North weald village life january 2017

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North Weald Village Life Strengthening the Community

FREE North Weald Bassett Community Magazine Circulation: Monthly

Issue: 125

January 2017

NORTH WEALD VILLAGE LIFE About North Weald Village Life North Weald Village Life is an independent magazine and website, owned and published by a local resident who is dedicated to strengthening the local community, improving communication and promoting local businesses and suppliers to local residents.

Circulation The magazine is available free of charge monthly and is distributed from 20th of each month.

Copies can be collected from:    .

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News Shop, High Road Kings Head Garage, High Road North Weald Library Art Nursery, Vicarage Lane Newsagents, Coopersale Party Package Thornwood Happy Grow Nursery, Thornwood Davis Estate Agents, High Road North Weald Chemist

Subscription If you would like to guarantee your personal copy or perhaps you have relatives or friends who would like to receive their own copy, you can subscribe for £18.00 for 12 issues. Please email me, download a copy of the form from the website or write to me at the address below.

Advertisers Advertising rates start at £19.00 for quarter page, £36.50 for half a page and £68 for a full page. Colour advertising rates are now available and there are some premium positions available at this current time. Please contact us for more information. The deadline for booking is the 5th of each month.

Contributions & Editorial If you would like to contribute editorial, poems, recipes, letters or anything else, we would be delighted to receive these. Please send them to us at the address below or via email.

Contact Details Telephone: 07814 863955


Email: Address: 49 York Road, North Weald, Essex CM16 6HU

What can I say but the Christmas cards are written, the presents bought (not wrapped up) and I am ready to spend time with the family this Christmas and New Year. I count myself as very lucky, we have a big family (mainly on Andy’s side) and a lovely close family who we all enjoy catching up and spending time with. Earlier this year, we lost one member of the family namely Andy’s Aunt but I know she will be smiling down as her three grown up boys and their families are coming from Norfolk to join their Essex relatives in a family celebration day. So with that thought in mind, I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everybody who took part in helping those less fortunate in one or more of the ways included in last month's magazine. The donation of clothes, warm items, and essential goods for Crisis and the homeless was very well supported. I know Lisa Osborne who will be taking all the items up to one of the Crisis shelters in London is delighted with all the donations. One family sold a piano and went and bought lots of essential items with the money and donated all of this to the campaign along with some winter clothes, one man kindly donated some jackets and clothing that he hadn't worn and there are so many other kind people that I could mention. It is lovely to think that because of the kindness of local residents there will be a number of homeless people this year feeling warmer and hopefully cared for, so thank you very very much. I am hoping that many of you took part in the Draft Local Plan consultation and had your say. It was very important as the plan included proposals that our village would increase by over 70% with new homes planned in North Weald, Thornwood and Hastingwood. Having seen the recent poll on TV regarding the shops opening on Boxing Day, I for one, personally agree that the shops should be closed on Boxing Day. So much shopping, planning, money and work goes into Christmas—it would be nice for it to last longer than one day and more importantly, it gives people who work in shops a second day off. I know this can’t be said for doctors, paramedics, nurses, vets, bar and restaurant staff, firefighters, and more—it would be impossible to have a day without them working unfortunately. I am planning, once this magazine, is out and about, to take some time with Andy and the girls to do some festive cooking, and just slow down and enjoy the atmosphere a little and the lead up to Christmas. I hope others also get this chance. I hope you get the chance to see family and friends over the festive time. As for 2017, this year I will not be making resolutions just to break them. This year it is already going to be a challenging, in May/June time two of my daughters will be studying for their GCSEs and A Levels. Then comes the time for my eldest daughter to go to University—an exciting time for her but a whole different challenge for me. At the start of 2017, there are plans for more operations on Andy’s arm so lets hope these are successful, or at the very least give him some relief from the ongoing pain. One of my other daughters has to decide on where to go for sixth form studies. So at the moment all three daughters to go to one school and in a few months, they could be all at different places. However 2017 will also be a great opportunity to continue to develop North Weald Village Life, focusing on local issues and hopefully encouraging more advertisers and contributors to support the magazine, so please keep reading and commenting. I would like to wish everybody a happy, healthy, prosperous and merry 2017!! See you in 2017.


Editor Disclaimer: Whilst every care has been taken to ensure any data in this publication is accurate, neither the publisher nor it ’s editorial contributors can accept and hereby disclaim, any liability to any party, or loss or damage caused by errors or resulting from negligence, accident or any other concerns. North Weald Village Life does not officially endorse any advertisement material included within this publication. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reported, stored in retrieval systems or transmitted in any form electronically. Mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the permission of the publisher.

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NEW YEAR BRAIN TEASER —Win a bottle of wine New Year Resolution Champagne Celebration Dance Toast Family Midnight Countdown Clock January Fireworks Memories Kiss Happy Music













































































































































Congratulations this month to Mrs Smith who won last months prize and will be celebrating with a bottle of wine. This month the lucky winner can also celebrate with a bottle of wine. To enter this month, please send your completed entry to New Year Brain Teaser, NWVL, 49 York Road, North Weald, Essex CM16 6HU. Entries need to be received by 10th January. Please ensure you put your name, address and telephone number on your entry so that I can telephone you if you are the lucky winner. Good Luck.


SEASONED LOGS AVAILABLE Your local Tree Surgeons Approved by the Local Authority & established for over 25 years You can be assured of personal attention Fully Insured

FREE ADVICE & QUOTATIONS Total Tree Management All aspects of tree surgery Felling, Pruning & Shaping, Hedges Trimmed, Stump & Root Removal Specialist contractors for preserved and conservation work

Tel: 01992 522437 Mobile: 07850 390079 ...Proprietor:

S. Dinsdale Email: Page 4

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Deer Hunting Contract Cancelled

London & Essex Kent’s Farm

Recently local people condemned the decision that allowed private club members to shoot deer in Epping Forest.

