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April’s horoscopes brought to you by Russell Grant

ARIES (March 21st – April 20th)

On the 6th, the Full Moon prompts you to make a difficult relationship decision. Separating from a romantic or business partner will be sad, but that’s better than always feeling angry. The 8th is perfect for making some home improvements. Spending a little more money than usual will yield good results. It might be impossible to charm a gruff pessimist on the 14th; don’t even try. A surprising windfall on the 29th helps you buy up a cosy piece of property.

TAURUS (April 21st – May 21st)

People become more receptive to your ideas on the 3rd. Eventually, it will become obvious that you’re more thoughtful and intelligent. The Full Moon on the 6th warns against taxing your health with negative thinking. Your earning power becomes much stronger on the 11th; treat yourself to some luxuries. A jealous friend may try to make you feel guilty about indulging your sensual side on the 14th. Offer support for a relative’s bold plan on the 29th.

GEMINI (May 22nd – June 21st)

Dwelling on negative thoughts on the 3rd will keep you from venturing into unknown territory. On the 6th, the Full Moon will send waves of disruption through your love life. You turn heads wherever you go on the 11th; someone with an exotic background will be especially attentive. Don’t let a forbidding authority figure spoil your enthusiasm for a creative project on the 14th. The Solar Eclipse on the 20th inspires you to host a party or casual get-together.

CANCER (June 22nd – July 23rd)

The Full Moon on the 6th helps you decide to break away from an intolerable living situation. Friendship could turn into romance on the 7th when you find yourself attracted to a companion with a velvet voice. A fabulous career opportunity falls into your lap on the 11th. Don’t give in to your fears on the 14th, especially regarding travel. It’s important to expand your horizons. Doing something out of character will be lots of fun on the 29th.

LEO (July 24th – August 23rd)

Your best friend, business partner, or amour expresses dissatisfaction about your relationship on the 3rd. The Full Moon on the 6th exposes rifts in a friendship. The 11th is one of the happiest days of the year for you; going on a long-distance trip with your favourite person is a distinct possibility. The Solar Eclipse on the 20th finds you expanding your horizons; this is a great time to learn a foreign language. A passionate encounter brings great joy on the 25th.

VIRGO (August 24th – September 23rd)

Travel plans could be delayed on the 3rd. On the 6th, the Full Moon brings disappointment about a financial matter. Getting paid less than expected will force you to scale back expenses. On the 14th, your business or romantic partner will express jealousy over all the time you spend at work. Try to strike a healthier balance between your personal and professional lives. The Solar Eclipse on the 20th inspires a passionate romantic encounter.

LIBRA (September 24th – October 23rd) www.russellgrant.com

While everyone remembers Russell Grant from his Breakfast TV appearances in the 1980’s, most people don’t realise that Russell was the first astrologer in over 300 years to present a horoscope forecast to a member of the Royal Family (HRH Queen Mother). Now dubbed the “Royal Astrologer” Russell has appeared on numerous television shows, including Strictly Come Dancing. He divides his time between London and his North Wales home near Portmeirion.

Your desire to have fun is stronger than a need to be financially responsible on the 3rd. On the 6th, the Full Moon makes it difficult to establish firm boundaries with a needy romantic or business partner. You can’t keep jeopardising your emotional health for the sake of somebody else. The 11th finds you embarking on a grand adventure. Keeping separate bank accounts can prevent power struggles from erupting with your amour.

SCORPIO (October 24th – November 22nd)

A passionate argument with your best friend, business partner, or amour will make the 3rd a tense day. A romantic encounter on the 7th gives you an attractive glow. Don’t hesitate to put your passionate feelings into words on the 8th; a loving relationship will grow closer and stronger. The chance to purchase a beautiful home falls into your lap on the 11th. On the 20th, the Solar Eclipse marks the best time of the year to begin a rigorous health regimen.

SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd – December 21st)

Power plays at work will drive you to distraction on the 3rd. The Full Moon on the 6th warns against spreading yourself too thin on the social front. The chance to work from home on the 7th makes you breathe a sigh of relief; you’re tired of long commutes and office politics. Your love life improves by leaps and bounds on the 11th. On the 20th, the Solar Eclipse inspires a creative project or love affair. Trust your heart over your head.

CAPRICORN (December 22nd – January 20th)

Resist the temptation to manipulate someone on the 3rd. The Full Moon on the 6th causes you to make an important career decision. Walking away from a demanding job will give you more time for personal happiness. Fortunately, a lucrative work assignment will arrive on the 11th. On the 20th, the Solar Eclipse brings a lovely opportunity to make some home improvements or buy a big piece of property.

AQUARIUS (January 21st – February 19th)

A forbidding attitude toward a relative on the 3rd causes tension at home. A home-based business paves the way for financial stability on the 5th. The 11th draws love to you like a magnet. If you’re already in a relationship, give your amour a lavish gift. The Solar Eclipse on the 20th inspires you to try a hobby that appeals to your rebellious side. Brisk exercise gives you an attractive glow on the 29th that’s impossible to ignore.

PISCES (February 20th – March 20th)

A desire to travel will surge on the 3rd. Taking out an insurance plan can ease your fears and pave the way for an enjoyable escape. A moneymaking opportunity beyond your wildest dreams will arrive on the 11th; say yes to this exciting adventure. Don’t discourage a relative from pursuing a cherished dream on the 14th, even if it involves taking a risk. The Solar Eclipse on the 20th attracts a job involving education, publishing, travel, or all three; take it!

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