North Weald Village Life April 2022 issue

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North Weald Village Life Strengthening the Community

FREE North Weald Bassett Community Magazine

Issue: 188 APRIL 2022 Page

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Spring in full bloom I have to start by mentioning the weather, we have enjoyed sun, warmth and blue skies over the last few weeks. It really has made us all want the summer to arrive. As April starts, apparently we are going to enjoy some snow and rain. Oh well, it was good while it lasted. We have a busy through months coming in the village with RideLondon on 29th May and the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrates the next weekend. Cover photo: Easter cake that is non fattening! I hope the communities come together for both events. It is nice to have something to look forward too. Talking off community, you are all brilliant. Many have donated to the Ukraine crisis. We nave had a number of local people collecting donations that were sent to Ukraine via various groups and of course everybody who has donated and helped out the Ukraine Hub at the Civic Offices, Epping Forest District Council April Issue which is continue to collect until the end of this month. Not for- Page No. getting those that have donated financially. It really does make a difference. 4. Brain Teaser I was talking to someone recently and I couldn't help but feel such 5. New Mobile Phone Laws pride for our village, the residents, the skills and knowledge, the volunteers, the shops and businesses, I could go on and on. It did 6. & 7. Events make me feel how lucky I am to live in this community. 8. Planning applications As the sun shone I was walking more, I walked around the village 13. Ukraine Donation Hub in the day and in the forest and over the fields in the evening. I love seeing the herd of deer in the fields at the time I am walking. 15. Queen Platinum Jubilee Celebrations I could stand there all day and watch and wonder in their sight. 18. Homes for Ukraine Scheme We do take it all for granted. 19. Lower Swaines Playground Refurbishment It’s Easter of course this month. I will of course be enjoying a toasted buttered hot cross bun—my favourite. I have to have one 21. ASB Meeting (or two) on Good Friday—a tradition started in my home when I 24. Position of defibrillators was young. I know they are around most of the year now but this 29. Gardening Hints is my Easter tradition. As I haver three dairy intolerant daughters, I won’t be buying 31 & 32 Photo Gallery many chocolate eggs this year. I have to say there are some won- 35. Civic Award Winners derful vegan chocolate alternatives around although the good old 36. Children’s Easter Events mini eggs are missed the most. My youngest daughter has started to do some dairy free baking which is great, dairy free cookies 39. Citizen Advice and cakes are always very welcome. 39. Poem It’s a good job I have Andy who will finish up anything that isn't 40. Bobbin with the Robin dairy free—especially chocolate. He does his best to help out. Does anybody else have a neighbouring cat that loves to wind up 41. March bird column their dogs? We have a neighbouring cat who is brave enough to come into our garden, both back and front gardens, despite our three dogs. He is only small but he is devious—he has found all Editor June Peachey 07814 863955 the little places he can sneak into or climb onto. He especially Write to: 49 York Road, North Weald, Epping, Essex CM16 6HU likes to hid in our shed where we have a small hole and he loves to sit on the fence or shed roof and look down on our dogs going Subscription: If you would like to guarantee your personal copy or perhaps you absolute mad. The dogs run around the garden, barking and yelphave relatives or friends who would like to receive their own copy, you can subscribe ing in excitement. I hope that nothing would happen such they for £25.00 for 12 issues. catch him. I have had to rescue him a couple of times. Contributions & Editorial: If you would like to contribute editorial, poems, We know when the cat is in the garden, the dogs go mad at the recipes, letters or anything else, we would be delighted to receive these. Please send them to us via letter or email. backdoor trying to break it down to get out. The only way we can quieten them is to let them out. We have a full and packed issue this month, I hope there is some- Disclaimer: Whilst every care has been taken to ensure any data in this publication is accurate, neither the publisher nor it’s editorial contributors can accept and thing you enjoy. hereby disclaim, any liability to any party, or loss or damage caused by errors or resulting from negligence, accident or any other concerns. North Weald Village Enjoy! Life does not officially endorse any advertisement material included within this Kind regards publication. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reported, stored



in retrieval systems or transmitted in any form electronically. Mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the permission of the publisher.

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APRIL BRAIN TEASER • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Egg Bunny Hunt Kids Basket Trail Sweet Chocolate Fun Foil Toy Family Away Hide Search Happy Sun Clues

















































































































































































































































































Thank you to Mr B. Hewson and well done for winning the March Year Brain Teaser. Just search and find the words, ring them and then send your completed wordsearch to me by 20th April. Please send it to:March Brain Teaser, NWVL, 49 York Road, North Weald, CM16 6HU. This month’s prize is a box of chocolate. Don’t forget to include your name, telephone no or email address and home address.

9.30am 9.30am on


SPECIAL OFFERS Each individual class is £7...BUT WAIT...if you bring a new friend to a class, then that introductory class will only be £5 EACH for the both of you! Don’t forget though, after the introductory class is over, normal prices for you and your friend will resume. … UNLESS of course—you bring a new Friend!

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PLUS Pick any TWO classes a week for you to attend and you will only have to pay £10 for the TWO!!


New Law Change—Using Mobiles while Driving Essex Police remind us that on Friday 25th March there was a change in the law concerning the use of mobile phones while driving. It is now illegal to use a mobile phone for any purpose while driving, and they are asking everyone to take note of the changes to keep themselves and all road users safe. The new law will ensure that if any driver holds a mobile whilst driving they are clearly now breaking the law. A fixed penalty can be issued for scrolling for music, videoing, taking photos in addition to of making or answering a phont call. This has been implemented for safety reasons. Using mobile phones can cause distraction, because of lack of concentration or glancing at the phone. It is now illegal to use a mobile phone in the following way:• illuminating the screen • checking notifications and looking for the time • accessing the internet • making, receiving, or rejecting a telephone or text or photo • using the camera, video, or sound recording functions One new exemption will be in place: drivers will be able to use a mobile to pay for goods and services while seated in their car and when their vehicle is stationary; this includes paying a car park fee. Using a phone as a satnav will be allowed, but only if it is docked in a cradle.

Online Exploitation Essex Police have confirmed that their partners over at the Essex Safeguarding Children Board (ESCB) have put together a new video that rounds up the most recent information around exploitation. The video covers online safety, criminal and sexual exploitation, gangs and County Lines. Watch it at Launched on the 28th March, the ESCB is running an online safety campaign which will highlight emerging trends and how to spot the signs of online exploitation. The campaign will cover topics from online gaming to bullying and youth involved sexual imagery with videos and podcasts from partners including the VVU. The campaign aims to challenge the perception that the victim is to blame; instead creating a supportive network around the child in which they feel able to speak openly about concerns they may have. Parents and carers should make sure their children know they can speak to them if they see something they are not comfortable with online. Source: Violence & Vulnerability Newsletter

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Annual Town Meeting Residents who live in the area covered by Epping Town Council - Epping Town, Coopersale and Fiddlers Hamlet - are invited to the Annual Town Meeting at Epping Hall, St John's Road, Epping, on Thursday, April 21. The doors open at 6.30pm for a 7pm start. Residents can speak to their local town councillors about issues of concern. There will also be a talk on the history of Stonards Hill Recreation Ground, a talk from Essex Police on fraud, and a summary of the council's responsibilities. Questions must be sent in to the council in advance of the meeting - by Wednesday, April 20 - by emailing and including your name and address. Play Bowls in North Weald Bantham and Ongar Bowls Club Welcomes

New Members The Club currently has members from North Weald, Epping, Abridge, Ongar, Harlow, Blackmore & beyond, and has vacancies for New Members from surrounding areas. Club Members may play Bowls outside on a new all-year-round artificial green carpet The club has a modern club house, ample parking, and fully stocked Bar at Club prices. Members play bowls outside at informal club afternoons & evenings and welcomes players of all standards, including beginners. The club also plays friendly matches against other clubs and enters teams in local leagues. If you have not played Bowls before, the Club can provide sets of bowls & also tuition Members also play Short Mat Bowls indoors in the Club House, the Club also has a Bridge Club,Table Tennis Club, Whist Club and Fitness Training, and holds Social Functions throughout the year. The club is located in Whealdbridge Road behind the Talbot PH, just off A414. If you are looking to broaden your horizons, take up a new interest, make new friends, inquiries are welcome to our Membership Secretary on 01992-571535 or 07952-804872

