From left, President Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally in Greenville, Thursday, Oct. 15, 2020. Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden arrives to speak during a campaign event at Riverside High School in Durham, Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020. Vice President Mike Pence speaks at a campaign rally on Friday, Oct. 16, in Selma. Donald Trump Jr. speaks to supporters at a Republican Party sportsman's event in Clayton. KARL DEBLAKER | AP PHOTOS
the Wednesday
Nearly 2 million voters cast votes Raleigh As of Tuesday morning, 1,853,540 votes have been cast in the state for the 2020 general election. Over 1 million of the votes have come from onestop early voting, which began on Thursday, Oct. 15. Registered Democrats lead among the early votes, with 833,736, or 45%, of the votes cast. Early voting continues through Oct. 31. NSJ STAFF
Federal judge keeps absentee ballot witness requirement Greensboro U.S. District Judge William Osteen ruled the state could not accept absentee ballots returned without a witness signature. He declined, however, to force the state to shorten the period during which county boards can accept absentee by-mail ballots after Election Day that were postmarked by Nov. 3. The state board made the deadline Nov. 12 as part of an agreement made with left-leaning plaintiffs. Senate leader Phil Berger blamed Democrats for the situation, saying, “The chaos over the past month was entirely avoidable.” THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
Israel says it uncovers deep militant tunnel dug from Gaza Jerusalem The Israeli military said Tuesday that militants in the Gaza Strip dug a tunnel dozens of yards deep that crossed the security fence around the territory before it was detected by underground sensors. Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus, a military spokesman, said the tunnel crossed into Israeli territory but posed “no threat” to nearby Israeli communities and that there was not yet an exit on the other side. He said troops will “neutralize” the tunnel in the coming days. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
20177 52016 $2.00
Tillis closes gap with Cunningham for that. I’m very clear that this campaign isn’t about my personal life; it’s about the people of RALEIGH — Republican North Carolina; it’s about the isU.S. Sen. Thom Tillis appears to sues that are important to North have momentum in his bid for Carolinians, and that’s what I’m re-election against Democrat- staying focused on,” Cunningic challenger Cal Cunningham, ham said. The Cunningham campaign after multiple affair allegations against Cunningham were con- has tried to pivot to discussfirmed by the former state sen- ing issues like health care. That same day, though, was when the ator. In two public polls, pub- Army Reserve confirmed it was lished by Emerson College and investigating the conduct by Lt. The Washington Post this week, Col. James Cunningham, calling Cunningham led by 1 and 2 him by his official first name. Adultery has long been a viopoints, respectively. In Septemlation of the Uniform ber and early October, Code of Military JusCunningham led some tice. Last year the polls by as many 10 wording was broadpoints. “I am ened to include any The race for the seat, “extramarital sexuwhich has been the most disgusted at al contact.” Service expensive in the nation, his behavior members can face a was rocked first by Tilmaximum penalty lis’ COVID-19 positive and how of dishonorable distest on Friday, Oct. 2. he has charge, forfeiture of Late that night, Cun- responded to pay and confinement ningham confirmed for a year. that sexual text messag- it. The people North Carolies obtained by the web- of North na Republican Parsite NationalFile.com Carolina ty Chairman Miwere authentic. chael Whatley held a Later, Cunningham expect press conference on admitted he had physiOct. 14 featuring Sgt. cal encounters with the better from a Josh Feeback, Unitwoman, Arlene Guz- United States ed States Army, Ret.; man Todd, the wife of a senator.” and Sean Kilbane, combat veteran. A secUnited States Army ond affair has also been veteran. alleged, but not con- U.S. Army “These are very sefirmed, and Cunning- Veteran Sean rious allegations, and ham in a Zoom press it’s very concerning,” conference on Oct. 9 re- Kilbane said Whatley. fused to say how many Kilbane harshly more affairs he has had. A memo released by the Til- criticized Cunningham for enlis campaign said the race has gaging in an affair with the wife been “dramatically and perma- of a fellow veteran. He also notnently altered, not by sex, but ed that Cunningham has failed by the hypocritical lack of judg- to answer questions about the ment and truthfulness now fully other alleged affair and “other on display by Cal Cunningham.” women.” “I am disgusted at his behavRepeated efforts by North State Journal to interview Cun- ior and how he has responded ningham or a member of his to it,” said Kilbane. “The people campaign staff have been ig- of North Carolina expect better from a United States senator.” nored. Kilbane also asked that if Cunningham told WNCNTV in an impromptu interview Cunningham was “willing to on Oct. 7, “I’ve made it clear that risk his candidacy” to have an I’ve hurt my family and that I’ve affair with another veteran’s disappointed my supporters, and I’m taking responsibility See SENATE, page A2 By Matt Mercer North State Journal
With voting underway, both presidential campaigns focus on NC Multiple events by Biden, Trump campaigns across state in October By David Larson North State Journal DURHAM — Both major presidential campaigns are making clear that North Carolina is a must-win state in their election strategies as key surrogates and the candidates themselves heavily canvass the state in the final days of the election. Democratic candidate Joe Biden’s campaign has been much more reticent to hold in-person events throughout the race, citing the COVID-19 pandemic and focusing on virtual events. But with only a couple weeks remaining and the important state in a dead heat, Biden’s campaign has in-
creased its physical presence dramatically. Last Sunday, Biden traveled to Durham to give a speech at Riverside High School. NSJ was present outside and witnessed many of the state’s high-profile Democratic politicians drive by following the event, waving at supporters gathered in the parking lot. Other events were also planned across Durham on Sunday by Democratic officials, like a “Todos Con Biden” car parade meant to drive turnout among the city’s Hispanic population. Biden was not at the event, but NSJ counted 21 vehicles in the caravan headed from Compare Foods on University Drive to an early-voting location at Durham’s South Regional Library. Biden was seen instead at an area Cook Out restaurant, See CAMPAIGNS, page A3
Gov Cooper’s claims about masks not reflected in case data COVID cases rose after the governor’s mask mandate By A.P. Dillon North State Journal RALEIGH — Between the gubernatorial debate and the state’s elementary school children preparing to return to full-time in-person instruction, the topic of masks and face coverings is making the rounds again. Wake County, the state’s largest district, will require all students to wear a mask or face covering, and the district is “strongly encouraging” pre-kindergarten students as young as four to wear one. Students will be required to “produce documentation” or “proof of a condition” for not wearing a mask. Those not complying could face suspension or be forced to attend class remotely. Twice earlier this year, the World Health Organization (WHO) said that face masks were unnecessary for healthy people. Both the WHO and CDC have shifted language and varied guidance on masks over course of the pandemic. During the Oct. 14 gubernatorial debate, Gov. Roy Cooper pushed wearing masks to prevent viral spread of COVID-19 several times. He also made the claim that COVID-19 cases had “leveled off” after he instituted a statewide mask mandate, however, the data indicates otherwise. By placing the date of Cooper’s mask mandate on a weekly chart of the state’s COVID-19 cases, the claim that the mask mandate lev-
eled off cases is untrue given the continued to rise and fall of cases. Cooper’s mask mandate stayed in place with the announcement of Phase 3 at the end of September, yet according to the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services’ COVID-19 dashboard, the state’s cases rose to new highs See MASKS, page A2
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MASKS from page A1 RESTRICTIONS from page A1 in the weeks that followed. staying on their properties if they On Oct. 15, Cooper held a are not year-round residents. COVID-19 briefing at which A similar situation to Surf he said the state saw a new oneCity’s actions has arisen in Dare day record increase of 2,532 in and Currituck counties, resultnew cases. The governor cited ing in the filing of a federal law“complacency” by the public for suit by six property owners the increased case count. whose permanent residences are “Complacency will cost lives in neighboring states. and hurt our economy, and it’s Law-enforcement checkpoints up to every one of us to continue have been set up on roads leadwearing masks, social distancing ing into various towns and counand using good judgment,” said ties. Cooper at the COVID-19 press The town of Beaufort has a briefing as he urged the public chokepoint near I-70 to repel to practice safety protocols. non-residents. One needs a valAccording to NCDHHS, the id form of government-issued ID seven-day average for new cases with a Carteret County address, at the time of the press briefing a COVID-19 Entry Pass issued was 1,935 — up from around 1,784 by the town or documents provthe week prior. It has been suging you are an essential worker or are performing an essential service. Ocracoke is also requiring documentation in order to gain SENATE from page A1 entry to the town. The public’s use of the Atlanwife then “what kind of self-servtic Ocean has been banned by ing behavior are we to expect out Atlantic Beach, Salter Path, Inof him if he were to go to Washdian Beach and Emerald Isle. In ington, D.C.?” a joint press release, the towns Also on Oct. 14, a Federal Elecsaid “swimming, surfing, kittions Commission complaint ing,” and “non-motorized recrewas filed against Cunningham ational water access” are all proby Americans for Public Trust, a hibited. nonprofit, nonpartisan governWrightsville Beach officials ment watchdog group. The group already closed beaches to the is asking the FEC to examine pospublic but will now also be fining sible campaign violations. violators up to $500. If one inAt the heart of the comcludes court costs, the fine jumps plaint are travel expenses logged to $650. by Cunningham’s campaign to Officials in Wilkesboro and California in early March of this North Wilkesboro announced on year. The date of the travel potenApril 8 that only one person per tially corresponds to allegations family will be allowed entry into of a sexual encounter in Los Anany stores. Children can only acgeles. company them if no other suitTillis, for his part, returned to able person can watch them. work during the Senate Judiciary Last week, Cooper issued a Committee’s hearings for U.S. Sunew executive order containing preme Court nominee Amy Coney multiple layers of new restricBarrett last week. tions on the few retail stores still He returned to the campaign allowed or able to remain open. trail on Saturday, hosting a getThis new order begins at 5 p.m. out-the-vote event with South April 13 and runs for 30 days. According to executive order 131, only five people per 1,000 square feet of retail space or 20% of fire marshal posted occupancy limits can be in a store at one CAMPAIGNS from page A1 time. Markings must be placed 6 feet apart in areas where peowhere he ordered one chocolate ple gather, like checkout lines, and one vanilla shake, telling reand stores must observe cleanporters he planned to combine ing measures. Additional recomthem when back in order the car. mendations in the include At Biden’s Durham speech, plastic shields at registers andhe focused on Trump’s response to contact-free checkouts. COVID-19, racial injustice andlothe The order overrides any Affordable Care Act, he said cal prohibitions that which set a differSupreme Court nominee Judge ent occupancy rate in order to Amy Coney Barrett would vote maintain “uniformity” across theto eliminate, would instead state.” As and with he Cooper’s previexpand upon. orders, municipalious executive your governor ties“Look, and individual storeshas can been enworking hard to expand Medicaid, act even stricter measures than but it’s being blocked [the] Redescribed in the new by directives. publican legislature,” Biden said. The North Carolina-based Fresh “My plan will automatically enroll Market grocery store chain, 357,000 uninsured Carostarting April 14, willNorth require all linians in a public option for guests to wear a face-coveringfree, of automatically.” some sort. Gates McGavick, North Caro-
The Second Sunday of Easter approaches, and Christians are reminded of the first The eighth elementChrist’s of the resurrection. Jesus Sunday following Fruit of the Spirit is meekness, had met with most of His disciples after Mary also known as gentleness. From Magdalene them Psalms to thealerted Beatitudes, we of His presence. Thomas was not with them when they met are told the meek are blessed and shall inherit the earth. Jesus, and he said he would not believe in the Meekness doesuntil not mean resurrection he had seen the wounds of weakness, but rather a quality the crucifixion for himself. of strength under control. The Eight days after the resurrection, Thomas overlap between the terms had his doubts removed included in the Fruit of the when he saw Jesus and examined Spirit should be evident, His as wounds. While meekness includes peace, Jesus blessed those who believed in His love, longsuffering andon — most resurrection based faith, He nonetheless importantly — faith. was willing to prove Himself to Thomas. Meekness is not celebrated Thomas had proven a devoted and loyal in our modern society. America disciple and Jesus did not condemn him for projects pride, power and assertiveness. We often his skepticism. celebrate these characteristics as virtues — and they are in the proper context. But, meekness — especially in today’s America TRAFFIC from pageMeekness A1 — requires strength. means you are strong enough failed to produce results.of to celebrate the victories In the meantime, others, can take pride insome the road and bridge projects already have success of a colleague and are been put on hold. willing to yield to the needs of The North Carolina Departothers.
John 20:27-29 (KJV) 27 Then saith he to “Meekness” by Thomas, Reach hither Eustache Le thy finger, and behold my Sueur (1650) hands; and reach hither is part of the thy hand, and thrust it Charles H. into my side: and be not and Mary F. faithless, but believing. S. Worcester 28 And Thomas Collection answered and said unto at the Art him, My Lord and my Institute, God. 29 Jesus saith unto Chicago. him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.
“The Incredulity of Saint Thomas” by Caravaggio (c. 1601–1602, currently housed in Sanssouci Picture Gallery, Potsdam, Germany).
transportation sales tax revenue, which also is down. “We were hoping to bid it out for construction very soon, but then COVID-19 and all that, so that timeline is kind of in the air,” said West Plains administrator Tom Stehn, a former state highway engineer. “It was a high priority for us.” Though ambulances are running as usual and detours are well-marked for visitors, “obviously that direct interchange would be nice,” said Daniel Marshall, chief clinical officer for the South Howell County Ambulance District. The city of Bend, Oregon, the nation’s seventh-fastest growing metropolitan area over the past decade, pulled a $190 million transportation bond off the May ballot. Supporters had concerns about pushing a property tax hike for roads, sidewalks and bike lanes while local businesses are suffering financially and many residents are without work. “They’re going to show up on Young came wasjust thatglance there apvoters’ daytoand and pears to be no benefit to think, `I’m not raising wearing my taxes a mask and no that “Medical masks right now, way!’” said Mike Riwere not effective, andGocloth ley, co-chairman of the Bend masks less effective.” 2020even Coalition that supportYoung said he brought find-to ed the measure. “We’rehis going ings to NCDHHS secretary Mancome back to voters, but now just dyfelt Cohen and her time.” staff. Young like the wrong heard back from a senior official Most states have classified road onconstruction Cohen’s staff who gave him anas essential work other that wasdespite COVID-19 that study can continue orders specific. “The study he sent was a meta-analysis that looked at transmission of the virus. A total of 19 randomized studies were summarized,” wrote Young. “Here is what they had to say, ‘Medical masks were not effective, and cloth masks even less effective.’ They also noted that ‘…respirators, if worn continually during a shift, were effective but not if
shutting down certain businesses. But some states have not. Washington, site of the first coronavirus outbreak in the U.S., suspended work on 92 of its 100 active highway projects as a result of a stay-at-home order for most workers. The halted projects include major ones in Seattle and Spokane, as well as improvements to an Interstate 90 pass through an avalanche-prone area of the Cascade Mountains. Vermont’s entire $200 million road construction plan for 2020 is on hold, save for a $6 million emergency repair where a storm washed out part of the foundation on Interstate 89. The longer the delay, the greater the likelihood that some projects might not get finished this year. “Every project is sort of at risk of running out of quality weather days to complete the work,” said Jeremy Reed, construction engineer for the state’s transportation agency. Pennsylvania originally halted worn intermittently.’ all road construction work. But “Mechanistically, it has since allowed masks work tohave proalways only been thought to ceed on 61 critical projects. About stop droplets. Transmis800 large road and bridge projects, at sion through veryon fine $7 billion, remain hold. droplets By cannot be stopped by ordicontrast, some states have nary masks. Most recently, the taken advantage of a lull in trafCDC has confirmed that the virus fic to speed up transportation can be transmitted through fine projects. Construction crews have droplets,” Young wrote. “The mebeen able to shut down highway ta-analysis that Mr.hours Fleischman lanes during prime without had sent me supports this claim because, again, it showed no benefit to wearing masks. Incidentally, the Netherlands recently dropped the mask mandate saying the research did not support wearing them.” The CDC’s guidance on mask wearing describes masks and face coverings to as a “a simple barrier to help prevent respiratory droplets from traveling into
causing major traffic backups. Florida announced that it is accelerating work schedules by several weeks on about $2 billion worth of bridge and road projects. In Maryland, a westbound lane of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge near Annapolis recently re-opened to vehicles following repairs. The $27 million project was completed well ahead of schedule, partly because of light traffic amid the coronavirus pandemic. The declining traffic volumes have been especially large in some of the nation’s most famously congested metropolitan areas, such as the San Francisco Bay area. Business leaders in the region had hoped to put a 1 cent sales tax on the November ballot that could raise $100 billion over 40 years for public transit and transportation projects in a nine-county PUBLIC DOMAIN region. But the coronavirus outbreak interrupted work on state legislation needed to place the measure on the ballot. It now could be 2022, or even the air before and onto other people,” yet 2024, supporters can make recent findings of a CDC study on another push for a public vote on on-site eating and drinking esthe measure, said John Grubb, tablishments suggest and chief operating officer mask of the Bay face coverings are not effective Area Council, a business-backed for blocking transmission of the policy advocacy group. virus. “If we’re in a poor economy, The it study total to of which looksincluded like we’rea going 314 people, of which be in, that would have154 beenwere an symptomatic and tested awful lot of stimulus andpositive an awin July, and a control group of 160 ful lot of job creation,” he said. symptomatic people who tested negative that same month. The topline findings showed that for the 154 participants testing positive, 70.6% of them stated they “always” wore a mask/face covering and 14.4% said they “often” wore one. Conversely, out of the 160 participants testing negative, 74.2% stated they “always” wore a mask/face covering and 14.5% said they “often” wore one.
ment of Transportation has slashed its expected construction projects from 131 down to 38 for the upcoming budget year, a $2 billion reduction. Psalms 37:11 Ohio has delayed projects until 11 Butyear the meek shall inherit next on interstate highways the earth; and shall delight bein Columbus and Cincinnati cause of the in expected decline in themselves the abunfuel tax revenue. dance of peace. Faced with a budget shortfall, Missouri has postponed $46 million for 18 road and bridge projects that had been priorities for local governments. As many as 299 additional projects valued at $785 million could be at risk without federal help, McKenna said. Among the immediate deferments: a new highway interchange to provide direct access to the expanded Ozarks Medical gested thatinthe state’s caseThe numCenter West Plains. cenbers are inflated because North ter’s hospital, physician and speCarolina has been PCR cialty clinics areusing among theTest area’s Cycle thresholds (Ct) serving of 37 when largest employers, about the40,000 CDC recommends therural Ct patients inthat eight should not be any higher than 33. counties of southern Missouri Cooper did not say if he and northern Arkansas. would return the back more to The state hadstate allotted Phase 2 restrictions or if the case than $1.2 million to cover half increase might mean extending the road construction costs. The Phase 3 which is setcome to expire at other half was to from local the end of this week on Oct. 23. A recent North State Journal op-ed by Dr. S. Stanley Young, Ph.D., an EPA Scientific Advisory Board member and applied statistician, lookedfrom at whether WORSHIP page A1or not masks were effective in preventing the transmission of both inBenham and others showed up fluenza and COVID-19. The overto the Charlotte clinic after receivarching question in the op-ed is, ing calls that the police were there “Why does Dr. Cohen insist that demanding that the group’s memwe wear masks?” The answer bers leave the area. When they refused to leave, eight were given citations of “violation of emergency prohibitions and restrictions” — a Class 2 misdemeanor. Carolina Sen. Tim Scott in Meck“They’re saying there were 50 lenburg County and visiting earpeople there,” Benham said on ly voting locations in Guilford and the discrepancy between his acForsyth counties. count and the “official” account. The Tillis campaign also re“Just look at the video. The video leased a new TV ad in the race, shows clear evidence. It is a lie. It taking aim at Cunningham’s camis wrong. The police department, paign for being “one big lie.” Charlotte Observer, the mayor’s ofTillis campaign manager Luke fice — they’re all wrong.” Blanchat said in a statement that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), a “the real Cal Cunningham is a friend of Benham’s, tweeted out in hypocrite who disgraced his famsupport of him later the same day, ily, the Army and the people of calling the arrest unconstitutional ROBERT CLARK | NORTH STATE JOURNAL North Carolina. Voters now know and saying, “Because elected Dems that they cannot trust Cal Cunare pro-abortion, they are abusing Attendees of Northwood Temple Church in Fayeteville’s 2020 Easter drive-in service listen in on ningham and they will reject him their power—in a one-sided way— their radios from inside their cars as Pastor John Hedgepeth delivers his sermon. on November 3rd.” to silence pregnancy counselors.” During a campaign appearCruz also put a petition on his site ance in Durham on Sunday, Gov. nion sets, with sealed wafers and which asks signatories to “Tell crimination against religious in- ‘drive-in’ services.” Roy Cooper and former Vice PresThe very next day, Wilming- cups of juice, but had to call off the Democratic Governor Roy Cooper stitutions and religious believers,” ident Joe Biden briefly discussed that if abortion is ‘essential’ then said Barr in a statement. “Thus, ton police posted that drive-in ser- plan to distribute them after word Cunningham, with Cooper saying pregnancy services are essential, government may not impose spe- vices “will not be considered a vi- from the city. the scandals were “frustrating” “They said don’t do communion, too. Stop discriminating against cial restrictions on religious activi- olation,” so no legal action would but believed he would “get across ty that do not also apply to similar be taken against the churches, but and I’m a good man. I try to do people of faith!” the line too.” police still urged “all churches and what the mayor says,” Hedgepeth U.S. Attorney General Wil- nonreligious activity.” Control of the U.S. Senate is “Where a state has not acted houses of worship to continue with said. “We’re law-abiding. I want to liam Barr has received a flood of widely expected to hinge on this way they said| AP and let complaints from religious people evenhandedly, it must have a com- virtual services, including for Eas- do things the GERRY BROOME PHOTO race, along with close races in them know we’re cooperating with around the country who, like Ben- pelling reason to impose restric- ter.” Colorado, Iowa, Maine, Michigan Democratic challenger Cal Cunningham, left, and U.S. Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., talk during a In Fayetteville, drive-in ser- them.” ham, believe their rights are being tions on places of worship and and Montana. debate Oct. 1, 2020, Raleigh. Benham, though, said he will vicesinwere allowed, and Northmust ensure thatThursday, those restrictions violated by local and state govern- televised are narrowly tailored to advance wood Temple Pentecostal Holi- not be cooperating with Charments. A tweet from Barr’s commu- its compelling interest,” said Barr. ness Church had an Easter service lotte’s demands for his group to nications director, Kerri Kupec, “Religious institutions must not be at 10 a.m. Pastor John Hedgepeth stop counseling women outside told NSJ the church promoted the the abortion clinic, even after the said, “During this sacred week for singled out for special burdens.” Drive-in church services have celebration and was expecting po- arrest, since he believes the city’s many Americans, AG Barr is monfor Wednesday, while Biden’s wife, family is especially being used as town near Asheville — on the aflinaitoring press govt secretary for of Trump’s regulation religious been another touchpoint in North tentially hundreds of cars. The ser- requests violate the letter and spirternoon of Oct. 19 before headJill, visited Greenville and Fay- surrogates. campaign, responded to the Biden services. While social distancing Carolina, especially during the vice could be heard on 92.7 FM to it of the law. ing “Heck to the yeah Winston-Salem suburb Ivanka Trump, the president’s etteville earlier in the month. visit, saying, “After ignoring North we are, of course,” policies are appropriate during Easter season. Wake County gov- allow attendees to sing along to the of Kernersville for a rally that evedaughter and close adviser, visThe Trump campaign, not to be Carolina for months, a last-minute this emergency, they must be ap- ernment made clear that drive- hymns played inside the sanctuary Benham said when asked whethning. ited Raleigh on Oct. 20, followoutdone, is having an active Octovisitplied fromevenhandedly Biden won’t make a dent & not single in services would not be permit- and listen to Hedgepeth’s sermon er his group is still present at that Many of these events were only ing a visit earlier this month to ber in North Carolina as well. in the thanks outadvantage religious we’ve orgs. built Expect action ted. Some churches, like Plymouth from a raised platform outside, all clinic. “We haven’t stopped. Every made public at the last minute, so Belmont, in suburban Charlotte, The president has already visto our field army and frequent visBaptist Church in Raleigh, had while congregants remained in- day they’re open, we’re there.” from DOJ next week!” there will likely more in fiwhere she participated in a “fireited the state numerous times, its from President Trump.” Benham said be demand forthe aborOn Tuesday, Barr announced planned to have a drive-in service side their vehicles. nal two weeks that have yet to be side chat” Q&A with supporters. including a trip to the airport in Biden’s running mate, Califor“Other churches are not open. tion hasn’t slowed down, and his that his office had filed a statement but were forced to cancel, as reLaraare Trump, wifeit of Oct. 15 and then, nia in Sen. Kamala was to Greenville group offers a social service that They going the to have by the vid- announced. ported byon Carolina Journal. support of Harris, a church inset MissisAccording to the RealClearpresident’s son Eric, gave a speech less than a week later, is scheduled speak in Asheville and Charlotte Gov. Roy Cooper made clear in eo, or by online streaming, but I is federally protected because the sippi after the city fined congrePolitics average of recent polling, outside the New Hanover Repubto his be inexecutive Gastonia, also at the city’s on gants Oct. 15, but the events were order 121 that reli- wanted to do it live,” Hedgepeth mothers are offered housing assis$500 per person for attendBiden leads in the Tarheel State lican Party Headquarters on Oct. airport, on Wednesday at 7 p.m. canceled after members of her ing parking lot services. Barr’s gious entities were subject to the told NSJ. “I wanted to do it in a tance, child-care assistance, men2.7%,and but much the latest poll, by EmShe has deep done connections to by This campaign strategy of airport 14.way staffstatement tested positive for COVID-19. torship more. they’ d never it. Drive-in. also noted that citizens 10-person limitation. erson College, has the race aswhile a tie the state, having graduated from ralliesThe hasWilmington allowed thePolice president to Herwere husband, Doug Emhoff, visit“The day I was arrested, Depart- Drive-up. You can still be private permitted to attend near— both candidates with 49%. The NC State University and growing minimize travel time as he visits ed the state on Oct. 20, traveling I was being cuffed, two mothers by drive-in restaurants, even with ment put out a similar directive to in your car.” poll was taken of 721 likely North up in the Wilmington area, where swing states like North Carolina. to both Wilmington and GreenHedgepeth said the mayor sent chose to go onto the mobile ultralocal churches on April 7 on Facetheir windows open. voters Oct. 13-14. spoke. Vice President Mike Pence any is she ville. It was theinsecond trip Emsound unit and from both of them chose rules for them to abide by when Carolina book, saying they “prohibit “But even times of emergenEarly voting began Oct. 15 now and Donald Trump Jr., the presialso acting as a key Trump surhoffcy, had taken to North Carolina life for their kids and are when reasonable and tempo- event or convening that brings to- they did their service, including will continue until Oct. 31. North dent’s eldest child, meanwhile, is rogate, frequently visiting the in October. rary restrictions are placed on gether more than ten individuals how many feet apart to have the plugged into our mentor network,” state, including a stop in Johnston doing a series of “Make Ameri- Carolina will then vote with the Harris herself now cleared rights, the FirstisAmendment and in one place (indoor or outdoor) at vehicles. Northwood Temple had Benham said. “Two mothers — so County on Oct. 16, the day after ca Great Again” events across the rest of the nation on Election Day, to travel rescheduled the visfederaland statutory law prohibit dis- one time. This prohibition includes purchased hundreds of commu- was it worth it for me? Absolutely.” its to both Asheville and Charlotte the Trump visit. The president’s state, hitting Arden — a mountain Nov. 3.
North State Journal for Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Republicans see bright spot in 2020 voter registration push By Jill Colvin The Associated Press THE REPUBLICAN Party has cut into Democrats’ advantage in voter registration tallies across some critical presidential battleground states, a fact they point to as evidence of steady — and overlooked — enthusiasm for President Donald Trump and his party. Even though Trump trails in some national polls with just weeks before Election Day, Republicans see their progress signing up voters in Florida, Pennsylvania, Arizona and other states as a rare bright spot. Democrats appear to have been set back by their decision to curb in-person voter registration drives during much of the pandemic. And in something of a reversal, Republicans are crowing about their success bringing in new voters who could ramp up turnout and deliver the White House to their candidate. “The best thing for voter registration is enthusiasm for a candidate and the infrastructure,” said Nick Trainer, director of battleground strategy for Trump’s reelection campaign. “The lack of enthusiasm for Biden coupled with the lack of structure is the reason they’re not doing what they did in the past.” In Florida, Republicans netted 146,644 voters over Democrats since the pandemic hit in March, leaving Democrats with their smallest overall lead in party registrations since the state began tracking them in 1972. In Pennsylvania, which Trump won with 44,000
votes in 2016, the GOP added 103,171 more voters since November than Democrats did. Even in Arizona, where Democrats have steadily been chipping away at the GOP’s advantage among registered voters due to a growing number of young Latinos voters, Republicans added 30,000 more voters than Democrats since mid-August. Democrats argue that Republican gains are partly illusory: Some of the GOP registrants are former Democratic voters who have been voting for Republicans but have not updated their registration until now. They also note young voters, who lean heavily Democratic, increasingly register as unaffiliated with either party, which helps pad the GOP’s advantage on paper but it might not help on Election Day, David Bergstein, a spokesman for the Democratic National Committee, said Republicans were “cherry picking” voter registration statistics. Still, he noted, “Democrats are taking nothing for granted and pulling out all the stops to reach every voter we need.” Voters can still sign up to vote in a handful of states and several, including the key battlegrounds of Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin, allow voters to sign up to vote on Election Day. Still, the numbers reflect a broader reality: The coronavirus pandemic hobbled voter registration since it broke out in March, shutting down hubs of voter registration such as street festivals, college campuses and departments of motor ve-
hicles. Even as society has opened back up, registrations are 38% lower than they were during a comparable stretch in 2016, according to a report from the Brennan Center for Justice. Experts note that a registration drop-off of that size disproportionately hurts young, urban and minority voters — voters that tend to lean Democratic. “Most definitely, the pandemic has impacted Democratic voter registration numbers, especially among core constituencies,” said Jonathan Robinson of the Democratic data firm Catalist. Democrats were starting ahead of Republicans. They’ve had success registering new voters through much of the Trump administration. Their gains after Trump’s election helped lead to their success flipping the House of Representatives in an election with record young voter participation rates — a sign, they argue, that their pre-pandemic work will pay off in November. Since the outbreak, things have been harder for Democrats and the wide array of nonprofit groups that work to sign up new voters. These organizations have been hesitant to resume face-to-face interactions. The Biden campaign only resumed some this month while Republicans have not been as shy — they began going back into the field this summer. “They ceded the playing field,” Trainer said of Democrats. In Arizona, online registration efforts don’t have the same impact as in person ones, said Alejandra
4 years later, still no leads on Orange County GOP firebombing By A.P. Dillon North State Journal HILLSBOROUGH — Four years after the Orange County GOP office was firebombed and vandalized with spray paint, there are still no suspects or convictions in the case. The attack took place on Oct. 16, 2016, caused extensive smoke and fire damage to the interior of the building and to the property inside, including campaign signs and other items. The source of the fire was a Molotov cocktail thrown through one of the windows of the building. On the side of the building, graffiti covered the wall which read, “Nazi Republicans” and “leave town or else.” A swastika was also sprayed on the side of the building. No one was injured as the attack came at a time when the office was closed. When news of the attack broke, then-candidate Donald Trump tweeted, “Animals representing Hillary Clinton and Dems in North Carolina just firebombed our office in Orange County because we are winning @NCGOP.”
This 2016 file combination photo depicts scenes of the bombing. Waddy Davis was the chairman of the Orange County Republican Party at the time of the attack and continues to serve in that role today. At the time, he said the firebombing
was “not just an attack on Orange County; it was an attack on democracy.” Davis, who is a retired US Army Special Forces colonel, still believes that to be true.
Early voters line up to cast their ballots inside the South Regional Library polling location in Durham, Thursday, Oct. 15, 2020. Gomez, co-executive director of the Latino organizing groups Living United for Change in Arizona and the Arizona Center for Empowerment. “While we were seeing an increased number in online participation, it’s still not the same as faceto-face work and being able to have a conversation with a person,” Gomez said. Still, Democrats feel good about their position in the state. Data analyst Sam Almy said that, of the 66,000 voters added to the rolls since August who don’t register with either party, half are 35 or younger, a key Democratic demographic. In Pennsylvania, Republicans have been steadily gaining on Democrats since Trump’s election. Democrats in the state acknowledge the president has a striking appeal to many longtime members of their party who may be switching to the GOP. “Donald Trump is a singularly, unique personality,” said John Fetterman, the state’s Democratic lieutenant governor. Fetterman noted that despite the attrition in registration numbers, Democrats won the state’s Senate and gubernatorial races in 2018.
“I’m not really concerned by the voting registration difference,” Fetterman said. In Nevada, where Democrats routinely out-register Republicans in the run-up to elections, the GOP has bested Democrats for at least five months since the pandemic hit. In North Carolina, where a competitive Senate race could determine which party controls the upper chamber, Republican registration has leapt by 51,381 over Democratic since mid-March. In Florida, Democrat Hillary Clinton lost the state when her party’s registration advantage was more than 320,000 in 2016. It’s now about half of that. But Democrats note that there’s been an even larger increase in new voters who decline to register with either party. Steve Schale, a veteran Florida Democratic strategist who’s complained publicly about his party’s failure to keep up with the GOP in registrations, said during a call with reporters Monday that those unaffiliated voters are overwhelmingly young and people of color. “That’s probably a pretty good sign,” said Schale, who also runs a group supporting Biden.
“I consider this bombing nothing short of an act of domestic terrorism by anarchists to intimidate and disrupt the conservative election process,” Davis wrote in a statement on the anniversary of the attack. “Having spent three years in Afghanistan in a war zone, it was a shock to return home and see this type of destruction in our backyard and our country. This attack strikes at the very fabric of American democracy,” said Davis. Davis went on to say that the country has witnessed more “acts of anarchy” in the last year, such as the “burning, looting, shooting, and beatings in American cities, often led by Antifa groups.” “We need to come together as a community of citizens in spite of political differences in a peaceful way,” Davis said. The FBI initially identified a vehicle that drove into the Daniel Boone shopping center, where the Orange County GOP’s office was located, at “approximately 2:55 a.m. on October 16, 2016.” A press release by the FBI said that the timing of the car entering the area was consistent with witness testimony about when the fire was started. Some of the graffiti was similar to another act of vandalism in the Carrboro area in 2015. According to the FBI, the victim in that case was “an outspoken activist” who may
have been targeted by the same person or persons who committed the arson at the Orange County GOP office. Nine months after the bombing, a grand jury was convened which subpoenaed a self-described anarchist and social worker named Katie Yow to appear on July 31, 2017. Yow had previously been employed as a high school librarian and an elementary school teacher. “While many things about what will happen next are developing and uncertain, one thing is absolutely clear: I will never comply with this or any subpoena,” said Yow in a statement she released after being subpoenaed. A longer statement by Yow was published on the website “NC Resists The Grand Jury.” Yow, who was 31 years old at the time, stated in a speech on the courthouse steps that she intended to “resist the grand jury subpoena.” She made good on her promise and refused to testify. The Orange County GOP firebombing is a “domestic terrorist act” and remains an active investigation, Davis told North State Journal. There is still a $20,000 reward for information that leads to solving the crime, $10,000 of which has been provided by the FBI. Anyone with information is urged to call the FBI office in Charlotte at 704-6726100.
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North State Journal for Wednesday, October 21, 2020
North State Journal for Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Jones & Blount 3 moments that mattered in NC’s only gubernatorial debate
Fall leaves bring color to NC
Fall color peak
NSJ staff RALEIGH — Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper and Republican Lt. Gov. Dan Forest met 12 hours before in-person early voting began across the state in their only debate of the 2020 general election. The two spent an hour outlining their plans and criticizing the others’ job performance over the past four years. The candidates each showed different strategies — Cooper was critical of Forest from the outset. He said they needed a plexiglass shield between the two candidates because Forest “has been reckless and endangered the lives of North Carolinians” by holding in-person campaign events. Forest opened the debate by talking about his family and his business career, introducing himself to the statewide audience. “My natural habitat is not in politics — it’s in architecture,” Forest said.
Finding the perfect day to drive the Blue Ridge Parkway to look at the leaves in their abundant colors is an annual tradition in the N.C. mountains. This year’s warm, rainy summer set the stage for what could be a better-than-average year for fall foliage, according to a forestry expert at NC State University. “If the weather patterns hold and we don’t see any dramatic shifts, we should have a great color season this year,” said Robert Bardon, a professor of forestry and environmental resources and associate dean for extension at the College of Natural Resources. “The fall weather pattern makes a vast difference in what we’re going to see for fall colors.” The higher elevations are in the middle of the peak season, but not to worry — colors should last at least two more weeks.
after November 4 28 - October 14 - October
7 - October 1 - October
DOT finishes 6-year road project
Sheriff fires deputy after seeing body cam video
Mitchell County The North Carolina Department of Transportation announced that its roadwidening project on a stretch of highway US19E is complete. The project covered eight miles running from Yancey County near the N.C. 80 intersection to Spruce Pine in Mitchell County. It has taken six years to complete the work, which expanded the highway from two lanes to four.
Buncombe County A sheriff has fired a deputy after reviewing body camera footage of a recent traffic stop that he said showed inappropriate conduct. Buncombe County Sheriff Quentin Miller announced the firing of Tyler McDonald on Friday after he said he watched footage from an Oct. 5 stop. The sheriff said he would have no further comment except that he would cooperate with an investigation being conducted by the State Bureau of Investigation.
Search continues for missing hiker from Asheville Haywood County Crews were expected to continue searching Sunday for a hiker who went missing in the mountains. A spokeswoman for Haywood County Emergency Management said 27-yearold Chad Seger was last heard from Monday. His car had been found at the entrance of a popular hiking trail off the Blue Ridge Parkway after he was reported missing on Friday. Search efforts Saturday turned up no sign of him. Seger is from Asheville, is familiar with the area, is in good physical health and may have had hiking or camping gear with him.
Highway named for former sheriff Yancey County A four-mile stretch of US-19E in Burnsville has been named for a former sheriff. The NCDOT unveiled signs that officially named the roadway Sheriff Donald Banks Highway. Banks was elected sheriff in 1938, at age 22, and served until 1942. He later served from 1958-62 and 1966 to his death in 1969. Burns also served one term in the state Senate. WLOS
PIEDMONT Man jailed for throwing liquor bottle, hitting child
Alexander County A man has been accused of fatally shooting his mother during a domestic dispute. The victim was discovered with multiple gunshot wounds at a residence in Taylorsville, the Alexander County Sheriff’s Office said. She died before she arrived at a hospital. Deputies who received information that the suspect had left the scene in a vehicle started pursuing him. A chase ensued but Christopher Lee Brown, 36, was later arrested. Authorities said he had with a gun in his possession when he was arrested. Brown has been charged with firstdegree murder.
Rockingham County Aaron Tyrone Sheppard, 25, was jailed after he threw a liquor bottle and hit a 5-year-old child in the head. The Rockingham County Sheriff’s Office said in a news release that Sheppard was intoxicated at the time of the incident on Saturday night in Reidsville. The sheriff’s office said the unidentified child was taken to a local hospital for treatment and is expected to survive. Sheppard was charged with felonious assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill inflicting serious injury. AP
HBCU president dies after 3 months in role
Police: Woman shoots detained man sitting in police cruiser Gaston County A woman shot and wounded a man while he was sitting in the back seat of a Cramerton police cruiser. The man was hospitalized but didn’t suffer life-threatening wounds. Cramerton police were called to a domestic argument involving two men and a gun. Officers detained one of the men in the back seat. A woman later stuck a gun through the back-seat window and shot the man in the hand and chest. A motive for the shooting wasn’t immediately released nor were the names of those involved. AP
Man accused of fatally shooting his mother
Police: Teen charged for shooting that wounded 2-year-old Wayne County A teenager was charged with attempted murder in connection with a shooting that wounded a 2-year-old child. Police arrested the 17-year-old a day after responding officers first saw a car leaving the shooting in Goldsboro and heading to a hospital. That driver then exited with the child, who had a gunshot wound on the leg. The 2-year-old victim is in stable condition and expected to be released soon. The suspect, whose identity wasn’t released, was charged with four counts of attempted first-degree murder and discharging a weapon into occupied property with serious injury. Additional arrests are anticipated. AP
Wake County The president of Saint Augustine’s University has died of complications from COVID-19. The HBCU announced on social media that Irving Pressley McPhail died Thursday, three months after taking the job. Board of Trustees Chairman James Perry said McPhail contracted the virus away from the east Raleigh campus, adding that one person he had been in contact with tested positive. Perry said that person has since recovered and returned to work. The school said a search for a new president will begin immediately. Maria A. Lumpkin, Saint Augustine’s vice president, will serve as interim president.
Group warns fishermen to remove lines to protect wild horses Currituck County An agency that watches wild horses on the Outer Banks is warning fishermen to clean up their hooks and lines to keep the animals from getting tangled in them. The Corolla Wild Horse Fund said on its Facebook page that in recent weeks, horses got hooks tangled in their manes as well as the hair of their lower legs. One horse had to be rescued for medical treatment after it was spotted eating fishing line like it was grass.
Shots fired at police detective, FBI agent Pitt County Shots were fired at a detective and an FBI agent in Greenville, and officers have taken suspects into custody, police said Friday. The detective and the agent were conducting an investigation in the vicinity of the Pitt Greenville Airport on Friday when they were fired upon from a passing car, the Greenville Police Department said. According to police, neither person was hurt. Authorities stopped the car minutes later and all the occupants were taken into custody. Police said a weapon was recovered. The Pitt County Sheriff’s Office is investigating the incident. AP
The first question was on the state’s COVID-19 response, where Cooper repeated his often-used phrase of “following the science and data” and criticized Forest for statements he’s made saying that masks don’t work. “He even sued me to stop our safety measures, and thank goodness he lost,” Cooper said. “Masks is a great cover for what he really doesn’t want to talk about: the over million and half people he has left unemployed, the thousands of businesses that have been shut down, the thousands of businesses that won’t reopen again, and the anxiety that has wreaked havoc over this state,” Forest responded. He also said his plan would be to protect vulnerable populations while allowing healthy people to get back to work. Cooper said he has helped small businesses by creating a grant program to give those businesses money. Education The two candidates covered lots of ground on the topic of education — teacher pay, return to in-person instruction, and school choice. Cooper said his number one priority was getting kids back in school and he said again he was using science and data
Investigation continues into death of Outer Banks’ woman Dare County An autopsy of LeeAnn Fletcher Hartleben, 38, of Kitty Hawk, has found that she died from a blow to the head that could have been accidental or intentional. Fletcher was found unresponsive in her home in July. There were blood stains in several rooms. And the mother of two died three days later. Hartleben’s family members say they suspect foul play. Hartleben’s 28-year-old boyfriend Jay Tolson was named early by police as a person of interest. AP
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to make that happen and said that Forest wanted to “starve them for funding and use tax dollars to help rich people send their children to private schools.” Cooper reversed his initial decision on in-person instruction, announcing on Sept. 17 the option for K-5 schools to return fulltime if the school districts approve. Forest said schools will return fulltime “when I am governor.” Forest said that parents who want their kids in the classroom should have that right. “Our kids are missing a year of school. We can figure out how to keep a school clean,” Forest said. Forest also called out Cooper for vetoing every state budget that has included teacher pay raises, saying that under Cooper’s leadership, “nothing is better than something.” Cooper’s latest proposed budget would have eliminated the state’s Opportunity Scholarships, a program that sets aside money for low-income parents to send children to private schools. Protests One of the most memorable exchanges occurred on the topic of protests and riots in the state over the summer. “We need to listen to people and lift up their voices for equality and justice,” Cooper said, and attacked Forest’s use of footage from an out-of-state protest in a television ad. “The governor said we should reject violence, destruction and looting, but while he was locked in his mansion two blocks away, downtown Raleigh was being destroyed. The governor had the ability to call out the National Guard, and he didn’t do it,” Forest countered. Cooper tried to pivot to his record as attorney general and attacked the spring ReOpen NC protests, alleging that they were supporters of Forest and called law enforcement officers “pigs” and burned masks. “That’s the most bizarre comment I’ve heard — my supporters in the streets calling police officers pigs?” said Forest incredulously. “Those aren’t my supporters, Governor. They’re yours — the ones you walked through before they rioted and looted downtown Raleigh, while you had that little mask dangling around your ear, not around your face,” said Forest.
