North Weald Village Life Strengthening the Community
FREE North Weald Bassett Community Magazine Circulation: Monthly
Issue: 134
NORTH WEALD VILLAGE LIFE About North Weald Village Life North Weald Village Life is an independent magazine and website, owned and published by a local resident who is dedicated to strengthening the local community, improving communication and promoting local businesses and suppliers to local residents.
Circulation The magazine is available free of charge monthly and is distributed from 20th of each month.
Copies can be collected from: • • • .
• • • • •
News Shop, High Road Kings Head Garage, High Road North Weald Library Art Nursery, Vicarage Lane Newsagents, Coopersale Party Package Thornwood Happy Grow Nursery, Thornwood Davis Estate Agents, High Road North Weald Chemist
Subscription If you would like to guarantee your personal copy or perhaps you have relatives or friends who would like to receive their own copy, you can subscribe for £18.00 for 12 issues. Please email me, download a copy of the form from the website or write to me at the address below.
Advertisers Advertising rates start at £19.00 for quarter page, £36.50 for half a page and £68 for a full page. Colour advertising rates are now available and there are some premium positions available at this current time. Please contact us for more information. The deadline for booking is the 5th of each month.
Contributions & Editorial If you would like to contribute editorial, poems, recipes, letters or anything else, we would be delighted to receive these. Please send them to us at the address below or via email.
Contact Details Telephone: 07814 863955 Email: Address: 49 York Road, North Weald, Essex CM16 6HU
Am I really publishing the October issue? What happened to my summer, my long evenings sitting in the sun, my leisurely dog walks around the village, enjoying social evenings with friends and family? It just didn’t happen this year which is such a shame. I have just or maybe I should change this to read - I am trying to accept another era in my family life with my eldest daughter having just started University. It was so busy before we took her, time did not allow me to accept what was happening, and I was so excited for her. But I do miss her already. We used to stay up and watch tv later in the evening and used to enjoy chats and discussions, this does not happen anymore. However if she survives the late nights of Freshers week, I know she will enjoy her university life. Her halls are only two years old so are very modern and clean (at the moment). On the similar subject of education, I would like to acknowledge the local children who went to St Andrews Primary School in the village and then onto Epping St Johns secondary school, many of them achieved fantastic GCSE and A Level results. I think this confirms both the hard work of the students and of course the teachers at both local primary and secondary schools. Well done to all. Now on a sad note, I did attend the last ever North Weald Horticultural Society event a few weeks ago, it was so sad but completely understandable. This was inevitable as the work involved was a huge undertaking and many of the members had been doing it for many years. Who saw the filming in the village a few weeks ago. One weekend at the end of August, there was a film crew filming on the Kings Head Garage forecourt, then Pike Way and during the week after on the Epping Ongar Railway station? Apparently it drew quite a crowd. It was filming for a comedy that is being shown on Channel 4 called Rebel and it stars Simon Callow who was in our village. Apparently this is being aired in November and it is thought North Weald will star in Episode 3 but this is not confirmed. Another claim to fame for North Weald. Apologies if I make any mistakes, I do have a reason (just this once) my puppy has just decided he wants to pretend to be a parrot and sit half on my shoulder and half on the keyboard whilst I type this column. Great timing. He has obviously decided that he wants some attention. That reminds me, watch out for the deer, it is that time of year. On Saturday at about 2.30pm about 15 ran out in front of me as I was driving from the village to Epping. Luckily I saw movement out of the corner of my eye so managed to stop and let them cross in front of me. They were in a long line and it really did seem to be in size order, the largest at the front and the smallest bringing up the rear. There was one last one that was being hesitant and did not want to cross and after waiting a few minutes I had to drive on with my fingers crossed he (or she) did not run out in front of me. Drive carefully
Disclaimer: Whilst every care has been taken to ensure any data in this publication is accurate, neither the publisher nor it ’s editorial contributors can accept and hereby disclaim, any liability to any party, or loss or damage caused by errors or resulting from negligence, accident or any other concerns. North Weald Village Life does not officially endorse any advertisement material included within this publication. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reported, stored in retrieval systems or transmitted in any form electronically. Mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the permission of the publisher.
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Tel: 07814 863955
OCTOBER BRAIN TEASER —Win a box of biscuits • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Coffee Tea Earl Grey Hot chocolate Americano Latte Horlicks Expresso Hot toddy Mocha Ovaltine Green tea Irish Soup
Congratulations this month to Mr Jones who won last months prize and will be celebrating with a bottle of wine. This month the lucky winner can also celebrate with a box of biscuits. To enter this month, please send your completed entry to October Brain Teaser, NWVL, 49 York Road, North Weald, Essex CM16 6HU. Entries need to be received by 10th October. Please ensure you put your name, address and telephone number on your entry so that I can telephone you if you are the lucky winner. Good Luck.
SEASONED LOGS AVAILABLE Your local Tree Surgeons Approved by the Local Authority & established for over 25 years You can be assured of personal attention Fully Insured
FREE ADVICE & QUOTATIONS Total Tree Management All aspects of tree surgery Felling, Pruning & Shaping, Hedges Trimmed, Stump & Root Removal Specialist contractors for preserved and conservation work
Tel: 01992 522437 Mobile: 07850 390079 ...Proprietor:
S. Dinsdale Email: Page 4
Tel: 07814 863955
Police helicopter move to North Weald 'could safeguard flying at airfield' The possible relocation of the Metropolitan Police helicopter base to North Weald Airfield could safeguard flying at the airfield, the parish council believes. The National Police Air Service (NPAS) has approached Epping Forest District Council, which owns the airfield, about the possible move as it has been given notice to leave Lippitts Hill at High Beach by the time its lease expires at the end of March next year. District and parish councillor Anne Grigg told last night's parish council meeting: "At present all the responses (I have received) have been positive but we have a long way to go on that.
"For over 20 years I've been trying to keep flying at North Weald. There is a possibility this agreement could safeguard flying at North Weald for the future. We need to look at it carefully." Acting council chairman Baden Clegg said he summed up the feeling of councillors at the meeting saying: "We more than quite welcome the addition of the police helicopter at North Weald." The move would bring an additional 20,000 air movements (10,000 up and 10,000 down) a year, with the police helicopters operating 24 hours a day. To accommodate the aircraft and have space to store and maintain its fleet NAPS would need at least one acre of land where a 35m x 35m (1,225sq.m) hangar could be built, along with some portable office accommodation for support staff.
The airfield is already used as a base by the Herts and Essex Air Ambulance Service which has recently approached the council about establishing a more permanent base at the airfield. It currently operates two helicopters from North Weald. A report to Thursday's district council cabinet highlights the potential increase in flights and says it is a "key consideration" for any potential relocation.
While the air ambulance service currently registers some 1,300 movements a year the NAPS operation would see some 20,000 movements per annum with flights 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The cabinet report states that negotiations with NAPS indicate that Epping Forest District Council could receive about ÂŁ120,000 per annum in ground rent and movement fees (with the number o f Well m o vestablished ements c a profitable pped a t local 20,000).
The cabinet report concludes: "In reaching a decision on the Ironing Business for sale NPAS proposal, members (councillors) will need balance the Would suit anyone looking for a job totowork likely environmentalaround impact against the potential revenue benefits their kids to the council of the proposal, which is in line with the council’s Any enquirers stated objective to of intensifying aviation activity
and I will send you more details.