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If you run a community event or charity event, don’t forget to let me know so I can share the details with readers—just email me

North Weald WI Meeting North Weald W.I. North Weald W.I’s next meeting next meeting is on Wednesday 6th April starting at 1.45pm in the village hall. This month’s talk by Mark Lewis is ‘The History of Lighthouses and Keepers’. Visitors welcome pay £3 on the door

SPRING LUNCH Saturday 9th April 11am — 3.30pm Theydon Bois Village Hall Stalls, light lunches & refreshments Organised by St Margaret’s League of Friends to raise funds for

North Weald Allstars Jazz Session

St Margaret’s Medical Rehab Unit

1st Saturday of each month 12pm onwards

Memory Café 4U Every 3rd Wednesday of the Month 10am—12pm At St James’ Church Hall, Ongar Welcoming café especially for those with varying degrees of memory issues and those who love and care for them. Enjoy activities, bingo and more.

Ploughman’s Lunch Held in the North Weald Village Hall Every Second Saturday each month - This is organised for the the benefit of the Senior Citizens Society, a North Weald institution, get there early!!

Children’s Easter Events can be found on page 36. .

Tickets available on the door—£12

West Essex Flower Club West Essex Flower Club’s next meeting is held at Thornwood Village Hall on Monday 11th April starting at 1.45pm. Our demonstrator is Linda Kingcott with arrangements entitled ‘ The Green Man & Friends’. Visitors welcome pay £6. On the door

Don’t forget to visit our

website: Or sign up to the Facebook Group

RideLondon, festival of cycling Northwealdvillagelife

29 May 2022

Also on Instagram and Twitter

Full day of events and road closures

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Planning Applications North Weald Bassett Application No: EPF/0396/22 Officer: Marie-Claire Tovey Applicant Name: S Allan Planning File No: 024248 Location: Copper Beech, Harlow Common, Hastingwood, Harlow, CM17 9ND Proposal: Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 2 no. detached dwellings with garaging.

Epping Forest District Council

Application No: EPF/0479/22 Officer: Caroline Brown Applicant Name: Mrs Laura Shone Planning File No: 017512 Location: 20 Church Lane, North Weald Bassett, Epping CM16 6JT Proposal: Single storey front extension to accommodate a disabled relative

Any enquiries should be made to the Application Processing Team T: 01992 564436 or E:

Comment online at or by post to: The Director of Planning and Economic Development, Epping Forest District Council, Civic Offices, 323 High Street, Epping, Essex CM16 4BZ

Application No: EPF/0536/22 Officer: Alastair Prince Applicant Name: Ms Jessica Hillier Planning File No: 001670 Location: 31 Forest Glade, North Weald Bassett, Epping Essex CM16 6LD Proposal: Proposed roof extension to allow for a loft conversion with three (3) dormers.

Any representations on the above applications should be made in writing, by Monday 11th April 2022.

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St Clare wins a National award Our local St Clare Hospice has been recognised for its delivery of end-of-life care to people across west Essex at a recent national awards ceremony in London. The Our Health Heroes Awards champion people at the heart of the healthcare system who work to achieve better outcomes for patients. The sixth-annual awards ceremony was held at London’s Science Museum on Thursday 24th March.

Mobile: 07885 871508

A panel of expert judges awarded St Clare Hospice the ‘Most Progressive Integrated Care Workforce Programme’ prize for their impactful collaboration with West Essex CCG and Essex Partnership University NHS Trust (EPUT).

With a hospital death rate of 49%, west Essex is higher than the national average, prompting the Hospice to partner with West Essex CCG and EPUT in late 2019. They worked together to develop a programme aimed at reducing hospital admissions, so that a greater proportion of patients can receive end of life care in more familiar surroundings, such as their own home. To deliver on this aim, the partnership devised a localised model of care to empower skilled health and social care professionals to deliver person-centred care in patients’ preferred places. Not only did this provide a better standard of care, but it also enabled the Hospice to support local partners throughout the pandemic by freeing up hospital beds for COVID patients and mitigating risk of exposure to Covid for vulnerable patients. Steps taken include the launch the West Essex out of hospital care model. The Hospice is part of a system-wide integration project helping partners focus local resources and services, aligned and delivered around a GP registered population based in six localities. As part of this, the Hospice has been enabling its team of Clinical Nurse Specialists to work more closely with GP surgeries, and to deal with more complex referrals which are triaged and handled by a central Care Coordination Centre (CCC) set up by the partnership. Sarah Thompson is CEO of St Clare Hospice. She comments: “We knew that by working in partnership, and integrating our services with local health and social care systems, we’d be able to reach more people with St Clare Hospice’s outstanding hospice care, wherever they need it. Being recognised with this Health Heroes award alongside our partners West Essex CCG and EPUT is a fantastic achievement for us all and testament to our combined efforts to build innovative partnerships which improve the care our patients receive.” Louise Hall, Deputy Director of Transformation at West Essex CCG comments: “The West Essex Out of Hospital Model of Care is designed to place patients at the centre of all care and support pathways. Our ambition is to shift away from reactive care to a model that promotes good health and proactively identifies individuals that may require some additional support. Louise adds: “Delivering care in the community this way requires team work across organisational boundaries and it is fantastic to have the support of St Clare Hospice embedded in the community to provide specialist palliative and End of Life Care to our residents, alongside support and training to our health and care professionals.” Now in its sixth year, Our Health Heroes Awards is sponsored by Health Education England, UNISON, NHS Employers, SFJ Awards, Bevan Brittan and Chamberlain Dunn. To find out more visit: Page 9

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Do you have the digital prowess to spot an online bargain? St Clare Hospice is in urgent need of anyone with e-commerce experience, or a love of online shopping, to join its team of ecommerce volunteers to help raise vital funds for the Hospice. St Clare Hospice’s shops rely on people's generosity to donate goods for it to sell. The Hospice knows that some of the items donated can get a higher sale price if sold online, which is why the Hospice has ecommerce teams running eBay and Depop shops too. The Hospice is looking to grow its eCommerce trading and needs people with an interest and/or skills in online retail who can make a real difference by helping it to grow this vital income stream. There are three rewarding e-commerce voluntary roles available. Visit the Hospice’s website to see how you can by donating your time and online shopping expertise: https:// volunteer-with-us/volunteervacancies/

Electrical Vehicle (EV) charging points have been installed in Loughton Epping Forest District Council (EFDC) has partnered with leading EV charge point supplier, InstaVolt, to install 2 rapid EV charging stations at the Oakwood Hill East car park on the Oakwood Hill Industrial Estate in Loughton. This is the first public charging point in an EFDC operated car park. Oakwood Hill East car park was chosen as a first site for EV charging following a large increase in requests from residents and businesses for more public EV charging. The location, near to industrial estate, The Crate and the M11, is ideal to meet the needs of higher mileage users or those needing a quick or urgent top-up charge. The charging points are in operation now. Any electric vehicle that is DC (direct current) compatible can use the rapid chargers which are available for use 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There’s no connection fee or monthly membership, subscription or smartphone app required. You only pay for what you use. Payment can be made via contactless debit or credit card. If you encounter a problem when charging, contact InstaVolt’s free driver support Call 0808 281 4444 (available 24/7). -

Existing parking restrictions apply. Non-electric vehicles that block the charging bays may receive a penalty notice. Users can easily locate the charging stations using apps such as Zap-Map, the newly launched InstaVolt App via Google Play and the App Store, or via the InstaVolt website.

