North Weald Village Life September 2018 issue

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North Weald Village Life Strengthening the Community

FREE North Weald Bassett Community Magazine Circulation: Monthly

Issue: 145

September 2018

NORTH WEALD VILLAGE LIFE About North Weald Village Life North Weald Village Life is an independent magazine and website, owned and published by a local resident who is dedicated to strengthening the local community, improving communication and promoting local businesses and suppliers to local residents.

Circulation The magazine is available free of charge monthly and is distributed from 20th of each month.

Copies can be collected from: • • • .

• • •

News Shop, High Road Kings Head Garage, High Road North Weald Library Art Nursery, Vicarage Lane Newsagents, Coopersale Davis Estate Agents, High Road North Weald Chemist

Subscription If you would like to guarantee your personal copy or perhaps you have relatives or friends who would like to receive their own copy, you can subscribe for £25.00 for 12 issues. Please email me, download a copy of the form from the website or write to me at the address below.

Advertisers Advertising rates start at £19.00 for quarter page, £36.50 for half a page and £68 for a full page. Colour advertising rates are now available and there are some premium positions available at this current time. Please contact us for more information. The deadline for booking is the 5th of each month.

Contributions & Editorial If you would like to contribute editorial, poems, recipes, letters or anything else, we would be delighted to receive these. Please send them to us at the address below or via email.

Contact Details Telephone: 07814 863955 Email: Address: 49 York Road, North Weald, Essex CM16 6HU


School holidays have rapidly nearly drawn to an end. We have not been out much as a family but we have been busy and you get used to a more relaxed daily routine, although I do seem to be spending most of my life in Tescos as somehow I have no food left in the cupboards!!! The very hot weather has disappeared and we experiencing our seasonal summer norm of grey skies, showers and brief glimpses of the sun. It is not cold though, but I see people wearing jackets as compared to a few days it probably does appear much cooler. I for one, welcome the cooler nights especially and I don’t mind the cooler day temperatures although would like to see the sun a little more often. The weather is better for the wildlife too, there also appears to be an abundance of fruit so hopefully there is a lot of tasty food around. That reminds me, someone told me recently that they have seen a lot of young fawns in the forest recently so please bear this in mind when driving through the forest. Many parts of the village experienced the loss of water for quite a few hours due to a burst water main, luckily we didn’t lose ours totally but the water pressure was so week. It was repaired in the evening but it surprises me how the quality of the water has been affected. Literally one house one side of the road has a normal supply and the house opposite has cloudy brown water. I have no idea how this occurs, it’s the same supply, I can only guess it is down to the underground pipe framework. I would like to say thank you to the reader who gave a copy of my magazine to a visiting plumber and said they should advertise – which they did. Without advertisers the magazine just couldn’t survive so please remember this if you run a local business. I really want to encourage as many different types of businesses to be in the magazine as this provides more help to local people to have somewhere to easily refer to when needing a local tradesman or service. Whether that is by reading the magazine or visiting the website. Likewise, if you know of someone who has a big birthday, become engaged, had a baby etc please let me know. Readers love good news and like to know what’s happening locally. Thank you to everybody asking after Andy, it is early days after his treatment so we are keeping our fingers crossed, the specialised wound clinic is doing wonders for his arm but will need to go back to Broomfield Hospital for a further operation on his leg. Sorry no poems this month—he promises to try for the next issue. Also I must say a big thank you to everybody’s kind words on reaching my 12th anniversary last month. Enjoy the remaking summer time. Kind regards June Editor

Disclaimer: Whilst every care has been taken to ensure any data in this publication is accurate, neither the publisher nor it ’s editorial contributors can accept and hereby disclaim, any liability to any party, or loss or damage caused by errors or resulting from negligence, accident or any other concerns. North Weald Village Life does not officially endorse any advertisement material included within this publication. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reported, stored in retrieval systems or transmitted in any form electronically. Mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the permission of the publisher.

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SEPTEMBER BRAIN TEASER —Win a bottle of wine • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Pencil case Ruler Notebook Calculator Eraser School Bag Uniform Kit Sharpener Jacket Shoes Book English Maths



























































































































































Congratulations this month to Mrs Bradley who won last months prize and will be celebrating with a bottle of wine. This month the lucky winner can also celebrate with a bottle of wine. To enter this month, please send your completed entry to September Brain Teaser, NWVL, 49 York Road, North Weald, Essex CM16 6HU. Entries need to be received by 10th September Please ensure you put your name, address and telephone number on your entry so that I can telephone you if you are the lucky winner. Good Luck.

THE EPPING TREE COMPANY TOTAL TREE MANAGEMENT Your local Tree Surgeons Approved by the Local Authority & established for over 25 years You can be assured of personal attention Fully Insured

FREE ADVICE & QUOTATIONS Total Tree Management All aspects of tree surgery Felling, Pruning & Shaping, Hedges Trimmed, Stump & Root Removal Specialist contractors for preserved and conservation work

Tel: 01206 384262 Mobile: 07850 390079 .Proprietor:

S. Dinsdale Email: Page 4

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Crime and Policing Roger Hirst, Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (PFCC) for Essex discussed local policing issues with residents at a public meeting on 2ndAugust 2018 held in Epping. Roger Horst updated those present about the latest crime trends and what Essex Police are doing to proactively police the Epping Forest district. A panel of senior representatives from Essex Police and Essex Fire Service explained to residents the demand on budgets, current successes and where improvement is needed. Representing the Epping Forest District Community Safety Partnership Councillor Sam Kane said: “We always appreciate feedback from local residents on how our district is policed. There’s a strong sense of community in Epping Forest but we must all still work together to make our district a safer place to live. Councillor Kane added: “I’m pleased to report that three new Police Officers dedicated to the Epping Forest district have started. They have been directly funded by Epping Forest District Council to look at three of our local policing priorities which are dealing with antisocial behaviour, burglaries and hate crime. They have been with us just a month and have been very successful already in solving crimes.”