"This also needs to be considered alongside our role as a public body in supporting the police in ensuring community safety and crime reduction." Page 5
Tel: 07814 863955
North Weald Village Hall From 11am—1.30pm
Various stalls, raffle, Hot lunches
07432 843128 Page 6
Tel: 07814 863955
Ballroom and Latin American Dancing Classes
8.15pm & 9.15pm
Every Monday
Taoist Tai Chi
Every Tuesday
Taoist Tai Chi
10.30am— 12.30 7.30pm— 9pm
Every 1st Tuesday
Ongar Flower Club
Every Tuesday
Baby & Toddler Group
1.15pm— 2.45pm
Queens Hall, School Green Lane. Term time only. £2 per family.
Every Thursday
Baby & Toddler Rhyme Time
10.30am— 11am
Every Thursday
7pm— 9.30m
North Weald Library. For under 5’s and their parents/carers (term time only) Starts again on 7th September Wheelers Farm Gardens, £4 for book of 8 pages (2 games per page) Option Flyer £1. 50p for small raffle and cup of tea/coffee. Over 18 only
Every third Saturday in the month
The Jack Free Show
Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday in the month
Theydon Jazz Club
8pm— 10.30pm
Thornwood Village Hall
Every Saturday and Sunday
North Weald Airfield Museum
12 noon— 5pm (last entry 4pm)
North Weald Airfield Museum, Hurricane Way
Every second Saturday of the month Friday 29th September
Ploughmans Lunch
McMillan Coffee Morning
10.30am & 12.30
North Weald Village Hall. In aid of NWSS. All welcome Thornwood Village Hall.- Tea & Cakes from 10.30am and then Lunches from 12.30pm - Thornwood Village Hall (CM16 6NB) Please come along and show your support as this event has been for many years now and it's been so well received and supported by friends
Wed 4th October
North Weald WI Mtg
North Weald Village Hall. Our speaker this month is talking about “History Through Underground Essex”. Come along to North Weald Village Hall and join us. You will be made most welcome.
Monday 9th October
West Essex Flower Club
Thornwood Village Hall. Autumn Plant stall and “Designs for All Occasions” by demonstrator Janice Swann at Thornwood Village Hall. All Welcome, Visitors pay £6 on the door.
Friday 20th October
North Weald Preservation Society Open Talk
North Weald Methodist Church. Open Talk by Abigail Oldham Countrycare Manager. No charge but donations appreciated.
Sat 25th November
North Weald WI Christmas Bazaar
Am— 1.30pm
North Weald Village Hall. Stalls, Raffle, hot lunches.
North Weald Village Hall. Beginners at 8.15 and intermediate at 9.15. Contact Debbie on 07872 427946. Epping Hall, St Johns Road, Epping. Tel: 01992 523854. Queens Hall, School Green Lane. Tel 01992 523854 for more information Zinc Arts Centre, High Road, Ongar. A floral art demonstration given by a qualified and experienced demonstrator. guests/visitors £4.50 members free. If you love flowers, why not come along?
North Weald Village Hall
If you know of a local event, please let me know and I will include this in the events calendar on There is also a new Facebook Group— North Weald village Life events—events are posted by myself and members that are taking place throughout Essex, London and Hertfordshire.
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Tel: 07814 863955
Planning Applications Planning File No: Application No: Officer Name: Application Name: Location: Proposal:
Planning File No: Application No: Officer: Application Name: Location: Proposal:
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019870 EPF/2277/17 James Rogers Mrs Kathleen Rayner 2 Esgors Cottages High Road Thornwood Essex CM16 6LY Change of use of land to the rear of 2 Esgors Cottages from commercial cattery to residential garden.
022962 EPF/2425/1 Nicola Dawney Mr & Mrs Clark 19 Hows Mead North Weald Bassett Epping CM16 6HB Single storey rear, side and front extensions
Tel: 07814 863955
Any representations on applications should be made in writing, by Monday, 9 October, 2017 Epping Forest District
Comment online at iPlan or by post to: The Director of Planning and Economic Development, Epping Forest District Council, Civic Offices, 323 High Street, Epping, Essex CM16 4BZ Any enquiries should be made to the Application Processing Team T: 01992 564436 E:
HOME GLAZING REPAIR SERVICE LTD The Local Company You Can Really Trust! We specialise in the repairs to all makes of windows and doors
Broken Down/Misted Sealed Units Replaced
McMillan Coffee Morning Friday 29th September - Tea & Cakes from 10.30am and then Lunches from 12.30pm - Thornwood Village Hall (CM16 6NB) Please come along and show your support as this event has been for many years now and it's been so well received and supported by friends.
Locks/Hinges Renewed
Conservatories Cleaned/Repaired Cat & Dog Flaps Fitted Front Door Panels Renewed Handles Replaced Letter Plates Replaced Guttering Replaced/Cleaned
Full Maintenance of UPVC & Aluminium
A Complete Service To All Windows & Doors FOR A FREE NO OBLIGATION QUOTE
Lorry Fire Just before 2pm on 4th September, firefighters were called to a lorry on fire on the M11, southbound carriageway between junction 8 and 7. Four Fire crews were in attendance. The road was temporarily shut so firefighters could deal with the fire safely. The lorry's cab has been completely destroyed. The fire also spread to the trailer which contained wood chippings and sand.
CALL FREEPHONE 0800 917 2794 The fire was extinguished at 2:45pm.
Photo and report courtesy of Essex Country Fire & Rescue Service.
Local Olympic hopeful Remember in last month’s issue, I included an introduction to Joanne Ryan. She has kindly sent in this update to share with readers. Joanne was selected for Manchester International on 16th August, which was against Scotland Ireland,Wales, GBJuniors and England, U.K. Women's league and Denmark!
She was selected for the uk women's league team, for the 4x400 relay! They managed to achieve a silver medal! she had so much fun and it was great for her to be back on the international stage and winning a medal too!! Well done Joanne, we are all proud of you. Please keep the updates coming. Page 9
Tel: 07814 863955
Do you remember the village being flooded? Recently, in the North Weald Village Life Facebook Group, a local mum asked for photos about the floods that the village have endured over the years to share with her children. This stimulated lots of memories and stories on how local people’s homes and businesses had been affected. As a result of this, a kind resident dropped around some photos they took from their window on one particular day when the flood was very bad. I am sure this is the same flood I recall as cars from the Kings Head Garage had been carried down the road in the flood water. For those that did not live in the village at the time or were too young, here are some photographs. There is now a flood relief scheme throughout the parish that prevents this from happening again. If anybody has any memories it would be great to share them with readers.
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Tel: 07814 863955
Watch Out Deer Rutting Season Some of you will remember that the next few weeks s the deer rutting season, this traditionally starts late September and peaks midOctober, during this season male deer, or bucks become less aware of their surroundings. We know that there are many deer in Epping Forest so please proceed with caution as they can be highly aggressive as they are full of testosterone as they attempt to fight off rivals to attract as many females as possible. This makes them less aware of dangers around them, such as cars and bikes on the roads. Accidents on the roads involving deer increase at this time of year and drivers should be extra vigilant where there are deer warning signs and slow down when driving through the forest. I can vouch for this as I saw at least 15 deer on Saturday afternoon crossing the road and luckily traffic slowed down, but this is not always the case. Dogs should be kept on a lead. Dog owners need to realise that deer can feel threatened by dogs and may also disrupt the deer breeding pattern.
