North Weald Village Life April 2019 issue

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North Weald Village Life Strengthening the Community

FREE North Weald Bassett Community Magazine Circulation: Monthly

Issue: 152

April 2019

Redbridge T 0208 989 8444 E

I will start with my usual subject, the weather. In 48 hours we have had strong wind, hailstones, frost, sunshine, showers and warm temperatures. How are we supposed to know what to wear? Everybody is confused. Is it winter, spring or summer? Whilst walking around the village today it is nice to see the daffodils and the faint sight of blossom just starting. Some of you may know Andy and I struggled after suffering from the dreaded flu virus recently, like so many other people it appears. I have not had flu for a few years but somehow it got hold of me this time and it did a good job. I ended up with a sinus infection and even had to have an emergency Dr out to me at home. Although that took 7 hours for a Dr to turn up and countless calls from people asking what was wrong and why I could not get to A&E. Not exactly what you want to do when you have the worst migraine, sinus pain and can’t stop being sick to keep any painkillers down for over 24 hours. The pain in my head was so severe, I could not sleep, rest, all I could do was cry in pain. Two days later Andy was admitted to Princess Akexandra hospital with a severe chest infection and needing a blood transfusion. What a pair we were. Whilst recuperating, I discovered a new type of torture. I was sitting on the sofa shivering with a high temperature, some kind family member had put the tv on and left it on a Jeremy Kyle show (not sure if you have seen it but lots of shouting) and walked off with the remote control and I was so weak I couldn’t make it to the tv. So I had to endure lots of people shouting at each other, not very restful at all. I have discovered I am not a good patient, but after not eating for nearly two weeks my energy level was zero. Luckily a very kind person, namely Mark Stroud, came and delivered some magazines to outlets as I was struggling to get them out. Talking of magazine, you can now pick up a copy from the Co-Op when you are doing your shopping. Hopefully this will benefit especially those that often can’t pick up a copy as you maybe out working etc. Easter is fast approaching although it is later this year. I am hoping the family won’t go mad and buy lots of eggs as two of my girls are lactose intolerant and can’t eat them. Andy has to finish them up and even he can suffer from chocolate overdose (although he does push himself to do his best). I think it must run in the family as Sarah (as some will know from the Kings Head Garage) is very partial to a Cadburys Crème Egg and has been known to eat 5 in one go!! It is also Mother’s Day at the end of March, a well deserved day but then perhaps I am biased. I would like to wish all mum’s, aunts, step-mums, grandmothers etc a fantastic day. I hope you get to spend it with your kids and are spoilt. Remember children of all ages, it is not often how much you spend but the thought that counts. I would rather have breakfast in bed and a meal cooked for the family then a very expensive bunch of flowers or chocolates, I am sure some other mums would agree. That’s it for now, hope you enjoy reading this issue.

Kind regards Page 3

Tel: 07814 863955

Cover photo: I chose this photo as I felt it made me think of Spring and showed a healthy blue tit unlike the birds mentioned later in this

Contents April 2019 issue Page No.

5. New Pay & Display Rates 6—7. Events 12. St Clare 10k 14. New Post Office Opening Hours 15. Blue Plaque unveiled 23. Essex Policing Community Figures 25. Easter Activities taking place in school holidays. 27. Gardening Hints 29. New Chief of Trustee for St Clare

33. CAB—Renting from a private landlord 34. St Andrews Primary School News 36. Church Chat 37. EFDC Citizen of the Year 38. Birds Column Editor June Peachey 07814 863955 Write to: 49 York Road, North Weald, Epping, Essex CM16 6HU Subscription: If you would like to guarantee your personal copy or perhaps you have relatives or friends who would like to receive their own copy, you can subscribe for £25.00 for 12 issues. Contributions & Editorial: If you would like to contribute editorial, poems, recipes, letters or anything else, we would be delighted to receive these. Please send them to us via letter or email. Advertisers: Please email or telephone us for full advertising rates and sizes. Booking deadline is 5th of each month.

Disclaimer: Whilst every care has been taken to ensure any data in this publication is accurate, neither the publisher nor it’s editorial contributors can accept and hereby disclaim, any liability to any party, or loss or damage caused by errors or resulting from negligence, accident or any other concerns. North Weald Village Life does not officially endorse any advertisement material


APRIL BRAIN TEASER —Win a box of chocolates • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Mum Mother Love Parent Care Support Kindness Listen Hug Gran Special Helpful Dedicated Step mum

















































































































































































Last month I did not confirm who won the February Brain Teaser, it was indeed A. Hill and they did celebrate with a bottle of wine. Congratulations to M. Galbraith this month who will be celebrating with a bottle of wine. This month the lucky winner can celebrate with a bottle of box of chocolates to celebrate Easter. To enter this month, please send your completed entry to April Brain Teaser, NWVL, 49 York Road, North Weald, Essex CM16 6HU. Entries need to be received by 10th April 2019. Please ensure you put your name, address and telephone number on your entry so that I can telephone you if you are the lucky winner. Good Luck.

THE EPPING TREE COMPANY TOTAL TREE MANAGEMENT Your local Tree Surgeons Approved by the Local Authority & established for over 25 years You can be assured of personal attention Fully Insured

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Tel: 01206 384262 Mobile: 07850 390079 .Proprietor:

S. Dinsdale Email: Page 4

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New pay and display parking tariffs to support local businesses New Pay and display parking tariff structures are being introduced to Epping Forest District Council owned carparks. This is to encourage people to shop in our local town centres and to address pressure put on our carparks from all day parking. The basics: •

Pay and display tariffs for stays up to 2 hours remain unchanged (Saturday and Sunday)

Anyone planning to stay more than 5 hours in our long stay carparks will pay £6

A linear system whereby the price rises on an hourly rate above 2 hours is also being introduced

Up to 3 hours will cost £3, up to 4 hours will cost £4, up to 5 hours will cost £5

The new long stay parking charges brings the cost of parking closer to the local London Underground station current ticket pricing

Users of the My-permit scheme will also be affected by the new tariffs.

Councillor Nigel Avey with the portfolio responsible for parking at Epping Forest district council commented “Our pay and display parking tariffs have remained the same since 2015. Many local businesses have expressed concerns that all day commuter parking in our town centre carparks impacts on visitor numbers to our local highstreets. By introducing this new tariff structure and keeping short stay tariffs low, we aim to create a greater turnover in our carparks, freeing up more parking spaces therefore encouraging shoppers to visit our highstreets.” “Revenue generated from our pay and display machines is reinvested into maintaining and making improvements to the council carparks. New CCTV and upgrades to LED lighting are already planned as well as improvements to the surrounding environment. A Feasibility study into whether it would be appropriate to have electric charge points situated in the carparks is also in the pipeline.”

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Tel: 07814 863955


Please see pages for details of events during Easter School Holidays Garden Afternoon—Copped Hall Sunday 7th April 2pm-4pm, £5. Friends and children free Remember: Tickets for most of our events can now be purchased online via Ticketsource. - coppedhallevents

Please don’t forget to mention to any advertisers

That you found their details in the North Weald Village Life magazine

St Clare 10k Holiday at Home

Sunday 7th April

with an Easter theme

Advanced registration costs £12 or £15 on the day (£10 or £13 for affiliated runners). The deadline for advanced sign-ups is Monday, 1st April. The registration desk will be open at 9:30am on the day, with the race starting at 10:30am. The event is open to people aged 15 and above. The race starts and finishes at St Clare Hospice, Hastingwood Road, Hastingwood, Essex, CM17 9JX.

