North Weald Village Life Strengthening the Community
FREE North Weald Bassett Community Magazine Circulation: Monthly
Issue: 146
October 2018
NORTH WEALD VILLAGE LIFE About North Weald Village Life North Weald Village Life is an independent magazine and website, owned and published by a local resident who is dedicated to strengthening the local community, improving communication and promoting local businesses and suppliers to local residents.
Circulation The magazine is available free of charge monthly and is distributed from 20th of each month.
Copies can be collected from: • • • .
• • •
News Shop, High Road Kings Head Garage, High Road North Weald Library Art Nursery, Vicarage Lane Newsagents, Coopersale Davis Estate Agents, High Road North Weald Chemist
Andy, resident poet, is back this month and has penned a poem about the weather that some of you may agree with. The world is a strange place, full of happiness one minute and sadness the next. Recently I heard of a local little boy who died, he went to St Andrews Primary school in the village. My heart went out to his family and friends for the loss of their little boy. As he loved motorbikes and superheroes, it was mentioned that if any body wanted to follow the funeral procession on a bike or dressed as a superhero they were welcome. I have no idea if you saw any of the hundreds of bikes that turned on up the day of the funeral, namely Saturday 15th September. Bikes came from near and far, some riders were dressed as superheroes and teddy bears. They just came along to show their respect for the little boy. Honestly they lined the flats at the Plain and were everywhere. The fact that so many good people had given up their time to do this was heart warming. I have to admit, despite not knowing the little boy, I did shed some tears and I know I was not alone. People never fail to surprise me.
Subscription If you would like to guarantee your personal copy or perhaps you have relatives or friends who would like to receive their own copy, you can subscribe for £25.00 for 12 issues. Please email me, download a copy of the form from the website or write to me at the address below.
Advertisers Advertising rates start at £19.00 for quarter page, £36.50 for half a page and £68 for a full page. Colour advertising rates are now available and there are some premium positions available at this current time. Please contact us for more information. The deadline for booking is the 5th of each month.
Contributions & Editorial If you would like to contribute editorial, poems, recipes, letters or anything else, we would be delighted to receive these. Please send them to us at the address below or via email.
Contact Details Telephone: 07814 863955 Email: Address: 49 York Road, North Weald, Essex CM16 6HU
I will start talking about my favourite subject—the weather. Warm weather and winds seem to be the weather pattern at the moment. Really unseasonably warm and it keeps catching me out. Every morning I have dressed for the day ahead and had to change as the weather is so warm. I have no idea how long it will last. There have already been three storms named in the last week so who knows what is in store.
Over the last few weeks I have been to a few local events, I was invited to attend the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Epping Forest Burial Park—you can read more about this and I attend the Epping Forest District Council Forum held at the Queens Hall to discuss the proposed planning application for the old North Weald Golf Club, again I include a report on this in the magazine. It is that time again and my eldest daughter has returned for her second year at university, she is sharing a house with 5 other girls—should be fun. I went up and moved her belongings in but they have to do the cleaning, put the bins out and cut the grass—all a good lesson. I was proud not to be so tearful this time. Next year will be different, my eldest daughter will return to her last year at university and my second eldest daughter will be starting a different university. My youngest will be taking her GCSEs at the same time as this, so a very different year. I was amazed how much a permit to park in the street near by daughter’s home she is renting is—£60 for the year, just to park outside the house. We are very lucky around here, although may be difficult to park sometimes at least it is free!!
Kind regards June Editor
Disclaimer: Whilst every care has been taken to ensure any data in this publication is accurate, neither the publisher nor it ’s editorial contributors can accept and hereby disclaim, any liability to any party, or loss or damage caused by errors or resulting from negligence, accident or any other concerns. North Weald Village Life does not officially endorse any advertisement material included within this publication. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reported, stored in retrieval systems or transmitted in any form electronically. Mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the permission of the publisher.
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Tel: 07814 863955
AUTUMN BRAIN TEASER —Win a bottle of wine • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Conker Oak tree Autumn Leaves Acorns Harvest Festival Tractor Hay Chestnuts Spider Pumpkin Soup Apples
Congratulations this month to Mr R. Kent who won last months prize and will be celebrating with a bottle of wine. This month the lucky winner can also celebrate with a bottle of wine. To enter this month, please send your completed entry to Autumn Brain Teaser, NWVL, 49 York Road, North Weald, Essex CM16 6HU. Entries need to be received by 10th October. Please ensure you put your name, address and telephone number on your entry so that I can telephone you if you are the lucky winner. Good Luck.
THE EPPING TREE COMPANY TOTAL TREE MANAGEMENT Your local Tree Surgeons Approved by the Local Authority & established for over 25 years You can be assured of personal attention Fully Insured
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Tel: 01206 384262 Mobile: 07850 390079 .Proprietor:
S. Dinsdale Email: Page 4
Tel: 07814 863955
Accident damaging 7 cars caused by speeding On Friday 7th September at just before 10pm, a major accident occurred in Thornwood Common. A man in his 20’s was driving towards the village and was under the influence of drink or drugs and lost control. It is rumoured he was speeding and when the speed camera flashed he tried to brake and lost control. However the Ford Fiesta ended up smashing into parked cars outside homes. One home suffered from broken windows. In total seven cars were damaged. The village came together and police and emergency services were soon on the scene. The only injury was to the drunk driver who was later arrested. The accident obviously shook up residents and left a lot of damage behind.
There have been concerns over the speed in the village, as repeatedly accidents do occur and there is a petition in place to ask for the speed limit to be lowered.
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Ballroom and Latin American Dancing Classes
8.15pm & 9.15pm
North Weald Village Hall. Beginners at 8.15 and intermediate at 9.15. Contact Debbie on 07872 427946.
Every Monday
Taoist Tai Chi
10.30am— 12.30
Epping Hall, St Johns Road, Epping. Tel: 01992 523854.
Every Tuesday
Taoist Tai Chi
7.30pm— 9pm
Queens Hall, School Green Lane. Tel 01992 523854 for more information
Every 1st Tuesday
Ongar Flower Club
Zinc Arts Centre, High Road, Ongar. A floral art demonstration given by a qualified and experienced demonstrator. guests/visitors £4.50 members free.
Every Tuesday
Baby & Toddler Group
1.15pm— 2.45pm
Queens Hall, School Green Lane. Term time only. £2 per family.
