Ntd volume 3 issue 5 de layout 1

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Dentistry North Texas


a business and lifestyle magazine for north texas dentists

Healthy Living

29 Ways to Make Your Brain Smarter

Smiles in the Spotlight

David Philofsky, DDS, MS Clinical Realities of Connective Tissue Grafting

Creating Happy Patients With Expert Care

Modern Texas Dental Specialties: Firewheel Center & Texas Endodontics




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Dentistry North Texas


Creating Happy Patients With Expert Care

Modern Texas Dental Specialties: Firewheel Center & Texas Endodontics





16 ON THE COVER: The Modern Texas Dental Specialties team (from left); Dr. Rajiv Patel, Dr. Tariq Alsmadi, Dr. Maheeb Jaouni, and Dr. Daniel Stewart






Cancer Patients Benefit From Dental Clinic Minimizing the side effects of cancer treatment


29 Ways To Make Your Brain Smarter Tips for brain health at any age


Dr. David Philofsky Clinical Realities of ConnectiveTissue Grafting


The Peacekeeper Six Simple Steps to Resolving Conflict


Dental Headache Care A new treatment that complements restorative and occlusal treatment


Texas Terroir A winemaker’s perspective


Social Media for Dentists Reaping the benefits of social media for both internal and external marketing


Symmetry ID System A new system that simplifies office design





from the publisher

Dentistry North Texas

Publisher | LuLu Stavinoha Photographer | Ray Bryant, Bryant Studios Contributing Writers | Tina Cauller, Dr. Sandra Chapman, Kim Clarke, Carolyn Cox, Allison DiMatteo, Dr. David Philofsky, Neil Rudoff, Susan Steinbrecher

Hope you all are enjoying your summer! As far as Texas summers go this has been a pretty nice one. We have even had rain… what a treat!

For this issue North Texas Dentistry visited Modern Texas Dental Specialties, the practices of endodontists Dr. Maheeb Jaouni, Dr. Tariq Alsmadi, Dr. Rajiv Patel and periodontist Dr. Daniel Stewart. With two locations, Texas Endodontics in Carrollton and Firewheel Center for Dental Specialties in Garland, they serve a broad area of the Metroplex using the latest cutting edge technology.

Periodontist, Dr. David Philofsky examines the variables that need to be considered for patients needing connective tissue grafting in this issue’s Smiles in the Spotlight.

You are never too young to consider brain health. Dr. Sandra Chapman founder and chief director of the Center for Brain Health offers tips to improve brain activity whether you are 20 or 50 in Healthy Living.

Wine Cellar presents an interview with Dan Gatlin, winemaker and proprietor of Inwood Estates Vineyards, as he shares his insight in the development of the Texas wine industry.

It is still summer but the team of North Texas Dentistry is starting work on one of my favorite issues of the year, the Convention Issue for the Southwest Dental Conference. The conference is not until January, but we want to get going to make this the best Convention Issue ever. Make your plans now to participate in this issue… details inside!

Ray Bryant


Tina Cauller


Thanks to all of you who support North Texas Dentistry and make its publication possible! Keep smiling and have a great day!

LuLu Stavinoha, RDH Publisher

Remember to “Like” us on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/NorthTexasDentistry

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Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of editorial material published in North Texas Dentistry, articles may contain statements, opinions, and other information subject to interpretation. Accordingly, the publisher, editors and authors and their respective employees are not responsible or liable for inaccurate or misleading data, opinion or other information in material supplied by contributing authors. Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in whole without written permission is prohibited.

Advertise in North Texas Dentistry For more information on advertising in North Texas Dentistry, call LuLu Stavinoha at (214) 629-7110 or email lulu@northtexasdentistry.com. Send written correspondence to: North Texas Dentistry P.O. Box 12623 Dallas, TX 75225

Cancer Patients Benefit From Dental Clinic By Carolyn Cox


ancer treatment brings a daunting array of life changes for patients and their families. Dental complications are one small but significant impact of cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation. Texas A&M University Baylor College of Dentistry (TAMBCD) championed the establishment of the dental clinic at Baylor University Medical Center’s (BUMC) Charles A. Sammons Cancer Center in Dallas to help patients minimize the side effects of cancer treatment.

The dental school’s presence is apparent at the clinic, which is staffed almost entirely by college faculty and alumni. The personnel include a medical director, three parttime dentists, a dental assistant and a dental hygienist who also serves as clinic manager.

Before the Sammons Cancer Center dental clinic opened in 2011, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston was the only cancer center in Texas offering a full-range facility that included dentistry.

By working to prevent oral infection and reduce oral pain and long-term loss of function, the clinic’s dentists and dental hygienists improve the quality of life for cancer patients. The clinic also serves

transplant and cardiac surgery patients referred by hospital physicians and can be vitally important for optimal patient outcomes.

“We work closely with oncologists and transplant teams in monitoring blood counts, immunosuppressive drug administration, and location/amount of radiation that may indirectly affect teeth and directly affect soft tissue in the oral cavity,” says Dr. Kenneth A. Bolin, associate professor at TAMBCD and the clinic’s medical director. “This holistic approach to caring for cancer patients is invaluable.”

Oral assessments are critical for patients before they begin cancer treatment so that any restorative dental needs or infections can be treated in advance. During treatment, dental oncology professionals assist in preventing and treating mouth and throat sores, dry mouth, infections or any other complications that arise in the process of eliminating cancer cells from the body.

“Even as recently as a few years ago, standard care included removing all the teeth before radiation therapy began,” says Jane Cotter, clinic manager, who earned a master’s degree in dental hygiene from TAMBCD in 2009. “Now we are only removing

what’s necessary and are adding preventive measures such as fluoride trays, prescription fluoride toothpaste and a three-month appointment recall.

“Radiation patients often have a dry mouth that can lead to dental problems without this type of intervention,” Cotter continues. “People now have a better quality of life after treatment because they are still able to continue to chew food with their natural teeth. They’re healthier as they go through therapy, and hopefully they will be healthier in survivorship.”

For information about the clinic’s services, call (214) 820-3535.

Founded in 1905, Texas A&M University Baylor College of Dentistry in Dallas is a college of the Texas A&M Health Science Center. TAMBCD is a nationally recognized center for oral health sciences education, research, specialized patient care and continuing dental education. Carolyn Cox is publications manager at Texas A&M University Baylor College of Dentistry, where she has been employed for 24 years. A 1986 journalism graduate of Texas Christian University, she resides in Lewisville, Texas.





cover feature

Creating Happy Patients With Expert Care

Modern Texas Dental Specialties: Firewheel Center & Texas Endodontics by Tina Cauller


The multidisciplinary specialists who comprise Modern Texas Dental Specialists are pictured (from left): Dr. Rajiv Patel, Dr. Daniel Stewart, Dr. Maheeb Jaouni and Dr. Tariq Alsmadi.

hen your patient needs specialty care, a lot rides on your choice of a specialist partner. Your patients’ oral health depends on the care your referral partner provides and their confidence in you will be impacted by their experience. Your patients rely on you to base your referral choice on the proven assurance that they will receive the best possible care. Consequently, a trusted source of specialty care is one of the most valuable professional relationships you can cultivate.