The most direct way to make China “pay”hope for this is to offer That is, unless an exogenous event happens as the Chernobyl they to disaster sometimes a disturbing tendency among people to treat those measures aresuch understandable, they should also have an expira church some services can to keep our families, be open or closed,meltdown whether we oughtSome to we pursue — Sweden style — pandemic a not Americans are notever. going to stay home f confident will emerge out of this stronger supposed U.S. tax credits to companies whosimply willknow source at least half of their in 1986. experts believe that event, the Star Wars what theythe data and asking questioning when we can start getting back This is all new to Americans, andthan it is not normal.own Nottemp in an and many more still continue more liberalized society that presumes wide spread, or whether we they certainly will not do so on the basi dt we by should also In this same spirit, I continue to be inspired by stories of humanity production back in the States. 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Chinese direct investmentSince in thewhen U.S. did is about $65 billion by Perhaps COVID-19 China’s Chernobyl. questioning government at all levels become aisbad normal.” North State Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 not normal. Not in any way, the number of identified COVID-19 cases — but both the numerator of economic damage. We need transpar North State Journal for Wednesday, October 21, 2020 money to buy a 3-D printer and plastic to make face shields for necessary sacrifices are society comparison. Senators inwere Washington are already about thing? That is what free citizens living in a free supposed Nottalking one little bit. the possibility EDITORIAL | FRANK HILL and the denominator are likely ain vigilant and stay safe, at wrong. We don’tin know how many scientific — we need to know w health care workers out of his own home. through th An investment tax credit of 30% on half of U.S. investment in China of China forgiving $1.2 trillion debt we owe them as one way toexperts get over. to do, last I checked. able with this so-called “new people have actually died of coronavirus. Some sources suggest the don’t and when they hope to know wha today, or $60 billion, applied to repatriated China to “pay”isfor damage have Matthews caused thehas US.also Don’t hold your My first American concern asmanufacturing we go along inCOLUMN all this, of course, mythe family. I’m they Stacey written under the pseudonym Siste | BEN SHAPIRO number has beenbreath overestimated, given that classification for cause We’re grown-ups, and we’re willing to investment to the U.S. would costworried the U.S.about Treasury $18 billion in waiting for a Chinese “Jubilee” to happen but ask your elected them catching the virus, and I’m worried I will. After and is a regular contributor to RedState and Legal Insurrecti of death, particularly among elderly patients, be variable. Some financial they need to start tax revenue spread over a few years. $18 billion lost revenue hold Chinacan accountable in tangible ways for answering serious qu suffering fromin the H1N1 virusis(swine flu) representatives during the 2009topandemic, sources suggest the number is dramatically underestimated, since to the same lack of institutional faith to decimal dust compared to the $6 I’ve trillion+ Plan extra we areprecautions, now this disaster. been Marshall trying to take because all of this brings up ONE THING IS CERTAIN; after this COVID-19 virus dissipates The cavalier manner in which China lied about originprone. of the the pseudonym Sister Toldjah many people are dying at home. institutions seem deeply undertaking to save our own economy, notmany of defeated enemies as in the It is about timenot they expected to operate as responsible citizens of the way too memories athe painful experience prefer to are repeat. around the globe andof inEven United States, ChinaI’d will pay for Stanly this virus, covered up its spread and tried to tell the world there were only and Legal Insurrection. more importantly, we have no clue how many Americans County Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 past. the world like any other has modern nation. But what also makes lose sleep is how easily most everyone North State Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 catastrophe one wayme or another. 3,341that related has led toBen worldwide panic, collapseofand actually have coronavirus. Some scientists suggest thedeaths number Shapiro, 36,economic is a graduate UCLA THIS WEEK, according to members of the federal government, would mean that th China has been cheating, stealing, pirating and pillaging American North State Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 A6 In order to put the crisis caused by China in perspective, zero millions of Americans needlessly being thrown out That of work. n which China lied about the origin of the of identified cases could be an order of magnitude lower than the host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and and state and local governments, Americans have begun to flatten suggested, even if theedi tra business now for the past 30 years. Theyworldwide have made no secret they A6 pandemics canthat trace their source to the United States over The crisis has cost the U.S. taxpayer at least $2.4 trillion in added Stanly County Journal for outbreak. Wednesday, April 15, 2020 editor ead and tried to tell the world there were only the curve in the novel coronavirus The excitement was Secondly, what are we Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor number of people who have had coronavirus and not been tested. com. 231-year history. least four debt plus trillions more in Federal Reserve backup liquidity to the intend to replace the U.S. as the premierour superpower in theAtworld andin the 20th century alone can be led to worldwide panic, economic collapse and — after can easily reverse — but real. Americans The model sim directly tracedrenminbi. to China: 1957 “Asian flu,” 1968 “Hongmuted Kong flu,” 1977all, trends markets and financial outlets. If the U.S. dollar were notinstitute’s the reserve replace the dollar as the reserve currency with their eedlessly being thrown out of work. have abided by recommendations and orders. They’ve left their jobs predict how many peopl “Russian flu” and the 2002 SARS outbreak. There is evidence that the currency, we would not be able to fund any of these emergency U.S. taxpayer at least $2.4 trillion in addedPerhaps to stay at home; they’ve practiced social distancing; in many places, most important problem massive 1918 “Spanish flu” pandemic also had its origins in China. measures without immediate fear of rampant inflation and currency VOICES n FederalVISUAL Reserve backup liquidity to the COVID-19 they’ve donned masks. seasonal, which means w There is 100% agreement, outside of China, that COVID-19 depreciation. We need utlets. If the U.S. dollar were not the reserveis China’s The result: a reduction in expected hospitalization and death. in the through fall. And that mea originated in Wuhan Province probably from the completely China has to pay for their aberrant ways and decisions Jason be able to fund any of these emergency transparency According to the University of Washington Institute for opinion Health editor lockdowns for large swat Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior Chernobyl. unregulated and unsanitary wet markets. Some believe it came out of a economic and financial means. Diplomacy has obviously not worked TORIAL | STACEY MATTHEWS
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How China will pay for this COVID-19 catastrophe The 3 big questions nobody is answerin
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Metricseditor and Evaluation model most oft cited by members of the testing andhygiene contact traci and Chinese honesty Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior biowarfare lab run by the communist army.opinion to bring China into the civilized world of 21st century health, Trump administration, the expected need for hospital beds at to isolate those who are from our UntilRobbins, China adopts rigorous |verifiable and regulation of and fair trade. Totalitarian communist regimes never take the blame Neal publisher Frank policing Hill, senior opinion editor peak outbreak was revised down by over 120,000, the number of Which raises the third Robbins, | Frank Hill, opinion editor their food safety health protocols, American businessNeal has no other publisher or express sincere regret andsenior remorse, because that is not what scientific experts COLUMN | and REP. RICHARD HUDSON
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ventilators by nearly 13,000 and the number of overall deaths by weevery capable of rolling out choice than to build redundant manufacturing elsewhere purely totalitarian governments do. They take advantage of weakness — we need to plantsAugust by nearly 12,000. months — and compellin for national security and safety reasons as well as supply and delivery they find in adversaries and keep pushing until they win or the know what they Here’s the problem: We still don’t know the answers to the key virus is transmittable wh reliability concerns. adversaries push back. know, what they questions will allow the economy to reopen. a contact tracing The most direct way to make China “pay” for this disaster is tothat offer That is, unless an exogenous event happens such create as the Chernobyl First, what is the true coronavirus fatality rate? This question is are we to submit don’t and when U.S. tax credits to companies who will source at least half of their meltdown in 1986. Some experts believe that event, not thewilling Star Wars important because it determines whether certain areas ought to One thing is certain: T they hope to production back in the United States. There is approximately $120 program of Reagan, led directly to the dissolution of the Soviet Union open or closed, whether we ought to pursue — Sweden style — a Americans are not going billion worth of American direct investment plantsbe and equipment in 1989. know what in they genous event happens such as the Chernobyl more liberalized society that presumes wide spread, or whether we they certainly will not do in China. Chinese direct“THIS investment in theDAY U.S. is about $65 by let Perhaps COVID-19 is China’s Chernobyl. ISdon’t. THE the lord has made, usthe rejoice and be of glad Inc. in Concord and Newro WITH STATES fallen into place. Ibillion understand seriousness the virus Hydromer and the need e experts believe that event, MOST not the Star Wars under either shelter-in-place or stay-at-home ought to lock down further. especially as statistics comparison. Senators in Washington are already talking about the possibility in it” (Psalm 118:24). 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We don’t know how many scientific experts — we n working from home or losing a job, it may be difficult to “rejoice and seniors throughout Cumberland Count Some of these orders extend at least through thetoend this month. normal are$18 treated contempt. investment theof U.S. would cost the U.S. Treasury billionin in some circles breathwith waiting for a Chinese “Jubilee” to happen but ask your elected on are already talking about the possibility people have actually died of coronavirus. Some sources suggest the don’t and when they hop be glad” as the Bible tells us to do. However, as a Christian, husband These stories from throughout our re tax revenue spread over a few years. $18 billion in lost revenueasisthough we representatives to hold China in tangible financial ways for orders go into June. They’re treated as a society simply mustaccountable accept rillion in debt weVirginia’s owe them stay-at-home as one way to get number has been overestimated, given that classification forwithout cause We’re grown-ups, and decimal dust compared todad, the $6 trillion+ Marshall Plan we are now this disaster. and the Easter holiday has reminded me of just how much we hope, inspiration supplies to peopl Here in North Carolina, Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper stated during question what the government tells us about when it’s safe to begin the and mage they have caused the US. Don’t hold your of death, particularly among elderly patients, can be variable. Some they need to start answe undertaking to save our own economy, not ofand defeated enemies as in the It is about time they are expected to operate asfront responsible citizens of have to be thankful hopeful for, even in the midst of this global workers on the lines of the of corona recentbut coronavirus press briefing that “we just don’t know yet” if the process of returning backthe to normalcy. nese “Jubilee” to ahappen ask your elected sources suggest number is dramatically underestimated, since to the same lack instit past. the world like any other modern nation. Lenten and pandemic. While people throughout our commu China accountable in tangible financial ways for many people are dying at home. institutions seem deeply state’s stay-at-home orders will extend into May. No. The government works for us, and we have the right to ask those when did China has been cheating, stealing, pirating and pillaging American me, my faith is an important partthey ofstay-at-home my dailywelife and I am we have passed in Even importantly, have nodecision clue how Americans Easter seasons If he does decide to extend it, questions should be for asked asFor to30the And themore longer orders are in many place allglad overinitiatives the business now the past years. Theyquestions. have made no secret that ioning re expected to operate as responsible citizens of actually have coronavirus. Some scientists suggest that the number Ben Shapiro, 36, is a gra making. As I celebrated Easter with my family, I reflected on 2 Protection Program, are supporting sel justification for it. And the answers should notato bereplace vaguethe ones “wepremiercountry, and stricter provide intend U.S.like as the superpower inthe the world andsome of them get in states, such as Michigan, modern nation. of identified cases could be an order of magnitude lower than the host of “The Ben Shapiro nment Corinthians 1:4, which reminds us our Lord “comforts us in all our helping small businesses keep people o replace the with theirpeople, renminbi. must do this out of an abundance of caution.” more sitting at home feeling isolated and/or anxious about message of dollar as the reserve currencythe number of people who have had coronavirus and not been tested. com.
we may able comfort those who in any relief will soon reach families and work evels It will need to be explained in detailhope to the people of thisaffliction, state whoso thatwhen theybecan gettoback to providing forare their families, will demand that we will affliction, with the comfort which we ourselves are comforted by continue working on common sense an are being told to remain jobless and at home for an undetermined answers. me a once again enjoy God.” we can defeat the coronavirus and keep amount of time why models predicting hundreds of thousands of cases Leaders at the local and state levels should be as forthcoming as they | FRANK HILL hing? EDITORIAL EDITORIAL | STACEY MATTHEWS sporting events, If you are celebrating the Easter season, I urge you to also whole. are reliable. can be with those answers — and again, not vague answers, but answer s what reflect and be comforted, that we may live out Until then, the Lenten and Easter se concerts, family To date, I’ve gone along with what the state has asked and thenon this message with details that give theirso statements believability. God’s example and comfort all those in need around us during hope that we will once again enjoy spor itizens mandated that we do, but along the way I’ve also had questions about We should all continue to do what we can to keep our families, gatherings, this difficult time. Through faith and by helping one another, I am gatherings, church services and many m the data. State Republican leaders have, too. services ourselves, and our communities safe. But we should also still continue church in a freeEDITORIAL COLUMN | REP. RICHARD HUDSON | FRANK HILL confident we will emerge out of this pandemic stronger than ever. own temporary COLUMN | BEN Unfortunately, when certain types ofand questions get asked, thereSHAPIRO is to ask questions about the data, because while reasonable stay-at-home sacrifices for the greate many more ty were In this same spirit, I continue to be inspired they by stories humanity are over. sometimes| aFRANK disturbing tendency among some people to treat those measures are understandable, shouldofalso have an expiration date. EDITORIAL HILL after our own osed neighbors helping neighbors. I wish everyone celebrating Easter, a simply questioning the data and asking when we can start getting back This is all new to Americans, and it is not normal. Not in any way, temporary In Concord, a high school senior named Tanner used his own celebration and pray we can all continu to normal as though they are conspiracy theorists or are| people who shape, or form. So while we should remain vigilant and stay safe, at 7last I COLUMN BEN SHAPIRO money to buy a 3-D printer and plastic to make face shields for necessary safety guidelines remain sacrifices are WITH MOST STATES under either shelter-in-place stay-at-home into place.with I understand the seriousness the need otherwise don’t care if they get themselves or others sick. the same timeorwe shouldn’t getfallen comfortable this so-called “new of the virus and and ed. ONE THING IS CERTAIN; after this COVID-19 virus dissipates The cavalier manner in which China lied about the origin of the
Margin ofIt’s error okayexplained to ask questions about when begin to this get back to normal by a China carnywe barker at the State Fair The comfort and hope of Easter How will payThe for COVID-19 3 big questionscatastrophe nobody is answering
How China will pay for this COVID-19 catastrophe The 3 big questions nobody is answering
care workers aout of hisofown home. through orders thanks to become local or state governments, majority Americans to take sample precautions, but I’m uneasy withthis how together. people who simply ask YOU EVER had aover. guy at all the State Fairhealth verbally accost questions and select a federal favorable to produce the results Since whenHAVE did questioning government at levels a bad WEEK,normal.” according to members the government, That would mean that the fatality rate is actually far “THIS ISofTHE DAY the hasworld made, let us rejoice and be glad Hydromer around the globe and in the United States, China will to pay forTHIS this virus, covered up its spread and tried tolord tellabout the there were only are having to adjust what is being called the “new normal.” questions the data, and when things can start getting backInc. to in Con saying hecitizens can name your and if he iswere wrong, would they to produce to help their side win and depresseven theifother thing? Thatyou, is what free living in age a free society supposed Not onewant little bit. andyou state and local governments, Americans have begun topanic, flatten suggested, the transmission rateare is high. in it” (Psalm 118:24). Salisbury switching catastrophe one way or another. 3,341 related deaths has led to worldwide economic collapse and ONE THING IS CERTAIN; after thisof COVID-19 virus dissipates Some these orders extend at least through theso end of this month. The cavalier manner in which Chinaare lied aboutin the origin of the normal treated some circles with contempt. win aorder prize of choice? side they don’t vote. stand the seriousness the Ivirus the need the curve in the novel coronavirus outbreak. The excitement was of what are we expecting in terms of a secon to do,oflast checked. I know during this challenging time ofSecondly, social distancing, In accept Fayetteville, Inand putyour the caused by States, Chinastay-at-home in perspective, zero millions of Americans needlessly being thrown work. Virginia’s orders go intoCounty June. They’re though wewere as a only society simply must withoutmini around thetoglobe andcrisis in the United China will pay for Stanly this virus, covered up itsthat spread and tried to treated tell out the as world there Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 I’m uneasy with how simply ask muted — after all, trends can easily reverse — but real. Americans The institute’s model simply cuts off in early August. Ever notice what the margins of error are that makes him a Since the margin of error is plus or minus 3 for either side, 55% working from home or losing a job, it may be difficult to “rejoice and seniors throughout Mypeople first who concern as we go along in all this, of course, is my family. I’m Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym Sister Toldjah worldwide pandemics can trace their source to the United States over The crisis has cost the U.S. taxpayer at least $2.4 trillion in added North State Journal for Wednesday, April 15,Carolina, 2020 Democratic Gov.3,341 Here in North Roy Cooper during what the government tells us and about when it’s safe to begin the Cum catastrophe one way or another. relatedstated deaths has led toquestion worldwide panic, economic collapse 3 , and when things can start getting back tohistory. have abided by according recommendations and orders. They’ve left their jobs predict how many people will die inrate a stories second wave.far T THIS WEEK, to members of the federal government, beon glad” as the Bible tells us to do. However, as awould Christian, husband That mean that the fatality is actually These from thr winner and you a loser? could be the high side by 3 points and 45% could be on the low ourIn 231-year At least four in the 20th century alone can be debt plus trillions more in Federal Reserve backup liquidity to the worried about them catching the virus, and I’m worried I will. After and is a regular contributor to RedState and Legal Insurrection. a recent coronavirus press briefing that “we just don’t know yet” if the process of returning back to normalcy. order to put the crisis caused by China in perspective, zero millions of Americans needlessly being thrown out of work. meofcircles to stay at home; they’ve practiced social distancing; in many places, most important problem because experts maintain th in the with contempt. and dad, the Easter holiday has reminded me of just how much we hope, inspiration and su and state and local governments, Americans have begun to flatten suggested, even if the transmission rate is high. directly traced to China: 1957 “Asian flu,” 1968 “Hong Kong flu,” 1977 markets If the U.S. dollar were not the reserve “If I guess within 3can years ofstate’s your age, you lose!” side by 3financial points, meaning the gap could be just 4 at 52-48, much stay-at-home orders will extend May. No. The government works foradded us, and we have the right to ask those suffering from the H1N1 virus (swine flu) during the 2009 pandemic, worldwide pandemics trace their source to the United States over into Theand crisis has costoutlets. the U.S. taxpayer at least $2.4 trillion in Since when did ugh we only as a society simply must accept flu” without they’ve donned masks. seasonal, which means areworkers likely toon see e were have tonot bethe thankful and hopeful for, even in thestay-at-home midst of this global themore front line curve in the novel coronavirus outbreak. The excitement was Secondly, what are wewe expecting of aserio seco “Russian and the 2002 SARS outbreak. There isthis evidence that the currency, would be able to fund any of these emergency Perhaps If he does decide to the extend it, up questions should bewe asked as to questions. And the longer orders are in placein allterms over the Depending on your age, that sounds reasonable. At age 64, closer than a 10-point blowout. our 231-year history. At least four in the 20th century alone can be debt plus trillions more in Federal Reserve backup liquidity to the I’ve been trying to take extra precautions, because all of brings We need questioning nment tells us about when it’s massive safe to begin the The result: a reduction in expected hospitalization and death. in the fall. And that means we will be faced with eith Lenten and Many public pandemic. While people through collapse and muted — after all, trends can easily reverse — but real. Americans The institute’s model simply cuts off in early August. 1918 “Spanish flu” pandemic also had its origins in China. measures without immediate fear of rampant inflation and currency justification for it. And the answers should not be vague ones like “we country, and the stricter some of them get in states, such as Michigan, directly traced to aChina: 1957 “Asian flu,” “Hong Kong flu,”think 1977 markets and financial outlets. If the dollar were not the reserve COVID-19 your inner egotistical mind mighttransparency think: “Hey! He might I seasons Pollsters willorders. say have a U.S. 95% degree ofpredict confidence, way too many memories of painful experience I’1968 d prefer not toabided repeat. k to normalcy. According to recommendations the University of Washington Institute Health lockdowns for large swaths ofI the population, withwe wT For my they faith isthe anfor important part of my life and decision amanxious glad initiatives k. Easter have andme, They’ve left their jobs government how many people will die in a second There isflu” 100% outside of do China, thatofCOVID-19 depreciation. must thisThere out anevidence abundance ofby caution.” people, sitting at daily home feeling isolated and/or aboutwave. pollsters are “Russian andagreement, the 2002 SARS outbreak. is that the currency, we would not beby able to more fund any of these emergency Perhaps am just 50! What do I have to lose other than $1?” meaning that they believe that 95 out of 100 times taking the poll is China’s works for us, and weBut have the right to ask those what also makes me lose sleep is how easily most everyone has Metrics and Evaluation model most oft cited members of the testing and contact or with the realization tht making. As I celebrated Easter with my family, I reflected on 2tracing, Protection Program, are and honesty n in added to stay at home; they’ve practiced social distancing; in many places, most important problem because experts maintain originated in Wuhan Province probably from the completely China has to pay for their aberrant ways and decisions through provide a at all levels It will need to be explained in detail to the people of this state who when they can get back to providing for their families, will demand massive 1918 “Spanish flu”of pandemic also had its originsMost in China. measures without immediate fear of rampant inflation and will currency er orders are in place over the the ageadministration, theand expected need for hospital beds atusobviously to isolate those who are most vulnerable and let every Atall age 7, and the chances losing are much higher. kids’ ages with same sample set of reminds respondents, the result bein in the Corinthians 1:4, which our Lord “comforts us all ourwe helping small businesses Chernobyl. ty stay-at-home to the COVID-19 they’ve donned seasonal, which means are likely to see more seri unregulated unsanitary wet markets. Some believe it Trump came out of at a masks. economic financial means. Diplomacy has not worked from our to are being told remain jobless and home for an the undetermined answers. message of There is 100% agreement, outside of China, that COVID-19 become a depreciation. some of them get in states, such as Michigan, peak outbreak was revised down by over 120,000, the number of Which raises the third question: What exactly can We need affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who arethat in any relief will soon reach fam are easily guessed plus/minus 3ofyears would put aresult: 7-year old 55-45 range, including 52-48. he reserveis The a reduction in expected hospitalization and death. in the fall. And means we will be faced with eith biowarfare lab run bysince the communist Chinese army. to bring China into the civilized world of 21st century health, hygiene China’s guessing scientific experts amount time why models predicting hundreds of thousands of cases Leaders at the local and state levels should be as forthcoming as they hope that we13,000 will has originated inbad Wuhan Province probably from the completely China to pay for their aberrant waysby and decisions through thing? at home feeling isolated and/or anxious about ventilators by nearly and the number of overall deaths we capable ofwe rolling out tens of millions of tests affliction, with the comfort which we ourselves are comforted by continue working onover com ency transparency Until China adopts rigorous verifiable policing and regulation ofRobbins, and fair trade. Totalitarian communist regimes never take the blame According to University of Washington Institute for Health lockdowns for large swaths of the population, with w in the range of 4 to 10 years old that most anyone, including the Nothing is ever really certain in politics, which is why are reliable. can be with those answers — and again, not vague answers, but answer Neal publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor Chernobyl. — we need to unregulated and unsanitary wet markets. Some believe August it came by out of aagain economic and financial means. Diplomacy has obviously not—worked once enjoy sincere carny to providing for their families,their will demand nearly 12,000. months and compelling to the takerealization tests God.” wewith can defeat the regula corona That is what d currency food safety and health protocols, American business has no other or express regret and because thatpolls is not what Metrics and Evaluation model most oft cited byremorse, members ofrely thethat testing and contact tracing,people or th To know date, I’ve gone with what the state has asked andinto then and honesty with details give their statements believability. carny barker, actually have elections and don’t on to elect our leaders. Neal Robbins, publisher | guess. Frank Hill,what senior opinion editor biowarfare lab could run byreadily the communist Chinese army. to bring China the civilized world of 21st century health, hygiene they along Here’s the problem: We expected still don’t know the answers toadvantage the virus isyou transmittable while carriers are asymptomat sporting events, If you are celebrating the Easter season, I urge to also choice than tofree build redundant elsewhere purely totalitarian governments do.hospital They take of every weakness barkers of Trump administration, the need for beds at key to those who are vulnerable citizens mandated thatplants weand do, but along the way I’ve also hadtrade. questions about We should all continue to do what we can to most keepwhole. our families,and let ever from our If you were 64, the carny manufacturing barker would have to guess either 60will Any statewide poll in North Carolina that is isolate not based on Until China adopts rigorous verifiable policing regulation of and fair Totalitarian communist regimes never take the blame nd state levels should be as forthcoming assecurity they know, what they questions that allow the economy to reopen. create a contact tracing system for 330 million Amer reflect on this message and be comforted, so that we may live out Until then, the Lenten concerts, family for national and safety reasons as well as supply and delivery they find in adversaries and keep pushing until they win or the hrough peakhas outbreak revised down by over 120,000, the number of our communities raises the we third question: What exactly can data. State Republican leaders have, too. ourselves, and safe. But should also still continue living in health a above free protocols, political theirbelow food safety American business no other or express sincere regret and remorse, because that is not and or 68and and forthe you to win. He intuitively has awas interviewing afatality sample that will approximate a Which final voting scientific experts rs — and the again, not vague answers, but concerns. answer First, what is the true coronavirus rate? This question is in are wewhat willing to submit ourselves to one? God’s example and comfort all those need around us during hope that weofwill once don’t and when reliability adversaries push back. not worked gatherings, ventilators by nearly 13,000 and the number of overall deaths by we capable of rolling out tens of millions tests ovea Unfortunately, when certain types of questions get asked, there is to ask questions about the data, because while reasonable stay-at-home choice than to build redundant manufacturing plants elsewhere purely totalitarian governments do. They take advantage of every weakness society eir statements believability. important because That itelectorate determines whether certain areas ought to One thing is certain: cannot continue as the 95% of confidence you are between age of is61toby (3offer below population that is roughly 74% white, 20% black, — we need this difficult Through faith and by helping one another, I also amThings gatherings, servi world. They Thedegree most direct waywere to make China “pay” for this is, unless an exogenous event happens such as the Chernobyl they hope tothedisaster gth, hygiene August nearly months and compelling people to takechurch tests regul sometimes a to disturbing tendency among some people to treat thosetime. measures areuntil understandable, they should have an expiration date. church12,000. services forfamilies, national security and reasons as well as supply and delivery they find in adversaries and keep pushing win or — the to do what we can to keep our be open or closed,meltdown whether we ought to we pursue — Sweden style — pandemic a they Americans are notever. going to stay home for months on confident will emerge out of this stronger than own temporary sacrifice 64) and 67 (3 above agesafety 64). 5% Hispanic and 1% Asian or other races with appropriate supposed know what they U.S. tax credits to companies who will source at least half of their in 1986. Some experts believe that event, not the Star Wars ee the blame Here’s problem: We still start don’tgetting know the answersThis to the key know what theythe data simply questioning andthe asking when we can back virus is transmittable while carriers is all new to Americans, and it is not normal. Not in are anyasymptoma way, and many more justBut don’t tell also reliability concerns. adversaries push back. munities safe. we still continue more liberalized society that presumes wide spread, or whether they certainly will not do so on the basisare of over. ever-evolv Sponsored by should In this same spirit, Ithe continue towe be inspired oftracing humanity t production back in the United States. is though approximately program ofeconomy Reagan, led directly toshape, dissolution of thecreate Soviet Union The carny 7 years toThere choose from, they not just the three educational level, income status, affiliation and remain age what tobarker do, lasthas I make what they toknow, normal as are$120 conspiracy theorists are people who orpolitical form. So while webyshould vigilant and stay safe, at Ame questions that will allow theor to reopen. astories contact system for 330 million don’t. after our own The most direct way to China “pay” for this disaster is to offer That is, unless an exogenous event happens such as the Chernobyl he data, because while reasonable stay-at-home ought to lock down further. especially as statistics roll in that look like the lowerneighbors helping neighbors. I wish everyone you they are. billion worth of American direct investment in plants and equipment in 1989. y weakness otherwise care they getwhat themselves or distribution others sick. is the same timeiswe shouldn’t get comfortable with this so-called “new celebr above or below your real age. Hewill could guess 61,if62, 63, 64, 65, 66 true suspect. First, is the coronavirus fatality rate? This question to submit ourselves to one? anddon’t when checked. dable, they should also have an expiration date. U.S. tax credits todirect companies whodon’t source at least half of their meltdown inIn 1986. Some believe thatby event,are notwe thewilling Star Wars We’ve seen case fatality rates — the number of Chernobyl. deaths divided estimates in terms of death and the upper-end estima temporary Concord, aexperts high school senior named Tanner used his own celebration and pray in China. Chinese investment in the U.S. is about $65 billion by Perhaps COVID-19 is China’s Since when did questioning government at all levels become a bad r the normal.” important because it determines whether certain areas ought to One thing is certain: Things cannot continue aswe th or 67 andway, still since he could guess were 64. Six ofof the last 10 presidential electins in to N.C. have been decided they hopeyou to North State Journal Wednesday, April 15,buy 2020 ricans, and it is not normal. Not in any production backwin in the United States. There is approximately $120 program Reagan, led directly tothe the dissolution ofmake the Soviet Union the number offor identified COVID-19 cases — but both numerator ofpossibility economic damage. We need transparency and hone money to a 3-D printer and plastic face shields for necessary safety guidelin sacrifices are comparison. Senators in Washington are already talking about the thing? That is what free citizens living in a free society were supposed Not one little bit. be open or closed, whether we ought to pursue — Sweden style — a Americans are not going to stay home for months on Many public pollsters are the age-guessing carny barkers of theof in by less than 5$1.2 points. Only Bush (twice), Bush 41 to and Reagan A6andbillion we should remain vigilant stay safe, at of American and theChina denominator are likely wrong. We don’t know many scientific experts we need to know what they know worth direct investment in plants and equipment 1989. what they health care workers out ofhow his43 own home. through this together. An investment tax credit of 30% on of U.S. investment in China forgiving trillion in debt we owe them as they one way get will—not over. society toknow do,half last I checked. Chernobyl more liberalized that presumes wide spread, or whether we certainly do so on thewhat basisthey of ever-evol n’t get comfortable with this so-called “new political world. They just don’t tell you they are. ran away with double-digit victories in North Carolina. people have actually died of coronavirus. Some sources suggest the don’t and when they hope to know don’t. in China. Chinese direct investment in the U.S. is about $65 billion by Perhaps COVID-19 is China’s Chernobyl. don’t. today, or $60 billion, applied to repatriated China to “pay”isfor damage have Matthews caused thehas US.especially Don’t holdasyour te Star Wars My first American concern asmanufacturing we go along indown all this, of course, mythe family. I’m they Stacey also written under the pseudonym Sisterlike Toldjah ought to lock further. statistics roll in that look the lower number has beenbreath overestimated, given that classification for cause We’re grown-ups, and we’re willing to follow their a comparison. Senators in Washington are already talking about the possibility When you see public polls saying, “Joe Biden Is Up 10% over Chances are there will be a close election on Nov. 3 in many investment to the U.S. would cost the U.S. Treasury $18 billion in waiting for a Chinese “Jubilee” to happen but ask your elected worried about them catching the virus, I’m worried will.number After of deaths and isdivided a regular to RedState and Legaland Insurrection. oviet Union We’ve seen caseand fatality rateselderly —I the by contributor estimates in terms of death the upper-end estim of death, particularly among patients, can be variable. Some they need to start answering serious questions, or the An investment tax credit of 30% on half of U.S. investment in China of China forgiving $1.2 trillion in debt we owe them as one way to get tax revenueTrump!”, spread over a fewyou years. $18hear billion in lost revenue is(swine topandemic, hold China accountable in tangible financial ways for President what don’t are all of the caveats statewide district races. Emotions are running highdamage. amongst suffering from the H1N1 virus flu) representatives during the 2009and the number of identified COVID-19 cases — but both the numerator of economic We need transparency and sources suggest the number is dramatically underestimated, since the to the samehold lackyour of institutional faith to which all hon oth today, or $60 billion, applied to repatriated American manufacturing China to “pay” for the damage they have caused US. Don’t decimal dust compared to the $6 trillion+ Marshall Plan we are now this disaster. I’ve been Many trying to takeand extra precautions, all ofwrong. this brings up know about their sample size and makeup. times, poll are because partisans on both sides, which guarantees increased experts enthusiasm theresults denominator are likely We don’t how many — we need to know what they know o written under the pseudonym Sister Toldjah many people are dying home. institutions seem investment to U.S. would cost thetoo U.S. Treasury $18 billion in breath for Chinese “Jubilee” to happen butscientific ask your elected undertaking tothe save ourno own economy, not ofbearing defeated enemies as infinal the It is at about timenot they expected tosuggest operate as responsible citizens of deeply prone. way many memories of a painful experience I’ d waiting prefer toa are repeat. published that have relationship or on what the to vote. ossibility people have actually died of coronavirus. Some sources the don’t and when they utor to RedState and Legal Insurrection. Evenismore importantly, we no clue how many Americans tax revenue spread over a few years. $18 billion lost revenue to hold China accountable in tangible financial ways for hope to know what they don’t. past. therepresentatives worldmost likehave any other modern nation. But what alsoin makes me lose sleep is how easily everyone has e way to get number has been overestimated, given that classification for cause We’re grown-ups, we’re willing follow their demographic makeup of the voting electorate will be when the Just don’t let a carny barker pollster drive you crazy until actually have coronavirus. Some scientists suggest that the number Ben Shapiro, 36, then. is aand graduate of UCLAtoand Harvard decimal dustbeen compared to the $6 trillion+ Plan we are now this disaster. China has cheating, stealing, piratingMarshall and pillaging American on’t hold your ofenemies death, particularly among elderly patients, can belower variable. Some they need to startShapiro answering serious questions, or th counting is done. of identified cases could be an order of magnitude than the host of “The Ben Show” and editor-in-chief of undertaking to save our own economy, not of defeated as in the It is about time they are expected to operate as responsible citizens of business now for the past 30 years. They have made no secret that they our elected Nealto Robbins, publisher |theFrank Hill, senior opinion editor sources suggest the number is dramatically underestimated, since to the same lack of institutional faith to which all oth number of people who have and not been tested. com. A public poll the saying is up 10superpower is trying you past. worldhad likecoronavirus any other modern nation. intend to replace U.S. Biden as the premier in make the world and ncial ways for many American people are dying at home. institutions seem deeply prone. China has beenas cheating, stealing, pirating and pillaging replace the dollar the reserve currency with renminbi. believe the final result of the election willtheir be 55-45. Any poll is Even more importantly, we have no clue how many Americans business now for the past 30 years. They have made no secret that they just a snapshot of the mood of the electorate on that datehave with ble citizens of actually coronavirus. Some scientists suggest that the number Ben Shapiro, 36, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvar intend to replace the U.S. as the premier superpower in the world and that selected sample of people. Any political person can write of identified cases could be an order of magnitude lower than the host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and editor-in-chief o replace the dollar as the reserve currency with their renminbi. Jason number of people who have had coronavirus and not been tested. com.
north STA
It’s okay to ask questions about when The and hope of Easter With October comes the beauty of autumn, we okay begin getquestions back to comfort normal It’s totoask about when we to this get back normal the thrill of thetocomfort vote The and hope of Easter hinaand willbegin payThe for COVID-19 catastrophe 3 big questions nobody is answering EDITORIAL | STACEY MATTHEWS COLUMN | REP. RICHARD HUDSON EDITORIAL | STACEY MATTHEWS
COLUMN | REP. RICHARD HUDSON COLUMN | BEN SHAPIRO “THIS IS THEfallen DAYinto the lord has made, let usthe rejoice and be of glad Inc. in Concord and New Sarum Brewin WITH MOST STATES under either shelter-in-place or stay-at-home place. I understand seriousness the virus Hydromer and the need in it” (Psalm 118:24). Salisbury are switching their operations to make han orders thanks to local or state governments, a majority of Americans to take precautions, but I’m uneasy with how people who simply ask this challenging time of social distancing, Inback Fayetteville, a minister began a program to deli are having to adjust to what is being called the “new normal.”I know that during questions about the data, and when things can start getting to working from home or losing a job, it may be difficult to “rejoice and seniors throughout Some ofMOST these orders extend at least through the end ofor this month. normal are treated in some circlesthe with contempt. of the virus and the needCumberland County. WITH STATES under either shelter-in-place fallen into I met understand seriousness NEXT TO SPRINGTIME, autumn is my favorite season, I’ve actually some ofa my neighbors for the first time when bestay-at-home glad” asfor the Bible tells us toplace. do. as However, as aasChristian, husband These stories from throughout our region continue Virginia’s stay-at-home orders go into June. They’re treated though we society must accept without NE THING IS CERTAIN; after thisthanks COVID-19 virus cavalierofmanner in which China about the origin ofuneasy the withsimply orders to local ordissipates state governments,The a majority Americans toholiday takelied precautions, but I’m howwe people who simply ask and dad, the Easter has reminded me of just how much hope, inspiration and supplies to people in needBrewi and many reasons. I’ve gone to vote. The poll worker looking up my info will see myfar Here in North Carolina, Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper stated during question what the government tells us about when it’s safe to begin the THIS WEEK, according to members of the federal government, That would mean that the fatality rate is actually lowerand than “THIS IS THE DAY the lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad Hydromer Inc. New Sarum und the globe and in the United will to pay for this virus, covered up its spread and tried to tellabout the world thereand werewhen onlythings can start getting back to in Concord areStates, havingChina to adjust what is being called the “new normal.” questions the data, have to be thankful and hopeful for, even in the midst of this global workers on the front lines of the coronavirus respons For starters, the cooler temperatures are a welcome reprieve street address and smile. “I live in your neighborhood, too,” they’ll a recent coronavirus press briefing that “we just don’t know yet” if the process of returning back to normalcy. and state and local governments, Americans have begun to flatten suggested, even if the transmission rate is high. it”this (Psalm 118:24). are switching their operations to make ha strophe one way or another. 3,341 related has led to worldwide panic, economic collapse Some of these orders extend at least through the endindeaths ofpandemic. month. normal are treated in some circlesand with contempt. Salisbury andcoronavirus While people our communities state’s stay-at-home orders will extend intonovel May. No. The government works for us, and weare have rightIn toFayetteville, ask those ofthroughout thetoneed the curve in Lenten the outbreak. The excitement wasasking what wethe expecting in terms a second wave? from hot, sticky summers. say, before me how long I’ve lived there. I know that during this challenging time ofSecondly, social distancing, began a programcontinu to del Since nand order put thewhen crisisdid caused by China in perspective, zero millions of Americans needlessly being thrown out of work. Virginia’s stay-at-home orders go intoEaster June. They’re treated as though we as a society simply must accept withoutminister For me, my faith is an important part of my daily life and decision I am glad initiatives we have passed in Congress, like seasons If he does decide to extend it, questions should be asked as to the questions. And the longer stay-at-home orders are in place all over the simply ask muted — after all, trends can easily reverse — but real. Americans The institute’s model simply cuts off in early August. It does not working from home or losing a job, it may be difficult to “rejoice and seniors throughout Cumberland County. Along with the cooler temps comes the crisp fall air, and the The brief conversations with them make me wonder if I should dwide pandemics can trace their source to theCarolina, United States over Gov.The crisis hasmaking. cost the U.S. taxpayer at least $2.4 trillion in added questioning Here in North Democratic Cooper stated during question what themy government tells get us about it’s safe to begin the are supporting self-employed pe As I celebrated Easter with family, reflected onpeople 2 when Protection Program, justification it. Andalone thehave answers should notaRoy be vague ones like “we country, and the stricter some them in states, such as Michigan, provide ng back tohistory. At least fourchanging abided by recommendations and orders. They’ve left their jobs predict how many will die in a stories second wave.throughout This is the our region continu be glad” as the Bible tells us to do. However, asto aofIChristian, husband These from 231-year inrecent the 20th century can be debt plus trillions more in Federal Reserve backup liquidity to the offor the leaves, with their colorful brilliance visible for volunteer to work alongside them inall future elections. a coronavirus press briefing that “we just don’t know yet” if the process of returning back normalcy. government Corinthians 1:4, which reminds us our Lord “comforts us in our helping small businesses keep on the payroll, w must do this out of an abundance of caution.” the more people, sitting at home feeling isolated and/or anxious about to stay at home; they’ve practiced social distancing; in many places, most important problem because experts maintain that thepeople virus is message of and dad, the Easter holiday has reminded me of just how much we hope, inspiration and supplies to people in need and ctly traced to China: 1957 “Asian flu,” 1968 “Hong orders Kong flu,” 1977 markets and financial outlets. Ifwe themay U.S. dollar were notare the reserve miles all around. Those thoughts quickly extinguished; however, when I families state’s stay-at-home will extendtointo May. No. The government works for us, and we have the right to ask those affliction, so that be able to comfort those who are in any relief will soon reach and workers. Please kn Since when did at all levels It will need to be explained in detail the people of this state who when they can get back to providing for their families, will demand ccept without People died SARS outbreak. they’ve donned masks. seasonal, which means we areworkers likely toonsee more serious spreading have to be thankful and hopeful for, even in the midst of this global the front lines of the coronavirus respon hope that we will ssian flu” and the 2002 There is evidence that the currency, we would not be able to fund any of these emergency Ifbeing he tobeginning extend it,and questions should asked as to thewith the questions. And the longer stay-at-home orders areneutral incontinue placefor allworking over theon12common sense and targeted there the of high and pro-football remember I’d have tothe be non-partisan roughly affliction, comfort which we ourselves are comforted byand sol Wedoes need areThen tolddecide toisremain jobless atthe home for school an be undetermined answers. questioning to begin the The result: a reduction in expected hospitalization and death. in fall. And that means we will be faced with either renewed Lenten and become a pandemic. While people throughout our communities contin sive 1918 for “Spanish flu” pandemic also had its origins in China. measures without immediate fear of rampant inflation and currency once again enjoy our right justification forwhy it. And the answers should not be vague ones like “we country, and the stricter some of them get in as states, such asprior Michigan, God.” we can defeat the coronavirus and keep people and b seasons, which unfortunately look a lot different this year, thanks hours. That is, as you might have guessed from my columns, amount of time models predicting hundreds of thousands of cases Leaders at the local and state levels should be forthcoming as they AccordingEaster to theseasons University of Washington Institute Health part oflockdowns forand large swaths ofI the population, with wide-scale For me, my faith isthe anfor important daily life decision amanxious glad initiatives government badagreement, thing? here is 100% outside oftransparency China, thatofCOVID-19 depreciation. sporting events, must do this out an abundance of caution.” more people, sittingmy aturge home feeling isolated and/or about we have passed in Congress, lik If you are celebrating the Easter season, I you to also whole. are reliable. can be with those answers — and again, not vague answers, but answer to vote. The to the coronavirus pandemic and all the gathering limits that a nearly impossible task. to ask those Metrics and Evaluation model most oftAs cited by members ofand the testing and contact or with the realization thatsupporting we will have Ithis celebrated Easter with myback family, I reflected ontheir 2tracing, Protection Program, are self-employed and honesty Wuhan Province probably from the has to pay for their aberrant ways decisions through provide a China yinated in at allislevels It will need tocompletely bealong explained detail to the people ofmaking. this state who when they can get to providing for will demand That what reflect on message and be comforted, so that we may live outfamilies, Until then, the Lenten and Easter seasons providep concerts, family To date, I’ve gone with in what the state has asked and then with details that give their statements believability. eegulated all over and the come with it. Unlike in prior elections, this year I decided to vote using the Trump administration, theand expected need for hospital beds has atus tonot isolate those who are mosthelping vulnerable and let everyone else work.on the payroll, Corinthians 1:4, which reminds our Lord “comforts us in all our small businesses keep people least we unsanitary wet markets. Some believe it came out of a economic financial means. Diplomacy obviously worked from our are being told remain jobless and at home an undetermined answers. God’sabout example andWe comfort allallthose in need around us during hope that we will once again enjoy sporting events, co message offorhad free citizens become a mandated thatisto we do, butpeak along the way I’ve also questions should continue tothose do what we can keep ourrelief families, gatherings, s Michigan, outbreak was revised down by over 120,000, the number of Which raises the third question: What exactly can we do?and Areworkers. Please kn affliction, that weworld may be able to comfort who are in to any will soon reach families But there something else about the autumn season toofso absentee method, partly due to pandemic concerns, but services warfare lab rundo by to the communist Chinese army. to we bring China into the civilized of and 21st century health, hygiene scientific experts amount of time why models predicting hundreds of thousands cases this difficult time. Through faith and by helping one another, I am Leaders atballot the local and state levels should be as forthcoming as they gatherings, church and many more celebrati can hope that will the data. State Republican leaders have, too. ourselves, our communities safe. But we should also still continue church services living in a free bad thing? xious about ventilators by nearly 13,000 and thewhat’s number of overall deaths bywe we capable of rolling out tens of millions ofthis tests over the next fewand targeted so affliction, with the comfort which ourselves are comforted by continue working on common sense love, especially if you are civic minded and care about also because it’s something mom and dad wanted to try year ntil China adopts rigorous verifiable policing and regulation of and fair trade. Totalitarian communist regimes never take the blame confident we will emerge out of this pandemic stronger than ever. own temporary sacrifices for the greater good of the c are reliable. can be with those answers — and again, not vague answers, but answer — we need to Unfortunately, when certain types of questions get asked, there is to ask questions about the data, because while reasonable stay-at-home enjoy August byonce nearly 12,000. months and compelling people to defeat take tests since andagain many more sincere honor God.” we can the coronavirus andthe keep people and b society were protocols, That is their what rl demand food safety and health American business has nowhat other or express regret and remorse, because that isinspired not what happening in your community and country. for the first time since it’s becoming increasingly difficult for them In this same spirit, I continue to be by — stories ofbelievability. humanity are over.regularly, To know date, what gone with theyour state has asked and then with details that give their statements sometimes aI’ve disturbing tendency among some people to treat those measures are understandable, they should also have an expiration date. they along Here’s the problem: We still don’t know the answers toadvantage the keyseason, virus isyou transmittable while carriers are asymptomatic? Can we as well as Passo sporting events, If you are celebrating the Easter I urge to also can to whole. after our own ce than tosacrifices build redundant manufacturing totalitarian governments do. They take of every weakness supposed neighbors helping neighbors. I wish everyone celebrating Easter, free citizens mandated that we the do,elsewhere but along the way I’ve also had questions about We to do what keep families, What am Iplants talking about? The thrill of the vote. to stand inall line. simply questioning data and purely asking when we can start gettingto back This isshould all new tocontinue Americans, and it is we not normal. Notour in any way, oming assecurity they know, what they questions that will allow the economy reopen. create a contact tracing system for 330 million Americans — and seasons reflect on this message and be comforted, so that we may live out Until then, the Lenten and Easter provide concerts, family national and safety reasons as well as supply and delivery temporary they find in adversaries and keep pushing until they win or the In the Concord, a shape, high school senior named Tanner used own celebration pray we can all continue to keep faith the data. Republican leaders have, too. ourselves, and communities safe.his But we should also safe, still continue to do,toin last I to normal as though they areFirst, conspiracy or are people who orquestion form. Soour we should remain vigilant and stay at and For as State long as I’ve been ablewhat to, I’ve relished going to polls The process was fairly straight Request ballot, living a free and pave s, but concerns. answer istheorists the true coronavirus fatality rate? This iswhile are we face willing toforward. submit ourselves toyour one? God’s example and comfort alland those in need around us during hope that we willguidelines once again enjoy sporting events, don’t and when bility adversaries push back. money to buy a 3-D printer plastic to make shields for necessary safety and remain confident thac gatherings, sacrifices are Unfortunately, when certain types of questions get asked, there is to ask questions about the data, because while reasonable stay-at-home otherwise don’t care if they get themselves or others sick. the same time we shouldn’t get comfortable with this so-called “new come election time. A deep sense of patriotism and pride wells up checked. receive it in about a week, fill it out and return it to the USPS or society were important because it determines whether certain areas ought to One thing is certain: Things cannot continue as they have been. this difficult time. Through faith and by helping one another, I am gatherings, church services and many more celebrat he most direct way to make China “pay” for this disaster is government to offer is, unless anaexogenous event such as the Chernobyl they hope to questioning the road care workers outhappens of hisare own home. this together. sometimes a disturbing tendency among to health treat those measures understandable, they should also havethrough an expiration date. church services Since did at That all people levels become bad normal.” over.some inside ofwhen me asleast I stand intheir line behind others waiting to Some make their an early voting location. You cannot also track ballot’s milies, be open or closed, whether weconfident ought to we pursue — Sweden style — a not Americans are going to your stay home for progress. months on end, and will emerge outis of stronger ever. supposed tax credits tofuture companies who willknow source halfdata of 1986. experts believe that event, the Star Wars what theyfree simply questioning the andliving asking when we caninwere start getting back This allthis new to Americans, andthan it is not normal.own Nottemporary in any way,sacrifices for the greater good of the thing? That isatwhat citizens in a meltdown free society supposed Not one little bit.pandemic and many more for till continue more liberalized program society that presumes wide spread, or they certainly will not do so on the basis of over. ever-evolving models, voices heard. Itwhether hadn’t been five minutes after out our In thisled same spirit, Ithe continue towe be inspired by stories of finishing humanity are duction back in the States. There is though approximately of are Reagan, directly toshape, dissolution of the Soviet Union to do, lastUnited I todo, normal they are$120 conspiracy theorists or people who or form. So while we should remain vigilant filling and stay safe, atballots to last Ias checked. don’t. after our own stay-at-home ought to lock down further. especially as statistics roll in that look like the lower-end model neighbors helping neighbors. I wish everyone celebrating Easter, as well as Pass generations While waiting, people generally don’t talk with one another when mom looked at me excitedly and asked, “Can we drop on worth checked. of American direct investment in plants and equipment inor 1989. My first concern as if wethey go along in all this, of course,sick. is my family. I’m Stacey Matthews hasshouldn’t also written the pseudonym Toldjah otherwise don’t care get themselves others the same time we get under comfortable with thisSister so-called “new these piration date. direct investment We’ve seen case fatality rates — the number of deaths divided by estimates in terms of death and the upper-end estimates in terms temporary In Concord, a high school senior named Tanner used his own celebration and pray we can all continue to keep fait hina. Chinese in the U.S. is about $65 billion by Perhaps COVID-19 is China’s Chernobyl. about their voting choices out of respect for the process. But to off tomorrow?” My schedule for the next day was tight, but I worried catching thegovernment virus, and I’m worried will. After and is a regular contributor to RedState and Legal Insurrection. Sinceabout when them did questioning at all levels Ibecome a bad normal.” is to do our North State Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 nparison. any way, the number of identified COVID-19 cases — but both the numerator of economic damage. We need transparency and honesty from our confident th money to buy a 3-D printer and plastic to make face shields for necessary safety guidelines and remain sacrifices are Senators in Washington are already about the possibility suffering from H1N1 (swine flu)induring the 2009 pandemic, ease any minor tensions with having to stand in long lines with could seelittle how eager she was to get her ballot turned in. thing? That is the what freevirus citizens living a free society were supposed Nottalking one bit. ay safe, atpart. and the denominator are likely wrong. We don’t know how many scientific experts — we need to know what they know, what they health care workers out of his own home. through this together. n investment tax credit of 30% on half of U.S. investment in China of China forgiving $1.2 trillion in debt we owe them as one way to get over. jokes I’ve been trying to take disagree extra precautions, because all of this brings up to do, last I checked. people you probably with, are sometimes made “Okay,” Ithe answered, grinning atthey thehope twinkle in her eye. I could alled “newbillion, applied to repatriated people have actually died of coronavirus. Some they sources suggest don’t and when to know what they don’t. ay, or $60 American manufacturing China “pay” for damage havehow caused thehas US.also Don’t hold your wayMy toofirst many memories a how painful dto prefer toto repeat. concern asabout weofgo alongmuch inexperience all this, ofI’course, isnot mythe family. I’m Stacey Matthews written under the pseudonym Sister Toldjah about the weather, people are willing pay see important it was to her. number has been overestimated, given that classification for cause We’re grown-ups, and we’re willing to follow their advice. But the Treasury $18 billion in breath waiting a Chinese “Jubilee” to ahappen but ask your elected ButU.S. what alsothem makes me losethe sleep is how easily most everyone has worried about catching virus, I’m worried Ifor will. After and And is regular contributor to RedState andall, Legal Insurrection. nstment to the U.S. would costto get someone to step out of the lineand and go grabelderly coffee and it tangible was important. After people died for our or they will fall prey of death, particularly among patients, can be variable. Someindeed they need to start answering serious questions, revenue spread over a few years. $18 billion in lost revenue is representatives to hold China accountable in financial ways for suffering from the H1N1 virus (swine flu) during the 2009 pandemic, or lunchPlan forextra others waiting. right to vote. canlack do of to institutional honor theirfaith sacrifices andalltoother American sources suggest the number is dramatically underestimated, since The least to thewe same to which mal dust compared to the $6breakfast trillion+ we areprecautions, now this disaster. I’ve been Marshall trying to take because all of this brings up ister Toldjah many people are dying at home. institutions seem deeply prone. Even the campaign staffers who stand on sidewalks handing pave the way for future generations is to do our part. ertaking to save our own economy, notmany of defeated enemies as in the It is about timenot they expected to operate as responsible citizens of way too memories of a painful experience I’d prefer to are repeat. ection. Even more importantly, we nodon’t clue how many Americans outBut literature for candidates causes I’m notmost voting for . the world likehave any other modern nation. what also makes me lose or sleep is how easily everyone has actually scientists suggest that the Matthews number Benalso Shapiro, 36, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, hina has been cheating, stealing, pirating and pillaging American bring me down. They’re doing have theircoronavirus. part, too. IfSome they’re passionate Stacey has written under the pseudonym Sister of identified cases could be an order of magnitude lower than the host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and editor-in-chief of DailyWire. ness now for the past 30 years. They have madeoutside secretofthat they precinct for hours on end, enough to stand a publisher voting Toldjah and is a regular contributor to RedState and Legal NealnoRobbins, | Frank Hill,coronavirus senior opinion editor number of people who have had and not been tested. com. nd to replace the U.S. as the premier superpower in the world and
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they win my respect, even though they don’t win my vote. I’m generally a fan of voting on the day of the election, although in recent years I’ve sometimes participated in early voting out of concern that I’d be in line for hours on Election Day. In either Jason case, however, precinct workers are typically friendly and eager to help, although there are sometimes hiccups along the way.