Boarding Kennels and Catteries

The Capreolus Club had been granted rights from the City of London Corporation to hunt Fallow and Muntjac deer in 15 areas. This was highlighted locally, particularly on the Epping Forest Forum, and a campaign was lead by Forum Founder Paul Morris to fight this decision and an online petition was launched. As a result of this the City of London Corporation quickly decided to end the Capreolus Club contract. Although it is understood that the numbers of deer in Epping Forest need to be managed, this should not be done as part of a blood sport activity. Well done to everybody who signed the petition and took part in this campaign.

Open: Mon - Sat 9.30am - 12 Noon & 2pm - 4.30pm Sun 9.30am - 12 Noon Closed to the public on Bank Holidays Family run business since 1970. Professional caring staff Extra large kennels, heating Door to Door collection and delivery service Export worldwide. Imports worldwide Quarantine Kennels & Cattery Pet accessories ( Grooming Parlour Kent’s Lane, North Weald, Essex CM16 6AX Tel No: 01992 522183/523499 Fax: 01992 522705

GCSE Awards and Presentation Evening and plaque unveiling A packed hall of parents, staff and students at Epping St John's School gathered for the annual GCSE Awards and Presentation evening.

Awards were presented for subject achievement as well as for the contribution students had made to the life of Epping St John's. Headteacher Allan Osborne said: "There was a real buzz and excitement for the special celebration of our students' achievements." He added: “To send these young people out in to the world as students who cared; nurtured and loved their school community is a real privilege.” Deputy Headteacher Jo Daniels said: "The audience received an inspirational message from our guest speaker, the paralympic wheelchair athlete Richard Chiassaro that if you are faced with challenges or obstacles don’t give up on your dreams, just find a different way of getting there.” Assistant Headteacher Ann Robinson-Smith said: "The evening was a real celebration of achievement and personal progress with inspiring words from Richard." During the evening the school unveiled a plaque by the student entrance to honour the contribution made to Epping St John's School by retired Canon Rev'd Geoffrey Connor. Page 5

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Ballroom and Latin American Dancing Classes

8.15pm & 9.15pm

North Weald Village Hall. Beginners at 8.15 and intermediate at 9.15. Contact Debbie on 07872 427946.

Every Monday

Taoist Tai Chi

10.30am— 12.30

Epping Hall, St Johns Road, Epping. Tel: 01992 523854.

Every Tuesday

Taoist Tai Chi

7.30pm— 9pm

Queens Hall, School Green Lane. Tel 01992 523854 for more information

Every 1st Tuesday

Ongar Flower Club


Zinc Arts Centre, High Road, Ongar. A floral art demonstration given by a qualified and experienced demonstrator. guests/visitors £4.50 members free. If you love flowers, why not come along?

Every Tuesday

Baby & Toddler Group

1.15pm— 2.45pm

Queens Hall, School Green Lane. Term time only. £2 per family.

Every Thursday

Baby & Toddler Rhyme Time

10.30am— 11.30am

North Weald Library. For under 5’s and their parents/carers/

Saturday 24th December

Midnight Mass


St Andrews Church

Wednesday 11th January

North Weald WI Meeting


North Weald Village Hall. Miss Joan Francis— Gardens of Europe

Tuesday 17th January

AGM—North Weald Horticultural Society


North Weald Village Hall Lounge

Saturday 21st January

The Jack Free Show


North Weald Village Hall. Tickets £8 on the door.

Sunday 26th February

St Clare—Winter Walkies

St Clare Hospice, Hastingwood. Advanced registration costs £10 for adults and £5 for children, which includes a free soup, dog medal and certificates for children. For more information and to register, call Dani De’ath on 01279 773738, email

If you know of a local event, please let me know and I will include this in the events calendar on

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Planning Applications

Job centres help domestic abuse victims

Planning File No: 006271

Job centres across Essex are part of the J9 initiative, providing safe and discreet contact points for victims of domestic abuse to access support and advice across the County.

Application No: EPF/3079/16 Officer: Corey Isolda Location: Savannah High Road Thornwood North Weald Bassett EPPING CM16 6LT Proposal: Create dormers on roof at four sides If you are viewing this report in an electronic format, click on the link below to view related documents including plans Planning File No: 003295 Application No: EPF/2968/16 Application Name: Mr Greg Knight Officer: James Rogers

J9 trained staff at Loughton Jobcentre with Community Safety Manager, Caroline Wiggins and Safer Greener and Transport Portfolio Holder, Councillor Gary Waller The council have trained Jobcentre staff to look out for the signs of domestic abuse and to help victims access the support they need when approached by those in need of help. They have a range of leaflets and information about local and national organisations and hold information packs for people to access when the Jobcentre is open to the public.

The pink heart logo signals that the location is a place where Location: Coach House Esgors Farm High Road Thornwood North any domestic abuse issues can be discussed with staff in a Weald Bassett EPPING CM16 6LY Proposal: Change of use from An- safe environment. cillary B1/B8 type and conversion and extension of the Coach House Epping Forest District Council’s Safer Greener and Transport to form a new residential dwelling. Portfolio Holder, Councillor Gary Waller said: ”Our Community Safety team have worked hard to get as many organisations on the J9 training as possible and to their Any enquiries should be made to the Application Processing Team credit, they have now reached over 400 trained personnel T eleph one: 0 1992 564 436 o r E mail: appc om - across Essex, which is outstanding.” J9, in memory of Janine Mundy J9 was named in memory of Janine Mundy, a victim of domestic abuse that was killed by her husband. The initiative aims to provide a wide variety of places for victims to report domestic abuse and access information in a safe place.

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Tel: 07814 863955


Bus Service during Christmas and New Year

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Please visit the traveline website — to find out details of bus operators' festive holiday timetables. In most circumstances bus services will not operate on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Years Day, although exceptions will apply.