A patient referred for specialty care may be concerned about the outcome, fearful of the planned treatment, or worried about financing, and may need relief from pain. The specialists at Modern Texas Dental Specialties (MTDS) know that a whole host of different elements must come together flawlessly in order to create a positive patient experience, particularly under these circumstances. With more than 50 years of combined experience, this team appreciates the crucial importance of earning the trust of both you and your patient with every visit.

The multidisciplinary specialists who comprise Modern Texas Dental Specialties are Dr. Maheeb Jaouni, Dr. Tariq Alsmadi, Dr. Rajiv Patel and Dr. Daniel Stewart. The practice serves endodontic and periodontic patients from more than 100 referring offices around the Metroplex through its two locations in Carrollton and North Garland.

As Dr. Alsmadi explains, “We intentionally designed our offices so 6 NORTH TEXAS DENTISTRY | www.northtexasdentistry.com

our patients could relax in a comfortable, family-oriented atmosphere. We take time to explain each procedure, and answer any questions they may have. We show patients images on a large monitor to help them clearly understand their treatment and know exactly what to expect. It’s human nature to be fearful of the unknown, so taking this time is very important.”

Texas Endodontics in Carrollton features three operatories and is currently being remodeled to include a spacious conference room. Firewheel Center in North Garland is a beautiful new facility with five operatories, including a fully equipped surgical suite.

Knowing that the latest advanced equipment is available also helps to put patients at ease. Dr. Jaouni notes, “Both of our locations are equipped with the latest surgical microscopes, which provide an important complement to other imaging modalities and help us achieve the best surgical outcomes. These special microscopes employ high magnification and fiber optic illumination to clearly visualize critical details and enable us to record digital video images of the affected tooth so any relevant findings can be documented and shared with the referring dentist.”

Surgical endodontic treatment has shown significant increase in its success rates when performed using a dental microscope, allowing precision in performing the procedure with minimal root resection. The currently reported success rate in endodontic studies is reported to be around 90%. Preparing the retrograde canal and fill-

ing with the aid of an ultrasonic tip to the depth of 3 to 4 mm with visual aid of a micro-mirror allows the endodontist to visualize the cause of failure of the previous endodontic treatment (missed canal, crack, extending fin, etc.). This microsurgical approach minimizes trauma and enhances surgical results.

At Firewheel Center, diagnosis and treatment are enhanced by the latest CBCT imaging technology, which helps ensure accurate surgical planning and optimal results. CBCT is a diagnostic imaging modality that yields a highly precise three-dimensional image of the anatomy without distortion.

While variations in root canal anatomy are common, successful endodontic treatment depends on the clinician’s ability to detect and visualize all root canals so that each canal can be thoroughly cleaned, shaped, and obturated. In research studies to evaluate the use of CBCT in endodontics, board-certified endodontists performed better at detecting canals with high-resolution CBCT images than with 2D radiographs. CBCT is also helpful for identifying lesions that have expanded into the maxillary sinus or finding missed canals, as well as monitoring healing after treatment. While two-dimensional radiography is adequate in some cases, the inherent distortion and superimposition of anatomical structures in a two-dimensional image often presents real challenges. There are specific situations in which additional information about spatial relationships facilitates a more accurate diagnosis and eliminates guesswork in endodontic treatment.

The use of cone beam CT technology is indispensable in treatment in complex dental implant cases. As Dr. Stewart explains, “With CBCT, the restorative dentist and I can perform virtual implant planning in three dimensions, assessing the available supporting

Patients experience a friendly and helpful team whose goal is to make sure treatment goes smoothly from start to finish. bone in the optimal implant positions. From this virtual implant plan, the need for osseous augmentation can be determined. Also, a surgical guide can be fabricated which allows me to place implants with precision. This simplifies treatment and eliminates many difficulties for the restorative dentist and ultimately results in an excellent dental implant supported restoration.”

In specific cases, the availability of both endodontic and periodontic expertise is invaluable. “I look forward to collaborating with my endodontist colleagues in providing comprehensive treatment for dental infection,” notes Dr. Stewart. “The source of dental infection is often difficult to diagnose. Is it of primary endodontic or periodontal origin or a combination of the two? In these challenging diagnostic cases, a referring dentist can send a patient to our office

The microsurgical approach minimizes trauma and enhances surgical results. www.northtexasdentistry.com




The use of cone beam CT technology is indispensable in treatment for complex dental implant cases. knowing we are able to provide proper diagnosis and optimal treatment no matter the cause.”

Communication and collaboration are key factors in the efficient, comprehensive care provided by the doctors at MTDS. Dr. Jaouni explains, “Our referring dentists are an integral part of the team, and our close collaboration makes it possible for us to have the best possible outcomes in each case. I work hand in hand with the referring dentist to provide the highest standard of care. Teamwork and collaboration with our referring partners also sustains a high level of energy and enthusiasm, so our daily performance is at its peak.”

Bringing periodontics, endodontics and implant treatment all together in a single location is a unique convenience for both the patient and the referring dentist.

enjoying cold drinks or coffee. During the procedure, patients can relax while listening to music on headphones and have the option of nitrous oxide sedation for added comfort if needed. When indicated, oral sedation is provided and in rare cases, intravenous sedation is used to ensure optimal patient comfort.

The doctors at MTDS are available for same day appointments to treat emergencies. Dr. Patel is a member of the International Academy of Dental Traumatology and collaborates with pediatric dentists to treat children as young as 7 who are referred to the Center for treatment of traumatic dental injuries. The MTDS team

“We know from experience that compassion, communication and professionalism are also critical elements in creating a good patient experience,” notes Dr. Patel. “We speak to our patients and our team members with respect, which helps to create a calm, soothing atmosphere and instills confidence in our care.”

The office is entirely paperless, making communication with referring offices fast and convenient. This technology supports excellent communication with referring doctors regarding diagnosis, treatment, and follow up, although MTDS doctors are always open to phone or in-person consultation with referring offices when preferred. For added convenience, patients have the option of providing health information online prior to their appointment. On arrival to the Center, patients are greeted by friendly staff, and family members can wait comfortably in the reception area while

8 NORTH TEXAS DENTISTRY | www.northtexasdentistry.com

The surgical microscope employs high magnification and fiber optic illumination to clearly visualize critical details.

Diagnosis and treatment are enhanced by the latest CBCT imaging technology which helps ensure accurate surgical planning and optimal results.

is adept at making patients of all ages feel relaxed and comfortable, whether their treatment is emergent or routine.

Dr. Stewart provides periodontic care including perio maintenance, bone and soft tissue grafting, dental implants, and cosmetic periodontic surgery at Firewheel Center. He is one of only a few periodontists to complete the University of Texas Health Science Center Dental Branch Preceptorship in Dental Implantology and the surgical curriculum of the Misch Implant Institute, which included training in advanced bone grafting techniques.

Drs. Jaouni, Patel and Alsmadi provide endodontic care at both

locations. They are continually pursuing knowledge of the latest endodontic methods and materials to ensure pleasant, efficient care and the best possible result for every patient, and collaborate with other dental professionals on challenging or complex cases.