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New staff at Epping Forest Food Bank A new staff team has been appointed at Epping Forest Food Bank. The three new staff members include: Jacob Forman, Director, Ceri Thomson, Operations manager and Hannah Henley, Head of Church Partnerships and Strategic Initiatives. Jacob Forman comes to Epping Forest Foodbank following a successful period setting up and managing JW3 Food bank in the London Borough of Camden. Upon joining Epping Forest Foodbank, Jacob said “it is an amazing honour to be leading this organisation. The volunteers here work so hard to support recipients in so many ways, beyond just the food. The welcoming and friendly face that greets every person that walks through the door is incredible and they make sure everyone has access to the support they need. I look forward to continuing this work to support the entire community of Epping Forest” Upon moving into her new role Hannah said “I am delighted to continue the support for those in need. The Food bank provides a wonderful service for any people in need”. At Epping Forest Food Bank, we don’t think anyone in our community should have to face going hungry. That’s why we provide at least three days’ nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred to us in crisis by frontline care professionals. We are part of a nationwide network of foodbanks, supported by The Trussell Trust, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK.

We do not assess or judge any of our clients, but welcome all with an open heart and make sure that they receive all the support they need and are entitled to. We will continue our work and, together with our partner organisations, strive for a hunger-free future where foodbanks are no longer a necessity.

Do you have a printer at home? What do you do with the empty ink cartridges – throw them away? If you do, they end up in landfill and they take around 1000 years to decompose. If everyone did that, can you imagine how many cartridges that would involve? Well, it’s estimated to be 45 million cartridges annually in the UK alone and that’s not good for the environment! Essex Library Service has a solution, in partnership with The Ink Bin Company. You will soon be able to recycle your empty, home-use cartridges at your local library. Flat-packed boxes containing the new Ink Bins have arrived at our warehouse, ready for distribution and installing in libraries. So, start saving your empty cartridges now!

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Ukraine Donations Hub update


The Ukraine Donations Hub in Epping based at Epping Forest District Council is staying open until the end of the month to manage the overwhelming generosity of the local community. The new opening hours are from 11am until 7pm, from Tuesday to Saturday. Our volunteers running the hub have a more specific list of what’s needed. They no longer need bedding, shoes or clothes – except baby clothes. The current wish list for items to be donated are:• Baby food, formula, baby clothes

• • • • • • • •

Nappies, wet wipes Sanitary pads, tampons First response, major incident first aid kit Power banks, batteries

Torches, head torches Small. compact sleeping bags Pushchairs Personal protective equipment

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A Complete Service To All Windows & Doors FOR A FREE NO OBLIGATION QUOTE

The most effective way to support the Ukraine Humanitarian operCALL FREEPHONE 0800 917 2794 ation is to donate online to the Disasters Emergency Committee Or VISIT US AT (DEC). It is an umbrella organisation for the many registered charities delivering aid to the millions of people who have been forced to flee their homes. Shelter, food and water are key priorities that can best be provided by monetary donations to the charities on the ground via one of these charities: RideLondon volunteer call out Disasters Emergency Committee Ukraine Appeal Ukraine Humanitarian Fund UN Crisis Relief Would you like to experience and be a part of the energy and Red Cross Ukraine Crisis Appeal excitement of RideLondon-Essex? The organisers need help to put on an event this size. As well as feeling like part of an engaged and enthusiastic team, volunteering gives you the chance to experience the energy and excitement of mass participation events first-hand – it’s a great way to give something back while having fun yourself! They also offer our volunteers full training, support and advice, and provide kit, equipment, refreshments and more, depending on your role. Whether you want to boss the baggage tent or work as a wayfinder, we’ll have the ideal role for you. There are two ways that you can volunteer at RideLondon. If you belong to a community group, charity, sports club or any other type of organisation that may be interested in volunteering, please email their team at with your name and contact details and they will be in touch. If you’re an individual who’s interested in volunteering at the event, simply register for an account with London Marathon Events volunteering via the button below to be among the first to hear when new opportunities become available. You can find out more at Page 13

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07926987207 Call for a free quotation Based in North Weald. Essex CM16

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations This year we have a long Bank Holiday weekend to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. In addition to events hopefully being planned for the village and road’s having their own plans for street parties, I do want to do something with the magazine. I have luckily had some photos given to me by a very kind resident but I would love some more, so if anybody has any past celebrations of celebrating any of the Jubilee celebrations locally I would love to see these. I am also hoping to run some competitions in the June issue of the magazine, so if anybody has any ideas or wants to get involved please met know. I am so pleased we have something good to celebrate as a community even with so much sadness surrounding us. 70 years as a Queen is something special to celebrate, thinking of all the changes she has seen and been part of over 70 years is amazing. Let’s get together as community and make some nice memories.

Street Parties to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Are you looking forward to celebrating Her Majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee after 70 years of service in June? Epping Forest District Council have said they are and they think it is the perfect time to get together with neighbours friends and family to celebrate this happy occasion. They will be lighting the Civic offices purple for the holiday and supporting local activities. They know many residents want to celebrate too with street parties, so they are waiving fees and making applications simpler. Following the success of the first Big Jubilee Lunch, to celebrate Her Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee in 2012, they thought they would make it easier for residents to come together and celebrate this momentous occasion over the June Bank Holiday. It may still be necessary to apply for a temporary road closure however, for non-commercial events held over the June bank holiday, there will be no charge associated with such applications. You can get the application form from their website together with advice and tips on how to arrange your event

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Open Gardens 2022 – Your Hospice needs you! With spring just around the corner, St Clare Hospice is beginning to look ahead to its perennially popular Open Gardens Weekend. This year the Hospice is hoping to grow its success by inviting new venues to open their garden gates to the public. Open Gardens will take place on weekends throughout June and July, giving greenfingered fans a chance to explore some of the best-kept green spaces in our catchment area, all in aid of the Hospice.

If you have a blooming beautiful garden and would like to share its beauty and raise vital funds for St Clare Hospice, then please contact Ellie Gale to get involved in Open Gardens 2022. Call or email: Ellie Gale, Community Fundraiser at St Clare Hospice, on 01279 773734 or

Vehicle Thefts in North Weald Please be careful, recently on Sunday 20th March two cars were stolen from Wellington Road and York Road. One car was stolen over night or in the early hours. Luckily the car owner posted the details of the stolen car on North Weald Village Life Facebook Group including the registration and it was later found by somebody who had seen the post. It was parked up in Hartland Road in Epping. They notified the owner. Mid morning, a car parked in the car park at the top of Wellington Road was stolen. Unfortunately the house keys were also in the car. So the owners had to have new locks on their house changed in addition to losing their car. Here are some simple tips to ensure your car is as safe as possible:-

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Remove any belongings or hide them—don’t leave them on display

Get a steering well lock—they act as a visual deterrent

Turn your wheels into the curb or towards another vehicle as it makes it harder to make a speedy delivery

