the Wednesday
Trump, Biden to make consecutive appearances in Charlotte Charlotte President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden will both make visits to N.C. this week. Biden will appear first, on Wednesday, in his first campaign appearance in over 200 days in the state. Biden last appeared at a campaign event on Feb. 29 in Raleigh. Trump is scheduled to discuss healthcare in an appearance on Thursday, which will mark his fifth appearance in the state in the past five weeks. NSJ STAFF
N.C. DMV Surpasses 2 Million REAL IDs Issued Raleigh The N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles issued its 2 millionth REAL ID license late last week. Starting Oct. 1, 2021, federal agencies will require a REAL ID, U.S. passport or another form of federallyapproved identification to board commercial airlines and to enter many federal buildings or facilities. The original date was Oct. 1 of this year, but it was delayed last spring due to COVID-19. Once someone has a REAL ID, noted by a gold star in a corner of a driver’s license or ID, it remains in effect even when it is time to renew. NSJ STAFF
NC native makes Supreme Court nominee short list Washington, D.C. Allison Jones Rushing, 38, is one of five women on President Donald Trump’s short list to be nominated to the Supreme Court. She is a native of Hendersonville and was confirmed 18 months ago to the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond. If confirmed, she would be the youngest justice since the early 1800s. Rushing graduated from Wake Forest University before attending Duke University, where she earned her law degree in 2007. She then clerked for future Justice Neil Gorsuch, who was then an appeals court judge, as well as at the Supreme Court for Justice Clarence Thomas. As an appellate specialist while in private practice at the Williams & Connolly law firm in Washington, D.C., Rushing filed scores of briefs with the Supreme Court. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
NCDHHS Launches COVID-19 exposure app Raleigh The N.C. Dept. of Health and Human Services launched a COVID-19 Exposure Notification app called “SlowCOVIDNC” on Sept. 22. The app will alert users when they may have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. SlowCOVIDNC leverages Google and Apple’s Exposure Notification System (ENS) and alerts users who have the app if they have been in close contact with an individual who later tests positive for COVID-19. The app completed Beta testing earlier this month and can now be downloaded for free through the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. “North Carolinians have another powerful tool to help slow the spread of COVID-19 right in their pockets. Downloading SlowCOVIDNC is a practical step each of us can take to protect ourselves, our loved ones and our state,” said NCDHHS secretary Mandy Cohen. NSJ STAFF
20177 52016 $2.00
Ginsburg mourned at Supreme Court steps People gather at the Supreme Court on the morning after the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 87, Saturday, Sept. 19, 2020, in Washington, D.C.
White House adviser Peter Navarro says ‘economic nationalism’ critical to nation’s future he called the “China virus,” the novel coronavirus. The strategy focuses on vaccine development, RALEIGH — White House therapeutics, testing, and personal protective equiptrade and manufacment. Navarro said turing adviser Pehe has been especially ter Navarro said focused on PPE. he used to visit the “I personally High Point Furni- “Economic have been very acture Market when he security is tive working with the managed a furniture company in Cam- national security. textile alliance and companies such as bridge, Mass. while Even as we HanesBrands, Parkearning his PhD in fight to fend dale Mills, and Beveconomics at Harourselves from erly Knits. Through vard University. Defense Production “To pay my way the CCP virus Act Title III and the through I managed CARES Act, there’s a small furniture [COVID-19], we been tens of milcompany in Cam- are creating jobs lions of dollars and bridge, Mass. and some cases hundreds for a couple years I and rejuvenating went to High Point part of the textile of millions that will the state,” Nato buy chairs. And I industry in North benefit varro said. watched over time as He mentioned that industry and the Carolina… What local North Carolina we’re trying to do some of the large contracts awarded to craftsmen were driven out of the market in supply chain is companies producing PPE in the state, such by the Chinese,” Na- bring that back as HanesBrands, who varro said in an inreceived $322 million terview with North on shore, and if to produce 450 milState Journal. we’ve learning lion gowns and cloth Navarro, who anything in this face coverings, and is one of President Parkdale Mills, who Donald Trump’s top crisis, we’re received a contract economic advisers, dependent on worth $532 million said that North Carfor 60 million reusolina “in many ways China and India was at the front lines and other places, able isolation gowns. A report from of globalization and the Charlotte Busiwas one of the first and President states in the union Trump is working ness Journal said that North Carolito suffer the most on that.” na ranked eighth in in textiles and furthe nation in terms of niture,” a crisis that value for COVID-19 soon spread to other White House Trade emergency materials. industries across the and Manufacturing “Economic secucountry, such as aurity is national setomobiles and elec- adviser Peter Navarro curity. Even as we tronics. fight to fend ourAccording to Naselves from the CCP varro, North Carolina is now playing an import- virus [COVID-19], we are creatant role in President Trump’s See NAVARRO, page A2 four-vector strategy to fight what By Matt Mercer North State Journal
Race for governor features contrast of campaign strategies By Matt Mercer North State Journal RALEIGH — As the election nears, North Carolina’s gubernatorial candidates are taking cues from their parties’ respective presidential candidates, with the Republican holding more in-person events and the Democrat keeping a lower profile. The challenger, Republican Lt. Gov. Dan Forest, has maintained an aggressive travel schedule, often with four or five campaign stops in different regions of the state on a given weekend. Forest made four stops in a swing across western North Carolina this past
weekend, with stops in Cherokee, Clay, Jackson and Yancey counties. Forest’s strategy mirrors the active travel schedule from President Donald Trump, who made his fourth appearance in the state in the past four weeks in Fayetteville on Saturday. The Forest campaign has also embraced mainstays of grassroots campaigning, with teams of volunteers swarming neighborhoods with yard signs, and the latest move, a billboard campaign throughout the state. “DAN FOREST WILL OPEN NC,” says one of the billboards, See GOVERNOR, page A2
How much did summer protests and riots cost North Carolina taxpayers? State Highway Patrol spent over $300,000; Raleigh Police over $1.4M By A.P. Dillon North State Journal RALEIGH — Throughout the month of June, protests and riots associated with the death of George Floyd took place in multiple cities in North Carolina. Many of the protests spanned several days and were often followed by looting, arson and property damage to public property and businesses. North State Journal has received information from the North Carolina State Highway Patrol (NCSHP) pertaining to manhours and costs. First Sergeant Michael Baker with the NCSHP responded to our requests, noting that due to security reasons he couldn’t provide the number of officers deployed to each protest nor the number of officers protecting the governor on the dates we inquired about. “We are very fortunate to report we have not had any members injured during the protests in question,” said Baker in an email to North State Journal, which included details of the cost and manpower hours associated with the protests. A breakdown of the data from NCSHP by protest location shows that between manhours and gas usage, protests in nine locations around the state cost a total of $304,695. Just over 8,390 man-
hours were worked by NCSHP officers covering the riots and protests, costing taxpayers $273,505. Additionally, $31,189 was spend on gas for NCSHP vehicles. See PROTESTS, page A2
North State Journal Wednesday, April 15,23, 2020 North State Journal forfor Wednesday, September 2020
4.15.20 9.23.20 #228 #251
“Esse quam videri” “Esse quam videri” Visit North North State State Visit Journal online! Journal online! nsjonline.com nsjonline.com North State Journal North State Journal (USPS 20451) (USPS 20451) (ISSN 2471-1365) (ISSN 2471-1365) Neal Robbins Publisher Neal Robbins Publisher Matt Mercer Editor in Chief Matt Mercer Editor in Chief Cory Lavalette Managing/Sports Editor Cory Lavalette Managing/Sports Editor Frank Hill Senior Opinion Editor Frank Hill Senior Opinion Editor Emily Roberson Business/Features Editor Emily Roberson Business/Features Editor David Larson Associate Editor David Larson Associate Editor Lauren Rose Design Editor Lauren Rose Design Editor
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Visit North State Journal online! RESTRICTIONS from page A1 nsjonline.com staying on their properties if they stanlyjournal.com are not year-round residents. twincityherald.com A similar situation to Surf
City’s actions has arisen in Dare and Currituck counties, resulting in the filing of a federal lawsuit by six property owners whose permanent residences are in neighboringfrom states. GOVERNOR page A1 Law-enforcement checkpoints have been setsays, up on roads leadand another “DAN FOREST ing intoNOT various townsinand counJOBS MOBS,” Mecklenties. burg County. The town of Democratic Beaufort hasGov. a Incumbent chokepoint I-70 has to taken repel a Roy Cooper’snear campaign non-residents. Oneapproach needs a to valdecidedly different the id form of government-issued ID— 2020 general election campaign with a Carteret County address, making even fewer in-person apapearances COVID-19 Pass who issued thanEntry Joe Biden, has by the town documents provincreased hisorown travel schedule ing you are an essential worker to battleground states. The Demor are presidential performing nominee’s an essential ocratic last service. visit to the state was on Feb. 29 is alsoUniversity requiringin at Ocracoke Saint Augustine documentation in order to gain downtown Raleigh. Biden’s camentry thehetown. paign to said would visit Charlotte public’s use of the AtlanonThe Wednesday. tic Cooper, Ocean who has raised been over banned by $16 milAtlantic Beach, Salterthrough Path, Inlion for his campaign the dian Beach and of Emerald Isle. In second quarter his campaign’s afinance joint press the towns report,release, has blanketed telesaid vision “swimming, airwaves for surfing, months kitwith ing,” and “non-motorized recre-of ads. Many of the ads are critical ational water all proForest. In one,access” a Wakeare County dochibited. tor slams Forest for holding in-perBeach officials sonWrightsville events. already closed I beaches to the “Mr. Forest, know you’re runpublic butgovernor will now also ning for and be arefining holdviolators to $500. ining indoorupevents withIfnoone masks. cludes costs, the fine jumps Please court stop. No political campaign to is $650. worth risking North Carolina Officials in Wilkesboro and lives.” North Wilkesboro announced on Cooper has stated he would April 8 that only one person not hold in-person events andper has family will beinallowed participated virtual entry eventsinto and any stores. Children can only fundraisers, including one aclast company them if no other suitmonth with longtime Democratic able person can watch them.James strategist and commentator Last week, Cooper issued a Carville. new executive orderhas containing However, Cooper been a fixmultiple layers of screens new restricture on television during tions on the few retail stores still allowed or able to remain open. This new order begins at 5 p.m. April 13 and runs for 30 days. Accordingfrom to executive PROTESTS page A1 order 131, only five people per 1,000 square of retailPress space had or 20% The feet Associated preof fire marshal occupanviously reportedposted that around $2.2 cy limitswas canspent be in by a store at one million law enforcetime. mustprotests be placed ment Markings to cover the and 6 feet apart in areas wheretopeonightly rioting. According their ple gather, like checkout lines, reports, NCSHP spent almost and stores but must observe $150,000, that figure cleandid not ing measures. Additional recominclude costs after the first week mendations the cost orderfigure include of June. Theintotal obplastic at registers and tained shields by North State Journal contact-free from NCSHPcheckouts. is more than double orderreported overrides any lotheThe previous amount and cal prohibitions that set a differcovers dates through June 14. entThe occupancy rateprotest in orderlocato costliest maintain acrossin theat tion was “uniformity” Raleigh, coming state.” As and with spanning Cooper’s previ$164,300 a time ous executive orders, period from May 30municipalito June 12. ties and individual stores can enCharlotte came in second, costing act even$71,841 stricterduring measures than around the period described in the directives. spanning May 30new to June 14. The North Carolina-based Fresh The Wake County Sheriff’s OfMarket grocery store inchain, fice reported $400,000 costs, starting April 14, willPolice requirespent all the State Capitol guests to wear a face-covering of just over $48,000 and Alcohol some Law sort. Enforcement officers spent
The Second Sunday of Easter approaches, and Christians are reminded the first Patience, the fourth Fruit of theof Spirit, is often Sunday following Christ’s resurrection. translated as “longsuffering” — as it is in the Jesus had with mostPatience, of His disciples after Kingmet James version. in the context of Mary Galatians, means morethem than waiting. Longsuffering, Magdalene alerted of His presence. as used inwas Exodus, slow towhen anger they and met Thomas notmeans with them rich in kindness. Patience is also expressed as Jesus, and he said he would not believe in the “forbearing” in Proverbs, meaning to persevere resurrection untilor hedelays. had seen the wounds through hard times Abraham, Joseph of the forexamples himself.of longsuffering andcrucifixion Job are Biblical orEight forbearing. same is exhibited by daysThis after thepatience resurrection, Thomas Christ Matthewremoved 5 when he says to he turnsaw the other had hisindoubts when cheek rather than take an eye for an eye and a Jesus and examined His wounds. While tooth for a tooth. Jesus who believed in His is The blessed Fruit of thethose Spirit shows us that patience resurrection based on faith, He nonetheless a strength, endowed upon us by the Holy Spirit. was willing to prove Himself to Thomas. Losing patience — seeking revenge, striking out in anger — are signs of weakness. Galatians 5 tells Thomas had proven a devoted and loyal us that there is no law against exhibiting the Fruitfor disciple and Jesus did not condemn him of the Spirit. But, there are clearly laws against the his skepticism. opposites of these holy virtues. A loss of patience
John 20:27-29 (KJV) 27 Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing. 28 And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God. 29 Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.
“The Incredulity of Saint Thomas” by Caravaggio (c. 1601–1602, currently housed in Sanssouci Picture Gallery, Potsdam, Germany).
can result in criminal sanctions but also violations of social contracts or loss of friendships.
TRAFFIC from page A1 transportation sales tax revenue, shutting down certain business- causing major traffic backups. PUBLIC DOMAIN Florida announced that it is aces. But some states have not. which also is down. PROVERBS 25:15 workAbraham’s schedules by sevWashington, site of the first celerating “We were hoping to bid of it Isaac” out failed to produce results. “Sacrifice (cir. 1603) is a painting by Caravaggio depicting 15 By forbearing some is a prince about $2 billion outbreak in the U.S., eralit.weeks for constructionattempt very soon, but coronavirus In long the meantime, road persuaded, to sacrifice his son Isaac after God commanded Uffizi on Gallery, and bridge a soft tongue the bone. then COVID-19Florence, and all that, and projectsbreaketh already have Italy.so suspended work on 92 of its 100 worth of bridge and road projects. In Maryland, a westbound that timeline is kind of in the air,” active highway projects as a rebeen put on hold. The North Carolina Depart- said West Plains administrator sult of a stay-at-home order for lane of the Chesapeake Bay ment of Transportation has Tom Stehn, a former state high- most workers. The halted proj- Bridge near Annapolis recentslashed its expected construction way engineer. “It was a high pri- ects include major ones in Seattle ly re-opened to vehicles followand Spokane, as well as improve- ing repairs. The $27 million projprojects from 131 down to 38 for ority for us.” wasworldwide completednews wellwhen aheadshe of to aanwake-up Interstate Though run- ments the upcoming budget year, a $2 sponds NAVARRO from page A1 made have been call.90 pass ect to ambulances toughness,” are Navarro because of light anchief avalanche-prone ning as usual are through billion reduction. appeared partly on Tucker Carlson To“Biden’s of staff said area that schedule, said when askedand aboutdetours the outlook amid the thedid Cascade Mountains. forcountries. visitors, “ob- of projects until night on Sept. 15.coronavirus panthey everything wrong, and traffic between the two ingOhio jobshas anddelayed rejuvenating part of well-marked Vermont’s entireof$200 that direct next year on interstate highways “I think it’s an important quesby the grace God itmillion didn’t demic. He contrasted theinterchange Trump ad- only the textile industry in North Car- viously Thetodeclining traffic did volumes construction plan for 2020 be nice,”stances said Daniel in Columbus and be- would ask — where this become one of the worst mass ca- tion ministration’s with Marthose road olina, which, by theCincinnati way, originally especially large in some on hold, save a $6 million chief pointedly clinical officer for that the is cause of the expected in shall, thingbeen come from,” Navarro said. sualty events in for history,” Navar- have of Biden, saying got hammered by dealsdecline Joe Biden the nation’s mostweaponized famously conrepairout where a storm County Ambulance fuel taxfor, revenue. “Whether it was by ro said. “Coming of that crisis, of Biden Howell voted as a senator to al- emergency voted including NAFTA, and South metropolitan such out part of the foundation Facedentry with in a budget shortfall, nature or by the CCP, areas, it’s an open they allowed N-95 mask produc- gested low China to join the WTO, and washed China’s the World Trade District. the SanItFrancisco Bay for area. Theoncity Bend,asOregon, the on Missouri has postponed mil- that question. acts this way three tionInterstate to go to 89. China and Mexico, as hisofwatch vice presiOrganization,” said $46 Navarro. Business in theamount region The the delay, thekept greatseventh-fastest grow- and lion forwe’re 18 road andtobridge proj- nation’s it leaders has a large thelonger stockpile was not up reasons: dent, along with President Barack “What trying do in supply hoped to put a spread; 1 cent sales tax likelihood some proj- had metropolitan area over the er ects had been priorities for ing of asymptomatic it aplikethe it should havethat been.” Obama, a state-owned Chinese chainthat is bring that back on shore, the to November ballotimpervious that could might not this on decade, pulled afactories $190 millocal governments. As many as past pears be relatively Navarro saidget he finished has weekly company purchased in ects and if we’ve learning anything $100 overyou 40 know years transportation 299 additional projects valued to heat andbillion humidity, meetings to create a Strategic Na- raise states like Michigan.bond off the year. in this crisis, we’re dependent on lion public transit andgotranspor“Every project2.0 is sort of at risk for Supporters con- tional at $785and million be at placrisk May we thought it would away in Stockpile “smart stockA ballot. New York Timeshad investiChina Indiacould and other projects a nine-county running outthe of stockpile quality weather property of without federal help, McKenna the summer andinit didn’t; and the pile” to make bigger, tation gationabout foundpushing that thea company, es, and President Trump is work- cerns the to coronavirus outto complete work,” tax hike for roads, sidewalks and days said. third, itBut seems target specific add capacity and the ensure thatsaid by region. Henniges Automotive, is a subsiding on that.” interrupted work on state construction lanes while local businessAmong populations.” the end Reed, of September it can engihan- break iary of Aviation Industry Corpora- Jeremy Navarro the has immediate also been deout bike needed place the the state’s transportation suffering financially and neer ferments: a new highway inter- es Navarro said that to when a virus dle afor virus surge in the fall and legislation tionare of China. front on the Trump administrameasure on the ballot.and appears residents are without change to provide direct access is “spawned in China winter months. Another important area ofwork. con- agency. tion’s trade issues with China. He many It now be two 2022, or even Pennsylvania halted “They’re going to show up on to thethat expanded Ozarks Medical a could mile of biological When asked originally to comment on within for Navarro is the Strategic said President Trump is the cern before supporters can make road construction work. But 2024, day and justwhich glance Center in WesttoPlains. labs, Occam’s Razor tells you the statements from a doctor who said National Stockpile, he and said all first president stand The up tocenthe voters’ push for aispublic vote on hasthe since allowed work to pro-a another `I’m not raising myObama taxes it ter’s hospital, physician and since spe- think, likely explanation that it came that virus originated from was “threadbare” after the Chinese Communist Party said needs John to Grubb, on 61lab, critical projects. now, no way!’” said Mike Ri- ceed cialty clinics are among area’s right frommeasure, the lab. China come Chinese Navarro saidAbout that the administration. Navarro said that Richard Nixon openedthe relations officer the havBay road and bridgeweaponized.” projects, at chief co-chairman Bend 800 largest clean operating on all of that, andofthey COVID-19 “appears Biden’s experienceofinthe the Go adminiswith theemployers, country. serving about ley, business-backed billion, remainYan’s on hold. that support40,000 patients eightonly rural en’t —Council, but they aneed to.” Li-Meng statements Area tration’sCoalition response to H1N1 should $7 Dr. “We know that in China re- 2020 By contrast, some states have policy advocacy group. counties of southern Missouri ed the measure. “We’re going to “If we’re in a poor economy, come back to voters, but now just taken advantage of a lull in trafand northern Arkansas. fic to speed up transportation which it looks like we’re going to The state had allotted more felt like the wrong time.” Most states have classified road projects. Construction crews have be in, that would have been an than $1.2 million to cover half the road construction costs. The construction as essential work been able to shut down highway awful lot of stimulus and an awfulfulfill lot ofthe job duties creation,” he said. in other half was to come from local that can continue despite orders lanes during prime hours without to of governor the case of the governor’s absence, death, or incapacitation. According to Forest’s office, Cooper has never notified Forest when he would be out of state during their WORSHIP from page A1 shared tenure. The Republican Governor’s AsBenham and others showed up sociation caught Cooper two days to the Charlotte clinic after receivafter the March 3 primary at a ing calls that the police were there fundraising breakfast in Tampa, demanding that the group’s memFlorida, that was not made pubbers leave the area. When they relic by Cooper. In early September, fused to leave, eight were given cithe group began a multi-million tations of “violation of emergency ad campaign against Cooper. The prohibitions and restrictions” — a ads focus on Cooper’s uneven reClass 2 misdemeanor. sponse to protests that turned vi“They’re saying there were 50 olent in Raleigh, Charlotte and citpeople there,” Benham said on ies across North Carolina. the discrepancy between his ac“When chaos and unrest threatcount and the “official” account. ened North Carolina communities, “Just look at the video. The video Gov. Cooper did what he does best shows clear evidence. It is a lie. It — hid in his mansion and refused is wrong. The police department, to take a stand against the vioCharlotte Observer, the mayor’s oflence,” said RGA communications fice — they’re all wrong.” director Amelia Chassé Alcivar. COURTESY PHOTOS Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), a The two candidates were also in friend of Benham’s, out inright, are pictured in this combined image. court on opposite sides last month Roy Cooper, left, andtweeted Dan Forest, support of him later the same day, following Forest’s lawsuit against calling the arrest unconstitutional Cooper for failing to obtain a maROBERT CLARK | NORTH STATE JOURNAL saying, “Because Dems expansion. Cooper has vetoed bud- may only vote in the case of a tie on jority vote from the Council of his and COVID-19 mediaelected updates arethe pro-abortion, they are abusing gets Attendees Northwood Temple the Church drive-in listen in on orwhenservice enacting executive floor.in Fayeteville’s 2020 EasterState from theofGeneral Assembly from Emergency Operations theirinpower—in a one-sided way— that their radios from inside John Hedgepeth delivers hisunder sermon. ders the Emergency ManLizPastor Doherty, Cooper’s campaign have not contained thetheir mea-cars as Center Raleigh. These briefings toprovided silence pregnancy counselors.” spokeswoman, said earlier this agement Act. The judge appointhave the incumbent with sure. Cruz alsobully put apulpit. petition on Coohis site The campaign has also sought month that, “Dan Forest skipping ed to the case, James Gale, ruled a powerful Gov. nion sets, with who sealed wafers and ‘drive-in’ services.”is a disservice to against against religious in- work asksbegan signatories “Tell to crimination Forest, then dropped to campaign make Forest’s tenure as lieuperwhich also has makingtoofficups of juice, but had to call off the The very next but day, stitutions and religious believers,” Governor Cooper tenant lawsuit. Carolinians, it’sWilmingnot new. the governor part of the cam- North cialDemocratic appearances, such asRoy visiting to distribute them aftershown word ton police posted that drive-in ser- plan said saying Barr inhea has statement. thatdamage if abortion is ‘essential’ then paign, Polls in the race have troubling pattern of failmissed “Thus, over Forest’s storm in Bertie County from the city.leads both in and outvices “will up nottobework considered a vi- Cooper government may not imposeand spe- ing with to show is disqualiof Senate sessions lastpregnancy month. services are essential, one-third don’tofdoerror. communion, olation,” no not legaldeserve action awould cial restrictions religious activi- fying too. Stopre-election discriminating against other of thesaid margin In 2016, — heso does pro- side“They Council of on State meetings. Cooper’s campaign andfinal I’m amargin good man. I tryCooper to do be taken against the churches, but the ty role that as dopresiding not also apply to of similar people of faith!” between officer the motion.” mirrors many of the priorities he The whatformer the mayor says,” Hedgepeth police urged “all churches and and nonreligious activity.” U.S. Attorney General AsWil- Senate, Gov. Pat McCrory was One still of the duties of the lieuhowever, is largely cerehas fought with the General said.over “We’re law-abiding. housesgovernor of worship with just “Where state has governor not acted tenant liam over, Barr has received a flood of monial 10,000 votes. I want to is to tocontinue stand ready as thealieutenant sembly including Medicaid complaints from religious people evenhandedly, it must have a com- virtual services, including for Eas- do things the way they said and let them know we’re cooperating with around the country who, like Ben- pelling reason to impose restric- ter.” In Fayetteville, drive-in ser- them.” ham, believe their rights are being tions on places of worship and Benham, though, said he will violated by local and state govern- must ensure that those restrictions vices were allowed, and Northnot be cooperating with Charwood deployed Temple Pentecostal Holi- were narrowly tailored to advance ments.in pay. It was also report- edare 71 reports of property damincluded smoke, broken windows, slashed tires, terials $27,000 lotte’sand demands for his group to ness Church hadflashbangs. an Easter service age its compelling interest,” Barr. pepper A the tweet from Barr’s commu- damage 53 burglary reports. spray and from bricks and said projeced that activation of the North stop counseling outside 10 a.m.estimates Pastor John Hedgepeth “Religious institutions must notbybe atCrowd nications director, KerrimemKupec, tiles. there werewomen a number of ranged from While One vehicle was damaged Carolina National Guard the abortion clinic, toldinNSJ church promoted the fires for special burdens.”to 500 this sacred week for firesingled set during the even riots,after only the six thethe early hours of the first after out “a suspect attempted berssaid, cost“During $725,000. arrest, since he believes celebration and1,000 was expecting po- were church services have few many Americans, BarrAssois mon- igniteDrive-in considered arson. the city’s days to over by the night the gas tank while the vehiIn initial reports AG by the violate the letter and of cars. The ser- requests touchpoint North oftentially itoring govt some regulation of religious The CVS Pharmacy andspirthe June 2.hundreds The after-action report was another parked outside the in Southciated Press, 2,350 hours clebeen it of theGeneral law. Express were both vice could be heard on 92.7 to Dollar Carolina, especially during the describes services. at While social distancing east how organized theFM proPolice District substation.” of overtime a cost of $860,011 “Heck yeah are, ofand course,” allow attendees to sing along the broken season. Wake Countyprogov- testers policies appropriate during Easter into andwelooted, riotwere, displaying “a to patIn an executive summary were workedare by the Raleigh Police Benham asked whethhymns played inside ernment clear drive- tern this emergency, they published must be ap- vided set firesaid to when the two businesses of splintering off the intosanctuary smaller ers to themade Raleigh Citythat Council, Department. A recently er his group is still present atwere that and listen to Hedgepeth’s in services would not be permit- groups, plied evenhandedly & not times. Multiple fires gathering together sermon again, multiple Chief Sandra Deck-Brown after-action report on the Citysingle of RPD clinic. haven’tSquare stopped. Every from a raised platform and outside, all also ted. Some churches, out religious action provided set“We in Moore and the antagonistic often details on like thePlymouth muni- initiating Raleigh website orgs. filed Expect by the Raday they’re while action congregants in- City Baptist in Raleigh, had illegal from DOJ next week!” (RPD) tions Marketopen, area.we’re there.” towardsremained police and and Church deployment of her deleigh Police Department Benham demand aborside their vehicles. planned toresources. have a drive-in Onexpenditure Tuesday, Barr The RPDsaid report doesfor not inproperty, then splitTheservice re- government ups the totalannounced signifi- partment’s tion hasn’t slowedfor down, and his churches not were open. clude butnotes wereRPD forced cancel, as re- ting“Other thattohis office had filed a statement port estimates damage to up again when are police hadtodeployed tear cantly $1,438,450. group offers aRaleigh social service that They to arereact.” going to have it by vid- downtown by Carolina in support of aexpenditures church in Missisbusinessfor crowd controlJournal. for only the forced The finalized in gasported is federally because the or by online streaming, Cooper made clear in eo, after the city fined congre- thirdGov. many ofprotected which had windows According to the report, but thatI es, timeRoy in more than 50 years. thesippi after-action report cover food, mothers are offered housing assiswanted to do it live,” Hedgepeth hisonly executive order 121 that she reli- protester gants $500maintenance, per person forreguattend- The in, were vandalized with pattern “became more smashed two previous times, water, vehicle tance, child-care assistance, told NSJ. “Iatwanted do itdayin a graffiti, gious entities were the subject the pronounced ing parking lotovertime services.hours Barr’s said, were looted or arsonmenwas night”toafter were following 1968toaslar work hours and torship andon much more. wayprotest they’d never done Drive-in. 10-personof limitation. also and notedriots thatspancitizens sassination the premises. groups leftit.the area. attempted Rev. Martin Luther time for statement the protests “The day I was arrested, Drive-up. You who can still be downprivate Police Depart- The were permitted to attendJune near- KingThe In July, Triangle Business while Jourprotesters stayed Jr. Wilmington and the North Carolina ning from May 30 through I was being cuffed, two mothers in your car.” ment put out a similar directive by drive-in restaurants, evenofwith State reported insurance claims “displayed a greater tenden- nal University national basket-to town 7, 2020. Fourteen officers were chose to$10 go million onto thestatewide, mobile ultraHedgepeth said the mayor sent had hit local churches onin April 7 on Face- cy toward theirinjured windows open. riots be- ball but destructive, anarchic, championship 1974. ficially handling sound bothlikely of them chose rules for them to abide by when that “prohibit any in times of emergen- book, theunit costand would continue criminal behavior.” A totalsaying of 252they deployments of and tween“But Mayeven 30 and June 1. lifeincrease. for theirNationwide, kids and are did their service, or convening that257 brings to- they cy, when reasonable andPolice tempo- CSevent the now cost Included in the reportincluding were a to gas were made and foam According to the report, plugged into our cost mentor network,” howofmany feet apart the of gether more than ten individuals rary Fleet restrictions placed17on baton/projectiles the estimated of riots since 106 arrests, buttonohave names were deployed total Vehicle Servicesare indicated Benham “Two $1 mothers so vehicles. Northwood had May in onethe place outdoor) rights, the First Amendment and during 30 issaid. between and $2—bilspecific charges. Temple Additiontwo(indoor days oforrioting onat with RPD vehicles had been damaged was it worth it for me? Absolutely.” purchased hundreds commuone30 time. This prohibition includes federal law prohibit dis- May Deck-Brown said of that there lion. and May 31. Other ma- ally, during thestatutory riots. Damage includ-
North State Journal for Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Tillis introduces ‘Protect and Serve Act’ Legislation enacts federal penalties for deliberate, violent targeting of law enforcement
By A.P. Dillon North State Journal RALEIGH — As an increase in violent and in some cases fatal attacks on law enforcement officers continues, U.S. Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) has introduced the Protect and Serve Act, which if passed will create federal penalties for individuals who deliberately target local, state, or federal law enforcement officers with violence. “Law enforcement officers in North Carolina and across the country put their lives on the line every day to keep our communities safe, and the dramatic rise in senseless acts of violence against LEOs causing injury or loss of life is simply unacceptable,” said Tillis
in a statement. Tillis continued, “I am committed to supporting the men and women who swear an oath to protect us, and that is why I am proud to introduce this legislation that would create federal penalties for criminals who target law enforcement officers.” According to a press statement from Tillis’ office, there have been 37 law enforcement officers killed in the U.S. so far in 2020, representing an increase of “20 percent since this time last year.” Eight of the 37 officers killed were ambushed in premeditated attacks. “Particularly after the recent attacks on North Carolina Sheriff’s Deputy Ryan Hendrix and officers in Los Angeles, it is time to pass this legislation and send a clear message that acts of violence like this are unacceptable and that there will be no escape from justice for these criminals,” said Tillis. The Protect and Serve Act
“Law enforcement officers in North Carolina and across the country put their lives on the line every day to keep our communities safe, and the dramatic rise in senseless acts of violence against LEOs causing injury or loss of life is simply unacceptable.” U.S. Sen. Thom Tillis would make it a federal crime to “knowingly cause, or attempt to cause, serious bodily injury to a law enforcement officer.” If passed, the law would cover federal law enforcement officers but
could also apply to state and local officers where the federal government has established jurisdiction over a case. The penalty would be up to 10 years in prison or possibly a life sentence if “a death results from the offense, or the offense includes kidnapping, attempted kidnapping, or attempted murder.” Joining Tillis on the Protect and Serve Act is Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC), as well as Sens. John Kennedy (R-LA), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Kelly Loeffler (RGA), Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Mike Rounds (R-SD), Rick Scott (R-FL), Shelley Moore Capito (RWV), Tom Cotton (R-AR), Mike Braun (R-IN), Rob Portman (ROH), David Perdue (R-GA), Roger Wicker (R-MS), James Inhofe (ROK), and John Boozman (R-AR). “Every day, law enforcement officials put their lives on the line to keep our communities and families safe,” Burr said in the release. “Their service is essential to en-
A3 suring safety and security in cities and towns across the nation. This legislation makes it a federal crime to knowingly cause injury to a law enforcement officer and sends a strong signal of support to law enforcement as they continue to protect our communities.” The Protect and Serve Act has been endorsed by the Fraternal Order of Police, National Association of Police Organizations, Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association, Sergeants Benevolent Association, and Major County Sheriffs of America. On Sept. 20, The North Carolina Fraternal Order of Police (NCFOP) endorsed Tillis, joining endorsements from both the North Carolina Troopers Association and the North Carolina Police Benevolent Association. “Senator Tillis has always been a strong supporter on law and order issues and can always be counted on to stand up for the men and women that keep our communities safe. The same cannot be said for his opponent, Cal Cunningham,” state president of North Carolina Fraternal Order of Police Randy Hagler said.
Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.
First Lightbridge Academy opens in North Carolina State of the art childcare facility offers remote instruction, supplemental support By A.P. Dillon North State Journal HOLLY SPRINGS — The First Lightbridge Academy in North Carolina opened its doors this week in southern Wake County. Becky Grovenstein is the franchise owner. As a mom and former music teacher, she said she valued how important childcare can be to the peace of mind of parents, and even more so during school closures due to the coronavirus pandemic. “If you were to ask Guy Falzarano, our CEO, what line of business are you in, he’s going to look at you and he’s going to say we’re in the trust business,” Grovenstein said. “It takes a long time to fill that bucket,” Grovenstein said of building trust with families, adding that once that bucket is knocked over, it takes “a long time to fill it back up again.” Guy and Julie Falzarano founded Rainbow Academy in 1997 in New Jersey. The organization changed its name to Lightbridge Academy in 2014. In 2019, Lightbridge Academy was ranked on Entrepreneur Magazine’s Franchise 500. According to the company’s website, Lightbridge Academy “was built on a foundation of family values,” and is “a place where parents, children, staff members, as well as the community and franchise own-
ers come together as a family to create a trusted Circle of Care.” Lightbridge has 100 childcare centers either open or that are in various stages of development in Florida, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. North Carolina is the latest state to add a Lightbridge center, located in the suburban town of Holly Springs. Grovenstein said they broke ground on Oct. 8, 2019. A second location is scheduled to open in Apex. The facility at Holly Springs is state of the art, offering spacious suites for infants and learning and play spaces school-aged children up to the age of 12. The facility provides a safe environment with a robust heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system which Grovenstein says includes an air filtration system. “It sanitizes the air and also sanitizes the surfaces,” Groventstein said. She also noted that their staff and enrollees follow the state’s COVID-19 guidance on masks, social distancing, sanitation and cleaning. In terms of additional safety, the entry to Lightbridge has facial recognition with built-in temperature reading capabilities. The Holly Springs location opens at a time when around 1 million of North Carolina’s K-12 students have been forced to start the year under remote instruction. “We are here to help and support the virtual learning piece,” said Grovenstein. Parents have been aggressively seeking supplemental instruction
A classroom at Lightbridge Academy in Holly Springs, N.C. and support for their children and many seem to have found it at Lightbridge. Grovenstein said that their supplemental school-aged program is already full and that they do have a waitlist. She said the goal for that program is usually 25 enrollments and right now they have 105. “So, if you are in the virtual academy, instead of you sitting in an office or a kitchen counter or at mom and dad’s work while you are doing your school work, we are going to have you in a classroom where you have your own little learning cabana.” There will be teachers there to help facilitate using the apps and platforms required for some lessons, Grovenstein told North State Journal during a walkthrough of the facility. Teachers will help students working through issues with assignments and lessons to try and help keep them from falling behind. The facility has options for supplemental care for students who signed under Plan B, which is a ro-
tation of one week of in-person instruction and two weeks of remote instruction. “One of the things at Lightbridge that we strive for is that we are the solution for working parents,” said Grovenstein of Lightbridge’s supplemental school-aged program. Remote learning has led to a high degree of isolation for North Carolina students and the lack of socialization has been especially hard on school-aged children. Grovenstein said that a big piece of the support for those enrollees who are virtual academy learners will be socialization. She says that the window of time in between classes is a good opportunity for students to spend time socializing with other students. Last week, Gov. Roy Cooper announced that elementary level students could be allowed back to school under Plan A, which is fiveday-a-week instruction at school. The Wake County School Board has not yet decided how or if they
are able to move to Plan A. The board and district officials indicate that Oct. 26 would be the earliest students who opted for Plan B would return for in-person instruction and a detailed plan for moving forward isn’t expected until next month. The district saw heavy enrollment in its “Virtual Academy” offering, which locks students, and a large number of teachers, into remote instruction for the first two quarters of the 2020-21 school year. In July, 78,792 applications for the Wake County Virtual Academy were received, which is almost half of the district’s 162,000 students. Grovenstein said they’ve discussed how to successfully support Virtual Academy students and that the key is communication “between the teacher at Lightbridge, the parents and then the teacher at Virtual Academy, so that all three can team up to help with the best interests of the child who is still having to learn through a computer.”
North State Journal for Wednesday, September 23, 2020
North State Journal for Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Jones & Blount
Rural broadband is critical to NC’s future The Growing Rural Economies with Access to Technology (GREAT) Program funds the terrestrial deployment of broadband within unserved areas of economically distressed counties. The grants help bring high-speed internet to thousands of North Carolinians, businesses and farms in the most rural and remote areas of the state. These areas include both Tier 1 and Tier 2 counties as well as rural census tracts located in development Tier 3 areas that are currently served by less than 25 megabytes per second download and 3 megabytes per second upload speeds. The grants are available to private broadband service providers and are designed to connect these areas with broadband as quickly as possible. 2020’s application period opened earlier in September and is scheduled to close on Oct. 14. “Investing in broadband is not a one size fits all approach, and there is no silver bullet. A number of different strategies are required to bring better broadband to North Carolinians. Rural access to broadband remains an area of opportunity,” said state Rep. Jason Saine (R-Lincoln), who has been one of the legislative leaders in technological issues in the state.
Republican candidates in judicial races pick up key endorsements By A.P. Dillon North State Journal
Morris Broadband
Open Broadband
Century Link
NC Wireless
Eastern Carolina Broadband
Star Telephone
Roanoke Connect
Three family members arrested in child abduction
Pisgah Forest man charged with digging lead-laden soil Transylvania County The public works director of Charlotte has been indicted in federal court on charges his department illegally transported hazardous waste from the city’s shooting range. Federal prosecutors say David Lutz, 64, of Pisgah Forest, illegally had his workers dig up and transport 20 truckloads of soil contaminated with lead from the city firing range in Brevard, which is located next to a wastewater treatment plant. The contaminated soil was allegedly illegally stored in an operations center that was not approved for storage of hazardous waste. The violations occurred in 2016. Lutz is Brevard’s public works director. AP
Nurses vote to unionize at Mission Hospital Buncombe County Nurses at Asheville’s Mission Hospital have voted to unionize and gain the power to bargain over their benefits and working conditions. A ballot count on Thursday morning showed that there were roughly twice as many “yes” votes by nurses than there were votes against. The vote concluded a year-long effort by nurses and union representatives to organize. The 1,600 registered nurses will be represented by National Nurses United, the nation’s largest nurses’ union. The hospital opposed the union effort saying it would ultimately hurt the hospital’s quality of care and could cause its labor costs to increase.
Cherokee County Carol Lynn Bruce, 62, and her two adult children, Charles Anthony Payne, 29, and Patricia Ann Waldroup, 33, were arrested in the abduction of a minor child, who was not identified. Police initially believed the child had run away after being dropped off by Waldroup and Payne. The child was found and taken to the hospital for medical evaluation. Bruce was also charged with intimidating potential witnesses in the incident.
Eight hurt in rash of shootings on violent night in Durham
Police charge North Carolina man with murder in hit and run Guilford County Paul Steven Voss Jr., 50, was charged with murder in a fatal hit and run that killed Anthony Douglas Hill, 53. Voss surrendered to police and was charged with first-degree murder. Hill was black and Voss is white, but investigators said the crash did not appear to be racially motivated. The two men knew each other. Authorities did not describe the circumstances surrounding the hit and run.
Durham County Durham police are investigating a rash of shootings that injured eight people Monday of last week. The first shooting was a 15-year-old, shot in the leg while walking in East Durham. Elsewhere, a 17-year-old was walking when he was shot in the thigh by someone in a white car. Later, three men were shot by someone in a gray SUV while standing outside. One was shot in the head. Elsewhere, a 21-year-old man and 22-year-old woman in a car were shot. Later, a 27-year-old man was hospitalized with a gunshot wound. AP
Teacher dies in classroom Burke County Cindy Grindstaff, 50, a fifth-grade teacher at W.A. Young Elementary, died unexpectedly in her classroom earlier this month. Students were not in school at the time, and there were no distance learning Zoom meetings at the time, so no students witnessed the event. Officials did not release a cause of death, but it appears to be a medical issue. WBTV
Grant to help North Carolina buy rail for high-speed service
Last studio recording of jazz trumpeter Woody Shaw released
Man faces over 300 sex-related charges Hoke County Joshuah Taylor Bradshaw, 30, was apprehended by the FBI in Etta, Mississippi, and faces more than 300 separate counts for sex-related crimes involving a juvenile. Detectives went to a Raeford home on Aug. 7 for a reported juvenile sexual assault. Arrest warrants were obtained, but Bradshaw left North Carolina. He was extradited from Mississippi and received 332 charges. The counts include statutory sexual offense, taking indecent liberties with children, crimes against nature and sexual exploitation of a minor. The alleged offense occurred from February through August.
Scotland County A forgotten studio recording of the late jazz trumpeter Woody Shaw has been released as part of an effort to preserve jazz history. Shaw was born in Laurinburg in 1944 and became one of jazz music’s most influential trumpeters thanks to his technical and harmonic conventions. “49th Parallel,” a 1987 recording led by Canadian bassist Neil Swainson that features Shaw and tenor saxophonist Joe Henderson, was made available this month by Vancouver, Canada-based Cellar Music Group’s imprint Reel to Real and New York distributor La Reserve Records. The album has been out of print for 25 years.
Warren County North Carolina will use a $47.5 million federal grant to purchase a rail line needed to advance planned high-speed passenger train service between Raleigh and Richmond, Virginia. The money will let the state transportation department buy rail from CSX Corp. from Raleigh north to Warren County. Last year, Virginia struck a deal to buy 65 miles of CSX rail corridor north to near Petersburg. CSX also agreed to allow the DOT to purchase right-of-way in Warren County to the Virginia line. Construction remains years away. The rail service envisioned would include passenger trains that could go 110 mph. AP
Report: Raleigh police used expired tear gas on protesters Wake County Raleigh police used expired tear gas on demonstrators during protests over the killing of George Floyd, according to a report released last week. Fourteen officers were injured, and 17 police vehicles were damaged. Raleigh Police Chief Cassandra Deck-Brown said there were 106 arrests stemming from the protests. The review also found that police used tear gas unnecessarily, to clear a street for an ambulance needed on a nearby medical call. The ambulance call was canceled, but word did not get to the officers. The report also confirms that some of the tear gas canisters used were expired.
Engineers are using lasers to test new Outer Banks bridge Dare County Engineers are shooting trillions of laser beams at the $252 million Marc Basnight Bridge to make sure it will withstand the harsh elements of the Atlantic coast. Expansion and contraction from heat and cold can have the most impact on a bridge. One thing engineers don’t want the bridge to do is lean one way or another.
Permit for water treatment system issued for Chemours site Cumberland County North Carolina’s Department of Environmental Quality has issued a permit for a water treatment system at the Chemours Fayetteville Works site to remove so-called forever chemicals from a contaminated stream. The stream flows into the Cape Fear River. The system is required to remove at least 99% of PFAS from the stream and be operational by Sept. 30. PFAS are used to make many consumer and industrial products. They’re slow to break down and a threat to human health.
RALEIGH — Republican candidates in judicial races have picked up key endorsements from business and law enforcement. The North Carolina State Troopers Association (NCTA) has given its endorsement to the three Republicans running for the state Supreme Court. “After considerable deliberation and discussion, the North Carolina Troopers Association has elected to endorse Paul Newby, Phil Berger, Jr. and Tamara Barringer for the North Carolina Supreme Court in this November election,” stated Danny Jenkins, president of the NCTA. “As front-line law enforcement professionals, we have the best view of criminal cases from start to finish, and we support jurists who rule by the law rather than legislate from the bench,” said Jenkins. “With that in mind, our endorsements were an easy decision.” “I’m humbled and honored to receive the endorsement of the NC Troopers Association. I’m grateful for the men and women of our Highway Patrol who work tirelessly to keep us all safe. May God protect them as they protect us,” said Newby, the senior associate justice running for the chief justice spot on the state’s Supreme Court. Berger, a judge on the N.C. Court of Appeals, said that he is “proud to have the endorsement and support of the brave men and women of the North Carolina Troopers’ Association. “Thank you for your work keeping this
state safe, and God bless you that wear the hat!” said Berger. “I am honored and thrilled by the North Carolina Troopers’ Association endorsement. In these troubling and uncertain times, now more than ever, our law enforcement officers are critical to the safety and security of our citizens and their families,” said Barringer, a former state senator. All three of the Republican Supreme Court candidates also received an endorsement from the PAC associated with the nation’s top small business advocacy organization, the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB). “It’s critically important to have a judiciary that is fair and impartial but understands the issues affecting the small-business community,” NFIB State Director Gregg Thompson said. NFIB also endorsed the following Republican candidates for the N.C. Court of Appeals: April Wood Appellate Judge, 4th Seat Willie Fred Gore Appellate Judge, 5th Seat Chris Dillon Appellate Judge, 6th Seat Jeffrey Carpenter Appellate Judge, 7th Seat Jefferson Griffin Appellate Judge, 13th Seat
Chief Justice extends court emergency directives into October NSJ staff RALEIGH — Chief Justice Cheri Beasley issued an order earlier this month extending emergency directives in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The order extends directives relating to courthouse entry, remote audio and video conferencing, and continues to prohibit jury trials. “To win the battle against the
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spread of COVID-19, the judicial branch must remain vigilant and thorough in our preventative measures,” said Chief Justice Beasley. “The extension of these emergency directives is essential to returning our courthouse to full operation.” Jury trials have been postponed since the pandemic began. The order prohibits the convening of jury trials before Oct. 15.