Bringing periodontics, endodontics and implant treatment all together in a single location is a unique convenience for both the patient and the referring dentist. If, on evaluation, the examining doctor determines that a root canal is not a viable remedy for the patient, the referring dentist does not have to make a second referral, and treatment with extraction and a dental implant can proceed conveniently and efficiently. The MTDS team works with referring offices to provide any level of support for dental implant treatment, and offers in-office training on implant restoration if desired. As a result of this important convenience and collaboration, patients’ loyalty and trust in their primary dentist is reinforced by a positive experience. The doctors at Modern Texas Dental Specialties value the endorsement contained in every referral. At Modern Texas Dental Specialties, the convergence of expertise, technology, compassion, and commitment help to ensure that every patient’s experience positively reinforces loyalty to your office and confidence that you are dedicated to the highest quality of care.

Communication and collaboration are key factors in the efficient, comprehensive care provided by the doctors at MTDS.

Texas Endodontics 2840 Keller Springs Rd. #703 Carrollton, TX 75006 (214) 483-3660 Firewheel Center for Dental Specialties 4170 Lavon Dr. #164 Garland, TX 75040 (972) 496-0164 www.moderntexasdentalspecialties.com www.northtexasdentistry.com




Maheeb Jaouni, DDS, MS, received his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree at the University of California in San Francisco (UCSF). After graduating with honors, Dr. Jaouni attended the University of Maryland Baltimore College of Dental Surgery (BCDS), the first dental school in the world, where he completed a three-year Endodontic Post Graduate program. While in his endodontic residency program, Dr. Jaouni was recognized for clinical and research excellence with numerous awards and distinctions including the Ponti Award for Clinical Excellence and the The Sherryl Anne Award in endodontic research. He spent time evaluating the efficacy of system antibiotics on localized endodontic infections. He successfully defended his thesis, and went on to receive his certification in endodontics as well as a Master of Science (MS) degree in Oral Biology.

In addition to working in private endodontic practice in North Dallas, Dr. Jaouni’s endodontic expertise has earned him Diplomate status from the American Board of Endodontics. He was elected to membership in Phi Kappa Phi, an honorary postgraduate fraternity. Dr. Jaouni maintains active membership in numerous professional associations. He stays up to date with the most current concepts of the practice of endodontics with particular emphasis on pharmacology, 3D CT imaging and endodontic microsurgery. In his spare time, Dr. Jaouni enjoys spending time with family and friends, traveling, water sports, cycling and trying out new electronic gadgets. He and his beautiful wife Yvette have a newborn son who he enjoys spending time with.

Tariq Alsmadi, BDS, DMD, is an Ivy League graduate from the University of Pennsylvania where he received his Doctor of Dental Medicine degree with honors in 2003.

After deciding to focus on Endodontics, Dr. Alsmadi enrolled at University of Nebraska Medical Center. Soon after he graduated, he was hired as an Assistant Professor in the same program he graduated from. He has a passion for teaching perfect Endodontics (Root Canal Treatment) and helping other dentists through challenging cases.

During his residency, Dr. Alsmadi became interested in regenerative dentistry and conducted research investigating the role of bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2) on the dental pulp cells. His ongoing research investigates materials that can promote pulp (nerve) healing and regeneration. He is always educating himself in regenerative dentistry and latest research in Root Canal Treatment to provide the latest and the best to his patients.

Dr. Alsmadi is an active member of the American Dental Association and the American Association of Endodontics. He is a board-eligible endodontist. He was awarded the UNMC Golden U for Excellence and was awarded for excellence as an educator. Dr. Alsmadi is an active supporter of Boy Scouts of America and enjoys serving his community. He and his wife Desiree have three children. The Alsmadi family enjoys spending time together with outdoor activities and traveling.

10 NORTH TEXAS DENTISTRY | www.northtexasdentistry.com

Rajiv Patel, BDS, DDS, is a Board Certified Endodontist, the highest honor in endodontics awarded by the American Board of Endodontics. He is a proud Trojan who graduated from University of Southern California where he obtained his DDS (2003) and Certificate in Endodontics (2007). “Raj” has practiced in the Flower Mound and Denton area since 2007.

Raj has practiced clinical dentistry for the last 18 years following his receipt of Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) in 1995 and understands the importance of multi-disciplinary aspects of dentistry.

He graduated with honors and with an induction into Omicron Kappa Epsilon, the national dental honor society. He practiced in Apple Valley, California 2003-2005. During his practice, he served as a part-time clinical instructor at USC, School of Dentistry in the Urgent Care Center where he trained dental students in the diagnosis, management and treatment of patients in pain.

Raj is a member of the International Academy of Dental Traumatology and collaborates with pediatric dentists to treat children presenting with traumatic dental injuries.

Dr. Rajiv Patel has published clinical papers on topics in endodontics and has won several awards for table clinic presentations at state and national levels. He is an active member on several online endodontic forums. Raj is a fellow and founding member of The International Academy of Endodontics, in addition to being an active member of various other specialist organizations.

Raj is married and is the father of two beautiful daughters. In his spare time, Raj enjoys spending time with his family and friends, dancing with his daughters, new age music, reading, entertaining and he plans to learn some golf. Daniel M. Stewart, DDS, is committed to providing excellence in a wide range of periodontal care and implant dentistry.

Dr. Stewart graduated with his dental degree from Baylor College of Dentistry here in Dallas and continued his formal education, completing a comprehensive twoyear residency in periodontics at the University of North Carolina Dental School in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Committed to continuing education, Dr. Stewart always keeps current with the latest technology and techniques. He is one of only a few periodontists to complete the University of Texas Health Science Center Dental Branch Preceptorship in Dental Implantology and the surgical curriculum of the Misch Implant Institute which included advanced bone grafting.

Dr. Stewart was born and raised in Corpus Christi, Texas. He has been married to his high school sweetheart, Jeanann, for over 30 years. They have two grown children, Rebecca and Adam, and a son-in-law, Wade. He enjoys reading and listening to music of many varieties, as well as attending concerts and plays. He also enjoys fly fishing, although not as often as he would like. Dr. Stewart and his wife love to travel when time permits.



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healthy living


Make Your Brain Smarter At Any Age By Sandra Bond Chapman, Ph.D.


our greatest asset and natural resource is your brain. It is the most changeable organ in your entire body, and you can make it smarter just by changing the way you use it! Despite the common misbelief that only the elderly should be concerned with brain health, you are never too young to fortify your brain against decline or too old to increase your cognitive prowess. The Center for BrainHealth is dedicated to maximizing brain performance at each stage of life – helping individuals stay mentally sharp longer and, in cases of disease or injury, restoring and enhancing cognitive ability. Follow these tips to maximize brain performance and improve brain health at any life stage.

To help our children

Train selective attention. Help children focus on one object, voice, or thought at a time while ignoring or suppressing competing inputs.

Spark curiosity and an inquisitive mind. Ask children to create new endings to favorite books and movies.

Engage in thoughtful conversations with teens. Avoid rapid-fire questions. Instead, ask for reflection on a topic such

12 NORTH TEXAS DENTISTRY | www.northtexasdentistry.com

as take-home messages in a movie or an interpretation of song lyrics.

Give children and teens a small number of choices, and provide opportunities for them to think critically, weighing each option. Too many choices can stymie young brains and make logical and safe decision-making difficult.

Limit the amount of time your child spends on technology like online social networking and playing video games.

After graduating from college, the brain is neuroengineered in the workplace. Unfortunately, little attention is paid to the working environment’s impact on brain health.

