Nwvl july 2017 magazine issue

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North Weald Village Life Strengthening the Community

FREE North Weald Bassett Community Magazine Circulation: Monthly

Issue: 131

JULY 2017


NORTH WEALD VILLAGE LIFE About North Weald Village Life North Weald Village Life is an independent magazine and website, owned and published by a local resident who is dedicated to strengthening the local community, improving communication and promoting local businesses and suppliers to local residents.

Circulation The magazine is available free of charge monthly and is distributed from 20th of each month.

Copies can be collected from: • • • .

• • • • •

News Shop, High Road Kings Head Garage, High Road North Weald Library Art Nursery, Vicarage Lane Newsagents, Coopersale Party Package Thornwood Happy Grow Nursery, Thornwood Davis Estate Agents, High Road North Weald Chemist

Subscription If you would like to guarantee your personal copy or perhaps you have relatives or friends who would like to receive their own copy, you can subscribe for £18.00 for 12 issues. Please email me, download a copy of the form from the website or write to me at the address below.

Advertisers Advertising rates start at £19.00 for quarter page, £36.50 for half a page and £68 for a full page. Colour advertising rates are now available and there are some premium positions available at this current time. Please contact us for more information. The deadline for booking is the 5th of each month.

Contributions & Editorial If you would like to contribute editorial, poems, recipes, letters or anything else, we would be delighted to receive these. Please send them to us at the address below or via email.

Contact Details Telephone: 07814 863955 Email: june@northwealdvillagelife.co.uk Address: 49 York Road, North Weald, Essex CM16 6HU



I will start by talking about the recent activities taking place just a few miles away in London. The awful London Bridge incident will be remembered for ever I am sure. I will remember my family and I sitting down on a Saturday night, relaxing and enjoying some family time and then the horrifying news came on the TV about the terrorist event. We all sat there in shock, as the events unfolded and continued live in front of us, with the horrifying ordeal continuing into a second part of London. I will forever be grateful that my girls were with me that night and not out in London as they are sometimes. Then of course more recently the tragic fire in the 27 floor block tower in which it was truly tragic and scary how people could not escape or be rescued despite firefighters risking their lives, I saw on the news that firefighters wrote their names on their helmets prior to entering the building so that if anything happened, they would be quickly identified. Of course there were so many heroes at both incidents who did what they could to try and help others, and these were just normal people not trained as emergency services, but were waiters, tourists, pedestrians etc. So many lives ruined, so much sadness, so many accounts of horrific incidents and so much fear, then and now. It does make you think should we visit London or other big cities or large events? But the saying ‘life has to go on’ comes into mind and if you stop doing things you want to, then you could say that the violence has won. However it doesn't stop you being more alert of luggage and cautious of people. Regarding the village, we have so much going on. With talk of a possible new Take away taking over the old post office, communications being circulated regarding new housing developments at North Weald Golf Club and behind Skips Corner and part of Blakes Golf Course it must seem we have so many changes ahead of us. You will see a letter from the developers of the North Weald Golf Club development later in this magazine this is in response to a letter from a resident printed in last month’s issue. North Weald Bassett are in the process of preparing a draft Neighbourhood Plan. There is a committee of volunteers that have already started the process and they will be at the Thornwood Village Day event, I am a member of this committee, and it would be great if you popped over to say hello and share your views regarding either North Weald, Hastingwood and Thornwood which of course makes up the North Weald Bassett Parish , we have a stand and anybody on the stand will be happy to see you. Your views are crucial and it would be great to increase the awareness of what a Neighbourhood Plan is. We also have a busy time ahead of us socially, with Thornwood Village Day coming up, Race for Life, St Andrews School Fete and other events, fingers crossed the weather stays nice. Thank you to everybody who has sent good wishes to Andy, it is now six weeks since his big operation on his arm and leg. He is slowly getting back to normal and you will see him around again soon. He is not quite up to penning a poem for this month but he has promised he will be back as resident poet next month, so please excuse the lack of a poem in this issue. As thoughts turn to holidays, the weather certainly puts you in the mood for this and I still like holidaying in good old UK, mind you that maybe because I have four dogs and it is more practical, lets hope the weather continues for everybody during the summer. Hope to see you around in the village enjoying the nice weather.


Disclaimer: Whilst every care has been taken to ensure any data in this publication is accurate, neither the publisher nor it ’s editorial contributors can accept and hereby disclaim, any liability to any party, or loss or damage caused by errors or resulting from negligence, accident or any other concerns. North Weald Village Life does not officially endorse any advertisement material included within this publication. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reported, stored in retrieval systems or transmitted in any form electronically. Mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the permission of the publisher.

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Tel: 07814 863955

Email: june@northwealdvillagelife.co.uk


JULY BRAIN TEASER —Win a bottle of wine • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Sandcastle Sea Ice cream Sun lotion Swimsuit Holiday Water Passport Camera Waves Surfing Towel Cocktail Relax Book Packing













































































































































Congratulations this month to A. Hill who won last months prize and will be celebrating with a bottle of wine. This month the lucky winner can also celebrate with a bottle of wine. To enter this month, please send your completed entry to July Brain Teaser, NWVL, 49 York Road, North Weald, Essex CM16 6HU. Entries need to be received by 10th July. Please ensure you put your name, address and telephone number on your entry so that I can telephone you if you are the lucky winner. Good Luck.


SEASONED LOGS AVAILABLE Your local Tree Surgeons Approved by the Local Authority & established for over 25 years You can be assured of personal attention Fully Insured

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www.eppingtreecompany.co.uk Email: info@eppingtreecompany.co.uk Page 4

Tel: 07814 863955

Email: june@northwealdvillagelife.co.uk


P P Parish council opposes post office take-away plans

Plans for a take-away in the former post office premises in High Road, North Weald, are being opposed by North Weald Bassett Parish Council. Councillors have raised concerns over the 'unsociable' opening hours, and fears the proposed use would see people congregating outside the shop with the take-away also resulting in increased noise .

The council's planning committee has also raised concerns over potential rubbish accumulating outside the shop as litter is already a problem in the area with the council saying the problem is worse on Thursdays, Fridays and weekends, despite the regular visit of a road sweeper. The council has undertaken a survey of retail premises in the High Road which shows that of the 20 premises some 11 sell food; four are take-aways selling hot food, six sell snacks/sandwiches and drinks which are consumed off the premises, one gives free coffee and one sells fruit and vegetables. Parish council planning committee chairman Baden Clegg said: "Parking is also of great concern. There are only two designated parking spaces. Is this enough for a take-away? "There is currently a parking problem in that area with vehicles parking in front of peoples' drives on the High Road not allowing people to exit their homes. "The village hall has advised that visitors to the shops are using the hall as parking therefore not allowing sufficient parking for hall functions. The hall is used day-time, evenings and weekends


"While there are some yellow lines along the High Road they are not enforced. "We also believe that having a take-away in North Weald could mean that there be an increase in car journeys made, which could see customers coming from other locations such as Epping, Coopersale and Ongar."

Loughton reviewed



Following a number of violent incidents linked to Luxe in Loughton, Essex Police asked Epping Forest District Council for a full review of their licence after it was temporarily suspended on 5th May 2017. Councillors on the licensing sub-committee met on 30th May 2017 and agreed that all licensable activities should be suspended for the next 3 months. The licence holders of Luxe in Loughton informed the committee they would be reopening the venue as a Gastro Pub and renaming it the Royal Standard. Following the suspension, licencing hours would be reduced to close at 11pm on Sundays to Thursdays, and a midnight close on Fridays and Saturdays.

Well established profitable local Ironing Business for sale Would suit anyone looking for a job to work around their kids Any enquirers to faithrwallace@hotmail.com and I will send you more details.

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Tel: 07814 863955

Email: june@northwealdvillagelife.co.uk

The licence holders agreed to hold regular community liaison committees with local residents should they need to report any concerns about the venue.


Don’t forget to visit the website:

Thornwood Village Day Sunday 25th June 2017


Thornwood Common

To find out details of the latest new & events

12.30 onwards

Or sign up to the Facebook Group

Stalls, refreshments,


Fun for all the family

Race for Life Wednesday 12 Jul 2017 19:00

North Weald Airfield Raising money for Cancer Research

Don’t forget to let us know of any events you are planning or holding.