Get a blocking wallet to block the signals of your car key


ONGAR NATURE WATCH Local Crops In this part of Essex we are never far from farmland with its changing scenery as crops mature and new ones are planted. Wheat, pictured, is a major crop in the area and is harvested by thrashing the grain from the ear, free from straw and weeds. Harvesting normally takes place in August but can be up to a month later in the north of the country and Scotland. Nowadays straw is being used as a renewable and sustainable alternative to plastics. The stems of wheat contain a compound called lignin which, when combined with sugar, forms a material that can be used to make plates, cups, straws and so much more. A really eco-friendly way of making everyday products. Wheat is a versatile plant that can be sown in either the autumn or the spring, crops from both sowing times being harvested in the summer. In the UK, autumn sowing is more common, allowing plants to develop through the winter and produce a higher yield than a spring sown alternative. The bright yellow flowers of the Oil Seed Rape make a magnificent spectacle in our local landscape. Also known as Rape and Rapeseed, it is a member of the mustard/ cabbage family; the word rape is derived from the Latin rapum, meaning turnip, a close relative of the modern day rapeseed plant. It is either sown in the winter to be harvested in July/ early August or is spring-sown to ripen later and be ready at the end of August or in September. Both crops are combine-harvested to yield tiny black seeds, destined to be crushed to produce oil for culinary and industrial use. Sugar Beet is a hardy biennial that can be grown in most temperate climates. It is planted in the spring and produces a large storage root which is harvested in the autumn. The roots contain a large quantity of sugar, and in the UK beet provides over half of the sugar we use. The balance comes from sugar cane grown in tropical and semi-tropical regions of the world, notably Brazil, India and China. Sugar beet is an important arable rotation crop and is commonly grown in conjunction with wheat, barley or pulses to provide a break crop returning organic matter to the soil and preventing the build up of disease. Grass is grown to make hay to feed cattle and sheep through the winter. Successful haymaking relies on the crop of grass being thoroughly dried before it is baled or stored. The cut grass is spread on the field until the moisture content is reduced significantly before it is baled. Alternatively the grass is dried less and cut into small pieces after which it is packed tightly and wrapped in polythene. This allows bacteria to convert the sugars to lactic acid under near oxygen-free conditions so providing acidic conditions that preserves the feed which is called silage. Some farmers are growing grass for its seed. Rye grass is popularly chosen as the seeds are suitable not only for garden lawns, but for grazing pasture and haymaking for livestock. When you walk around your locality you will find many other crops being grown. So look out for Field Beans, Potatoes, Barley, Oats, Millet, Flax and Borage. Keith Snow

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Homes for Ukraine scheme A partnership of organisations, including Essex County Council (ECC), are working to provide immediate support and assistance as the first Ukrainians arrive in Essex under the Government’s Homes for Ukraine scheme. The Homes for Ukraine scheme invites residents to apply to sponsor a named Ukrainian and their immediate family to come over to the UK, as long as they can provide accommodation for at least six months. Essex County Council is working with partners, including district councils, to provide support to those arriving under the scheme, both in the short and longer term. The County Council will be on hand to support the safeguarding needs of arrivals, including providing social care support for adults and children as well as assistance to meet children’s educational needs. ECC will be carrying out DBS checks, which are required of all sponsors under the Homes for Ukraine scheme, as well enhanced DBS checks for hosts who will have Ukrainian children staying with them. The requirements also set out that accommodation must be suitable and district council partners will conduct the relevant housing checks. The Government is providing funding of £10,500 per person to councils to enable them to provide support to families.

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As ECC is the education authority in Essex, it will also receive additional funding from the Government to support the provision of education for Ukrainian children and young adults who will be staying in Essex. Partners will be on hand to support any further needs of Ukrainian arrivals, as these emerge. The British Red Cross, Essex Welfare Service and voluntary and community sector groups will help provide this support. Recently the first Ukrainians arrived into Essex via Stansted Airport. ECC and partners including the British Red Cross, Border Force, Stansted Airport, Uttlesford District Council and the NHS have set up a hub, providing meet and greet assistance and immediate humanitarian support. The hub will act as an initial reception for arrivals and offer things like translation and interpretation services as well as emotional support, thanks to the British Red Cross. The hub is also available to those arriving into Essex via the Ukraine Family scheme. To find out more abouthe scheme allows residents to apply to sponsor a named Ukrainian and their immediate family to come over to the UK - Residents should get in contact with the named Ukrainian directly and should complete the visa application for Ukrainians.

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Lower Swaines playground refurbishment to go ahead Epping Town Council is delighted to announce that the playground at Lower Swaines recreation ground will be refurbished in the coming months. Epping Playground Association is a registered charity consisting of local residents who have given up their time as trustees to fundraise tirelessly for the refurbishment of the playground over the last three years. The association has raised a staggering £84,000 for the project, with the support of Epping Town Council which maintains the land and playground. Epping Playground Association created a wish list back in 2019 and this was formalised into an exciting accessible and inclusive playground design, approved by Epping Town Council, which will manage and maintain the playground moving forwards. The design includes something for all ages and abilities, from 0 to upper teens and has been informed by consultation with residents and children, to ensure what is delivered is what the community wants. The total cost of the project is £120,000, with approximately a further £14,000 needed for an accessible path/entrance to the new equipment. Epping Playground Association had a shortfall which has been made up by Qualis Commercial (£50,000). Qualis Commercial is developing five sites in Epping town, including the former school site at St John’s Road and this generous contribution has enabled the project to be delivered in full. Epping Playground Association will continue to work with Epping Town Council on delivering this exciting new facility for the community. The playground association has been supported by local residents, businesses, Epping Town Council, Epping Forest district and county councillors and now Qualis. Qualis’ contribution has been made via a Section 106 agreement relating to their new developments and in this case is designed to support the delivery of community facilities for residents and, in particular, the enhancement of green spaces. Epping Town Council would like to thank Epping Playground Association for all its hard work in fundraising for this great facility. A big thank you also to all the local residents, businesses and councillors who have supported the charity’s aim. Qualis’ contribution has been vital to the final delivery of the project and will mean that nothing has to be omitted from the wish list. Epping Town Council looks forward to working with Epping Playground Association on delivering the new facilities over the next few months.

Don’t forget to visit the website uk Regular updates of news, Events etc. Page 19

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Anti Social Meeting held in the village On Friday 25th March, I arranged an evening meeting held at the North Weald Village Hall. The cost of the Hall was kindly paid for by the North Weald Bassett Parish Council as they agreed it would be useful for local residents. This meeting was arranged after residents agreed at the first meeting held in September 2021 they wanted another meeting. All residents were invited. PC Andy Cook from Essex Police and Melissa Faux, Senior Crime and ASB Officer, Community Resilience from Epping Forest District Council attended at my request to provide information and advice and to answer any questions. On the evening, only 14 local residents attended which was a disappointment but I was informed that those attended did find it useful. We clarified the definition of Anti Social Behaviour (ASB) and talked about some types of ASB. Michelle talked about the role her team could provide. She made a very valid point, please report ASB sooner rather than later. This is because investigations take a while and it is not solved over night. Andy from Essex Police confirmed the importance of reporting ASB behaviour to them, they cannot be aware, monitor or act if they are not informed. Michelle bought some leaflets and items available that can help with security and ASB. Although not directly ASB, hate crime which covers a lot of different types of crime was discussed briefly and Melissa confirmed there are hubs available for anybody experiencing hate crime for immediate support. The Civic Offices in Epping is one of these and I am hoping to get more information on this to share with readers. My reason for being involved in this meeting is to equip local residents with the knowledge and tools to deal with ASB. Anyone can be a victim of ASB and it is better to minimise any problems. It is a shame more residents didn't attend, I am not sure why maybe it is because residents do not like attending events such as this or they were scared of discussing this particular subject. If anybody has any feedback on this I would be happy if you could contact me, this can of course be done anonymously or confidentially. PC Andy Cook confirmed that there had been 4 cases of ASB in North Weald since the start of 2022. This is low but it has been winter and this will possible increase over the summer months. Suggestions were made to investigate potential engagement activities with local young people.

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IMPORTANT Defibrillators Recently I understand defibrillators from both Thornwood and North Weald have been needed to help people who have become unwell whilst awaiting emergency services. So to ensure all residents are aware of the location of our defibrillators, here are the details. Once you ring emergency services to inform them of someone needing emergency assistance, they will give you the code required to access the defibrillator looked in coded cabinets.

North Weald:- Outside the Methodist Church Hall.

Thornwood—Outside the Parish Hall.