Tuesday 26th March. 10am - 3pm. North Weald Methodist Church hall. Holiday at Home with an Easter theme. Light lunch and hot/cold drinks provided. Open to anyone of an older generation but who are still young at heart. no charge but donations welcome.

For more information, or to register, visit event/st-clare-10k-2019. Alternatively, please call the St Clare Challenge and Events Team on 01279 773754. Page 6

Tel: 07814 863955



Ballroom and Latin American Dancing Classes

8.15pm & 9.15pm

North Weald Village Hall. Beginners at 8.15 and intermediate at 9.15. Contact Debbie on 07872 427946.

Every Monday

Taoist Tai Chi

10.30am— 12.30

Epping Hall, St Johns Road, Epping. Tel: 01992 523854.

Every Tuesday

Taoist Tai Chi

7.30pm— 9pm

Queens Hall, School Green Lane. Tel 01992 523854 for more information

Every 1st Tuesday

Ongar Flower Club


Zinc Arts Centre, High Road, Ongar. A floral art demonstration given by a qualified and experienced demonstrator. guests/visitors £4.50 members free.

Every Tuesday

Baby & Toddler Group

1.15pm— 2.45pm

Queens Hall, School Green Lane. Term time only. £2 per family.

Every Thursday

Baby & Toddler Rhyme Time— starts again on Thursday 13th September

10.30am— 11am

North Weald Library. For under 5’s and their parents/carers (term time only) Songs, rhymes and stories. Free to attend

Every Thursday


7pm— 9.30m

Wheelers Farm Gardens, £4 for book of 8 pages (2 games per page) Option Flyer £1. 50p for small raffle and cup of tea/coffee. Over 18 only

Every Friday

Reiki Healing/Hands on Healing


North Weald Village Hall. The healing is free with donation.

Every Friday

Medium doing Clairvoyance

3.15— 4.15pm

North Weald Village Hall. £3 per entrance. With free raffle ticket.

Every Saturday and Sunday

North Weald Airfield Museum

12 noon— 5pm

North Weald Airfield Museum, Hurricane Way

Every second Saturday of the month

Ploughmans Lunch


North Weald Village Hall. In aid of NWSS. All welcome

Every second and Fourth Wednesday

Theydon & Abridge Jazz


Abridge village hall. Enquires or phone 07903 879209

Every Tuesday

Board Games Session

2.30— 4.30pm

North Weald Library. Learn new games. Share your knowledge and enthusiasm. All ages welcome Free drop-in session

Saturday and every two weeks (starting March) Date to be confirmed.

Laughter Club


Tuesday 26th March

Holiday at Home with an Easter Theme

10am— 3pm

North Weald Methodist Church Hall. Places are limited so to book a place or for further information contact Tim on 07956 670712 or email on North Weald Methodist Church Hall. Light lunch and hot/ cold drinks provided. Open to anyone of an older generation but who are still young at heart. no charge but donations welcome.

Sunday 31st March

Mother’s Day

Wednesday 3rd April

North Weald WI


Monday 8th April

West Essex Flower Club



See page

Page 7

Tel: 07814 863955

North Weald Village Hall. ‘Skeletons in their Cupboard’ is the title of our speaker this month. Come along and find out more. All welcome. Try us, why not come as a visitor £3 on the door Thornwood Village Hall This month we have a Spring Plant Stall and a demonstration entitled ‘Floral Bouquet’ by Barbara Collins. All Welcome. Visitors pay £5.00 on the door. See Page 25.


If you know of a local event, please let me know and I will include this in the events calendar on

Planning Applications

Any representations on applications should be made in writing, by Monday 1st April 2019

Planning File No: 006747 Application No: EPF/0495/19

Comment online at iPlan or by post to:

Applicant Name: C/O Agent Officer: Alastair Prince Location: Land to the East of Forest Glade, North Weald Bassett, Epping CM16 6LD

The Director of Planning and Economic Development, Epping Forest District Council, Civic Offices, 323 High Street, Epping, Essex CM16 4BZ

Proposal: Certificate of Lawful Development for existing use of storage of scaffolding & associated equipment & grazing of horses in excess of 10 years.

Planning File No: 030259

Any enquiries should be made to the Application Processing Team

Application No: EPF/0476/19 Applicant Name: Mr & Mrs Childs Officer: Caroline Brown

T: 01992 564436 E:

Location: 12 Forest Grove , North Weald Bassett, Epping CM16 6NS Proposal: Single storey side / rear extension.

Planning File No: 004481 Application No: EPF/2731/18 Applicant Name: Ms Lucy Jones-Botterell Officer: Corey Isolda Location: 260 High Road, North Weald, Epping Essex CM16 6EF Proposal: Demolition of existing detached chalet style dwelling and construction of two, 2 storey semi-detached dwellings.

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Tel: 07814 863955



Call: 07877496903

Parish council opposes home plans Revised plans for a four-bedroom house on what was the car park for the former Carpenters Arms pub, Thornwood, have been opposed by North Weald Bassett Parish Council. Parish council planning clerk Adriana Jones told Monday's planning committee the application site is currently in the Green

or 01277412522

For a free no obligation quotation WEBSITE: EMAIL:

Belt but under proposed changes to the Green Belt boundary, the site would no longer be included. Mrs Jones said two parking spaces - and no visitor space - was proposed, and no protected trees would be lost.

Essex Highways had expressed no objection to the application. Mrs Jones added that two previous planning applications - submitted in 2015 and 2018 - had been rejected by Epping Forest District Council. Councillor Sheila Jackman described the proposals as "undesirable backland development". Councillor Terry Blanks raised concerns over access, and the narrowness of Carpenters Arms Lane which would restrict access for emergency vehicles. He said: "I think it's atrocious. It wasn't passed before and I think there's every reason for it not being approved this time." Councillor Andy Tyler said: "It wasn't passed in 2015 and 2018 and what we see before us isn't any different to those proposals." Mrs Jones said the main reason for the new application was because of the proposed change to the Green Belt boundary.

THE GARDEN HELP Care for your Outdoor Room

Wish somebody a happy birthday, or announce a birth, death, marriage, or special anniversary

Garden Maintenance/Tidies,Garden Design Mowing, Pruning, Weeding, Trimming, Holiday Plant Care,

Just send these to me via email and I will this in a future issue Call Kay to discuss your requirements on 07763 775330 Email; Page 9

Tel: 07814 863955


Parish council to be involved in discussions over new district council offices on North Weald Airfield North Weald Bassett Parish Council is keen to be involved in discussions over a possible base at the proposed Epping Forest District Council offices on North Weald airfield.

Epping Forest District Council new chief executive Georgina Blakemore has written to the parish council stating it is a key stakeholder for the proposed new council building on Blenheim Way. A parish council office, meeting room and possible library could be included in the new development.

The current North Weald Library, where the parish council office is currently located, is earmarked for closure under Essex County Council's review of library services in Essex, the consultation over which ended on February 20. Parish council chairman Alan Buckley told Monday's meeting: "We have to display an interest in getting some provision for the council office. "It doesn't commit us to taking up what comes out (of the new development) or is offered (to the parish council). This is three or four years down the line."