Every Thursday
Baby & Toddler Rhyme Time— starts again on Thursday 13th September
10.30am— 11am
North Weald Library. For under 5’s and their parents/carers (term time only) Songs, rhymes and stories. Free to attend
Every Thursday
7pm— 9.30m
Wheelers Farm Gardens, £4 for book of 8 pages (2 games per page) Option Flyer £1. 50p for small raffle and cup of tea/coffee. Over 18 only
Every Saturday and Sunday
North Weald Airfield Museum
12 noon— 5pm
North Weald Airfield Museum, Hurricane Way
Every second Saturday of the month
Ploughmans Lunch
North Weald Village Hall. In aid of NWSS. All welcome
Every second and Fourth Wednesday
Theydon & Abridge Jazz
Abridge village hall. Enquires or phone 07903 879209
Every Tuesday
Board Games Session
2.30— 4.30pm
North Weald Library. Learn new games. Share your knowledge and enthusiasm. All ages welcome Free drop-in session
Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th
Jetfest—Festival of jets.
10am— 6pm
North Weald Airfield. Festival of jets. Vintage tractors. BBQ and bar all day.
Wednesday 3rd October
North Weald WI
North Weald Village Hall. ‘ Keeping Active in Later Life’ is this month’s subject. Come along and join us and speaker Karen Lawrie.
Monday 8th October
West Essex Flower Club
All welcome. Visitors pay £3.00 on the door. Thornwood Village Hall, Weald Hall Lane. Demonstrator Sandra Price’s arrangements called ‘Flowers for all Occasions’ and an Autumn Plant Stall will be at our club to enjoy. All Welcome. Visitors pay £5.00 on the door.
If you know of a local event, please let me know and I will include this in the events calendar on There is also a new Facebook Group— North Weald village Life events—events are posted by myself and members that are taking place throughout Essex, London and Hertfordshire.
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Planning Applications Planning File No: Application No: Officer Name: Application Name: Location: Proposal:
070002 EPF/2352/18 Steve Andrews Mr John Dunsford 1 Gibson Close North Weald Bassett Epping CM16 6JS Part single, part two storey side and rear extension
Planning File No: Application No: Officer Name: Application Name: Location: Proposal:
013855 EPF/2422/18 James Rogers Mr Nishal Gandesha Mays Wish Foster Street Hastingwood Harlow CM17 9H Certificate of Lawful Development for existing use of outbuildings for storage & distribution and staff office
Any representations on applications should be made in writing Monday 8th October. Comment online at or by post to: The Director of Planning and Economic Development, Epping Forest District Council, Civic Offices, 323 High Street, Epping, Essex CM16 4BZ Any enquiries should be made to the Application Processing Team T: 01992 564436 or E:
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Proposed development of Golf Club Epping Forest District Council (EFDC) arranged a Development Management Forum for the afternoon of Saturday 8th September at the Queens Hall Community Centre. Representatives from EFDC planning department and Quinn development company along with a number of consultants headed up the meeting. After a presentation from each party, the floor was opened to questions, of which there were no shortage. There were approximately 100 people in attendance. EFDC confirmed that there had to be very special circumstances proved by the developers as the land was greenbelt. Following the recent consultation, EFDC confirmed 863 comments had been received, 658 of these were letters of support and the remainder were objections. One question received from the audience asked about an issue concerning the distribution of standard letters of support at a Karate class and asking people to sign and send these in. Mr Quinn denied any knowledge of this. EFDC confirmed that there had been some letters sent in with the same font. Another audience member asked if the people in support were from Epping Forest area and it was confirmed that many of these did not live in the area. Questions regarding the location of the development and concerns in relation to North Weald Airfield. An member of the audience asked about the preliminary consultation that had taken place about the noise of the airfield for new home owners on the development. Mr Quinn confirmed it was to be part of the purchase agreement that property owners could not complain about the airfield, both existing and if it is sold at any time. Mr Quinn agreed to consult with representatives from North Weald Airfield regarding construction and the use of cranes, the development plans etc. Another question asked EFDC if the planning development would be in addition to the developments planned in the Local Plan, it was confirmed that yes these would be in addition to and would not be part of or deducted from the developments outlined in the Local Plan for North Weald. Questions were received regarding the A414 and the location of the medical centre being so far away from the remainder of the village. Also the subject of the school was mentioned, the primary school planned is a small school mainly for new residents of the development and Mr Quinn had said they had asked about a secondary school but Essex County Council did not encourage this. Also regarding staffing the medical facilities, it was asked whether the issue of recruiting Doctors and Nurses to staff the facility had been discussed as it is a problem to recruit medical professionals for small GP surgeries so close to London. Mr Quinn said he had not looked into this. Mr Quinn referred to the potential for parish housing whereby the Parish Council could make decisions who should be considered for these homes. This planning application along with comments from the consultation and feedback from the meeting would be considered by a panel later this month and would be subject to a further consultation.
Call: 07877496903
or 01277412522
For a free no obligation quotation WEBSITE: EMAIL:
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Is your chimney ready? Now that the hot summery weather is a fading into distant memory and a cooler autumn chill is the air we want to remind everyone who has an open fire or burner to get their chimneys swept. Essex County Fire and Rescue Service are urging everyone to get your chimneys swept by an approved sweep to prevent chimney fires. Chimney fires in England accounted for over 4,200 incidents dealt with by UK fire and rescue services between April 2016 and March 2017. Lee Lucas, Head of Community Safety said: “All chimneys and flues need to be regularly cleaned and checked to ensure they’re free from debris and in full working order. A blocked or defective chimney can cause a chimney fire which can be devastating to homes as well as life threatening. "If the worst should happen, working smoke alarms can give you an early warning, make sure you have at least one smoke alarm on every level of your home and test them monthly. Also if you have family, friends or a neighbour who may need our help to fit a new smoke alarms then please get in touch." Their fire safety tips;• Have your chimney swept by a registered chimney sweep • Keep flue shafts clear • Ensure your burner is safe, compliant and fully functioning • Always use a fire guard to protect against flying sparks from hot embers • Make sure embers are properly put out before you go to bed or leaving the house • When burning wood, use dry, seasoned woods only •
Do not overload the grate
Have a carbon monoxide detector fitted as an additional safeguard against the build-up of poisonous fumes
Have a working smoke alarm
You can call Essex County Fire and Rescue Service request free home visit on: now 0300 303 0088 or book online: For any other fire safety advice, go the Essex County Fire and Rescue Service website
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Hospice invites parents to lend a hand as children return to school Hastingwood-based charity, St Clare Hospice, is inviting parents throughout West Essex and East Herts to ‘lend a hand’ to their local hospice as children across the region return to school. When children go back to school it’s a mixed bag of emotions for everyone involved. But once everyone is settled in some parents find themselves with time on their hands. St Clare Hospice’s ‘back to school’ volunteering appeal campaign addresses the need for more helping hands during the school day. St Clare Hospice’s Voluntary Services Manager, Rob Wallace, said: “This September, we are appealing to parents who have got a little spare time on their hands throughout the day after their children have gone back to school. We know that time is precious, but taking on a role at your local hospice can be a hugely rewarding way to spend your time. The benefits for you might include meeting new people, feeling happier and healthier, learning new skills, or keeping up existing ones.” IRob added: “We have lots of fun and interesting roles here at St Clare that we would love a few more helping hands for. Things like helping in our charity shops, gardening, assisting in our office, or becoming a Compassionate Neighbour where you visit an isolated member of your community for an hour a week. There really is something for everyone, as our hospice teams are just so diverse. Whatever you do you’ll be supporting a worthwhile cause that is literally changing lives in your community. We simply couldn’t do what we do without our volunteers so please do get in touch!”