Wake up and smell the coffee for International Coffee Day! 1st October is International Coffee Day and is a whole day dedicated to celebrating the coffee. So make sure the kettle is put on, a cup of coffee is in your hand and you can find out some interesting facts about coffee below. 1. Coffee is the world’s second most valuable traded commodity, only behind petroleum. 2. The world consumes close to 2.25 billion cups of coffee every day. 3. In Japan, there is a Cat Cafe where you can go to drink coffee and hang out with cats for hours. 4. Coffee is a psychoactive. At high doses it can make you see things and can actually kill you. 5. The lethal dose of caffeine is roughly 100 cups of coffee. 6. A few hundred years ago a Turkish law made it legal for a woman to divorce her husband if he did not bring home a daily quota of coffee. 7. The first webcam was invented at The University of Cambridge to let people know if their coffee pot was full or not. 8. Espresso is regulated by the Italian government because it is considered an essential part of their daily life.
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Tel: 07814 863955
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Tel: 07814 863955
Essex Teaching Awards Essex Teaching Awards give us the opportunity to ensure those individuals get the recognition they deserve, allowing us to identify, celebrate and share best practice. Over the past four years the awards have acknowledged outstanding teachers and headteachers, teaching assistants, governing bodies and school teams who work in Essex. Nominations for the 2018 Essex Teaching Awards are now open. Essex County Council provide the following advice for parents/ carers/pupils making nominations:
The categories for this year’s awards are:
• • • • • • • • • • •
New teacher of the year Teaching assistant of the year Primary teacher of the year Secondary teacher of the year Special school teacher of the year Primary headteacher of the year Secondary headteacher of the year Governing body of the year School team of the year Lifetime achievement Student choice
The deadline for nominations is Friday 17th November 2017.
Please do not be intimidated by the structure of the Essex Teaching Awards nomination form, which is designed to complement national teaching awards criteria. The nomination process is not a test; it is an opportunity to recognise and celebrate the inspirational work that takes place in schools across Essex every day. Each nomination is considered on its own merits. However, please try to provide as full an answer as possible to each question in support of your nomination. Entries are accepted from anyone in respect to individuals working or volunteering within maintained schools and academies in the Essex local authority area.
C. J. A. Upholstery Stylish and contemporary pieces of furniture, individually crafted to fit perfectly to any space & lifetime guaranteed. Complement your furniture with stunning Fabric, 1000’s of fabric to choose from. Quality furniture – Made to last a lifetime
For more information, email So if your child, whether at primary or secondary school, has a valued teacher, why not nominate them to thank them for all their hard work.
28 years at Omega Furniture Why buy new furniture when we can re-upholster your existing piece? With more than 35 years' experience, CJA Upholstery is a small, friendly business who provide a comprehensive range of upholstery services to clients in Essex and Hertfordshire.
Contact Us 01992 893 964 / 07904 359 333 Northam, 45 North Street, Nazeing, Essex EN9 2NH Page 14.. Tel: 07814 863955
Dear Editor,
VILLAGE GREEN FACELIFT You may have noticed that the Village Green at Wheelers Farm Gardens has recently undergone a much needed facelift. The flower- box containing the Village sign had completely rotted over the years and was no longer usable. The new box was built and installed by Kevin Hebden from Thornwood Maintenance, for which many thanks. The Parish Council would also like to extend their thanks to The North Weald Preservation Society who have now taken over responsibility for the future planting and maintenance of the Village Green flower-box.
The new box looks wonderful and well worth a visit if you are passing by. Last and by no means least, we would like to thank Mr. George Jackson who previously looked after this display. Cllr. Alan Buckley North Weald Bassett Parish Council.
Create an illusion Upon walking down the road and with the darker nights now it is easy to spot that empty house; there is a line of houses, lights within and signs of occupancy. In the middle of these houses is a similar house but this one is in darkness with no signs of occupancy, easy to spot the empty house and chances are the burglar will too. At this time of year an increased number of house burglaries occur between dusk and when you get home. You don’t have to be a magician to create the illusion of occupancy and it may help protect your house. To become an illusionist make your home appear occupied even when you are out. Simple things like lights on timers in rooms that you would normally occupy whilst in and a TV simulator for the evenings, you can now even get a timer that fits over your light switches (search on the internet for light switch timer) and door bells you can monitor and answer remotely via your mobile phone. During the day leave a radio on, boots outside the back door, newspaper over the arm of the chair with a drink on the table and a pair of spectacles, the list goes on. Don’t leave garden tools out in the garden though or you may find the burglar uses them. Lock tools securely away in a secure shed or garage; use a shed alarm these can also be remotely monitored too. This advice is courtesy of Essex Police.
Tel: 07814 63955
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Goodbye to the Horticultural Society Annual Meeting The grey moody weather seemed to shadow how I felt as I went to the last ever North Weald Horticultural Society annual meeting held as usual in North Weald Village Hall, this year it took place on Saturday 19th August. The Society was founded in 1902. This event, despite taking place for the last 87 years, will no longer be held. This event takes lots of work every year and some volunteers and committee members have been involved for over 30 years, including Viv Madden. As I went to the door, the sign saying ‘Last Horticultural Meeting’ saddened me even further. Many familiar faces greeted me as I walked through the door. The wonderful display of healthy large home grown vegetables, home cooked cakes, home made produce and wonderful flower arrangements were laid out for everybody to see. Many familiar faces who have entered before were behind all these exhibits. I did learn something this year, too late now I know, but on the back of most cards stating class of entry and name are comments from the judges. Why did I not know this before? Having realised I, I watched in interest as I saw many people reading these comments. I remember my daughters submitting entries over different years when they were much younger and delighted in picking up their envelope for their winning entries. I would like to thank everybody for their hard work over the years and you never know maybe younger members may come forward in the future to revive such an event.
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Tel: 07814 63955
North Weald Bantham and Ongar Bowls Club
(Behind the Talbot)
LETTER Meets every Tuesday at 5.30pm or 7.30pm Phone Cara: 0779 2778225
Dear Editor,
On behalf of the staff and residents at Norway House we would like to express our sincere “Thanks” to the North Weald Horticultural Society for their kind donation of a bird bath and sun dial. We have over recent months been working with our colleagues in Community Development to look at ways in which we could improve the small garden at Norway House but at the same time engage the children in learning about Horticulture and the growing of fresh produce and plants and flowers. The garden area historically was unused and a fairly uninspiring place. We have managed to reinvent this space and now it is a vibrant walled garden where adults and children can learn, relax and socialise should they wish to. We have installed the bird bath and sun dial into this garden for everybody to enjoy and we hope that as the years roll on this garden will continue to provide a place for all to use. If you are able to forward this email onto George in order that he can share this with all involved that would be much appreciated.
New group opened
Sarah Smith, Hostel Manager
at Thornwood Thornwood village hall, Epping
Call Mandy on 07778117128 for more details
Tel: 07814 63955
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What’s it all about?