How China will pay for this COVID-19 catastrop The 3 big questions nobody is
The most direct way to make China “pay”hope for this disaster is toJournal offer That is, unless an exogenous event happens as the Chernobyl they to North COLUMN |15, BEN SHAPIRO sometimes a disturbing tendency among some people to treat those measures aresuch understandable, they should also have an expira churchfor services State Wednesday, April 2020 can to keep our families, be open or closed,meltdown whether we oughtSome to we pursue — Sweden style — pandemic a not Americans are notever. going to stay home f confident will emerge out of this stronger own supposed U.S. tax credits to companies whosimply willknow source at least half of their in 1986. experts believe that event, the Star Wars what theythe data and asking questioning when we can start getting back This is all new to Americans, andthan it is notApril normal. Nottemp in an and many more Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, 15, 2020 still continue more liberalized society that presumes wide spread, or whether we they certainly will not do so on the basi dt we by should also In this same spirit, I continue to be inspired by stories of humanity production back in the States. There is though approximately programor of are Reagan, led directly toshape, the dissolution ofwhile the Soviet Unionremain vigilant and stay to do, lastUnited I to normal as they are$120 conspiracy theorists people who or form. So we should sa don’t. after our own while reasonable stay-at-home ought to lock down further. especially as statistics roll in that look neighbors helping neighbors. I wish el billion worth checked. of American direct investment in plants and equipment otherwise don’t care if they get themselvesinor1989. others sick. the same time we shouldn’t get comfortable with this so-called ld also have an expiration date. We’ve seen case fatality rates — the number of deaths divided by estimates in terms of death and the upp temporary ONE THING IS CERTAIN; after this COVID-19 virus dissipates The cavalier manner in which China lied abo In Concord, a high school senior named Tanner used his own celebration in China. Chinese direct investmentSince in thewhen U.S. did is about $65 billion by Perhaps COVID-19 China’s Chernobyl. questioning government at all levels become aisbad normal.” North State Journal Wednesday, April 15, 2020 not normal. Not in any way, the number offor identified COVID-19 cases — but both the and numerator ofpossibility economic damage. Wetried need transpar North State Journal for Wednesday, September 23, 2020 around the globe and in the United States, China will pay for this virus, covered up its spread to tell the money to buy aare 3-D printer plastic to make face shields forand sacrifices are comparison. Senators in Washington already about the Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, April 15,necessary 2020 thing? That is what free citizens living in a free society were supposed Nottalking one little bit. North State Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 ain vigilant and stay safe, at and the denominator are likely wrong. We don’t know how many scientific experts — we need to know w catastrophe one way or another. 3,341 related deaths has led to worldwide panic health care workers out of his own home. through th An investment tax credit of 30% U.S. investment in China in debt we owe them asto one way to get over. of China forgiving $1.2 trillion toon do,half lastof I checked. THIS WEEK, according members of the federal government, able with this so-called “new people have actually died of coronavirus. Some sources suggest the don’t and when they hope to know wha In order to put the crisis caused by China in perspective, zero millions of Americans needlessly being thrown or $60 applied China to “pay”isfor damage have caused thehas US.also Don’t hold your My first American concern asmanufacturing we go along in all this, of course, mythe family. I’m they Stacey Matthews written under the begun pseudonym Siste which China today, lied about thebillion, origin of the to repatriated and state and local governments, Americans have flatten number has been overestimated, given that classification for cause We’re grown-ups, and we’retowilling worldwide pandemics can trace their source to the United States over The crisis has cost the U.S. taxpayer at leastto $ investment to the U.S. would cost the U.S. Treasury $18 billion in breath waiting for a Chinese “Jubilee” to happen but ask your elected andinisthe a regular contributor outbreak. to RedState and Legal Insurrecti ad and tried to tell the world there were only worried about them catching the virus, and I’m worried I will. After the curve novel coronavirus The excitement was of death, particularly among elderly patients, can be variable. Some they need to start answering serious qu our 231-year history. At least four in the 20th century alone can be debt plus trillions more in Federal Reserve back taxpanic, revenue spread over a few years. $18 billion lost revenue hold China accountable in tangible financial ways for— but real. Americans suffering fromin the H1N1 virusis(swine flu) representatives during the 2009topandemic, ed to worldwide economic collapse and muted — after all, trends can easily reverse sources suggest1957 the number is dramatically underestimated, since toand thefinancial same lack of institutional to directly traced to China: “Asian flu,” 1968 “Hong Kong flu,” 1977 markets outlets. If the U.S.faith dollar decimal dust compared to the $6 trillion+ Marshall Plan we are now this disaster. I’ve been tryingNeal to take extra precautions, because all ofHill, this brings up edlessly being thrown out of work. have abided by recommendations and orders. They’ve left their jobs Robbins, publisher | Frank senior opinion editor the pseudonym Sister Toldjah many people are dying at home. institutions seem deeply prone. “Russian flu” and the 2002 SARS outbreak. There is evidence that the currency, we would not be able to fund any of th undertaking to save in our ownPerhaps economy, notmany of defeated enemies as in the It is about timenot they expected operate as responsible citizens of way too memories of a painful experience I’d prefer to are repeat. U.S. at least $2.4 trillion added Neal Robbins, publisher Frank Hill, senior opinion ed to stay at to home; they’ve practiced| social distancing; in many places, andtaxpayer Legal Insurrection. Even more importantly, we have no clue how many Americans massive 1918 “Spanish flu” pandemic also had its origins in China. measures without immediate fear of rampant i past.backup liquidity to the COVID-19 theeasily worldmost like any other has modern But what also makes me lose sleep is how everyone n Federal Reserve they’venation. donned masks. actually have coronavirus. Some scientists suggest that the number Ben Shapiro, 36, is a graduate of UCLA There is 100% agreement, outside of China, that COVID-19 depreciation. China were has been cheating, stealing, pillaging American We need tlets. If the U.S. dollar not the reserveis The result: a reduction in expected hospitalization and death. China’spirating and ofinidentified cases could be an from orderthe of magnitude lower than the China host Bentheir Shapiro Show” andand edi originated Wuhan Province probably completely hasofto“The pay for aberrant ways business now for the past 30 years. They have made no secret that they e able to fund any of these emergency transparency According to the University of Washington Institute for Health Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion ed editor Chernobyl. Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor number of people who have had coronavirus and not been tested. com. unregulated and unsanitary wet markets. Some believe it came out of a economic and financial means. Diplomacy has intend inflation to replaceand thecurrency U.S. as the premier superpower in the world and diate fear of rampant Metricseditor and Evaluation model most oft cited by members of the and Chinese honesty Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion biowarfare lab run by the communist army. to bring China into the civilized world of 21st c replace the dollar as the reserve currency with their renminbi. administration, the expected need for hospital beds at from our Until China adopts rigorous verifiable policing and Trump regulation of and fair trade. Totalitarian communist regimes eir aberrant ways and decisions through peakhas outbreak was revised down by over 120,000, the number of their food safety and health protocols, American business no other or express sincere regret and remorse, because scientific experts means. Diplomacy has obviously not worked ventilators by nearly 13,000 and the number of overall deaths by choice than to build redundant manufacturing plants elsewhere purely totalitarian governments do. They take advanta — we need to vilized world of 21st century health, hygiene August by nearly 12,000. Jason for national security and safety reasons as well as supply and delivery they find in adversaries and keep pushing until know what they n communist regimes never take the blame Here’s the problem: We still don’t know the answers to the key TORIAL | STACEY MATTHEWS reliability concerns. adversaries push back. and remorse, because that is not what know, what they questions will allow the economy to reopen. The most direct way to make China “pay” for this disaster is tothat offer That is, unless an exogenous event happens s do. They take advantage of every weakness First, what is the true coronavirus fatality rate? This question is don’t and when U.S. tax credits to companies who will source at least half of their meltdown in 1986. Some experts believe that ev COLUMN | REP. RICHARD HUDSON nd keep pushing until they win or the important because it determines whether certain areas ought to theyThere hope to production back in the United States. is approximately $120 program of Reagan, led directly to the dissoluti open or closed, whether we ought to pursue — Sweden style — a billion worth of American direct investment plantsbe and equipment in 1989. know what in they enous event happens such as the Chernobyl more liberalized society that presumes wide spread, or whether we in China. Chinese direct investment in the U.S. is about $65 billion by Perhaps COVID-19 is China’s Chernobyl. don’t. experts believe that event, not the Star Wars ought to lock down further. comparison. Senators in Washington are already talking a irectly to the dissolution of the Soviet Union We’ve in seen case fatality rates — the number of deaths divided by An investment tax credit of 30% on half of U.S. investment China of China forgiving $1.2 trillion in debt we owe t number of identified COVID-19 cases — but both the numerato today, or $60 billion, applied to repatriated Americanthe manufacturing China to “pay” for the damage they have caused China’s Chernobyl. and the denominator are likely wrong. We don’t know how many investment to the U.S. would cost the U.S. Treasury $18 billion in breath waiting for need a Chinese “Jubilee”and to happe “THIS IS THE DAY the lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad Hydromer Inc. in Concord New WITH MOST under either shelter-in-place or stay-at-home fallen into place. I understand thehave seriousness ofdied the virus and the n are already talking about the STATES possibility people actually of coronavirus. Some sources suggest the tax revenue spread over a few years. $18 billion in lost revenue is representatives to hold China accountable in ta in it” (Psalm 118:24). Salisbury are switching their operation orders local orto state to take precautions, but I’mnumber uneasy has withbeen howoverestimated, people who simply ask illion in debt we owe thanks them astoone way get governments, a majority of Americans given that classification for cause decimal dust compared to the $6 trillion+ Marshall Plan we are now this disaster. I know that during this challenging time of social distancing, In Fayetteville, a minister began a pr having adjust to hold whatyour is being called the “new normal.” questions about the data, and when things can start getting back to mage they haveare caused thetoUS. Don’t ofenemies death, particularly among elderly patients, can be variable. Some undertaking to save our own economy, not of defeated as in the It is about time they are expected to operate working from home or losing a job, it may be difficult to “rejoice and seniors throughout Cumberland Count Some ofbut these extend at least through the end of this month. normal are treated in somesources circles with contempt. ese “Jubilee” to happen askorders your elected suggest the number is dramatically underestimated, since past. themust world like any otherfrom modern nation. our re be glad” as the Bible tells us to do. as However, as aasChristian, husband These stories throughout Virginia’s stay-at-home orders go into June. They’re treated though we a society simply accept without hina accountable in tangible financial ways for many people are dying at home. China has been cheating, stealing, pirating and pillaging American and dad, the Easter holiday has reminded me of just how much we hope, inspiration and supplies to peopl Here in North Carolina, Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper stated during question what the government tellsmore us about when it’s we safehave to begin thehow many Americans Even importantly, no clue business now for the past 30 years. They have made no secret that they have to be thankful and hopeful for, even in the midst of this global workers on the front lines of the corona a recentas coronavirus briefing process of returning back to normalcy. e expected to operate responsiblepress citizens of that “we just don’t know yet” if the actually haveand coronavirus. Some scientists suggest that the number Lenten and intend to replace the U.S. as the premier superpower in the world pandemic. While people throughout our commu No. The government works for us, andcases we have the to ask when did modern nation.state’s stay-at-home orders will extend into May. of identified could beright an order ofthose magnitude lower than the replace theas dollar as the currency theirofrenminbi. For me, my reserve faith is an important part my daily life and decision I am glad initiatives have passed in Easter seasons If he does decide to extend it, questions should be asked to the questions. Andwith the longer stay-at-home orders are in place all over the and we number of people who have had coronavirus not been tested. ioning making. As I celebrated Easter with my family, I reflected on 2 Protection Program, are supporting sel justification for it. And the answers should notabe vague ones like “we country, and the stricter some of them get in states, such as Michigan, provide nment Corinthians 1:4, which reminds us our Lord “comforts us in all our helping small businesses keep people o must do this out of an abundance of caution.” the more people, sitting at home feeling isolated and/or anxious about message of affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any relief will soon reach families and work evels It will need to be explained in detailhope to the people of this state who when they can get back to providing for their families, will demand that we will affliction, with the comfort which we ourselves are comforted by continue working on common sense an are being told to remain jobless and at home for an undetermined answers. EDITORIAL | STACEY MATTHEWS me a EDITORIAL once again enjoy | FRANK HILL God.” we can defeat the coronavirus and keep amount of time why models predicting hundreds of thousands of cases Leaders at the local and state levels should be as forthcoming as they hing? sporting events, If you are celebrating the Easter season, I urge you to also whole. are reliable. can be with those answers — and again, not vague answers, but answer s what reflect this message and be comforted, that we may live out Until then, the Lenten and Easter se concerts, family COLUMN SHAPIRO To date, I’ve gone along with what the state has asked and then|onBEN with details that give theirso statements believability. EDITORIAL | FRANK HILL God’s example and comfort all those in need around us during hope that we will once again enjoy spor itizens mandated that we do, but along the way I’ve also had questions about We should all continue to doRICHARD what we can to keep our families, gatherings, COLUMN | REP. HUDSON EDITORIAL | FRANK HILL this difficult time. Through faith and by helping one another, I am gatherings, church services and many m the data. State Republican leaders have, too. servicesCOLUMN | BENourselves, and our communities safe. But we should also still continue SHAPIRO church in a free confident we will emerge out of this pandemic stronger than ever. own temporary Unfortunately, when certain types ofand questions get asked, there is to ask questions about the data, because while reasonable stay-at-home sacrifices for the greate manyafter more ty were In this same spirit, I continue to be inspired bymanner stories ONE THING IS CERTAIN; this COVID-19 virus dissipates humanity are over. The cavalier inalso which lied about the origin of the sometimes a disturbing tendency among some people to treat those measures are understandable, they shouldof haveChina an expiration date. after our own States,neighbors osed helping neighbors. I wish everyone celebrating Easter, a around the globe and in the United China will pay for this covered up its spread and tried tointell world there were only simply questioning the data and asking when we can start getting back This is all new virus, toJournal Americans, it is not normal. Not2020 anythe way, Stanly County forand Wednesday, April 15, temporary North State Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 In Concord, a high school senior named Tanner used his own celebration and pray we can all continu catastrophe one way or another. deaths has led to worldwide panic, collapse and last I to normal as though they are conspiracy theorists or are people who shape, or form. So3,341 whilerelated wemembers should remain vigilant and stay safe, at economic THIS WEEK, according to of the federal government, That would mean that th WITH MOST STATES under either shelter-in-place or stay-at-home fallen into place. I understand the seriousness o money to buy a 3-D printer and plastic to make face shields for necessary safety guidelines and remain sacrifices arebysick. In order putthemselves the crisis caused China in perspective,the zero Americans needlessly being thrown out of work. otherwise don’t care if theytoget or others same time wemillions shouldn’tofget comfortable with this so-called “new ed. of the and state and local governments, Americans have begun to flatten suggested, even if the tr ONE THING IS CERTAIN; after this COVID-19 virus dissipates The cavalier manner in which China lied about the origin of the the Senate in addition to a couple of recess appointments that were WE ALL KNEW this day was coming. orders thanks to local or state governments, a majority of Americans to take precautions, but I’m uneasy with how p health care workers out of his own home. through this together. worldwide pandemics can to athe StatesWEEK, over according The crisis has costofthe U.S. taxpayer at least $2.4 That trillion in added Since when did questioning government at alltheir levelssource become badUnited normal.” over.trace THIS toincluding members the federal government, would mean that th “THIS IS THE DAY the lord hasworld made, letSecondly, us rejoice and be glad were only the curve in the novel coronavirus outbreak. The excitement was what are we eventually confirmed, William Brennan in 1956. From the moment Roeinvsthe Wade was decided by the Burger around the globe and United States, China will to pay for this virus, covered up its spread and tried to tellabout the there were only are having to adjust what is being called the “new normal.” questions the data, and when things can our 231-year history. Atin least four in thewere 20th century alone can be debt plus trillions more in Federal Reserve backup liquidity to the thing? That is Supreme what free citizens living a free society supposed Not one little bit. and state and local governments, Americans have begun to flatten suggested, even if the tra in it” (Psalm 118:24). Since 1900, there is no historical record of any incumbent Court on January 22, 1973, even though it was soon ollapse and muted —atafter trendsrelated can easily reverse —to but real. Americans institute’s model sim catastrophe onetoway or another. 3,341 deaths has led worldwide panic, economic collapse and Some these“Hong orders extend leastall, through the end offinancial this month. normal are treated in The some circles with contem directly traced China: 1957 “Asian flu,”of1968 Kong flu,” 1977 and outlets. Ifthis thechallenging U.S. dollar were not the reserve to do, last I checked. tand the seriousness of the virus and thetoby need the curve in the novel coronavirus outbreak. The excitement was Secondly, what are we president of markets either party refraining from nominating someone to fill overwhelmed thethe Watergate firestorm, everyone in politicshave knew I and know that during time of social distancing, In order put crisis caused by China in perspective, zero millions of Americans needlessly being thrown out of work. abided by recommendations orders. They’ve left their jobs predict how many peopl Virginia’s stay-at-home orders go into June. They’re treated as though we as a society sim My first concern as issue weflu” go in 2002 all of course, myThere family.isI’m Stacey Matthews has also written under pseudonym Sister “Russian and the SARS outbreak. evidence that the currency, we would notthe be able tolosing fund any ofToldjah emergency Perhaps the vacancy before the election. that the ofalong abortion hadthis, the potential toistear America asunder. uneasy with how people who simply ask — after all, trends can easily — taxpayer butor real. Americans The institute’s model sim working from home awhat job, itthese may be difficult to us “rejoice and nmadded worldwide pandemics can trace their source to the United States over The crisis has costreverse the U.S. at least $2.4 trillion in added to muted stay atis home; they’ve practiced social distancing; inInsurrection. many places, most important problem Here in North Carolina, Democratic Gov.contributor Roy Cooper stated during question the government tells about wh worried about them catching the virus, and I’m worried I will. After and a regular to RedState and Legal President Trump is going to nominate either Amy Coney Barrett It has. The issue of abortion has pitted family members against massive 1918 “Spanish flu” pandemic also had its origins in China. measures without immediate fear of rampant inflation and currency and when things can start getting back to have abided by recommendations and orders. They’ve left their jobs predict how many people be glad” as the Bible tells us to do. However, as a Christian, husban COVID-19 our 231-year history. At least four in the 20th century alone can be debt plus trillions more in Federal Reserve backup liquidity to the to the they’ve donned masks. seasonal, which means a recent coronavirus press briefing that “we just don’t know yet” if the process of returning back to normalcy. Barbara Lagoa at the end of this week. Both are esteemed jurists. most important problemw members, churches against churches and Democrats against fromfamily the H1N1 (swine flu) during the of 2009 pandemic, There isvirus 100% agreement, outside China, that COVID-19 depreciation. mereserve circles withsuffering contempt. to flu,” stay atorhome; they’ve practiced social distancing; in many places, and dad, the Easter holiday has reminded me ofreserve just much we Wetest need directly traced to China: 1957 “Asian flu,” 1968 “Hong Kong 1977 markets and financial outlets. If the U.S. dollar were notin the The result: a reduction in expected hospitalization and death. the fall. And that is China’s state’s stay-at-home orders will extend into May. No. The government works forhow us, and wemea ha Both are Catholic. Both are female. Ruthlessly attacking either judge Republicans. It has been the No. 1 litmus for each side since at Since when did I’ve been trying toaccept take extra precautions, because all of from this brings up they’ve donned masks.China has originated in Wuhan Province probably the completely to pay for their aberrant ways and decisions through gh we as a society simply must without seasonal, which means w have to be thankful and hopeful for, even in the midst of this globa Since 1900, “Russian flu” and the 2002 SARS outbreak. There is evidence that the currency, we would not be able to fund any of these emergency ncy carries enormous political risks for Democrats. least 1980. Socialist Democrats now openly declare that no pro-life transparency Perhaps According to the University of Washington Institute for Health lockdowns for large swa If he does decide to extend it, questions should be asked as to the questions. And the longer stay-at-home orders Nealresult: Robbins, publisher | financial Frank Hill, senior opinion editor way too many memories of aand painful experience I’markets. d prefer not to repeat. Chernobyl. We need unregulated unsanitary wet Some believe it came out of a economic and means. Diplomacy has obviously not worked questioning ment tells us about when it’s safe to begin the The a reduction in expected hospitalization and death. in the fall. And that mea Lenten and pandemic. Republicans 51 votes on the by motion to rampant proceed toinflation floor Democrat is welcome in their party. No pro-choice Republicans in and If massive 1918 “Spanish flu” pandemic also had for its origins inare China. measures without immediate fear of andsome currency currencythere isBut no what also justification it.has And the answers should not model begarner vague ones like “we Metrics Evaluation most oft cited members ofand the country, the stricter of them get in st testing and contact trac and honesty COVID-19 makes melab lose sleep is how most everyone Neal Robbins, publisher |easily Frank Hill, senior opinion editor biowarfare run by the communist Chinese army. tonomination, bring China into the civilized of 21stpart century health, hygiene to normalcy. transparency According to the University of Washington Institute for Health lockdowns forand large swat For me, my faith isthe anworld important ofto my daily life decisio debate onseasons the it will take place before the election. They any kind ofisleadership position atoutside themust national level. Easter government There 100% agreement, of China, that COVID-19 depreciation. do this out of an abundance of caution.” more people, sitting at home feeling isolated Trump administration, the expected need for hospital beds at isolate those who are historical from our is China’s Until China adoptsProvince rigorous verifiable policing and regulation of and today; fair trade. Totalitarian communist regimes never take the blame orks for us, and we have the right ask those Metrics have and Evaluation model most oft cited byMurkowski members ofand the testing and contact traci 53 senators they can lose of Alaska, In ato year of pandemic, economicprobably crash and resuscitation, As ISens. celebrated Easter with myback family, I reflected ontheir and honesty originated in Wuhan from the China has to pay for their aberrant ways through provide arevised at all levels rough record of any It will need tocompletely bestatus explained in Susan detail to the people ofmaking. this state who when they can get to providing fa peakhas outbreak was down by over 120,000, the number ofdecisions Which raisesfor the2third Collins ofexpress Maine and Mitt Romney of Utah and still pass the earthquakes, hurricanes, wildfires, riots, and a DEFCON stay-at-home orders are in place all over the their food safety and health protocols, American business no other or sincere regret and remorse, because that is not what Trump administration, the expected need for hospital beds at to isolate those who are scientific experts Corinthians 1:4, which reminds us our Lord “comforts us in all ourm Chernobyl. unregulated and unsanitary wet markets. Some believe it came out of a economic and financial means. Diplomacy has obviously not worked from our are being told to remain jobless and at home for an undetermined answers. t worked message of ventilators by nearly 13,000 the overall deathsalthough by weevery capable of rolling out a scale, whymanufacturing nomination with the and tie-breaking vote ofofVP of 2 as on Michigan, the political danger not add a Supreme Court some of them get in states, such peak outbreak was revised down bynumber over 120,000, the Pence, number of comfort Which raises third choice than tobecome build redundant plants elsewhere purely totalitarian governments do. They take advantage of weakness affliction, that weMike may be able to those who arethe in any incumbent — we need to biowarfare lab run by the communist Chinese army. to we bring China into the civilized world of 21st health, hygiene scientific experts amount of ahead time why models predicting hundreds of thousands ofso cases Leaders atcentury the local and state levels should b h,t home hygiene August by nearly 12,000. months — and compelli Senator Romney has indicated his support for the nomination “if it nomination and move it to DEFCON 1 six weeks of the most hope that will bad thing? feeling isolated and/or about ventilators by nearly 13,000 and the number of overall deaths by we capable of rollingbyout foranxious national security and safetyverifiable reasons as well as supply and delivery they find in adversaries keep pushing until they win orblame the affliction, withand the comfort whichthose we ourselves are comforted Until China adopts rigorous policing and regulation of and fair trade. Totalitarian communist regimes never take the president of know what they are reliable. can be with answers — and again, not va reaches the floor of the Senate”. contentious presidential election in memory? blame for their families, will demand — we need to Here’s the problem: We still don’t know the answers to the key virus is transmittable w again enjoy ohe providing August byonce nearly 12,000. months — and compellin reliability adversaries push back.and God.” is what their food safety health protocols, American business has nowhat other or express sincere regret remorse, because thatgive is not what Just because athe president nominates someone to fill a vacancy People onconcerns. theThat leftand applauded the Roeknow, decision as athey freedom and To date, I’ve gone along with the state has asked and then with details that their statements believab hat what either party questions that will allow economy to reopen. create a contact tracing know what they Here’s the problem: We still don’t know the answers to the keyseason, virus isChernobyl transmittable wh sporting events, If you are celebrating the Easter I urge you to also The most direct way to make China “pay” forplants thisdo, disaster is purely tothe offer That is,doesn’t unless an exogenous happens such as the on the Supreme Court mean they have toevent be considered by right-to-choose issue for women. People on the right chastised it along choice than to build redundant manufacturing elsewhere totalitarian governments do. They take advantage of every weakness free citizens mandated that we but way I’ve also had questions about We should all continue to do what we can to weakness First, what is the true coronavirus fatality rate? This question is are we willing to submit don’t and when refraining d state levels shouldfrom be as forthcoming as they know, what they questions that will allow the economy to reopen. create a contact tracing reflect on this message and be comforted, so that we may live out the Senate. The Framers of the Constitution thought long and hard for being the consummate example of judicial overreach — finding U.S. tax credits to companies who will source at least half of their meltdown in 1986. Some experts believe that event, not the Star Wars concerts, family for national security and safety reasons as well supply andleaders deliveryhave, too. they find in adversaries and keep ourselves, pushing until they communities win or the safe. But we shs the data. StateasRepublican and the living in a United free important because it determines whether certain areas ought to our One thing istocertain: s — and nominating again, not vague answers, but answer First, what is the true coronavirus fatality rate? This question is weSoviet willing submit T about the confirmation process and ultimately decided to give the the right to an abortion under the “penumbra” of privacy provisions they hope to God’s example and comfort all those in need around usUnion during don’t and when production back in the States. There is approximately $120 program of Reagan, led directly to the dissolution ofare the reliability concerns. adversaries push back. gatherings, Unfortunately, when certain types of questions get asked, there is to ask questions about the data, because while be open or closed, whether we ought to pursue — Sweden style — a Americans are not USbecause Senate advise-and-consent to approve Supreme Court the —way and usurping states’ rights with a sweeping society were r statements believability. in important it determines whether certain areas ought to thing is certain: this difficult time. Through faith and by one another, Igoing amT billion worthdirect of American direct investment in plants and equipment in 1989. know what they TheConstitution most to make China “pay” for this disaster is to offer That is, unless anauthority exogenous event happens such ashelping the One Chernobyl they hope to someone to fill sometimes a disturbing tendency among some people to treat those measures are understandable, they should also church services hernobyl appointments. federal jurisprudence decision absent any appropriate federal or state more liberalized society that presumes wide spread, or whether we they certainly will not d to do what we can to keep our families, be open or closed, whether we ought to pursue — Sweden style — a Americans are not going confident we will emerge out of this pandemic stronger than ever. supposed in China. Chinese direct investment in the U.S. is about $65 billion by Perhaps COVID-19 is China’s Chernobyl. U.S. tax credits to companies whosimply will source at least halfdata of their meltdown 1986. Some experts believe that the Star Wars know what they questioning the and asking when we caninand start getting back This is allevent, new tonot Americans, and it is not no don’t. If the White House Senate are controlled by members of the legislative action. the vacancy and many more Star Wars ought to lock down further. especially as statistics ro unities Sponsored safe. But we still continue in the United States. There is approximately more liberalized program society that presumes wide spread, or whether certainly will do by should also In thisled same spirit, Ithe continue towe be inspired stories of not production ofthe Reagan, directly toshape, of thethey Soviet Unionremain comparison. Senators in Washington are already about the possibility to do, last I Court vacancy to normal though theyWe’ve are$120 conspiracy theorists or are people who or talking form. So while weby should vigi same political party, nominee gets confirmed. If dissolution not, then the Since then,back every Supreme and as subsequent don’t. Union after our own seen case fatality rates — the number of deaths divided by estimates in terms of de before while the reasonable eiet data, because stay-at-home ought to lock down further. especially as statistics ro neighbors helping neighbors. billion worth of American direct investment inU.S. plants and equipment inor 1989. An investment tax credit of patina 30% on half don’t of investment China would of China forgiving $1.2 trillionthe in same debt we owe as one to get wit nominee not. sick. nomination process has borne the of abortion politics, otherwise care if they getin themselves others time wethem shouldn’t getway comfortable checked. the of identified COVID-19 cases — but both the numerator economic damage. W able, they should also have an date. We’ve seen caseisfatality rates — Concord, the number ofnot deaths divided by estimates inhold terms of dea temporary In a is high school senior named Tanner used hisyour own election. Politics just math bybecome other It that hard tocaused unspoken of thedirect time but clearly understood through coded inexpiration China. Chinese investment in thewhen U.S. is about $65number billion by Perhaps COVID-19 isbad China’s Chernobyl. today, or most $60 billion, applied to repatriated American manufacturing China to “pay” formeans. the damage they have theof US. Don’t Since did questioning government at all levels a normal.” North State Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 and the denominator are likely wrong. We don’t know how many icans, and it is not normal. Not in any way, scientific experts — we n the number of identified COVID-19 cases — but both the numerator of economic damage. We money to buy a 3-D printer and plastic to make face shields for understand. questions and answers. sacrifices are comparison.to the U.S. would cost Senators inwere Washington are already about the possibility investment the U.S. $18 citizens billion in breath waiting for a Chinese “Jubilee” to little happen ask your elected thing? ThatTreasury is what free living in a free society supposed Nottalking one bit.but sibility we should remain vigilant and With stay safe, at people have actually died of coronavirus. Some sources suggest the and the denominator are likely wrong. We don’t know how many don’t and when they hop scientific experts — we n The death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has set up a political the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, all non-partisan health care workers out of his own home. investment taxover credit of 30% half of U.S.ininvestment in is China China forgiving to $1.2 trillion in accountable debt we owe in them as onefinancial way to get over. of representatives taxAn revenue spread a few years. $18 billion lost revenue hold China tangible ways for toon do, last I checked. Armageddon scenario everyone thought would happen one day, even don’t been thrown out thetowindow. Everyone knows the next way to comfortable get n’t get with this pretense so-called “new peoplehas have actually died of coronavirus. Some sources the and when they hop number been overestimated, given that classification for cause We’re grown-ups, and today, orhas $60 billion, applied repatriated American manufacturing China to “pay” for the damage they havesuggest caused the US.also Don’t hold your My first concern as we go along in all this, of course, is my family. I’m Stacey Matthews has written under the pse decimal dust compared to the $6 trillion+ Marshall Plan we are now this disaster. before the ink was dryelderly on Roe vs Wade. On top ofvariable. everything else Supreme Court Justice could tip the balance of the Court intoof a death, n’t hold your number has been overestimated, given that classification for cause We’re grown-ups, and particularly among patients, can be Some they need to start answe investment totothe U.S. would the U.S. Treasury $18 billion in as breath waiting Chinese “Jubilee” toto but your elected worried about them catching the virus, and I’m Ifor will. After and ahappen regular to RedState undertaking save our owncost economy, not of the defeated enemies inhas the Itworried is about time they expected operate asask responsible citizens and of L that happened in 2020, it a seems toare almost be variable. a is fitting coda tocontributor somewhat permanent 6-3 conservative majority for foreseeable of death, particularly among elderly patients, can be Some they need to lack start answe r elected sources suggest the number is dramatically underestimated, since to the same of insti tax revenue spread over a few years. $18 billion in lost revenue is representatives to hold China accountable in tangible financial ways for suffering from the H1N1 virus (swine flu) during the 2009 pandemic, add the most contentious issue possible — abortion — to an already future. Such a majority could pave the way for Roe vs Wade to not be past. the worldislike any other underestimated, modern nation. since sources suggest the number dramatically to the same lack of instit cial ways for many people are dying at home. institutions seem deeply decimal dust compared $6 trillion+ Marshall Plan extra we are now this disaster. overheated divisive presidential election. fully overturned per se, duetotothe the Court’s allegiance toto “precedent,” I’ve been trying take precautions, because all of this brings up China has been cheating, stealing, pirating and pillaging American o written under the pseudonym Sister Toldjah many people are dying at home. institutions seem Even more importantly, we have no clue how many to Americans so they say, but to be reversed in some way that allows the issue to undertaking to save our own economy, not of defeated enemies as in the It is about time they are expected operate as responsible citizens of deeply way too many memories of a painful experience I’ d prefer not to repeat. business now for the past 30 years. They have made no secret that they to RedState Even more importantly, we have no clue how many Americans etor citizens of and Legal Insurrection. return to the states to be decided state-by-state. actually have coronavirus. scientists suggestnation. that the number Ben Shapiro, 36, is a gra past. to replace the U.S. as the premier theeasily worldSome like any other has modern But what also makes me lose sleep is how most everyone intend in the world and actually have coronavirus. Some scientists suggestlower that the number Ben Shapiro, 36, Shapiro is a gra Forty-two Supreme Court Justices havepirating diedsuperpower while inpillaging office. of identified cases could be an order of magnitude than the host of “The Ben China has been cheating, stealing, and American replace the vacancies dollar as have the reserve currency with election their renminbi. Twenty-nine occurred in presidential years. of identified cases could be an order of magnitude lower than the host of “The Ben Shapiro of they people who have had coronavirus and not been tested. com. business now for the past 30 years. They have made no number secret that Seventeen of the presidential year vacancies have beenNeal confirmed by publisher Robbins, | Frank Hill,coronavirus senior opinion editor number of people who have had and not been tested. com. intend to replace the U.S. as the premier superpower in the world and replace the dollar as the reserve currency with their renminbi.
atastrophe A6 A6
s okay to ask questions about when The e begin to get back to comfort normal and hope of Easter
questions about when How ChinaIt’s willokay payto forask this COVID-19 catastrophe The 3 big questions nobody is answerin we begin to get back to normal They gathered to a place called political Armageddon The comfort and hope of Eas How China will payThe for this catastrophe 3 bigCOVID-19 questions nobody is answerin
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It’s okay to to ask‘Defund questions Opposition the about Police’ when movement grows It’ssurprising okay totoask questions about when in places we begin get back to normal The comfort and hope of Easter inawe willbegin payThe for this COVID-19 catastrophe The comfort and hope 3 big questions nobody is answering to get back to normal EDITORIAL | STACEY MATTHEWS
WITH STATES under eitherFloyd, shelter-in-place or stay-at-home fallen place. Ienough understand theinseriousness There has been into a significant pushback Minneapolisof the virus and the need AFTERMOST THE MAY 25 death of George the rallying cry E THING IS CERTAIN; after this COVID-19 virus dissipates The cavalier manner in which China lied about the origin of the orders thanks to local or state governments, a the majority of Americans take precautions, butdiverse I’m uneasy with how people who simply ask against theto “defund” movement from groups that that binding at protests happening across America was “Defund police!” THIS WEEK, according to members the federal government, That would mean the fatality rate is actually far “THIS ISof THE DAY the has made, let rejoice and be glad Hydromer Inc. inCon Con d the globe and in the United States, China will pay for this IS THE DAY the lord has made, letus us rejoice and beuntil glad virus, covered its spread and tried tolord tell the there were only Hydromer Inc. are havingMOST to adjust to what is being the “new normal.” questions about the data, and when things can start getting back to in WITH STATES under either shelter-in-place or up stay-at-home fallen into place. Iworld understand the seriousness of the virus and the need decisions as to any actual defunding have been postponed 2021. Defunding the police has long been a goalcalled of the radical leftists in “THIS and state and local governments, Americans have begun to flatten suggested, even if the transmission rate is high. indeaths it”this (Psalm 118:24). Salisbury are switching switchingt in it” (Psalm 118:24). Salisbury are rophe one way or another. orders 3,341 related has led to the worldwide panic, economic collapse and Over summer, Gallup released a comprehensive poll that waswho the official Matter movement, with the group’s Some ofBlack these orders at leastalong through the end of month. are treated inI’m some circles with contempt. thanks toLives local orextend state governments, a majority of Americans to normal take precautions, but uneasy with how people simply ask nd thetoneed the curve in the novel coronavirus outbreak. The excitement was Secondly, what are we expecting in terms of aa mini seco I know that during this challenging time of social distancing, In Fayetteville, contrary to a lot of media narratives about defunding the police, more prominent supporters, like admitted socialist Congresswoman I know that during this challenging time of social distancing, Fayetteville, order put the crisis causedVirginia’s by China in perspective, zero millions of Americans needlessly being thrown out of work. are havingstay-at-home to adjust to what is being called the “new normal.” questions about the data, and when things can start getting to withoutmin orders go into June. They’re treated as though we as a society simply must back accept mply ask muted — after all, trends can easily reverse — but real. Americans The institute’s model simply off in early August. specifically the narrative that most African-Americans oppose police cuts Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY). working from home or losing awhat itit may be difficult to “rejoice and seniors throughout Cum working from home or losing ajob, job, may becircles difficult tous “rejoice and throughout wide pandemics can trace their source to theorders United States has cost the U.S. taxpayer at least $2.4 trillion in added Some of North these extend atover least through thecrisis end of this month. normal are treated in some with contempt. Here in Carolina, Democratic Gov.The Roy Cooper stated during question the government tells about when it’s safe to begin theCum presence intells their communities. In Minneapolis, the alone city have where Floyd died after former officer back tohistory. At least fourVirginia’s abided by recommendations and orders. They’ve left their jobs predict how many people will die in a second wave. be glad” as the Bible us to do. However, as a Christian, husband These stories from thT be glad” as the Bible tells us to do. However, as a Christian, husband stories from thr 31-year in the 20th century can be debt plus trillions FederalThey’re Reserve toas the stay-at-home orders go into June. treated as liquidity though a society simply must accept without aDerek recent coronavirus briefing that just don’t know more yet” ifin the process ofbackup returning backwe to normalcy. They don’t. Chauvin had hispress knee on Floyd’s neck “we for nearly 9 minutes, to stay at home; they’ve practiced social distancing; in many places, most important problem because experts maintain th and dad, the Easter holiday has reminded me of just how much we hope, inspiration and and dad, the Easter holiday has reminded me of just how much we inspiration and su ly traced to China: flu,” 1968 “Hong Kong flu,” financial outlets. theNo. U.S. dollar were notpolice the reserve in North Carolina, Gov. Roy stated question what the government tells about it’s the saferight to begin thethose su state’s stay-at-home orders will 1977 extend into May.Cooper The government works forusus, we to ask Former “MostIf Black Americans want the to spend atand leastwhen as have much theHere Democrat-controlled city Democratic council rushed tomarkets begin theand process of during Since when1957 did “Asian ept without they’ve donned masks. seasonal, which means we are likely to see more serio have to be thankful and hopeful for, even in the midst of this global on the front line have to be thankful and hopeful for, even in the midst of this global workers on the front lin ian flu” and the 2002 SARS aoutbreak. There is evidence that the would be able toquestions. fund any of these emergency recent coronavirus briefing that “wecurrency, just don’t know yet” if the process toindicating normalcy. time in their areaof asreturning they currently do, that they valueare the in place all over the dismantling the police a extend month after his death. This despite the fact If he decide topress it, questions should bewe asked as not to And theback longer stay-at-home orders Minneapolis Wedoes need ovebegin the Lenten andburned The result: a reduction inwithout expected hospitalization and death. in the And that means we will be people faced eith Lenten and pandemic. through pandemic. While people through state’s stay-at-home orders will extend into May. The that government works forfall. us, and we have the right to ask those with theNo. service provide,” the Gallup Center on 1918 questioning “Spanish flu” did pandemic had itscity, origins in China. measures of rampant inflation and currency thatalso parts of the including a police precinct, was toones the immediate justification for it. And the answers should not be vague likeneed “we forfear country, andpolice the stricter some of them get in Black states, such as Michigan, Since when NAACP president transparency According to the University of Washington Institute for Health lockdowns for large swaths of the population, with wh For me, my faith is an important part of my daily life and decision glad initiatives we For me, my faith is an important part of my daily life and decision Easter seasons I am glad initiatives Voices reported after surveying nearly 37,000 people from four racial/ ground by rioters, while police stood by, helpless to stop them. Easter seasons government Ifofhe does to it, questions should be asked as to the questions. the longer orders are inand/or place all over the re is 100% agreement, outside China, thatofCOVID-19 depreciation. must do thisdecide out anextend abundance of caution.” the moreAnd people, sittingstay-at-home at home feeling isolated anxious about we questioning oated askin those ethnic groups. Also happening in the aftermath of Floyd’s death was a sharp rise making. As I celebrated Easter with my family, I reflected on 2 Protection Program, are Metrics and Evaluation model most oft cited by members of the testing and contact tracing, or with the realization th making. As I celebrated Easter with my family, I reflected on 2 Protection Program, are and honesty Nekima Levy justification for the answers should be vague ones like country, andand the stricter some of them get states, such aswill Michigan, provide apeople Wuhan Province probably from the completely China has to pay for“we their aberrant ways through provide anot at all levels will need toit. beAnd explained in detail the of this state who when they candecisions get back to providing forintheir families, demand They also noted the at results corresponded with findings from inIt crime in Minneapolis. AtTrump the same time, atolarge number ofCorinthians police government Corinthians 1:4, which reminds us our Lord “comforts usisolated in all all our small businesses ll over and the administration, theand expected need for hospital beds tohome isolate those who are mosthelping vulnerable and let ever 1:4, which reminds us our Lord “comforts us in our small businesse must do this out of an abundance of caution.” the more people, sitting at feeling and/or anxious about ulated unsanitary wet markets. Some believe it came out of a economic financial means. Diplomacy has obviously not worked from our message of Armstrong are being told in totheir remain jobless and at home for an undetermined answers. message of another Gallup survey on black Americans and their stances on officers turned resignations or retired early, fed up by the lack become a affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any relief will soon reach fam Michigan, peak outbreak was revised down by over 120,000, the number of Which raises the third question: What exactly affliction, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any relief will soon reachcan fam atrun allby levels It will need to be explained in detailhope to the people ofthousands this statethe who when they can back toand providing for their families, demand rfare labcomplained the communist Chinese army. to bring China into civilized world of 21st century health, hygiene scientific experts amount of time why models hundreds of ofso cases Leaders atget the local levels be aswill forthcoming as they that we will defunding the police. That poll found thatstate “only 22% ofshould Black of support shown towards thempredicting by elected officials, who were under hope that we will affliction, with the comfort which we ourselves are comforted by continue working on com bad thing? ous about ventilators by nearly 13,000 and the number of overall deaths by we capable of rolling out tens of millions of tests over affliction, with the comfort which we ourselves are comforted by are being told to remain jobless and at home for an undetermined continue working on co answers. il Chinabecome adopts rigorous verifiable policing and regulation of and fair trade. Totalitarian communist regimes never take the blame a Americans can favorbe abolishing police departments,” the vast pressure byneed outside agitators. are reliable. with those answers — and while again, not vague answers, but answer once again enjoy — we to that the black again enjoy God.”of cases we can the demand August byonce 12,000. months — and compelling people to defeat take tests regula amount of time why models predicting hundreds of asked thousands Leaders at the local and state levels should be as they God.” we can defeat thecorona coron That is what majority favored police reforms they hoped would improve theas forthcoming A growing number of black leaders innearly the city also began to push ood safety and health protocols, American business has nowhat other or express sincere regret and remorse, because that is not what To date, I’ve gone along with the state has and then with details that give their statements believability. bad thing? sporting events, know what they If you are celebrating the Easter season, I urge you to also whole. Here’s the problem: We still don’t know the answers to the key community virus is transmittable while carriers are asymptomat sporting events, are reliable. can be with those answers — and again, not vague answers, but answer relationship between police departments and communities of color back on the defunding efforts. According to the Star Tribune, former If you are celebrating the Easter season, I urge you to also whole. than tofree build manufacturing plants elsewhere purely totalitarian governments do. They take advantage of every weakness citizens mandated that we do, but along the way I’ve also had questions about Weand should all continue to dowe what we can keep our families, That isredundant what reflect on this message be comforted, so that may live outtosystem Until then, the concerts, family and punish officers for wrongdoing. Minneapolis NAACP president Nekima Levy Armstrong complained ming assecurity they what they questions that will allow the economy reopen. To know, date, I’ve gone along with what the state has asked and then create awe contact tracing for 330 million Amer with details that give their statements believability. reflect onto this message and be comforted, so that may live out Until theLenten Lenten concerts, family had “not been tional and safety reasons as well as supply and delivery they find in adversaries and keep pushing until they win or the the data. State Republican leaders have, too. ourselves, and our communities safe. But we should also stillthen, continue living in a free On the “defund the police” debate, it sounds like cooler heads in July that the black community had “not been consulted” as the city God’s example and comfort all those in need around us during hope that we will once aa free citizens but answer mandated that we do, but along the way I’ve also had questions about We should all continue to do what we can to keep our families, gatherings, First, what is the true coronavirus fatality rate? This question is are we willing to submit ourselves to one? God’s example and comfort all those in need around us during hope that we will once don’t and when ility concerns. adversaries back. gatherings, consulted” as Unfortunately, when certain types ofthough questions get push asked, there is prevailing to ask questions about the data, because while reasonable stay-at-home are as a result of black community leaders and residents made decisions about its police force, “even our community is this difficult time. Through faith and by helping one another, I am gatherings, church servi the data. State Republican leaders have, too. That ourselves, and our communities safe. But we should also still continue society important because it determines whether certain areas ought to One thing is certain: cannot continue as th this difficult time. Through faith and by helping one another, I also amThings church serv church services living inwere atofree most direct way make China “pay” for this isbytoboth offer is, unless an exogenous event happens such as the Chernobyl they hope to disaster hitting the brakes on the idea — not just instronger Minneapolis, but the one most impacted police violence and community sometimes aheavily disturbing tendency among some people to treat those measures are understandable, they should havegatherings, anstay-at-home expiration date. church services the city made confident we will emerge out ofthis this pandemic than ever. own temporary sacrifice Unfortunately, when certain types of questions get asked, there is to ask questions about the data, because while reasonable ilies, be open or closed, whether we ought to pursue — Sweden style — a Americans are not going to stay home for months on confident we will emerge out of pandemic stronger than ever. own temporary sacrifice supposed many more nationwide. violence.” ax credits to companies whosimply willknow source at least halfdata of their meltdown 1986. Some experts believe that event, the Star Wars society were what theythe questioning and asking when we canin start getting back This is allunderstandable, new tonot Americans, and itofisalso nothave normal. Not in any way, Inthose this same spirit, I continue to be inspired by stories humanity andand many more decisions about States. sometimes a disturbing tendency among some people to treat measures are they should anon expiration date. l continue more liberalized society that presumes wide spread, or whether we they certainly will notorder do so the basisare ofover. ever-evolv In this same spirit, I continue to be inspired by stories of and humanity are over. This is good news for people of all races who favor law Urban League Twin Cities president/CEO Steven Belton was ction back in the United There is approximately $120 program of Reagan, led directly to the dissolution of the Soviet Union after our own to do, last I to normal as though they are conspiracy theorists or are people who shape, or form. So while we should remain vigilant and stay safe, at supposed neighbors helping neighbors. I wish everyone celebr don’t. simply questioning the data andtoasking when we can start getting back This is all new to Americans, and it is not normal. Not in any way, after our own ay-at-home and police accountability, and bad news for left-wing extremists quoted by the Star Tribune as stating that “we are subjected to ought lock down further. especially as statistics roll in that look like the lowerits police force, neighbors helping neighbors. I wish everyone celeb n worth checked. of American direct investment in plants and equipment inor1989. otherwise don’t care if they get themselves others sick. the same time we shouldn’t get comfortable with this so-called “new temporary In Concord, a high school senior named Tanner used his own celebration and pray we to do,though last I our to normalpolice as though they are conspiracy theorists oralso are people or divided form. Soin while we should remain vigilant andand staythe safe, at and pray and their Democratic allies positions of power cities across the excessive use of force, but at the same timefatality we are ration date. We’ve seen case rates — Concord, thewho number ofshape, deaths by estimates ininterms of death upper-end estim temporary In a high school senior named Tanner used his own celebration we “even na. Chinese direct investment in the U.S. is about $65 billion by Perhaps COVID-19 is China’s Chernobyl. Since when did questioning government at all levels become a bad normal.” money to buy a 3-D printer and plastic to make face shields for necessary safety guidelin sacrifices are country who have an anti-law enforcement ax to grind. disproportionately victims of crime and witnesses of crime.” Belton otherwise don’t care if they themselves or othersCOVID-19 sick.money the same time we shouldn’t get comfortable withWe this so-called “new North State Journal Wednesday, April 15,buy 2020 any way,checked. theget number offor identified cases —aare but both the numerator ofpossibility economic damage. need transparency and hon to 3-D printer and plastic to make face shields for necessary safety guideli sacrifices are arison. Senators in Washington already talking about the community is the thing? is did what freeofcitizens living in aatfree society were supposed Notofone bit. emphasized that any talk defunding theover. police must include ahealth care workers out his little own home. through this together. SinceThat when questioning government allare levels become a bad normal.” safe, at and in the denominator likely wrong. We don’t know many scientific experts — we need to know what they know health care workers out ofhow hisowe ownthem home. through this together. investment tax credit of 30% on half of U.S. investment China of China forgiving $1.2 trillion in debt we as one way to get Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym Sister over. “concomitant strategy of community safety in place as well.” to do, last I checked. one most heavily thing? That is what free citizens livingactually in a freedied society were supposed Not one little bit. led “new people have of coronavirus. Some sources suggest the don’t and when they hope to know what they don’t. Toldjah and is a regular contributor to RedState and Legal Crime has skyrocketed in the city, so much so that at a recent or $60 billion, applied to repatriated China to “pay”isfor damage have Matthews caused thehas US.also Don’t hold your My concern asmanufacturing we go along in all this, of course, mythe family. I’m they Stacey written under the pseudonym Sister Toldjah to do, first last IAmerican checked. impacted by both number has been overestimated, given that classification for cause We’re grown-ups, and we’re willing to follow their Insurrection. meeting of the city council, some council members asked “where are ment to the U.S. would costworried the U.S. Treasury billion in in breath waiting a Chinese to ahappen but ask written your elected about them$18 the virus, and I’m worried Ifor will. After and Matthews is regular contributor to under RedState and Legal Insurrection. first concern ascatching we godeath, along alldelayed this, of course, is my family. I’m “Jubilee” Stacey has also the answering pseudonym Sister Toldjah theMy police?” after residents complained of response times to of particularly among elderly patients, can be variable. Some they need to start serious questions, or the police violence venue spread over a few years. $18 billion in lost revenue is(swine representatives topandemic, hold China accountable in tangible financial ways for suffering from the virus flu) during the 2009 worried about them catching the virus, and I’m worried Idramatically will. After and is a regular contributor to RedState and Legal Insurrection. 911 calls and a lack ofH1N1 arrests. sources suggest the number is underestimated, since to the same lack of institutional faith to which all oth and community al dust compared to the $6 I’ve trillion+ Plan we areprecautions, now this disaster. been Marshall tryingPolice to H1N1 take extra because all of this brings up suffering from the virus (swine flu) during the 2009 pandemic, Minneapolis Chief Medaria Arradondo, who is Africanter Toldjah many people are dying at home. institutions seem deeply prone. taking to save our own economy, notmany of defeated enemies as inisthe It is about they American, told the that crime rising because way too memories of aprecautions, painful experience I’criminals d prefer to are repeat. violence.” I’ve been trying tocouncil take extra because all of time thisnot brings upexpected to operate as responsible citizens of tion. Even more importantly, we have no clue how many Americans feel “emboldened” thanks to “defund” rhetoric, while neighbors feel the world like any other modern nation. But what also makes me sleepexperience is how easily most everyone has way too many memories of alose painful I’d prefer not to repeat. actually have coronavirus. Some scientists suggest that the number Ben Shapiro, 36, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard “abandoned.” Officers alsome feel demoralized. na has been cheating, stealing, pirating and pillaging American But what also makes lose sleep is how easily most everyone has of identified cases could be an order of magnitude lower than the host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and editor-in-chief o ess now for the past 30 years. They have made no secret that they Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor number of people who have had coronavirus and not been tested. com. d to replace the U.S. as the premier superpower in the world and e the dollar as the reserve currency with their renminbi.
north STA
North State Journal for Wednesday, September 23, 2020
The hazards of Duke The following is the second of four installments that mark the low points in the Big Four universities tacking left
Fish and his ilk may be long-gone, but faculty who cast themselves as liberators of the oppressed now rule campus-wide at Duke, and the penalty for dissent is still making news.
