family Farm with 18th to 20th-centurey furniture and accessories, pottery, glass, clocks, dolls, toys, military items, advertising, decoys, and more! Come out to 2855 Pike Farm Rd! Event hours: 8 am until 4 pm.
♦ McQueen, James Allen Jr (M, 35), Arrest on charge of Possession of Marijuana up to 1/2 oz., Possession of drug paraphernalia, Failure to appeal on felony, failure to appear on misdemeanor, at
♦ Georgia Bernice Siler, 89, of Siler City, died July 15, 2021, at her home.
Classic10am cars, trucks, tractors, and muscle cars will roar into Riverside Park in Franklinville. The show will take be held from 10 am until 2 pm.

of tests and total number of time.”
Liberty Antiques Festival
♦ Hazelwood, Elizabeth (F, 44), Arrest on chage of Misdemeanor Larceny, at Hoover Hill Rd/Slick Rodk Mtn, on 07/14/2021.
“There’s never a better time to go back to college,” he said.
♦ Millikan, Bobby Wayne (M, 33), Arrest on charge of Assault on a Female, at 8300 Curtis Power Rd, Bennett, NC, on 07/14/2021.
Spooky Woods is recommend
♦ Hester, Eric Dustin (M, 26), Arrested on charge of Attempt First Degree Murder, AWDWIKISI, on 9/12/22, at 6875 Stonehenge Pl.
ed only for ages 12 and older. It’s a walk-through activity lasting 40 minutes to an hour.
Herring discovered the joys of teaching, she became hooked.
Ticket prices range from $30 (Fridays and Sundays) to $40 (Saturdays). They can be pur chased online or at the gate.
“They get an opportunity to push themselves,” she said. “It has been such a fun thing for me.”
The Randolph County Public Library provides the PreservationHistoricresponsibilityadministrativefortheLandmarkCommission.
♦ Thomas, Brittany Elizabeth (F, 29), Arrested on charge of Trafficking Opium or Heroin, PWIMSD Heroin, PWIMSD Schedule II CS, Trafficking in Methamphetamine, PWIMSD
For now, there’s the build-up to Halloween and the chance to con tinue to make a mark in terms of haunted“Beingattractions.aroundthis long and doing what we do and having that kind of reputation feels pretty good,” Jones said.
♦ Gladys Mae Edge Staley, age 96, of Loris, SC, formerly of Asheboro, died September 14, 2022 at McLeod Health Seacoast, Little River, SC.
♦ ♦ ♦
Based on the general statute, when a district is above the state average, the local board of ed ucation must submit a plan to the Department of Public In struction to eliminate certain lo cal standardized testing in or der to ensure neither the number of tests nor the number of hours spent on standardized testing exceeds the state average.
Sept. 28 Historic CommissionPreservationLandmarkMeeting
RCSS, Herring began her time as an intern from UNC Greensboro.“Andnever left,” she said. “The people who were there with me, they saw me grow into a function ingAfterteacher.”graduating from Wil liams High School in Burlington in 2012, she enrolled at UNCG and considered becoming a histo ry major. She took a role in college tutoring youngsters in intercity Greensboro. One day she encoun tered a boy who was so thrilled to be in the learning environment.
Randolph County Schools has created a plan that will see a de crease of 39 tests and 23.8 test ingThehours.board then approved facil ity improvements at Southwest ern Randolph Middle School. The improvements include the installation of a concession stand building with restrooms near the baseball/softball field and the football/soccer field, funded by the athletics booster club.
“I was finally able to be a leader at the school,” she said.
♦ Roark, Justin Steven (M, 30), Arrest on charge of Possession of Meth, Possession with intent to manufacture, sell or distribute heroin, Simple possession of Schedule II, III, IV CS, Maintaining Place, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, at 1029 High Point Rd, on 7/13/2021.
of Asheboro, died
♦ Sykes, John Christopher (M, 41), Arrested on charge of Possess Stolen Motor Vehicle, on 9/12/22, at Richie Motel.
♦ Ronald Chase Beasley, age 72 of Asheboro, died September 12, 2022 at Rex Hospital in Raleigh.
♦ Hinton, Brandon Terrell (M, 32), Arrested on charge of Assault on a Female, on 9/12/22, at 1715 S Fayetteville St.
World Tavern Poker at Carolina Tap House
Once Sophie
Sandra Joann Cox Bunting,
Arrest/Violat, Possess Meth, on 9/12/22, at 3575 NC HWY 22 N.
♦ Harold Eugene “Gene” Anderson, 82, died at his home on Monday, July 12, 2021 in a tragic house fire.
Chad Williams, vice president for student services at RCC, said a decline in high school students in dual enrollment has been the big-
“Join conversation”the
♦ 69 September 17,
♦ Bridgman, Wendy Michelle (F, 37), Arrested on charge of Simple Possess Schedule II CS, Possess Heroin, Possess Meth, Simple Possess Schedule IV CS, on 9/13/22, at 9096 Hillsville Rd.
♦ Corum, Jeffery Lynn Jr. (M, 32), Arrested on charge of Possession of Stolen Firearms, on 9/12/22, at 869 Camelia Ln.
— Triple H walked with his arms crossed like an X — his signature Degenera tion X symbol — with his 7-foot tag-team partner, Joel Embiid, to ring a ceremonial bell last month before a Philadelphia 76ers play offHisgame. theme music blared through the arena, and near ly 19,000 fans hanging from the rafters roared when the wrestler hoisted his bad-guy weapon-ofchoice sledgehammer and struck theSure,bell. the setting wasn’t Wres tleMania — though Triple H lost a match in the same building when the event was held there in 1999 — but for the superstar-turned-ex ecutive, 2471-1365)
♦ Bolton McKee, James Henry (M, 47), Arrest on charge of Possession of Stolen Goods, at 6469 Clyde King Rd, Seagrove, on 07/15/2021.
Arrest on charge of Resisting Public Officer, 321 Kings Ridge Rd, Randleman, on 07/14/2021.
The elementary school teacher has been rewarded for her efforts in classrooms and among her peers by being named the Teach er of the Year for the Randolph County School System.
“We’re just not seeing the level of engagement that we had seen,” Williams said.
By Bob Sutton Randolph Record
According to Weipert, in re sponse to the results of the report,
♦ Pugh, Robert Daniel (M, 39), Arrest on charge of Simple Assault (M), at 139 Drum St, Asheboro, on 07/14/2021.
♦ Addie Mae Hunt McLeod, age 79, died July 11, 2021, at Autumn Care in Biscoe.
bers have flattened, but it’s the number of high school students in programs designed for dual en rollment that has dropped,
2 Randolph Record for Wednesday, September 21, 2022 North State Journal (USPS 20451) (ISSN 2471-1365) Neal Robbins Publisher Matt Mercer Editor in Chief Griffin Daughtry Local News Editor Cory Lavalette Sports Editor Frank Hill Senior Opinion Editor Lauren Rose Design Editor Published each Wednesday as part of North State Journal 1201 Edwards Mill Rd. Suite Raleigh,300NC 27607 TO SUBSCRIBE: Raleigh,Suite1201NorthSendPOSTMASTER:mailingatPeriodicalsAnnualRANDOLPHRECORD.COM336-283-6305SubscriptionPrice:$50.00PostagePaidRaleigh,N.C.andatadditionaloffices.addresschangesto:StateJournalEdwardsMillRd.300NC27607 Get in RandolphtouchRecord www randolphrecord.com
before those classes start.
Her selection as Teacher of the Year was revealed at last week’s banquet at Pinewood Country Club. Other finalists were Sharon Hughes of Trinity Middle School, Joni Moody of Hopewell Elemen
“The name of the grant is the Rachael Ray Grow Grant in the amount of $5,000,” said Assis tant Superintendent for Curricu lum and Instruction Cathy Wad dell. “The grant was received on August 25, 2022 and will pro vide funding for classroom kitch en tools and a Clear Touch Panel.”
tary School, Angela Mroczkow ski of Randolph Early College, and Bryant Voncannon of Sea grove and Southmont elementa ry Withinschools.
Other than in the classroom, she took other roles at Trindale. She said there were difficult tran sitions for students and staff after the height of the COVID-19 im pact, but she wanted to help.
♦ Passmore, Casey Lynn, Arrest on charge of possession of marijuana up to 1/2 oz., at Randolph Courthouse, on 7/13/2021.
Elementary teacher takes pride in RCSS honor
“I know I’m young in the ca reer,” she said. “It’s a huge honor. I’ve been overwhelmed with the love I’ve gotten from this.”
♦ Church, Jacob Paul (M, 40), Arrested on charge of Breaking or Entering, Larceny after Break/ Enter, Possession of Stolen Goods, on 9/11/22, at 305 Balfour Dr.
Still dealing with adjustments made because of the coronavirus pandemic, not all 2021 fall semester classes will be in person. Some will use a hybrid model with a mixture of face-to-faces sessions and virtual sessions. Many classes provide students with options on how to attend and participate, Williams said.
Sept. 26
The Randolph County Board of Education will next meet Oc tober 17.
She spent the past six school years teaching third grade at Trindale Elementary School.
♦ Norman, Brantley Joseph (M, 34), Arrested on charge of Possess Drug Paraphernalia, Electronic House
RCC pushes for more students as numbers reality

♦ Pastva, Dylan Andrew (M, 25), Arrested on charge of Failure to Comply, on 9/13/22, at Randolph Co Courthouse.
WWE leaves virtual
♦ Mathie Pearl Simmons Hall, age 98 of Asheboro, died September 14, 2022, at The Randolph Hospice House in Asheboro.
♦ Lynch, Detrick Lamont (M, 40), Arrest on charge of Misdemeanor Possession of Schedule VI CS, Possessiong of Stolen Motor Vehicle, at I-85 Exit 111, on 07/13/2021.
However, these bad decisions are not limited to the economy. Since President Biden took office and opened our southern border, nearly 4 million illegal immigrants have been apprehended coming across. In July, there were 199,976 illegal immigrant encounters – the 17th straight month over 150,000 and almost the entire population of the city of Fayetteville. Even in the face of these facts, officials like Vice President Harris and Press Secretary Jean-Pierre claimed last week that the “border is secure.”
CONVENTIONAL D.C. WISDOM says Republicans are about to pay a heavy political price for supporting the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision that overturned Roe v. Wade. The prospects of a red wave election are deteriorating. An “invisible army of women” are flocking to register to vote. Dobbs has fired up Democrats.

A commitment to America
This quote from former President George H.W. Bush reminds us that the sole purpose of political leadership is to serve the people and develop solutions to the problems most important to you. Unfortunately, many of those who have been entrusted with leading this nation have forgotten this responsibility and have instead used their positions to pursue their ownPresidentagenda.Joe Biden and Democrats in Washington have failed to take appropriate action to address the most pressing issues facing your family and our country. Instead, Washington Democrats have largely ignored challenges or pushed leftist policies that have crushed our economy, made you less safe, threatened your freedom, and made the federal government bigger and less accountable.
Our commitment is to get our economy back on track by cutting needless government spending, lowering taxes, and building an economic environment that encourages growth and lowers costs. We will also enact proven measures to secure our border and stop the flow of drugs like fentanyl by keeping “Remain in Mexico” in place, maintaining Title 42 authority, giving Customs and Border Patrol the resources it needs, and finishing the wall.
The evidence that Dobbs has been a critical factor in undermining Republican fortunes is unconvincing in other areas as well. A Reuters/ Ipsos poll finds that only 8% of Democrats view “the end of national abortion rights” as their most important issue. Most other polling comes to similar conclusions. Were any of these people going to vote for Republicans to begin with? Conservative enthusiasm remains high.
was worth it VISUAL VOICES
Whether it’s the economy, border security, or public health, Democratic leadership has neglected their obligation to serve the people – but I never will. Through our plan, the “Commitment to America,” I will continue to work hard to hold those who dodge their responsibilities accountable and to produce real solutions to the problems facing you and your family.
Full bans, without exemptions in cases of rape and incest — even if it is morally consistent — are probably never going to be popular nationally. But most Republican-run states allow for some level of firsttrimester abortions, a position more in line with the mainstream than
Democratsand onracespecificbutbackorTheouryourissuesmostaddressactionappropriatetohaveWashingtoninfailedtaketothepressingfacingfamilyandcountry.GOPmaymaynotwintheSenatewhichSenatehasturnedDobbs?
You might also cheer because if someone had told you 10, or even five, years ago that Roe would be overturned, you wouldn’t have believed them. Roe has been treated as a sacred text for over 50 years, not only by the press but by most of our institutions. The “right” to terminate life for convenience’s sake had been irrecoverably tethered to feminism and progress. For millions, it probably remains the only SCOTUS decision they can name. And once the left procures a new “right,” it rarely relinquishes it. The prospect of there being six justices willing to uphold the Constitution in the face of this immense pressure was improbable, to say the least.

In addition to economic and border security, we are also dedicated to protecting public health. Just last week, my bipartisan MOBILE Health Care Act advanced in Congress to expand access to health care in rural and underserved communities. These are the kinds of commonsense solutions you deserve.
Richard Hudson is serving his fifth term representing North Carolina’s 8th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives. He currently serves on the Energy and Commerce Committee and in House leadership as the Republican Conference Secretary.
President Joe Biden
fentanyl to flood our communities.
Historically, midterms during the first term of a new president are tough on any administration. Despite the White House’s risible contention that the economy is humming, few people buy it. A new Marist poll finds that 62% of Americans believe we’re in a recession. The economy is, by far, the top concern of voters.
The truth is that President Biden and House Democrats’ open border policies have created a migrant crisis and jeopardized public safety across the country. The greatest threat comes from allowing deadly drugs like

3Randolph Record for Wednesday, September 21, 2022
“FOR WE ARE GIVEN POWER not to advance our own purposes, nor to make a great show in the world, nor a name. There is but one just use of power, and it is to serve people.”
President Joe Biden’s fortunes, miserable only a few months ago, have suddenly turned around. The Economist says that cheering on Dobbs was “one of the worst political decisions of recent memory.”
So, yes, cheer.
Just because Dobbs was “worth” celebrating doesn’t mean Republicans shouldn’t have been better prepared for the probable outcome. It always amazes me how timid and ineffective Republicans are at making the pro-life case, which makes me suspect many of them are unhappy that pro-life legislation is no longer just a theoretical proposition.
Last week, we learned inflation remains up 8.3% from last year. The cost of daily essentials like electricity, groceries, and transportation remain sky high, up 15.8%, 13.5%, and 11.3%, respectively. Despite the hardship these price hikes are causing, Washington Democrats continue to prioritize liberal, inflation-driving policies such as their so-called “Inflation Reduction Act,” a measure that will raise your taxes, grow federal bureaucracy, and make inflation worse. Biden’s student loan plan will also unfairly force you to pay for others’ student loans. At a time when folks are struggling just to pay for the basics, the last thing you need is more taxes and more reckless government spending.
Few on the left, of course, need to worry about the consequences of their radical position because they are almost never asked to defend it. But, if, say, Gov. Ron DeSantis is the presidential nominee in 2024, he will be defending Florida’s 15-week ban against Biden’s NARALendorsed extremism. I’m not sure that works out exactly how Democrats imagine.Democrats have been fooling themselves with faulty and push polling for years. Even if we conceded the tepid swing in national momentum toward Democrats is real, it could be attributable to any number of issues, including an easing of high gas prices. Yet I keep reading stories about how abortion has put Republican control of the Senate in jeopardy.
Overdose deaths, primarily from fentanyl poisoning, hit an all-time high last year and are now the leading causes of death for Americans aged 18-45. This epidemic is plaguing communities across the country, including in North Carolina. Last week, I met with a mom from Sanford who tragically lost her son to an accidental encounter with fentanyl. She has courageously turned this tragedy into motivation to help other families, but we must do more to ensure no one has to endure the same heartache.Whydo Democrats in Washington continue to ignore these crises? Last week, Speaker Nancy Pelosi called Congress back to Washington after a 6-week recess. However, House Democrats did not bring forward any legislation related to stopping inflation, securing the border, or promoting public security. Instead, their focus was on making the census process less transparent.Itdoesn’thave to be this way. House Republicans have a plan to turn things around called a “Commitment to America.”
After decades of indoctrination on abortion “rights,” it’s also almost surely the case that a majority of Americans were under the impression that overturning Roe would mean a national ban on abortion. One recent poll found that 52% of registered Democrats still believe the Supreme Court outlawed abortions in the United States. The realization that this isn’t so may also temper any outrage over Dobbs. Then again, even if it didn’t, it would be worth it.
And, surely, once Roe was overturned, there would be a tumultuous political upheaval with a massive price tag? Even if we accept everything we’re hearing about the political fallout over Dobbs, the blowback is quite underwhelming. If a two-point swing in the presidential approval rating during a midterm election is the price for overturning Roe, then it was maybe the greatest bargain in history.
David Harsanyi is a senior editor at The Federalist. Harsanyi is a nationally syndicated columnist and author of five books — the most recent, “Eurotrash: Why America Must Reject the Failed Ideas of a Dying Continent.” Dobbs

Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor

the Democrats’ maximalist position on abortion on demand, for any reason, until birth, funded by the taxpayers.
The GOP may or may not win back the Senate — I’m no prognosticator — but which specific Senate race has turned on Dobbs? In Pennsylvania, where even the Democratic Party’s existing senator still pretends to be pro-life, polls show Dr. Mehmet Oz tightening the race against John Fetterman. Herschel Walker seems to be gaining on Raphael Warnock, as is Adam Laxalt on Cortez Masto.
Even if all of this were true, and I’m highly skeptical it is, “cheering on” the Dobbs decision was completely worth it. Just as cheering the overturning of Dred Scott v. Sanford or Schenck v. United States was worth it. Not everything is about short-term partisan gain.
NASCAR champion Kyle Larson signed a three-year contract extension through 2026 with Hendrick Motorsports. The extension includes sponsorHendrickCars.com,sponsorwhichwilltheNo.5Chevroletfor 35 races a season. Larson’s extension and the sponsorship renewal are concurrent. The original deal for HendrickCars.com to become Larson’s primary sponsor was announced last July when Rick Hendrick’s online automobile site enjoyed massive traffic spikes whenever it was featured on Larson’s car.
The showdown on the Bristol short track was the first elimination race of NASCAR’s playoffs and it was a nail-biter to the very end as at least a dozen of the 16 title contend ers had some sort of problem. There was a rash of flat tires for Ford driv ers, mechanical problems for Toy ota, an engine failure for Kyle Bus ch and Richard Childress Racing’s two drivers were both involved in a crash.The 16-driver field was cut by four, and eliminated from the play
El Segundo, California
It was the first points-paying win for RFK — then called Roush Fen way Racing — since Daytona in 2017, and the first non-superspeed way win on an oval since Carl Ed wards won at Bristol in 2014.
Buescher wins Bristol; Harvick, Busch, RCR out of playoffs

The second win of Buescher’s ca reer marked the first time in this format of NASCAR’s postseason that a playoff driver failed to win a race during a round. Erik Jones won the opener and Bubba Wallace won last Buescherweek.won for RFK Racing, the longtime Jack Roush-owned team that took on Brad Keselowski in the ownership group this season, to give the organization its first win in a points-paying Cup race in over five years. Buescher and Keselows ki both won a pair of exhibition rac es for RFK at Daytona in February.
BRISTOL, Tenn. — Chris Buescher closed out a bizarre first round of the NASCAR Cup Series playoffs in which none of the title contenders won a race by becoming the 19th winner this season with his victory Saturday night at Bristol Motor Speedway.
DirecTV’s “NFL Sunday Ticket” package malfunctioned for the second straight week, causing fans trying to watch through the app or online to miss entire games. DirecTV said via social media that customers trying to stream the 1 p.m. EDT games were unable to through the app. Shortly after 4 p.m. EDT, they said the server problems were fixed and streaming could resume. This is the final season that DirecTV will be the exclusive carrier of “Sunday Ticket” — Amazon and Apple are among the bidders for the package of out-of-market games after commissioner Roger Goodell said during the summer that he expected a new carrier.

The 19 winners in a season has been done a record four other times in NASCAR history and Elliott, who cycled back to the points lead for the start of the second round of the playoffs, noted the first three races showed what a crapshoot the process is this year.
NASCAR Larson signs 3-year extension with Hendrick
NHL Flyers’ Couturier out again with injury
“This is so special, this team does
“I don’t think anybody is safe,” Elliott said. “Nobody is safe in these rounds. And we want to do better, too.”The opening race of the sec ond round of the playoffs is Sun day at Texas Motor Speedway. Ryan Blaney won the All-Star race there in May, and Larson won the play off race there last season when Texas opened the third round and Larson’s victory earned him an au tomatic berth in the championship finale.
Philadelphia Philadelphia Flyers center
Sean Couturier suffered an undisclosed injury and will be re-evaluated during training camp. He is considered week-toweek. Couturier underwent back surgery in February and missed the rest of the season. He signed an eight-year, $62 million contract extension in 2021 and ended the season with 17 points in 29 games. The Flyers finished with a 25-4611 record last season under Alain Vigneault and Mike Yeo and were last in the Metropolitan Division. The team hired John Tortorella in the offseason for what is expected to be a rebuilding year.
because he was one of the early Ford drivers to run into trouble with a flat tire. There was a rash of tire prob lems for Ford drivers, and it would have eliminated many of them if so many playoff drivers didn’t have problems.Among those who had no prob lems were Hendrick Motorsports teammates Chase Elliott and Wil liam Byron, who finished second and third in ChristopherChevrolets.Bellfinished fourth in a Toyota for Joe Gibbs Racing and was followed by Kyle Larson and Ross Chastain of Trackhouse Racing. Non-playoff drivers AJ All mendinger and Cole Custer finished seventh and eighth.
4 Randolph Record for Wednesday, September 21, 2022 SPORTS 9796 Aberdeen Rd, Aberdeen Store Hours: Tue - Fri: 11am 4pmBlazerwww.ProvenOutfitters.com910.637.05009mm115gr,FMJBrassCased$299/case or $16/Box 10MagpulPMAGsfor$90 Polish Radom AK $64947 Smith & Wesson M&P 2.0 Compact $449 Del-Ton M4 $499 38” Tactical Rifle Case: $20 Light!With Ever wish you had a • The Best Prices on Cases of Ammo? • The best selection of factory standard capacity magazines? • An AWESOME selection of Modern Sporting Weapons from Leading Manufactures Like, Sig, FN, S&W, etc? You Do! • All at better than on line prices? With Full Length Rail! Made in NC! local store which has • Flamethrowers & Gatlin Guns? On Rt 211 just inside Hoke County. With Quantico Tactical The RFK Racing driver is the 19th different driver to win a race this season The Associated Press

such a good job,” said Buescher, who won with a late call for two tires on the final pit stop. “It’s special to get RFK into Victory Lane for the first time.”Keselowski, who left a long suc cessful career at Team Penske to become an owner and driver at re branded RFK, won the first stage for his first stage victory of the sea son. He congratulated Buescher both on-track and in victory lane.
Chris Buescher
‘NFL Sunday Ticket’ outages ires fans

offs were Kevin Harvick, Busch and RCR teammates Austin Dillon and Tyler“ThisReddick.place is tough on the driv ers. It’s tough on the cars,” Reddick said. “You never know how it’s going to go.”Harvick, Busch and Dillon were all below the cutline headed into the race, but Harvick had a shot at the win until a wheel fell off his Ford during the final pit stop. He’d inher ited a near-clear path to the victo ry — and an automatic berth into the next round — when Keselowski got a flat tire and hit the wall while leading.“Just went from having a chance to lead the parade to being a part of the parade,” said Harvick, who not ed he was ahead of Buescher at the final pit Austinstop.Cindric barely advanced
Chris Buescher celebrates in Victory Lane after winning Saturday’s NASCAR Cup Series race at Bristol.
“It’s special to get RFK into Victory Lane for the first time.”

