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Launch Event Costs


Development Costs

2 x React Native Engineer - £500 per engineer per day (excluding VAT) • 6 months at 40 hours per week 1 x Backend Engineer - £500 per engineer per day (excluding VAT) • 6 months at 40 hours per week

Platform Costs

App Store Developer License - £79 (annually) Google Play Developer License - £25 (annually)

Infrastructure Costs

API hosted on Google Cloud Run - £30 p/m (based on 1,000,000 requests per month)

Google Cloud Firestore (Database) - £20 p/m Google Cloud Storage - £20 p/m

Authentication (Auth0) • First 7000 monthly active users free • 7000 - 50,000 monthly active users £23 p/m

Sentry error and performance monitoring - £25 p/m

Website hosted on Google Cloud Run - £20 p/m

Commerce Costs

Stripe payments platform - 1.4% of each transaction + 20p

Website Costs

1x Web Developer - £400 per day (3 months at 40 hours per week)

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