Also if you have any photos after events, please send them in so that readers now how the events went.

07432 843128 Page 6

Tel: 07814 863955

Email: june@northwealdvillagelife.co.uk



Ballroom and Latin American Dancing Classes

8.15pm & 9.15pm

Every Monday

Taoist Tai Chi

10.30am— 12.30

North Weald Village Hall. Beginners at 8.15 and intermediate at 9.15. Contact Debbie on 07872 427946. Epping Hall, St Johns Road, Epping. Tel: 01992 523854.

Every Tuesday

Taoist Tai Chi

7.30pm— 9pm

Queens Hall, School Green Lane. Tel 01992 523854 for more information

Every 1st Tuesday

Ongar Flower Club


Zinc Arts Centre, High Road, Ongar. A floral art demonstration given by a qualified and experienced demonstrator. guests/visitors £4.50 members free. If you love flowers, why not come along?

Every Tuesday

Baby & Toddler Group

1.15pm— 2.45pm

Queens Hall, School Green Lane. Term time only. £2 per family.

Every Thursday

Baby & Toddler Rhyme Time

10.30am— 11am

North Weald Library. For under 5’s and their parents/carers (term time only)

Every Thursday


7pm— 9.30m

Wheelers Farm Gardens, £4 for book of 8 pages (2 games per page) Option Flyer £1. 50p for small raffle and cup of tea/coffee. Over 18 only

Every third Saturday in the month

The Jack Free Show

Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday in the month

Theydon Jazz Club

8pm— 10.30pm

Thornwood Village Hall

Every Saturday and Sunday

North Weald Airfield Museum

12 noon— 5pm (last entry 4pm)

North Weald Airfield Museum, Hurricane Way

Friday 24th & Saturday 25th June

Public Consultation—regarding Golf Club development

17.30— 20.00 (Fri)

North Weald Village Hall. All welcome to come along and talk to the developers of the proposed mixed development scheme.

North Weald Village Hall

9.00— 11.00 (sat)

Sunday 25th June

Thornwood Village Day

12 noon

Thornwood Village Hall

Wednesday 5th July

North Weald WI


North Weald Village Hall This month at North Weald Village Hall our talk is about The National Memorial Arboretum. Visitors welcome. Pay £3.00 on the door.

Saturday 8th July

School Fete

Monday 10th July

West Essex Flower Club

St Andrews School. Stalls, fun. All welcome. 12.15

Thornwod Villlage Hall.

Wednesday 12th July

Race for Life


Our flower club is celebrating its 65th anniversary luncheon. Members only. Visitors welcome for National demonstrator Mellissa Sheldrake’s demonstration entitled “Flights of Fancy” £6.00 pay on the door. North Weald Airfield

Sunday 16th July

Best of British Community Day


North Weald Airfield. Tickets £6 00

Sunday 30th July

50th Anniversary of Village Hall


North Weald Village Hall. Free refreshments and bar available at club rates.

If you know of a local event, please let me know and I will include this in the events calendar on www.northwealdvillagelife.co.uk. Page 7

Tel: 07814 863955

Email: june@northwealdvillagelife.co.uk


Planning Applications Planning File No: 026850 Application No: EPF/1367/17 Officer Name: James Rogers Application Name: Mr Jamie McGahan Location: 33 Forest Glade North Weald Bassett Epping CM16 6LD Proposal: Two Storey Side Extension Planning File No: 026841 Application No: EPF/1396/17 Officer: Graham Courtney Application Name: Mr Michael Abbot Location: 7 Harrison Drive North Weald Bassett Epping CM16 6JD Proposal: Demolition of existing garage and erection of new 3 bed dwellinghouse Any representations on applications should be made in writing, by Monday, 3rd July 2017 Epping Forest District Council www.eppingforestdc.gov.uk Comment online at www.eppingforestdc.gov.uk/iPlan or by post to: The Director of Planning and Economic Development, Epping Forest District Council, Civic Offices, 323 High Street, Epping, Essex CM16 4BZ Any enquiries should be made to the Application Processing Team T: 01992 564436 E: appcomment@eppingforestdc.gov.uk

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Tel: 07814 863955

Rotary club presents £14,000 golf day proceeds to St Clare Hospice A cheque for £14,000 - the proceeds of the club's golf day - has been presented by the Rotary Club of Epping to St Clare Hospice.

Rotary club president Barbara Scruton presented the cheque to hospice chief executive Sarah Thompson and community fundraising lead Dani De'ath at the club's weekly Tuesday meeting


Sarah Thompson said: “This was the 13th year that the Rotary Club of Epping has organised their annual golf day for us and we are so delighted that it was once again a huge success - raising £14,000 to support our care. "Epping Rotary has supported St Clare for many years and has raised an incredible total of more than £150,000 since 2003. The golf day with an auction, held at Saffron Walden Golf Club, was sponsored by local businesses, many of them with Rotary members. Peter Stevenette, the main sponsor, said: "A great deal of work went into making the event possible and for it to run so smoothly."

Email: june@northwealdvillagelife.co.uk


HOME GLAZING REPAIR SERVICE LTD The Local Company You Can Really Trust! We specialise in the repairs to all makes of windows and doors

Broken Down/Misted Sealed Units Replaced Locks/Hinges Renewed Conservatories Cleaned/Repaired Cat & Dog Flaps Fitted Front Door Panels Renewed

District shows support for London “It is with a heavy heart that the flags have been lowered to half-mast once again as the Epping Forest district shows its support for the innocent victims and survivors of the latest attack to strike London.” “Our hearts and best wishes go out to all those innocently caught up in the events of the weekend.”

Newly appointed District Council Chairman David Stallan continued: “So much has happened. This weekend we have seen the best and the worst of human nature. We witnessed another cowardly attack by a few deluded individuals but we also saw the best as people came to each other’s aid with immense bravery and compassion.”

Handles Replaced Letter Plates Replaced Guttering Replaced/Cleaned

“That was followed by the concert on Sunday where the whole nation came together for Manchester and London in the best possible way. We stand together and we reject the messages of hate.”

Full Maintenance of UPVC & Aluminium

A Complete Service To All Windows & Doors FOR A FREE NO OBLIGATION QUOTE CALL FREEPHONE 0800 917 2794 Or VISIT US AT www.homeglazingrepairservice.co.uk

Council Leader Councillor Chris Whitbread has also been quick to add his voice to messages of support. He said: “Only a few short days ago, I spoke of our debt and gratitude to the emergency services in Manchester.” “It has become clear that without the bravery and professionalism in particular of our police, the events of Saturday in London could have been so much worse. At times like this we put aside our small arguments and remember we are a great country. We will not be defeated.”

Two people charged following tragic death on bouncy castle Summer Grant, from Norwich, suffered serious injuries while on a bouncy castle in Harlow Town Park on March 26, 2016. She was taken to Princess Alexandra Hospital but sadly died a few hours later. Shelby Thurston, 25, and William Thurston, 28, both fairground employees, of Whitecross Road, Wilburton were arrested in connection with the investigation.