On the same website you can plan local routes by putting in journey details.

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Plans are progressing for major redevelopment in Epping The £6.75 million sale of Essex County Council’s (ECC) land holdings in St John’s Road to Epping Forest District Council has signalled the start of a process that will see a major redevelopment in the town of Epping. The sale means Epping Forest District Council and Frontier Estates can now deliver the development brief of new retail and leisure facilities Epping residents said they wanted. The sale stalled after ECC received higher bids for part of its site, but an agreement to sell to Epping Forest District Council at a lower level means the scheme can now move forward. The amended development brief produced in 2012 incorporated many suggestions supported by local residents. The proposed combination of retail and leisure including a small cinema is a triumph of collaborative working and benefits for residents. The scheme aims to benefit all residents of Epping and brings the derelict school site back into use. The brief allows for commercial development to boost the economy of Epping High Street, improve the town’s infrastructure, create a better mix of leisure and retail to meet local need and provide facilities of particular value to the town’s young people. The plans include the retention of the Centre Point building as the new home of Epping Town Council. Epping Forest District Council’s Housing Depot will move potentially to North Weald. Councillor Anne Grigg, Asset Management Portfolio Holder for Epping Forest District Council is delighted that work can now progress. Following the signing of the agreement to buy the land from Essex County Council, she said: “This is great news for Epping. An incredible amount of hard work has gone in from all sides to balance the interests of local residents and businesses with the financial reality.” Work will now begin on preparing planning applications for outline planning permission and detailed planning permission. Meanwhile, Frontier Estates is seeking commercial partners. Page 9

Tel: 07814 863955


Don’t get conned this Christmas Action Fraud, the UK’s national fraud and cyber crime reporting centre, have produced 10 top tips for a safe festive season online. Here are 10 top tips from them for a safe festive season online

1. Online shopping If something seems too much of a bargain, it’s probably poor quality or doesn’t even exist. Always check payment pages are secure, and log out when you’ve finished shopping online.

2. Auction fraud When making a purchase from an auction website, use insured payment methods like PayPal and never do a bank transfer to people you don’t know. Do all you can to check the seller or buyer are authentic. And look out for fake goods: they’re illegal and cost livelihoods.

3. Ticket fraud Buying gig or event tickets as a gift, or for yourself? To avoid fraud, buy only from official sources, and never pay by direct transfer.

4. Holiday fraud Whether you’re planning a break at Christmas or next year, make sure the holiday or flight is genuine by researching it thoroughly, and check travel agents for an ABTA / ATOL number.

5. Scam emails Scam emails, calls, texts and posts are getting cleverer and you’re bound to get some over Christmas. Think twice before you get talked into anything, however busy you are.

6. Passwords Passwords that are easy to guess, that you use for more than one account or that you share with others, are a no-no! 7. Cyber crime Secure Wi-Fi is vital for your privacy. At home, check your router security settings. Out and about, never use free Wi-Fi hotspots when what you’re doing is private.

8. Subscription fraud Don’t sign up for ‘free’ or ‘low-cost’ trial goods without thoroughly reading the small print. You could be signing up for massive direct debits.

9. Malware Don’t open attachments or click on links in festive (or any other) emails you’re not expecting, as they could be scams. And be careful with ecards as they can be fraudulent too.

10. Anti-virus software And we don’t mean coughs and colds! Always have internet security (antivirus) software and apps switched on and updated.

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Festive celebration at Epping Christmas Market On Friday 2nd December, with no wind and very little rain, crowds turned out to enjoy the entertainment and do some shopping at the annual Epping Christmas market. The atmosphere was helped with children from local schools singing carols and Christmas music playing. The market started at midday and was busy from all afternoon right up to 8pm when the market closed. Many people bought Christmas gifts and decorations. There were over 50 stalls selling a wide range of food, decorations, gifts including hand made items. In addition to the shoppers, Elsa and Peppa Pig even made an appearance which delighted children, young and old.

New shopping park ahead of schedule A forest of steel frames is appearing as Epping Forest Shopping Park takes shape. Where the old council depot stood beside derelict land, foundation piles are being driven up to 9 metres into the ground while metal structures stretch skywards. Remains of the old buildings are now compacted to form the base of new shoppers car parks. McLaughlin and Harvey Project Manager Alex McCalley greeted the Chairman of Epping Forest District Council, Councillor Jeane Lea and the Assets Portfolio Holder Councillor Anne Grigg for the second time to review progress when they visited on Thursday 1st December. They were accompanied by Council Deputy Chief Executive Derek Macnab who is overseeing the project in his capacity as Director of Neighbourhoods. Since the last review at the end of September, all the original buildings have been demolished and recycled as hardcore for the new car parks. Attenuation tanks have been installed to manage surface water drainage. Foundation piles now dot the landscape. Alex McCalley has built many retail parks. Loughton is ahead of schedule and he is enjoying it. He said: “This is one of the best sites we have worked on. It is nice and open. The demolition of the old buildings and the piling went really well. It has allowed us to bring forward other parts of the project and get the steel work off to an excellent start. Kerb stones are going in and car parks should be tarmacked within the next 3 to 4 weeks.” Assets Portfolio Holder Anne Grigg updated council colleagues at the Cabinet meeting later that day. Afterwards she said: “Construction is going really well. We are obviously entering the worst of the winter months. We had some extremely cold temperatures at the end of November but so far McLaughlin and Harvey seem to have managed very well. ”There is still a long way to go but at this rate we should have our first shops moving in by the end of the summer with a potential official opening in time for next Christmas.” Councillor Grigg added: “We have a great line up of businesses preparing to move in and I know many local residents can’t wait for the park to open.