In June 2018, St Clare Hospice published a post on their online Blog, highlighting the benefits of taking on a voluntary role. The blog, authored by Rob Wallace, is available to read at: news_posts/10-reasons-start-volunteering For more information on volunteering opportunities at St Clare Hospice, please visit: Alternatively, please contact St Clare Hospice’s Voluntary Services Manager, Rob Wallace, on 01279 773722 or email
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Robert Rayment
Plumbing—Heating—Gas •
All aspects of plumbing-heating and gas works - from a dripping tap to a full central heating installation.
Local with a very good reputation.
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Over 20 years experience in the industry.
Free estimates and no call out fee.
Don’t forget to visit the website: To find out details of the latest events
Or sign up to the Facebook Group
07853 878895 You can check my reviews at:-
Skips Corner Do you remember in last month’s issue of the magazine, I received a letter asking if any readers could help explain how Skips Corner in the village was named? With thanks to David Lodge who took some time to investigate this, it has been confirmed that many many years ago someone kept bees in that area, and another name for bees hives is skips, so hence the name ‘Skips Corner’.
So thank you David for looking into this.
Hello readers,
This photo was taken earlier this month over the north weald fields at skips corner! Absolutely wonderful day!
As luck would have it, a letter and photo was sent in of Skips Corner which I feature here.
Anyone that hasn't ventured into the many fields and haven't seen the marvellous wildlife should! Get out there and explore by waking, biking or dog waking as your fury friends need a walk everyday!! These are the areas of north weald I love and appreciate the most, same with my dog! G. Levy
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Local Plan progress Epping Forest District Councillors received a verbal report at the Local Council Liaison meeting which was held on 10th September on the current position of the new Local Plan for the Epping Forest District. Despite the Council’s success at Judicial Review in June 2018, an injunction remains in place that prohibits Epping Forest District Council from submitting the Submission Version of the Local Plan. The claimants (CK Properties Ltd) made an application for permission to appeal to the High Court which was refused in July, t
Working together in suicide prevention Suicides are more prevalent among men than women in Essex and the most vulnerable age group is men between the ages of 35 and 64. Epping Forest District Council is part of the West Essex Stay Safe team which has launched a ‘call to action’ of partner organisations in the area to not only raise awareness of suicides, but also to encourage people to talk about suicide and feel confident in doing so.
Suicide is among the top 20 causes of death globally
135 relatives, friends, colleagues, are profoundly affected by each suicide •
HOME GLAZING REPAIR SERVICE LTD The Local Company You Can Really Trust!
Everyone can make a contribution to preventing suicide We specialise in the repairs to all makes of windows and doors
“Don’t be afraid to approach someone you think isn’t coping. Just showing that you care will be a positive step towards supporting them,” said Cllr Sam Kane, Portfolio Holder for Safer, Greener and Transport.
Broken Down/Misted Sealed Units Replaced Locks/Hinges Renewed Conservatories Cleaned/Repaired
“You don’t have to be able to solve their problems but if you feel you can, offer support and encourage them to talk about how they’re feeling. Ask direct questions and don’t be afraid of frank discussions. Many people do want a chance to talk but don’t want to burden anyone around them.”
Front Door Panels Renewed
Organisations that provide support:-
Guttering Replaced/Cleaned
• • • • • • •
Essex Safeguarding Children Board (ESCB) World Suicide Prevention Day Samaritans Kooth Papyrus The Big White Wall Childline
Cat & Dog Flaps Fitted Handles Replaced Letter Plates Replaced Full Maintenance of UPVC & Aluminium
A Complete Service To All Windows & Doors FOR A FREE NO OBLIGATION QUOTE CALL FREEPHONE 0800 917 2794 Or VISIT US AT
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Tel: 07814 863955
Fraudsters caught Fraudsters who funded lavish lifestyles by cold calling elderly victims and demanding extortionate amounts of money for unnecessary work to their homes have been convicted. The investigation was undertaken by Essex Police and supported by Essex Trading Standards. Trading Standard officers assisted in taking witness statements from some very vulnerable victims. What makes these crimes so abhorrent is that the perpetrators made every effort to befriend their victims to maximise the money that they were able to extract from them. Please keep your elderly family, friends and neighbours safe and report any suspicious activity.
Organ Donation Week The national NHS campaign which was launched at the beginning of September during Organ Donation Week, is urging people to talk to their families about organ donation to increase the number of people whose lives can be saved or transformed by an organ transplant.
Nationally, three people die every day in need of an organ, and there are around 25 in West Essex on the transplant waiting list. More and more families in West Essex are saying yes to organ donation but there is still an urgent shortage of donors. The theme this year is 'words save lives' and it's all about encouraging a conversation about organ donation. While most people support organ donation, many people don’t realise that their family’s support is needed for organ donation to go ahead. If you want to save lives, a few words can make an extraordinary difference. Anthony Clarkson, Interim Director of Organ Donation and Transplantation for NHS Blood and Transplant said: “Words save lives. Please, tell your family you want to save lives through organ donation, because it could be the difference between life and death for someone else.” Millions of people are already on the NHS Organ Donor Register, join them today and tell your family you want to save lives.