Ongar Wildlife Society (OWLS) We continue our meetings when, on 25th April, Martyn Lockwood will tell us all about The Yew Tree and its Place in Mythology. In Late March, professional nature photographer, Bob Johnson gave a fascinating presentation entitled The Kingdom of the Ice Bear. More about this next month. In May we welcome Professor Tim Sparks with a talk on climate change entitled Spring Forwards, Fall Back; are the Seasons Changing? This is a topical subject that will have wide appeal and impacts on all forms of wildlife in this country as well as ourselves. Other talks this year will focus upon apples, African wildlife and more. You are invited to join OWLS this year. Visitors pay just £5 but you can become a member for an annual fee of only £25. To help you locate our venue, Toot Hill Village Hall, the post code is CM5 9LR. Keith Snow

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North Weald Youngsters Successful at District Trials Over the winter period a number of North Weald’s junior players attended trials for West Essex District Cricket. Following great performances in the trials Udai Atwal was selected for the Under 13 squad and Ewan Crawford and Ben Tucker were chosen for the Under 11s. In addition, Gregor Crawford and Oscar De Conti have been included in the Essex Cricket Eagles Nest, a development squad for players up to 9 years old. Congratulations to these players who will now play representative matches for the district and receive additional instruction from the coaching team at West Essex. Chris Rawlings, Club Safeguarding Officer and head of the North Weald junior programme, said “We are extremely proud of our young players, it is a great sign of their progress and justifies the hard work they have put in. We only had a nascent junior section back in 2017 so to be sending multiple players to district trials is fantastic for the club.” Preparations for the start of the new season continue apace, with All Stars Cricket for 5 to 8 year olds heading into it’s sixth year and Dynamos Cricket for 8 to 11 year olds returning after a successful launch last summer. Junior training sessions are Friday evenings 4.00pm onwards starting on 6th May and Sunday mornings 10.00am onwards starting on 8th May. Regarding the senior sides, the Sunday friendly team have a full programme of fixtures in 2022 starting with a visit to Little Hadham on 24 th April, while the Saturday team open their campaign in the Herts and Essex Border League Division One at Hockerill on 30th April. Source: Carl Ginn

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New Compassionate Neighbours Film In March St Clare Hospice marked the fourth anniversary of a project that has brought friendship to the lives of around 400 local people in West Essex and East Hertfordshire. The award-winning Compassionate Neighbours project connects communities and helps prevent social isolation through supporting individuals to create friendships. St Clare Hospice is celebrating the anniversary with the release of short film where Compassionate Neighbours (volunteers) and Community Members (individuals supported by volunteers) talk about what the project means to them. Since the project began, in March 2018 almost 200 matches have taken place. Over the last year the project has continued to thrive – with 71 new Compassionate Neighbours trained in 2020/21. During this time, 168 socially-isolated people were supported by a Compassionate Neighbour giving an hour of their time each week to bring companionship into their life. The Compassionate Neighbours project is running training for new volunteers on 1st and 8th April. The Compassionate Neighbours project is open to people to self-refer to the service or for professionals to make referrals. The new Compassionate Neighbours film is viewable on St Clare Hospice’s You Tube Channel: https://


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Partners in Essex work with students to find solutions to women’s safety issues

“We’re here to listen and to support women and girls who live, work in or visit our county. Our job is to protect and serve them and we must make sure that they feel, and are, safe.”

A group of partners in Essex have come together to listen to ideas on how women’s safety might be improved, from inspiring “We will keep listening to our communities and will continue to work hard to address these issues – whether that’s through students at Anglia Ruskin University (ARU). bringing offenders to justice, through educating the public, or Essex County Council, Essex Police, The Police, Fire and Crime working with our partners and community groups.” Commissioner for Essex and Chelmsford City Council have been hearing presentations from groups of students from the Roger Hirst, Police Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex ‘Students at the Heart of Knowledge Exchange’ (SHoKE) pro- said: “We can make a huge difference in our communities by gramme. The SHoKE initiative enables students at ARU to apply working together to prevent crime and challenge damaging or problem-solving techniques and make a personal social impact harmful behaviour. The SHoKE project is a great example of how communities can get together and make a positive differby collaborating with partner organisations. ence. The levels of engagement from students has been great At the Heart of the SHoKE project is a diverse, rapidly growing to see and the conversations, challenges and work done togethcommunity of several hundred volunteer students who are per- er has shown the passion and commitment of all of those insonally motivated to make a positive difference in the world, volved.” through Knowledge exchange activities with key partners. The partners will now decide which ideas to develop and will Five groups, made up of students from the SHoKE programme, announce this in due course. More details on the SHoKE prohave now presented to representatives from the partner organi- gramme can be found at: access-student-and-graduate-talent/students-at-the-heart-ofsations. knowledge-exchange-shoke The aim of the presentations has been to provide organisations with key insights and innovative ideas to take forward, develop Don’t forget to visit our website: and implement as part of women’s safety work streams. The presentations covered a range of themes impacting on women’s safety • Tackling drink spiking.

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Developing ‘In Her Shoes’ educational sessions. A review of safety apps. Or sign up to the Facebook Group Northwealdvillagelife

Creating an information hub for victims.

Looking at ways to address cultural differences in relation to women amongst students Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Communities at Essex County Council, Cllr Louise McKinlay Said: “ I would like to thank all of the students from the SHoKE project who have given us some really interesting and exciting ideas to think over. ” “Engaging residents and communities on the issue of women’s safety has been a hugely important piece of work that our Safety Advisory Group has been responsible for and this project is a perfect example of how reaching out to groups and individuals can result in finding solutions that we may have not thought of before.” “We know that the issues many women experience will not be solved overnight, but we, along with our partners, are committed to addressing these issues so that women in our county are not only safe but feel safe too.” Assistant Chief Constable Rachel Nolan, who is leading Essex Police’s response to tackling violence against women and girls, said: “The dedicated students who took part in the SHoKE project have given us interesting ideas to build on. Their hard work also means we have an all-important student perspective on matters which directly impact them. Page 27

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Gardening Hints for April April is now upon us and for gardeners, often, it is the busiest month with always plenty to do. We have just had a very warm sunny 10 days towards the end of March and with all that going on in the World, the sun bought us all something to smile about and making everything just a bit more bearable. Everything is now beginning to come alive, daffodils and tulips have been stunning, hardy perennials now making a show above ground, prompting thoughts of swathes of colour throughout the summer. As the ground dries, start preparing your vegetable plot for planting and sowing, break up the soil to a fine tilth for early sowing of brussels, beetroot, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, kale, leeks, lettuce, parsnips, peas, spring onions, radish, spinach and turnips. Don’t be tempted to plant runner bean plants until at least the 2nd week of May, they are very susceptible even to a very light frost, Spend time by digging in well rotted manure and strengthening the supports that carry the runner beans. Mid April is about the right time to plant our your seed potatoes, but I always look at the weather conditions and how wet the ground is before making a decision to plant a week either way. Onion sets can be planted during April along with shallots, both these can be started in multi purpose compost in cell trays, when they are well rooted they can be planed out. This will prevent the birds from pulling them up. Top dress all fruit trees and bushes with a composted mulch and a handful of growmore to encourage strong growth. Keep on top of weeds, while they are growing to prevent them from seeding and causing further problems in the future. Now is the time to bring in your empty hanging baskets which I will replant with summer planting plants ready for collection from mid May onwards. If you haven’t bought in your baskets before, give us a try, you can pick your own plants and colour-scheme or leave it to me. April is a good month to lay new turf or patch up the lawn, grass seed can now be sown for fast results as the ground warms up. Also now, use a weed feed and moss killer on established lawns. As always take time to sit back in your garden, relax and enjoy the sighs and smells with a drink of your choice, mine as always is a cold beer if its stays warm. Cheers Source: Nigel, Art Garden Centre. P.S. Check out our Facebook page for new stock arriving all the time and if you have any questions or queries please come in and I will endeavour to help.

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PHOTO GALLERY This month we have a wonderful collection of local photos. Please send in your photos to me at

Photo: Terry Taylor—Amazing Robin

Photos: Elaine Taylor. We have been treated to some wonderful photos shared with you by Elaine on one of her Spring walks on the old Golf Course. Thank you and how beautiful.