IN LAST WEEK’S COLUMN, I identified Michael Skube as the whistleblower who exposed the decline of NC State’s English department under leftist control. It was Michael Skube who coined the phrase “the hazards of Duke” when he saw that Duke’s English department was inspiring a nationwide takeover of English education. It all began in 1986, when Duke landed renowned scholar Stanley Fish to chair its English department, but only on the condition that Dr. Fish could pay whopping salaries to other hotshot recruits who would help him make the department over in his own image — smug, despotic, and impervious to bad press from dissenting colleagues or from outsiders who noticed that the Fish plot was being reenacted nationwide. By 1990, the infighting in the English department was making national news, pitting Fish against African-American scholar Kenny Williams, who had challenged Fish’s claim that “literature has no intrinsic merit,” as well as Fish’s resolve that “paying too much attention to spelling and grammatical errors” upsets student writers unnecessarily. A reporter for the Durham Herald had already noted that Fish’s protégés “aren’t interested in teaching. Their real ambition is to empower the oppressed. And what they offer is cotton candy for the mind.” But it was insider Kenny Williams who made national news, telling columnist Dorothy Rabinowitz that she would not be “doing social work or teaching oppression” at Duke. For exposing the Fish plot in the Wall Street Journal, Williams would no longer be serving on committees or teaching grad students either because colleagues in the so-called “Fish Tank” had agreed to make Williams “invisible.” At the same time Duke became known as the PC capital of American universities, critics were mocking Fish’s protégés for their twisted reinterpretations of the classics — for Eve Sedgewick’s obsession with “homoeroticism” in Jane Austen’s novels and for her grad student protégé’s focus upon the “face/butt metonymy” in Swinburne’s poetry. But it was Marxist Fredric Jameson who made international news for winning the worldwide “Bad Writing Contest” — twice — for writing prose so garbled reading it “was like swimming through cold porridge.” Despite the unintelligible prose, Jameson’s anti-capitalist stance has made him a hero to the American left, and even more tellingly, to the Chinese Communist Party. Such was not the case in 1998, when an external
review found that the department’s “meteoric rise has given way to a rapid descent.” Soon after, both Fish and his star recruits bolted, leaving a faculty still divided along pro-Fish and anti-Fish lines and a curriculum that was “a hodgepodge of uncoordinated offerings.” In 1999, Lingua Franca columnist David Yaffe said that Fish had, with “shameless, and in academe unheard-of entrepreneurial gusto,” taken a “staid Southern English department and transformed it into the professional powerhouse of the day,” briefly, until it became “The Department That Fell to Earth.” Fish and his ilk may be long-gone, but faculty who cast themselves as liberators of the oppressed now rule campus-wide at Duke, and the penalty for dissent is still making news. In 2017, Divinity School Professor Paul Griffiths urged faculty not to attend Duke’s Racial Equity Institute’s “Phase I Training,” citing its “illiberal roots and totalitarian tendencies.” The blowback had the Institute charging Dr. Griffiths with “harassment” and Dean Elaine Heath censuring him for “unprofessional conduct.” Nine weeks later, Griffiths announced that he would be leaving Duke at the end of the school year. In 2019, university-decorated Public Policy professor Evan Charney was fired after a handful of students complained that during a class discussion on race, Dr. Charney had presented opposing points of view, distressing students who think there’s only one correct way to talk about race. While professors emeriti pay no penalty for exposing totalitarian tendencies in their former colleagues, professors emeriti can also be ignored — as Professor John Staddon has recently discovered. After reading President Vincent Price’s June 17 announcement that he would take “transformative action” to end “structural racism and inequality” at Duke, Dr. Staddon wrote an open letter to Price, calling his plan “alarmingly Orwellian,” because it mandates “anti-racism and anti-bias training for every member of our faculty, student body, and staff.” Staddon also noted the plan’s comply-or-else subtext, plus the hint that without such training Duke might become a community of scoundrels. President Price’s failure to respond to Dr. Staddon makes clear the university’s position on free speech; it is free so long as it kowtows to a leftist agenda. I’m not the first to liken that position to McCarthyism — with a twist. While Sen. McCarthy preyed on citizens suspected of engaging in “un-American activities,” Duke administrators threaten the careers of professors caught engaging in an essentially American activity — the right to express views that run counter to the ruling orthodoxy. It was Stanley Fish who set the stage for Duke to rescind that right, but unlike the old brand of McCarthyism, the new brand proceeds unchecked.
Method in the madness I would respectfully submit that once the police are successfully defunded, demoralized and neutered, the last bulwark against having the riots move into our neighborhoods is the Second Amendment.
I REMEMBER the halcyon undergraduate days in Chapel Hill, when we were all reading Marxist theory and singing along with the Beach Boys (talk about conflicting views of the world!). That was when I first learned about the two-step dance designed to destroy Western Civilization: (1) Destabilize the institutions and (2) Foment violence in the streets. General unease (destabilization) moves into fear and panic (violence in the streets); revolution, and a new, all-powerful, government emerges. I naively thought that could never happen here. Well, fast-forward 50 years. Please name one institution not being systematically destabilized. And what on earth is going on in our streets? First: a quick inventory of our important institutions: Medicine: Obamacare and all that goes with it. Regulations driving small practices out of business. Having a doctor who knows you and whom you know, for most, is a memory. The march toward impersonal homogenized bigness continues and accelerates. Destabilization is a gentle word to describe what has happened to medicine. Courts: Kavanaugh confirmation. Police: Policemen ambushed while sitting in their cars; no arrests. Remember Ferguson? A policeman shoots and kills a 300 lb. man high on drugs who was trying to take the officer’s gun while breaking the bones in his face. The officer gets a pink slip (along with his broken eye socket). Bricks to the head, lasers to the eyes, and orders from leftist politicians to stand down. And then there is the “defund the police” thing. Destabilizing law enforcement is a must for the left. It is related to step two (fomenting violence in the streets). Nuclear Family: no-fault divorce, “sacred vows” reduced to meaninglessness, abortion, same-sex marriage, rampant co-habitation and bastardy — all this destabilizes the family unit. Gender: Destabilization defined. International Relations: empty threats, “lines in the sand,” abandoning our allies in Iraq to slaughter, making nice with murderous tyrants in Venezuela, Zimbabwe and Cuba, sending planeloads of cash to Iran while they are developing a nuclear weapon — which weapon they promise to use on our ally, Israel. Destabilizing? Military: Women and homosexuals in combat units, defunding, (the left is big on defunding the people whose job it is to keep the bad guys off the good guys), political preapproval required to fire on enemies, Benghazi, endless wars with no objective. Destabilizing? Immigration: Millions and millions of illegal
aliens who with no English, no skills, no appreciation of our history or culture, overwhelming our social safety net, public schools, emergency rooms and hospitals. Might this have a destabilizing effect on the fabric of our communities to say nothing of the legal immigration process? Education: Speech codes, enforced intellectual homogeneity in faculty hiring, safe spaces, trigger warnings, persecution of anything non-PC, and even at my beautiful Carolina, Silent Sam is torn from his plinth in the night by masked criminals (who threw pre-placed frozen water bottles at the woefully outmanned campus police) only to have the administration later finish the job by removing the plinth with heavy equipment — again, at night. Is that the orderly and respectful debate that is the essence of education? No, but it is destabilizing. Elections: Mail-in ballots, felons voting, illegal aliens registering, ballot harvesting, elections not decided for weeks or months after “election day;” here it comes — destabilization of the election process. And what about the office of the Presidency? Is there anything that could be done that has not been done to destabilize that institution? And, as for step (2), fomenting violence in the streets: Portland, Seattle, Chicago, New York, Boston, Baltimore, Kenosha, Ferguson, Charlotte, Minneapolis, Washington, Raleigh — masked looters, arsonists and vandals screaming unrepeatable obscenities while our police officers are ordered by state and local officials to stand there, watch and take it. Fomenting violence in the streets — easy — just let violent mobs of thieves and arsonists run wild. I would respectfully submit that once the police are successfully defunded, demoralized and neutered, the last bulwark against having the riots move into our neighborhoods is the Second Amendment. Arson, raping and looting is much easier in residential neighborhood after homeowners are disarmed. Have you noticed that leftist politicians all seem committed to disarming the law-abiding citizen? That will take care of that last impediment to a helpless citizenry. Violence, anarchy and terror will follow with centralized power offered as a cure. Constitution? What Constitution? So, (1) destabilize institutions and (2) foment violence in the streets. I would humbly submit that if we remember those two steps, we can understand that what appears to be irrational, purposeless violence and destruction might not be irrational and purposeless after all. I heard it all 50 years ago in the shadow of the Old Well.
Letters addressed to the editor may be sent to letters@nsjonline.com or 3101 Industrial Dr. Suite 105. Raleigh, N.C. 27609. Letters must be signed; include the writer’s phone number, city and state; and be no longer than 300 words. Letters may be edited for style, length or clarity when necessary. Ideas for opeds should be sent to opinion@nsjonline.com.
Language and thought SEVENTEENTH-CENTURY poet and intellect John Milton predicted, “When language in common use in any country becomes irregular and depraved, it is followed by their ruin and degradation.” Gore Vidal, his 20thcentury intellectual successor, elaborated saying: “As societies grow decadent, the language grows decadent, too. Words are used to disguise, not to illuminate.” Sloppy language permits people to get away with speaking and doing all manner of destructive nonsense without being challenged. Let’s look at the concept of “white privilege,” the notion that white people have benefited in American history relative to, and at the expense of, “people of color.” It appears to be utter nonsense to suggest that poor and destitute Appalachian whites have white privilege. How can one tell if a person has white privilege? One imagines that the academic elite, who coined the term, refer to whites of a certain socioeconomic status such as living in the suburbs with the privilege of high-income amenities. But here is a question: Do Nigerians in the U.S. have white privilege? As reported by the New York Post this summer, 17% of all Nigerians in this country hold master’s degrees, 4% hold a doctorate and 37% hold a bachelor’s degree, according to the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2006 American Community Survey. By contrast, 19% of whites have a bachelor’s degree, 8% have master’s degrees and 1% have doctorates. What about slavery? Colleges teach our young people that the U.S. became rich on the backs of free black labor. That is utter nonsense. Slavery does not have a very good record of producing wealth. Think about it. Slavery was all over the South and outlawed in most of the North. I doubt that anyone would claim that the antebellum South was rich, and the slave-starved North was poor. The truth is just the opposite. In fact, the poorest states and regions of our country were places where slavery flourished: Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia, while the richest states and regions were those where slavery was outlawed: Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts. Some of the greatest language mischief is related to terms such as racial “disparities,” “gaps” and “disproportionality.” These terms are taken as signs of injustice that must be corrected. The median income of women is less than that of men. Black and Hispanic students are suspended and expelled at higher rates than white students. There are other race disparities and gaps all over the place. For example, blacks are 13% of the population but 80% of professional basketball players and 66% of professional football players, and on top of that, they’re some of the most highly paid players. To be consistent with leftist ideology, those numbers seem to suggest that there is some kind of injustice toward Asian, white and Hispanic basketball and football players. But before we run off thinking that everything is hunky-dory for black players in football, how many times have you seen a black player kick an extra point in professional football? What should be done to address these and other gross disparities? How can we make basketball, football, dressage and ice hockey, classical music concert attendance, not to mention incarceration, look more like America? In general, we should ignore disproportionality. There is no evidence, anywhere in the world, suggesting that people sort out in any activity according to their numbers in the general population. The best thing that we can do is clean up our language. That will have the added benefit of straightening out our thinking so that we do not permit leftists to get away with making us feel guilty and believing in utter nonsense. Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University.
North State Journal for Wednesday, September 23, 2020
NATION & WORLD On 75th anniversary of UN, its chief appeals for peace The Associated Press UNITED NATIONS — Born out of World War II’s devastation to prevent the scourge of conflict, the United Nations marked its 75th anniversary Monday with an appeal from Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to preserve the longest period in modern history without a military confrontation between the world’s most powerful nations. The U.N. chief told the mainly virtual official commemoration that “it took two world wars, millions of deaths and the horrors of the Holocaust for world leaders to commit to international cooperation and the rule of law,” and that commitment produced results. “A Third World War — which so many had feared — has been avoided,” Guterres said. “This is a major achievement of which member states can be proud — and which we must all strive to preserve.” His appeal came at an inflection point in history, as the United Nations navigates a polarized world facing a pandemic, regional conflicts, a shrinking economy, growing inequality and escalating U.S.-China tensions. The United States was represented by its acting deputy U.N. ambassador, Cherith Norman Chalet. “In many ways, the United Nations has proven to be a successful experiment,” Chalet said. But for too long, she added, it has resisted “meaningful reform,” lacked transparency and been “too vulnerable to the agenda of autocratic regimes and dictatorships.” “New threats require new agility
from the U.N.,” she said, citing theft of intellectual property and efforts to “undermine internet freedom.” Guterres cited other major U.N. achievements over 75 years: peace treaties and peacekeeping missions, decolonization, setting human rights standards, “the triumph over apartheid” in South Africa, eradication of diseases, a steady reduction in hunger, development of international law and landmark pacts to protect the environment. But today, he warned, “climate calamity looms, biodiversity is collapsing, poverty is rising, hatred is spreading, geopolitical tensions are escalating, nuclear weapons remain on hair-trigger alert.” What’s more, new technologies have produced opportunities “but also exposed new threats.” In an AP interview in June, Guterres said the U.N.’s biggest failing was its inability to prevent medium and small conflicts. And 25 years after world leaders meeting in Beijing adopted a 150page platform to achieve equality for women, he said Monday that “gender inequality remains the greatest single challenge to human rights around the world.” Appealing for the world’s nations and people to work together, Guterres said, “the COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare the world’s fragilities” which can only be addressed together. “Today we have a surplus of multilateral challenges and a deficit of multilateral solutions,” the secretary-general said. Guyana’s President Irfaan Mohamed Ali, the head of what’s
In this image made from UNTV, United Nations SecretaryGeneral Antonio Guterres speaks during the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly, Tuesday, Sept. 22, 2020, at the U.N. headquarters in New York. called the Group of 77 and China — the main U.N. bloc of developing countries that now has 134 member states — said the commemoration “must send a strong and positive signal to the peoples of the world of our commitment to multilateralism and our resolve to strive for peace, justice and development.” Chinese President Xi Jinping urged U.N. members to renew a commitment to multilateralism and “work to promote a community with a shared future for mankind.” “Unilateralism is a dead end,” he said. “No country has the right to dominate global affairs, control the destiny of others or keep advantages in development all to itself. Even less should one be allowed to do whatever it likes and be the hegemon, bully or boss of the world.” While the U.N. has been criticized for spewing words and achieving scant results on its primary mission of ensuring global peace, it nonetheless remains the one place that its 193 member nations can meet to talk. As frustrating as its lack of prog-
ress often is, especially when it comes to preventing and ending crises, there is also strong support for the U.N.’s power to bring not only nations but people of all ages from all walks of life, ethnicities and religions together to discuss critical issues like climate change. The United Nations marked its actual 75th anniversary — the signing of the U.N. Charter in San Francisco on June 26, 1945 by delegates from about 50 countries — on that date this year at an event scaled down because of the coronavirus pandemic. Monday’s mainly virtual official commemoration was not a celebration. It included some grim video footage of the crises and conflicts during the U.N.’s history, as well as high points and successes. One highlight: the adoption of a declaration on the U.N.’s 75th anniversary, approved by diplomats from all U.N. member states in June after sometimes heated negotiations. It recalls the U.N.’s successes and failures over more than seven decades and vows to build a
post-pandemic world that is more equal, works together, and protects the planet. “The urgency for all countries to come together, to fulfill the promise of the nations united, has rarely been greater,” it says, while praising the United Nations as the only global organization that “gives hope to so many people for a better world and can deliver the future we want.” Even at times of great tension, it says, the U.N. promoted decolonization, freedom, development, human rights and equality for women and men, “and worked to eradicate disease.” And it “helped mitigate dozens of conflicts, saved hundreds of thousands of lives through humanitarian action and provided millions of children with the education that every child deserves.” As for disappointments, the declaration says the world “is plagued by growing inequality, poverty, hunger, armed conflicts, terrorism, insecurity, climate change and pandemics.” It says the poorest and least developed countries are falling behind, decolonization is not complete, and people are forced to make dangerous journeys in search of refuge. “It’s very unfortunate that it’s going to be a pretty gloomy celebration for the U.N,” said Richard Gowan, U.N. director for the Crisis Group, a Brussels-based think tank. A year ago, Guterres warned leaders attending the General Assembly’s high-level meeting of the looming risk of the world splitting in two, with the United States and China creating rival internets, currency, trade, financial rules “and their own zero-sum geopolitical and military strategies.” Former Trump national security adviser John Bolton, a longtime U.N. critic who previously served as U.N. ambassador, said the United Nations did not meet expectations at the end of the Cold War in the early 1990s “that with Cold War gridlock removed, it would once again be effective.”
Barr announces $100M more to combat human trafficking The Associated Press ATLANTA — U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr says the federal government is awarding more than $100 million in grants to target human trafficking. The money will go to task forces combatting human trafficking, to victim services and victim housing. Barr made the announcement Monday in Atlanta with presidential adviser Ivanka Trump and Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp. “This is one of the top enforcement priorities of the department and we’re on the forefront of this fight,” Barr said. President Donald Trump’s administration in August awarded $35 million in Justice Department
grants to organizations that provide safe housing for victims of human trafficking. “It’s only by cooperating with all our partners, our state and local partners and those in the private sector that we’re going to be able to make any progress and ultimately end the victimization of those boys and girls,” Barr said. The wife of the Republican Kemp, Marty Kemp, has made human trafficking a focus of her work as Georgia’s first lady. “The governor and the first lady here have been second to none in the nation in taking this fight on and working closely with the federal government and I really appreciate that,” Barr said. Georgia Bureau of Investiga-
tion Director Vic Reynolds said grants are already helping to pay for agents on a state task force that investigates human trafficking. Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr, an elected Republican, said money for housing for victims is crucial, saying it “means safety and it means security, and it means wraparound services.” Others in the room said it was still important to push for broader action. “We have to live with a sense of urgency to be able to rescue as many lives as possible,” said athlete Tim Tebow. Michael Yeager, U.S. Marshal for northern Georgia, talked about the results of Operation Not Forgotten, in which the U.S. Marshals an-
nounced in August the rescue of 26 children and location of 13 others. Of those 15, appeared to be victims of sex trafficking. “We’re trained to hunt fugitives, so we’ve changed that and parlayed that into now hunting these children,” Yeager said. The U.S. Marshals later debunked social media claims that all 39 children were found in one place, a rumor that appeared to be fed by believers in the QAnon conspiracy theory, which falsely claims that Donald Trump is trying to dismantle a wide-ranging child sex ring among American elites. Monday’s announcement came after Barr, Trump and the Kemps toured the Georgia Center for Child Advocacy southwest of downtown
Atlanta. There, center employees told the visitors about their work, including efforts to make sure that caregivers of children who have been abused get counseling and help. “Some of our families have such basic needs that need to be met, that the fact that their child has experienced this trauma is not even the highest on their list right now,” said Amy Shipp, a family advocate. The center also has a program that seeks to help teenagers in foster care get the education, work experience and life experience they need to be able to take care of themselves when they become adults. “We actually prepare them for young adulthood,” said Giselle Balfour.
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Panthers lose McCaffrey to injury, B4
Quarterback Holton Ahlers and the Pirates will get to play their 2020 season opener when East Carolina hosts Central Florida on Saturday.
ECU hosts UCF to finally start 2020 season
Wake-Notre Dame game off due to Irish’s COVID-19 outbreak Winston-Salem Saturday’s football game between Wake Forest and Notre Dame at Truist Field has become the latest victim of the coronavirus pandemic. The game was postponed on Tuesday after Notre Dame reported seven positive COVID-19 tests among its players. With 13 players currently in isolation and 10 others in quarantine, the Irish have paused all football-related activities. Although the game has yet to be rescheduled, the teams have mutual open dates on Oct. 3 and Dec. 12. With the postponement, Wake joins instate teams North Carolina, NC State, East Carolina and Charlotte to have had games postponed or canceled since the start of the 2020 season. The Demon Deacons are 0-2 after last Saturday’s loss at NC State while Notre Dame is 2-0.
Jordan, Hamlin partner on Cup Series team for Wallace Charlotte Denny Hamlin has partnered with Charlotte Hornets owner Michael Jordan to form a NASCAR team with Bubba Wallace as the driver, a highprofile pairing of a black majority team owner and the only black driver at NASCAR’s top level. The partnership was announced Monday night in coordinated social media posts by Jordan and Hamlin, with Wallace adding his own comment. The posts showed a picture of Jordan alongside a firesuit-clad Hamlin in a motorhome at a race track. Jordan becomes the first black majority owner of a full-time Cup team since Hall of Famer Wendell Scott drove his own race car in 495 races from 1961 to 1973. Scott’s 1964 victory at the Jacksonville 200 is the only win by a black driver in Cup history.
Duke center Will Taylor has overcome a career-threatening injury to man the middle of the Blue Devils offensive line.
Center Will Taylor’s improbable path to Blue Devils starter The Duke redshirt junior was told he may not walk normally — he’s now snapping to his childhood friend By Shawn Krest North State Journal THE BEST ADVICE Will Taylor ever received came from his father, Marty. “I remember, the first day I got injured, he asked me how you eat an elephant,” Taylor said. “I told him I didn’t know. He said, ‘One bite at a time.’” That was during Taylor’s freshman year at Duke. He’d just suffered a knee injury that doctors believed was career-ending. “I tore my LCL and my peroneal nerve,” he said. “I had foot drop (a problem with his step when he walked, due to nerve damage) and needed two surgeries. I was basically told it wasn’t sure if football was going to be in my future. The first goal was to be able to walk and run normally again.” Taylor listened to Dad, and on Saturday he will start at center for the Blue Devils for the sixth straight game. The process of going from a goal of walking normally to playing ACC football was obviously a long one. “I still see stuff like that pop up on my Snapchat memories,” he said. “Especially now, at the start of the season, I see a lot of those:
The Pirates welcome the No. 13 team in the country in their opener, an early measuring stick for a team whose season has been delayed By Brett Friedlander North State Journal
the first time getting back on the treadmill; getting in the pool, being able to move my legs around. It’s nice to be able to look at that and see how far I’ve come.” Taylor got the starting job thanks to another knee injury, this one to All-ACC candidate Jack Wohlabaugh, who tore ligaments in the preseason. Taylor was thrust into the starting lineup last season after another Wohlabaugh injury. “I feel comfortable,” he said. “This is my fourth year doing this. I feel like I know the offense. I know what I’m doing. I feel strong out here. With my past injury, it wasn’t something I thought about last year — you can’t think about that — but I feel like it’s the closest to my original prime as I could feel. I’ve just been pushing through it. I feel strong, mentally prepared.”
COACH MIKE HOUSTON and his East Carolina football team are like a harried commuter chasing after the bus they just missed. It’s taken several blocks, or in this case three weeks, but the Pirates have finally caught up with their ride. After having their first three games either postponed or canceled because of the decisions of other conferences or their own issues with COVID-19, ECU will finally get to kick off its 2020 season on Saturday when it takes on Central Florida at Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium. “There’s been some ups and downs and some adversity for everyone in their lives through much of 2020,” Houston said. “We’ve had the whole start and stop, all that stuff since we started preseason camp. “But I think we’ve all seen across the country the last couple weeks that you can play college football this year. Finally, it’s our turn. The players are extremely excited. I can sense a difference in them.” As fired up as the Pirates are to get out onto the field and play a game, fate and the American Athletic Conference schedule-makers haven’t done them any favors. Their first challenge is a stiff one. Not only has UCF won 36 of its last 40 games dating back to 2017, but it has outscored ECU by a whopping 141-59 margin over that same stretch. This year’s Knights are ranked 13th in the nation and off to a 1-0 start after scoring a convincing 49-21 win against a Georgia Tech team that opened its season by beating Florida State. Although it won’t be easy, Houston said the matchup with UCF will be a good early measuring stick for his program, which made significant strides in his first season as coach despite going just 4-8 (1-7 AAC) in 2019. “(It’s a) tough opponent coming in here, but it’s good to start off with what has been the best team in the AAC over the past three seasons,” Houston said. “You get the chance to start off with them at home. I expect us to have a good week of practice this week. I expect us to come out fired up and ready to go on Saturday.” As if the matchup itself isn’t enough of an obstacle to overcome for the underdog Pirates, there’s also the issue of playing an opponent that already has a game under its belt.
See TAYLOR, page B4
See ECU, page B4
“I was basically told it wasn’t sure if football was going to be in my future. The first goal was to be able to walk and run normally again.” Will Taylor, Duke center
“Finally, it’s our turn. The players are extremely excited. I can sense a difference in them.” Mike Houston, ECU coach
North State Journal for Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Saquon Barkley: The New York Giants running back will likely miss the rest of the season with a major injury to his right knee. The Giants said an MRI on Monday confirmed Barkley tore the anterior cruciate ligament in the knee on Sunday in a loss to the Chicago Bears. The 2018 NFL Offensive Rookie of the Year missed three games last season with an ankle injury. For his career, he has gained 2,344 yards rushing and caught 149 passes with a total of 23 touchdowns. Jim Furyk: The 50-year-old joined Arnold Palmer and Bruce Fleisher as the only players to win their first two PGA Tour Champions starts, beating Jerry Kelly with a birdie on the first hole of a playoff Sunday in the Pure Insurance Championship. Furyk won The Ally Championship last month in Michigan in his tour debut. Palmer won his first two events in 1980, and Fleisher accomplished the feat in 1999. Leon Draisaitl: The Edmonton Oilers center became the first German player to win the Hart Trophy as the NHL’s MVP after leading the league in scoring with 110 points in 71 games. He also won the Ted Lindsay Award for most outstanding player as voted by peers. Draisaitl finished ahead of Colorado Avalanche center Nathan MacKinnon and New York Rangers winger Artemi Panarin in voting by the Professional Hockey Writers Association. He scored 43 goals, and his 67 assists were a career high despite the regular season being cut short.
beyond the box score POTENT QUOTABLES
The NASCAR Cup Series silly season is in full swing despite there being seven races remaining in this season, and one of the bigger vacant seats has been filled. Chip Ganassi Racing announced Monday that Ross Chastain would take over in the No. 42 next season, replacing Matt Kenseth. Kenseth had come out of retirement after Kyle Larson was fired for using a racial slur during an iRacing event in April.
“I hope we’re able to play.” Virginia Tech coach Justin Fuente on Saturday’s game against NC State. The Hokies have already had two games postponed due to the coronavirus.
“We’re going to look good while we win.” Pro Football Hall of Famer Deion Sanders after he was named head coach at Jackson State. PRIME NUMBER
7% The number of fans, compared to capacity, who will be allowed to attend events at outdoor venues holding more than 10,000 people starting Oct. 3, per Gov. Roy Cooper’s latest executive order. The change would allow college teams, the Carolina Panthers and Charlotte Motor Speedway to have limited fans in the stands for upcoming events if they meet the threshold. The NASCAR Cup Series has a playoff race scheduled Oct. 11 on CMS’ roval configuration.
The Chicago Bears have agreed to a three-year contract extension with running back and return specialist Tarik Cohen that guarantees him roughly $9.5 million and could be worth $18.25 million. The Bunn native and 2017 fourth-round pick out of North Carolina A&T was an All-Pro as a punt returner in 2018.
A bulked-up Bryson DeChambeau won his first major, shooting a 3-under 67 Sunday at Winged Foot to finish at 6-under to beat Michael Wolff by six shots at the U.S Open. DeChambeau — who was par or better all four rounds — joined Tiger Woods as the only players to win a U.S. Amateur, NCAA individual title and U.S. Open.
Slovenian Tadej Pogacar topped countryman Primoz Roglic to win the Tour de France on Sunday. The 21-year-old Pogacar is the youngest winner in 116 years and the first from Slovenia. Pogacar took the lead on the penultimate stage, erasing Roglic’s 57-second lead on Saturday’s individual time trial and giving himself a 59-second advantage.
North State Journal for Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Tar Heels, Davidson headed to Asheville instead of Hawaii for Maui Invitational The eight participating teams get mountains instead of beaches for the traditional November tournament By Shawn Krest North State Journal NORTH CAROLINA will host one of college basketball’s premier in-season tournaments this November when the Maui Invitational is held in Asheville. The annual tournament normally allows some of basketball’s best teams to make a Thanksgiving week visit to Hawaii’s beaches. The COVID-19 pandemic has moved the event to the mainland, however. It’s also being shifted a week later and will be held Nov. 30 to Dec. 2. The event will still be called the Maui Invitational and be one of the most geographically inappropriately named events to be held in the state, joining the 1942 Rose Bowl. That football game, associated for more than a century with Pasadena, California, was moved to Wallace Wade Stadium at Duke due to concerns over potential Japanese attacks during World War II. The Maui Invitational’s eightteam field will feature two teams now playing in their home state — Davidson and North Carolina. They’re joined by Texas, Indiana, Alabama, Providence, Stanford and UNLV. UNC has won the event four times, most recently in 2016, one short of the Maui record held by Duke. Only two other teams in this year’s field have won the event: Providence won the initial Maui Invitational in 1984, and Indiana won in 2002. Roy Williams, in particular, has been a big fan of the tournament. His three Tar Heel teams to win national titles all won the Maui Invitational earlier in the season. “As many people know, Maui is one of my favorite places in the world and I’ve always loved playing in that tournament,” he said. “I love the people that run it, but because of COVID, I know we can’t go
The Maui Invitational, played annually during Thanksgiving week in Hawaii, is coming to Asheville this fall due to COVID-19. to Maui this time. I was pleasantly surprised a few weeks ago when I heard Asheville might be one of the locations that was being considered as an alternate site. “From what I understand, the people in Asheville did a great job explaining to the tournament staff that they run the Southern Conference Tournament there, they have the hotel space, they have everything we would need, and at the end of the day, it looks like Asheville won out through that process. Again, Maui is one of my favorite places to go, but my hometown is as well, and I congratulate the people in Asheville because they did a great job convincing the tournament organizers that they will do a great job. Now I have to concern myself with making sure our basketball team plays well.” The event annually is one of Ha-
“Maui is one of my favorite places to go, but my hometown is as well.” Roy Williams waii’s biggest revenue generators. The 2018 tournament, in which Duke lost in the championship game to Gonzaga, brought an estimated $21.99 million in revenue to the region. Tournament organizers say that the Invitational has contributed more than $250 million in its 36-year history, including $80 million over the last five years. The Asheville event will have attendance drastically reduced due to social distancing — if fans are al-
lowed in at all — which will reduce the revenue it generates for North Carolina. Still, early estimates are that it should bring at least $1.1 million to the local economy. Obviously, North Carolina is one of college basketball’s hotbeds for postseason tournaments. The state has held 53 of the 67 ACC Tournaments in history and hosted NCAA Tournament games 59 times, including the 1974 and 1994 Final Fours. As Williams said, Asheville has hosted the Southern Conference Tournament each of the last nine years and a total of 21 times, the most by any city in the 99-year history of the event. However, the state also has a long history of hosting midseason tournaments. Legendary NC State coach Everett Case started the Dixie Classic, a post-Christmas eight-
team tournament that ran from 1949 to 1960. The Tar Heels won the Classic on their way to the 1957 NCAA title. A generation later, the four North Carolina ACC schools participated in the Big Four Tournament from 1971 to 1981. The 1974 Wolfpack won the Big Four on their way to a title. Charlotte hosted an eight-team tournament from the late 1980s into the 1990s. The Tournament of Champions was sponsored by Diet Pepsi, Harris Teeter and Food Lion at times. The 1993 Tar Heels won the event on their way to a title. Now, the Maui Invitational is added to the list, and instead of pregame beach time and postgame luaus this fall, the Tar Heels, Davidson Wildcats and six other teams will be enjoying the North Carolina mountains.
Battle of the Blues polo match another piece of Duke-UNC rivalry The annual game will take place Saturday in Efland By Brett Friedlander North State Journal THE CROWD WON’T be as large as usual, although it is still a sellout, and Dickie V won’t be there to provide the hyperbole. But it is still North Carolina vs. Duke. And that’s enough to get the adrenaline pumping no matter what sport is being contested. Even polo. Though not as publicized as the annual matchups on the basketball court or football field, the rivalry between the Tar Heels and Blue Devils will be just as intense on Saturday when teams representing the schools take their mounts for Saturday’s Battle of the Blues polo match in Efland. “There’s a lot of UNC and Duke rivalry at the barn,” said Tammy Havener, who plays for the Duke team. “I’m excited that I’ve gotten to play in it the last four years because it’s a big game for us. We give each other grief all the time. It’s a fun thing to rib each other about.” Havener and the Blue Devils won last year’s event and have taken four of the past five meetings. Members of the winning team get their names engraved onto the trophy that remains in their possession until the following year’s match. It’s a competition that has evolved considerably from what could best be described as a modest beginning. “Usually we’d have either alumni or employees and occasionally some students from the two schools and they would be on teams out here with us, so we put it together and had a match,” said David Brooks, owner of the Triangle Polo Club in Hurdle Mills, a small community located between Hillsborough and Roxboro. “It was a lot smaller and has gotten bigger.”
It’s gotten so big that it’s outgrown Brooks’ venue and moved to the Barn at Lloyd’s Dairy — a sprawling 800-acre farm in Orange County that also serves as an event venue in addition to a polo field. Known as the Sport of Kings, polo originated centuries ago as a training exercise for cavalry units. The game itself is similar in concept to that of hockey, soccer or lacrosse — except that it’s played on horseback. The object is to score more goals than the other team by using a long-handled wood mallet to hit a ball into the opposition’s goal. Each team consists of four riders and games are 1-2 hours, divided into periods called chukkers. “What I tell people is to think of learning to ride and learning to ride at speed, then swinging a golf club at the same time,” Brooks said. “That’s really what they’re doing. It’s really difficult, but once you get a rhythm of it, it’s not too bad.” The Triangle Polo Club has about 25 members — although that number is growing thanks to the efforts of Brooks and his wife, who run programs designed to introduce and educate people on the sport. Some of those newcomers will be on the field Saturday. “My mom’s work friend invited me to go watch Battle of the Blues one day and I thought this is a really cool sport,” said Nicole Romach, a junior at Jordan High School in Durham, who plays for the UNC squad because her mother is a Tar Heel graduate. “I wanted to try it out, so I started taking some lessons and fell in love with polo.” Exactly one year after watching her first polo match, Romach played in her first match at last year’s Battle of the Blues. “Battle of the Blues is what got me into the sport,” she said. “To be able to play in it as my first tourna-
The Battle of the Blues polo match pits Tar Heels against Blue Devils while introducing people to the sport. ment was really significant. It’s really intense, but the trash-talking is mostly friendly.” While the game itself is the main event, it’s only part of the show. There will also be VIP tents, a car show, a silent auction, food trucks and an after-party, along with live entertainment. And no UNC-Duke matchup would be complete without tailgating — with the proper social distancing, of course. Although the crowd will be smaller than hoped because of the restrictions stemming from the coronavirus pandemic, the size of the venue will allow for at least some audience participation. “We went through the state and got COVID certified,” said Craig Lloyd, owner of Lloyd’s Dairy. “We’ve got the signage, the contact
“There’s a lot of UNC and Duke rivalry at the barn.” Tammy Havener
tracing, we’re doing PPDs on-site, we’ve got hand-sanitizing stations throughout the area. “We work closely with the agritourism people with the state, so we’ve gotten a lot of advice and have followed all the guidelines. Because we’re an 800-acre farm, it gives us a little bit of room to distance.” Lloyd said that the event is already a sellout. The match itself isn’t official-
ly affiliated with the schools and only a handful of the participants are currently students at UNC and Duke. Most of the players are alumni or the children of alumni who plan on attending the school whose shade of blue they’re wearing. Havener had her choice of sides, since she attended graduate school at Duke and currently works as a researcher at UNC. But in her mind, it wasn’t much of a choice at all. “I’m actually an NC State graduate,” she said. “I did graduate work at Duke and I worked there for over 15 years before I shifted to UNC, so I’m kind of a mixed bag. But I’m a State person at heart, so I just can’t bring myself to play for UNC. So when we do the Battle of the Blues, I’ve always chosen Duke.”
North State Journal for Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Replacing McCaffrey: Panthers look to survive with top running back out With its best player out 4-6 weeks, Carolina will try inexperienced Mike Davis as its featured back By Shawn Krest North State Journal THIS JUST IN: Despite the injury to Christian McCaffrey, the Carolina Panthers are going to keep playing games. The Panthers’ star running back went down late in the Week 2 loss to Tampa Bay that dropped Carolina to 0-2. On Monday, the medical report brought bad news: McCaffrey has a high ankle sprain and will miss four to six weeks. It’s the last thing the team needed. The Panthers had already seen much of the talent stripped from its roster in the offseason, and McCaffrey was one of the few bright spots left who could be considered the face of the franchise. Perhaps anticipating the sense of dread and frustration that could accompany the news, McCaffrey began his post-diagnosis comments with a pep talk for teammates and fans who might be listening — fans who, at least in small numbers, will be able to attend the next Panthers home game. Gov. Roy Cooper announced that teams can play to 7% capacity starting Oct. 2, two days before the Panthers host the Cardinals. “We’re 0-2 with 14 games left in the regular season,” he said. “The last thing I want this team to focus on is the negative. Football, especially in the NFL, can have a lot of factors that play into it that affect your mental, emotional and physical play. We’ve lost two games, not because we’re a bad team. That’s something that can get corrected, injury or not with me. This team has a lot of fight, a lot of resiliency. We have the right guys to pick it up from here. I’m excited about that.” In other words, McCaffrey wasn’t tanking before and doesn’t want to see the team give up now. “There’s a lot of noise that can be heard from outside,” he said. “I think it’s crucial not to listen to that stuff. Continue to focus on football and correct the mistakes.” That means different things for different people with the Panthers organization. For McCaffrey, it means focusing all of the energy he usually puts into preparing for a game into rehabbing his ankle. “I don’t believe in coincidences,” he said. “I think everything happens for a reason. Everything is perspective and attitude. You win or you learn. Right now is a learning experience for me. I’m going to stay strong, fight through it. They say 4-6 weeks. That’s a challenge to me. Hopefully, I can get back earlier than that. I’m going to attack this like I attack anything
“You play football to play, not to sit out.” Christian McCaffrey
else. Sitting here and feeling sorry — that doesn’t do any good.” Coach Matt Rhule wasn’t surprised by his star back’s attitude. “I’m sure he’s rehabbing right now,” Rhule said. “I know he’ll get back as soon as he can.” While McCaffrey is working hard in the training room, Rhule needs to find a way to get production on offense without McCaffrey, who has been responsible for a quarter of the yards and half the points for Carolina so far this year. Don’t expect to see any major changes. “Our offense is built,” he said. “It is what it is.” In other words, he’ll just plug in the next man — which for the time being is Mike Davis — and stick to the scheme. “We keep doing what we’re doing,” he said. “It’s the same.” Davis, by all accounts, is up to the challenge. “He’s going to do great,” McCaffrey said. “I already know it. He can do everything — run, catch, block. He’s had success not just with our team but in the past with other teams too. He’s been there before. He’s been a successful player in the NFL.” “We have high expectations for Mike,” quarterback Teddy Bridgewater agreed. “Mike’s a guy who’s done great things for us through training camp.” While he got a vote of confidence from his teammates, Davis hasn’t had many occasions to prove himself on the field. He’s started just 10 games since entering the league in 2015, never more than six in a year. On Sunday, he had eight catches for 74 yards against the Bucs, which is more than he’s had in three of his previous six NFL seasons. “Mike Davis is a starting tailback in the NFL,” Rhule said. “He got out there and was ready when his number was called. He’ll play well in Christian’s absence. He’s a big back who runs with power, runs good routes, has good hands and can block. When he went in there, we didn’t change what we did. I’m sure he’ll do the same thing next week.” And if he doesn’t? Then the high hopes and bright side that McCaffrey is preaching could darken considerably before he’s ready to return. “It sucks, to be 100% transparent,” McCaffrey said. “Any time you get an injury, it’s a horrible thing. You play football to play, not to sit out.”
Bailey Hockman, right, was the surprise starter at quarterback last week for NC State, but if the Wolfpack plays at Virginia Tech on Saturday, coach Dave Doeren left the door open for Devin Leary to play.
Wolfpack readies for Hokies, waits for green light on game The matchup between NC State and Virginia Tech has already been pushed back once, and Saturday’s rescheduled game isn’t yet guaranteed to happen By Brett Friedlander North State Journal NC STATE’S long-awaited football matchup against Virginia Tech, originally scheduled as a season opener on Sept. 12 but postponed because of a COVID-19 outbreak among the Wolfpack, is finally set to be played on Saturday. Maybe. While coach Dave Doeren’s team has recovered enough from its coronavirus trouble to have already played a game, outlasting Wake Forest 45-42 in a high-scoring shootout at Carter-Finley Stadium last week, the Hokies are still in the midst of a cluster of their own. “We will not have a full roster,” Tech coach Justin Fuente said ominously during a Zoom conference with the media on Monday. “I hope we are able to play.” Fuente’s concern isn’t hyperbole. The Hokies had so many players in quarantine either because of positive COVID-19 tests or contact tracing that their game against Virginia had to be postponed three days before it was supposed to be played. Tech has still yet to play a game in 2020. Its ability to answer the bell against the Wolfpack in Blacksburg on Saturday won’t be known until midweek when the results of the ACC’s mandatory coronavirus testing determines who and how many players will be available.