For people in their 20s

Learn to manage technology efficiently. Do not let the constant pings and beeps of incoming emails, text messages and phone calls distract you. Silence phone and email notifications to create an environment for uninterrupted work flow. Start with 15-minute intervals and work your way up.

Practice strategic attention. Prevent information overload by limiting the amount of information you download into your brain. Adults in their 20s pride themselves in finding vast

amounts of information in record time, but speed and amount of information retrieval does not build a deeper thinking and innovative mind.

Focus on one thing at a time. When faced with an abundance of information, strategically attend to the most relevant details and filter out less important data.

Schedule periods of brain downtime to seek ‘a-ha’ moments to solve complex work or life problems.

Captivate your mental prowess by mentally ‘zooming out’ to a 20,000-foot perspective to review your goals and directions and re-direct your team or family.

Surpass surface level interpretations. Synthesize deeper meanings from work assignments, articles and books read, and movies watched.

Go beyond simply completing tasks, and have the confidence to innovate new approaches and develop visionary plans of action.

For people in their 30s

Practice sorting the essential from the trivial. Make a list of tasks that you want to complete each day; identify the two items that are the most pivotal to your success; and focus on completing them during prime brain time.

Focus on getting important decisions right from your point-of-view. Challenge yourself to lead new initiatives and responsibilities.

Balance work life and personal life and take time to be with family and friends.

Enhance the social brain. Interact with others by joining a club or a hobby group. Socializing with others about something you are passionate about builds stronger neural connections and provides avenues to negotiate complex social encounters.

We start to see cognitive decline during the 40s only because we accept mental slippage and boredom in our life and work. It does not have to be that way!

For people in their 40s

Rediscover and reflect on your passion to make sure it is integral to your brain activities.

Ramp up learning in your area of expertise to strengthen expert brain connections.

Combine your expanding expertise with newly emerging ideas and criticisms.

Take on mentoring younger and older adults to improve your brain health and theirs.

Stay organized. Stow your 3 key items in the same place every time you use them.

For people in their 50s and beyond

Do not let automatic pilot take over. Continue to push yourself to learn something new, especially related to technology. You will feel brain energized as you go from being a novice to an expert in an area of interest.

Take advantage of your rich life experiences and brain knowledge to ask thought-provoking questions and to offer new directions during group meetings.

Maintain close relationships and engage in deep conversations with friends and family.

For all generations

Limit multitasking. Multitasking diminishes mental productivity, elevates brain fatigue, increases stress, impairs sleep patterns and reduces overall health by altering the immune system. Eat a heart healthy diet. What's good for your heart is good for your brain.

Sleep regularly. Get 7-8 hours of sleep every night. Information is consolidated in the brain at a deeper level of understanding during sleep.

Exercise. Get 50 minutes of aerobic exercise 3 times a week to boost brain nourishing blood flow.

Sandra Bond Chapman, Ph.D. is the founder and chief director of the Center for BrainHealth, a Distinguished University Professor at The University of Texas at Dallas and author of Make Your Brain Smarter: Increase Your Brain’s Creativity, Energy and Focus.

Dr. Chapman has a remarkable gift for translating the complex world of cognitive neuroscience into easy-tounderstand language. For the last 30 years, she has focused her research on how to make the human brain smarter and healthier. With over 40 funded research grants and over 200 publications to her credit, she is recognized as a leading thinker, transforming popular misconceptions about what smart is, when we are the smartest, and how to repair the brain after injury or in the face of disease. Her approach to the science of thinking smarter aims to help people of all ages improve creative and critical thinking, incite innovation and maximize brain performance throughout life.

For more information visit centerforbrainhealth.org. www.northtexasdentistry.com





Interproximal bone height

The interproximal bone height dictates the expected amount of root coverage. If there is no loss of interproximal bone then you should expect full root coverage. However, there will be times when there will be loss of interproximal bone mainly due to periodontal disease. If this is the case then getting full root coverage cannot be anticipated and should be communicated to the patient to meet their expectations.

Clinical Examination

Case 1: No interproximal bone loss so you should expect full root coverage


Clinical Realities of Connective Tissue Grafting

When gum tissue recedes, the bone and other tissues that support your tooth’s root are also lost. This can lead to tooth sensitivity, increase in root caries, and an esthetic displeasing smile. Connective tissue grafting has been around for many years and has been the treatment of choice for root exposure. Complete root coverage and increasing the amount of keratinized, attached gingiva due to recession is the ultimate clinical outcome after treatment of these defects. However, clinical outcomes can differ depending on certain variables like interproximal bone height, root caries, abfractions, abrasion, and existing restorations. It is important to understand theses variables so that you can predict the final outcome in order to meet the patient’s expectations. Dr. David Philofsky graduated with honors from Baylor College of Dentistry where he received his DDS, MS, and Certificate in Periodontics. He hosts and attends hours of continuing education each year and is active in the North Texas Dental Society, Texas Dental Association and the American Academy of Periodontology. Dr. Philofsky is a Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology. Dr. Philofsky and his family have lived in the Dallas area for the past 15 years and are proud to call McKinney their home.

Dr. Philofsky and his staff are committed to serving the dental healthcare needs of our community. McKinney Periodontics is a family-oriented practice offering a variety of services, including dental implants, the treatment of advanced periodontal disease, bone and gum grafting, cosmetic gum contouring, and oral pathology.

McKinney Periodontics

3701 Eldorado Pkwy, McKinney, TX 75070 (972) 569-8448 www.mckinneyperiodontics.com 14 NORTH TEXAS DENTISTRY | www.northtexasdentistry.com

Pre-op – Connective Tissue Grafting #4 -13

Post-op – The graft material used in this case was Alloderm®

Post-op – 3 months showing expected full root coverage

Case 2: Interproximal bone loss so you should not expect root coverage

Pre-op – You can see moderate recession associated with these teeth, but root coverage is not expected due to the loss of interproximal bone from periodontal disease.

Presurgical Radiograph A connective tissue graft was done in this area to increase the thickness of the tissue to help prevent more recession.

Three month post-op – Some root coverage was achieved, but the interproximal bone loss prevented more root coverage. However, the tissue is thicker which should help to prevent future recession.

Recession that goes beyond the mucogingival junction

Full root coverage in this case is still expected but more difficult than in cases where the recession does not go beyond the mucogingival junction. However, one should expect to get good root coverage in these cases.

Pre-op – 9mm of recession on tooth #11

Post-op – Connective tissue taken from palate, sutured into place

3 months post-op showing good root coverage and gain in keratinized, attached gingiva

Existing restorations on the root surface

If an existing composite filling is present, it can be removed and grafted to cover up the exposed root. You can only graft to the CEJ so determining this location can be difficult. In a lot of these cases, you will have to leave or replace part of the restoration because the old restoration was both on the root and crown portion of the tooth. Pre-op – Tooth #3 has a large composite filling covering the exposed root.

The composite filling on the root surface was removed and a connective tissue graft was performed.

One year post-op showing good root coverage and gain in attached, keratinized gingiva. A new restoration was placed in order to repair the crown portion of the tooth.

Root Caries

You can still expect root coverage even with root caries. If the caries is superficial then you can easily remove it and graft the area without any other modifications. However, if the caries is deep then you can place a glass ionomer filling and graft normally. Reports in the literature show that there is attachment of the tissue onto the glass ionomer, making it the material of choice for this situation.

