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Church Chat
What’s Going On?
Sunday 10am: informal, friendly & creative worship. St Andrew’s Church. Sunday 3pm: contemplative, prayerful Mass. St Andrew’s Church. Every Tuesday, 7.30-8.30 on zoom: Bible Study, chat & prayer. Email summersaimee@gmail.com for more information. First Tuesday of each month, 10.40am: dementia-friendly service for residents, staff & families of residents of Cunningham House Rosary (praying with beads). First Wednesday of every month at 12, in St Andrew’s Church. Contemplative group to offer you space to be with God. Lunch Socials: 12.45 on a Wednesday in St Andrew’s Church Hall. Bring your own lunch. Teas & coffees provided. Wow! Have any of you ever been struck suddenly by the presence and beauty of God? Perhaps you might not call the experience God - but sometimes the sense of Someone being alongside you, or a powerful experience of beauty might make you stop and just go “wow!” In fact, sometimes, “wow” is all that there is to say. Last month, I was reading this poem to some of the lovely folks at North Weald Sunday Morning Church, as part of our weekly Bible study and prayer. Their reaction to a poem I hadn’t thought about much made me stop and think about how powerfully and beautifully God was speaking through these words. Sometimes we have to stop and say “wow!” at the glory and beauty and closeness of God. Sometimes there really is no better word. Wow. Here is the poem, from, “Psalms of a Laywoman”, by Edwina Gateley. Let your God love you Be silent. Be still. Alone. Empty Before your God Say nothing. Ask nothing. Be silent. Be still. Let your God Look upon you. That is all. God knows. God understands. God loves you With an enormous love, And only wants To look upon you With that love. Quiet. Still. Be. Let your God – Love you. May you find a ‘wow’ moment to spend with God this week. Source: Jaimee
Dates For Your Diary: - Pet Blessings! Sunday 2 October, 10am in St Andrew’s (Please put small animals in safe, secure carriers, & muzzle dogs who may be aggressive). 8 October: Forest Church, 3pm meet outside St Alban’s Church, coopersale & going into the woods opposite. A time to worship God in the sacred space of the woods. 13 October, 12pm: monthly philosophy & religion discussion group in the King’s Head pub will meet. Email summersaimee@gmail.com to sign up. - Grief & Loss: a service for All Soul’s, for all who have lost someone they love. 30 October, 10 am in St Andrew’s Church. - Remembrance Sunday Service: 10.50am at St Andrew’s Church. There will also be a civic service at 12.15 at the Norwegian War Memorial. 12 December: Carol Service, featuring St Andrew’s School Choir. Mince pies and mulled wine to follow. 6.30pm in St Andrew’s Church