“I think we’re all living in a test-by-test world right now,” Fuente said. “So we’ll see as they come and hopefully everything works out fine. “I’m not trying to raise alarm. ... I’m just being honest with the situation we’re in. We’re trying to make it each day to see where it’s at and, hopefully, we’re on the right side of where this thing’s trending. I’m not positive one way or the other where we’re at. I’ll know a little bit more as the week goes on.” State’s Doeren knows all too well what Fuente is going through. Last month, his team was forced to halt all football activities for eight days because of an excessive number of affected players. Nearly a month later, with one game in the books, State still hasn’t completely recovered from the disruption. But even though he commiserates with his Hokies counterpart and understands the uncertainties that surround Saturday’s game, Doeren and his staff are going under the assumption that it will be played as scheduled and are plowing full-steam ahead with their preparations this week. “I think that’s just how life is right now with this,” Doeren said during his weekly video meeting with the media. “We’re going to plan like we are playing a game every week. As you’ve already seen from us, we had to move our original game with them back because of our situation. “We all know what the realities are of it, but you just go with what you have. Right now, we have a game that is on the schedule. Nobody has said that we are not playing it. We’re preparing to practice like we are. If things change, then we’ll change what we are doing.”
ECU from page B1
TAYLOR from page B1
That disparity, however, is something Houston said could work just as much in his team’s favor as against it. “I think there’s good and bad to both,” he said. “Certainly, a team with the youth that I have, you’re always going to improve from game one to game two after being able to get some game experience. So yes, I wish we had some game experience heading into this game. “At the same point, there’s still probably some unknown about us as far as UCF goes, where we have a little bit of confirmation on what we thought we were going to see because we saw them play. All in all, I wish we had played one by now, but it is what it is. I’m just glad to be playing on Saturday.” ECU might be young in terms of age, including 12 freshmen or redshirt freshmen on the opening week depth chart, but it also returns 86% of its rushing yards along with players that accounted for 303 of its 321 points a year ago. It also boasts one of the best quarterbacks in the AAC in junior Holton Ahlers, who threw for 3,387 yards and 21 touchdowns a year ago, along with preseason all-conference receiv-
Taylor has plenty of familiar faces around him as he continues his improbable Duke football career. His twin brother, John, is also on the team. While Will was a recruited scholarship player for the Blue Devils, John came as a walk-on and eventually worked his way up the depth chart. This season, he is the long snapper for Duke on both punts and kicks. “John’s done a tremendous job,” quarterback Chase Brice said. “He just got put on scholarship. We’re super stoked about that.” Why is the team’s new quarterback taking time to discuss the long snapper? Because Brice grew up with the Taylor twins in Gwinnett County, Georgia. All three were teammates at Grayson High. “We’ve been playing together since seventh or eighth grade,” Will Taylor said. “But T-ball goes back even farther than that. We’ve been on the same teams and in the same county all our lives. It’s tough to replicate that chemistry. I feel comfortable with him back there.” Taylor and his brother are a big part of the reason Brice is back there, behind the Duke line, this season. “When they had committed (to Duke) out of high school, I was super excited for them,” Brice said. “That was a school that I had in my mix before I committed else-
East Carolina coach Mike Houston starts his delayed second season in Greenville by hosting 13th-ranked UCF on Saturday. er C.J. Johnson, whose 54 catches went for 908 yards during his freshman season in 2019. Defense, however, continues to be a concern for the Pirates, especially against an opponent the quality of UCF. “It’s going to be a challenge,” Houston said. While the Pirates are on their own in trying to find a way to slow down the Knights’ high-powered, up-tempo attack, Houston has reached out to other coaches — including some in the AAC — to get advice
on how to best prepare for and manage game conditions with the restrictions necessitated by the coronavirus pandemic. “We’ve talked to several programs, (asking) about everything from game day operations to the sideline to just the feel of a stadium that’s not full to postgame. It’s so much different and there’s been some things that have popped up other places that hopefully we can learn from those experiences and avoid some of the things that have gone wrong in some places.”
State has already had to make its share of changes. Saturday against Wake Forest, junior Bailey Hockman was a surprise starter at quarterback after Doeren had spent the entire offseason hyping up his expected QB1, Devin Leary. The change was made because Leary wasn’t ready to play after being quarantined for 20 days during the preseason. The redshirt sophomore never actually caught the virus but because of ACC protocols had to be separated from his teammates because of contact tracing. Hockman performed well despite the trying circumstances. He completed his first 13 passes and, complemented by a ground game that churned out 270 yards, led the Wolfpack to a victory that broke its six-game losing streak dating back to last year. Doeren said that if the Virginia Tech game were to be played today, Hockman would be the starter again. But it’s scheduled for Saturday, leaving plenty of wiggle room in case Doeren decides to make a change now that Leary is back at practice working off the rust he gathered. “We’re going to get into the week and see how things go,” the Wolfpack coach said. “I think Devin deserves that opportunity to get better at practice and he will. We’ve got two good quarterbacks and we’ve got to keep getting them better. They both need to be ready to be our guy. I’m super happy with what Bailey did with his opportunity, and I’m looking forward to helping both of them this week to prepare. “We’re one injury/COVID test away from having a different player at every position. We need our quarterbacks to be elite, whether it’s Devin or whether it’s Bailey.”
where (to Clemson). When I decided and thought about transferring, I definitely texted them first just to see their thoughts on how they enjoy Duke, just kind of get some insight. When I came on my visit, I stayed with Will and John and went out to dinner with them, got to hang out with the offensive line. We had that connection and rekindled that friendship we already had.” Now that Brice is on campus, he’s leaned on the Taylors to help ease his transition. “It has helped,” he said, although he admits he doesn’t run into Will much outside of football. “We’re kind of on different sides of Duke, in a way. I’m in grad school. He’s got his own classes. We don’t really see each other a ton. When we’re here (in the football building), when we get a chance to eat together, it’s just like when we were back in high school, pregame meal before a Friday night game. We just kind of cut up. We like to check in on a lot of our friends to see how they’re doing, get back to how things used to be. It’s been great.” Get back to how things used to be, before Taylor was told he might not walk again and shouldn’t think about playing. It’s been a long, unlikely process. And there was only one way to make that trip: “For the past four years,” Taylor said, “I’ve just been going one bite at a time.”
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North State Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020
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I understand the seriousness of the virus an he crisis caused by China in perspective, zero millions of Americans needlessly being thrown out of work. In o and state and local governments, Americans have rldwide panic, economic collapse and in it” (Psalm 118:24). catastrophe one way or another. 3,341 related deaths has led to wo Some of these orders extend at least through the end of this month. thanks localThe or state governments, a majority of at Americans to take precautions, but with how people who sim mics traceout their source the United States over crisis has cost the U.S. taxpayer least $2.4 trillion in added worldw ce orcan stay-at-home fallen to into place. Iorders understand thetoseriousness of the virus and the the curve inI’m the uneasy novel coronavirus outbreak. The e being thrown of work. 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The amount of time models predicting hundreds ofcitizens thousands of cases at local levels should beknow as forthcom free mandated we do,elsewhere butthe along theand waystate I’ve also had questions about ty and safety as well asat supply andincome. delivery they find in adversaries and keep pushing until theyknow, winthat orLeaders the for nat bad thing? housands of cases Leaders the local and state levelslikely should be as forthcoming as they what they questions that will allow the economy to reopen. pushing until they win or the loan, he would make interest-only payments as dical proposals, like completely reflect on this messa concerts, family forback. national security and safety reasons as well supply delivery they find in adversaries and keep are reliable. canasbe with and those answers and again, not vague answers, the data. State Republican leaders have,—too. s.student loans and making adversaries push living in a free reliabi canisbe with those answers — and again, not vague answers, but concerns. answer what is the true coronavirus fatality rate?c the principal continued to mount. them subject AMERICA’S COLLEGES areFirst, rife with God’sback. example don’t and when That what reliability adversaries push gatherings, Unfortunately, when certain types of statements questions get asked, there is and AMERICA’S COLLEGES rife with To I’veUniversity gonebelievability. along with what theexogenous state society has asked and then with details that give their believability. way to make China “pay” for work. thisare disaster isdate, tostatements offer That is, unless an event happens such asThe the Chernobyl The Purdue is already experimenting with were ptcy protection, would certainly corruption. financial squeeze resulting ked and then with details that give their important because it determines whether certain nt happens such as the Chernobyl this difficult time. Th most direct way to make China “pay” for this disaster iscontinue to offer That is, ankeep exogenous ev they toshould corruption. Thesource financial squeeze resulting sometimes aoffers disturbing among some people to treat thoseour church services free citizens mandated that we do,can but along the The way I’ve also had questions about We all to do what weunless can to fam Many houses ofits worship time competing with theirtendency largleaders are still wrestling companies who will at least half of ISAs their meltdown inligious 1986. Some experts believe that event, nothope the Star Wars under “Back a Boiler” plan. The program is ders who put their own money on the line from COVID-19 opportunities for a U.S. ta questions about We should all continue to do what we to keep our families, be open or closed, whether we ought to pursue — believe that event, not the Star Wars confident we will em supposed from COVID-19 offers opportunities for a U.S. taxto credits to companies whosimply will source at Pastor least half ofour their meltdown instart 1986. Somealso experts Sponsored by know they questioning the data and asking when we can getting back counterparts. Christowith how fill the financial the data. Republican leaders have, too. ourselves, and communities safe. But we should stil theState state remain and many more Sponsored by nue the United States. There is approximately $120 program of Research Reagan, led directly to the void dissolution of thewhat Soviet Union Sponsored being funded byBut thewe Purdue Foundation, diligence lending to 18-yearbiter of remediation. Let’s first examine what living inby aUnion free ourselves, and ouracross communities safe. should also still continue more liberalized society that presumes wide sprea produc Sponsored by the dissolution of the Soviet In this same spirit bit ofbefore remediation. Let’s first examine what back in the States. There is though approximately $120 program of are Reagan, led directlystt pher Edmonston who leads the leftproduction from aa lack inUnited to giving do, last Ia re-there toisbe normal as they corruption, are conspiracy theorists or people who don’t. shuttered, Unfortunately, when certain types of questions get asked, to ask questions about thedown data, because while reasonable part of struggling thebecause university’s endowment. It’s smallof ers. Andthere the fear of students filing forcorruption, might the root of academic merican direct in plants and equipment in while 1989. after our own asked, isbeinvestment to of ask questions about the data, reasonable stay-at-home ought to lock further. might the root academic billion neighbors helping ne society were congregation at White Memoribillion worth of American direct investment in plants and equipment cession while also trying to naviin 1989. otherwise don’t care if they get themselves or others sick. with annualaby giving, now but is already showing positive results. ydirect would ensure loans are and suggested by the title of a recent study,seen checked. sometimes disturbing tendency among some people to treat those measures are understandable, they should also have an expir suggested byin the title ofsmall a is recent study, investment the U.S. about $65 program billion Perhaps COVID-19 is China’s Chernobyl. ehernobyl. to treat those that measures are understandable, they should also have an expiration date. We’ve case fatality rates — the number of temporary In Concord, a high in Chi al Presbyterian in Raleigh says gate how to best servedirect their comin the China. Chinese investment in the U.S. did is about $65 billion by Perhaps COVID-19 China’s Cd Since when questioning government at all levels become aisbad supposed Purdue’s website explains aand few of benefits of can “Academic Grievance Studies and the congregational and “Academic and to the simply questioning data asking when we start getting back This is all new to Americans, and it is not normal. Not in North State Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 starttalking getting backGrievance ThisStudies is all new Americans, andcare it isthe not normal. Not in any way, Senators inmunities Washington are already talking about the possibility the number of identified COVID-19 cases —compa but ba the PPP was a great help to them when restrictions forbid eady about the possibility money to buy aare 3-D sacrifices are society comparison. Senators inwere Washington alr thing? That is what freeThe citizens living in a free supposed ISAs: asoutreach hare a solution is politically unpopular. Corruption of Scholarship.” study was Corruption of Scholarship.” The study was to do, last Iform. as they worked to keep all their to normal though they areforgiving conspiracy theorists or are people who shape, or form. So while we should remain vigilant and stay morestay than a handful of people A6 people who shape, or Socommunity while weChina should remain vigilant and safe, at and the denominator are likely wrong. We don’t k ax credit of 30% on half of U.S. investment in of China $1.2 trillion in debt we owe them as one way to get debt we owe them as one way to get health care workers Anini An investment tax credit ofdone 30% on half of U.S. investment in China over. of China forgiving $1.2 trillion toby do, lastpaid I checked. The standard payment period for the Backin person. onsiderably thean number Areo, an opinion and analysis done by Areo, opinionofand analysis NCreduce film industry employees on time. “We areshouldn’t from the same time wemanufacturing shouldn’t get comfortable with this so-called “new otherwise don’t care ifisthey themselves or itothers sick. the same time we get comfortable with this so-call people have actually died of coronavirus. Some so yick. have caused the US. Don’t hold your on, applied tofor repatriated American China to get “pay” forgathering the damage they have caused the US. Don’t hold your checked. today, or $60 billion, applied to repatriated American manufacturing China to “pay” for the damage the today, digital magazine. By the way, Areo is short a Boiler-ISA Fund about 10 years, making ble to borrow college and would digital magazine. By the way, Areo is short My first concern as we go along in all this, of course, is my family. I’m cheers successes in large church with over 100 full John Butler, spokesman for aa bad s become a bad normal.” number has been overestimated, given that classifi Since when did questioning government at all levels become normal.” ee” to happen but ask your elected U.S. would cost the U.S. Treasury $18 billion in breath waiting for a Chinese “Jubilee” to happen but ask your elected Areopagitica, a speech delivered byElizabeth investment to the U.S. would cost thepart U.S.time Treasury billion inby virus, and breath waiting Ifor a Chinese “Jub competitive with most Federalthe Plus and private loan ionately for affect low-income students. It By Areopagitica, aemployees speech delivered worried about them$18 catching I’m worried will. Afterinvestm and so thisthe Baptist State Convention offor Lincicome challenging year ydisfavor werea supposed Notinone little bit. ofsays. death, particularly among elderlyhold patients, untable in tangible financial ways for thing? That whatrepresentatives free living ina asix-month free society were Not one little bit. John Milton in defense of free speech. over few years. $18 billion in lost revenue is to revenue hold China accountable in tangible financial ways terms. Inisaddition, all citizens studentsNorth receive students majoring soft but John Milton in defense of revenue free speech. tax spread over a fewsupposed years. billion in lost is(swine China acc was a$18 tremendous help,” hefor Carolina, which represents North State Journal taxcan rev suffering from the H1N1 virus flu) representatives during the 2009topandemic, Authors Pluckrose, A.we sources suggest the number is dramatically under —Helen Five new do, last I checked. grace period post-graduation before payments begin. says iplines. Authors Helen James A. Edmonston saysPluckrose, that while they pared to RALEIGH the $6 trillion+ MarshallJames Planto are now 4,400 he $6 decimal dustchurches, compared to the trillion+ Marshall Plan we areprecautions, now this disaster.around this disaster. I’ve been trying to take extra because all of this brings up decim Lindsay andhave Peter say has that productions been approved e, is my family. I’m Stacey Matthews also written under the Sister Toldjah many people are dying at home. to operate asthat responsible citizens of Once ain recipient makes successful for ed solutions can beBoghossian implemented — Lindsay and Boghossian say that aren’t currently considering any talked with pastors as early asown thisfamily. RALEIGH — The last six and My first concern as we go along inpayments all this, of is my Matthews has also written the Sist undertaking tocourse, save ourto economy, notPeter ofStacey defeated enemies as in the It isunder about timepseudonym they expect e are our own economy, not of defeated enemies as the It ispseudonym about time they are expected operate as I’m responsible citizens of way too many memories of a painful experience I’d prefer not to are repeat. under something has gone drastically wrong for North Carolina Film and ied I will. Afterpoliticaland is a regular contributor to RedState and Legal Insurrection. Even more importantly, we have no clue how m huge cutbacks the is church is going spring who were already consideraworried halfthe months ofthem social isolation prescribed term of the contract, no additional sation. acrimonious climate. something has gone drastically wrong past. the world like any other modern about catching the virus, and I’m worried I will. After and a regular contributor to RedState and Legal Insurrec the world like any other modern nation. But what also makes me lose sleep is how easily most everyone has Entertainment Grants and will in academia, especially within certain past. n into the final stretch of this year ing dissolving or merging with andue to the coronavirus has been 2009 pandemic, payments are required even if they have paid less actually have coronavirus. Some scientists sugges solution has been referred to as “skin in in academia, especially within certain China has been cheating, stealing, pirating and pillaging American suffering from the H1N1 virus (swine flu) during the 2009 pandemic, start production in humanities. the state by pillaging cheating, stealing, pirating and American fields within the They call Chin fully prepared to make the necesother church. “The virus just basi-fields hard on religious in- they than the amount of funding received. Such a policy would call Governor for institutions particularly within the humanities. They calltheycases could be an order of magnitude of this brings up of identified the end of October, business now for the past 30 years. They have made no secret that these fields “grievance studies,” where I’ve been trying to take extra precautions, because all of this brings up he past 30 years. They have made no secret that they sary changes if their fundraising cally exposed the tenuous nature stitutions, their leaders, and their busine Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion Both ISAs and skin in the game policies would hare the of every student these fields “grievance studies,” where and refer in not tocredit repeat. number of people who have had coronavirus and n Roy Cooperrisk announced last scholarship is not so much basedinupon to replace U.S. not as premier superpower in the world wayworld too many abenefits. painful experience I’situation, dthe prefer tofalls repeat. short.is of intend their financial thethe top it off, of hishe as premier superpower the andTomemories have many down-stream Both would put outU.S. a loan tothe attend institution. In tocongregations. scholarship not so much based upon intend week. Combined, ost everyone has finding truththe butthese upon attending replace the dollar as the reserve currency with their renminbi. Coffee and Music in “From 2020 forward same as hasand done with a everyone lot offinding torically the most stressful times But what also makes me lose sleep is ithow easily most has as the reserve currency with renminbi. pressure on universities to keep tuition low his means thatgrievances. universities would bescholars on truthMarch but upon attending to productions are projected totheir replac social Grievance on people and churches tend to be small businesses all over this state. and with the closing of much of
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Downtown Rocky Mount generate a direct administrators in-state spend some of the artificial pressure on demand for or some part ofstudents, student loan debt when social grievances. Grievance scholars bully and election otheroffset years, times of econom- The weaker you were at the begin- our campus, everything has been a of more than $107 million while higher education. They would also align universities’ efault. Such a policy would requireto action bully students, administrators and otherLike many Main Streets across departments into adhering theiric struggle, and times of social un- ning, the more likely that you’re guessing game,” Edmonston says. creating loans 8,671 job opportunities interests with thoseallofthree students. Universities would s since student disbursed bypromote therest or into adhering to their worldview. Theare worldview they is social mistrust, Jason the state, historic downtown Rocky He says the church is currently not going to survive,” Butler said indepartments including 650 well-paying crew be invested in student success,an not just increased ernment. worldview. The worldview they promote is neither scientific nor rigorous. Grievance EDITORIAL | STACEY MATTHEWS Mount continues to adjust events stable thanks to some incredibly interview this spring with The of which are currently happening positions for the state’s highly studies consist of disciplineslocally. such as THEWS would&probably ther solution can be implemented neither scientific nor rigorous. Grievancefor the COVID-19 EDITORIAL generous supporters but that what Observer.begin acrossenrollment. the nation. Some Add inuniversities a health News pandemic. This | STAC skilled film professionals. sociology, anthropology, gender studies, offer better guidance to students when theysmall choose of institutions are alreadyisgiving consist disciplines such as is difficult toofknow is the impact Along with businesses,studies crisis to and as one local pastor puts “USS Christmas” a made-it a Friday, gather for some good news, COLUMN | REP. RICHARD HUDSON queer studies, sexuality criticalit,race choose and loans. Paycheck Protectionsociology, e Share Agreements (ISAs). ISAs anthropology, gender studies, the pandemic will have on yeartheoutfederal “wemajors, have a table set classes for people totake for-television movie about aandare the first anniversary of a locally studies. These innovative solutions will do what “Free l agreements in which students receive struggle.” and critical newspaper reporter who finds endstudies, giving. sexuality Most churches expe- race owned small business. “We are Program in all its iterations hasqueer In 2017 andfor 2018, authors love on an aircraft carrier. The Pluckrose, College” make and universities funding in exchange a predetermined rience their greatest funding for some relief to local church-studies. Earlier this cannot: year, State ofstudents the offered honored to still be here serving this Lindsay and started Plate behave production willBoghossian film in the greater their budgets during the final 10 es, but funds in the and CapinCrouse more wiselyreleased and act together towards theprogram have In post-graduation income over a certain 2017 and 2018, authors Pluckrose, wonderful community — through submitting bogus papersatopollsame Wilmington andacademic is eligible weeksand of the year. “This year we are been limited wise and small church-Lindsay of U.S. churches in is which goal. That goal to create educated, years. The percentarea of income and to number Boghossian started the pandemic and all,” the owners academic journals in cultural, queer, grant rebate up to $1.1 es with withsmart less sophisticated book-submitting bogus academic papers to of Larema Coffee House said in roughly reportedgraduates. a drop inOnly and65% productive policies n changereceive basedaupon a student’s major and race, gender, fat and sexuality studies million. have donations. Six months later, success re- keeping See CHURCHES, B6 that incentivize student can wemay ensure thathad a hardacademic tential. to determine journals inpage cultural, queer, a Facebook post. Join them for a if they would pass peer Another made-for-television colleges truly provide value for students, parents, a good deal for students because they race, gender, fat and sexuality studies funTHE night of live jazz, food trucks, “THIS IS DAY the lord has made, let usthe r seriousness of“A the virus and the movie, Nashville Christmas review and be accepted for need publication. WITH MOST STATES under either shelter-in-place or stay-at-home fallen into place. I understand taxpayers and society. ky thanhow loans. Imagine asimply student who that to determine if they would pass peer goods from local makers and, of Carol” will film the greater Acceptance ofindubious research in it” (Psalm 118:24). y with people who ask orders thanks to local or statereview governments, a majority of Americans to take precautions, but I’m unea TATES journal under editors either shelter-in-place or stay-at-home fallen into place. I understand the seriousness of and the be virus and the accepted for need publication. area. Like the Charles course, plenty of coffee drinks. time ofWIT found sympathetic to their I know that during this challenging n thingsCharlotte can start getting back to are having to adjust to what is being called the “new normal.” questions about the data, and soc wh Acceptance of dubious research that Dickens classic, or “A Christmas cal or state governments, a majority of Americans to take precautions, but I’m uneasy with how people who simply ask Larema Coffee House opened intersectional postmodern leftist vision orders working from home or losing a job, it may be diffi with contempt. Some of these orders extend at least through the end of this month. normal are treated in some circle Carol”, this movie tells the story of editors sympathetic to their in September 2019 with a of the world would prove the problem of sta society to what is being called thewithout “new normal.” questions about the data, and when thingsjournal can start getting back to be to man” hadfound hired an attorney are glad” as the Bible tells us to do. as However, asha aasC accept a simply busy filmmust director and producer Virginia’s stay-at-home ordersintersectional go intoand June. They’re treated though we or postmodern leftist vision low academic standards. community-driven model. The evaluate potential legal recourse. ders extend at least through the end of this month. normal are treated in some circles with contempt. Som and dad, the Easter holiday has reminded me of s us about when it’s safe to begin the who is visited by the Ghosts Here in North Carolina, Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper stated question the government telj Several of the fake research papers of the world would prove thenot problem of name itself meanswhat “my friend” in It has said the video did de- during home go into June. They’re treated as though we as a society simply must accept without of Country music past and have to be thankful and hopeful for, even in the m alcy. Virgin EFForders TARTE, FORMER NC STATE SENATOR were accepted for publication. The Fat a recent coronavirus press briefing thatthe “we just don’t know yet” process ofand returning lowscribe academic standards. Uganda, the shopback to norm vehicle as moving un- if thenorthern present. The has been arolina, Democratic Gov. Roy stated during question what the government tells us about when it’s safe to begin the Lenten and pandemic. us, and we have journal theproduction right to ask those Studies published aCooper hoax paper Several of the fake research hosts an ongoing Affair stay-at-home orders will extend May. No. TheUnity government worksHer for der its into own propulsion and papers that Since when did state’s back approved for a grant rebate up to that argued the term bodybuilding was yet” if the us press briefing “we process of returning normalcy. For me, outdoor my faith is an important part ofstay-atda home orders are inthat place alljust overdon’t the know Easter seasons accepted for publication. The event series thatthe spotlights amy recen company does have working If he doesto decide to extend were it, the questions should be asked as toFat the questions. And longer $1,125,000. questioning and should be replaced e orders extend into May. No. The government works for us, and we have the right to ask those making. As I celebrated Easter with my family, hem get exclusionary inwill states, such as Michigan, other Nash County small business Studies journal published a hoax paper trucks. “Parkside” is a feature-length justification for it. And the answers should notabe vague ones like “we country, andwhen the stricter some ofI state’s provide Since did with “fat bodybuilding, as abe fat-inclusive owners. So it’s fitting that for its government Under the partnership anthat argued the term bodybuilding was Corinthians 1:4, which reminds us our Lord “com eeling isolated and/or anxious film that is a relaunch of a about e to extend it, questions should asked as to the questions. Andmust the longer stay-at-home orders are in place all over the do this out of an abundance of caution.” the more people, sitting at home If hef message ofGM, the Depoliticized performance.” One reviewer questioning with classic franchise withdemand anot modern ownthat One Year Anniversary &back Unity andas should bethis replaced affliction, so we may becan able to comfort those ng forthe their families, will And answers should bereading vague ones like “we at allcountry, and the stricter some get exclusionary in states, such Michigan, levels It will need to of be them explained innounced detailhope to the people of state who when they get to provid justific said, “I thoroughly enjoyed this that we will twist. Filming at the EUE/Screen troit-based automaker would take Celebration, Larema will bring with “fat as a fat-inclusive affliction, with the comfort which we ourselves ar government an abundance ofbelieve caution.” the more people, at home feeling isolated and/or anxious about aresitting being told to remain jobless and atbodybuilding, home for an undetermined answers. article and it has an important become a Gems Studios in Wilmington, this an 11% ownership stake in Nikotogether fellow movers and shakers must d once again enjoy politicized performance.” One reviewer God.” vels should be as forthcoming as they contribution to to make to this The Associated amount why models predicting hundreds of thousands cases Leaders the local and state e explained insenator, detail thefor people ofand this state whoPress they can get back totime providing for their will demand production is approved athe filmfield lafamilies, and would engineer and buildof was offof nearly 5%. atpower allatlevels It wle from the public community in place. Elderly persons with GM underlying conditions said, “I thoroughly enjoyed reading thisare bad when thing? ORMER state I have been asked sporting events, If you celebrating the Easter season, I—urge again, not vague answers, but answer journal.” and entertainment grant rebate are reliable. can be with those answers and emain jobless and at home for an undetermined answers. Nikola’s Badger hydrogen fuel cell A report from Hindenburg Reof Rocky Mount, including arethat be would be monitored by health teams for some time, article and believe it has an important s what I up would do regarding stay-at-Solidarity become a local “Our Struggle Is Mythe Struggle: That isLeaders what reflect on this message and be comforted, so ents believability. to $7 million. concerts, family and electric pickup truck. GM said search from Sept. 10 said Nikola’s FRANKFURT, Germany — To date, I’ve gone along with what the state has asked and then with details that give their statem hy models predicting hundreds of thousands of cases at the local and state levels should be as forthcoming as they food trucks, beer, open mic leveraging telemedicine and virtual hospitals. contribution to make to the field and this r in North Carolina. The current SAH amoun Feminism Intersectional Reply to “Delilah” is aan new series from example andWe comfort allallthose in need arou at we can to keep as our families, in statement Monday thatGod’s “we about success was “an fraud” Shares in electric and hydrobad thing? free citizens mandated that we but along thea way I’ve also hadanswer questions should continue to do w gatherings, performers, and vendors. can be withsystem those answers —intricate anddo, again, not vague answers, but Led by our major health leaders and journal.” res on April 29.Bros.and Neoliberal Choice Warner Television forFeminism,” was are rel acknowledge Trevor Milton’s debased on “an ocean of lies” ingen-powered truck startup Niko- and this difficult time. Through faith and by helping o fe. But we should also still continue the data. State Republican leaders have, too. ourselves, and our communities s To keep revelers safe, the church services the North Carolina Hospital Association, I would “Our Struggle Is Myand Struggle: Solidarity te senator recently are highly going to la living in adetails free Thatout is of what OWN about asaid headstrong, e along with what thewe state has asked then with givea their statements believability. accepted for publication by Affilia, aand To d parture from Nikola the decicluding video showing a truck plunged on Monday after the that confident we will emerge this pandemic str ecause while reasonable stay-at-home celebration willquestions be held outside, Unfortunately, when certain types of questions get asked, there is to ask about the data, b principled lawyer in Charlotte have a master plan with primary suppliers and a Feminism as an Intersectional Reply to ow four things: who is sick, who is not, feminist journal for social workers. The many more but along the an way I’ve also date. had questions about We shouldrolling all continue to to do give whatthe weimcan to keep our families, society were sion ofand the Nikola board to move downhill company’s founder resigned amid free citizens manda this same spirit, I continue to beand inspired by ydo, should alsowho have expiration right across the street. Masks who left a demanding white-shoe sometimes acruising disturbing tendency amongand some people to treatInthose measures are understandable, the paper consisted in of aPublic rewritten backupofplan for— manufacturers in N.C. to re-purpose Neoliberal Choice Feminism,” was een sick and has not. Ipart agree. forward.” pression it was on a highallegations fraud just two publican leaders have, too. ourselves, and our communities safe. But we should also still continue after our own the da supposed neighbors helping neighbors. d it is not normal. Not in any way, law firm a decade ago and hung social distancing are required, and living a free passage from Mein Kampf. Two other simply questioning the data and askingsaid when we can start getting to produce ventilators and PPE necessary accepted for publication Affilia, This is allin new to Americans, a erts are coalescing around benchmarks toweeksfacilities it would go by ahead and a back way, and stenciling thebecause words “hyafter issigning ato$2 billion when certain types ofso questions asked, there ask questions about the data, while GM reasonable stay-at-home her own shingle she could at get temporary will besenior available Unf In Concord, high school named d remain vigilant and stay safe, papers were published, including to takewith careto ofdo, ourlast own demands. ongoing needs journal for social workers. The ore rules hoax ease: sustained reductions in new I toAn normal as though they of areafeminist conspiracy theorists or are people who hand asanitizer shape, or form. So while weTanne shoul close the agreed transaction “to drogen electric” on the side partnership General Motors. society were make raising her children her top rbing tendency among some people to treat those measures are understandable, they should also have an expiration date. throughout the event. See the full “Rape Culture and Queer Performativity money to buy a 3-D printer and plastic to make fa mfortable with this so-called “new somet sacrifices are would evaluate re-purposing of paper part of a rewritten deaths, widespread testing, ample hospital Theassessment seizeconsisted the growth opportunities that was actually company checked. said late Sun- thevehicle otherwise don’t care ifpowered they get themselves orin others sick. the same time we shouldn’t get co priority. Filming in and around lineup for the free celebration at at Urban Dog Parks.” This subject supposed gndthe and asking when we paper’s can and start getting back This is all new to Americans, and it is not normal. Not in any way, health care workers out of his own home. hotels, empty warehouses and university dorms passage from Mein Kampf. Two other thedata ability to monitor new patients in broader markets” with its fuel simply day that Trevor Milton resigned. by natural Sincegas. when did questioning government normal.” over. at all levels become a badfacebook.com/LaremaCoffee. Charlotte, the series is eligible for dog rape was dog-on-dog rape. But the gh they are conspiracy people who executive shape, or form. So while we should remain vigilant and stay safe, atand as emergency field hospitals in conjunction with hoax papers were published, including cell andin battery systems, conHindenburg said it had taken contacts. departing chairdo,little lastbit. I to nor a grant rebate up totheorists $5,406,624.or areThe thing? That is what free citizens living a free society were supposed Nottoone eventually forcedshould Boghossian, firmed it would thePerformativity Badger. a we short position in Nikola stock,“Rape man deployment said he would defend himstrategies for health professionals. Culture andbuild Queer re reasonable data points serve if theypaper get themselves or others sick. the same time shouldn’t get comfortable with this so-called “new Finally, the secondthat season of otherw tocare do, last I checked. Pluckrose and Lindsay to prematurely out checked. In exchange forThis the paper’s 10-yearsubject which means it could profit if theat Urban self against accusations that the primary Virtual hospitals and direct care options Dog Parks.” ation make decisions to keep “Hightown” will continue story undertothe pseudonym Sister Toldjah questioning government atthe alleveryone levels become a bad normal.” My first concern as we go along in all this, of course, is my family. I’m Stacey Matthews has also written Sinc themselves. A Wall Street Journal writer GM wasrape. to get stockevery goes health down. company made false claims about of aLegal woman’s journey to sobriety would be made available through wasdeal, dog-on-dog But$2 thebillion dog rape not going back to fullin normal any time dState and Insurrection. tefree citizens living a free society were supposed Not one little bit. had figured out what they were doing. worried about them catching the virus, and I’m worried I will. After and is a regular contributor to Re thing? worth of Nikola’s newly issued Nikola said it contacted the Se-paper its vehicles, allegations that is overshadowed by atomorrow. murder system. Ongoing Nikola testingrewould be implemented. eventually forced Boghossian, re not reopening everything We Some papers accepted for publication d. suffering from the H1N1 virus (swine flu) during the 2009 pandemic, common stock that will come in curities and Exchange Commisjects. which she feels convinced she to do, Rigorous statewide antibody testing would be Pluckrose and Lindsay to prematurely out care of our most vulnerable citizens, and in academic journals must solve.in Season 2 of advocated the three increments through 2025. istrying looking HindenMilton said I’m in a message to Matthews Ni- sion, I’vewhich been tointo take extrathe precautions, all of this brings as we go along all this, ofnow. course,training is my family. Stacey has also written under pseudonym Sister Toldjah My implemented once available. Abecause Wall Street Journal writerup egin to reopen our businesses, men like dogs andLionsgate punishing whitekola maleemployees that he was step- burg’s allegations. News reportsthemselves. STARZ series from The deal gives GM another reveway too many memories of a painful experience I’ d prefer not to repeat. m catching the virus, and I’m worried I will. After and is a regular contributor to RedState and Legal Insurrection. In conjunction with other regional governors had figured out what they were doing. lowing acollege couple of data models — Fuller, worrie students for historical slavery by Television and Jerry Bruckheimer nue stream its hydrogen fuel has said the U.S. Departping aside because “the focus have But alsoJustice makes me lose Some sleep is howfor easily most H1N1 virus (swine flu) during the 2009 pandemic, and cooperation with the White House,what I would papers accepted foreveryone publication d the CDC. The models asking them sitproject in in silence oncases the should floor in sufferi Television, will to also film theN.C. cell, battery and electric vehicle be on the company and its ment is investigating as well. receives a fair of items such advocated training tween April 20during and May 5.because chains class and tohas beall expected take extra precautions, ofworld-changing thistoensure brings N.C. upmission, greater Wilmington area and I’ve be research, journals positioning the comIn a prepared statement, Niko-in academic not me.”allocation from based national ensure we likeasdogs and punishing fromI the discomfort. papers do the following: would not extend been approved for a grant rebate mories oflearn a painful experience I’Other d prefer notastoventilators repeat. pany a supplier to otherswhite who male la saidtothe Hindenburg report wasmen Shares in the company in stores way to morbid obesity as a healthy life ofApril up to $12 million. can Arizona, address any There with would be a rder 29 without compelling wantstudents to enter for the historical market. 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Founder of GM electric truck partner quits What wouldamid you allegations do?
North State Journal for Wednesday, September 23, 2020
ncdot CASH REPORT For the week ending 9/18 Total Cash & Bond Proceeds:
GM from page B5 helps to defray some of the huge capital costs of developing the new technology. GM CEO Mary Barra said last week that GM has worked with a lot of partners before and a “very, very capable team has done the appropriate dilligence” on the Nikola deal. Guidehouse Insights Principal Analyst Sam Abuelsamid said he
doubts that GM’s pursuit of partners led it to overlook potential shortcomings at Nikola. Auto companies, he said, often unveil concept vehicles that aren’t powered by the system they’re showing off, he said. For example, the first versions of GM’s Chevrolet Volt plug-in hybrid were powered by a golf cart motor, not a battery electric powertrain with a gas engine that takes over when the batteries are
depleted. “The things that Nikola is being accused of are things that automakers do all the time,” Abuelsamid said. News of the GM-Nikola deal on Sept. 8 sent shares of both companies surging despite a broader market downturn. GM has been under pressure from Wall Street to more quickly exploit its electric vehicle technology, while the GM deal gave the startup added credibility, according to analysts.
Under the deal, Nikola will be responsible for the sales and marketing of the Badger, built on GM’s new battery electric truck underpinnings and using GM fuel cell and battery technology. GM also will supply batteries for other Nikola vehicles including heavy trucks. Nikola said that former GM Vice Chairman Stephen Girsky, a member of the board, would replace Milton.
$1,073,714,969 Add Receipts:
$90,894,013 Less Disbursements:
$122,038,547 Reserved Cash:
$493,670,332 Unreserved Cash Balance Total:
US homes sales rise 2.4% in August Silver Spring, Md. Sales of existing homes rose 2.4% in August to its highest level since 2006 as the housing market recovers from a widespread shutdown brought on by the coronavirus outbreak. The National Association of Realtors said Tuesday that sales rose to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 6 million homes sold last month. Sales are up 10.5% from a year ago It’s the third straight gain for sales of existing homes following big, consecutive declines in March, April and May. The median price for an existing singlefamily home reached $315,000 in August, up 11.7% from August 2019. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
Powell: Many small companies can borrow without Main Street Washington, D.C. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell says that many mid-size U.S. businesses are now able to borrow from banks, suggesting that the need for a Fed lending program that was designed to serve struggling mediumsize companies has waned. In remarks prepared for delivery Tuesday to the House Financial Services Committee, Powell said there are 230 loans, accounting for a total of about $2 billion, that have been provided or are in the pipeline under the Fed’s Main Street Lending Program. The Fed chair has said that Main Street was intended to help companies that were too large for the Paycheck Protection Program, which provided forgivable loans to small companies, and too small for the Fed’s corporate bond purchases, which are intended for businesses large enough to issue their own bonds. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
Views of economy stabilize as election nears The Associated Press WASHINGTON, D.C. — Most Americans view the nation’s economic situation as bleak, but a rising percentage also see signs of stability six weeks before Election Day — if not reasons for optimism. According to a new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, 60% of Americans describe the national economy as poor and 40% deem it good. That’s a rebound in confidence from low points in April and May, when just 29% called the economy good as the coronavirus pandemic took hold of the country. About 4 in 10 Americans — 43% — say they expect the economy to improve in the next year, about the same as in July. But just 28% said they expect things to get even worse, a slight improvement from the 35% who said so in July and a significant improvement from May, when 40% expected things to continue getting worse. This month, 27% expect no change in economic conditions in the next year. That relative hopefulness may say more about the nation’s politics than the underlying health of the world’s largest economy. President Donald Trump is seeking reelection against Democrat Joe Biden with stock market gains as a rallying cry. The unemployment rate has improved, but remains high at 8.4%, and lawmakers have failed to agree on additional aid for Americans suffering financially due to the
CHURCHES from page B5 hopeful, but it is anyone’s guess. I am very often in prayer about this.” North Carolina is currently stuck in a Phase 2.5 posing many challenges to institutions that rely on in person gathering. This fall, White Memorial is offering most of its ministries virtually by way of Zoom. For families who are unable to tune in live for Sunday School the church is sending out a pre-recorded portion of each class as well as any extra activities after class, which often includes recipes kids can make at home. Some of WMPC’s in-person programs are being held outside or consist of much smaller groups. “A large church like ours quickly exceeds the attendance limits which have been set by NCDHHS,” says Edmonston. “Our youth groups will have some campfire-type meetings and we are trying to work with partners like Alcoholic Anonymous to discover how we can support them.” Edmonston points to the fact that one of the biggest challenges to running everything onsite is that it is difficult to find volunteers because so many of their volunteers are older adults, a more at-risk population. In addition, he fears folks will eventually grow weary of virtual only engagement. WMPC
pandemic. Meanwhile, the continued toll from the virus — including the loss of schooling and revenue shortfalls for state and local governments — threatens the prospect for a wider recovery. The poll found that 67% of Republicans call the economy good, compared with 16% of Democrats. Republicans are significantly more likely to expect the economy to get better than worse in the next year, 64% to 14%. Among Democrats, 39% expect things to get worse and 28% expect them to get better, while 32% expect no change. “It’s kind of just in a neutral gear,” said Gary Cameron, 65, a
had been live-streaming worship virtually for about seven years prior to the start of the pandemic so its members had some familiarity with connecting this way. The biggest change is the movement of Bible studies, spiritual growth, and Christian education offerings online. Over the last six months some members have embraced this new normal inviting friends and family from other parts of the country to join the services as well. “In some ways our impact is as large as ever and attendance virtually has been encouraging, but I do think people are becoming tired of virtual-only offerings, which creates other challenges to navigate,” he says. Another problem churches are encountering is figuring out how to increase pastoral care and pray with people during unprecedented times when person to person contact with at risk groups like the sick and elderly is strictly prohibited. Leaders point out that most care is taking place over the phone. Pastors cannot currently visit hospitals or most adult care facilities. “The needs since March have been overwhelming…we have done more pastoral care and more praying with people than we ever have before,” Edmonston says. “Older adults are isolated and alone; families are stretched and stressed by economic pressure and chang-
retiree and Trump supporter from Midwest City, Oklahoma. “I do expect after the pandemic is over, it will probably go back to where it was, maybe better.” But Cameron believes that the world’s largest economy would be hurt by a Biden presidency, saying he does not believe the country suffers from systemic racism and that addressing the demands of civil rights protesters would come at the expense of institutions that drive growth. “The people the Democratic Party have gotten into bed with do not love America,” Cameron said. “I think it would do damage to the country.” The poll finds that half of Amer-
“This year we are hopeful, but it is anyone’s guess. I am very often in prayer about this.” Pastor Christopher Edmonston, White Memorial Presbyterian Church
es around virtual schooling; people have lost jobs; we are hearing of levels of stress on marriages we don’t often see. So, there is a lot of anxiety and pain in our world right now.” The big question on many pastors’ minds is ‘will the people come back to the church after we have taught them how to use the online tools and they have become used to church services at home?’ We don’t know the answer to that. And we won’t know if people have gone elsewhere for quite some time,” Edmonston states. Indeed, there are some groups around the Triangle who have stepped up to fill the void left the loss of religious activities. For example, at St. David’s School in Raleigh a group of parents have organized an adults only
Our primary focus is the preservation and growth of investment capital. We employ a highly-selective approach vetted by in-house research. Our
icans approve of how Trump is handling the economy, which remains his strongest issue. By comparison, 43% approve of how he’s handling his job overall. Eightynine percent of Republicans and 15% of Democrats approve of Trump’s handling of the economy. About two-thirds of Americans — 65% — say their own personal finances are good. That number has remained largely steady since before the pandemic began. Seventy-eight percent of Republicans and 58% of Democrats say their personal finances are good. Americans are also more likely to expect their personal finances to get better than worse, 38% to 13%, with 48% expecting no change. The poll shows 22% of Americans who say they or someone in their household lost a job as a result of the pandemic say the job has returned. Thirty-five percent expect the job to come back, but 44% expect it won’t. Ryan Wilson, 37, said that half of the workers at the seafood warehouse where he’s a supervisor were furloughed when the pandemic started — and not all have returned to their jobs. A resident of Altamonte Springs, Florida, he said his concern is that the economic troubles are worsening drug addiction and domestic violence. “People are really suffering,” he said. “They’re facing levels of depression, anxiety and distress — and not just financially. They turn to something to escape the daily pressures of life and that’s ravaging across American right now.”
bible study book club called “Side by Side.” The small groups meet outdoors once a week at someone’s house and discuss the challenges involved with life these days. Another thing to ponder: will people even be willing to crowd back into sanctuaries and family life centers right away, even after the governor and state health officials say it’s OK. “You’re so far into changing people’s habits at this point that getting back to where people have a comfort level with being in the pew at a large, mass gathering is going to take a long time,” Butler said. Yet many local church officials remain upbeat and positive and focused on what they are able to offer the community versus what they are not able to offer. “COVID has been very difficult for every organization and business. However, the mission of the church has not and will not change,” says Anne Thompson, Director of Finance and Administration at Holy Trinity Anglican Church in downtown Raleigh. “In fact, the necessity to talk about the good news about Jesus Christ becomes even more evident during difficult times such as these. We embrace the opportunity to proclaim this good news virtually and in person, to care for our neighbors, and to serve our city despite our current circumstances.”