Pre-op showing large subgingival caries that involves mainly the root surface but also involves some of the crown portion along the CEJ.

One year post-op showing healthy tooth and gingival tissue. There appears to be a gain in keratinized, attached gingival even in the presence of a filling. This is possible by using a glass ionomer material to repair the cavity.

This tooth was grafted with connective tissue taken from the palate and a glass ionomer filling was placed into the defect after the decay was removed.

Abfraction and/or toothbrush abrasion

Full root coverage can be expected as long as the lesion is not too deep into the root. However, most of these lesions involve both the root and crown portion of the tooth. Root coverage can only cover up to the CEJ area. Often, a restoration is needed in addition to grafting in order to repair this type of defect.

Connective tissue graft taken from palate and sutured into place

Recession on teeth #3-6 either caused by toothbrush abrasion or abfractions


3 month post-op showing good root coverage. Note that there is still a minor enamel defect along the CEJ of tooth #3 caused by abrasion/abfraction. This may require a restoration in the future. |



practice management



by Susan Steinbrecher ne of the most challenging roles of an effective

leader is that of “peacekeeper.” Resolving con-

flicts in the workplace takes negotiation skills,

patience, and a healthy dose of emotional intelligence (EI).

Wikipedia defines EI as:“the ability to identify, assess, and con-

trol the emotions of oneself, of others and of groups.” A wide

variety of models and definitions have been proposed

throughout the years on emotional intelligence, but it is a sci-

entifically accepted and measureable characteristic of effective management.

16 NORTH TEXAS DENTISTRY | www.northtexasdentistry.com

So how can executives tap into this “EI factor” to solve pervasive conflict in the workplace?

The conflict resolution model involves six basic steps and three golden rules. This is an influencing model that works for discussions involving problem solving. It may be used for conflict resolution, as well as in other business applications. It is particularly effective when it’s necessary to hold a person accountable – be it a performance review or any type of agreement – even a peer-topeer issue.

Here’s how it works: In any dialogue, there are two fundamental needs that must be met – the ego need and the practical need. The ego needs are: to be listened to, valued, appreciated, empathized with, involved, and empowered. The practical need

refers to the obvious: the reason for having the discussion that focuses on the conflict needing to be solved.

To address both needs, employ the three golden rules of engagement: 1. Listen and respond with empathy

2. Be involved; ask for the other person’s opinions, ideas and thoughts

3. Maintain and affirm self-esteem

Remember, fifty-five percent of a message from sender to receiver is done so via body language. Thirty-eight percent is conveyed by tone of voice and only seven percent by word choice. The body, soul and heart cannot lie, so keep these things in mind when responding.

Using the example of the employer or manager and employee, here are several examples: One scenario deals with chronic tardiness, the other deals with a personality conflict affecting a team project. The most important thing to keep in mind? If the employee doesn’t feel they were heard or that they have achieved a “win” out of the discussion then they will not be motivated or resolve to change.

It all comes down to compliance versus commitment. Without question, the person involved in the discussion or conflict resolution will be far more committed to the outcome if they feel empowered by it. In going through the six-step process, look for ways to weave in the golden rules: listening and responding with empathy, maintaining or affirming self-esteem and involving the person. Remember to make eye contact and address the person by name in all exchanges.

Six Steps to Conflict Resolution

uncomfortable… what do you feel is going on?” Remember, you are asking not telling.


Ask for the specific cause of the conflict. “From your perspective, what is happening here? You get along well with most everyone here, so what is causing the conflict?” Remember to empathize again after their response, rather than say, “Yes, but you’ve got to get along.” The word “but” negates everything positive you just said.

If you have to fall on a conjunction, pick the word “and”. “Yes, I can imagine the challenge this presents – and we need to come up with a solution. What ideas might you have?”

5 6

Ask for the solution. For instance, “What do you think you need to do to help solve this situation? What is your next step?” This brings in accountability.

Agree on the action to be taken. This step is often missed and it’s the most important one. Think of it as a recap. “So what I am hearing you say is that you are going to talk this through with your team members (discuss details). By when were you thinking of doing that?” The last step is to close on a positive note and ask them to get back to you on the outcome.

Leaders, entrepreneurs and business executives from all backgrounds can benefit by learning the art of heart-centered communication – which is simply, authentic communication coming from a place of respect for self and others. When a heart-centered approach to conflict resolution is engaged, more often than not, it can make the difference between positive and negative outcomes.

Ms. Steinbrecher's article first appeared in Texas CEO Magazine and is reprinted with their permission.


Discuss the situation in a respectful manner. Example: “I noticed you’ve been late with the project targets a number of times this month, which seems out of character – you’re always so reliable!” Don’t say, “You are always late meeting deadlines.” This just gets the person’s back up.


Be specific. By saying “I noticed that on Tuesday the 15th, as well as Monday and Friday of last month you were several days late submitting your portion of the project brief,” the person realizes you are aware of the situation and that they have to address the issue. Their explanation is a perfect opportunity to listen and respond with empathy. Remember: you do not necessarily have to agree with someone to empathize with them. You are simply attempting to put yourself in that person’s shoes – if only for a moment – not condemning or condoning the behavior.


Discuss how a conflict (or problem) impacts you, the work group, or the project. “I am not sure you are aware of the full impact of the conflict between you and your team. The other associates are witnessing this, and it is making them

Susan Steinbrecher, business consultant, leadership expert and speaker, is CEO of Steinbrecher and Associates, Inc., a management-consulting firm. She is the author of the Amazon best-seller, KENSHO: A Modern Awakening, Instigating Change in an Era of Global Renewal, as well as the co-author of several leadership and business books including Heart Centered Leadership: An Invitation to Lead From the Inside Out and Roadmap to Success.

Visit www.steinbrecher.com for more information. Twitter: https://twitter.com/SteinbrecherInc www.northtexasdentistry.com




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of such information. Two of the most common causes Make plans NOW toprivacy advertise in the of data breach are loss and theft of a device containing ePHI. North Texas DentistryOnce Convention Issue the device and the data it contains have gone missing, the

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accessed by someone possessing the key that was used to enable taken the appropriate precautions to secure your ePHI, and the encryption in the first place. Without the unique key that’s reacted appropriately to the breach once it had occurred. If the Print Advertisement l Custom Profiles l Spreads created at the time of encryption, the data on the lost or stolen HHS determines you made any mistakes along the way, you can device will be completely unreadable. expect additional fines and possibly additional time and effort Our team can make your marketing dreams a reality! to implement any changes they deem necessary to the way you The HITECH Act issues technical guidance on the technologies handle ePHI. ADDED BONUS 4 BE INCLUDED IN SPECIAL BOOTH LISTING 4 DEADLINE: DECEMBER 2 and methodologies “that render protected health information unusable, unreadable, or indecipherable to unauthorized indiToo bad there isn’t a get-out-breach-free card you could play viduals.” The guidance specifies encryption as an action that when it comes to those unforeseen and unintended events that REQUEST A MEDIA KIT: info@northtexasdentistry.com renders ePHI unusable if it falls in to the wrong hands. ePHI lead to a breach... or is there? that is encrypted and whose encryption keys are properly Section 13400(1) of the Act defines ‘‘breach’’ to mean, generally, secured would provide a “safe harbor” to covered entities and the unauthorized acquisition, access, use, or disclosure of pro-


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technology update

Dental Headache Care Can Complement Restorative and Occlusal Treatments by Allison DiMatteo


aking transformational changes in the dental practice isn’t always easy, but it doesn’t have to be a headache. Tad Morgan, DDS, recently incorporated a systematic approach to assessing and treating the painful symptoms associated with dentomandibular sensorimotor dysfunction into his Flint, Texas practice.