Don’t forget to visit the website: uk To find out details of the latest events
Or sign up to the Facebook Group Northwealdvillagelife
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Emergency Numbers Just as a reminder here is a reminder of some of the emergency numbers and websites details:-
Tel: 07814 863955
Essex Police: 101 for non emergency calls
999 for emergencies or when people are in danger
Epping Forest Police website is: https://
British Transport Police: Report a crime or incident on or near stations and on public transport 0800 40 50 40 or text 61016.
Crimestoppers allow you to report crime anonymously. 0800 555 111
Eleanor Laing MP has offered to collate incidents that have happened to you and your family, and she is inviting you to email her:
Roger Hirst, PFCC our-team/pfcc-dpfcc/
If anyone sees a deer or other wildlife hit by a car or in distress please call the Epping Forest Rangers on 020 8532 1010 24 hours
Tel: 07814 863955
T 0208 989 8444 E
Redbridge Page 16
The 1100 Club holds their national rally in North Weald Over the weekend 28th and 29th July, the 1100 Club National Rally at the Epping Ongar Railway, North Weald. More than 30 1100 visited during the weekend.
The 1100 Club was formed in 1985 to cater for owners of the BMC 1100/1300 range of cars - known as the ADO16 - including Austin, Morris, Wolseley, MG, Riley, Vanden Plas and Innocenti. On the Saturday evening about 100 club members and their families enjoyed a meal aboard the Epping Fryer heritage.
The 1100s on display certainly caught the attention of people also visiting the Epping Ongar Railway that weekend.
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Community Champion Local matters including the Council's search Community Champions was discussed at the meeting of the Local Councils Liaison Committee on Monday 10thh September 2018. District Council Officers appealed to local representatives to help their search for Epping Forest Community Champion recruits. Champions are volunteers responsible for promoting Health and Wellbeing events and information within their local communities. The Council is looking for individuals that are:
over 18
passionate about where they live
connected with their local community
able to support events and fun days
able to promote community health and wellbeing team information Contact Patrick Arnold for further information—email or call 01992 564556.
Over the Counter Medicines
C. J. A. Upholstery Stylish and contemporary pieces of furniture, individually crafted to fit perfectly to any space & lifetime guaranteed. Complement your furniture with stunning Fabric, 1000’s of fabric to choose from.
Quality furniture – Made to last a lifetime 28 years at Omega Furniture Why buy new furniture when we can re-upholster your existing piece?
There are some changes being made to the way these medications are prescribed. Your GP, nurse or pharmacist will not generally give you a prescription for those medicines you can buy over the counter (OTC) in a pharmacy or supermarket for a range of minor health concerns. For more information visit the NHS website. Instead the team of health professionals at your local pharmacy can offer help and clinical advice to manage minor health concerns and if your symptoms suggest it’s more serious they’ll ensure you get the care you need. The NHS has been spending around £136 million on prescriptions that can be bought OTC. By reducing this we can prioritise treatments for people with more serious conditions such as cancer, diabetes and mental health problems . There will be some exceptions to the new prescriptions rules and if your symptoms do not improve you can go back to the pharmacy for further advice, call NHS 111 or contact your GP.
With more than 35 years' experience, CJA Upholstery is a small, friendly business who provide a comprehensive range of upholstery services to clients in Essex and Hertfordshire.
Contact Us 01992 893 964 / 07904 359 333 Northam, 45 North Street, Nazeing, Essex EN9 2NH Page 18
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Dear Editor,
A message from Fr James Some of you will already know that sadly I have felt it necessary to resign my post as priest-in-charge at St Andrew’s Church. My last service there will be on Sunday 30 th September at 9.15am, and of course absolutely anyone is welcome to attend. After the end of September I will continue as Vicar of my other church (St Mary Magdalene in Harlow) but on a half-time basis. I can’t go into too much detail about why I’ve felt I have to do this, except perhaps to say that I don’t feel I can go any further with the church family at St Andrew’s towards where they see their own personal journeys of faith leading them. But I would like to say a big thank-you to everyone in North Weald who’s made me welcome in their homes and their organisations over the last five years. It’s been a pleasure and a privilege to be with some of you at both happy and sad moments in your own lives, and of course at those important times when we have gathered as a community: on the Airfield, on Remembrance Sunday and also in our school at Christmas. And perhaps the biggest thank-you of all from me goes to the children and staff at St Andrew’s School for all that I’ve been able to enjoy with them all: I never knew that “going back to school” could be so much fun! It’s the responsibility of other people in the Church of England now – especially our Archdeacon, the Bishop of Barking and the Bishop of Richborough (whose particular ministry the PCC at St Andrew’s have wanted to keep) – to decide on what happens next for St Andrew’s Church. If you would like to offer a prayer, please could you pray for them that good decisions can be made that will bring benefit to everyone in our parish. And of course I shall continue to hold the people of North Weald in my prayers. May God bless you all. Fr James or 01279 451065
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Sunday Carvery 11.30—2pm Every week Page 21
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New legislation around animal welfare New legislation for animal businesses is being introduced by the Government, taking effect from 1st October 2018. The new rules cover animal boarding businesses (including home boarders and day carers), dog breeders, pet shops and riding establishments. They will all be covered under a single type of license known as an ‘animal activity licence‘, with new nationally-set license conditions for businesses providing animalrelated services.
“We cannot change these conditions as they are already set in the legislation,” said Councillor Nigel Avey, Portfolio Holder for Environment at Epping Forest District Council. “Businesses operating with these activities will need to comply with the new conditions, and will be assessed before the license is granted to make sure they can meet them. It means more businesses will require a license and I would advise anyone who is unsure, to check now with our licensing team.” Those businesses operating under current licences will be able to continue to do so until the expiry date of their licence. All applications to renew licences will be under the new legislation. New applicants will need to have their licences in place by 1st October 2018. Contact the licensing team at Epping Forest District Council— Email or call 01992 564034
If you want to include an announcement for a birth, death, marriage, anniversary or birthday of a local person or another reason —please send these to me via email or post and I will include it in a future issue
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First ever tea dance comes to North Weald Village Hall Sunday the 12th August saw 60 plus people attend the first ever Tea Dance at North Weald Village Hall.
Posh frocks and glittery shoes in abundance glided across the halls newly refurbished dance floor, to the sound of a live band superbly organised by a regular player at this venue (Martin Guy). The ladies in the “CAFÉ” served us with 12 home made cakes and poured tea at a rapid pace to keep all the dancers happy. Thanks to the Band and all the helpers.