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North State Journal for Wednesday, September 23, 2020
lexus LC 500 coupe
A luxurious cocoon for these tumultuous times By Jordan Golson North State Journal BOSTON — 2020 continues to be a complicated year. Whether it‘s hurricanes or coronavirus or kids home from school or your spouse working from home, we all need an escape from time to time. I like to just get in my car and drive for a few hours, enjoying the scenery and heading off to nowhere in particular. Perhaps a favorite far-off lobster joint in Maine or the Green Mountains of Vermont. Or, as I did with my Lexus LC 500 test car this week, to JFK airport in New York City. OK, the airport isn‘t exactly the most fun place to go at the best of times, but it did give me four hours behind the wheel of one of my favorite highway cruisers of all time: the Lexus LC 500. When this car was unveiled at the 2016 Detroit Auto Show, my jaw dropped. It‘s a stunning piece of design that keeps entirely too much of the concept car on which it‘s based — and that‘s a good thing. Most cars going from concept to reality lose the stuff that makes them special. Not so with the LC. The taillights are outrageous, with severe angles and razor-sharp LED light packages. The 21-inch forged alloy wheels on my tester were mind-boggling massive. And that color — my test
car was dropped off in Flare Yellow, which is yellower than the yellowest thing ever in the best possible way. Walk up to the LC and you know there‘s something special here. The rear end has pleasing Ashley Graham-esque proportions, complete with a trunk that can easily haul all your golf bags or a full road-trip‘s worth of luggage. The self-presenting door handles pop out when you unlock the doors with the key, or with a slight push on the front of the handle and then lock the car again and recede if you push on the rear. Elegant. The elegance continues inside, with some of the most pleasing leather and stitching you‘ll find this side of a Rolls-Royce. On the lengthy options list on my test car was the $5,960 Performance Package that includes, among other things, Alcantara sport seats with 8-way power adjust, a wonderful-to-stroke Alcantara headliner, and a carbon fiber roof. That last bit means there‘s no sunroof, but no matter. The car itself is bright enough. The performance package also includes active rear steering, which means the rear wheels can turn slightly and make this car drive much smaller than it is. The LC is massive, but it doesn‘t feel that way thanks to this particular feature. It‘s a must have, for me. The engine is worth addition-
al praise, too. I‘ve always been a fan of Lexus‘ amazing engines and this is no different. The LC 500 has a 5.0-liter naturally aspirated V8 making an easy 471 horsepower. This car wants to run and run, and the slightest touch on the throttle at highway speeds will have you cruising well over 90 mph before you can say „Sorry, Officer.“ In fact, the car is happiest between 85 and 90 mph, and I found it a bit hard to keep the speeds down. Perhaps that‘s what the adaptive cruise control is for. On every highway drive I did, I was a little nervous about the police simply because of the Flare Yellow paint job that screams HELLO SPORTS CAR HERE PLEASE PULL ME OVER. The ten-speed automatic transmission is nearly invisible, except when you stomp on the gas at a green light and hear the quiet V8 rumble turn into an insistent roar as you move up the rev range. Too many Lexus vehicles are quiet and reserved, but the LC will — if you hammer it hard enough — reward you with one of the best engine notes around. All this soft-touch Alcantara and carbon fiber and engine noise doesn‘t come cheap, of course. My tester started at $92,950 and rose to $106,440 with all the options fitted, but, between the amazing look (which got constant thumbs up from folks all week long), the endless power from the big V8, the surprisingly competent handling from the rear-wheel steering, and the lovely interior (except the crap trackpad to control the infotainment), it‘s worth every penny. You can‘t put a price on sanity and privacy and the smile that a roaring V8 puts on your face. This car provides all of it. So, ok, maybe you can put a price on those things. $106,000.
North State Journal for Wednesday, September 23, 2020
features Food trucks facing loss of foot traffic, find new ways to reach customers By Elizabeth Lincicome North State Journal THE FOOD TRUCK scene in and around the Triangle area has seen an explosion in popularity over the course of the past several years. Offering everything from barbeque, to lobster rolls, to Italian meatballs and even homemade falafel – there is no shortage of options to choose from. Unfortunately, like much of the restaurant industry, this vibrant sector of our local economy has taken a terrible hit due to COVID-19 restrictions. Since Governor Cooper first issued the stay-at-home mandates in March, many food trucks like brick-and-mortar restaurants been forced to adapt and, in some cases, completely gone out of business. What used to be a built-in
customer base consisting of downtown office workers, concert and festival goes, and late-night bar goers has all but dried up. “When COVID first hit, we as a food truck didn’t have any restrictions, but the places we served like offices and bars had restrictions or were closed, so that is how it has impacted us,” says Christian Thompson, owner of Pork in the Road. He started his business just over three years ago, which also offers catering and is centered around a pork-inspired menu highlighting the fact that North Carolina is the second highest pork-producing state in the nation. Pork in the Road offers a few pork substitutes for kosher and vegetarian customers, but Thompson says, bacon and all of the other wonderful parts of the pig find
their way into most every recipe. Thompson says he didn’t have to lay off any employees but that he did have to cut back on the amount of workers he partnered with in his catering business because the events were postponed or canceled. He says that within the first two weeks of the original executive order, he lost $17,000 off event cancellations. “We were slated to do several summer weddings, some rehearsal dinners, and even a bar mitzvah this coming summer but everything was cancelled, which was pretty devastating.” As food trucks hunt for customers that used to flock to them, they’re relying more on social media and word of mouth to advertise their locations and seek out a captive audience happy for a chance to sample new kinds of cuisine. Getting’ Sauced in the City owner Patrick Gilliam and his wife Christina started their Italian food truck business in November 2017 after a combined 47 years in retail. Patrick is an ex-marine and says the couple made the decision to follow their dreams when they opened their restaurant on wheels. Over the last six months since the virus took hold, Sauced in the City has been updating their website with its various locations, which includes breweries like Fortnight Brewing in Cary, the Bearded Bee in Wendell, and Mason Jar Lager
Company in Fuquay-Varina. Gilliam’s overall revenue is down about 80% since before the pandemic, with the most recent month down around 67%. He says Homeowners Associations have been their lifeline over the last 6 months, as well as some catering on the side. “HOA’s have been our saving grace. When we first started going out to them back in April – people were not allowed to go out to eat anywhere so we would go setup at these HOA’s for a few hours and we could do $1k-$3k dollars in a shift.” Food trucks heading to neighborhoods are focusing more on dinner and kid-friendly options as a change of pace. Gilliam says there is more work involved these days in order to make ends meet. “You just have to be willing to travel to make some of the money right now,” Gillam points out, citing an upcoming wedding on the coast he is planning to cater. Other food truck operators have chosen an alternative strategy and instead of jumping from location to location are parked in a permanent spot where customers know they can count on them being there. Rob Henson, who run BBQ Proper, has been parked outside of the Earp’s Seafood Market in downtown Raleigh since early March. He already had business
ties to the market so it made sense that he would use their location for his business. He says this year sales are down 40-50% due to COVID and he is doing about $2500/week now. In a normal year BBQ Proper would be at breweries, festivals, rodeos, swimming pools, corn mazes, apartment complexes and parties. “When all the festivals got canceled, we came here,” he says referring to Earp’s. “I don’t even take my truck out anymore. It saves money on fuel and tires.” Henson has ramped up his online offerings to include daily specials and also tapped into websites such as Streetfoodfinder.com and Foodtruck.pub For now, the industry is learning to adapt. Thompson took over the lease at a Durham-based commissary kitchen where he leases space out to three or four other tenants who all have ties to the food industry. He shares the satellite kitchen with a few caterers and an entrepreneur specializing in farm to table at home meal kits. Gilliam has parked his truck outside liquor stores and gas stations, something he says he never thought he would do. “Liquor sales have been up 51% in the U.S. since the pandemic struck so we tapped into that crowd as just one example of some of the out of the box measures we have taken during these tough times.”
The Stuft food truck is pictured in a parking lot in Raleigh, N.C., in this undated file photo.
Ellen DeGeneres makes on-air apology, vows a ‘new chapter’ The Associated Press NEW YORK — Ellen DeGeneres used her opening monologue of the new season of her daytime talk show to address allegations of a toxic work environment, apologizing for things “that never should have happened.” “I know that I’m in a position of privilege and power and I realize that with that comes responsibility, and I take responsibility for what happens at my show,” she said in a video posted Monday. DeGeneres smiled frequently but appeared strained during her remarks. She included several quips that lightened the tone but didn’t match the seriousness of the allegations. “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” started its 18th season in Los Angeles with the host on stage for the first time in months after taping from DeGeneres’s home during quarantine. There wasn’t a studio audience but a virtual one, with faces beamed in on monitors put in the audience seats. “We have had a lot of conver-
“I get sad. I get mad. I get anxious. I get frustrated. I get impatient. And I am working on all of that.” Ellen DeGeneres sations over the last few weeks about the show, our workplace, and what we want for the future,” she said. “We have made the necessary changes and today we are starting a new chapter.” Three of the show’s producers exited over the summer amid allegations of a dysfunctional workplace that harbored misbehavior, including sexual misconduct and racially insensitive remarks. In her monologue, DeGeneres dryly joked that her summer was “super-terrific.” The host also addressed the allegations that the off-camera DeGeneres is very different than her sunny on-air persona. “The truth is I am that person that you see
on TV,” she said. “I am also a lot of other things,” she said. “I get sad. I get mad. I get anxious. I get frustrated. I get impatient. And I am working on all of that.” The comedian, who is gay, noted that she’s played a straight woman on screen and considers herself “a pretty good actress,” but not good enough to “come out here every day for 17 years and fool you. This is me.” An internal company investigation of work conditions was prompted by a BuzzFeed News report in July based on 36 interviews with ex-staffers, who complained about or said they witnessed improper and unfair treatment. The people making the claims were not identified. “I learned that things happened here that never should have happened. I take that very seriously, and I want to say I am so sorry to the people that were affected,” DeGeneres said in her monologue. She was joined later by guest Tiffany Haddish. The comedian and host had sent a memo to her staff after the
Ellen DeGeneres poses in the press room at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards on Jan. 5, 2020, in Beverly Hills, Calif. BuzzFeed report, recalling her early promise of ensuring a workplace where “everyone would be treated with respect.” Something changed, she said, “and for that, I am sorry.” In a July statement, Warner Bros. said parent company WarnerMedia’s investigation revealed
what it called “some flaws in the show’s daily management.” Although not all of the allegations were corroborated, the studio said it was “disappointed that the primary findings of the investigation indicated some deficiencies related to the show’s day-today management.”
North State Journal for Wednesday, September 23, 2020
EMMY’S 2020
In this video grab captured on Sept. 20, 2020, host Jimmy Kimmel appears with a screen filled with nominees during the 72nd Emmy Awards broadcast. Jason Bateman appears in the audience surrounded by cardboard cutouts. Regina King accepts the award for outstanding lead actress in a limited series or movie for “Watchmen.”
A sweep for ‘Schitt’s Creek,’ ‘Succession’ tops Emmy Awards By Lynn Elber The Associated Press LOS ANGELES — “Schitt’s Creek,” the little Canadian show about a fish-out-of-water family, made history at Sunday’s Emmy Awards with a comedy awards sweep, something even TV greats including “Frasier” and “Modern Family” failed to achieve. Zendaya, 24, became the youngest lead drama actress winner for her role as a troubled teenager in “Euphoria.” She’s only the second Black actress to win the award, following Viola Davis’ groundbreaking 2015 win for “How to Get Away With Murder.” “I know this seems like a really weird time to be celebrating,” Zendaya said. “But I just want to say there is hope in the young people out there. I know our TV show doesn’t always feel like a great example of that,” but young people are out there “doing the work.” “Succession,” a family power struggle over a media empire, was honored as best drama series, and creator Jesse Armstrong used the opportunity to offer “un-thankyous,” including to President Donald Trump for what Armstrong called his “crummy and uncoordinated” response to the pandemic. “Succession” star Jeremy Strong won the drama actor trophy for his role as a potential heir to the throne. The virtual ceremony, with a hard-working Jimmy Kimmel as host, went smoothly despite producers’ concerns that the plan to link 100-plus nominees remotely could result in glitches. Although the rise of streaming services including Disney+ and Apple TV+ dominates the TV landscape, it was Emmy stalwart HBO that stole the show, with winners including “Succession” and “Watchmen” making up for its now-departed awards giant “Game of Thrones.” ViacomCBS-owned Pop TV and its quirky comedy also proved unbeatable. The awards for Pop TV’s
In this video grab captured on Sept. 20, 2020, courtesy of the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences and ABC Entertainment, Catherine O’Hara accepts the award for outstanding lead actress in a comedy series for “Schitt’s Creek.” “Schitt’s Creek” included best comedy series and trophies for its stars, including Catherine O’Hara and father-son Eugene and Daniel Levy. “It is absolutely incredible. I think my dad said it best earlier this evening: it’s a dream you don’t want to wake up from, to be honest. What an absolutely unbelievable way to end our series,” Daniel Levy said backstage. His character’s comfortable pansexuality led to story lines that Levy called personally “cathartic.” In his acceptance speech, he said the sitcom was about “the transformational effects of love and acceptance, and this is something we need more now than ever before,” encouraging people to register and vote to achieve that goal. Other winners, including “Watchmen” star Regina King, made a point that the Nov. 3 gen-
eral election was near. All the winners accepted their awards virtually in the pandemic-safe ceremony, including O’Hara, but she wasn’t alone. “Though these are the strangest of days, may you have as much joy being holed up in a room or two with your family as I had with my dear Roses,” O’Hara said from Canada, surrounded in a decorated room by mask-wearing co-stars who play the Rose family members. Levy called it “ironical that the straightest role I ever played lands me an Emmy for a comedy performance. I have to seriously question what I’ve been doing” for the past 50 years. Moments later, his son won the award for comedy writing for “Schitt’s Creek” episode, then shared a directing award and captured the supporting actor comedy trophy. The supporting actress
trophy went to his co-star Annie Murphy. Daniel Levy thanked his father and O’Hara for an extended “master class” in comedy. The show’s sweep came for its much-acclaimed final season. References to coronavirus were an ongoing part of the ceremony, with essential workers — including a teacher and a UPS deliveryman — presenting awards and Jason Sudeikis ostensibly getting a COVID-19 test onstage. In a year with a record number of Black nominees, 35, there was a notable lack of diversity in the show’s early going. As “Schitt’s Creek” gobbled up comedy awards, that left acclaimed “Insecure” and its creator Issa Rae empty-handed. That was also true of Ramy Youssef, creator-star of the semi-autobiographical comedy “Ramy,” about a young Muslim American’s love and religious life. Youssef tweeted a video of a hazmat suit-wearing person clutching an Emmy and waving goodbye after Youssef lost the lost the comedy actor category. There were signs of change with the drama awards, which came in the latter part of the ceremony, and Black actors ultimately won a record nine trophies. But there was a familiar pattern, with actors of color doing exceptional work in limited series but not finding as much opportunity in ongoing shows, with Zendaya this year’s exception. “Watchmen” is a case in point. The graphic novel-adaptation, steeped in racial pain, was voted best limited series and King won lead actress for her work. She was showered by confetti as she accepted in an armchair, wearing a T-shirt that honored police shooting victim Breonna Taylor. “This is so freaking weird,” said King, who regained her composure and called on viewers to vote and, backstage, explained why she wore the message shirt. “The cops still haven’t been held accountable,” she said. “She rep-
resents just decades, hundreds of years of violence against Black bodies. Wearing Breonna’s likeness and representing her and her family and the stories that we were exploring, presenting and holding a mirror up to on ‘Watchmen,’ it felt appropriate to represent with Breonna Taylor.” Her co-star, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, won the Emmy for best supporting actor in a limited series. Uzo Aduba won the counterpart actress award for her portrayal of Shirley Chisholm in “Mrs. America.” Anthony Anderson, a nominee for “black-ish,” came on stage to make his disappointment vigorously known, saying the awards should have been “Howard University homecoming Black.” “This isn’t what it should have been. ... But Black stories, Black performances and Black Lives Matter,” he said, urging Kimmel to shout with him. Tyler Perry, the actor turned media mogul and influential booster of African American talent, accepted the Governors Award. Supporting drama awards went to Billy Crudup for “The Morning Show” and repeat winner Julia Garner for “Ozark.” “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver” was again honored as best variety-talk series, with David Letterman announcing the award after being abandoned roadside by an annoyed ride-share driver. Oliver joined the ranks of winners calling for Americans to vote, as did Mark Ruffalo, who won the limited series acting trophy for “I Know This Much is True.” Kimmel opened the show with a monologue that appeared to be defiantly delivered in front of a packed, cheering theater — until it was revealed clips were played from past Emmy shows. “Of course I’m here all alone. Of course, we don’t have an audience,” he said. “This isn’t a MAGA rally. It’s the Emmys.” A minor gaffe marred Saturday’s virtual creative arts Emmys for technical and other honors, when Jason Bateman’s name was announced for a guest acting award that belonged to Ron Cephas Jones of “This Is Us.” In the cumulative awards handed out Sunday and at the creative arts events, HBO was the leader with 30 trophies, followed by Netflix with 21, Pop TV with 10 and Disney+ and NBC with eight each.
North State Journal for Wednesday, September 23, 2020
CABARRUS 19 SP 277 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NORTH CAROLINA, CABARRUS COUNTY Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by Sharon Hurley Steele and William James Steele, Jr. to Thomas F. Vetters, Trustee(s), which was dated August 30, 2007 and recorded on August 30, 2007 in Book 7767 at Page 220, Cabarrus County Registry, North Carolina. Default having been made of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC, having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust, and the holder of the note evidencing said default having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee
IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION CUMBERLAND COUNTY 20SP518 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY ALEXANDER WALKER AND HANNELORE H. WALKER DATED OCTOBER 31, 2001 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 5595 AT PAGE 616 IN THE CUMBERLAND COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in the above-referenced deed of trust and because of default in the payment of the secured indebtedness and failure to perform the stipulation and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the
NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 20 SP 12 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by Marguerite Burkholder, Heirs of Marguerite Burkholder: Christopher K Burkholder a/k/a Christian K. Burkholder, Cammeron J. Burkholder Solomon, Michael G Sakellarios, John Scott Sakellarios, Morgan E Burkholder a/k/a Morgan E McLaren (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): Marguerite Burkholder) to Resource Title, LLC, Trustee(s), dated September 10, 2004, and recorded in Book No. 6660, at Page 617 in Cumberland County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the promissory note secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds Cumberland County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door in Fayetteville, Cumberland County, North Carolina,
NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 20 SP 492 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by James Pearson (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): James Pearson) to Fidelity National Title Insurance Company of New York, Trustee(s), dated October 21, 2003, and recorded in Book No. 6317, at Page 633 in Cumberland County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the promissory note secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds Cumberland County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door in Fayetteville, Cumberland County, North Carolina, or the customary location designated for foreclosure sales, at 12:00 PM on September 28, 2020 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated in
NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 20 SP 616 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by Princess Amber, LLC, a North Carolina Limited Liability Company (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): Princess Amber, LLC, a North Carolina Limited Liability Company) to Investors Title Insurance Company, Trustee(s), dated March 15, 2018, and recorded in Book No. 10269, at Page 0539 in Cumberland County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the promissory note secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds Cumberland County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door in Fayetteville, Cumberland County, North Carolina, or the customary location designated for
NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 20 SP 614 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by Jody V. Fraser, Vanessa Fraser, Heirs of Jody V. Fraser: Zachary Thomas Fraser, Ian Nathanial Fraser (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): Jody V. Fraser and Vanessa Fraser) to Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC, Trustee(s), dated March 31, 2010, and recorded in Book No. 08365, at Page 0693 in Cumberland County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the promissory note secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds Cumberland County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door in Fayetteville, Cumberland County, North Carolina, or the
will offer for sale at the courthouse door of the county courthouse where the property is located, or the usual and customary location at the county courthouse for conducting the sale on September 30, 2020 at 1:00PM, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property situated in Cabarrus County, North Carolina, to wit:
Said property is commonly known as 390 Schad Court Southwest, Concord, NC 28025.
Said property to be offered pursuant to this Notice of Sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS WHERE IS.” There are no representations of warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at, or relating to the property being offered for sale. This sale is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, any unpaid land transfer taxes, special assessments, easements, rights of way, deeds of release, and any other encumbrances or exceptions of record. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the current owner(s) of the property is/are Sharon Hurley Steele and husband, William James Steele, Jr.
A cash deposit (no personal checks) of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at the time of the sale. Following the expiration of the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts are immediately due
An Order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental
in the payment of the secured indebtedness and failure to perform the stipulation and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the secured debt, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of said county at 10:30AM on October 5, 2020 the following described real estate and any other improvements which may be situated thereon, in Cumberland County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described in that certain Deed of Trust executed Viola Lee Smith Conerly, dated January 15, 2001 to secure the original principal amount of $65,425.00, and recorded in Book 5390 at Page 525 of the Cumberland County Public Registry. The terms of the said Deed of Trust may be modified by other instruments appearing in the public record. Additional identifying information regarding the collateral property is below and is believed to be accurate, but no representation or warranty is intended.
9867 Present Record Owners: Smith Conerly
Being all of Lot 77, of Willow Bend as same is shown on a map thereof recorded in Map Book 23 at Page 24, Cabarrus County Public Registry. Save and except any releases, deeds of release or prior conveyances of record.
Address of property: Brownsboro Pl, Hope Mills, NC 28348 Tax Parcel ID:
secured debt, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of said county at 10:30AM on October 5, 2020 the following described real estate and any other improvements which may be situated thereon, in Cumberland County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described in that certain Deed of Trust executed Alexander Walker and Hannelore H. Walker, dated October 31, 2001 to secure the original principal amount of $49,532.00, and recorded in Book 5595 at Page 616 of the Cumberland County Public Registry. The terms of the said Deed of Trust may be modified by other instruments appearing in the public record. Additional identifying information regarding the collateral property is below and is believed to be accurate, but no representation or warranty is intended. Address of property: Rd, Fayetteville, NC 28306 Tax Parcel ID: 5993 Present Record Owners: Alexander Walker
173 Linwood 0 424-8 5The Heirs of
or the customary location designated for foreclosure sales, at 12:00 PM on October 5, 2020 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated in Fayetteville in the County of Cumberland, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: The following described property in the City of Fayetteville, County of Cumberland, State of North Carolina:Being all of Lot 12 of the Property of Barbara M. Johnson as shown on a plat of same duly recorded in Book of Plats 65, Page 113, Cumberland County Registry, North Carolina. Together with improvements located thereon; said property being located at 7041 Rockfish Road, Fayetteville, North Carolina. The improvements thereon being commonly known as 7041 Rockfish Road, Fayetteville, NC, 28306.Being the same lot or parcel of ground which by deed dated May 20, 2002 and recorded among the land records of Cumberland County in Book 5757, Page 258, was granted and conveyed by Marguerite Burkholder, unto Marguerite Burkholder, an unmarried woman. Trustee may, in the Trustee’s sole discretion, delay the sale for up to one hour as provided in N.C.G.S. 45-21.23. Should the property be purchased by a third party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court
Fayetteville in the County of Cumberland, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: Being all of Lots 34, 35, 36 and 33, Block E of the William Wright Property according to a plat of same duly recorded in Book of Plats 9, Page 50, Cumberland County Registry. Together with improvements located thereon; said property being located at 1912 Blake Street, Fayetteville, North Carolina. Parcel ID Number: 0438653680 Trustee may, in the Trustee’s sole discretion, delay the sale for up to one hour as provided in N.C.G.S. 45-21.23. Should the property be purchased by a third party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by N.C.G.S. 7A-308(a)(1). The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers,
foreclosure sales, at 12:00 PM on October 5, 2020 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated in Fayetteville in the County of Cumberland, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: BEING all of Lot Number 411 in a subdivision known as AMENDED MAP OF CLIFFDALE WEST, SECTION EIGHT, and the same being duly recorded in Book of Plats 72, Page 49, Cumberland County Registry, North Carolina. Together with improvements located thereon; said property being located at 6857 Baystone Road Fayetteville, North Carolina. APN: 9487-09-9974 Trustee may, in the Trustee’s sole discretion, delay the sale for up to one hour as provided in N.C.G.S. 45-21.23. Should the property be purchased by a third party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by N.C.G.S. 7A-308(a)(1). The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor
customary location designated for foreclosure sales, at 12:00 PM on October 5, 2020 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated in Hope Mills in the County of Cumberland, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: BEING all of Lot 9 in a subdivision known as FAIRWAY FOREST, SECTION 8, PHASE 3, and the same being duly recorded in Book of Plats 100, Page 88, Cumberland County Registry, North Carolina. Together with improvements located thereon; said property being located at 5419 Ahoskie Drive, Hope Mills, North Carolina. The Deed of Trust was modified by the following: A Loan Modification recorded on July 5, 2011, in Book No. 08674, at Page 0674. Trustee may, in the Trustee’s sole discretion, delay the sale for up to one hour as provided in N.C.G.S. 45-21.23. Should the property be purchased by a third party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars
And Being more commonly known as: 810 Brownsboro Pl, Hope Mills, NC 28348 The record owner(s) of the property, as reflected on the records of the Register of Deeds, is/are Viola Lee Smith Conerly. The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale. Any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale is made subject to
And Being more commonly known as: 173 Linwood Rd, Fayetteville, NC 28306 The record owner(s) of the property, as reflected on the records of the Register of Deeds, is/are The Heirs of Alexander Walker. The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale. Any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale is made subject to all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments including but not limited to any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure. A deposit of five percent
agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination [NCGS § 45-21.16A(b) (2)]. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.
Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC Substitute Trustee Brock & Scott, PLLC Attorneys for Trustee Services of Carolina, LLC 5431 Oleander Drive Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28403 PHONE: (910) 392-4988 FAX: (910) 392-8587 File No.: 16-21088-FC02
If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy.
all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments including but not limited to any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure to remit funds in a timely manner will result in a Declaration of Default and any deposit will be frozen pending the outcome of any re-sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, the Substitute Trustee or the attorney of any of the foregoing.
the rental agreement upon written notice to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time notice of termination is provided. You may be liable for rent due under the agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. The date of this Notice is September 14, 2020. Grady I. Ingle or Elizabeth B. Ells Substitute Trustee 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Charlotte, NC 28216 (704) 333-8107 16-078594
SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS: If you are a tenant residing in the property, be advised that an Order for Possession of the property may be issued in favor of the purchaser. Also, if your lease began or was renewed on or after October 1, 2007, be advised that you may terminate
(5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure to remit funds in a timely manner will result in a Declaration of Default and any deposit will be frozen pending the outcome of any re-sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, the Substitute Trustee or the attorney of any of the foregoing.
contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time notice of termination is provided. You may be liable for rent due under the agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. The date of this Notice is September 14, 2020. Grady I. Ingle or Elizabeth B. Ells Substitute Trustee 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Charlotte, NC 28216 (704) 333-8107 20-110180
SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS: If you are a tenant residing in the property, be advised that an Order for Possession of the property may be issued in favor of the purchaser. Also, if your lease began or was renewed on or after October 1, 2007, be advised that you may terminate the rental agreement upon written notice to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date
costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by N.C.G.S. 7A-308(a)(1). The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition are expressly disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or prior encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. Said property is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and State laws. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for
any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in its sole discretion, if it believes the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Additional Notice for Residential Property with Less than 15 rental units, including Single-Family Residential Real Property An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to N.C.G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the notice of foreclosure sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days but not more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in this notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not
cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.
directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition are expressly disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or prior encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. Said property is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and State laws. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of
the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in its sole discretion, if it believes the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Additional Notice for Residential Property with Less than 15 rental units, including Single-Family Residential Real Property An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to N.C.G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the notice of foreclosure sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days but not more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in this notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement
prorated to the effective date of the termination.
the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition are expressly disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or prior encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. Said property is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and State laws. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior
to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in its sole discretion, if it believes the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Additional Notice for Residential Property with Less than 15 rental units, including Single-Family Residential Real Property An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to N.C.G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the notice of foreclosure sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days but not more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in this notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice
of termination. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.
($100.00) required by N.C.G.S. 7A-308(a)(1). The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition are expressly disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or prior encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. Said property is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and State laws. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale.
If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in its sole discretion, if it believes the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Additional Notice for Residential Property with Less than 15 rental units, including Single-Family Residential Real Property An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to N.C.G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the notice of foreclosure sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be
effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days but not more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in this notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE c/o Hutchens Law Firm P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 Phone No: (910) 864-3068 https://sales.hutchenslawfirm.com Firm Case No: 1282583 - 9880
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE c/o Hutchens Law Firm P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 Phone No: (910) 864-3068 https://sales.hutchenslawfirm.com Firm Case No: 3082 - 7516
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE c/o Hutchens Law Firm P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 Phone No: (910) 864-3068 https://sales.hutchenslawfirm.com Firm Case No: 3453 - 8930
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE c/o Hutchens Law Firm P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 Phone No: (910) 864-3068 https://sales.hutchenslawfirm.com Firm Case No: 3562 - 9924
North State Journal for Wednesday, September 23, 2020
NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 20 SP 237 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by Algernon Parker (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): Algernon Parker) to CTC Real Estate Services, Trustee(s), dated September 20, 2000, and recorded in Book No. 1972, at Page 647 and re-recorded in Book No. 3878, at Page 404 in Johnston County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the promissory note secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds Johnston County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door in Smithfield, Johnston County, North Carolina, or the customary location designated for foreclosure sales, at 11:00 AM on October 6, 2020 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated in Clayton in the County of Johnston, North
ONSLOW NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 20 SP 41 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by Rebecca Lyn Clausing (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): Rebecca Lyn Clausing) to Gordon E. Robinson, Jr., Trustee(s), dated October 17, 2003, and recorded in Book No. 2132, at Page 819 in Onslow County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the promissory note secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds Onslow County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee
NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 20 SP 321 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by Nicholas F. Clark a/k/a Nicholas Forrest Clark, Anastasia Gabrielle Clark (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): Nicholas F. Clark and Anastasia Gabrielle Clark) to A. Grant Whitney, Trustee(s), dated July 3, 2014, and recorded in Book No. 4171, at Page 758 in Onslow County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the promissory note secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds Onslow County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door in Jacksonville, Onslow County, North Carolina, or the customary location designated for foreclosure sales, at 10:00 AM on September 24, 2020 and will sell to the
perform the stipulation and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the secured debt, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of said county at 10:00AM on September 28, 2020 the followingdescribedrealestateandanyotherimprovements which may be situated thereon, in Davidson County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described in that certain Deed of Trust executed Gary Reece Johnson, Jr. and Sarah Ann Johnson, dated March 28, 2008 to secure the original principal amount of $159,742.00, and recorded in Book 1854 at Page 935 of the Davidson County Public Registry. The terms of the said Deed of Trust may be modified by other instruments appearing in the public record. Additional identifying information regarding the collateral property is below and is believed to be accurate, but no representation or warranty is intended. Address of property: Leonard St, Lexington, NC 27295 Tax Parcel ID: 1131300000051 Present Record Owners: Johnson and Gary Reece Johnson, Jr.
the above-referenced deed of trust and because of default in the payment of the secured indebtedness and failure to perform the stipulation and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the secured debt, the undersigned substitute trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale at the county courthouse of said county at 10:00AM on October 6, 2020 the following described real estate and any other improvements which may be situated thereon, in Johnston County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described in that certain Deed of Trust executed Caroline C. Morris, dated May 21, 2004 to secure the original principal amount of $128,155.00, and recorded in Book 2696 at Page 722 of the Johnston County Public Registry. The terms of the said Deed of Trust may be modified by other instruments appearing in the public record. Additional identifying information regarding the collateral property is below and is believed to be accurate, but no representation or warranty is intended. Address of property: Rd, Clayton, NC 27520 Tax Parcel ID:
Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the northern right of way line of Hickory Drive, said point being a common corner between Lot #106 and Lot #107, said beginning point is located 588.87 feet from a point where the northern right of way line of Hickory Drive intersects the western right of way line of N.C.S.R. #1501; thence from the above-described beginning point, the line runs as the northern right of way line of Hickory Drive, North 28 degrees 50’ 46” West 120 feet to a point, a common corner between Lot #106 and Lot #105; thence the line runs as the line between Lot #105 and Lot #106, North 66 degrees 43’ East 200 feet; thence the line runs as the line between Lot #106 and Lot #96, South 25 degrees 29’ East 119.9 feet; thence the line runs as the line between Lot #106 and Lot #107, South 63 degrees 51’ 30” West 192.83 feet to the BEGINNING, and being all of Lot #106 of the Whitley Heights subdivision (not recorded); according to a survey of the property of Algernon Parker by Vernon Wayne Johnson dated September 15, 2000, and containing 0.52 acre, more or less. Together with improvements located thereon; said property being located at 120 Hickory Drive, Clayton, North Carolina. Trustee may, in the Trustee’s sole discretion, delay the sale
will offer for sale at the courthouse door in Jacksonville, Onslow County, North Carolina, or the customary location designated for foreclosure sales, at 10:00 AM on October 1, 2020 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated in Richlands in the County of Onslow, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: Being all of Lot 1, as shown on that plat entitled, “Gregory Fork Acres, Section I”, as recorded in Map Book 40, Page 35, Onslow County Registry. Together with improvements located thereon; said property being located at 284 Gregory Fork Road, Richlands, North Carolina. Trustee may, in the Trustee’s sole discretion, delay the sale for up to one hour as provided in N.C.G.S. §45-21.23. Should the property be purchased by a third party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by N.C.G.S. §7A-308(a)(1). The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security
highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated in Richlands in the County of Onslow, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: BEING all of Lot 60 of Buckhaven, Section I described on the map recorded in Map Book 62, 229-229B Slide 0-22, Onslow County Registry, reference to said map being hereby made for a more particular description. Together with improvements located thereon; said property being located at 105 Buckhaven Drive, Richlands, North Carolina. Subject to Restrictive and Protective Covenants recorded in Book 3655, Page 237, Onslow County Registry, and amended in Book 3748, Page 254. Trustee may, in the Trustee’s sole discretion, delay the sale for up to one hour as provided in N.C.G.S. §45-21.23. Should the property be purchased by a third party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by N.C.G.S. §7A-308(a)(1). The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor
The record owner(s) of the property, as reflected on the records of the Register of Deeds, is/are Sarah Ann Johnson and Gary Reece Johnson, Jr. The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale. Any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale is made subject to all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments including but not limited to any transfer tax associated with the foreclosure. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be
Present Record Owners: Caroline C. Morris
The Heirs of
And Being more commonly known as: 2600 Jack Rd, Clayton, NC 27520 The record owner(s) of the property, as reflected on the records of the Register of Deeds, is/are The Heirs of Caroline C. Morris. The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale. Any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. This sale is made subject to all prior liens and encumbrances, and unpaid taxes and assessments including but not limited to any transfer tax
tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure to remit funds in a timely manner will result in a Declaration of Default and any deposit will be frozen pending the outcome of any re-sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, the Substitute Trustee or the attorney of any of the foregoing.
associated with the foreclosure. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as required by law. Following the expiration of the statutory upset period, all remaining amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE AND OWING. Failure to remit funds in a timely manner will result in a Declaration of Default and any deposit will be frozen pending the outcome of any re-sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, the Substitute Trustee or the attorney of any of the foregoing.
the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Additional Notice for Residential Property with Less than 15 rental units, including Single-Family Residential Real Property An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the notice of foreclosure sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days but not more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in this notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE
c/o Hutchens Law Firm LLP P.O. Box 12497 6230 Fairview Road, Suite 315 Charlotte, North Carolina 28210 Phone No: (704) 362-9255 https://sales.hutchenslawfirm.com Case No: 1304359 (CFC.CH)
reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the Substitute Trustee, in their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy.
effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days but not more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in this notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.
party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by N.C.G.S. §7A-308(a)(1). The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition are expressly disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or prior encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. Said property is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and State laws. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in
the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in its sole discretion, if it believes the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Additional Notice for Residential Property with Less than 15 rental units, including Single-Family Residential Real Property An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the notice of foreclosure sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be
Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by Louis M. Tingen, Heirs of Louis M. Tingen a/k/a Louis Tingen: Michelle Tingen Gaines a/k/a Michelle T Gaines, a/k/a Michelle Gaines, a/k/a Michelle Tingen, Emily Tingen, Sean Tingen, Zachary Whitley (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): Louis M. Tingen) to Michael Lyon, Trustee(s), dated May 3, 2017, and recorded in Book No. 016773, at Page 01065 in Wake County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the promissory note secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds Wake County, North Carolina
Trustee may, in the Trustee’s sole discretion, delay the sale for up to one hour as provided in N.C.G.S. §45-21.23. Should the property be purchased by a third
prorated to the effective date of the termination.
Together with improvements located hereon; said property being located at 2718 James Hamilton Road, Monroe, NC 28110. Tax ID: 09339163c Third party purchasers must pay the excise tax, pursuant North Carolina General Statutes §105-228.30, in the amount of One Dollar ($1.00) per each Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or fractional part thereof, and the Clerk of Courts fee, pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes §7A-308, in the amount of Forty-five Cents (0.45) per each One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) with a maximum amount of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00). A deposit of five percent (5%) of the bid or Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, will be required at the time of the sale and must be tendered in the form of certified funds. Following the expiration of the statutory upset bid period, all the remaining amounts will be immediately due and owing. Said property to be offered pursuant to this Notice of Sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance AS IS WHERE IS. There are no representations of warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health
loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in its sole discretion, if it believes the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Additional Notice for Residential Property with Less than 15 rental units, including Single-Family Residential Real Property An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the notice of foreclosure sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days but not more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in this notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement
Beginning at a point in the G.N. Hamilton property line (Deed Book 96, Page 611) said point being located South 37 degrees West 200 feet from an old nail in said line and in the center of James Hamilton Road, a common corner of said Hamilton Property with the helms property from which this lot is carved and runs thence from said beginning point three new lines, South 53 degrees East 215 feet, South 37 degrees West 200 feet, North 53 degrees West 215 feet to a point in said Hamilton line; thence with said Hamilton line North 37 degrees East 200 feet to the place and point of beginning, and containing 0.987 acres, more or less, according to survey by Sidney M Sandy, NCRLS, August 4, 1986.
and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the Wake County Courthouse door, the Salisbury Street entrance in Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina, or the customary location designated for foreclosure sales, at 1:30 PM on September 28, 2020 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated in Raleigh in the County of Wake, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: Tax Id Number(s): 0221876Land Situated in the City of Raleigh in the County of Wake in the State of NCBEING all of Lot 6, Phase One, Forest Glen Subdivision, as depicted in Map Book 1996, beginning at or including Page 215 and 216. Together with improvements located thereon; said property being located at 1129 Forest Glen Drive, Raleigh, North Carolina.The property address and tax parcel identification number listed are provided solely for informational purposes.
Grady I. Ingle or Elizabeth B. Ells Substitute Trustee 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Charlotte, NC 28216 (704) 333-8107 20-109927
the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition are expressly disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or prior encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. Said property is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and State laws. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the
or safety conditions existing in, on, at, or relating to the property being offered for sale. This sale is made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, special assessments, land transfer taxes, if any, and encumbrances of record. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the current owners of the property are William John Konopa and Cheryl Ann Konopa. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes §45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the Clerk of Superior Court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving the notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination (North Carolina General Statutes §45-21.16A(b)(2)). Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of termination. If the Trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any
The date of this Notice is September 15, 2020.
the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in its sole discretion, if it believes the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Additional Notice for Residential Property with Less than 15 rental units, including Single-Family Residential Real Property An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the notice of foreclosure sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days but not more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in this notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.
thence with said Hamilton Line North 37 degrees East 200 feet to a point in the center of the James Hamilton Road. Which is in the County of Union and in the State of North Carolina.
Together with an easement for ingress, egress and regress, being 15 feet in width, the Western boundary line thereof being the Eastern boundary of G N Hamilton property referred to above, and being at all points 15 feet in width and beginning at the Northernmost corner of the 0.987 acre tract described above, the beginning point thereof and runs
contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time notice of termination is provided. You may be liable for rent due under the agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.
agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition are expressly disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or prior encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. Said property is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and State laws. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of
Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door in Union County, North Carolina, at 2:00PM on October 8, 2020, and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property, to wit:
Default having been made in the payment of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Anchor Trustee Services, LLC having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Union County, North Carolina, and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute
whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in its sole discretion, if it believes the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Additional Notice for Residential Property with Less than 15 rental units, including Single-Family Residential Real Property An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the notice of foreclosure sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be
Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by William John Konopa and Cheryl Ann Konopa, in the original amount of $50,000.00, payable to PNC Bank, National Association, dated May 5, 2006 and recorded on May 22, 2006 in Book 04167, Page 0870, Union County Registry.
for up to one hour as provided in N.C.G.S. §45-21.23. Should the property be purchased by a third party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by N.C.G.S. §7A-308(a)(1). The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition are expressly disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or prior encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. Said property is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and State laws. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00),
Trustee may, in the Trustee’s sole discretion, delay the sale for up to one hour as provided in NCGS §45-21.23. Should the property be purchased by a third party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by NCGS §7A-308(a)(1). The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note
Grady I. Ingle or Elizabeth B. Ells Substitute Trustee 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Charlotte, NC 28216 (704) 333-8107 14-061291
SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS: If you are a tenant residing in the property, be advised that an Order for Possession of the property may be issued in favor of the purchaser. Also, if your lease began or was renewed on or after October 1, 2007, be advised that you may terminate the rental agreement upon written notice to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date
Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by JRS Asset Mangements, Inc. (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): JRS Asset Management, Inc.) to Sean Dillenbeck, Trustee(s), dated the 31st day of July, 2019, and recorded in Book 1677, Page 189, in Stanly County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the note thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Stanly County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned
The date of this Notice is August 27, 2020.
SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD TENANTS: If you are a tenant residing in the property, be advised that an Order for Possession of the property may be issued in favor of the purchaser. Also, if your lease began or was renewed on or after October 1, 2007, be advised that you may terminate the rental agreement upon written notice to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but no more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time notice of termination is provided. You may be liable for rent due under the agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination.
make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition expressly are disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or prior encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. Said property is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and State laws. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in their sole discretion, if they believe the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return
Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door in the City of Albemarle, Stanly County, North Carolina, or the customary location designated for foreclosure sales, at 11:00 AM on September 30, 2020 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated in the City of Stanfield, in the County of Stanly, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: Being all of Tract # 1 on a map recorded in Map Book 21, Page 88 Stanly County Public Registry.
And Being more commonly known as: 305 Shelly Leonard St, Lexington, NC 27295
effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days but not more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in this notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE c/o Hutchens Law Firm P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 Phone No: (910) 864-3068 https://sales.hutchenslawfirm.com Firm Case No: 3417 - 8821
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE c/o Hutchens Law Firm P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 Phone No: (910) 864-3068 https://sales.hutchenslawfirm.com Firm Case No: 1878 - 3905
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE c/o Hutchens Law Firm P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 Phone No: (910) 864-3068 https://sales.hutchenslawfirm.com Firm Case No: 3581 - 10010
Anchor Trustee Services, LLC Substitute Trustee January N. Taylor, Bar #33512 McMichael Taylor Gray, LLC Attorney for Anchor Trustee Services, LLC 3550 Engineering Drive, Suite 260 Peachtree Corners, GA 30092 404-474-7149 (phone) 404-745-8121 (fax) jtaylor@mtglaw.com
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE c/o Hutchens Law Firm P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 Phone No: (910) 864-3068 https://sales.hutchenslawfirm.com Firm Case No: 1288642 - 9830
North State Journal for Wednesday, September 23, 2020
pen & paper pursuits
solutions From Sep. 16, 2020
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Forest fires up crowd at Trump rally in Fayetteville Lt. Gov. Dan Forest, R-N.C. photographs the crowd of supporters as they gather for a rally with President Donald Trump, Saturday, Sept. 19, 2020, at Fayetteville Regional Airport in Fayetteville, N.C.
WHAT’S HAPPENING 5 officers recommended for dismissal after death in custody
No Stanly County Fair this week after 85 straight years By David Larson Stanly County Journal
Mecklenburg County Five Charlotte-Mecklenburg police officers have been recommended for termination for their handling of a man who died after being taken into custody earlier this year. The four officers and a sergeant had knowledge that the man, 46-year-old Harold Easter, had swallowed cocaine during his arrest but left him unattended in an interview room for more than 20 minutes. Easter suffered a medical emergency while in custody and died two days after his arrest in January. Local prosecutors are still considering possible criminal charges in Easter’s death.
ALBEMARLE — The Stanly County Fair has been a long-standing tradition in the area, never missing a year since it started 85 years ago. But with COVID-19 shutting down virtually all large events in the state, that streak has come to an end. Cal Massingale, the fair manager, told Stanly County Journal in a Sept. 22 interview that the fair would have been scheduled for this week. “I think most of the fairs in North Carolina canceled, in fact,” Massingale said. He said with all the other events canceled, Gov. Roy Cooper’s regulations on large gatherings and the possibility of an outbreak, they decided taking a year off was the right move. “We didn’t want to endanger
folks,” he said. “There’s no way that we could control social distancing in a situation like that. So we just thought it’d be better to cancel this year.” The fair has been held without fail since its founding, regardless of wars, natural disasters or economic downturns. Massingale said, “To my knowledge there’s never been a year that it was canceled. We’ve tried to go back as far as we could in history, but we couldn’t find any information that said that the fair had ever been canceled prior to this.” While Massingale said “it was a struggle” to make the decision, even the N.C. State Fair, which he says hasn’t canceled in 42 years, called off their event. When asked if they have any replacement or virtual events planned, like other organizations have attempted, Massingale said,
“To my knowledge there’s never been a year that it was canceled. We’ve tried to go back as far as we could in history, but we couldn’t find any information that said that the fair had ever been canceled prior to this.” Cal Massingale, Stanly County Fair manager “We really don’t.” Because the fair is a major fundraiser for the American Legion post which manages the fairgrounds, there will be some lost
revenue. But Massingale said they are continuing to offer the fairgrounds for smaller events like weddings and banquets. This weekend there will be an NRA banquet, and next month, there will be a gun show and an N.C. Coon Hunters Association dog show. “We’ve had the fire marshall come in and measure the square footage,” Massingale said. “So we can have up to 225 people in the building and still meet social distancing requirements.” The fair’s cancelation has a big impact on the area and removes a source of entertainment and social life, but Massingale hopes they can bring it back full strength soon. “We’re hoping it’ll bounce back and be as they were, but I’m not sure. After the impact that this [COVID-19] has had, I think it’ll be a number of years before things get back to what we would have considered normal last year,” he said. “It’s unfortunate that we had to cancel the fair. We were of course looking forward to having it, and having the entertainment. But hopefully we’ll be back next year.”
