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Save our Library

Save North Weald Library

A ;Save Your Library’ campaign has been launched by North Weald Bassett Parish Council.


North Weald Library is one of four libraries in the district earmarked for closure under Essex County Council proposals which are out for public consultation until 20th February.

The High Road library also accommodates the parish council office.

Parish council chairman Alan Buckley told Monday's parish council meeting: "We aim to bring everyone’s attention to the dilemma we could be facing.

"We have produced an action plan and are trying to get everything out via the media, posters and banners."

The parish council is also compiling a database of local residents who would be interested in volunteering should the library continue as a community-run facility.

Notices highlighting the campaign are to go up on the parish council noticeboards and banners will be put up across the Parish with residents encouraged to complete the public consultation document which is available online at www.essex.gov.uk/librariesconsultation.

A link is also available via the parish council’s website www.northweald-pc.gov.uk.

The council will also consider holding a meeting and could invite the three MPs which cover the Parish as well as county councillor Susan Barker, the county council cabinet member with responsibility for libraries and who is overseeing the shake-up proposals.

Mr Buckley added: "It's imperative we get the message across to as many people as possible."

Councillors are also raising awareness of the council's campaign and the threat facing North Weald Library with St Andrew's Primary School, The Ongar Academy, the local scouts, and with representatives of local churches and public halls.

* Large print and Easy Read information and surveys are available via www.essex.gov.uk/libraries-consultation or by ringing 0345 603 7639 to request. You can also complete the survey over the phone using thie same number.

To register interest with the parish council in becoming a community library volunteer, ring the Parish Office on 01992 523825 or email clerk@northweald-pc.gov.uk

If you value the library in the village, it is important you act and have your say in the consultation. If you don’t and only low numbers respond to the consultation, Essex County Council will continue with the plans to close the Library and there will be no second chance.

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