“Debbie the dance”, who runs the regular classes every Monday in the hall, gave help and instruction to anyone who needed it, and during the interval taught a progressive Barn Dance. This was then performed after the break to elegance and chaos in equal numbers. A great time appeared to have been had by all and regular return dances will almost certainly take place. (WATCH THIS SPACE)
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Gardening Hints for October Well, what a wonderful summer we’ve had and now we’re heading into autumn. Thankfully we’ve now had a drop of rain so the brown lawns are now starting to green up nicely. I t’s now time to start planting spring bulbs such as daffodils, tulips, crocus, snow drops etc. You can also plant sweet Williams and wall flowers now. It’s also a great time to plant trees and shrubs as they will have plenty of moisture to allow their roots to establish over autumn and winter. Summer baskets will now be coming to an end, if you don’t want to plant them up yourself for winter then please bring your EMPTY baskets and containers in to us at the nursery and we will plant them up to give you colour in the garden right up until next spring.
As it’s been so hot recently many lawns haven’t required as much mowing as normal, give your lawn a good rake through to remove any thatch and on your last mow of the season raise the blades slightly. Keep raking up dead leaves and fallen fruits. In the vegetable garden remove all plants which have finished producing and compost them. Dig your plot over using a spade and leave the soil in large spade size clumps, the later frosts will then break the ground up nicely ready for seed sowing next spring. Don’t be tempted to break the clumps up now, as in the spring you’ll be left with flat ground that’s to hard to dig over, once dug over you can also scatter well rotted manure over the surface leaving nature to break it down for you. September and October is a good time of year to make notes, what grows well for you and what doesn’t. I know we all think we’ll remember but it’s easy to forget which was the plant that thrived and which failed so it’s much easier to make a note and pin it in the shed.
Before I forget we will be selling a huge range of fireworks which will be on sale from 16th October. If, like me you are fortunate enough to look younger than your years please bring ID with you, due to the firework laws if you look under 21 we will not serve you unless you have photographic ID. I can’t believe it’s that time of year where the dreaded ‘C’ word raises it’s head again, we will have a new range of Christmas decorations and gifts in stock, possibly by the end of October. As well as real Christmas trees from mid November. Lisa said please share photos of your hanging baskets and summer flowers to our Facebook page (@ArtNGC) Finally, Now that Happy Grow has ceased trading we are taking over from them and selling salt tablets and blocks, we would like to wish Dick all the best in his retirement and best wishes to all his staff. Don’t forget to enjoy your garden, it’s all a game of trial and error, we’re still experiencing some lovely weather so sit back and enjoy it with a drink of your choice, as it’s still nice and warm mine will be a nice cold beer. Cheers Nigel, Art Garden Centre
Thomas Davie Hair Salon NEW Fresh hot Coffee Available now
Are looking for a hair stylist - would suit someone that just wants to work part time, any hours any days to suit but at least 2 saturdays a month. You can either rent a chair or be employed. our location is 2 mins from m11 roundabout in between Epping/Harlow. Such a good opportunity new clients waiting, wealso offer hair extensions, eye lashes, nails, massage, reflexology and waxing in salon.
We are a very busy and fun salon.
Please contact carley on 0759 5912992
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To mention to
(opposite Bookers Cash & Carry)
Are you looking for new premises? We have units or offices to rent for a reasonable rate per week (includes phone line, cctv, parking, reception staff can take your calls, do your typing, take in parcels, etc). Or, if you prefer, you could have a mailbox/virtual office with a phone line for ÂŁ25 per week. Page 29
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Advertisers That you found their details in North Weald village Life Magazine or website
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Harvest Festival at St Andrews The annual Harvest Thanksgiving Service will be held at St. Andrew’s Church on Sunday October 7th commencing at 9.15am. Traditional harvest hymns will be played by the organist, Derek Bevan and harvest gifts are invited and which will then go to the Harlow Food Bank. All are welcome to come to this service and enjoy tea, coffee and fellowship afterwards in Thorowgood House just across the churchyard. Arrangements are being made for the church to be suitably decorated to go with this ‘songs of harvest praise’ event. The Church Council recognise that for many the 9.15am start is inconvenient and a later starting time is being considered to come into use in January.
Dear Editor,
We would be delighted if your readers could show their support for Hospice Care Week (8-14 October) and take time to learn more about hospice care in their local community and the support offered by St Clare Hospice. Every year St Clare Hospice offers care and support to over 1,200 people with a life-limiting or terminal illness across West Essex and East Herts. This support is tailored to each person, helping them to live life as fully as possible, while also offering support to their friends and family. The theme for Hospice Care Week this year is ‘I heart my hospice’ and we are keen to show just how varied and surprising St Clare’s work can be, and just why people feel such affection towards their local hospice. Everything that St Clare Hospice does is only possible because of the dedication of our skilled staff, hundreds of volunteers and thousands of supporters.
NEXT MONTH IN NORTH WEALD VILLAGE LIFE Church Chat will be back next month with Edwyn Gilmour, Lay Minister at St Andrew’s Church, who initially introduced the feature, picking up his pen again.
All are welcome to come along Every Fourth Sunday of the month
Lea Valley Card Club meeting
We invite people to show their support on social media during Hospice Care Week, and to share their thoughts and experiences of about hospice care using the hashtag #IHeartMyHospice. For more information visit or If you would like to speak to our team to find out how we can help, please call us on 01279 773700. Sarah Thompson, Chief Executive
From 10am until 2pm. North Weald Village Hall
Refreshments and bar available. Stamp, coin & postcard dealers also wanted. For details contact Debby Fisher on 07501 854006.