Zane Cheek scored three touch downs for the Patriots (4-1). He gained 147 rushing yards on 26
Riley Queen
Josh Meadows scored on a 2-yard run with about four min utes to play for the winning points.
SOPHIA – A NASCAR Modi fied Champion and a family name
Randolph Record
Tyshaun Goldston racked up 133 receiving yards on seven catches.
“He had to lose some,” Cates said. “I weighed him in every
Michael Brady scored a firsthalf touchdown for Asheboro. Kai Matthews ran 18 yards for the Blue Comets’ second touchdown.
Trinity 18, Carrboro 13
Randolph Record
Asheboro keep rolling in
At Albemarle, Easton Clapp ran for two touchdowns and 194 yards in the non-league road victory.
“Once I started losing some weight, I started feeling a lot bet ter,” Barwick said.
Shootout events are slated for Nov. 3-5 at Caraway Speedway.
Wheatmore is 1-4.
North Stanly 40, Randleman 34
There also is no longer an unde feated team among the seven foot ball-playing schools in the county.
ly used a strong fourth quarter and then held on after the Ti gers threatened late, recovering an onside kick to help clinch the outcome in non-conference play.
Randleman quarterback Christian Long scored on three 1-yard runs and a 2-yard run. Amarion Moton, who finished with 114 rushing yards on 15 at tempts, opened the scoring for the Tigers with a 12-yard run.

He put Stratton Barwick on a diet.Now a bit swifter, Barwick hopes to put the Wildcats on the fast track again this year.
Asheboro added a home game against Langtree Charter Acad emy, winning 1-0 on Thursday night for the 10th win of the sea son. Cristian Ortiz scored the second-half goal on an assist from Ozmar Martinez.
At Randleman, North Stan
Wheatmore team receives rings for state title
A senior forward, Queen has 12 goals and four assists in nine games. That helped the Warriors to a 6-0-3 start.
Burt Myers won the NorthSouth Shootout in 2008 and 2009.Jason Myers is the only driver to have competed in every NorthSouth Shootout since its incep tion in 2003. He has never won the event but came close in 2019, leading with a few laps remain ing when a caution closed the field, allowing Max McLaughlin to take the win after Myers was caught up in a tangle on a late restart after leading for 40 laps. His best finish was a fourth in 2014.In other early entry news, Jer emy Gerstner is the first driv er entered for the 602 Modi fied portion of the North-South Shootout. Gerstner will pilot the Roy Walker-owned 602 Mod in a 50-lapper for the division.
By Bob Sutton Randolph Record
Asheboro entered the win col umn by securing an 18-13 road victory at Wheatmore.

He’s also a key member of Eastern Randolph’s baseball pro gram as a left-handed pitcher, first baseman, and left fielder.
Blue Comets enter win column, but Providence Grove suffers first loss
Caraway Speedway sets early info for big event
This week, a road game against Southwestern Randolph has been wiped off the sched ule. In its place, the Blue Comets instead were to visit Wesleyan Christian Academy on Tuesday night.Asheboro opens Mid-Pied mont Conference play Monday night against Oak Grove.
At Thomasville, visiting Provi dence Grove suffered its first loss, hurt by three turnovers in the non-conference game.
Earlier in his career, Barwick made an impact at another po sition. As a freshman, he was a starter at defensive tackle in a state-playoff game.

Quarterback Stratton Barwick of Eastern Randolph bulls his way for a touchdown against Walkertown earlier this season.
1990 NASCAR Modi fied champion Jamie Tomaino has filed the first entry for the shootout. A decision on the driv er for the No. 99 Modified will be made soon, according to track of ficials. Ronnie Williams drove the car in the 2021 North-South Shooting, finishing sixth.
Both teams are 3-2.
The Blue Comets (1-3) won for the first time since August 2021, snapping a 12-game losing streak.
RAMSEUR — The idea of the quarterback for Eastern Ran dolph’s wildly successful football team being the big man on cam pus wasn’t a grand idea for veter an coach Burton Cates.
TRINITY — Every team in Randolph County has at least one victory after Friday night’s results.
Randleman held 14-point leads twice in the first half.
“He’saround.definitely got the experi ence,” Cates said.
5Randolph Record for Wednesday, September 21, 2022
long associated with Modified racing have filed the first entries for the 20th John Blewett III Me morial North-South Shootout.
He said he drinks more water and started cutting down on soda consumption. Self-described as “a really picky eater,” he said he developed a plan.
soccer WEEK 6 Friday’sSCHEDULEgames Asheboro at Southwestern Randolph Eastern Randolph at West Stanly PREP FOOTBALL
“I’d let him make me go run a bit,” Barwick said.
Ledford Providence42, Grove 21
ASHEBORO — The Asheboro boys’ soccer team has picked up state rankings on the way to a perfect record through 10 games of the Theseason.BlueComets have made some schedule adjustments, but those didn’t slow down the team.
Eastern Randolph (3-1) plays its final non-conference game Friday night at West Stanly. Then the Wildcats embark on a fiveweek quest to repeat as Piedmont Athletic Conference champions.
The North-South Shootout in features 125 green-flag laps for the Tour-type Modifieds and a
Trinity (4-1) has won two games in a row. Carrboro fell to 2-3.
He worked on speed drills last winter. By the summer, the senior said the rewards of the weight re duction were clear.
Eastern Randolph QB cuts weight, but still wants to win big
carries.Thegame was tied at 21-21 af ter three quarters. Ledford (5-0) went ahead on the third play of the fourth quarter.
North-South Shootout pro moter Darren Hackett an nounced that if there are 18 cars entered for the 602 Modifieds di vision by the entry deadline of Oct. 12 that he’ll add a second 50lap event for the class.
Listed at 6-foot-1, Barwick is down to about 235 pounds after playing the 2021 season at 250.
Henry Santos also had two goals in the Randleman game, while Hayden Hemming, Anakin Leister, and Collin Burgess also scored. Leister provided three assists, and Ryan Baynard added two assists. Burgess racked up eight goals across the first nine games.
“I put it in my mind that I defi nitely wanted to do something about it,” Barwick said.
“He has gotten a step quicker,” CatesThissaid.weight trimming didn’t happen by accident.
Riley Queen of Wheatmore makes a move during last week’s game against visiting Trinity.
Queen has been an offensive force early in the season as the Warriors have been on a tear.
But football seems to be where he’s leaving his biggest mark. While he might still blend in with some of his offensive linemen, he knows his Barwick,role.a three-year start ing quarterback, threw for 39 touchdowns last season when the Wildcats went undefeated in the regular season and advanced to the third round of the Class 1-A stateHe’splayoffs.anice piece of the offen sive puzzle for the Wildcats to build
TRINITY – Members of the 2022 Wheatmore girls’ soccer team received rings for winning the Class 2-A state championship lastThespring.ceremony took place Fri day night at halftime of the school’s football game against Asheboro.TheWarriors went 25-0 last season.
Monday morning. I’d say, ‘Good weekend or bad weekend?’ If it was a bad weekend, he’d say, ‘Can I work out, and then you weigh me?’”Sometimes, Barwick arrived to begin another week of school, knowing he needed to cut a little more to reach that next goal.
At Carrboro, Dominic Payne’s pass to Brandon Campbell gave the visiting Bulldogs the winning points in the non-league game.
Wheatmore, boys’ soccer
Queen scored Wheatmore’s only goal in last week’s 1-1 overtime tie at home with rival Trinity in a Piedmont Athletic Conference game. Later in the week, he notched two goals and an assist as the Warriors won 7-1 at Randleman.

Southwestern Randolph 20, Albemarle 7
The Cougars (3-1), who were shutout victims a week earlier, bounced back. Adam Cole also scored on a run. Albemarle (14) failed to post a double-figure point total for the third game this season.
In this June 25, 2021 file photo, Attorney General Merrick Garland speaks during a news conference on voting rights at the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C.
In this Wednesday, April 17, 2019, file photo reviewed by U.S. military officials, the control tower is seen through the razor wire inside the Camp VI detention facility in Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Cuba.
But some immigration judges said they can only use the practice in a limited number of cases and that it makes the courts more ef ficient, not less. Without it, some immigrants have wound up fil ing applications for asylum or ap peal simply to buy more time while waiting on their green card appli cation, Marks said.
The result is a race that could be an indicator of Trump’s contin ued influence on swing districts and rural politics.
Idrissi, Nasser’s attorney, said judicial authorities should not “take measures that prolong his torment and suffering, especially since he lived through the hell of Guantánamo.”Nasser’sjourney to the Cuban prison was a long one. He was a member of a nonviolent but ille gal Moroccan Sufi Islam group in the 1980s, according to his Penta gon file. In 1996, he was recruited to fight in Chechnya but ended up in Afghanistan, where he trained at an al-Qaida camp. He was cap tured after fighting U.S. forces there and was sent to Guantána mo in May 2002.
The prisoner transfer process stalled under Trump, who said even before taking office there should be no further releases.
The race is likely to be much closer than Golden’s 2020 reelec tion victory, said Mark Brewer, a political scientist at University of Maine. Golden won that elec tion handily over Republican Dale Crafts.It’ll be closer this time in part because of national backlash against Democrats over issues such as inflation, Brewer said. But it’ll also be closer simply because the 2nd District is unpredictable, he “It’ssaid.the kind of district that has a lot of the people Trump made his appeal to in 2016. Relatively rural, largely white working class voters who have a sense of griev ance, economic grievance,” Brew er said. “I don’t think there’s any doubt that this race is going to be closer than Golden’s last race.”
“Looting cultural resources is a problem in our area,” Fiedler said. “So, we want to get the public in volved to say something if they see something.”Mostof the sites are Native American, some are from early Eu ropean settlers and others are tied to more recent human develop ment from 100 years ago or more, according to Mike Angst, an ar chaeologist with TVA’s Cultural Resources Department.
The move also restores auton omy to the country’s immigra tion judges over how they manage their dockets, said Jeremy McKin ney, president elect of the Ameri can Immigration Lawyers Associ ation. Immigration judges clashed repeatedly with the Trump ad ministration, decrying measures they said limited their indepen dence.“To say the immigration judg es never possessed this power was simply ridiculous,” McKinney said.
“The United States commends the Kingdom of Morocco for its long-time partnership in secur ing both countries’ national secu rity interests,” the Pentagon state ment said.
Maine rematch could be a bellwether for control of Congress
“These are extremely dangerous people and should not be allowed back onto the battlefield,” Trump said.Under Trump, only one prison er, a Saudi, was transferred to Sau di Arabia to serve the remainder of his sentence after he agreed to a
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. — Ar chaeological looting is a serious problem on the Tennessee Valley Authority’s vast land holdings in a seven-state area where an estimat ed 12,500 archaeological sites have been
TVA reservoir’s lake banks are where looters are most likely to be found because of fresh erosion along the new shoreline created by damming the river more than 80 years ago, Avery said. The Chick amauga Dam was completed in 1940.“When these guys are on the wa ter patrolling, they look for these guys along the shoreline,” he said of TVA police patrols.
ness to buck his own party over the years, including coming out against President Joe Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan in August. His positions have sometimes won him crossover en dorsements from groups that of ten back Republicans, such as when he received the backing of the state’s largest police union in July.The union also endorsed Re publican former Gov. Paul LeP age, who is running for his old job. Golden said he expects vot ers to reward him for standing up to the Democratic Party leader
The possibility that former Guantánamo prisoners would re sume hostile activities has long been a concern that has played into the debate over releases. The office of the Director of National Intelligence said in a 2016 report that about 17% of the 728 detain ees who had been released were “confirmed” and 12% were “sus pected” of reengaging in such ac tivities.Butthe vast majority of those reengagements occurred with former prisoners who did not go through the security review that was set up under Obama. A task force that included agencies such as the Defense Department and the CIA analyzed who was held at Guantánamo and determined who could be released and who should continue in detention.
WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Biden administration took a step toward its goal of shutting down the Guantánamo Bay detention center for international terror sus pects on Monday, releasing into the custody of his home country a Moroccan who’d been held with out charge almost since the U.S. opened the facility 19 years ago.
“It helps us clear our dockets so we’re dealing with cases that are really ready for hearings,” said Immigration Judge Dana Leigh Marks, president emerita and ex ecutive vice president of the Na tional Association of Immigration Judges.Formany immigrants, admin istrative closure was seen as a life line that shielded them from de portation while they awaited word on their applications for legal sta tus from other agencies, such as green cards or other visas. Critics
“We’re here to talk about the Ar chaeological Resources Protec tion Act,” Angst said standing near a table filled with information for members of the public.
said immigration judges too often let people stay in the country lon ger than they should in a sort of le galThepurgatory.decision is one of several recent Biden administration re versals of former President Don ald Trump’s immigration policies. Last month, Garland ended two policies that made it harder for im
process” aimed at reducing the de tainee population at Guantánamo.
White House press secretary Jen Psaki had said in February it was the “intention” of the Biden admin istration to close the detention fa cility, something President Barack Obama pledged to do within a year shortly after he took office in Janu aryAlmost2009. 800 detainees have passed through Guantanamo. Of the 39 remaining, 10 are eligible to be transferred out, 17 are eligible to go through the review process for possible transfer, another 10 are in volved in the military commission process used to prosecute detain ees and two have been convicted, another senior administration of ficial
address how it would handle the ongoing effort to prosecute five men held at Guantánamo for the Sept. 11 attacks. It also has to re solve what it will do with detain ees that the Obama administration particularly struggled with, ei ther because their home countries were not considered secure enough to return them to, or because they were refused by third-party coun tries.The detention center opened in 2002. Bush’s administration trans formed what had been a quiet Navy outpost on Cuba’s southeastern tip into a place to interrogate and im prison people suspected of links to al-Qaida and the Taliban.
pleaUnderbargain.Obama, 197 were trans ferred to other countries.
six batteries, allowing almost con stant use, he said.
Fromsaid.aTVA police boat with in spectors Jimmy Nelson and Roy Rogers at the helm, TVA archaeol ogist Paul Avery said the way wa ter in TVA’s reservoirs erodes the shoreline -- at a significantly higher level than the original river channel -- can uncover artifacts and relics.

“You have to think about how the river system has changed with in undation. The channel of the river was out here,” he said, sweeping his hand toward the middle of Chick amauga Lake. “What we’re sitting over right now was flood plain, so this is ideal land to live on when you think about the past.”
The appeal of Trump-style poli tics has grown in the district since then despite the fact it is repre sented by Golden, a moderate Democrat. Poliquin, who repre sented the 2nd District as a mod erate Republican from 2014 to 2018, has shifted his own messag ing rightward to try to take ad vantage of those headwinds.
The State Department said in a statement that President Joe Biden’s administration would con tinue “a deliberate and thorough
The Archaeological Resources Protection Act has a requirement that a site must be more than 100
courts, is making rules related to administrative closure and will al low the practice in the meantime, the attorney general wrote.
“There’s 12,000 years and more of history and prehistory,” he said. “Most of the sites are Native Amer ican, but we also have early pioneer sites, Civil War sites up through the early- to mid-20th century. Techni cally, any site over 50 years old can be an archaeological site.”
AUBURN, Maine — Don ald Trump isn’t on the ballot in Maine’s 2nd Congressional Dis trict this year, but his brand of politics is.
In a race that will help decide control of the U.S. House of Rep resentatives, Democratic Rep. Jared Golden will defend his seat against Republican former Rep. Bruce Poliquin and inde pendent candidate Tiffany Bond. The race is a rematch for Gold en and Poliquin, who ran for the same seat in 2018, when Gold en emerged victorious by a ra zor-thin margin.
“I’ve seen these guys arrest very few people on the shoreline that didn’t have something in their pocket,” he said. “A lot of them have a source they know where they can sell the stuff. That’s where you re ally run into the almost-industrial scale looting.”
“It clutters up the system with unnecessary filings and unneces sary hearings,” she said.
“In the last two years, I don’t know of anyone who has been more independent, and more will ing to stand up to their own par ty, than I have been,” Golden said. “I’m not trying to strategize ‘How do I hold on to the Democratic voters or to the Trump voters?’”
Bond said she expects ranked voting will play a role again this time around.
But the closure effort was thwarted when Congress barred the transfer of prisoners from Guantánamo to the U.S., including for prosecution or medical care.
U.S. ATTORNEY General Mer rick Garland tossed a Trump ad ministration policy that barred immigration judges from putting off the deportation cases of immi grants waiting on green cards and visas.Garland overruled a decision by then-Attorney General Jeff Ses sions that judges could not tem porarily shelve those cases — a practice known as administrative closure.Immigration judges, who are employees of Garland’s Depart ment of Justice, said the practice helps them manage their dockets more efficiently by letting them fo cus on cases that are ready to go to court and avoid dragging in immi grants and attorneys for unneces sary hearings. That’s critical in a backlogged system where immi grants already wait years to get a court date.
The Obama administration, seeking to allay concerns that some of those released had “returned to
In the decision on immigration judges, Garland wrote that three federal appeals courts had already rejected Sessions’ 2018 policy, say ing the judges had the authori ty to decide how they wanted to handle cases. The Justice Depart ment, which runs the immigration
court calendar following Sessions’ decision.Since the 2018 fiscal year, the number of cases pending in the immigration courts has risen 74%, to 1.3 million, according to data from the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse at Syracuse University.GeneHamilton, a key architect of many of Trump’s immigration policies who served in the Justice Department, said he believes Gar land’s decision will let immigrants stay in the country indefinitely de spite facing deportation.
migrants fleeing violence to quali fy for asylum.
Ward can use the drone to look for people who’ve become lost, help with cultural site surveys and look for looters almost silently from the sky, he
By Patrick Whittle The Associated Press
work with Trump when he served in “ICongress.cameout again from semi-re tirement because our country and our state are in deep trouble,” said Poliquin, who was once an invest ment manager and served two years as Maine’s state treasurer.
the fight,” set up a process to en sure those repatriated or resettled in third countries no longer posed a threat. It also planned to try some of the men in federal court.
“I was the candidate who got all the votes that neither party could,” she said.
Angst said the 12,500-plus sites now recorded are only a fraction of those believed to be on TVA lands in Virginia, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, Kentucky and Mississippi.
The U.S. thanked Morocco for facilitating Nasser’s transfer.
Nasser’s attorney in Morocco, Khalil Idrissi, said the years Nass er spent in Guantánamo “were un justified and outside the law, and what he suffered remains a stain of disgrace on the forehead of the American system.”
A review board had recom mended repatriation for Nasser, who is in his mid-50s, in July 2016, but he had remained at Guantána mo under President Donald Trump, who opposed closing the site.In announcing Nasser’s trans fer, the Pentagon cited the board’s determination that his detention was no longer necessary to protect U.S. national security.
By Amy Taxin The Associated Press
In step to shut Guantanamo, President
In a statement, the public prose cutor at the Court of Appeal in Ra bat said the National Division of the Judicial Police in Casablanca had been instructed to open an in vestigation into Nasser “on suspi cion of committing terrorist acts.”
The Associated Press
Avery said many cultural re source thieves are converting their finds into cash for drugs.
The district, one of two in Maine, includes the state’s sec ond- and third-largest cities — Lewiston and Bangor — but is mostly made up of vast rural ar eas in northern and western Maine. It also includes the state’s Down East coastline and is home to Maine’s traditional industries such as lobster fishing, logging and potato and blueberry farm ing.The district is also geographi cally the largest in the U.S. east of the Mississippi River, and it is far more politically mixed than the heavily Democratic 1st Congres sional District in southern Maine.
Trump won the 2nd District in 2016 and performed even better
It’sidentified.possiblethere could be three times that many sites, according to TVA archaeologists who were on hand recently at the Chickamauga Dam for an educational event for theTVA’spublic.cultural team and TVA police hosted the event at the Tay lor Boat Ramp at the day-use area at the Chickamauga Dam in Chat tanooga to bring awareness to the region’s rich history and help peo ple understand what to do if they see someone taking or damaging a cultural site, according to TVA spokesman Scott Fiedler.
Biden transfers Moroccan home
Golden, a Marine Corps vet eran, has positioned himself as a moderate who supports the 2nd Amendment and works to safe guard industries such as com mercial fishing and papermaking. He’s continuing that approach this time Goldenaround.hasshown a willing
U.S. Rep. Jared Golden, D-Maine, speaks to a reporter at his home, Thursday, Sept. 1, 2022, in Lewiston, Maine.
The transfer of Abdullatif Nass er was the first by the Biden ad ministration, reviving an Obama administration effort that had been stymied, in part, by conser vative opposition and by the diffi culty of finding secure sites to send some of the detainees.
years old to fall under the act’s pro tections, he said.
The race will include the use of ranked-choice voting, which Golden needed to win the seat in 2018. Bond, who came in third in 2018, said independent voters in the race will be the ones who de cide it. She said she’s focusing her campaign on issues such as im proving health care access and addressing climate change.