Want to know more or get involved? Call 01992 523825 and ask to speak to a member of the Neighbourhood Plan Team
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Tel: 07814 863955
Fly tipping is a big problem Fly-tipping in Essex is draining more than £1 million of taxpayers’ money each year new figures reveal. On Monday 4th September Love Essex, a partnership of councils, businesses and environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy, launched its #CrimeNotToCare campaign to remind residents they could unwittingly end up with a criminal record and face an unlimited fine, if a rogue trader dumps their waste illegally. Cllr Simon Walsh, Essex County Council’s Cabinet Member for Environment and Waste, said: “There were 17,547 separate incidents of fly-tipping countywide last year, costing taxpayers’ £1,093,907 to clear up – money that could have been better spent on services. “Almost 50% of people don’t know they’re responsible by law if their rubbish is fly-tipped by a third party. We hope #CrimeNotToCare will educate people on how to dispose of their waste correctly to ensure they don’t end up with a criminal record and a hefty fine.” n Essex there were 17,547 incidents in 2016/17, a 16% increase on 2015/16. The number of prosecutions of residents where fly-tipped waste has been traced back to them is also on the rise. An Essex resident had allowed a man who knocked at his door to take 40 black sacks of rubbish away for £70 cash, without checking he was authorised to transport the waste – rules he was unaware of. That rubbish was then fly-tipped in a garage area in Loughton and traced back to the resident Keep Britain Tidy Chief Executive Allison Ogden-Newton added: “#CrimeNotToCare is an important campaign for our country and we are delighted that Essex County Council as part of Love Essex, is partnering with us. “There are almost a million fly-tipping incidents in England every year and cleaning it all up costs us £50 million a year. It blights communities and our countryside and is a menace.” Ensure you don’t fall foul of the law, visit for advice
Tel: 07814 863955
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North Weald Airfield Fireworks Party Friday 3rd November 2017
Tickets available from the North Weald Saturday Market from Sept 23rd ! Plans for the forthcoming fireworks are pretty much complete and is set to be a great event ! Everyone loves to know what time the fireworks are going to be on, so whilst we are supplying a running order, the times may be subject to change so keep updated via the event website, where you’ll also find the terms and conditions. This year the event is taking place behind the Control Tower so easily walkable from the village or if you prefer catch a shuttle bus from the Kings Head bus stop. Buses will also be picking up from Harlow. There will be various fresh food outlets offering American hot dogs, handmade burgers, organic hog roasts, salmon burgers, fish & chips pulled pork burgers and wok fried noodles. Alongside the2 licensed bars there will be outlets serving up fabulous freshly made coffee and hot chocolate. Discounted advance tickets are available from The Squadron Café on the Airfield , The News Shop in the village, the Saturday market and online at These tickets are £5 for adults and £3 for children aged 211. There will be a limited number of tickets available on the night which will be priced at £7 and £5. Running order: 5.00 pm: Gates open, Ferris Wheel rides available, food & drink available 5.30 pm: Kids Disco starts with prizes for the top dancers ! 7.00pm
The bonfire is lit
7.15 pm: Little Mix Tribute Band on the North Weald Fire works Party stage (2 lucky children get to meet the band on stage, keep your ticket number handy!!) 8.15 pm:
Hot Air Balloons glow to music
8.30 pm:
Fireworks display begins
9.15 pm 80’s Tribute band on the North Weald Fire works Party stage 10.30pm
Licensed bars close
Last bus leaves
Airfield closes
We hope we will have the support of the local community so that we can make this an annual event we can all be proud of ! For further information please contact or call 07943 812036
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Tel: 07814 63955
Ploughing Fun After seeing an advert for the Ongar Ploughing Match on 9th September on the Events page of North Weald Village Life, we decided to pay them a visit. This year’s event was held at Matching Hall Farm (part of the wartime Matching Airfield) and everything was accommodated in a massive 90-acre field. There were 7 classes of ploughing to see and for those who found walking the site difficult, a free trailer ride was provided throughout the day with commentary as to what was going on. Other competitions open to visitors were the Straight Furrow, where adults could try their hand at ploughing a single straight furrow (not as easy as you think) with a tractor and instruction provided. Also a competition open to all of, Pacing the Chain – estimate the distance of a Chain length - 22 yards. Both competitions ran throughout the event with prizes for the winners. Refreshments were available throughout the day as was a bar run by Ongar Young Farmers. A competitor trying his luck in a Ford 7810 tractor for the Straight Furrow competition.
A John Deere crawler competing in the Trailed class.
Just over 100 years ago this single furrow plough would have been hi-tech.
This is how local agriculture has progressed in the form of a John Deere 8370RT complete with 9 furrow reversible plough.
Next year’s ploughing match will be the Ongar & Districts’ 100th – so promises to be a cracker. It will take place on Saturday the 15th September 2018 at High Laver Hall. Jimmy & Barbara Waters. Tel: 07814 63955
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Tel: 07814 63955
Bus problems
Local NHS Annual General Meeting
The Parish Council has been listing the problems that local residents in the Parish have been experiencing with the local bus services, and which residents have been advising them of.
West Essex Clinical Commissioning Group (WECCG) will hold its annual general meeting (AGM), following its public Board meeting, on Thursday 28 September 2017 in the Conference Room, Harlow Health Resource Centre, Harlow Leisurezone, Harlow
The Clerk has been noting these concerns and will be sending them to Essex County Council later in the year.
The public Board Meeting will be held between 9.30am and 12.30pm. Lunch will be provided at 1pm and the AGM will follow at 2pm.
Therefore if you are a local resident and you or your family continue to experience problems with the local bus service please send an email advising of the difficulty, giving time and date to the Parish Council and it will be included in the information send to the County Council. Please either email Susan De Luca at the following email address:
Members of the public are welcome to attend both meetings; during the AGM there will be an opportunity to hear about developments and achievements across the health and social care system. This will include presentations on
or drop a letter into the Parish Council Offices, North Weald Library, 138 High Road, North Weald, CM16 6BZ
Tel: 07814 63955
Partnership working across accountable care
Children’s Support
Mental Health and Community Support
Neighbourhood model within primary care
Members of the audience will also have the opportunity to ask questions and share the views on wellbeing and health support services in the district
Page 23.
Tel: 07814 63955
October Gardening Hints & Tips For the last few weeks the weather has been very unsettled with high winds and heavy downpours. This has played havoc with hanging baskets and pot displays. This is a shame as generally September is a month of settled weather which can prolong the flowering season of all summer bedding. Don’t despair though there is plenty of Autumn/Winter plants all ready for planting on sale in the Garden Centre including Pansys, trailing and upright Violas, mini Cyclamen, Heathers, Wallflowers and Polyanthus and much much more. Now is the perfect time to plant spring flowering bulbs such as daffodils, tulips hyacinths, crocus, snowdrops, bluebells, allliums etc. Also plant now your wallflowers for a spectacular early spring display. If you are thinking of adding shrubs, perennials and evergreen hedging to your garden September/October is a perfect time to plant. It will give your plants time to get established before the winter weather sets in giving a good strong start for next spring when they start to grow again. As you clear the vegetable plot, Autumn is good time to add well rotted manure to improve your soil structure and add well needed nutrients for next years crops, a good bit of old fashioned digging always does the trick.
As the leaves begin to fall, keep the lawn well raked of all debris including windfalls. I always raise the blades of the mower slightly to leave the grass just that little bit longer, giving an extra strength for the cold wet months to come. It is always now time to reflect on results of your work throughout the summer in your garden, your success and perhaps the odd failure. Try to analyse the results and record them for next year. As always the best way to improve your gardening skills is to share your experiences with other gardeners. Come into the garden centre if you have questions and I will endeavour to help you. The weather is getting a bit colder now, so as I sit in my garden enjoying a brief rest—its about the time of year to relax with a nice homemade sloe gin and plan for next year. Cheers! Source: Nigel, Art Garden Centre.