As a response of a question at the meeting about when you should call 999 and when not to, Loughton Police hub produced some guidelines the very next day, these include the following information:Only ring 999 when there is a direct and immediate threat to life or property or if a crime is in progress. For example:•

Someone is using or threating to use violence

There is a danger to life

Serious damage is being or could be caused to a property

You know your neighbour is on holiday and you can see a torch being used inside their house

A road traffic collision has occurred where someone is hurt and/or a danger is being caused to other road users

A potential criminal has been disturbed or apprehended.

Here are some examples of when to ring 101:•

Straightforward routine enquiries

You arrive home from holiday and discover you have been burgled and the burglars have long gone

You go out to the car in the morning and discover a window has been broken during the night

The elderly neighbour across the road tells you that they have suffered a theft by cold callers the previous day.

Instead of using 101, you can also do it online via the Essex Police website and this will be recorded the way it would if you phoned but is often more convenient as you don’t have to hold on until someone can take your call. Page 5

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Ballroom and Latin American Dancing Classes

8.15pm & 9.15pm

North Weald Village Hall. Beginners at 8.15 and intermediate at 9.15. Contact Debbie on 07872 427946.

Every Monday

Taoist Tai Chi

10.30am— 12.30

Epping Hall, St Johns Road, Epping. Tel: 01992 523854.

Every Tuesday

Taoist Tai Chi

7.30pm— 9pm

Queens Hall, School Green Lane. Tel 01992 523854 for more information

Every 1st Tuesday

Ongar Flower Club


Zinc Arts Centre, High Road, Ongar. A floral art demonstration given by a qualified and experienced demonstrator. guests/visitors £4.50 members free.

Every Tuesday

Baby & Toddler Group

1.15pm— 2.45pm

Queens Hall, School Green Lane. Term time only. £2 per family.

Every Thursday

Baby & Toddler Rhyme Time— starts again on Thursday 13th September

10.30am— 11am

North Weald Library. For under 5’s and their parents/carers (term time only) Songs, rhymes and stories. Free to attend

Every Thursday


7pm— 9.30m

Wheelers Farm Gardens, £4 for book of 8 pages (2 games per page) Option Flyer £1. 50p for small raffle and cup of tea/coffee. Over 18 only

Every Saturday and Sunday

North Weald Airfield Museum

12 noon— 5pm

North Weald Airfield Museum, Hurricane Way

Every second Saturday of the month

Ploughmans Lunch


North Weald Village Hall. In aid of NWSS. All welcome

Every second and Fourth Wednesday

Theydon & Abridge Jazz


Abridge village hall. Enquires or phone 07903 879209

Every Tuesday

Board Games Session

2.30— 4.30pm

North Weald Library. Learn new games. Share your knowledge and enthusiasm. All ages welcome Free drop-in session

Saturday 25th August

Epping Horticultural Society Annual Show


Epping Church.

1st September

Coffee Morning


North Weald Methodist Church Hall. Come and get to know us in a relaxed atmosphere.

Monday 3rd September

North Weald Library Temporary Closure

Wednesday 5th September

North Weald WI


Monday 10th September

West Essex Flower Club


Sunday 16th September

Battle of Britain Wreath Laying Ceremony

Closed for essential maintenance to take place. The library will re-open on Monday 10th September.

North Weald Village Hall. This month we welcome back Blue Badge Holder Maggie Piper giving a talk entitled ‘Castles and Fortresses. Visitors welcome £3.00 pay on the door. Thornwood Village Hall. This month we have a short General Meeting followed by Crystal St. Andrews Church, North Weald at 10:40am for 11am.

If you know of a local event, please let me know and I will include this in the events calendar on There is also a new Facebook Group— North Weald village Life events—events are posted by myself and members that are taking place throughout Essex, London and Hertfordshire.

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Planning Applications Planning File No: Application No: Officer Name: Application Name: Location: Proposal:

003193 EPF/2146/18 Caroline Brown Mr G Wilson 7 Harrison Drive North Weald Epping Essex CM16 6JD Two storey side extension and single storey rear extension.

Any representations on applications should be made in writing by10th September 2018. Comment online at Or by post to: The Director of Planning and Economic Development, Epping Forest District Council, Civic Offices, 323 High Street, Epping, Essex CM16 4BZ Any enquiries should be made to the Application Processing Team T: 01992 564436 or E:

Temporary Closure of North Weald Library North Weald Library will be closed week beginning 3rd September for essential maintenance to take place. The library will re-open on Monday 10th September. For renewals please contact 0345-6037628 or visit Library customers can alternatively use Epping library (open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 9-5.30pm) or Chipping Ongar Library (open Tuesday and Wednesday 9-6pm and Saturday 9-5pm).

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Council gives 19k to community groups Community and voluntary groups involved in delivering community, cultural and sports activities have been awarded £19,060 in grants by Epping Forest District Council. Grants have been awarded to: •

3rd North Weald Scout Group £2250 towards the cost of purchasing a trailer for use on adventure programmes for beavers, cubs, scouts and explorers.

414 (Epping & North Weald) Squadron Royal Air force Cadets £350 towards the cost of a banner to parade at community events.

Buckhurst Hill Bowls & Lawn Tennis Club £5000 towards the cost of building a mini tennis court and practice wall.