They were charged today, Thursday June 15, with manslaughter by gross negligence. They were also charged with failure to discharge a general health and safety duty under the Health and Safety at Work Act. They are due to appear at Chelmsford Magistrates’ Court on q9t July . Detectives are continuing their enquiries and are trying to trace a witness who was near the fairground rides at the time of the incident. He was described as a young black man, believed to be aged in his teens. Contact the Harlow Major Investigation Team on 101 or email scdappeals@essex.pnn.police.uk . Information source: Essex Police website. Page 9

Tel: 07814 863955

Email: june@northwealdvillagelife.co.uk


W . J. CRUMP Crash Repairs Established local company High quality car repairs Body Repairs Approved Insurance Repairer

Telephone: 01992 522351 Tylers Green, 284 High Road, North Weald CM16 6EG

PAW PRINCE DOG WALKING SERVICES Your local and trustworthy dog walkers We cover North Weald, Epping, Theydon Bois, Coopersale, Ongar and surrounding areas. We are a Pet Taxi

Top award for management of Essex highways network Essex Highways has been nationally recognised for its upkeep of roads and pavements in the county. The British Standards Institution (BSI) has rewarded the efforts of Essex County Council and its highways partner, Ringway Jacobs, with the prestigious ISO 55001 for effective maintenance of Essex roads. Essex’s highways total infrastructure is valued at more than £10 billion (excluding land) and includes::•

More than 5,000 miles of roads

4,000 miles of footways and cycleways

4,000 miles of public rights of way

125,000 streetlights

More than 1,500 bridges, culverts, subways and tunnels

Cllr Ian Grundy, Essex County Council Cabinet Member for Highways, said: “This is a major recognition of our approach by BSI and establishes us as one of the leading Highways authorities in the UK. “The ISO award recognises our excellent management of highways maintenance. It’s how we prioritise repairs and improvements to make the most effective use of taxpayers’ money. “Achieving this standard is a good indication that we will pass the Government’s highest benchmark allowing us access to £1.2 million in funding next year. This money will be used to further improve the condition of our roads.

We are fully CRB checked and insured . There will always be 2 of us on each walk

Get race ready with Couch to 5K

so they will always be well supervised. We will never walk more that 4 dogs per person on each walk

Want to start running? If you are new to the sport, our couch to 5K programme is exactly what you need! Coaching begins on 20 June 2017.

We provide comfortable and secure transport to and from our walks. We charge £10 per hour or £15 for 2 dogs from the same household. Please contact Karen . 07545 899 476 for

Email. paw.prince@outlook.com


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Tel: 07814 863955

Our weekly sessions will help you build your fitness and stamina. It’s the perfect way to get fit for local park runs and with 4 weeks to go until race for life, there is no better time to get started! When: Every Tuesday Date: 20 June 2017 to 5 September 2017 Where: Stonards Hill Recreational Ground, Epping, Essex, CM16 6SP Time: 17:30pm – 18:30pm Cost: £3 per session There is no need to book, just turn up!

Email: june@northwealdvillagelife.co.uk


Neighbourhood Planning for North Weald Bassett Neighbourhood Planning will give our community direct power to develop a shared and agreed vision for our neighbourhood and shape the development and growth of our local area. It is pro-development, but gives the opportunity to residents to influence how development should fit in with our existing way of life. With current discussions relating to developments in our area, and planning which will of course arise in the future, it is important that the residents of North Weald Parish work together to have their say in where new homes should go, where shops and offices should be built. Have our say on what those new buildings should look like and what infrastructure should be provided to support the growth. For this reason committee members of a Steering Group are now in the early stages of gathering information and following the process to implement a neighbourhood plan for North Weald Bassett. To start finding out what you think about our area, your views and questions, the Neighbourhood Plan committee will have a stand at the forthcoming Thornwood Village Day on Sunday 25th June. Why not pop over and see them to find out more about this initiative and give your views. Just look for their new logo which was kindly created by a local designer, Mark Loder of The Collective Design. You can see this to the right.

The Neighbourhood Planning Steering Group now need help from residents, either by joining as a Steering Group committee member, joining a smaller working party, or by assisting with the delivery of leaflets and providing support at events. So please pop over and say hello, you will probably recognise a few volunteers from the Steering Group as they are all residents and all are dedicated to the future of North Weald Bassett.

The logo has been designed in full colour so come and see us at Thornwood Village Day to see the full colour version.

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Tel: 07814 863955

Email: june@northwealdvillagelife.co.uk


New ways to report hate crime

Wrong Trouser Day

Reporting hate crime as either a victim or as a witness can be very intimidating.

Raising Funds to support children in hospitals and hospices throughout the UK. Wallace & Gromit's Children's Foundation is a UK charity championing the cause of sick children by raising funds to improve their quality of life in hospitals and hospices.

Working with Essex Police the civic offices in Epping High Street is an accredited Hate Incident Reporting Centre (HIRC) with 10 hate crime ambassadors trained to help residents to ‘Report It to Sort It’. A hate crime can be a physical attack, threat of attack, verbal abuse or gestures based on race or nationality, religion, gender, disability or sexual orientation. Our hate crime ambassadors have been trained to support victims of hate related incidents. They provide support and information during the reporting process as an alternative to going to a Police station. They are able to take an effective report and provide advice and support to concerned residents Caroline Wiggins, Safer Communities Manager said: “Everyone has the right to live their life free from abuse and violence. We now have trained hate crime ambassadors at our offices in Epping, which is an accredited HIRC.” “We offer support to victims of hate related incidents at a secure and comfortable location in a professional and sensitive manner, but if you or anyone else is in immediate danger please still call 999 or 112.”

The Foundation funds an innovative range of projects to ensure children in hospitals and hospices have access to the very best comforts, facilities and equipment giving them a better, brighter future. These include arts, music and play therapy programs, sensory equipment and facilities, respite care, state of the art equipment and pull down beds and refreshments rooms for parents. Wrong Trousers Day is a national annual fundraising event which invites people to donate £1 to swap their normal trousers for wonderful, wacky or just plain wrong trousers for a day and raise funds for Wallace & Gromit's Children's Foundation. Visit the website for more details.—www.grandappeal.org.uk/wrong-trousers -day .

You can Email safercommunities@eppingforestdc.gov.uk to find out more information.

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Tel: 07814 863955

Email: june@northwealdvillagelife.co.uk


Finished GCSEs—what next? Epping Forest District Council are looking for young people from the Epping Forest district to join our apprenticeship scheme. Their scheme offers anyone between the ages of 16-18 a fantastic opportunity to earn while they learn and gain valuable qualification and skills. To join the apprenticeship scheme you must:-

• • •

Live in the Epping Forest District Be aged 16-18 Have or be expecting grades A-C in Math’s, English and ICT

Last year’s apprentices

• • •

All passed their qualifications 6 achieved permanent employment 2 moved on after we helped them to find employment in other organisations

One of the apprentices won Epping Forest apprentice of the year in the Yes partnership awards To apply, send your CV (including expected GCSE grades and where you saw the opportunity advertised) to ESU.InterventionWest@essex.gov.uk If you are interested and want further information contact Essex Employment & Skills Team on 03330 138962. Leader of Epping Forest District Council Councillor Chris Whitbread said: “Apprenticeships can help develop the skills and knowledge needed in someone’s career. They can be especially beneficial for young people who have little or no experience of the workplace“ “I am very pleased that Epping Forest District Council is able to offer these apprenticeship posts. Young people are the future and I am delighted that this council is able to invest in them. We are a small council but provide a wide range of services, so there are a number of varied and interesting opportunities here. I would urge anyone who has finished school or college this summer and not sure of their next step to find out more about joining our apprenticeship scheme.” The closing date is 3rd July 2017. If you require any further information, you can call the Essex Employment & Skills Team on 03330 138962. Tel: 07814 863955

Email: june@northwealdvillagelife.co.uk


Page 13

NEW PET STORE OPEN Come on down! Welcome to Pawlicious Purrs! We are situated at The Art Nursery Garden Centre, Vicarage Lane. At our store you will find a range of natural, luxury and most importantly affordable range of products including:FOOD & TREATS TOYS CLOTHES & ACCESSORIES


OPENING HOURS Tuesday—Friday




VALID UNTIL 31/07/2017



Please bring this voucher along with you

FREE Delivery available on orders over £20 within a 5 mile radius.


ART NURSERY GARDEN CENTRE, Vicarage Lane West, North Weald, CM16 6AL 01992 676700

Page 14.

Tel: 07814 863955

Email: june@northwealdvillagelife.co.uk


PET FEATURE Warning—Tick Alert I thought I would share with you a warning to check your dogs for ticks. I recently discovered a tick embedded on the face of my West Highland Terrier dog. Unfortunately it was before he had his summer hair cut, so in the long hair I did not realise, but it had been there for a few days and had burrowed deep into his face leaving three holes. The tick was removed by North Weald Vets, and they confirmed there had been a few removed from animals over the last few weeks. We only walk our dogs in Roughtally’s Wood so your pet can pick this up locally. They can cause infections or ill health if left . You can get preventative treatment which is probably a good idea. So watch out and be careful.