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Pansies, violas, heathers, primroses & wall flowers & lots more autumn plants now in Spring flowering plants Winter hanging baskets Bonsai and dwarf trees NEW range of trees, shrubs & ferns . Mediterranean & Thai herbs Wild bird feed
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Fireworks go on sale on 16th Art-Nursery-Garden-Centre October. Email:
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Thornwood villagers raise £7,500 for St Clare at 23rd annual festival Many local people will know of the annual Thornwood village Festival event which usually takes place on the last Sunday in June. The community fundraising event, held at Thornwood Village Hall, has been taking place annually for 23 years and has raised more than £40,000 for St Clare Hospice during that time. The event has been a popular feature of the village’s events calendar for more than two decades, and every year attracts hundreds of people with its range of family-friendly games, stalls and sideshows. This year, residents of Thornwood presented a cheque for £7,500 to St Clare Hospice following the success of their annual village festival held on Sunday 25 June 2017. Thornwood Village Festival committee Chairman, Shirley Hawkins, has been helping to organise the event since it started. This year’s event marks the final time the festival will be held, with the committee deciding to retire the event after more than two decades. Shirley Hawkins said: “Hundreds of local families in Thornwood and the surrounding communities, benefit from the specialist care provided by the Hospice, and so we run the festival as our way of giving back to St Clare. We started the event, more than 20 years ago, back when the Hospice was just starting out. It is amazing to have witnessed their care grow, and to think how many thousands of people have been helped during those years.” Commenting on the committee’s decision to retire the event, Shirley Hawkins said: “I have really enjoyed being part of the festival organising committee, but the time has come for us to retire from arranging the event. Although many of us on the committee are still young at heart, sometimes our legs can’t keep up with us! This year felt like the right time to retire the event. We are very grateful to the businesses who have sponsored and supported the event over the years, and to all those who have contributed to running the festival.” St Clare Community Fundraising Lead, Dani De’ath, received the cheque on behalf of the Hospice and said: “We are so grateful to this year’s Thornwood Village Festival committee, and to all those who have helped to organise the event over the past two decades. It is only thanks to the unstinting and dedicated support of such generous local people as those in Thornwood, that St Clare is able to continue to deliver such excellent care and support to local families on one of life’s most difficult journeys”. Tel: 07814 63955
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Nominate your Citizen of the Year Award Epping Forest District Council’s Citizen of the Year Awards recognises people in the community who go above and beyond and make positive changes in our district. If you know an individual or a team who make a real difference nominate them for
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Citizen of the Year Team of the Year
Chairman David Stallan said: ‘The Citizen of the Year award is a great event, highlighting the positive work that goes on throughout the district. There are people among us who go above and beyond, making positive contributions to our society.’ ‘If there’s and individual or group who springs to mind, now is your time to nominate them for a Civic Award.’ You can nominate somebody by downloading a form at or pick up a form at any Epping Forest District Council building. Applications close Friday 24th November 2017.
Don’t forget to visit the website: To find out details of the latest new & events Or sign up to the Facebook Group Northwealdvillagelife
Launch of the Essex Crowd Come along to the launch of the Essex Crowd on Monday 25 September at Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford. The Essex Crowd is a new community crowdfunding initiative which gives people the opportunity to pitch their ideas, big and small, for projects which will make Essex a great place to live, work and play. From community gardens and street murals to festivals and sports facilities- find out how you can be involved at
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W . J. CRUMP Crash Repairs Established local company High quality car repairs Body Repairs Approved Insurance Repairer
Telephone: 01992 522351 Tylers Green, 284 High Road, North Weald CM16 6EG
I can’t quite believe I’m writing the October “Church Chat” so soon – where has the summer gone? First of all, we had to postpone our Messy Church because the building work at St Andrew’s School hadn’t quite been finished. So apologies to anyone who was disappointed by this but – we’ve rescheduled Messy Church for Saturday 14th October from 10am -1pm. The format will be as before: craft and other fun activities as we think about “God’s Wonderful Creation” – then some informal prayer and worship, followed by lunch! Do please feel free to come, whether you go to “Sunday” church or not: and let me know if you have any questions. I’ve been writing recently about the three so-called “occasional offices” that are a right for everyone to have in their parish church, whether they attend regularly or not. We’ve reflected on baptisms (christenings) and also on weddings – and now it’s time to think about funerals. Well, of course, most of us don’t want to think about our funeral at all, which is entirely understandable: it can seem rather morbid when there’s life to get on with. But there are two good reasons to give it some thought. Firstly, we will all die eventually (though I have to admit that modern advertising often suggests otherwise!) and lots of wise people have commented that we cope with its approach much easier if we’ve done some reflection and planning at least on how we want our passing to be marked. And the second good reason is a practical one – it’s very hard for people when they’ve just lost a loved one to plan a funeral from scratch, even if it’s going to be very simple: amongst the grief and sadness of bereavement there’s unfortunately a lot of practical things we have to do, as I found when my father died unexpectedly last autumn. So if we can leave our families and friends some good funeral plans we will be helping them a great deal when they most need it. Everyone who lives in North Weald, Thornwood or Hastingwood has a right to have their funeral in St Andrew’s church (although unfortunately this right doesn’t any more extend to burial in the church graveyard, because there’s no more space!) As a priest, I consider it a privilege to be asked to take a funeral, and would never dream of turning away a request because someone hadn’t ever been to church. And whilst there are many other possibilities and places for funerals nowadays, including those where God isn’t mentioned at all, I think there’s still an important place for a church funeral, as the prayers (and, perhaps, practical support too) of the church family reach out to embrace those in sadness and distress. Whilst individual vicars have discretion as to what can happen at a church funeral, I’m always pleased to allow appropriate readings and (especially) music that are special for the person who’s died. So if there’s anything you want to ask about church funerals, particularly at St Andrew’s, do get in touch.
With best wishes to you all, Fr James ( or 01279 451065) Page 30
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NORTH WEALD BASSETT PARISH COUNCIL Parish Office, North Weald Library, 138 High Road, North Weald, Essex CM16 6BZ Tel: 01992 523825 Fax: 01992 524756 email: Clerk to the Council: Mrs Susan De Luca The Parish Office is located in North Weald Library and is open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9.15am to 1.15pm. Details of Parish Council and Planning Committee Meetings can be found on the Parish Council’s website SERVICES AVAILABLE:CEMETERY: ALLOTMENTS:
Purchase of plots for Burials, Cremated Remains, Garden of Remembrance A limited number of plots are available to rent in North Weald, Hastingwood and Thornwood PARISH HALL FOR HIRE: The Parish Hall is located in Weald Hall Lane, Thornwood Common. Please contact Mrs Janet Abbott on 01992 571128 for further details. PARISH MAINTENANCE: Play areas; open spaces; check street furniture, bus stops, bins; street lighting and much, much more ...... DID YOU KNOW WE RUN THE LIBRARY 3 DAYS A WEEK? Services include: Taking out/bringing back books; Photocopying/Fax Machine available; Internet COUNCILLOR DETAILS: Hastingwood Ward:
Brian Bartram – 01992 614415 Thornwood Common Ward: Brian Eldridge – 01279 428622 Matt Harris – North Weald (Village) Ward: Nigel Bedford (contact via Parish Office) Elaine Godwin-Brown – 01992 570316 Terry Blanks – 01992 522216 Anne Grigg – Alan Buckley 01992 522158 Sheila Jackman MBE (contact via Parish Office)
Baden Clegg – 01992 575636 Richard Spearman – 01992 573283
George Mulliner – 01992 523535 Dave Stallan – 01992 523859 Andrew Tyler – 07935 224573
Message to Residents & former Residents of Thornwood Common. Dear Editor, While researching material for my book, ‘Thornwood Common An Essex Village’ I made contact with National Service soldiers who served in the 6th Field Ambulance unit of the Royal Army Medical Corps which was based at Thornwood Camp in the 1950’s. They now have a Veterans Association of which my wife and I have been made Honorary Members for our support and interest in the unit. I have been given copies of cartoons published in their ‘Remembering Thornwood’ booklets with permission to use them in a second edition of my book. In correspondence with the very talented artist, Alan Rolph, he mentioned the many acts of kindness proffered to the men by the residents while they were stationed in the camp, located at the end of Carpenter’s Arms Lane, as well as the organised trips to London for them, also arranged by the villagers. Alan says, “ You can’t beat that as a, ‘you are welcome here’ statement. This is a small ‘payback’ for their kindness during our twoyear stay away from home. Many thanks from me and from all the old lads who served out their National Service with you.”