Don’t forget to visit the website: To find out details of the latest events Or sign up to the Facebook Group

New owners Squadron

George Fairall



It was recently announced via social media that Vintage Legends Group who are the owner of Aero Legends has acquired North Weald Flying Services which is based on the airfield. The owner of Vintage Legends has confirmed that the historic background and ambiance suit their flying experience and are planning to fly warbirds from the airfield again.


07714 264 312 01992 522950 Page 10

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They are also investing in the facilities including the Squadron. I am sure many readers will be delighted that the Squadron will continue and will enjoy seeing Warbirds in the skies above North Weald again.

Booklet details responses to Neighbourhood Plan questionnaire An eight-page booklet detailing the results of the questionnaire consultation which feeds in to the North Weald Bassett Neighbourhood Plan is to be delivered to every household in the Parish. Some 1,260 people responded to the questionnaire detailing what they like and dislike about the village, and setting out what they would like to see for the future of the Parish. Fifty-seven per cent of respondents listed traffic speed as the biggest problem for residents with travel to, and parking at, Epping Station highlighted by 54 per cent of respondents. Some 49 per cent highlighted congested roads. With the prospect of new development in the area, 92 per cent see an increase in traffic as their biggest worry, and 81 per cent citing an increase in crime and anti-social behaviour. Adriana Jones, a parish council officer supporting the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, said: "Last summer many of our residents took the time to complete the Neighbourhood Plan questionnaire that was posted through their doors.

Three public events were held last December, one in each of the villages within the Parish, to feedback the results of the questionnaire to residents. The booklet has been produced containing a summary of the consultation findings, a copy of which will be delivered to each home in the Parish towards the end of February. A copy of the booklet is also available online at https:// Mrs Jones added: “The Steering Group promised to let residents know the results of the questionnaire and the booklet provides this. "The feedback from the questionnaires will form part of the evidence based that will be used to create a vision, objectives, and draft policies for a Neighbourhood Plan for North Weald Bassett." A further consultation on draft visions, objectives and policy themes is expected to take place during the summer.

"Further to a number of high level consultations the group undertook, this was the first major consultation as part of the Neighbourhood Plan process giving residents an opportunity to say how they feel about the area, and identify what was important to them both now and in the future."

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Tel: 07814 863955


Runners are called to limber up for the 25th St Clare 10k! St Clare Hospice is holding its annual 10k race on Sunday, 7th April. This popular annual sporting event, which is a regular fixture in local running club calendars, celebrates its 25th anniversary this year. The first ever St Clare 10k took place in 1994, and was organised by Liz Jones and her son Matthew. The route that first year was different to the one which has always subsequently been used as it was changed in order to avoid possible traffic hazards. Liz said: “The event always marks the beginning of spring for me, as the route which my son devised in 1995 is still the same today; there are daffodils in the hedgerows and gardens, new leaves on the trees, and the sound of birds singing, the swish of the wheels of the lead biker and the amazingly fast and light wheelchairs, followed by the thud of hundreds of running shoes and trainers on the roadway!” “A valuable outcome of the early years was the participation of local runners and their clubs and the subsequent raising of awareness of the Hospice amongst a new section of the community – the young and fit. Every year more and more runners joined in the race and with this expert participation came the need to measure the course. My husband Phil walked it every year with a measuring wheel, to ensure that the club runners – many of them using this event as final training run before the London Marathon would be able to record their times exactly over the distance. “The race also attracted people who had never run before. Many came to run for the fun of it and many came for other reasons, for as the Hospice grew more local people had a personal knowledge of its work. These runners have always been the real heroes for me – for many it becomes a struggle by the time they are half way round the course, but they are so determined to raise money through sponsorship for the Hospice, they keep going. Last year, this popular event attracted 320 runners and raised £8,000 for the Hospice– a target which St Clare is hoping to beat this year! Hundreds of runners are expected to lace up their running shoes and tackle the 10k route on the roads of Hastingwood through the beautiful Essex countryside. Starting and finishing at the Hospice, this event is suitable for all abilities – whether new to running, or a regular club runner looking for a new Personal Best. The course is also suitable for wheelchair athletes. Advanced registration costs £12 or £15 on the day (£10 or £13 for affiliated runners). The deadline for advanced sign-ups is Monday, 2nd April. The registration desk will be open at 9:30am on the day, with the race starting at 10:30am. The event is open to people aged 15 and above. For more information, or to register, visit Alternatively, please call the St Clare Challenge and Events Team on 01279 77375

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Tel: 07814 863955


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Campaign to encourage GPs to return to work Responding to a new campaign designed to encourage hundreds of family doctors to return to general practice, which has this week been launched by NHS England and Health Education England, Michael Johnson-Ellis, Managing Director at Healthier Recruitment, commented:

Broken Down/Misted Sealed Units Replaced Locks/Hinges Renewed Conservatories Cleaned/Repaired Cat & Dog Flaps Fitted Front Door Panels Renewed Handles Replaced Letter Plates Replaced Guttering Replaced/Cleaned Full Maintenance of UPVC & Aluminium

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“The NHS is keen to promote the message that its GP Induction and Refresher (I&R) Scheme - which was relaunched in 2016 has been responsible for 800 GPs coming out of retirement. However, it is less keen to share the fact that this has hardly made a dent on the talent the NHS needs to keep the wheels in motion: recent research from Warwick Medical School found that 42% of GPs plan to quit in the next five years. The Royal College of General Practitioners, meanwhile, estimates we are already short 6,000 GPs – that’s around one per practice. A separate NHS scheme to recruit family doctors from overseas has also fallen flat, managing to attract just 50 GPs against a target of 2,000 professionals. “The reality is that, while the UK does have sufficient talent to fill permanent NHS posts, poor workforce planning strategies are responsible for pushing vital skills out of the healthcare sector. We have long advised that individual trusts must ensure that they build teams in a way which is conducive to long-term retention – and it seems that this latest campaign recognises this crucial point. “Through promoting the message that the NHS is committed to recruiting an additional 22,000 health professionals to support its GPs - including social prescribing link workers and physician associates - it is hoped that doctors who left the profession due to unmanageable workloads will return. While it would be remiss to suggest that this campaign alone will solve the ongoing staff shortages that continue to plague the NHS, this shift in mind-set indicates that the latest Long Term Plan is taking a more holistic view of talent management, which is desperately needed, and I’m confident that it’s a step in the right direction.”

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Tel: 07814 863955


Garden Town transport strategy At a recent Epping Forest District Council Cabinet Meeting held on 7th March, Councillors approved proposals to consult local residents on the transport strategy for Harlow and Gilston Garden Town. Epping Forest District Council is working with Harlow, East Herts, Essex and Hertfordshire to deliver sustainable new homes around Harlow. Sustainable green transport policies are central to the aspirations of all partners. The strategy sets out to achieve 60% of all journeys within the new Garden Town by walking, cycling and public transport. The strategy lists a hierarchy of mobility based on:

1. 2. 3. 4.

Reducing the need to travel Walking and cycling Public transport Private vehicles It also aims to support and encourage a culture of active and sustainable travel with all journeys being safe and efficient. The strategy has already gone through several revisions and refinements. The consultation be published for a 6-week period following the local elections in May.

Revised North Weald Post Office Opening Times North Weald Post Office have increased their opening times recently. The new times effective now are:Monday





9.00— 12pm







The shop opening hours are not affected and remain as they have been.