Some voters mistakenly get 2 absentee ballots Mecklenburg County A mix-up with the first absentee ballots caused some voters to receive two identical ballots for the November general election, according to election officials. Some ballots intended for voters in Matthews were mislabeled with the wrong names and shredded before they could be sent this week. When officials printed new mailing labels to correct the mistake, some voters ended up getting two duplicate ballots. Fewer than 500 voters were affected. The official said it was unlikely that voters could have cast two ballots, a felony, because each mailing label includes an individual code making it impossible to vote twice. AP
20177 52016 $0.50
Stanly school board votes to update fifth-grade schedule By Jesse Deal Stanly County Journal ALBEMARLE — At a special-called meeting on Monday night, the Stanly County Board of Education unanimously voted to amend its schedule format for fifth graders. The school board chose to take the fifth grade off of the A-B schedule and to implement a standard face-to-face format Monday through Thursday for students who choose to participate. However, parents who prefer to keep their children on the distance-learning format can continue to do so. “I’ve given a lot of thought to both sides of this, and I do think we have some parents who chose face-toface that would say, ‘Now the rules have changed, and I’m no longer comfortable with my child going face-to-face,’” said Vicki Calvert, interim superintendent for Stanly
“All of us have received emails from teachers that have very, very valid points about how if we transition these kids again, we’re losing them even more.” School board member Glenda Gibson County Schools. “I definitely see us accommodating those parents, because when they made their choice, we had a different set of rules.” As decided on Sept. 15, Friday will remain a remote-learning day for all students and fifth graders will continue to be housed at middle schools. Calvert told the board that a survey had been sent to elementary
and middle school principals, along with fifth-grade teachers, asking their preference between keeping fifth graders in middle school or moving them back to elementary school. A sizable majority, 23, chose to keep them in middle school, while six wanted to move them back; 11 said they were still undecided on the issue. The school board’s latest update to the schedule comes on the heels of Gov. Roy Cooper’s announcement that elementary schools will be allowed to return to daily, in-person classes on Oct. 5. Last Tuesday, the board voted to have middle and high schoolers use in-person learning on Mondays and Tuesdays for the “A group” of students and Wednesday and Thursday for the “B group” of students. Previously, high schools have sectioned students into three different groups instead of two. During the meeting, the school board discussed the idea of bring-
ing all elementary school students back to in-person classes under the recent approval of Gov. Cooper. However, the board unanimously agreed that this approach should be saved for the spring semester. “All of us have received emails from teachers that have very, very valid points about how if we transition these kids again, we’re losing them even more,” said school board member Glenda Gibson. “We may have to change all this in a few weeks, so let’s just be patient and see what happens. I think our parents had a choice at the very beginning if they wanted remote or faceto-face — we made a commitment to not change that until the end of the semester and we need to uphold that.” Gibson raised the concern that changing the schedule format before the end of the semester opens up the possibility that teachers will have to combine classrooms or change what they’re teaching subject-wise. In the coming weeks, SCS will be sending out a survey to parents asking them whether they will be comfortable with their children participating in face-to-face learning going forward; the responses could determine the school board’s plan for the spring.
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DEATH /F/30) Arrest on chrg of Simple /F/30) Arrest on chrg of 1) ♦ Threatt, Chellie Marie (W F, NOTICES x Poplin, Derick Lynn (W M, and(M), 2) Assault On Fta Release Order (M), at Possess Sch Ii Cs, M -(M), at Resisting Public (F) Officer 2) 25) Arrest on chrg of Resisting WEEKLYCRIME CRIMELOG LOG WEEKLY
Stanly County Journal ISSN: 2575-2278
Stanly County Journal ISSN: 2575-2278 Publisher
Neal Robbins
Publisher Editor Neal Robbins
David Larson
Editor Sports Editor David Larson Cory Lavalette
Sports Editor Senior Opinion Editor Cory Lavalette Frank Hill
Senior Opinion Editor Design Frank Hill Editor Lauren Rose
Design Editor
Published each Wednesday by Lauren Rose North State Media LLC Published each Wednesday by 1550 N.C. Hwy 24/27 W, North State Media LLC Albemarle, N.C. 28001 1550 N.C. Hwy 24/27 W, Albemarle, N.C. 28001 (704) 269-8461 INFO@STANLYJOURNAL.COM (704) 269-8461 STANLYJOURNAL.COM INFO@STANLYJOURNAL.COM TO SUBSCRIBE: 704-269-8461 STANLYJOURNAL.COM or online at nsjonline.com TO SUBSCRIBE: 704-269-8461 Annual Subscription Price: $25.00 or online at nsjonline.com Periodicals PostagePrice: Paid at Raleigh, N.C. Annual Subscription $25.00 and at additional mailing offices. Periodicals Postage Paid at Raleigh, N.C. POSTMASTER: and at additional mailing offices. Stanly County Journal 1550 N.C. Hwy 24/27 W, POSTMASTER: Albemarle, N.C. 28001. Stanly County Journal 1550 N.C. Hwy 24/27 W, Albemarle, N.C. 28001.
DEATH NOTICES Get in touch!
x Jerry Wayne Fincher, 85, of Albemarle, died April 3. x Sylvester “Corey” Maske, 27, of Albemarle, died April 4.
x John Henry Connell, Jr., 91, of Stanfield, died April 6. x Jason Eugene “Gene” Efird, 94, of Stanfield, died April 7. x Tony Monroe Smith, 72, of stanlyjournal.com Rockwell, died April 8. x Joyce Joyner Price, 75, of Badin, died April 8. x Danny Paul Luther, 65, of Norwood, died April 9. x Evelyn Lela Stamper, 90, of Oakboro, died April 10. x Jerry Dickson Huneycutt, 78, of Locust, died April 11.
Stanly County Journal
x Shirley Mae Haire, 73, of Albemarle, died April 11. x Betty Jane Keever Rogers, 87, of Albemarle, died April 11. x Pauline Elizabeth Almond Tucker, 98, of Albemarle, died April 11.
29) on chrgIdentity of Pwimsd Female (M), at 126 South Rd, Norwood, Stanly, NC, 731/hydro NC, on on 4/8/2020 Theft (F), 3) Possess Public Officer (M), atArrest 407 S Bell ♦ Sarah Elizabeth Methamphetamine, F (F), at Third St, Albemarle, NC, on 9/16/2020 Stolen Motor Vehicle (F), and 4) Av, Albemarle, on 09/16/2020 “Lib” Barrier, 80, of x Oxendine, Misty Lee (I 781 Leonard Av, Albemarle, 4/13/2020 Disorderly Conduct (M), at Nc Locust, passed away /F/34) Arrest on chrg of Fta ♦ Marshall, Bracie Alexandria ♦ Williams, Tia Andrea (B F, 37) on 04/09/2020 24/sharen Cir, Locust, NC, on September 14. x Hill, James Wilson (W Cited on - Release Order (M), at NC (B /F/30) Charge of Arrest on chrg of Misdemeanor 9/19/2020 x Leggett, Timothy James /M/38) Arrest onPossess chrg ofMarij 1) Paraphernalia Hwy 24/27, Albemarle, NC,Cavender, 85, Larceny, M (M), at 781 Leonard ♦ John (W M, 32) Arrest on chrg Surrender By Surety (M), 2) on 4/8/2020 (202000779), at 48519 Nc 731 ♦ Olson, Mackenzie Rose Av, Albemarle, on 09/16/2020 of Albemarle, passed of Felony Possession Of CitedSurrender (F), andRd, Norwood, NC, Hwy/hydro (W /F/30) on Charge By Surety away September 15. x Oxendine, Misty Lee (I ♦ Pressley, Markus Scott (F), at 161ofW Cocaine MainWhile Impaired 3) Surrender By Surety (F), on 9/16/2020 Driving /F/34) Arrest on chrg of Dean Luther, (W M, 24) ArrestSt/s on chrg of St, Albemarle, ♦ Barry First on at Nc at24/sharon 126 S Third St, Albemarle, (2002685), Misd Prob Viol Out Of County ♦ Hill, Eddie Ward (W /M/59) Misdemeanor Larceny (M), at 67, of Norwood, 04/09/2020 on 4/13/2020 Circle, Locust, onNC, 9/19/2020 at NC 24/27, NC, on away Arrest on chrg of(M), Possess 781 Leonard Av, Albemarle, on passed x Gomez-garcia, 4/8/2020 Methamphetamine (F), ♦ Efird, Ralph Junior (W /M/58) Ruben 09/16/2020 x Tompkins, Christopher September 15. Dwayne (W M, 20)Arrest Arrest Arrest at onBethlehelm chrg Church Rd, onon chrg of(U Dv/M/51) Protection Freeman, Michael♦Lee (W Ann ♦ Forsythe, Robin Joy of (WPossess F, 33) Marijuana Amelia chrg of Detainer 126 S NC, onx9/15/2020 Order Violation (M), at 508 (F), atAquadale, /M/41) Arrest on chrg of 1) 83, of Arrest on chrg ofUp Second Degree Barringer, To 1/2 Ounce (M), at Third St, Albemarle, NC, on Heathwood Dr, Albemarle, NC, Financial (F), 2) ♦ Ingram, Basil Wayne (W Card TheftAlbemarle, Trespass (M), at825 209 Mountain Eben St, Creek passed Rd/ 4/13/2020 on 9/18/2020 Financial Card Fraud (f) (F), /M/53) Arrest on chrg of 1) Albemarle, on 09/16/2020 away September 16. talbert Dr, Albemarle, on x Frick, Adam Houston (W Possess Drug Paraphernalia (M) ♦ Polk, Brandon Chrishon (B and 3) Identity Theft (F), at ♦ Williams, Mark04/11/2020 Anthony (W 2)of Possess Weapon /M/32) Arrest on chrg of 1) /M/28) Arrest onand chrg Scj, on Mass 4/7/2020 ♦ Catherine Chavis M, 31) Arrest on chrg of Assault Butler, 71, of Destruct (F), at 2535 Badin Rd, Assault Serious Bodily Injury x Tompkins, Christopher 1) Misdemeanor Larceny With Deadly Weapon (M), at x Pennington, Lawrence Albemarle, passed and 2)on Assault Serious Dwayne (W M, 20)(F) Arrest (M) and 2) ObtainAlbemarle, Property NC, on 9/15/2020 1509 Inger St, Albemarle, on Glenn J (W /M/60) ArrestSeptember 16. away Injury (F),False at 126Pretense Third St, (F), at 41 chrg of Assault OnBodily Female ♦ Blalock, Timothy Lamarr (W 09/16/2020 on chrg of 1) Breaking And Albemarle, 9/18/2020 (M) at 825 Mountain Creek NC, on Willow Street, Badin, NC, on ♦ Sarah /M/53) Arrest on chrg of 1) (f) (F) and Or Entering 2) Howard Rd/talbert Dr, Albemarle, on 4/10/202 ♦ Solomon, Christina (W /F/35) Downs Pickler, 91, of Death By Distribution (F), 2) ♦ Stirewalt, Michael Jeffrey (W Larceny After Break/enter Arrest on chrg of04/11/2020 1) Possess Albemarle, passed Second Deg Drug /M/31) Arrest onxchrg of Assault Winley, Jamel Stephen L Murder (F), Dist at Pennington Rd, on Methamphetamine (F), 2) away September 16. Sell/deliver Sch Ii Cs (F), AndLacy Battery (M),(B at /M/30) 126 ThirdArrest St, (F), x Thompson, Shawn on 3) chrg 4/7/2020 Possess Drug Paraphernalia and 4) Pwimsd Sch Ii Cs (F), at Albemarle, (B M, 60) Arrest on chrg NC, on of 9/18/2020 Misdemeanor Larceny ♦ Dorothy Mae Lefler, (M), 3) Driving While Impaired Huneycutt, Richard NC, of Misdemeanor Larceny (M), at 44717 Nc 838920 Hwy/Tower Rd,xAlbemarle, 87, of Albemarle, (M), and 4) Other - Free Text (M), ♦ Weston, Tyler Alan (W /M/18) Arrest on 9/15/2020 (M), at 781 Leonard Av, kerr Rd, New London, NC, on Stephen (W /M/65)passed Arrest on chrg of Assault And at 715 Monticello Dr/nc 24-27 on chrg of 1) Conspire B&e away Albemarle, on 04/12/2020 4/10/2020 September 17. ♦ Coleman, KevinBldg-felony/larceny Michael (W Battery (M), at 126 Third St, Bypass W, Albemarle, NC, on (F) and of Felony Albemarle, 9/18/2020 9/20/2020 x Godwin, Kathryn Strawn NC, on x Powell, Thomas/M/37) HoldenArrest (W on2)chrg Conspire To Commit ♦ Brenda Ann Possession Cs (F),Larceny at S. (W F, 41) Arrest on chrg of /M/22) Cited on Charge of Sch IiFelony (F), Efird at Scj, on Hinson, 74, of ♦ Mccarver, James Wesley (W ♦ Strain, John Timothy (W Love Stanfield, NC, Felony Possession Sch Ii Speed In Excess Of 35Chapel Mph Rd.,4/7/2020 Locust, passed away /M/37) Arrest on chrg of 1) /M/32) Arrest on chrg of Cs (F), at 781 Leonard Av, (i) (202000244), on at 9/15/2020 605 N September 19. Resisting Public Officer (M), 2) Assault On Female (M), at 4152Albemarle, on 04/12/2020 Main St/collins Av, Norwood, x Hetland, Michael Shane (W ♦ Trent, Rocky Lynn (W /M/50) Communicate Threats (M), and A River Road, Stanfield, NC, on /M/42) Arrest on chrg of DvBaumez 71, of ♦ Peggy NC, on 4/10/2020 Cited on Charge Protection of Dwlr 3) Misuse Of 911 System (M), at 9/20/2020 x Smith, David Wayne (W M, Order Violation Richfield, passed away Impaired at Turner St, Quail TrailxRd, Norwood, 55) Arrest on chrg49488 of Assault Dye, James Chase (W Rev (2002648), (M), at 141 September 19. ♦ Gramling, Jevonde Marqui Hwy 138, 9/17/2020 On Female (M), atNC, 312on Martin /M/20) Arrest onBethlehem chrg of Ch Rd/nc Norwood, NC, on 4/7/2020 (B /M/26) Arrest on chrg of 1) ♦ Noma Gail Wallace Albemarle, Luther King Jr Dr, Albemarle, Assault On Female (M), at on 9/15/2020 ♦ Tucker, Gregory David (W Possess Marijuana Up To 1/2 x Pennington, Lawrence Gentry, 80, of on 04/12/2020 8318 742 Oakboro, Oakboro, ♦ Raffaldt, Kimberly SueJ(W /M/37) Arrest on chrg of Ounce (M) and 2) Possess Marij Glenn (W /M/60) Cited on passed Albemarle, NC, on 4/9/2020 /F/32) Cited on Charge Contempt Paraphernalia (M), at Norwood, x Hartsell, Debra Jean (W F,Of Court (M), at 126 Chargeofof Dwlr Impaired away Rev September 20. Speed In Excess Of 35 Mph S Third St, Albemarle, NC, on NC, on 9/20/2020 28) Arrest on chrg of Possess x Dye, Jeffery (W /M/22) (2001069), at Pennington (i) (202000775),Rd/mann at 775 N Rd, Albemarle, on Heroin (F), at 199 9/16/2020 Nc 24-27 Arrest on chrg of Simple ♦ Goodwin, Scottie Wayne Main St/s Stanly4/7/2020 School Rd, See OBITUARIES, page 7 Bypass W, Albemarle, on Assault (M), at 8318 Nc ♦ Lewis, Kerwyn Jermane (B (W /M/53) Arrest on chrg of Norwood, 04/08/2020 Hwy 742, Oakboro, NC, on NC, on 9/15/2020 /M/40) Arrest on chrg of Pwisd Resisting Public Officer, M (M), 4/9/2020 ♦ Wilson, Justin Lee (W Cocaine (F), at 424 Graham St, at 126 Third St, Albemarle, NC, x Misenheimer, Laura Cited on Charge of Albemarle, NC, on 9/16/2020 on 9/19/2020 Evelyn (W F, 48) Arrested x James, Thomas/M/22) Owen (W Sch Vi Cs (m) on Citation of Dwlr♦ Impaired /M/44) Arrest onSimple chrg ofPossess Dv Oldaker, Randell Lynn (W ♦ Parker, Shelia Kimrey (W (2002654), at Us 52/knollwood Rev (20-01605), at 651 Nc Protection Order Violation, /M/34) Arrest on chrg of Fail /F/52) Arrest on chrg of Cir, Albemarle, on 9/15/2020 24-27 Bypass E/henson St, M (M), at 44145 Catfish Reprt New Address-sex Off (F), Possession Of Firearm By Felon Albemarle, on 04/08/2020 New London, Albemarle, NC, NC, on (F), at 16671 Hwy52 S, Norwood, at 126 S Third St,Rd, 4/9/2020 9/16/2020 NC, on 9/19/2020 x Brooks, Michaelon Lee J (W /M/36) Arrest on♦chrg of Bracie x Rankin, Karena Quincanya Marshall, Alexandria (B ♦ Olson, Mackenzie Rose (W 1) Assault By Strangulation
(B /F/21) Arrest on chrg of
See OBITUARIES, page 7
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sometimes a disturbing tendency among people to treat those measures are understandable, they should also have an expira church some services can to keep our families, be open or closed,meltdown whether we oughtSome to we pursue Sweden style — a not Americans are notever. going to stay home f confident will — emerge outis of stronger supposed U.S. tax credits to companies whosimply willknow source at least halfdata of their 1986. experts believe that event, the Star Wars what theythe questioning and asking when we caninstart getting back This allthis newpandemic to Americans, andthan it is not normal.own Nottemp in an and many more ut still continue more liberalized society that presumes wide spread, or whether we they certainly will not do so on the bas ed we by should also In this same spirit, I continue to be inspired by stories of humanity production back in the States. There is though approximately programor of are Reagan, led directly toshape, the dissolution ofwhile the Soviet Unionremain vigilant and stay s to do, lastUnited I to normal they are$120 conspiracy theorists people who or form. So we should don’t.as afterdown our own e while reasonable stay-at-home ought to lock further. neighbors helping neighbors. especially as statistics roll in that look e I wish billion worth checked. of American direct investment in plants and equipment in 1989. otherwise don’t care if they get themselves or others sick. the same time we shouldn’t get comfortable with this so-calle uld also have an expiration date. We’ve seen case fatality rates — the number of deaths divided by estimates in terms of death and the up temporary In Concord, a high school senior named Tanner used his own celebratio in China. Chinese direct investmentSince in thewhen U.S. did is about $65 billion by Perhaps COVID-19 China’s Chernobyl. questioning government at all levels become aisbad normal.” North State Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 not normal. Not in any way, the number of identified COVID-19 cases — but both the numerator of economic damage. We need transpa money to buy a 3-D printer and plastic to make face shields for necessary sacrifices are society comparison. Senators inwere Washington are2020 already about County Journal fora Wednesday, September 23, thing? That is Stanly what free citizens living in free supposed Nottalking one little bit. the possibility ain vigilant and stay safe, at and in theChina denominator are likely wrong. We don’tin know how many scientific — we need to know w health care workers out of his own home. through t An investment tax credit of 30% on half of U.S. investment of China forgiving $1.2 trillion debt we owe them as one way toexperts get over. to do, last I checked. able with North this so-called “new people have actually died of coronavirus. Some sources suggest the don’t and when they hope to know wha today, $60 billion, applied to repatriated American China to “pay”isfor damage have Matthews caused thehas US.also Don’t hold your StateorJournal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 My first concern asmanufacturing we go along in all this, of course, mythe family. I’m they Stacey written under the pseudonym Siste number has beenbreath overestimated, given that classification for cause We’re grown-ups, and we’re willing t investment to the U.S. would costworried the U.S.about Treasury $18 billion in waiting for a Chinese “Jubilee” to happen but ask your elected them catching theJournal virus, and I’m worried I will. After and is a regular contributor to RedState and Legal Insurrecti Stanly County for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 of death, particularly among elderly patients, be variable. Some financial they need to start tax revenue spread over a few years. $18 billion lost revenue hold Chinacan accountable in tangible ways for answering serious qu suffering fromin the H1N1 virusis(swine flu) representatives during the 2009topandemic, sources suggest the number is dramatically underestimated, since to the same lack of institutional faith to decimal dust compared to the $6 I’ve trillion+ Plan extra we areprecautions, now this disaster. been Marshall trying to take because all of this brings up r the pseudonym Sister Toldjah many people are dying at home. institutions seem undertaking to save our own economy, notmany of defeated enemies as in the It is about timenot they expected to operate as responsible citizens of deeply prone. way too memories of a painful experience I’d prefer to are repeat. e and Legal Insurrection. Even more importantly, we have no clue how Americans past. theeasily worldmost like any other has modernmany nation. But what also makes me lose sleep is how everyone actually have coronavirus. Some scientists suggest that the number Ben Shapiro, 36, is a graduate of UCLA China has been cheating, stealing, pirating and pillaging American of identified cases could be an order of magnitude lower than the host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and ed business now for the past 30 years. They have made no secret that they Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor number of people who have had coronavirus and not been tested. com. intend to replace the U.S. as the premier superpower in the world and replace the dollar as the reserve currency with their renminbi.
Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor
’s okay to ask questions about when The e begin to get back to comfort normal and hope of Easter COLUMN | REP. RICHARD HUDSON
“THIS IS THEfallen DAYinto the lord has made, let usthe rejoice and be of glad Inc. in Concord and New WITH MOST STATES under either shelter-in-place or stay-at-home place. I understand seriousness the virus Hydromer and the need in it” (Psalm 118:24). Salisbury are orders thanks to local or state governments, a majority of Americans to take precautions, but I’m uneasy with how people who simply ask switching their operation I know that during this challenging time of social distancing, Inback Fayetteville, a minister began a p are having to adjust to what is being called the “new normal.” questions about the data, and when things can start getting to working from home or losing a job, it may be difficult to “rejoice and seniors throughout Cumberland Count Some of these orders extend at least through the end of this month. normal are treated in some circles with contempt. be glad” as the Bible tells us to do. However, as a Christian, husband These stories from throughout our r Virginia’s stay-at-home orders go into June. They’re treated as though we as a society simply must accept without and dad, the Easter holiday has reminded me of just how much we hope, inspiration and supplies to peopl Here in North Carolina, Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper stated during question what the government tells us about when it’s safe to begin the have to be thankful and hopeful for, even in the midst of this global workers on the front lines of the corona a recent coronavirus press briefing that “we just don’t know yet” if the process of returning back to normalcy. Lenten and pandemic. While people throughout our commu No. The government works for us, and we have the right to ask those when did state’s stay-at-home orders will extend into May. For me, my faith is an important part of my daily life and decision I am glad initiatives we have passed in Easter seasons If he does decide to extend it, questions should be asked as to the questions. And the longer stay-at-home orders are in place all over the ioning making. As I celebrated Easter with my family, I reflected on 2 Protection Program, are supporting se justification for it. And the answers should notabe vague ones like “we country, and the stricter some of them get in states, such as Michigan, provide nment Corinthians 1:4, which reminds us our Lord “comforts us in all our helping small businesses keep people o must do this out of an abundance of caution.” the more people, sitting at home feeling isolated and/or anxious about message of affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any relief will soon reach families and work levels It will need to be explained in detailhope to the people of this state who when they can get back to providing for their families, will demand that we will affliction, with the comfort which we ourselves are comforted by continue working on common sense an are being told to remain jobless and at home for an undetermined answers. me a once again enjoy God.” we can defeat the coronavirus and keep amount of time why models predicting hundreds of thousands of cases Leaders at the local and state levels should be as forthcoming as they hing? sporting events, If you are celebrating the Easter season, I urge you to also whole. are reliable. can be with those answers — and again, not vague answers, but answer is what reflect and be comforted, that we may live out Until then, the Lenten and Easter se concerts, family To date, I’ve gone along with what the state has asked and thenon this message with details that give theirso statements believability. God’s example and comfort all those in need around us during hope that we will once again enjoy spo itizens mandated that we do, but along the way I’ve also had questions about We should all continue to do what we can to keep our families, gatherings, this difficult time. Through faith and by helping one another, I am gatherings, church services and many the data. State Republican leaders have, too. services ourselves, and our communities safe. But we should also still continue church in a freeCOLUMN | BEN SHAPIRO confident we will emerge out of this pandemic stronger than ever. own temporary Unfortunately, when certain types ofand questions get asked, there is to ask questions about the data, because while reasonable stay-at-home sacrifices for the greate many more ty were In this same spirit, I continue to be inspired they by stories humanity are over. sometimes a disturbing tendency among some people to treat those measures are understandable, shouldofalso have an expiration date. after our own osed neighbors helping neighbors. I wish everyone celebrating Easter, a simply questioning the data and asking when we can start getting back This is all new to Americans, and it is not normal. Not in any way, COLUMN | BEN SHAPIRO temporary In Concord, a high school senior named Tanner used his own celebration and pray we can all continu last I to normal as though they are conspiracy theorists or are people who shape, or form. So while we should remain vigilant and stay safe, at money to buy a 3-D printer and plastic to make face shields for necessary safety guidelines and remain sacrifices are sick. otherwise don’t care if they get themselves or others the same time we shouldn’t get comfortable with this so-called “new ked. health care workers out of his own home. through this together. Since when did questioning government normal.” over. at all levels become a bad AIN; after thisthing? COVID-19 dissipates The cavalier manner in which China lied about origin the his basement long enough to stand before a field of That virus is what free citizens living in a free society were supposed Not onethe little bit. of from THIS WEEK, America’s West Coast found itself on fire. Millions emerged he United States, China pay for this virus, covered up its spread and tried to tell the world there were to do, lastwill I checked. of acresStanly have burned California, Oregon and Washington. waving grassonly and explain that Trump’s unwillingness to signal proper Countyacross Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 The r Wednesday, April 15, 2020 nother. 3,341 related deaths has led to worldwide panic, economic collapse and under My first concern as we go along in all this, of course, is my family. I’m Stacey Matthews has also written thewould pseudonym Sister Toldjah smoke clouds have been so immense that they have blotted out the concern about change kill Americans. “Wethan have four THIS WEEK, according to members of the federal government, That would meanclimate that the fatality rate is actually far lower s caused by China in perspective, zero millions of Americans needlessly being thrown out of work. worried aboutsun them catching the virus, and I’m worried I will. After and is a regular contributor to RedState and Legal Insurrection. in certain areas; air quality has been so poor that hundreds of more years of Trump’s climate denial,” Biden gravely intoned. “How and state and local governments, Americans have begun to flatten even if the transmission rate is high. n trace their source to thefrom United over The crisis has thepandemic, U.S. taxpayer at least $2.4suggested, trillion in added suffering the States H1N1 of virus (swine flu) during thecost 2009 thousands people have been forced indoors. many suburbs will be burned in wildfires?” the curve in novel coronavirus outbreak. The excitement was Secondly, what are we expecting in terms of a second wave? ast four in the I’ve 20th century alone can bethe debt plus trillions inof Federal Reserve backup liquidity to the been trying to take extra precautions, because allmore of this brings up There are several key reasons for the extent these wildfires. The answer: exactly as many as would burnedItwith muted — after all, trends can easily reverse — but real. Americans The institute’s model simply cuts off in earlybeAugust. doesfour notyears of 1957 “Asian flu,” 1968 Kong flu,” 1977 markets and financial Ifstifling the U.S. dollar were not thegovernance. reserve way too“Hong manyFederal memories ofstate a painful experience I’dgeared preferoutlets. not to repeat. and policies have been around wildfires Biden But the point here isn’t shaping public policy; it’s have abided by recommendations and orders. They’ve left their jobs how many people will die in a second wave. This is the 2 SARS outbreak. There evidence that the currency, we controlled would be ableto toprevent fund any of thesepredict emergency But whatisalso makes merather lose sleep isallowing how easily mostnot everyone has for decades, than burns shaping perception. Politics has become about the art of the lawn California to stay at home; they’ve practiced social distancing; in many places, mostand important because experts maintain that the virus is sign. ” pandemic also had its origins in China. measures without immediatereports, fear of rampant inflation currencyproblem accretion of flammable vegetation. As ProPublica California In California, there’s thatmore has become quite they’ve donned masks. seasonal, which means weone arelawn likelysign to see serious spreading alone saw that COVID-19 nt, outside of China, depreciation. alone saw the burning of 4.4 million to 11 million acres per year popular. It reads, “IN THIS HOUSE, WE BELIEVE: BLACK We need The result: a reduction in expected hospitalization and death. in the through fall. And that means we will be faced with either renewed the burning vince probably from the completely China has to2017, pay for their aberrant waystoand decisions prehistorically; between 1999 and thatInstitute number dropped LIVES MATTER; WOMEN’S ARE HUMAN RIGHTS; transparency According to the University of Washington for Health lockdowns for large swaths of theRIGHTS population, with wide-scale Neal Robbins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor ary wet markets. Some believe it came outacres of a pereconomic and financial means. Diplomacy has obviously not worked of 4.4 million only 13,000 year. In February 2020, Nature Sustainability NO HUMAN IS ILLEGAL; SCIENCE IS REAL; LOVE LOVE; Metricseditor and Evaluation model most oft cited by members of the testing andhygiene contact tracing, or with the realization that we IS will have and honesty rcommunist | Frank Hill, senior army.opinion to bring China into the civilized world of 21st century health, concluded that California would need to burn some 20 million acres KINDNESS IS EVERYTHING.” The sign is generally plunked in to 11Chinese million Trump administration, the expected need for hospital beds at to isolate those who are most vulnerable and let everyone else work. from our rous verifiable policing and to regulation of in termsand fair trade. Totalitarian communist regimes neverthe take the yard blame restabilize of fire. Meanwhile, even those who pursue front of a nice suburban home, where it acts as a sort of peakhas outbreak was revised down by over 120,000, the number of Which raises the third question: What exactly can we do? Are acres perexperts yearbusiness th protocols, American noburns other orjump express sincere regret and remorse, because that isunearned not what scientific controlled must through extraordinarily regulatory hoops symbol virtue. semantically tautologies ventilators by nearly 13,000 and the number of overall deaths by we capable of rollingofout tens The of millions of testsoverloaded over the next few prehistorically; ndant manufacturing elsewhere purely totalitarian governments do. They take advantage of are every weakness — we need to plantsAugust to do so:byThe Clean Air Act treats smoke from controlled burns as a designed to act as a dissociation tactic from supposedly benighted nearly 12,000. months — and compelling people to take tests regularly, since the safety reasons as well as supply and delivery they find in adversaries and keep pushing until they win or the between 1999 pollutant, forproblem: example. fellow Americans who apparently don’t believe “SCIENCE IS REAL” know what they Here’s the We still don’t know the answers to the key virus is transmittable while carriers are asymptomatic? Can we adversaries push back. Even California Gov. Gavin Newsom admitted to President Donald or that “KINDNESS IS EVERYTHING.” and know,2017, what they questions will allow the economy to reopen. a contact tracing system for 330 million Americans — and make China “pay” for this disaster isthat tothat offer That is, unless an exogenous event happens such create as the Chernobyl Trump the state had botched its fatality fire policy: “We have not done But, of course, the sign conveystonothing First, what is the true coronavirus rate? This question is are we to submit ourselves one? beyond a selfthat number don’t and when nies who will source at least justice half of their meltdown in 1986. Some experts believe that event, not thewilling Star Wars for our forest management.” But that admission was the mere congratulatory insistence that the sign owner is better human because it determines whether certain areas ought to OneSoviet thingUnion is certain: Things cannot continue asathey have been.than dropped only important theyThere hope to nited States. is approximately $120 program ofpoint Reagan, led directly to climate the dissolution of the precursor to a more important for Newsom: that change other humans. By phrases like “SCIENCE IS REAL,” the sign open or closed, whether we ought to pursue — Sweden style — a Americans are not going to stay home for months on end, and owner n direct investment in plantsbe and equipment in 1989. know what they 13,000 acres is truly to blame for the wildfires. “The science is in ... that climate conveys thatwill if you wildfires to anything beyond more society that presumes wide spread, or whether we they certainly notattribute do so onCalifornia the basis of ever-evolving models, nvestment inyear. the U.S. is about $65liberalized billion byNewsom Perhaps COVID-19 is China’s Chernobyl. don’t. change is real,” lectured Trump. Trumpian evil and climate change, you deny science. Which is per ought to lock down further. especially as statistics roll in that look like the lower-end model antiSenators in Washington are already talking about the possibility In reality, climate change may have had some effect on the scientific, course. We’ve in seen case fatality rates — the number of deaths divided by inof terms death and the upper-end estimates in terms it of 30% on half of U.S. investment China of China forgiving $1.2 trillion in debt we owe themestimates as one way to get ofThat’s California wildfires, but that effect is entirely secondary in scope to But it’s effective. whytransparency New York Gov. tweeted, the number of identified COVID-19 cases — but both the numerator of economic damage. We need andAndrew honestyCuomo from our ied to repatriated Americanthe manufacturing China to “pay”tofor the damage they have caused the US. Don’t knows” hold your effect of bad policy. According the Environmental Protection “Science (cynics might point out that science suggests shipping andbillion the denominator are likely wrong. We don’t know how many need to know what they know, what they uld cost the U.S. Treasury $18 in temperature breath waiting forCalifornia a Chinesehas “Jubilee” to happen butscientific ask yourexperts elected — weseniors Agency,have the in Southern increased COVID-19-positive into nursing homes is idiotic). That’s why people actually died of coronavirus. Some sources suggest the don’t and when they hope to know what they don’t. few years. $18 billion in lostapproximately revenue is representatives to hold ChinaSince accountable in tangibleDr. financial ways for 3 degrees F over the past century. 1980, the Jill Biden tweeted, “#VoteForScience” (cynics askBut whether number has been overestimated, given that classification for cause We’re grown-ups, and we’re willing to follow theirmight advice. o the $6 trillion+ Marshall Plan we are now this disaster. temperature in California has increased less than 2 degrees F. Does she believes a woman can become a man). By portraying your lack death, particularly among elderly patients, can be variable. Some they need to start answering serious questions, or they will fall prey wn economy, not of defeatedof enemies as in the It is dryness about time they areOfexpected to operate as responsible citizens of climate change exacerbate and heat? course. But fire policy of a political program as entirely irrelevant to the broader question sources suggest the number is dramatically underestimated, since to the same lack of institutional faith to which all other American the world like any other modern nation. was the chief are failure here. of Science seem Denial, you can avoid the hard conversations politics was many people dying at home. institutions deeply prone. g, stealing, pirating and pillaging American What’s more, no matter what Trump believes on climate change, intended to address. Even more importantly, we have no clue how many Americans 30 years. They have made nothe secret thatisthey science clear: Nothing Trump could have done would have made Ben Lawn signs solve problems. Butand they do makeLaw us feel good. actually have coronavirus. Some scientists suggest that the number Shapiro, 36,don’t is a graduate of UCLA Harvard School, as the premier superpower in the world and a measurable impact on the climate between 2017 and 2020. In fact, Which is what politics are supposed to achieve nowadays in the of identified cases could be an order of magnitude lower than the host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and editor-in-chief of DailyWire. eserve currency with their renminbi. if the entire United States cease carbon absence of actual solutions. Perhaps at some point we might ask why number of people who havewere had to coronavirus andemissions not been today, tested.the com. climate would be just 0.17 degrees C less hot by 2100. politics make us feel so rotten these days. Yet the media and Democrats suggested that the true story of the wildfires was indeed climate change. This theme was trumpeted by Ben Shapiro, 36, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden first and foremost: Biden host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and editor-in-chief of DailyWire.com. WS
Lawn-sign virtue signaling and the death of politics l pay for this COVID-19 catastrophe The 3 big questions nobody is answering 3
questions about when tbig to normal The comfort and hope of Easter sback COVID-19 Ag, broadband vital rural families questionscatastrophe nobody is to answering
under either shelter-in-place or stay-at-home fallen into place. I understand the seriousness of the virus and the need issipates cavalierofmanner in which China about the origin the with how people who simply ask tate governments,The a majority Americans to takelied precautions, but I’mofuneasy THIS WEEK, virus, according to members ofTHE theand federal government, That would mean that the fatality rate is actually farbecome lowerand than “THIS IS DAY the lord has made, let us rejoice and be Hydromer in we Concord New Sarum Brewing on Co.technology in RECENTLY, I was walking to vote at the U.S. Capitol with aglad to modernize increasingly dependent or this covered up its spread tried to tell the world there were only hat is being called the “new normal.” questions about the data, and when things can start getting backInc. toand nd state and local governments, Americans have begun to flatten suggested, even if the transmission rate is high. in it” (Psalm 118:24). Salisbury are switching their operations to make hand sanitizer. congressman from an urban area of the country. We began talking to stay connected during the COVID-19 pandemic, families, farmers, 3,341 related deaths has led to worldwide panic, economic collapse and tend at least through the end of this month. normal are treated in some circles with contempt. he curve in the novel coronavirus outbreak. The excitement was Secondly, what areinwe expecting in terms of a second wave? I know that during this challenging time of social distancing, In Fayetteville, minister began a program to deliver groceries toand about agriculture and he told me, “I don’t have any ag interests my schools, and businesses need reliable broadband. The new “haves” zero millions of Americans needlessly being thrown out of work. ders go into June. They’re treated as though we as a society simply must accept without muted — after all, trends candistrict.” easily reverse — taxpayer butor real. Americans The institute’s modellike simply cuts off in early August. It does not working from home losing a job, it may be difficult to “rejoice and seniors throughout Cumberland County. I responded with, “Oh really? Your constituents don’t to “have-nots” in our society are those who have access to broadband and States over The crisis has cost the U.S. at least $2.4 trillion in added , Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper stated during question what the government tells us about when it’s safe to begin the abided by recommendations and orders. They’ve left their jobs predict how many people will die in awho second wave. This iswhether the our you be glad” as the Bible tells us to do. However, as a Christian, husband These stories from throughout region continue to provide eat or wear clothes?” The congressman paused and got my point. those don’t. However, live in a rural area or urban esave can be debt plus trillions more in Federal Reserve backup liquidity to the briefing that “we just don’t know yet” if the process of returning back to normalcy. stay 1977 at home; they’ve practiced social distancing; in many places, important problem because experts maintain thatthe theopportunities virus is in need dad, the Easter holiday has reminded me just much we hope, inspiration and supplies to people health care The reality is weIfall rely on farmers every single day. Asand the founder one determine you and have.our That’s why I’m gosflu,” markets financial outlets. the U.S. dollar were notmost theofreserve will extend into May. andand No. The government works forhow us, we have the rightshouldn’t to ask those hey’ve donned masks. seasonal, which means we are likely to see more serious spreading have to be thankful and hopeful for, even in the midst of this global workers on the front lines of the coronavirus response. and current co-chair of the Agriculture and Rural America Task determined to bring broadband to all our communities. ce that the currency, we would not be able to fund any of these emergency end it, questions should be asked as to the questions. And the longer stay-at-home orders are in place all over the The result: reduction inwithout expected hospitalization in the fall.nation. And that means we will be people facedthe with either renewed Lenten and pandemic. While throughout our communities continue to step Force, Ilike strongly that death. farmers vital to our Following announcement, Secretary Purdue joined meup, for a measures fearcountry, of and rampant and currency Atshould aachurch eChina. answers not be vague onesimmediate “we believe and inflation the are stricter some of them get in states, such as Michigan, ccording to the University of Washington Institute for Health lockdowns for large swaths of the population, with wide-scale For me, my faith is an important part of my daily life and decision I am glad initiatives we have passed in Congress, like the Paycheck Because of my commitment to our farmers and rural communities, roundtable discussion and tour of a seventh-generation family farm Easter seasons -19 depreciation. undance of the more people, sitting at home feeling isolated and/or anxious about in caution.” West End, model Metrics and Evaluation most oft cited by members of the testing and contact tracing, or with the realization that we will have making. As I celebrated Easter with my family, I reflected on 2 Protection Program, are supporting self-employed people and I invited U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Sonny on the Cumberland and Harnett county line to discuss priorities for y China has to pay for their aberrant ways and decisions through provide a people of this state who ned in detail to the when they can get back to providing for their families, will demand Secretary rumpout administration, theand expected need for hospital beds atusobviously tonot isolate those who are mosthelping vulnerable and let everyone else work.on the payroll, while direct Corinthians 1:4, which reminds our Lord “comforts us in all our small businesses keep people Perdue to visit our district. Recently, he accepted my invitation and farmers. ame of a economic financial means. Diplomacy has worked obless and at home answers. message offor an undetermined eak outbreak was revised down by me over 120,000, thetonumber ofimportant Which raises third question: What exactly can we Are affliction, so thatregion weworld may be able to comfort those who arethe in any relief will soon reach families and workers. know that I’ll joined in our make announcement. Agriculture remains thedo? top industry inPlease our state, and I recognize Purdue to bring China into the civilized of 21st century health, hygiene els predicting hundreds of thousands of cases Leaders atan the local and state levels should be as forthcoming as they hope that we13,000 will and entilators by nearly the number of overall deaths by we capable of rolling out tens of millions of tests over the next fewleaders affliction, within the comfort which we ourselves are comforted by continue working on common sense and targeted solutions so that At a church West End, Secretary Purdue announced money to that our farmers and agribusiness are some of the hardest ation of announced and fair trade. Totalitarian communist regimes never take the blame can be with those answers — and again, not vague answers, but answer again enjoy sincere ugust byonce nearly 12,000. months — and compelling people to defeat take tests regularly, since the God.” we can the coronavirus and keep people and businesses expand broadband in rural Moore County. The USDA is investing workers in our nation. I always seek to hear directly from them. We has no other or express regret and remorse, because that is not what with what the state has asked and then with details that give their statements believability. money to Here’s the problem: We still don’t know the answers toadvantage the keyseason, virus isyou transmittable while carriers are asymptomatic? Can we sporting events, If you are celebrating the Easter I urge to also whole. $2.3 million to connect 3,333 people, 17 farms, 26 businesses and discussed a range of issues including challenges caused by COVID-19 where purely totalitarian governments do. They take of every weakness along the way I’ve also had questions about We should all continue to do what we can to keep our families, expand uestions that will allow economy reopen. create contact tracing systemand for 330 million Americans —Thanks and seasons reflect ontothis message and beuntil comforted, may But live out Until then, the Lenten and Easter a message of nine education facilities to high-speed internet in Moore disaster relief programs. to theprovide leadership of Secretary concerts, family nd delivery they findthe in adversaries and keep ourselves, pushing winso orthat theawe n leaders have, too. andthey ourbroadband communities safe. we should also still continue First, what is the true coronavirus fatality rate? This question is are we willing to submit ourselves to one? God’s example and comfort all those in need around us during hope that we will once again enjoy sporting events, concerts, family County. Randolph Telephone Membership Corporation will deploy the Perdue and President Donald Trump, we are making great strides broadband in adversaries push back. gatherings, rtain types of questions get asked, there is to ask questions about the data, because while reasonable stay-at-home mportant because That it determines whether certain areas ought to thing certain: cannot continue as they have been. this difficult Through faith and by one another, I also amThings church services and many moretogether celebrations after our fiber-to-the-premises network. This new funding for ouris community to protect ourdate. farmers and move forward during these rndency is to offer is, unless an exogenous happens such ashelping the One Chernobyl rural Moore among some people to treat thosetime. event measures are understandable, they should havegatherings, an expiration church services e open or closed, whether we ought to pursue — Sweden style — a Americans are not going to stay home for months on end, and confident we will emerge out of this pandemic stronger than ever. own temporary sacrifices for the greater good of the country and was provided through the recently passed CARES Act, which I challenging times. oftatheir meltdown in 1986. Some experts believe that event, not the Star Wars and asking when we can start getting back This is all new to Americans, and it is not normal. Not in any way, and many more County. more liberalized society that presumes wide spread, or whether certainly will do so on the basisare ofit’s ever-evolving In thisled same spirit, Ithe continue towe be inspired stories of not humanity over. supported for COVID-19 relief. Whether adjusting tomodels, life under COVID-19, assisting rural ly $120 program of are Reagan, directly toshape, dissolution of thethey Soviet Unionremain are conspiracy theorists or people who or form. So while webyshould vigilant and stay safe, at after our own ught to lock down further. especially as statistics roll in that look like the lower-end model neighbors helping neighbors. I wish everyone celebrating Easter, as well Passover, joyous The Pilot newspaper said, “This grant program is a good example of communities, or ensuring our best days are as ahead of us, aeverything equipment in 1989. y get themselves or others sick. the same time we shouldn’t get comfortable with this so-called “new We’ve seen case fatality rates —federal the number ofcoming deaths divided by estimates insee terms of death and theputs upper-end estimates in terms temporary In Concord, a high school senior named Tanner used his own celebration and pray we can all continue to keep faith, practice our dollars home to help. We’re glad to it.” I do you first. Our communities are strongest when we work 5 billion by Perhaps COVID-19 is China’s Chernobyl. ning government at all levels become a bad normal.” atenumber Journal Wednesday, April 15, 2020 he offor identified COVID-19 cases —aare but both the numerator ofpossibility economic damage. We need transparency and honesty from our toconfident money to buy 3-D printer and plastic to make face shields for necessary safety guidelines and remain that we will getrebuild I couldn’t agree more. Connecting rural families with broadband together, and I will continue to work restore our way of life, sacrifices are Senators in Washington already talking about the itizens living in a free society were supposed Not one little bit. nd theChina denominator are likely wrong. We don’t know how many scientific experts — we need to know what they know, what they health care workers out of his own home. through this together. has been a longstanding priority for me, and there has never been a our economy and renew the American dream for everyone — no nt in of China forgiving $1.2 trillion in debt we owe them as one way to get over. eople have actually died of coronavirus. Some sources suggest the don’t and when they hope to know what theyyou don’t. more important time to take action on this. As the world continues matter where live. ufacturing China to “pay” for the damage they have caused the US. Don’t hold your go along in all this, of course, is my family. I’m Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym Sister Toldjah umber beenbreath overestimated, given that classification for cause We’re grown-ups, and we’re willing to follow their advice. But lion in has waiting Ifor a Chinese to ahappen ask your elected ing the virus, and I’m worried will. After “Jubilee” and is regularbut contributor to RedState and Legal Insurrection. f death, particularly among elderly patients, can be variable. Some they need to start nue hold China accountable in tangible financial ways for answering serious questions, or they will fall prey irusis(swine flu) representatives during the 2009topandemic, ources suggest the number is dramatically underestimated, since to the same lack of institutional faith to which all other American etra areprecautions, now this disaster. because all of this brings up many people are dying at home. institutions seem mies as in the It is about timenot they expected to operate as responsible citizens of deeply prone. of a painful experience I’d prefer to are repeat. Even more importantly, we have no clue how Americans theeasily worldmost like any other has modernmany nation. e lose sleep is how everyone ctually have coronavirus. Some scientists suggest that the number Ben Shapiro, 36, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, American fetidentified cases could be an order of magnitude lower than the host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and editor-in-chief of DailyWire. that they bins, publisher | Frank Hill, senior opinion editor umber of people who have had coronavirus and not been tested. com. world and
Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, September 23, 2020
NFL fines coaches, teams for mask violations New York NFL coaches thumbed their collective — and exposed — noses at the NFL’s mask mandate in Week 2. The league responded with hefty fines of $100,000 per coach and $250,000 per club. The first three to get fined were Denver’s Vic Fangio, San Francisco’s Kyle Shanahan and Seattle’s Pete Carroll, according to a person with knowledge of the punishment who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because the coaches were not identified. The punishment was meted out a week after the NFL reminded team personnel on the sidelines about the rules for wearing face coverings during the coronavirus pandemic.