Alan’s cover sketch of a serviceman looking towards the camp gate, with the guardroom to the right and a small ward to the left. Beyond the gate is Carpenter’s Arms Lane with the pub in the distance. James Waters. (North Weald Bassett Citizen of the Year) Page 31
Tel: 07814 863955
Future of Council Tax Support Scheme Epping Forest District Council are asking for your views on the future of our Local Council Tax Support scheme (LCTS) to see whether any changes should be made. It’s important they get the views of our residents as it could affect the amount of Council Tax you pay, or the services you receive. “The Government gives us a grant to pay Local Council Tax Support which is reducing each year” explains Finance Portfolio Holder Councillor Gagan Mohindra, “if we spend more than the grant, we have to decide how we pay for the excess.” “This year, in addition to looking at how the scheme is funded, we are deciding whether changes should be made to reduce the number of different Council Tax bills that people get when they receive Universal Credit, and whether Bereavement Support Payments should be disregarded. There are also changes to the way that we treat decisions by the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP).” Councillor Mohindra said: “We’ve looked carefully at the LCTS scheme and are aiming to providing a fair level of support to those residents on a low income as well as identifying potential changes which would generate savings for the council. We will of course continue to fully fund support for those who suffer exceptional hardship, and none of the changes would make a drastic change to the amount of council tax individuals would pay.” “Let us know what you think on this important issue” Councillor Mohindra asked residents. “ It takes just 10 minutes to complete the online questionnaire which runs until 12 October 2017. Any recommendations from this consultation will be considered by Full Council later in the year, with a view to bringing in changes from April 2018.” If you want to make a detailed reply or comments, email and enter ‘consultation’ in the subject heading. If you don’t have access to a computer, you can get a paper copy from the Benefits Division at the Civic Offices. The cannot respond individually to each response.
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About Go Sober Be a Soberhero and go 31 days without alcohol this October – say no to the booze and yes to raising money for people living with cancer. And just like every hero’s trusty sidekick, Macmillan will be with you every step of the way to help you along your sober journey.
By signing up to the challenge you’re doing something amazing for people with cancer. All the money raised by those Going Sober this October will help Macmillan support even more people facing cancer. You’ll be a money-saver, hone your will-power, increase your energy, boost your health and, most importantly, help to change the lives of people with cancer. Staying off the booze (along with a few small improvements to your diet and exercise routine) can mean you develop new powers:
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Allergens in local food Essex Trading Standards has been working with local caterers to ensure that they understand their obligations in relation to declaring Allergens n food. This work is ongoing - the team are currently undertaking prosecution action against two Essex takeaway businesses that supplied kebabs containing soya proteins after being informed of a soya allergy.
POW. Wake up with a spring in your step after sleeping better and snoring less BOOM. Increased energy levels. ZAP. Banish those horrible hangovers WHAAMM. Healthy looking bank balance KABOOM. Feel generally healthier in everything you do.
I did Go Sober last year and raised over £200. So why not take part in Go Sober, raising a glass (of water) and standing proudly beside people facing cancer. You can sign up online at
In lieu of the outcome of this formal action Essex Trading Standards has begun to look at the wider supply of kebabs across Essex and how caterers manage the request of allergen Kebabs and other takeaway meals often contain allergenic ingredients and as well as Soya, intelligence suggests that milk can often also be present in kebabs. This is particularly relevant in Essex, as we are home to at least three national suppliers of kebab meat at retail level. Essex Trading Standards is committed to ensuring businesses comply with their obligations when it comes to providing safe food for consumers to eat.
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Ongar leisure centre refurbishment unveiled Ongar Leisure Centre unveiled its newly refurbished fitness suite on Saturday 9 September 2017. The new suite now includes a state of the art cardio and strength kit, rowers, multifunctional training equipment and Watt bikes. It also features a new training rig which is ideal for rehabilitating an injury and high intensity training, as well as a Technogym Skillmill, which is a powerless treadmill that allows users of all abilities to perform at their own pace. An official launch event was held on Saturday th September 2017, which offered visitors free swimming, badminton and virtual cycling sessions, special deals on membership and the chance to see improvements made following the £450,000 worth of investment. Investment into Ongar leisure centre has also included new energy saving technology, IT systems to enhance the customer experience as well as the introduction of state of the art equipment such as SWIMTAG, which is the latest wearable technology that helps customers track their swim activity. Epping Forest District Council Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Community Services Councillor Helen Kane said: ”It is such a pleasure to see the first major investment of the new leisure contract come to fruition at Ongar Leisure Centre. I know there has been some local concern about the future of the centre but this refurbishment and Places for People Leisure’s investment of £450,000 is a clear commitment to leisure services in Ongar.” ”Across the District major refurbishment works start in Epping and Loughton this Autumn while preliminary work has already started for the brand-new leisure centre at Waltham Abbey. I’m pleased to say that the outlook for leisure services is positive throughout the District.” Geraint Hole, General Manager at Ongar Leisure Centre comments: ”We are delighted to be able to offer the local community a newly refurbished and equipped leisure centre that will provide opportunities for everyone to take part in physical activity and enjoy the wide range of facilities on offer. As a social enterprise, we aim to open up even more opportunities for people to adopt a healthier and more active lifestyle and are looking forward to offering customers free sessions as part of this event.”
Cyril will be missed I was shocked to hear the sad news of the death of Cyril Hawkins.
Many people will know of him in his role of Parish Councillor and Chairman of the North Weald Parish Council since 2006. Cyril was always out and about in the village, at all social events, attending council meetings and dealing with council business all on a voluntary basis. He took pride of place every year at the annual Thornwood Village Festival, this year welcoming people on the gate knowing everybody. Cyril died on 7th September after a short spell in hospital. Parish council clerk Sue DeLuca said: "Cyril was a stalwart of the council working not only for the Parish as a whole but with a particular fondness and affection for Thornwood Common."
My thoughts and sympathies go to Shirley, his family and friends. He may be gone but the hard work and legacy of Cyril will never be forgotten.
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Don’t forget to visit the website: To find out details of the latest new & events Or sign up to the Facebook Group
North Weald Village Life Facebook Group Thank you to those that have messaged me, hopefully I have looked into most of these. If I have not approved you, please join again. There are now three questions to answer that will enable me to approve or decline you. The main question is of course referring to whether you live locally or not, as it is a local group.
North Weald Cricket Club News
I do have a lot of members who have chosen not to answer the questions so I cannot approve them.
Don’t forget there is also the North Weald Village Life Events Group that you can join and where you can The league season ended with the club achieving promotion to find details of local events. division 3 in a match that effectively became a play off. On the final day North Weald and High Roding were set to play each other, with whichever team won achieving promotion after North Weald unexpectedly lost their table topping position a couple of S. I. Painters and Decorators weeks earlier when they lost to bottom of the table Stansted who Established 1980 were boosted by in strength on the day due to other fixture gaps elsewhere. Still it leant the season an exciting climax on the last Quality Painting & Decorating day. High Roding were at home so had an advantage on paper, Service North Weald had 9 of their first choice 11 players available, so strength wise they felt they were in with a jolly good shout at • Interior & Exterior Specialist victory. In the end, the match finished North Weald 288-6 Beat • Domestic & Commercial High Roding II 226-All out by 62 runs. A jubilant club captain • Plastering James Ward stated that the new chaps that had come in during • Professional & Reliable the season had added an extra resilience to the squad that helped the club cope through the holiday periods, which had • No job too small or too large enabled the sustained good form across the season. He gave a • Locally based in North particular mention to Jacob Ellis for his super all round form this Weald season with both the bat and ball. • Free Estimates The full season ends in the first week of October, but it will not be long before indoor training starts for teenagers and adults at the nearby Herts & Essex Cricket Centre. New cricketers of all standards are always welcome and can contact club secretary Ross at to get more information. Junior fun sessions for 6-11 year olds are set to start indoors at the Queens Hall on Wednesday evenings in October.