Tel: 07814 863955


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Hundreds of St Clare Santas dash around Harlow and Loughton! Hundreds of Santas and Elves came together to raise vital funds for St Clare Hospice over the Christmas period. More than 300 people donned a Santa suit and ran 5k for the Hastingwood-based charity in two festive fundraising events – which have already raised a combined total of over £10,000. On Sunday 27th November over 150 people dressed up as Father Christmas for the Loughton 5k Santa Run, organised by dedicated St Clare supporter, Geraldine Wilson.

St Clare Community Fundraising Lead, Dani De’ath, said: “The Loughton Santa Run was once again an absolute Christmas Cracker of an event! Geraldine Wilson, and all the shops who support the event along the Debden Broadway, have been fantastic in putting together this festive fundraiser for the past four years. It really was an astounding sight to see so many runners – all dressed in Santa suits – running down the Broadway. We want to say a huge thank you to Geraldine and all those who help organise the event – they really are Hospice Heroes!” On Sunday 4th December the charity held a second festive 5k run in the Water Gardens in Harlow. More than 160 people took part in the St Clare Santa Dash, braving the chilly winter weather in support of the charity. St Clare Director of Income Generation, Cheryl Armitage, said: “The Santa Dash was an absolutely amazing way to kick-start the Christmas season and get the whole of Harlow feeling festive. Once again, the town and our local community came together to show phenomenal support – and the team at St Clare couldn’t feel more grateful.” Cheryl said: “Our two yuletide 5k events proved the perfect way to start the countdown to Christmas – with hundreds of Santas dressed in crimson and white, dashing round the streets of Harlow and Loughton. We would like to thank everyone who took part, helping us raise a combined total of over £10,000. If you haven’t already submitted your sponsor money, then make it your New Year’s resolution as every penny really does count.”

Lawlors have released Epping’s first Minicab Booking App. Search "lawlor car service" on the App Store now

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Antenatal and postnatal classes in 2017 Are you pregnant or have you recently had a baby? If you would like to improve your fitness levels and meet other mums, Epping Forest District Council are introducing classes for you starting in January 2017including antenatal and postnatal low impact exercise classes, that will suit you and your little one. Exercising whilst pregnant and after giving birth can offer lots of benefits, including  Easing back and pelvic pain

  

Improving mobility Helping with labour

Improving your postnatal recovery  Improving sleep

Rebuilding your abdominal muscle strength Whether you are a gym bunny or just starting out, these classes have been designed for different fitness levels. It is the perfect opportunity to get to know other mums in your area too!

Antenatal classes:Tuesdays 7:30pm – 8:30pm – Wesley Hall, Loughton Methodist Church. High Road, Loughton, IG10 1RB Thursdays 5:30pm – 6:30pm – Limes Centre, Limes Avenue, Chigwell, IG7 5LP Postnatal classes:Mondays 9:15am – 10:15am - Waltham Abbey Community Association, 46 Crooked Mile, Waltham Abbey, EN9 1QD Fridays 1:30pm – 2:30pm - The Studio, Epping Sports Centre, 25 Hemnall Street, Epping, CM16 4LU Buggy Walks Tuesdays 11:30am – 12:30pm - Meet at The Clinic, St Margaret’s hospital, The Plain, Epping, CM16 6TN (Classes cost £5. Classes start the week commencing 16 January 2017 Refreshments are included Babies are welcome to the postnatal classes To book, please contact Rosie on 07721 556315 /

C. J. A. Upholstery Stylish and contemporary pieces of furniture, individually crafted to fit perfectly to any space & lifetime guaranteed. Complement your furniture with stunning Fabric, 1000’s of fabric to choose from.

Quality furniture – Made to last a lifetime 28 years at Omega Furniture

Why not apply for your child’s primary school place during the Christmas break?

Parents are being encouraged to take advantage of the Christmas break to apply for their children’s primary school places. Children are entitled to start school in the September after their fourth birthday, meaning parents of children born during the period 1 September 2012 and 31 August 2013 must apply for their reception places by 15 January 2017. Applications submitted after the deadline will only be considered after all on-time applications, so we encouraging parents to use any spare time over the festive break to get them completed

Why buy new furniture when we can re-upholster your existing piece? With more than 35 years' experience, CJA Upholstery is a small, friendly business who provide a comprehensive range of upholstery services to clients in Essex and Hertfordshire.

Contact Us 01992 893 964 / 07904 359 333 Northam, 45 North Street, Nazeing, Essex EN9 2NH Tel: 07814 863955


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Gardening Hints for 2017 I cant believe I am writing a column for the North Weald Village Life for January 2017. Where did that year go? I used to laugh when the older generation kept saying ‘as you get older the years go by really quickly!’ Now I am of that older generation I fully understand what they meant. January is a good month to reflect on last year’s efforts. Pinpoint successfullareas and projects and also highlight any mistakes made. Sit inside with a few magazines and books and plan next year’s garden and vegetable plots. If you have a small garden, it is very important to maximise your space. I think the best schemes and designs that develop in your garden are achieved by being bold. After all there are no mistakes in gardening—just experiments. If you haven't fleeced tender plants, hurry to do so now to prevent the worst of the winter weather damaging them. If you are lucky enough to have a greenhouse, use January to thoroughly clean and disinfect, including pots, seed trays, tools etc, ready for the new season. If you are over wintering plants in the greenhouse, it is important to open then vents during the day, if it is not freezing. Feed and water the birds throughout the winter, especially during periods of frost and snow. Although this is the January issue of this fine magazine (well done June for all your hard work achieving this) most of you will be reading this before Christmas so I, along with Irene (my other half—in the coffee shop) and Tom would like to wish all our customers a very happy Christmas and a healthy happy New Year and a huge thank you for your continuing support in what has been a successful year at the Garden Centre. As always take time to sit back and enjoy your garden, I suggest indoors looking out and planning your ideas for the spring with a drink of your choice. Mine will be a nice cup of TEA! Yes I now all those raising an eyebrow on the fact it is only TEA but I always try to keep January alcohol free. Wish me luck. Source: Nigel, Art Garden Centre.

