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Planning applications

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Application No: EPF/1113/21 Officer: Muhammad Rahman Applicant Name: Mr Tony Baker Planning File No: 001473 Location: Little Weald Hall, Annexe, Rayley Lane, North Weald Bassett, Epping CM16 6AR Proposal: Variation of condition 2 `plan numbers of EPF/0105/18 (Demolition of existing bungalow and stables and the construction of a replacement dwelling) - change of roof pitch.

Application No: EPF/1117/21 Officer: Zara Seelig Applicant Name: Mr Martin Tribe Planning File No: 026579 Location: 32 Tempest Mead, North Weald Bassett, Epping CM16 6DY


Any representations on applications should be made in writing, by Monday, 7th June, 2021 Epping Forest District Council www.eppingforestdc.gov.uk Comment online at www.eppingforestdc.gov.uk/iPlan or by post to: The Director of Planning and Economic Development, Epping Forest District Council, Civic Offices, 323 High Street, Epping, Essex CM16 4BZ Any enquiries should be made to the Application Processing Team T: 01992 564436 E: appcomment@eppingforestdc.gov.uk

Parish council receives £40,000 from district council over HMRC facility on airfield

North Weald Bassett Parish Council has received a further £40,000 from Epping Forest District as part of the arrangement between the district council and HMRC over the use of part of North Weald Airfield as an Inland Border Facility.

The checkpoint for HGVs entering and leaving the UK came into operation on 1st January following the UK's exit from the EU.

The parish council has already received £50,000 from the district council as part of the HMRC arrangement.

Watch out— Pickpockets About

I have received reports of local people being victims to pickpockets locally.

So please be aware that pickpockets are operating in Epping. If you are out shopping, please stay alert and keep your valuables in front of you and don't allow yourself to be distracted. Don’t make it easy for them.

Dozens of supporters are preparing to ‘Step Up for St Clare’ as part of a month-long sponsored step challenge taking place to raise funds for St. Clare Hospice. The challenge asks participants to walk 10,000 steps every day, for the whole month of June, the same number of steps as a St Clare Hospice nurse walks on an average shift. Challengers will be collecting sponsorship for their 300,000 total step challenge, which they can complete individually or as part of a team. The sponsored challenge is raising funds to support the Hospice’s recently launched campaign ‘Nurses Are Needed’ to fund the expansion of their nursing teams. ‘Step Up for St Clare’ is free to enter, and individuals will receive a St Clare t-shirt. Participants are just asked to commit to fundraise as much as possible through sponsorship – by setting up an online fundraising page or collecting sponsorship offline. For more information and to sign up, visit stclarehospice.org.uk/ step-up/ You can sign up for the challenge even if we are already partway into the month of June. You can simply extend your challenge into the next month! To sponsor the St Clare Hospice Senior Leadership Team as they undertake their Step Up challenge, visit their fundraising page: justgiving.com/fundraising/stclareslt Find out more about the Nurses Are Needed campaign on the St Clare Hospice website atstclarehospice.org.uk/nurses-are/

A difficult year

At a recent Annual Council Meeting, Leader of Epping Forest District Council, Chris Whitbread said 2020/21 had been one of the most difficult years we have ever lived through and praised members and officers for their dedication and support in helping local people and businesses through unprecedented times. He also praised the chairman and vice-chairman for their role in steering Epping Forest District through ‘a year like no other.’ Cllr Chris Whitbread announced his Cabinet for the coming year saying he had added 2 new members, Cllrs Les Burrows and Darshan Sunger to the team, as he felt that some of the portfolios needed re-assigning to cope with the anticipated workload.

• Deputy Leader – Councillor Nigel Bedford • Customer & Partnerships – Councillor Sam Kane • Community & Regulatory Services – Councillor Aniket Patel • Environmental & Technical Services – Councillor Nigel

Avey • Finance, Qualis Client & Economic Development – Councillor John Philip • Housing Services – Councillor Holly Whitbread • Planning & Sustainability – Councillor Nigel Bedford • Programmes & Projects – Councillor Les Burrows • Corporate Services – Councillor Darshan Sunger Independent Councillor Stephen Murray praised Cabinet for its handling of all the many challenges brought by COVID-19 in the past year.

has been scientifically proven to improve brain activity and more ability to focus. You are less susceptible to feeling overwhelmed and anxious Now that restrictions allow exercise, I asked Jake who runs exercise too. Exercise also helps increase the flow of oxygen and blood, deliversessions locally a few questions. ing more of those biochemical boosts that help your brain feel happy. What are you looking forward to most now you can reopen your And whilst exercise helps create new brain cells too, the meditation is exercise sessions and keep fit? responsible for keeping them alive and functioning. Together, this I am looking forward to seeing all of 'The JDFitness Family' and wel- changes our ability to remain present, calm and focused, which plays a coming any new members into our sessions. Social benefits from local significant role in combating depression and anxiety, which after the EVENTSclasses are very important for mental health as well as actual active exercise for physical health and I am excited to provide exercises once recent events of Covid and the lockdown restrictions, is more important than ever! Meditation and mindfulness alone can have an effect on how again for the community. the body heals. It promotes healing from injuries physically and mentalMany people have said they may have put a bit of weight on dur- ly, which is great for mental health.

ing lockdown, what would be your advice to them? You are launching a new session “seated stretch”, why have you

To remember that life is a journey and never a race, it is important to launched this specific session? gradually get back into the swing of things at your own pace, by slowly Well, 'Stretch and Relaxation' has become one of my most popular increasing your daily exercises and cutting back on a few treats. I am a classes. This fun-loving class has been known to help with a bad back, firm believer in enjoying all foods, but in moderation and if you can stiffness of joints and muscles, it also increases range of motion and is work it out so that your diet is 80% healthy and 20% bad, then you'll be good for Rheumatism and Arthritis. Unfortunately, though, some find it on the right track. So, to break it down . . . eat healthy, drink lots of difficult due to injuries or various other health issues, so this is why I water, come to JDFitness, and enjoy your weekends with a few naugh- am now launching my new session 'Seated Stretch' for those that can’t ty treats if you would like. quite manage to stand up and stretch and lay down and stretch in If someone who has been shielding for months is wanting to start “Stretch and Relaxation”. This class isn't an entire hour like the 'Stretch exercising slowly which of your sessions would you recommend? and Relaxation' classes, but is instead 45 minutes of healthy beneficial I'd recommend coming to see me privately or to contact me so that we can work out a programme or class that is most suited to them and their abilities. Are your sessions suitable for all ages? I'd like to think so. All ages and all abilities are welcome, as I always stretches from the comfort of a chair. Wheelchair friendly too, this class is perfect for anyone who has aches and pains and struggles with getting about. What are your plans for the rest of 2021? encourage every client to take things at their own pace. Some of your sessions include meditation, what are the benefits I am hoping to grow JDFitness even more with even more new of mediation whilst exercising? classes and reach new heights While both meditation and exercise, on their own, can ease or improve when helping the local commusymptoms of depression, the effects multiply when done together. It nity stay fit and healthy.

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