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Tel: 07814 863955


Blue Plaque unveiled A blue plaque for Dr Joseph Clegg was unveiled at The Water Tower in Epping on 8th March. Dr Joseph Clegg was born in Lancashire, he was a member of the Royal College of Surgeons (MRCS) by 1846. He came to Epping before 1851 and was the local GP and surgeon to the benefit societies of Epping. He took a great interest in local affairs and also became president of the Epping association for the prosecution of felons. As deaths in Epping reached their peaks in the 1850’s with Typhoid and Cholera he complained to the board of Health but his proposals were considered extravagant and unnecessary. He went on to fight and campaigned for over 20 years to the Home Office and pleaded for fresh water and sanitation. Finally, this was granted and the Water Tower was built in 1872 saving the people of Epping. He died in 1901.

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Wendy Clarke from History of Epping in Photographs who nominated Dr Joseph Clegg said “I felt that it was right to commemorate his hard work and fight so I appealed to the council for a blue plaque in his honour”

With more than 45 years' experience, CJA Upholstery is a small, friendly business who provide a comprehensive range of upholstery services to clients in Essex, Hertfordshire & surrounding area.

The plaque was unveiled on 8th March.

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Tel: 07814 863955



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Bereavement Cafés to help with loss “Social isolation is fast becoming one of the nation’s most critical concerns in the UK, with bereavement at the top of the list for key risk factors,” says Community Engagement Manager at St Clare Hospice, Sally Muylders. “Our plans for 2019 at the Hospice are to focus on tackling loneliness and social isolation in our local communities, which includes everybody facing death, dying and loss in West Essex and on the borders of East Hertfordshire. Eventually, we want to ensure that nobody in our community has to face this alone – and that everybody knows that their local hospice is here for them,” explains Sally. That’s why St Clare Hospice in Hastingwood has recently launched a social, community -led support event to connect local people who have experienced the death of someone close to them. Taking place once a month, the initiative was launched at St Clare’s first ever Bereavement Café , which was hosted at the Hospice in Hastingwood on the afternoon of Friday 15th February 2019. The event saw more around 15 local people attend, who were accompanied by St Clare staff and Bereavement Support Volunteers.

There are currently two Bereavement Café events that run monthly throughout West Essex: one in Hastingwood and one in Great Dumow. The Bereavement Café takes place in St Clare Hospice in Hastingwood, every 3rd Friday of the month between 1.30— 3.30pm. St Clare Bereavement Café events are completely free to attend. Local people are welcome to ‘drop- in’ at any time throughout the event

Parish council agrees legal representation over Local Plan North Weald Bassett parish councillors have approved council expenditure totalling £5,700 plus VAT to meet the cost of the parish council's legal representation at the Epping Forest District Council Local Plan hearing. The sum includes representation, preparation work, meeting time and attendance at two days of the hearing at the Civic Offices, Epping, in May when the parish council will be represented by Rob Jameson from Attwater Jameson Hill.



Tel: 07814 863955

Avian Pox hits Thornwood It was a bright cool day into what the humans call, New Year. They had been especially kind to us birds over their holiday period by putting up a new kind of food dispenser. I found it difficult to use at first but after a day or two, Blue Tit and Great Tit managed to excavate enough for me to get a good foothold. Speaking of Great Tit; A massive Red Kite caused sheer panic amongst everyone, even the Jackdaws. I managed this quick shot before I dived for cover as well. Luckily it passed on after a few minutes of looking around! Hope you are all enjoying the New Year and trust you took part in the Big Garden Bird Watch at the end of January? I feel spring is in the air!

This poor thing has the pox. The virus first arrived in the UK from Europe in 2006 and is spreading north. It is believed to be transmitted by biting insects like gnats and mosquitoes, bird-to-bird contact and infected feeders. If the swelling get to the eyes, survival chances are reduced. Please keep your bird tables and feeders disinfected! Something else that has happened here in what the humans call T-H-O-R-N-W-O-O-D while we were all busy going about our lives was this:

Rockin’ Robin

North Weald Bantham & Ongar Bowls Club (Behind the Talbot)

Meets every Tuesday at 5.30pm or 7.30pm or Saturday 8.30am Call Mandy on 07778117128



Tel: 07814 863955

West Essex Integrated Urgent Care and Extended Access Service Starting on 1st April the West Essex CCG Integrated Urgent Care service new contract will commence with new provider HUC. The new contract brings together local NHS111, GP Out of Hours and GP extended access services in evenings and on weekends under one provider. Please see the locations below:

• • • • • • • •

Lister House, Harlow – new location Dunmow Clinic, Great Dunmow Stansted Surgery, Stansted St Margaret’s Hospital, Epping Ongar Health Centre, Ongar Market Square Surgery, Waltham Abbey Loughton Health Centre, Loughton Saffron Waldon Community Hospital, Saffron Waldon

Epping Town Council lands National Lottery grant for Stonards Hill cafe Epping Town Council has been awarded £7,000 from the National Lottery 'Awards for All' Fund to help fit out the new café extension at the Jack Silley Pavilion at the Stonards Hill recreation ground and towards the internal refurbishment decorations. The café will be opening in April and this vital funding will help fit out the kitchen and improve hiring space. Town Mayor councillor Nigel Avey said: “We are very grateful to the National Lottery for this award which will help us create a great new facility for the users of Stonards Hill recreation ground.”

Scouts to plant bulbs Local scouts want to plant bulbs in North Weald. North Weald Bassett Parish Council is to liase with the scouts over the most suitable location, with an area around the village garden outside the parade of shops in High Road a possibility.



Tel: 07814 863955



Tel: 07814 863955

Tracey and John raise funds for MNDA On Sunday 10th March, Tracey McGowan and her husband John did the half marathon consisting of 13 miles in London to raise money for Motor Neurone Disease Association. Tracey’s dad passed away from MNDA and wanted to raise essential funds for this charity.. Tracey said ‘it was such an emotional time , we battled through the wind , rain , hale stone and sun ‘. Tracey and John would like to thank everyone who donated and supported them. Well done to both of them.

Councillor highlights fly-tipping The issue of flytipping in Hastingwood has been highlighted by North Weald Bassett Parish Council. Councillor Brian Eldridge told Monday's parish council meeting that Hastingwood Road, Mill Street, Foster Street and Harlow Common had all been targeted but despite the dumping being reported three times to Epping Forest District Council, no collection of the material had taken place. Parish and district councillor Nigel Bedford suggested the parish council write to district council leader Chris Whitbread or new district council chief executive Georgina Blakemore expressing the parish council's concerns over "constant flytipping" and what proposals the district council has to reduce it.



