Dear Editor,
North Weald Village Hall Car Park I am writing as a trustee of the Village Hall Charity regarding the condition of the road leading to and through the Village Hall car park. I must first apologise to the hirers of the hall for the condition of the road. During 2019 the Village Hall paid out nearly £6,000 for road repairs in the car park, money that we could ill afford and for which we now understand may not have beenwholly our responsibility. In January this year we requested from the Parish Council, funds to assist with further road repairs. The Parish Council have taken legal advice and advise us that they have no responsibility for the roadway and it is also now our understanding that the Village Hall also may not have total responsibility for the costs. We are advised that the responsibility for repairing the road may be that of all users of the roadway.
Essex Police warn of increase in thefts from doorsteps Thefts from a doorstep are when a parcel that has been delivered to your home or business address is stolen from where it was left by the delivery driver.
The owners of the road are the Peer Group. Investigations are being made of the legal position and it is hoped that this matter may be resolved as soon as possible.
I would again remind car park users that this is a private car park for use by hirers of the Village Hall, apart from those spaces allocated to the Parish Council and that no responsibility is accepted for any damage caused. Roger Smith, Trustee, North Weald Village Hall Charity.
This is a growing trend across the country, as thieves take advantage of the opportunity to steal unattended parcels. Essex Police advise that one way to reduce the risk of becoming a victim of doorstep theft is by installing a video doorbell; this can be connected to your mobile so you are notified immediately of any delivery, and is easier to install than a full CCTV system. For more advice on steps you can take to help secure your belongings, protect yourself and prevent becoming a victim of crime visit www.essex.police.uk/cp #SecureProtectPrevent
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Tel: 07814 863955
Email: june@northwealdvillagelife.co.uk