Epping Bowls Club £600 towards the cost of purchasing a defibrillator for use by the group and the wider community.

Epping Youth FC £2660 towards the cost of football equipment.

Grant A Smile £2500 towards the cost of purchasing an industrial cleaning machine and materials.

Hertfordshire Boat Rescue £700 towards the cost of a rescue sled to take on missions.

WAY 2000 £5000 towards the cost of delivering a counselling service for young people.

Could your community group use funding to help the social and physical wellbeing of the district’s residents? If the answer is yes, apply now for a grant towards projects to improve facilities, equipment purchases, capital projects and new initiatives. Councillor Helen Kane, Leisure and Community Services Portfolio Holder said: “The Council greatly appreciates the work of the voluntary sector and encourages all local groups to get in contact to see if they are eligible to apply. The need for groups to receive funding is vital and our Council has funds available to support local groups. Our grants are a great opportunity to help others in our community.’’ For more information or to make an application visit to download the scheme criteria and applicant guidance notes and you can apply online—Email:

Please remember To mention to Advertisers That you found their details in North Weald village Life Magazine or website

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Park Life It's a sunny day in August and an ambulance is on its way to a house. It weaves its way swiftly along, blue lights flashing, until it reaches a long queue. The traffic tries to move out of its way – with difficulty, because a line of cars are parked haphazardly along the verge, their bumpers jutting into the road. With effort, the ambulance gets through, passing the cause of the disruption. A delivery lorry has been left on double yellow lines, halting the flow and angering motorists for miles around. Turning into a quiet neighbourhood, the ambulance's journey only gets harder as it squeezes past cars left on junctions and in restricted areas. In the end the paramedics have to go the rest of the way on foot – 30 minutes later than planned. They wouldn't have been able to get on the driveway anyway, because someone had parked right across the dropped kerb access, causing an obstruction. That's the reality of a world without parking management according to the North Essex Parking Partnership, or NEPP for short. Led by Colchester Borough Council and including Epping Forest, Harlow, Uttlesford, Braintree and Tendring, NEPP manage parking enforcement in all six areas. They introduce new parking restrictions, enforce the ones that already exist, represent the local area in parking decisions and much more. Their Civil Enforcement Officers look for cars parked where they're causing danger or inconvenience to others. For example: on double or single yellow lines, in resident permit zones when they don't have a permit, in parking bays for longer than permitted and in other places where there are restrictions. From time to time, they also deal with very different matters. A couple of months ago, an officer was on their way in the direction of Newport when they witnessed a serious road accident. The officer stayed with the driver for over an hour, awaiting an air ambulance. Incidents like this are rare, but as we're out on the ground we help wherever we can. Nobody likes getting a parking ticket, but the truth is that they don't really like giving them either! If you think a Penalty Charge Notice is wrong, you can appeal and they will always consider it fairly. If you see them out and about and you aren't sure where to park, please do feel free to ask. Their officers are all trained to give directions and advice, and they would always prefer to help than to give a penalty charge notice. To find out more about parking restrictions and the NEPP, to appeal a parking ticket or request restrictions, visit

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Wishing Dave well

S. I. Painters and Decorators

Many people will be aware that a few weeks ago, Dave Stallan from the News Shop in the High Road suffered a stroke on a Saturday afternoon whilst at the shop. After an operation and weeks of therapy in hospital, he is now undergoing physiotherapy in hospital and gaining strength. Despite the shock and worry, Sue, Amy and Will along with family and friends have managed to keep the shop open and the Post Office which was closed initially is now operating reduced hours to ensure a service is available to local people. Many local people will be aware of the role Dave has played as North Weald Bassett Parish Councillor and Epping Forest District Councillor and has just finished a year being the Chairman of Epping Forest District Council. I know, readers will be join me in wishing Dave well.

Please support Sue and Amy, whilst they are trying to ensure there is a minimised disruption in both the shop and post office, obviously Dave’s health must come first.

Established 1980

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Currently the revised post office hours are as follows:Monday 9.30am—1pm Tuesday 9.30pm—1pm Wednesday—Closed Thursday 9.30am—1pm Friday 9.30am—1pm Saturday 9am—12 Sunday Closed

Check out our customer references at and Decorating Ltd


Call: 07877496903 or 01277412522 For a free no obligation quotation WEBSITE: EMAIL: Page 11

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Beware—Range Rovers are wanted I have been notified that currently in the local area Range Rovers and other expensive cars are being stolen to order . Please be aware of this and friends and family members. It is suggested that additional precautions should be taken, for example an additional alarm or even the old fashioned steering wheel lock which may act as a deterrent or at least not make it so easy. Also it is suggested that you always keep your keyless fob in a security pouch and never leave valuable items in your car.

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Accident in the High Road On Sunday 12th August, there was an accident in the High Road. Local people came to the aid of those involved.

The driver of the motorbike was taken to hospital. The accident is reported to have occurred because he motorbike was overtaking on a blind bend.

Dog bin replaced Epping Forest District Council have removed the dog waste bin on the junction of Duck Lane/Rowley Mead Thornwood and have replaced it with a litter bin. This is for both dog waste and litter.