Tel: 07814 863955

St Clare celebrates 5th birthday of its special Memory Tree Five years after its launch, the iconic Memory Tree at St Clare Hospice continues to offer a special tribute to local families who have lost a loved one. The Memory Tree is situated at St Clare’s main hospice centre in Hastingwood. Based on an olive tree to symbolise peace and harmony, the Memory Tree is made of a hand-carved trunk and hundreds of metal leaves with personal dedications to lost loved ones. St Clare’s Memory Tree has stood at the heart of the Hospice since December 2013, with its first bespoke leaves created in January 2014. Since then, the charity has created more than 700 leaves for local families, generating over £90,500 to help fund St Clare’s care and support for those living with a life-limiting illness over the years. Dan Mackay, from Harlow, belongs to one of hundreds of families who have looked to St Clare’s Memory Tree to honour and remember a loved one. The family first came to know the Hospice after wife and mother, Barbara, received end-of-life care from the organisation during December 2016. ""Knowing that the care provided by St Clare is largely funded by donations has just made our whole family want to give back,” Dan explains. “It just seemed like the perfect tribute for Dad to dedicate a leaf on the St Clare Memory Tree in memory of our Mum.” Director of Income Generation at St Clare Hospice, Cheryl Armitage, said: “The St Clare Memory Tree has the potential to raise more than £108,000 in donations every single year for St Clare Hospice. That’s enough to fund more than six months of care from our Patient & Family Support team, who offer life-changing practical psychological, emotional and spiritual support to patients and their families throughout West Essex and East Herts.” There are three types of leaf available for people to make a dedication: bronze, silver and gold, and each carries an inscription to someone special and helps to fund care across the Hospice. For more information, and to order a leaf on St Clare’s Memory Tree, please visit the website at:



Tel: 07814 863955

Technical reforms of council tax – Empty Homes Premium Since 1st April 2013, when the Local Government Finance Act 2012 gave Billing Authorities the powers to levy premium charges against long-term empty dwellings (over 2 years) under Section 11B of the Local Government Finance Act 1992. The Epping Forest District Council has increased council tax by the maximum premium of 50% on long-term empties. On 1st November 2018 the Rating (Property in Common Occupation) and Council Tax (Empty Dwellings) Act 2018 came into force. This gave billing authorities in England powers to increase the premium charge to an additional maximum of 100%, from 1st April 2019, meaning that up to 200% the council tax will be levied on long-term empties. At its’ meeting on 21st February 2019, the council decided that with effect from 1st April 2019 the premium charge is to increase to the maximum of 100%, meaning that up to 200% the council tax will be levied on long-term empties.

Essex Community Policing I hope to be including more news from Essex Community Policing as they have asked if they could regularly share updates, events and more with readers which of course I know you will find interesting. The graphic to the right shows details of the type and number of incidents in the month of February for the Brentwood and Epping Forest area.



Tel: 07814 863955

ST ANDREW’S SCHOOL NEWS We hope you enjoy reading about things happening at our school. We are aiming to have a monthly update from now on! This year our children have taken part in a lot of sporting events: in festivals and competing against other schools. Our netball and football teams have been busy as usual but we have also taken part in some new sports: Boocia, Kurling and Sitting Volleyball. Our Sitting Volleyball team were winners in a competition this week that has given them entry to the County finals. We wish them luck as they travel to Southend next week. We have also had success in Cross Country this year with three gold medals and a silver at the recent competition. Our Choir travelled to the O2 Arena in January to attend the Young Voices concert. As usual, the children had an amazing time singing with 7000 other children. We celebrated World Book day by dressing as our favourite book characters and enjoying a visit from an author, Jack Trelawney. We have also been busy filming a dance video to celebrate Comic Relief.

Road Accident in North Weald On 25th February, at just before 4pm, two vehicles were involved in an accident at Canes Lane. Two fire crews from Harlow attended to assist at the scene. Three people were trapped following the accident. They were released just after 5pm and were left in the care of the Ambulance Service. Source: Essex County Fire and Rescue Service

Ongar parking petition

We love to have visitors at our school and our Friday assembly is open every week to parents and relatives as we celebrate the week’s achievements.

Councillors considered a petition to reconsider the implementation of an hour’s free parking followed by £1 a day parking charge on Sundays for the council’s pay and display car parks in Ongar. Councillor Sam Kane presented the report to cabinet. He acknowledged the small amount of money collected from the £1 charge but argued for the consistency and standardisation of parking charges across the district.

Julie Lorkins

Councillor Kane confirmed the £1 all day charge (after the first free hour) would be reviewed after a year of operation.




Tel: 07814 863955

Epping Forest multi sports days Ages 5-14 (£20) Epping Forest District Council have organised multi-sport days young people can expect to get to try a mixture or traditional and non-traditional sports from tennis to American football with some wacky games and competitions thrown in for good measure. Young people will need to dress appropriately for both indoor and outdoor ports. They also advise a change of clothing in case of bad weather. Young people will also need a packed lunch and plenty to drink (fruit juice or water please, no sports drinks). A healthy morning snack will be provided. Tuesday 9th & Thursday 11th April 9.15am -3.30pm (Registration 8.159.15am, collect 3.30-4pm) Loughton Cricket Club, The Uplands, Loughton IG10 1NQ or Tuesday 16th & Thursday 18th April (Registration 8.15-9.15am, collect 3.304pm) Epping Upper Clapton Rugby Club, Upper Road, Thornwood, Epping, CM16 6NL Book online or call 01992 564 226 (Mon-Fri 10am-4pm)

The eggceptional edible Easter creations workshop Craft Camp - Ages 5-14 (£20) Tuesday 16th April 2-4pm

Wednesday 10th April 10am-3pm

Ages 5-14 (£10) Come along and enjoy a fun afternoon making yummy edible Easter creations. Learn how to turn icing into a work of art! Take home beautifully decorated Easter biscuits along with a totally edible Easter chick house all made by you! All materials provided. Communities Training Room, Epping Forest DC, 25 Hemnall Street, Epping, CM16 4LU Book online or call 01992 564 226 (Mon-Fri 10am-4pm)

EASTER EGG HUNT Saturday 20th April 12—3pm

Jack Silley Pavilion, Stonards Hill Recreation Group, Epping, CM16 6SP Book online or call 01992 564 226 (Mon-Fri 10am-4

The spectacular Easter hat workshop Ages 5-14 (£10) Wednesday 17th April 9.30-11.30am

Search the village for eggs to earn a chocolate prize!

Come along and make an Easter bonnet with a difference! Be as creative as you like with this fun workshop! Why not wow your friends and family and learn how to make a totally individual and unique 3D Easter bonnet all made yourself. All materials provided.

Plus at Coopersale & Theydon Garnon Primary School

Communities Training Room, Epping Forest DC, 25 Hemnall Street, Epping CM16 4LU

St Alban’s Church, Coopersale

Inflatables, sports, pizza oven & BBQ


Come along and enjoy a fun packed day of craft Easter activities organised by Epping Forest District Council. In the morning they will be making fun and eggciting 3D Easter themed faces, pom pom chicks and spectatcular Easter wreaths you can wow your friends and family with. They will then have a break for lunch followed by an eggciting afternoon making yummy Easter edible treats! All materials provided. Please bring a packed lunch.


