3 minute read
If I was kinder, would I feel less pain, If I was more humble, would I still be treated the same? If I was richer, would it be an easier ride, If I gave away more, would I feel more pride? If I hadn't meet my wife, would I still alone, If I hadn't had kids, could I still create a home? If I’d listened more to others, would I have got to where I am, If I’d done all that I should, would I still have been the same man? If I’d dreamed different dreams, would I have taken a different path, If I’d gone more with my heart, would I have encountered greater wrath? If I’d had different role models, would my outlook still be the same, If I’d taken all the easy options, who when it gets hard, would I blame? If I’d had no purpose, would I have fallen by the way, If I couldn't pick myself up, would I have made it to this day? If I had a different belief, would I be more sure of where to go, If I had no regrets, would I be someone I’d like to know? If I was older, would the meaning of life become clear, If I should die, would anyone remember that I’d been here?
Source: Andy—resident poet. Editor’s comment: Of course he will always be remembered—he is my resident poet and so many of you will remember him for that as well of course lots of other things.
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C r e a t i v i t y Aw a r d s a n d Sports Awards

You can recognise and support our district’s inspirational, up-and-coming young creative and sporting talents and help them develop their skills by nominating them for these awards.
Winners are chosen by a panel of judges andwill receive up to £500 to spend on their chosen discipline. The Creativity Award can help boost creative skills and the Active Epping Forest Sports Award can be used for costs associated with the sporting activity. All applicants must be aged between 13 and 25 years on 12 December 2022 and live, work or volunteer in the Epping Forest District, you must be able to explain how the award will be spent and what it would mean to win an award. The award must be spent on activities that take place in the district. Y o u c a n n om i n a te or a p p ly at www.eppingforestdc.gov.uk or email granNow is the time to nominate an outstanding young person who lives in the district for this award for the Epping Forest District Council Young Citizen of the Year 2023. This Award recognises the work of young people in the community who go above and beyond, making positive changes in the district. To be eligible, nominees must be aged 11 -18 years and live in the Epping Forest District. The winner of the Young Citizen of the Year Award will receive a certificate and a cheque for £100 Y o u c a n n o m i n a t e o n t h e www.eppingforestdc.gov.uk website. The closing date is 25th November 2022.