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Tel: 07814 863955
Are you in? As the autumn nights draw in the tell-tale signs of the empty house become more apparent. It is a fact that most burglars will prefer to target the empty house unseen and avoid any confrontation. As the days get shorter if you work away from home, or even pop out to get the children from school by the time you return home it may already be dark. A house in darkness says no one is in especially if your neighbour’s houses either side have lights on and show other signs of being occupied. If you back onto open farmland or have parking areas or footpaths to side or rear this may be even more apparent. Create the “Illusion of Occupancy”, when its dark make your home look like you are in. Leave lights on or put them on timers or daylight sensors to come when it gets dark. Remember though no one lives in the hall or on the landing so if you leave these lights on supplement these with lights on in rooms that you would normally occupy at that time of day i.e. lounge and kitchen. A carefully placed imitation TV or “Fake TV” can further add to that illusion of occupancy by making it look like the television is on. Some burglars may also listen at windows or letterboxes for sign of activity, so consider leaving a radio on within your home. Don’t forget the outside of your property too, if burglars see that it is lit they are less likely to approach for fear of being seen. Leave lights on, with energy efficient bulbs it costs very little now days and yet may save you lots! To the outside world—you may be in or you may not. Source: Essex Community Messaging
Reluctant Birthday I didn’t want this day to come I’ve been awake all night Checked the birth certificate and 65 is right. I don’t want to be a pensioner it makes me sound so old must I slow down EVERYTHING until I’m laid out cold? Incontinence, forgetfulness and all those aches and pains wrinkled skin and double chin thick stockings over veins. Hang on a minute, there’s free travel and cheaper hairdo’s too concessionary tickets to the Theatre and Zoo I get a pension every month I think I’ll change my plan, I won’t be … an O.A.P I’ll be a SUPERGRAN Author: Sheila Smith Thank you Adrienne Burns for sending this in to make our residents laugh.
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Tel: 07814 863955
Burial Park celebrates 10 years On 6th September Epping Forest Burial Park celebrated its 10th anniversary. It is hard to believe that not only did it open 10 years ago but a lot of the members of staff have remained working at the park from the day it opened until this day. The celebrations were held outside, a live Jazz Band was playing, namely Jack Free local Jazz musician, and hot food was provided to all guests. I would like to say thank you for a lovely evening to Maureen and all the staff.
Keeping you safe Trading Standards specialist safety officers recently examined a consignment of dangerous electrical chargers imported through one of the fast parcel distributors at Stansted Airport.
The two hundred electrical chargers consisting of a plug and lead were intercepted by members of the team on their way to a distributor having been imported from China. Their suspicions were aroused on the quality of the plugs and a sample was taken for further testing. This revealed major short comings in their construction, with access to live parts, inadequate insulation between live parts and inadequate creepage between live and neutral parts. As the importer is outside Essex the matter is being investigated by the local Trading Standards team but importantly they have been removed from the market. This is a good example to remind people that buying cheap electrical products is not cost effective and can be dangerous.
Please don’t forget to mention to any advertisers
That you found their details in the North Weald Village Life magazine
Page 33
Tel: 07814 863955
Citizens Advice says: Living together is fine, but be aware of the downside In 2017 there were 3.3 million families where adults were living together but not married, as opposed to 12.9 million married couple families. However, living together – cohabitation – is growing faster than marriage, and in families where there is only one child the adults are more likely to be cohabiting than married. (In this article “married” includes people in a civil partnership.) Day-to-day it makes little difference whether you are married or cohabiting. For instance, if you are claiming tax credits or meanstested benefits you will be treated as a married couple, which in most cases means that you will get less than you would if you were able to claim as two single people. But it is important to be aware that even long-term cohabitation does not create a new status or confer any substantive rights. There is no such thing as “common-law marriage.” There is one small tax break available only to married couples. If you are earning less than your income tax personal allowance (currently £11900) and your spouse pays income tax at the basic rate (20%) you can transfer £1190 of your personal allowance to him/her, which will reduce what they pay in income tax by up to £238 a year. The main problems with cohabitation arise if one member of the couple dies. Home ownership If the home was in the sole name of the person who has died, and they haven’t made a will leaving it, or a share in it, to their partner, the partner has in general no claim to the home. It will pass to the deceased person’s children or if there are no children to other of his/her relatives. If the couple have lived together for two years or more the surviving member can apply to the courts for reasonable financial provision out of the estate. Bank accounts
If you and your partner had separate bank accounts the bank will not let you have access to the other’s account. Inheritance tax You may have to pay inheritance tax. If you were joint owners of your home you are not liable for inheritance tax if your spouse dies. This exemption does not apply to cohabiting couples. Bereavement benefits You cannot claim Bereavement Support Payment. This consists of a lump-sum payment and monthly payments for up to 18 months. It was introduced in April 2017.The system of bereavement benefits before then was more generous but was still restricted to people who had been married. The Supreme Court recently decided that the exclusion of cohabiting couples in the pre-April 2017 scheme was contrary to the Human Rights Act but the law has not changed for either scheme and it is now up to Government and Parliament to decide whether to change the law. You may be able to get help with funeral expenses if you are on benefits, even if you weren’t married. Contacting us for advice The nearest branch to North Weald is at 50A Hemnall Street in Epping. We are open for drop-in from 10.00 to 2.00 on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. Elsewhere, the branch in Loughton Library is open between 9.30 and 1.00, Monday to Thursday and the branch in Waltham Abbey Town Hall is open between 9.30 and 1.00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We also have drop-in sessions in Ongar Library, between 10.00 and 12.00 on the third Tuesday each month. You can also get advice over the phone on 03444 770 808, and we’re on the Web and social media:, and Source: Paul Stockton
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Tel: 07814 863955
New ‘Scarlet Vintage & Retro’ shop in Harlow West Essex and East Herts based charity, St Clare Hospice, is launching a brand-new specialist shop in Harlow’s town centre in October 2018. Scarlet Vintage & Retro will be home to a wide array of gorgeous vintage and retro clothing, accessories, collectables and homeware; celebrating all things kooky and quirky from 1930s to pre-00s. With the shop inspired by key interior design trends of 2018, this inspiring, new store brings vintage and retro shopping to the forefront of contemporary culture and fashion in Harlow, as it champions creativity and self-expression paired with eco-friendly sustainable shopping. Available to purchase at Scarlet Vintage & Retro will be a hand-picked selection of clothing and accessories dating back to the 90s and earlier, amongst other retro-style wearables, collectables and homeware. A range of premium, brand-new items will also be on sale at the shop, making this new addition to Harlow’s Broadwalk a treasure-trove for local fashion shoppers. Head of Retail at St Clare Hospice, Fiona Eaton, said: “We are so excited to be launching Scarlet Vintage & Retro in Harlow’s town centre! This is a really exciting, new direction for a St Clare shop, as we take a step in a completely different direction from traditional charity stores. The type of stock on offer will be fun and quirky, focusing on contemporary fashion from the highly esteemed vintage and retro market, which is continuously growing in popularity.” Fiona continued: “Scarlet Vintage & Retro is more than just a shop, with its ethos rooted in supporting people to embrace their own individual styles. We want to empower people to look, feel and be their best selves, making sustainable fashion fun for everyone. We are proud to be adding a touch of retroluxe style to the town centre’s Broadwalk, joining the celebration of fashion, individuality and sustainability in Harlow!” Visit Scarlet Vintage and Retro at 3 Broadwalk, Harlow, CM20 1JH. For more information about St Clare Hospice’s shops, please visit
S. I. Painters and Decorators Established 1980
Quality Painting & Decorating Service • • • • • • • •
Interior & Exterior Specialist Domestic & Commercial Plastering Professional & Reliable No job too small or too large Locally based in North Weald Free Estimates All work is guaranteed Telephone: 01992 524 560 or 07860 494095 Email: Check out our customer references at and Decorating Ltd
Page 35
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W . J. CRUMP Crash Repairs Established local company High quality car repairs Body Repairs Approved Insurance Repairer
Seasons Beautiful sunny days not just a one off but with weeks all the same, With hot sticky nights causing us all once more to complain. Could this be the start of the seasons once again returning to their norm,
Telephone: 01992 522351 Tylers Green, 284 High Road, North Weald CM16 6EG
With the usual weeks of sunshine all ending with a storm. Will Autumn do exactly what it should and let all the trees shed all their leaves? While the animals instincts kick in as they stock up on the food ready for another proper winter please. Will that winter actually arrive ? Bringing snow fall and sledging, letting the kids and all of us once again come together and thrive.