I would like to welcome Alfie to this pet feature. His photo was sent in by his owners Mark and Sue. He is 10 years old and a local boy.

I can’t believe he is 10—he looks just like a young dog!. Thank you for sharing his photo with readers of North Weald Village Life.

If you would like your pet to feature in this section, please send in your photo and some brief details. Please email june@northwealdvillagelife.co.uk.

Tel: 07814 863955

Email: june@northwealdvillagelife.co.uk


Page 15

Council welcomes new Chairman The recent Annual Council of Epping Forest District Council began with a minute silence in honour of all those affected by the Manchester bombing, this was followed by a heartfelt final speech from outgoing Chairman of Council, Councillor Jeane Lea. The meeting of Epping Forest District Council began on a sombre note as outgoing Chairman, Councillor Jeane Lea asked fellow councillors to join in a minute silence for the victims of the Manchester bombing. Councillors paid tribute to Councillor Lea as she stepped down from the role of Council Chairman. Councillor Lea raised £13,000 for the Essex and Herts Air Ambulance during her year and thanks fellow councillors for their support throughout. Councillor David Stallan has been appointed Chairman of Council and Councillor Richard Bassett was named the new Vice-Chairman. Many will know Dave in the village, he has been a local councillor for many years and has another important role as owner of the local Post Office and newsagent along with his wife Sue. In an affectionate nomination speech, fellow ward councillor Anne Grigg spoke of almost twenty years service to the District. Councillor Chris Whitbread seconded the nomination. Describing councillor Stallan as a great Housing portfolio holder and ward councillor, he also reminded fellow councillors of Dave Stallan’s formidable knowledge of the Council Constitution. Councillor Stallan thanked councillors for placing their trust in him, councillors Grigg and Whitbread for his nomination, and especially Councillor Lea for all her support during the previous year Councillor Stallan will be supporting four charities,:- Diabetes UK, the Epping and North Weald Air Cadets, Safer Places Epping Forest and Norway House, the Council’s homeless persons hostel.


Tel: 07814 863955

Email: june@northwealdvillagelife.co.uk


Annual St Clare Midnight Walk returns brighter than ever St Clare Hospice’s renowned annual Midnight Walk event, taking place on Saturday 1 July, is set to see hundreds of supporters ‘light up the night’ in aid of the West Essex and East Herts hospice charity. The neon-themed sponsored walk calls on participants to embrace their bright side – donning their favourite fluorescent attire and adorning themselves with lights and glow sticks. Starting and finishing at the Water Gardens in Harlow, there is both a 5k and 10k route available, so there is something to suit everyone! The party starts at 21:00 at the Water Gardens with a glow-stick fuelled warm up, with the walk setting off at 23:00 and returning at approximately 01:00 on Sunday 2nd July.

Local coffee shop Esquires, located within Harlow’s Water Gardens, are supporting St Clare with a special Midnight Walk sign -up event on Saturday 10 June – offering a free drink to all those who sign up at Esquires throughout the day. St Clare fundraisers will also make an appearance at Epping tube station and Epping market on the morning of Monday 12 June, encouraging local residents and commuters to take part in the charity’s flagship fundraiser which aims to raise more than £60,000 to fund their vital care.

Tickets for the Midnight Walk are on sale now. Entry costs £20 per adult (16 years and above), £10 for children (14-15 years) and there is a special group offer price of £80 for a party of 5 adults. You can re giste r onli ne at: www.stclarehospice.org.uk/event/midnight -walk-2017 or by calling the St Clare Events Team, on 01279 773747 or emailing :jamie.hooper@stclarehospice.org.uk Registration forms are also available from the Hospice reception or any of the St Clare shops.

Tel: 07814 863955

Email: june@northwealdvillagelife.co.uk


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Tel: 07814 863955

Email: june@northwealdvillagelife.co.uk


Vital Research into Cancer I am sure everybody will know someone who has suffered or is suffering from Cancer. There are so many different types of Cancer and along with the physical side of suffering there is also the mental side of fear and worry experienced by both the sufferer and their loved ones. This is something I can identify with, first hand, my mum is right now being so strong as she is suffering from secondary bone cancer and over the last few months, she has been hospitalised, spent time in a local Hospice, and is now in a nursing home. She shows her strength of character by fighting with all she has, worrying constantly about my dad, my sister and I and our familys—forever being my mum. However she has been through so much, pain, delusions, disability and facing up to the fact she will never see her home again or live with my dad, now living apart after over 50 years of marriage. I find this hard to write but I know that there are so many people fighting this horrible disease and this is why I personally take part in the Race for Life event. This will be 9th time. I have taken part over the years. The monies raised go towards Cancer Research which already has made significant changes, for example there was talk recently on the news that in five years there may be a blood test that could diagnosis cancer in it’s early stages—how many lives could this save and change? I am not alone, thousands of people across the UK take part in this event, all for the same reason. The event this year will be held on our very own Airfield on July 12th at 7pm. If you are not taking part, you can always come along to the event and just cheer on everybody taking part. The atmosphere is great, rain or shine, there are refreshments available and this year you can enjoy a drink and facilities at the Squadron which the event goes right past (usually I go by with my tongue hanging out dreaming of a Bacardi and Coke—one day!). In addition to this, of course the sponsorship is vital. We have a Peachey Girls team consisting of myself, my two daughters and of course Sarah my sister-in-law from Peachey Garages. We have a sponsorship form in the Garage if you would like to pop in and sponsor us or we have an online fundraising page—https:// fundraise.cancerresearchuk.org/page/ junes-fundraising-page-128? Please support us.

Tel: 07814 63955

Email: june@northwealdvillagelife.co.uk


Page 19.

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Tel: 07814 63955

Email: june@northwealdvillagelife.co.uk


our o

Tel: 07814 863955

Email: june@northwealdvillagelife.co.uk


Page 21.

General Election Results What a strange election it was this year, arranged at short notice, and people genuinely confused as to who they should vote for.

North Weald There was even reports of tactical voting, in relation to Brexit and to stop other parties getting elected.

Bantham and Ongar Bowls Club

(Behind the Talbot)

When the results emerged with a hung parliament. Labour did better than I think most people anticipated and the future is still up in the air, with negotiations between Conservative and other political parties to achieve the majority they need.

Meets every Tuesday at 5.30pm or 7.30pm Phone Cara: 0779 2778225

On a local level, the results of voting were as follows:Epping Forest constituency results

Brentwood & Ongar constituency results

Thomas Hall (Young People’s Party YPP) – 110 Simon Heap (Green Party) – 1,233 Eleanor Laing (Conservatives) – 31,462 elected Patrick O’Flynn (UKIP) – 1,871 Liam Preston (Labour) – 13,219 Jon Whitehouse (Liberal Democrats) – 2,884

Gareth Barrett (Labour) – 10,809 Alex Burghart (Conservatives) – 34,811 elected Karen Chilvers (Liberal Democrats) – 4,426 Paul Jeater (Green Party) – 915 Louca Kousoulou (Independent) – 104 Michael McGough ((UKIP) – 1,842

Rejected ballot papers – 130

Rejected ballot papers

Turnout 68.12%

Turnout 70.6%

Robert Halfon held the Harlow seat for Conservations.

LOST BRACELET A lady has contacted me to ask for Reader’s help.

A few weeks ago, she was with her children at the small park behind the Village Hall and this is where she believes she lost her gold bracelet.

New group opened at Thornwood Thornwood village hall, Epping

The bracelet is not of great monetary value but has sentimental value. She has had it for over 40 years. It was a small gold bracelet and had her name on it ’Rhona’. If anybody has seen this or has any knowledge of this, could they please get in touch with me, June at North Weald Village Life.

Saturday—8.30am Call Mandy on 07778117128 for more details

Tank you for your help. Page 22.