Tel: 07814 863955

Book online or call 01992 564 226 (Mon-Fri 10am-4pm)



Tel: 07814 863955

GARDENING HINTS FOR APRIL Well, that’s the first quarter of 2019 almost over! Our gardens are starting to come alive. It’s also one of the busiest months of the gardening year, although the weather is starting to warm up, with the exception of the the winds we’ve been having recently, don’t be tempted to plant out any tender plants just yet as the nights are still cold and we are also at risk of frosts right up till the end of May. Now is a good time to prepare a trench for runner beans, to do this dig a nice deep hole/trench which can be filled with veg peelings (not potato peelings though) well rotted manure and even a small amount of scrunched up newspaper (which will help keep the moisture in during the summer months) your canes or frames can also be erected now ready for your beans to go in at the very end of May or beginning of June. Don’t be tempted to plant your beans to early as they really don’t cope well with the cold and will never reach their full potential. Also for the veg garden you can now start chatting your potatoes if you haven’t already. Vegetable seeds which can now be sown straight in the ground include carrots, beetroot, radish, Swiss chard, onions, garlic, peas, turnips, lettuce, broad beans. Seeds which can now be started indoors or in the heated green house include cauliflower, marrow, courgette, tomatoes, peppers, artichoke, sweet corn, pumpkins & squashes. In the flower garden you can still split perennials which will give them a boost to induce new growth. Feed trees and shrubs with a slow release feed. As the daffodils start to die back don’t be tempted to cut the leaves off, leave them to die right back as all the goodness from the foliage will go back into the bulb making it bigger and stronger for next year. If need be gently fold the leaves over and tie them with some garden twine. Keep on top of the weeds as they start popping up in the flower beds. Rake over the lawn to remove any thatch, moss & dead grass. If need be you can now apply feed, weed & moss killer. Prune back roses to encourage strong healthy new growth and remove any leaves which have black spot (don’t compost any diseased leaves) again with roses give them a feed with some slow release food and where possible give them a top dressing with some well rotted manure. At the garden centre we now have a large range of garden chemicals in stock. As well as plenty of spring plants to give your garden some instant colour before the summer bedding can go out at the end of May, plus a nice selection of trees, shrubs and fruit trees. Don’t forget to bring in your EMPTY baskets and planters and we’ll plant them up and get them growing nicely ready for you to collect at the end of May. Hopefully I’ll be able to get in my garden and sit back with a nice cold beer before the crazy season begins. Cheers Nigel (Art Nursery Garden Centre)

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Need a helping hand? Call in Cleaning with Meaning! Cleaning with Meaning offers a full housekeeping service, using professionally trained and insured staff. Services are individually tailored to your requirements, but include: Polish & dusting/vacuuming Bathroom & Kitchen cleaned and sanitised Floors washed Beds changed Ironing What we can do for you? Weekly/Fortnightly and Monthly cleans Move in/Move out cleans Special Event deep cleans Commercial Premises All staff are Disclosure & Barring Service (formally called CRB) checked and have 7+ years clinical cleaning experience.

New Chair of Trustees appointed to govern St Clare Hospice On Tuesday 26th February, St Clare Hospice’s board of trustees elected a new Chair, Deborah Fielding, to replace the outgoing Patrick Foster, who has stood down at the end of his full nineyear tenure as trustee. Deborah has been a trustee at the Hastinwood-based Hospice since December 2018 and has over 40 years’ experience within the healthcare sector, including health service management experience. Her current professional role is Chief Executive of the Hertfordshire and West Essex Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP). Commenting on her appointment as Chair, Deborah said: “I’m very lucky to be taking the reins at an exciting time; last year the Hospice launched its new strategy, to reach significantly more people with its services, strengthen our communities to cope better with death, dying and loss, and to work more closely with partners. I’m delighted to say that the first signs of this being delivered are beginning to show.” “I’m hoping my experience within the NHS will be of benefit to St Clare, helping the hospice to create new partnerships that will increase awareness of the Hospice’s great work and expertise.”

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You deserve a rest so be served by the best! Patrick, who had been Chair of Trustees since 2013, was one of three long standing Board members who stood down as Trustee (Patrick Foster - Chair, Phil Quincey - Company Secretary, and Jenny Minihane). Over the last nine years Patrick has seen significant changes at St Clare, including major upgrades to the Hospice and its Inpatient Unit, the construction of the Taylor centre and the introduction of the Hospice at Home service. Patrick added: “I am delighted to welcome Deborah Fielding as my successor. She brings with her a wealth of experience and expertise both in terms of leadership and of the NHS, which will be invaluable in pushing forward our strategy to extend our services into the community. I am sure she will be a great success in the role.” Sarah Thompson, Chief Executive of St Clare Hospice, said: “Our Board of Trustees is responsible for the overall governance of St Clare Hospice. These unpaid volunteers bring with them a wealth of specialist skills, experience and knowledge relevant to the aims and objectives of our charity. “Many of our trustees are also our biggest ambassadors, representing the Hospice at networking and fundraising events, and ensuring that people are aware of our services and the great care we deliver.” Page 29

Tel: 07814 863955


S. I. Painters and Decorators Established 1980

Quality Painting & Decorating Service • • • • • • • •

Interior & Exterior Specialist Domestic & Commercial Plastering Professional & Reliable No job too small or too large Locally based in North Weald Free Estimates All work is guaranteed Telephone: 01992 524 560 or 07860 494095 Email: Check out our customer references at and Decorating Ltd

Increase in Flexible Working A new survey conducted by softworks has shown that Public Sector organisations continue to lead the way in flexible working with an extensive range of flexible working options available to employees. The most popular flexible working option is part time working with 94% of public sector organisations offering this. This was followed by flexitime with 88% of organisations allowing their staff to have flexible start and finish times. Other popular options were; • Fixed-term employment - including contractual (78%). • Flexi-place/ teleworking/remote working (77%). • Job sharing (72%). • Career breaks/special leave/secondments (69%). The purpose of the survey was to learn more about the flexible working options available within Public Sector organisations along with how current and future technologies could be designed and developed to improve operational processes. The survey also revealed that the top two challenges in relation to managing flexible working options are ensuring correct staffing levels to cover skills and knowledge and ensuring fair and equitable application of flexible working policies for all employees, with just under half or 49%, agreeing that effectively managing these areas was challenging.

In relation to how technology could make managing flexible working an easier process. The main wish list areas were around; more investment in technology to manage remote working and agile working, easier to use and more configurable systems, clearer display and better access to hours worked, automated employee rostering and better system links /integration with payroll.

Volunteering scheme gives experience to medical student An exclusive six-month, clinical voluntary placement scheme, which gives 16-18 year olds an opportunity to volunteer on a Hospice’s Inpatient Unit, has provided Loughton local, Zoe Donnelly, with a wealth of medical and life experience. Zoe is one of three ‘Young Ambassadors’ who volunteered with St Clare Hospice on their Inpatient Unit. The Hastingwood-based charity runs the scheme annually throughout September to February, and offers young people an opportunity to gain practical experience of the clinical world and voluntary sector.

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The project, having just completed its third year, aims to help students enhance their college, university or job applications, whilst also offering valuable life skills development through direct contact with patients, families and hospice care teams. After shadowing Inpatient Unit staff at St Clare – from volunteers, nurses and nursing assistants, to doctors, consultants and specialists – Zoe explains how being ‘exposed to more personal and emotional interactions with patients and their relatives’ has ‘taught her more about the importance of good communication skills’ in the palliative care setting. Page 30

Tel: 07814 863955


For a free estimate contact:-

Roger Linsdall Telephone: 01992 523277 Or mobile: 07980 555147

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Silent Assassin If only there was something I could do to ease the pain my wife’s going through, If only I could wave a magic wand to make everything alright, freeing her from all the worry and pain she goes through every single night. I cannot even start to imagine how she must be feeling as she carries on with such pride, All I can do is let her know that I’m always right by her side. With the journeys she makes every week to check on the care and continuity for her mum, Is a trip that’s filled with what she might face once there, followed by what might happen once her visit is done. With the statistics so scary as they say that everyone will be touched somehow by Cancer. Although huge steps have been taken to try and find a cure, its only the very stupid that would ignore it and be a chancer. .

It has no respect for who or what you may be as it’ll spread, Through you inside as if it was a growing tree. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone who’s lives have been changed by this curse, Wishing you all I can give especially to my wife as sadly it gets forever worse.