Finally proving to our kids , the stories we’ve all told to our kids weren't just a lie, As the snow will continue to fall until it’s several feet high. Yes I know it causes chaos but we always used to survive, So what changed to make it worse than it was before, as to play in the snow with your kids makes you feel so alive. With a proper white Christmas creating such beauty upon the trees,
As it stays just long enough until its’ time for spring to begin to tease. With new life all around from baby animals to freshly budding plants to please. All colours of nature on show with little babies all around, although with the seasons returning it’ll cause many hay sufferers to sneeze. Then it will start to turn hot once again as summer returns bringing us all cheer as we embrace the sun once again. Then Autumn once again returns paving the way to another winter full of snow and all its strain. What a fabulous thing to finally get all the correct seasons back in their place, I for one will have a big simile on my face. Source—Andy Resident Poet. Yes he is back!! Penning a very seasonal poem. Page 36
Tel: 07814 863955
Have you heard of ghost broking? I am afraid it is a new type of fraud primarily targeting young drivers. Essex Police are warning drivers about this fraud called ghost broking where fraudulent car insurance packages are being sold by fraudsters. A new campaign has been launched by Action Fraud and City of London Police under the hashtag #SteerClearOfFraud. Essex Police are supporting the awareness campaign and would like to raise awareness about the tactics used and how you can avoid becoming a victim. The scam involves people, particularly young people aged between 17 and 24, being offered deals that are not genuine. Suspects carry out the fraud by either giving you forged insurance documents, falsify your details to bring prices down or even taking out a genuine policy and cancelling soon after to claim a refund and your money. There are very serious consequences in addition to the scam and losing money. By not having car insurance you could get points on your driving licence or worse still have your car seized or destroyed. Detective Chief Inspector Lee Morton, head of Kent and Essex’s Serious Economic Crime Unit, said: “There are more severe consequences to the scam than just losing your hard earned money. Scammers target people via social media, adverts in newspapers or they may just cold call you. The advice from Essex Police to avoid this scam is:•
Remember, if an offer looks too good to be true, then it probably is;
Suspects may advertise on student websites or money-saving forums, university notice boards and marketplace websites. They may also try to sell insurance policies in pubs, clubs or bars, newsagents and car repair shops;
Be wary of suspects using only mobile phone, phone apps or email as a way of contact;
If you are not sure about the broker, check on the Financial Conduct Authority or the British Insurance Brokers’ Association website.
You can also contact the insurance company directly to verify the broker’s details and you can check to see if your car is legitimately insured on the Motor Insurance Database.
If you have fallen victim of this scam, please call Essex Police on 101, report it online by visiting www.essex.police/do-it-online or report information anonymously on 0800 555 111. If you have concerns about a scam, please report this to Action Fraud by visiting
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Tel: 07814 863955
BIRD FEATURE - OCTOBER 2018 Welcome to the report for the October 2018 edition of the village magazine. We are now well into autumn and although the first couple of weeks of September have been warm we can be sure of some progressively chillier nights over the next few weeks. Birds and other wildlife will have to adapt to the changing conditions and this will be particularly challenging for this year's young as they fend for themselves, trying to find food and somewhere safe to roost. Many of our more familiar species will form flocks and probably the most obvious will be Starlings which gather in noisy groups in the late afternoon before going off to roost communally. Migration is a key feature of autumn. It is estimated that over 50 million birds undertake spring and autumn migrations to and from the UK. Summer visitors such as Swallows and House Martins will be on their way south to spend the winter in warmer climes. Indeed Swifts largely departed by the beginning of August so they are long gone. There are still a few Swallows to be seen into mid September but many of those we see around here at this time will just be passing through having spent the summer further north. Warblers such as Chiffchaffs, Willow Warblers and Blackcaps can still be seen foraging in trees and bushes but in decreasing numbers. Eventually there will just be a small number of Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs that will actually remain in the UK with the chances of survival largely reliant on there being a milder winter. Of course as these summer visitors depart there are other species coming in the opposite direction to spend the winter here. The most obvious will be the Redwings and Fieldfares, members of the thrush family. There will also be common species such as Robins, Chaffinches and Blackbirds that are in fact winter visitors - they come to us from colder parts of continental Europe and Scandinavia and the Robin(s) you have in your garden this autumn and winter could well be from Germany rather than a home grown Essex individual. It is a well known feature of autumn migration that Redwings can sometimes be heard flying over on still nights, calling as they go. What these Redwings and Fieldfares are hoping to find in the UK are plenty of berries and fruits, with less food available back in their breeding grounds. Of course some years the berry crop is less bountiful than usual, and these winter visitors have to either take advantage of other food sources - including fruit etc put out by humans - or keep moving on hoping to find a better crop elsewhere. Autumn can be a time of plenty - elderberries, hawthorns, blackberries, rose hips etc should be widespread as well as all manner of seeds and nuts. Even acorns can be a sought after food source - that colourful member of the crow family, the Jay, will fly to and from oak trees to take acorns, caching many of them to retrieve later in the autumn or into the winter. Various studies have shown that members of the crow family can successfully remember where they have stashed a good proportion of their acorns or other food items. We have a few pairs of Jays around our vicinity