ace , the dollar as the reserve currency with their renminbi.
y to ask questions about when COLUMN | REP. RICHARD HUDSON
North State Journal for Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Conservative tax reforms paying off for NC families When the legislature was controlled by the Democratic Party, it enacted six permanent or temporary increases of the “regressive” state sales tax — in 1991, 2001, 2003, 2006, 2008 and 2009.
GOV. ROY COOPER’S shutdown orders have produced difficult economic times for North Carolina families and businesses. Still, thanks to a decade of Republican tax reforms, many have a little more breathing room and are better prepared to weather the current pandemic. Tax reform began in 2011, when the newly elected Republican legislative majority reduced the state sales tax rate from 5.75% to 4.75%, a reduction of 17 percent. Tax reform continued in 2013, when the Republican legislature simplified the personal income tax from rates ranging from 6.0% to 7.75%, to a single flat rate of 5.8%, with a higher standard deduction, starting in 2014. Subsequent reductions dropped the rate to 5.25% today, the lowest in the southeast, and have exempted still more income from taxation. That means more money in the pockets of working families, with a particular benefit to low-income households who no longer have a state tax bill, courtesy of the larger standard deduction. “More than 1.5 million working families in North Carolina owe no income tax on their earnings now that the state’s standard deduction has tripled,” reported House Speaker Tim Moore’s office in April 2019. To make North Carolina more competitive and provide more money for all employers to invest, tax reform also reduced the corporate tax rate from 6.9% to 6.0% in 2014, and to 5.0% in 2015. Additional changes have dropped the rate to 2%, the lowest of any state with a corporate tax. The reforms made North Carolina far more competitive for jobs and investment. According to the Tax Foundation, North Carolina’s state business climate leaped from a dismal seventh worst in the nation in 2012 to 17th best the following year. Moreover, most readers would likely be surprised to learn that it was the Democratic Party that raised the regressive sales tax, and the Republicans who cut it. When the legislature was controlled by the Democratic Party, it enacted six permanent or temporary increases of the “regressive” state sales tax — in 1991, 2001, 2003, 2006, 2008 and 2009. The increases almost doubled the state sales tax from 3.0% in 1991 to the peak of 5.75% in 2009. When the Republican legislature won their budget
battle against then-governor Bev Perdue in 2011 and successfully rebuffed her desire to extend ¾ of a previously imposed “temporary” penny sales tax increase, state consumers were granted a tax cut estimated at the time at $826 million annually. Also important to note is that the majority Democrat legislature also repeatedly raised North Carolina’s personal income tax, on a permanent or temporary basis, in 1991, 2001, 2003, and 2005, when at one point the maximum rate was 8.25%, one of the highest state income tax rates in the nation. The progressive propaganda claiming that Republicans have only cut taxes “for the rich and big corporations” is blatantly false. At the time, some progressive groups were making the claim that the 2013 reforms would result in 80% of North Carolinians paying higher taxes. The “80% will pay higher taxes” assertion, however, was soundly debunked by multiple sources. Washington Post fact-checkers called the claim “absurd,” factcheck.org bluntly said the claim “is wrong,” while WRAL-TV in Raleigh declared the statement was “unsupported by facts,” and “is simply not right.” Indeed, even the head of the organization that produced the report used as the basis for the 80% claim publicly acknowledged, “It’s just a very inaccurate use of the 80% number.” It is the Republicans who have cut taxes for all North Carolinians after decades of Democrats raising taxes on everybody. The bottom line is that today North Carolina’s tax burden is vastly different than it was in 2010. A decade of conservative reforms has transitioned the Tar Heel state from having the highest personal and corporate income tax rates in the southeast to the lowest, while saving consumers approximately $1 billion a year thanks to the sales tax cut. The contrast is clear. Over the past few decades, Republican majorities lowered taxes on everyone, including lowering the sales tax; and Democrat majorities increased taxes on everyone. Now it’s up to voters to decide if they want to go back to an era of higher taxes or not. Brian Balfour is executive vice president of NC Civitas.
In this September 19, 2019, file photo, the North Carolina State Capitol is pictured.
Small businesses are struggling North Carolinians have faced a difficult year, and we are not out of the woods yet.
THROUGH NO FAULT of their own, North Carolina’s businesses, particularly small and mid-sized businesses, are struggling to survive. We need to give these job-creators the best chance of recovery, not put them at additional risk with new taxes or higher costs. One of the worst things Washington politicians could do is institute a new government-controlled health care system that will create unaffordable expenses for employers and employees alike. Instead, we should be making our current system even stronger — including existing public programs and the coverage North Carolinians get through work — to provide the quality care we need without hurting our economy and scuttling communities’ opportunity for a successful recovery. Economists have warned that Medicare for All or the public option will require trillions of dollars in additional government spending. Hardworking taxpayers would become responsible for those costs, meaning new unaffordable taxes would put even greater stress on our local businesses, employees and our own families. At a time when many North
Carolinians are trying to recover from months of heartache, higher taxes are the last thing they need. While the public option may sound as if it is a way to expand health care choices, its effect could be the exact opposite. As private insurers are pushed out of the marketplace, fewer coverage options will be available, forcing more and more families onto a one-size-fitsall system controlled by politicians. With family health and wellness being the top priority for so many, North Carolinians deserve the opportunity to retain private insurance that fits their family’s individual needs. North Carolinians have faced a difficult year, and we are not out of the woods yet. Our leaders should give our families and businesses the best opportunity to get back on our feet. Instead of turning to unaffordable, one-size-fits-all health insurance systems, we should make our current health care system even better and stronger, so more North Carolinians can access quality care and our communities can continue down the road to recovery. Tommy Luckadoo lives in Hickory.
Letters addressed to the editor may be sent to letters@nsjonline.com or 3101 Industrial Dr. Suite 105. Raleigh, N.C. 27609. Letters must be signed; include the writer’s phone number, city and state; and be no longer than 300 words. Letters may be edited for style, length or clarity when necessary. Ideas for op-eds should be sent to opinion@nsjonline.com.
Disgusting professorial teachings THE UGLINESS that we have recently witnessed — including rioting, billions of dollars of property destruction, assaults, murders and grossly stupid claims about our nation — has its origins on college campuses. Two websites, College Reform and College Fix, report on the despicable teachings on college campuses across the nation. Let us look at some of it. In response to Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson’s tweeting that he supports “citizen soldiers” in Kenosha, Wisconsin, Tressie McMillan Cottom, a black professor at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill’s School of Information and Library Science declared that “they have deputized all white people to murder us.” Jesse A. Goldberg, professor in the English department at Auburn University who teaches classes in African American literature, American literature and composition wrote a now-deleted post on Twitter, “f--- every cop. Every single one.” Goldberg added, “The only ethical choice for any cop to make at this point is to refuse to do their job and quit.” Eddie Glaude Jr., a Princeton University professor and chairman of the Department of African American Studies said that when it comes to policing in America, “Black people still live under the slave codes.” Glaude’s tweet came in response to news that Jacob Blake was handcuffed to his hospital bed after being shot by police in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Glaude added: “Placing shackles around the feet of Jacob Blake amounted to a physical reminder that he was still, no matter the protests, a n----r in the eyes of these policemen.” New School professor Richard Wolff has called for the abolition of grades. He claims they are not only unfair to students, but also that they are a means of propping up capitalism, and as such, academia would be better off doing away with grading entirely. He went on to say: “Grading takes up much of my time that could be better spent on teaching or otherwise directly interacting with students.” Administering grades to students has “little educational payoff” and “disrespects (students) as thinking people.” Wichita Falls, Texas, station KFDXTV reported that Midwestern State University far-left philosophy professor Nathan Jun wrote on Facebook, “I want the entire world to burn until the last cop is strangled with the intestines of the last capitalist, who is strangled in turn with the intestines of the last politician.” Vanderbilt University scientist Heather Caslin Findley says that “white supremacy, racism, and prejudice” are perpetuated by the concept of “academic freedom.” She added, “I hope there are a lot of circles in academia having a serious conversation on how ‘academic freedom’ upholds white supremacy, racism, and prejudice.” Findley also addressed past violent riots, writing that she was initially opposed to the 2015 Baltimore riots and was worried for the police officers but changed her mind. She said: “I was scared for the fires, for the rioting, for the storefronts that would need to be rebuilt. That was my ‘protest differently,’ ‘all lives matter,’ and ‘blue lives matter’ moment. I was wrong and I was called out.” In the wake of financial problems, many colleges are crying broke and want government bailouts, but they have enough money to hire costly diversity people. For example, University of Pennsylvania pays its chief diversity officer more than $580,000 a year. University of Michigan pays it vice provost for equity and inclusion and chief diversity officer $385,000 per year. Other universities around the country pay their chief diversity officers annual salaries of $200,000 and up. Many university professors do not buy into the gross academic deception that has become part and parcel of today’s college education today. They are too busy with their own research to get involved with campus politics. Rather than being on the committees that run the university, they concede the turf to those who are willing to take the time. Often those who are willing to take the time are not necessarily the most talented people but people with a political agenda to change what has been traditional college education. But all is not lost. Taxpayers, parents and donors who foot the bill can have a significant impact if they would stop being lazy and find out what is going on at our colleges. And, if they do not like what they see, they can snap their pocketbooks shut. Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University.
North State Journal for Wednesday, October 21, 2020
NATION & WORLD UN arms embargoes on Iran expire despite US objections By Nasser Karimi The Associated Press TEHRAN, Iran — A decade-long U.N. arms embargo on Iran that barred it from purchasing foreign weapons like tanks and fighter jets expired Sunday as planned under its nuclear deal with world powers, despite objections from the United States, which insists the ban remains in place. While Iran says it plans no “buying spree,” it can now in theory purchase weapons to upgrade military armaments dating back to before its 1979 Islamic Revolution and sell its own locally produced gear abroad. In practice, however, Iran’s economy remains crippled by broad-reaching U.S. sanctions, and other nations may avoid arms deals with Tehran for fear of American financial retaliation. The Trump administration has warned that any sales of weapons to Iran or exports from Iran will be penalized. The Islamic Republic heralded the end of the arms embargo as “a momentous day for the international community ... in defiance of the U.S. regime’s effort.” The Trump administration, meanwhile, says the expiration is moot since it reimposed all U.N. sanctions on Iran, including the arms embargo, via a clause in the nuclear deal Trump withdrew from in 2018, a claim ignored by the rest of the world. “Today’s normalization of Iran’s defense cooperation with the world is a win for the cause of multilateralism and peace and security in our region,” Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif wrote on Twitter. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo flatly rejected the expiration. “The United States is prepared to use its domestic authorities to sanction any individual or entity that
materially contributes to the supply, sale, or transfer of conventional arms to or from Iran, as well as those who provide technical training, financial support and services, and other assistance related to these arms,” he said in a statement. “For the past 10 years, countries have refrained from selling weapons to Iran under various U.N. measures,” Pompeo said. “Any country that now challenges this prohibition will be very clearly choosing to fuel conflict and tension over promoting peace and security.” Russia’s deputy U.N. ambassador, Dmitry Polyansky, responded to Pompeo with a tweet urging the U.S. to help Middle East peace by not provoking Iran. “And please change words ‘sanctions’ and ‘punishment’ in your vocabulary to ‘dialogue’ and ‘engagement’. That would help a lot! Make US respected again!”, he added. Sunday’s expiration of the arms embargo was, in fact, the proximate cause for the U.S. decision last month to move forward with the so-called “snapback” of international sanctions in Iran. The Americans tried unsuccessfully to get the U.N. Security Council to extend the embargo but suffered a humiliating defeat when only one country on the 15-member panel supported it. In response, the administration announced that it had invoked “snapback” — a mechanism provided for in the Security Council resolution that enshrined the nuclear deal that allows any participant in the accord to restore U.N. sanctions if they determine Iran is not complying with its terms. The rest of the council, however, rejected U.S. standing to trigger snapback, saying it had lost its right to do so when Trump pulled out of the deal. The United Nations banned Iran from buying major foreign weapon systems in 2010 amid tensions over its nuclear program. An earli-
In this Nov. 13, 2012 file photo, an Iranian clergyman stands next to missiles and army troops, during a manoeuvre, in an undisclosed location in Iran.
“The United States is prepared to use its domestic authorities to sanction any individual or entity that materially contributes to the supply, sale, or transfer of conventional arms to or from Iran, as well as those who provide technical training, financial support and services, and other assistance related to these arms.” U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo er embargo targeted Iranian arms exports. The U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency predicted in 2019 that if the embargo ended, Iran likely would try to purchase Russian Su-30 fighter jets, Yak-130 trainer aircraft and T-90 tanks. Tehran also may
try to buy Russia’s S-400 anti-aircraft missile system and its Bastian coastal defense missile system, the DIA said. China also could sell Iran arms. Iran long has been outmatched by U.S.-backed Gulf nations like Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, which have purchased billions of dollars of advanced American weaponry. In response, Tehran turned toward developing locally made ballistic missiles. Iran has blasted Gulf Arab purchases of U.S.-made defense equipment as “regrettably lucrative weapon deals” with some of those arms used in the ongoing war in Yemen. That conflict pits a Saudi-led coalition backing the country’s internationally recognized government against rebel forces backed by Iran. The U.N. arms embargoes, however, did not stop Iran from sending weapons ranging from assault rifles to ballistic missiles to Yemen’s Houthi rebels. While Tehran denies arming the Houthis, Western governments and weapons experts repeatedly have linked Iranian arms to the rebels. Six Gulf Arab nations that backed the extension of the arms embargoes noted arms shipments to Yemen in their objection to the resumption of any weapon sales to
Iran. They also mentioned in a letter to the U.N. Security Council that Iran mistakenly shot down a Ukrainian passenger plane in January and its navy accidentally killed 19 of its own sailors in a missile strike during an exercise. The U.N. also linked Iran to a 2019 attack on Saudi Arabia’s main crude oil refinery, though Tehran denies any links and Yemen’s rebel Houthis claimed responsibility. Sunday also marked the end of U.N. travel bans on a number of Iranian military and paramilitary Revolutionary Guard members. Tensions between Iran and the U.S. reached fever pitch at the start of the year, when an American drone killed a top Iranian general in Baghdad. Tehran retaliated with a ballistic missile attack on U.S. forces in Iraq that injured dozens. Meanwhile, Iran has steadily broken limits of the nuclear deal in an attempt to pressure Europe at salvaging the accord. In recent months, provocations on both sides have slowed as President Donald Trump faces a re-election campaign against former Vice President Joe Biden. Biden has said he’s willing to offer Iran “a credible path back to diplomacy” if Tehran returns to “strict compliance” with the deal.
Russia, US appear ready for deal to extend nuclear pact The Associated Press MOSCOW — Russia said Tuesday it’s ready to accept a U.S. proposal to freeze the number of nuclear warheads and extend the two nations’ last arms control pact for one year, and Washington responded that it’s prepared to make a quick deal. U.S. State Department spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus welcomed the Russian offer and said that the U.S. is ready to quickly clinch an agreement. “We appreciate the Russian Federation’s willingness to make progress on the issue of nuclear arms control,” Ortagus said in a statement. “The United States is prepared to meet immediately to finalize a verifiable agreement. We expect Russia to empower its diplomats to do the same.” The statement from the Russian Foreign Ministry marked a shift in Moscow’s position after Russia and the U.S. rejected each other’s offers regarding the New START treaty that expires in February. The ministry noted that it’s ready for a deal if the U.S. does the same and doesn’t put forward any additional demands, the statement read. The New START treaty was signed in 2010 by then U.S. President Barack Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. The pact limits each country to no more than 1,550 deployed nuclear warheads and 700 deployed missiles and bombers, and envisages sweeping on-site inspections to verify compliance. After both Moscow and Washington withdrew from the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty last year, the New START is the only remaining nuclear arms control deal between the two countries. Russia has offered its extension without any conditions, while President Donald Trump’s administration initially pushed for a new arms
We appreciate the Russian Federation’s willingness to make progress on the issue of nuclear arms control. The United States is prepared to meet immediately to finalize a verifiable agreement. We expect Russia to empower its diplomats to do the same.” U.S. State Department spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus
Russian President Vladimir Putin chairs a Security Council meeting via video conference in Moscow, Russia, Wednesday, Oct. 14, 2020. control agreement that would also include China. It recently modified its stance and proposed a one-year extension of the 2010 treaty but said this must be coupled with the imposition of a broader cap on U.S. and Russian nuclear warheads. The cap would cover warheads attached to battlefield weapons, which are limited by the New START treaty that only restricts strategic nuclear arsenals. Russia has agreed to a one-year extension but resisted a broader cap on warheads until Tuesday. Last week, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov argued that Russia can’t agree to the U.S.
proposal to limit tactical nuclear weapons alongside nuclear warheads that arm strategic missiles and bombers until Washington agrees to withdraw its nuclear warheads from Europe. Lavrov also noted that Moscow wouldn’t accept the U.S. demand to have intrusive verification measures like those that existed in the 1990s when inspectors were positioned at missile factories. Moscow appears to still resist the deeper inspections, which aren’t envisaged by the New START. Daryl Kimball, executive director of the Arms Control Association in Washington, said that “a
one year politically binding warhead freeze could be a useful confidence-building measure if combined with a one year New START extension, with the option of an additional extension adding up to a total of five years.” “It would be a step in the right direction that would avert, for now, an all-out arms race,” Kimball said, adding that it would give Washington and Moscow more time for further talks on a new deal to cut their nuclear arsenals. In the closing days of his reelection bid, Trump has looked for ways to boost his foreign policy record, and although he says he favors nu-
clear arms control, he has called New START flawed and unfavorable to the U.S. Last year, he withdrew the U.S. from the INF treaty with Russia, and he waited until this year to begin engaging with the Russians on the future of the New START deal. Hans Kristensen, a nuclear weapons expert at the Federation of American Scientists, tweeted that President Vladimir Putin was offering a deal that would fall far short of the Trump administration’s original demands, including its insistence that China becomes part of a new treaty. “For Trump, accepting Russian position would constitute astounding walk-back: No ‘fix’ of New START, no improved verification, no inclusion of ‘outside’ weapons, no China,” Kristensen said. Democrat Joe Biden, who was vice president when New START was negotiated by the Obama administration and ratified by the Senate, has said he wouldn’t hesitate to agree to Putin’s original proposal for a five-year extension of New START. That would be followed by negotiation of a follow-on deal.
Durham Bulls have heavy presence in World Series, B3
NC State, which has exceeded expectations through five games and entered this week’s AP poll at No. 23, will try to improve to 5-1 when it visits No. 14 UNC on Saturday in Chapel Hill.
Poll watchers: Heels, Pack to meet as ranked opponents
Panthers will play inside at Saints’ dome New Orleans The New Orleans Saints will be hosting the Carolina Panthers on Sunday inside the Mercedes-Benz Superdome. The Saints released a statement Monday saying the team met with New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell to talk about how to get fans safely back into the stadium for games this season. The Saints have played three home games in the Superdome so far this season with no ticketed fans in attendance. Cantrell denied the Saints’ request to allow ticketed fans to occupy about 25% of the Superdome’s 73,000 seats while wearing masks and following other social distancing guidelines for last week’s Monday night’s game against the Los Angeles Chargers. The announcement came the same day the Panthers closed their practice facility for two days due to an “unconfirmed positive” COVID-19 test in the organization.
North Carolina sites to host future NCAA Tournament games Indianapolis The NCAA announced future sites for NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament games for 2023-26, and North Carolina will host first- and second-round games in three of the next four years. In 2023, the Greensboro Coliseum will host opening round games, followed by Charlotte’s Spectrum Center in 2024. PNC Arena is Raleigh will be the site of first- and second-round games in 2025. Raleigh is also scheduled to host preliminary round games in the upcoming postseason from March 19-21. Sites of the next Final Fours have already been chosen, starting with Indianapolis in 2021 and followed by New Orleans (2022), Houston (2023), Phoenix (2024), San Antonio (2025) and again in Indianapolis (2026).
Duke brings in another talented freshman class while also returning veterans Jordan Goldwire (14) and Wendell Moore Jr. (0).
With a hazy future, college basketball practice gets underway Teams across North Carolina are preparing for an uncertain 2020-21 season By Shawn Krest North State Journal COLLEGE BASKETBALL begins its new season the way the last one ended — under a cloud of uncertainty. The COVID-19 outbreak went quickly to DEFCON-1 during conference tournaments last season, going from full arenas to a premature end to the season. Now teams are back practicing even though schedules are still being finalized a month from the opening of the season. The Battle for Atlantis has been moved from the Bahamas to South Dakota, and the Maui Invitational will be held in Asheville. Assuming the games will be scheduled over the next few weeks, there’s still plenty of questions about how many of them will get played. While several other major sports have managed to find ways to play, this will be the first time anyone attempts an un-bubbled indoor sport during the months when the second wave of the pandemic is expected to hit. Still, at the moment, balls are bouncing and whistles are blowing, so we’ll take a look at the state’s top college programs to see what’s new on the court. Duke: As usual, the Blue Devils are revamping their roster. Duke welcomes a six-man fresh-
man class led by Jalen Johnson, DJ Steward and Jeremy Roach. They’ll blend with returning senior point guard Jordan Goldwire and wings Wendell Moore Jr., Matthew Hurt and Joey Baker on what promises to be one of the better shooting Duke teams in recent memory. NC State: The Wolfpack need to replace point guard Markell Johnson and wing C.J. Brice, who had been with the Pack as long as coach Kevin Keatts having come with him from UNC Wilmington. The Pack gets back big man D.J. Funderburk as well as wing Devon Daniels, who both tested the NBA waters and returned. Braxton Beverly will try to replace Johnson, and the Pack adds a five-man freshman class as well as Nebraska transfer Thomas Allen. UNC: So, about last year … The Tar Heels had their worst season since 2002, struggling to a 14-19 record and losing star guard Cole Anthony to the NBA Draft. The Heels reload with one of the top freshmen classes in the country, led by guard Caleb Love. They also return Garrison Brooks, who will likely be the preseason ACC Player of the Year, as well as second-year big man Armando Bacot. The shelves appear to be restocked in Chapel Hill following a one-year glitch. Wake Forest: Just when it looked like Danny Manning might be getting one more year, the Demon Deacons pulled the plug. New See HAZY, page B4
For the first time in 27 years, the Triangle rivals will play with both teams in the Associated Press Top 25 By Brett Friedlander North State Journal WHEN NORTH Carolina and NC State renew their football rivalry for the 110th time on Saturday, it will mark the first time since 1993 that both teams enter their matchup ranked. The No. 14 Tar Heels are 3-1 and 23rd-ranked Wolfpack are 4-1 headed into the noon game at Kenan Stadium. But that, in the estimation of UNC coach Mack Brown, is where the similarities end. “I think we’ve been overrated,” he said Monday. “I think they’ve been underrated.” While Brown’s assessment of the matchup carries a hint of gamesmanship, there’s also a grain of truth to it. Going into last week’s game at Florida State, his Tar Heels were ranked No. 5 in the country despite not having lived up to the hype that has followed them since the start of the season. A double-digit favorite against the 1-3 Seminoles whose only win had come against FCS opponent Jacksonville State, UNC fell behind 31-7 at halftime and couldn’t catch up in suffering its first loss of the season. The Wolfpack, meanwhile, managed to recover from its own slow start against Duke to win 31-20 for its third straight ACC win. “We weren’t the top-five team in the country,” Brown said. “Part of that was because the Big Ten wasn’t playing yet, part of it’s because we’d won two or three games. But I didn’t think we handled it well. I thought we were a little comfortable at Florida State instead of confident, and we got hit right in the mouth.” State has been the team delivering the blows over the past few games, especially on defense.
“I thought we were a little comfortable at Florida State instead of confident, and we got hit right in the mouth.” UNC coach Mack Brown on his team’s first loss of the season last week
Since instituting a piece of rawhide as a reward for forcing turnovers two weeks ago at Virginia, a trophy that’s become known as the Takeaway Bone, the Wolfpack has intercepted six passes. Two of them came from Payton Wilson, who also made 19 tackles in Saturday’s win against Duke to earn ACC Linebacker of the Week honors. State’s offense has vastly improved since the arrival of new coordinator Tim Beck. But the dynamic of the balanced attack that has averaged 33.6 points through its first five games — just one notch below UNC’s 35.3 in the ACC standings — along with the matchup in general has changed dramatically because of an injury to quarterback Devin Leary. The redshirt sophomore suffered a broken fibula late in Saturday’s game and is out for the rest of the regular season. “Obviously, the injury to Devin is tough to him and us,” State coach Dave Doeren said. “I hate that for a young man that’s worked so hard and has played so well.” The good news for the Wolfpack is that Leary’s replacement won’t be coming in cold. Junior Bailey Hockman started two games last season and was pressed into service at the start of this year after Leary missed too much preparation time while in See RANKED, page B4
North State Journal for Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Steph Curry: The Golden State Warriors star will team up with retired NFL quarterback Peyton Manning to take on Phil Mickelson and Charles Barkley in an exhibition charity golf match next month. “The Match: Champions for Change” will take place Nov. 27 at Stone Canyon Golf Club in Arizona and will benefit historically black colleges and universities, with additional initiatives spotlighting diversity. This is the third event as part of The Match franchise but the first not featuring Tiger Woods.
beyond the box score POTENT QUOTABLES
Joey Logano became the first driver to advance to the NASCAR Cup Series Championship race on Nov. 8 after he won Sunday at Kansas Speedway, the first of three races in the Round of 8 that will determine the final four drivers who will battle for the title at Phoenix in three weeks. Logano’s win at Kansas was his third career victory at the track, tied for the most he has at any track (Michigan, Talladega).
“We would love to have him.” Panthers coach on Matt Rhule on his team missing running back Christian McCaffrey.
Blake Anderson: The Arkansas State head football coach fired two defensive coaches after the Red Wolves allowed 52 points in a win over Georgia State. Defensive coordinator David Duggan and defensive pass game coordinator Ed Pinkham were let go following the team’s 59‑52 win last Thursday. Arkansas State surrendered 583 total yards and 314 passing during Thursday night’s win. The change comes less than a week before the Red Wolves travel to Boone to play Appalachian State on Thursday night at Kidd Brewer Stadium.
Joe Thornton: The 41-year-old signed a one-year, $700,000 contract with the Toronto Maple Leafs on Friday, leaving San Jose after 15 seasons. Thornton, a six-time All-Star and the winner of the Hart Memorial Trophy in 2006 as the NHL’s MVP, has 420 goals and 1,089 assists in the 1,636 regularseason games with the Bruins and Sharks. In 70 games last season for San Jose, he had seven goals and 24 assists.
Number of times NC State and UNC have played when ranked in the Associated Press’ top 25. The Tar Heels and Wolfpack last played when both were ranked on Sept. 25, 1993, with No. 18 UNC beating 19th‑ranked NC State 35‑14 at Carter-Finley Stadium. The other time was Oct. 20, 1979, in Raleigh, with the Heels again winning, 35-21. This Saturday’s game at Kenan Stadium will be the third time when No. 14 UNC hosts No. 23 NC State.
“It’ll eat at me because we lost.” Washington coach Ron Rivera, living up to his “Riverboat” nickname, after his team lost to the Giants after failing to convert a 2-point attempt in the final minute Sunday. PRIME NUMBER
Hall of Fame hockey broadcaster Mike Emrick announced his retirement Monday after almost 50 years behind the microphone. The man affectionately known as “Doc” spent the past 15 years as the voice of the NHL in the United States. Emrick, 74, called 22 Stanley Cup Finals and six Olympics.
Phil Mickelson shot a final round 65 to win the Dominion Energy Charity Classic in Richmond, Virginia, becoming the third player — and second this year — to win his first two starts on the 50-and-older PGA Tour Champions. He joins Bruce Fleischer (1999) and Jim Furyk (earlier this year) in winning his first two senior events.
The Big Ten has waited a long time to start its season. Purdue’s Jeff Brohm will have to wait a bit longer. The Boilermakers coach will miss his team’s opener against Iowa after a second test confirmed he has COVID-19. Purdue is looking into whether it would be permissible for Brohm to do any virtual coaching against the visiting Hawkeyes.
North State Journal for Wednesday, October 21, 2020
The Bull Classic: World Series teams feature more than 20 former Durham minor leaguers The homegrown Rays and “Tampa West” Dodgers meet for the title By Shawn Krest North State Journal THE DURHAM Bulls didn’t play this season, but the iconic minor league franchise will be on center stage for baseball’s biggest moments. While the pandemic may have kept the DBAP empty this year, the core of the recent Bulls’ International League championship teams will be playing in the World Series, which started on Tuesday night. “Those guys led us to back-toback Governors’ Cup championships and a Triple-A National Championship,” said Bulls assistant general manager Scott Strickland. “It’s really special to see them take the success they found here in Durham and play on a national stage for yet another trophy — the Commissioner’s Trophy” The Tampa Bay Rays, Durham’s parent club, has a roster that relies heavily on homegrown talent. The cash-strapped Rays depend on a steady stream of players coming up from the minors — ones they will likely away when they’re ready to start earning large MLB contracts. Heading into the World Series, the Rays have had 445 at-bats during this postseason, and 260 of them — 58% — were by former Bulls players. Ex-Durham standouts are responsible for half of the team’s hits and runs. On the mound, former Bulls have produced six of Tampa’s nine postseason wins, five of the six saves and started nine of the 14 games. They’ve thrown 53% of all October innings and produced 65% of Tampa’s strikeouts. In all, 18 former Bulls players have played for the Rays this postseason. The group includes starting pitchers Tyler Glasnow and Blake Snell, who produced big wins in the early rounds; relievers Diego Castillo and Peter Fairbanks; and position players Mike Brosseau, whose home run beat the Yankees in the Divisional Series, Ji-Man Choi, the roly-poly first baseman who can still get down into a split to field a throw, and Gold Glove center fielder Kevin Kiermaier. While rosters shift slightly from round to round, the team will like-
ly set a record for most former Bulls in a World Series. Currently, that mark is held by the 2008 Rays, which featured 15 former Bulls, including Evan Longoria, David Price, B.J. Upton, Ben Zobrist, Rocco Baldelli, Carl Crawford and Scott Kazmir. In an era of free agency and more player movement than ever before, the Rays/Bulls relationship could be called a throwback … except none of the Bulls former parent clubs ever leaned this heavily on the farm system. The Braves World Series teams of the 1990s featured a core of former Bulls players, back when Durham was their Class-A farm team. David Justice, Ron Gant, Steve Avery and Jeff Blauser starred for the World Series teams early in the decade, eventually giving way to Andrew and Chipper Jones, John Rocker and Kevin Millwood, ex-Durham Bulls all. The Braves never saw more than 12 former Bulls suit up in the postseason, however. Going back even farther, the 1960s Bulls were a farm team for the Detroit Tigers and sent six players to the 1968 World Series, won by Detroit. In the 1940s, Durham sent five players to a pair of Brooklyn Dodgers Series teams. The Rays also feature former Bulls at manager — Kevin Cash — and throughout the coaching staff, including hitting coach Chad Mottola (a 2003 Bull), bench coach Matt Quatraro (2002), and Ozzie Timmons and former Tar Heel Kyle Snyder, who served as Bulls coaches in recent years. “Bulls fans know the faces they are cheering for.,” said Strickland. The Rays model of building a franchise was constructed in large part by former general manager Andrew Friedman, who moved on
Pitcher Blake Snell, right, catcher Michael Perez, center, and manager Kevin Cash are all former Durham Bulls players who are part of the Tampa Bay Rays team playing in the World Series. to the Dodgers in 2015. Since then, he’s done much of the same on the West Coast, including relying on a certain Triangle-based source of talent. Assuming they all make the active roster for the final round, three former Bulls will see action for the Dodgers in the World Series, which would tie for the 10thmost former Bulls in World Series history. All three are middle relievers — Adam Kolarek, Jake McGee and Dylan Floro. Another
former Bull, David Price, was acquired in the offseason in the same trade that brought Mookie Betts to Los Angeles, but Price opted out of the season due to COVID concerns. The Dodgers also have a twotime former Bull on the coaching staff. First base coach George Lombard played for Durham in the Braves era, hitting 14 home runs in 1997, and the Rays era, hitting 17 in 2003. While the Bulls may be the fo-
A lot of Bull: Former Durham players in the World Series World Series team Former Bulls 2008 Tampa Rays 15 1996 Atlanta Braves 12 1995 Atlanta Braves 11 1991 Atlanta Braves 9 1999 Atlanta Braves 8 1992 Atlanta Braves 7 1968 Detroit Tigers 6 1947 Brooklyn Dodgers 5 1949 Brooklyn Dodgers 5 1940 Cincinnati Reds 3 1945 Chicago Cubs 3
Key former Bulls David Price, Ben Zobrist, Evan Longoria, BJ Upton Chipper Jones, Javy Lopez, Ryan Klesko, Andruw Jones Chipper Jones, David Justice, Mark Lemke, Steve Avery David Justice, Kent Mercker, Ron Gant, Keith Mitchell Chipper Jones, Andruw Jones, John Rocker, Kevin Millwood David Justice, Ron Gant, Jeff Blauser, Mike Stanton Mickey Lolich, Pat Dobson, manager Mayo Smith Rex Barney, Gene Hermanski Rex Barney, Gene Hermanski Johnny Vander Meer, Frank McCormick Charlie Grimm
cus of North Carolina’s World Series connections, there are other former local stars to watch. The Carolina Mudcats will be represented. Rays infielder Yandy Diaz, one of the few non-Bulls on the roster, played 76 games for the Muddies in 2014. The Dodgers’ Austin Barnes hit 12 home runs for Greensboro in 2012. The only local college product on either roster is Rays pitcher Ryan Thompson, who played for Campbell, but a pair of North Carolina high school players will suit up for the Dodgers. Corey Seager, who won the NLCS MVP award, hails from Concord, where he played for Northwest Cabarrus. His brother, Kyle, also a major leaguer, played for UNC. Pitcher Alex Wood is a Charlotte native who played at Ardrey Kell. For this World Series, however, it’s clear that the state’s baseball capital will be in Durham for the next week and a half, as players who grew up in the shadow of the Blue Monster step into the spotlight.
Deacons trying to keep momentum with tough slate ahead After a fourth-quarter rally gave Wake Forest a win against Virginia, coach Dave Clawson’s team faces four ranked foes in its final seven games, starting on Saturday against No. 19 Virginia Tech
“Tuesday practice would have been tough at 1-3, so this was a really big win for momentum, to keep our season going and to give the guys a shot of confidence.”
By Brett Friedlander North State Journal COACHES — football coaches in particular — are notorious for overusing the cliche that their team’s most important game of the season is the one that’s coming up next on the schedule. Last week, though, that might actually have been the case for Dave Clawson and his young Wake Forest Demon Deacons. Playing for the first time in three weeks and in a competitive game against an FBS opponent for the first time in a month because of COVID-19 postponements, Clawson and his team were in danger of seeing their already disjointed season fall into further disarray with a negative outcome against Virginia. But after allowing an early lead to slip away into a tie game early in the fourth quarter, Wake struck for two touchdowns in a five-play span to take control on the way to a 40-23 win at Truist Field. Clawson hopes it will be the turning point for a successful completion of the 2020 campaign. “This football team has to be an ascending team,” Clawson said afterward. “But when you’re young, you need these nuggets and these wins to keep it going. “Tuesday practice would have been tough at 1-3, so this was a really big win for momentum, to keep our season going and to give the guys a shot of confidence.” Though the Deacons will never know what that practice would have been like coming off a loss, the
Dave Clawson, Wake Forest coach
Kenneth Walker III’s 75-yard touchdown run in the fourth quarter gave Wake Forest back the lead and propelled the Demon Deacons to a 40-23 home win over Virginia last Saturday. positive vibes created by a Saturday’s win — combined with the 6614 blowout they produced against Campbell in their previous outing — were noticeable to veteran players such as All-ACC defensive end Carlos Basham Jr. “Getting our first ACC win, all across the board, was a big confidence boost for us,” Basham said. “I feel like (Tuesday) practice was very up-tempo. There wasn’t too much coaching going on because we were doing the right things. It was more of us just dialing in for this week.”
Wake (2-2, 1-2 ACC) is going to have to be dialed in moving forward. And not just for the coming week. Its schedule is arguably the toughest in the ACC. And perhaps the entire country. The gauntlet began with a date against national championship favorite Clemson and continued the following week with a trip to NC State, which jumped into the national rankings this week after a 4-1 start. Things won’t get any easier from here on out. Starting with Satur-
day’s game against No. 19 Virginia Tech in Winston-Salem, the Deacons still have remaining games against the ACC’s three other ranked teams — No. 14 North Carolina, No. 11 Miami and No. 3 Notre Dame. The other three games are all on the road at Syracuse, Duke and Louisville. “We’ve got a tough schedule ahead of us,” Clawson said. “So we need to continue to get these (young) guys better. Every time they go out and make plays, I think it helps build to where we think we can get these guys.”
The Deacons got big plays when they needed it against UVa. On the first play after the Cavaliers had tied the game at 23, sophomore Kenneth Walker took a handoff from quarterback Sam Hartman and went 75 yards for the touchdown that put his team back ahead. Wake then recovered a muff on the ensuing kickoff and scored again four plays later, this time on a nine-yard run by Walker to put the game away. The Deacons finished the game with 483 total yards and 40 points. They might need at least that many to keep up with a Virginia Tech offense that leads the ACC in rushing at 312 yards per game and whose average of 42.0 points is second only to Clemson. The challenge will be even greater because unlike Virginia, for which Wake had an extra week to prepare, the team must turn the page and get ready for the Hokies on much shorter notice. “This season has been weird, with the surprise bye weeks, for sure. But it’s just like any other year to just have a week to prepare for another team,” junior offensive guard Sean Maginn said. “It’s nothing really new for us. What it is now is just staying on top of what you need to get done and knowing the game plan.”