All work is guaranteed Telephone: 01992 524 560 or 07860 494095 Email: Check out our customer references at and Decorating Ltd
Source: Paul Elby
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Citizens Advice says: check now if you’re entitled to PPI compensation, before it’s too late You may well have seen the Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) TV adverts urging people to check if they may have a PPI claim, featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger (or at least his voice and head). Here’s what it’s all about. What is PPI? PPI stands for Payment Protection Insurance. PPI policies were sold alongside loans, credit cards, store cards and mortgages mostly between the 1990s and 2010. What was wrong with PPI? It may have seemed like a good idea because the policies were supposed to keep up repayments if you suffered some calamity. In fact many of the policies were riddled with exclusions and were unsuitable for many customers. Some customers may not have realised that they were paying for insurance and may not have known that they had a choice. A huge proportion of the payments under these policies went on commission to the sellers . So what’s happened? The regulators and the courts have forced the lenders to pay compensation. Over £27.4bn has been paid out to customers since the FCA introduced rules for complaining about PPI in 2011. But now the FCA has set a deadline of 29 August 2019 for complaints, hence the TV campaign. The campaign is being paid for by the eighteen firms including banks, building societies and credit card providers who had the most PPI complaints. Firms have also agreed to a number of steps to ensure that the complaints process is as easy as possible for their customers. These include: providing an option for people to submit their complaint online ensuring that complaint forms are as easy to understand as possible and don’t put customers off complaining providing support to vulnerable customers who may need extra help to submit complaints providing useful and free-to-use PPI checking processes.
Can I claim and how do I do it? If you ever had PPI it is very likely you can claim, either because the policy was unsuitable for you or because of excessive commission. You need to check through the paperwork relating to any loan or mortgage you have had. If it looks like you may have had PPI you need to complain to the lender and take it from there. There is a step-by-step guide on or you can find out more from the FCA via either its website – – or its dedicated phone line - 0800 101 8800. Claiming is free and is very straightforward. But get your claim in as soon as you can. What if the lender won’t pay out? You can appeal to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). Again, this service is free, and simple to operate. The lender has to abide by the FOS decision. I’ve been contacted by a claims management company who have offered to claim on my behalf. Should I use them? Absolutely not. They will take at least a quarter of your compensation, plus VAT, for something you can easily do for yourself, for free. They are a waste of money. Contacting Citizens Advice If you need our assistance or advice we are of course always willing and able to help. The nearest branch to North Weald is at 50A Hemnall Street in Epping. We are open for drop-in from 10.00 to 2.00 on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. For other days, the Loughton branch in Loughton Library is open between 9.30 and 1.00, Monday to Thursday and the Waltham Abbey branch in Waltham Abbey Town Hall is open between 9.30 and 1.00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. But all branches will be closed on Tuesday 3 October for our annual general meeting. You can also get information from our local website at which includes links to the national website: Or you can ring the Essex Adviceline on 03444 770 808. Source: Paul Stockton Page 36
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Age restricted goods Trading Standards take the sale of age restricted goods seriously and have worked with retailers over previous years embedding policies like Challenge 25. The Trading Standards service is largely intelligence led, but occasionally the team will take part in operations with partner agencies. This year Officers’ have been involved in Operation Sceptre - testing 20 retail premises across Harlow, Loughton and Basildon using a 15 year old volunteer. Out of 20 premises three sales were made, which is a reasonable level of compliance, but Officers’ will be retesting those that failed - watch this space!
Poetry While there are no rules in poetry, as it can change every time, It might be about love or just a silly verse that popped into your mind. Now a poem can be very long, or just as captivating if it is very short, All you need to do is make sure you use the correct gramma that you’ve been taught. All you need to begin is to use what is in your head or your heart, Then its just a piece of paper you need a pen to start. You can create great scenerios of love and happiness with unlimited places to go, Or you can cause a deep dark cloud to form as you fill all with woe. The world is your oyster but why stop there? For you could enter deep into realms that are not even there. The only thing to stop you is your imagination of which everyone is blessed Though sometimes it can be deep and scary but for many they are the best. So just pick up a pen and grab some paper and then just write about how you feel As you start your whole purpose may change, though that’s the excitement as it doesn't have to be real. Anyone can do it, just call on those feelings inside your mind, Then once you’ve shared, it’ll will just get easier and easier you will find. Yes anyone can write a poem, even if to others it doesn't make sense, Who cares what others think about them, as it your thoughts that you are conveying whether funny or deeply intense. Source: Andy—resident poet. Sharing his advice on inspiring poetry. If anybody likes to write poetry, and would like to share this with readers, I am always happy to receive this.
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BIRD FEATURE - OCTOBER 2017 Here are a few jottings for the month of October. Just a reminder that any of the sightings I mention are as of the middle of September. I will start with a brief overview of what birds have been about lately. I've had a couple of sightings of a Little Egret fly ing over the central bit of the village, we usually get a pair that starts frequenting fields etc adjacent to Cripsey's Brook as the autumn progresses so it looks as though that trend will continue this year. Last autumn / winter there were several Meadow Pipits around Weald Common and there are one or two starting to turn up again, they were absent during the summer - this is a species that nests in more open and often upland areas - but are dispersing from their breeding areas. I also noted a small number last winter around the old golf course so they are likely to turn up there again. This is by no means a rare bird but at one time I only noted them very occasionally in our area so last year's increased numbers may have been a one off. The late summer lull in bird activities - quite a few become more skulking as they recover from the breeding season - is lapsing and I am starting to see more Robins, finches, Blackbirds etc. There have been good numbers of Starlings throughout the area and indeed during the sec ond week of September I saw a loose flock that was easily over 200 or so in number, many of them juveniles. One sighting that made me have a double take was a flock of 16 Cormorants that flew over one Saturday morning, they were last seen roughly heading towards Hastingwood. These are big, all black birds that are very obvious and I regularly see them in ones and twos but I hav e certainly never noted that many locally. I can only assume they were passing through but there are a few small lakes stocked with fish around the v illage and adjacent countryside so maybe there could be further sightings if these Cormorants have taken a liking to one of the local lakes. Of c ourse this is not a welcome sight for anglers as Cormorants hunt fish, fish and more fish and have big appetites.