Dr. Morgan had long understood the importance of occlusion for ensuring comfortable and stable restorations for his patients, as well as addressing TMJ/D pain. In researching the TruDenta system, he learned about dentomandibular sensorimotor dysfunction and the impact that the muscles in this area have on pain. He became aware that treating dental force imbalances with a connection to the trigeminal cervical nucleus could enable him to take his treatments beyond the bite.

With the right guidance, planning, and entire team involvement, other dental practices can make similar changes to enhance patient care. Here, Dr. Morgan recalls how he and his team incorporated the system. He offers insight for others looking to add technology-based treatments to their own offices.

Seek Trusted Opinions

It’s one thing to talk with knowledgeable sales representatives about the technology being purchased. It’s another thing—and a necessary due diligence exercise — to talk with actual doctors and team members who’ve already incorporated the treatment approach into their own practices.

“I would seriously consider calling dental offices around the country and speaking to the doctors, assistants, and front office staff,” Dr. Morgan advises. “When you invest in a technology system like this, you want to be sure that it works not only in terms of patient treatment, but for everyone in the practice.” As Dr. Morgan approached purchasing his system, he Googled “TruDenta” for the names of doctors who were already provid-

20 NORTH TEXAS DENTISTRY | www.northtexasdentistry.com

ing the treatment. He spoke with doctors and office staff from between 20 and 25 different practices, all of whom attested to the system’s success and value for the practice and patient care.

Align Services with the Practice Philosophy

The emphasis of Dr. Morgan’s practice has been adult restorative dentistry, with some general and family dental care mixed in. The common thread among the services and procedures he and his team perform is enjoying their profession by experiencing personal and professional satisfaction from restoring a smile and changing someone’s life. This satisfaction is heightened when patients look forward to their treatment outcomes.

For this reason he evaluates new treatments and technologies with an eye toward how they will integrate into the practice’s day-to-day workflow. He also considers how they align with the practice philosophy of care.

“Performing TruDenta care is something we like to do, since patients love to come see us because what we’re doing makes them feel better,” Dr. Morgan explains. “Normally, patients don’t want to come to the dentist’s office. But these patients who have been suffering with chronic head pain and other symptoms related to dental force imbalances get relief, and they’re excited to return for their next therapy.”

Ensure Total Team Commitment

It’s not uncommon for dentist practice owners to decide to add a new technology or service and then “tell” team members about what they’ll now be expected to do. In a fee-for-service practice, however, ensuring that team members support and “believe in” the treatments that are offered is essential for success.

When Dr. Morgan purchased his system, he brought all of his staff members to the 3-day hands-on training session. There they became proficient with using the system and were able to experience the results for themselves. This enabled them to

speak knowledgeably and enthusiastically about the treatment to their patients.

Promote Interdisciplinary Collaboration

Dr. Morgan has observed that there are some patients with headaches caused by dentomandibular sensorimotor dysfunction for whom treatments from neurologists or other physicians have not been successful. They may have had numerous MRIs, CAT scans, or other tests, and be taking Imitrex, Topamax, and any number of other medications, but with no relief. When he has evaluated such patients and confirmed that the therapy can help them, Dr. Morgan immediately notifies their physician to keep them abreast of how the patient’s headaches are being treated from a dental perspective.

“I want the physician to see our success, watch the patient, and monitor the pain medications as the patient decreases the amount they’re taking,” Dr. Morgan explains. “TruDenta is another avenue to help the patient and make care an interdisciplinary team effort.”


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To date, Dr. Morgan says that each patient he and his team have treated who was determined to be an ideal candidate for TruDenta treatment has achieved successful pain relief. As with any type of treatment, successful outcomes depend on proper case selection based on thorough assessments and patient histories.

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“Breaking the pain cycle through therapeutic treatments (like micro-current stimulation, ultra-sound, and low-level laser therapy) speeds up the healing process and produces good results,” Dr. Morgan observes. “You can take the occlusion so much farther now because you’re able to work with the muscles to achieve a more balanced occlusion and relieve the patient’s pain.” For more information, visit www.drsdoctor.com.

Office of Continuing Education

Allison DiMatteo, BA, MPS, is the founder and owner of Crème della Crème Copywriting & Communication, a communications consulting firm. A regular contributor to Inside Dentistry, she also is the manuscript development liaison for the Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry. Ms. DiMatteo also co-authored the book Understanding, Assessing & Treating Dentomandibular Sensorimotor Dysfunction. She has lectured about writing case presentations for peer-reviewed publications for such venues as the AACD Annual Scientific Session, as well as other communication topics for various education and training programs. She writes and consults on marketing program strategies and content development.

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Texas Terroir wine cellar

A WINEMAKER’S PERSPECTIVE We’re going to do something different this time around. While we typically focus on drinking good wine, this month we’re going to visit with a guy who’s been in the wine business for many years, the last 30 or so spent working throughout the state of Texas making some of the best wines you’ll ever drink. His name is Dan Gatlin, proprietor and chief winemaker for Inwood Estates, a Dallas-based winery with a statewide presence.

Dan Gatlin, winemaker & proprietor, Inwood Estates Vineyards

by Kim Clarke

KC: Tell us a little bit about your beginning in the vineyards.

DG: I was fortunate to grow up in a family that operated one of the larger beverage stores in the Dallas area. My introduction to work life was shoveling Coors into the cooler windows during summers when I was very young. I was always quite passionate about wine and after college in California, I was able to take advantage of my position to become a professional wine buyer. KC: Sounds lucky.

DG: I would say even more than that. In those days, the vast majority of bev-

erage sales were beer and spirits. The American public was yet to discover wine and California wine was synonymous with Gallo. I was able to do remarkable things that are almost unheard of today. Things like spend a whole day one-on-one with the winemaker at Petrus, go to harvest at Mouton and Beaucastel, and, at various places, taste the world’s greatest wines, some even as far back as 1825. I spent days with great American winemakers too, like Rodney Strong and Nils Venge. I took full advantage of my opportunity, maybe even shamelessly at times, but I absorbed it like a sponge.

22 NORTH TEXAS DENTISTRY | www.northtexasdentistry.com

I think one would have to be in a very select and unique position today to be able to do those things. I feel bad for the young people starting into our industry today, like my own son, because the cost of replicating those experiences would be absurdly unaffordable. However, I bring this up because there are not many people in the Texas wine industry with my background and I leaned heavily on all of this in my research. KC: When did you start with grapes and winemaking?

DG: You mean, when did I turn to the dark side? That’s what I jokingly tell

people, but it’s a little true. The fun definitely ended when I started to think, “How hard could this be to do, anyway?” In 1981, I picked up the phone, called a nursery in California and told them to “send everything you have.”

KC: That’s a long time ago. You must have been one of the first vineyards.