Art Nursery Garden Centre Fireworks go on sale on 27th December

for New Year Celebrations Last minute Christmas planters can be made to order


CALOR GAS Christmas opening hours:- Open as normal on all days except Christmas Day, Boxing Day & New Years Day when we will be closed. During January, we will close at 4pm.

We would like to wish all our customers a very merry Christmas and a prosperous new year

TELEPHONE 01992 523346 Vicarage Lane West, North Weald CM16 6AL (On the same road as St Andrews Church) Page 17.

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Draft Local Plan—Well done to every body, group and organisation who shared their views on the recent draft local plan with the Epping Forest District Council. Please find one response below that was requested to be shared with readers of the magazine.

Dear Sirs—Re: Epping Forest District Draft Local Plan On behalf of the above society I write with some extremely worrying views regarding the said Local Plan and the questionnaire that members of the public in this district have been asked to fill in with their opinions. As a general consensus the way the questions are worded in the questionnaire, are to say the least, ambiguous, how can an individual answer question 1 ‘agreeing’ to what possibly most people would want – ‘the enhancement of their quality life for the people of Epping Forest District’ - when by studying the plan, in the case of North Weald Bassett, it will certainly not protect the Epping Forest Green Belt or the environment. The maps that have been produced are of a poor quality and don’t appear to be to scale but even at a cursory glance they bear out the major controversy regarding the amount of development versus green belt land to be lost, in the village’s case not 1 or 2% more like 40% of the footprint. Of the ‘Local Plan’ North Weald parish has approximately 5% of the overall population but looks like receiving 23% of the planned housing which equates to a village growth of 113%, no longer a village more a small town with only sketchy, at best, information regarding the infrastructure. We feel these plans are an over development of the area that will destroy the village idyll and is simply not justifiable and inconsistent with National Policy. In order to be found viable the plan needs to be sustainable and the information shows no accurate, factual detail, this in itself constitutes grounds for objecting to the plan. The purposes of the Green Belt, as stated in paragraph 80 of the National Planning Policy Framework which Local Plans should adhere to include - *check the unrestricted sprawl of large built up areas, *prevent neighbouring towns merging into one another, *assisting in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment, *to preserve the setting and special character of historic towns (and villages) and to assist in urban regeneration by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land. The Green Belt Stage 1 assessment carried out in June 2015 gave EFDC land parcels top scores of max. 5 and as such, the proposals to develop Green Belt land around North Weald Bassett could be regarded as unjustifiable because they have all been assessed as strongly meeting the third Green Belt purpose, in conclusion as the Green Belt sites proposed for housing do meet NPPF green belt purposes and their removal would compromise the integrity of the Metropolitan GB, their inclusion renders the Local Plan inconsistent with National Policy. As a Society we take the loss of any part of our countryside seriously, and the fact that there are numerous marked footpaths, which are regularly walked, nature reserves and a flood meadow specifically constructed to alleviate the devastation caused by floodwater in the village on more than one occasion in the 80’s & 90’s. The impact on the water/ sewage system will be immense; the loss of natural habitats for wildlife within the village ‘envelope’ will be irretrievable, and as previously stated the infrastructure e.g. transport, health and education are all under-subscribed for what we have at present without the gradual influx of new developments over the next few years. To go into specifics on this subject will fill many pages but the Society’s main objection to this Local Plan (with focus on North Weald) is that North Weald Bassett is an historic village not a sprawling eclectic mix of housing with no infrastructure and no heart. We hope that all local residents will air their views, but our objective is to speak for the village as a whole and to ‘preserve’ its integrity not ‘obliterate’ it as these plans seem destined to do. We await what outcome further discussions bring and hope that common sense will prevail. Yours faithfully Mrs C M Deacon - Secretary Signed on behalf of North Weald Bassett & District Preservation Society Page 19

Tel: 07814 863955


NORTH WEALD BASSETT PARISH COUNCIL Parish Office, North Weald Library, 138 High Road, North Weald, Essex CM16 6BZ Tel: 01992 523825 Fax: 01992 524756 email: Clerk to the Council: Mrs Susan De Luca The Parish Office is located in North Weald Library and is open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9.15am to 1.15pm. Details of Parish Council and Planning Committee Meetings can be found on the Parish Council’s website SERVICES AVAILABLE:CEMETERY: ALLOTMENTS:

Purchase of plots for Burials, Cremated Remains, Garden of Remembrance A limited number of plots are available to rent in North Weald, Hastingwood and Thornwood PARISH HALL FOR HIRE: The Parish Hall is located in Weald Hall Lane, Thornwood Common. Please contact Mrs Janet Abbott on 01992 571128 for further details. PARISH MAINTENANCE: Play areas; open spaces; check street furniture, bus stops, bins; street lighting and much, much more ...... DID YOU KNOW WE RUN THE LIBRARY 3 DAYS A WEEK? Services include: Taking out/bringing back books; Photocopying/Fax Machine available; Internet COUNCILLOR DETAILS: Hastingwood Ward:

Brian Bartram – 01992 614415 Brian Eldridge – 01279 428622

Thornwood Common Ward: Baden Clegg – 01992 575636 Cyril Hawkins – 01992 577100 Richard Spearman – 01992 573283

North Weald (Village) Ward: Nigel Bedford (contact via Parish Office) Elaine Godwin-Brown – 01992 570316 Terry Blanks – 01992 522216 Anne Grigg – Alan Buckley 01992 522158 Sheila Jackman MBE (contact via Parish Office)

George Mulliner – 01992 523535 Dave Stallan – 01992 523859 Andrew Tyler – 07935 224573

W . J. CRUMP Crash Repairs Established local company

High quality car repairs Body Repairs Approved Insurance Repairer

Telephone: 01992 522351 Tylers Green, 284 High Road, North Weald CM16 6EG

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Tel: 07814 863955


Housing proposals for Parish"excessive" and "simply unacceptable" The amount of new housing proposed for the North Weald Bassett Parish - North Weald Village, Thornwood and Hastingwood - is "excessive" and "simply unacceptable", the North Weald Bassett parish council has said .