There are still quite a few Swallows and House Martins to be seen at various sites in the area. Although from our point of view the weather has been disappointing of late, for these species there have been rich pickings. The mild temperatures keep the insects flying and the n the afternoon showers often push the insects ahead of the approaching rain belt which is why you can suddenly see a flock appear as they chase down their prey. As the migration period develops you can get bigger and bigger flocks. In areas with lots of livestock or a large reservoir you can count these species in the many hundreds. A one off sighting was a Hobby in the first week of September which came into view chasing dragonflies. It flew back and forth six or seven times then was gone. This was the first sighting of this species that I had noted this year. As the summer visitors depart so we should see the arrivals of the winter thrushes namely Fieldfares and Redwings. Every year there are good numbers visiting the relatively mild UK and occasionally we get substantial flocks in our area. If the natural larder of berries and worms etc is bountiful then these species will largely stick to the fields, hedgerows and scrubby areas but should we get a prolonged cold snap in t he winter then they will readily come to gardens, especially if there are berries and or fruits to be eaten. I would expect to note the first arrivals before next month's edition is due and once here many will linger well into spring. Last winter there was a Redwing that seemed to take up residence at a pa rticular stretch of the hedges bordering Weald Common and was present for a good 3 or 4 months. Other groups came and went but on other days there wa s just the one bird which presumably was the same individual each time. If you look at autumn hedgerows and bushes in scrubby areas then you will see many different berries, seeds and fruits. Elder berries, Guelder Rose, hawthorn, brambles, rose hips, crab apples, thistles, teasels etc etc all provide food for a variety of bird species as well as mammals, insects and the like. Several types of berry are bright red and can make hedgerows look very attractive before the berries are eaten or rot a way. Another berry is the Ivy but these tend to be on the plants much later than other berries and provide a winter lifeline for wildlife after other supplies have been exhausted. Jays are a rather handsome variety of the Crow family and with their harsh calls and obvious white rumps they can be very con spicuous in the autumn as this is the time of year when they can be seen flying back and forth as they raid oak trees for the acorns which they will cache for retrieving later in the season. Studies have shown that Jays can remember where they've stored acorns with surprising accuracy and often their su rvival will depend on this ability. Referring back to winter visitors I mention each year that an influx of Waxwings would be very welcome. This is a truly stunn ing looking bird which forms active, lively flocks and raids berry bearing bushes with anecdotal reports of flocks frequently targeting hedges and trees in supermarket car parks. We are due a winter where UK numbers rocket and could 2017/18 be the year? It would be fair to say that many people wh o normally have no interest in birds will take note of Waxwings, if they are about then they can be obvious and certainly have that Wow! factor. At the start of the decade there was a flock of 50 or so frequenting North Weald just for a few days one Xmas and I was just glad I caught up with them as it is the only time I have ever seen any, despite being a birdwatcher since the early 1960s. My wish list for this winter has Waxwings at the top. If you feed the birds in your garden then remember the golden rule of hygiene, keep any supplies mould free and try to avoid a build up of bird droppings. If possible move feeders occasionally and remember the birds using your feeding station are wild and are exposed to avian diseases, mouldy food sources etc so always wash your hands if you handle anything. Also fresh, clean water can be just as important as a food supply for birds so if you can provide that then so much the better. If you are out and about keep your eyes peeled, wildlife can pop up unexpectdely - a couple of weeks back a Stoat crossed a pathway just a few metres from me—and even obvious birds such as gulls, crows and Starlings can offer interesting sightings. There will be roving flocks of small birds in the hedgerows, Kestrels and Sparrowhawks on the hunt, woodpeckers in evidence etc - plenty to observe, not to mention the insects and other invertebrates that represent a huge percentage of the individual species to be seen. And don't forget the deer rutting season will be gathering pace and the deer seem to lose all sense of awareness of traffic etc. For instance the wooded area on the way to Epping can be that bit more hazardous at this time of year with increased chances of a deer running out in front of vehicles. Enjoy the outdoors, all the best, Paul Corbet.
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Tel: 07814 863955
Make that blue counter work in Tesco Tesco’s has teamed up with Groundwork to help fund community projects. The ‘bags of help’ initiative sees grants of £4,000, £2,000 and £1,000 being awarded, which is all raised through the sales of 5p bags.
3 groups in every Tesco region have been shortlisted to receive the cash award and shoppers are being invited to head along to Tesco stores to vote for who they think should take away the top grant. Voluntary Action Epping Forest (VAEF) is part of a nationwide network of independent agencies that act as “matchmakers” for people seeking volunteering opportunities for nonprofit and charity groups needing volunteers. They match the interests and skills of local people with the needs of groups operating in the Epping Forest district. They also encourage and support organisations to operate good practice in volunteer management. VAEF aims to use the funding to reach more potential volunteers and increase recruitment of volunteers for community groups in the area.
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Voting is open throughout September and October Cast your vote in Epping, Theydon Bois and Ongar Tesco stores
Alec Brown, Head of Community at Tesco said: “We are absolutely delighted to open the voting for September and October. There are some fantastic projects on the shortlists and we can’t wait to see these come to life in hundreds of communities.” Groundwork’s National Chief Executive, Graham Duxbury said: “We’re looking forward to learning the results of the customer vote and then supporting each group to bring their project to life.” Leisure and Community Services Portfolio Holder Councillor Helen Kane said: “We are thrilled to see VAEF shortlisted. The work they do for our community bringing people and services together through volunteering makes such a positive difference.”
Bus Service Withdrawn A notice has been received t confirm that the following Regal Bus Service has been withdrawn. Service 250 / 251 This was from 27th August 2017 . I have been informed that this Bus Route did serve North Weald.
Tel: 07814 863955
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Essential Local Numbers The Alzheimer Society
01992 717676
North Weald Methodist Hall
01992 522143
Cats Protection
0333 200 1484
North Weald Library
01992 522896
Citizens Advice Bureau
03444 77 0808
North Weald Village Hall Bookings
01992 523731
01992 523825
0800 555111
North Weald Parish Council
Doctors High Street, Epping
01992 579270
Queens Community Centre Hall Bookings
07522 473024
Doctors The Limes, Epping (visits/emergencies)
01992 566500
NHS Direct
0845 4647
Doctors The Limes, Epping (appointments)
01992 573838
Police, Epping Station
0300 333 4444
Doctors The Limes, North Weald 01992 524383
Police, Neighbourhood/local
Epping Forest District Council
Police, Emergency
Police Online reporting
01992 564000
Essex County Councillors: North Weald—A. Jackson Thornwood—J. Whitehouse
01992 560566 01992 561875
Hospital, St Margarets, Epping
01992 561666
01279 306058
Hospital, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Harlow
01279 444455
Stuart Poulton
01992 522607
24 Hour
01992 572607
London & Essex Boarding Kennels & Cattery (Kents Farm)
01992 522183
St Andrews Church
01279 451065
North Weald Airfield
01992 564200
St Andrews Primary School
01992 522283
North Weald Chemist
01992 523887
0870 6082608
LOCAL CLUB DIRECTORY 3rd North Weald Beavers
North Weald Cricket Club
Taoist Tai Chi Society
Tel: 01992 524672
Tel: 01992 523854/07803243625
British Legion, North Weald Branch
North Weald Scouts Group
Theydon Jazz Club
Tel: 01992 614415
01992 524672
01945 588325/
Epping Ongar Railway Volunteer
Thornwood Seniors
Tel: 01277 365200
North Weald Seniors Society for over 70’s
Epping Forest Badger Group
Tel: 522196
Three Valleys Male Voice Choir
Tel: 576038 Friends Force Hertfordshire/Essex
North Weald Wireless Station Bowls Club
Tel: 01279 415563
Tel: 522464
Tel: 522803
West Essex Flower Club
Epping Forest Rotary Club
North Weald Women’s Institute (Afternoon)
Tel: 524631
Tel: 07855 911323
Tel: 523731
Forest Highlanders Pipes & Drum
Queens Hall Bowls Club
Tel: 01708 250820
Tel: 523375 or 522052
North Weald Angling Club
Queens Hall Charity
Tel: 01992 524071
Tel: 522910
North Weald Preservation Society
Rapier Cycling Club
Tel: read 01992 522618/522630
Tel: 524631
Tel: 577872