Nasser, also known as Abdul Latif Nasser, arrived Monday in Morocco. Police took him into cus tody and said they would investi gate him on suspicion of commit ting terrorist acts.
ship on issues such as the nearly $2 trillion climate and health care bill the House passed in 2021. He voted against the bill. He subse quently voted for the slimmeddown $740 billion measure that passed Congress last month.
During the Trump administra tion, the number of cases in the immigration courts surged, part ly as some of the hundreds of thou sands of cases that had been put on hold were added back on the
Garland lets immigration judges put off deportation cases
By Dino Hazell The Associated Press
“Our goal with the cultural com pliance at TVA is to make sure we can keep as many of those resourc es where they are as long as we can,” Angst said. “We don’t want to see them wash away or walk away in somebody’s pocket. We don’t want to see them stolen. They’re every one’s sites. It’s public property, and it’sForeveryone’s.”archaeologists, when some one damages a site, there is no way to restore it, and whatever is taken is lost along with its historical con text, he “Lootingsaid.is a problem, and it oc curs everywhere,” Angst said. “Ar chaeological resources, archaeo logical sites are a finite resource. Once they’re gone, they’re gone for ever. When we do professional ex cavations, we try to do them very carefully because we know that when we excavate a site, we destroy it.”Steven Ward, TVA police inspec tor and drone pilot, said his role in investigation and site location is a recent development in TVA’s inves tigative arm. Ward was already an airplane pilot, so it was a short step to get up to speed on flying drones, he Thesaid. drone TVA uses has high-resolution cameras, can op erate up to 5 miles away and has a controller the pilot uses that has a screen offering a first-person view from the drone, Ward said, holding the drone and turning it to show its features.Thedrone can provide thermal imaging, can be linked to a large screen television and has about 25 minutes of flight time on each of its
Thesaid.Biden administration didn’t
in the district in 2020, though he lost the statewide vote both times because of overwhelming mar gins in the 1st District, centered in liberal PoliquinPortland.hasfocused his cam paign on issues such as curtail ing immigration and protecting gun rights. It’s a shift from his earlier campaigns, which focused more closely on controlling taxes and protecting rural jobs, though he continues to tout those issues. His website has warned of liberals who want to defund law enforce ment and push critical race the ory in schools, and boasted of his

Tennessee Valley Authority’s Roy Rogers, center, drives the boat as Jimmy Nelson, left, and Paul Avery stand by, on Sept. 9, 2022, in Chattanooga, Tenn.
TVA seeks help combating looters of cultural resources
6 Randolph Record for Wednesday, September 21, 2022 6 Subscribe today (randolphrecord.com/subscribe704)269-8461
Ezzie is survived by her daughters, Sharon Elkins and husband Lynn and Teresa Kearns and husband Jeff, both of Silk Hope; sister, Lenora Lucas of Bonlee; 15 grandchildren; 1 step grandson; 8 great grandchildren; and 3 step great grandchildren.
Ezzie Lee Hilliard Smith, 84, of Bear Creek, went to be with her Heavenly Father on Tuesday, September 13, 2022.
Hilliard.Shewas a member of Hickory Grove Baptist Church, where she attended the Sunday School Class. She spent her working years as a Handicap Aid for Chatham County Group Home. Ezzie enjoyed gardening and was beloved mother, grandmother, and great grandmother. She loved to be around people. In addition to her parents, Ezzie is preceded in death by her husband, Settie Smith; sons, Jimmy and Mark Smith; 1 step grandson; 1 great grandson; brothers, Roy, Robert, Archie and Harold Hilliard; and sisters, Sissy Lucas and Geneva Beck.
The second oldest of four children, she is survived by her father Dwight Huffstetler of Asheboro, NC, her older brother Fred Huffstetler, sister-in-law Susan, and niece Jodi of Asheboro, NC, her younger brother Mike Huffstetler, sister-inlaw Beth, nieces Grace and Anna, nephews Matt, Daniel and Michael all of Omaha, NE, nephew Jason Huffstetler and wife Shannon of Papillion, NE, AND her cat Aurora. She was preceded in death by her sister Betty Jo Huffstetler, and her mother Joan Huffstetler.
Mary HuffstetlerLynn
Mary Lynn Huffstetler, age 58, died Sunday, September 11, 2022, at her brother's home.
John H. Osborne, 87, of Asheboro, passed away on September 11, 2022 at Randolph Hospital.

Mrs. VonCannon was preceded in death by her father, Gilmer “Mac” McDonald, and her mother, Dorothy “Dot” Congleton and her husband, Leonard VonCannon.
She was born on May 11, 1946. She attended Fremont High School and graduated from East Carolina University in 1968. She move to Asheboro and began teaching at Guy B. Teachey. She married L.D. Pritchard on November 30, 1969. When her two sets of twins began school, she started working as a secretary for St. Joseph Home Health and then later Randolph Hospital.
October 8, 1963 — September 11, 2022
She is survived by her daughter, JoDee VonCannon of Asheboro; brother, Ray McDonald of Greenville, NC; sister, Sheila Wilson (Tony) of Asheboro; cousins who were like sisters, Lois McMasters, Linda Loggains; and her loving sister in Christ, Krista Tarlton.
January 31, 1922 — September 14, 2022
Funeral services will be conducted 2:00 p.m., Thursday, September 22, 2022, at Grace Baptist Temple, where she was a member, with Pastor Marc Myers and nephew, Pastor Todd McDonald officiating. Burial will follow in the church cemetery.
He is survived by his wife of 56 years, Jacquelyn "Jackie" Miller Johnson; sons, Robert Johnson and wife Sandra of Climax, Keith Johnson and wife Lisa of FL, and James Johnson and wife Stephanie of Franklinville; daughter, Ruth Nolen and husband Jimmy of Sophia; 14 grandchildren, and 19 great grandchildren.
October 5, 1934 — September 11, 2022
Dorothy Saunders Stevens, 100, of Biscoe, passed away on Wednesday, September 14, 2022, at her home surrounded by her loving family.

December 20, 1936 — September 15, 2022
Mrs. Andrews was born in Chatham County on May 3, 1939, the daughter of Lonnie and Jessie Perry Petty.She was raised in Silk Hope, and graduated from Silk Hope School in 1956 as the Salutatorian and basketball star. Patricia was a member of Moon's Chapel Baptist Church. She retired after working as a Clerk and Carrier for over 20 years with the US Postal Service. She loved reading or watching game shows, and enjoyed a good murder mystery. Patricia was famous in the kitchen cooking, and making bread. She enjoyed trips to the mountains, and collecting teddy bears and nutcrackers. Patricia adored her time with her family, especially her grand andPatriciagreat-grandchildren.issurvivedbyher husband of 67 years, Wayne E. Andrews; sons, Dennis Andrews and wife Donna, Keith Andrews and wife Kelly, Kevin Andrews, Greg Andrews and wife Melanie, and Lori Andrews; grandchildren, Austin, Grayer, Audrey, and Hayes Andrews, Lane Andrews, Allison Moody and Ashley Hudson, and Samantha Andrews; and 3 great grandchildren. In addition to her parents, Patricia is preceded in death by her siblings, Elizabeth Ferrell, L.M "Buck" Petty, Adele Brooks, Charlie May Petty, Mazil Lee Petty, G.T. Petty, and Gwyn James.
Diane Elizabeth McDonald VonCannon, 73, of Asheboro, passed away Saturday, September 17, 2022 at Moses Cone Hospital in Greensboro.

Ezzie Hilliard Smith
August 24, 2022 — September 14, 2022
May 19, 1938 — September 13, 2022
Elizabeth Karina Cruz Chavez, infant daughter of Karina Chavez and Nelson Cruz passed away on September 14, 2022.
Ezzie was born in Chatham County on May 19, 1938, the daughter of Bob and Sally Phillips
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Hickory Grove Baptist Church.
The family will receive friends from 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m., Wednesday, September 21, 2022, at Ridge Funeral Home, and other times at the home.
She was preceded in death by her first daughter, Julie Elizabeth Pritchard; her grandson, Matthew Mitchell; and her parents Carl and Pauline Davis. She is survived by her husband, L.D. Pritchard; brother, Eddie Davis (wife Anne); son, Kevin Pritchard; daughters, Karla Pritchard, Melanie Mitchell (husband Brian) and Melissa Holland (husband Adam); and grandchildren, Jayden, Asher, Piper, Parker, Cricket and Olive.

Mrs. VonCannon was born in Randolph Co., NC on October 18, 1948. She was a retired special education teaching assistant for the Randolph County Public School System. She sang in the choir at the church, and loved gospel singings, bluegrass festivals, and church revivals. She was a loving wife, mother, sister, friend to many, and JoDee’s best friend.
March 21, 1946 — September 18, 2022
She is survived by her son, Gerald Stevens, and wife, Judy, of Star; daughter Beth Stevens Hursey, and husband, Jerry, of Star. She was adored by her 5 grandchildren, Stephanie Stevens of Asheboro; Gene Stevens and Greg Stevens of Star; Renee Hursey Talbert, and husband, Marty of Sanford; and Phillip Hursey, and wife, Katie, of Star; seven great grandchildren, Zachary and Jordan Cutler of Asheboro; Gabriel Stevens, and wife, Morgan, of Greensboro; Mason
October 18, 1948September 17, 2022
In addition to her parents, Elizabeth is survived by her brother, Gael De Jesus Novella; sister, Marilyn Liliana Jolgar; grandparents, Jose Lemus, Yoloana Aguilar, Jesus Garcia and Maria Luisa Cruz.

Mary was born in San Francisco, CA. Her family moved to Atlanta, GA when she was 6 years old. She graduated from Northside High School and attended Berry College. She lived in Atlanta all her life.
Faye D. Pritchard
Stanley Carlyle Smith, age 85, passed away at Hospice of Randolph surrounded by his loving family on Thursday September 15, 2022.
Mr. Osborne is survived by his wife of 62 years, Doris H. Osborne; sons, Steve R. Osborne and wife Sara of Concord, Dr. Jody N. Osborne and wife Heather of Clemmons, Larry E. Osborne and wife Stacey of Clemmons; grandchildren, Jordan Osborne, Daniel Osborne, Emma Osborne, Bailey Osborne and Kendall Osborne.
Elizabeth Karina Cruz Chavez
Patricia "Trish" Petty Andrews, 83, of Staley, passed away surrounded by her loved ones at her home on Wednesday, September 14, 2022.

John H. Osborne
Mrs. Stevens was born in Montgomery County on January 31, 1922, to Aaron Leo and Mary Belle Lamonds Saunders.
She had a strong work ethic always wanting to give her best. She was a valued employee at her job and stated multiple times to her family that she wanted to always keep working, even if just part time, as long as she possibly could. She had a strong need for family connections and yet she was fiercely independent and responsible, a fact that she was very proud of.
Diane VonCannon
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her beloved husband of 69 years, Oscar Lee Stevens; brothers William Eugene Saunders, Leonard Leo Saunders, and Billy Lee Saunders; and sisters Magdalene Batten Goodman and Jessie Saunders Whitley.
Terrence Robert "Yankee" Johnson, 76, of Siler City, passed away surrounded by his family at his home.Mr. Johnson was born in Marion County, West Virginia on March 21, 1946, the son of Kenneth and Elizabeth Vandergrift Johnson.

Mr. Osborne was a native of Randolph County and a graduate of Asheboro High School. He served 12 years with the NC National Guard and was a member of First United Methodist Church of Asheboro. Mr. Osborne served his community as a former chair and member of Asheboro City Planning board for 24 years. He also was a former instructor with Randolph Community College and coached North Asheboro Little League Baseball. Mr. Osborne was former owner of Industrial Electric Motors and retired from Jockey International as a technical analyst. In his spare time Mr. Osborne was a Ham Radio operator (License WD4IGA), was an avid golfer and loved spending time at White Lake and Lake Tillery.
Stanley was born on December 20, 1936 in Winston-Salem, NC to Marvin Foster Smith and Emily Ballard Snuggs Smith. He was preceded in death by his parents and his brother Douglas Quinton Smith. He graduated from Asheboro High School. Stanley was a dedicated Christian and faithful member of First United Methodist Church. For 26 years he was vice-president and co-owner of Randolph Packing Company. Stanley followed this with a career in real estate development andStanleymanagement.issurvived by his wife of 66 years, Doris Hamlet Smith. He is also survived by son Stanley Scott Smith (Dawne) of Asheboro, daughter Keli Smith Jones (David) of Apex: grandchildren Dr. Meredith Jones McGee (Kevin), Joseph Kevin Jones (Catherine), Jennifer Caroline Jones(Peter Woodside), Rev. Sarah Caitlin Smith-Gawne (Rev. Lt. James Gawne), and Emily Carlyle Smith; great grandchildren Catherine Lea McGee, Margaret Caroline McGee, Elizabeth Carlyle McGee, and Joseph Gray Jones, niece Elizabeth Smith Olig, and nephews Douglas Todd Smith, Donald Craig Hamlet, and Rex Andrew Hamlet.
Faye Davis Pritchard went to be with her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on September 11, 2022 at the age of 76 with her husband and children by her side. Among many things, Faye was a loving and supportive wife. A doting, attentive and selfless mom. And an engaged and playful nana. Her faith was an essential part of her life. She loved the Lord, sought His will daily, and lifted up everyone around her in prayer.
7Randolph Record for Wednesday, September 21, 2022 obituaries Celebrate the life of your loved ones. Submit obituaries and death notices to be published in the Randolph Record at obits@randolphrecord.com 2 Randolph Record WEDNESDAY 7.21.21 “Join#3 conversation”the WEEKLY FORECAST 2 Randolph Record for Wednesday, WEDNESDAY 7.7.21 “Join#1 conversation”the WEEKLY FORECAST WEDNESDAY JUNE 30 HI 91° LO 70° PRECIP 15% THURSDAY JULY 1 HI 91° LO 70° PRECIP 15% FRIDAY JULY 2 HI 78° LO 66° PRECIP 57% WEDNESDAY JULY 21 HI 88° LO 67° PRECIP 13% THURSDAY JULY 22 HI 88° LO 67° PRECIP 5% FRIDAY JULY PRECIPLOHI RANDOLPH COMMUNITY COLLEGE Stanley C. Smith
May 3, 1939 — September 14, 2022
May 11, 1946 — September 11, 2022
Terrence loved being outside, and doing yard work. He retired after many years working in bridge construction. He cherished his family, time spent with his grandchildren, and his wife was the true love of his life. Terrence had a sweet tooth, and always had candy around. In addition to his parents, he is preceded in death by his brothers, Kenneth and Richard Johnson; and sister, Beverly Wyroski.
RALEIGH — North Caroli na’s hospitals and hospital sys tems on Friday unveiled an offer that could shake up stalled nego tiations to pass legislation that would expand Medicaid to cover hundreds of thousands of low-in come adults in the state.
“Each day the General As sembly waits is a day that harms 600,000 North Carolinians,” as sociation president and CEO Steve Lawler said. “We hope that any legislation crafted will be done in a thoughtful way that pro tects health care facilities that take care of people and improve community health.”
The statement from Baldwin, Democratic Sen. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona and Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine, Rob Portman of Ohio and Thom Til lis of North Carolina came after a meeting with Schumer, who had been considering a vote as soon as next week.
“We’ve asked Leader Schumer for additional time and we appre ciate he has agreed,” Baldwin said in a statement, along with other members of the bipartisan group that is negotiating the bill. “We

The association said its propos al would have hospitals paying a majority of the state’s share to cover another 600,000 people at a cost of over $550 million annual ly. The state’s hospitals also would participate in a federally fund ed program that would enhance their Medicaid reimbursement rates for providing care, provid ing new revenues.
administration was leaving the mechanics of the legislation — such as the timing of a vote — to the“WeSenate.believe the Senate should find consensus just as the Amer ican people have,” White House press secretary Karine JeanPierre said Thursday.
In addition to Collins, Portman and Tillis, a fourth GOP senator, Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski, has supported same-sex marriage in the past. Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson, who is up for reelection this year, has said he doesn’t see a “reason to oppose it” but has talk ed on both sides of the issue in re cent
The UNC Hospitals campus in Chapel Hill are shown in this photo.
Mostweeks.Republicans oppos ing the legislation have said it is simply unnecessary because the court ruling still stands. But oth ers have gone further.
By Gary D. Robertson The Associated Press
The proposal would do away with certificate of need laws for psychiatric inpatient beds and beds to treat people with chem ical dependency. It also, within five years, would scale back regu lations for operating rooms with in ambulatory surgical centers, which the association says would result in a loss of revenue for them.
Theoffice.General Assembly is sched uled to reconvene Tuesday for what’s expected to be a three-day administrative session with no re corded floor votes. They are next scheduled to return to Raleigh in October.
amendment this week that would clarify that the legislation does not affect the rights of such pri vate individuals or businesses — rights that are already enshrined in law. The legislation requires the federal government and states to recognize all marriages that were legal where they were performed, along with interracial marriages.“Through bipartisan collabo ration, we’ve crafted common sense language that respects re ligious liberty and Americans’ diverse beliefs, while upholding our view that marriage embodies the highest ideals of love, devo tion, and family,” the group said in the statement.
One group that has been op posed, the conservative Alliance Defending Freedom, has pushed back on the legislation.
The North Carolina Healthcare Association said the offer sent to Republican legislative leaders and Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper also contained reforms to some state laws that require regulatory ap proval before certain medical buildings can be constructed or services offered in a region.
But some Republicans who had wavered on the bill were not yet on Respondingboard. to the group’s statement Thursday, the White House emphasized again that the
A spokesman for Schumer said he is “100 percent committed” to holding a Democratsvote. and the small group of Republicans have moved to safeguard same-sex marriage following the Supreme Court decision over the summer that overturned Roe v. Wade and the federal right to an abortion. Law makers fear the court’s ruling, and a concurring opinion from Justice Clarence Thomas, indi cate that an earlier high court de cision protecting same-sex mar riage could come under threat.
8 Randolph Record for Wednesday, September 21, 2022
The delay was requested by key senators who have been negotiat ing changes to the legislation and comes at a time when many Re publicans have been signaling op position.Wisconsin Democratic Sen. Tammy Baldwin, the lead cham pion of the bill, had predict ed they would be able to secure the 10 Republican votes need ed to break a filibuster and push it to passage. But hopes dimmed as some Republicans raised con cerns about whether the bill would protect the rights of reli gious institutions, business own ers or others who oppose samesexThemarriage.decision adds to the uncer tainty facing the legislation, as it gives interest groups and oth er lawmakers opposing the bill more time to rally Republicans against it. But supporters hope that by pushing the vote back, they will relieve election-year pressure from some conservative voters and persuade more Repub licans to support the legislation.
main“Ouropen.board of trustees has made the difficult decision to pro pose certificate of need law re forms,” board chair Dr. Roxie
are confident that when our leg islation comes to the Senate floor for a vote, we will have the biparti san support to pass the bill.”
“In the grander scheme, the Respect for Marriage Act is a way of putting an exclamation mark on the sexual revolution and its ideology,” wrote Ryan Womack, who works for the group, in a blog posted on its website.

hospitals to negotiate with Berg er on those rules, which hospitals contend help community facilities that disproportionately serve the uninsured or underinsured re

Wells said in a news release. “CON law changes could threaten the survival of community hospitals if they are not implemented careful ly. We are putting a lot of trust in legislative leaders to do this cor rectly.”The House passed its own ex pansion bill during the final week of the General Assembly’s prima ry work session this year that con tained none of the medical sup ply-side proposals that the Senate wanted. House Speaker Tim Moore has said Republicans in his chamber would prefer to handle those provisions separately from expansion.Moore’s office was still review ing the offer late Friday, Chief of Staff Neal Inman said. Berger spokesperson Lauren Horsch said the same thing, adding: “We ap preciate the NCHA’s willingness to come to the table with a pro posal.” There was no immediate response late Friday from Coo per’s
North Carolina is one of a doz en states that have yet to accept the federal government’s offer to cover people who make too much to be insured by traditional Med icaid but too little to receive subsi dized private insurance. The fed eral government would pay 90% of the medical costs of expansion.
NC hospitals offer new Medicaid expansion proposal
By Mary Clare Jalonick The Associated Press
The Senate push for the his toric vote — and the openness by some Republicans to back it in an election year — reflects a large shift on the issue since the Supreme Court’s 2015 Oberge fell v. Hodges decision legalizing gay marriage nationwide. Polling shows widespread public support for allowing such unions.
But as the weeks went on, more Republicans raised religious lib ertyAnotherissues. proposed tweak to the bill would make clear that a marriage is between two people, an effort to ward off some farright criticism that the legislation could endorse polygamy.
Senate leader Phil Berger this summer accused the association of refusing to compromise on “certificate of need” rules. Chang es to these rules were contained in the Senate version of an expan sion measure approved in June. Berger said they were needed to increase the supply of medical services that would be needed to treat the growing Medicaid pop ulation.Cooper, a big expansion pro ponent, told reporters earlier this week that it would make sense for
The bill protecting same-sex marriage cleared the House in a July vote with the support of 47 Republicans — a larger than ex pected number that gave the measure a boost in the Senate.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of N.Y., listens during a news conference at the Capitol, Sept. 7, 2022, in Washington, D.C.
The bipartisan group has been working closely with the GOP senators who are open to the leg islation but have religious liber ty concerns. They finalized an
It’s not clear how many Re publicans would support the bill.
ocrats are punting a vote to pro tect same-sex and interracial marriages until after the No vember midterm elections, pull ing back just days after Majority Leader Chuck Schumer vowed to put the Senate on the record on the issue “in the coming weeks.”
“We all want to pass this quick ly,” Schumer said last week. “I hope there will be 10 Republicans to support it.”
Democrats punt same-sex marriage vote until after election
with a budget of $6,173,463.82.
Public health officials from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services are encouraging residents and visitors to take precautions to prevent mosquito-borne illness following recent cases of West Nile Virus in several parts of the state. There have already been four reported human cases of the virus in the state at this point in the year. Usually, the average number of cases by the end of August each year is two. While most people who become infected with the virus usually experience either no symptoms or a mild, flu-like illness, about 20% of infected people will develop a fever with other symptoms such as headache, body aches, joint pains, vomiting, diarrhea, or rash. North Carolina citizens are encouraged to use mosquito repellent that contains DEET (or equivalent) when outside and to reduce mosquito breeding by emptying standing water whenever possible.
HOKE COUNTY opened conference play with a historic win on the road after beating Scotland County for the first time in 13 years this past weekend. The final score in Laurinburg was 52-35.
ing on,” Dowless said. “We shared it with the county commission ers and city council. So tonight, we want to share it. It’s still all prelim inary and still working on the de sign for what will be in the best interest of the community and stu dents and being as efficient as pos sible.”Finally, the board was present ed with the proposed plan for a COVID-19 testing program.
ic. Our staff definitely persevere through the challenges. We had some instruction shifts, staff short ages, and we had some unexpected terms. As a team, we recognize that the past two years have been very challenging. They did impact some data. We may not be where we were pre-pandemic, but we are in better shape than we were last year.”
“Two males were wearing black ski masks, black shirts, one with an Air Jor dan logo printed on it, and black shoes. One of the male subjects was also wear ing black pants, while the other was possibly wearing gray pants,” claimed deputies. “The two masked males then drove away with the vehicle, with the two juveniles still in the back seat.”
The board was then given an update on the Hoke County High School Replacement Project.
North State Journal
District scores improved from last year
According to Chavis, Hoke County Schools will begin the year
Despite the low scores, there were signs of improvements across the“Onedistrict.ofthe highlights from the data, though, is that 100% of Hoke County schools increased their overall GLP composite scores from 2020-2021,” said Director of Test ing and Accountability Melissa Ward. “Those scores are a combi nation of all assessment measures.”
By Hal Nunn North State Journal
Bucks record historic win over Scotland County
According to the Fayetteville Police, a 22-year-old man was shot and killed outside of his apartment last Tuesday night at about 11 pm. The victim, who has been identified as Sgt. Nicholas Bobo of Cordova, Tennessee, was a paratrooper in the Army’s 82nd Airborne Division based at Fort Bragg. When officers arrived on the scene, they found Bobo suffering from multiple gunshot wounds before he succumbed to his injuries. Investigators do not believe the shooting was a random attack. Sgt. Bobo was a decorated service member, who had received the Army Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Army Service Ribbon, and the Army Parachutist Badge.
RAEFORD — The Hoke Coun ty Board of Education met Tues day, September 13, with the pre liminary budget and updates on district performance key items on theTheagenda.board kicked off the meet ing by approving the preliminary 2022-23 budget resolution for Hoke County Schools.
Deputies have not released the iden tities of any of the four victims and are still looking for additional information about the incident. The stolen vehicle, however, is reported to have been a light
Two children kidnapped at Raeford gas station
“When we start each year, we have to appropriate our funds be fore we can start spending,” said Chief Financial Officer Wannaa Chavis. “Once the state gives us our budget and our other budget is al located, then we can.”
Hoke County High School drone instructor Mr. Mario Malabunga received a plaque of appreciation for all he has done for his students at the Sept. 13 Hoke County Board of Education meeting.