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Photos: Elaine Taylor

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Government funding for Harlow & Gilston Garden Town Harlow & Gilston Garden Town is one of 28 national projects to be chosen for funding by the Dept of Levelling Up, Homes and Communities. The Garden Town will receive almost £230,000 from the £3.25m Proptech Engagement Fund which aims to give members of the public a greater say in shaping and regenerating their communities via projects using innovative new technology. The 28 projects will inform the government’s work to modernise the planning system and the Dept of Levelling Up, Homes and Communities is working closely with planning authorities across the country to establish best practice and identify where further digital guidance and innovations are needed. Garden Town Director, Naisha Polaine, said: “Our 5-council partnership is delighted that Harlow & Gilston Garden Town has been awarded this digital engagement funding by central Government. We want to ensure that the growth and development of 23,000 new homes in our Garden Town community is innovative and collaborative.” “We’re really looking forward to going live with a fantastic engagement campaign in the summer and understanding the thoughts, opinions and ideas of communities from across the local area on their values and wellbeing.” “Our Garden Town team and partners are passionate about informing, involving and empowering local people to not only have their say but help shape future plans and proposals and we’ll be using our funding from the Department of Levelling Up, Homes and Communities to do exactly that.”

Thank you North Weald residents Firstly I wanted to say a big thank you for donating much needed medical supplies to a local lady, Jo Maliniak. These essential supplies were needed by a hospital in Ukraine. I would also like to thank Jo and her family for collecting, storing and packing up these supplies and then arranging with another group based in Wolverhampton to send these items out to Ukraine, With reports in press that many supplies were being held up at borders because of paperwork etc, I was delighted when Jo shared on Facebook a photo confirming our donations had been received at the hospital in Ukraine and even shared a photo with a thank you note. These supplies will make such a difference. Thank you everyone.

Connect with others to fund St Clare’s care this April There’s no better excuse to get together over a cup of tea, coffee or a slice of cake than to raise funds for your local hospice. This April, reconnect with friends and neighbours by hosting your own tea party, coffee morning or cake afternoon and raise money to fund St Clare Hospice’s care for people in your local community. St Clare Hospice needs your support more than ever. By hosting a coffee, cake and care event this April you could help pay for a home visit by one of our Specialist Doctors. If you’d like to support the Hospice by hosting an event, all you need to do is 3 simple steps… Ready – Set the date and time for your event Steady – Download your free fundraising pack and invite your friends, family and colleagues Cake – Host your own tea party or coffee morning and raise vital funds! The great thing about hosting a Coffee, Cake and Care event is that it can be as simple or as elaborate as you like and whether you raise £20 or £200, every penny counts. Visit St Clare Hospice’s website to download your free fundraising pack or get in touch with St Clare Community Fundraiser Ellie Gale on 01279 773734 or email

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Epping Forest District Council Civic Awards 2022 winners This year’s Civic Awards 2022 was held in the refurbished Civic Offices in Epping on Saturday 19th March.

Chairman of the Council Cllr Helen Kane said: "There are so many people in our district doing good things and who needed to be acknowledged and thanked for their achievements, successes and unwavering dedication to the district and to our community." Winner of Citizen of the Year—Peter King. During Covid Peter has been a stalwart of the vaccination centres in Epping Forest. One of the first to join up even though infections were rife in the community he put on his PPE and “carried on”. Highly commended—David Jackman. During the first Covid-19 lockdown he launched, through EEF, Coronavirus Volunteers which saw over 200 people register to help others with shopping, prescriptions etc. Certificate of Commendation—Samantha Churchill. Sam works as manager of a care home for people with learning difficulties in Waltham Abbey and runs Abbey Performing Arts for the young people of Waltham Abbey, as a not for profit organisation. Winner of Young Citizen of the year—Erika Skingsley. Erika is always looking for new ways to raise funds for charity. Highly Commended—Amber Cox. Amber supports and mentors younger students at Epping St John’s school. Highly Commended—William Edwards. William was born with a very rare genetic condition called Potocki-Lupski Syndrome or P.T.L.S. and motor and verbal developmental delay, but he has defied his disabilities and attends mainstream school. Highly commended—Beth MacDonald. Beth promotes equality and diversity within all races, genders and sexuality and strives to make a difference in her community, wants to make the world a better place and cares passionately for her environment and green issues. Sports award—First award—Alfie Boote. In 2019 he earned a position on the Junior GB team and represented the country in the European and World Championships where he won a Bronze Medal in the team event and 6th place in the individual. Sports award—Second award—Shona Vincent. Shona,17 lives in Epping and has been running since she was 10. She has been invited to this year’s senior indoor British Championships to race over 60m. Creativity award—Winner of creativity award—King Harold Academy’s Dance Company King Harold Academy’s Dance Company is an extra-curricular dance group, raising the profile of dance in the local community. Highly commended—-Voluntary Action Epping Forest Vaccination Volunteers Community service medals—-Lucy Bailes and PC Andy Cook Winners of Team of the Year award—Epping Forest Community Champions

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EPPING ONGAR RAILWAY—AN IMPORTANT UPDATE ON OUR 10TH ANNIVERSARY EVENT How quickly things change! In the March issue of North Weald Village Life, we gave details of our 10 th anniversary event which was scheduled to take place at the end of May. We subsequently became aware of the ‘RideLondon – Essex 100’ cycle event scheduled to take place on the same weekend with potential road closures in our area. To avoid difficulties with access to our operating stations at North Weald and Ongar we have reluctantly rescheduled our Anniversary Event and Steam Gala to 2, 3, 4 & 5 June. Thursday 2 June will feature our diesel fleet working alongside resident steam locomotive Pitchford Hall No. 4953 Friday 3 and Saturday 4 June will see our traditional steam gala take place with all services planned to be steam hauled, including former British Railways Standard 4 steam locomotive No. 75069. Sunday 5 June will be a mixed traffic day with both steam and diesel locomotives in operation. * Please visit our website at: for full details. Many of our younger visitors will wish to join us for our annual Easter Egg Hunt on 15, 16, 17 & 18 April. On special dates in May we will be hosting PAW Patrol and Peppa Pig to the Railway. As ever, full details are on our website. Why not come along and volunteer on the Railway to help us operate these events? We have opportunities available in all departments, including catering, permanent way, buildings and infrastructure maintenance, steam and diesel locomotive operation and maintenance, carriage & wagon restoration, together with numerous customer facing roles on operating days. You can obtain further information by emailing: or if you are ready to join go to: where you will find the membership application form at the top of the page under ‘Join the Epping Ongar Railway Volunteer Society’. *All locomotives subject to availability. Robert Good—Epping Ongar Railway Volunteer Society

EASTER HOLIDAY EVENTS FOR CHILDREN Children’s make your own Easter bunting workshop— Learn to make your own Easter bunting out of fabric. All materials provided.

Date: Tuesday 12 April Venue: Civic café area, Civic Offices, 323 High Street, Epping, CM16 4BZ Time: 2:00pm to 4:00pm Cost: £11.20

Children’s Easter craft camp—Make new friends at this relaxed and fun craft camp. We will be making Easter themed crafts for you to take home and wow your friends and family with. Date: Wednesday 13 April Venue: Jack Silley Pavillion, Stonards Hill Recreation Ground, Epping CM16 6SP Time: 10:00am to 3:00pm Cost: £22 Age: 5 – 12 years Book online or call 01992 564226 (Mon to Fri 10am to 4pm)

Age: 5-12 years Book online or call 01992 564226 (Mon to Fri 10am to 4pm) Disability Inclusion—Multi-Sports Day—A fun filled day including sports like football, rounders, dodgeball, tennis and so much more. Date: Tuesday 5 April Venue: Epping Upper Clapton Rugby Football Club, Upland Rd, Thornwood, Epping CM16 6NL Time: 10:00am to 3:00pm Cost: £15 AgeL 5 – 25 years Book online or call 01992 564226 (Mon to Fri10am to 4pm)

Bounce and Swim—Come and enjoy an hour of trampolining finished off with an hour of swimming. • Friday 8 April

Ongar leisure centre, The Gables, Fyfield Road, Ongar, CM5 0GA • 1:00pm to 3:00pm

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3 – 25 years Book online / call 01992 564226 (Mon to Frid 10am to 4pm) Parents can swim too. If your child is under 8 you need to be present for the swim session. This session is only for children or young people with disabilities/SEN and their siblings.