Tel: 07814 63955

Email: june@northwealdvillagelife.co.uk


The Summer is upon us at The Squadron, the last bank holiday BBQ was a resounding success so we are repeating it on the 28th August 2017 The Hangar Dance on the 8th July tickets are selling well with 50 odd to go at time of print The Community day at The Squadron sees live singers, Hog Roast, BBQ, the ‘decker bar’ will be out with Pimms & Lady Scarlett Gin from Tiptree, alongside our vintage afternoon teas, in support of the Gnats at Hangar 4a, we will have a specially brewed ale in the honour The Steak & Quiz night returns on the Saturday 2nd September at 7.30 £10 inc the steak!! The Christmas Menu is now available online for those who feel it’s not too early to plan!!

Tel: 07814 63955

Email: june@northwealdvillagelife.co.uk


Page 23.

Art Nursery Garden Centre •

Bedding plants

Perennials, roses, trees and shrubs Vegetable and herb plant

Compost, gravel, slate, sand. Garden games

• •

Miniature world Patio sets

• •

Statues and stoneware

Hanging baskets Terracotta, plastic and glazed pots.

• • •

Garden chemicals Grass seed

Water butts Turf

BBQ Fuel and Patio Gas

Hanging Baskets & Planters ready to go out now

Home made snacks, cakes & soups Wide range of coffees (Open weds to Sun www.facebook.com/ Art-Nursery-Garden-Centre


TELEPHONE 01992 523346 Vicarage Lane West, North Weald CM16 6AL (On the same road as St Andrews Church)

Page 24. Tel: 07814 863955

Email: june@northwealdvillagelife.co.uk


Gardening Hints & Tips Just sitting in the garden at home, it’s a lovely sunny June evening and looking around makes you realise what a fantastic time June/July is. How splendid all the colours and smells are, everything has burst into life—just magical. Now the hard bit, trying to keep everything looking good for as long as possible. Whilst recent rain was very welcome, it has encouraged weeds to really take hold and grow. It’s important to keep the weeds down before they set seed, on flower beds and the vegetable patch use carefully a nice sharp hoe. A hot dry day is ideal so the weed will die quickly after hoeing. On paths, patios, block paved areas and shingle driveways etc., keep weeds under control by using Weedol Pathclear. This is a very good product that not only kills the weeds but prevents further weeds from germinating for upto 3 months. It’s very important to water all your pots, tubs and hanging baskets every day, ideally in the morning or evening to prevent scorching by watering during the hottest part of the day. Direct your hose or watering can to the roots, to prevent watering just the foliage which will not do the job. With all flowers during the season, feed once or twice a week with a tomato food, this will encourage more flowers. Also regularly dead heading will prolong the flowering season. Your early potatoes should now be ready for harvesting, surely one of the best taste sensations of the year, a new potato dug popped in the pan, cooked straightaway and served delicious. Keep tomato plants firmly stacked and remove all side shoots. These are the growth that appears between the axil of the stem and the leaf. Keep them evenly watered to prevent drying out. Keep the lawn cut and edged to set of the rest of the garden. A well tended lawn can make a garden stand out. I have had a really busy season at the Garden Centre and I would like to thank all my customers for their continuing support, it is so much appreciated. All that is left is to write the end bit about having a drink and I must say at this time of the year to definitely sit back and enjoy the signs, smells and sounds in your garden with a will earned drink of your choice, mine—you’ve guessed it is a NICE COLD BEER! Cheers. Source: Nigel, Art Garden Centre, Vicarage Lane West (past St Andrews Church). Tel: 07814 63955

Email: june@northwealdvillagelife.co.uk


Page 25.

Beware of Bogus Council Workers Essex Police have recently confirmed that there have been a couple of incidents in different areas of Essex where Bogus Callers have made out they were from the local council and had come to investigate and remove rats nests in the loft. These bogus callers have then proceeded to take a deposit of cash (or in at least one case with a card reader) and said they would return to remove the nest and then disappeared. If you do get a visitor along these lines, they are likely to be fraudulent. Please ring your local council direct to confirm that any caller is bona fide. Fraudsters can produce fake ID badges. If an unknown trader knocks on your door at any time , don’t open it unless you use a door chain . Preferably, open a small window either upstairs or downstairs and speak through the window. To verify someone’s identity please ring the organisation they claim to be from. Use a number from a bill or telephone directory that you have looked up yourself – never use a telephone number provided by the caller. A bona fide caller will wait outside whilst you verify their validity – a bogus caller is also likely to disappear as soon as they know you are telephoning to check identity. Please do not let anyone into your home if you are not expecting them. REMEMBER – Your door - Your House - Your choice. Not sure? Don’t Open the Door. Display a ‘No Cold Calling’ sticker on your front door. These are available from Trading Standards free of charge. Call them on 03454 040506. If you do need work undertaken on your property, Trading Standards operate a ‘Buy With Confidence’ scheme, which enables residents to identify approved local traders who have readily demonstrated a commitment to high working standards, high levels of customer care and a fair trading policy. The ’Buy with Confidence’ scheme is available via the internet https://www.buywithconfidence.gov.uk/ or by telephone 03454 040506.


Head outside and have fun reading

C. J. A. Upholstery Stylish and contemporary pieces of furniture, individually crafted to fit perfectly to any space & lifetime guaranteed. Complement your furniture with stunning Fabric, 1000’s of fabric to choose from. Quality furniture – Made to last a lifetime

Head outside with your little (and bigger) ones this Bookstart week, have fun reading together and explore the big, wide world! This year marks 25 years since Bookstart began with the aim of encouraging families to read together and this year’s chosen book is Everybunny Dance! by Ellie Sandall. Contact your local library to find out how they’re celebrating Bookstart week and find more fun outdoor family reading activities on the Essex Libraries website.

28 years at Omega Furniture Why buy new furniture when we can re-upholster your existing piece? With more than 35 years' experience, CJA Upholstery is a small, friendly business who provide a comprehensive range of upholstery services to clients in Essex and Hertfordshire.

Contact Us 01992 893 964 / 07904 359 333 Northam, 45 North Street, Nazeing, Essex EN9 2NH

www.cjaupholstery.co.uk Page 26.

Tel: 07814 63955

Email: june@northwealdvillagelife.co.uk


Help to keep your baby safe The Safer Sleep Campaign is back to raise awareness of key risk factors and safer sleep habits that can significantly reduce the risk of sudden unexpected deaths of infants (SUDIs). The 2017 campaign launched on 12 June to raise awareness among families with young children as well as the general public about the dangers of poor sleeping conditions and co-sleeping risks for young babies. While there is a decreasing trend nationally, there was actually a marked rise in the number of SUDIs in recent years in Essex and Thurrock. No evidence has been identified to suggest a particular cause for the recent increase but there are certain risk factors

• • • •

Co-sleeping with a regular smoker Co-sleeping on a sofa Co-sleeping after consuming alcohol or drugs Co-sleeping if baby was born prematurely or had low birth weight

What can parents do to ensure their baby is sleeping safely? Safer sleep tips – this advice is for all sleep times, not just at night … Do

• • •

• •

Always place your baby on their back to sleep, with their feet to the foot of the cot Place your baby in a separate cot or Moses basket in the same room as you for the first 6 months Use a firm, flat, waterproof mattress in good condition Breastfeed your baby if you can Keep your baby smoke free during pregnancy and after birth

Don’t • Sleep on a sofa or in an armchair with your baby • Sleep in the same bed as your baby if you smoke, drink, take drugs, if your baby was born prematurely or was of low birth weight • Let your baby get too hot • Cover your baby’s face or head while sleeping or use loose bedding You can find out more information from www.escb.co.uk/parentscarers/childsafety/ safersleep.aspx