“We have a K-12 COVID-19 Test ing Program,” said Executive Di rector of Student Support Services Dr. Peggy Owens. “In terms of where we are right now, we are in conversation with Mako right now, and our next step will be for their representative to come out and do site visits for all of the schools that will actually host testing sites, and then we’ll begin scheduling and no tifying parents.”
Senior running back Ethan Wallace scored five touchdowns and rushed for 245 yards, bringing his season total to 899 yards rushing and 15 touchdowns. Warren Avery also had a success ful performance after bringing in a couple of touchdowns. Hoke quarterback Brandon Saunders was 9 for 14 with passing, amass ing a total of 110 yards.
The Buck’s defense also showed signs of improvement, as Em manuel Bratcher scooped up one fumble. Jordan James also re corded got another assist after Stephon Sanders caused a fumble. Rashaud Ross collected an interception that helped keep Scotland County at bay, allowing Ryan Ramirez to hit a 30-yard field goal late in the game to keep the Scots out of reach.
“We are extremely apprecia tive to our entire district staff for their hard work and dedication during last year,” said Superinten dent Debra Dowless. “Learning and teaching through a pandem
The Bucks have a difficult task ahead of them as the Lee Coun ty Yellow Jackets travel to Raeford this upcoming Friday. The Yel low Jackets currently have an impressive 5-0 record after winning their first conference game.
The game starts at 7:30 pm at Raz Autry Stadium in Raeford. The Bucks will recognize the 2022 Hall of Fame Class at halftime.
By Ryan Henkel North State Journal
TWO CHILDREN were kidnapped while sitting in the backseat of their parents’ car last week after two masked men approached their vehicle with a handgun.Theincident occurred at approxi mately 11 pm on Tuesday, September 1, at the Marathon Lucky Stop gas station located at 2196 Highway 401 Business in Raeford. According to Raeford depu ties, one of the parents was pumping gas while the other was inside paying.
The board was also present ed with the 2021-22 account ability data from the state, which involves grading for each of the dis trict’s schools on a 15-point grading school.Hoke County Schools had one school receive an A grade (Sand hoke Early College High School), three receive a C grade, eight re ceive a D grade–which is the bot tom standard for meeting expec tations–and one receive an F grade (J.W.ThreeMcLauchlin).schoolswere also iden tified in the data as recurring low-performing schools: J.W. Mc Lauchlin Elementary, West Hoke Middle, and East Hoke Middle.
“We have started sharing a draft of a design we have been work
The Hoke County Board of Ed ucation will next meet October 11.
State data shows Hoke County school performances impacted by pandemic
“I was watching the first kick-off when Ryan Ramirez kicked the ball into the Scotland end zone, and the entire team ran the play all the way through the end zone,” said Coach Small. “The guys’ energy level was great, and their effort and execution were explosive. And the offense, wow! We’ve been waiting to see this level of offense for a while now, and it’s here.”
The two masked men drove a few miles down the road towards Scurlock Elementary School before letting the two children out of the vehicle at a J+L Clover gas station at 685 Rockfish Road.
When asked about his team’s historic win, Bucks head coach George Small likened it to one of the games with Scotland County back in the 1970s under Coach Bill Cameron.
Fort Bragg Soldier killed outside of his apartment home
The Bucks are currently averaging 36.2 points per game this season, with a 3-2 overall record and 1-0 in conference play.
♦ Roper, Linda Ann (B/F/48), AssaultSimple, 09/18/2022, Hoke County Sheriff’s Office

♦ Johnson, Krista Lynn DWLR(B/F/34),Impared Rev, 09/16/2022, Hoke County Sheriff’s Office
♦ King, County09/16/2022,(B/M/27),TremayneDWI,HokeSheriff’sOffice

2 North State Journal for Wednesday, September 21, 2022 WEEKLY CRIME LOG


♦ Elliott, (B/M/20),EzraFirearm by Felon, 09/16/2022, Hoke County Sheriff’s Office Thompson, Terry Lee County09/12/2022,Assault(W/M/27),onaFemale,HokeSheriff’sOffice
KIDNAPPING from page 1 Melissa SWARBRICK FOR NC HOUSE Melissa SWARBRICK HAS A PLAN TO CUT COMBATTINGTAXES HIGH SUPPORTINGINFLATION ENFORCEMENTLAW PUTTING NORTH CAROLINA FAMILIES FIRST FIGHTING FOR BETTER EDUCATION PAID FOR BY SWARBRICK FOR NC HOUSE 48 We stand corrected To report an error or a suspected error, please email: corrections@nsjonline.com with “Correction request” in the subject CORRECTION:line.Inlast week’s issue, the top photograph on page 1 was incorrectly attributed. Credit for the photograph belongs to Hal Nunn of North State Journal. Neal Robbins Publisher Matt Mercer Editor in Chief Griffin Daughtry Local News Editor Cory Lavalette Sports Editor Frank Hill Senior Opinion Editor Lauren Rose Design Editor Published each Wednesday as part of North State Journal 1201 Edwards Mill Rd. Suite Raleigh,300NC 27607 TO SUBSCRIBE: Raleigh,Suite1201NorthSendPOSTMASTER:mailingatPeriodicalsAnnualMOORE.NORTHSTATEJOURNAL.COM336-283-6305SubscriptionPrice:$50.00PostagePaidRaleigh,N.C.andatadditionaloffices.addresschangesto:StateJournalEdwardsMillRd.300NC27607 JOHNNY BOYLES for Hoke County Commissioner CONTACT: BOYLES4HOKE@GMAIL.COM | PAID FOR BY COMMITTEE TO ELECT JOHNNY BOYLES • Hoke County Native and Lifelong Resident • Strong Christian Conservative Values • Standing Up for our Hoke County Farmer's, Agricultural Community, Law Enforcement and First Responders • Still Serving at Stonewall Fire Department 49 Years; Treasurer Over 25 years "I want to be a servant to ALL PEOPLE of Hoke County." I Support our Veterans, Active Duty Members and their Families Serving on Law CommitteeEnforcement Strong Business Strength while Keeping Taxes Low Get in touch Hoke County Edition of North State Journal WEDNESDAY 9.21.22 “Join conversation”the David Frumpfor County Commissioner Facebook:HOKEforward.com@hokeforward Let’s Move Hoke Forward Together What I stand for • Best Community Planning Planned and Smart Growth • Best Schools Invest in Our Children / Our Future • Best Business Environment Increase Quality Jobs Give us Places to Shop and Things to Do • A Safe Community Support Our First Responders Background • Christian Family Man • Retired Navy Officer Served with Honor 25 Years • Small Business Owner Hoke Farmer for 30 Plus Years Construction and Renovation (Retired) Great home & auto rates for any budget. Surprisingly great rates await when you have options like bundling your home and auto insurance. Call me for a quote today. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® Individual premiums and budgets will vary by customer. All applicants subject to State Farm underwriting requirements. Availability and amount of discounts and savings vary by state. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company State Farm Indemnity Company State Farm Fire and Casualty Company State Farm General Insurance Company Bloomington, IL State Farm Florida Insurance Company Winter Haven, FL State Farm County Mutual Insurance Company of Texas State Farm 2101551Richardson,LloydsTX John Owen, Agent 4003 Fayetteville Rd Raeford, NC 28376 Bus: john.owen.jtjj@statefarm.com910-875-7169 Great home & auto rates for any budget. Surprisingly great rates await when you have options like bundling your home and auto insurance. Call me for a quote today. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® Individual premiums and budgets will vary by customer. All applicants subject to State Farm underwriting requirements. Availability and amount of discounts and savings vary by state. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company State Farm Indemnity Company State Farm Fire and Casualty Company State Farm General Insurance Company Bloomington, IL State Farm Florida Insurance Company Winter Haven, FL State Farm County Mutual Insurance Company of Texas State Farm 2101551Richardson,LloydsTX John Owen, Agent 4003 Fayetteville Rd Raeford, NC 28376 Bus: john.owen.jtjj@statefarm.com910-875-7169 Do you have a birthday, wedding, engagement or other milestone to celebrate? Contact us at celebrations@northstatejournal.com. blue 2009 Toyota Camry. The Hoke County Sheriff’s Of fice claims to have a person of inter est but is still requesting assistance from the public with identifying the two armed men. No arrests have been made at this time. Anyone with information is asked to contact Detective Hoskins at (910) 479-3832 or the Hoke County Sheriff’s Office at (910) 8755111.
♦ Evans, Ray Charles (B/M/42), Habitual Larceny, 09/17/2022, Hoke County Sheriff’s Office
♦ Daniels, (U/M/29),JeanAssault on a Female, 09/17/2022, Hoke County Sheriff’s Office

QUALITY OF LIFE, or quality of place, often determines why we choose to live in a certain region or neighborhood. World Health Organization standard indicators of quality of life include wealth, employment, educational opportunities, recreation, religious connections, safety, security, access to quality healthcare, and economic vibrancy. We often prioritize these characteristics for ourselves as we resolve where to raise our families, grow our businesses, or live out our golden years.
Absolutely Dobbs was worth it
And, surely, once Roe was overturned, there would be a tumultuous political upheaval with a massive price tag? Even if we accept everything we’re hearing about the political fallout over Dobbs, the blowback is quite underwhelming. If a two-point swing in the presidential approval rating during a midterm election is the price for overturning Roe, then it was maybe the greatest bargain in history.Justbecause
Our state and local government leaders must prioritize legislation that ensures we can maintain a satisfactory quality of life without being overburdened by fear that we have chosen poorly in where to lay down our roots. Unfortunately, those fears are now realities here in Hoke County. Years of poor leadership have left us with higher crime, low-performing public schools, lower median incomes, and fewer opportunities to attract new businesses and budding entrepreneurs.
3 North State Journal for Wednesday, September 21, 2022
Melissa Swarbrick is a candidate for NC House District 48

David Harsanyi is a senior editor at The Federalist. Harsanyi is a nationally syndicated columnist and author of five books — the most recent, “Eurotrash: Why America Must Reject the Failed Ideas of a Dying Continent.”

So, yes, cheer.
Full bans, without exemptions in cases of rape and incest — even if it is morally consistent — are probably never going to be popular nationally. But most Republican-run states allow for some level of first-trimester abortions, a position more in line with the mainstream
than the Democrats’ maximalist position on abortion on demand, for any reason, until birth, funded by the taxpayers. Few on the left, of course, need to worry about the consequences of their radical position because they are almost never asked to defend it. But, if, say, Gov. Ron DeSantis is the presidential nominee in 2024, he will be defending Florida’s 15-week ban against Biden’s NARAL-endorsed extremism. I’m not sure that works out exactly how Democrats imagine.

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics historical data shows that Hoke County consistently has a higher unemployment rate than the state and national averages. Lack of opportunities for quality employment and perception of Hoke’s quality of life standards are surely factors that contribute to these high unemployment numbers. Hoke County is fortunate to have a large military community as part of our local population. Without their contributions to our tax base and local economy, Hoke County would surely be in an even poorer economic state.Young families, business owners, and economic development professionals are not going to be quick to choose Hoke County for their next home or business venture if we do not demand our elected officials work to improve our quality of life. Crime, poor schools, drug-related deaths, and a lower median income than the state average are not going away without some strong leadership in Raleigh. We need to vote for prosperity, safety, and security in November.
Dobbs was “worth” celebrating doesn’t mean Republicans shouldn’t have been better prepared for the probable outcome. It always amazes me how timid and ineffective Republicans are at making the pro-life case, which makes me suspect many of them are unhappy that pro-life legislation is no longer just a theoretical proposition.
CONVENTIONAL D.C. wisdom says Republicans are about to pay a heavy political price for supporting the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision that overturned Roe v. Wade. The prospects of a red wave election are deteriorating. An “invisible army of women” are flocking to register to vote. Dobbs has fired up Democrats. President Joe Biden’s fortunes, miserable only a few months ago, have suddenly turned around. The Economist says that cheering on Dobbs was “one of the worst political decisions of recent memory.”Evenif all of this were true, and I’m highly skeptical it is, “cheering on” the Dobbs decision was completely worth it. Just as cheering the overturning of Dred Scott v. Sanford or Schenck v. United States was worth it. Not everything is about short-term partisan gain.
The GOP may or may not win back the Senate — I’m no prognosticator — but which specific Senate race has turned on Dobbs? In Pennsylvania, where even the Democratic Party’s existing senator still pretends to be pro-life, polls show Dr. Mehmet Oz tightening the race against John Fetterman. Herschel Walker seems to be gaining on Raphael Warnock, as is Adam Laxalt on Cortez Masto.Theevidence that Dobbs has been a critical factor in undermining Republican fortunes is unconvincing in other areas as well. A Reuters/Ipsos poll finds that only 8% of Democrats view “the end of national abortion rights” as their most important issue. Most other polling comes to similar conclusions. Were any of these people going to vote for Republicans to begin with? Conservative enthusiasm remainsHistorically,high. midterms during the first term of a new president are tough on any administration. Despite the White House’s risible contention that the economy is humming, few people buy it. A new Marist poll finds that 62% of Americans believe we’re in a recession. The economy is, by far, the top concern of voters.
After decades of indoctrination on abortion “rights,” it’s also almost surely the case that a majority of Americans were under the impression that overturning Roe would mean a national ban on abortion. One recent poll found that 52% of registered Democrats still believe the Supreme Court outlawed abortions in the United States. The realization that this isn’t so may also temper any outrage over Dobbs. Then again, even if it didn’t, it would be worth it.
decisions about their children’s academic needs. Many opt to leave the county or move their children into private or home-school settings for fear that the public schools will leave their children indoctrinated instead of educated. The Hoke County website recently reported that for the 2021-22 school year, six schools in Hoke County were identified as low performing, with only one school meeting that standard in 201819. Instead of encouraging public schools to focus on academics and funding tutoring programs to help children learn to their full potential, our current state representative voted to include the teaching of racism and critical race theory in our schools (HB 324).
You might also cheer because if someone had told you 10, or even five, years ago that Roe would be overturned, you wouldn’t have believed them. Roe has been treated as a sacred text for over 50 years, not only by the press but by most of our institutions. The “right” to terminate life for convenience’s sake had been irrecoverably tethered to feminism and progress. For millions, it probably remains the only SCOTUS decision they can name. And once the left procures a new “right,” it rarely relinquishes it. The prospect of there being six justices willing to uphold the Constitution in the face of this immense pressure was improbable, to say the least.

Democrats have not worked to improve our quality of life in Hoke County | DAVID HARSANYI
Crime statistics show that crime, including violent offenses and drugs, has increased substantially over the past few years. Opioid and Fentanyl deaths have skyrocketed since 1990, yet our current legislators often turn a blind eye to this epidemic. NBC News recently reported that Fentanyl seizures at the southern border have risen a staggering 4000%, and this deadly drug and many others surely make their way into Hoke County. Instead of trying to stop the flow of drugs into our area, legislation requiring drug testing for NC Work First program applicants (HB 392) and a bill requiring Sheriffs to cooperate with ICE officials (SB 101) both received nay votes from the current Hoke County representative Garland Pierce. Quality of life diminishes for most of us as our county turns into a haven for drug dealers and other criminals. Our public schools are also failing and forcing parents to make tough
Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor

Democrats have been fooling themselves with faulty and push polling for years. Even if we conceded the tepid swing in national momentum toward Democrats is real, it could be attributable to any number of issues, including an easing of high gas prices. Yet I keep reading stories about how abortion has put Republican control of the Senate in jeopardy.
For the 2021-22 school year, six schools in Hoke County onracespecificbutbackorTheinthatschoolwithlowidentifiedwereasperformingonlyonemeetingstandard2018-19.GOPmaymaynotwintheSenatewhichSenatehasturnedDobbs? COLUMN
El Segundo, California
offs were Kevin Harvick, Busch and RCR teammates Austin Dillon and Tyler“ThisReddick.place is tough on the driv ers. It’s tough on the cars,” Reddick said. “You never know how it’s going to go.”Harvick, Busch and Dillon were all below the cutline headed into the race, but Harvick had a shot at the win until a wheel fell off his Ford during the final pit stop. He’d inher ited a near-clear path to the victo ry — and an automatic berth into the next round — when Keselowski got a flat tire and hit the wall while leading.“Just went from having a chance to lead the parade to being a part of the parade,” said Harvick, who not ed he was ahead of Buescher at the final pit Austinstop.Cindric barely advanced
“I don’t think anybody is safe,” Elliott said. “Nobody is safe in these rounds. And we want to do better, too.”The opening race of the sec ond round of the playoffs is Sun day at Texas Motor Speedway. Ryan Blaney won the All-Star race there in May, and Larson won the play off race there last season when Texas opened the third round and Larson’s victory earned him an au tomatic berth in the championship finale.

NASCAR Larson signs 3-year extension with Hendrick
4 North State Journal for Wednesday, September 21, 2022 SPORTS 9796 Aberdeen Rd, Aberdeen Store Hours: Tue - Fri: 11am 4pmBlazerwww.ProvenOutfitters.com910.637.05009mm115gr,FMJBrassCased$299/case or $16/Box 10MagpulPMAGsfor$90 Polish Radom AK $64947 Smith & Wesson M&P 2.0 Compact $449 Del-Ton M4 $499 38” Tactical Rifle Case: $20 Light!With Ever wish you had a • The Best Prices on Cases of Ammo? • The best selection of factory standard capacity magazines? • An AWESOME selection of Modern Sporting Weapons from Leading Manufactures Like, Sig, FN, S&W, etc? You Do! • All at better than on line prices? With Full Length Rail! Made in NC! local store which has • Flamethrowers & Gatlin Guns? On Rt 211 just inside Hoke County. With Quantico Tactical The RFK Racing driver is the 19th different driver to win a race this season The Associated Press

The showdown on the Bristol short track was the first elimination race of NASCAR’s playoffs and it was a nail-biter to the very end as at least a dozen of the 16 title contend ers had some sort of problem. There was a rash of flat tires for Ford driv ers, mechanical problems for Toy ota, an engine failure for Kyle Bus ch and Richard Childress Racing’s two drivers were both involved in a crash.The 16-driver field was cut by four, and eliminated from the play
Chris Buescher

It was the first points-paying win for RFK — then called Roush Fen way Racing — since Daytona in 2017, and the first non-superspeed way win on an oval since Carl Ed wards won at Bristol in 2014.
NHL Flyers’ Couturier out again with injury
Philadelphia Philadelphia Flyers center
“This is so special, this team does
Sean Couturier suffered an undisclosed injury and will be re-evaluated during training camp. He is considered week-toweek. Couturier underwent back surgery in February and missed the rest of the season. He signed an eight-year, $62 million contract extension in 2021 and ended the season with 17 points in 29 games. The Flyers finished with a 25-4611 record last season under Alain Vigneault and Mike Yeo and were last in the Metropolitan Division. The team hired John Tortorella in the offseason for what is expected to be a rebuilding year.
Buescher wins Bristol; Harvick, Busch, RCR out of playoffs
“It’s special to get RFK into Victory Lane for the first time.”

DirecTV’s “NFL Sunday Ticket” package malfunctioned for the second straight week, causing fans trying to watch through the app or online to miss entire games. DirecTV said via social media that customers trying to stream the 1 p.m. EDT games were unable to through the app. Shortly after 4 p.m. EDT, they said the server problems were fixed and streaming could resume. This is the final season that DirecTV will be the exclusive carrier of “Sunday Ticket” — Amazon and Apple are among the bidders for the package of out-of-market games after commissioner Roger Goodell said during the summer that he expected a new carrier.

BRISTOL, Tenn. — Chris Buescher closed out a bizarre first round of the NASCAR Cup Series playoffs in which none of the title contenders won a race by becoming the 19th winner this season with his victory Saturday night at Bristol Motor Speedway.
‘NFL Sunday Ticket’ outages ires fans

The 19 winners in a season has been done a record four other times in NASCAR history and Elliott, who cycled back to the points lead for the start of the second round of the playoffs, noted the first three races showed what a crapshoot the process is this year.
Chris Buescher celebrates in Victory Lane after winning Saturday’s NASCAR Cup Series race at Bristol.

because he was one of the early Ford drivers to run into trouble with a flat tire. There was a rash of tire prob lems for Ford drivers, and it would have eliminated many of them if so many playoff drivers didn’t have problems.Among those who had no prob lems were Hendrick Motorsports teammates Chase Elliott and Wil liam Byron, who finished second and third in ChristopherChevrolets.Bellfinished fourth in a Toyota for Joe Gibbs Racing and was followed by Kyle Larson and Ross Chastain of Trackhouse Racing. Non-playoff drivers AJ All mendinger and Cole Custer finished seventh and eighth.
such a good job,” said Buescher, who won with a late call for two tires on the final pit stop. “It’s special to get RFK into Victory Lane for the first time.”Keselowski, who left a long suc cessful career at Team Penske to become an owner and driver at re branded RFK, won the first stage for his first stage victory of the sea son. He congratulated Buescher both on-track and in victory lane.

The second win of Buescher’s ca reer marked the first time in this format of NASCAR’s postseason that a playoff driver failed to win a race during a round. Erik Jones won the opener and Bubba Wallace won last Buescherweek.won for RFK Racing, the longtime Jack Roush-owned team that took on Brad Keselowski in the ownership group this season, to give the organization its first win in a points-paying Cup race in over five years. Buescher and Keselows ki both won a pair of exhibition rac es for RFK at Daytona in February.

NASCAR champion Kyle Larson signed a three-year contract extension through 2026 with Hendrick Motorsports. The extension includes sponsorHendrickCars.com,sponsorwhichwilltheNo.5Chevroletfor 35 races a season. Larson’s extension and the sponsorship renewal are concurrent. The original deal for HendrickCars.com to become Larson’s primary sponsor was announced last July when Rick Hendrick’s online automobile site enjoyed massive traffic spikes whenever it was featured on Larson’s car.