DG: Yes, I am now in my 33rd growing season. The nursery sent 22 varieties and we made thousands of trials over the next 16 years. When I started I thought I would have a wine on the market within 7-8 years. It took 25 years to get my first wine on the market and we moved vineyards several times. KC: Were you just not happy with your initial results?

DG: Correct. With my background, my expectations were pretty high and I had no idea how many things had to line up like the sun, moon and stars to produce a great wine. However, because we had such a great cross section of varieties to begin with, we were able to observe consistent patterns in the viticulture (and resulting wines) of Southern Mediterranean varieties. Of the Italian or Iberian, I came to prefer the latter and ultimately focused on Tempranillo.

because it is the main red grape of Spain and is one of the world’s top 7 or 8 varieties. There are a million wine lovers in this country who have been waiting for Tempranillo to show its true potential somewhere in America. Being a classic “red fruit” variety (think: raspberries, cherries, etc.) it needs high calcium soils to display this character. In that sense, it’s perfect for Texas, except for that climate issue. Like many red grape varieties, it tends to ripen unevenly if it ripens too fast. KC: Why is that a problem?

DG: It’s a problem because at harvest time, you get red grape clusters that are sprinkled with green unripe berries. If you crush all these together, the clear juice content of the green berries will “water down” your red wine and make it thin. But worse than that, the green berries taste like asparagus. That is a very bad quality for red wine. KC: You’re right, that doesn’t sound appealing. What can you do?

DG: By growing the grapes at a higher altitude, we usually harvest 6-7 weeks after the lower elevations, like the Texas Hill Country or North Texas.

That gives the green berries a chance to “catch up” to the red berries and produces a darker, richer juice with nice round red fruit flavor and firm tannins.

KC: You finally got a wine on the market. But there’s quite a story after that too, right?

DG: Yes. In 2006, when we released our first wine, the most expensive wine in Texas was $21 and almost no restaurants would sell it. We hit the market at $40 and everybody from A to Z said it would fail. Within the first year, we picked up 100 top restaurants including Pappas, Capital Grille, III Forks, Del Frisco’s, Stephan Pyles and many others. KC: Very impressive.

DG: Well, what was even more impressive was how fast other Texas winemakers and winegrowers rushed to the High Plains to grow Tempranillo. I don’t know, but I have been told there will soon be 1 million vines in the High Plains, all an outgrowth of our research and success. It’s a long way from our tiny 4.5 acres that we started with. The impact on Texas Agribusiness and job creation has also been well

KC: I have heard that this is a major development for the Texas wine industry.

DG: Thirteen years ago, we planted the first Tempranillo vines in the Texas High Plains. We had discovered a simple rule of thumb: Tempranillo needs 8 hours every night below 65 degrees in order to ripen properly. In Texas, there is only one option: go higher. We settled on a site just under 3,800 feet elevation. KC: That’s a rather intrepid undertaking – but it was worth it, right?

Inwood Estates Dallas Winery

DG: Oh yes, for many reasons. First, Tempranillo is worth the investment






chronicled, in the Fort Worth Star Telegram, for one. KC: So where is Texas wine now and where is it headed?

DG: This is the most hotly debated question, but given my life experience in wine, I think the answer is clear. First, we had to “live down” all of the bad Texas wine that was made and should never have been sold. That is happening fast, but the news of our cutting edge winemaking still has not reached all of the public. Then, in the next 5 years, the market will stratify, like every other market in the world does as it matures. There will be


expensive Texas wines and cheap Texas wines and everything in between.

Even today, and even among some professionals, there is a perception that all Texas wines “should” be $12 or $15 or $20. This is rooted in the wrong assumption that all Texas wines and grapes are the same, which they are not. As a winemaker, I see the differences. Also, as a wine professional, I can remember when people thought that all California wine was the same as Gallo, Inglenook, Almaden and Sebastiani. This, of course, was absurd, but it took people like the Wagners at Caymus and a host of oth-

24 NORTH TEXAS DENTISTRY | www.northtexasdentistry.com

ers a long time to convince the public differently. They could see it in their hands, but the word had to travel one customer at a time.

Similarly, Texas is almost the size of France. French wine can be $2 or $2,000 a bottle. It is absurd to think all French wine should be the same price. Texas will follow the same path. Dan Gatlin is Winemaker and Proprietor at Inwood Estates Vineyards. A winemaking pioneer in the state of Texas, Dan has been making wines since 1981 and has become one of the area’s most renowned and respected winemakers. For more information, visit www.Inwoodwines.com.



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practice marketing

by Neil Rudoff


Social media is powerful. So powerful, in fact, that it has thus far been the only marketing or advertising medium that has the capability to both build up – and tear down – a brand. Take for instance, Subway sandwich shop, which endured a fire hose of complaints, criticism and even a few lawsuits after a customer revealed on Twitter that their “famed” 12-inch subs were actually only 11 inches. Or consider what happened to United Airlines! They now have a legacy of bad customer service after a flyer posted a YouTube video about the company’s apathetic attitude toward his guitar the airline’s baggage handlers broke. The scathing video has more than 13 million YouTube views and its own Wikipedia page. And on a smaller scale, a restaurant in Arizona became national news when it engaged in a heated conversation on Facebook with their customer base, destroying their brand, reputation and quite possibly, the hope of future survival.

What gives social media such marketing power, both good and bad? Consumer voice and participation. It’s the only marketing medium that invites consumers to share in the conversation. In fact, it’s really the only place where consumers are having any sort of marketing conversation about the products and services they choose to spend their money on. Research has shown that people often use online search engines (primarily Google) to find the products and services that they need, but more and more, are using social media to familiarize themselves with the brands and products they find. So, what does this mean for your dental practice? Your potential patients will find you in a Google search, but will probably look for and consult your Facebook page before they make their final

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decision to book an appointment. With Facebook, Twitter and Google+, social media has become the new word of mouth. Your potential patients have more opportunities than ever before to find out information about you prior to booking an appointment, and you’d had better believe that they’ll utilize every single opportunity. But, what if they look for you and you’re not there?

The Two Sides of Dental Social Media Marketing

Successful dentists understand that there are two types of effective marketing; relationship-based marketing, also known as internal marketing, and ROI-based marketing, also called external marketing. Both types play a very important part in successful dental marketing, but in most cases, dentists don’t have the time, budget or staff to effectively do both. We’ve found that dentists who use social media don’t have to choose. Social media does both, and for dentists looking to find more patients searching online, it’s become an imperative place to be. Consider these statistics: n 85% of internet users have a Facebook account n 49% have a Twitter account

n 625,000 people join Google+ every day

n fastest growing segment on social media: 45-54 year olds

With statistics like that, it seems that if you’re looking for patients online, you might just find them on social media. But you have to be there and posting on a regular basis to reap both the internal and external marketing benefits of social media.

