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February’s horoscopes brought to you by Russell Grant

ARIES (March 21st – April 20th)

A financial upset forces you to make last-minute changes to a cherished plan. Don’t panic; a bigger and better opportunity will emerge. On the 5th, the Full Moon finds you moving away from a hobby or person that you’ve outgrown. Give yourself permission to move on to greener pastures. A professional talk will go extremely well on the 10th; you could be offered a raise, promotion, or a high-powered job on this transformational day.

TAURUS (April 21st – May 21st)

Inconsistent behaviour will undermine your career progress on the 4th. If you make a promise, stick to it, even at the risk of taking a temporary financial hit. The Full Moon on the 5th prompts you to walk away from a domestic problem that is draining your energy. Find a living situation that allows more freedom. Working with a respected expert will inspire a creative project on the 10th.

GEMINI (May 22nd – June 21st)

Unexpected developments will throw a monkey wrench in travel plans on the 4th. Instead of getting upset at this change of events, assume that the revised plan will be even better than the original. The Full Moon on the 5th brings in a surprising communication about a test or application. Remember that whenever one door closes, another opens. The 10th is an ideal time to apply for a loan, grant, or scholarship; don’t be daunted by lots of paperwork.

CANCER (June 22nd – July 23rd)

A friend’s instability wreaks havoc with your finances on the 4th. It’s time to stop bailing out this troublemaker; let them accept the consequences of their actions. The Full Moon on the 5th makes you yearn for more money; it’s time to develop a prosperity consciousness. Cultivate a sense of abundance instead of dwelling on feelings of loss. A conversation with a business or romantic partner will change things for the better on the 10th

LEO (July 24th – August 23rd)

Tension between your personal and professional lives will rear its ugly head on the 4th. Have a blunt conversation with your romantic partner or best friend about your priorities now; you can’t afford to neglect your job. On the 5th, the Full Moon finds you breaking away from a restrictive professional role. Give yourself permission to pursue a job that allows you to flourish and grow. A flirtatious conversation makes you glow with happiness on the 11th.

VIRGO (August 24th – September 23rd)

Don’t pay attention to a teacher with restrictive beliefs on the 4th. You’re smart enough to develop a winning philosophy of your own. The Full Moon on the 5th forces you to come to terms with a nagging fear. Instead of sticking to a dull but familiar situation, venture into new territory. Someone will express romantic interest in you on the 10th; it’s nice to be appreciated for your distinctive allure.

LIBRA (September 24th – October 23rd) www.russellgrant.com

While everyone remembers Russell Grant from his Breakfast TV appearances in the 1980’s, most people don’t realise that Russell was the first astrologer in over 300 years to present a horoscope forecast to a member of the Royal Family (HRH Queen Mother). Now dubbed the “Royal Astrologer” Russell has appeared on numerous television shows, including Strictly Come Dancing. He divides his time between London and his North Wales home near Portmeirion.

Focusing on debts can cause them to expand on the 4th. If you’re having trouble making ends meet, make a list of all the blessings you enjoy. What you focus on will expand, including finances. On the 5th, the Full Moon causes a rift in your social circle. Walking away from a manipulative person will cause you to breathe a huge sigh of relief. Negotiating a mortgage or lease is favoured for the 10th when your powers of persuasion will be powerful.

SCORPIO (October 24th – November 22nd)

A close partnership causes strife with your home life on the 4th. It’s time to decide whether this relationship is worth disturbing your inner peace and personal space. The Full Moon on the 5th prompts you to walk away from a work situation that makes you miserable. You’re making bold strides for the sake of your own happiness; give yourself a reward for this bravery. Learning a skill on the 10th will improve your earning potential.

SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd – December 21st)

Anxious thoughts take a toll on your health on the 4th. Take this opportunity to release a stressful situation, even if it means taking a temporary financial loss. The Full Moon on the 5th illuminates some beliefs that have been working against you. Instead of obeying conventional wisdom, adopt a liberating philosophy. Limiting attitudes aren’t helpful for a free spirit like you. An exciting financial opportunity is yours for the asking on the 10th.

CAPRICORN (December 22nd – January 20th)

Don’t overextend yourself financially on the 4th. Buying a loved one a lavish gift won’t secure their affection; impress them by spending quality time together. On the 5th, the Full Moon will cause you to end an emotional or financial association that feels suffocating. Advancing your financial and emotional interests is strongly favoured for the 10th when people will be impressed by your intelligence and charisma.

AQUARIUS (January 21st – February 19th)

Beware of imposing your will on a relative or close friend on the 4th. By showing respect for a person’s free will, you’ll forge a path to a better relationship. The Full Moon on the 5th triggers an intense talk about a business or romantic alliance. You may decide it’s time to go your separate ways. Connecting with an audience should become much easier on the 11th; this is a good time to go on a job interview, first date, or audition.

PISCES (February 20th – March 20th)

Beware of blurting out secrets on the 4th, as you want to maintain an important person’s trust. On the 5th, the Full Moon finds you wrapping up a job that has been getting on your nerves. It will be a real relief to move on to greener pastures, even if you don’t have any more work in the pipelines. The best way to find a fresh work opportunity is to network, especially on the 10th. Attending a party or social gathering on this day could be very profitable for you.

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