By Greg Beacham The Associated Press
injured left wrist.
By Pat Eaton-Robb The Associated Press
Riquna Williams had 17 points for Vegas, Kelsey Plum added 16 points, Jackie Young had 13 and Wilson added 11 points to go with her 14 Wilsonrebounds.hopesthis is just the be ginning for the franchise.
“They’re unbelievable on the court, but they’re unbelievable hu mans, first and foremost,” Ham
5 North State Journal for Wednesday, September 21, 2022 INDOOR SKYDIVING FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY 190 Paraclete Dr. Raeford, NC 28376 Call Us: INFO@PARACLETEXP.COM910.848.2600WWW.FLYXP.COM

Las Vegas’ Chelsea Gray was named MVP
As the buzzer sounded, league MVP A’ja Wilson, who played ev ery minute of the game, grabbed the ball and stomped the floor be fore being mobbed by her team mates.“We champs! We champs! We
Rosy retrospection in flicts many people who close ly watched the boxing greats of the 1960s, 1970s or 1980s. Most modern fighters don’t stand up to their memory of giants from an era when boxing attracted more of the world’s top athletes and reigned supreme on sports pages and television with passion and drama.Boxing has declined in over all popularity from its peerless height, and the natural inclina tion is to assume the quality of the sport has declined as well.
All three bouts were still elite-level competition between two beloved fighters with world wide fame and bulging bank ac counts from their popularity. But in a sport built on blood, sweat and toughness, a bout without se rious damage or drama just won’t satisfy a large portion of the box ing“Thispublic.is high level, the best fight for boxing,” Golovkin said afterward. “Look at his face. Look at my face. It’s high level because we trained well, and this shows that we did a very good fight, very good quality.”
underwhelms, but
LAS VEGAS — If you know a lifelong boxing fan, chances are you know somebody with rosy retrospection.That’stheterm for the psycho logical phenomenon that leads people to believe the past was much better than the present.
For Aces coach Becky Ham mon, who didn’t get a title in her standout WNBA career, the ring completed a decades-long quest. She left an assistant coach posi tion with Gregg Popovich and the San Antonio Spurs to take over in Las Vegas. The move paid off.
mon said. “They care about each other. They invest in each other. It’s been an absolute honor to be their coach. I saw excellence and I wanted to be a part of it.”
Canelo Alvarez, right, fights Gennady Golovkin in a super middleweight title boxing match on Saturday in Las Vegas.
Even if it can’t match some fans’ memory of the glory days in boxing’s past, there’s still plenty of like about modern day boxing.
UNCASVILLE, Conn. — Las Vegas never had a professional sports champion — until Sunday.
win over the Connecticut Sun in GameGray4.went 9 of 13 from the floor and was named Finals MVP after averaging 18.3 points in the se ries.Vegas finished on an 8-0 run.
Courtney Williams had 17 points to lead Connecticut and Alyssa Thomas had her second
really regret what I did. I made a huge mistake. I apologize to the family. I didn’t mean to hurt anyone.”
champs!” Wilson screamed at teammates as they pulled on their championship hats and T-shirts before the trophy ceremony.
The trilogy ended with two wins for Álvarez and a draw
“I think we had a great fight,” Álvarez insisted afterward. “Not every fight can be a knockout. That’s just boxing. That’s the way it always is. We had blood. We fought hard. My fans are happy.”
Those fans with rosy retro spection seem to expect a vio lent classic in every big night, forgetting about the countless megafights that have underde livered over the decades. Even the greatest multi-fight rivalries have flopped in their finales be fore, from Sugar Ray Leonard’s anticlimactic third victory over Roberto Durán in 1989 to Rafa el Márquez’s unsightly finish of a worn-out Israel Vázquez in 2010. Boxing doesn’t have as many
Aces win first WNBA title
Chelsea Gray scored 20 points to lead the Las Vegas Aces to their first WNBA title, and the city’s first pro title, in a 78-71 road

Canelo-GGG boxing has more punches to throw
“When you come up short it certainly, really hurts,” Sun coach Curt Miller said. “But that means that there was something that mattered, and something special among that group of players.”
Canelo Álvarez’s clear unani mous decision victory over Gen nady Golovkin on Saturday night is the biggest fight currently on the boxing calendar for the sec ond half of 2022, but its lack of primal pleasures left some fans wondering if that’s the best box ing can do.

giants, and its truly transcen dent events are fewer and far ther between. But few live sport ing events can still match the pure excitement of attending a big fight night: When Golovkin shook off his slow start and began to connect with Canelo in the late rounds Saturday night, T-Mobile Arena was in a frenzy.
Las Vegas’ A’ja
Canelo is correct, actual ly: The good old days weren’t al ways good, and modern box ing has plenty to offer — even if the sport’s most recent showcase event didn’t deliver that punch in theThisgut. third meeting between two of the current era’s greatest champions was not a viscerally thrilling bout, and neither fighter scored so much as a knockdown in the entire trilogy. The 40-yearold Golovkin looked slower than ever, and Canelo grew weary in the late rounds while nursing an
“Las Vegas, we are world cham pions,” Davis said.
“You see it. You see it,” Wilson said in the on-court celebration. “This is what we’re building. This is what we’re doing. This is it. I’m so happy right now.”
straight triple-double with 11 points, 11 assists and 10 rebounds.
Hammon also paid tribute to former Aces coach Bill Laimbeer, who was on the floor for the cere mony: “He put this team together and saw the pieces.”
Aces owner Mark Davis, who also owns the NFL’s Las Vegas Raiders, wasn’t with his football team Sunday. He was in Con necticut to get a trophy. He hoist ed it, then turned it over to gleeful players who did the same.
Raised beds offer gardeners sev eral advantages. Raised beds warm up quicker in the spring allowing for earlier planting. These beds also allow the garden to be worked after a heavy rain because you are not ac tually walking in the garden area.
Steven Ward, TVA police inspec tor and drone pilot, said his role in investigation and site location is a recent development in TVA’s inves tigative arm. Ward was already an airplane pilot, so it was a short step to get up to speed on flying drones, he Thesaid.
chased soilless mixture will also work well, such as potting soil for containers.Ediblelandscaping is just what it sounds like: utilizing plants in your landscape that can be used to provide food instead of plants that serve an ornamental purpose only. For example, plant a blue berry bush for an early blooming shrub. They do require more acid ic soil than most plants. Be mind ful of this if you select them for your landscape. Different varieties pro vide a longer season to enjoy the fruit. Strawberry plants can func tion as a groundcover in the right sunny, well-drained location with the bonus of fresh strawberries in the spring. Some varieties will pro duce fruit in the spring and fall.
“We’re here to talk about the Ar chaeological Resources Protec tion Act,” Angst said standing near a table filled with information for members of the public.
“I’ve seen these guys arrest very few people on the shoreline that didn’t have something in their pocket,” he said. “A lot of them have a source they know where they can sell the stuff. That’s where you re ally run into the almost-industrial scale looting.”
Angst said the 12,500-plus sites now recorded are only a fraction of those believed to be on TVA lands in Virginia, Tennessee, Alabama,
Natural soil is not the best rec ommendation for a raised bed un less compost, organic material, peat moss, etc., is added to improve the soil. A good working soil will contain one part organic, one part sand, and two parts soil. A pur
TVA reservoir’s lake banks are where looters are most likely to be found because of fresh erosion along the new shoreline created by damming the river more than 80 years ago, Avery said. The Chick amauga Dam was completed in 1940.“When these guys are on the wa ter patrolling, they look for these guys along the shoreline,” he said of TVA police patrols.
The Associated Press

Caution: Treated lumber requires a plastic liner between the soil and the lumber due to possible chemical leachate.
DIFFERENT TYPES of garden ing are now trending in large seg ments of our society today. The in crease in gardening interest has spawned concepts not usually con sidered when one mentions gar dening. We have edible landscapes, raised bed gardening, and even ver tical
& the profression
“Our goal with the cultural com pliance at TVA is to make sure we can keep as many of those resourc es where they are as long as we can,” Angst said. “We don’t want to
Framed raised beds are more ef fective for reducing erosion. Water will drain through the bed versus possible runoff, resulting in less fre quent watering. Weeding and har vesting may be easier due to ele
This May 23, 2022, photo provided by Jessica Damiano shows tomatoes and basil planted together.

Tennessee Valley Authority’s Roy Rogers, center, drives the boat as Jimmy Nelson, left, and Paul Avery stand by, on Sept. 9, 2022, in Chattanooga, Tenn.

six batteries, allowing almost con stant use, he said.
vated surfaces. Framing material can be block, stone, brick, pavers, rot-resistant wood such as land scape timbers, or treated lumber. The framing material forms a re taining wall for the soil and a lip above the soil line to retain water.
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. — Ar chaeological looting is a serious problem on the Tennessee Valley Authority’s vast land holdings in a seven-state area where an estimat ed 12,500 archaeological sites have beenIt’sidentified.possiblethere could be three times that many sites, according to TVA archaeologists who were on hand recently at the Chickamauga Dam for an educational event for theTVA’spublic.cultural team and TVA police hosted the event at the Tay lor Boat Ramp at the day-use area at the Chickamauga Dam in Chat tanooga to bring awareness to the region’s rich history and help peo ple understand what to do if they see someone taking or damaging a cultural site, according to TVA spokesman Scott Fiedler.
By Howard Wallace For the North State Journal
“Most of the sites are Native Amer ican, but we also have early pioneer sites, Civil War sites up through the early- to mid-20th century. Techni cally, any site over 50 years old can be an archaeological site.”
Avery said many cultural re source thieves are converting their finds into cash for drugs.
Dr. Tony Santangelo, DC, named NC Chiropractic Association Chiropractor of the Year, based on community service

“You have to think about how the river system has changed with in undation. The channel of the river was out here,” he said, sweeping his hand toward the middle of Chick amauga Lake. “What we’re sitting over right now was flood plain, so this is ideal land to live on when you think about the past.”
Onegardening.common factor in many of these styles of gardening is the ac tual garden space. Urbanization and community development have removed the traditional garden plot and encouraged gardening in smallerGardeningspaces. in raised beds is one option addressing these con straints. Though not a new con cept, raised bed gardening has been around for centuries. Raised beds offer the opportunity to increase production while reducing garden area. These bed surfaces are typi cally 6-12 inches above the existing ground level. They can be any size imagined by the gardener, but a bed no wider than four feet with any length allows tending from both sides and eliminates stepping in the garden area. Step-free garden soil reduces compaction, increasing soil aeration and plant productivity.
Desired plantings for the bed will aid in determining the place ment of the raised bed. Vegetables need a minimum of 6 hours of di rect sun. Orienting the bed from north to south allows more even light as the sun travels over the bed. This orientation requires the place ment of taller plants on the north end to increase light distribution and reduce shading for other bed
“Looting cultural resources is a problem in our area,” Fiedler said. “So, we want to get the public in volved to say something if they see something.”Mostof the sites are Native American, some are from early Eu ropean settlers and others are tied to more recent human develop ment from 100 years ago or more, according to Mike Angst, an ar chaeologist with TVA’s Cultural Resources Department.
For archaeologists, when some one damages a site, there is no way to restore it, and whatever is taken is lost along with its historical con text, he “Lootingsaid.is a problem, and it oc curs everywhere,” Angst said. “Ar chaeological resources, archaeo logical sites are a finite resource. Once they’re gone, they’re gone forever. When we do profession al excavations, we try to do them very carefully because we know that when we excavate a site, we destroy it.”
drone TVA uses has high-resolution cameras, can op erate up to 5 miles away and has a controller the pilot uses that has a screen offering a first-person view from the drone, Ward said, holding the drone and turning it to show its features.Thedrone can provide thermal imaging, can be linked to a large screen television and has about 25 minutes of flight time on each of its
TVA seeks help combating looters of cultural resources
Many vegetable crops perform nicely in mixed borders while pro viding eye appeal and fresh veg gies for the table. Cabbage, lettuce, mustard, and kale can provide foli age colors other than green. Toma toes and peppers, depending on the variety, produce fruit in an array of colors ranging from green, red, yel low, gold, orange, and even a dark purple-green. Herbs offer a vari ety of textures and fragrances as well as enhance the landscape. The choices can be endless. You can se lect the grass-like foliage of chives for fillers. The silvery foliage of lav ender serves for accents and fra grances. The lacy foliage of dill pro vides an airy feel to any area of the landscape.Onapersonal note, my mother allows for volunteer watermelons to grow along the edges of her land scape each year. Not only does this provide her with free watermelons throughout the season, it also gives her a “project” to work on during the summer with her grandsons. The watermelons are just another project to keep her active and busy, and my boys will always have the memories of working with grand ma in her landscape.
Georgia, North Carolina, Kentucky and“There’sMississippi.12,000 years and more of history and prehistory,” he said.

Fromsaid.aTVA police boat with in spectors Jimmy Nelson and Roy Rogers at the helm, TVA archaeol ogist Paul Avery said the way wa ter in TVA’s reservoirs erodes the shoreline -- at a significantly higher level than the original river channel -- can uncover artifacts and relics.
Trending gardens for suburban living
6 North State Journal for Wednesday, September 21, 2022 Family Chiropractic Center 24 Years Serving Hoke/Raeford Chiropractic celebrates 127 YEARS Discovered Sept. 18, 1895 Call 875-2500 for appointment To Get Back in Action 751 S. Main St., Mostwww.raefordchiropractic.comRaefordinsuranceled,Medicare& VA Veteran’s Administration covers chiropractic care. Call 910-875-2500 for more info on how.
see them wash away or walk away in somebody’s pocket. We don’t want to see them stolen. They’re ev eryone’s sites. It’s public property, and it’s everyone’s.”
The Archaeological Resources Protection Act has a requirement that a site must be more than 100 years old to fall under the act’s pro tections, he said.
plantings. The increased produc tion can be attributed to literal ly planting wall to wall. The entire garden surface can be used.
Ward can use the drone to look for people who’ve become lost, help with cultural site surveys and look for looters almost silently from the sky, he
An obituary is not available at this time for Damaree Dytalius Sanders.
Mr. Johnny Ware age, 94 went home to rest with his heavenly father on September 8, 2022.

She is survived by her husband Johnny H. Jackson of the home, two daughters, Tabitha Ann Sanchez of Aberdeen, NC, and Donna Joyce Rowell and her husband David of Aberdeen, NC, and her grandchildren, Jim, Jason, Jennifer, Rodney, Jose, Mary, Carlos, Davida, Maria, and Jamie, her great-grandchildren, Jaliyah, Mesha, and Melanie, a sister Linda McDaniels of GA. and a half-brother Dale.
Mrs. Hollingsworth was born in Clinton, NC on July 18, 1930, to the late Ernie Tyndall and Ina Mae Carr Tyndall. She was preceded in death by her husband Floyd Hollingsworth and granddaughter Ashely Marentette Sherrill. Mrs. Hollingsworth was a member of the First Baptist Church in Raeford.Sheis survived by a son Allen Floyd Hollingsworth and his wife Joanne of Clayton, NC, a daughter Connie Rae Kessler and her husband Gene of Eagle River, Alaska, and five grandchildren Danielle Brown and her husband Red, Erin Hollingsworth, Heather Marentette, Ricky Kessler and his wife Samantha, and Matthew Kessler and his wife Stacey, five greatgrandchildren, Shelby, Dakota, Daytona, Asher and Wyatt, a brother Ernie Tyndall Jr. of Clinton, NC, and a sister Melba Hollingsworth of Harrisburg, NC.In Lieu of flowers, send memorials to First Baptist Church of Raeford at 333 N. Main Street, Raeford NC, 28376, Amelia Christian Church at 1696 Amelia Church Rd, Clayton, NC 27520, or Cardinal Hospice Care at 3886 Henderson Dr, Jacksonville, NC 28546.

Elma Hollingsworth(Tyndall)Rae
Johnny Ware
January 26, 1953 ~ September 9, 2022
He is survived by two of his daughters, Deborah C. Adams, and her husband Harley Adams Jr., of Raeford, and Nancy L. (Cindy) Conoly, of Raeford, a brother, Bobby Conoly of Raeford, a sister, Caroline Riddle, of MO, five grandchildren, Pam Peck (Mark), Ricky Jones, Nicholas Hasty, Stephanie Jones (Kyle), Jenny Schrimpf (Brandon), seven greatgrandchildren, Adam Wood, Ashley Bourne, Carter Jones, Rylan Jones, Eli Jones, Juliana and Logan Schrimpf, and one great-great grandson, Riley BourneInlieu of flowers, memorial may be made to: Raeford United Methodist Church, 308 North Main Street, Raeford, NC 28376 or Hospice Foundation of Hoke County, 336 South Main Street, Raeford, NC 28376.

Mr. Billie Cook departed this life on September 9, 2022 at FirstHealth Moore Regional Hospital.

September 28, 1988 ~ September 11, 2022

July 18, 1930 ~ September 13, 2022
Jimmy was a member of Raeford United Methodist Church, the Bob Lewis Sunday School Class, which he attended for 17 years with perfect attendance, served on many boards within the church, and was a Lay Leader. He was co-owner of Conoly Exxon Station in Raeford before he retired in the early 90s and served on the ABC board for over 45 years, as well as many other boards for the city. He was also a volunteer fireman with the Raeford Fire Department and Wagon Master of the Hoke County Wagon Train.

7 North State Journal for Wednesday, September 21, 2022 obituaries SPONSORED BY CRUMPLER FUNERAL HOME AND CREMATION Our Family Serving Yours Since 1960 62 YEARS Address: 131 Harris Avenue, Raeford, NC 28376 | Website: www.crumplerfuneralhome.com | Phone: 910-875-415 | Fax: 910-875-6632 We are here for you in your time of need Funeral Home, Crematory, Pre-Arrangements, Grief Share, Veterans Honored Robert GeneKimKel Compassion, Dignity, Respect with Dedicated Professionals Celebrate the life of your loved ones. Submit obituaries and death notices to be published in NSJ at obits@northstatejournal.com

February 4, 1943 ~ September 9, 2022

January 5, 1928 ~ September 8, 2022
She was preceded in death by her parents Cleo and Goldie Barton, her son Stephen Jackson, and her brother Grady Barton.

Billie Cook
Jimmy was born in Hoke County on September 25, 1929, to the late James Lawrence Conoly and Ruby (Bowen) Conoly. He was preceded in death by his wife, Nancy Cole Conoly, and daughter, Rebecca Conoly Jones.
Mrs. Patricia Ann Jackson of Wagram, NC went home to be with her Lord and Savior and her beloved Stephen Jackson on Friday, September 9, 2022, at the age of Patricia69. was born in Red Springs, NC on January 26, 1953.

Mrs. Elma Rae Hollingsworth formerly of Raeford went home to be with our Lord and Savior on Tuesday, September 13, 2022, in Clayton, at the age of 92.
Mr. James Richard (Jimmy) Conoly, of Raeford, passed away to be with his Lord and Savior, on Monday, September 12, 2022.

September 25, 1929 ~ September 12, 2022

A spokesman for Schumer said he is “100 percent committed” to holding a Democratsvote. and the small

Wells said in a news release. “CON law changes could threaten the survival of community hospitals if they are not implemented careful ly. We are putting a lot of trust in legislative leaders to do this cor rectly.”The House passed its own ex pansion bill during the final week of the General Assembly’s prima ry work session this year that con tained none of the medical sup ply-side proposals that the Senate wanted. House Speaker Tim Moore has said Republicans in his chamber would prefer to handle those provisions separately from expansion.Moore’s office was still review ing the offer late Friday, Chief of Staff Neal Inman said. Berger spokesperson Lauren Horsch said the same thing, adding: “We ap preciate the NCHA’s willingness to come to the table with a pro posal.” There was no immediate response late Friday from Coo per’sTheoffice.General Assembly is sched uled to reconvene Tuesday for what’s expected to be a three-day administrative session with no re corded floor votes. They are next scheduled to return to Raleigh in October.
hospitals to negotiate with Berg er on those rules, which hospitals contend help community facilities that disproportionately serve the uninsured or underinsured re

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of N.Y., listens during a news conference at the Capitol, Sept. 7, 2022, in Washington, D.C.
NC hospitals offer new Medicaid expansion proposal
The bill protecting same-sex marriage cleared the House in a July vote with the support of 47 Republicans — a larger than ex pected number that gave the measure a boost in the Senate. But as the weeks went on, more Republicans raised religious lib ertyAnotherissues. proposed tweak to the bill would make clear that a marriage is between two people, an effort to ward off some farright criticism that the legislation could endorse polygamy.
Democrats punt same-sex marriage vote until after election
By Gary D. Robertson The Associated Press
press secretary Karine JeanPierre said Thursday.
North Carolina is one of a doz en states that have yet to accept the federal government’s offer to cover people who make too much to be insured by traditional Med icaid but too little to receive subsi dized private insurance. The fed eral government would pay 90% of the medical costs of expansion.
The North Carolina Healthcare Association said the offer sent to Republican legislative leaders and Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper also contained reforms to some state laws that require regulatory ap proval before certain medical buildings can be constructed or services offered in a region.
The decision adds to the uncer tainty facing the legislation, as it gives interest groups and other lawmakers opposing the bill more time to rally Republicans against it. But supporters hope that by pushing the vote back, they will relieve election-year pressure from some conservative voters and persuade more Republicans to support the legislation.
It’s not clear how many Re publicans would support the bill. In addition to Collins, Portman and Tillis, a fourth GOP sena tor, Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski, has supported same-sex marriage in the past. Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson, who is up for reelection this year, has said he doesn’t see a “reason to oppose it” but has talk ed on both sides of the issue in re cent
Mostweeks.Republicans oppos ing the legislation have said it is simply unnecessary because the court ruling still stands. But oth ers have gone further.
“In the grander scheme, the Respect for Marriage Act is a way of putting an exclamation mark on the sexual revolution and its ideology,” wrote Ryan Womack, who works for the group, in a blog posted on its website.
members of the bipartisan group that is negotiating the bill. “We are confident that when our leg islation comes to the Senate floor for a vote, we will have the bipar tisan support to pass the bill.”
RALEIGH — North Caroli na’s hospitals and hospital sys tems on Friday unveiled an offer that could shake up stalled nego tiations to pass legislation that would expand Medicaid to cover hundreds of thousands of low-in come adults in the state.