North State Journal for Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Quarantine provides Panthers a chance to self-scout Carolina’s coaches are using the time at home to study film By Shawn Krest North State Journal THE CAROLINA Panthers were put on high COVID alert after someone on the team tested positive for the virus. Or, to put it another way, the team got a little extra time to themselves to start the week. “I try to always find the positive,” head coach Matt Rhule said. The identity of the person who tested positive wasn’t revealed, but the Panthers’ guards appear to have been battling the virus in recent days. Tyler Larsen and Michael Schofield both missed practice time last week, and Larsen was placed on the COVID-19 list on Friday. That doesn’t necessarily mean he tested positive — although ESPN reported he did, citing an unidentified source. The NFL’s COVID list is used for players who tested positive and also those who were identified as potentially being exposed to the virus through contact tracing. Schofield dressed for Sunday’s game against Chicago. Then, on Monday, more dominoes fell. “I got a phone call at 4:48 this morning,” Rhule said in his Monday press conference, which he delivered from his home office. Citing “an abundance of caution” the team decided to have players, coaches and staff work virtually on Monday and Tuesday. The facility was still open for players who needed the trainer’s room. As of press time, the plan was to resume in-person practice on Wednesday and follow the normal game-week itinerary. That left Rhule to try and make the best of a tough situation, as he’s been doing since the pandemic hit shortly after he took the job as Carolina’s head coach. “Like everything else, we’ll take everything as it comes,” he said. “I’m working from home.” So are his assistants. “I told my staff, ‘Hey, take this time with no distractions,’” Rhule said. “‘Go back and watch this week’s game. Watch the last few games. Let’s find ways to improve.’” In other words, the temporary shelter-in-place comes with extra homework for the Panthers staff. And Rhule is working just as hard as everyone else. “In my office (at the facility), someone knocks on my door every five minutes,” he said. “I’m up here in my attic and I can really kind of lock-in on the tape.” The Panthers’ most recent game, a home loss to Chicago, gives Rhule plenty to review. His time alone has already paid dividends, as he recanted his postgame statements on the problems Teddy Bridgewater and the Carolina offense had against the Bears. “I thought a lot of the struggles on offense were related to pressure,” he said. When he watched
“I’m up here in my attic and I can really kind of lock-in on the tape.” Matt Rhule, Panthers coach film, however, he saw that the pass rush wasn’t the problem, a lack of options was. “We didn’t have very many guys open,” he said. “It wasn’t one of those deals where, ‘Hey, there’s guys running wide open.’” Of course, diagnosing the problem doesn’t mean Rhule has solved it. “I don’t know whether it was our doing or their doing,” he said. “Overall, just not a good day offensively.” Rhule pointed to Bridgewater signaling to receivers not to bother going in motion before the snap on certain plays because the play clock was running down. “We weren’t very crisp,” Rhule said. “We weren’t on top of it. We weren’t getting in and out of the huddle fast. Just not a good day. That takes a toll on a quarterback, when he has to remind guys go here, go there when he’s up against the clock.” Fortunately for Rhule, he had another day at home to watch tape, uninterrupted. So it’s possible he was able to find a key to get the offense clicking again. “Provided we’re back in on Wednesday, I hope there will be time for introspection,” he said. “Any-time you lose, you want to go back and say, ‘Why did it happen?’ and retrace your steps.” That can be tough to do in the heat of a season when games come one after the next and coaches need to get onto the next week’s plan. But occasionally, a team gets an opening during the season to stop, take a breath and regroup. Rhule is hoping the self-retreat he was able to give his coaches, thanks to the coronavirus, can do just that. As long as the two days don’t turn into a season-churning week or two battling the bug. “Providing we can practice on Wednesday,” Rhule said, “I’m good.”
Former UNC standout Crystal Dunn has become one of the world’s top soccer players, starring for the NWSL’s North Carolina Courage and the U.S. Women’s National Team, and she’s also been an influential voice among women in sports.
Dunn’s play on pitch brings weight to actions off it The North Carolina Courage and USWNT star has become a leading voice in social issues By Brett Friedlander North State Journal UNLESS IT’S THE Olympics or a World Cup, women’s soccer rarely rates more than a blip on the radar of most American sports fans. So when the National Women’s Soccer League had the nation’s attention this summer as the first league to return to the field during the coronavirus pandemic, Crystal Dunn knew she needed to do something to take advantage of the situation. Especially given the climate of unrest that existed around the country at the time in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death at the hands of police officers in Minneapolis. The North Carolina Courage star raised her voice as a black woman and helped organize other players on her team and others in the league during the NWSL’s Challenge Cup tournament to call attention to the issues of systematic racism and police brutality. When the Courage took on the Portland Thorns in the event’s nationally televised first game from a quarantined “bubble” in Herriman, Utah, members of both teams — wearing “Black Lives Matter” T-shirts — knelt during the national anthem. Because of her efforts, Dunn was included by Sports Illustrated recently on its list of the most powerful, influential and outstanding women in sports today. The former North Carolina Tar Heel and current U.S. National team star is the only person with
direct ties to the Old North State to earn such recognition. “We knew we were going to be the first league back, and we wish we had more time to do all the things we really wanted to do around the message of Black Lives Matter,” Dunn said of the Challenge Cup demonstration. “It was a matter of collectively having that very powerful message displayed on TV. We were the first teams back, and we wanted to make sure we were all on the same page.” As passionate as she is for the cause now, Dunn — one of the NWSL’s few African American players — admits that she hasn’t always been one to, as SI put it, “speak out, set the bar and make a difference.” Last summer during the FIFA Women’s World Cup in France, she stood at attention and watched while white teammate Megan Rapinoe took a knee each time “The Star-Spangled Banner” was played during the tournament the U.S. team eventually won. “On the national team, Megan Rapinoe was the first to kneel in solidarity with Colin Kaepernick, and at that time I was so grateful to her,” Dunn said. “But I was also like, ‘I’m the only (African American) on this team. I don’t have that support from others that look like me or have shared experiences like me. “I just remember at that time I didn’t have a lot of black teammates. That’s something that I, on the side, am trying to help change.” The events of this summer gave the NWSL the national platform and spurred Dunn to bring her efforts more into public view. “Kneeling in the NWSL Challenge Cup was about my teammates supporting me and showing solidarity,” she said. “That’s
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contact tracing for the coronavirus. Hockman led the team to a 45-42 win against Wake Forest on Sept. 12, completing his first 13 passes along the way, before being replaced by Leary following a much less successful performance in a loss at Virginia Tech the following week. While Hockman’s arm isn’t as strong as Leary’s and his decision-making skills are sometimes shaky, Doeren said he has confidence in his team’s new leader. “He’s just got to go play football and let it all go,” said Doeren, who is 3-0 in his career against UNC in Chapel Hill (4-3 overall). “I thought he played really good against Wake Forest. We just need him to get back to that. I know he’ll prepare the right way. It’s his time. “It’s a matter of him taking advantage of the opportunity. He doesn’t have to go be Superman. He just needs to run the offense. That’s it.” While Doeren would be happy for his quarterback to play the role of Clark Kent, many around college football expected UNC’s Sam Howell to put on a cape and leap tall buildings in a single bound after a freshman season that saw him set an ACC rookie record with 35 touchdowns passes. While he hasn’t matched that kind of performance yet this season, he hasn’t been bad either. And after nearly rallying from their massive halftime deficit by outscoring Florida State 21-0 over the final two periods Saturday, Brown is hoping that Howell and his teammates are coming into Saturday’s game
coach Steve Forbes, most recently of East Tennessee State, brings energy and excitement to a program that had stagnated. He brought five transfers with him to throw the transformation of the Demon Deacons into high gear. ECU: Joe Dooley will have an experienced team. All five starters and a total of 14 players return from last season’s 1120 team. That record is a little misleading since eight of the losses were by two possessions or fewer. Charlotte: In his second year at Charlotte, coach Ron Sanchez posted the team’s first winning record in six years, improving from 8-21 to 16-13. The 49ers bring back CUSA Freshman of the Year Jahmir Young to lead them. Elon: The Phoenix will look to improve on a 13-21 season. They must replace leading scorer Marcus Sheffield but return freshman All-American Hunter McIntosh. App State: The Mountaineers posted their first winning season in nine years under new coach Dustin Kearns. Now they need to replace All-Sun Belt guard Justin Forrest and his 17.3 points per game. Campbell: The Camels will have plenty of experience back from last season’s squad that finished one game below .500 at 15-16. Eight players who averaged double-figure minutes return. Davidson: The Wildcats had a disappointing 2019-20 season, finishing 16-14 with a team that was expected to contend for an A-10 title. Davidson returns four starters, led by Kellan Grady.
Sam Howell and the UNC offense are hoping for a bounce-back performance Saturday against the Wolfpack. with some momentum despite the loss. No matter what the circumstances, he knows that emotions will be running high — as they always do when the Tar Heels and Wolfpack meet. It’s the first in a stretch of four games that will see UNC play all three of its in-state ACC rivals, with Virginia also thrown into the mix. “It will be really interesting to see if me, our coaches and our players can get everybody up at the height of their emotion for four straight weeks before we get a weekend off because that’s really hard to do,” Brown said. “And I do know those four teams, they’re going to play hard against us. So we’ve got to see if we’re ready with our program to play hard against them.”
“Kneeling in the NWSL Challenge Cup was about my teammates supporting me and showing solidarity.” Crystal Dunn really what it comes down to, that your teammates have your back and are wanting to put out change in the world, and you want to be behind the change.” As vocal as Dunn has become on social issues, the New York native’s words hold more weight because of her play on the field. A 28-year-old wing who led UNC to a national championship in 2013 before her selection as a first-round NWSL draft pick, she became the league’s youngest Most Valuable Player in 2015. Dunn led the Courage to two straight championships, scoring a goal in the 2019 title game against the Chicago Red Stars, before this year’s season was canceled because of COVID-19. Although the team didn’t win the Challenge Cup, an eightteam tournament held as a shorter alternative to the regular season, Dunn scored a goal in a 2-0 win against Sky Blue FC on July 13 to help the Courage finish the round-robin preliminaries unbeaten. She is currently in Commerce City, Colorado, along with Courage teammates Abby Dahlkemper and Lynn Williams, participating in an 11-day U.S. National Team training camp — the first preparations for next summer’s rescheduled Olympics in Tokyo. And an even bigger stage to help spread the message.
Gardner-Webb: The Bulldogs were 16‑16 last season but signed the top recruiting class in the Big South, including JUCO All-American Jacob Falko. They also return three starters and get back a fourth who missed last year with an injury. High Point: Tubby Smith welcomes eight newcomers, led by Livingstone transfer Lydell Elmore, to the Panthers, which is coming off of a 9-23 season. NC A&T: The Aggies finished second in the MEAC and return NCAA assist leader Kam Langley. A&T also adds NC State transfer Blake Harris and should have plenty of experienced backcourt depth. NC Central: LeVelle Moton will try to continue his dominance of the MEAC with grad transfer Alex Caldwell joining a crowded, experienced backcourt. He also added JUCO big man Nehemie Kabeya. UNC Asheville: After an 11-win improvement last year, UNCA added four recruits all 6-foot-6 or taller to shore up its biggest weakness from last year — interior size. UNC Wilmington: It’s a new look for the Seahawks as former Kevin Keatts assistant Takayo Siddle takes over the program after a 10-22 season. UNC Greensboro: Last season’s 23win team adds 7-footer Hayden Koval from Central Arkansas and gets back So-Con Player of the Year Isaiah Miller, who tested the NBA Draft waters. Western Carolina: Mark Prosser will try to build on last year’s 19-12 team and has plenty of experience to help him. The Catamounts get back three starters and nine players from last season.
North State Journal for Wednesday, October 21, 2020
the good life
NC Zoo stars in new Nat Geo WILD series NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC | DOUBLE ACT
Nikita the polar bear swims underwater at Rocky Coast, North Carolina Zoo.
“As you will see in the series, the N.C. Zoo is not only an amazing asset to our state, but to our natural world. It is truly world class.” John Ruffin, NC Zoo Society
By Elizabeth Lincicome North State Journal ASHEBORO — Many North Carolina residents have visited the N.C. Zoo, but few may truly appreciate or even know that ours is the world’s largest natural habitat zoo in the entire world. With over 2,600 acres, more than 1,800 animals, and 52,000 plants in its possession, the N.C. Zoo, while not necessarily home to the most animals, is the largest by sheer size and undeveloped natural animal habitat. “When the zoo was originally created back in the 1970’s the developers had the foresight to put it right here in Central North Carolina and leave much of it untouched,” explains Debbie Fuchs, public relations officer for the N.C. Zoo. She says that although the zoo, located in Asheboro, is 5,000 acres only 2,600 acres have been developed. The Zoo is truly one of state’s most prized possessions and now, thanks to a new eight-part National Geographic series “Secrets of the Zoo: North Carolina,” viewers can go behind the scenes to find out what really goes on here day in and day out, getting a glimpse into just how much work it takes to keep the gears spinning. Nat Geo WILD has previously produced four other seasons of the “Secrets of the Zoo” franchise, but the first episode showcasing the N.C. Zoo will premier at 10pm on Saturday, Oct. 31, and later re-air on most streaming platforms. Fuchs says Double Act TV, a London-based production company, first contacted her about doing the series early last year. “Double Act, which produces the series for Nat Geo WILD, heard that our zoo was the largest natural habitat zoo in the world and were eager to make it the center of their next series,” she says. The show features personal stories from members of the zoo staff, including zookeepers and veterinarians, and even shows some of the emergency procedures they have to carry out, such as rescue and release of injured wildlife. “The N.C. Zoo you can compare to a small city, we have food and beverage, security, admin staff, animal keepers, landscape crews and workers,” says Fuchs. “There is a lot of behind the scenes footage of things people won’t see when they tour the zoo on their own – so it will be a really unique experience to see those things in this new show….you are going to see what it really takes to run the world’s largest zoo.”
Double Act started filming series five in North Carolina back in October 2019, and recently wrapped up in September. Throughout filming there was signage out that said National Geo was filming in the area. Fuchs says Double Act was incredibly considerate as a production company and she knew they were in good hands because Nat Geo WILD is always about animals first. “When the production company came in, they didn’t want to interrupt the animals’ routines because they wanted to get the real story behind the zoo.” Fuchs says the staff was excited about the opportunity and exposure from day one of filming noting that they all hoped the show would raise awareness all the hard work that goes into being a zookeeper and put it on the map for tourists to visit more often. “The thing about our zoo is that it is a destination place, it is not on the beaten path, we don’t get a lot of foot traffic from people that are already in the area doing other things…we are kind of in the middle of nowhere, so we hope it will raise awareness about the zoo being right here in Central N.C. and hopefully make people want to come visit us and increase attendance.” The Zoo is currently operating at 30% capacity allowing up to 3000 people in per day, due to COVID restrictions. All guests must either reserve a time or purchase a timed-entry ticket prior to visiting. Even in these challenging times, fans of the zoo are as enthusiastic as ever about all it has to offer. In 2019, the zoo recorded its highest ever annual attendance of over 900,000 guests. Fuchs says exhibits of the Africa and North America continents will soon be joined by Asia and Australia, with construction of Asia to begin this year. “So many exciting things are taking place at the N.C. Zoo, and this upcoming series certainly adds to that,” says John L. Ruffin, Chairperson of the N.C. Zoo Society Board. “We are exceedingly proud of all the people that work at the NC Zoo and support this state treasure. It speaks volumes that such a well-respected organization as National Geographic would be interested in documenting our incredible story. Our unique ability to provide space for our animals and plants to thrive is a central part of our mission,” says Ruffin. “As you will see in the series the N.C. Zoo is not only an amazing asset to our state, but to our natural world. It is truly world class.”
Reilly the lion exploring his habitat at the North Carolina Zoo.
Aerial view of Watani Grasslands at the North Carolina Zoo.
Animal Supervisor Jade Tuttle at the Grasslands Annex with Stormy the rhino.
North State Journal for Wednesday, October 21, 2020
North State Journal for Wednesday, October 21, 2020
2021 Lexus LC convertible
“Physics can only be bashed
For a blast to Vegas, this impeccable droptop is a safe bet By Jordan Golson North State Journal LAS VEGAS — There’s something special about an early morning road trip departure. The air is cool, there isn’t much traffic about, and the day is full of possibility. This is even more the case when you’re about to rip across 333 miles of desert to get from San Diego to the Red Rock Resort in Las Vegas in a 471-horsepower convertible. With the top down and the temperature in the low–60s at departure, one of my favorite features of the 2021 Lexus LC 500 Convertible came into play early on: Lexus Climate Concierge. Climate Concierge is a feature that every car should have. It connects the seat heating and cooling functions to the climate control system and it puts the extensive abilities of the car to keep your body at the appropriate temperature into play with a single button press. It’s especially important in a convertible because when the roof is open — this may be obvious — it’s difficult to maintain a particular temperature in the cabin. Lexus engineers have attacked this problem in a few ways. First, there are heated and ventilated seats, which are typical in luxury
cars. But Climate Concierge adds in something called “upper body heating” which is like a butt warmer but for your neck, and automatically adjusts the heated steering wheel and the regular heating and air conditioning system to maximize your thermal comfort. The vents are also specially placed to aim warm or cold air at the back of the driver’s hands to help keep you warm or cool. It might seem absurd to blast heat or air conditioning in a convertible, but the LC 500 is more than up to the task. Even when the temperature climbed above 90 degrees during our blast across the desert, the air conditioning kept it comfortable — an impressive feat. When it comes to comfort, minimizing wind noise is also a high priority in a convertible with the LC 500 combining clever body design and a modest plastic wind deflector between the rear “seats” to keep air from swirling back into the cabin at highway speeds with the windows up or down. Windows up keeps things much quieter of course, but I was astounded at how quiet it was in the car with the roof down, even at 80 miles per hour. I could converse normally with my co-pilot, and the radio didn’t have to be cranked to
so far into submission.”
enjoy it. Of course, with the optional 13-speaker Mark Levinson “reference surround sound audio system” (part of the $5,290 touring package along with nicer seats with upper body heating, a fancier steering wheel, and some other stuff) you can crank it up if you want to, just don’t expect a whole lot of bass with the roof down. Physics can only be bashed so far into submission. As a highway cruiser then, the LC 500 Convertible is a gem. It has the same 5-liter naturally aspirated V8 as the coupe that I reviewed a few weeks ago, and it’s phenomenal. For the average user, there’s basically no difference between the convertible and coupe as far as per-
formance goes. OK, yes, there is all manner of design and engineering wizardry that Lexus used to improve performance but honestly none of it matters to most buyers. Do you want a roof that goes down or do you want a coupe? Well, there’s your answer. This car also draws attention and thumbs up and people who want to talk about it. I spoke with one potential buyer who asked if he should buy the drop- or hard-top — I said it basically depended on where he lived and when he wanted to drive it. I live in New Hampshire most of the time, but I’ve been staying in San Diego for the past few months. If I lived in San Diego, where the weather is nice pretty much all of
the time, I’d get the convertible. If I lived in New Hampshire, I’d probably opt for the coupe. Of course, I once knew a guy who drove his BMW M3 convertible with the top down always unless it was actively raining, even in the snow, so you do you. My test unit, complete with a $595 “Infrared” paint scheme and the $2,650 21-inch forged wheels priced out at $111,920 which is just about five grand more than the similarly equipped coupe I drove earlier this summer. Regardless of which you pick, the Lexus LC 500 is an amazing grand tourer sans roof or not. But we both know you really want the 93 million miles of blue sky, right?
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catastrophe one way or another. 3,341 related deaths has led to worldwide panic,Stanly economic co Count North State Journal for Wednesday, April being 15, 2020 one wayoforAmericans another. 3 In order to put the crisis caused by China in perspective, zero catastrophe millions needlessly thrown out of work. 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It’s okay to ask questions about It’s okay to ask questions about when will pay for this COVID-19 catastrophe How Chi A7 begin to get back to normal sstrophe about when A7 How Chinawe The comfort will payThe for this catas 3 bigCOVID-19 questions noba we begin to get back to normal normal EDITORIAL | FRANK HILL
North State Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020
CERTAIN; after this COVID-19 virus dissipates The cavalier manner in which China lied about the origin of the ONE OBINSON WITHthere MOST STATES f nd in the United States, China will pay for this virus, covered up its spread and tried to tell the world were only under either shelter-in-place or stay-at-home around hina lied about the origin of the ONE THING IS CERTAIN; after this COVID-19 virus dissipates The cavalier manner in which C orders thanks to local or state governments, a majority of Americans t ay or another. 3,341 related deaths has led to worldwide panic, economic collapse andTHIS WEEK, according to members of the catastr fede ed to tell the world there were only “THIS IS THE DA around the globe and in the United States, China will pay for this virus, covered up its spread and tr are having to adjust to what is being called the “new normal.” WITH either shelter-in-place or stay-at-home fallen into place. I understand the seriousnessAmericans of the virus an he crisispanic, caused by China in perspective, zero MOST STATES millionsunder of Americans needlessly being thrown out of work. Inwo orq and state and local governments, have ldwide economic collapse and indeaths it”this (Psalm 118:24). catastrophe one way or another. 3,341 related has led to Some of these orders extend at least through the end of month. n thanks localThe or state governments, aneed majority of at Americans to take precautions, but with how people who sim traceout their source the United States over crisis has cost the U.S. taxpayer least $2.4 trillion in added worldw eics orcan stay-at-home fallen to into place. Iorders understand thetoseriousness of the virus and the the curve inI’m the uneasy novel coronavirus outbreak. The e eing thrown of work. I know that during In order to put the crisis caused by China in perspective, zero millions of Americans needlessly Virginia’s stay-at-home orders go into June. STEVE | AP PHOTOgetting b arebut having to adjust tohow what is being called the “new normal.” questions the— data, things can start y. Atat least theto20th century alone can debt plus trillions more Federal Reserve backup liquidity to the about y of Americans take precautions, I’mbe uneasy with people who simplyin ask afterand all,when trends canHELBER easily — taxp but our 23oq ayer leastfour $2.4in trillion in added working from home worldwide pandemics can trace their source to theCarolina, Unitedmuted States over The crisis has costreverse the U.S. Here in North Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper stated during Some of these orders extend at least through the end of this month. normal are treated in some circles with contempt. Small businesses struggling hina: 1957 “Asian flu,” 1968 “Hong flu,”and 1977 markets and financial outlets. If the U.S. dollar were not the reserve normal.” questions about Kong the data, when things can start getting back to have abided by recommendations and orders. They Reserve backup liquidity to the directl be glad” as the Bible our 231-year history. At least fourainrecent the 20th century alone can be that “we debt plus trillions more in Federap coronavirus briefing just know yet” ifmust the Virginia’s stay-at-home orders go into June. They’re press treated asatthough we as adon’t society simply acceh he 2002 SARS outbreak. There isofevidence that the currency, would beOld able to fundWednesday any “Asian of these emergency d of this month. are treated in some circles with contempt. to Va. stay home; they’ve practiced socialthe distancing e U.S. dollar were notnormal the reserve and dad, Easter “Russia Perhaps Victoria Leigh Kidd, owner Hideaway Café, opens the front doorwe of her shopnot in the Town area Oct. 7,stay-at-home 2020, in Winchester, The viral pandemic has hammered directly traced to China: 1957 flu,” 1968 “Hong Kong flu,” 1977 markets and financial outlets. If t state’s orders will extend into May. Since when did WALTER E. WILLIAMS inalarming North Carolina, Gov. Roy Cooper stated during question what the government tells usare about when it’s safe to toa treated though we as a society must accept without nish alsoThey’re had itsthe origins inHere China. measures without immediate fear rampant inflation and currency they’ve donned und flu” any pandemic of these emergency have tonot bein thankful small businesses across Unitedas States, an trend forsimply anDemocratic economy that’s trying to rebound from the deepest, fastest recession in U.S. history. companies struggling massiv “Russian flu” and theof 2002 SARS outbreak. There is evidence that theSmallmasks. currency, we would be able Perhaps If he does decide to extend it, questions should be asked as to the q COVID-19 We need WALTER E. WILLIAMS agovernment recent coronavirus press briefing that just don’t know yet” if the process of returning back to normalcy. questioning per stated during question what the tells usand about when it’s massive safe to“we begin the The result: a reduction in expected hospitalizati Lenten and greement, outside China, that COVID-19 depreciation. of rampant inflationof currency pandemic. Winchester, aand city of 28,000 that works hard to promote preserve local enterprises. Read more on page B9. Ther 1918 “Spanish flu” pandemic also had its origins in China. measures without immediate fear justification for it. And the answers should not be vague ones like “we c COVID-19 is China’s know yet” if the process of did returning backstay-at-home to normalcy. state’s orders into May. No. The government works for us, andofwe have to According to theseasons University Washington Institu For me,the myright faith ist an Province probably from the completely Chinawill has extend to pay for their aberrant waysoutside andmust decisions government Since when There is 100% agreement, oftransparency China, thatof COVID-19 depreciation. origina do thisthrough out an abundance Easter of caution.” is China’s No. Thebelieve government works and have it, thequestions right to ask those Metrics and Evaluation model most oftAs cited by m If graduates he does towe extend should be asked as to the questions. And theinlonger stay-at-home orders are in alw nt ways and decisions through making. I place celebra and honesty nsanitary wet markets. Some it came outfor ofdecide aus, means. Diplomacy has obviously not Chernobyl. originated in Wuhan Province probably from the completely has to pay for their aberr provide a China unregu at all levels It will need toworked be explained detail to the people of this state who but iseconomic only able toand findfinancial low-paying work. ed in two past articles that student debt is questioning sked as to the questions. And the longer stay-at-home orders are in place all over the Trump administration, the expected need for hosp plomacy has obviously not worked Corinthians 1:4, whic justification for it. And the answers should not be vague ones like “we country, and the stricter some of them get in states, such as Chernobyl. by the Chinese army. to bring China intoowe theancivilized world of 21st health, hygiene unregulated and unsanitary wet century markets. Some believe it came of at a home economic and financial means. DM from our to Under an ISA agreement, he would agreedem and communist that universities have encouraged are being told remain joblessout and a biowar message offor an undetermined become a government ue ones like “we country, and the stricter some of them get in states, such as Michigan, peak outbreak was revised down by over 120,000, orld of 21st century health, hygiene affliction, so that we mustupon do of this out ofand an abundance ofthe caution.” the more people,predicting sitting at home feeling isolated and/or anxio run by the communist Chinese army. to bring China into the civilized w pts verifiablebehavior. policing With and regulation fair trade.—biowarfare Totalitarian communist regimes never take the blame percentage of his income actual lab dollar heirrigorous own irresponsible scientific experts amount of time why models hundreds of thousands of cases Unti hopenearly that we13,000 will and bad thing? thethe more people, sitting at feeling isolated about ventilators the number of ov unist regimes never blame affliction, withwill the co attake all levels It amount will need to be in detail to China the people ofrigorous this state who when theyregulation can get back to providing their families, d would be very low.and/or With aanxious traditional loan, Until adopts verifiable policing and of by and fair for trade. Totalitarian comm graduates facing an uncertain financial nd health protocols, American business has nohome other orexplained express sincere regret and remorse, because that iswe not what are reliable. their foc — need to once again enjoy f’sthis state who when they can get back to providing for their families, will demand August by nearly 12,000. rse, because that is not what God.” That is what he would owe the same amount regardless of his particularlymanufacturing important to find solutions their food safety and health protocols, American business has no other or express sincere regret and remo are being told to remain jobless and at home for an undetermined answers. d redundant plants elsewhere purely totalitarian governments do. They take advantage of every weakness To date, I’ve gone along with what the state has asked and then w become a choice know what they ndetermined answers. Here’s the problem: We still don’t know the answ sporting events, take advantage of every weakness If you are celebrati income. Even with income-based repayment on his So, what’s to be done? choice than to build redundant manufacturing plants elsewhere purely totalitarian governments do. They amount of time why models predicting hundreds of thousands of cases Leaders at the local and state levels should be as forthcom free citizens mandated that we do, but along the way I’ve also had questions about y and safety reasons as well asat supply and delivery they find in adversaries and keep pushing until they win what or the for nat bad thing? housands of cases Leaders the local and levelslikely should be as forthcoming assecurity they as and safety reasonsknow, they questions that will allow the economy reopen. ushing until they win or the loan,state he would make interest-only payments dical proposals, like completely reflect ontothis messag concerts, family forback. national as well supply delivery they find in adversaries and keep o are reliable. canasbe with and those answers and again, not vague answers, the data. State Republican leaders have,—too. .student loans and making adversaries push living in a free reliabil canisbe with those answers — and again, not vague answers, but concerns. answer what is the true coronavirus fatality rate?co the principal continued to mount. them subject AMERICA’S COLLEGES areFirst, rife with God’sback. example don’t and when That what reliability adversaries push gatherings, Unfortunately, when certain types of statements questions get asked, there is and t AMERICA’S COLLEGES rife with To I’veUniversity gonebelievability. along with what theexogenous state society has asked and then with details that give their believability. way to make China “pay” for work. thisare disaster isdate, tostatements offer That is, unless an event happens such asThe the Chernobyl The Purdue is already experimenting with were tcy protection, would certainly corruption. financial squeeze resulting edhappens and then with details that give their important because it determines whether certain a nt such as the Chernobyl this difficult time. Th The most direct way to make China “pay” for this disaster is to offer That is, unless an exogenous ev they hope to corruption. The financial squeeze resulting Merger will create one of sometimes a disturbing tendency among some people to treat those m church services free citizens mandated that wewe do,can but along the families, way I’ve also had questions about We should allopen continue to do what wewe can to keep our fami companies who will source at least half of ISAs their meltdown in plan. 1986. Some experts believe that event, not the Star Warsbe under its “Back a Boiler” The program is ders who put their own money on the line from COVID-19 offers opportunities for a U.S. ta questions about We should all continue to do what to keep our or closed, whether ought to pursue — S elieve that event, not the Star Wars confident we will em supposed from COVID-19 offers opportunities for a largest banks in the U.S. U.S. tax credits to companies whosimply willSponsored source at least half ofour their meltdown instart 1986. Somealso experts by the know they questioning the data and asking when we can getting back data. State Republican leaders have, too. ourselves, and communities safe. But we should stillb and many more Sponsored by the United States. There is approximately $120 program of Research Reagan, led directly to the dissolution of thewhat Soviet Union Sponsored being funded byBut thewe Purdue ue diligence lending to 18-yearbit of remediation. Let’s first examine what living inby aUnion free ourselves, and ourthe communities safe. should also stillFoundation, continue more liberalized society that presumes wide sprea produc Sponsored by the dissolution of the Soviet In thisled same spirit bit ofbefore remediation. Let’s first examine what production back in the United States. There is approximately $120 program of Reagan, directly tos by combining First Citizens’ to do, last I to normal as though they are conspiracy theorists or are people who don’t. Unfortunately, when certain types It’s of questions get asked, there to of ask questions about thedown data, because neighbors while reasonable sta part of thebecause university’s endowment. a small ers. Andthere the fear of students filing forcorruption, mightisbe the root academic corruption, merican direct in plants and equipment in while 1989. after ourinown asked, isbeinvestment to of ask questions about the data, reasonable stay-at-home ought to lock further. might the root academic billion helping net society were billion worth of American direct investment in plants and equipment 1989. regional retail franchises otherwise don’t care if they get themselves or others sick. now but is already showing positive results. ydirect would ensure loans are and title of a recent study,seen checked. sometimes disturbing tendency among some people to treatsuggested those by the measures are understandable, they should also have an suggested byin the title ofsmall a is recent study, investment the U.S. about $65 program billion aby Perhaps COVID-19 is China’s Chernobyl. to treat those that measures are understandable, they should also have an date. We’ve rates — Concord, the number of Cd temporary hernobyl. In high inaexpir Chin inexpiration China. Chinese direct investment in the U.S. did is about $65 billion by case fatality Perhaps COVID-19 isbad China’s with CIT’s national Since when questioning government at all levels become a supposed Purdue’s website explains a few of the benefits of “Academic Grievance Studies and the “Academic Grievance Studies and the simply questioning data and asking when we can start getting back This is all new to Americans, and it is not normal. Not in apn North State Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 start gettingabout back the possibility This is all new to Americans, and it isthe not normal. in any way, Senators in Not Washington are already talking about the possibility the number of identified COVID-19 cases — but bo ady talking money to buy a 3-D sacrifices are compa comparison. Senators in Washington are alr commercial lending thing? That is what free citizens living in a free society were supposed ISAs: as though they areA6 a solution is politically unpopular. Corruption of Scholarship.” The study was we should remain vigilant and stay s Corruption of Scholarship.” The study was to do, last normal conspiracy theorists or debt are people who shape, or form. So while are people shape, or Soto while weChina should remain vigilant and stay safe, at the denominator are likely wrong. We don’t kn ax ofwho 30% on half of U.S. investment in of China forgiving $1.2 trillion in weofowe them as one wayinvestment toand getand ebtcredit we owe them as one way toIform. get health care workers Anin io An investment tax credit 30% on half U.S. in China forgiving $1.2 trillion over. of China UPS significantly toby do, lastof I checked. The standard payment period for the Back nsiderably reduce the number done Areo, an opinion analysis done byto Areo, an opinionofand analysis operations ick. the same time we shouldn’t get comfortable with this so-called “new otherwise don’t care if they get themselves or others sick. the same time we shouldn’t get comfortable with this so-calle people have actually died of coronavirus. Some sou have caused the US. Don’t hold your n, applied to repatriated American manufacturing China to “pay” for the damage they have caused the US. Don’t hold your checked. today, or $60it billion, applied digital to repatriated manufacturing China to “pay”isfor damage today, digital magazine. By the way, Areo is short a Boiler-ISA Fund is about 10 years, making le to borrow for college and would magazine. By theas way, is short expand NC operations, My first American concern weAreo go along in all this, of course, mythe family. I’m theS see” become aAreopagitica, bad normal.” number has beenbreath overestimated, given thatinvestm classifi Since when did questioning government attoall levels become aAreopagitica, bad normal.” to happen but askU.S. your elected U.S. would cost the Treasury $18 billion in breath waiting for a Chinese “Jubilee” to happen but ask your elected for a speech delivered by investment the U.S. would cost the U.S. Treasury $18 billion in waiting for a Chinese “Jubia competitive with most Federal Plus and private loan onately affect low-income students. It for a speech delivered by worried about them catching the virus, and I’m worried I will. After investing overNot $300M ydisfavor were supposed one little bit. of death, particularly among elderly patients, untable in tangible financial ways for thing? That is what free citizens living in a free society were supposed Not one little bit. John Milton in defense of free speech. over a few years.majoring $18 billion in lost is representatives to revenue hold China accountable in tangible financial ways terms. all students receive a six-month students in soft but revenue Milton in defense of revenue freefor speech. tax spread over a fewJohn years. $18 billion in lost is(swine flu) representatives hold China acco NSJ staff In addition, taxcan revb suffering from the H1N1 virus during the 2009topandemic, Authors Helen Pluckrose, James A. sources suggest the number is dramatically undere GREENSBORO — UPS, the do, last I checked. grace period post-graduation payments begin. iplines. Authors Helen Pluckrose, James A. ared to the $6 trillion+ Marshall Plantowe are now decimal dust compared to the $6 trillion+ Marshall Plan extra we areprecautions, now this disaster.before this disaster. I’ve been trying to take because all of this brings up decima Lindsay andcan Peter say has thatMy e, is my family. I’m Stacey Matthews also written under the pseudonym Sister Toldjah multinational package deliveryof many people are dying at home. to operate asthat responsible citizens Once ain recipient makes successful for ed solutions beBoghossian implemented — Lindsay and Boghossian say that RALEIGH/NEW YORK — time first concern as we go along inpayments all this, of isown my family. I’m Matthews has also written the Sist undertaking tocourse, save ourto economy, notPeter ofStacey defeated enemies as in the It isunder about timepseudonym they are expecte e are our own economy, not of defeated enemies as the It is about they are expected operate as responsible citizens of way too many memories of a painful experience I’ d prefer not to repeat. undert something has gone drastically wrong supply-chain management ed I will.and After is a regular contributor to RedState and Legal Insurrection. Even more importantly, we have no clue how ma First Citizens BancShares, Inc., the prescribed term of the contract, no and additional ation. acrimonious politicaland climate. something has gone drastically wrong past. the world like any other modern worried about them catching the virus, I’m worried I will. After and is a regular contributor to RedState and Legal Insurrect the world like any other modern nation. But what also makes me lose sleep is how easily most everyone has in academia, especially within past. n company, undertake a“skincertain the parent company of First Cit-if theyChina 2009 pandemic, payments are required even have paid less actually have coronavirus. Some scientists suggest solution has been will referred to as in suffering in academia, especially within certain has been cheating, stealing, pirating and pillaging American from & theTrust H1N1Compavirus (swine flu) during the 2009 pandemic, cheating, stealing, pirating American fields withinexpansion the humanities. They callizens significant toand its pillaging Chin thanBank the amount of funding theybusiness received.now for the past 30 years. Such a policy would call for institutions fields within the humanities. They calltheycases could be an order of magnitude of this brings up “grievance of identified They have made no secret that these fields studies,” where I’ve been trying to take extra precautions, because all of this brings up he past 30 years. They have made no secret that they North Carolina presence ny, and CIT Group Inc., the parbusine Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion Both ISAs and skin in the game policies would hare the risk of every student these fields “grievance studies,” where and efer in not tocredit repeat. number of people who have had coronavirus and n scholarship is not so592 much basedinupon intend to replace U.S. not as the superpower in the world way too many memories abenefits. painful experience I’dthe prefer to premier repeat. is ent company CIT Bank,ofN.A., with thepremier addition of jobs he as superpower world and of have many down-stream Both would put out a loan tothe attend the institution. In tothe scholarship not so much based upon intend st U.S. everyone has finding truth but upon attending replace the easily dollar most as theeveryone reserve currency their renminbi. jointly announced last week that inthat Guilford and Alamance But what also makes metolose sleep is how hastruthwith s the reserve currency with their renminbi. pressure on universities keep tuition low and is means universities would bescholars on finding but upon attending to replace social grievances. Grievance
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they have entered a definicounties. The company plans to offset some of theinto artificial pressure on demand for r some part student loan debt when social grievances. Grievance scholars bullyofstudents, administrators and other tive agreement under which the invest a total of $316.4 million at higher education. They would also align universities’ fault. Such a policy would requireto action bully students, administrators and other in Landis departments into adhering their companies will combine in an alltwo sites over the coming four interests with those of s since student loans disbursed bypromote the stock departments into adhering to their worldview. Theare worldview they is merger Jason is sure to look Halloween CIT›s market-leading commercial of equals tostudents. create Universities would years. scientific nor rigorous. Grievance be19th largest investedEDITORIAL inbank student success, not just increased ernment. worldview. The worldview they promote isdifferent this year, but it’s neither | STACEY MATTHEWS business, including their strong the in the Unit“The pandemic highlights studies consist of disciplines such as edenrollment. THEWS universities would begin her solution can be implemented locally. neither scientific noracross rigorous. Grievance certainly notEDITORIAL “Thisprobably is a transformational canceled. Take | STAC market position multiple States basedSome on assets. that supply chain management sociology, gender offer better guidance to students when they choose of institutions areanthropology, already giving it a studies, to studies consist of disciplines such as an adventure to the public asset classes. Under Ellen›s leadA statement to the press read, partnership for First and delivery are | REP. RICHARD HUDSON queer studies,services sexuality andare critical race choose classes and take out loans. e Share Agreements (ISAs). ISAs sociology, anthropology, gender studies, power community of Landis ership,COLUMN CIT has made tremeninmajors, part, “transformational partcritical during a crisis. These studies. Citizens and CIT designed These solutions agreements in which students receive queer studies, sexuality and critical dous progress in reducing its cost race for Boo Bash, the town’s nership willinnovative create greater scale will do what “Free two expansions are aauthors bold Pluckrose, In 2017 andfor 2018, cannot: make students andcreate universities unding in exchange a predetermined of funds, enhancing risk managetoCollege” drive growth, improve profit- to creative outdoor celebration for long-term value studies. investment that add up tostarted Lindsay and Boghossian and retaining key ability and enhance behave more wiselystockholdand act together towards the post-graduation income over a certain Inment 2017processes and 2018, authors Pluckrose, families. On October 24, there for all of our constituents Lindsay hundreds ofbogus jobs and millions submitting academic papers to ersame talent. Citizens has a long value.” Company officials goal. That goal is to said create educated, wise years. The percent of income and number andFirst Boghossian started will be food trucks, circusin investment across North queer, academic journals in cultural, history bogus of delivering strong re- to stockholders,submitting transaction was designed Only to including and productive graduates. with smartour policies n change based upon a student’s major and the academic papers arts performances, Trunk-orrace, gender, fatGovernor and sexuality studies Carolina,” said turns to our stockholders, thestudent complementhat together incentivize success our can we ensure that ential. to determine if they would pass peer bring academic journals in cultural,gathqueer, Treating for the kids and an customers, our Cooper. low-cost deposits and studies drivtary strengths First Citizens’ colleges trulyofprovide value for students, parents, a good deal forand students because they race,ering gender, fat and sexuality outdoor moviethe for lord all. has made, let us re “THIS IS THEfallen DAY seriousness of the virus and the need review be accepted for publication. Founded in 1907, UPS and our WITH MOST STATES under either shelter-in-place or stay-at-home into place. I understand the ing strong earnings, which are all low-cost retail deposit franchise associates taxpayers and society. ky than loans. Imagine a student who to determine if they would pass peer Located on the I-85 corridor Acceptance of dubious in it” (Psalm 118:24). y with how people who simply ask that and full suite of banking products orders thanks to local or state governments, employs a workforce ofresearch supported by an exceptional creda majority of Americans to take precautions, but I’m uneas communities.” TATES journal under editors eitheroperates shelter-in-place or stay-at-home fallen into place. I understand the seriousness of and the be virus and the between Greensboro and review accepted for need publication. found sympathetic to their out I know that during this challenging time ofWIT soci n things 528,000 can startand getting back to it culture, strong capital and exwith CIT’s national commercial are having to adjust to what is being called the “new normal.” questions about the data, and whe Charlotte, Landis is easy to get Acceptance of dubious that cal state governments, a majority ofvision Americans to strong take precautions, but I’m uneasy with how people risk who simplyresearch ask working intersectional or postmodern leftist orders of more than 1,800 facilities cellent management. Tolending expertise and marfrom home or losing a job, it may be diffic withorcontempt. Some of these orders extend at least through the end of this month. normal are treated in some circles to and chock-full of charm. The editors found sympathetic to their of the world would prove the problem of to what is being called thewithout “new normal.” aboutFrank the data, andJr., when thingsjournal cangether, start getting back toCITbewill Holding, Chairman around the world. UPS currently First Citizens and ket positions. In questions addition, offiare glad” asRowan the Bible tellstown us to do. as However, ashav aasC at society simply must accept Virginia’s stay-at-home ordersintersectional go into June. They’re treated though we County boasts or postmodern leftist vision low academic standards. be able to leverage both compacials noted that “it creates a more employs 2,461 workers in North ders extend at least through the end of this month. normal are treated in some circles with contempt. Som and CEO of First Citizens Bank and dad, the Easter holiday has reminded me of s us about Several when it’s safe to begin the Here in North Carolina, Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper whatefforts the government telju preservation of the fake research papers diversified deposit strategy with of the world would prove the problem of historicquestion nies’ unique attributes tostated create during Carolina. ome orders go into June. They’re treated as though we as a society simply must accept without have to be thankful and hopeful for,old even the m alcy. Virgin EFF TARTE, FORMER NC STATE SENATOR the oldofpost office, were accepted for publication. The FatFirst Citizens’ 550+ full-service a recent coronavirus press briefing that “westandards. justbank don’tinknow yet” if theincluding process returning back in to norm low the academic 19th largest the coun“UPS appreciates the of stated arolina, Democratic Gov. RoyState during question what the government tells us about when it’s safe to begin the Lenten and pandemic. s, and we have journal the right to ask those Studies published aCooper hoax paper jail, and Landis Railroad Depot. Several of the fake research papers state’s stay-at-home orders will extend into May. No. The government worksHere for u try, well-positioned to compete FCNCA on the Nasdaq stock retail bankingSince locations key bol whenindid North Carolina for their support that argued the term bodybuilding wasgrowth us press briefing “we yet” if MSAs, the including processacross of returning normalcy. You’ll pass allAnd on your For me, my faith isthem an important part ofstay-atdai home orders are inthat place alljust overdon’t the know Easter seasons were accepted for publication. The amy recen across the United States.” market. Theto combined compaIf heback does decide to extend it, questions should be asked as toFat the questions. the longer of these projects that will help and should be replaced the Southeast,questioning way to Boo Bash, held in the e orders will extend into May. No. The government works for us, and we have the right to ask those making. As I celebrated Easter with my family, hem get exclusionary in states, such as Michigan, Studies journal published a hoax paper Ellen R. Alemany, Chairwomny will be headquartered in Raand CIT’s rapidly justification for it. And the answers should notabe vague ones like “we country, andwhen the stricter some ofI tr state’s provide UPS“fat move our world forward Since did with bodybuilding, as abe fat-inclusive community’s downtown. an and CEO of CIT, said, “Frank government leigh and will maintain signifgrowing homeowner association that argued the term bodybuilding was Corinthians 1:4, which reminds us our Lord “com eling isolated and/or anxious about to extend it, questions should asked as to the questions. And the longer stay-at-home orders are in place all over the must do this out of an abundance of caution.” by delivering what matters. The the more people, sitting at home If hef message ofrespected each politicized performance.” One reviewerbusiness, leading direct bank and icant Kick off Halloween Week questioning and I have long operation in New and should bethis replaced affliction, so that weyour may becan able to comfort those ng forthe their families, will demand And answers should not bereading vague ones like “we at allcountry, some of get exclusionary in such as Michigan, new and expanded facilities will levels and the stricter It will need tocenters be them explained instates, detail to the people of state who when they get back to providi justific said, “I thoroughly enjoyed this hope that we will with small-town spirit, and we don’t other’s companies and believe complementary Southern Cali- York, Pasadena, Omaha, Phoewith “fat as a fat-inclusive affliction, with the comfort which ourselves increase the speeditand government an abundance of caution.” the more people, at home feeling isolated and/or about aresitting being told to Fla., New remain jobless and atbodybuilding, homeanxious for anwill undetermined answers. article and believe hasflexibility an importantfornia retail branch mustard become a forget your costumes and lawn this transaction accelernix, Jacksonville, Jernetwork.” once again enjoy politicized performance.” One reviewer for connecting businesses and God.” vels should be as forthcoming as they contribution to to make the field amount why models predicting of thousands cases the local and state le explained insenator, detail theto people ofand thisthis state who when they can get backofconditions totime providing for their families, will demand ourhundreds strategic goals byreading bring-of sey and Columbia, S.C., among First Citizens been in a underlying atsocially allatlevels chairs forLeaders this distanced It wi in place. Elderly persons with said,ate “I thoroughly enjoyed thisare badhas thing? RMER state I have been asked customers throughout the sporting events, If you celebrating theCirq-U Easter season, I—urge again, not vague answers, but answer journal.” are reliable. can be with those answers and ing together the expertise of both main jobless and at home for an undetermined answers. other locations. continuous merger and integracelebration. First, arethat bei would be monitored by health teams for some time, article and believe it has an important snts what I would do regarding stay-at-Solidarity state, theIs country and become a give “Ouracross Struggle Mythe Struggle: That what reflect on this message and be comforted, believability. concerts, family banks tostate create scale, strength Frank Holding, Jr., Chairman tion cycle for the lastis 10 plus years, To date, I’ve gone along with what the has asked and then with details that statem acrobatic performers will put theirso models predicting hundreds of thousands of cases Leaders at the local and state levels should be as forthcoming as they leveraging telemedicine and virtual hospitals. contribution to make to the field and this ryin North Carolina. The current SAH amoun around the globe,” said Derrick Feminism anfamilies, Intersectional Reply to example andWe comfort allallthose in need arou at we can to keep as our andway value. proud ofquestions the God’s work about and CEO ofthat First Citizens, will acquiring overfree companies re-those bad thing? citizens mandated do, but along the I’veI’m also hadanswer should continue to do wh on a superhuman performance. gatherings, can be with answers — we and again, not vague answers, but Led by our25major health system leaders and journal.” es on April 29. president Johnson, of UPS’s Neoliberal and Choice Feminism,” wassulting are reli we have done to transform CIT in the same roles at the comin strong business per- retain this difficult time. Through faith and by helping o fe. But we should also still continue Then, it’s time for Trunk-orthe data. 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okay to ask questions about when sk questions aboutIt’swhen It’s okay t The comfort and hope we begin to get back to normal we begin get back to normal
What would you do?