Some 24.29% of the proposed housing allocation for the Epping Forest district, detailed in the Draft Local Plan, would be within the North Weald Bassett parish. The parish council, in its response to Epping Forest District Council, adds that such an amount does not reflect the wishes of the district's residents that the new housing should be distributed proportionally across the district. The parish council has said it would support the proposed development around Harlow, although it has concerns about building on agricultural land, provided a new Junction 7A on the M11 is approved, improvements are made to the existing Junction 7 at Hastingwood and that no development takes place until all sufficient infrastructure is in place. The council adds that the 1,580 new homes proposed for North Weald Village would no longer mean North Weald remaining as a 'village'.


Dear Editor,

I would like to thank North Weald Horticultural Society for lighting the tree outside the Methodist Church again this year. As always it brightens the High Road during the Festive Season. P. Smith

S. I. Painters and Decorators Established 1980

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Quoting figures from the 2011 Census, the parish council states that the additional number of homes would be a 78 per cent increase in the number of dwellings for North Weald Village, and an additional 80.14% in residents. The council's response states: "The parish council argues that this is not 'place shaping' but 'place changing'... An 80 per cent increase in residents for a village will inevitably change the village to such a degree that individuals may no longer identify with the village, often resulting in people preferring to move due to this change."

The parish council states that while it understands the pressure Epping Forest District Council is under to deliver a "sound plan" it believes the level of development proposed is "simply unacceptable".

Grants for community groups Could your community group use £5,000 to help the social and physical wellbeing of the districts residents? If yes, apply now for a grant for your one-off project, initiative or even the further development of an existing scheme. These are available to local voluntary and community groups, sports clubs, arts and culture groups, trusts, friendly societies and social enterprises. Groups that apply must  Operate on a charitable or non-profit making basis

    

Be based, or are active, in the Epping Forest district

Demonstrate true local independence Offer services and facilities to all eligible local residents Have no unfair restrictions on membership or participation

Be able to show a clear need for financial support To enter, you can get an application form from Epping Forest District Council, Hemnall Street or download it form the website— Page 21

Tel: 07814 863955


Page 22

Tel: 07814 863955


Dear Residents of EFDC,

Christmas is just around the corner, but that’s not the only tradition we find at this time of the year, sadly a rise in the number of reported burglaries is another. Here are a few tips to help protect your home this Christmas: • Most burglars are opportunists, so do not leave your Christmas presents on view; for example, displayed under the tree near to a window where they can be seen by passers-by. • Don’t advertise your new purchases to thieves via your rubbish; place your Christmas packaging (particularly cardboard boxes advertising products) out on the day your waste is collected, don’t leave it outside for days advertising what is inside your home. • When you leave your property, ensure all doors and windows are not only closed, but locked. Many double glazed front doors have the handle turned up to lock them when residents leave, but please remember to also lock them using the key. Double Glazed windows can also be locked with a key, enhancing your security. • How easy is it to gain access to the rear of your property? Thieves are always looking for easy access points to properties, and to be concealed quickly. Ensure side gates are secured with a lock, trellis can also be fitted above for extra security, and prickly shrubbery is another good idea. Do you have a garage or single storey extension with a flat roof, and do you place your wheelie bin near to this or your side gate/fence? Wheelie bins are regularly used to aid access by thieves, think about where you store yours. When you leave your home, have a look from outside and ask yourself: Is my home attractive to thieves?

Poppy Appeal Results A total of £7,665.85 was raised for this year’s North Weald Poppy Appeal. Included in this amount was £1,126.38 collected in Thornwood Common and £533.78 in Hastingwood. Doreen Lodge, the local Appeal organiser, would like to express appreciation on behalf of the Royal British Legion to everyone who gave so generously and to all the collectors who knocked on doors, collected at the Airfield Market and the Harlow Garden Centre. Also to those who had tins on their premises.

For further security advice you can visit: burglary. If you see anything suspicious please ring 101, or you can contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 Wishing you a very Merry Christmas The Epping Forest Community Policing Team

Thank you for your support which will ensure R.N.L.I. can continue helping British Armed Forces past and present and their families.

HOME GLAZING REPAIR SERVICE LTD The Local Company You Can Really Trust! We specialise in the repairs to all makes of windows and doors

Broken Down/Misted Sealed Units Replaced


Locks/Hinges Renewed Conservatories Cleaned/Repaired

2017 and we can’t believe it’s here! As the magazine reaches its 11th year.

Cat & Dog Flaps Fitted

We’d like to thank all those involved, From the advertisers to the readers, whether young or old.

Front Door Panels Renewed Handles Replaced

We wish you all a very happy New Year. Whilst we try and strengthen the community which we hold so dear. So we wish happiness and success to each and every one of you, While we hope you’ll continue to support us all in all that we do. Happy 2017 from us all. Source: Andy – resident poet. He says it so much better than I could but the sentiments are so true. Page 23

Tel: 07814 863955

Letter Plates Replaced Guttering Replaced/Cleaned Full Maintenance of UPVC & Aluminium

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LETTER Dear Editor I just wanted to talk about how beneficial it is when you work for a company and the manager is nice! I recently left a shop that I worked for and my manager was amazing. He was always happy and worked crazy hours of which he never moaned. I worked there for 2 years and was genuinely a great place to work because of having the best manager possible. I enjoyed every shift because I knew there would be no negativity. I think everyone can take something from it, being a great and pleasant person makes you a brilliant manager. North Weald Resident

No Regrets Yet another year has gone and simply flashed before my eyes, I suppose getting to the age I am I shouldn’t find it any surprise. Though it is scary to think about All the years gone past, Practically all of those that started with such great promises and ideas But sadly very few of them ever last. I quite often dream about being able to have just one wish Although it often changes as to what it would be, Should I wish for money, Or maybe happy and content lives for all my family.