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Hospice names Children, Young People & Family Bereavement Service—.The Echo Counselling Service Hastingwood-based charity, St Clare Hospice, has chosen a name for their Children, Young People & Family Bereavement Service following a naming competition and public vote. After much deliberation and consultation, the final name chosen was Echo Counselling Service. Throughout the course of May and June, the West Essex and East Herts charity hosted a competition offering supporters the opportunity suggest names for their Children, Young People & Family Bereavement Service. Encouraging supporters to send in their ideas via email, St Clare Hospice was met with over 30 suggestions for names over the two month period. After a poll on social media platforms Facebook and Twitter, which saw more than 50 people cast their votes, and consultation amongst staff and service users, a name was finally chosen on Tuesday 10 th July 2018. The Hospice charity officially launched their dedicated bereavement service for children, young people and families in June 2017 following the receipt of a major grant from BBC Children in Need. The specialist service has since supported over 30 families, providing a range of support to patient’s relatives and loved ones who are under the age of 18 years. The service offers both one-to-one and group counselling to children, young people and families. Additional services include therapeutic workshops and family workshops.

St Clare Hospice’s Patient and Family Support team Manager, Joanna Petts, explained: “We needed a short, catchy project name that encapsulated the whole service and the support we offer to children, young people, families and schools – supporting them to face death, dying and loss. By giving our service a relatable name, we hope to encourage more young people to find out more about it and to feel empowered in accessing the vital support we offer.” Commenting on the chosen name for the service, Echo Counselling Service, Joanna Petts said: “The outcome of the online vote, and the input of staff and young clients here at the Hospice, were integral in choosing a name for the service. One young person who voted for the name ‘Echo’ told us that they could relate to the name because counselling had provided them with an opportunity for beneficial selfreflection, echoing back their thoughts and emotions by talking to a therapist, and the fact that the impact of losing their loved one would echo with them down through the years at different milestones in their life.” If you would like to find out more about the Echo Counselling Service for children and young people, and how to access support from the Patient & Family Support team, visit their website at: support-families or call the team on: 01279 773762 Page


Tel: 07814 863955



Tel: 07814 863955

If you want to include an announcement for a birth, death, marriage, anniversary or birthday of a local person or another reason —please send these to me via email and I will include it in a future issue



Tel: 07814 863955



Tel: 07814 863955

Need for high quality recycling Councillors agreed to contribute towards increased costs faced by the Council’s waste and recycling contractor Biffa Municipal, since the Chinese government imposed a ban on the import of paper produced by recycling facilities in the UK. The ban has resulted in excess amounts of paper in the reprocessing market, reducing its value and creating a buyers’ market focussed on quality – increasing Biffa’s costs. The Council currently sends no recycling waste to landfill. In order to continue with this policy, Biffa requested a further investment of £841,080 to offset the cost associated with delivering higher quality recycling materials. Having taken specialist advice, Councillors agreed the recommendation to pay Biffa £500,000 – comprising a £200,000 one off capital contribution and £50,000 annually over six years, in order to prevent any of the district’s recycling waste ending up in landfill. Some of the increased costs relate to the amount of contamination found within the recycling collected. Residual food waste and nonrecyclable materials can find their way into recycling, which significantly reduces the quality of the material produced.

Head shaved for charity On 1st August, Brian braved the shave and had his head shaved in aid of charity. This was in aid of McMillan Cancer Charity. The shave took place at Art Garden Centre The shave was carried out by Clive, who is usually grooming four legged friends and watched by customers and supporters. Well done Brian, he has raised over £600 people for a very worthwhile charity. I am not sure I will recognise Brian when I next visit the Garden Centre.



Tel: 07814 863955

Leaning Lamp Post Have you noticed the leaning lamp post in Watermans Way? I have been informed it is increasingly getting worse and despite contacting the authorities, it has been deemed to be safe. It is thought that the hot weather may be have caused this. What are your thoughts? Are you worried about this? We have a lamp post that has been leaning week by week by A local resident is very concerned that it may fall causing damage to property or worse still an accident.

Superfast Broadband It is good news for internet users as the Epping Forest District is well on its way to becoming the ‘best connected’ area within Essex. 96% of residents can currently connect to Superfast Broadband services – reportedly the fastest high speed internet connection in Essex. The Rural Challenge Project, that finished in early July, has seen in excess of 4,300 additional properties connected to the fibre broadband network. The next phase of the rollout is expected to provide broadband to a further 2,188 properties, bringing coverage up to an impressive 99.67% by December 2019 – leaving just 207 homes in the district where superfast broadband cannot be obtained.

C. J. A. Upholstery Stylish and contemporary pieces of furniture, individually crafted to fit perfectly to any space & lifetime guaranteed. Complement your furniture with stunning Fabric, 1000’s of fabric to choose from. Quality furniture – Made to last a lifetime


Dear Editor,

28 years at Omega Furniture

We would just like to say thank you to Dick, Chris and all at Happygrow Nursery for supplying us with plants and materials for our garden over the 24 years we have been here. Also for allowing the Gardening Club a special 'behind the scenes' visit in 2003 and for all their support throughout the years for Thornwood Village Day.

Jimmy & Barbara Waters. Editor’s comment:- I would also like to say a big thank you for stocking copies of North Weald Village Life over the last few years so that local people in Thornwood could collect their copy. I need to find another venue in the Thornwood know. If anybody knows of somewhere please let me know. Page


Tel: 07814 863955

Why buy new furniture when we can re-upholster your existing piece? With more than 35 years' experience, CJA Upholstery is a small, friendly business who provide a comprehensive range of upholstery services to clients in Essex and Hertfordshire.