Social Media as External Marketing

We’re learning more and more that social media and search engine optimization (SEO) are deeply linked. So much so, that within the U.S., among 44 ranking factors examined, social signals account for 7 of the 8 most highly correlated with Google search results. This new study from Searchmetrics confirms what was once only speculation. Social media is very important if you want your website to be highly visible in a Google search. Dentists who are more concerned with ROI than patient relationship marketing would be happy to hear that social media activity does contribute to your search engine page ranks. Here’s how: IMPROVE YOUR ONLINE VISIBILITY

The most important thing that social media does to fuel your external marketing is let Google know that your website is important. The more important or useful Google thinks your website is, the higher it will rank in a Google search. Here are a couple of ways social media does that: n Your activity matters. Google’s ranking algorithm keeps an eye on your social media activity, including Likes on Facebook, Shares on Facebook, Retweets on Twitter, +1’s on Google+ and the quality of your page’s content. The more activity, the better.

n Can your patients “check-in”? Your Facebook page will allow your patients to “check-in” on Facebook when they come to your office. It lets them put a status update along with their

check-in, usually something like, “Splurged and getting my teeth whitened today! So excited! #Beautifulsmile #Confident” or “Getting a cavity filled. Better learn to floss more often. #Ugh #Stilllovemydentist” So, what does this have to do with Google? Well, these “check-ins” by Facebook accounts other than your own help validate your location and address for Google Local, which affects your page rank for local searches of dentists in your area. If you don’t have a Facebook page to “check-in” to, you lose those social signals that Google is looking for. n Google+! Google+! Google+! If you have a Gmail account, you have a Google+ page. Bet you didn’t know that, did you? Well, did you also know that your Google+ account activity, meaning posts, shares, +1’s and accurate profile information, has a significant influence on your search engine page rank? It does and in fact, Google executives have said publicly that Google+ isn’t merely a social network, but the future of Google itself. If online marketing is important to your practice, you can’t ignore Google+.


It happens. You can do everything in your power to provide great dental care and excellent customer service to your patients, but negative reviews could still be posted about you. In the past, people might have told their neighbor, spouse and maybe a few other people if they weren’t happy with your service. But today, they go to Facebook or Twitter, tell 500 of their “friends” and tag you in the status update or tweet. Like we said earlier, it’s the new word





of mouth. The good news is social media has the capability to diffuse negative reviews by giving you more control of what shows up about you and your practice in a Google search. If your practice has an active Facebook, Twitter and Google+ account, you have that much more control over what shows up about you and your practice on the first few pages of a Google search.

Social Media as Internal Marketing

When dentists consider using social media for their practice, its role in internal marketing is usually what comes to mind. After all, by using social media networks like Facebook or Twitter, you are given one more opportunity to connect with your patients. But perhaps more importantly, potential patients expect to see your practice on social media because it’s become so pervasive in every other aspect of their lives. In short, they trust it and are usually surprised if they don’t find you there. NURTURE PATIENT RELATIONSHIPS

For dentists who really want to nurture patient relationship via social media, Facebook is the place to be. It’s the most widely used of all the networks and probably, where most of your patient-base will be, socially. After all, of all U.S. adults between the ages of 46-66 who use social media, 95% are on Facebook. It’s clear that this particular social network can do great things for your practice, but creating a content strategy that works can be tricky. If you want to connect with your patients in a real way, you have to be strategic.

People have been trained to think of Facebook as the place they go for social purposes only and many tend to avoid sales, coupons or business pages at all costs. Many dentists think they should create a page and upload photos and information about which procedures they perform. But the truth is (and this may be a hard pill to swallow), patients aren’t interested in reading about that on Facebook. To get the “likes” and comments that you need to please Google and have a dynamic social profile, your business page should be posting content that is heavy on “social” and light on “clinical.” Believe it or not, Facebook posts that get the most shares and “likes” usually have nothing to do with dentistry, or at the very least, give a funny or “cute” spin on the topic without being obvious or too “cheesy.” It can be a very delicate process. IT’S LOW-COST MARKETING

More traditional internal marketing, like patient newsletters, and patient referral or giveaway programs can get really expensive, really quickly. While all of those marketing strategies certainly have value in keeping you, your staff and your patient base a tightknit group; printing costs, postage, etc. can eat up your marketing budget quickly. So, possibly the best news about social media, is that using a network to connect with your patients is absolutely free; even the business pages. 28 NORTH TEXAS DENTISTRY | www.northtexasdentistry.com

How You Can Harness the Power of Social Media

A recent internal study by Facebook says that the average user checks their Facebook account 14 times a day on their smartphone. That’s 14 opportunities for you to connect with your patients and potential patients, but you have to be there and be dynamic. For dentists to reap all the internal and external marketing benefits that social media has to offer, you need to create a strategy that works for your practice and provides value to your social media community. Easier said than done, right? To help you out, here are some recommendations: n Focus on the “Big Three” of Social Media. The number of social media profiles a practice can participate in are nearly endless, but we suggest dentists should only focus on what we call “The Big Three”; Google+, Facebook and Twitter.

n Post once a day. People are okay with seeing their dentist in their social media newsfeeds and timelines, but only so much. Our research shows that one “high-value” post a day on each network is usually more than sufficient. n Mix it up! Use a mix of 80% Social or Entertainment Posts and 20% Promotional Posts on your Facebook and Twitter feeds.

It’s clear that the power of social media is continuing to grow. For dentists who want to get more patients online, a social media presence is becoming less of an option and more of a must-have. The good news for you is that through social media, you don’t have to choose between internal and external marketing strategies. Social media is proving to be both.

Neil Rudoff is the Senior Account Executive at Bullseye Media in McKinney, TX. He received his BA from Tufts University in 1989 and his MBA from UT Austin in 1993, and has been an online marketing and web design consultant since 2003. He can be reached at (214) 491-6166 or neil@bullseyemediallc.com. BullseyeMedia, LLC is a McKinney, Texas based full-service digital marketing agency that specializes in helping dentist leverage the internet to grow their practices. Visit our website at www.onlinedentalmarketing.com.

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Simplifies Office Design with New Symmetry ID System

Dentists Can Get High Quality Office Design without the Hassle and Expense

xpensive and time consuming interior designers may be a thing of the past with the introduction of Symmetry Dental Direct’s new Symmetry ID (integrated design) System. This new approach to office design allows a doctor to create a customized space, tailored to his/her tastes and practice needs within the span of a single meeting. “We hired a team of interior designers so you don’t have to,” Ted Wegman, CEO of Symmetry Dental Direct.

Symmetry ID is a collection of 15 interior design palettes that allow a doctor to choose the one that fits both his personal style and business needs. Within each kit is a series of recommended selections for all the materials needed to create a cohesive office design from paint colors to fixtures, cabinets to office furniture.

“In our years of working with doctors designing office spaces and installing dental cabinets, we have consistently heard the same frustration. The process of designing a space with an interior designer is very costly, time consuming and keeps them away

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from tending to their patients and building their practice,” said Wegman.

That feedback drove the creation of the new Symmetry ID system. ID offers a wide variety of styles to meet any taste including Spa, Traditional, Modern and Craftsman to name a few. Within each ID style are a whole host of personalized choices providing more than 6 million unique combinations. Specifically designed for a dental office, the ID recommendations are geared toward creating a comfortable environment for patients and an efficient space for the doctor.

“The ID system fits beautifully into our mission and history as a company,” Wegman continued. “From our first sale, Symmetry has been focused on delivering high quality, dental designed products and services that make life simpler and more affordable for the doctor.” For more information, call (314) 481-0400 or visit Symmetry Dental Direct at www.symmetrydental.com.




3/28/13 3:08 PM


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