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Texas – Northern Regent’s Message Dr. Trinette K. Pierre
Message from Our ACHE Regent, Northern
Esteemed Colleagues,
Can you believe we are approaching the summer months? This year is moving quickly. Time truly waits for no one. The official start of summer is a few short weeks away. For many, this is a time to plan our travels, prep for cookouts, and enjoy family-centric outdoor activities. For some, this is a time to stay inside, crank up the A/C, sip on frozen drinks, and plan how to hide from the severe Texas heat. Whatever option you prefer, I pray you have a fun-filled, safe summer.
Texas Northern region, we are truly blessed. ACHE is filled with talented, hardworking, dedicated members. Each day we give of ourselves to ensure better outcomes for those within our organizations. We put our “best selves” into our promise to honor and promote the mission and ministry of healthcare. We are blessed with the gifts we possess – and those gifts were given for a purpose. Our assignment is one of utmost importance: To work diligently to promote the health and well-being of our communities. This is no easy feat, but we laugh in the face of challenges that attempt to thwart this mission each day. We are to uphold these sacred duties – not just in word, but in action as well. We want to be known as doers, not just talkers. We want to be seen as pavement pounders, not just policy pushers. We want to fight for the greater good and our collaborative goal is to leave this healthcare world in better shape than it was in when we entered it. We want to leave our mark, change the world, and help the masses. Our caring is all-inclusive. Our passion is all encompassing. Our dedication is all-heart. Our drive is fullthrottle. We have the knowledge, the expertise, and the power to change the landscape of healthcare for our loved ones and our communities…if we work together to do so.
There is one glaring truth of which the pandemic reminded us on many occasions – There’s room for improvement in the level of trust between our communities and healthcare as a profession. I believe that people do not care what we know until they know we care. Many of us have dedicated our lives to caring for our communities, but how do we relay this sentiment to our public who may not know of the late
night board meetings and policies written? What can we do to ensure we are not only heard but seen in our communities? How do we improve on that trust that we must have in order for our communities to take the advice of healthcare experts and leaders when it matters most? The answer: Be visible – be present – be there!
I want to remind some and introduce to others the initiatives that I hope will increase our presence in our communities (aka “walk the walk”) and thus increase the faith our communities have in healthcare leaders and professionals. In 2022-2023, let’s focus on increasing community involvement and promoting increased membership and sponsorship for our region’s chapters. To do so, we have to give of ourselves individually and collaboratively. We CAN make a difference for our communities and those we are entrusted to serve.
I. Community-focused/Community Visibility Initiatives GOAL: More community involvement and ACHE influence will lead to better name recognition for ACHE, more trust for healthcare professionals within our communities, more media coverage, and ultimately more partners for ACHE. Some examples of these initiatives include: - Prescriptions for Food Program initiatives -Community-focused drives to assist in meeting needs of the communities we serve - sock drives, coat drives, toiletry drives, non-perishable food drives, etc.) -Assisting with initiating/maintaining Community Gardens in high risk/food dessert areas -Volunteering at local shelters, soup kitchens, health fairs, etc.
We know the needs of our communities. We have the hands. We have the passion. We have the hearts. We now need to invoke the action. For our dedicated members who like to have a good time, we haven’t forgotten you. We are discussing options to do more fun events. This will allow us to step away from the busyness and grind of healthcare while spending time getting to know one another away from the office. Here is an initiative focused on increasing morale and gaining more friends and members for ACHE!
II. More FUN activities for members and potential members (outings “just because”) GOAL: While educational events are needed, sometimes, we want to break away to have a good time and enjoy life. Instituting more fun activities (non-work or healthcare fieldrelated activities) may help to boost morale and camaraderie of current members and pull in more members/sponsors for ACHE. Events beyond networking and educational events may assist with increasing awareness of ACHE to those in our friends and colleagues circles. This may result in increased interest in ACHE. These events can be members’ paid events and “bring a friend” sponsored events. The costs of these events may not be massive, but the return on investment may be exponential.
There’s no limit to the fun ACHE members can have!
Our chapter leaders will be discussing these initiatives and how we can work together to best serve our communities and our members. While these events are still in the conceptualizing stage, I want to relay what is being discussed with our region’s members. We will need the support and partnership of our amazing members to make these initiatives work. For now, we would like to get an idea of how many members would like to volunteer to help move these initiatives forward. If you are interested in assisting, please contact your chapter leaders and you will be added to our list of willing volunteers who may be called upon to assist with the planning and execution of these initiatives in the future.
Thank you in advance for partnering with us and for caring beyond your borders.
With much love, admiration, and respect,
- Movie Nights/game nights - Talent Shows -Seasonal festivities -Exercise Groups/Fitness Outings -Other fun events -Jazz in the Park/outdoor concerts -Golf tournaments -Cook offs/Baking contests Sunday Brunch outings Dinner meetups
Dr. Trinette K. Pierre, DHA, BSN, RN, CCC, CEC, CHLC, FACHE, NEA-BC Regent – Texas Northern