Tel: 07814 63955

Email: june@northwealdvillagelife.co.uk


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Tel: 07814 63955

Email: june@northwealdvillagelife.co.uk



Dear Editor, We read with interest page 33 of your June edition of North Weald Village Life and felt compelled to reply to clarify the content. A Garden Village is an established term created by central government and says that ‘Locally-led garden towns and villages have enormous potential to deliver the homes that communities need’ and that ‘New communities not only deliver homes, they also bring new jobs and facilities and a big boost to local economies.’ As part of all our developments we engage with the relevant county and district councils, parish councils, local residents and other stakeholders so that any planning application we make reflects their views. With this in mind we have public exhibitions scheduled on Friday 23 rd June (5.30pm – 8.00pm) and Saturday 24th June (9.00am – 11.00am) regarding the development proposals at the former North Weald Golf Club. These public consultation events will take place at the North Weald Village Hall, North Weald and will be advertised in the local press over the next couple of weeks and a considerable number of flyers will be delivered to local residents of North Weald. Your contributor is right in that it is not property developers who decide on school provision, but with new housing, be it on the former golf club site or elsewhere, there will be a pressure to provide more school places. The provision of land becomes an obligation on a developer to provide to the education authority so Essex County Council would not have to purchase the land for a school and the monies needed to build it would come from financial contributions from any developers in the area. This is all secured through a binding legal mechanism so a developer cannot simply walk away from their obligations. Where a school is provided is a process undertaken by the education authority, so we are simply saying, if a need exists or is expected to exist, our site could be a potential site for a primary or secondary school or Special Educational Needs facility . The airfield could also be an option, although development proposals on this brownfield site was highly controversial a few years ago. Quinn Estates pride themselves on doing exactly what we say and your contributor’s comment about us only providing the houses and scout hut is very far off the mark. We are currently building a bespoke sports hub in Herne Bay for 4 sports club, creating new facilities for over 1,000 local children and adults. In addition we are building a state of the art facility for the cancer charity, Pilgrims Hospice, and a variety of other facilities which will provide significant community benefit. We received consent in Canterbury in April for a scheme of 250 houses, which combined with an apprenticeship centre, new nursery, employment space, community hub, medical centre, shops and a 39 acre country park, led to a member of the Planning Committee stating in public that it comprised ‘Outstanding community, ecological, social and educational benefits that outweigh any consideration under the Local Plan that granting would be fully in accordance with the spirit and letter of the NPPF’. We do what we say and we have many satisfied community leaders who will confirm to your concerned reader. Epping Forest District Council does not currently have a sufficient 5 year housing land supply and must therefore consider a range of development proposals which will assist in the early delivery of much needed private and affordable housing for local people and future generations but also the associated health, education, infrastructure and transport requirements. This development proposal has the potential to deliver significant benefits in a sustainable location. Golf courses have very limited ecology by virtue of being continuously sprayed with pesticides over many years as part of the management regime. The provision of open space and protected areas can enhance and create habitats for wildlife to thrive in and we take advice on this matter from our very experienced ecology team and from stakeholders such as Natural England. Development is heavily regulated to protect the interests of humans, wildlife and the environment and we will only achieve a planning consent if we can demonstrate that the benefits of development outweigh any harm. We have an exceptional track record for delivery and for working with local people and local groups to ensure that what we promise does get delivered and that we are legally bound to deliver it. The scheme put forward to date represents our initial proposal and our experience shows that the scheme evolves considerably after reflecting local issues and public comments and involvement. With that in mind, we will have several consultants on hand at our first round of public exhibitions to answer queries that local people raise and would welcome this letter being circulated to alert as many people as possible to the forthcoming exhibitions and hopefully address the concerns of the author of the letter.

Hamish Buttle MRTPI MRICS, Development Director, Quinn Estates Ltd Tel: 01227831212 Direct Dial : 01227833015

Editor’s comment: If you would like to find out more about this consultation or discuss this letter with Quinn Estates, they are holding a public consultation for local residents and stakeholders. The aim is to understand the views and ideas of everybody.

The event will take place on Friday 23rd June—17.30—20.00 or Saturday 24th June 09.00—11.00. At North Weald Village Hall. So why not take the opportunity to go and find out more about what is being proposed.

Page 29

Tel: 07814 863955

Email: june@northwealdvillagelife.co.uk


North Weald Airfield Museum opening 12 noon to 5.00pm

(last entry 4.00pm ) Every Saturday and Every Sunday


Dear Editor,

May I through your magazine correct some misunderstanding that some people have about the car park at North Weald Village Hall. The whole area, apart from eight parking spaces on the right, leading to the willow tree, as you enter,( These eight spaces were allocated to the Parish Council to allow people to park to visit the Common or the Play Park, nothing else), belongs to the Trustees of the Village Hall. This includes, the Hall, the Field and the Car Park. It is PRIVATE. The car park is only “locked down” when a busy event is expected and it will continue to be so. Car parking in our village is becoming an ever increasing problem and ask anyone in authority if any thing is being done to alleviate this, and you will be told , “parking is so low down on the agenda that it is almost non existent” I hope this clears up any misconceptions’ that anyone has. George Mulliner. Chairman North Village Hall Trustees.

North Weald Golf Club Closure I have been asked to point out the following to readers of North Weald Village Life:As many residents will now know the golf club is now permanently closed. Although the local community are able to use the public footpaths and bridleway, is important to remind everyone that the land is privately owned and users must keep to the marked public routes at all times.

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Tel: 07814 863955

Email: june@northwealdvillagelife.co.uk


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Tel: 07814 863955

Email: june@northwealdvillagelife.co.uk


CHURCH CHAT Well, here is “church Chat” again, and I promise not to go on about the election this time! But as I write, there’s still lots of uncertainty and confusion after last week’s vote where the result seems to have surprised a lot of people. Please do pray for our leaders and all politicians: as I’ve said before, they’re as human as the rest of us, and they need help to do their work with wisdom and calmness. But this month I’m going to write the first of a few columns about three great “life events” that many people still choose to mark in church: Baptisms/Christenings (birth), Weddings (marriage) and Funerals (death). We call them the “occasional offices” though in the past they took up far more of a vicar’s time than the regular Sunday service! Nowadays there’s no pressure for any of these events to be celebrated or remembered in church, but the Church of England remains a place where everyone has a right in law to be baptised, married or have their funeral in the parish church where they live. So that means that, if you live in St Andrew’s parish (which is basically North Weald, Thornwood and the southern half of Hastingwood, but exceptions apply!) - even if you’ve never been to church in your life, you can be baptised/ christened there, or have this for your children, after a period of preparation. You can have your wedding there (and it’s a lovely church for a wedding!), and this is now possible in many cases even if a former spouse is still alive. And you can leave instructions for your funeral to be there, too, even if you had little faith or none: though unfortunately I can’t bury anyone in the old church graveyard any more as it’s full! And it’s good to emphasise these things: it’s one of the key things about the C of E being what’s called the “established” church. Of course I’d hope that, as I got to know people in preparation for a christening, wedding or funeral, that we could have a good conversation about God and the Christian faith. But the parish church “belongs” to the people of the parish- the Church Council are only ever trustees on behalf of those who’ll come after us. So, if you’re going to be celebrating the great life events of birth or marriage any time soon, or indeed need to commemorate a life just passed, then do think about how a church service might help bring extra meaning to the day. Lots of people still appreciate the idea of a “sacred space” in a busy and crowded world, and whatever we’re celebrating or commemorating, it’s wonderful to know that we do so in a place where others from our community have been doing the same for hundreds of years. Next month I’ll talk a little more about baptisms, or christenings, and what they’re all about. With best wishes to you all,

Fr James

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Tel: 07814 863955

(jwerodley@yahoo.co.uk or 01279 451065)