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Your support, love and understanding are the only true traits you can supply once it starts to begin, Just ensure your always there to listen and give love to all those affected by this cruel silent assassin.

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Source: Andy—resident poet.

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The words will ring true for anybody who has a loved one suffering from or lost to Cancer I am sure. However, I would like to say it is my mum who is truly the brave one, having fought to be here longer than the specialists predicted and lost so much but carried on giving me advice and nagging me as she has always done. This mother’s day don’t take your mum for granted!!

0772 2343564

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Renting from a private landlord? Citizens Advice highlights some key issues More and more people live in privately rented houses and flats. Some do this out of choice but most rent privately because there is no alternative. Most private sector tenants have what is called an assured shorthold tenancy. This means that the landlord can set any rent they want, and they do not have to have a reason to evict a tenant. However, there are some protections for tenants. Here are some of the key issues that can arise with assured shorthold tenancies. Deposits Landlords can and invariably do ask for a deposit, usually the equivalent of a month’s rent, before a tenant moves in. The landlord must place the deposit in a tenancy deposit scheme, which guarantees that the tenant gets the deposit back at the end of the tenancy (subject to any deductions for damage). There are serious consequences for landlords if they don’t protect the deposit. Fees Letting agents usually charge prospective tenants a variety of fees. This practice will be illegal from 1 June this year. Repairs The landlord is responsible for major repairs. If there is a problem and the landlord is reluctant to do anything about it write to them formally asking for the repairs to be done. Take photographs of whatever is wrong and keep a diary of what you have done about it. If you think the condition of the house or flat is a threat to you or your family’s health contact the Epping Forest District Council private sector renting team on 01992 564348. Eviction No tenant can be evicted without an order from the county court. Landlords have a choice of procedures to follow, depending on their reason for wanting the tenant out, and whether they want to recover any rent arrears. All these procedures have very strict conditions which the landlord must meet. Homelessness If you are at risk of losing your home and have nowhere to go you should contact the Council’s homelessness prevention team as soon as possible. You can go to the Council offices in Epping, email them at or phone them on 01992 564165. In an emergency out of office hours you can ring 01992 564000. Advice Housing law is complicated. If you have any problems with a private rental which you can’t resolve easily yourself it is wise to get advice. You can get advice over the phone from Shelter on 0808 800 4444 or via their website But often you will need to see an adviser face to face, especially if your housing problem is part of wider issues, such as a relationship breakdown, multiple debts or benefits problems. In that kind of situation it is as well to come to a Citizens Advice drop-in session. The nearest branch to North Weald is at 50A Hemnall Street in Epping. We are open for drop-in from 10.00 to 2.00 on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. Elsewhere, the branch in Loughton Library is open between 9.30 and 1.00, Monday to Thursday and the branch in Waltham Abbey Town Hall is open from 9.30 to 1.00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Take all the relevant documents with you, such as your tenancy agreement and any letters or notices you have had from the landlord. If you need advice or representation from a solicitor we can put you in touch with specialist firms. One of those firms provides free advice sessions at our Loughton office and we will make an appointment for one of those sessions if the adviser thinks it’s appropriate. Source: Paul Corbet

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07932 724730

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JOKE OF THE MONTH Thank you to Terry for sending in this joke, I did make me smile. The Frozen Cows One very, very cold winters day a farmers wife, who lived on a farm in the hills, went down to the local village shop. She got talking to the shop keeper and told her that the cattle were all lying down frozen in the field and she and the farmer didn’t know what to do. Another lady in the shop had been listening in to the conversation and said she could solve the problem. The farmers wife was sceptical but thought she would give the lady a chance. Off the two of them went up the hill back to the farm and the farmers wife took the other lady to the field where the cows lay. She went round every cow and stroked them and lo and behold they all stood up and carried on as normal. The farmers wife took the lady back to the farm and while they were having a cup of tea she said ‘I’m sorry I forgot to ask you your name’. The lady replied ‘my name is Thora Hird’.

Don’t forget to visit the website: To find out details of the latest events Or sign up to the Facebook Group Northwealdvillagelife

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There have been some voices raised over the decision by the BC to remove their Songs of Praise programme from the popular spot it has enjoyed for many years to what might described as a ‘side-line slot’. I have to say that it is not a programme that I have ever been very enthusiastic about but I can understand the irritation that its many followers are currently feeling at this relegation. At the same I have to day that it does not surprise me since the BBC have been steadily pushing religion of all kinds to the margin. The extent to which our national broadcasting organisation has been steadily eroding traditions and values has been brought home to me after reading a recently published book entitled The Noble Liar – BBC. The author, Robin Aitken writes with first-hand knowledge as he was with the BBC for twenty-five years. It would appear that what was once a tower of strength in the media world is now a centre of liberalism. Talking of TV prompts me to ask if you happened to see that remarkable documentary on the unsavoury subject of decay. What to us is a nasty business of things going rotten was shown to be part of nature’s own remarkable and continuous recycling process. I was reminded of this on Ash Wednesday when a cross using damp blackened ash is marked on the forehead of every worshipper with the words “Remember O man you are but dust and to dust you shall return”. Our Lenten series of short talks deals with two simple alternatives. Doing what we want without a care or going what God asks of us. 8pm on Thursday evenings. The fourth and fifth sessions are on April 4th and April 11th. Everyone is welcome.

W . J. CRUMP Crash Repairs

Established local company High quality car repairs Body Repairs Approved Insurance Repairer

Telephone: 01992 522351 Tylers Green, 284 High Road, North Weald CM16 6EG Page 36

Tel: 07814 863955

The date of Easter being rather late this year means that Holy Week from Palm Sunday on the 14th to Good Friday on the 19th will all be in the April calendar. At St Andrew’s church we shall be observing all the special days with a procession on Palm Sunday, Mass on Maunday Thursday at 8pm wit the stripping of the altar and the ceremonial removing of the Sacrament to the Altar of Repose at which time we reflect on the way in which Jesus, the Son of God, was beaten, tortured and mocked. On Good Friday the afternoon liturgy takes place in an empty and desolate-looking Sanctuary. The contrast between this and the celebration of the Resurrection three days later is understandable. And the effect of that event was to put an end to death. The most frequently asked question we hear: “When will you have a new vicar?”. The short answer is that we simply do not know. The time was when the Church Commissioners’ investments provided sufficient interest to meet the costs of clergy but that has all changed. Parishes are now being encouraged to be self-sufficient. There is no question of St Andrew’s church being closed but there is a heavier burden of responsibility on the faithful. Here is a proposition. Let’s declare an amnesty. All those who have dropped away for one reason or another are invited to come at 9.30am on Easter Day. No questions will be asked. No jibes. Welcome back. Edwyn Gilmour


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Some of the district’s most remarkable people had their moment in the spotlight on Friday 15th March at Epping Forest District Council’s Civic Awards ceremony 2019 at the Marriott Hotel, Waltham Abbey. June O’Brien from North Weald, who runs the Evergreen Club for retired men and women at Pelly Court, Epping was named the winner of the prestigious Citizen of the Year Award. She raises funds to keep the group going, ensuring all members, of which there are more than 70, have a pleasurable and fun-filled afternoon. The Roding Valley Parkrun volunteers were named Team of the Year 2019. The Junior Parkrun volunteers give their time every Sunday to host a free running event for children aged 4-14.They turn up at 8am on a Sunday morning, set up the course, and perform the duties of time keeper, bar code scanner, finish token awarders and they wash hi-viz jackets too! All volunteers work during the week to make sure there are 18 people available so that the event can take place, in all weathers! You can check my reviews at:-

Jack Rush from North Weald was presented with the Young Citizen of the Year Award 2018. Jake is a young scout leader with the 3rd North Weald Scout group. His citation said he is an outstanding role model in showing young cubs and scouts that they can do anything they want to, when they put their minds to it. Detective Constable Jo Pilcher of Essex Police and Ryan FitzGibbon of the Essex Fire and Rescue Service were awarded the Community Service Medals Well done to everyone.