“We’ve asked Leader Schumer for additional time and we appre ciate he has agreed,” Baldwin said in a statement, along with other
The association said its propos al would have hospitals paying a majority of the state’s share to cover another 600,000 people at a cost of over $550 million annual ly. The state’s hospitals also would participate in a federally fund ed program that would enhance their Medicaid reimbursement rates for providing care, provid ing new revenues.
Susan Collins of Maine, Rob Portman of Ohio and Thom Til lis of North Carolina came after a meeting with Schumer, who had been considering a vote as soon as next week.
The bipartisan group has been working closely with the GOP senators who are open to the leg islation but have religious liber ty concerns. They finalized an amendment this week that would clarify that the legislation does not affect the rights of such pri vate individuals or businesses — rights that are already enshrined in law. The legislation requires the federal government and states to recognize all marriages that were legal where they were per formed, along with interracial marriages.“Through bipartisan collabo ration, we’ve crafted common sense language that respects re ligious liberty and Americans’ diverse beliefs, while upholding our view that marriage embodies the highest ideals of love, devo tion, and family,” the group said in the statement.
One group that has been op posed, the conservative Alliance Defending Freedom, has pushed back on the legislation.
Senate leader Phil Berger this summer accused the association of refusing to compromise on “certificate of need” rules. Chang es to these rules were contained in the Senate version of an expan sion measure approved in June. Berger said they were needed to increase the supply of medical services that would be needed to treat the growing Medicaid pop ulation.Cooper, a big expansion pro ponent, told reporters earlier this week that it would make sense for
8 North State Journal for Wednesday, September 21, 2022 We are happy to discuss your needs or questions. We’re here to help! O���R���������A���C����� Committed to serving and enriching the lives of every resident Affordable Assisted Living and Memory Care Caring for Seniors Integrity Open Arms Retirement Center 612 Health Drive • Raeford, NC openarmsretirement.com • 910-875-3949 STATE & NATION
By Mary Clare Jalonick The Associated Press
The proposal would do away with certificate of need laws for psychiatric inpatient beds and beds to treat people with chem ical dependency. It also, within five years, would scale back regu lations for operating rooms with in ambulatory surgical centers, which the association says would result in a loss of revenue for them.
“We all want to pass this quick ly,” Schumer said last week. “I hope there will be 10 Republicans to support it.”
The Senate push for the his toric vote — and the openness by some Republicans to back it
in an election year — reflects a large shift on the issue since the Supreme Court’s 2015 Oberge fell v. Hodges decision legalizing gay marriage nationwide. Polling shows widespread public support for allowing such unions.
But some Republicans who had wavered on the bill were not yet onRespondingboard. to the group’s statement Thursday, the White House emphasized again that the administration was leaving the mechanics of the legislation — such as the timing of a vote — to the“WeSenate.believe the Senate should find consensus just as the Amer ican people have,” White House
The UNC Hospitals campus in Chapel Hill are shown in this photo.
The delay was requested by key senators who have been negotiat ing changes to the legislation and comes at a time when many Re publicans have been signaling op position.Wisconsin Democratic Sen. Tammy Baldwin, the lead cham pion of the bill, had predicted they would be able to secure the 10 Re publican votes needed to break a filibuster and push it to passage. But hopes dimmed as some Re publicans raised concerns about whether the bill would protect the rights of religious institutions, business owners or others who oppose same-sex marriage.
main“Ouropen.board of trustees has made the difficult decision to pro pose certificate of need law re forms,” board chair Dr. Roxie
“Each day the General As sembly waits is a day that harms 600,000 North Carolinians,” as sociation president and CEO Steve Lawler said. “We hope that any legislation crafted will be done in a thoughtful way that pro tects health care facilities that take care of people and improve community health.”
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Dem ocrats are punting a vote to pro tect same-sex and interracial marriages until after the No vember midterm elections, pull ing back just days after Majori ty Leader Chuck Schumer vowed to put the Senate on the record on the issue “in the coming weeks.”
The statement from Baldwin, Democratic Sen. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona and Republican Sens.
group of Republicans have moved to safeguard same-sex marriage following the Supreme Court decision over the summer that overturned Roe v. Wade and the federal right to an abortion. Law makers fear the court’s ruling, and a concurring opinion from Justice Clarence Thomas, indi cate that an earlier high court de cision protecting same-sex mar riage could come under threat.
Great!”Notsatisfied with a standard sized Corn Dog? Fontana Foods features a giant sized, foot long corn dog at their location behind the Grandstand. Freshly dipped in batter and fried, corn dogs are the ultimate, traditional Fair food served on a stick.
Italian Sausage with Peppers & Onions, Fontana Foods. Slow ly grilled on skillet of peppers and onions, this semi-sweet sausage has been served by Pal Fontana and family for over 40 years.Deep Fried Oreos, Dills Con cessions. D electable Oreos are dipped in sweet batter and then fried, serviced with a sprinkling of powdered sugar.
“All of these price shifts are well above the national average, which is a 27.9 percent increase in median asking rent,” he adds.
O ther Midway Food high lights
Area ranks tenth among U.S. cities for jump in rent
its median asking rent rose by 124 percent. Three other cities— Springfield, Missouri; Ander son, South Carolina; and Kansas City, Missouri and Kansas—also saw rent prices rise by over 100 percent. Even Winston-Salem, North Carolina, which holds the bottom spot in the top ten list, had a 64.1 percent rent increase since last August.
“I think having hard data on cities with rapidly rising rent is especially crucial for individuals and households who are consid ering relocating,” says Bordo. “If you’re just browsing rental list ings in various cities, it can be nearly impossible to pick out de veloping rental trends, make in formed decisions, and plan for the future.”
Online sales will be promot ed via the Fair’s social media links on Facebook, TikTok, Twitter @CClassicFair and Instagram. Advance Tickets can be purchased with no convenience charges at the Fairgrounds Box Office.
Jonas Bordo, CEO and cofounder of Dwellsy
Winston-Salem has one of biggest rent increases in United States
Samaritan Ministries will hold its annual SAM & Eggs fundraising breakfast on Wednesday, September 28 beginning at 7:30 a.m. This event will help spread awareness and support Samaritan Ministries’ mission of providing food and shelter to our hungry and homeless neighbors in Winston-Salem. The event is open to the public. All attendees must reserve their seats via the Samaritan’s website at eggs/.at&andyear.”ourhowopportunitysaid.Executivevolunteers,”storyperson$200,000Ministrieseggs/samaritanforsyth.org/sam-and-bySeptember23.SamaritanhasagoalofraisingfromSAM&Eggs.“We’reexcitedtogatherintosharetheSamaritanwithourdonors,friendsandSamaritanMinistriesDirectorJanKelly“SAM&Eggsisawonderfultohearfirst-handdonationsimpactthelivesofguests365nightsandnightsaAfulllistofeventsponsorstablerecruitersforSAMEggs2022canbefoundsamaritanforsyth.org/sam-and-
“All of these price shifts are well above the national average, which is a 27.9 percent increase in median asking rent.”
SUBSCRIBE TODAY: 336-283-6305
North State Journal
Advance discounted admis sion tickets and Strates Ride vouchers to the Carolina Classic Fair are available through T ick etmaster, the Fair’s website at CarolinaClassicFair.com, the Fairgrounds’ Box Office located in the Annex (414 Deacon Blvd, 27105, Monday–Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.) and at the new Hanes Mall Store location. The Carolina Classic Fairground Box Office will offer extended hours the week of September 26 (10 a.m. to 6 p.m.) leading up to the Fair opening day. All online ad vance ticket sales will end at midnight on September 29.
It’s no surprise that Carolina Classic Fair customers love to eat!” Marty Biniasz
“Chicken On A Stick” concession located behind the Grandstand. They dip chicken fingers in bat ter, roll them in Frosted Flakes and drop them in the fryer. As “Tony the Tiger” says, “They’re
IT MAY NOT be the prettiest food on the midway, but “Pick le Pizza” will be one of the more unique foods scheduled to de but at the Carolina Classic Fair. Pickle Pizza joins other classic and innovative carnival meals on this year’s midway culinary lineup. The Carolina Classic Fair takes place in Winston-Salem September 30 through October 9.
North State Journal
Pickle pizza is one of the top new food items available at this year’s Carolina Classic Fair.
item crafted by midway con cessioners Doug and Lori Dills … and yes “Dills” is really their last name! The pie is made with hand tossed dough, a special dill flavored dressing sauce, fresh mozzarella cheese and dill sea soning. Layered on top are thin slices of bright green pickles. Fairgoers describe the taste as tangy, sweet and savory all in one“Whatbite. sets Strates Shows midway food apart is the qual ity of the ingredients used and the freshness of the final prod uct served to the fairgoer,” said Biniasz. “Most of the menu items are made to order in front of the customer. Additionally, due to the volume of product sold, new batches are always in produc tion.”In addition to Pickle Pizza, this year’s bill-of-fare ranges from time-honored carnival fa vorites to limited-edition, deepfried novelty treats only found at theTheFair.Dills have another popu lar item—a taste of “breakfast” anytime on the midway at the
Funnelinclude:Cakes with Ice Cream, Dills Concessions. A fair favor ite served with your choice of ice cream. The warmness of the cake combines with the cool top
ping to create a carnival snack that you’ll want to share with friends and family.
Samaritan Ministries’ SAM and Eggs Scheduled for September 28
Pickle pizza — a big “dill” at the Carolina Classic Fair

What is causing such mind-boggling rental cost infla tion? In most markets, Bordo as cribes rising rent prices to the steeply increasing demand for
single-family home rentals. In the past year, rents for single-family rentals have gone up more than 36 percent, while apartment rent has increased by only 4.7 percent.
Mosquitoes in Forsyth County have tested positive for the West Nile Virus. The virus can infect humans and cause fever. There is no current vaccine for it. It is also transmissible to horses. The mosquitoes were tested and found to be positive last month, according to the Forsyth County Health Department. The department said that the virus is common in the insect at this time of year but a higher percentage of them are testing positive.
“It’s no surprise that Caroli na Classic Fair customers love to eat! It’s one of the top reasons why people attend the annual fall tradition,” said Marty Bin iasz, Manager of Marketing for the Strates Shows. “Along with Funnel Cakes, Deep Fried Ore os, a Foot Long Corn Dog and Frosted Flakes Chicken, Pick le Pizza will a MUST EAT in 2022.”Pickle Pizza is a featured
LOS ALTOS, CA — Most rent ers are painfully aware of the fact that rent has risen dramatical ly in the past year, but some lo cations have felt the financial squeeze more acutely than oth ers. New data from Dwellsy re veals that in some cities, rent has more than doubled in the past year.Tucson, Arizona, tops the list,” says Jonas Bordo, CEO and co founder of Dwellsy. “Between August 2021 and August 2022,
America’s finest fair food found on the Strates Shows midway
West Nile Virus found in mosquitoes
Dwellsy, the largest home rent al listing platform in the country, regularly mines its 13+ million verified residential rental list ings for statistics and data. Be cause Dwellsy allows landlords to post listings free of charge, it has a pool of data that’s more di verse—and more representative of the true rental landscape— than that of pay-to-play listing services. Each month, Dwellsy breaks this data down regional ly across the U.S. so that renters and landlords can see up-to-date trends in rental housing and cur rent affordability in their area.
Carpenter,BeauchampTheolene86, of Forsyth County, died September 14, 2022.
David Harsanyi is a senior editor at The Federalist. Harsanyi is a nationally syndicated columnist and author of five books — the most recent, “Eurotrash: Why America Must Reject the Failed Ideas of a Dying Continent.”

♦ James “Milton” Bass, 97, of Kernersville, died September 16, 2022.
♦ ROPER, CARLTON KEITH was arrested on a charge of PROBATION VIOLATION at 201 N CHURCH ST on 9/17/2022
♦ RICHARDSON, MARCUS RASHAD was arrested on a charge of ASSAULTSIMPLE at 99 W FIFTH ST/N LIBERTY ST on 9/18/2022
♦ Jack Edward Dowell, 89, of Yadkin County, died September 16, 2022.
♦ Betty Jean Stevens McGee, 81, of Forsyth County, died September 17, 2022.
♦ PLATER, JAQUAN MONTE was arrested on a charge of 2ND DEGREE TRESPASS at 4129 SUNFLOWER CR on 9/18/2022
♦ Simon, Jose Mendez (M/63) Arrest on chrg of Adw - Inflict Injury, M (M), at 204 Meadowbrook Park Dr, Kernersville, NC, on 9/17/2022 03:14.
♦ SHANNON, WARNETTA DORETHEA was arrested on a charge of PROBATION VIOLATION at 201 N CHURCH ST on 9/19/2022
♦ Mickey Lee Owens, 70, of Lexington, died September 15, 2022.
Just because Dobbs was “worth” celebrating doesn’t mean Republicans shouldn’t have been better prepared for the probable outcome. It always amazes me how timid and ineffective Republicans are at making the pro-life case, which makes me suspect many of them are unhappy that pro-life legislation is no longer just a theoretical proposition.
maximalist position on abortion on demand, for any reason, until birth, funded by the taxpayers. Few on the left, of course, need to worry about the consequences of their radical position because they are almost never asked to defend it. But, if, say, Gov. Ron DeSantis is the presidential nominee in 2024, he will be defending Florida’s 15-week ban against Biden’s NARAL-endorsed extremism. I’m not sure that works out exactly how Democrats imagine. Democrats have been fooling themselves with faulty and push polling for years. Even if we conceded the tepid swing in national momentum toward Democrats is real, it could be attributable to any number of issues, including an easing of high gas prices. Yet I keep reading stories about how abortion has put Republican control of the Senate in jeopardy.TheGOP may or may not win back the Senate — I’m no prognosticator — but which specific Senate race has turned on Dobbs? In Pennsylvania, where even the Democratic Party’s existing senator still pretends to be pro-life, polls show Dr. Mehmet Oz tightening the race against John Fetterman. Herschel Walker seems to be gaining on Raphael Warnock, as is Adam Laxalt on Cortez Masto.
Absolutely Dobbs was worth it
WEEKLY FORECAST WEDNESDAY SEPT 21 HI 89 LO 65° PRECIP 5% THURSDAY SEPT 22 HI 91° LO 5 4° PRECIP 24% FRIDAY SEPT 23 HI 74° LO 49° PRECIP 1% SATURDAY SEPT 24 HI 7 7° LO 55° PRECIP 3% SUNDAY SEPT 25 HI 8 3° LO 61° PRECIP 24% MONDAY SEPT 26 HI 7 9° LO 5 3° PRECIP 4 4% TUESDAY SEPT 27 HI 75° LO 50° PRECIP 8% Twin City Herald Neal Robbins Publisher Matt Mercer Editor in Chief Griffin Daughtry Local News Editor Shawn Krest Editor Cory Lavalette Sports Editor Frank Hill Senior Opinion Editor Lauren Rose Design Editor Published each Wednesday as part of North State Journal 1201 Edwards Mill Rd. Suite Raleigh,300NC 27607 TO SUBSCRIBE: 336-283-6305 Annualnsjonline.comSubscription Price: $50.00 Periodicals Postage Paid at Raleigh, N.C. and at additional mailing SendPOSTMASTER:offices.addresschanges to: North State Journal 1201 Edwards Mill Rd. Suite Raleigh,300NC 27607
♦ Douglas, Danielle Alexandria (F/40) Arrest on chrg of Resisting Arrest (M), at 4001 University Pw, Winstonsalem, NC, on 9/18/2022 18:01.
♦ Sandoval Bernardino, Mauricio Mauricio (M/23) Arrest on chrg of 1) Poss Stolen Goods (F), 2) Poss Cocaine Fel (F), 3) Possession Marijuana (M), 4) Drug Paraphernalia (M), 5) Ccw - Firearm (M), 6) Equip - Improper, Unauthorized Use Or Red Or Blue Lights (M), 7) Imp Regis - Expired, Suspended, Revoked, Altered Plate (M), and 8) Dwlr- Viol Of Restored License (M), at 6345 Brewer Av, Clemmons, NC, on 9/19/2022 04:43.
♦ Bryantcrump, Jevante Jevante (M/29) Arrest on chrg of 1) Fail To Appear/ compl (M), 2) Fail To Appear/compl (M), 3) Probation Violation (M), 4) Fail To Appear/compl (M), 5) Ofa/ftacarrying Concealed Gun (M), 6) Ofa/ fta-possess Marijuana Up To 1/2 Oz (M), 7) Ofa/fta-motion To Strike Ofa (M), 8) Ofa-fta-carrying Concealed Gun (M), 9) Ofa-fta-possessmarijuana Up To 1/2 Oz (M), 10) Ofa-fta-motion To Strike Ofa (M), 11) Ofa/fta-misd Probation Viol (M), 12) Fail To Appear/ compl (M), 13) Ofa/fta-possess Marijuana Up To 1/2 Oz (M), 14) Ofa/ fta-dwlr Not Impaired Rev (M), 15) Ofa/fta-reckless Driving To Endanger (1) (M), 16) Ofa/fta-speeding (1) (M), and 17) Ndl - Suspended / Revoked (M), at 201 N Church St, Winstonsalem, NC, on 9/16/2022 16:20.
Full bans, without exemptions in cases of rape and incest — even if it is morally consistent — are probably never going to be popular nationally. But most Republican-run states allow for some level of first-trimester abortions, a position more in line with the mainstream than the Democrats’
The evidence that Dobbs has been a critical factor in undermining Republican fortunes is unconvincing in other areas as well. A Reuters/ Ipsos poll finds that only 8% of Democrats view “the end of national abortion rights” as their most important issue. Most other polling comes to similar conclusions. Were any of these people going to vote for Republicans to begin with? Conservative enthusiasm remains high.
♦ GREGG, JAMES MURPHY was arrested on a charge of VAND-REAL PROPERTY at 921 VERNON AV on 9/16/2022
You might also cheer because if someone had told you 10, or even five, years ago that Roe would be overturned, you wouldn’t have believed them. Roe has been treated as a sacred text for over 50 years, not only by the press but by most of our institutions. The “right” to terminate life for convenience’s sake had been irrecoverably tethered to feminism and progress. For millions, it probably remains the only SCOTUS decision they can name. And once the left procures a new “right,” it rarely relinquishes it. The prospect of there being six justices willing to uphold the Constitution in the face of this immense pressure was improbable, to say the least.
♦ ANDERSON, NICHOLAS was arrested on a charge of RESISTING ARREST at 615 N TRADE ST on 9/16/2022
♦ Julia Ann Bradford, 79, of Lexington, died September 18, 2022.
The GOP may or may not win back the Senate but onracespecificwhichSenatehasturnedDobbs?
♦ H elen Marie Gray Peterson, 96, of Clemmons, died September 16, 2022.
♦ BORBONIOREYES, ODIN GEOVANNI was arrested on a charge of ASSAULT ON FEMALE at 1130 JUNIA AV on 9/16/2022
♦ Moore, Joshua (M/43) Arrest on chrg of 1) Drug Trafficking (F), 2) Poss Cocaine Fel (F), 3) Maintain Dwelling (M), 4) Fail To Appear/compl (F), 5) Fail To Appear/compl (F), 6) Fail To Appear/compl (M), 7) Fail To Appear/ compl (M), 8) Fail To Appear/compl (F), 9) Fail To Appear/compl (F), 10) Fail To Appear/compl (F), 11) Fail To Appear/compl (F), 12) Fail To Appear/ compl (M), 13) Fail To Appear/compl (M), and 14) Fail To Appear/compl (M), at 201 N Church St, Winston-salem, NC, on 9/15/2022 21:00
♦ Calvano-ramirez, Vidal (M/22) Arrest on chrg of 1) Poss Stolen Goods (F), 2) Poss Cocaine Fel (F), 3) Possession Marijuana (M), 4) Drug Paraphernalia (M), and 5) Ccw (M), at 6345 Brewer Av, Clemmons, NC, on 9/19/2022 04:43.
After decades of indoctrination on abortion “rights,” it’s also almost surely the case that a majority of Americans were under the impression that overturning Roe would mean a national ban on abortion. One recent poll found that 52% of registered Democrats still believe the Supreme Court outlawed abortions in the United States. The realization that this isn’t so may also temper any outrage over Dobbs. Then again, even if it didn’t, it would be worth it.
2 Twin City Herald for Wednesday, September 21, 2022 Get in touch Twin City Herald www nsjonline.com DEATH NOTICES
♦ BRIGGS, TRENT JERMAINE was arrested on a charge of 2ND DEGREE TRESPASS at 7842 NORTH POINT BV on 9/17/2022
♦ Bennett, Latoya Renee (F/38) Arrest on chrg of Vio. Protective Order By Courts Another State/ Indian Tribe (M), at 1140 Burke St, Winston-salem, NC, on 9/16/2022 18:52.
♦ Pressley, Peter Andrew (M/37) Arrest on chrg of 1) Aid And Abet Larceny (over $1,000) (F), 2) Attempt & Conspiracy (F), 3) Fail To Appear/ compl (M), and 4) Fail To Appear/ compl (M), at 1001 Windwood Dr/ union Cross Rd, Kernersville, NC, on 9/19/2022 02:50.
♦ David William King, 68, died September 17, 2022.
♦ JOHNSON, ANDREW CARROLL was arrested on a charge of DRUGS-POSS SCHED I at S BROAD ST/W FIRST ST on 9/17/2022
♦ NOLAN, ASHLEY NICOLE was arrested on a charge of CONTRIB DELINQ MINOR at 3308 SILAS CREEK PW/HANES MALL BV on 9/16/2022
♦ Crews, Patrick Renard (M/38) Arrest on chrg of 1) Awik/no Injury (F), 2) Disch Fa/occ Dwell (F), 3) Communicate Threats (M), and 4) Weap-poss By Felon (F), at 3514 Carver School Rd, Winston-salem, NC, on 9/17/2022 16:07.
♦ SANTIZO, PABLO MATEO was arrested on a charge of POSS COCAINE FEL at 500 AKRON DR on 9/18/2022
♦ BURNS, DAMION ISAAC was arrested on a charge of POSS STOLEN GOODS at 1205 HUTTON STREET on 9/19/2022
CONVENTIONAL D.C. wisdom says Republicans are about to pay a heavy political price for supporting the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision that overturned Roe v. Wade. The prospects of a red wave election are deteriorating. An “invisible army of women” are flocking to register to vote. Dobbs has fired up Democrats. President Joe Biden’s fortunes, miserable only a few months ago, have suddenly turned around. The Economist says that cheering on Dobbs was “one of the worst political decisions of recentEvenmemory.”ifallofthis were true, and I’m highly skeptical it is, “cheering on” the Dobbs decision was completely worth it. Just as cheering the overturning of Dred Scott v. Sanford or Schenck v. United States was worth it. Not everything is about short-term partisan gain.
And, surely, once Roe was overturned, there would be a tumultuous political upheaval with a massive price tag? Even if we accept everything we’re hearing about the political fallout over Dobbs, the blowback is quite underwhelming. If a two-point swing in the presidential approval rating during a midterm election is the price for overturning Roe, then it was maybe the greatest bargain in history.
♦ Litaker, James Wade (M/57) Arrest on chrg of Assault On Female (M), at 4010 Bonne Venture Rd, Walkertown, NC, on 9/18/2022 19:06.
♦ ROQUE, MERCYBEL RIVERA was arrested on a charge of AFFRAY at 951 BALLPARK WY on 9/17/2022
♦ Maxine Hill Snyder, 86, of Clemmons, died September 15, 2022.
♦ Herbert Marshall Walker Jr, 50, of Forsyth County, died September 14, 2022.
WEDNESDAY 9.21.22 conversation”“Join#213the
So, yes, cheer.
♦ Lawrence, Travis Lee (M/21) Arrest on chrg of 1) Probation Violation (F), 2) Probation Violation (F), and 3) Probation Violation (F), at 201 N Church St, Winston-salem, NC, on 9/14/2022 21:04
♦ DIAZ, OLIVER PINERO was arrested on a charge of ASSAULT ON FEMALE at 951 BALLPARK WY on 9/17/2022
♦ JACOBS, KIM LONG was arrested on a charge of 2ND DEGREE TRESPASS at 1499 NEW WALKERTOWN RD on 9/18/2022
Historically, midterms during the first term of a new president are tough on any administration. Despite the White House’s risible contention that the economy is humming, few people buy it. A new Marist poll finds that 62% of Americans believe we’re in a recession. The economy is, by far, the top concern of voters.
♦ John Arthur Redding, Sr., 92, of Clemmons, died September 17, 2022.
♦ SANTIZO, PABLO MATEO was arrested on a charge of IMPAIRED DRIVING DWI at 500 AKRON DR on 9/18/2022
♦ BLALOCK, PARKER SCOTT was arrested on a charge of IMPAIRED DRIVING DWI at 900 E FOURTH ST on 9/17/2022
♦ NARVAEZSANDOVAL, HUMBERTO DAVID was arrested on a charge of ASSAULT ON FEMALE at 5085 POLK AV on 9/18/2022
“This is so special, this team does such a good job,” said Buescher, who
Panthers withdraw city, county deal over abandoned facility
GT Real Estate Holdings had offered $21 million to York Coun ty. It suggested giving the proceeds from selling part of its site in Rock Hill so the city would get at least $20Butmillion.thecounty and city have filed separate lawsuits and court papers. York County said it is en titled to more than $80 million in part to get back money from a special penny sales tax that was supposed to expand a road but Tepper’s company used for the pro posed practice facility.
NASCAR Larson signs 3-year extension with Hendrick
“I don’t think anybody is safe,” Elliott said. “Nobody is safe in these rounds. And we want to do better, too.”The opening race of the sec ond round of the playoffs is Sun day at Texas Motor Speedway. Ryan Blaney won the All-Star race there in May, and Larson won the play off race there last season when Texas opened the third round and Larson’s victory earned him an au tomatic berth in the championship finale.
El Segundo, California DirecTV’s “NFL Sunday Ticket” package malfunctioned for the second straight week, causing fans trying to watch through the app or online to miss entire games. DirecTV said via social media that customers trying to stream the 1 p.m. EDT games were unable to through the app. Shortly after 4 p.m. EDT, they said the server problems were fixed and streaming could resume. This is the final season that DirecTV will be the exclusive carrier of “Sunday Ticket” — Amazon and Apple are among the bidders for the package of out-of-market games after commissioner Roger Goodell said during the summer that he expected a new carrier.
Philadelphia Philadelphia Flyers center Sean Couturier suffered an undisclosed injury and will be re-evaluated during training camp. He is considered week-to-week. Couturier underwent back surgery in February and missed the rest of the season. He signed an eight-year, $62 million contract extension in 2021 and ended the season with 17 points in 29 games.
because he was one of the early Ford drivers to run into trouble with a flat tire. There was a rash of tire prob lems for Ford drivers, and it would have eliminated many of them if so many playoff drivers didn’t have problems.Among those who had no prob lems were Hendrick Motorsports teammates Chase Elliott and Wil liam Byron, who finished second and third in ChristopherChevrolets.Bellfinished fourth in a Toyota for Joe Gibbs Racing and was followed by Kyle Larson and Ross Chastain of Trackhouse Racing. Non-playoff drivers AJ All mendinger and Cole Custer finished seventh and eighth.
Defense attorney Steve Haney says the vehicle and the gun didn’t belong to Bates. Bates averaged nearly 10 points a game last season as a freshman at Memphis. He missed much of the season with a back injury. Bates will return to court on Oct. 6.
The Associated Press
“He got hoodooed by this guy. He’s worth $16 billion. He’s obvi ously hoodooed a few people here and there. He took our governor for a ride,” Harpootlian said.
The 19 winners in a season has been done a record four other times in NASCAR history and Elliott, who cycled back to the points lead for the start of the second round of the playoffs, noted the first three races showed what a crapshoot the process is this year.
“He got hoodooed by this guy. He’s worth $16 billion. He’s obviously hoodooed a few people here and there. He took our governor for a ride.”
Rock Hill sued for $20 million it spent on the project and has asked the bankruptcy case be heard in South Carolina, where most of the people who lost money are locat
It was the first points-paying win for RFK — then called Roush Fen way Racing — since Daytona in 2017, and the first non-superspeed way win on an oval since Carl Ed wards won at Bristol in 2014.
The Flyers finished with a 25-46-11 record last season under Alain Vigneault and Mike Yeo and were last in the Metropolitan Division. The team hired John Tortorella in the offseason for what is expected to be a rebuilding year.
Panthers owner David Tepper’s real estate company filed court papers on Tuesday asking to revoke a bankruptcy settlement it was trying to make with a city and county in South Carolina over its abandoned practice facility.

