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At Large, District 4 Regent’s Messag Stephen Davis
Message from Our ACHE Regent At Large, District 4
Dear Colleagues,
I hope you all remain safe and well as you continue to lead our organizations amid the pandemic. After such a challenging year, and as we begin to see glimmers of light at the end of a continuing tunnel, it has been wonderful to connect with ACHE of North Texas members in-person over the summer.
As I shared at the ACHE of North Texas networking blitz, this is such an exciting time to be a part of work related to diversity, equity, and inclusion at ACHE. At the national level, ACHE has made diversity a constant priority with three key aims – to increase the diversity of our membership, to increase the diversity of our fellows, and to retain diverse members and fellows. As a fellow and faculty member of ACHE, and as Regent-at-Large for ACHE District 4, a role created to foster diversity in the governance of ACHE, I am honored to be a part of this work. of North Texas. the course. One by one, we are increasing the diverse representation of individuals who hold one of the most prestigious and coveted credentials in healthcare, and the mark of distinction in the field of healthcare management.
To know that we are making measurable progress in this space is humbling, inspiring, and encouraging. And yet, we know that so much more needs to be done. Until there is truly equitable access to advancement opportunities for all members of historically underrepresented and excluded groups, and until the vision that we all feel included and experience belonging is translated into reality, we know that we have significant work to do.
I am proud to do this work with the members, fellows, and leaders of ACHE
One initiative that has been particularly special for me to be a part of over the past year is ACHE’s offering of the virtual Board of Governors (BOG) examination review course. This new educational program occurred as a result of the pandemic. Serving as ACHE faculty and teaching nine of the ten BOG exam knowledge areas for hundreds of ACHE members striving to achieve fellow designation has been one of the greatest honors of my career. I am proud to report that not only are our course participants diverse, but we have also seen healthcare leaders from historically underrepresented and excluded groups achieve success in attaining fellow designation following completion of Sincerely,
Stephan Davis, DNP, MHSA, FACHE MHA Director and Assistant Professor Chair – Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee UNT Health Science Center, School of Public Health
Regent-at-Large, ACHE District Four Immediate Past Chair, ACHE LGBTQ Healthcare Leaders Community
LinkedIn: Linkedin.com/in/DrStephanDavis