Contact Us 01992 893 964 / 07904 359 333 Northam, 45 North Street, Nazeing, Essex EN9 2NH

The Squadron Café, Bar, Dining & Events Open 08:00--16:00 daily 07887947052 Many new and exciting projects ahead for The Squadron and Aviation Events after a turbulent 6 months on the airfield, we now are setting our best foot forward! Check out for a list of the airfield events, sign up for new releases, secret 1940’s parties, Hangar Dances, live music events, future events with priority booking facility ****************** Sadly, we have to report that the great John (the fuel) Walters passed away, 27 years with The Squadron, an Icon for the Airfield, the world’s greatest Aviation re-fueller!! THE most knowledgeable man on the airfield, a brilliant Spitfire display by Peter Tiechmann to see him off with drinks back at The Squadron to reminisce and eat roasties (his favourite)

A very sad day for the Airfield

The Squadron Scramble Car & Coffee meet on Sunday 9th September 9am Breakfasts served from 8am

Battle of Britain Sunday 16th September 2018

Allo allo Dining evening @The Squadron, North Weald Airfield Saturday 27th October 2018 3 course menu, glass of prosecco & show £34.95 07887 947052

Menu Chicken liver parfait w red onion marmalade French Onion Soup w gruyere cheese crouton ****************************** Roast Loin of Pork with calvados, crackling, toffee apple Classic Beef Bourgignon with roast shallots Roast Mediterranean tart, red pepper coulis (v) ****************************** French apple tart, crème anglaise Warm Rich chocolate gateaux, chocolate ice cream ******************************* French coffee with brandy & cream Doors 6.30pm, dinner served at 7.30pm Doors close 11.30pm Limited tickets available and in advance only Page


Tel: 07814 863955

North Weald Bantham and Ongar Bowls Club (Behind the Talbot) Meets every Tuesday at 5.30pm or 7.30pm Phone Cara: 0779 2778225

Saturday—8.30am Call Mandy on 07778117128



Tel: 07814 863955

Competition Winner Well done to Albert for his entry into the competition organised for pupils at St Andrews Primary School by the North Weald Bassett Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group. This was run in conjunction with the recent questionnaire, members of the Steering Group wanted to get all ages involved and were delighted to select this winning entry from Albert. Well done Albert—his prize will be presented to him in the next few days.



Tel: 07814 863955



Tel: 07814 863955

Gardening hints for September Here we are approaching Autumn and as gardeners, I think that has been the most challenging growing season for many a long year. Unfortunately I can remember very well (I was 22 years old) 1976 and this year has been very similar. Don’t despair too much with the scorched lawn, generally when the rain comes it will spring back to life. If there are a few patches that don’t make it when the rain comes its’s easy to patch in with new turf. September/early October being the ideal time. Then feed with Autumn food and weed, this will boost the stressed grass and keep it healthy throughout the winter. At the moment its difficult to see which plants have not survived the extreme heat. It’s amazing that some plants look really poorly but when the weather changes and they get hydrated, new shoots being to appear. If this is the case just prune back the dead and scorched leaves and branches, giving air and light to new growth. If the plant, whether it be herbaceous perennial shrub or tree, is dead, dig them up and dispose of. If you want to replace any of these plants, September is a good month for doing so. Planting in the Autumn is ideal as it gives the plant time to establish itself without the stress or continually watering it, and by the time next spring arrives you will really see the benefit. Now is the time to give al the hedges their final cut and tidy up. Cut back any herbaceous perennials that have finished flowering. September/October is the optimum time to plant spring flowering bulbs such as daffodils, tulips, hyacinth etc., I will be fully stocked with all the bulbs at the Garden Centre from the end of August onwards. As a rule of thumb bulbs should be plant about 6” deep (150mm) in your pots and tubs. If you are planting them in your borders, you can plant them deeper, this should help you avoid digging them up by mistake on subsequent years. Continue dead heading pots, tubs and hanging baskets to encourage further flowering. If you have Lobelia that’s gone a bit like straw pull it out to give it more room to plants adjacent you will probably be amazed at how these will flourish having more space and light. My tomatoes this year have began to ripen earlier than normal but I have a bumper crop. Its important to keep them evenly watered to avoid Blossom End Rot, this causes blackening at the bottom of the ripening tomato. Also I you let the plants dry out too much the fruit will have a tough skin which will generally split. As always come into the Garden Centre to discuss your successes and failures in this difficult year. This way we all continue to learn by sharing tips and advice. As always on hot summer evenings take time out to enjoy the sights and smells of your garden with a nice drink of your choice. Mine at this time of the year (surprise surprise) is a cold beer! Enjoy. Cheers! Source: Nigel, Art Garden Centre, Vicarage Lane.

Dance Show The Dance Factory did their 'Around the World' show at Epping Hall on 23rd June and raised £50 to share between two charities, St Clare Hospice and The Alzheimer's Society. 40 children took part and 20 ladies tap dancing too! Classes start back on Monday 10th September at Queens Hall, please ring Mandy for more information on 07976 786404.



Tel: 07814 863955

Brand new Beginner’s Dance Class starting on Monday September 10th



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Don’t forget to visit the website: To find out details of the latest events Or sign up to the Facebook Group Northwealdvillagelife

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HELP MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN YOUR COMMUNITY St Clare Hospice is looking for caring people who are keen to help others and make a real difference to local people. There are lots of ways to get involved, but in particular we are seeking: •

Drivers - many of our patients have no means of getting to the hospice in Hastingwood (near Harlow) to access our beneficial services, so you could help by giving a lift to people from your local area. You just need your own car and a bit of time in the week.

Compassionate Neighbours provide companionship to people living locally who are coping with illness or old age. With just an hour a week you can help someone who is lonely just by popping in for a cup of tea and a chat, or by helping them to access activities in their local community.

Shop assistants – our charity shops are treasure troves of fantastic new and pre-loved items. They are a hub of activity and we couldn’t run them with our volunteers. They are a great place to meet new people and discover new skills and experiences.