North State Journal for Wednesday, October 21, 2020
ncdot Cree, Inc. to sell LED business to SMART CASH Global Holdings, Inc. for up to $300M REPORT For the week ending 10/16 Total Cash & Bond Proceeds:
$1,106,748,340 Add Receipts:
$92,245,730 Less Disbursements:
$124,410,689 Reserved Cash:
$459,799,641 Unreserved Cash Balance Total:
Transaction represents a key milestone in Durhambased Cree’s transformation to focus on technology solutions for high-growth segments including EV, 5G and industrial applications By Emily Roberson North State Journal
DURHAM — Cree, Inc. announced Monday that the company has entered into a definitive agreement to sell its LED products business unit to SMART Global Holdings, Inc. for up to $300 million, including fixed upfront and deferred payments and contingent consideration. In a press statement, Cree officials said that the company expects to receive an initial cash payment of $50 million upon closing and $125 million to be paid upon maturity of a seller note issued by SMART to Cree due August 2023.
Cree also has the potential to receive an earn-out payment of up to $125 million based on the revenue and gross profit performance of Cree LED in the first full four quarters post-transaction close. “We are pleased to announce the sale of our LED Products business to SMART, which represents another key milestone in our transformational journey to create a pure-play global semiconductor powerhouse,” said Cree CEO Gregg Lowe. “This transaction uniquely positions us with a sharpened strategic focus to lead the industry transition from silicon to silicon carbide and further strengthens our financial position, which will support continued investments to capitalize on multi-decade growth opportunities across EV, 5G and industrial applications. SMART has a strong platform and a solid track record of successfully acquiring and integrating technology businesses.” Cree LED has one of the indus-
“As the leader in LED lighting technology with a highly respected brand and expansive patent portfolio, Cree has a track record of delivering bestin-class solutions and I am very excited about the opportunities that lie ahead…” Mark Adams, president and CEO of SMART Global Holdings try’s widest portfolios of highly efficient LED chips and high-performance LED components and represents one of the strongest brands in the industry. SMART is a global leader in specialty memory, storage and high-performance
B9 computing solutions serving the electronics industry for over 30 years. Leveraging SMART’s diverse customer base and global operations, Cree LED will be well positioned to continue to deliver industry leading products. “We are thrilled to welcome Cree LED to the SMART family,” said Mark Adams, President and CEO of SMART Global Holdings. “As the leader in LED lighting technology with a highly respected brand and expansive patent portfolio, Cree has a track record of delivering best-in-class solutions and I am very excited about the opportunities that lie ahead for Cree LED as part of the SMART portfolio of products.” The press release noted that the transaction is subject to required regulatory approvals and satisfaction of customary closing conditions, and is targeted to close in the first calendar quarter of 2021. Following the closing of the transaction, SMART will license and incorporate the Cree LED brand name into the SMART portfolio of businesses. In connection with the transaction, Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC is acting as financial advisor and Smith Anderson is acting as legal advisor to Cree.
ECU announces more furloughs, pay cuts Greenville East Carolina University has announced temporary furloughs and pay cuts for its athletics staff due to budget deficits caused by the coronavirus pandemic. The salary reductions and furloughs for coaches and staff members at East Carolina University will start next month, Jon Gilbert, the university’s athletic director said in a statement Monday. They are based on salary, and will be effective through June 2021. “These were not easy decisions but necessary ones as we continue to manage our budget for this year and future years,” Gilbert said. “I hold our staff in the highest regard, and I sympathize for all of them as we work to offset our financial losses and navigate a path to sustainability.” The entire athletics staff was recently furloughed for five days to reduce the school’s deficit by $4.7 million, the statement said. The university estimates a $25 million budget shortfall this fall, The News & Observer reported. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
Sweden bans Huawei, ZTE from 5G, calls China biggest threat Stockholm Sweden is banning Chinese tech companies Huawei and ZTE from building new highspeed wireless networks after a top security official called China one of the country’s biggest threats. The Swedish telecom regulator said Tuesday that four wireless carriers bidding for frequencies in an upcoming spectrum auction for the new 5G networks must not use equipment from Huawei or ZTE. Wireless carriers that plan to use existing telecommunications infrastructure for 5G networks must also rip out any existing gear from Huawei or ZTE Wireless, the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority said. The agency said the conditions were based on assessments by the Swedish military and security service. Huawei said it was “surprised and disappointed” by the rules. Sweden is the latest country to prohibit Huawei from playing a role in building 5G networks and its decision is likely to add to tensions between the Chinese government and Western powers. U.S. officials have waged an intense lobbying campaign in Europe to persuade allies to shun the company, saying Huawei could be compelled by China’s communist rulers to facilitate cyberespionage. The company has consistently denied the accusations. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
Polka Dot Pot owner Emily Rhodes, arranges merchandise in her shop in the Old Town area Wednesday Oct. 7, 2020, in Winchester, Va.
Pandemic hammers small businesses vital to economic recovery By Paul Wiseman North State Journal WINCHESTER, Va. — In a normal year, hundreds of book lovers would have descended on Winchester this summer for Shenandoah University’s annual children’s literature conference. Some would have made their way to Christine Patrick’s bookshop downtown. Winchester Brew Works would have rolled out kegs this month for Oktoberfest revelers. The Hideaway Café would be advertising its monthly Divas Drag Show. But 2020 is no normal year. The literature conference, Oktoberfest and drag shows have all been cancelled — casualties, like so much else, of COVID-19. The pandemic has hammered small businesses across the United States — an alarming trend for an economy that’s trying to rebound from the deepest, fastest recession in U.S. history. Normally, small employers are a vital source of hiring after a recession. They account for nearly half the economy’s output and an outsize portion of new jobs. Roughly one in five small businesses have closed, according to the data firm Womply. Small companies are struggling even here in a city of 28,000 that works hard to promote and preserve local enterprises. Founded in 1744 and fought over repeatedly during the Civil War, Winchester, 75 miles west of Washington, D.C., at the northern edge of the Shenandoah Valley, years ago blocked off several blocks to create a pedestrian mall downtown — a bulwark for local businesses that must compete against the big box stores on the outskirts of town. But city planning is no match for a global pandemic.
“It seems clear to me that the COVID-19 crisis is going to have an extremely deep scarring effect on the small business sector, and through it the American job market and economy.” George Washington University economist Steven Hamilton “We’re in such a weird, weird time,’’ said Mayor John David Smith Jr. “Small businesses and families are hurting.’’ Some Winchester businesses folded quietly in the spring, he said, choosing not to renew their leases. Others are holding on. They’re getting government aid and loans or readjusting their operations to reach customers online. Some are now offering curbside service and deliveries or are benefiting from residents who buy local to keep cherished Winchester businesses from going under. When the pandemic struck in early spring, the American economy fell into a sickening freefall as businesses everywhere shuttered and consumers stayed home to avoid infection. Even though hiring has partly rebounded, the United States is still down 10.7 million jobs since February. Lacking the credit access and cash stockpiles of larger companies, small businesses were especially vulnerable to the economy’s sudden stop. Many crumpled under the pressure. Yelp, which publishes reviews of restaurants, bars and other businesses online, reports that nearly
164,000 businesses on its website have closed since March 1, 98,000 of them permanently. Steven Hamilton, an economist at George Washington University, estimates that 420,000 U.S. small businesses had closed permanently by July 10. And small businesses’ troubles aren’t confined to their owners. They generate nearly 44% of U.S. economic output, according to the Small Business Administration, and account for two-thirds of new hiring. (The SBA generally defines small businesses as those that employ no more than 500 workers.) In addition to their economic impact, small businesses define communities. “Let’s talk about the tapestry of people and communities,’’ said Andre Dua, a senior partner at the McKinsey consultancy, who has studied COVID-19’s impact on small businesses. “What is New York without its restaurants?’’ Or Brooklyn without its boutiques? Diana Kane opened her clothing and jewelry shop on Brooklyn’s Fifth Avenue in 2002, before that New York City borough was hip. When the pandemic hit, her clothing sales evaporated — down 78% in April. Unable to negotiate a rent reduction, she closed the Diana Kane Boutique in May. Across the country in Santa Fe, New Mexico, Leslie Moody is fighting to hold on to Rancho Gallina, the boutique hotel she opened in 2013 with her husband. In January, they were looking forward to a banner year -- forecasting $20,000 a month in revenue from room bookings and weddings and other events. “By the end of April, everything had cancelled or postponed,’’ Moody said. The rescue aid program the federal government enacted in March
helped them survive. In addition to their state jobless aid, she and her husband could each collect $600 a week in federal unemployment benefits — until that program expired July 31. “That was the money that meant we didn’t have to hold our breath every month,” Moody said. “Now we’re in breath-holding mode.’’ Governments at all levels did scramble to protect small businesses. In addition to the expanded unemployment aid, Congress approved the Paycheck Protection Program, which provided $520 billion for 5 million businesses, most of them small. But Congress has failed to agree on another financial rescue. Without further federal aid — soon— economists warn that the recovery will likely falter and intensify pressure on small businesses that are straining to survive. To hang on, many small businesses have tried to reinvent the way they do business, doing deliveries and letting customers pick up purchases. The flexibility may be paying off for some. Businesses with fewer than 500 employees were hurt the most when the pandemic struck: They slashed 16.4% of their jobs between February and April, versus a 14.1% drop in employment at firms with 500 or more workers, according to payroll processor ADP. But since April, employment at the smaller businesses has rebounded somewhat faster than at larger companies. Still, Hamilton at George Washington University fears the damage will be long-lasting. “It seems clear to me that the COVID-19 crisis is going to have an extremely deep scarring effect on the small business sector,” Hamilton said, “and through it the American job market and economy.”
North State Journal for Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Justice Dept. files landmark antitrust case against Google By Michael Balsamo and Marcy Gordon TheAssociated Press WASHINGTON — The Justice Department on Tuesday sued Google for antitrust violations, alleging that it abused its dominance in online search and advertising to stifle competition and harm consumers. The lawsuit marks the government’s most significant act to protect competition since its groundbreaking case against Microsoft more than 20 years ago. It could be an opening salvo ahead of other major government antitrust actions, given ongoing investigations of major tech companies including Apple, Amazon and Facebook at both the Justice Department and the Federal Trade Commission. “Google is the gateway to the internet and a search advertising behemoth,” U.S. Deputy Attorney General Jeff Rosen told reporters. “It has maintained its monopoly power through exclusionary practices that are harmful to competition.” Antitrust cases in the technology industry have to move quickly, he said. Otherwise “we could lose the next wave of innovation.” The Justice Department isn’t seeking specific changes in Google’s structure or other remedies at this point, but isn’t ruling out seeking additional relief, officials said. Lawmakers and consumer advocates have long accused Google, whose corporate parent Alphabet Inc. has a market value just over $1 trillion, of abusing its dominance in online search and advertising to stifle competition and boost its profits. Critics contend that multibillion-dollar fines and mandated changes in Google’s practices imposed by European regulators in recent years weren’t severe enough and that structural changes are needed for Google to change its conduct.
Google responded immediately via tweet: “Today’s lawsuit by the Department of Justice is deeply flawed. People use Google because they choose to -- not because they’re forced to or because they can’t find alternatives.” The case was filed in federal court in Washington, D.C. It alleges that Google uses billions of dollars collected from advertisers to pay phone manufacturers to ensure Google is the default search engine on browsers. Eleven states, all with Republican attorneys general, joined the federal government in the lawsuit. But several other states demurred. The attorneys general of New York, Colorado, Iowa, Nebraska, North Carolina, Tennessee and Utah released a statement Monday saying they have not concluded their investigation into Google and would want to consolidate their case with the DOJ’s if they decided to file. “It’s a bipartisan statement,” said spokesman Fabien Levy of the New York State attorney general’s office. “There’s things that still need to be fleshed out, basically,” President Donald Trump’s administration has long had Google in its sights. One of Trump’s top economic advisers said two years ago that the White House was considering whether Google searches should be subject to government regulation. Trump has often criticized Google, recycling unfounded claims by conservatives that the search giant is biased against conservatives and suppresses their viewpoints, interferes with U.S. elections and prefers working with the Chinese military over the Pentagon. Rosen told reporters that allegations of anti-conservative bias are “a totally separate set of concerns” from the issue of competition. Google controls about 90% of global web searches. The compa-
In this Sept. 24, 2019, file photo a sign is shown on a Google building at their campus in Mountain View, Calif. ny has been bracing for the government’s action and is expected to fiercely oppose any attempt to force it to spin off its services into separate businesses. The company, based in Mountain View, California, has long denied the claims of unfair competition. Google argues that although its businesses are large, they are useful and beneficial to consumers. It maintains that its services face ample competition and have unleashed innovations that help people manage their lives. Most of Google’s services are offered for free in exchange for personal information that helps it sell its ads. Google insists that it holds no special power forcing people to use its free services or preventing them from going elsewhere. A recent report from a House Judiciary subcommittee, following a year-long investigation into Big Tech’s market dominance, concluded that Google has monopoly power in the market for search. It said the company established its position in several markets through acquisition, snapping up successful technologies that other businesses had developed — buying an estimated 260 companies in 20 years.
The Democratic congressman who led that investigation called Tuesday’s action “long overdue” but said it’s important for the Justice Department to look beyond Google’s search business. “It is critical that the Justice Department’s lawsuit focuses on Google’s monopolization of search and search advertising, while also targeting the anticompetitive business practices Google is using to leverage this monopoly into other areas, such as maps, browsers, video, and voice assistants,” Rep. David Cicilline of Rhode Island said in a statement. The argument for reining in Google has gathered force as the company stretched far beyond its 1998 roots as a search engine governed by the motto “Don’t Be Evil.” It’s since grown into a diversified goliath with online tentacles that scoop up personal data from billions of people via services ranging from search, video and maps to smartphone software. That data helps feed the advertising machine that has turned Google into a behemoth. The company owns the leading web browser in Chrome, the world’s largest smartphone operating system in Android, the top
video site in YouTube and the most popular digital mapping system. Some critics have singled out YouTube and Android as among Google businesses that should be considered for divestiture. With only two weeks to Election Day, the Trump Justice Department is taking bold legal action against Google on an issue of rare bipartisan agreement. Republicans and Democrats have accelerated their criticism of Big Tech in recent months, although sometimes for different reasons. It’s unclear what the status of the government’s suit against Google would be if a Joe Biden administration were to take over next year. The Justice Department sought support for its suit from states across the country that share concerns about Google’s conduct. A bipartisan coalition of 50 U.S. states and territories, led by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, announced a year ago they were investigating Google’s business practices, citing “potential monopolistic behavior.” Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, South Carolina and Texas joined the Justice Department lawsuit.
Millennial Money: A new set of shopping tips in the pandemic By Courtney Jespersen TheAssociated Press PRIOR TO MARCH, shoppers would go to the mall or grocery store — without masks — and scout out the latest sales. Now, shopping looks much different. “The way consumers approach shopping has understandably changed as a result of COVID-19,” said Katherine Cullen, senior director for industry and consumer insights at the National Retail Federation, in an email. “With stay-at-home orders and mandatory store closures, many consumers have utilized digital channels and tools in ways they may not have before.” As how we shop changes (think mobile shopping and buying online, picking up in store), we have to adapt as shoppers, too. The best prices and first available inventory go to consumers who are more than just shoppers. They’re also deal-hunting detectives and strategists. Here’s how to shop smart in the midst of the pandemic. Put on your detective hat While some in-demand products, such as hand sanitizer and toilet paper, have become easier to find after initial shortages at the onset of stay-at-home orders, items like disinfecting wipes still aren’t readily available. To get a shot at any popular products, sign up for in-stock alerts, recommends Saoud Khalifah, CEO of Fakespot, an artificial intelligence platform that analyzes e-commerce transactions and online reviews. If an item isn’t available, retailers typically offer a field to input your email address. You’ll get notified when the item is restocked and can jump on it right away. Expand your search, too, advises Charles Lindsey, associate professor of marketing at the University at Buffalo School of Management in New York. He says the first wipes he was able to score were off the beaten path, not at a chain store. “Diversify your consideration set in terms of the stores where
In this June 25, 2020 file photo, people walk past curbside pickup sign at Macy’s department store in Vernon Hills, Ill. In the days before COVID-19, shopping smart used to mean scoring deals at a department store’s weekend sale. you shop,” he says. That may mean going to mom-and-pop shops or pharmacies instead of grocery stores. And consult with others. Lindsey says social media networks can provide localized information. Check online sources such as Nextdoor or Facebook to see if any of your neighbors have posted about seeing delivery trucks outside of the warehouse club on a specific day of the week or restocked shelves at a certain time of the day. Avoid extra fees It’s also important to avoid overpaying for items, especially as many former in-store shoppers face added expenses, like delivery fees and shipping costs. If you’re shopping for groceries, avoid delivery to save money, Lindsey advises. Opting for contactless curbside pickup will circumvent
some of the fees and tips associated with home deliveries, while still eliminating your time in a physical store. And there’s no need to overly stockpile, says Andrew Ching, a professor in the Carey Business School at Johns Hopkins University. At the onset of the pandemic, many consumers panic shopped, buying as much as possible of essential household items. But inventory will come back, so try to stay calm. Do plenty of research You can also learn a thing or two from extreme couponers. These bargain hunters are famous for their thorough research of sales, deals and coupons. If you’re shopping at online marketplaces like Amazon, compare prices among sellers, Khalifah rec-
ommends. Even if you find a low price, take it a step further to compare prices on other sites, such as Walmart and eBay. Online shopping tools and browser extensions, including one from Fakespot, can do this analysis for you. Lindsey also recommends using deal apps, such as ShopSavvy, and websites that aggregate available offers. But before you buy anything, try to validate the legitimacy of the listing you found. “When you’re looking at the first page of reviews, that first page is usually not the best page to be looking at,” Khalifah says. In the age of fake reviews and phoney products, you’ll need to scroll through several pages of reviews to get a better sense of the seller and product. Pay close attention. And if you’re purchasing something for the first time, Khalifah
says, watching video reviews is often more valuable than reading written reviews. You’ll be able to see someone actually using a product, as opposed to reading a review that could’ve been written by a computer program, or bot. Stay the course As you start implementing these smart shopping habits, don’t forget them anytime soon. Shifts in consumer shopping habits likely won’t be going away, according to Catherine Roster, professor of marketing at the University of New Mexico’s Anderson School of Management. She says most marketers believe many of these changes will be “sticky.” That means the popularity of online shopping for groceries and low-contact transactions like curbside pickup are sticking around for a while.
North State Journal for Wednesday, October 21, 2020
conducting the sale on November 4, 2020 at 1:30PM, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property situated in Cumberland County, North Carolina, to wit:
NORTH CAROLINA, CUMBERLAND COUNTY Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by Paul R. Dowdy and Elsie M. Dowdy to First American Title Insurance Company, Trustee(s), which was dated May 23, 2006 and recorded on June 5, 2006 in Book 7258 at Page 058, Cumberland County Registry, North Carolina. Default having been made of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC, having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust, and the holder of the note evidencing said default having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door of the county courthouse where the property is located, or the usual and customary location at the county courthouse for
NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 20 SP 570 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by Natasha Askea, Patrick Askea (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): Natasha Askea and Patrick Askea) to Michael Lyon, Trustee(s), dated August 22, 2014, and recorded in Book No. 09493, at Page 0888 in Cumberland County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the promissory note secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds Cumberland County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door in Fayetteville, Cumberland County, North Carolina, or the customary location designated for foreclosure sales, at 12:00 PM on October 26, 2020 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated in
DAVIDSON 20 SP 191 AMENDED NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NORTH CAROLINA, DAVIDSON COUNTY Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by Robert G. Downing to Leonard and Bell, Trustee(s), which was dated February 7, 2003 and recorded on February 19, 2003 in Book 1389 at Page 0087, Davidson County Registry, North Carolina. Default having been made of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC, having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust, and the holder of the note evidencing said default having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door of the county courthouse where the property is located, or the usual and customary location at the county courthouse for conducting the sale on October 26, 2020 at 11:00AM, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described
FORSYTH NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 20 SP 542 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by Peter T. Huminski, Rebecca B. Huminski (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): Peter T. Huminski and Rebecca B. Huminski) to Rebecca W. Shaia, Trustee(s), dated March 28, 2007, and recorded in Book No. RE 2740, at Page 1718 in Forsyth County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the promissory note secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds Forsyth County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the
JOHNSTON NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NORTH CAROLINA, JOHNSTON COUNTY 20 SP 99 Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by Mary Dublin Sanders and Jesse Earl Sanders, in the original amount of $48,483.98, payable to Household Realty Corporation, dated January 29, 2004 and recorded on February 2, 2004 in Book 2628, Page 38, Johnston County Registry. Default having been made in the payment of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Anchor Trustee Services, LLC having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Johnston County, North Carolina, and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door in Johnston County, North Carolina, at 2:00PM on
NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NORTH CAROLINA, JOHNSTON COUNTY 19 SP 421 Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by Lonnie Ricky McGee, in the original amount of $78,000.00, payable to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for EquiFirst Corporation, dated December 12, 2003 and recorded on December 17, 2003 in Book 2605, Page 206, Johnston County Registry. Default having been made in the payment of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Anchor Trustee Services, LLC having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Johnston County, North Carolina, and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door in Johnston County, North Carolina, at 2:00PM on October
Fayetteville in the County of Cumberland, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: BEING all of Lot 16 in a subdivision known as Graham Road Townhouses, “Revision of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 14B, 15A, 16”, according to a plat of the same recorded in Plat Book 56, Page 64 Cumberland County Registry. Including the Unit located thereon; said Unit being located at 6487 People Street, Fayetteville, North Carolina.
property situated in Davidson County, North Carolina, to wit:
Save and except any releases, deeds of release or prior conveyances of record.
BEGINNING at an iron pin found on Charity Lane, said iron being located at the southwestern corner of Lot 11, Charity Acres, Phase I, as recorded in Plat Book 27, pages 18 and 19, in the Davidson County Registry; thence with the southern line of Lot 11 North 74 deg. 57’ 46” East 251.42 feet to an iron pin found; thence with the western line of Lots 11 and 10 North 23 deg. 23’ 21” West crossing an iron at 142.00 feet and continuing for a total distance of 201.56 feet to an iron pin; thence with the line of Marty Dean Wilson as recorded in Book 791, page 621, North 76 deg. 33’ 09” East 186.78 feet to an iron; thence with a line crossing Lot 12 of Charity Acres, Phase I, South 23 deg. 23’ 21” East 227.53 feet to an iron pin set (#4 rebar); thence with the northern line of Lot 14 North 73 deg. 41’ 23” East 185.39 feet to an iron pin; thence North 74 deg. 57’ 46” East 257.08 feet to an iron pin; thence with the right-of-way of Charity Lane and having a chord bearing and distance of North 14 deg. 10’ 47” West 35.00 feet to the point of beginning, and containing 1.185 acres, more or less, and being part of Lot 12, Charity Acres, Phase I, Plat Book 27, pages 18 and 19.
Said property is commonly known as 171 Eric Drive, Linwood, NC 27299.
An Order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination [NCGS § 45-21.16A(b) (2)]. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.
TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a 35 foot access and utility easement for Lots 12B, 13A, and 13B as shown on a survey.
courthouse door in Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina, or the customary location designated for foreclosure sales, at 1:15 PM on October 28, 2020 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated in Kernersville in the County of Forsyth, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: BEING KNOWN AND DESIGNATED as Lot Number 41 of “KENSINGTON VILLAGE, SECTION 2, PHASE 1”, as shown on a map recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Forsyth County, North Carolina, in Plat Book 42 at Page 202, reference to which is hereby made for a more particular description. Together with improvements located thereon; said property being located at 5808 Kenville Green Circle, Kernersville, North Carolina. The Deed of Trust was modified by the following: A Loan Modification recorded on September 3, 2015, in Book No. RE 3248, at Page 3634. Trustee may, in the Trustee’s sole discretion, delay the sale for up to one hour as provided in N.C.G.S. §45-21.23. Should the property be purchased by a third
November 3, 2020, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property, to wit: All that certain property situated in the Township of Smithfield in the County of Johnston and state of North Carolina, being more fully described in a deed dated 06/05/1999 and recorded 06/07/1999, among the land records of the County and state set forth above, in Deed Volume 1836 and Page 358 and Tax Map or Parcel ID No.: 15071025 BEING MORE SPECIFICALLY DESCRIBED as follows: Being a lot fronting 85.9 feet on the Northern right of way of Massey Street and also cornering with the property of Bill Smith and being platted in Plat Book 21, Page 145, of the Johnston County Registry, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point where the northern right of way of Massey Street intersects the eastern boundary line of the property of Bill Smith; thence from said point and place of beginning along the line of Bill Smith, North 10 degrees 14 minutes 27 seconds East 109.28 feet to a point where Lots 39 and 40 of New Belmont formerly corned in the line of Bill Smith; thence along the line of said lots, North 60 degrees 33 minutes 20 seconds West 49.65 feet to a point; thence a new line South 29 degrees 37 minutes 50
27, 2020, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property, to wit: Beginning at a point in the Raleigh Road said point being South 8 deg. 30 min. W. 16 1/2 ft. from W. Reggie Honeycutt’s Line and runs thence with the center of said road S. 8 deg. 30 min. W. 250 ft. to a stake a new corner with Graham Penny; thence with his line N. 82 deg. 30 min. W. 190 ft. to a stake another corner with Graham Penny; thence continuing along another new line of Graham Penny N. 8 deg. 30 min. E. 211 ft. to a stake another corner with Penny; thence S. 82 deg. 30 min. E. 90 ft. to a stake another corner with Penny; N. 8 deg. 30 min. E. 39 ft. to a stake another corner with Penny; thence S. 82 deg. 30 min. E. 100 ft. to the Beginning, containing 1 acre according to a survey made by W.J. Lambert, in October, 1965, and being part of a 10 acre tract conveyed to Maie McGee by deed dated 12-15-1950, and recorded in Book 487, Page 597, Johnston Co. Registry. Together with improvements located hereon; said property being located at 3068 Old Fairground Drive, Angier, NC 27501. Tax ID: 13D04019
Address of property:
1556 Langley
UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power and authority contained in that certain Order filed on September 9, 2020, in the above-captioned matter and pursuant to applicable law, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. as Commissioner (the “Commissioner”) will place for sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at the Union County Courthouse, 500 North Main Street, Monroe, North Carolina, on November 5, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. that certain parcel of land, including improvements thereon, situated, lying and being in the County of Union, State of North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: The following described property, to wit: Beginning at a point located in the centerline of Willoughby Road, the Southeast corner of Susie E. Houston Property, (Deed Book 290, Page 391); thence with Houston’s line and a line of Elnorah Massey property (Deed Book 112, Page 512) N. 24-37-07 W., passing an Old Iron at 27.70 feet distant from the beginning pint of this call, said Iron being located within the 50 foot right of way for Willoughby Road 353.01
A cash deposit (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at the time of the sale. Following the expiration of the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are immediately due and owing. THIRD PARTY PURCHASERS MUST PAY THE EXCISE TAX AND THE RECORDING COSTS FOR THEIR DEED. Said property to be offered pursuant to this Notice of Sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS WHERE IS.” There are no representations of warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at, or relating to the property being offered for sale. This sale is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land transfer taxes, special assessments, easements, rights of way, deeds of release, and any other encumbrances or exceptions of record. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the current owner(s) of the property is/are Francis Wellington Quarles.
File No.: 20-04206-FC02
Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC
Trustee may, in the Trustee’s sole discretion, delay the sale for up to one hour as provided in N.C.G.S. 45-21.23. Should the property be purchased by a third party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by N.C.G.S. 7A-308(a)(1). The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note
Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained
An Order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold.
Substitute Trustee Brock & Scott, PLLC Attorneys for Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE: (910) 392-4988 FAX: (910) 392-8587
If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy.
request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Additional Notice for Residential Property with Less than 15 rental units, including Single-Family Residential Real Property An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to N.C.G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the notice of foreclosure sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days but not more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in this notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.
Said property to be offered pursuant to this Notice of Sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS WHERE IS.” There are no representations of warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at, or relating to the property being offered for sale. This sale is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land transfer taxes, special assessments, easements, rights of way, deeds of release, and any other encumbrances or exceptions of record. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the current owner(s) of the property is/are All Lawful Heirs of Paul R. Dowdy.
Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination [NCGS § 45-21.16A(b) (2)]. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.
make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition are expressly disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or prior encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. Said property is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and State laws. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in its sole discretion, if it believes the challenge to have merit, may
in the above-referenced deed of trust and because of default in the payment of the secured indebtedness and failure to perform the stipulation and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the secured debt, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of said county at 10:00AM on November 3, 2020 the following described real estate and any other improvements which may be situated thereon, in Randolph County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described in that certain Deed of Trust executed David Lee Chipps and Alvenia Diane Chipps, dated April 27, 1998 to secure the original principal amount of $74,405.92, and recorded in Book 1552 at Page 650 of the Randolph County Public Registry. The terms of the said Deed of Trust may be modified by other instruments appearing in the public record. Additional identifying information regarding the collateral property is below and is believed to be accurate, but no representation or warranty is intended.
A cash deposit (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at the time of the sale. Following the expiration of the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are immediately due and owing. THIRD PARTY PURCHASERS MUST PAY THE EXCISE TAX AND THE RECORDING COSTS FOR THEIR DEED.
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE c/o Hutchens Law Firm P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 Phone No: (910) 864-3068 https://sales.hutchenslawfirm.com Firm Case No: 2639 - 6140
Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC Substitute Trustee Brock & Scott, PLLC Attorneys for Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE: (910) 392-4988 FAX: (910) 392-8587 File No.: 20-03127-FC01
If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy.
party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by N.C.G.S. §7A-308(a)(1). The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition are expressly disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or prior encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. Said property is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and State laws. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in
the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in its sole discretion, if it believes the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Additional Notice for Residential Property with Less than 15 rental units, including Single-Family Residential Real Property An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the notice of foreclosure sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be
effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days but not more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in this notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.
seconds West 102.88 feet to a point in the northern right of way of Massey Street and the southern boundary of Lot 40 of New Belmont; thence along said right of way, South 60 degrees 22 minutes 10 seconds East 85.90 feet to the point and place of BEGINNING. Together with improvements located hereon; said property being located at 1209 Massey Street, Smithfield, NC 27577. Tax ID: 15071025 Third party purchasers must pay the excise tax, pursuant North Carolina General Statutes §105-228.30, in the amount of One Dollar ($1.00) per each Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or fractional part thereof, and the Clerk of Courts fee, pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes §7A-308, in the amount of Forty-five Cents (0.45) per each One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) or fractional part thereof, or Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), whichever is greater. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the bid or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at the time of the sale and must be tendered in the form of certified funds. Following the expiration of the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts will be immediately due and owing. Said property to be offered pursuant to this Notice of Sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance AS IS WHERE IS. There are no representations of warranty
relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at, or relating to the property being offered for sale. This sale is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, special assessments, land transfer taxes, if any, and encumbrances of record. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the current owner of the property is Mary Dublin Sanders. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes §45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the Clerk of Superior Court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination (North Carolina General Statutes §45-21.16A(b)(2)). Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of termination. If the Trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the
deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the Substitute Trustee, in their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy.
Third party purchasers must pay the excise tax, pursuant North Carolina General Statutes §105-228.30, in the amount of One Dollar ($1.00) per each Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or fractional part thereof, and the Clerk of Courts fee, pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes §7A-308, in the amount of Forty-five Cents (0.45) per each One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) or fractional part thereof, or Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), whichever is greater. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the bid or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at the time of the sale and must be tendered in the form of certified funds. Following the expiration of the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts will be immediately due and owing. Said property to be offered pursuant to this Notice of Sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance AS IS WHERE IS. There are no representations of warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at, or relating to the property being offered for sale. This sale is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, special assessments, land transfer taxes, if any, and encumbrances of record. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the
current owner of the property is Lonnie Ricky McGee. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes §45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the Clerk of Superior Court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination (North Carolina General Statutes §45-21.16A(b)(2)). Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of termination. If the Trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan
without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the Substitute Trustee, in their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy.
Loop, Staley, NC 27355 Tax Parcel ID: Present Record Owners: Chipps and Alvenia Diane Chipps
arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale is made subject to all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments including but not limited to any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure to remit funds in a timely manner will result in a Declaration of Default and any deposit will be frozen pending the outcome of any re-sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, the Substitute Trustee or the attorney of any of the foregoing.
8724525651 David Lee
And Being more commonly known as: 1556 Langley Loop, Staley, NC 27355 The record owner(s) of the property, as reflected on the records of the Register of Deeds, is/are David Lee Chipps and Alvenia Diane Chipps. The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale. Any and all responsibilities or liabilities
feet to a set Iron, a common corner with the Elnorah Massey Property; thence two more lines with the Massey property as follows: 1st, N. 65-57-48 E. 123.87 feet to a set iron; 2nd, S. 24-27-06 E. 353.00 feet to a nail set in the centerline of Willoughby Road, passing a set iron in the edge of the right of way. 30 feet distant from the end of this call; thence two lines along and with the centerline of Willoughby Road as follows: 1st, S. 7-41-42 W. 61.98 feet to a nail set in the centerline of the road; 2nd, S. 64-13-35 W. 61.94 feet to a nail set in the centerline of Willoughby Road. Being the point and place of beginning, according to a Boundary Survey and Plat thereof prepared by Carroll L. Rushing, NCRLS, dated March 25, 1994. Address of property: Monroe, NC 28110 Parcel Number: Present Record Owners:
06006061 Heirs of Lutricia A. Gainey
The terms of the sale are that the real property hereinbefore described will be sold to the highest bidder. The Commissioner reserves the right to require certified funds
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE c/o Hutchens Law Firm P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 Phone No: (910) 864-3068 https://sales.hutchenslawfirm.com Firm Case No: 1750 - 3578
Anchor Trustee Services, LLC Substitute Trustee January N. Taylor, Bar #33512 McMichael Taylor Gray, LLC Attorney for Anchor Trustee Services, LLC 3550 Engineering Drive, Suite 260 Peachtree Corners, GA 30092 404-474-7149 (phone) 404-745-8121 (fax) jtaylor@mtglaw.com
Anchor Trustee Services, LLC Substitute Trustee January N. Taylor, Bar #33512 McMichael Taylor Gray, LLC Attorney for Anchor Trustee Services, LLC 3550 Engineering Drive, Suite 260 Peachtree Corners, GA 30092 404-474-7149 (phone) 404-745-8121 (fax) jtaylor@mtglaw.com
for Possession of the property may be issued in favor of the purchaser. Also, if your lease began or was renewed on or after October 1, 2007, be advised that you may terminate the rental agreement upon written notice to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time notice of termination is provided. You may be liable for rent due under the agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. The date of this Notice is October 13, 2020. Grady I. Ingle or Elizabeth B. Ells Substitute Trustee 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 Charlotte, NC 28216 (704) 333-8107 20-110239
SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS: If you are a tenant residing in the property, be advised that an Order
not to exceed the greater of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00). The successful bidder shall also be required to pay revenue stamps on the Commissioner’s Deed, any Land Transfer Tax, and the tax required by N.C.G.S. Section 7A-308(a) (1) unless the person entitled to enforce the instrument is exempt from paying these sums. The real property hereinabove described is being offered for sale “AS IS, WHERE IS” and will be sold subject to all superior liens, unpaid taxes, and special assessments. The Commissioner reserves the right to sell the real property either as a group or on an individual basis whichever will bring the highest bid(s). Other conditions will be announced at the sale. The sale will be held open for ten (10) days for upset bids as by law required. If the Commissioner is unable to convey title to this property foranyreason,thesoleremedyofthepurchaseristhereturn of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan
without the knowledge of the Commissioner. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the Commissioner, in its sole discretion, if he believes the challenge to have merit, may declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to G.S. 1-339.29 against the party or parties to the proceeding in possession by the presiding judge or clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Respectfully submitted this the 14th day of September, 2020. HUTCHENS LAW FIRM LLP Attorneys for Substitute Trustee Services, Inc., Commissioner Brandon M. Spleen, Esq. N.C. Bar No. 51156 Post Office Box 12497 Charlotte, NC 28220 Telephone: (704) 357-6262 Facsimile: (704) 357-6233
North State Journal for Wednesday, October 21, 2020
pen & paper pursuits
solutions From Oct. 14, 2020
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Stanly County Journal
Early voting underway In this Thursday, Oct. 15, 2020, photo, voters line up at Mallard Creek High School during the first day of in-person voting ahead of the Nov. 3 elections in Charlotte.
Albemarle City Council introduces new economic development director
Judge rejects political donor’s prison delay request Mecklenburg County Greg E. Lindberg, an insurance magnate and major political donor convicted on corruption-related counts months ago, must begin his federal prison term next week. U.S. District Judge Max Cogburn rejected Lindberg’s request that his active sentence be delayed because of an elevated risk of contracting COVID-19 in prison. Lindberg was sentenced to more than seven years in prison after being convicted of attempting to bribe North Carolina’s insurance commissioner to secure preferential regulatory treatment. Lindberg, 50, suffers from sleep apnea. The judge said that would essentially keep Lindberg out of prison until a COVID-19 vaccine is available. AP
City removes Confederate statue from uptown Davidson County Lexington removed a Confederate statue 24 hours after a judge allowed the move. The statue was moved from its site uptown to outside city limits in the early morning because officials wanted to prevent any interference. In August, the city of Lexington filed suit against Davidson County and the Daughters of the Confederacy to have the statue removed. In September, the city asked to temporarily remove the statue, due to risk surrounding protests, and store it until the case is resolved. Thursday, a Superior Court judge dissolved a temporary restraining order clearing the way for the move. AP
20177 52016 $0.50
By Jesse Deal Stanly County Journal COURTESY PHOTO
David Jenkins, Health and Human Services director, and Dr. Mindy Turner, dental director/pediatric dentist, pose with the $10,000 check provided by the GlaxoSmithKline Foundation.
Stanly County Dental Clinic wins child health award receive dental sealant services, as well as sixth and seventh graders at Stanly middle schools. “We are fortunate to have such ALBEMARLE — This year, Stanly County Health Depart- an outstanding dental program ment’s dental clinic won a N.C. in Stanly County that is directed by Dr. Mindy Turner, GlaxoSmithKline FounDental Director/Pedation Child Health diatric Dentist,” JenRecognition Award kins said. “She leads and received a $10,000 the effort to provide grant to continue their “We are quality and timework. fortunate to ly dental services for The award was in our children at the the local health depart- have such an clinic as well as in ment category, which outstanding the schools.” awards health departdental Turner is givments across the state en operating room that “improve the health program privileges at Atriof North Carolina chil- in Stanly um Health Stanly to dren.” The money from provide services to the grant is to be used County that children whose pro“on special projects, is directed cedures cannot be staff development or edby Dr. Mindy performed at the ofucational materials.” fice. The clinic is also “We are very ap- Turner, Dental used to train denpreciative of The Director/ tal and dental hyGlaxoSmithKline Foungiene students from dation to honor our den- Pediatric UNC Chapel Hill tal clinic for its services Dentist.” School of Dentistry to our children,” said and dental hygiene David Jenkins, Stanly students from RowHealth and Human Ser- David Jenkins, vices director, in a press Stanly Health and an-Cabarrus Community College and statement. Human Services Montgomery ComThe clinic serves munity College. children ages 0–18 on director Hours are from 8 Medicaid, those who a.m. to 5 p.m. Monlack insurance, those with disabilities and any oth- day through Thursday, and billers in need. Students in second ing is done on a sliding scale and third grade at any of Stan- based on a person’s ability to pay ly County’s 11 elementary schools and their family size. By David Larson Stanly County Journal
ALBEMARLE — As a former textile town that has transitioned into a growing city with advancing industries, Albemarle has a new face in charge of overseeing its local economy. Keith Tunnell was formally introduced as the City of Albemarle director of economic development
at Monday night’s Albemarle City Council meeting. “I’m honored that you have put this trust in me, and I’m looking forward to getting started and doing great things for this community,” Tunnell, a native of Greeneville, Tennessee, told council members. City Manager Michael Ferris appointed Tunnell to begin on Oct. 12 with the duties formerly
SCC students receive Golden LEAF scholarships By David Larson Stanly County Journal ALBEMARLE — Stanly County Community students again received scholarships for tuition and expenses through the Golden LEAF Foundation. Every year, students in rural areas of the state which had relied heavily on tobacco production income receive Golden LEAF scholarships to attend North Carolina’s community colleges as part of a settlement with tobacco companies with the state. This year, students who received Golden LEAF scholarships for use in the summer and fall semesters include: Graci Hudson, accounting; Tanya Harris, business administration; Meagan Thompson, AGE nursing; Erson Bonhomme, AGE nursing; Tanisha Broadnax, human services technology; Kiera Morrison, nursing; Baylee Russell, radiography technology, Laton Burleson, biomedical equipment technology; Lashonta Scarboro, business administration; Meristacia Detlef, infant-toddler care certificate; Vyktoria Iverson, accounting; Pennialisha Lawson, early childhood education; Angela Murphy, respiratory therapy; Hannah Mills, nursing; D’Anya
Chance, criminal justice technology; Angelia Wozinsky, science, Avery Owens, electrical lineworker; Bryan Tinco-Reyes in electrical lineworker; and Jalen Long, electrical lineworker. The students who receive these scholarships can use the money for tuition and expenses, such as books, student fees, supplies, childcare and transportation, as long as it relates to attending classes in the semester for which the money was awarded. In order to receive the scholarships, students must be from an economically distressed or tobacco-dependent county and must show a financial need. The Golden LEAF Foundation was created in 1999 using half of the funds from the 1998 Master Settlement Agreement with tobacco companies. The foundation works with state and local government, nonprofits and educational institutions to transform the North Carolina economy away from reliance on tobacco production. Students attending Stanly Community College who want more information about Golden LEAF Scholarships can call the college’s Financial Aid Office at 704-991-0302.
Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, October 21, 2020
OCT 21
“Join the conversation” Stanly County Journal
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NEW YORK — One of Stephen King’s most creepy and tense stories was hiding in plain sight. “Mr. Mercedes” started life in 2017 as a broadcast offering on the AT&T-owned, DirecTV-exclusive Audience Network, only to be left marooned with an uncertain future after the obscure channel was shut down. The crime series gets another life this month after NBC’s Peacock streaming service acquired it. “Nobody could find it. And that was enormously frustrating,” says director Jack Bender. “Hopefully it’s going to get the audience it’s always deserved.” The pitch-dark series — adapted by David E. Kelley and starring Brendan Gleeson — is based on Stephen King’s bestselling Bill Hodges trilogy and follows a retired, ornery detective tormented by a seriously troubled serial killer who announces himself by mowing down dozens of people in line for a job fair in a stolen Mercedes. “My intention was always to do a character driven, scary show about the monster inside these people instead of the monster outside the people,” says Bender. “Even though they’re monstrous people doing monstrous things, they are not, quote-unquote, boogeyman monsters.” The first two seasons of “Mr. Mercedes” will be bingeable on Peacock starting on Oct. 15. The show’s most recent outing, 2019’s Season 3, will arrive on a date to be announced. In addition to Gleeson, the cast includes Harry Treadaway, Kelly Lynch, Jharrel Jerome, Mary-Louise Parker, Holland Taylor, Breeda Wool and Nancy Travis. The series was filmed
Sports Editor Cory Lavalette
Senior Opinion Editor Frank Hill
Design Editor Lauren Rose Published each Wednesday by North State Media LLC 1550 N.C. Hwy 24/27 W, Albemarle, N.C. 28001 (704) 269-8461 INFO@STANLYJOURNAL.COM STANLYJOURNAL.COM
TO SUBSCRIBE: 704-269-8461 or online at nsjonline.com Annual Subscription Price: $25.00 Periodicals Postage Paid at Raleigh, N.C. and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Stanly County Journal 1550 N.C. Hwy 24/27 W, Albemarle, N.C. 28001.