Email: june@northwealdvillagelife.co.uk


An outline of social care and support How to provide and fund social care for elderly and disabled people was a hot issue during the General Election campaign. The Government will probably want to make changes. This article is an outline of the present system, as it operates in this area. It is just about the services provided via the county council. If your needs are severe your GP or other healthcare professional should refer you for an assessment under what is called NHS continuing care. The process is different but if you are eligible for NHS continuing care the services are free. Social care from the council covers a wide range of help including: • adaptations to your home, for example a stair lift • money to arrange and pay for your own care 24 hour care at a care home - If you think you need support the first step is to ask Essex County Council to organise an assessment of needs. You, or a carer, friend or relative, can ring them on 0345 603 7630. The council must give you an assessment if you appear to need care and support. What to expect from a needs assessment—A needs assessment isn’t an exam - it’s a discussion with a trained person either from the council, the NHS or another organisation that the council works with. They could be a social worker, a rehabilitation worker or someone else who will be familiar with your situation. You’ll be able to discuss your needs and how they impact on your wellbeing, and the outcomes you want to achieve. The Council must involve you and your carer. You can also ask a family member or friend to help and represent you, or you can ask the council to find you someone independent to represent you. Your finances won’t be looked at as part of the needs assessment – that comes later. What happens after a needs assessment—The council will use the information you’ve given them to decide whether you are eligible for care. In making their decision they have to follow standard criteria which the Government has set out in regulations – in other words, they are bound by the law as to what they can do and what they must do. Paying for care—Most people pay something towards their care. You’ll most likely have a financial assessment from Essex County Council to determine this. It will take into account your income, your “capital” (savings and investments) and your expenses. You’ll have to pay for the full cost of your care if your “capital” is worth more than £23,250, but if you own your home, this won’t be taken into account unless you’re paying for a care home. Charges are set by the County Council, according to the service provided, either as an hourly rate or per attendance. If you move to a care home permanently the rules are different: after 12 weeks the value of your home is taken into account, unless your spouse or partner is still living there. Residential care is expensive so you may well be faced with the prospect of having to sell your house to pay the costs. If you are in that situation, and don’t want to sell immediately, the council may well be willing to enter into what is called a deferred payment agreement. Further help—There is a mass of detail about all this on the Essex County Council and the NHS Choices websites. And of course Citizens Advice is always available to help. Contacting Citizens Advice—The nearest branch to North Weald is at 50A Hemnall Street in Epping. We are open for drop-in from 10.00 to 2.00 on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. For other days, the Loughton branch in Loughton Library is open between 9.30 and 1.00, Monday to Thursday and the Waltham Abbey branch in Waltham Abbey Town Hall is open between 9.30 and 1.00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We have a local website at http:// www.citizensadviceefd.org.uk which includes links to the national website: www.citizensadvice.org.uk. Or you can ring the Essex Adviceline on 03444 770 808. Page 33

Tel: 07814 863955

Cat Sitting & Dog Walking Tel: 07930 624879


Email: june@northwealdvillagelife.co.uk


Set up camp safely:


As part of the Fire Kills campaign, Essex County Fire and Rescue Service is urging the people of Essex to stay safe this summer as they make the most of the weather and enjoy the great outdoors, whether camping, cooking or exploring.


By following the fire services top tips you can ensure that your great adventure is a safe and enjoyable one. Tents

• • • •

Allow at least 6m spacing between tents and caravans and ensure they are away from parked cars to reduce the risk of fire spreading Don’t smoke inside tents.

Keep cooking appliances away from the tent walls and never cook inside a small tent or near flammable materials or long grass; they can all set alight easily. Make sure you know how to escape by cutting your way out of the tent if there’s a fire. Make sure everyone knows how to put out clothing that’s on fire – stop, drop and roll.


• • • • •

Fit and test a smoke alarm in your caravan. Take special care when cooking – don’t leave pans unattended. Turn off all appliances before you go out or to bed. Make sure ashtrays are made of a material that can’t burn or topple over –never smoke in bed. Don’t dry clothes over the stove.

Remove any litter and rubbish near the caravan to reduce the risk of fire spreading. Make sure the caravan is ventilated, and never block air vents, to avoid a build-up of poisonous gases..


Care for your Outdoor Room Garden Maintenance/Tidies,

Open Fires If you must have an open fire:

• • • • •

Garden Design

It should be downwind, at least 10m from the tent. Clear dry vegetation, leaves, etc, to form a circle of earth around the fire. Build a stack that will collapse inwards whilst burning. Do not leave fires unattended. Make sure that fires are fully extinguished after use.

Mowing, Pruning, Weeding, Trimming, Holiday Plant Care,

If a fire should breakout:

• • •

Call the fire and rescue service and give the exact location. If necessary give a map reference. If this is not possible a landmark such as a farm or pub etc, will help them locate you.

This advice is courtesy of Essex Fire. Their website has lots of essential information. www.essex-fire.gov.uk. Page 34

Tel: 07814 863955

Call Kay to discuss your requirements on 07763 775330 Email; kayhewitt@rocketmail.com

Email: june@northwealdvillagelife.co.uk


Best of British at North Weald Airfield Save the date, Sunday 16 July 2017 is the North Weald Airfield community day and fly-in. The theme is the Best of British. Tickets are £6 per person, babies 12 months and under are free. Gates open 10am and parking is Activities and entertainment including bouncy castles, inflatables, petting farm and Gamez Bus are free all day in the children’s ‘Adventure Land’. Arena events form midday includes stunt bikes, Epping Pipe Band, dance troupes and Epping Gymnastics Club. A fairground organ and Big Swing roundabout will also there to entertain visitors. Fly-in is being supported by the de Havilland Moth Club, International Auster Club and the Beagle Pup & Bulldog Club. Helicopter pleasure flights available from £35 per person. Military vehicles and re-enactors, classic British cars and motorbikes will also be on show. Go to www.northwealdairfieldfunday.com

First Smart installed


Britain’s first ‘smart’ streetlights have been installed in Essex offering the potential to monitor pollution, create Wi-Fi hotspots and even guide driverless vehicles.

HANDY MAN VACANCY 2 days per week

DRIVER VACANCY 2 or 3 days per week until Oct 2017 Transit van, light loads. Some early starts. (delivery to Local, South East and Notts etc)

Both jobs are based at local warehouse in Nth Weald For further information please contact email: john@prestopets.co.uk (Payment P.A.Y.E.)

Page 35

Tel: 07814 863955

Email: june@northwealdvillagelife.co.uk

Essex Highways is leading the way by installing the brand-new Philips DigiStreet LED streetlights in Market Road, Chelmsford. The six streetlight trial is likely to result in thousands of the high-tech lights rolling out across the county. The new lights include an extra “universal sensor” socket built into lamp at the top of the pole.

This will allow attachment of devices such as sensors to collect data on air quality, traffic movements and pedestrian numbers. In future, the attachments could potentially offer a number of other features using the power supply from the streetlight. www.northwealdvillagelife.co.uk

Booked non-existent tickets from Goticketsuk.com? According to Colin Freeman, Essex Watch, many victims have reported not receiving tickets for Robbie Williams and The Demon Dayz Festival. Victims are having difficulty contacting the company and haven’t received any tickets. Action Fraud is working on shutting down the website and phone number. Action Fraud has received a number of reports from victims who have purchased non-existent tickets from ‘Goticketsuk.com’.

The Goticketsuk.com website which is taking people’s money for concerts and festivals due to take place later this year is actually a fraud. We are working with our partners in law enforcement to get the website and phone number taken down to stop others from falling victim. Victims who have purchased tickets are instructed that they will receive physical tickets along with further correspondence nearer to the event date; however, as the concert or event date has drawn closer and victims have attempted to contact ‘Goticketsuk.com’ for an update, a response has been received suggesting a number of reasons why tickets cannot be sent. These include an overbooking of tickets at the venue, a delay receiving the tickets from a supplier, or that the tickets have simply had to be cancelled. When victims have responded to the email or attempted to seek further information via ‘Goticketsuk.com’ social media platforms, there has been no further contact. Some reports have also indicated that victims have been promised a refund, though we are currently unaware of any refunds being awarded. In these cases there appears to be a number of victims who were expecting to attend a Robbie Williams concert and there have also been some reports which have indicated fraudulent ticket purchases for The Demon Dayz Festival. If you have fallen victim, it is important that you report it to Action Fraud. This will allow police to gain a better understanding of the scale of the fraud and will help build an investigation. Everyone that reports to Action Fraud will receive a Police Crime Reference Number (NFRC) and an update in writing 28 working days later. If you have paid by Credit Card, contact your provider as they will be able to reimburse you under Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act. If you paid by Debit Card, also contact your provider, but remember it might not always be possible to get your money back. More than 21,000 people have reported falling victim to ticket fraud in the last 3 years and lost £17 million. You can contact Action Fraud—0300 1232040 Page 36

Tel: 07814 863955

Email: june@northwealdvillagelife.co.uk


S. I. Painters and Decorators

North Weald Cricket Club News

Established 1980

Quality Painting & Decorating Service • • • • • • • •

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Birthday Bowls Happy Birthday to Queens Hall Short Mat Bowls Club on June 10th.