Street collections – it costs over £4 million each year to provide our vital services, and with limited NHS funding we need to fundraise for most of this. Just an hour of your time once or twice a year, to encourage donations from passers-by, really can make such a huge difference to our cause.

Volunteering is a great way to meet new people and your time will help us to continue to be there for local families when they need us most. If you are interested please contact Rob Wallace, Voluntary Services Manager on 01279 773722 or email: Or you can find more information about all our roles on our website:

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CHURCH ORGANIST REQUIRED Can you play the organ? Or do you know someone who can? St Andrew's Church requires an organist to play at the Parish Mass on Sunday mornings. Our present organist must of necessity retire in October due to failing eyesight problems. The churchwardens would be willing to consider more than one organist to play on different Sunday mornings the month if the weekly commitment was too demanding. Fees to be agreed with the churchwardens. Please ring me if you can help. My number is 01277 363202. Thank you.

Funding of CAB The public-voluntary sector partnership between Epping Forest District council and the Citizens Advice Bureau came under the spotlight at the Overview and Scrutiny meeting on Tuesday 24th July 2018. The Council is one of the most important sources of local CAB funding, contributing ÂŁ150,000 in the current Financial Year. Chief Executive Nnenna Anyanwu summarised the work the Epping Forest District CAB. It provides specialist and generalist advice from three main offices including one in Hemnall Street, Epping as well as two outreach services from Limes Farm and Ongar library.

Edwyn Gilmour, Lay Minister, St Andrew's Church.

Father James Resigns Father James Rodley, who many will know from his regular column in this magazine is Priest-in-Charge at St Andrews Church in the village unfortunately tendered his resignation. He will continue in his post until the end of September. Father James will remain as Vicar of St Mary Magdelane, Harlow Common but only on a half term basis. Father James has worked hard in encouraging the community both into St Andrews Church and Primary School. I would like to thank Father James for his support and for writing his column.

CAB advice is free, confidential, impartial and independent. Core areas of expertise include benefits, debt, housing, employment, relationships, legal matters financial services, tax, discrimination and consumer issues. Most people come to the CAB with more than one problem. In 2017/18 the 44 volunteers working from the five local offices helped 1,961 clients directly with 7,409 issues. Between April and June 2018, 833 CAB clients benefited through a mix of additional income, benefits and debt written off by almost ÂŁ275,000.

Nnenna Anyanwu is hoping to build a closer strategic partnership with Epping Forest District Council as the CAB faces various challenges including funding, EFDC geographical environment, volunteer recruitment and training, staff shortages and building partnership relationships. Page 27

Tel: 07814 863955


Six months of success for Compassionate Neighbours project This August, local charity St Clare Hospice will celebrate 6-months of success for its Compassionate Neighbours programme, after the project’s launch in February 2018. Compassionate Neighbours is a communityled project, where volunteers support local people throughout West Essex and East Herts who are living with a life-limiting illness, or who are experiencing frailty, loneliness or social isolation. The award-winning programme, originally founded by St Joseph’s Hospice in East London in 2011, has now been established in a total of eight hospices across the UK.

Since the launch of the Compassionate Neiighbours project at St Clare, the Hospicethe Hospice has successfully recruited 23 volunteers throughout the charity’s catchment area, who each offer their time, companionship and a listening ear to people living in their community who are coping with illness, old age or loneliness. St Clare hopes to recruit 50 Compassionate Neighbours within the first year of the project, calling on caring members of the public from the Uttlesford District, Bishop’s Stortford, Sawbridgeworth, Harlow and Epping Forest areas, to come forward and join the ranks of its volunteers. The project aims to be mutually beneficial for both the Compassionate Neighbour and the Community Member, with pairs being ‘matched’ based on their shared likes, interests and experiences. St Clare’s Compassionate Neighbours Manager, Stacey Towler, said: “The important thing is that the relationship between a Compassionate Neighbour and a Community Member is equal. It is not about a person having care or a service ‘done to them’ – but about two people connecting and sharing time together in a way which has a positive impact on both of their well-beings.” Stacey continued: “We all know what it is like to feel lonely. However, some people in the local community must endure this quiet reality every, single day. Luckily, there are amazing initiatives like the Compassionate Neighbours project that aim to tackle social isolation and loneliness and to reach those who could benefit from its support. Our volunteers help others by NEW visiting people in the community regularly; offering companionship and emotional support; helping them to do the Fresh hot Coffee things they like doing; and helping them stay connected to the community as well as family and friends.”

Available now

New volunteers will be provided with a full training programme, free of charge. The training courses are informal, fun and inspirational, giving volunteers the opportunity to explore how they can use their compassion to help others and give them the confidence to support people in their community. Please note that you must be over 18 to volunteer for this service. St Clare Hospice will carry out a relevant DBS check and you must be willing to give up your time on a regular basis. To find out more about b ec om i n g a Compassionate Neighbours project c o n t a c t the Compassionate Page 28

Tel: 07814 863955


Ongar Health Centre launches a Patient Participation Group

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16th September Battle of Britain Wreath-laying Ceremony St. Andrews Church, North Weald at 10:40am for 11am.