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OCT 24
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♦ Jones, Jennifer Ann (W F, 37) Arrest on chrg of Simple Possess Sch Iv Cs (m) (M), at Simple Possess Sch 780 Leonard Av, Albemarle, on 10/14/2020 ♦ Jones, Jennifer Ann (W F, 37) Arrest on chrg of Fugitive From Justice (F), at 780 Leonard Av, Albemarle, on 10/14/2020 ♦ Patterson, James Terry (W /M/32) Arrest on chrg of 1) Larceny Of Firearm (F), 2) Larceny Of Motor Vehicle (f) (F), 3) Pwisd Marijuana (F), 4) Possess Marij Paraphernalia (M), 5) Carrying Concealed Gun (m) (M), 6) Possession Of Firearm By Felon (F), 7) Fta Criminal Summons Or Citation (M), and 8) Fta - Criminal Summons Or Citation (M), at 100 Us 52 North, Albemarle, NC, on 10/15/2020 ♦ Woodard, Anne Michelle (W F, 22) Arrest on chrg of Assault And Battery (M), at 200 Henson St, Albemarle, on 10/14/2020 ♦ Elliott, Jerry Louis (B M, 64) Arrest on chrg of Felony Larceny (F), at 814 Nc 24-27 Bypass E, Albemarle, on 10/13/2020 ♦ Christian, Daiquan Ikea (B /M/30) Arrest on chrg of Civil Order For Arrest - Child Support, M (M), at 126 South 3rd St, Albemarle, NC, on 10/17/2020
OCT 26
OCT 25
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OCT 27
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STANLY COUNCIL from page 1 held by Mark Donham, who retired this past August after six years at the city position. “We’re glad to have Keith on board,” Ferris said. “This council knows that we went through an extensive, detailed recruitment process because it’s a very critical position for the city. We had applicants from all over the eastern half of the United States. We did cast a broad net, but with Keith, we were able to find someone with a significant level of experience.” Prior to his latest position, Tunnell worked as the owner of the Rock Hill, South Carolina-based marketing company MyWebsite-
This image released by Peacock shows, from left, Breeda Wool, Harry Treadaway, Kelly Lynch, MaryLouise Parker, Brendan Gleeson, Holland Taylor, Jharrel Jerome and Justine Lupe from the series “Mr. Mercedes,” based on a Stephen King trilogy. in Charleston, South Carolina, which stood in for Ohio. English actor Treadway, who has played a genius psychopath in “Penny Dreadful,” takes on the serial killer in “Mr. Mercedes” and calls him “a unique, brilliantly drawn, complicated character.” He calls the story “electric.” Treadway says one of his most powerful memories is watching King’s “The Shining” with Jack Nicholson and called King’s trilogy “such a page-turner. I just binged it and, in a dark way, just fell in love with the character and the world.” His serial killer is tightly wound, vindictive, awkward, clever, a victim of abuse, a loner and filled with rage. “As an actor, my part of the process was definitely not to judge him. It was to
understand him and get into the skin of him.” Even years after filming, Treadway seems rattled: “That as a process was fascinating, disturbing at times, lingered afterwards — I won’t forget.” While faithful to the books, Kelley and Bender inserted their own ideas to the adaptation. Kelley added a next-door neighbor to the detective (played by Taylor) and Bender gave him an extensive vinyl record collection and a tortoise to look after. The pet was inspired by a tortoise that Bender’s own daughter — Hannah Bender, the show’s costume designer — got when she was a child and the records give the series a quirky soundscape, from Donovan, Reagan Youth, Leonard Cohen and Radiohead
to The Drifters, T-Bone Burnett and Juice Newton. “I wanted the music to come from the characters in ‘Mr. Mercedes’ because I really don’t love just putting the record on and letting it be emotional or cool over a montage,” says Bender. Bender was executive producer and lead director on the ABC series “Lost” but don’t expect many Easter eggs like that show in “Mr. Mereceds,” although there’s a nod to King with the inclusion of the Ramone’s song “Pet Sematary” — also the title of a novel by King — and the writer himself makes a cameo. Bender says that’s only fitting: “All of his books, even if they are advertised and known to have a supernatural flair, have very rich characters. They all do.”
Guys and of Vision Economic Development Consulting. Tunnell also has experience consulting with McClancy Seasoning Company in Indian Land, South Carolina, as well as OceanaGold in Kershaw, South Carolina. He is a former president of the Lancaster County Economic Development Corporation from 2003-2015. Before taking that position, Tunnell served as the City of Sevierville’s public information officer in the Smoky Mountain Tourism Region and as the research director with the South Carolina Department of Commerce. “I’ve been in the private sector for five years, and I can tell you that just in the past week since
starting, those juices have come back,” Tunnell said. “I’ll be reaching out to the council members in the coming days and meeting with you all, one-by-one, to discuss issues and our vision of moving the department forward.” According to Tunnell, two of his main priorities initially are to successfully implement the new Pfeiffer University Health Sciences Center and to assist in the development of the 282-acre Albemarle Business Center. Plans for the business center indicate that it will have up to 15 sites, all but two having a minimum of 10 acres and support buildings exceeding 200,000 square feet or more; the current
offering price has been estimated at $19,000 per acre. “I’m very excited about downtown and I think there are a lot of opportunities already in place that we can grow from,” Tunnell said. “First and foremost is getting the business park completed so that we can have a class-A industrial park to recruit to and bring good high-paying jobs to the residents of Albemarle; with that is the income that’s generated by those jobs that will go into downtown — it’s all complementary of one another. We’re also going to focus on business retention expansion, not only on the industrial side, but in the downtown and commercial areas as well.”
WEEKLY CRIME LOG ♦ Rowland, Dakota Wayne (W M, 24) Arrest on chrg of Driving While Impaired (M), at Landis St, Albemarle, on 10/14/2020
Stephen King’s thriller ‘Mr. Mercedes’ gets another chance
David Larson
The Associated Press
OCT 23
OCT 22
ISSN: 2575-2278
Neal Robbins
Norwood, NC, on 10/17/2020 ♦ Daigle, Caleb Isiah (W /M/19) Arrest on chrg of Driving While Impaired, M (M), at 126 Third Steet, Albemarle, NC, on 10/16/2020 ♦ Wallace, Aaron Scott (W /M/30) Arrest on chrg of Unauthorized Use Of Motor Vehicle, M (M), at Quail Trail Rd/piney Point Rd, Norwood, NC, on 10/16/2020 ♦ Dye, Jeffery Daniel (W /M/22) Arrest on chrg of 1) Shoplifting Concealment Goods (M), 2) Possess Methamphetamine (F), 3) Simple Possess Sch Iv Cs (m) (M), and 4) Possess Drug Paraphernalia (M), at 137 S Main St/w Turner St, Norwood, NC, on 10/16/2020 ♦ Efird, Ralph Junior (W /M/58) Arrest on chrg of Dv Protection Order Violation (M), at 533 N Main St/doody Av, Norwood, NC, on 10/15/2020 ♦ Spindler, Philip Christopher (W /M/28) Arrest on chrg of Surrender By Surety, F (F), at 126 S Third St, Albemarle, NC, on 10/14/2020 ♦ Camp, David Mark (W /M/58) Arrest on chrg of Second Degree Trespass (M), at 371-35 North 6th St, Albemarle, NC, on 10/13/2020
♦ Allen, Emanuel Lamont Clark (B /M/23) Arrest on chrg of Assault On Female (M), at 203 Doody Av, Norwood, NC, on 10/17/2020
♦ Laws, Marcus Bine (W /M/38) Arrest on chrg of 1) Felony Possession Sch Ii Cs (F) and 2) Possess Drug Paraphernalia (M), at Highway 24/27, Albemarle, NC, on 10/13/2020
♦ Adair, Leah Michele (W /F/18) Arrest on chrg of Simple Assault (M), at 203 Doody Av,
♦ Eaglen, Ryan James (W /M/26) Arrest on chrg of 1) Forgery Of Instrument (F), 2)
Uttering Forged Endorsement (F), Obtain Property False Pretense (F), (multiple counts of each) at 18608 Pepple Stone Cirle, Albemarle, NC, on 10/13/2020 ♦ Medley, Christopher Demetrious (B /M/30) Arrest on chrg of Civil Order For Arrest - Child Support (M), at 976 North Main St, Norwood, NC, on 10/13/2020 ♦ Alexi, Matthew David (W /M/22) Arrest on chrg of 1) Felony Possession Sch Vi Cs (F) and 2) Possess Marij Paraphernalia (M), at 20289 St Martin Rd/carriker Rd, Albemarle, NC, on 10/13/2020 ♦ Bennett, Travis James (W /M/27) Arrest on chrg of True Bill Of Indictment (F), at 126 S Third St, Albemarle, NC, on 10/13/2020 ♦ Koslik, Jamie Lynn (W /F/37) Arrest on chrg of Driving While Impaired, M (M), at 24302 Us 52 South, Albemarle, NC, on 10/13/2020 ♦ Koslik, Jamie Lynn (W /F/37) Arrest on chrg of Driving While Impaired (M), at Us Hwy 52 S., Norwood, NC, on 10/13/2020 ♦ Hammond, Jarrius Raheem (B /M/26) Arrest on chrg of Disorderly Conduct (M), at 141 W Andrews St, Norwood, NC, on 10/13/2020 ♦ Varner, Cameron Nicholas (W M, 21) Arrest on chrg of Robbery With Dangerous Weapon (F), at 529 Austin St/wood St, Albemarle, on 10/16/2020. ♦ Barbee, Timothy Dale (W M, 46) Arrest on chrg of Assault On Female, (M), at 155 W South St, Albemarle, on 10/16/2020.
♦ Chambers, Elnora Nmn (B F, 58) Arrest on chrg of Misdemeanor Larceny, (M), at 781 Leonard Av, Albemarle, on 10/16/2020. Spivey, Christopher Glenn (W M, 20) Arrest on chrg of First Deg Tresp Enter/remain, (M), at 331 Bunn St, Albemarle, on 10/16/2020. ♦ Jones, Robert Lorenzo (B M, 44) Arrest on chrg of Possession Of Firearm By Felon (F), at 228 Leonard Av, Albemarle, on 10/16/2020. ♦ Fishman, Dylan Charles (W M, 22) Arrest on chrg of Misdemeanor Larceny (M), at 781 Leonard Av, Albemarle, on 10/17/2020. ♦ Wiley, Matthew Dennis (W M, 20) Arrest on chrg of Felony Larceny (F), at 517 Peachtree Rd, Oakboro, on 10/17/2020. ♦ Tucker, Connie Anita (W F, 66) Arrest on chrg of Communicate Threats, M (M), at 1205 Ash St, Albemarle, on 10/18/2020. ♦ Forte, Nicolia Amerion (B M, 19) Arrest on chrg of Child Abuse (M), at S Bell Av, Albemarle, on 10/18/2020. ♦ Wright, Katherine Lillian (W F, 27) Arrest on chrg of Obtain Property False Pretense (F), at 415 Richardson St, Albemarle, on 10/19/2020. ♦ Aplin, Amber Lynn (W F, 34) Arrest on chrg of Possess Drug Paraphernalia (M), at 126 S Third St, Albemarle, on 10/19/2020. ♦ Hedrick, Harlan Wayne (W M, 73) Arrest on chrg of Sexual Battery, M (M), at 2700 Us 52 North, Albemarle, on 10/19/2020.
DEATH NOTICES ♦ Stephen Daniel Burleson, Sr., 57, of Salisbury, passed away Thursday, October 8 ♦ Chris Daniel Harward, 51, of Albemarle, passed away Monday, October 12 ♦ Ancel Pines Whitley, 88, of Stanfield, passed away Tuesday, October 13 ♦ Donald “Donnie” Ray Barbee, 63, of Stanfield passed away October 13 ♦ Kay Eudy, 71, of Locust, passed away Wednesday, October 14 ♦ Jeffrey Wayne Morris, 59, of Albemarle, passed away Thursday October 15 ♦ James “Jimmy” Howard Thomas, 77, of New London passed away on October 16 ♦ John Elwood “Hook” Simpson 79 of Norwood passed away October 18.
See OBITUARIES, page 7
sometimes a disturbing tendency among people to treat those measures are understandable, they should also have an expira church some services can to keep our families, be open or closed,meltdown whether we oughtSome to we pursue Sweden style — a not Americans are notever. going to stay home f confident will — emerge outis of stronger supposed U.S. tax credits to companies whosimply willknow source at least halfdata of their 1986. experts believe that event, the Star Wars what theythe questioning and asking when we caninstart getting back This allthis newpandemic to Americans, andthan it is not normal.own Nottemp in an and many more ut still continue more liberalized society that presumes wide spread, or whether we they certainly will not do so on the bas ed we by should also In this same spirit, I continue to be inspired by stories of humanity production back in the States. There is though approximately programor of are Reagan, led directly toshape, the dissolution ofwhile the Soviet Unionremain vigilant and stay s to do, lastUnited I to normal they are$120 conspiracy theorists people who or form. So we should don’t.as afterdown our own e while reasonable stay-at-home ought to lock further. neighbors helping neighbors. especially as statistics roll in that look e I wish billion worth checked. of American direct investment in plants and equipment in 1989. otherwise don’t care if they get themselves or others sick. the same time we shouldn’t get comfortable with this so-calle uld also have an expiration date. We’ve seen case fatality rates — the number of deaths divided by estimates in terms of death and the up temporary In Concord, a high school senior named Tanner used his own celebratio in China. Chinese direct investmentSince in thewhen U.S. did is about $65 billion by Perhaps COVID-19 China’s Chernobyl. questioning government at all levels become aisbad normal.” North State Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 not normal. Not in any way, the number of identified COVID-19 cases — but both the numerator of economic damage. We need transpa money to buy a 3-D printer and plastic to make face shields for necessary sacrifices are comparison. Senators inwere Washington already about Stanly Wednesday, October 21,are 2020 thing? That is what freeCounty citizensJournal living infor a free society supposed Nottalking one little bit. the possibility ain vigilant and stay safe, at and in theChina denominator are likely wrong. We don’tin know how many scientific — we need to know w health care workers out of his own home. through t An investment tax credit of 30% on half of U.S. investment of China forgiving $1.2 trillion debt we owe them as one way toexperts get over. to do, last I checked. able with this so-called “new people have actually died of coronavirus. Some sources suggest the don’t and when they hope to know wha today, or $60 billion,for applied to repatriated American China to “pay”isfor damage have Matthews caused thehas US.also Don’t hold your North State Journal Wednesday, April 2020 asmanufacturing My first15, concern we go along in all this, of course, mythe family. I’m they Stacey written under the pseudonym Siste number has beenbreath overestimated, given that classification for cause We’re grown-ups, and we’re willing t investment to the U.S. would costworried the U.S.about Treasury $18 billion in waiting for a Chinese “Jubilee” to happen but ask your elected themStanly catching the virus, and I’m worried I will.April After15, 2020 and is a regular contributor to RedState and Legal Insurrecti County Journal for Wednesday, of death, particularly among elderly patients, be variable. Some financial they need to start tax revenue spread over a few years. $18 billion lost revenue hold Chinacan accountable in tangible ways for answering serious qu suffering fromin the H1N1 virusis(swine flu) representatives during the 2009topandemic, sources suggest the number is dramatically underestimated, since to the same lack of institutional faith to decimal dust compared to the $6 I’ve trillion+ Plan extra we areprecautions, now this disaster. been Marshall trying to take because all of this brings up r the pseudonym Sister Toldjah many people are dying at home. institutions seem undertaking to save our own economy, notmany of defeated enemies as in the It is about timenot they expected to operate as responsible citizens of deeply prone. way too memories of a painful experience I’d prefer to are repeat. e and Legal Insurrection. Even more importantly, we have no clue how Americans past. theeasily worldmost like any other has modernmany nation. But what also makes me lose sleep is how everyone actually have coronavirus. Some scientists suggest that the number Ben Shapiro, 36, is a graduate of UCLA China has been cheating, stealing, pirating and pillaging American of identified cases could be an order of magnitude lower than the host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and ed business now for the past 30 years. They have made no secret that they Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor number of people who have had coronavirus and not been tested. com. intend to replace the U.S. as the premier superpower in the world and replace the dollar as the reserve currency with their renminbi.
Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor
’s okay to ask questions about when The e begin to get back to comfort normal and hope of Easter COLUMN | REP. RICHARD HUDSON
“THIS IS THEfallen DAYinto the lord has made, let usthe rejoice and be of glad Inc. in Concord and New WITH MOST STATES under either shelter-in-place or stay-at-home place. I understand seriousness the virus Hydromer and the need in it” (Psalm 118:24). Salisbury are orders thanks to local or state governments, a majority of Americans to take precautions, but I’m uneasy with how people who simply ask switching their operation I know that during this challenging time of social distancing, Inback Fayetteville, a minister began a p are having to adjust to what is being called the “new normal.” questions about the data, and when things can start getting to working from home or losing a job, it may be difficult to “rejoice and seniors throughout Cumberland Count Some of these orders extend at least through the end of this month. normal are treated in some circles with contempt. be glad” as the Bible tells us to do. However, as a Christian, husband These stories from throughout our r Virginia’s stay-at-home orders go into June. They’re treated as though we as a society simply must accept without and dad, the Easter holiday has reminded me of just how much we hope, inspiration and supplies to peopl Here in North Carolina, Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper stated during question what the government tells us about when it’s safe to begin the have to be thankful and hopeful for, even in the midst of this global workers on the front lines of the corona a recent coronavirus press briefing that “we just don’t know yet” if the process of returning back to normalcy. Lenten and pandemic. While people throughout our commu No. The government works for us, and we have the right to ask those when did state’s stay-at-home orders will extend into May. For me, my faith is an important part of my daily life and decision I am glad initiatives we have passed in Easter seasons If he does decide to extend it, questions should be asked as to the questions. And the longer stay-at-home orders are in place all over the ioning making. As I celebrated Easter with my family, I reflected on 2 Protection Program, are supporting se justification for it. And the answers should notabe vague ones like “we country, and the stricter some of them get in states, such as Michigan, provide nment Corinthians 1:4, which reminds us our Lord “comforts us in all our helping small businesses keep people o must do this out of an abundance of caution.” the more people, sitting at home feeling isolated and/or anxious about message of affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any relief will soon reach families and work levels It will need to be explained in detailhope to the people of this state who when they can get back to providing for their families, will demand that we will affliction, with the comfort which we ourselves are comforted by continue working on common sense an are being told to remain jobless and at home for an undetermined answers. me a once again enjoy God.” we can defeat the coronavirus and keep amount of time why models predicting hundreds of thousands of cases Leaders at the local and state levels should be as forthcoming as they hing? sporting events, If you are celebrating the Easter season, I urge you to also whole. are reliable. can be with those answers — and again, not vague answers, but answer is what reflect and be comforted, that we may live out Until then, the Lenten and Easter se concerts, family To date, I’ve gone along with what the state has asked and thenon this message with details that give theirso statements believability. God’s example and comfort all those in need around us during hope that we will once again enjoy spo itizens mandated that we do, but along the way I’ve also had questions about We should all continue to do what we can to keep our families, gatherings, COLUMN | BEN SHAPIRO this difficult time. Through faith and by helping one another, I am gatherings, church services and many the data. State Republican leaders have, too. services ourselves, and our communities safe. But we should also still continue church in a free confident we will emerge out of this pandemic stronger than ever. own temporary Unfortunately, when certain types ofand questions get asked, there is to ask questions about the data, because while reasonable stay-at-home sacrifices for the greate many more ty were In this same spirit, I continue to be inspired they by stories humanity are over. sometimes a disturbing tendency among some people to treat those measures are understandable, shouldofalso have an expiration date. after our own osed neighbors helping neighbors. I wish everyone celebrating Easter, a simply questioning data and asking when we can start getting back This is all new to Americans, and it is not normal. Not in any way, COLUMN | BENthe SHAPIRO temporary In Concord, a high school senior named Tanner used his own celebration and pray we can all continu last I to normal as though they are conspiracy theorists or are people who shape, or form. So while we should remain vigilant and stay safe, at money to buy a 3-D printer and plastic to make face shields for necessary safety guidelines and remain sacrifices are sick. otherwise don’t care if they get themselves or others the same time we shouldn’t get comfortable with this so-called “new ked. health care workers out of his own home. through this together. Since when did questioning government normal.” over. at all levels become a bad LAST WEEK,living Democrats struggled to explain why Judge thelittle four justices by Democrats voted together 51 RTAIN; after this COVID-19 virus dissipates cavalier manner in which China lied the bit. origin ofappointed the thing? That is what free citizens inThe a free society were supposed Not about one Amy Coney Barrett should not be confirmed to serve on the times; Republican appointees only voted together 37 times. n the United States, will pay for Stanly this County virus, covered its spread and tried to tell the world there were only to do, China last I checked. Journal for up Wednesday, April 15, 2020 Supreme Court. They trotted out hackneyed arguments, As Ilya Shapiro of the Cato Institute pointed out, “it’sToldjah the for Wednesday,My April 2020 as we go along in all another. 3,341 deaths hasfamily. led to I’m worldwide panic, economic and under the has first15, concern this,related of course, is my Stacey Matthews has collapse also written pseudonym Sister THIS WEEK, according to members of the federal government, That would mean that the fatality rate is actually far lower than suggesting that some political norm had been broken by a (Ruth Bader) Ginsburg Four that represent a bloc geared toward isis caused by worried China inabout perspective, zero the virus, millions ofworried Americans needlessly thrown out of work. them catching and I’m I will. After being and is a regular contributor to RedState and Legal Insurrection. and state and local governments, Americans have begun to flatten suggested, even if the transmission rate is high. Republican president nominating a judge to be confirmed as a progressive policy outcomes.” Republican appointees, in other can trace their suffering source tofrom the United States over The crisisthe has2009 cost the U.S. taxpayer at least $2.4 trillion in added the H1N1 virus (swine flu) during pandemic, the curve the novel coronavirus outbreak. The There excitement was words, are Secondly, what are we expecting in more termsoften of a second by ain Republican Senate anall election politically heterodox significantly than wave? t least four in the alone be debt plusin trillions in Federal Reserve backup liquidity to the I’ve20th beencentury trying justice to takecan extra precautions, because ofmore this year. brings up have muted — after all, trends can easily reverse — but real. Americans The institute’s model simply cuts off in early August. It does not been 19 times where a seat became vacant in an election year Democratic appointees. That’s because, on a fundamental level, a: 1957 “Asian flu,” “Hong Kong flu,” markets and outlets. If the U.S. dollar were not the reserve way 1968 too many memories of 1977 a painful experience I’dfinancial prefer not to repeat. have abided by recommendations and orders. They’ve left their jobs predict how many people will die in a second wave. This is the Liberals see and both the presidency and Senate were controlled by the same they take their job — and the constitutional separation of powers 002 SARS outbreak. Therealso is evidence that thesleep is currency, we most wouldeveryone not be able But what makes me lose how easily hasto fund any of these emergency to stay at home; they’ve practiced social distancing; in many places, most important problem because experts maintain that the virus is party, resulting in 17 judicial confirmations. They suggested — seriously. flu” pandemic also had in China. measures without immediate fear of rampant inflation and currency the court as aits origins they’ve donned masks. seasonal, which means we are likely to see more serious spreading that Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish to leave her seat open Democrats do not. That’s why they see as the glories of the ment, outside China, that COVID-19 depreciation. super-legislature, Weof need Thea result: a reduction in expected hospitalization and death. in the fall.those And moments that means willthe be Supreme faced with either renewed until Democrat takes power a sort ofaberrant binding legal Supreme Court in we which Court rovince probably from the completely Chinarepresented has to pay for their ways and decisions through transparency According to the University of Washington Institute for Health lockdowns for large swaths of the population, with wide-scale designed to act Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor commitment. seized power on behalf of progressive ideals. Roe v. Wade has nitary wet markets. Some believe it came out of a economic and financial means. Diplomacy has obviously not worked Metrics and Evaluation model most oft cited by members of the testing and contact tracing, or with the realization that we will have and honesty as moral arbiters her | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor And they fumed. become holy writ on the political left, specifically because it he communist Chinese army. to bring China into the civilized world of 21st century health, hygiene Trump administration, the expected need for hospital beds at to isolate those who are most vulnerable and let everyone else work. They fumed that Barrett refuses to pledge fealty to their robbed the American people of their right to vote on the issue from our igorous verifiable and regulation of and fair trade. Totalitarian communist regimes never take the blame on behalfpolicing of peak outbreak was revised down by over 120,000, the number of Which raises the third question: What exactly can we do? Are political priorities. They fumed that Barrett has stated that the of abortion. Democrats see nothing but glory in Supreme ealth protocols, American business has no other or express sincere regret and remorse, because that is not what scientific experts progressive ventilators by nearly 13,000 and the number of overall deaths by we capable of rolling out tens of millions of tests over the next few role of the judiciary is not to achieve moral ends but to enforce Court justices seizing authority to protect abortion on behalf dundant manufacturing elsewhere purely totalitarian governments do. They take advantage of every weakness — we need to plantsAugust by nearly 12,000. months — and compelling people to take tests regularly, since the values the law. They fumed that Barrett had the temerity to state of defining “one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the d safety reasons as well as supply and delivery they find in adversaries and keep pushing until they win or the know what they Here’s theare problem: We still don’t know the answers to the key universe, virus is transmittable while carriers are asymptomatic? Can we that “courts not designed to solve every problem or right and of the mystery of human life” (Planned Parenthood adversaries push back. know, what they questions allow the economy to reopen. create a contact tracing system for 330 million Americans — and every wrong in will our public life,”is, that “thean policy decisions andhappensv.such Casey, 1992). to make China “pay” for this disaster is tothat offer That unless exogenous event as the Chernobyl First, what is the true coronavirus fatality rate? This question is are we to submit to Court one? justices don’t and when value judgments of government must be made by the political They see nothing but wonderourselves in Supreme panies who will source at least half of their meltdown in 1986. Some experts believe that event, not thewilling Star Wars important because it determines whether certain areas ought to One thing is certain: Things cannot continue as they have been. branches” and that she has done her utmost to “reach the result declaring that the judiciary has been delegated enforcement of “a they hope to United States. There is approximately $120 program of Reagan, led directly to the dissolution of the Soviet Union be open or closed, whether we ought to pursue — Sweden style — a Americans are not going to stay home for months on end, and required by the law,” whatever her preferences might be. charter protecting the right of all persons to enjoy liberty as we can direct investment plants and equipment in 1989. know what in they more liberalized society that presumes wide spread, or whether we they certainly will not do so on the basis of ever-evolving models, That’s because, in the view of the political left, the court learn its meaning” (Obergefell v. Hodges, 2015). They see nothing ct investment in the U.S. is about $65 billion by Perhaps COVID-19 is China’s Chernobyl. don’t. ought to to be lock downanother further.weapon in its political arsenal. especially as statistics roll in that look like the lower-end model ought merely cause celebration in the Supreme Court cramming Senators in Washington are already talkingbut about thefor possibility We’ve seen case fatality rates — the number of deaths divided by estimates in terms of death and the upper-end estimates in terms Conservatives see the judiciary as Alexander Hamilton down on the American people their own sense of our “evolving edit of 30% on half of U.S. investment in China of China forgiving $1.2 trillion in debt we owe them as one way to get the number of identified COVID-19 cases — but both the numerator of economic damage. We need transparency and honesty characterized it in “Federalist No. 78”: as the “least dangerous” standards of decency” (Trop v. Dulles, 1958) or the importance of from our pplied to repatriated American manufacturing China to “pay” for the damage they have caused the US. Don’t hold your and the denominator are likely wrong. We don’t know how many scientific experts — we need to know what they know, what they branch, capable of “neither force nor will, but merely judgment,” never-before-defined “emanations” and “penumbras” (Griswold would cost the U.S. Treasury $18 billion in breath waiting for a Chinese “Jubilee” to happen but ask your elected people have actually died of coronavirus. Some sources suggest the don’t and when they hope to know what they don’t. an institution whose legitimacy rests on its unwillingness to v. Connecticut, 1965). They want the court to act as an oligarchy. r a few years. $18 billion in lost revenue is representatives to hold China accountable in tangible financial ways for number has been overestimated, given that classification for cause They are We’re grown-ups, and we’re willinghas to follow “exercise WILL instead of disaster. JUDGMENT.” Liberals see the court angry that Barrett’s nomination movedtheir the advice. But d to the $6 trillion+ Marshall Plan we are now this of death, particularly among elderly patients, can be variable. Some they need to start answering serious questions, or they will fall prey as a super-legislature, designed to act as moral arbiters on court away from that progressive, oligarchic rule. That’s why r own economy, not of defeated enemies as in the It is about time they are expected to operate as responsible citizens of sourcesofsuggest the number is dramatically underestimated, sincethey’retothreatening the same lack of institutional faith to which all other behalf progressive values. That’s why former President Barack to pack the court — because they wish to American the world like any other modern nation. many people are dying at home. institutions seem deeply prone. Obama stated that judges ought to be selected for the quality of restore that oligarchy to power. That’s just another reason why, ting, stealing, pirating and pillaging American Even more importantly, we have no clue how Americans “empathy, of understanding and identifying with many people’s hopes for all the talk about Donald Trump’s threats to core American ast 30 years. They have made no secret that they actually have coronavirus. Some scientists suggest that the number Ben Shapiro, is aa candle graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, and struggles, as an essential ingredient for arriving at just institutions, he can’t36, hold to even mainstream .S. as the premier superpower in the world and of identified cases could be an order of magnitude lower than the host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and editor-in-chief of DailyWire. decisions and outcomes.” Democratic willingness to trash checks and balances on behalf e reserve currency with their renminbi. number people who have coronavirus and not been tested. of power. com. Criticaloflegal theorists havehad suggested that conservatives are fibbing — that their view of the judiciary as relegated to judgment alone is merely cover for the reinforcement of their Ben Shapiro, 36, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law political priorities. But the data suggest otherwise. During the School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and editor-in-chief of EWS 2019 Supreme Court term, for example, out of some 67 decisions, DailyWire.com.
Why hatecatastrophe Amy Coney Barrett ll pay forDemocrats this COVID-19 The 3 big questions nobody is answering
k questions about when etbig back to normal The comfort hope of Easter his COVID-19 questionscatastrophe nobody is answering Restarting theand economy and schools... safely
ES under either shelter-in-place or stay-at-home fallen into place. I understand the seriousness of the virus and the need s dissipates cavalierofmanner in which China about the origin the with how people who simply ask or state governments,The a majority Americans to takelied precautions, but I’mofuneasy THIS WEEK, virus, according to members ofTHE theand federal government, That would mean that the fatality rate Impact is actually far lowerand thanNew “THIS IS DAY the lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad Hydromer in Concord EVERY DAY, more folks are going back to work, more small increase federal funding that helpsSarum to fundBrewing schools, Co. in y for this covered up its spread tried to tell the world there were only what is being called the “new normal.” questions about the data, and when things can start getting backInc. to Aid and state and local governments, Americans have begun to flatten suggested, even if the transmission rate is high. in it” (Psalm 118:24). Salisbury are switching their operations to make hand sanitizer. businesses are opening their doors, and more students are going including ones near military bases like Fort Bragg, where 3,341 related deaths has led to worldwide panic, economic collapse and extend at least through the end of this month. normal are treated in some circles with contempt. the curve in the novel coronavirus outbreak. The excitement was Secondly, what are we expecting in terms ofI was a second wave? I know that during this challenging time of social distancing, In Fayetteville, minister began a program to deliver back to school. We have a long way to go to protect public health Highland is. This year, able to secure $16 million for the groceries to ve, zero millions of Americans needlessly being thrown out of work. orders go into June. They’re treated as though we as a society simply must accept without muted — after all, trends canand easily reverse — butor real. Americans Thedifficult institute’s model simply cuts off in early as August. Ita does not working from home losing a job, it may be to “rejoice and seniors throughout Cumberland County. rebuild our economy, but these are all good signs. Impact Aid program, well as provision to study the program d States over The crisis has cost the U.S. taxpayer at least $2.4 trillion in added na, Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper stated during question what the government tells us about when it’s safe to begin the have abided by recommendations and orders. They’ve their jobs predict how manyhusband people inwe a stories second wave.boost Thisfunding is the our beThroughout glad” the Bible tells us to do. However, asof ayou Christian, These from throughout continue last week, Ileft enjoyed seeing many across andwill seedie how can further in region the future. I will to provide one be that debt plus trillions more Federal Reserve liquidity to the ess can briefing “we just don’t know yet”asifin the process ofbackup returning back to normalcy. to stay at home; they’ve practiced social distancing; in many places, most important problem because experts maintain that the virus is in need and dad, the Easter holiday has reminded me of just how much we hope, inspiration and supplies to people and our health care our region and seeing this progress firsthand. I was encouraged always fight to make sure our students, our military, their families ong flu,” 1977 markets and financial outlets. If the U.S. dollar were not the reserve ders will extend into May. No. The government works for us, and we have the right to ask those they’ve donned masks. seasonal, which means we are likelyget toonsee more serious spreading have to be thankful and hopeful for, even in the midst of this global workers the front lines of the coronavirus response. visiting with local business owners who are seeing the economy and veterans the resources they need. dence that the currency, we would not be able to fund any of these emergency xtend it, questions should be asked as to the questions. And the longer stay-at-home orders are in place all over the The result: a reduction inwithout expected hospitalization death. in the fall.schools And that means will be people faced with eitherIrenewed Lenten and pandemic. While throughout our visited communities continue open back and revenues climbing. I also visited two Inwe addition visiting schools, also with workers andto step up, in China. measures immediate fearcountry, of and rampant and currency the answers should not be vague ones likeup“we and inflation the stricter some of them get in states, such asto Michigan, I will always fight According to the University of Washington Institute for Health lockdowns for large swaths of the population, with wide-scale For me, my faith is an important part of my daily life and decision I am glad initiatives we have passed in Congress, like the Paycheck Easter seasons that are working to keep teachers and students safe, while small business owners across our region as they continue to ID-19 depreciation. abundance of caution.” the more people, sitting at home feeling isolated and/or anxious about make sure our Metricstoand Evaluation model most oft cited by members of the testing and contact tracing, or with the realization that we will have making. As I celebrated Easter with my family, I reflected on 2 Protection Program, are supporting self-employed people and allowing them the opportunity to keep learning in a classroom rebuild from COVID-19 lockdowns. The Paycheck Protection etely China has to pay for their aberrant ways and decisions through provide a people of this state who lained in detail to the when they can get back to providing for their families, will demand Trump administration, theand expected need for hospital beds atusobviously tonot isolate those who are mosthelping vulnerable and let everyone else work. Corinthians 1:4, which reminds our Lord “comforts us in all our small businesses keep people on the payroll, while direct students, our setting. It is important that we open our economy and schools Program helped small businesses save 1.2 million jobs in North t came out of a economic financial means. Diplomacy has worked n jobless and at home answers. message offor an undetermined peak outbreak was revised down by over 120,000, the number of Which raises the third question: What exactly can we do? Are affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any relief will soon reach families and workers. Please know that I’ll back up — but most important to do it safely. Carolina. But we must do more to continue restoring our way of to bring China into the civilized world of 21st century health, hygiene military, their odels predicting hundreds of cases Leaders at the local and state levels should be as forthcoming as they hope that we13,000 willof thousands ventilators by nearly and the number of overall deaths bywe we capable ofBrown rollingbyout tens ofemerging millions of tests over the next fewand affliction, withIcommunist the comfort which ourselves are comforted continue working on common sense targeted solutions so that On Tuesday, visited the Wonder Career Center at A.L. life and from every challenge posed by COVID-19. gulation of and fair trade. Totalitarian regimes never take the blame can be with those answers — and again, not vague answers, but answer families and again enjoy sincere August byonce nearly 12,000. months — and compellingTopeople to defeat take tests regularly, since the God.” we can the coronavirus and keep people and businesses High School. Located in Kannapolis, the center has partnered help reach that goal, last week I introduced the American sng has no other or express regret and remorse, because that is not what with veterans what the state has asked and then with details that give their statements believability. get the Here’s the problem: We stillwith don’t know the answers toadvantage the key virus isyou transmittable while carriers are asymptomatic? Can we sporting events, If you are celebrating the Easter season, I equip urge to also whole. Rowan-Cabarrus Community College to students forcan to Drug Chain Act. This bipartisan legislation will sewhere totalitarian do. They take of every weakness but alongpurely the way I’ve also had governments questions about We should all continue to do what we keepSupply our families, questions that will allow the economy to reopen. create a contact tracing system for 330 million Americans — andobstacles reflect on this message and be comforted, so that we may live out Until then, the Lenten and Easter seasons provide a message of resources they concerts, family careers in computer programming, HVAC, public safety, welding improve the drug supply chain and identify to and delivery they find in adversaries and keep pushing until they win or the can leaders have, too. ourselves, and our communities safe. But we should also still continue First,need. what is the true coronavirus fatality rate? This question is are we willing to submit ourselves to one? God’s example and comfort all those in need around us during hope that we will once again enjoy sporting events, concerts, family and other important trades. Career and Technical Education has domestic manufacturing and potential incentives to bring more adversaries push back. gatherings, certain types of questions get asked, there is to ask questions about the data, because while reasonable stay-at-home important because That it determines whether certain areas ought to One thing is certain: Things cannot back continue as they have been. this difficult time. Through faith and by helping one another, I am gatherings, church services and many more celebrations after our never been more important to support students and workers as manufacturing to the United States. ster is to offer is, unless an exogenous event happens such as the Chernobyl g tendency among people to treat those measures are understandable, they should also have an expiration date. church some services be open or closed,meltdown whether we ought to we pursue — Sweden style — COVID-19 a not Americans are not going to stay home forpandemic months on end, and confident will emerge out of this pandemic stronger than ever. own temporary sacrifices for the greater good of the country and we rebuild our economy following the pandemic. As The COVID-19 has exposed the dangers of having lfdata of their in 1986. Some experts believe that event, the Star Wars and asking when we can start getting back This is all new to Americans, and it is not normal. Not in any way, and many more more liberalized society that wide spread, or whether certainly will do on the basis of over. ever-evolving models, In thisled same spirit, Ithe continue towe be inspired by stories of not humanity are apresumes former Rowan-Cabarrus Community College Trustee, I know toosomuch of our critical ately program of are Reagan, directly toshape, dissolution of thethey Soviet Union ey are$120 conspiracy theorists or people who or form. So while we should remain vigilant and stay safe, at prescription drug supply chain overseas after our own ought to lock down further. especially as statistics roll in that look like the lower-end model neighbors helping neighbors. I wish celebrating Easter, asto well as Passover, how important Career andsame Technical Education is get to our students with in countries likeeveryone China. why I’m working ensure as many a joyous d equipment they get themselvesinor1989. others sick. the time we shouldn’t comfortable this so-called “new That’s We’ve seen case fatality rates — the number of deaths divided by estimates in terms of death and the upper-end estimates in terms temporary In Concord, a high school senior named Tanner used his own celebration and pray we can all continue to keep faith, and the opportunities it creates. drugs as possible are made right here in the United States to practice $65 billion by Perhaps COVID-19 is China’s Chernobyl. tioning government at all levels become a bad normal.” State Journal Wednesday, April 15, 2020 the number offor identified COVID-19 cases —aare but both the numerator of economic damage. We need transparency and honesty from our and money to buy 3-D printer and plastic to make face shields for necessary safety guidelines and remain confident that we will get sacrifices are On Wednesday, I toured Highland Middle School in Sanford protect patients; defend our national security; create good, Senators in Washington already talking about the possibility e citizens living in a free society were supposed Not one little bit. and in theChina denominator are likely wrong. We don’t know how many scientific experts — we need to know what they know, what they health care workers out of his own home. through this together. to see how they are sanitizing classrooms and implementing high-paying manufacturing jobs in our country. ment of China forgiving $1.2 trillion in debt we owe them as one way to get over. people have actually died coronavirus. sources suggest the don’t and when they hopeI’ll to continue know what theyfocused don’t. on common sense solutions to procedures toSome maintain social distancing to keep our children to stay anufacturing China to of “pay” damage have caused thehas US. Don’t hold your we go along in all this, of course, isfor mythe family. I’m they Stacey Matthews also written under the pseudonym Sister Toldjah number has been overestimated, given that classification for cause We’re grown-ups, and we’re willing to follow theirour advice. Butsafely open our schools, safe. Asa we plan and prepare a post-pandemic Carolina rebuild our economy, support troops, billion the in virus, and breath waiting Chinese “Jubilee” to afor happen but ask yourNorth elected tching I’m worried Ifor will. After and is regular contributor to RedState and Legal Insurrection. of death, particularly among elderly patients, can be variable. Some they need to start answering serious questions, or they will fall andto nation, education must be at forefront. We cannot allow lower the price of prescriptions drugs and prey emerge from the venue hold China accountable inthe tangible financial ways for N1 virusis(swine flu) representatives during the 2009 pandemic, sources suggest the number is dramatically underestimated, since to the same lack of institutional faith to which all other American our children to fall behind and the future of our country to be COVID-19 pandemic stronger than before. We’ve accomplished a we are now this disaster. extra precautions, because all of this brings up manyas people are dying at home. institutions seem deeplylot, prone. set back. While at Highland Middle, I discussed my efforts to but I won’t stop fighting for you. nemies in the It is about time they are expected to operate as responsible citizens of es of a painful experience I’d prefer not to repeat. Even more importantly, we no clue how many Americans theeasily worldmost likehave any other modern nation. me lose sleep is how everyone has actually have coronavirus. Some scientists suggest that the number Ben Shapiro, 36, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, ng American of identified cases could be an order of magnitude lower than the host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and editor-in-chief of DailyWire. ecret that they obbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor number of people who have had coronavirus and not been tested. com. he world and
Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, October 21, 2020
William & Mary to reinstate women’s sports targeted in cuts Williamsburg, Va. William & Mary plans to reinstate three women’s athletic programs that had been targeted for abolishment, a decision that helps the school avoid a lawsuit and move closer to gender equity under Title IX. The school announced the plan Monday, reversing a Sept. 3 announcement that women’s swimming, volleyball and gymnastics, along with four men’s sports, would be cut in a cost-saving measure. That announcement was made by former athletic director Samantha Huge, who resigned Oct. 6. The school said additional cuts in the rosters of men’s programs, or increases in women’s participation, will be needed to get the program Title IX compliant within two years.
Kyle Larson reinstated to compete in NASCAR in 2021 The 28-year-old was suspended and lost his ride after using a racial slur during an iRacing event in April By Jenna Fryer The Associated Press CHARLOTTE — Kyle Larson can return to NASCAR competition next season following a long suspension for using a racial slur while playing a video game. He was suspended in April for after he used the n-word while playing an online racing game in which viewers could follow along. He was dropped by his sponsors and fired by Chip Ganassi Racing. Larson, who is half-Japanese, spent the last six months immersed in diversity programs aimed at helping him gain an un-
derstanding of racial injustice. He did not apply for reinstatement until last week and the clearance came Monday. “The work I’ve done over the last six months has had a major impact on me. I will make the most of this opportunity and look forward to the future,” Larson said. Larson, 28, has spent significant time with retired soccer star Tony Sanneh, whose foundation works on youth development and empowerment in the Minneapolis area. Larson also met with former Olympian Jackie Joyner-Kersee and visited her foundation in East St. Louis, and also spoke with Max Siegel, the CEO of USA Track & Field who also runs a NASCAR-sanctioned team that is part of the stock car series’ diversity program. Larson continued work he’d al-
ready been doing with the Urban Youth Racing School in Philadelphia. The nonprofit helps minorities advance in motorsports and Jysir Fisher, one of its students, had celebrated with Larson in Victory Lane following a win in Delaware last October. He put the work in unpublicized in an effort to prove his motives were sincere. “NASCAR continues to prioritize diversity and inclusion across our sport,” NASCAR said in a statement. “Kyle Larson has fulfilled the requirements set by NASCAR and has taken several voluntary measures to better educate himself so that he can use his platform to help bridge the divide in our country.” Larson also has spent the time away from NASCAR racing sprint cars, his passion, with a phenomenal success rate. He’s won 41 times
so far this year and rebuilt a devout fanbase along the way. The time at the dirt tracks made for a blissful summer for Larson and his family, which accompanied him nearly every weekend. His two children were Victory Lane fixtures and his wife ran his souvenir challenge. Despite the enjoyable family time, Larson insisted he wanted to return to NASCAR. He was considered the top free agent prospect before his firing, which ended eight seasons with Chip Ganassi Racing. Larson has long been considered a future star for NASCAR and presumably had his pick of cars for 2021. Instead, he’s hoping sponsors will agree to back him for a return to NASCAR. Larson is thought to be getting an open seat at Hendrick Motorsports, although the car number and sponsor affiliations are not clear. Among the hurdles Larson must clear is that Hendrick is tied to Chevrolet, one of the brands that cut ties with Larson in April. The current opening at Hendrick is also an entry that relied on heavy sponsorship from Chevy-related partners and products.
Kokrak first PGA Tour title in 233rd try North Las Vegas, Nev. Jason Kokrak, playing in his 233rd tournament during his 10th season on the PGA Tour, won for the first time last weekend at the CJ Cup at Shadow Creek, shooting a final round 8-under 64 to overcome a three-shot deficit at the start and win by two shots. Kokrak, a 35-year-old from Ohio, earned a spot in the Masters next month from reaching the Tour Championship a year ago in August. Now he can plan on two trips to Augusta National, qualifying for the 2021 tournament by winning.