and you may well see one or two of them as they come and go throughout the autumn. Whether this year's food supply will be sufficient is yet to be seen. Studies show that during the summer's very hot weather many fruits, berries etc ripened up to a few weeks earlier than in most years. The fear among naturalists is that the crops will have ripened too early and not formed properly, with a proportion dropping off the host tree or bush. Then the limited supply gets gobbled up by the birds that were already here, meaning that when the winter visitors arrive there is insufficient food for these new arrivals. Of course in this day and age there are any number of natural history studies taking place so give it a few months and we should be able to find out whether or not the winter visitors were able to thrive. In addition to migration there are other movements of birds that are a general shift in distribution. For instance our area has had limited numbers of gulls in evidence during the summer, particularly Black headed Gulls which have been at breeding colonies elsewhere. Now they are becoming more obvious again with small flocks to be seen flying over in the late afternoons and evenings, mostly heading for roosting sites in the Lea Valley. This is the time of year when you get the iconic sightings of gulls "following the plough" with sometimes dozens of birds flying behind tractors as they plough the fields. Ploughing of course disturbs the earth and exposes worms, beetles, grubs etc which then form easy pickings for the gulls. It is in effect a larger version of the behaviour you see when a Robin watches a gardener turning the soil with a spade. Each year I hope that the autumn will see an influx of the glorious Waxwing but I have only seen them once in the last 20 years and even when there are good numbers in the UK they never seem to favour our area. But here's hoping 2018/19 will see us graced by their presence. A truly beautiful winter visitor that compliments its looks with enchanting behaviour. One bird I am less keen to see in our area is the Ring-necked Parakeet which has gained a certain level of notoriety in recent decades. I had 2 separate sightings of single birds in the last month or so, both over Weald Common. There are numbers of them in the Leyton area and I'm told Loughton has a few and it has always seem likely that they would use the green corridor of Epping Forest to spread out to our area. They are viewed as a pest in many places in the South East, with a particularly large colony / roost in Esher where they famously congregate at the local rugby club in numbers in excess of 5,000. They will easily out compete native birds for food at garden feeding sites and will also take over nesting holes in trees to the detriment of other species. Often they are seen as an exotic and unusual species when they first move into an area but gradually become a nuisance. Apparently there were Parakeets in the Epping area as long ago as the 1930s but the first birds in the UK were not breeding individuals until numbers built up in the 1960s. Interestingly there are various theories / versions as to how they came to be on the loose in England. One story is that Jimi Hendrix released a pair called Adam and Eve in Soho in the 60s. Another story asserts that a piece of an airplane fell off, crashed into a large aviary and in consequence some birds escaped ??? Another tale relates that an angry wife deliberately released her husband's pet birds in London because she hated the fact they were so noisy. Yet another account is that some birds escaped from the set of the 1951 film The African Queen. I suspect we will never know the true circumstances but this is a classic example of how a non-native species can very easily become invasive. Its natural range is extensive and includes the Himalayas so no wonder they have coped with our winters. Autumn into winter is the time when many more people start feeding their garden birds. There are various seeds that are available to use but whatever food stuffs you use there are some precautions worth taking - hygiene is the key, keep feeders, bird tables etc clean from mouldy food and droppings. Also providing clean water is just as important. There is plenty of birdlife and wider wildlife to keep an eye out for in our area so hopefully you can get to see something interesting when out and about. All the best, Paul Corbet. Page 38 Tel: 07814 863955 Email:
Essential Local Numbers The Alzheimer Society
01992 717676
North Weald Chemist
01992 523887
Cats Protection
0333 200 1484
North Weald Methodist Hall
01992 522143
Citizens Advice Bureau
03444 77 0808
North Weald Library
033301 32683
0800 555111
North Weald Village Hall Bookings
01992 523731
Doctors High Street, Epping
01992 579270
North Weald Parish Council
01992 523825
Doctors The Limes, Epping (visits/emergencies)
01992 566500
Queens Community Hall Bookings
07522 473024
Doctors The Limes, Epping (appointments)
01992 573838
NHS Direct
0845 4647
Doctors The Limes, North Weald 01992 524383
Essex Police
0300 333 4444
Epping Forest District Council
01992 564000
Police, Neighbourhood/local
Epping Town Council
01992 579444
Police, Emergency
EFDC & ECC Cllr Chris Whitebread
01992 573557
Police Online reporting
EFDC Will Breare-Hall
01992 575843
01279 306058
MP Mrs Eleanor Laing MP
020 8508 8608
Stuart Poulton
01992 522607
24 Hour
01992 572607
Hospital, St Margarets, Epping
01992 561666
St Andrews Church
01279 451065
Hospital, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Harlow
01279 444455
St Andrews Primary School
01992 522283
London & Essex Boarding Kennels & Cattery (Kents Farm)
01992 522183
0870 6082608
North Weald Airfield
01992 564200
LOCAL CLUB DIRECTORY 3rd North Weald Beavers
North Weald Preservation Society
Queens Hall Charity
Tel: 01992 524672
Tel: read 01992 522618/522630
Tel: 522910
British Legion, North Weald Branch
North Weald Cricket Club
Rapier Cycling Club
Tel: 01992 614415
Tel: 524631
Epping Ongar Railway Volunteer
North Weald Scouts Group
Taoist Tai Chi Society
Tel: 01277 365200
01992 524672
Tel: 01992 523854/07803243625
Epping Forest Badger Group
North Weald Seniors Society for over 70’s
Theydon Jazz Club
Tel: 576038 Friends Force Hertfordshire/Essex
Tel: 522196
Thornwood Seniors
Tel: 522464
Tel: 577872
Epping Forest Rotary Club
North Weald Wireless Station Bowls Club
Tel: 07855 911323
Tel: 522803
Forest Highlanders Pipes & Drum
North Weald Women’s Institute (Afternoon)
Tel: 01279 415563
Tel: 01708 250820
Tel: 522700
West Essex Flower Club
North Weald Angling Club
Queens Hall Bowls Club
Tel: 524631
Tel: 01992 524071
Tel: 523375 or 522052
01945 588325/
Three Valleys Male Voice Choir