The Ongar Health Centre practice now has a Patient Participation Group which is a "voice of patient opinion" and will help highlight primary care in the local area. A committee has been formed, chaired by Jenny Juttner, and the first edition of the PPG e-newsletter has been sent out to some 200-plus patients who have registered to receive the enewsletter by email. A similar number of patients have also registered to join the 'virtual PPG'. Hard copies of the newsletter are available from the surgery. Jenny said: "I first became involved with the PPG when I received an email from the Practice asking for greater public involvement with the Ongar Patient Forum. Having just had two children and benefiting from fantastic NHS care with both, I felt I wanted to give something back and decided to get involved. "It quickly became clear that times have changed in terms of what patient involvement with GP surgeries involves, with the existence of a Patient Participation Group now being a contractual requirement. "It is also crucial for a PPG to be representative of the wider patient community within the practice. And so to that end, myself and several other patients have formed the Ongar Health Centre PPG and we are on a mission to engage with patients and the local community." The purpose of a PPG is to be a critical friend of the surgery, to be a voice of patient opinion, and to help educate patients on the provision of primary health care. The success of the PPG rests on patient involvement. If you are able to give more time then why not consider joining the PPG committee or volunteering at events? Jenny said: "We are welcome to all ideas, suggestions and feedback, and we hope to work hard to establish a meaningful and sustainable PPG for the benefit of the surgery and patients both now and in the future. We hope we can rely on your involvement and support." To express an interest in joining the PPG committee, volunteering at events or to sign up for the e-newsletter (which can also be done online by using the link included in a recent email sent out by the practice) please email or complete a contact form which is available from the surgery.

Don’t forget to visit the website: To find out details of the latest events Or sign up to the Facebook Group Page 29

Tel: 07814 863955


The Hemnall Social Club celebrates 100 years

On 22nd July the Hemnall Social Club celebrated 110 years in their building in Hemnall Street. The Club has been part of the community in Epping for over 130 years. It started life as the Workman’s Club in 1886, and became the Epping Literary & Mechanics Institute in 1894. At the time it was based in the White House, a building situated in William Cottis & Sons Archimedean Works behind the High Street. Members enjoyed games such as dominoes, bezique and cribbage, and were able to purchase tea and light refreshments. When a billiard table was purchased it soon became clear that the building was too small. The Institute’s committee began looking for more suitable accommodation, only to find that the cost was far more than they had anticipated. They had been particularly interested in a piece of land on the corner of Hemnall Street and Clarks Lane, which had been the site of the old Epping & Theydon Garnon School. Help came in the form of local landowner and philanthropist Ernest Wythes, who lived at Copped Hall. He offered to pay for the erection of a building if the Institute purchased the land. The Committee naturally agreed to this, and the new building was officially opened on Wednesday 22nd July 1908. According to newspaper reports of the time a “large gathering of all classes” witnessed the ceremony. It took place in the large reading room, which is today part of the main lounge. The chair was occupied by Institute President E A Ball, flanked by Ernest and Aline Wythes. Also on the platform were Vice-Presidents Colonel Lockwood, (Member of Parliament for the Epping Division), Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, F. Dent, and Reverend Allwork (Vicar of St John’s Church), plus Treasurer Hugh Sworder, and the architect who designed the building, Mr F E Hart. The ceremony concluded with a vote of thanks to the Chairman, after which Mr and Mrs Wythes inspected the building. They were cheered as they entered their car to return to Copped Hall. Later in the evening an auction was held for the right to play the first game on each of the two billiard tables. A Mr Martin paid 15s (75p) for the first on one table, and Mr Hammond 10s (50p) for the other. A brass plaque (pictured above) commemorating the opening can be seen at the Club today. It was (and still is) a building of great local interest. It was built by Epping building firm James Whiffin & Sons, who were based in Granville Road. They used bricks manufactured at the William Cottis & Sons brickyard which was situated by Epping Railway Station. The initials E.J.W (Ernest James Wythes) can be seen on the side of the building, and there is a James & Whiffin & Sons manhole cover outside. The picture on the right shows an artist’s impression of the new building. The new building attracted many new members, and the Institute flourished. A third billiard table was purchased, and all three are still in use at the Club today. During the First World War the Institute opened its doors to the many soldiers based in the town, some of whom were billeted in houses while others lived under canvas in the Army camp at Wintry Park. When the Second World War started the decision was taken to close the Institute until peace returned. The ground floor was taken over by Epping Urban District Council and became the centre for evacuation and food control, while a British Restaurant was opened upstairs. During this time two of the billiard tables were stored at the Granville works while the third was used by the Pioneer Corps in their hut behind the Methodist Church. In March 1942 it was reported that the average attendances at the Restaurant were 915 for the main course, 363 for the soup, 950 for the sweet, and 647 for tea. The price of the main course for adults was to be increased to 7½d (3p), making the cost of a full meal 1/- (5p). After the war the Institute re-opened. The trusteeship was handed over to the Theydon Trust, who undertook the responsibility of maintaining the future well-being of the Institute. By this time the Essex Education Committee (EEC) was using the Institute’s reading room as a County Library. At a meeting in November the Institute Committee decided that they wished to use the room themselves, and issued the EEC with notice to quit by June 1946. Plans had been submitted by the Ministry of Education for a prefabricated hut, and they sought permission from the Institute to use a plot of their land. This was eventually agreed, and the hut was erected. The library remained there until it was moved to St John’s Road, and the Citizen’s Advice Bureau moved in. The prefabricated hut was meant to be there for a maximum of fifteen years, but it wasn’t actually demolished until 2014! Membership continued to increase, and in 1962 a big change took place – a licensed bar was added. This was situated upstairs, in what is now the pool room. Many local people will still remember going to the “Mechanics” for a pint. In the mid-sixties newspapers were sold in one of the ground floor rooms. This was in the days before shops opened on a Sunday. The two men who used to sell the papers were Frank Chew and Joe Arnold. In 1967 the decision was taken to change the name of the Institute. Among the names considered by the Committee were the Amesbury Club and the Foxburrow Club, but the most popular was The Hemnall Social Club. In 1969 a new and much larger bar was built downstairs, and a stage was added for live entertainment. The bar was extended again in 1984. An extension at the front of the building a few years later provided a new entrance, while another at the back supplied office space and a meeting room. The Club continues to flourish, and now has over 200 members. There are three snooker tables, plus a pool table. There is live entertainment every Saturday, We even have our own fishing society, with the exclusive use of a lake in Hartland Road. We also have BT Sport A small meeting room is available for hire. There is a well-stocked bar offering a wide range of drinks, including real ales. The Club has for some years been the home of the Epping & District Branch of the Royal British Legion, and is the centre for the Poppy Appeal every November. It is also the meeting place for the Epping Town Partnership, the Parochial Church Council. Epping Cricket Club and the Theydon Trust. Membership of the Club is available at just £30 per year, or £15 for Senior Citizens. Just pop in and see us at 50 Hemnall Street, Epping, CM16 4LS (behind the Fire Station) and ask for a form at the bar, or call us on 01992 574150. Source: John Duffell Page 30