Play in the Park—is all about playing games and having fun outdoors. There will be a range of sports equipment and arts and crafts resources for everyone to enjoy. Children must be accompanied by an adult. All sessions are free. No need to book, just drop in. Monday 11 April—10:00am to 12:00noon—Epping Playing Fields (Doorstep Green), Epping Green, CM16 6QJ Thursday 14 April - 10:00am to 12:00noon—Jubilee Park Pavilion, Love Lane, Chipping Ongar, Ongar, CM5 9BL Page 36

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Volunteering Opportunities at St Clare Hospice St Clare Hospice is looking for anyone with an interest or experience in retail – either in our shops or virtually. One area of volunteering that has grown over the last year is in our e-Commerce team – eBay, Depop, and Vinted. Jacqui and Anne have volunteered in e-Commerce for 6 and 8 years. They are part of the life cycle of a donation, from the time it arrives in eBay to the time it is packed and ready for its new home. At the start of their shift, they sort through donations, checking for unusual or valuable items, research them, and check things like Lego sets or jigsaws are complete. They photograph the items, write the wording for the listings, and when sold, pack the items carefully, so they are ready to be posted to the buyers. Would you like to join our shop volunteering team? Your role could include: Operating a till Helping customers Sorting stock Filling shelves

Go to to find out more or ring 01279 773729

Big bag challenge to help ‘spring clean’ Britain Keep Britain Tidy is encouraging us all to pledge to pick up one big bag of litter as part of the Great British Spring Clean. This year’s mass campaign, from 25th March to 10th April, calls on families, neighbours, friends and colleagues to join forces and pledge to pick a bag of litter from nearby streets, beauty spots and beaches in order to protect our vibrant communities and precious wildlife habitats. th

As well as polluting our streets, parks and beaches, litter harms wildlife, domestic pets and cattle, it also costs Epping Forest District Council a staggering £1.7 million a year to clean up. Litter picking brings together individuals, community organisations, businesses and councils to make a difference to the environment on their doorsteps – and the charity is keen to stress litter picking can be accessible to everybody with the right resources. Feedback shows a significant increase in the number of people litter picking in the great outdoors to help their mental wellbeing, following the additional pressures triggered by the pandemic. Pledge to get involved today and see how you can engage family, groups and communities.

Visit for more info. Page 37

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Citizens Advice: Changes to divorce law On 6 April this year the biggest changes to the law on divorce in 50 years will come into force. The Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 reforms the legal requirements and process for divorce. It aims to reduce the potential for conflict amongst divorcing couples by removing the ability to make allegations about the conduct of a spouse and allowing couples to end their marriage jointly. Under the present law the only ground for divorce is that the marriage has irretrievably broken down, but to prove that one spouse usually has to make allegations against the other – for instance, that they have behaved unreasonably or have committed adultery. It is also possible, though rare, for one spouse to defend the divorce and claim that the marriage has not broken down. This system can exacerbate conflict in what is already an extremely difficult or complex situation and can be particularly damaging for children to witness. At worst, it can trap someone in an unhappy marriage. The new law does away with the option for one partner to contest divorce, except on very limited legal grounds. It recognises that each partner has the right to decide whether they want to be in the relationship or not.

The Act also introduces a minimum period of 20 weeks between the start of proceedings and the grant of what is called a conditional order. This 20-week period begins when one or both spouses make a statement that the marriage has broken down. That statement can be made on paper or online. The 20-week period is intended to give couples uncertain about whether the marriage is really over time to seek counselling or turn back. Alternatively, the time can be used to consider some of the practicalities of divorce, preparing financial and childcare arrangements before the separation finally takes place. Making these arrangements can raise a host of issues, including the effects on housing and benefits. Nowadays the courts expect divorcing couples to try to agree all these arrangements without court intervention, unless domestic abuse is an issue, and this will continue to be the approach under the new law. It is not always easy to resolve these issues and where couples find it difficult to agree, mediation is often a cost-effective way for separating couples to reach an agreement.

Mediation can be about any issue including children, property, and finances. You can find a local mediator via the Family Mediation Council - Legal aid may be available for mediation and the government has also introduced a time limited voucher scheme which provides a contribution of up to £500 towards mediation costs of cases involving children. Going to court should be a last resort, unless there is a need for urgent action, such as protecting someone from violence. At the end of the 20 week period of reflection, a conditional order is granted. From here, there will be an additional 6 week period before the final order can be made to conclude the separation. This brings the combined timeline for a divorce to 26 weeks, or about 6 months. At Citizens Advice we can help you with general advice on marriage breakdown and its implications, and we can, in appropriate cases, arrange for you to have free advice from a local family law solicitor.

You can contact us on 0808 278 7855 between 9.30 and 2.30, Tuesday to Thursday. Calls are free. We are also at the Hub at the Civic Offices in Epping every Thursday between 9.30 and 2.30 if you want to talk to someone faceto-face. Source: Paul Stockton

Parkinson’s Awareness Week

MS Awareness Week

This week runs from 11th-17th April and it an opportunity to raise awareness of Parkinson’s Disease and to raise essential funds to support those living with the condition.

This week runs from 18th-24th April.

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This awareness week helps to increase awareness of Multiple Sclerosis (MS).


Why? What a crazy world we live in, or is it just that its run by a crazy few? After two years that bought the world to its knees, it seems that dictators were just looking for something else to do. Sadly, rather than try and ease the world’s hunger or heed all the bad tings that have come before, It seems that one crazy bigot in his wisdom, has decided upon a war. He stirred up a hatred, that his people were oblivious to the fact it may exist, Then as if it were a game, he tries to add another country to his shopping list. Though there were many signs for his attention, to disturb what many thought was peace, Waging war on a country, like so many, still recovering from the pandemic’s slow release. With his soldiers and armies, still not fully understanding the point they are told to make, As half-hearted battles take place, with so many feeling it must all be a mistake.

War crimes and atrocities being committed by a leader that to all, seems totally mad, While even his own very blinkered people protest and riot against decisions they have never had. As the people of Ukraine unite, to fight any opponent that simply dwarves them in size, While the world looks on helpless, to participate in a conflict so wrong in so many eyes. Though we two band together as a nation, offering sanctuary and aid to all those able to flee, Watching as homes, towns, cities and lives are destroyed by a man, for who no-one has empathy. Fighting for their country, and whole way of life, from an oppression that’s solely fuelled by sin, In a war thrust upon them, that predominately no-one will win. Source: Andy—resident poet. Thinking about the situation with Ukraine of course.

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High levels of expertise by a locally recommended craftsmen For a free estimate contact:Roger Linsdall Telephone: 01992 523277 Or mobile: 07980 555147

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BIRD FEATURE - APRIL 22 Hello, here are some jottings about local birdlife for the month of April. As I always do I would point out that any sightings I mention are as seen up to the middle of the preceding month. Right - I am typing this during a spell of lovely Spring weather with the sun shining and a gentle breeze wafting over the gardens, open spaces, copses and fields etc of our bonny settlement. I have said this before and I make no apology for saying it again - we are indeed fortunate locally to have good access to numerous footpaths that take us through farmland, commons, scrub, wooded areas and even an abandoned golf course with its various habitats that are attractive to a good range of birds. Of course some routes are more difficult to access but there remain several places of varied wildlife interest that can present a taste of the countryside for all of us. April sees the breeding season well under way and birds will be absolutely committed to the instinct that drives them on almost to the exclusion of everything else - the mission to raise young. Courtship, establishing territories, defending territories, nest building, protecting eggs and any subsequent nestlings .... it is an all consuming activity that will test all breeding birds to the limits of their skills and endurance. With the right skills and with the luck of suitable weather and adequate food supplies then the majority will succeed and the next generation of birds will hopefully flourish and in doing so enhance our enjoyment of the natural world. For many species even if the first brood fails then they can try again with a second or even third brood. Poor weather can severely reduce survival rates and for some species for which there have been massive reductions in populations in recent decades those species can least afford a bad year.