After a strong start, the club is in contention for promotion despite not having the bowling strength it had in previous seasons. Club captain James Ward is hopeful that he can attract more bowlers to the team through the strong facilities the club has to offer, about which he said 'having twin artificial practice nets and a full pavilion is almost unique throughout the whole league, visiting clubs have remarked on this enviously'. Club secretary Ross Haworth learnt a lesson before the match against Sawbridegworth; having stopped to get petrol on the way to Sawbridgeworth, and arriving 4 minutes late, he watched his teammates rack up 415 runs! It included a fabulous double century by Jacob Ellis who hit the ball so hard, one ball went out of the ground into a nearby artificial football pitch that was locked up for the summer, leading to a field full of adults going to the caretaker to ask 'Can we have our ball back please mister'.

Cricket isn't always glorious, in a match against Bengeo recently, 2 weald batters were both run out (by their captain), as he blasted the ball back at the bowler who steered the ball onto the stumps leaving his poor colleagues stranded. Just like Eoin Morgan did to Joe Root in the recent one day international against South Africa, some guys sitting on the sidelines even felt the comparison between the players could be drawn, all be it very loosely! New cricketers of all standards are always welcome and can contact club secretary Ross at ross.haworth@hotmail.co.uk to get more information. Junior fun sessions for 5-10 year olds still run at the field on Sunday mornings (10 - 11:30) to the end of the month when the holiday season kicks in.

It is 26 years since it was founded and 2 members still playing today, Pauline and Diane, were amongst some of the first members to join and Jean and Sylvia joined just a few months later and would recommend it to anyone who wants to join a very friendly club and enjoy the social side but also the competitiveness when playing in league games. Celebrations were held a little early on 25th. May When the club held its annual Jack Holden Trophy. The event was played in good spirits and some very close results with 3 members joint 2nd. with 30 shots, Jean, Pam and Mary, but the overall winner was John Doy with 31 shots. The presentation was made by Doris Holden, Congratulations John.

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Tel: 07814 863955

Email: june@northwealdvillagelife.co.uk


Bird Feature Hello. Here is the report for the July 2017 edition which as always is compiled by the middle of the preceding month. So any references to recent sightings are up to the beginning of the third week of June. Getting started, I have a few updates on things that I mentioned in the June report. Reference the Red Kite sighting I saw another one over Weald Common during the morning of Monday 12th June, it drifted over from near the High Road and then slowly meandered back towards the village hall. Re Cuckoos, I have now heard one myself and I have spoken to a couple of people who also heard a Cuckoo calling, in each case this was towards the top of the common. So although there haven't been regular observations it does at least confirm that this increasingly rare bird remains an annual summer visitor to our village. A Turtle Dove was mentioned and happily I subsequently saw one on 3 different occasions during the latter part of May, each time I was alerted by the call and then spotted the actual bird in nearby trees. Numbers of this species have fallen by something like 90% in recent decades. As a child in the 1960s I remember it being quite common and the distinctive call was a feature of most summers. Sadly those days are now long gone. The main breeding season is well under way and many birds will be starting second or even third attempts at nesting. I have noted quite a few recently fledged birds of various species, many have been common birds such as Blue Tit, Starling and Robin but also a small number of rarer Bullfinches and Linnets. I even saw an agitated Kingfisher at one location that seemed alarmed by the presence of Magpies and its behaviour and the habitat suggested to me that it may have young nearby. If any of you follow the Springwatch programmes on BBC you will have seen coverage of the nests of a variety of species. The recurring theme is that the act of rearing young birds is immensely stressful for the adult birds with any number of circumstances that could result in the loss of some - and in extreme cases, all - of the eggs or nestlings. Lack of food, predation, poor weather, poorly sited or constructed nests or unwitting disturbance by humans are some of the main reasons for failed breeding. Once the first few weeks have been negotiated many birds are then able to survive into adulthood. Of course if breeding losses are too high then the numbers of various species can drop considerably from one year to the next, with subsequent better years helping to eventually restore numbers. This is before you even take into account possible major losses in severe winters. This is why various surveys by organisations - assisted by 'citizen scientists' - can prove crucial in identifying those species that are suffering significant losses over an extended period. As July goes on there is often a lull in bird activity, unless feeding young they spend more time during the heat of the day skulking in the thicker vegetation and tend to get their feeding done earlier in the day. This can give the impression that there are fewer birds about whereas in reality they are there but just less obvious. Often it is only by recognising specific calls that you realise the birds are there and even then it is not always possible to actually sight the bird.

Happily there are plenty of other wildlife options to seek out. How many of us can really identify most insect species ??? I know a few of the more obvious bees, butterflies and flies etc but in truth I just view a hoverfly as a hoverfly and a grasshopper as a grasshopper for instance yet each of these insect types has a variety of individual species and I am going to try and study a bit more about them. I see a good variety of dragonflies but again I do not know the actual species so I think it is time to pay more attention to what I see flying and crawling about. If I get to grips with it I may be able to entitle this as the Nature Report rather than just birds. Anyway, enjoy anything you do see of the local wildlife, be it big or small and if you can have an occasional walk through a park or small wood or along a hedgerow then check out what is about, even in a relatively densely populated corner of the UK there are still plenty of things to spot and appreciate. All the best, Paul Corbet.

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Tel: 07814 863955

Email: june@northwealdvillagelife.co.uk


Essential Local Numbers The Alzheimer Society

01992 717676

North Weald Methodist Hall

01992 522143

Cats Protection

0333 200 1484

North Weald Library

01992 522896

Citizens Advice Bureau

03444 77 0808

North Weald Village Hall Bookings

01992 523731

01992 523825


0800 555111

North Weald Parish Council

Doctors High Street, Epping

01992 579270

Queens Community Centre Hall Bookings


07522 473024

Doctors The Limes, Epping (visits/emergencies)

01992 566500

NHS Direct

0845 4647

Doctors The Limes, Epping (appointments)

01992 573838

Police, Epping Station

0300 333 4444

Doctors The Limes, North Weald 01992 524383

Police, Neighbourhood/local


Epping Forest District Council

Police, Emergency


Police Online reporting


01992 564000

Essex County Councillors: North Weald—A. Jackson Thornwood—J. Whitehouse

01992 560566 01992 561875

Hospital, St Margarets, Epping

01992 561666


01279 306058

Hospital, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Harlow

01279 444455

Stuart Poulton

01992 522607

24 Hour

01992 572607

London & Essex Boarding Kennels & Cattery (Kents Farm)

01992 522183

St Andrews Primary School

01992 522283

North Weald Airfield

01992 564200

North Weald Chemist

01992 523887


0870 6082608

LOCAL CLUB DIRECTORY 3rd North Weald Beavers

North Weald Preservation Society

Queens Hall Charity

Tel: 01992 524672

Tel: read 01992 522618/522630

Tel: 522910

British Legion, North Weald Branch

North Weald Cricket Club

Rapier Cycling Club

Tel: 01992 614415


Tel: 524631

Dance Factory

North Weald Kickboxing

Taoist Tai Chi Society

Tel: 07976 786404

Tel: 07433 2843128

Tel: 01992 523854/07803243625

Epping Ongar Railway Volunteer

North Weald Scouts Group

Theydon Jazz Club

Tel: 01277 365200

01992 524672

01945 588325/davedyer24@gmail.com

Epping Forest Badger Group

Thornwood Seniors

Tel: 576038

North Weald Seniors Society for over 70’s

Friends Force Hertfordshire/Essex

Tel: 522196

Three Valleys Male Voice Choir

Tel: 522464 Epping Forest Rotary Club

North Weald Wireless Station Bowls Club

Tel: 01279 415563 www.3valleymvc.org.uk

Tel: 07855 911323

Tel: 522803

West Essex Flower Club

Forest Highlanders Pipes & Drum

North Weald Women’s Institute (Afternoon)

Tel: 524631

Tel: 01708 250820

Tel: 523731

North Weald Angling Club

Queens Hall Bowls Club

Tel: 01992 524071

Tel: 523375 or 522052

Tel: 577872

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