The RFK Racing driver is the 19th different driver to win a race this season
Tax breaks from the state for the Panthers were based on the num ber of jobs created by the team, so South Carolina didn’t directly lose money on the project. The state did
3Twin City Herald for Wednesday, September 21, 2022 SPORTS
NHL Flyers’ Couturier out again with injury
Superior Township, Mich. College basketball player Emoni Bates has been charged with two felonies related to the discovery of a gun during a traffic stop near Ann Arbor, Michigan. Bates transferred to Eastern Michigan after one season at Memphis. Authorities say Bates was pulled over after failing to stop at an intersection Sunday night. Bates was released Monday.
Buescher wins Bristol; Harvick, Busch, RCR out of playoffs
ed, instead of Delaware, where GT Real Estate Holdings is incorpo rated.Tepper announced plans to build an $800 million practice fa cility in Rock Hill in 2019 to much fanfare, saying it would rival the NFL’s best — such as the Dallas Cowboys.SouthCarolina Gov. Henry Mc Master and state and local offi cials aggressively pursued the NFL owner to move the Panthers head quarters across the state line from North Carolina, where they would continue to play games in Char lotte.Less than two years later, Tep per’s company halted work, saying Rock Hill and York County didn’t fulfill financing and other obli gations. Both the city and county have denied the allegations. York County’s lawyer didn’t re spond Wednesday to the latest bankruptcy filings. Rock Hill of ficials said the city is looking for ward to the dispute being heard in court.The latest proposal from Tep per’s company would lump the city and county in with most other con tractors. GT Real Estate Holdings said that would allow those con tractors to begin to make claims for their share of $60 million set aside for them in the bankruptcy settlement as soon as possible.
provide about $35 million to build an interchange on Interstate 77 near the facility and state officials said Tepper’s company continues to pay its share for that work.
“Unfortunately, the City and County have instead chosen to pursue a flawed litigation strate gy, making exorbitant and unrea sonable demands well in excess of their entitlements,” GT Real Estate Holdings said in a statement.
won with a late call for two tires on the final pit stop. “It’s special to get RFK into Victory Lane for the first time.”Keselowski, who left a long suc cessful career at Team Penske to become an owner and driver at re branded RFK, won the first stage for his first stage victory of the sea son. He congratulated Buescher both on-track and in victory lane.
The Associated Press
NASCAR champion Kyle Larson signed a threeyear contract extension through 2026 with Hendrick Motorsports. The extension includes sponsor HendrickCars.com, which will sponsor the No. 5 Chevrolet for 35 races a season. Larson’s extension and the sponsorship renewal are concurrent. The original deal for HendrickCars.com to become Larson’s primary sponsor was announced last July when Rick Hendrick’s online automobile site enjoyed massive traffic spikes whenever it was featured on Larson’s car.
Former top recruit Bates charged with 2 felonies
Rock Hill and York County continue to spar with the team and its owner
Dick Harpootlian, South Carolina state senator
But state Sen. Dick Harpoot lian, who has been a critic of the project since 2019, said last week on the Senate floor that the state “got suckered in by the lure of a football team and a billionaire.”
RCR teammates Austin Dillon and Tyler“ThisReddick.place is tough on the driv ers. It’s tough on the cars,” Reddick said. “You never know how it’s going to go.”Harvick, Busch and Dillon were all below the cutline headed into the race, but Harvick had a shot at the win until a wheel fell off his Ford during the final pit stop. He’d inher ited a near-clear path to the victo ry — and an automatic berth into the next round — when Keselowski got a flat tire and hit the wall while leading.“Just went from having a chance to lead the parade to being a part of the parade,” said Harvick, who not ed he was ahead of Buescher at the final pit Austinstop.Cindric barely advanced
The Democrat asked McMas ter to sue Tepper so he can’t make as much money off the land he still owns near the new interchange.
Chris Buescher
BRISTOL, Tenn. — Chris Buescher closed out a bizarre first round of the NASCAR Cup Series playoffs in which none of the title contenders won a race by becoming the 19th winner this season with his victory Saturday night at Bristol Motor Speedway.
The showdown on the Bristol short track was the first elimination race of NASCAR’s playoffs and it was a nail-biter to the very end as at least a dozen of the 16 title contend ers had some sort of problem. There was a rash of flat tires for Ford driv ers, mechanical problems for Toy ota, an engine failure for Kyle Bus ch and Richard Childress Racing’s two drivers were both involved in a crash.The 16-driver field was cut by four, and eliminated from the play offs were Kevin Harvick, Busch and
“The only state money commit ted to this project has been invest ed in accelerating the construction of a new interchange in one of the fastest growing parts of the state,” governor’s spokesman Brian Sym mes said in a statement.
The second win of Buescher’s ca reer marked the first time in this format of NASCAR’s postseason that a playoff driver failed to win a race during a round. Erik Jones won the opener and Bubba Wallace won last Buescherweek.won for RFK Racing, the longtime Jack Roush-owned team that took on Brad Keselowski in the ownership group this season, to give the organization its first win in a points-paying Cup race in over five years. Buescher and Keselows ki both won a pair of exhibition rac es for RFK at Daytona in February.
Chris Buescher celebrates in Victory Lane after winning Saturday’s NASCAR Cup Series race at Bristol.

COLUMBIA, S.C. — Caroli na Panthers owner David Tepper’s real estate company wants to re voke a bankruptcy settlement it negotiated with the city and coun ty where its abandoned South Car olina practice facility was sup posed to be built because it says the governments are making exor bitant and unreasonable demands.
“It’s special to get RFK into Victory Lane for the first time.”
‘NFL Sunday Ticket’ outages ires fans

main“Ouropen.board of trustees has made the difficult decision to pro pose certificate of need law re forms,” board chair Dr. Roxie
NC hospitals offer new Medicaid expansion proposal
“We’ve asked Leader Schumer for additional time and we appre ciate he has agreed,” Baldwin said in a statement, along with other members of the bipartisan group that is negotiating the bill. “We

It’s not clear how many Re publicans would support the bill.
Democrats punt same-sex marriage vote until after election
are confident that when our leg islation comes to the Senate floor for a vote, we will have the biparti san support to pass the bill.”
4 Twin City Herald for Wednesday, September 21, 2022
North Carolina is one of a doz en states that have yet to accept the federal government’s offer to cover people who make too much to be insured by traditional Med icaid but too little to receive subsi dized private insurance. The fed eral government would pay 90% of the medical costs of expansion.
The bipartisan group has been working closely with the GOP senators who are open to the leg islation but have religious liber ty concerns. They finalized an
Wells said in a news release. “CON law changes could threaten the survival of community hospitals if they are not implemented careful ly. We are putting a lot of trust in legislative leaders to do this cor rectly.”The House passed its own ex pansion bill during the final week of the General Assembly’s prima ry work session this year that con tained none of the medical sup ply-side proposals that the Senate wanted. House Speaker Tim Moore has said Republicans in his chamber would prefer to handle those provisions separately from expansion.Moore’s office was still review ing the offer late Friday, Chief of Staff Neal Inman said. Berger spokesperson Lauren Horsch said the same thing, adding: “We ap preciate the NCHA’s willingness to come to the table with a pro posal.” There was no immediate response late Friday from Coo per’s
By Gary D. Robertson The Associated Press
The delay was requested by key senators who have been negotiat ing changes to the legislation and comes at a time when many Re publicans have been signaling op position.Wisconsin Democratic Sen. Tammy Baldwin, the lead cham pion of the bill, had predict ed they would be able to secure the 10 Republican votes need ed to break a filibuster and push it to passage. But hopes dimmed as some Republicans raised con cerns about whether the bill would protect the rights of reli gious institutions, business own ers or others who oppose samesexThemarriage.decision adds to the uncer tainty facing the legislation, as it gives interest groups and oth er lawmakers opposing the bill more time to rally Republicans against it. But supporters hope that by pushing the vote back, they will relieve election-year pressure from some conservative voters and persuade more Repub licans to support the legislation.
amendment this week that would clarify that the legislation does not affect the rights of such pri vate individuals or businesses — rights that are already enshrined in law. The legislation requires the federal government and states to recognize all marriages that were legal where they were performed, along with interracial marriages.“Through bipartisan collabo ration, we’ve crafted common sense language that respects re ligious liberty and Americans’ diverse beliefs, while upholding our view that marriage embodies the highest ideals of love, devo tion, and family,” the group said in the statement.
The Senate push for the his toric vote — and the openness by some Republicans to back it in an election year — reflects a large shift on the issue since the Supreme Court’s 2015 Oberge fell v. Hodges decision legalizing gay marriage nationwide. Polling shows widespread public support for allowing such unions.
One group that has been op posed, the conservative Alliance Defending Freedom, has pushed back on the legislation.
hospitals to negotiate with Berg er on those rules, which hospitals contend help community facilities that disproportionately serve the uninsured or underinsured re

By Mary Clare Jalonick The Associated Press
The UNC Hospitals campus in Chapel Hill are shown in this photo.
Senate leader Phil Berger this summer accused the association of refusing to compromise on “certificate of need” rules. Chang es to these rules were contained in the Senate version of an expan sion measure approved in June. Berger said they were needed to increase the supply of medical services that would be needed to treat the growing Medicaid pop ulation.Cooper, a big expansion pro ponent, told reporters earlier this week that it would make sense for
The statement from Baldwin, Democratic Sen. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona and Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine, Rob Portman of Ohio and Thom Til lis of North Carolina came after a meeting with Schumer, who had been considering a vote as soon as next week.
The proposal would do away with certificate of need laws for psychiatric inpatient beds and beds to treat people with chem ical dependency. It also, within five years, would scale back regu lations for operating rooms with in ambulatory surgical centers, which the association says would result in a loss of revenue for them.
But some Republicans who had wavered on the bill were not yet on Respondingboard. to the group’s statement Thursday, the White House emphasized again that the
“In the grander scheme, the Respect for Marriage Act is a way of putting an exclamation mark on the sexual revolution and its ideology,” wrote Ryan Womack, who works for the group, in a blog posted on its website.

Mostweeks.Republicans oppos ing the legislation have said it is simply unnecessary because the court ruling still stands. But oth ers have gone further.
ocrats are punting a vote to pro tect same-sex and interracial marriages until after the No vember midterm elections, pull ing back just days after Majority Leader Chuck Schumer vowed to put the Senate on the record on the issue “in the coming weeks.”
Theoffice.General Assembly is sched uled to reconvene Tuesday for what’s expected to be a three-day administrative session with no re corded floor votes. They are next scheduled to return to Raleigh in October.
In addition to Collins, Portman and Tillis, a fourth GOP senator, Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski, has supported same-sex marriage in the past. Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson, who is up for reelection this year, has said he doesn’t see a “reason to oppose it” but has talk ed on both sides of the issue in re cent
The North Carolina Healthcare Association said the offer sent to Republican legislative leaders and Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper also contained reforms to some state laws that require regulatory ap proval before certain medical buildings can be constructed or services offered in a region.
The association said its propos al would have hospitals paying a majority of the state’s share to cover another 600,000 people at a cost of over $550 million annual ly. The state’s hospitals also would participate in a federally fund ed program that would enhance their Medicaid reimbursement rates for providing care, provid ing new revenues.
“Each day the General As sembly waits is a day that harms 600,000 North Carolinians,” as sociation president and CEO Steve Lawler said. “We hope that any legislation crafted will be done in a thoughtful way that pro tects health care facilities that take care of people and improve community health.”
administration was leaving the mechanics of the legislation — such as the timing of a vote — to the“WeSenate.believe the Senate should find consensus just as the Amer ican people have,” White House press secretary Karine JeanPierre said Thursday.
The bill protecting same-sex marriage cleared the House in a July vote with the support of 47 Republicans — a larger than ex pected number that gave the measure a boost in the Senate.
A spokesman for Schumer said he is “100 percent committed” to holding a Democratsvote. and the small group of Republicans have moved to safeguard same-sex marriage following the Supreme Court decision over the summer that overturned Roe v. Wade and the federal right to an abortion. Law makers fear the court’s ruling, and a concurring opinion from Justice Clarence Thomas, indi cate that an earlier high court de cision protecting same-sex mar riage could come under threat.
But as the weeks went on, more Republicans raised religious lib ertyAnotherissues. proposed tweak to the bill would make clear that a marriage is between two people, an effort to ward off some farright criticism that the legislation could endorse polygamy.
“We all want to pass this quick ly,” Schumer said last week. “I hope there will be 10 Republicans to support it.”
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of N.Y., listens during a news conference at the Capitol, Sept. 7, 2022, in Washington, D.C.
RALEIGH — North Caroli na’s hospitals and hospital sys tems on Friday unveiled an offer that could shake up stalled nego tiations to pass legislation that would expand Medicaid to cover hundreds of thousands of low-in come adults in the state.
While most people who become infected with the virus usually experience either no symptoms or a mild, flu-like illness, about 20% of infected people will develop a fever with other symptoms such as headache, body aches, joint pains, vomiting, diarrhea, or rash. North Carolina citizens are encouraged to use mosquito repellent that contains DEET (or equivalent) when outside and to reduce mosquito breeding by emptying standing water whenever possible.
“The total of all these projects that we’ve put out is $263,000,” said Parks and Recreation Direc tor Mark Wagner. “Current funds are $207,000, and that does include the $50,000 from the state of North Carolina. We would need $56,000 in order to complete these projects.”
“The project involves 300 multi-family units and plus or minus 20,000 square feet of commercial space all at the cor ner of Brucewood Road and Mor ganton Road at the Morganton Road North PDD,” said Nicolas Robinson of Bradshaw, Robin son, Slawter, LLP. “We had an ex cellent preliminary forum with the planning board on August 18, and that surfaced some import ant issues. We worked with the staff to address them.”
“We’rePark.seeking approval of the proposal from Field Turf USA to in stall turf at Cannon Park,” Wagner
“ThisTrack.isa response to the Coun cil’s directive for staff to go back and
By Ryan Henkel North State Journal
school, athletic field, cemetery, rectory, and 1,200-seat religious institution but had since been continued till this month’s meet ing.The church and local residents had decided to meet in person and work out some of the issues, which had been fruitful, accord ing to church representative Pete Bogel.However, while a consensus was reached on multiple issues, there were still areas that agree ments had not been reached on, such as the total scale of the de velopments, noise complaints, and concerns of emergency ac cess due to increased volume of traffic.The council voted to contin ue the hearing to their next work session and urged further media tion between the two groups.
sify the fees for digital images in a more intuitive way that is easier for everybody to understand.”
The council approved a $56,000 budget amendment request in or der to complete recommended im provements to the Pinehurst Har ness
A K-9 with the Moore County Sheriff’s Office helped find a missing elderly woman Sunday, September 11, after deputies received a report that a woman suffering from a cognitive disorder had wandered away from her home in the Carthage Area. Within 40 minutes of arriving at the victim’s home, K-9 Roki and deputy Kevin Dean located the elderly woman in a nearby field. Thankfully, the woman was returned home to her family without any complications or injuries.
“The main change is moving from an image usage fee – so wheth er or not the image is being uti lized for a commercial purpose or a non-profit purpose or things like that – transitioning from that struc ture to an entity type fee,” said Fi nancial Services Director Brooke Hunter. “Is the entity requesting the image a commercial entity versus a non-profit entity? It takes away some of the ambiguity that staff is currently facing with some of those decisions and how to charge cus tomers.”According to Hunter, there will be three types of charges for digital images: the commercial entity fee, the non-commercial entity fee or personal use fee, and the non-prof it entity fee.
look at ways we can intelligently in vest in opportunities at the harness track in more robust or accelerat ed ways in this fiscal year,” Sanborn said.Improvements include Barn 14 grooms quarters renovations, the reconstruction of most paddocks, the reconstruction of the office in Barn 3, drainage improvements to Barn 8, 9, 14, and 15, painting Barn 6 and 8 and the track restaurant, repairing the water damage at the Clubhouse and Office, constructing a concrete pad with sides at Barn 14 for animal waste and the fixing of some of the roads.
The applicants had received community input during a pri or planning and zoning board meeting and were willing to work on some of the issues that were brought up.
Public health officials from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services are encouraging residents and visitors to take precautions to prevent mosquito-borne illness following recent cases of West Nile Virus in several parts of the state. There have already been four reported human cases of the virus in the state at this point in the year. Usually, the average number of cases by the end of August each year is two.
With no opposing side in the hearing, the council approved the planned development.
K-9 unit helps tracks down missing elderly woman in Carthage
Fall sports action
“The subject property is pres ently zoned FRRCD – Facili ties, Resources and Recreational Conditional District,” said Plan ning Director BJ Grieve. “The issue that is going on right now with Belle Meade is that it is an existing continuing care retire ment community in the unified development ordinance. There is a provision that says it may ex ist and, in fact, may be expand ed so long as it is a planned devel opment. The applicants came to us with a request to add 44 cot tages on the subject property in one specific area, and rather than work through other permutations of things, everyone agreed that the best thing to do would be to go ahead and bring this into com pliance as a planned development because none of the other uses are listed in the FRR zone.”
By Ryan Henkel North State Journal

The next hearing was a CDP for the construction of 44 new cottages in the Belle Meade Re tirement Community.
St. John Paul CDP decision delayed again
The changes involve the digital segment of the archives, specifical ly the purchasing of digital images.
The council also approved a $145,000 budget amendment re quest for the installation of turf at Cannon
SOUTHERN PINES — The Southern Pines Town Council met Tuesday, September 13, with multiple public hearings involv ing potential developments on theTheagenda.meeting kicked off with a resolution to officially change the name of the Town’s Commu nity Center to the E.S. Douglass Community Center after former Southern Pines mayor Emanuel S. Douglass.Thecouncil then heard four public hearings, starting with the conceptual development proj ect by the St. John Paul Catho lic School and Church for the re zoning of a 42.2-acre parcel. The hearing was first brought before the council in April for a private
Morganton Park North Phase 9 preliminary development plan that includes mixed-use develop ment and an extension of S. Car lisle Street to make a connection with Tanglewood Drive.
page 2
Pinecrest volleyball (left), Union Pines volleyball (top right), and Union Pines football (bottom right) continue as Moore County’s high schools compete on the court, on the field, and thrill the fans of each school.