Editor’s comment: I quite agree with the sentiment of this letter, A good Manager/ Boss is one that, I believe, leads by example, acknowledges the hard work and commitment of staff and takes a turn in making the coffee etc.


Dear Editor,

I would like to thank North Weald Horticultural Society for lighting the tree outside the Methodist Church again this year. As always it brightens the High Road during the Festive Season. Pam Smith

Never able to establish what I want In the form of a single wish that is mine, I guess what I could really wish for Is the simple factor of more time. With the knowledge that we’d all have more time Maybe the worry of trying to do so much would fade. Leaving us all with those precious moments, From which great memories are made.

To know that your loved ones would be around Far longer than they possibly were. Allowing you longer to enjoy their company Making far more memories for you all to share. Although time does go so fast And unfortunately wishes don’t come true. So make the most of what you’ve got As those memories are left totally up to you. I do wish everyone a very happy new year But implore you all to make use of any time that you might get. For sadly it goes far too fast and leaves you no time to maybe do or say The things that given the time you may have done should you reflect. Source Andy – resident poet. Page 24

Tel: 07814 863955


Citizens Advice: a Brief Guide to Extra money for people in work The most popular topic on the Citizens Advice national website ( is “benefits and tax credits for people in work”, and in our local branches we see lots of people with queries about this.

So here’s a very brief introduction. The key thing is that benefits are not just for people who are out of work or who can’t work: If you are working, but on a low income, you may still be able to get benefits or tax credits. It does not matter whether you are working for someone else or self-employed. The benefits you can get depend on your circumstances, your earnings and other money you have coming in, and on how many hours you work each week. The most widely available benefit is Child benefit. working or not, except for very high earners. This is for anyone with a child or children. Then there is child tax credit. Again, this is available for anyone with children, working or not, but it’s means-tested. The other important means-tested benefit available to people on low income, working or not, is housing benefit. This helps with the rent although in this district it is unlikely to cover the whole of you rent unless you are in social housing. But you may be able to top up housing benefit with a discretionary housing payment from the District Council. You can also claim council tax reduction, although in this district you will always have to find at least 25% of your council tax bill if everyone in the household is under pension age. If you work more than 16 hours per week and are on a low income you may be able to claim working tax credit as well as the other benefits. Working tax credit can also include help towards mortgage and childcare costs. Child benefit and tax credits are administered by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs, while housing benefit, discretionary housing payments and council tax reduction are administered by the District Council. There is some communication between them but you may have to deal with them both in practice. All of the means-tested benefits for working-age people are gradually being replaced by Universal Credit, which is administered by the Department of Work and Pensions. The rules for Universal Credit are different but at the moment in this district it only applies to single people without children who are new claimants. We understand that it will be extended to families and existing claimants from September 2018 onwards.

The benefits/tax credits system is complicated and changes in circumstances – for instance, if you increase or decrease yours hours of work, or if you move in with a partner – have to be notified and may affect your benefits. You can check what might happen on various scenarios using an online calculator such as or by asking us for an appointment for a full benefits check, either by coming to one of our drop-in sessions or by ringing our Adviceline (03444 77 0808). New drop-in service at Epping Citizens Advice We are pleased to be able to announce that a drop-in service will be available at our new premises in Hemnall Street in Epping starting in January. We can’t confirm exact times yet but they will be available on our local website ( and of course in North Weald Village Life. Our drop-in services in Loughton and Waltham Abbey will carry on as now: Loughton is open to the public in the morning from Monday to Wednesday and on Friday, and Waltham Abbey is open on Tuesday and Thursday morning. Source: Paul Stockton