Seeding, not record determines who bats last in World Series The league and union agreed that the championship series will take place in Arlington, Texas
By Ronald Blum The Associated Press NEW YORK — The higher-seeded team reaching the World Series will have last at-bats in Games 1 and 2 and — if needed — Games 6 and 7, not necessarily the team with the best record. The specification was contained in the July 23 agreement between Major League Baseball and the players’ association to expand the playoffs following a regular season shortened due to the coronavirus pandemic. A copy of the deal was
obtained by The Associated Press. This year’s change means a No. 1 seed from one league with fewer regular season wins than a lower seed from the other league would have the “homefield advantage” for the World Series should they both win pennants. In the event both pennant winners have the same seed, regular season winning percentage would decide which team is “home” for the first two games. Under an agreement reached last week between MLB and the union, all World Series games will be played at Globe Life Field in Arlington, Texas, the new ballpark of the out-of-contention Texas Rangers. Home-field advantage in the World Series generally rotated between the leagues through 2002. At the behest of then-Commis-
sioner Bud Selig and Fox, homefield advantage went to the AllStar Game winner from 2003-16. Home-field for Games 1, 2, 6 and 7 was based on winning percentage from 2017-19. The League Championship Series and Division Series also will be played at neutral sites this year. The AL Championship Series will be in San Diego and the NL Championship Series in Arlington, while the AL Division Series will be in Los Angeles and San Diego and the NL Division Series in Houston and Arlington. Under the agreement, the division champions in a league will be ranked as the first, second and third seeds in order of winning percentage, and the second-place teams will be ranked fourth, fifth and sixth seeds in the same manner, followed by the wild-card teams as seventh and eighth seeds in order of winning percentage. Higher seeds will host all games in a best-of-three round, with No. 1 playing No. 8, 2 vs. 7, 3 vs. 6 and 4 vs. 5. Under the July 23 deal, Division Series matchups would have had the highest advancing seed play the lowest advancing seed, but as MLB and the union negotiated the
“The elimination of travel is obviously a positive because it cuts exposure.” Rob Manfred, MLB commissioner neutral site “bubble” agreement, they agreed to replace that with a fixed bracket. The change began in talks between Deputy Commissioner Dan Halem and union head Tony Clark, and details were worked out by Senior Vice President Patrick Houlihan and players’ association deputy general counsel Matt Nussbaum. The sides decided they did not want a team whose series had finished having to wait to find out which city it would travel to. Higher seeds in each matchup will have “homefield advantage” as it pertains to last at-bat for the majority of scheduled games, including the first two. Seeding was preferred over winning percentage to decide “homefield advantage” because of differing opponents in teams’ schedules in a season revised and shortened during to the pandemic.
Player positive for COVID-19 ahead of French Open qualifying Paris One woman who was entered in French Open qualifying tested positive for the coronavirus and was dropped from the field Monday. The French tennis federation did not identify the player, who it said must isolate for seven days. Women’s qualifying began Tuesday. The news comes a day after the federation announced that five other players were withdrawn from qualifying — two who tested positive for COVID-19 and three who were in close contact with a coach who tested positive for the illness. Matches in the main draw for the 15-day clay-court Grand Slam tournament begin Sunday.
Hamels done for year after just 1 start for Braves Atlanta After making just one start for the Atlanta Braves, Cole Hamels is done for the season. Hamels reported shortly before the start of a four-game series against the Miami Marlins that he didn’t feel like he could get anything on the ball. The left-hander was scheduled to make his second start Tuesday after struggling throughout the year to overcome shoulder and triceps issues. The Braves placed Hamels on the 10day injured list, retroactive to Sept. 18, but that was a mere formality. General manager Alex Anthopoulos has already conquered about replacing Hamels in the team’s postseason player pool.
Louisville challenges NCAA over recruiting allegations Louisville, Ky. Louisville has refuted NCAA allegations against its men’s basketball program in the wake of a federal corruption scandal, requesting that the highest-level violation be reclassified. The university also is challenging that former coach Rick Pitino failed to promote an atmosphere of compliance in his program. Louisville filed a 104-page response last week to the Notice Of Allegations sent to the school in May. The NCAA has until Nov. 15 to respond with the school responding 15 days after before a decision is made on how the case will proceed.
The World Series will be played entirely at the Texas Rangers’ new ballpark in Arlington, Texas, as part of a bubble agreement between Major League Baseball and the players’ association, the first time the sport’s championship will be played entirely at one site since 1944.
Harvick gets 9th win as Cup Series moves on to Round of 12 William Byron, Cole Custer, Ryan Blaney and Matt DiBenedetto were eliminated from the playoffs The Associated Press BRISTOL, Tenn. — Feeding off one of the largest crowds at a sporting event during the pandemic, Kevin Harvick steamrolled his way into the second round of NASCAR’s playoffs in a championship that is seemingly his to lose. Harvick held off a charging Kyle Busch over the final 40 laps Saturday night at Bristol Motor Speedway for his career-best and Cup Series-high ninth victory of the season. He did it in front of a soldout crowd of 30,000 spectators, the most Bristol was allowed to admit and the largest crowd since March. “I hadn’t been to too many races where I’ve been that jacked up getting in the race car,” Harvick said. “The fans were so enthusiastic tonight and I don’t know if we’ve just been away from them for that long, but you could feel the enthusiasm in the stadium tonight. “As I was getting in the car, I was just wound up and just really, really ready to race.” Harvick took the lead from Busch and denied Busch his first victory of the season. Busch furiously tried to catch him as the two weaved their way through lapped traffic, but Harvick held firm in the No. 4 Ford for Stewart-Haas Racing. Harvick also won the Southern 500 at Darlington Raceway to open the playoffs. He’s ninth on NASCAR’s career list with 58 Cup victories.
Kevin Harvick celebrates after winning Saturday’s NASCAR Cup Series race at Bristol. Busch, who failed inspection twice before the race and drove from the back of the field to lead in his Toyota, was disappointed to finish second. Busch took aim at Joey Logano, who failed to move out of the way as Harvick and Busch battled for the lead — “he’s nobody’s friend for a reason” — as well as younger drivers Garrett Smithley and Joey Gase. “If that lap car wasn’t there, I would have blown it in on the outside or the inside and maybe we would have banged each other’s doors or whatever and had a greater finish to the checkered,” Busch said. “But some of them (idiot) kids don’t know what the hell they’re
“As I was getting in the car, I was just wound up and just really, really ready to race.” Kevin Harvick on racing in front of 30,000 fans at Bristol doing or where they’re at and can’t stay out of the way. Nothing like a Gase and a Smithley.” Smithley, who finished 32nd and has received criticism from Busch before, argued he’s a target for Busch even when he didn’t alter
Busch’s race. “Went outta my way to give him room,” Smithley wrote on Twitter. “Think he might have thought I was in a different car.” Either way, Busch was aggravated enough to predict his run in these playoffs will be short. “We’ll be eliminated next round, so don’t care,” Busch said. The first elimination race of the playoffs knocked William Byron, Cole Custer, Ryan Blaney and Matt DiBenedetto from title contention. All four were below the cutline at the start of the race and failed to produce a finish strong enough to get them into the next round.
Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, April 15, 2020 Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, September 23, 2020
5 5
‘The Last Dance’ director project Threetalks Stanly on Jordan’snamed Bulls schools
Wells Fargo Conference Cup champions
The 10-part documentary will air over five Sundays By Tim Reynolds The Associated Press
North Carolina A&T receiver Elijah Bell, pictured inbefore 2017 against Carolina Central, amongStars. the HBCU draft Tampa Bay Lightning center Alex Killorn warms up Game North 1 on Saturday against theisDallas hopefuls who was affected by the canceled events due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Next NHL season could start HBCU NFL hopefuls adjust after in December or January canceled pro days, combine
U.S.-Canada border to nonessential travel, which has more of an effect on the NHL than other pro sports leagues because it has seven teams in Canada and 24 in the U.S. until Seattle becomes the 32nd franchise in 2021. Canada did not allow Major Commissioner Gary justing on the fly as the situation League Baseball’s Blue Jays to Bettman is trying to plan evolves. Acknowledging there are play in Toronto this season becoronavirus pandemic linemantravel Dari- by compete.” “Our goal is to The cause defensive of cross-border factors like the U.S.-Canada bor- Central the 2020-21 campaign with can’t us Royster, the Mid-Eastern Ath-Cahas made it even harder But that opportunity never der and local jurisdictions out of them and other teams. The get back to as this season ending more “Just letic Conference offensive andthe came. for under-the-radar players nadian government approved his control that could affect travthan three months late great a sense defensive players of the year, South Carolina State’s pro because we to make an impression on quarel and attendance, Bettman in- NHL holding its playoffs in reday and the HBCU combine be- be spectively. of normalcy antined bubbles in Toronto and dicated Saturday he wouldn’t teams are from extrabutexposure came part of a growing list oflat- “Does Edmonton has not help? allowed surprised if the season begins By Stephen Whyno as possible Yes, it does. But once takenCaevents canceled because of the smaller er than scheduled but would like family members whoit’saren’t The Associated Press it limits certain to get coronavirus pandemic. While under whatever By Kyle Hightower nadian citizens join,guys as had been to avoid playing deep into next away schools their film out there,” said Morsmall school and borderline draft The Associated Press planned by the league and playsummer. EDMONTON, Alberta — Gary circumstances doesn’t State coach Tyrone Wheatfrom across the coun“If there’s an option to con- ganers. Bettman will take his first sigh of prospects first-round byto the New will be hurt me, by a we’re lack of sim- ley, a The DE’MONTREZ Burroughs are presented.” relief mean league ispick close wrapping believe considerin months when he presents trysider, York Giants in 1995. “It limits ilar events, HBCU players may looked at it as his best shot to acMore ing it,” Bettman said during his up its successful return. the the Stanley Cup. we can’t scouts fromtests actually be hit hardest complish his NFL dream. 30,000 insideseeing the bubpre-without Stanleythem Cup and Final prothan “Maybe I’ll get a full night annual Gary one-on-one, to look Regional Combine Invita- these The South State se- thenews compete.” blesguys turned up zero positive coroconference. “It’s conceivable sleep,” the Carolina NHL Commissioner Bettman, NHL at them and physically place eyes tional that HBCU players in renior receiver had the dates cirthat we start without fans, that navirus test results. said. To getsaid somethe of the ques-has used to cled Maybe on his one, calendar. First, commissioner Bettman league weyears movehad to previously socially distant fans on them. and then thethe work cent De’Montrez tions answered up close and perboost their draft stock. Bulldogs’ annual pro day on begins on next season. Bettman at some point and by some point “started informally thinking” sonal.” “When you’re coming out of an March 19, followed a week latBurroughs, and deputy commissioner Bill in time maybe our buildings are about next season and concedAside fromwill getting chance tohit by thehad first-ever NFL combine South Carolina er Daly ed there be aa financial open.”you know that the teams more questions of their HBCU, run the 40-yard dash and com- up are going to be looking at Divievent held for draft prospects There’s no way to know yet because attendance makes own than answers next season, State receiver plete other strength and agility sion I talent first,” said Kansas from Historically Black Colleges at least 50% of revenue. He’s not what a 2020-21 NHL season will though it’s always been questionin front of scouts from thenot Chiefs defensive backis Alex and Universities who on didn’t worried about any franchises look like, and the league watch- drills able if it will start Dec.re1 as City 32 franchises, were a SC going State alum. ceive invitations to the national Brown, making it throughplayers this and said ing what’s on in “With Europe- NFL’s tentatively planned. to get the chance to intercombine in Indianapolis. Seattle joining the league won’t anHBCU hockeycombine, and the that’s other difNorth going Bettman on Saturday raised this team executives on the I wish we had that when He possibility left for spring break the ferent. be with pushed back. American professional sports view the of a start sometime first day of the combine I was coming out. It was gonna week before his pro day with ev“While we HBCU know it’ll be less later in December or even Janu- leagues and college athletics to a chance have all the teams event. erything readythe to go. Heremains had filmfor be see (money), we know there’s a subwhat’sto possible. ary, though plan still conducting at those packages to distribute scouts. stantialarerevenue impact,in-I’m “Our goal isguys.” to get back to as Teams each team to play 82togames and looking terviews by phone and video conOnly four HBCU players were Hethe was also thinking about what comfortable that our franchises great a sense of normalcy as posleague hold a full playoffs. ferencing, but those are capped selected in the 2019 draft with a he would say in interviews with Much like its plan to resume sible under whatever circum- will be strong enough to weathperBettman week, said agent predraft though 32 at three representatives from NFL hopes teams to fullstances er this,” said. “OurAufranareprocess, presented,” Bettman this season, the league gustine whose clients and whattotothe askpandemic idols likecircumPro made chisesWiggins, will get through this and said.Week 1 rosters. adapt Burroughs. 51 players to the include Football Famer Deion will come out stronger on the othOne of theinvited circumstancstancesHall in theofU.S., Canada and The “It’s harder to garner interHBCU combine were trying to Sanders, who would be there. worldwide and is open to ad- es at play is the closure of the er side.” “It was a chance to be able to position themselves to do the est and understand where the inshowcase our talent,” Burroughs same. The list also included Flor- terest is for clients than in years said. “Just because we are from ida A&M University quarterback past,” Wiggins said. “It’s a slightly smaller schools doesn’t mean we Ryan Stanley and North Carolina different pivot.”
JASON HEHIR was a kid in the stands in Boston Garden on April 20, 1986, the day that Michael Jordan scored a playoff-record 63 points. It was Stone a Christmas from his father, Gray Day, gift West Stanly and who stuck a note promising tickets to the Air South Stanly were“Two all honored Jordan Show” in his stocking that holiday season. It’s a gift Hehir will never forget, though his current seat for another Jordan By Jesse Dealshow of sorts is considerably better. “I wouldn’t Stanly County Journal Hehir is the director of the call it a ESPNALBEMARLE and Netflix production — With“The the release of the challenge. Last Dance,” a 10-part North Carolina HighdocumenSchool Athletic Asso- I tary series that debuts April 19 and ciation’s 2019-2020 Wells Fargo would Conference call it tells the standings story of Jordan’s final ChiCup last week, it was aannounced privilege.” cago Bulls season in 1997-98 that schools that three Stanly County high came culminated in a sixth NBA title. out on top. Hehir’s task: Take 10,000 hoursthe of champion Jason Hehir, West Stanly was named of archived footage, add interviews the Rocky River Conference (2A/3A), while director of “The with more thanDay 100and people, and Gray Stone South Stanly finished turn it into about 8½ hours of teleLast Dance” with a tie for first place in the Yadkin Valley vision. Conference (1A). “I wouldn’t callchampionships it a challenge,”awarded by the The annual Hehir said. “I would calltoitthe a privilege.” NCHSAA are given top school in terms The series was moved up two months proof total athletic performance in eachtoconfervide content-starved fans with something ence in North Carolina. Beginning in new 1980, to Wells watch Fargo during(formerly the coronavirus Wachovia)pandemic. has sponESPN was planning to release the sored theoriginally program where points are awarded documentary in June,and coinciding with in what based on standings participation conwould haveplay. been this season’s NBA Finals. ference It will five Sundays ending 17, For run this over year’s edition of the cup,May the final with two one-hour broadcasts each week. standings were generated while taking into “I’m happy if we can bring a little bit of light to account the shortened seasons. peopleWith in a 57 dark time here,” Hehir said. points, West Stanly won “Sports the RRC arecup such an indelible part of our cultural fabric for the fourth straight year with the assisandtance lacking that ... there’s a significant hole in of conference championships in womenjoyment that people the escape en’s swimming andfeel, diving, men’s that and peowompleen’s can feel from everyday that sports brings cross country, andlife volleyball. The Colts us.”hold Wells Fargo Conference Cup championThe launch has only added to a shipsaccelerated for 2005-06, 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19, hectic time for Hehir and his team. and 2019-20. There has been muchfinished anticipation about the49 Central Academy second with documentary, which in Hehir’s mind came topoints and Mount Pleasant claimed third gether much faster than such a project usually place with 48. Montgomery Central (38), Andoes. son (35.5) and Forest Hills (33.5) rounded out “Normally, to do anstandings. hourlong archival docthe rest of the RRC umentary from start to finish, 475 it takes about With a conference-leading points, Gray a year from the inception of the idea to the Stone Day and South Stanly landed at theretop search to YVC. doingGray all the shooting to getting it all of the Stone Day claimed champitogether, it out, mapping it out, onshipsstoryboarding in men’s soccer, women’s basketball, editing, getting notes back, it takes about a and men’s and women’s swimming and divyear,” Hehir said. “We’re doing 10 of those. And ing. Meanwhile, South Stanly recorded conwe ference had a little bitin over twocross yearscountry, to do it so we’re titles men’s women’s already working at five times our normal rate.” golf, and a co-championship in men’s basketThe ball.pandemic further complicates matters. HehirNorth and hisStanly team are finishing upplace whilein found itself things at third separated, connecting through Zoom meetings the standings with 455 points. North Moore but(382.5), largely Uwharrie in isolationCharter at their(372.5), own laptops to Chatham getCentral the last (317.5), pieces of the story ready to air. North Rowan (305), AlbemarThe documentary goesDavidson deeper than just 1997le (292.5) and South (265) filled out 98,the though that is the overriding theme. rest of theseason YVC standings. It alsoOn serves a retrospective Jordan’s recogbasSept.as21, the NCHSAAofofficially ketball life, his college daysFargo at North Caronized thefrom 2019-2020 Wells State Cup linawinners: through his rise atop the NBA. Lincoln Charter (1A), Carrboro Hehir there is(3A), an ongoing buildup and (2A), knows Weddington and Cardinal Gibanticipation surrounding the four, documentary, bons (4A). Out of those Cardinaland Gibstillbons feelswas nervousness. He met with winner Jordan of sevthe only back-to-back the eralstate times over the course of the project, includcup. ing three sit-down interviews that are part of the documentary. “I hope that people will like it as much as we did,” Hehir said.
Become a part of Stanly County Schools! Stanly County Schools has an opening for a Speech Language Pathologist serving the K-12 population. Position is a full-time, 10 month position with full benefits. Candidate must hold a current certification from North Carolina Board of Examiners for Speech and Language Pathologists and Audiologists. Interested applicants can apply through the SCS website and email resume to Dr. Laura Beachum, Director of Exceptional Children's Program, at laura.beachum@stanlycountyschools.org.
For Nutbush residents He also cited a widespread fear the threat of overburdened of being unnecessarily exposed to fear of contracting the v itals, states across the country matched with the worry th the virus. onverting convention centers, “All around, people are scared,” could lose stores that are ts facilities and performance the neighborhood. Offici said. es into backup treatment sites Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, September 23,he 2020 Their fears are not unfounded. ven’t said if stores would oronavirus 6 patients. In this majority-black city along the Gateway facility was hat some Memphis, Tenthe Mississippi River, lawmakers If they did, shopping wo e, residents don’t get is why in and community leaders have been come more difficult for re city, a shopping center in the sounding the alarm over what they especially for those who ar dle of a predominantly black, see as a disturbing trend of the vi- have no means of transpo income residential neighborrus killing African Americans at a to stores located farther aw d has been chosen. it capsized,” hour later, along with several oth- as could be, until Brunswick on Sept. 8, 2019, when By Russ Bynumare con“For people Tenwho don’t higher rate. ty and state officials nant, a harbor pilot withdo 20they yearsdo?” ask er small boats, to find the 656-foot it overturned with 4,200 vehicles car, what Nutbush resident Patricia Hared that The an Associated influx ofPress patients ship on its side. He stayed through of experience, testified Friday. “It’s in its cargo decks. All crew mem- “Everything was just ris wondered aloud if city officials ris, who spoke to The Ass Memphis, as well as nearby the night helping with crew evac- an unexplainable situation that SAVANNAH, Ga. — A tug- bers were rescued safely. But a year as normal as could Press while were “trying to contaminate” the experienced issippi, boat Arkansas andhelped ruralpush the later, the vessel and its cargo reI’ve never aslugging a cap- a bottl uations. captain who be, until it capsized. tergent, a package of bott Tennessee, willcargo strain hospiTheneighborhood. hearings so far haven’t pin- tain.” ill-fated ship Golden Ray main partly submerged off St. Sia precaution against pointed Activist what made the ship tip an As fromare the echoed docks as across it left a Georgia mons Island. ter and othercoronaitems from t Earle Fisher, AfriTheir fears It’s an unexplainable ADRIAN SAINZ | AP PHOTO infections, the to public has not over. can Capt.American Blake Welborn, the virus Gorden, a tugboat captain for said Monday he observed A Lot her car. She note Memphis pastor, country:seaport Governors, mayors situation that I’ve been allowed to attend the hearCoast Guard officer leading the in25 years, testified that the tides only “smooth travel” before the giunderstands the anxiety. “This grocery store recently clos health experts in numerous This Friday, April 3, 2020 photo, shows Gateway Shopping Center vestigation, said last week that in- ings in person. Instead, the proand weather conditions were calm never experienced as a ant vessel overturned. househave andbeen she already is an found honest reasonable con- in her s are also researching and in Memphis, Tenn. Brunswick vestigators noand evidence of ceedings enough the morning the Golden captain.” Clifton Gorden was the latest travel farther to get to Gate cern and skepticism,” Fisher said. tructingof makeshift medical failures in the vessel’s safety equip- streamed live online. several witnesses to tell feder- Ray departed that only his boat think it’s parequipment for the course for take“When ities. al investigators all seemed normal was needed to nudge it free of the It could another we year do be- things ment,“I communications fore investigators publish a report or machinery that contributed dock. He followed behind ship aJonathan withCity, the they’re ocean-bound got to consider the people black people to be to righteously ChineseTennant restaurant and other Lee has disclosed a few: thethe MuNew York turn-freighter their findings, with recommenthe wreck. a short distance to make sure before it began leaning and sic cap-City neighborhood,” she said. “W skeptical of governmentalof interCenter in Nashville, the it businesses. o the Javits Center convention at improving safety. Both the Golden Ray’s captain, dations aimed sized while making a starboard cleared the port. to make the neighb vention that did not consult with need Locating a treatment center for Convention Center, in Chicago, the McCormick Chattanooga Separate from the investigaThe Golden Ray’s pilot released Gi Hak Lee, and Brunswick-based “Everything looked normal,” turn. They have testified during worse than it already people the ground first.”tion, a multiagency command has is.” theretheposExpo Center — swayall coronavirus e Convention in bythe harbor pilot on Jonathan Tennant, Gorden soon patients after clearing Gorden said. “There was no hearingsCenter; over the and past week theKnoxville Rep. Steve McGowen, the city’s chief two sites away from neighdy, Utah,U.S. theCoast Mountain Amerspent the past U.S. year making plansCohen, who wasDoug steering the ship, testified port. He problems, said he was residents drifting to- say: ing back andresidential forth when he moved es Guard and the National Democrat, said the d operating officer, carve thephis ship into eight giant last week the vessel began said listingthetoGateanother ship he was schedcould potentially expose them Transportation Safety Boardborhoods. into his rudder. Usually, I can see a lit- Itward xpo Center. chunks hauled away bysense. bargand overturned without warning, assist when got a radio that bit of that.Shopping It was just smooth theof shipwreck. make way site was being considered be-to bedoesn’t theto virus amidheconcerns The tleGateway Cen- touled he U.S. what Armycaused Corps EngiOfficials hope to begin firstare othe call saying Golden RayCOVID-19 needed The Brunswick travelNutbush out of theneighborhood narrow channel blacks South Korean-owned “I’m sure the there cause it News couldreported. potentially es. accomarethe contracting ter in the s has beenThe scouting locations Gold“Everything was just as normal cut sometime in October. help. Gorden’s tug arrived half an en Ray had just left the Port of into Turtle River.” ennessee, and officials here of Memphis is different. The cen- at higher rates; and it could force modate hundreds of beds. He said that would work, and they compiled a list of 35 possi- ter features a Save A Lot grocery some of the stores they rely on to if it were converted to a treatment have used those rather t site, it would hold only mildly ill into a residential neighbo backup sites. They haven’t re- store, a Rent-A-Center, a Fami- close. Nutbush resident and commu- coronavirus patients who could be Cohen said. d the whole list, but Gov. Bill ly Dollar, a beauty supply shop,
‘Smooth travel’ observed before ship capsized off Georgia
PEC, oil nations agree o nearly 10M barrel cut
bin Salman, a son of King Salman, assented to the deal. “I go with the consent, so I UBAI, United Arab Emir— OPEC, Russia and other agree,” the prince said, chuckling, roducing nations on Sunday drawing a round of applause from ized an unprecedented pro- those on the video call. But it had not been smiles and ion cut of nearly 10 million els, or a 10th of global supply, laughs for weeks after the soopes of boosting crashing pric- called OPEC+ group of OPEC mid the coronavirus pandemic members and other nations failed in March to reach an agreement a price war, officials said. his could be the largest re- on production cuts, sending pricion in production from OPEC es tumbling. Saudi Arabia sharply STAFF SGT. KAYLA WHITE | U.S. AIR FORCE VIA AP erhaps a decade, maybe lon- criticized Russia days earlier over In this photo released by thewhat U.S. Air Airmen to Al-Udeid Air Base, Qatar, raise their right hands during an enlistment ceremony as they transferred into it Force, described as deployed comments said U.S. Energy Secretary the Space Forcecredited at Al-Udeidcritical Air Base,of Qatar, Sept.which 1, 2020. the Tuesday, kingdom, Brouillette, who ident Donald Trump’s per- finds itself trying to appease l involvement in getting duel- Trump, a longtime OPEC critic. dangerous debris across space and region have also reported “spoofed” Even U.S. senators had warned parties to the table and helpparalyzing cell phones and weath- communications from unknown to end a price war between Saudi Arabia to find a way to er forecasts, as well as American entities falsely claiming to be U.S. drones, fighter jets, aircraft carri- or coalition warships, according to boost prices as American shale di Arabia and Russia. ers and even nuclear weapon con- American authorities. il prices have collapsed as the firms face far-higher production “It’s not that hard to do, but trollers. navirus and the COVID-19 costs. American troops had been “The military is very reliant on we’ve seen Iran and other counSAUDI ENERGY ss it causes have largely halt- deployed to the kingdom for the satellite communications, naviga- tries become pretty darn efficient the Sept. 11, 2001, lobal travel and Debre slowed down first time this photo released Saudition Energy Ministry, Abdulaziz Al-Saud, at doingbin it onSalman a big scale,” said Bri- Minist and global missilePrince warning,” “aggressive” nations his by airmen toldsince The Associated Press. “We In By Isabel Weeden, an Air Force veteran said Capt. Ryana Vickers, newly an will monitor and potentially to beconcerns able to compete and de- Energy The Associated Press over of Iranir energy-chugging sectors attackshave of Saudi Arabia, comthird right, chairs virtualasummit of the Group of 20 energy minister director ofaprogram planning inducted SpaceApril Force10, member atto and bat.office But the decision Saudi to deploy fend and protect all of our nationamid regional ten- his as manufacturing. It has an retaliation in Riyadh, Arabia, Friday, 2020, coordinate response to plummet the Secure World Foundation, Al-Udeid. Space Force personnel at Al-Udeidin the DUBAI, United ArabinEmirates sions. al interests.” stated the oil industry prices due to an oversupply market and a downturn in at global demand due to the pandemi American troops, he added, use which promotes peaceful uses of In a swearing-in ceremony ear- follows months of escalating ten— The newly formed U.S. Space “They’ve spent over the last U.S., which now pumps more GPS coordinates to track ships outer space. “There’s a concern Force is deploying troops to a vast lier this month at Al-Udeid, 20 Air sions between the U.S. and Iran. monthForce waging warflanked on American e than any country. Hostilities between the two passing through strategic Gulf Iran could interfere with military troops, by Amerinewother frontier: the Arabian Peninpraise. the deal itssure president, Kuwait, Arabia while are defendut some sula. producers have been oil producers broadband communications.” passageways “tobut make they’re Andrés countries came Saudi to a head in Jan- and can flags and we massive satellites, that Responding to questions from not running into international wauary when U.S. forces killed a top entered Space Force. Soon severSpace Force now has a squadron “The pure size of the cu Manuel López Obrador, had said the United Arab Emirates would tant to ease supply. The car- ing theirs. This is not how friends the AP, Alireza Miryousefi, ters of other nations.” Iranian general. Iran responded al more will join the unit of “core of 20 airmen stationed at Qatar’s nd other nations on Sunday treat friends,” said Sen. Kevin cut another 2 million barrels of Friday that he had agreed with precedented, but,a then ag mission to the Strait of Hormuz, the nar- spokesman at by launching ballistic missiles at operators” who will run sat- oil Al-Udeid Air Base in its firstCramer, for- space the impact the corona that the U.S. will compen- is Iran’s a day between them atop the TheTrump a Republican from North ed to allow Mexico to cut only row mouth of the Persian Gulf United Nations, said “Iran will not eign deployment. The force, start- ellites, track enemy maneuvers American soldiers in Iraq. having on demand,” sate what Mexico cannot add to OPEC+ deal. The three countries Dakota, before the OPEC+ deal. 000 barrels a month, a stickThis spring, Iran’s paramilitary through which 20% of the world’s tolerate interference in our affairs, said M ed by President Donald Trump, and try to avert conflicts in space. med Ghulam, an energy an thehas proposed not immediately acknowledge U.S. producers already point for an accord initially with internabeen the cuts. scene of a se- and in accordance Revolutionary Guard launched its oil flows, “The missionshave are not new and did represents the sixth branch of the Raymond law, will respond James. to any at“Theencounters, big Oil with DealIran withtional OPEC themselves, though ries of tense output. Thenecessarily Amer- the firstcut satellite into space, reveal-Zanthe people are not hed Friday after a and marathon U.S. military the first newbeen mil- reducing tacks against our He others w boats claims This had entered ing what experts describe as aconferse- seizing new,” Benson said. itary service since23 thenacreation of Petroleum Butsovereignty.” Ghulam and Plus isitdone. will save hunattended the video ican Institute laud- ganeh o conference between that Iran hasnot faced signal or added cret military space program. The its waters. Concerns over the saying weaponizathe Air together Force in 1947. it may benumerenough. dredsOne of disrupted thousands of energy jobs global pact, it ence. s. The nations agreed ed Sunday’s Future wars may be waged in tion of outer space are decades old. Trump administration has im- miscalculation could touch off a ous cyber attacks from the U.S. “This is at least a tempo said Officials said other planned cuts in the United States,” Trump ut 9.7 million barrels a day will help get other nations’ stateand Israel. outer space, but the Arabian Des- But as space becomes increasing- posed sanctions on Iran’s space confrontation. lief for the energy industry in a tweet. “I would like to thank would stand in the deal, meaning owned oil production to follow the ughout May and June. Failing an international agreeFor years, Iran has allegedly ert already saw what military ex- ly contested, military experts have agency, accusing it of developing the global economy. and congratulate President Puan 8-million-barrel-per-day cut lead of U.S. producers that are tryhe groupperts reached the deal just dub the world’s first “space cited the need for a space corps de- ballistic missiles under the cover of jammed satellite and radio signals ment that bars conventional arms, This i like ballistic to block FarsiKing mediaSalman a civilian to the set satellites voted totodefending war” — themarkets 1991 DesertreStorming op-to adjust too big from to beshootlet to fail and tinforeign-based of Russia and of ismissiles, Julyprogram through end of the plungingAmerican demand.in- from s before Asian ing down space assets, the domain outlets from broadcasting into the into orbit. terests. eration to drive Iraqi forces from liance showed responsibili Brouillette said the U.S. did not year and a 6-million-barrel cut for Saudi Arabia.” ed Monday and as internawill only become militarized, where radio andPresident World powers with in more ad- Islamic Republic, Threats from global Kuwait. Today, U.S. facesmake new commitments this more agreement,” said Per M The Kremlin said beginning 2021. of itscompetiown 16 months al benchmark Brentthe crude threats in the region from Iran’s tors have grown since the Persian vanced space programs, like Rus- television stations are state-con- said Daryl Kimball, the executive Nysveen, the head Vladimir Putin held a joint call “This will enable the rebalancproduction cuts, but was able to ed at just over $31 a barrel director of the Washington-based of ana missile program and efforts to Gulf War in 1991, when the U.S. sia and China, have made more trolled. Rystad Energy.Rus“Even tho with Trump and Saudi King Saling of the oil markets and the exshow the obvious — that plunging American shale producers Arms Control Association. The U.S. Federal Aviation Adthreatening progress, U.S. officials military first relied on GPS coorjam, hack and blind satellites. production are small man tohas express of and theChina of Defense prices Secby $15 because the pandemggle. have alreadycuts created ministration warnedsupport that sia contend.rebound Last month, to telloftroops where they pected “We’re starting to see otherdemand na- dinates space force what units and Revolucommercial cruising over retary Mark warned thatsaid were in the desertU.S. as they tions extremely aggressive the the market needed a deal. Itaircraft also said Putin spoke sepbarrel in Esper the short term,” ic is expected to slash oil pushed pro- per deo aired by that the are Saudi-owned sudden the interest in buildi the Persian could experience and China were developing in preparing to extend conflictduction. into Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein’s aRussia postpone stock aratelyGulf with Trump about tionary the oilGuard’s statement from Nigeria’s oil lite channel Al-Arabiya weapons that could knock out U.S. interference and communications satellite launches has heightened Col. Todd Benson, director forces out of Kuwait. straints problem, the wors market and other issues. Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Zan- ministry. wed the space,” moment that Saudi Benson declined to name the satellites, potentially scattering jamming from Iran. Ships in the U.S. concerns. of Space Force troops at Al-Udeid, Analysts offered cautious now avoided.” Mexico had initially blocked gy Minister Prince Abdulaziz ganeh also told state television
Associated Press
US Space Force deploys to vast new frontier: Arabian Desert
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Stanly County Journal for for Wednesday, September 2020 Stanly County Journal Wednesday, April 15,23, 2020
Jason Efird
J Thomas Meggs
ASON EUGENE “GENE” EFIRD, 94, went home to be with hisTHOMAS Lord Tuesday, April 7, 2020, at his RICHARD MEGGS, home in Stanfield. 98, of Marshville, passed away Gene was born October 9, 1925, Monday, September 14, 2020 at in Cabarrus County to the late Simeon his home. Jason Efird and lateJuly Sarah Richard wasthe born 12,Ella Burris Efird. In addition to his 1922 in Union County to the late parents, he wasMeggs preceded in the death by Joseph Sandy and late his wife,Belle JewellEdwards Little Efird; sisters, Jennie Meggs. He Mary Lambert, Fannie Almond, was also preceded in death by Minnie Furr, Wilma Burleson and sister, Mary Bessie Turner; and Aileen Huskey; and brothers, Homer brother, Joseph Henry Meggs. Efird, Getus Efird and Wayne Efird, A one-of-a kind man of many Sr. words and stories to tell about private funeral service will be hisAlife is now reunited with held on Saturday, April 11, 2020 his bride, Betty, in his heavenly at Love’He s Grove Methodist home. was United a skilled gardener, Church Cemetery in Stanfield spoke the truth (sometimes hard officiated by Rev. Jimhis White. Burial to hear), and loved family will follow at the Love’ s Grove United beyond measure. He loved to read Methodist Church Cemetery, 4360 and watch westerns, especially Polk FordTexas Road,Ranger. Stanfield. Walker, He loved Survivors include son Gerald his church and church family, Wayne (Gail) of Albemarle; Pleasant HillEfird Baptist Church. He daughter EfirdWWII (Mark)veteran. Hartsell was also Lisa a proud of Stanfield; granddaughters, Survivors include daughter, Kelly Barbee and Lauren VickyEfird Baucom (Gerald) of Hartsell (Justin) Crump; and greatOakboro, NC; sons, Donald grandsons, Ian Patrick Simmons Meggs (Earlene Hartsell) of and Elliot Jacob Simmons. Monroe, NC, and James Walter Memorials be madeofto Love’s Meggs (Emilymay Newsom) Grove United Methodist Church, PO Marshville, NC; grandchildren, Box 276,Anthony, Stanfield,Phillip, NC 28163-0276. Marla, Jason, Caleb, Chris, Rick, and Ben; 17 great grandchildren, 2 great-great grandchildren; sisters, Jennie Elizabeth Tarleton and Julia Lillie Sheppard; and special friend; Ronnie Little.
Tony Smith MONROE SMITH, 72, of Sarah Rockwell, NC,Barrier went to be with TONY
hisSARAH Lord andELIZABETH Savior Jesus Christ “LIB” on Wednesday, 8, 2020NC at BARRIER, 80,April of Locust, his home surrounded by family. peacefully passed away at herA privateon family service will be held. home Monday, September 14, Onlinesurrounded condolences can be made 2020, by her lovingat stanlyfuneralhome.com family. Tony was born August 1947 Survivors include her11, husband, in Stanly“Red” County to the late Pearlie Gilbert Picklesimer, of Asbury Smith and Ray Emmer Lee of Locust, NC; son, Barrier Smith. He was the sondaughter, in law of Pat Mount Gilead, NC; and Mick Cagle where he worked at Janet Allen and husband Rick of the fish house forgrandson, many years until Stanfield, NC; Ramsey he opened House Seafood Allen and Anchor wife Brandy; great in Rockwell. He and hisLayla wife Becky grandchildren, Ellie, and ownedAllen; and operated Anchor Remi brother, LewisHouse Mills; for 25 years retiring 2009. sister, Judiebefore DeMuth andinhusband Mr. Smith was a charter member Jay; step-children, Sandra and deacon Open Door Baptist Warren andathusband Donald; Church in Richfield. He loved Brenda Godbey; and Crystalthe Lord and hishusband family abundantly. Tony Snyder and Ken. was a wonderful husband, father, and Lib will be truly missed by all grandfather and could fix anything those who knew her and loved her. he put his hands on. Mr. Smith is survived by his wife Becky Cagle Smith of the home, sons Walter Smith and Robbie Smith; daughter Kayla Henderson (Brandon); grandchildren Danielle, Dustin, and Steele Smith, Keaton and Ella Henderson; brother David Smith; sisters Kay Kriechbaum, Karen Stevenson, Ruby Eudy, and Dorothy Smith (Nick). He is preceded in death by brothers Joe Smith, Wayne Smith, Claude Smith, Wade Smith, Robert Smith, and sister Mary Morris. Memorial contributions can be made to Open Door Baptist Church at 44563 Hwy 52, Richfield, NC 28137 or to Hospice & Palliative Care of Cabarrus County at 5003 Hospice Lane, Kannapolis, NC 28081. SARAH HOWARD DOWNS PICKLER, 91, formerly of Albemarle, passed away Wednesday, September 16, 2020 at Autumn Care in Biscoe. Sarah was born July 31, 1929 in Cumberland County to the late Lawrence Leroy Downs and Sarah Howard Prior Downs. She was also preceded in death by her beloved husband, R. C. Pickler; granddaughter, Allison Pickler; and sisters, Bobbie Cranford and Katherine Moore. She is survived by her son, Craig Pickler and wife Brenda; granddaughter, Lindsay Greer and husband Chris; greatgrandson, Anderson Greer; and HIRLEYnieces MAE and HAIRE, 73, numerous nephews. of Albemarle passed away on with Sarah loved spending time April 11, 2020 at Atrium Health her church friends and family. Stanly. The family will hold a private graveside service for Mrs. Haire. Shirley was born December 12, 1946 in Washington, DC to the late Charles Richard Bateman and Elizabeth Mae Mulligan Bateman. Shirley is survived by her husband of 30 years Vaughn Smith of Albemarle; sister Sandra Painter of Gainesville, VA; half-brother Robert Bateman of Stevensville, MD; step-children Heather Smith of Jacksonville, FL and David Smith of New London, NC; 4 step-grandchildren; nieces Cyndi Hentschel of Leesburg, VA and Cheryl Hardy of Aylett, VA; 16 grandnieces and nephews; and Gus the dog. Stanly Funeral and Cremation Care of Albemarle is serving the Haire family.
Merle Helms
MJohn Cavender
ERLE LORRAINE AUSTIN HELMS, 72, of Marshville, passed away Wednesday, April 8, JOHN CAVENDER, 85, retired 2020 at McWhorter Hospice House MCPO (E9), USN, of Albemarle, in Monroe. passed away Tuesday September Lorraine washome. born April 28, 1947 15,2020 at his A private in Monroe to the late Homer David memorial service will be held in Austin and Jewell Delphia-Jane memory of John. There will not be was also preceded in aAustin. familyShe visitation. death brothers,was A.D.born and Teddy Mr.by Cavender April Austin; and sister, Joy Austin. 24, 1935 in Tellico Plains, TN family willof receive friends andThe was the son the late John from 6:00 pm 8:00 pm, Friday, Henry Cavender and Iva Mae April 10, 2020 at Hartsell Funeral Giles Cavender. John earned an Home of Albemarle. The funeral Associates Degree from Central service willand be athe 11:00 am on Piedmont retired from Saturday at Pleasant Hill Baptist Duke Power where he was a QA Church in Marshville, officiatedof inspector. He was a member by Rev.Street John Miller and Rev. Leon Main United Methodist Whitley. She will lie in state 30 Church. John retired fromfor the minutes prior to the service. She will United States Navy with twenty be laid to rest in the church cemetery. one years of service. She isis survived by by herhis beloved John survived husband of 47 years, Paul Helms wife Verda Cavender of sixty of the home; son, Alex (Deanna) three years of the home. He is Helms of Pageland; daughter, Paula also survived by a son, Daniel (Cristin Brandt) Helms of Mint Hill; Cavender (Lori) of Kannapolis, grandchildren, Mason, Grant, and NC; two daughters Patti Brigman Raegan Helms; brothers, of Huntersville, NC andBoyce, Angela Royce, Tim Austin; and NC; sisters, Cavender of Oakboro, brother Patricia Mullis, and Angel Tarleton. Clyde Cavender (Pat) of Lisbon Memorials may be madeHinkle to the Falls, ME; sisters Peggy Alzheimer’ s Association, 4600 Park (Dennis) of Maryville, TN and Rd., Suite 250, Charlotte, 28209. Clara Jenkins (Leroy) ofNC Edenton, NC and beloved granddaughter Amanda Brigman of Charlotte, NC.
AULINE ELIZABETH ALMOND TUCKER, 98, passed away peacefully at Trinity Place, Albemarle, NC on April 11, 2020. Pauline was born on March 22, 1922 in Cabarrus County, NC to the late John Richard Almond and Alice Ada Ann Lambert Almond. ELIZABETH EVANS EISERT, She is survived by her three formerly ofGay Olean, NY(Jack), passed daughters, Michel awayIsland, Tuesday, 15, Oak NC;September Pamela Rushing 2020 at theOakboro, home ofNC; herKathy daughter (Foreman), in Midland, surrounded by Hunt (Marc), NC Albemarle, NC; her her loving family.(Chris Lear), son, Chris Tucker ElizabethDC. wasShe born onbeJanuary Washington, will greatly 13, 1926 Olean, New York to missed byin her five grandchildren, the late Harold Myrtle Heather RushingEvans Chaneyand (Shannon), Evans. In the lateElizabeth seventiesMichel she Michael Rushing, owned and operated Tiffany’s Hartzog (Craig), Jack Michel, Jr. Bakeryand in the Olean Center (Jenn), Woody Hunt as well as Mall. great-grandchildren. She was a dedicatedShe wife, seven also mother, grandmother, and great leaves behind cherished nieces and grandmother that devoted her life nephews. to The taking careexpresses of her family. family its sincere She is to survived her gratitude the staffby and caregivers daughters, Lori at Trinity Place for(Kevin) the careKovel they of Midland,Pauline. NC, Susan (Michael) provided Retchless Olean, NY, Teresa A privateofgraveside service will be Ahl of NY; sons, Jim A held onOlean, Monday, April 13, 2020. (Mary-Ann) Eisert of Mint celebration of Pauline’ s life andHill, legacy NC,be Steve Eisert of Mint will held(Becki) this summer. Hill, NC,of19flowers, grandchildren; In lieu the family 10 great grandchildren; and several requests donations be made to the nieces and nephews. BrightFocus Foundation at www. Elizabeth was preceded in brightfocus.org. death by her husband of 59 years, Richard Eisert; her siblings Kenneth Evans, Kip Evans, Marian Brink, Bridgy Wilson, June Hinton, and Doc Evans.
Elizabeth Eisert
Shirley Haire
ANNY PAUL LUTHER, 65, of Norwood, passed away unexpectedly Thursday, April ALAN DALE AUSTIN, 56,9, 2020 at Atrium Health Stanly of Columbia, SC, passed away in Albemarle.15, 2020 in Columbia. September Mr. Luther was29, born March Born February 1964 in 27, 1955 to the late RobertNC, Fulton andthe Mecklenburg County, he was Helen Tucker Luther. son of the Dale Austin and Lyndell Danny was survived byHe his was wife, Almond Austin of Locust. Burleson Norwood; aDenise member of FirstLuther BaptistofChurch, sons, Jeremy (Karen)Computer Luther and Locust and a Senior Jody Luther; step-sons, Analyst for 20 years withBryan Blue Cross Whitley andinGregg (Anita) Blue Shield Columbia. HeWhitley; loved to Grandchildren, Luther and travel and madeDaniel many trips to other Hunter Zado, as well as his brother, countries. Bob Jr to (Lorena), uncle InLuther addition his parents heJack is Luther and several other loved survived by a brother Danny C.nieces, nephews and cousins. Austin of Locust, two nephews Danny recently fromof Dustin Austin and retired C. J. Austin Charlotte Pipe and Foundry after Locust, and many friends in both a dedicated 37 years and worked Columbia and Locust. there with his sons and several other friends and family members. Danny loved spending time at his lake house with his family and friends as well as vacationing with his family. Danny and Denise enjoyed listening to beach music and loved to shag dance every chance they could get. He was an amazing father, loving grandfather and great friend to many. He will never be forgotten. A celebration of life will be announced once the current COVID-19 restrictions are lifted. Hartsell Funeral Home of Albemarle is serving the Luther family.
Alan Austin
Jerry Fincher
JAmelia Barringer
ERRY FINCHER passed from this life on April 3, 2020 at 8:05 pm. He was surrounded by his family AMELIA ANN BARRINGER, and holding the hand of the love of 83, of Albemarle passed away his life. Jerry is preceded in death Wednesday, September 16, 2020 by three siblings, two brothers, Billy in Bethany Woods Nursing Gilbert Fincher, and Larry Richard Center. Her funeral will be 3 Fincher, and one sister, Barbra Joyce PM on Saturday, September 19, Moore. 2020 in the Stanly Funeral Home He is survived by his wife, Eleanor Chapel. Burial will follow in the Kate Fincher of the home, daughter, Antioch Baptist Church Cemetery, Cindy Fincher Jacobs of Wingate Richfield. The family will receive NC., son and daughter in law, Tommy friends from 2 until 3 PM at the (Tiffany) Fincher of New London funeral home prior to the service. NC., Step Children, Jimmy (Lisa) Born June 20, 1937 in Stanly Lanier of Locust NC, Wanda (Bob) County, NC, she was the daughter Krimminger of Locust NC., Eric of the late William Daniel Eudy (Sharon) Lanier of Charlotte NC., and Margaret Ruth Burris Eudy. Grandchildren-Trey (Gera) Whitson She was a homemaker and was of Midland, Step-grandchildren, a member of Antioch Baptist Zach (Brittney) Washington, Aaron Church in Richfield. (Kinsey) Washington, Caleb (Nayeli) Survivors include two Washington, Beth (Robbie) Setzer, daughters Paula Aten and Matthew ( April ) Wallace, Step husband Daniel of Winnabow and great-grandchildren, Britlyn-Eve Sheri Thomas of Nashville, NC, Washington, Robert Setzer, George three brothers Lamar Eudy and (Sara) Setzer, Tracy (Rob) Setzer wife Frances of Statesville, Sidney Bumgardener, Katie Underwood, Eudy and wife Sue of Albemarle, Andrew Underwood, Step great Ervin Eudy and wife Teresa of great grandchild, Waylon George Oakboro, a sister Myra Helms Setzer and brother Donald Lewis and husband Clyde of Midland, Fincher of Albemarle, NC. six grandchildren, 11 greatJerry Fincher will be laid to rest on grandchildren and 4 great-greatWednesday April 8,2020 at 11:00 am grandchildren. at Canton Baptist Church. Anyone She was preceded in death by interested in attending, please RSVP two children Hal James Thomas at 704-796-2412. Dr. Phil McCray and Debbie Lynn Thomas and her and Pastor Tommy Fincher will husband Burnie Allen Barringer officiate.