Iowa says it won’t pay ex-players’ demand for $20 million Iowa City, Iowa The University of Iowa said it would not pay a demand from eight black former football players for $20 million in compensation for alleged racial discrimination they faced playing for the Hawkeyes. The university general counsel’s office released its response Sunday to a 21-page certified letter dated Oct. 5 from civil rights attorney Damario Solomon-Simmons of Tulsa, Oklahoma, who is representing the players. The players also called for the firings of head football coach Kirk Ferentz, offensive line coach Brian Ferentz and athletic director Gary Barta. The former players are Akrum Wadley, Aaron Mends, Jonathan Parker, Marcel Joly, Maurice Fleming, Reggie Spearman, Kevonte Martin-Manley and Andre Harris.
Jets trade veteran NT McLendon to Buccaneers New York The New York Jets traded veteran nose tackle Steve McLendon to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers following the Jets’ shutout loss to Miami on Sunday. New York will receive a 2022 sixth-round pick in exchange for McLendon and a 2023 seventh-round pick. The deal that was agreed upon Sunday night reunites McLendon, 34, with Buccaneers defensive coordinator Todd Bowles, who was the Jets’ head coach from 2015-18. The 0-6 Jets also parted ways with running back Le’Veon Bell last Tuesday.
Kyle Larson was reinstated by NASCAR six months after he was suspended for using a racial slur during an iRacing event.
College coaches still scrambling to fill hoops schedules The season is set to begin Nov. 25
By John Marshall The Associated Press COLLEGE COACHES endured a tense time waiting for the NCAA to green light the 2020-21 basketball season. They knew there was a window the NCAA was looking at to start, likely sometime in late November or early December. They just didn’t have a date. So they did the best they could to prepare for the big moment, yet still found themselves in a scramble once it actually happened. Even now, six weeks before tipoff, teams are struggling to fill out schedules as the clock keeps ticking. “We were trading a lot of phone calls, trying to come up with the best solutions,” said Anthony Ruta, director of basketball operations under Arkansas coach Eric Musselman. “You need time because you’re trying to juggle a bunch of different things. You’re trying to check a lot of boxes along the way without compromising yourself in other areas.” College football ended up with a scattershot plan for starting its season, leaving it up to the various conferences. As a result, some conferences are already playing while others, like the Pac-12 and Big Ten, are still waiting for their seasons to kick off. The NCAA took a more unified approach to the basketball season, saying it would set a start date for all teams in all conferences.
The maximum number of games college basketball teams can play this season, down from 31.
The NCAA announced last month that the season would begin on Nov. 25 and teams are still trying to fill all the holes in their schedules. Word came down in mid-September, when the NCAA said the season will begin on Nov. 25. Then the scramble began. Coaches kept in touch with opponents on their original schedules to make sure they were both on the same page. A multitude of factors had to be sifted through. Because the season was originally slated to begin in early November, the later start date meant several games on the schedule would have to be pushed to another day or eliminated. Many teams
don’t want to travel long distances during a pandemic, so finding regional opponents became a priority. Teams also had to sort through contracts with previously scheduled opponents and work around uncertainties as leagues across the country try to figure out conference schedules. “The problem is we already had the schedule,” West Virginia coach Bob Huggins said. “(Director of basketball operations Josh Eilert) had done a great job, had us
a great nonconference schedule, and then we had to just about totally blow it up and start all over again. It’s been as tough as I can remember in 43 years.” The NCAA reduced the maximum number of regular-season games from 31 to 27 if a team plays in a multiteam event. The max is 25 without a multiteam event. One of those, the Maui Invitational, was moved to Asheville. The Battle 4 Atlantis in the Bahamas was canceled and several teams slated to play there are headed to South Dakota instead. The Cancun Challenge was moved from Mexico to Florida and the Empire Classic from Madison Square Garden to the Mohegan Sun in Connecticut. Many teams are opting to play in smaller events, like the fourteam Little Apple Classic at Kansas State and the Champions Classic in Orlando. The rest of the schedules will be a mix of home and away games. The safety of players and coaches is the top priority, so many programs are looking at nearby opponents so they can travel by bus instead of going through an airport and getting on a plane.
Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, October 21, 2020
5 5
‘The Last Dance’ High school director talksathletic project departments prepare on Jordan’s Bulls for November The 10-part documentary will air over five Sundays Cross-country and volleyball can begin practicing in two weeks By Tim Reynolds The Associated Press
Tampa Bay Rays hold the American League championship trophy after they knocked out the Houston Astros in Saturday’s Game 7.
Dodgers-Rays rare wild-card era matchup of baseball’s best HBCU NFL hopefuls adjust after canceled pro days, combine KEVIN L. DORSEY | NC A&T ATHLETIC COMMUNICATIONS PHOTO
North Carolina A&T receiver Elijah Bell, pictured in 2017 against North Carolina Central, is among the HBCU draft hopefuls who was affected by the canceled events due to the coronavirus pandemic.
“Going to be a fun Series.”
Cody Bellinger, Dodgers outfielder
“Just because we are from smaller schools doesn’t mean we can’t compete.”
De’Montrez Burroughs, South Carolina State receiver
Game 1 of the World Series was set to begin Tuesday night The Associated Press
ARLINGTON, Texas — The World Series matchup between The coronavirus pandemic the Los Angeles Dodgers and has made it even harder Tampa Bay Rays is a rare meeting for under-the-radar of baseball’s best for the players title, and make an ato matchup of impression organizationson with Andrew teams Friedman’s imprint. Friedman was the Rays’ director of baseball operations from By Kyle Hightower 2004-05 and then general manThe Associated ager from untilPress he left in October 2014 to become the Dodgers DE’MONTREZ Burroughs president of baseball operations. looked at it as his best shot to acGame 1 is Tuesday night. complish his NFL dream. Retired first baseman James The aSouth Carolina State seLoney, veteran of both organior receiver had the dates cirnizations, describes the Rays as cled on his calendar. First, the “feisty.” Bulldogs’ day But on “We wereannual always pro fighting. March 19, followed a week latwe always did feel like we were er bybetter the first-ever NFL combine the team,” he said Sunevent held for draft prospects day. “I don’t ever feel like we went from Historically BlackWe Colleges out there overmatched. didn’t and Universities who didn’t recare who was pitching. We didn’t ceive invitations to the national care what kind of lineup they combine in Indianapolis. had. We were bringing that menHe left spring breakteam the tality and I for think the Rays week before his pro day with evthis year has that.” erything ready toare go.really He hadcomfilm “Both teams packages to distribute scouts. mitted to winning and to trying to He was also thinking about what find any kind of edge they could,” he would say who in interviews added Loney, played forwith the representatives from NFL teams Dodgers from 2006-11 and the and what ask idols likeRays Pro Rays from to 2013-15. “The Football Hall of Famer Deion are really known for their analytSanders, who would be there. ics and getting in there, trying to “It was a chance to be able to showcase our talent,” Burroughs said. “Just because we are from smaller schools doesn’t mean we
find different ways to beat hard teams: Is it a bullpen guy that we need to use in maybe an unorthodox situation? And the Dodgers, I felt we kind of started doing that towards the end of my career.” Despite the shortened schedule and expanded playoffs, the teams with the best record in can’t compete.” each league meet in the World But for thatjustopportunity Series the fourth never time came.Major League Baseball resince Southeach Carolina State’s aligned league into three pro diday andinthe HBCU combine bevisions 1995. came of a went growing listthe of The part Dodgers 43-17, events canceled because of the best record in the majors by eight coronavirus pandemic. While wins. They overcame a 3-1 deficit small school and borderline draft in the NL Championship Series, prospects from across the counbeat Atlanta 4-3 on Bellinger’s try will be run hurt in by Game a lack 7of Sunsimlate home ilar events, HBCU players may day night and reached the World be hit for hardest without them and Series the third time in four the Regional Combine Invitayears. tional reThe that RaysHBCU were players 40-20inand cent years previously usedby to topped thehad American League boost their draft stock. four victories. They also won a “When you’re coming out4-2 of an Game 7, topping Houston in HBCU, youand know thatthe thesecond teams the ALCS earn are going to trip be looking at DiviWorld Series in franchise hission I talent first,” said Kansas tory. City Chiefstodefensive back Alex “Going be a fun Series,” Brown, a SC State alum. “With Dodgers outfielder Cody Bellthis HBCU inger said. combine, that’s different. I wish wesuperior had thatrecord, when Because of its I was coming out. It was gonna Los Angeles has “home field adbe a chance to have the teams vantage” when the all neutral site looking at those guys.” Series starts in Arlington, Texas, HBCU players1were andOnly will four bat last in Games and selected in the 2019 with a 2, and then in 6 anddraft 7, if necesfull predraft process, though 32 sary. made Week 1 rosters. About 11,000 fans will be alThe 51 players tonew the lowed at Globe Life invited Field, the HBCU combine were trying to home of the Texas Rangers with position themselves to do the same. The list also included Florida A&M University quarterback Ryan Stanley and North Carolina
a retractable roof, for each game. The Dodgers have won half their pennants since leaving Brooklyn for Los Angeles after the 1957 season. Tampa Bay is in the Series for just the second time and is among just six current franchises that have never won, joined by Central defensive lineman Colorado, Milwaukee, Texas,DariSan us Royster, the Mid-Eastern Diego and Seattle. The RaysAthlost letic Conferencein offensive to Philadelphia five gamesand in defensive players of the year, re2008. spectively. While the Dodgers topped the “Does extrawith exposure major leagues a $95.6help? milYes, it does. But once taken lion prorated payroll as it’s of Aug. 1, away it limits get the Rays were certain 28th at guys $29.3tomiltheir according film out there,” said comMorlion, to figures gan State coach Tyrone Wheatpiled by Major League Baseball. ley, a first-round by the New Only Baltimore pick ($23.8 million) York Giants in 1995. “It limits the and Pittsburgh ($23.6 million pro scouts were lower).from actually seeing these guys look Since theone-on-one, postseasonto douat them and physically place bled to eight teams in 1995,eyes the on them. To get somebetween of the quesonly World Series the tionsregular-season answered up close and pertop records in sonal.” each league were Atlanta’s vicAside gettingina chance to tory overfrom Cleveland 1995, the run the 40-yard dash and comNew York Yankees’ win over the plete other strength and agility Braves in 1998 and Boston’s tridrills in front of scouts umph over St. Louis in from 2013the — NFL’s 32games. franchises, players were all in six going to get the chance to keeps interBaseball’s postseason view with team executives on getting bigger, expanding to the 10 first day theand HBCU combine teams in of 2012 16 this year, event.the novel coronavirus panwhen Teams are still conducting indemic caused the regular season terviews by and video schedule forphone each team to beconcut ferencing, but those are capped from the normal 162 games. at The threeRays per week, said agent Auand Dodgers haven’t gustinethat Wiggins, whose played much over the clients years, include Burroughs. only 17 times overall. LA has won “It’s harder to garner inter10 of them. est and understand where the interest is for clients than in years past,” Wiggins said. “It’s a slightly different pivot.”
By Jesse Deal JASON HEHIR was a kid in the stands in Stanly County Journal Boston Garden on April 20, 1986, the day that Michael Jordan — scored playoff-record 63 ALBEMARLE Withaless than a month points. before the first contests of the amended 2020was a Christmas gift from his father, who 21 Itathletic calendar begin, Stanly County’s stuckschool a noteathletic promising “Two tickets the Air high departments aretomaking Jordan Show” in his to stocking that seasure they are ready get back inholiday the swing son. It’s a gift Hehir will never forof things. get, his in current seat Carolina for Asthough scheduled the North High another Jordan show of sorts is School Athletic Association-sanctioned sports considerably wouldn’t calendar for better. the year, cross-country “I and volHehir is the the practicing leyball teams candirector officiallyofbegin call it a ESPN4and production “The Nov. andNetflix can hold their first competitions challenge. I Last 16. Dance,” a 10-part Nov. For both sports,documenthe final regular seatary series that debuts April 19 and son contest is set for Jan. 8. would call it tells the story of Jordan’s finalbe ChiCross-country teams will held a toprivilege.” a seacagolimit Bullsofseason in 1997-98 that son 10 meets with a maximum of two culminated in a sixth NBA teams title. are limitmeets per week; volleyball Hehir’s Take 10,000 hours of Jason Hehir, ed to 14task: games in the regular season and also archived footage, add interviews limited to two games a week. director of “The with more than people, and and Gray Stone Day100 Athletic Director Printurn it into about 8½ hours of teleLast Dance” cipal Jeff Morris, a winner of vision. the NCHSAA’s 2020 Charlie “I wouldn’t call it a challenge,” Adams Distinguished Service Hehir said. “I would callup it awith privilege.” Award, recently caught “It’s pretty The series was moved up two the SCJ and discussed the pro- months to protough and vide of content-starved fansathletwith something newit’s cess starting back the to watch during the coronavirus pandemic. ic calendar at this point in time. been a rough ESPN was originally planning release the “We’re seeing how the guide- toseven documentary in screenings June, coinciding with months what lines and health are would have been this season’s NBA Finals. for everybody, going to go with people on camwill controlling run over fivethat Sundays May 17, pusItand envi- ending but we’re with two one-hour broadcasts each week. ronment,” Morris said. “We’re “I’m happy if wesome can bring a littleall bit fighting of light to starting with small people in dark time here,” Hehir said. “Sports groups to asee how that process through it the are such indelible part there of our cultural fabric goes and an we’ll build from best hole we can.” andget lacking thatas...safely there’sasa we significant in to us back enjoyment that people feel, the escape that peocan going into the season.” pleMorris can feel from everyday life in that sports brings said that even back Jeff Morris, us.” the summer his athletic depart- Gray Stone Day Theknew accelerated launch has only added to a ment that the precauhectic time for Hehir and his team.principal and tionary and safety regulations Theredown has been anticipation aboutdirector the handed weremuch always sub- athletic documentary, which in Hehir’s mind came toject to change throughout the gether much faster than such a project usually year. does. “We knew that what was going to matter do an hourlong was“Normally, what theytowere when we gotarchival started,”doche umentary to finish, said. “Theyfrom keepstart changing and it wetakes keep about geta year from the inception of the idea to the reting new guidelines from DHHS (Department search to doing all the shooting to getting it all of Health and Human Services) and the NCHtogether, storyboarding it out,with mapping it out, SAA. We’re reviewing those our coachediting, gettingsure notes it takes aboutina es and making weback, have all our ducks year,” Hehir said. “We’re doing 10 of those. And a row so that we can do things in a safe way. we had a little bit over years atorough do it soseven we’re It’s pretty tough and two it’s been already working at five times our normal rate.” months for everybody, but we’re all fighting The pandemic complicates matters. through it the bestfurther we can.” Hehir and hisin team finishing up while Following the are footsteps of things cross-country separated, connecting through Zoom meetings and volleyball, swimming and diving teams but largely in isolation their own laptops will be the next group ofatathletes to start theirto get the last pieces of the story ready to air. season in November. They will be able to bedocumentary goes thantheir just 1997ginThe practicing on Nov. 23deeper and hold first 98, though that season is the overriding theme. meet on Dec. 7, with a season limit of 10 meets It also serves as aofretrospective of regular Jordan’sseabasand weekly limit two. The final ketball life, fromand his college at North son swimming divingdays contest will Carotake lina through place on Jan.his 30. rise atop the NBA. Hehir knows there is annext ongoing Basketball will be the sportbuildup in lineand to anticipation and begin but notsurrounding until Dec. 7the — documentary, when teams will still feels be nervousness. met with Jordan sevofficially allowed to He practice in preparation eral times over the course of the project, includfor the start of the season Jan. 4. ing three sit-down interviews that are part of the documentary. “I hope that people will like it as much as we did,” Hehir said.
Become a part of Stanly County Schools! Stanly County Schools has an opening for a Speech Language Pathologist serving the K-12 population. Position is a full-time, 10 month position with full benefits. Candidate must hold a current certification from North Carolina Board of Examiners for Speech and Language Pathologists and Audiologists. Interested applicants can apply through the SCS website and email resume to Dr. Laura Beachum, Director of Exceptional Children's Program, at laura.beachum@stanlycountyschools.org.
For Nutbush residents He also cited a widespread fear the threat of overburdened of being unnecessarily exposed to fear of contracting the v itals, states across the country matched with the worry th the virus. onverting convention centers, “All around, people are scared,” could lose stores that are ts facilities and performance the neighborhood. Offici he said. es into backup treatment sites Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, October 21, 2020 Their fears are not unfounded. ven’t said if stores would oronavirus 6 patients. In this majority-black city along the Gateway facility was hat some Memphis, Tenthe Mississippi River, lawmakers If they did, shopping wo e, residents don’t get is why in and community leaders have been come more difficult for re city, a shopping center in the sounding the alarm over what they especially for those who ar dle of a predominantly black, see as a disturbing trend of the vi- have no means of transpo income residential neighborrus killing African Americans at a to stores located farther aw d has been chosen. By Sarah Rankin “For people who don’t higher rate. ty and state officials are concar, they do?” ask Nutbush resident Patricia Hared that The an Associated influx ofPress patients A recent piece what in Thedo New ris, who spoke to The Ass ris wondered aloud if city officials Memphis, as well as nearby RICHMOND, Va. — A trial York Times Style Magazine Press while lugging a bottl were “trying to contaminate” the issippi, was Arkansas rural underwayand Monday afternoon included the statue in its tergent, a package of bott neighborhood. Tennessee, will strain in Richmond in ahospilawsuit seekcurrent a list of from t ing toare prevent Virginia Gov. Ralph ter among and other items Activist Earle Fisher, an Afri- state Their fears echoed across ADRIAN SAINZ | AP PHOTO from removing A Lotinfluential to her car. She note can American Memphis 25 pastor, country:Northam Governors, mayorsan enorof the “most statue Confederate This Gen. Friday, April 3, 2020 photo, shows Gateway Shopping Center grocery store recently clos understands the anxiety.works “Thisof American health mous experts in of numerous protest Robert E. Lee. her house and she already is an honest and reasonable cons are also researching and in Memphis, Tenn. The plaintiffs, a group of Richartsaid. since World War II.” to get to Gate travel farther cern and skepticism,” Fisher tructingmond makeshift medical residents who live near “When we do things “I think it’s par for the course for ities. the monument, filed suit after federate statues, which all sat the on people Northam removal got to consider Leeof has disclosed a few: the Mu- a Chinese restaurant and other black people to be righteously New York City, ordered they’re the turnproperty, were either toppled the statue in convention June amid the outcry neighborhood,” she said. “W skeptical of governmentalcity intersic City Center in Nashville, the businesses. o the Javits Center by protestersneed (in the of Jefand unrest caused by the death of to case make the neighb with Locating a treatment center for vention that did not consult in Chicago, the McCormick Chattanooga Convention Center, ferson Davis) or hauled off by conGeorge Floyd in police custody. worse than it already e Convention The Center; plaintiffs and argueinthatthe theKnoxville Expo Center — all coronavirus patients there pos- people on the ground first.”tractors working for the city. Amid is.” U.S.protests, Rep. Steve Doug McGowen, the city’s chiefof nightly dy, Utah,Democratic the Mountain Amerweeks May-Cohen, governor does sites not away from residential neigh- es two problems, residents say: phisordered Democrat, said the d Levar Stoney the statIt could potentially expose them operating officer, said theorGatehave the authority to removeborhoods. the xpo Center. ues removed, invoking his authorin the formake sense. be- doesn’t The Gateway Shopping Cen- to the virus amid concerns that way site was being considered he U.S. statue Army erected Corps inof1890 Engiunder a local“I’m emergency order. are othe mer scouting capital oflocations the Confederacy. sure there accomter in the Nutbush neighborhood blacks are contracting COVID-19 cause it could potentially ity s has been The Lee statue, meanwhile, was They say doing so would violate the said that would work, and they ennessee, and officials here of Memphis is different. The cen- at higher rates; and it could force modate hundreds of beds. He transformed into a bustling hub state Constitution, an 1889 act of have used those if it were converted to a treatment some of the stores they rely on to ter features a Save A Lot grocery compiled a list of 35 possiof activity for demonstrators pro-rather t the General Assembly and restricinto a residential site, it would hold only mildly ill close. store, a Rent-A-Center, a Famibackup sites. They haven’t retesting police brutality and rac- neighbo tive covenants in deeds that transism. The concrete ferredlist, the statue, its soaring pedCohen said.pedestal be giant Nutbush resident and commu- coronavirus patients who could Dollar, a beauty supply shop, d the whole but Gov. Bill ly
Trial underway in Richmond in Robert E. Lee statue case
estal and the land they sit on to the state. STEVE HELBER | AP PHOTO “That the Governor now disagrees with the original message, The afternoon sun illuminates the statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee on Monument Ave in or discerns a different message in Richmond, Va., Monday, Oct. 19, 2020. the Lee Monument, does not give him authority to override the conThe state called nationally rec- case could take even more time to tractual obligations of the Com- in perpetuity,” Herring wrote in a ognized historian Edward Ayers, a unwind. It is widely expected to be monwealth,” attorneys for the court filing. In court, Solicitor General Toby former president of the University appealed to the Supreme Court of plaintiffs wrote in a court filing. Virginia, and an injunction could The state has argued it cannot Heytens asked the judge to strike of Richmond. Ayers discussed the central remain in place while that plays be forced to forever maintain a all of the remaining counts in the statue it says no longer comports plaintiffs’ lawsuit and dissolve an role of slavery in the Civil War out. Monument Avenue, a prestiexisting injunction preventing the and the development of Monuwith its values. ment Avenue. He faced extensive gious residential boulevard that “No individual Virginian — removal of the statue. Richmond Circuit Court Judge cross-examination from one of the once contained one of the nation’s whether living Monument Avea son of King Salman, Associated W. Reilly Marchant said he would plaintiffs’ attorneys, which was most prominent collections of nuePress residents or long-dead bin landSalman, assented tothose the deal. Confederate statues, was dramattake arguments under ad- continuing Monday afternoon. grantors — may force the Com“I go with and the then consent, so Ito UBAI, monwealth United Arab No matter Judge Marchant’s ically transformed over the sumvisement proceeded of 2020Emirto preserve the eventual decision, it’s possible the mer. The avenue’s other large ConLee Russia statue inand its present agree,”hear the witness princetestimony. said, chuckling, — OPEC, other location
PEC, oil nations agree o nearly 10M barrel cut
of the statue is covered by colorful and constantly changing graffiti, many of the messages profanely denouncing police and others demanding an end to systemic racism and inequality. A recent piece in The New York Times Style Magazine included the statue in its current state among a list of 25 of the “most influential works of American protest art since World War II.” The 21-foot-high equestrian statue, which the state has said weighs about 12 tons, sits atop a pedestal nearly twice that tall. Northam’s spokeswoman said Friday a decision has not yet been made about what will be done with the pedestal.
roducing nations on Sunday drawing a round of applause from ized an unprecedented pro- those on the video call. But it had not been smiles and ion cut of nearly 10 million els, or a 10th of global supply, laughs for weeks after the sogan’s top offices in 2018, said Lon- races. He beat an incumbent Renie Scott, executive director of the publican in 2008 and survived a opes of boosting crashing pric- called OPEC+ group of OPEC liberal advocacy group Progress national GOP wave in the 2010 mid the coronavirus pandemic members and other nations failed Michigan. “That is just not the midterm. in March to reach an agreement a price war, officials said. Stu Sandler, a consultant for case with Peters.” his could be the largest re- on production cuts, sending pricPeters’ fate could hinge on his James’ campaign, said support for ion in production from OPEC es tumbling. Saudi Arabia sharply ability in the closing weeks to seize Peters is “soft all around. People erhaps a decade, maybe lon- criticized Russia days earlier over on Democratic enthusiasm and don’t know him; they don’t think win over younger voters, women, he’d work for them. He talks about By David Eggert said U.S. Energy Secretary what it described as comments independents and especially Af- his record, but people can’t name The Associated Brouillette, who Press credited critical of the kingdom, which rican Americans. All largely back anything he’s done.” ident Donald Trump’s per- finds itself trying to appease Democrats need to gain at least both Biden and Peters, but a bigGRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — Trump, a longtime OPEC critic. l involvement in getting ger percentage remain undecided three seats to win the Senate maCall him low-key, duelunderstated, Even U.S. senators had warned parties to the table and helpin the Senate race, according to jority if Biden is elected, or four maybe even “boring.” First-term Saudi Arabia to find a way to to end Sen. a price war between if Trump wins a second term, besome polls. Gary Peters of Michigan is cause the vice president can vote “I think 2016 showed that we betting voters care more about boost prices as American shale di Arabia and Russia. as a tie-breaker. can’t take anything for granted,” his effectiveness, as he desperateil prices have collapsed as the firms face far-higher production He said Friday he had heard Scott said. ly fights to keep a seat his party navirus isand the COVID-19 costs. American troops had been Peters touted his governing ap- an “outpouring” of similar stories counting on to take the Senate SAUDI ENERGY ss it causes have largely halt- deployed to the kingdom for the proach at a small get-out-the-vote from women in recent days. Karmajority. first time since the Sept. 11, 2001, In this photo released by Saudicampaign lobal travel andbespectacled, slowed downbearded Energy Ministry, Abdulaziz bin Salman Al-Saud, en Dunnam, a 63-year-old Demo- Minist event FridayPrince in downThe from Rapids, town Grand which re- cratic 61-year-old former investment attacks over concerns of Irani- Energy of Saudi Arabia, third right, r energy-chugging sectors chairsRapids, a virtual summit of theretiree Group of Grand 20 energy minister the story aafter voting absenmained quiet because of the pan-to cited adviser is a rare Senate candidate an retaliation amid regional ten- his office in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, as manufacturing. It has Friday, April 10, 2020, coordinate response to plummet for Peters. demic. He said he ranks as one of in tee a Democratinrunning sions. stated this the cycle, oil industry prices due to an oversupply in the market and a downturn global demand due to the pandemi “Sen. Peters is going to bring the most bipartisan Senate Demin a battleground state Donald “They’ve spent over the last U.S., which now pumps more ocrats and, despite being a fresh- it home,” she said. “What he reTrump carried in 2016. But Peters waging war on American e than any other country. man in the minority, has written leased about his former wife’s isis finding it tough to shakemonth top praise. care, I think the deal but oil producers while we are defend- that Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and ut someRepublican producersrecruit have John beenJames, sues with medical and passed more of its his president, bills than Andrés a a lot of people will say: ‘OK, this any other senator. black business executive and com“The pure size of the cu Manuel López Obrador, had said the United Arab Emirates would tant to ease supply. The car- ing theirs. This is not how friends CAROLYN KASTER | AP PHOTO is his position on this. He cares He greeted several supporters bat veteran. nd other nations on Sunday treat friends,” said Sen. Kevin cut another 2 million barrels of Friday that he had agreed with precedented, but, then ag about us instead of just playing who put their absentee in a compensomething itCramer, has Sen. Gary Peters,from D-Mich., speaksoil during anbetween event withthem atop the is the impact the corona Trump that theballots U.S. will a day a Republican North ed to allowMichigan Mexico has to cut only roadside drop box rather than use politics.’” not seen in 20 years — a compet- Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe having on demand,” sate what Mexico cannot add to OPEC+ deal. The three countries Dakota, before the OPEC+ deal. 000 barrels a month, a stickJames, 39, “is a top-tier recruit said M the mail. Michigan is on track for itive Senate contest — with con- Biden at Beech Woods Recreation Center, in Southfield, Mich., medsurprised Ghulam, an the proposed cuts. U.S.Friday, producers point for initially a an lot energy of record turnout, an advantage for in a state that trolanof accord the chamber hanging in Oct. 16,have 2020. already did not immediately acknowledge Raymond “The big aOil withpeople OPECin 2016,” said JonJames. McHenDemocrats. “Make planDeal to vote,” been hed Friday after aand marathon the balance Peters trying to reducing output. The Amer- the cut themselves, though Zanry, huna Republican pollster. “I think PetersPlus said,is noting that no-excuse cut through a polarizing But Ghulam and others w done. This will save ican Petroleum Institute laud- ganeh attended the video confero conference between 23 na-political the jobs questionit there Presabsentee and same-day time.” global pact, saying it ence. climate.together agreed ed Sunday’s may is, notDoes be enough. dredsvoting of thousands of energy s. The nations voter registration are legal under ident Trump keep the race close Some allies fret that it has Peters was the only non-in“This is at least a tempo in the United States,” Trump said Officials said other planned cuts ut 9.7 million barrels a day will help get other nations’ stateenough that James can run far a 2018 ballot initiative. cumbent Democrat to win a Sen- been tough for the nonflashy Pe- “I think 2016 showed that lief the energy industry in a tweet. “I would like to thank would stand in the deal, meaning owned oil production to follow the ughout May and June. win?” He later joined Biden’s own enough ahead tofor ate election in 2014, when he ters to stand out with his message we can’t take anything for the global and congratulate President Puan 8-million-barrel-per-day cut lead of U.S. producers that are tryhe groupprevailed reacheddespite the deal just Experts say the resulteconomy. will de- This i campaign stops in the Detroit the GOP’s suc- of pragmatism and bipartisangranted.” pend in large part on the top area. ship. In a change from 2018, when cesses nationally and in Michiis too big to be let of to fail and tin of Russia and King Salman of s before Asian markets re- ing to adjust to plunging demand. from July through the end of the the ticket. The party that wins the Before winning promotion to James lost by 6.5 percentage gan. He told The Associated Press liance showed responsibili Brouillette said the U.S. did not year and a 6-million-barrel cut for Saudi Arabia.” ed Monday and as internapresidentialthis raceagreement,” almost always was a congressto the state’s sena- 16 his reelection campaign Lonnie Scott, executive director of the Senate, said Per M ThePeters Kremlin said President months beginning in 2021. make points commitments of senior its own al benchmark Brent crudeis “basiman, lottery commissioner and takes the Senate contest, too, and cally me just focusing on my job,” tor, Debbie Stabenow, James has Progress Michigan Nysveen, the head Vladimir Putin held a joint call “This will enable the rebalancproduction cuts, but was able to ed at just over $31 a barrel state senator and served in the it could prove tough for either of ana as the U.S. combats the corona- outraised Peters since announcEnergy. “Even tho Trump Saudi Sal- toRystad ing of the oil markets and the exshow the obvious — that plunging American shale producers candidate substantially outperNavy with Reserve. Bidenand called him aKing ing his candidacy. Super PACs virus pandemic and the economproduction cuts are small man to express support form of the rebound of prices by $15 demand of the pandemggle. ic fallout. “I think what Michiganhis party’s presidential nom“go-to” lawmaker for the Obama “Biden’s numbers are stable. andbecause other outside groups on both pected inee. Republicans havemarket won just administration when Biden was He barrel seems to consolidating ex-said sides areto spending heavily in one per ders is someone who rolls what the needed a deal. It also said Putin spoke sepinbe the short term,” ic up is expected slash U.S. oil prodeo aired bywant the Saudi-owned last the 15 Senate vice president. the coalition of voters” that oil their sleeves,Al-Arabiya gets things done,duction. not of Republicans’ few pickup oppor- aactly postpone stock buildi arately with Trump about one the ofoilMichigan’s statement from Nigeria’s lite channel Peters is no stranger to tough races, in 1994. propelled Democrats to Michithere throwing rocks all the tunities on the Senate map. straints problem, the wors market and other issues. Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Zan- ministry. wed the out moment that Saudi Analysts offered cautious now avoided.” Mexico had initially blocked gy Minister Prince Abdulaziz ganeh also told state television
Low-key Democrat tries to hang onto Senate seat in Michigan
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Stanly 21,2020 2020 StanlyCounty CountyJournal Journalfor forWednesday, Wednesday,October April 15,
Jason Efird
ASON EUGENE “GENE” EFIRD, 94, went home to be with hisDAVID Lord Tuesday, April 7, 2020, LITTLE, JR, 63, at his home in Stanfield. of Mount Gilead, passed away Gene was born October 9, at 1925, in Monday, October 12, 2020 Cabarrus County to the late Simeon Carolinas ContinueCARE Hospital Jason Efird and late Sarah Ella at University inthe Charlotte. Burris Efird. In addition to his Mr. Little was born February parents, he was preceded in deathto by 8, 1957 in Montgomery County his Jewell Little sisters, thewife, late David Little,Efird; Sr. and the Mary Lambert, Fannie Almond, late Dora Mae Montgomery Little. Minnie Furr, Wilma Burleson and He was also preceded in death by Aileen Huskey; and brothers, Homer sisters, Camilla Little, Doraine Efird, Getus Efird and Wayne Watkins, and Louella Little. Efird, Sr.David Little graduated in 1975 A private funeral serviceHigh will be from West Montgomery held on Saturday, April 11, 2020 School. He spent three years in the at Love’before s Grovepursing United his Methodist Army career Church Cemetery in Stanfield in law enforcement. Captain officiated Jim veteran White. Burial Little wasbya Rev. 30 year of will follow at the Love’ s Grove United the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Methodist Church Cemetery, Department. He served as a4360 Polk Ford Road, Stanfield. Deputy Sheriff as well as the Head Survivors Bailiff. include He sonwas Gerald Courtroom very Wayne (Gail) Efird of Albemarle; respected in the courtroom by daughter Lisa Efird (Mark) Hartsell the judges, court officials, and of Stanfield; granddaughters, community members. David Kelly Efird Barbee and Lauren brought a tremendous amount Hartsell (Justin) Crump; and greatof joy and laughter. He enjoyed grandsons, Ian Patrick Simmons spending time with his family and Elliot Jacob Simmons. and friends. He was particularly Memorials mayweight be made to Love’s fond of traveling, lifting, Grove United Methodist Church, gardening, and tractors. He wasPO Box 276, Stanfield, 28163-0276. fondly referred to NC as “Big” and this
David Little
remained true in spirit, laughter, and stature. Mr. Little will lie in state on Saturday, October 17, 2020 from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM at Hartsell Funeral Home of Albemarle. To honor his life, the family will have a graveside service on Sunday, October 18, 2020 at 1:00 PM. Services will be conducted at Chestnut AME Zion Church Cemetery located at 7093 Grassy Island Road in Mount Gilead, NC. The services will be officiated by his Pastor Howard McLaurin, Jr. of New Beginnings Missionary Baptist Church. Survivors include daughter, Christina James of Odenton, AULINE ELIZABETH MD; brothers, Johnny Little and ALMOND TUCKER, 98, passed wife Veronica of Mount Gilead, away peacefully at Trinity Place, NC and Donnie Lee Little and Albemarle, NC on April 11, 2020. wife Shandia of Cartersville, GA; Pauline was born on March 22, grandchildren, Nikolas Cromer 1922 in Cabarrus County, NC to the and Amaia Wall; and numerous late John Richard Almond and Alice nieces and nephews. Ada Ann Lambert Almond. Hartsell Funeral Home of She is survived by her three Albemarle is serving the Little daughters, Gay Michel (Jack), family. Oak Island, NC; Pamela Rushing Online condolences may be (Foreman), Oakboro, NC; Kathy made at www.hartsellfh.com Hunt (Marc), Albemarle, NC; her son, Chris Tucker (Chris Lear), Washington, DC. She will be greatly missed by her five grandchildren, Heather Rushing Chaney (Shannon), Michael Rushing, Elizabeth Michel Hartzog (Craig), Jack Michel, Jr. (Jenn), and Woody Hunt as well as seven great-grandchildren. She also leaves behind cherished nieces and nephews. The family expresses its sincere gratitude to the staff and caregivers at Trinity Place for the care they provided Pauline. A private graveside service will be held on Monday, April 13, 2020. A celebration of Pauline’s life and legacy will be held this summer. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to the BrightFocus Foundation at www. brightfocus.org.
Pauline Tucker
Tony Smith MONROE SMITH, 72, of Ancel Whitley Rockwell, NC, went to be with TONY
Merle Helms
hisANCEL Lord andPINES Savior Jesus Christ 88, WHITLEY, onStanfield, Wednesday, April 8, 2020 at of passed away Tuesday, his home13, surrounded by family. A October 2020 at Atrium private family service will be held. Health Cabarrus in Concord. Online can be made at Mrs.condolences Whitley was born March stanlyfuneralhome.com 23, 1932 to the late Grady Albert Tony wasBost bornGoforth. August 11,In1947 and Annie in Stanly County to the late Pearlie addition to her parents, she was Asbury Smith and Emmer also preceded in death byLee her Smith. HeBilly was the in law of Pat husband, Rayson Whitley; and Mick Cagle where he at daughter, Rhonda Joyceworked Whitley; the fishFlorence house forGoforth many years sister, anduntil he opened Anchor House Seafood brother, Earl Grady Goforth. in Rockwell. Heto and his wife Becky Ancel loved landscape her owned and operated Anchor House yard and garden. She was an avid for 25 years before in 2009. Atlanta Braves fanretiring and watched Mr. Smith was a charter member She them at any given opportunity. and deacon at Open Door will be remembered as a Baptist loving Church in Richfield. He loved the mother and grandmother. Lord and his family abundantly. Tony A graveside service will be held was a wonderful husband, father, Saturday, October 17, 2020, at and grandfather could fix anything 2:00 pm, at and Love’s Grove United he put his hands on. 4360 Polk Methodist Cemetery, Mr.Road, Smithofficiated is survived his wife Ford bybyRev. Jim Becky Cagle Smith of Yow. the home, White and Rev. Jim sons Walter Smith and Ancel is survived byRobbie daughter, Smith; daughter Kayla Henderson Diane Fink and husband, Junior; (Brandon); grandchildren Danielle, granddaughter, Cheri Hathcock Dustin, and Steele Smith, Keaton and husband, Ryan; grandsons, and Ella Henderson; brother David John Blake Watson IV and wife Smith; sisters Kay Kriechbaum, Connie, Eric Ritchie Watson Karen Stevenson, Ruby Eudy, and and wife Jenn; eight greatDorothy Smith (Nick). grandchildren; and three greatHe grandchildren; is preceded in death by great sisters, brothers Joe Smith, Wayne Smith, Juanita Goforth Carpenter, Joyce Claude Smith, Goforth Hill. Wade Smith, Robert Smith, and sister Mary Morris. Memorials may be made to Memorial can be Love’s Grovecontributions United Methodist made to Cemetery Open DoorFund, BaptistP.O. Church Church Box at 44563 Hwy 52, 276, Stanfield, NCRichfield, 28163. NC 28137 or to Hospice Palliative Hartsell Funeral&Home of Care of Cabarrus County at 5003 Hospice Midland is serving the Whitley Lane, Kannapolis, NC 28081. family. Online condolences may be made at www.hartsellfh.com
M John Heyer
ERLE LORRAINE AUSTIN HELMS, 72, of Marshville, passed away Wednesday, AprilJR. 8, JOHN HENRY HEYER, 2020 at McWhorter Hospice House 88, of New London passed away on in Monroe. October 16, 2020 at his home. A Lorraine was born 28,11AM 1947 funeral mass will be April held at in Monroe to the late Homer David on Monday, October 19, 2020 at Austin andofJewell Delphia-Jane Our Lady the Annunciation Austin. She was also preceded in A Catholic Church in Albemarle. death byburial brothers, Teddy private willA.D. takeand place at Austin; and sister, Joy Austin. Salisbury National Cemetery at a The family willwas receive later date. John bornfriends in Red from 6:00 pm 8:00 pm, Friday, Wing, MN to the late John Henry April 10, 2020 atMarson Hartsell Heyer. Funeral Heyer and Ann Home The funeral He wasofaAlbemarle. 12-year veteran of the service will be at 11:00 on and United States Marineam Corps Saturday at Pleasant Hill Baptist was honorably discharged in 1960. Church in Marshville, officiated The Heyer family moved to North by Rev. John Miller and Rev. Leon Carolina from Minneapolis, MN in Whitley. She will lie in state for 30 October 1966 to open a small bar minutes to the She will and grillprior located in service. Southeastern be laid toCounty rest in the Rowan thatchurch came cemetery. to be She is survived by her known as John’s Tavern.beloved “JOHN’S” husband 47 years, Paul Helms grew andofgained popularity in the of the home; son, Alex (Deanna) area during his 38-year ownership Helms ofhighly Pageland; daughter, and was regarded by Paula (Cristin Brandt) Helms of Mint many as “the place to go” for Hill; grandchildren, Mason,service, Grant, and and great food, excellent Raegan Helms; brothers, Boyce, entertainment. Royce, Tim Austin; and sisters, Mr. Heyer is survived by his Patricia Mullis, and Angel Tarleton. wife of 65 years Mary Ann Sherry Memorials may be made to the Heyer; son Gregory Michael Alzheimer’ s Association, 4600 Park Heyer; daughter Anne Heyer Rd., Suite4250, Charlotte, NC 28209. Tenney; grandchildren; 1 greatgrandchild; sisters: Mary Heyer Rooney and Carol Heyer Lichliter. He is preceded in death by his sister Lois Heyer Alexson. Stanly Funeral and Cremation Care of Albemarle is serving the Heyer family.
ANNY PAUL LUTHER, 65, of Norwood, passed away unexpectedly Thursday, April 9, KAY EUDY, 71, of Locust, 2020 at Atrium Health Stanly in passed away Wednesday, October Albemarle. 14, 2020 at Tucker Hospice House Mr. Luther was born March 27, in Kannapolis. 1955 to the latewas Robert and Mrs. Eudy bornFulton December Helen Tucker Luther. 31, 1948 to the late Howard and Danny was survived by addition his wife, Lectie Hatley Collins. In Denise Burlesonshe Luther Norwood; to her parents, was of also sons, Jeremy (Karen) Luther and preceded in death by her aunt, Jody Luther; step-sons, Bryan Della Mae Hatley. Whitley and Gregg (Anita)flowers Whitley; Kay enjoyed growing Grandchildren, Daniel Luther and watching birds. She had and a Hunter Zado, as well his found brother, love of literature andaswas Bob Luther Jr (Lorena), uncle Jack reading at any given moment. Luther and several other loved nieces, The family will receive friends nephews cousins. from 2:15and - 2:45 pm, on Sunday, Danny18, recently from October 2020,retired at Meadow Charlotte Pipe and Foundry after Creek Primitive Baptist Church, a dedicated 37 years and worked 20063 Meadow Creek Church there with his sons several other Road, Locust. Theand funeral service friends andat family will follow 3:00members. pm, officiated DannyEddie loved spending time at by Elder Fowler. Committal his lake house with his family will conclude in the church and friends as well as vacationing with his cemetery. family. and Denise Kay Danny is survived by her enjoyed listening to beach music loved to husband, Fred Michaeland “Mike” shag dance every chance they could Eudy of Locust, NC; sister, Judy get. He was an amazing father, loving Chynoweth and husband, David of grandfather and FL; greatniece, friendCarolyn to Bonita Springs, many. He will be TX. forgotten. Chynoweth ofnever Dallas, A celebration of life will be to Memorials may be made announced oncePrimitive the currentBaptist Meadow Creek COVID-19 are lifted. Church, c/orestrictions Tim Herring, 3219 Hartsell Funeral Home of NC Baucom Manor Rd.. Monroe, Albemarle is serving the Luther 28110 or Tucker Hospice, 5005 family. Hospice Lane, Kannapolis, NC.
Kay Eudy
28081. Hartsell Funeral Home of Midland is serving the Eudy family. Online condolences may be made at www.hartsellfh.com
Jerry Fincher
J Donald Barbee
ERRY FINCHER passed from this life on April 3, 2020 at 8:05 pm. He was surrounded by his family DONALD “DONNIE” RAY and holding the hand of the love of BARBEE, 63, of Stanfield passed his life. Jerry is preceded in death away October 13, 2020 in Concord, by three siblings, two brothers, Billy NC. Born October 14, 1956 in Gilbert Fincher, and Larry Richard Albemarle, NC he was the son Fincher, and one sister, Barbra Joyce of the late Flake Craven Barbee Moore. and Betty Love Barbee. He was a He is survived by his wife, Eleanor carpenter by trade, and known for Kate Fincher of the home, daughter, the skill and passion he brought to Cindy Fincher Jacobs of Wingate his job every day. He loved horses, NC., son and daughter in law, Tommy being outdoors, and spending time (Tiffany) Fincher of New London with his friends and family. He NC., Step Children, Jimmy (Lisa) was a member of Love’s Chapel Lanier of Locust NC, Wanda (Bob) United Methodist Church and a Krimminger of Locust NC., Eric staple of the community widely (Sharon) Lanier of Charlotte NC., known for his easygoing and kind Grandchildren-Trey (Gera) Whitson demeanor which earned him of Midland, Step-grandchildren, friends everywhere he went. Zach (Brittney) Washington, Aaron Mr. Barbee is survived by two (Kinsey) Washington, Caleb (Nayeli) daughters, Jessica Hope Barbee Washington, Beth (Robbie) Setzer, (Brian Hathcock) of Lexington, Matthew ( April ) Wallace, Step NC and April Faith Blunden great-grandchildren, Britlyn-Eve (Christopher Blunden) of New Washington, Robert Setzer, George Orleans, LA, sister Kay Barbee (Sara) Setzer, Tracy (Rob) Setzer of Locust, NC, brother Douglas Bumgardener, Katie Underwood, Barbee of Locust, NC, and two Andrew Underwood, Step great grandsons Lawson Blunden and great grandchild, Waylon George Declan Blunden. Setzer and brother Donald Lewis A memorial service to celebrate Fincher of Albemarle, NC. his life will be held on Sunday, Jerry Fincher will be laid to rest on October 18, 2020 at 3pm at the Wednesday April 8,2020 at 11:00 am home of Scott Love – 8008 River at Canton Baptist Church. Anyone Rd, Stanfield, NC 28163. All family interested in attending, please RSVP and friends are welcome to attend. at 704-796-2412. Dr. Phil McCray The family will greet attendees and Pastor Tommy Fincher will following the service. The family officiate. requests that masks be worn and social distancing protocols be followed. In lieu of flowers the family requests that donations be directed to the Down Syndrome Association of Greater Charlotte (https://dsagreatercharlotte.org/).