Page 25

Tel: 07814 863955


BIRD FEATURE - JANUARY 2017 This is the first article for 2017 so I will start with a quick look back over 2016 and then give a few pointers as to what may be about our area during January. It would be fair to say that 2016 followed the pattern of most previous years in respect of the birds to be seen in the North Weald area. Personally there were a couple of highlights, both during the autumn. Firstly the two separate sightings of a Kingfisher which were the first records I have knowledge of for a few years. And a brief visit by two Red Kites was another bonus. The continuing return of Cuckoos to our area during the spring and summer is also welcome and hopefully 2017 will see a continuation of this species frequenting North Weald. Once December is done and dusted I will count up the total number of species that have been logged around the village during 2016. Each year the figure is roughly 70 different birds and 2016 looks to be around that figure After a slowish start there have been increased numbers of the winter thrushes, namely Redwing and Fieldfare. During the frosty spell there were roving groups which in total must have numbered into the hundreds of both species. For a couple of days practically every berry bearing bush or tree around the Weald Common vicinity held some of the winter thrushes and there were also large numbers of Blackbirds, far more than I have noticed in previous autumns into winter. However during the evening of Saturday 10th December we had some strong winds and heavy rain and when I took a walk over Weald Common the following day I did not see or hear a single winter thrush and there were hardly any Blackbirds. In the previous report I mentioned the presence of a small group of Meadow Pipits around Weald Common and this flock is still around. It is an inconspicuous bird which feeds on the ground and it is generally only when they fly off that you get to realise they are there. Generally they fly a short distance before settling again which then gives you an opportunity to observe them. There are a dozen or more in the flock and it looks as though they are finding enough food and shelter to justify staying put for the time being. One species that I saw on two occasions was a Snipe. This is a small wader which has a very long beak. Both sightings were at Weald Common, one by the pond, but they are only brief views as this species will usually not be seen until it is flushed at close range. It's brown plumage is superbly camouflaged to suit its preferred habitats such as damp grass, ditches etc. Roving flocks of Long-tailed Tits, Blue Tits etc are still in evidence. They forage through hedgerows, wooded areas, gardens etc and this group movement enhances their chances of finding a useful food source and also gives each individual bird a better chance of avoiding being taken by a predator such as a Sparrowhawk. One group had a Nuthatch among them and on other occasions there have been Goldcrests present. This is a tiny bird which like all very small birds (eg Wren) is particularly vulnerable during cold weather. Small birds lose more heat in proportion to their body size than larger species so it is absolutely essential that they find food and also a safe, warm roosting site. The presence of one of these roving flocks is usually given away by their calls as they move in a loose line through the vegetation. You can notice the calls and then see a group of mostly small birds searching for insects along twigs, under leaves etc, always busy, always looking to move on to the next feeding opportunity. Of course sometimes these groups move through gardens and can readily take to using bird feeders to supplement their diet. New Years Day can see birdwatchers indulging in 'listing' for the day, hoping to get their bird sightings for 2017 off to a productive start. With forward planning by formulating a route that encompasses a variety of habitats some birdwatchers can top 100 different species on the first day of the year. More than we are likely to see in our area throughout the whole of the year. If I could have a wish list for January then at the top would definitely be the Waxwing which has absolutely stunning plumage and is normally seen in flocks which can get quite big. We are due some in our area after 5 or 6 barren winters and encouragingly reported UK sightings so far this autumn are up on last winter. This species has occasional bumper years where it 'irrupts' in the UK due to food shortages in their home breeding areas, mostly Scandinavia and east of that. Funnily enough many of the sightings in the UK are not at some scenic woodland location but in supermarket car parks - many of these have berry bearing hedges and small trees and this is exactly what the Waxwings want to gorge themselves on. Even non birdwatching people have been known to stop and admire these birds when they have seen a flock at their local supermarket, they are colourful and enchanting. We just need some to come to North Weald for a change. There have been a good few gulls around, particularly in the farmland to the east of the village, and I have seen a couple of Lapwing flocks too. The gulls can still be seen drifting over the village, normally eastwards in the morning and westwards later in the afteroon. Occasionally you get a really good sized flock strung out in v-shaped formations, these will be Black-headed Gulls. Keep feeders topped up with fresh food, if you find that the seeds, nuts etc that you put out are not being eaten all that quickly then cut back on the amount you put out, this avoids having mouldy items building up. There is a huge variety of foods you can put out for the birds, if I had to pick a type that I find works best then I would say sunflower seed hearts. You get no mess as the husk has already been removed and a good range of species will take them. Three species that suddenly start using feeders in cold weather are Lesser Redpolls, Siskins and Marsh Tits. As always I would add that a supply of clean, fresh water can be just as beneficial as seeds, nuts etc, especially in freezing temperatures - provide water that is not frozen but do not use any chemicals to keep a bird bath free of ice. Anyway, it's a new year, a good time to make decisions on things to do and if you don't already take walks around our area then why not take advantage of some of the open spaces and footpaths that are available. Keep a look out and you never know what wildlife you might spot and it can be very rewarding to start to be able to identify some of what you see ... All the best for 207, Paul Corbet Page 26

Tel: 07814 863955


Essential Local Numbers The Alzheimer Society

01992 717676

North Weald Methodist Hall

01992 522143

Cats Protection

0333 200 1484

North Weald Library

01992 522896

Citizens Advice Bureau

03444 77 0808

North Weald Village Hall Bookings

07870 465129

01992 523825


0800 555111

North Weald Parish Council

Doctors High Street, Epping

01992 579270

Queens Community Centre Hall Bookings

07522 473024

Doctors The Limes, Epping (visits/emergencies)

01992 566500

NHS Direct

0845 4647

Doctors The Limes, Epping (appointments)

01992 573838

Police, Epping Station

0300 333 4444

Doctors The Limes, North Weald 01992 524383

Police, Neighbourhood/local


Epping Forest District Council

Police, Emergency


Police Online reporting

01992 564000

Essex County Councillors: North Weald—A. Jackson Thornwood—J. Whitehouse

01992 560566 01992 561875

Hospital, St Margarets, Epping

01992 561666


01279 306058

Hospital, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Harlow

01279 444455

Stuart Poulton

01992 522607

24 Hour

01992 572607

London & Essex Boarding Kennels & Cattery (Kents Farm)

01992 522183

St Andrews Primary School

01992 522283

North Weald Airfield

01992 564200

North Weald Chemist

01992 523887


0870 6082608

LOCAL CLUB DIRECTORY 3rd North Weald Beavers

North Weald Preservation Society

Queens Hall Charity

Tel: 01992 524672

Tel: read 01992 522618/522630

Tel: 522910

British Legion, North Weald Branch

North Weald Cricket Club

Rapier Cycling Club

Tel: 01992 614415

Tel: 524631

Dance Factory

North Weald Kickboxing

Taoist Tai Chi Society

Tel: 07976 786404

Tel: 07433 2843128

Tel: 01992 523854/07803243625

Epping Ongar Railway Volunteer

North Weald Scouts Group

Theydon Jazz Club

Tel: 01277 365200

01992 524672

01945 588325/

Epping Forest Badger Group

Thornwood Seniors

Tel: 576038

North Weald Seniors Society for over 70’s

Friends Force Hertfordshire/Essex

Tel: 522196

Three Valleys Male Voice Choir

Tel: 522464 Epping Forest Rotary Club

North Weald Wireless Station Bowls Club

Tel: 01279 415563

Tel: 07855 911323

Tel: 522803

West Essex Flower Club

Forest Highlanders Pipes & Drum

North Weald Women’s Institute (Evg)

Tel: 524631

Tel: 01708 250820

Tel: 522258

North Weald Angling Club

Queens Hall Bowls Club

Tel: 01992 524071

Tel: 523375 or 522052

Tel: 577872

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