Dorothy Lefler
Sarah Pickler
Pauline Tucker
Danny Luther
Linda Hatley
INDA TUCKER HATLEY, 69, of Albemarle, passed away Monday, April 13, 2020. Linda was born September 18, 1950 in Concord to the late Jacob and Claris Tucker. She was also preceded in death by her brother, Terry Lee CATHERINE CHAVIS Tucker, and her twin sister, Brenda BUTLER, 71, of Albemarle, Tucker Strickland. We know Brenda passed away and Linda areWednesday, in Heaven watching September 16, 2020 at Atrium over us and laughing. Health Concord, LindaCabarrus, was a loving mother, NC, sister, Her graveside service willgiving be 11am and “Nana.” She was a very Saturday 19,would 2020 at and lovingSeptember person. Linda the Hillside Memorial Parkfor in always do anything she could Laurinburg, NC her with Rev. Henry others, especially family. She Harwood officiating. enjoyed working at FastShop #5, Mrs. Butler wasbeborn August Locust. Linda will forever loved 25, inmissed. Scotland County, NC and1949 greatly andSurvivors was theinclude daughter the late herof son, Roy Winfred Chavis and Winnie Alan Hatley and wife, Angela, of Bell Oxendine Chavis. SheTucker retired Albemarle; brother, Ronnie from Metal Forge. Catherine and wife, Linda, of Midland; was a member Leslie of East Albemarle granddaughter, Hatley; 1 Church of 2God where she greeted niece; and nephews. those wasfriends also a Theattending family willand receive member the- 6:00 choir.pm, Thursday, from 4:00ofpm Catherine by her April 16, 2020isatsurvived Hartsell Funeral husband Paul Butler of the home. Home in Albemarle. Linda will She is also survived a son, be laid to rest during aby private Paul Winford Butler, Jr. (April) committal service at Bethel Unitedof Little River, SC; three grandsons, Methodist Church, Midland. Landon Butler, Dylan Cole a In lieuShea of flowers, please consider Butler anddonation BaydontoCree Butler memorial Bethel UMC, and a number brothers and 12700 IdlebrookofRd, Midland, NC sisters. 28107. Catherine is also preceded in death by a daughter, Cynthia Butler and a son, Jeffery Butler.
Catherine Butler
DOROTHY MAE LEFLER, 87, of Albemarle, passed away Thursday, September 17, 2020 at her home. Mrs. Lefler was born May 4, 1933 in Stanly County to the late Avon Edward Furr and the late Autie Mae Furr. Survivors include son, Everette “Beanie” (Kathy) Lefler of Locust; granddaughter, Kristi (Jason) Howell of Albemarle; great-granddaughters, Katlyn (Jaylon) Griffin and Karman Leigh; great-grandson, Brandon Howell; and her favorite fur baby, Goldie
Earline Burris EARLINE BARRIER BURRIS, 66, of Mt. Gilead, passed away on Friday, September 18, 2020 at her home. Mrs. Burris was born on May 22, 1954 in Albemarle and was the daughter of the late Earl and Zora Bell Barrier. She graduated from North Stanly High School in 1972. She’s most well known for her work at Handi Mart for over fourteen years. Earline enjoyed cooking for her family, canning, spending time with her grandchildren, being involved with church and loved to support her husband in his ministry and his gospel quartet the Singing Towers. Earline is survived by her husband, Terry Burris of forty seven years and lovingly remembered by her daughter Kimberly Almond (Chris) of Richfield; son Jeremy (Jenn) Burris of Mt. Gilead; grandchildren Ross Almond, Taylor Almond and Terry Almond all of Richfield; brothers Hoyle Barrier and Caleb Barrier; sisters Vandora Furr and Louise Efird. She was also preceded in death by a sister, Hazel Almond.
Celebrate the life of your loved ones. Submit obituaries and William Calloway death notices to be published in WILLIAM EDMUND CALLOWAY, Jr., 81,at of Salisbury, SCJ obits@stanlyjournal.com passed away Friday, September 18, 2020 at Accordius Health of Salisbury. Mr. Calloway was born September 29, 1938 to the late William E. Calloway Sr. and the late Rachel Harris Lowder. In addition to his parents, he was also preceded in death by his wife, Brenda Calloway; sister, Pamela Coggin, Bill is survived by, daughter, Carla Calloway Fleenor; granddaughter, Kayla Nicole Fleenor; brothers, Sherrill D Lowder, Gregory A. Lowder.
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Stanly County Journal for Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Trump pledges woman for court by Saturday, pushes Senate to move on pick By Jonathan Lemire The Associated Press WASHINGTON, D.C. — President Donald Trump said Monday he expects to announce his pick for the Supreme Court on Friday or Saturday, after funeral services for Ruth Bader Ginsburg and just days before the first presidential election debate. Trump told “Fox & Friends” that he had a list of five finalists, “probably four,” and that he is pushing for a confirmation vote before Election Day. Democrats have howled in protest. The impending clash over the vacant seat — when to fill it and with whom — has scrambled the stretch run of a presidential race for a nation already reeling from the pandemic that has killed nearly 200,000 people, left millions unemployed and heightened partisan tensions and anger. Democratic nominee Joe Biden has urged a delay in a nomination, declaring that the next president should fill the seat. Ginsburg, 87, died Friday of metastatic pancreatic cancer. “We win an election and those are the consequences,” said the president, who then seemed to signal that he’d be willing to accept a vote on his nominee during the lame duck period after the election. “We have a lot of time. We have plenty of time. We’re talking about January 20th.” Trump allowed that he would accept a vote in the lame duck period after Election Day but made
clear his preference would be that it occur by Nov. 3. Announcing a nominee on Friday or Saturday would leave less than 40 days for the Senate to hold a confirmation vote before the election. The president confirmed Monday that among the top contenders are Indiana’s Amy Coney Barrett and Florida’s Barbara Lagoa, both appellate court judges he appointed. Barrett has long been a favorite among conservative while Lagoa has been pushed by some aides who tout her electorate advantages of being Hispanic and hailing from the key battleground state of Florida. Trump also indicated that Allison Jones Rushing, a 38-yearold appellate judge from North Carolina, is also on the short-list. He has promised to nominate a woman for the high court, adding that his preference is for someone younger who could hold sway on the nation’s jurisprudence for potentially four or five decades. Rushing clerked for Justice Clarence Thomas and for Neil Gorsuch, when the current Trump-appointed justice was an appeals court judge. The sudden vacancy was poised to reshape the race, which to this point has been largely a referendum how Trump had managed the COVID-19 pandemic. It seemed certain to electrify both sides: Democrats were breaking fundraising records while a packed Trump crowd in North Carolina Saturday loudly chant-
President Donald Trump pumps his fist after speaking at a campaign rally, Monday, Sept. 21, 2020, in Swanton, Ohio. ed “Fill that seat.” But it remained unclear if the high bench vacancy — which could impact everything from abortion rights to legal challenges to the 2020 election — would persuade disenchanted Republicans to return to Trump or fire up women or suburban voters to break for Biden. Republicans hold a 53-47 edge in the Senate. If there were a 5050 tie, it could be broken by Vice President Mike Pence. Most Republicans concurred on the need for speed and one named a practical reason: The nine-member court, argued Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, must be full if called upon to decide the outcome of a disputed presidential election. The average number of days to confirm a justice, according to the Congressional Research Service, is 69, which would be after the
“We win an election and those are the consequences. We have a lot of time. We have plenty of time. We’re talking about January 20th” President Donald Trump election. But some Republicans quickly noted that Ginsburg was confirmed in just 42 days. John Fischetti, who waited in line more than two hours to enter Trump’s Fayetteville rally Saturday, said replacing Ginsburg would inflame tensions but was within the president’s rights. “I would assume it would make
everyone more energized,” Fischetti said of the political repercussions. “Trump’s people want him to always press forward.” Four GOP defections could defeat a nomination, while a tie vote could be broken by Vice President Mike Pence. The next pick could shape important decisions beyond abortion rights, including any legal challenges that may stem from the 2020 election. In the interim, if the court were to take cases with eight justices, 4-4 ties would revert the decision to a lower court; for instance, the Affordable Care Act could then be struck down by a lower Texas court. Biden has promised to nominate a black woman to the high court if given the chance. His campaign reiterated it would not release names before the election.
Bergdahl lawyers say judge’s job application posed conflict By Sarah Blake Morgan The Associated Press CHARLOTTE — A new motion filed in the case of former U.S Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl is asking the highest appeals court for the U.S. military to overturn his conviction, citing an alleged conflict of interest involving the judge who originally presided over his sentencing. The motion filed Friday seeks to have the Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces re-examine the impartiality of retired Army Col. Jeffrey Nance, the military judge who sentenced Bergdahl. The motion says Nance was working to secure a job with the Department of Justice at the time of his ruling in the Bergdahl case. In 2017, Bergdahl pleaded guilty to desertion and misbehavior before the enemy. Bergdahl was a 23-year-old private first class in June 2009 when, after five months in Afghanistan, he
disappeared from his remote infantry post near the Pakistan border, triggering a massive search operation. Videos emerged soon after Bergdahl’s disappearance showing him in captivity by the Taliban. For years, the U.S. kept tabs on Bergdahl with spies and satellites as behind-the-scenes negotiations played out sporadically. Then in May 2014, he was handed over to U.S. special forces in a swap for five Taliban detainees at the Guantanamo Bay prison, fueling an emotional U.S. debate about whether Bergdahl was a hero or a deserter. The appellate judges upheld Bergdahl’s conviction earlier this year in a narrow 3-2 decision when they held that disparaging comments made about Bergdahl by the late Sen. John McCain and President Donald Trump in the White House Rose Garden back in October 2017 did not invalidate his prosecution.
Trump had described the ex-soldier as a “dirty rotten traitor,” called for the execution of Bergdahl by firing squad and joked in campaign appearances last election cycle that Bergdahl should be thrown from a plane without a parachute. On Oct. 16th, the same day Nance accepted Bergdahl’s guilty plea, court documents show he applied for a position as a federal immigration judge. Following Trump’s comments, Bergdahl’s attorney asked Nance to dismiss the case because of Trump’s comments “vilifying” Bergdahl. According to court documents, Nance assured Bergdahl’s counsel that Trump’s comments would have no impact on his decision saying, “I have no hope or ambition beyond my current rank … I am completely unaffected by any opinions President Trump may have about Sgt. Bergdahl.” But according to the motion,
Nance highlighted his role as the judge presiding over Bergdahl’s case while applying to work in the Justice Department and even included as a writing sample a ruling rejecting Bergdahl’s unlawful command influence arguments. Court documents state Nance never disclosed he was applying for a position as an immigration judge. But a press release announced his appointment to the position, by Attorney General Jeff Sessions in September 2018. Public affairs staff at the Justice Department who handle communications for the Georgia immigration court that currently lists Nance as a judge didn’t immediately respond to an email seeking comment. The motion was first reported on the CAAFlog website, which covers military legal affairs. Bergdahl’s attorney, Eugene Fidell, confirmed that the motion posted on the blog was accurate but declined further comment in an
email. In November 2017, Nance spared Bergdahl prison time in a sentence that included a dishonorable discharge, a reduction in rank and the forfeiture of some pay. Prosecutors had sought a stiffer penalty of more than a decade in prison because of wounds suffered by service members who searched for Bergdahl after he disappeared in 2009. Trump quickly called the sentence a “disgrace” at the time. Before the sentencing, Nance rejected defense motions that charges should be dismissed or punishment limited because Trump was exerting unlawful command influence. While he declined to rule in the defense’s favor, he said at the time he had concerns about Trump’s comments affecting public perception of the military justice system. He said then that he would consider Trump’s comments a factor promoting leniency.
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Twin City Herald
Forest in Winston-Salem
Dan Forest, Republican North Carolina gubernatorial candidate, appears a campaign rally ahead of the arrival of President Donald Trump Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2020, in Winston-Salem, N.C.
WHAT’S HAPPENING Argument leads to guilty plea to involuntary manslaughter
Driver in police chase indicted for passenger’s death The Associated Press
Forsyth County Robby Vincent Smith, 38, pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter after he pushed a man to the ground and kicked him during an argument. Judge David Hall sentenced Smith to serve a minimum of one year and six months to a maximum of two years and seven months in prison. Daniel Bruce Souther, 69, died nearly two months later. The men got into an argument at a motel in March 2019. An autopsy found that Souther had various medical issues, including a heart condition and Parkinson’s disease, but the head injury contributed to his death. AP
Man arrested trying to rob bank for third time Forsyth County George Tyson Thompson Jr., 63, was arrested after attempting to rob the Truliant Credit Union in Winston-Salem for a third time. Thompson threatened a teller with a knife on Friday of last week and left the bank with an undisclosed amount of money. Police found him walking nearby and took him into custody. Thompson is also suspected of robbing the same bank twice earlier in the week — on Sunday and Tuesday. WFMY
Police investigating fatal shooting of 17-year-old boy Rowan County Police are investigating after a 17-year-old boy was found shot to death outside an apartment complex in Salisbury early Tuesday morning. The shooting happened just before 2:30 a.m. at the Laurel Pointe Apartments. Neighbors say they heard a single gunshot and called 911. When police arrived, they found the boy dead. He has not been identified. Authorities have not said what led up to the shooting and no arrests have been made. No other information was immediately released. AP
LEXINGTON, N.C. — A man was indicted on first-degree murder and other counts for an automobile chase six months ago in central North Carolina that officials say ended with a passenger in the car dying when sheriff’s deputies fired toward him. Charles Justin Boothe, 32, of Winston-Salem was served with the indictments on Thursday night, Davidson County District
Attorney Gary Frank said. Boothe was in the county jail without bond, awaiting a Sept. 29 court date, Frank said. It’s not clear if he has an attorney. Boothe drove 15 mph above the speed limit on March 26, according to indictments. The chase started in Clemmons and went into Guilford and Davidson counties before ending in Lexington. Boothe is accused of murder in the death of John Mark Hendrick Jr., 32, even though author-
ities that deputies fired weapons at him. Frank said Boothe faces a murder charge under the felony murder rule, which allows such a charge if a killing is committed during the commission of another felony. In this case, authorities allege, Boothe assaulted two Davidson deputies with a stolen sport utility vehicle. Charges against Boothe include two counts of fleeing to elude in a motor vehicle and two counts of assault with a deadly
weapon on a government official. The State Bureau of Investigation probed the fatal shooting. Deputies Barry Lee Bartrug III and Matthew Jacob Shelton, who authorities say were involved in the shooting, were not criminally charged in the case. They are now back on active duty, according to Davidson Sheriff Richie Simmons. Hendrick’s mother sued the deputies in federal court last month, alleging his constitutional rights were violated in the fatal shooting and that excessive force used by Bartrug and Shelton, “by shooting and killing Hendrick, served no legitimate law enforcement objective.” The deputies’ attorneys haven’t yet filed a response.
Winston-Salem loses a landmark in the Lighthouse Family restaurant closes after 66 years
TCH staff The Lighthouse, a fixture of downtown dining in Winston-Salem for 66 years, closed its doors last week. Friday was the last day of service for the family-run diner that prided itself on “great food at reasonable prices.” Owners blamed a lack of revenue from the COVID-19 pandemic for the decision. The restaurant was completely closed for business starting the last week of March and reopened for breakfast and lunch in early July. State regulations limited the number of customers, however. The Lighthouse didn’t offer takeout, believing that its menu didn’t travel well. The takeout section of the Lighthouse’s online menu featured “Whole sliced ham” or ham by the pound, whole pies, Greek dressing by the quart, and nothing else. In addition, much of the Lighthouse’s clientele were older people, who were less likely to leave the house, due to their susceptibility to COVID-19. The combination of factors made it difficult to generate enough sales to keep the doors open. The self-proclaimed “oldest Greek owned restaurant in Winston-Salem,” the Lighthouse was believed to be the second-oldest restaurant in the city of any ownership. While it prided itself on its Greek heritage, the menu
After 66 years, The Lighthouse now stands empty. was decidedly American homestyle food, with meatload, liver and onions and Salisbury steak among the specials for its final week. Of course, the occasional souvlaki also occasionally was featured. The Lighthouse was opened by George Pappas in 1954, conveniently located next to “a bustling area of businesses” that, at the time, included Sears and Modern Chevrolet. Pappas sold the business to Alex Fragakis, who hired Nick Doumas, who would be most
closely associated with The Lighthouse for decades, in 1962. Doumas had left his family in Greece at age 13 to make his way in America and eventually became Fragakis’ partner in the business. Fourteen years after coming to the United States, he brought his brother Louis over to the this country to make the Lighthouse a family-run restaurant. Louie’s Turkey Club remained a menu item until the day the restaurant closed. Fragakis retired in 1970, and two generations of Doumas fam-
ily members have run the restaurant ever since. The restaurant moved to its current location, within view of the old spot, in 1982, and eventually turned the business over to their sons, Harold and Joe Doumas. Five members of the Doumas family owned a portion of the business at the time of its closing. They left open the possibility of reopening at some point, but for the foreseeable future, the diners of the Twin Cities will need to find their comfort food elsewhere.
Twin City Herald for Wednesday, September 23, 2020
“Join the conversation”
Twin City Herald Publisher Neal Robbins
Editor Shawn Krest
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Senior Opinion Editor Frank Hill
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Lawn-sign virtue signaling and the death of politics This week, America’s West Coast found itself on fire. Millions of acres have burned across California, Oregon and Washington. The smoke clouds have been so immense that they have blotted out the sun in certain areas; air quality has been so poor that hundreds of thousands of people have been forced indoors. There are several key reasons for the extent of these wildfires. Federal and state policies have been geared around stifling wildfires for decades, rather than allowing controlled burns to prevent accretion of flammable vegetation. As ProPublica reports, California alone saw the burning of 4.4 million to 11 million acres per year prehistorically; between 1999 and 2017, that number dropped to only 13,000 acres per year. In February 2020, Nature Sustainability concluded that California would need to burn some 20 million acres to restabilize in terms of fire. Meanwhile, even those who pursue controlled burns must jump through extraordinarily regulatory hoops to do so: The Clean Air Act treats smoke from controlled burns as a pollutant, for example. Even California Gov. Gavin Newsom admitted to President Donald Trump that the state had botched its fire policy: “We have not done justice for our forest management.” But that admission was the mere precursor to a more important point for Newsom: that climate change is truly to blame for the wildfires. “The science is in ... that climate change is real,” Newsom lectured Trump. In reality, climate change may have had some effect on the California wildfires, but that effect is entirely secondary in scope to the effect of bad policy. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the temperature in Southern California has increased approximately 3 degrees F over the past century. Since 1980, the temperature in California has increased less than 2 degrees F. Does climate change exacerbate dryness and heat? Of course. But fire policy was the chief failure here. What’s more, no matter what Trump believes on climate change, the science is clear: Nothing Trump could have done would have made a measurable impact on the climate between 2017 and 2020. In fact, if the entire United States were to cease carbon emissions today, the climate would be just 0.17 degrees C less hot by 2100. Yet the media and Democrats suggested that the true story of the wildfires was indeed climate change. This theme was trumpeted by Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden first and foremost: Biden
emerged from his basement long enough to stand before a field of waving grass and explain that Trump’s unwillingness to signal proper concern about climate change would kill Americans. “We have four more years of Trump’s climate denial,” Biden gravely intoned. “How many suburbs will be burned in wildfires?” The answer: exactly as many as would be burned with four years of Biden governance. But the point here isn’t shaping public policy; it’s shaping perception. Politics has become about the art of the lawn sign. In California, there’s one lawn sign that has become quite popular. It reads, “IN THIS HOUSE, WE BELIEVE: BLACK LIVES MATTER; WOMEN’S RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS; NO HUMAN IS ILLEGAL; SCIENCE IS REAL; LOVE IS LOVE; KINDNESS IS EVERYTHING.” The sign is generally plunked in the front yard of a nice suburban home, where it acts as a sort of unearned symbol of virtue. The semantically overloaded tautologies are designed to act as a dissociation tactic from supposedly benighted fellow Americans who apparently don’t believe “SCIENCE IS REAL” or that “KINDNESS IS EVERYTHING.” But, of course, the sign conveys nothing beyond a selfcongratulatory insistence that the sign owner is a better human than other humans. By phrases like “SCIENCE IS REAL,” the sign owner conveys that if you attribute California wildfires to anything beyond Trumpian evil and climate change, you deny science. Which is antiscientific, of course. But it’s effective. That’s why New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo tweeted, “Science knows” (cynics might point out that science suggests shipping COVID-19-positive seniors into nursing homes is idiotic). That’s why Dr. Jill Biden tweeted, “#VoteForScience” (cynics might ask whether she believes a woman can become a man). By portraying your lack of a political program as entirely irrelevant to the broader question of Science Denial, you can avoid the hard conversations politics was intended to address. Lawn signs don’t solve problems. But they do make us feel good. Which is what politics are supposed to achieve nowadays in the absence of actual solutions. Perhaps at some point we might ask why politics make us feel so rotten these days. Ben Shapiro, 36, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and editor-in-chief of DailyWire.com.
DEATH NOTICES ♦ Eduviges Balbuena, 72, of Kernersville, died September 18, 2020. ♦ Jeremy David Brotherton, 42, of Kernersville, died September 16, 2020. ♦ Lila Harvey Brown, 87, of Surry County, died September 20, 2020. ♦ Ruby Bodford Jarvis Clinard, 93, of Winston-Salem, died September 16, 2020. ♦ Ruby Josephine Stafford Cole, 93, of Greensboro, died September 18, 2020. ♦ Bettie Jones Cook, 93, of Forsyth County, died September 20, 2020. ♦ Charles Curtis Davenport, 91, of Kernersville, died September 20, 2020. ♦ Kathy Elaine Doby Freeman, 67, of Mocksville, died September 19, 2020. ♦ Sarah Eleanor Godfrey, 96, of Winston-Salem, died September 18, 2020. ♦ Reva Mae Pegram Holt, 91, of Stokesdale, died September 17, 2020. ♦ Fred Steven “Steve” Knox, 69, of King, died September 18, 2020. ♦ Maurice G LaMontagne, 74, died September 20, 2020. ♦ Robert Wayne Miller, Sr., 71, of Winston-Salem, died September 16, 2020. ♦ Elizabeth “Betsy” Mitchell, 89, of Winston-Salem, died September 19, 2020. ♦ Richard “Dick” B. Patterson, 90, of Winston-Salem, died September 18, 2020. ♦ Emily Thomas Porter, 72, of Sanford, died September 20, 2020. ♦ Ernest Paul Priddy, Sr. 93, of Germanton, died September 19, 2020. ♦ Joseph Clifton Sinclair, 85, of Walkertown, died September 16, 2020. ♦ Joe Smith, 90, of Colfax, died September 17, 2020. ♦ Peggy Jean Freedle Smith, 85, of Advance, died September 17, 2020. ♦ William “Ernest” Turner, 96, of Winston-Salem, died September 20, 2020. ♦ William Reece Watson, 24, of Greensboro, died September 17, 2020.
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WEEKLY CRIME REPORT ♦ ALSTON, DESTINEE TAMARDEVON was arrested on a charge of OFA/FTASIMPLE POSSESS SCH VI CS at 201 N CHURCH ST on 9/20/2020 ♦ Alston, Raizel Marthony (M/21) Arrest on chrg of 1) Impaired Driving Dwi (M) and 2) Drive Wrong Side - Drive On Right Side Of Highway (M), at 3098 Old Hollow Rd/darrow Rd, Walkertown, NC, on 9/17/2020 02:41. ♦ Barnes, Octavius Daquan (M/24) Arrest on chrg of Assault On Female (M), at 7002 Garrett Dr, Clemmons, NC, on 9/20/2020 20:00. ♦ Blackmon, Timothy Lewis (M/41) Arrest on chrg of 1) Communicate Threats (M) and 2) Harassing Phone Calls (M), at 1 Medical Center Blvd, Winston Salem, NC, on 9/17/2020 09:41. ♦ Boothe, Charles Justin (M/31) Arrest on chrg of 1) Aslt On Offcr/felony (F), 2) Aslt On Offcr/felony (F), 3) Speeding To Elude Arrest (F), and 4) Speeding To Elude Arrest (F), at 201 N Church St, Winston-salem, NC, on 9/17/2020 18:35. ♦ Boothe, Charles Justin (M/31) Arrest on chrg of Murder-first Deg (F), at 201 N Church St, Winston-salem, NC, on 9/17/2020 18:35. ♦ BRACLEY, RYAN SEBASTIAN was arrested on a charge of IMPAIRED DRIVING DWI at REYNOLDA @ REYNOLDA PARK on 9/19/2020 ♦ Browning, Melvin Jason (F/44) Arrest on chrg of 2nd Degree Trespass, M (M), at 8100 Belews Lake Dr/belews Creek Rd, Belews Creek, NC, on 9/19/2020 11:45 ♦ CHRISTIAN, PARIS HALLE was arrested on a charge of AFFRAY at 1199 E SEVENTEENTH ST on 9/20/2020 ♦ CISNEROS, LUIS ALBERTO was arrested on a charge of IMPAIRED DRIVING DWI at 5098 SILAS CREEK PW/ YORKSHIRE RD on 9/18/2020 ♦ CLINDING, VERNON TYREE was arrested on a charge of WEAP-POSS BY FELON at 1304 BRENNER AV on 9/21/2020 ♦ CROSBY, ADRIAN ZAQUAN was arrested on a charge of ASSAULT ON FEMALE at 201 N CHURCH ST on 9/21/2020 ♦ Doughty, Neal Devon (M/39) Arrest on chrg of 1) Drugs-poss Sched Vi (M), 2) Impaired Driving Dwi (M), 3) Open Beverage (M), and 4) Resisting Arrest (M), at 2900 Old Hollow Rd, Walkertown, NC, on 9/21/2020 02:11. ♦ Faw, Gary Phillip (M/59) Arrest on
chrg of 2nd Degree Trespass, M (M), at 5601 Bethania Rd, Pfafftown, NC, on 9/18/2020 19:08. ♦ FINNEY, KIMBERLIN RENE was arrested on a charge of ASSAULTSIMPLE at E CLEMMONSVILLE RD/ NB 52_E CLEMMONSVILLE RD RA on 9/19/2020 ♦ Furches, Theodore Sylvester (M/29) Arrest on chrg of 1) Assault On Female (M) and 2) Fail To Appear/compl (M), at 201 N Church St, Winston-salem, NC, on 9/21/2020 12:36. ♦ GOMEZ, KEVIN was arrested on a charge of P/W/I/S/D SCHED IV at 2690 PETERS CREEK PW on 9/19/2020 ♦ GWYN, ERICA HOPE was arrested on a charge of CONSPIRE TO P/W/I/S/D MARIJUANA,METHAMPHETAMINE, COCAINE, ET at 4574 S MAIN ST on 9/19/2020 ♦ Hairston, Terrell Lamar (M/38) Arrest on chrg of 1) Communicate Threats (M) and 2) Communicate Threats (M), at 4741 Plata Dr, Winston-salem, NC, on 9/20/2020 22:26. ♦ HAITHCOCK, PHILLIP ANDREW was arrested on a charge of ROBBERY at 7910 NORTH POINT BV on 9/21/2020 ♦ Hall, Dalton (M/30) Arrest on chrg of Fugitive (F), at 1557 Union Cross Rd, Kernersville, NC, on 9/19/2020 22:58. ♦ Jolley, Matthew Franklin (M/24) Arrest on chrg of Probation Violation (M), at 2390 Lewisville-clemmons Rd, Clemmons, NC, on 9/20/2020 21:19. ♦ KINZER, JERRY JEROME was arrested on a charge of CCW at 5434 UNIVERSITY PW on 9/19/2020 ♦ LITTLEJOHN, BRIAN KEITH was arrested on a charge of ASSAULT STRANGULATION at 3920 THORNABY CR on 9/20/2020
St, Winston-salem, NC, on 9/21/2020 14:46. ♦ Nunezmandujano, Raul (M/20) Arrest on chrg of 1) Assault On Female (M) and 2) Vand-real Property (M), at 9510 Reynolda Rd, Tobaccoville, NC, on 9/18/2020 15:00. ♦ Pardue, Bradley Satterfield (M/37) Arrest on chrg of Resisting Arrest, M (M), at 201 N Church St, Winston-salem, NC, on 9/17/2020 20:05. ♦ PARRISH, JONATHAN LUKE was arrested on a charge of RESISTING ARREST at 1601 WOODS RD on 9/19/2020 ♦ Pegram, Leah Houck (F/51) Arrest on chrg of 1) Poss Heroin (F), 2) Drugs-mfg Sched Ii (F), and 3) Drug Paraphernalia (M), at 216 Lewisville-clemmons Rd, Lewisville, NC, on 9/19/2020 18:50. ♦ RHYNE, ANTWAN BERNARD was arrested on a charge of IMPAIRED DRIVING DWI at 1517 E SPRAGUE ST on 9/19/2020 ♦ Robinson, Roy Shadrach (M/33) Arrest on chrg of 1) Possession Marijuana (M), 2) Drug Paraphernalia (M), 3) Weap-poss By Felon (F), and 4) Ccw (M), at Wb 40/ lewisville-clemmons Rd, Clemmons, NC, on 9/16/2020 14:55. ♦ SLATE, LANDON MICHAEL was arrested on a charge of BREAKING/ LARC-FELONY at 901 PETERS CREEK PW on 9/20/2020 ♦ SMARR, CHRISTOPHER DARNELL was arrested on a charge of ASSAULT ON FEMALE at 6350 ARERLAN DR on 9/20/2020 ♦ Temple, Joshua Jamar (M/28) Arrest on chrg of 1) Drugs-poss Sched Ii (F) and 2) Drug Paraphernalia (M), at 2600 Old Hollow Rd, Walkertown, NC, on 9/16/2020 01:38.
♦ Mariche, Agustin Medina (M/21) Arrest on chrg of Probation Violation (F), at 200 N Main St, Winston-salem, NC, on 9/21/2020 14:38.
♦ Tippetts, Michael Bradley (M/41) Arrest on chrg of 2nd Degree Trespass, M (M), at 8100 Belews Lake Dr/belews Creek Rd, Belews Creek, NC, on 9/19/2020 11:38.
♦ Meadows, Devin Dewayne (M/24) Arrest on chrg of 1) Poss Heroin (F) and 2) Drug Paraphernalia (M), at 7200 Lynn Forest Dr/broad St, Rural Hall, NC, on 9/20/2020 21:10.
♦ Travis, Monte Jr (M/23) Arrest on chrg of Probation Violation (F), at 200 N Main St, Winston-salem, NC, on 9/21/2020 11:31.
♦ MELANG, JEFFRY PAUL was arrested on a charge of IMPAIRED DRIVING DWI at 599 HOLLY AV/N POPLAR ST on 9/18/2020 ♦ Mitchell, Ezekiel Akheal (M/26) Arrest on chrg of 1) Probation Violation (F) and 2) Probation Violation (F), at 200 N Main
♦ WALLS, SHANNON LARMONT was arrested on a charge of AFFRAY at 939 W WALNUT ST on 9/19/2020
Twin City Herald for Wednesday, September 23, 2020
NFL fines coaches, teams for mask violations New York NFL coaches thumbed their collective — and exposed — noses at the NFL’s mask mandate in Week 2. The league responded with hefty fines of $100,000 per coach and $250,000 per club. The first three to get fined were Denver’s Vic Fangio, San Francisco’s Kyle Shanahan and Seattle’s Pete Carroll, according to a person with knowledge of the punishment who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because the coaches were not identified. The punishment was meted out a week after the NFL reminded team personnel on the sidelines about the rules for wearing face coverings during the coronavirus pandemic.
Seeding, not record determines who bats last in World Series The league and union agreed that the championship series will take place in Arlington, Texas
By Ronald Blum The Associated Press NEW YORK — The higher-seeded team reaching the World Series will have last at-bats in Games 1 and 2 and — if needed — Games 6 and 7, not necessarily the team with the best record. The specification was contained in the July 23 agreement between Major League Baseball and the players’ association to expand the playoffs following a regular season shortened due to the coronavirus pandemic. A copy of the deal was
obtained by The Associated Press. This year’s change means a No. 1 seed from one league with fewer regular season wins than a lower seed from the other league would have the “homefield advantage” for the World Series should they both win pennants. In the event both pennant winners have the same seed, regular season winning percentage would decide which team is “home” for the first two games. Under an agreement reached last week between MLB and the union, all World Series games will be played at Globe Life Field in Arlington, Texas, the new ballpark of the out-of-contention Texas Rangers. Home-field advantage in the World Series generally rotated between the leagues through 2002. At the behest of then-Commis-
sioner Bud Selig and Fox, homefield advantage went to the AllStar Game winner from 2003-16. Home-field for Games 1, 2, 6 and 7 was based on winning percentage from 2017-19. The League Championship Series and Division Series also will be played at neutral sites this year. The AL Championship Series will be in San Diego and the NL Championship Series in Arlington, while the AL Division Series will be in Los Angeles and San Diego and the NL Division Series in Houston and Arlington. Under the agreement, the division champions in a league will be ranked as the first, second and third seeds in order of winning percentage, and the second-place teams will be ranked fourth, fifth and sixth seeds in the same manner, followed by the wild-card teams as seventh and eighth seeds in order of winning percentage. Higher seeds will host all games in a best-of-three round, with No. 1 playing No. 8, 2 vs. 7, 3 vs. 6 and 4 vs. 5. Under the July 23 deal, Division Series matchups would have had the highest advancing seed play the lowest advancing seed, but as MLB and the union negotiated the
“The elimination of travel is obviously a positive because it cuts exposure.” Rob Manfred, MLB commissioner neutral site “bubble” agreement, they agreed to replace that with a fixed bracket. The change began in talks between Deputy Commissioner Dan Halem and union head Tony Clark, and details were worked out by Senior Vice President Patrick Houlihan and players’ association deputy general counsel Matt Nussbaum. The sides decided they did not want a team whose series had finished having to wait to find out which city it would travel to. Higher seeds in each matchup will have “homefield advantage” as it pertains to last at-bat for the majority of scheduled games, including the first two. Seeding was preferred over winning percentage to decide “homefield advantage” because of differing opponents in teams’ schedules in a season revised and shortened during to the pandemic.
Player positive for COVID-19 ahead of French Open qualifying Paris One woman who was entered in French Open qualifying tested positive for the coronavirus and was dropped from the field Monday. The French tennis federation did not identify the player, who it said must isolate for seven days. Women’s qualifying began Tuesday. The news comes a day after the federation announced that five other players were withdrawn from qualifying — two who tested positive for COVID-19 and three who were in close contact with a coach who tested positive for the illness. Matches in the main draw for the 15-day clay-court Grand Slam tournament begin Sunday.
Hamels done for year after just 1 start for Braves Atlanta After making just one start for the Atlanta Braves, Cole Hamels is done for the season. Hamels reported shortly before the start of a four-game series against the Miami Marlins that he didn’t feel like he could get anything on the ball. The left-hander was scheduled to make his second start Tuesday after struggling throughout the year to overcome shoulder and triceps issues. The Braves placed Hamels on the 10day injured list, retroactive to Sept. 18, but that was a mere formality. General manager Alex Anthopoulos has already conquered about replacing Hamels in the team’s postseason player pool.
Louisville challenges NCAA over recruiting allegations Louisville, Ky. Louisville has refuted NCAA allegations against its men’s basketball program in the wake of a federal corruption scandal, requesting that the highest-level violation be reclassified. The university also is challenging that former coach Rick Pitino failed to promote an atmosphere of compliance in his program. Louisville filed a 104-page response last week to the Notice Of Allegations sent to the school in May. The NCAA has until Nov. 15 to respond with the school responding 15 days after before a decision is made on how the case will proceed.
The World Series will be played entirely at the Texas Rangers’ new ballpark in Arlington, Texas, as part of a bubble agreement between Major League Baseball and the players’ association, the first time the sport’s championship will be played entirely at one site since 1944.
Harvick gets 9th win as Cup Series moves on to Round of 12 William Byron, Cole Custer, Ryan Blaney and Matt DiBenedetto were eliminated from the playoffs The Associated Press BRISTOL, Tenn. — Feeding off one of the largest crowds at a sporting event during the pandemic, Kevin Harvick steamrolled his way into the second round of NASCAR’s playoffs in a championship that is seemingly his to lose. Harvick held off a charging Kyle Busch over the final 40 laps Saturday night at Bristol Motor Speedway for his career-best and Cup Series-high ninth victory of the season. He did it in front of a soldout crowd of 30,000 spectators, the most Bristol was allowed to admit and the largest crowd since March. “I hadn’t been to too many races where I’ve been that jacked up getting in the race car,” Harvick said. “The fans were so enthusiastic tonight and I don’t know if we’ve just been away from them for that long, but you could feel the enthusiasm in the stadium tonight. “As I was getting in the car, I was just wound up and just really, really ready to race.” Harvick took the lead from Busch and denied Busch his first victory of the season. Busch furiously tried to catch him as the two weaved their way through lapped traffic, but Harvick held firm in the No. 4 Ford for Stewart-Haas Racing. Harvick also won the Southern 500 at Darlington Raceway to open the playoffs. He’s ninth on NASCAR’s career list with 58 Cup victories.
Kevin Harvick celebrates after winning Saturday’s NASCAR Cup Series race at Bristol. Busch, who failed inspection twice before the race and drove from the back of the field to lead in his Toyota, was disappointed to finish second. Busch took aim at Joey Logano, who failed to move out of the way as Harvick and Busch battled for the lead — “he’s nobody’s friend for a reason” — as well as younger drivers Garrett Smithley and Joey Gase. “If that lap car wasn’t there, I would have blown it in on the outside or the inside and maybe we would have banged each other’s doors or whatever and had a greater finish to the checkered,” Busch said. “But some of them (idiot) kids don’t know what the hell they’re
“As I was getting in the car, I was just wound up and just really, really ready to race.” Kevin Harvick on racing in front of 30,000 fans at Bristol doing or where they’re at and can’t stay out of the way. Nothing like a Gase and a Smithley.” Smithley, who finished 32nd and has received criticism from Busch before, argued he’s a target for Busch even when he didn’t alter
Busch’s race. “Went outta my way to give him room,” Smithley wrote on Twitter. “Think he might have thought I was in a different car.” Either way, Busch was aggravated enough to predict his run in these playoffs will be short. “We’ll be eliminated next round, so don’t care,” Busch said. The first elimination race of the playoffs knocked William Byron, Cole Custer, Ryan Blaney and Matt DiBenedetto from title contention. All four were below the cutline at the start of the race and failed to produce a finish strong enough to get them into the next round.
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Twin City Herald for Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Trump pledges woman for court by Saturday, pushes Senate to move on pick By Jonathan Lemire The Associated Press WASHINGTON, D.C. — President Donald Trump said Monday he expects to announce his pick for the Supreme Court on Friday or Saturday, after funeral services for Ruth Bader Ginsburg and just days before the first presidential election debate. Trump told “Fox & Friends” that he had a list of five finalists, “probably four,” and that he is pushing for a confirmation vote before Election Day. Democrats have howled in protest. The impending clash over the vacant seat — when to fill it and with whom — has scrambled the stretch run of a presidential race for a nation already reeling from the pandemic that has killed nearly 200,000 people, left millions unemployed and heightened partisan tensions and anger. Democratic nominee Joe Biden has urged a delay in a nomination, declaring that the next president should fill the seat. Ginsburg, 87, died Friday of metastatic pancreatic cancer. “We win an election and those are the consequences,” said the president, who then seemed to signal that he’d be willing to accept a vote on his nominee during the lame duck period after the election. “We have a lot of time. We have plenty of time. We’re talking about January 20th.” Trump allowed that he would accept a vote in the lame duck period after Election Day but made
clear his preference would be that it occur by Nov. 3. Announcing a nominee on Friday or Saturday would leave less than 40 days for the Senate to hold a confirmation vote before the election. The president confirmed Monday that among the top contenders are Indiana’s Amy Coney Barrett and Florida’s Barbara Lagoa, both appellate court judges he appointed. Barrett has long been a favorite among conservative while Lagoa has been pushed by some aides who tout her electorate advantages of being Hispanic and hailing from the key battleground state of Florida. Trump also indicated that Allison Jones Rushing, a 38-yearold appellate judge from North Carolina, is also on the short-list. He has promised to nominate a woman for the high court, adding that his preference is for someone younger who could hold sway on the nation’s jurisprudence for potentially four or five decades. Rushing clerked for Justice Clarence Thomas and for Neil Gorsuch, when the current Trump-appointed justice was an appeals court judge. The sudden vacancy was poised to reshape the race, which to this point has been largely a referendum how Trump had managed the COVID-19 pandemic. It seemed certain to electrify both sides: Democrats were breaking fundraising records while a packed Trump crowd in North Carolina Saturday loudly chant-
President Donald Trump pumps his fist after speaking at a campaign rally, Monday, Sept. 21, 2020, in Swanton, Ohio. ed “Fill that seat.” But it remained unclear if the high bench vacancy — which could impact everything from abortion rights to legal challenges to the 2020 election — would persuade disenchanted Republicans to return to Trump or fire up women or suburban voters to break for Biden. Republicans hold a 53-47 edge in the Senate. If there were a 5050 tie, it could be broken by Vice President Mike Pence. Most Republicans concurred on the need for speed and one named a practical reason: The nine-member court, argued Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, must be full if called upon to decide the outcome of a disputed presidential election. The average number of days to confirm a justice, according to the Congressional Research Service, is 69, which would be after the
“We win an election and those are the consequences. We have a lot of time. We have plenty of time. We’re talking about January 20th” President Donald Trump election. But some Republicans quickly noted that Ginsburg was confirmed in just 42 days. John Fischetti, who waited in line more than two hours to enter Trump’s Fayetteville rally Saturday, said replacing Ginsburg would inflame tensions but was within the president’s rights. “I would assume it would make
everyone more energized,” Fischetti said of the political repercussions. “Trump’s people want him to always press forward.” Four GOP defections could defeat a nomination, while a tie vote could be broken by Vice President Mike Pence. The next pick could shape important decisions beyond abortion rights, including any legal challenges that may stem from the 2020 election. In the interim, if the court were to take cases with eight justices, 4-4 ties would revert the decision to a lower court; for instance, the Affordable Care Act could then be struck down by a lower Texas court. Biden has promised to nominate a black woman to the high court if given the chance. His campaign reiterated it would not release names before the election.
Bergdahl lawyers say judge’s job application posed conflict By Sarah Blake Morgan The Associated Press CHARLOTTE — A new motion filed in the case of former U.S Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl is asking the highest appeals court for the U.S. military to overturn his conviction, citing an alleged conflict of interest involving the judge who originally presided over his sentencing. The motion filed Friday seeks to have the Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces re-examine the impartiality of retired Army Col. Jeffrey Nance, the military judge who sentenced Bergdahl. The motion says Nance was working to secure a job with the Department of Justice at the time of his ruling in the Bergdahl case. In 2017, Bergdahl pleaded guilty to desertion and misbehavior before the enemy. Bergdahl was a 23-year-old private first class in June 2009 when, after five months in Afghanistan, he
disappeared from his remote infantry post near the Pakistan border, triggering a massive search operation. Videos emerged soon after Bergdahl’s disappearance showing him in captivity by the Taliban. For years, the U.S. kept tabs on Bergdahl with spies and satellites as behind-the-scenes negotiations played out sporadically. Then in May 2014, he was handed over to U.S. special forces in a swap for five Taliban detainees at the Guantanamo Bay prison, fueling an emotional U.S. debate about whether Bergdahl was a hero or a deserter. The appellate judges upheld Bergdahl’s conviction earlier this year in a narrow 3-2 decision when they held that disparaging comments made about Bergdahl by the late Sen. John McCain and President Donald Trump in the White House Rose Garden back in October 2017 did not invalidate his prosecution.
Trump had described the ex-soldier as a “dirty rotten traitor,” called for the execution of Bergdahl by firing squad and joked in campaign appearances last election cycle that Bergdahl should be thrown from a plane without a parachute. On Oct. 16th, the same day Nance accepted Bergdahl’s guilty plea, court documents show he applied for a position as a federal immigration judge. Following Trump’s comments, Bergdahl’s attorney asked Nance to dismiss the case because of Trump’s comments “vilifying” Bergdahl. According to court documents, Nance assured Bergdahl’s counsel that Trump’s comments would have no impact on his decision saying, “I have no hope or ambition beyond my current rank … I am completely unaffected by any opinions President Trump may have about Sgt. Bergdahl.” But according to the motion,
Nance highlighted his role as the judge presiding over Bergdahl’s case while applying to work in the Justice Department and even included as a writing sample a ruling rejecting Bergdahl’s unlawful command influence arguments. Court documents state Nance never disclosed he was applying for a position as an immigration judge. But a press release announced his appointment to the position, by Attorney General Jeff Sessions in September 2018. Public affairs staff at the Justice Department who handle communications for the Georgia immigration court that currently lists Nance as a judge didn’t immediately respond to an email seeking comment. The motion was first reported on the CAAFlog website, which covers military legal affairs. Bergdahl’s attorney, Eugene Fidell, confirmed that the motion posted on the blog was accurate but declined further comment in an
email. In November 2017, Nance spared Bergdahl prison time in a sentence that included a dishonorable discharge, a reduction in rank and the forfeiture of some pay. Prosecutors had sought a stiffer penalty of more than a decade in prison because of wounds suffered by service members who searched for Bergdahl after he disappeared in 2009. Trump quickly called the sentence a “disgrace” at the time. Before the sentencing, Nance rejected defense motions that charges should be dismissed or punishment limited because Trump was exerting unlawful command influence. While he declined to rule in the defense’s favor, he said at the time he had concerns about Trump’s comments affecting public perception of the military justice system. He said then that he would consider Trump’s comments a factor promoting leniency.