There will be plenty of singing birds to be heard (and hopefully seen) in forthcoming weeks. The upcoming dawn chorus will be a delight with numerous small species belting out some impressive tunes. One of the loudest songs is actually that of the tiny Wren. A far carrying, clear, strident song that seems to be out of all proportion to its small size. Of course the monotonous coo-coo of the Collared Dove and Woodpigeon can be less than welcome in the early hours. Happily we still get Skylarks in reasonable numbers at various sites locally. They rise into the air whilst giving out a famously musical display song although spotting them can be very difficult, especially if there is any glare from the sun. They are a feature of farmland and areas of rough grass. One summer visitor that has already turned up is the Chiffchaff. Its distinctive chiff-chaff call is a sure sign of spring. Very loud, very clear, very insistent. Before the leaf cover gets too thick this is the best time to spot Chiffchaffs which are small members of the warbler family. Once the bushes and trees get into full leaf it can be virtually impossible to locate them other than by sound. Very soon we should also be hearing the lovely, melodic song of another summer visitor - the Blackcap. This warbler is usually around here in good numbers from early spring to late autumn with a few toughing it out for the winter. Swallows and House Martins will be hawking for insects by the middle of the month with Swifts turning up a little after that. Come the end of the summer season it will be the Swifts that are first to set off on the return journey. One distinctive sound of the spring is the drumming of Great Spotted Woodpecker. They create a loud sound by "drumming" their beaks on hollow tree trunks and large branches. It can carry far across wooded areas and is used as part of the breeding season display. This is a woodpecker that can resort to predating nestlings of other birds and will readily use its beak to break into small holes where Blue Tits chicks etc are being raised. So this is the period of the year when avian activity is at its peak. Many of the individual birds will be in their prime, with their plumage at its very best. But a few weeks from now of course these same birds will be worn out with fading plumage and a desperate need to recover energies. By then this year's juvenile birds will have to fend for themselves and many of them will not survive their first year. The last of the winter thrushes are lingering in our area with small numbers seen into the third week of March. There are unlikely to be any to be seen more than a few days into April unless we get a sudden and unexpected cold spell which blocks the return migration. If you feed the birds in your garden then remember to keep any feeding station clean and free from mould or bird droppings. Always exercise suitable precautions to prevent yourself unwittingly being exposed to any disease or germs. Clean, fresh water is often more important than the provision of food. There have been a couple of interesting sightings more towards Ongar, including a Barn Owl. There is a pair of Ravens frequenting Kelvedon Hatch. They have a large range and it is possible they could turn up in our area. There was one seen in North Weald a couple of years ago, it could happen again. On any given day I would reasonably expect to see 30 or so different species whilst walking around the North Weald area. From time to time a rarity turns up. The more familiar you are with common species, the easier it can be to realise that you are looking at something more unusual. One of the joys of walking through the countryside is keeping your ears and eyes open and being alert to the wildlife around you. And not just the birds - there are foxes, badgers, bats, stoats,squirrels & deer to see, obviously some are much easier to spot but just being aware can make the difference between seeing them or just remaining oblivious to their presence. You don't have to be obsessed with wildlife, just seeing what's about can be very rewarding and good for your well being. So if you can be out there soaking up the fresh air then enjoy the experience and enhance your knowledge of the natural history around us. All the best, Paul Corbet

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Advertiser Directory Aerials & Satellites T J Aerials & Satellites

Hairdressing 5

Hair by Jasmine



Garden Centre/Gardening

Nails Couture


Art Nursery Garden Centre

Café & Restaurants The Mess Hall Diner


Glazing 26

Car MOT, Servicing & Tyres

Garwood Glazing


Home Glazing Repair

13 23

APM Tyres


Nu Trade

Kings Head Garage


Kennels & Catteries

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Online Shopping

Little Carpet Co


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Boss Cleaning Services


LVM Painting & Decorating


Steve’s Window Cleaning


S I Painters & Decorators


Computer Services Andrews Computers

Plastering 17

G F Plastering



Plumbing & Heating

North Weald Bassett Parish Council


Electricians Turner & Sons


Estate & Letting Agents

N Monk


Pikes Plumbing & Heating


Robert Rayment


Property Services

Davis Homes Estate Agents


Garolla Roller Shutter Doors




KLF Property Services


Handy Andy

39 17

Events Mini Shooters

20, 22

Bassett Building

Village Hall


Residential Home

Fitness J D Fitness


Funeral Services Stuart Poulton Ltd



Home Instead




Roofing R J S Roofing

Furniture RSL Interiors—Kitchens & bedrooms


CJA Upholstery


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Abbeyfield Cunningham House

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Tree & Garden Maintenance GTF Tree Care Email:

Essential Local Numbers The Alzheimer Society

01992 717676

North Weald Chemist

01992 523887

Cats Protection

0333 200 1484

North Weald Methodist Hall

01992 522143

Citizens Advice Bureau

0808 278 7855

North Weald Library

033301 32683


0800 555111

North Weald Village Hall Bookings

01992 523731

Doctors High Street, Epping

01992 579270

North Weald Parish Council

07572 507591

Doctors The Limes, Epping (visits/emergencies)

01992 566500

Queens Community Hall Bookings

07522 473024

Doctors The Limes, Epping (appointments)

01992 573838

NHS Urgent help & advice


Doctors The Limes, North Weald 01992 524383

Essex Police

0300 333 4444

Epping Forest District Council

01992 564000

Police, Neighbourhood/local


Epping Town Council

01992 579444

Police, Emergency


EFDC & ECC Cllr Chris Whitebread

01992 573557

Police Online reporting

MP Alex Burghart

0207 2191613


01279 306058

(MP for North Weald)

MP Mrs Eleanor Laing MP

020 8508 8608

Samaritans 24 Hours a day

116 123

MP For Thornwood

Hospital, St Margarets, Epping

01992 561666

Stuart Poulton

01992 522607

24 Hour

01992 572607

Hospital, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Harlow

01279 444455

St Andrews Church

01992 577168

London & Essex Boarding Kennels & Cattery (Kents Farm)

01992 522183

St Andrews Primary School

01992 522283

North Weald Airfield

01992 564200


0870 6082608

LOCAL CLUB DIRECTORY 3rd North Weald Beavers

North Weald Bantham & Ongar Bowls

Queens Hall Charity

Tel: 01992 524672

01992 571535

Tel: 522910

British Legion, North Weald Branch

North Weald Cricket Club

Rapier Cycling Club

Tel: 01992 614415

Tel: 524631

Epping Ongar Railway Volunteer

North Weald Scouts Group

Taoist Tai Chi Society

Tel: 01277 365200

01992 524672

Tel: 01992 523854/07803243625

Harlow Badger Group

North Weald Seniors Society for over 70’s

Theydon Jazz Club

Tel: 07941 185171 Friends Force Hertfordshire/Essex

Tel: 522196

Thornwood Seniors

Tel: 522464

Tel: 577872

Epping Forest Rotary Club

North Weald Wireless Station Bowls Club

Tel: 07855 911323

Tel: 522803

Forest Highlanders Pipes & Drum

North Weald Women’s Institute (Afternoon)

Tel: 01279 415563

Tel: 01708 250820

Tel: 522700

West Essex Flower Club

North Weald Angling Club

Queens Hall Bowls Club

Tel: 524631

Tel: 01992 522303

Tel: 523375 or 522052

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01945 588325/

Three Valleys Male Voice Choir

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