PINEHURST — The Village of Pinehurst Council met Tues day, September 13, with a handful of budget amendments and resolu tions set on the agenda for action.
The third hearing was for the
No action taken on Pinehurst South Small Area Plan
Pinehurst Council approves new fee and charge schedule for digital media
The council approved a resolu tion to amend the Village of Pine hurst fees and charges schedule at the Givens Library and Tuft Ar chives.“We maintain a fees and charges schedule that the council adopts an nually, but every once in a while, we have a desire or we recognize an op portunity to improve upon that out of cycle and given the fact that over the last six or seven months we’ve in corporated the Givens Library and Tuft Archives into our Village op erations,” said Village Manager Jeff Sanborn. “At that time, we did in corporate some necessary language in our fees and charges schedule to cover their operations, but we’ve got ten some feedback from the library and archives staff that it might be appropriate to amend how we clas
Southern Pines Town Council approves Belle Meade expansion
Here’s a quick look at what’s coming up in Moore County:
cial parking standards set forth by the “Essentially,UDO. what we’re ask ing for is a little bit of flexibili ty in determining the maximum number of parking spaces in the commercial area,” said Prin cipal Bob Koontz of KOONTZ JONES Design. “What we’re asking for is as the building de velops and is designed and the tenants are determined, that we right-size the parking based on the tenants. For example, restaurant parking require ments are much higher than, say, a mortgage office or some thing like that. So the parking requirements are significant ly different for each of those uses, all of which can be in this mixed-use building.”
Trivia Thursday at the Brewery

Remember that we live in the best country, the best state, and by far the best county.
“This plan is much more dis appointing than the earlier one,” said Mayor Pro Tem Pat Pizzel la. “The consultant guaranteed for sure that it would be a traffic disaster. They just laid that out in black and white. That is an im mediate tap-the breaks to what we do around here. When we last met on this in August, I thought we came up with some gener al criteria. But I feel like what is being proposed is a lot of what ifs and maybes rather than a little more firmer guidance.”
2 North State Journal for Wednesday, September 21, 2022 TUNE andSundays104.1990WEEBINTOAMand97.3FM1-2PMTheJohnMaureenshow

9796 Aberdeen Rd, Aberdeen Store Hours: Tue - Fri: 11am 4pmBlazerwww.ProvenOutfitters.com910.637.05009mm115gr,FMJBrassCased$299/case or $16/Box 10MagpulPMAGsfor$90 Polish Radom$649AK-47 Smith & Wesson M&P 2.0 Compact $449 Del-Ton M4 $499 38” Tactical Rifle Case: $20 Light!With Ever wish you had a • The Best Prices on Cases of Ammo? • The best selection of factory standard capacity magazines? • An AWESOME selection of Modern Sporting Weapons from Leading Manufactures Like, Sig, FN, S&W, etc? You Do! • All at better than on line prices? With Full Length Rail! Made in NC! local store which has • Flamethrowers & Gatlin Guns? On Rt 211 just inside Hoke County. With Quantico Tactical WEDNESDAY SEPT 21 HI 89 LO 65° PRECIP 5% THURSDAY SEPT 22 HI 91° LO 5 4° PRECIP 24% FRIDAY SEPT 23 HI 74° LO 49° PRECIP 1% SATURDAY SEPT 24 HI 7 7° LO 55° PRECIP 3% SUNDAY SEPT 25 HI 8 3° LO 61° PRECIP 24% MONDAY SEPT 26 HI 7 9° LO 5 3° PRECIP 4 4% TUESDAY SEPT 27 HI 75° LO 50° PRECIP 8%

said. “Currently, it’s a baseball/ softball, multi-purpose field. So it would be converted from dirt and grass to synthetic turf mate rial. It would have an infield ma terial as well that helps reduce the heat and helps provide more cushion for use on the site.”
“Join conversation”the

As such, the council decided to give the planning and zoning board more time to address con cerns related to density, traffic impact, and differences between the east and west sides of the de velopment.TheVillage of Pinehurst Coun cil will next meet September 27.
Come6pm out for Trivia at the Southern Pines Brewery! Enjoy fun and prizes each Thursday. Southern Pines Brewing Company is located at 565 Air Tool Dr., Southern Pines, NC.
The applicants also had their own requests for the council too. For the commercial sec tion of the development, the ap plicants requested a deviation from the maximum height al lotment in the commercial dis trict from 40 feet to 45 feet and a deviation from the commer
Sept. 22
Friends of the Aberdeen Library Meeting
The council also approved a $54,717.50 contract with McAd ams Company in order to update the Parks and Recreation Master Plan.Finally, the council contin ued its discussion surrounding the Pinehurst South Small Area Plan. However, similar concerns from prior meetings continued to dominate the discussions.

liminary development plan with the deviations, setting a maxi mum cap of 120 parking spaces for the commercial area.
The6pmFriends of the Aberdeen Library holds a meeting every 4th Thursday of the month at the Aberdeen Fire Department. New members are welcome to support the effort to bring the new library to life.

Thesubdivision.Southern Pines Town Council will next meet October 11.
4pm –Dugan’s10pmPub is hosting the Back Pack Food Drive. All food donations are welcome. The goal is to feed 1,100 children of Moore County yearround. happening
“The applicant did agree to improve the walking paths to the Town’s standards, they deemed the reduction in the width of the right-of-way on the Carlisle Street extension from 80 feet to 60 feet as acceptable, and they did not have a problem with losing the sidewalk on the north side of the Carlisle Street extension,” said Principal Plan ner Pam Graham.
The council approved the pre
SOUTHERN PINES from page 1 PINEHURST from page 1 Neal Robbins Publisher Matt Mercer Editor in Chief Griffin Daughtry Local News Editor Cory Lavalette Sports Editor Frank Hill Senior Opinion Editor Lauren Rose Design Editor Published each Wednesday as part of North State Journal 1201 Edwards Mill Rd. Suite Raleigh,300NC 27607 TO SUBSCRIBE: Raleigh,Suite1201NorthSendPOSTMASTER:mailingatPeriodicalsAnnualMOORE.NORTHSTATEJOURNAL.COM336-283-6305SubscriptionPrice:$50.00PostagePaidRaleigh,N.C.andatadditionaloffices.addresschangesto:StateJournalEdwardsMillRd.300NC27607 WEEKLY FORECAST
The final hearing was for the potential abandonment of the Mechanic Street Right of Way, but finding that there was no evidence that the Town even owned that specific right of way, the council decided to take no action.Finally, the council approved two architectural reviews, one for the Morganton Park South Phase 1 amendments and the other for the Morganton Park South Phase 2 apartments. It also approved a resolution to ac cept roads within The Arbore tum
After decades of indoctrination on abortion “rights,” it’s also almost surely the case that a majority of Americans were under the impression that overturning Roe would mean a national ban on abortion. One recent poll found that 52% of registered Democrats still believe the Supreme Court outlawed abortions in the United States. The realization that this isn’t so may also temper any outrage over Dobbs. Then again, even if it didn’t, it would be worth it.
Last week, we learned inflation remains up 8.3% from last year. The cost of daily essentials like electricity, groceries, and transportation remain sky high, up 15.8%, 13.5%, and 11.3%, respectively. Despite the hardship these price hikes are causing, Washington Democrats continue to prioritize liberal, inflation-driving policies such as their so-called “Inflation Reduction Act,” a measure that will raise your taxes, grow federal bureaucracy, and make inflation worse. Biden’s student loan plan will also unfairly force you to pay for others’ student loans. At a time when folks are struggling just to pay for the basics, the last thing you need is more taxes and more reckless government spending.
President Joe
Full bans, without exemptions in cases of rape and incest — even if it is morally consistent — are probably never going to be popular nationally. But most Republican-run states allow for some level of firsttrimester abortions, a position more in line with the mainstream than
Few on the left, of course, need to worry about the consequences of their radical position because they are almost never asked to defend it. But, if, say, Gov. Ron DeSantis is the presidential nominee in 2024, he will be defending Florida’s 15-week ban against Biden’s NARALendorsed extremism. I’m not sure that works out exactly how Democrats imagine.Democrats have been fooling themselves with faulty and push polling for years. Even if we conceded the tepid swing in national momentum toward Democrats is real, it could be attributable to any number of issues, including an easing of high gas prices. Yet I keep reading stories about how abortion has put Republican control of the Senate in jeopardy.
fentanyl to flood our communities.
The GOP may or may not win back the Senate — I’m no prognosticator — but which specific Senate race has turned on Dobbs? In Pennsylvania, where even the Democratic Party’s existing senator still pretends to be pro-life, polls show Dr. Mehmet Oz tightening the race against John Fetterman. Herschel Walker seems to be gaining on Raphael Warnock, as is Adam Laxalt on Cortez Masto.
3 North State Journal for Wednesday, September 21, 2022
In addition to economic and border security, we are also dedicated to protecting public health. Just last week, my bipartisan MOBILE Health Care Act advanced in Congress to expand access to health care in rural and underserved communities. These are the kinds of commonsense solutions you deserve.
Even if all of this were true, and I’m highly skeptical it is, “cheering on” the Dobbs decision was completely worth it. Just as cheering the overturning of Dred Scott v. Sanford or Schenck v. United States was worth it. Not everything is about short-term partisan gain.
Our commitment is to get our economy back on track by cutting needless government spending, lowering taxes, and building an economic environment that encourages growth and lowers costs. We will also enact proven measures to secure our border and stop the flow of drugs like fentanyl by keeping “Remain in Mexico” in place, maintaining Title 42 authority, giving Customs and Border Patrol the resources it needs, and finishing the wall.
“FOR WE ARE GIVEN POWER not to advance our own purposes, nor to make a great show in the world, nor a name. There is but one just use of power, and it is to serve people.”
However, these bad decisions are not limited to the economy. Since President Biden took office and opened our southern border, nearly 4 million illegal immigrants have been apprehended coming across. In July, there were 199,976 illegal immigrant encounters – the 17th straight month over 150,000 and almost the entire population of the city of Fayetteville. Even in the face of these facts, officials like Vice President Harris and Press Secretary Jean-Pierre claimed last week that the “border is secure.” The truth is that President Biden and House Democrats’ open border policies have created a migrant crisis and jeopardized public safety across the country. The greatest threat comes from allowing deadly drugs like
Biden Democratsand onracespecificbutbackorTheouryourissuesmostaddressactionappropriatetohaveWashingtoninfailedtaketothepressingfacingfamilyandcountry.GOPmaymaynotwintheSenatewhichSenatehasturnedDobbs?

You might also cheer because if someone had told you 10, or even five, years ago that Roe would be overturned, you wouldn’t have believed them. Roe has been treated as a sacred text for over 50 years, not only by the press but by most of our institutions. The “right” to terminate life for convenience’s sake had been irrecoverably tethered to feminism and progress. For millions, it probably remains the only SCOTUS decision they can name. And once the left procures a new “right,” it rarely relinquishes it. The prospect of there being six justices willing to uphold the Constitution in the face of this immense pressure was improbable, to say the least.

The evidence that Dobbs has been a critical factor in undermining Republican fortunes is unconvincing in other areas as well. A Reuters/ Ipsos poll finds that only 8% of Democrats view “the end of national abortion rights” as their most important issue. Most other polling comes to similar conclusions. Were any of these people going to vote for Republicans to begin with? Conservative enthusiasm remains high.
This quote from former President George H.W. Bush reminds us that the sole purpose of political leadership is to serve the people and develop solutions to the problems most important to you. Unfortunately, many of those who have been entrusted with leading this nation have forgotten this responsibility and have instead used their positions to pursue their ownPresidentagenda.Joe Biden and Democrats in Washington have failed to take appropriate action to address the most pressing issues facing your family and our country. Instead, Washington Democrats have largely ignored challenges or pushed leftist policies that have crushed our economy, made you less safe, threatened your freedom, and made the federal government bigger and less accountable.
Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor

Historically, midterms during the first term of a new president are tough on any administration. Despite the White House’s risible contention that the economy is humming, few people buy it. A new Marist poll finds that 62% of Americans believe we’re in a recession. The economy is, by far, the top concern of voters.
Overdose deaths, primarily from fentanyl poisoning, hit an all-time high last year and are now the leading causes of death for Americans aged 18-45. This epidemic is plaguing communities across the country, including in North Carolina. Last week, I met with a mom from Sanford who tragically lost her son to an accidental encounter with fentanyl. She has courageously turned this tragedy into motivation to help other families, but we must do more to ensure no one has to endure the same heartache.Whydo Democrats in Washington continue to ignore these crises? Last week, Speaker Nancy Pelosi called Congress back to Washington after a 6-week recess. However, House Democrats did not bring forward any legislation related to stopping inflation, securing the border, or promoting public security. Instead, their focus was on making the census process less transparent.Itdoesn’thave to be this way. House Republicans have a plan to turn things around called a “Commitment to America.”
David Harsanyi is a senior editor at The Federalist. Harsanyi is a nationally syndicated columnist and author of five books — the most recent, “Eurotrash: Why America Must Reject the Failed Ideas of a Dying Continent.” Dobbs

was worth it
CONVENTIONAL D.C. wisdom says Republicans are about to pay a heavy political price for supporting the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision that overturned Roe v. Wade. The prospects of a red wave election are deteriorating. An “invisible army of women” are flocking to register to vote. Dobbs has fired up Democrats.
Whether it’s the economy, border security, or public health, Democratic leadership has neglected their obligation to serve the people – but I never will. Through our plan, the “Commitment to America,” I will continue to work hard to hold those who dodge their responsibilities accountable and to produce real solutions to the problems facing you and your family.
President Joe Biden’s fortunes, miserable only a few months ago, have suddenly turned around. The Economist says that cheering on Dobbs was “one of the worst political decisions of recent memory.”
Richard Hudson is serving his fifth term representing North Carolina’s 8th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives. He currently serves on the Energy and Commerce Committee and in House leadership as the Republican Conference Secretary.
the Democrats’ maximalist position on abortion on demand, for any reason, until birth, funded by the taxpayers.

Just because Dobbs was “worth” celebrating doesn’t mean Republicans shouldn’t have been better prepared for the probable outcome. It always amazes me how timid and ineffective Republicans are at making the pro-life case, which makes me suspect many of them are unhappy that pro-life legislation is no longer just a theoretical proposition.
And, surely, once Roe was overturned, there would be a tumultuous political upheaval with a massive price tag? Even if we accept everything we’re hearing about the political fallout over Dobbs, the blowback is quite underwhelming. If a two-point swing in the presidential approval rating during a midterm election is the price for overturning Roe, then it was maybe the greatest bargain in history.
A commitment to America
So, yes, cheer.
Joyce leaves her beloved husband of 63 years, Richard A. DiCamillo; daughters Tami DiCamillo Zamrazil (Charlie), Terri DiCamillo, and Tracey Bell (Eric); four grandchildren, Jessica Erwin (Todd), Paige SchleiferBell (Paul), Bryce Anne Huffman (James), and Morgan Bell; seven great-grandchildren, and her fur babies Bentley and Fyre, all who will cherish her memory. She is also survived by her sister-in-laws Carolyn Silvani, Jean DiCamillo and Melanie Gordon; cousins, Barbara Carhide, Billy Carhide (Gayle), Michael Carhidi (Marybeth), Rich Carhidi, Linda DeMarco (Bob), Karen Ferri, Leonard Ferri, Chester Nebolini, Richard Nebolini, Sandra Schmidt, Bonnie Stevens (Ralph). As well, is survived by special friends and neighbors Doug Aitken, Frank and Gloria Bishop, Kevin and Donna Brundage, Jan Coleman, Donna Lee, Jordan Lee, Cindy McNeill, Kate Pomplum, Bill and Rhoda Stackhouse, Lili Sutton, and Jayne Van Vooren.
Stanley Ozimek, 88, of West End, NC died Friday, September 16, 2022, at the First Health Moore Regional Hospital in Pinehurst, NC.
June 5, 1935 - September 11, 2022
Philip Dow Sweet
March 21, 1944 ~ September 10, 2022
Philip Dow Sweet of Pinehurst passed away on September 10, 2022, at the age of 78.

Michelle Marie Davis, 45, of Aberdeen passed peacefully at home on September 12, 2022.

Teddy Lee Jordan
August 13, 1934September 16, 2022
July 24, 1935September 10, 2022
She is survived by three children: Charles Michael Gschwind (Mona) of Carolina Beach, NC; Timothy Wood Gschwind of Vass, NC and Patrice Adele (Del) Metcalf (Mark) of Lakeview, NC; her grandchildren: Christen Gschwind, Caitlin Garza (JoDan), Timothy Gschwind, Daniel Gschwind (Kayla); Kyle Metcalf and Kaila Metcalf; great-grandchildren, Abigail Gschwind, Theodore Gschwind, and Iasan Garza. In addition to her loving husband, Marilyn was preceded in death by her loving parents, Ben and Ariel Wood and two brothers, Bill and Phillip Wood.
Mrs. Williams was a graduate of Pineland School for Girls and St. Andrews Presbyterian College. She taught elementary school in Moore County for twenty-eight years. She was a member of the Alpha Delta Kappa national honorary society. She was a Charter member of Our Saviour Lutheran Church in Southern Pines where she served on church council for 3 terms, chaired the education committee, taught Sunday School, and was President of the Women of the Church. Later she was an active member of Shepherd of the Sea Lutheran Church and volunteered teaching English as a second language.
Philip was born in Sioux Falls, SD on March 21, 1944, to the late Lorenzo and Gertrude Sasse Sweet. Philip grew up in Sioux Falls and attended Washington High School. After high school, Philip joined the Marine Corps, and served during the Vietnam War.
Born in Nicosia, Cyprus, she was the youngest daughter of “Penny” Stephane W. Anderson (Robert Anderson) and Brigadier General Walter C. Hersman (Inge Dubbeld Hersman). Michelle was raised in Jordan, Germany, England, Spain, Alabama, Virginia and North Carolina. She graduated from Lee County High School. Michelle was a talented cook and baker and attended the culinary program at Sandhills Community College and most recently worked as a food and beverage manager at Legacy Golf Links.Michelle was mother of “Sammie” Chloe Jade Rivera and Violet Roxanne Davis. She was the sister of Debbie Hersman (Niel Plummer) and Valerie Barlowe (Carey Barlowe) and stepsister to Rob Pye (Jenny Pye). She was also aunt to Taylor, Wilson and Jackson Plummer and Megan and Cameron Barlowe. She is survived by several partners and friends who cared for her and her children.
your loved ones. Submit obituaries and death notices to be published in NSJ at obits@northstatejournal.com
April 30, 1932September 10, 2022
Celebrate the life of
Philip is survived by his daughter, Kelly (Sweet) Oldham and her husband, Chris of Brookfield, CT; his son, Michael Sweet and his wife, Erin (Shields) Sweet of New Milford, CT; his sister, Jeanne Simunek of Sioux Falls, SD; three grandchildren, Christopher and his wife, Ariana, Trevor, and Brandon; greatgrandson, Riley.
Predeceased by his wife Mary, Stanley is survived by his children Michael, Richard, Robert, Mark, and their spouses, Josephine, Eleanor, Lynn and Joshua; 7 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren.

Joyce Elaine Carhidi DiCamillo, 87, of Pinehurst, NC passed away peacefully on Saturday, September 10, 2022 at her residence with family by her Sheside.was born July 24, 1935 in Schenectady, NY to the late William and Lucy Ferri Carhidi.

Patricia Rogers Williams of the Carol Woods Retirement community died on September 11, 2022. Pat was known for her wonderful smile and joyfulMrs.demeanor.Williams was formerly from Southern Pines, NC and Myrtle Beach, SC. She was the daughter of the late Carey Elvington Rogers and Ruby Harrington Fogle of Myrtle Beach. She was the wife of the late Coach John Wiley Williams of Southern Pines.
September 16, 1954September 16, 2022
Faye spent many years married in Carthage raising her two sons who were the loves of her life. For several years she owned and oper ated Country Charm Hair Salon. She was a loving woman that had a special sweetness about her and a smile that could light up any room. She was a social butterfly who made friends everywhere she went, especially in the last nine years living at Gracious Living. She enjoyed reading, playing pia no, Sudoku puzzles and spending time with friends in person and Heronline.Christian faith was an im portant part of her life and Faye was a member of the Presbyterian Church and the United Methodist Church. She had a beautifully timbered soprano voice and loved participating in the church choir, often singing solos. She is survived by two loving sons, Tripp and Jon Carter; two brothers, Tony and Marty McKenzie; and many other family members and friends.
On November 27, 1954, he married Mary McCaskill and together raised their 4 children.
Ted was predeceased by his father Floyd Graham Jordan, in 2017, his mother Frances Martin Jordan in 2015, and brother Allen Scott Jordan in 2005. He is survived by his wife Terry Jordan of Seven Lakes, stepdaughter Blair Barnhardt Wiggins, stepson Bradley Barnhardt and wife Ashley Barnhardt, and four grandchildren Daicee Wiggins, Daelyn Wiggins, Cade Barnhardt, and Kennedy Baldwin.

January 24, 1977September 12, 2022
Mrs. Williams is survived by three sons, Dr. John W. Williams, Jr. (Peggy) of Chapel Hill, Michael Carey Williams, (Lisa) of Asheville, and Mark Spencer Williams, (Olga) of Wilmington, NC. Grandchildren are Melissa, Spencer, Stephanie, Katherine, Margaret, Anna, Natalie and Steve. Great-grandchildren are William and Vann.
In addition to her parents, she is preceded in death by two brotherin-laws, Jospeh and Gino DiCamillo and cousins, Gary Carhide and Sandra Ferri.
Teddy Lee Jordan 68, of Seven Lakes, NC passed away peacefully in his home with his loving wife by his side on September 16, 2022.
Celia Marilyn Wood Gschwind
Faye McKenzie Carter, 83 of Southern Pines, passed away on September 11, 2022 at First Health Hospice House in Pine Bornhurst.on May 24, 1939 in Pine hurst, North Carolina, the only daughter of seven children to the late Ivey and Maggie McKenzie. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by four brothers, Bill, Jack, Gene, and Fred McKenzie; and her beloved red poodle, “Beau,” and orange tabby cat, “Buttons.”
Celia Marilyn Wood Gschwind, passed away on Saturday, September 10, 2022 at her home in Vass.She was born on April 30, 1932 and lived a life full of love and selfless giving for her family, friends and community. Marilyn married the love of her life, Charles Howard Gschwind in June of 1950 and they celebrated 55 years of marriage. She was employed by Moore County Schools where she served as school secretary at Vass-Lakeview Elementary for 30 years. Marilyn had a kind heart and fostered children in her home.
He was born August 13, 1934, in Buffalo, NY the son of Stanley and Anna Ozimek. Stanley grew up in Buffalo NY with his sister (Theresa) and two brothers (Joseph and Daniel). After proudly serving in the US Navy, he joined IBM and retired as an accomplished executive with 34 years of service.
May 24, 1939September 11, 2022
4 North State Journal for Wednesday, September 21, 2022 obituaries SPONSORED BY BOLES FUNERAL HOMES & CREMATORY Locations in: Southern Pines (910) 692-6262 | Pinehurst (910) 235-0366 | Seven Lakes (910) 673-7300 Email:www.bolesfuneralhome.commd@bolesfuneralhome.com CONTACT @BolesFuneralHomes