NEW Fresh hot Coffee Canine capers as St MOT’S, Services Repairs Tyres & Exhausts Oil

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BIRD FEATURE - APRIL 2019 This covers the period mid MARCH to mid APRIL. In the last edition I noted that we had a brief cold snap and wondered what lay ahead at the end of February and into March. Little did we know that those last few days of February would see records being broken as the sun shone and mild air wafted over the UK. Our local birdlife had an easy time of it as they enjoyed benign conditions whilst foraging for food and of course the warmth stirred some insects into emerging unseasonably early - insects mean food for birds and many will have taken advantage of the prey on offer. Into the second week of March we are seeing some very windy conditions and many branches and twigs that have been weakened over the winter could be broken off by the force of the anticipated gales. Of course there are still very few leaves on the trees so there shouldn't be too many large trees getting blown over but it can happen. Some birds will have already started building nests and some of these can be vulnerable in more exposed sites. If a pair of birds have invested time and energy constructing a nest then it is a severe setback to see their efforts dislodged and falling apart. Some species such as Woodpigeons that breed early can see eggs or chicks falling from nests that are damaged by stormy weather. Spring sees an upsurge in activity with courtship, displays, territorial disputes, nest building, egg laying, all on top of the day to day survival requirements such as finding food and avoiding predators. In many respects this is the time of year when birds are truly at their most conspicuous. There is all this activity and with the foliage of many trees and bushes not yet fully thickened up birds can just be that bit easier to spot. In addition there are the incoming migrants - warblers, swallows and martins are the earlier arrivals. Certainly by mid April I would expect to be hearing the distinctive and repetitive "chiff-chaff" call of the small warbler species known as a Chiffchaff in reference to that call. This bird can be one of the most obvious species heard throughout the spring but with its small size and relatively non-descript brownish plumage it can be surprisingly hard to actually spot as it forages through trees and bushes. There have been quite a few gulls about and most afternoons there are some to be seen as they fly in a general westward direction heading for the reservoirs in the Lee Valley area where a fair proportion roost over the winter and into the spring. I have previously mentioned a pair of Lesser Black-backed Gulls that have frequented the village area over the last few months and they are still about. When you get a blustery day with dark grey skies then that is when the gulls seem to come into their own with their masterful flight and brilliant white plumage. They are after all birds of the sea so some strong winds over rural Essex will not faze them. The winter thrushes were very scarce around our area over the winter and I would imagine there won't be any more to be seen now that we are into the second half of March. My initial hunch is that this year has seen the lowest number of Fieldfares and Redwings that I have noted for some years. The conditions overall have not been cold enough to build up the numbers. A couple of Little Egrets have been around although I haven't seen them with any regularity. Mind you I have mostly walked around Weald Common and the disused golf course so haven't checked out as many locations as normal. One species I have seen regularly is the Canada Goose - in fact it has been a pair flying over on numerous occasions, sometimes in the morning and on other occasions during the early afternoon. I am assuming it is the same two birds on each occasion. This is a big species and you can normally hear them as they head towards you as they make a loud trumpeting call. An introduced species that has done very well in the UK and become quite familiar, with some being quite tame around a number of lakes and parks. By mid April there is every chance that we will see some Linnets frequenting quieter residential streets around the village. They forage for small weed seeds and will often fly a short distance when disturbed and then quickly return to the weed patch to start feeding again. The Linnet is a member of the finch family and the male has crimson marking on the head and breast in addition to grey and brown plumage. They utter a trill call when they fly off. It is normally only around spring and early summer that they can be seen in our gardens and at kerb sides. As I said this is a lively time of year for our birdlife and any walk can offer the chance to see a variety of species. Learning the calls and songs of our birds can help you to identify more species and can alert you to the presence of birds that you would otherwise not realise were there. Spring is a good time to learn some of these bird voices as many species are very vocal and often sing from quite prominent positions. We have quite a few readily accessed public footpaths in our area so if you are able to take advantage then do so, you never know what may fly past, plus be aware of other wildlife. Take care. Source: Paul Corbet Page 38

Tel: 07814 863955


Essential Local Numbers The Alzheimer Society

01992 717676

North Weald Chemist

01992 523887

Cats Protection

0333 200 1484

North Weald Methodist Hall

01992 522143

Citizens Advice Bureau

03444 77 0808

North Weald Library

033301 32683


0800 555111

North Weald Village Hall Bookings

01992 523731

Doctors High Street, Epping

01992 579270

North Weald Parish Council

01992 523825

Doctors The Limes, Epping (visits/emergencies)

01992 566500

Queens Community Hall Bookings

07522 473024

Doctors The Limes, Epping (appointments)

01992 573838

NHS Urgent help & advice


Doctors The Limes, North Weald 01992 524383

Essex Police

0300 333 4444

Epping Forest District Council

01992 564000

Police, Neighbourhood/local


Epping Town Council

01992 579444

Police, Emergency


EFDC & ECC Cllr Chris Whitebread

01992 573557

Police Online reporting

MP Alex Burghart

0207 2191613


01279 306058

(MP for North Weald)

MP Mrs Eleanor Laing MP

020 8508 8608

Samaritans 24 Hours a day

116 123

MP For Thornwood

Hospital, St Margarets, Epping

01992 561666

Stuart Poulton

01992 522607

24 Hour

01992 572607

Hospital, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Harlow

01279 444455

St Andrews Church

01992 577168

London & Essex Boarding Kennels & Cattery (Kents Farm)

01992 522183

St Andrews Primary School

01992 522283

North Weald Airfield

01992 564200


0870 6082608

LOCAL CLUB DIRECTORY 3rd North Weald Beavers

North Weald Preservation Society

Queens Hall Charity

Tel: 01992 524672

Tel: read 01992 522618/522630

Tel: 522910

British Legion, North Weald Branch

North Weald Cricket Club

Rapier Cycling Club

Tel: 01992 614415

Tel: 524631

Epping Ongar Railway Volunteer

North Weald Scouts Group

Taoist Tai Chi Society

Tel: 01277 365200

01992 524672

Tel: 01992 523854/07803243625

Harlow Badger Group

North Weald Seniors Society for over 70’s

Theydon Jazz Club

Tel: 07941 185171 Friends Force Hertfordshire/Essex

Tel: 522196

Thornwood Seniors

Tel: 522464

Tel: 577872

Epping Forest Rotary Club

North Weald Wireless Station Bowls Club

Tel: 07855 911323

Tel: 522803

Forest Highlanders Pipes & Drum

North Weald Women’s Institute (Afternoon)

Tel: 01279 415563

Tel: 01708 250820

Tel: 522700

West Essex Flower Club

North Weald Angling Club

Queens Hall Bowls Club

Tel: 524631

Tel: 01992 524071

Tel: 523375 or 522052

01945 588325/

Three Valleys Male Voice Choir

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