Closing the disadvantage gap for pupils in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic
possible, using and sharing innovation and best practice across the education system in Essex.
As part of this, it was announced in summer last year that Research undertaken by the Education Policy Institute highlights £1million would be invested into the Essex Year of Reading key areas of focus for Essex County Council, as progress contin- 2022, to help to reverse the effects of the pandemic and ensure ues to be made to close the disadvantage gap for pupils across that every child in Essex leaves school able to read at their age level or better. the county. A new report has been published which tracks progress towards Being able to read well is key to children and young people – closing the disadvantage gap for Essex pupils whose education specifically those who are classed as more disadvantaged than has been negatively impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. their peers – being able to unlock further educational opportunities, learn new skills and go onto thrive later in life. The Essex Education Task Force (EETF) recently commissioned the Education Policy Institute (EPI) to look at trends ECC also recently launched its new Early Years and Childcare around the disadvantage gap across early years, Key Stage 2, strategy, which outlines the high aspirations and goals we have for every young child living in Essex and how we will ensure they Key Stage 4 and 16-19-year olds in Essex. get the best possible start in life. They found that while attainment in Essex is broadly in line with the national average and there are in fact fewer disadvantaged Cllr Tony Ball, ECC Cabinet Member for Education Excellence, pupils in the county than nationally, the extent of disadvantage is Lifelong Learning and Employability, said: “We welcome the consistently wider across all areas, except early years. report and the chance to work with the Education Policy Institute to consider this important area in a new light. The evidence preThis is something ECC’s education service and the Essex Edu- sented demonstrates that the areas we are already addressing cation Task Force (EETF) are already addressing and EPI’s in Essex to reduce the disadvantage gap are the right ones. report follows an earlier publication: ‘Addressing Educational Disadvantage in schools and colleges: The Essex Way’. “We are making great progress but we also know there are areas where we can do things differently to improve how we support This outlines exactly what action is already being taken to re- children and young people. I look forward to continuing our work duce disadvantage and promote positive outcomes for all chil- and delivering on our commitment to ensure every child and dren and young people in Essex. young person can reach their full potential.” The EETF was established last year to minimise the impact of The full EPI report is available here which includes the full rethe pandemic on all children and young people as quickly as sults, methodology and breakdown by area.
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