Linda Hatley
INDA TUCKER HATLEY, 69, of Albemarle, passed away Monday, April 13, 2020. Linda was born September 18, 1950 in Concord to the late Jacob and Claris Tucker. She was also preceded in death by her brother, Terry Lee Tucker, and her twin sister, Brenda Tucker Strickland. We know Brenda and Linda are in Heaven watching over us and laughing. Linda was a loving mother, sister, HIRLEY MAE HAIRE, 73, and “Nana.” She was a very giving of Albemarle passed away on and loving person. Linda would April 11, 2020 at Atrium Health always do anything she could for Stanly. The family will hold a private others, especially her family. She graveside service for Mrs. Haire. enjoyed working at FastShop #5, Shirley was born December 12, Locust. Linda will be forever loved 1946 in Washington, DC to the and greatly missed. late Charles Richard Bateman and Survivors include her son, Elizabeth Mae Mulligan Bateman. Alan Hatley and wife, Angela, of Shirley is survived by her husband Albemarle; brother, Ronnie Tucker of 30 years Vaughn Smith of and wife, Linda, of Midland; Albemarle; sister Sandra Painter granddaughter, Leslie Hatley; 1 of Gainesville, VA; half-brother niece; and 2 nephews. Robert Bateman of Stevensville, The family will receive friends MD; step-children Heather Smith from 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm, Thursday, of Jacksonville, FL and David April 16, 2020 at Hartsell Funeral Smith of New London, NC; 4 Home in Albemarle. Linda will step-grandchildren; nieces Cyndi be laid to rest during a private Hentschel of Leesburg, VA and Cheryl Hardy of Aylett, VA; 16 grand- committal service at Bethel United Methodist Church, Midland. nieces and nephews; and Gus the In lieu of flowers, please consider a dog. Stanly Funeral and Cremation Celebrate the life of your loved ones. memorial donation to Bethel UMC, Care of Albemarle is serving the Idlebrook Rd, Midland, NC notices Submit12700 obituaries and death Haire family. 28107.
Danny Luther
Shirley Haire
Celebrate the life of your loved ones. Submit obituaries and death notices to be published in SCJ at obits@stanlyjournal.com
to be published in SCJ at obits@stanlyjournal.com
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Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, October 21, 2020
GOP, Dems hope Supreme Court fight bolsters Senate prospects
for ignoring the pandemic while “rushing to play politics with the court.” Four GOP senators in competitive campaigns are on the Senate Judiciary Committee, which wrapped up hearings Thursday on Barrett’s nomination. All four — John Cornyn of Texas, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Joni Ernst of Iowa and Thom Tillis of North Carolina — used the sessions to praise Barrett and flash opposition to abortion or champion other hot-button conservative favorites. That didn’t escape the notice of Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., her party’s vice presidential nominee and a Judiciary Committee member. She recited the number of people from those states who she said would lose coverage if the justices strike down the health care law. The court is scheduled to hear arguments in a GOP-backed case seeking to dismantle the statute the week after the election. No GOP senator stood to potentially benefit more than Graham, the Judiciary chairman. Seeking his fourth term from a state where Trump remains popular, Graham faces a tossup contest against Democrat Jaime Harrison, who raised a record $57 million in this year’s third quarter. Chairing the televised hearings gave Graham four days to boast about golfing with Trump, demonstrate how GOP Senate control means more conservative judges and to gesture to women voters, many of whom have fled the party because of Trump. Graham said Barrett’s confirmation will pierce “a reinforced concrete barrier around conservative women.” Barrett, 48, has previously expressed opposition to
abortion but during the hearings asserted that as a justice she’d set aside her personal views. A poll by The Associated PressNORC Center for Public Affairs Research, conducted mostly before nomination hearings began, showed Americans roughly evenly divided among favoring her confirmation, opposing it and being uncertain. “It’s motivating both parties’ bases for sure,” said Republican pollster Robert Blizzard. “It’s not changing the narrative or the trajectory of the races. But that’s today,” he said, citing possible unforeseen events by Election Day. So far, Democratic senators and outside groups opposing Barrett have used measured tones against her. That contrasts with the 2018 confirmation fight over Trump Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, who was accused of a decades-old sexual assault that he denied. Republicans turned raucous public protests into a weapon for that fall’s elections, accusing Democrats of using “mobs” to oppose him. This week, no public witnesses were allowed in the hearing room because of COVID-19 restrictions. “It’s not a strategic choice, it’s a fact of the times,” said Brian Fallon, who heads the progressive Demand Justice. Ironically, Democrats have spent most of their money on Supreme Court-themed ads against Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine. She and Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski, who’s not facing reelection, are the only two Republicans expected to oppose Barrett, but Democrats think the issue helps emphasize Collins’ support for the president.
Some states allow ballots if voters die before Election Day
they register voters or count ballots when the data shows otherwise,” Padilla said. Wisconsin, which like North Carolina is a presidential battleground this year, is among the states that prohibit a ballot from being counted if the voter dies after submitting it. Every month, the state’s election commission receives records of county death certificates, and those records are run against the statewide voter registration system. Any potential matches are flagged to the local clerk where the voter is registered, and the clerk is responsible for verifying the match by looking to obituaries and other sources before changing the voter’s status, said Reid Magney, Wisconsin Election Commission spokesman. But that also has its limits. “There’s no way to check every absentee ballot to make sure the voter hasn’t died since it was issued,” Magney said. Iowa’s election office also receives death records and processes them as they are received, including on Election Day. If a person dies after requesting or returning an absentee ballot, the ballot is voided and not counted, said Kevin Hall, spokesman for Iowa’s secretary of state. “Voters have to be eligible electors on Election Day,” Hall said. “Even though Iowa had 29 days of absentee voting, there is still only one Election Day.”
By Alan Fram The Associated Press WASHINGTON, D.C. — For Republicans, the nomination fight over Amy Coney Barrett is a chance to seal conservative control of the Supreme Court for decades. For some GOP senators, it’s also a lifeline they hope will preserve their political careers and their party’s control of the chamber in November’s elections. The battle over President Donald Trump’s pick is letting Senate Republicans facing tough reelections highlight issues like abortion and link themselves to a conservative, religious woman whose confirmation seems certain. There are competitive races for around a dozen GOP-held seats as the party defends its 53-47 Senate majority in next month’s elections. About half of them are in states like Montana and Kansas where Trump won easily in 2016 and embracing Barrett should win broad approval. But the rest are in battleground states like Arizona, Georgia, Iowa and Maine, where backing her could be riskier. Either way, both sides are using the Supreme Court battle in fundraising appeals and other ways that underscore its political potency. From the day after the September death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg — whose vacancy Barrett will fill — through this Wednesday, each party has spent
By Christina A. Cassidy The Associated Press ATLANTA — At 90 years old and living through a global pandemic, Hannah Carson knows time may be short. She wasted no time returning her absentee ballot for this year’s election. As soon as it arrived at her senior living community, she filled it out and sent it back to her local election office in Charlotte, North Carolina. If something were to happen and she doesn’t make it to Election Day, Carson said she hopes her ballot will remain valid. “I should think I should count, given all the years I have been here,” she said. In North Carolina, a ballot cast by someone who subsequently dies can be set aside if a challenge is filed before Election Day with the county board of elections. Questions over whether ballots will count if someone votes early but dies before Election Day are especially pressing this year, amid a coronavirus outbreak that has been especially perilous for older Americans. People 85 years and older represent nearly one in three deaths from COVID-19 in the U.S. As an election looms, the odds against older people who contract the virus are on the minds of the elderly and their family members.
Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., listens to Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett during her confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Tuesday, Oct. 13, 2020, on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. around $4 million on broadcast TV commercials highlighting the nomination fight, according to Kantar/CMAG, the ad-tracking firm. Democrats have advertised in seven Senate races and Republicans in eight. All but one, Sen. Doug Jones’ uphill effort to survive in GOP-dominated Alabama, are contests where Republicans are defending seats. In a common GOP theme, a spot by Senate candidate Rep. Roger Marshall of Kansas says Democratic challenger Barbara Bollier would be “just another liberal rubber stamp” for judges favored by Democratic leaders.
“It’s motivating both parties’ bases for sure. It’s not changing the narrative or the trajectory of the races.” Republican pollster Robert Blizzard The liberal group Demand Justice is running its own ad against incumbent GOP senators in Arizona, Colorado, Iowa, Maine and North Carolina, hitting them
“There’s no way to check every absentee ballot to make sure the voter hasn’t died since it was issued.” Wisconsin Election commission spokesman Reid Magney Seventeen states prohibit counting ballots cast by someone who subsequently dies before the election, but 10 states specifically allow it. The law is silent in the rest of the country, according to research by the National Conference of State Legislatures. Even though a law might require such ballots to be rejected, it’s likely that some could still count depending on when the person dies and when election officials find out about the death. “The law may say that the ballot of a person who dies in that situation can’t be counted, but it is a hard law to follow,” said Wendy Underhill, head of elections for the National Conference of State Legislatures. When someone dies close to an election, it takes time for death records to be updated, and there is a narrow window between when a
Absentee ballots are pictured in this October 2020 file photo. ballot is cast and counted. Colorado in 2016 had between 15 and 20 instances of voters who cast a ballot by mail and then died before Election Day. All were counted. In Michigan’s primary earlier this year, 864 ballots were rejected because the voters died before the election even though they were alive when they filled them out. An election judge from southern Illinois was charged in 2016 with voter fraud after she filled out a ballot for her late husband
because she said he would have wanted Trump to be president. In California, it’s an issue of fairness to count ballots cast by people who then die before Election Day, Secretary of State Alex Padilla said. He said it’s just as conceivable that someone who votes early in-person also dies before Election Day, and there is no way to identify and reject that ballot. “The ‘dead voters’ is used as a false narrative, a pretext for changes in some states to how
98% of ALL Farms are Family Farms
Twin City Herald
Early voting underway
In this Thursday, Oct. 15, 2020, photo voters line up at Mallard Creek High School during the first day of in-person voting ahead of the Nov. 3 elections in Charlotte, N.C.
WS/FCS Superintendent Hairston leaves for Virginia
Preschool worker accused of assault, abuse Elizabeth Renee Mills, 19, who worked as a part-time helper at Calvary Christian School is charged with assault and child abuse after authorities said she repeatedly pinched three 1-year-olds. Mills is charged with three misdemeanor counts each of assault on a child and child abuse. Mills allegedly pinched two girls and a boy on their torsos and arms, causing bruises and sores. The victim ranged in age from 1 year, 8 months to 1 year, 11 months. Mills was fired as soon as church officials learned about the allegations. The preschool’s security-camera footage showed the children being assaulted. AP
Six hospitalized, one killed in crash Six people were hospitalized and one killed after crash on NC-65 on Friday afternoon. A car and minivan collided north of Rural Hall, killing the driver of the smaller vehicle at the scene. The six people in the minivan were taken to local hospitals with non-life-threatening injuries. The road was closed in both directions for about three hours while state highway patrol responded to the incident. WXII
County in top 10 for animalcar crashes Forsyth County ranked 10th among North Carolina’s 100 counties for number of car-animal crashes from 2017 to 2019. The county had 1,315 incidents over that span, causing 76 injuries and $3,091,525 in property damage. There were no fatalities. Forsyth was eighth in the state in 2017 but fell to 12th in 2019. Overall, animal crashes rose across the state over that time period. TCH
Former Danville teacher and principal takes job leading school district TCH staff WINSTON-SALEM/Forsyth County Schools will need to find a new superintendent. Dr. Angela Hairston, who has served in the role since September of last year, tendered her resignation to the WS/FCS Board of Education last week. Hairston left the job to become superintendent for Danville Public Schools in Virginia. Earlier in her career, Dr. Hairston worked in Danville schools as a math teacher, assistant principal and principal. She told the Danville Board of Education, “This is home.”
“I am honored to be selected as the next superintendent of Danville Public Schools,” said Hairston. “I am excited to have this opportunity to work collaboratively with the school board, staff, and the community in Danville.” The WS/FCS board held an emergency meeting on October 15, the day Hairston was introduced in Danville. She will remain in her role with WS/FCS until November 13 and will begin in Danville on December 1. The national search for Dr. Hairston’s replacement will begin immediately. In a statement from the WS/ FCS board, Dr. Hairston said, “I have the chance to accept an opportunity dear to my heart within another school district that I cannot pass up. While I am
Indictment: Women incited fight at assisted living facility The Associated Press WINSTON-SALEM — Three North Carolina women were indicted after authorities said they incited two female residents at an assisted living facility to fight each other and one of the three women filmed it. A grand jury on Monday indicted Tonacia Yvonne Tyson, 21, and Taneshia Deshawn Jordan, 27, each on one count of
misdemeanor assaulting an individual with a disability. Officials say Marilyn Latish McKey, 33, was indicted on two counts of assaulting an individual with a disability. All three women are from Winston-Salem. Authorities say the incident occurred June 19, 2019, at the Danby House. Winston-Salem police and the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services investigated the incident.
“We can’t stop, the learning must continue.” WS/FCS board chair Malishai Woodbury
not yet at liberty to discuss all the details, I want the talented staff, and amazing students and families of this district to hear this news from me, first. I want them to know that working in this community has been a truly rewarding experience and I’ve been grateful for the opportunity.” WS/FCS Board of Education Chair, Malishai Woodbury, said, “Dr. Hairston has done some incredible work in her short time here and while we are still processing this announcement, we support Dr. Hairston in making a decision that she feels is best for her personal growth and career.” Dr. Hairston was the seventh superintendent for Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools and the second female superin-
tendent. She was also the first African American superintendent in WSFCS history. Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools are in the middle of a phased reopening plan after being closed due to the pandemic since early spring. The board of education said that the plan will continue, even during the period of transition. “Our Board has been through some difficult times in recent months, but I can assure you we will do what we think is best for students, best for staff and best for our community,” Woodbury said. “We will begin working immediately to find someone who will take the reigns of this difficult work and carry on. We can’t stop, the learning must continue.”
A search warrant said an employee at the facility called police two days later. Affinity Living Group, the company that operates Danby House, released a statement last year, saying it had zero-tolerance for the mistreatment of residents and that Tyson, Jordan and McKey were immediately fired. The female residents involved in the fight were in their 70s and told Winston-Salem police they were not injured. According to documents from Health and Human Services, the women were in a special care unit at Danby House because they have dementia. The documents say the women, identified as Resident 8 and Resident 9, were fighting in one of their rooms as Tyson, Jordan and McKey watched. Jor-
dan told police she filmed the altercation and encouraged one of the women fighting to punch the other woman in the face, according to a search warrant. During the fight, the women fell on the bed in Resident 8’s room, and Resident 9 hit Resident 8 and at one point, began choking her, documents said. Resident 8 is heard yelling, “let go, help me, help me, let go,” according to the documents. One staff member is heard telling Resident 9 to “punch her in the face,” the documents said. A third resident, identified as a 78-year-old female resident, is seen lying in the floor, and at least two staff members are shown in the video walking past her and not helping her. Winston-Salem police later determined that the woman was not involved in the fight.
Twin City Herald for Wednesday, October 21, 2020
OCT 21
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Why Democrats hate Amy Coney Barrett LAST WEEK, Democrats struggled to explain why Judge Amy Coney Barrett should not be confirmed to serve on the Supreme Court. They trotted out hackneyed arguments, suggesting that some political norm had been broken by a Republican president nominating a judge to be confirmed as a justice by a Republican Senate in an election year. There have been 19 times where a seat became vacant in an election year and both the presidency and Senate were controlled by the same party, resulting in 17 judicial confirmations. They suggested that Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dying wish to leave her seat open until a Democrat takes power represented a sort of binding legal commitment. And they fumed. They fumed that Barrett refuses to pledge fealty to their political priorities. They fumed that Barrett has stated that the role of the judiciary is not to achieve moral ends but to enforce the law. They fumed that Barrett had the temerity to state that “courts are not designed to solve every problem or right every wrong in our public life,” that “the policy decisions and value judgments of government must be made by the political branches” and that she has done her utmost to “reach the result required by the law,” whatever her preferences might be. That’s because, in the view of the political left, the court ought to be merely another weapon in its political arsenal. Conservatives see the judiciary as Alexander Hamilton characterized it in “Federalist No. 78”: as the “least dangerous” branch, capable of “neither force nor will, but merely judgment,” an institution whose legitimacy rests on its unwillingness to “exercise WILL instead of JUDGMENT.” Liberals see the court as a super-legislature, designed to act as moral arbiters on behalf of progressive values. That’s why former President Barack Obama stated that judges ought to be selected for the quality of “empathy, of understanding and identifying with people’s hopes and struggles, as an essential ingredient for arriving at just decisions and outcomes.” Critical legal theorists have suggested that conservatives are fibbing — that their view of the judiciary as relegated to judgment alone is merely cover for the reinforcement of their political priorities. But the data suggest otherwise. During the 2019 Supreme Court term, for example, out of some 67 decisions,
the four justices appointed by Democrats voted together 51 times; Republican appointees only voted together 37 times. As Ilya Shapiro of the Cato Institute has pointed out, “it’s the (Ruth Bader) Ginsburg Four that represent a bloc geared toward progressive policy outcomes.” Republican appointees, in other words, are politically heterodox significantly more often than Democratic appointees. That’s because, on a fundamental level, they take their job — and the constitutional separation of powers — seriously. Democrats do not. That’s why they see as the glories of the Supreme Court those moments in which the Supreme Court seized power on behalf of progressive ideals. Roe v. Wade has become holy writ on the political left, specifically because it robbed the American people of their right to vote on the issue of abortion. Democrats see nothing but glory in Supreme Court justices seizing authority to protect abortion on behalf of defining “one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life” (Planned Parenthood v. Casey, 1992). They see nothing but wonder in Supreme Court justices declaring that the judiciary has been delegated enforcement of “a charter protecting the right of all persons to enjoy liberty as we learn its meaning” (Obergefell v. Hodges, 2015). They see nothing but cause for celebration in the Supreme Court cramming down on the American people their own sense of our “evolving standards of decency” (Trop v. Dulles, 1958) or the importance of never-beforedefined “emanations” and “penumbras” (Griswold v. Connecticut, 1965). They want the court to act as an oligarchy. They are angry that Barrett’s nomination has moved the court away from that progressive, oligarchic rule. That’s why they’re threatening to pack the court — because they wish to restore that oligarchy to power. That’s just another reason why, for all the talk about Donald Trump’s threats to core American institutions, he can’t hold a candle to even mainstream Democratic willingness to trash checks and balances on behalf of power. Ben Shapiro, 36, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and editor-in-chief of DailyWire. com.
DEATH NOTICES ♦ William Seth Bond, Jr., 80, died October 18, 2020. ♦ Vivian Jane Cummings, 83, of Clemmons, died October 17, 2020. ♦ Sue Neal Dunlap, 84, died October 14, 2020. ♦ Mark Joseph Duryea, 32, of Winston-Salem, died October 16, 2020. ♦ Brenda Joyce Davenport Ellison, 71 of Winston-Salem, died October 15, 2020. ♦ Jimmy C. Flynn, 84, of Clemmons, died October 15, 2020. ♦ Virginia Estelle Lane Holder, 92, of Stokes County, died October 15, 2020. ♦ Doris Loman Lentz, 67, of Winston-Salem, died October 14, 2020. ♦ Ernest Gaston “Greek” Long, Jr., 95, of Tobaccoville, died October 18, 2020. ♦ Raymond Cicero McGee, 95, of Kernersville, died October 14, 2020. ♦ Joe Francis Pereira, 76, died October 17, 2020. ♦ Linda Quattlebaum Price, 73, of Lewisville, died October 14, 2020. ♦ Joyce Mills Robertson, 91, died October 18, 2020. ♦ Rebecca Smith Russell, 77, of Oak Ridge, died October 16, 2020. ♦ Noel Cone Surratt, 92, of Walkertown, died October 15, 2020. ♦ Alexander Robert Tribble, 19, of Forsyth County, died October 15, 2020. ♦ Myrtle Regina “Jean” Truesdale, 95, of Forsyth County, died October 15, 2020. ♦ Lieutenant Robert Wayne Twitty, 58, of Winston-Salem, died October 15, 2020. ♦ Ruth Sells Weldy, 91, of Winston-Salem, died October 15, 2020. ♦ Patricia Brown Whitaker, 85, of Forsyth County, died October 17, 2020.
WEEKLY CRIME REPORT ♦ ANDERSON, CHRISTOPHER LEWIS was arrested on a charge of ASSAULT ON FEMALE at WATERWORKS RD on 10/18/2020 ♦ ANDRES, EDWARD was arrested on a charge of DRUGS-POSS SCHED II at 3545 N PATTERSON AV on 10/16/2020 ♦ Bellamy, Ronda Hairston (F/46) Arrest on chrg of Aid And Abet Larceny ($1,000 Or Less), M (M), at 921 Sequoia Dr, Lewisville, NC, on 10/16/2020 19:50. ♦ BENJAMIN, NEXION was arrested on a charge of DRIVE VEH. WHILE CONSUMING ALCOHOL OR WHILE ALCOHOL IN BODY at 2805 REYNOLDA RD on 10/17/2020 ♦ Bowers, Anthony Davin (M/30) Arrest on chrg of 1) Fail To Appear/ compl (M) and 2) Fail To Appear/ compl (M), at 3800 Old Rosebud Ct, Clemmons, NC, on 10/14/2020 17:36. ♦ Bullard, Tommy John (M/37) Arrest on chrg of 1) Assault On Female (M) and 2) Vand-personal Prop (M), at 901 Cedarbranch Tl/ providence Church Rd, Winstonsalem, NC, on 10/16/2020 23:31. ♦ Coleman, John Nathaniel (M/23) Arrest on chrg of 1) Ccw - Firearm (M), 2) Fail To Appear/compl (M), 3) Fail To Appear/compl (F), 4) Fail To Appear/compl (M), 5) Probation Violation (F), 6) Fail To Appear/ compl (F), 7) Fail To Appear/ compl (M), 8) Fail To Appear/ compl (F), 9) Fail To Appear/ compl (M), 10) Fail To Appear/ compl (M), 11) Fail To Appear/ compl (M), 12) Fail To Appear/ compl (M), 13) Fail To Appear/ compl (M), 14) Fail To Appear/compl (M), 15) Fail To Appear/compl (M), 16) Fail To Appear/compl (F), 17) Fail To Appear/compl (M), and 18) Probation Violation (M), at 6320 Amp Drive, Clemmons, NC, on 10/15/2020 15:58. ♦ Covington, James Christopher (M/36) Arrest on chrg of Probation Violation (M), at 2400 Lewisvilleclemmons Rd/clemmons Rd, Clemmons, NC, on 10/16/2020 09:14. ♦ Dancy, Jammy Ray (M/40) Arrest on chrg of Assault On Female (M), at 1465 River Ridge Rd, Clemmons, NC, on 10/15/2020 21:49. ♦ DAVIS, SYLVIA ANNETT was arrested on a charge of FUGITIVE at 2404 MARKWOOD LN on
10/17/2020 ♦ Farrish, Jermaine Lemonte (M/41) Arrest on chrg of Aid And Abet Larceny ($1,000 Or Less), M (M), at 4288 Thomasville Rd/willard Rd, Winston-salem, NC, on 10/14/2020 02:38. ♦ FRANKLIN, TRAVONTE DARRYL was arrested on a charge of ASSAULT ON FEMALE at 3200 ARLINGTON DR on 10/17/2020 ♦ FRAZIER, DAMON LAMAR was arrested on a charge of ASSLT ON OFF/ST EMP at E FOURTH ST/N RESEARCH PW on 10/19/2020 ♦ Gilliland, Tyler Zane (M/19) Arrest on chrg of 1) Fail To Appear/compl (F), 2) Fail To Appear/compl (F), and 3) Probation Violation (F), at 1500 Old Hollow Rd, Winston-salem, NC, on 10/16/2020 21:03. ♦ GODWARD, FELIX ANTONY was arrested on a charge of IMPAIRED DRIVING DWI at 421 PETERS CREEK PW on 10/18/2020 ♦ Harris, Emily Ann (F/32) Arrest on chrg of Assault-simple (M), at 1465 River Ridge Dr, Clemmons, NC, on 10/15/2020 21:49. ♦ Harris, Recio Lamont (M/44) Arrest on chrg of Weap-poss By Felon, F (F), at 2400 Old Hollow Rd, Walkertown, NC, on 10/17/2020 21:47. ♦ Hauser, Tyrice Stanard (M/46) Arrest on chrg of 1) Weap-poss By Felon (F), 2) Speeding To Elude Arrest (F), and 3) Ndl - Suspended / Revoked (M), at 2400 Blk Old Hollow Rd, Winston-salem, NC, on 10/17/2020 21:47. ♦ HEGE, JOHN THOMAS was arrested on a charge of LARCENYFELONY at 100 HANES MALL BV on 10/18/2020 ♦ Holmes, Preston Randolph (M/42) Arrest on chrg of 1) Sex Offense-1st Deg (F), 2) Indecent Liberties (F), and 3) Statutory Rape / Sex Offense (F), at 5870 Germanton Rd, Winstonsalem, NC, on 10/14/2020 10:13. ♦ Huling, Tiant Taveres (M/44) Arrest on chrg of Probation Violation (F), at 301 N Church St, Winstonsalem, NC, on 10/19/2020 11:30.
arrested on a charge of ASSAULTSIMPLE at 3200 ARLINGTON DR on 10/17/2020
Arrest on chrg of Ccw, M (M), at 275 Northstar Dr, Rural Hall, NC, on 10/16/2020 19:45.
♦ Lewis, Wendy Prevatt (F/51) Arrest on chrg of 1) Forgery-uttering (F), 2) Forgery-uttering (F), 3) Forgeryuttering (F), 4) Forgery-uttering (F), 5) Forgery-uttering (F), 6) Forgeryuttering (F), 7) Forgery-uttering (F), 8) Forgery-uttering (F), 9) Forgeryuttering (F), 10) Forgery-uttering (F), 11) Forgery-uttering (F), 12) Forgeryuttering (F), 13) Forgery-uttering (F), 14) Forgery-uttering (F), 15) Forgeryuttering (F), 16) Forgery-uttering (F), 17) Forgery-uttering (F), 18) Forgeryuttering (F), 19) Fraud-credit Card (F), 20) Fraud-credit Card (F), 21) Fraud-credit Card (F), 22) Fraudcredit Card (F), 23) Fraud-credit Card (F), 24) Fraud-credit Card (F), 25) Fraud-credit Card (F), 26) Fraudcredit Card (F), 27) Fraud-credit Card (F), 28) Fraud-credit Card (F), 29) Fraud-credit Card (F), 30) Fraudcredit Card (F), 31) Fraud-credit Card (F), 32) Fraud-credit Card (F), 33) Fraud-credit Card (F), 34) Fraudcredit Card (F), 35) Fraud-credit Card (F), 36) Fraud-credit Card (F), 37) Fraud-credit Card (F), 38) Fraudcredit Card (F), 39) Fraud-credit Card (F), 40) Fraud-credit Card (F), 41) Fraud-credit Card (F), 42) Fraudcredit Card (F), 43) Fraud-credit Card (F), 44) Fraud-credit Card (F), 45) Fraud-credit Card (F), 46) Fraudcredit Card (F), 47) Fraud-credit Card (F), 48) Fraud-credit Card (F), 49) Fraud-credit Card (F), 50) Fraudcredit Card (F), 51) Fraud-credit Card (F), and 52) Fraud-credit Card (F), at 1109 Ritters Lake Rd, Greensboro, NC, on 10/14/2020 13:00.
♦ OLIVAVARGAS, MIGUEL was arrested on a charge of IMPAIRED DRIVING DWI at 1759 NEW WALKERTOWN RD on 10/18/2020
♦ LITTLE, JEREMY JERROD was arrested on a charge of ASSAULT ON FEMALE at 135 TURNWOOD LN on 10/19/2020 ♦ Martinez, Larissa (F/21) Arrest on chrg of 1) Adw - Inflict Injury (M) and 2) Assault-simple (M), at 901 Cedarbranch Tl/providence Church Rd, Winston-salem, NC, on 10/16/2020 23:31. ♦ MARTINEZ, MARANDA was arrested on a charge of IMPAIRED DRIVING DWI at PETERS CREEK PW/SILAS CREEK PW on 10/18/2020
♦ JEFFERS, HOLLY LOUISE was arrested on a charge of PROBATION VIOLATION at 200 MERCANTILE DR on 10/18/2020
♦ Mcbride, Paul William (M/60) Arrest on chrg of Fail To Register Sex Offender Registra (F), at 5033 Baux Mountain Rd, Winston-salem, NC, on 10/19/2020 11:25.
♦ Mcconnell, Dondre Pernell (M/27)
♦ Poss, Matthew Eugene (M/24) Cited on Charge of Impaired Driving Dwi (202009033), at 8318 Walnut Cove Rd, Walnut Cove, on 10/16/2020. ♦ PULLIAM, DEVON LEE was arrested on a charge of P/W/I/S/D MARIJUANA at 2700 REYNOLDA RD on 10/19/2020 ♦ RAMOS VELASQUEZ, JUAN ADALBERTO was arrested on a charge of FUGITIVE at 201 N CHURCH ST on 10/19/2020 ♦ RAMOS VELASQUEZ, JUAN ADALBERTO was arrested on a charge of CCW at 310 SHERWOOD FOREST RD on 10/18/2020 ♦ SAVAGE, JOHN DOUGLAS was arrested on a charge of AFFRAY at 1242 W ACADEMY ST on 10/19/2020 ♦ Shehan, Mark Thompson (M/65) Arrest on chrg of Assault On Female (M), at 3596 Red Rd, Tobaccoville, NC, on 10/18/2020 15:20. ♦ SHELL, YASHICA GARNETTE was arrested on a charge of DRUGSPOSS SCHED II at 1640 SILAS CREEK PW on 10/19/2020 ♦ Temple, Joshua Jamar (M/28) Arrest on chrg of 1) Order For Arrest (M), 2) Fail To Appear/compl (F), and 3) Fail To Appear/compl (M), at 5870 Germanton Rd, Winston-salem, NC, on 10/14/2020 10:13. ♦ WILLIAMS, NAUTICA TATIYANA was arrested on a charge of ASSAULT-SIMPLE at 201 N CHURCH ST on 10/16/2020 ♦ WOODS, TYSHONNE LAMAR was arrested on a charge of IMPAIRED DRIVING DWI at 1500 REYNOLDA RD on 10/17/2020
Twin City Herald for Wednesday, October 21, 2020
William & Mary to reinstate women’s sports targeted in cuts Williamsburg, Va. William & Mary plans to reinstate three women’s athletic programs that had been targeted for abolishment, a decision that helps the school avoid a lawsuit and move closer to gender equity under Title IX. The school announced the plan Monday, reversing a Sept. 3 announcement that women’s swimming, volleyball and gymnastics, along with four men’s sports, would be cut in a cost-saving measure. That announcement was made by former athletic director Samantha Huge, who resigned Oct. 6. The school said additional cuts in the rosters of men’s programs, or increases in women’s participation, will be needed to get the program Title IX compliant within two years.
Kyle Larson reinstated to compete in NASCAR in 2021 The 28-year-old was suspended and lost his ride after using a racial slur during an iRacing event in April By Jenna Fryer The Associated Press CHARLOTTE — Kyle Larson can return to NASCAR competition next season following a long suspension for using a racial slur while playing a video game. He was suspended in April for after he used the n-word while playing an online racing game in which viewers could follow along. He was dropped by his sponsors and fired by Chip Ganassi Racing. Larson, who is half-Japanese, spent the last six months immersed in diversity programs aimed at helping him gain an un-
derstanding of racial injustice. He did not apply for reinstatement until last week and the clearance came Monday. “The work I’ve done over the last six months has had a major impact on me. I will make the most of this opportunity and look forward to the future,” Larson said. Larson, 28, has spent significant time with retired soccer star Tony Sanneh, whose foundation works on youth development and empowerment in the Minneapolis area. Larson also met with former Olympian Jackie Joyner-Kersee and visited her foundation in East St. Louis, and also spoke with Max Siegel, the CEO of USA Track & Field who also runs a NASCAR-sanctioned team that is part of the stock car series’ diversity program. Larson continued work he’d al-
ready been doing with the Urban Youth Racing School in Philadelphia. The nonprofit helps minorities advance in motorsports and Jysir Fisher, one of its students, had celebrated with Larson in Victory Lane following a win in Delaware last October. He put the work in unpublicized in an effort to prove his motives were sincere. “NASCAR continues to prioritize diversity and inclusion across our sport,” NASCAR said in a statement. “Kyle Larson has fulfilled the requirements set by NASCAR and has taken several voluntary measures to better educate himself so that he can use his platform to help bridge the divide in our country.” Larson also has spent the time away from NASCAR racing sprint cars, his passion, with a phenomenal success rate. He’s won 41 times
so far this year and rebuilt a devout fanbase along the way. The time at the dirt tracks made for a blissful summer for Larson and his family, which accompanied him nearly every weekend. His two children were Victory Lane fixtures and his wife ran his souvenir challenge. Despite the enjoyable family time, Larson insisted he wanted to return to NASCAR. He was considered the top free agent prospect before his firing, which ended eight seasons with Chip Ganassi Racing. Larson has long been considered a future star for NASCAR and presumably had his pick of cars for 2021. Instead, he’s hoping sponsors will agree to back him for a return to NASCAR. Larson is thought to be getting an open seat at Hendrick Motorsports, although the car number and sponsor affiliations are not clear. Among the hurdles Larson must clear is that Hendrick is tied to Chevrolet, one of the brands that cut ties with Larson in April. The current opening at Hendrick is also an entry that relied on heavy sponsorship from Chevy-related partners and products.
Kokrak first PGA Tour title in 233rd try North Las Vegas, Nev. Jason Kokrak, playing in his 233rd tournament during his 10th season on the PGA Tour, won for the first time last weekend at the CJ Cup at Shadow Creek, shooting a final round 8-under 64 to overcome a three-shot deficit at the start and win by two shots. Kokrak, a 35-year-old from Ohio, earned a spot in the Masters next month from reaching the Tour Championship a year ago in August. Now he can plan on two trips to Augusta National, qualifying for the 2021 tournament by winning.
Iowa says it won’t pay ex-players’ demand for $20 million Iowa City, Iowa The University of Iowa said it would not pay a demand from eight black former football players for $20 million in compensation for alleged racial discrimination they faced playing for the Hawkeyes. The university general counsel’s office released its response Sunday to a 21-page certified letter dated Oct. 5 from civil rights attorney Damario Solomon-Simmons of Tulsa, Oklahoma, who is representing the players. The players also called for the firings of head football coach Kirk Ferentz, offensive line coach Brian Ferentz and athletic director Gary Barta. The former players are Akrum Wadley, Aaron Mends, Jonathan Parker, Marcel Joly, Maurice Fleming, Reggie Spearman, Kevonte Martin-Manley and Andre Harris.
Jets trade veteran NT McLendon to Buccaneers New York The New York Jets traded veteran nose tackle Steve McLendon to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers following the Jets’ shutout loss to Miami on Sunday. New York will receive a 2022 sixth-round pick in exchange for McLendon and a 2023 seventh-round pick. The deal that was agreed upon Sunday night reunites McLendon, 34, with Buccaneers defensive coordinator Todd Bowles, who was the Jets’ head coach from 2015-18. The 0-6 Jets also parted ways with running back Le’Veon Bell last Tuesday.
Kyle Larson was reinstated by NASCAR six months after he was suspended for using a racial slur during an iRacing event.
College coaches still scrambling to fill hoops schedules The season is set to begin Nov. 25
By John Marshall The Associated Press COLLEGE COACHES endured a tense time waiting for the NCAA to green light the 2020-21 basketball season. They knew there was a window the NCAA was looking at to start, likely sometime in late November or early December. They just didn’t have a date. So they did the best they could to prepare for the big moment, yet still found themselves in a scramble once it actually happened. Even now, six weeks before tipoff, teams are struggling to fill out schedules as the clock keeps ticking. “We were trading a lot of phone calls, trying to come up with the best solutions,” said Anthony Ruta, director of basketball operations under Arkansas coach Eric Musselman. “You need time because you’re trying to juggle a bunch of different things. You’re trying to check a lot of boxes along the way without compromising yourself in other areas.” College football ended up with a scattershot plan for starting its season, leaving it up to the various conferences. As a result, some conferences are already playing while others, like the Pac-12 and Big Ten, are still waiting for their seasons to kick off. The NCAA took a more unified approach to the basketball season, saying it would set a start date for all teams in all conferences.
The maximum number of games college basketball teams can play this season, down from 31.
The NCAA announced last month that the season would begin on Nov. 25 and teams are still trying to fill all the holes in their schedules. Word came down in mid-September, when the NCAA said the season will begin on Nov. 25. Then the scramble began. Coaches kept in touch with opponents on their original schedules to make sure they were both on the same page. A multitude of factors had to be sifted through. Because the season was originally slated to begin in early November, the later start date meant several games on the schedule would have to be pushed to another day or eliminated. Many teams
don’t want to travel long distances during a pandemic, so finding regional opponents became a priority. Teams also had to sort through contracts with previously scheduled opponents and work around uncertainties as leagues across the country try to figure out conference schedules. “The problem is we already had the schedule,” West Virginia coach Bob Huggins said. “(Director of basketball operations Josh Eilert) had done a great job, had us
a great nonconference schedule, and then we had to just about totally blow it up and start all over again. It’s been as tough as I can remember in 43 years.” The NCAA reduced the maximum number of regular-season games from 31 to 27 if a team plays in a multiteam event. The max is 25 without a multiteam event. One of those, the Maui Invitational, was moved to Asheville. The Battle 4 Atlantis in the Bahamas was canceled and several teams slated to play there are headed to South Dakota instead. The Cancun Challenge was moved from Mexico to Florida and the Empire Classic from Madison Square Garden to the Mohegan Sun in Connecticut. Many teams are opting to play in smaller events, like the fourteam Little Apple Classic at Kansas State and the Champions Classic in Orlando. The rest of the schedules will be a mix of home and away games. The safety of players and coaches is the top priority, so many programs are looking at nearby opponents so they can travel by bus instead of going through an airport and getting on a plane.
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Twin City Herald for Wednesday, October 21, 2020
GOP, Dems hope Supreme Court fight bolsters Senate prospects
for ignoring the pandemic while “rushing to play politics with the court.” Four GOP senators in competitive campaigns are on the Senate Judiciary Committee, which wrapped up hearings Thursday on Barrett’s nomination. All four — John Cornyn of Texas, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Joni Ernst of Iowa and Thom Tillis of North Carolina — used the sessions to praise Barrett and flash opposition to abortion or champion other hot-button conservative favorites. That didn’t escape the notice of Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., her party’s vice presidential nominee and a Judiciary Committee member. She recited the number of people from those states who she said would lose coverage if the justices strike down the health care law. The court is scheduled to hear arguments in a GOP-backed case seeking to dismantle the statute the week after the election. No GOP senator stood to potentially benefit more than Graham, the Judiciary chairman. Seeking his fourth term from a state where Trump remains popular, Graham faces a tossup contest against Democrat Jaime Harrison, who raised a record $57 million in this year’s third quarter. Chairing the televised hearings gave Graham four days to boast about golfing with Trump, demonstrate how GOP Senate control means more conservative judges and to gesture to women voters, many of whom have fled the party because of Trump. Graham said Barrett’s confirmation will pierce “a reinforced concrete barrier around conservative women.” Barrett, 48, has previously expressed opposition to
abortion but during the hearings asserted that as a justice she’d set aside her personal views. A poll by The Associated PressNORC Center for Public Affairs Research, conducted mostly before nomination hearings began, showed Americans roughly evenly divided among favoring her confirmation, opposing it and being uncertain. “It’s motivating both parties’ bases for sure,” said Republican pollster Robert Blizzard. “It’s not changing the narrative or the trajectory of the races. But that’s today,” he said, citing possible unforeseen events by Election Day. So far, Democratic senators and outside groups opposing Barrett have used measured tones against her. That contrasts with the 2018 confirmation fight over Trump Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, who was accused of a decades-old sexual assault that he denied. Republicans turned raucous public protests into a weapon for that fall’s elections, accusing Democrats of using “mobs” to oppose him. This week, no public witnesses were allowed in the hearing room because of COVID-19 restrictions. “It’s not a strategic choice, it’s a fact of the times,” said Brian Fallon, who heads the progressive Demand Justice. Ironically, Democrats have spent most of their money on Supreme Court-themed ads against Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine. She and Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski, who’s not facing reelection, are the only two Republicans expected to oppose Barrett, but Democrats think the issue helps emphasize Collins’ support for the president.
Some states allow ballots if voters die before Election Day
they register voters or count ballots when the data shows otherwise,” Padilla said. Wisconsin, which like North Carolina is a presidential battleground this year, is among the states that prohibit a ballot from being counted if the voter dies after submitting it. Every month, the state’s election commission receives records of county death certificates, and those records are run against the statewide voter registration system. Any potential matches are flagged to the local clerk where the voter is registered, and the clerk is responsible for verifying the match by looking to obituaries and other sources before changing the voter’s status, said Reid Magney, Wisconsin Election Commission spokesman. But that also has its limits. “There’s no way to check every absentee ballot to make sure the voter hasn’t died since it was issued,” Magney said. Iowa’s election office also receives death records and processes them as they are received, including on Election Day. If a person dies after requesting or returning an absentee ballot, the ballot is voided and not counted, said Kevin Hall, spokesman for Iowa’s secretary of state. “Voters have to be eligible electors on Election Day,” Hall said. “Even though Iowa had 29 days of absentee voting, there is still only one Election Day.”
By Alan Fram The Associated Press WASHINGTON, D.C. — For Republicans, the nomination fight over Amy Coney Barrett is a chance to seal conservative control of the Supreme Court for decades. For some GOP senators, it’s also a lifeline they hope will preserve their political careers and their party’s control of the chamber in November’s elections. The battle over President Donald Trump’s pick is letting Senate Republicans facing tough reelections highlight issues like abortion and link themselves to a conservative, religious woman whose confirmation seems certain. There are competitive races for around a dozen GOP-held seats as the party defends its 53-47 Senate majority in next month’s elections. About half of them are in states like Montana and Kansas where Trump won easily in 2016 and embracing Barrett should win broad approval. But the rest are in battleground states like Arizona, Georgia, Iowa and Maine, where backing her could be riskier. Either way, both sides are using the Supreme Court battle in fundraising appeals and other ways that underscore its political potency. From the day after the September death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg — whose vacancy Barrett will fill — through this Wednesday, each party has spent
By Christina A. Cassidy The Associated Press ATLANTA — At 90 years old and living through a global pandemic, Hannah Carson knows time may be short. She wasted no time returning her absentee ballot for this year’s election. As soon as it arrived at her senior living community, she filled it out and sent it back to her local election office in Charlotte, North Carolina. If something were to happen and she doesn’t make it to Election Day, Carson said she hopes her ballot will remain valid. “I should think I should count, given all the years I have been here,” she said. In North Carolina, a ballot cast by someone who subsequently dies can be set aside if a challenge is filed before Election Day with the county board of elections. Questions over whether ballots will count if someone votes early but dies before Election Day are especially pressing this year, amid a coronavirus outbreak that has been especially perilous for older Americans. People 85 years and older represent nearly one in three deaths from COVID-19 in the U.S. As an election looms, the odds against older people who contract the virus are on the minds of the elderly and their family members.
Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., listens to Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett during her confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Tuesday, Oct. 13, 2020, on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. around $4 million on broadcast TV commercials highlighting the nomination fight, according to Kantar/CMAG, the ad-tracking firm. Democrats have advertised in seven Senate races and Republicans in eight. All but one, Sen. Doug Jones’ uphill effort to survive in GOP-dominated Alabama, are contests where Republicans are defending seats. In a common GOP theme, a spot by Senate candidate Rep. Roger Marshall of Kansas says Democratic challenger Barbara Bollier would be “just another liberal rubber stamp” for judges favored by Democratic leaders.
“It’s motivating both parties’ bases for sure. It’s not changing the narrative or the trajectory of the races.” Republican pollster Robert Blizzard The liberal group Demand Justice is running its own ad against incumbent GOP senators in Arizona, Colorado, Iowa, Maine and North Carolina, hitting them
“There’s no way to check every absentee ballot to make sure the voter hasn’t died since it was issued.” Wisconsin Election commission spokesman Reid Magney Seventeen states prohibit counting ballots cast by someone who subsequently dies before the election, but 10 states specifically allow it. The law is silent in the rest of the country, according to research by the National Conference of State Legislatures. Even though a law might require such ballots to be rejected, it’s likely that some could still count depending on when the person dies and when election officials find out about the death. “The law may say that the ballot of a person who dies in that situation can’t be counted, but it is a hard law to follow,” said Wendy Underhill, head of elections for the National Conference of State Legislatures. When someone dies close to an election, it takes time for death records to be updated, and there is a narrow window between when a
Absentee ballots are pictured in this October 2020 file photo. ballot is cast and counted. Colorado in 2016 had between 15 and 20 instances of voters who cast a ballot by mail and then died before Election Day. All were counted. In Michigan’s primary earlier this year, 864 ballots were rejected because the voters died before the election even though they were alive when they filled them out. An election judge from southern Illinois was charged in 2016 with voter fraud after she filled out a ballot for her late husband
because she said he would have wanted Trump to be president. In California, it’s an issue of fairness to count ballots cast by people who then die before Election Day, Secretary of State Alex Padilla said. He said it’s just as conceivable that someone who votes early in-person also dies before Election Day, and there is no way to identify and reject that ballot. “The ‘dead voters’ is used as a false narrative, a pretext for changes in some states to how