Tel: 07814 863955


Fire at housing development in Loughton A development of new flats in Burton Road, Loughton caught fire on Friday 17th August. This is a development of new council housing being built for Epping Forest District Council. A £10 million design and build mixed tenure residential development of 51 affordable rent units, comprising of 17 homes and 34 apartments. Councillor Chris Whitbread Leader of Epping Forest District Council was at Burton Road and he said:He said: “Our first concern is for the safety and welfare of all concerned. It looks like everyone is safe. Essex Fire and Rescue is on the scene and it is under control. These flats are still being built. This is a construction site and there are no tenants living here. However we are obviously concerned about everyone working on the site at the time the fire started. “The development is being built for us by Mulalley – a large construction company with a long and successful track record of building major projects. It is too early to say what caused the fire but it is clearly large.”

Essex Fire and Rescue Service announced that the fire was out at 13.15. Crew Manager Ryan Fernandes said: "Work was being carried out by builders on the roof of the site and this where the fire started. Epping Forest District Council said they cannot speculate on the cause of the fire at the moment, that will come out following an official investigation. Council Leader, Chris Whitbread said: “You can always rebuild bricks and mortar, the important thing is that everyone appears to be safe and the fire is now out.”

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Photograph: Courtesy of Essex County Fire & Rescue Service

Citizens Advice says: check if these developments in employment law affect you At Epping Forest Citizens Advice we see a steady stream of clients who have employment issues. Usually it’s where something is going wrong – redundancy is on the cards or disciplinary action threatened, for instance. But we worry a bit about the people who don’t come to see us. They – you – may well not be aware of some recent changes which could be to your benefit. The “gig economy” A couple of recent court cases have put the spotlight on a modern business model under which the people doing the work are intended to appear to clients of the business as working for the business, but at the same time the business itself seeks to maintain that those people are self-employed independent contractors. Why do this? If it’s correct the business avoids various legal duties and the “contractor” may also get some benefit in income tax. This came to a head in the Supreme Court in a case involving Pimlico Plumbers. The Court ruled that the “operatives” were not employees but they were “workers” under various pieces of EU and UK legislation, which meant they could take action over unlawful deductions from wages, holiday pay and disability discrimination. There has also been a case to similar effect involving Uber. Anyone working for this kind of business, such as Deliveroo or Hermes, is likely to benefit. Minimum wage and working time Particularly in the caring industry, workers are sometimes not paid for the time spent travelling between appointments. HMRC, which polices the minimum wage, has ruled that travelling time counts as working time for minimum wage purposes, so if the effect of not being paid for travelling time is that the overall hourly rate is below minimum wage the carer can usually take the employer to a tribunal. You can also complain to HMRC via the website. Employment tribunal fees Employment tribunals used to be free to use but in 2013 the Government introduced fees – some of them very substantial. The trade union Unison challenged this in the courts and last year the Supreme Court ruled that the fees were unlawful. Employment tribunals are therefore once again free, and anyone who paid a fee to take a case to a tribunal should get a refund. Where can I get help? If you’re a worker and in a trade union, that’s the best place to start. It’s what you’re paying your subs for. Likewise, if you’re an employer and in a trade association, you should see if they can help. Otherwise, Citizens Advice can help. There is a mass of information on the Citizens Advice national website - If you want advice face-to-face we have employment experts. The nearest branch to North Weald is at 50A Hemnall Street in Epping. We are open for drop-in from 10.00 to 2.00 on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. Elsewhere, the branch in Loughton Library is open between 9.30 and 1.00, Monday to Thursday and the branch in Waltham Abbey Town Hall is open between 9.30 and 1.00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We also have drop-in sessions in Ongar Library, between 10.00 and 12.00 on the third Tuesday each month. You can also get advice over the phone on 03444 770 808, and we’re on the Web and social media:, w w w. f a c e b o o k .c o m /C i t i z e ns A d v i c e E p p i n g F o r e s t a n d Oops! Typo in the quiz answers last month The answer to the question “If you are not homeless how long do you have to live in the Epping Forest District before you are eligible for a council house?” is 7 years, not 6 years, which might be how it could be read. Apologies if anyone was misled. Source: Paul Stockton

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Tel: 07814 863955



W . J. CRUMP Crash Repairs

Hurricane Way – North Weald Established local company

Requires a friendly receptionist to cover for sickness and holidays only and in cases of emergency.

High quality car repairs Body Repairs Approved Insurance Repairer

No guaranteed hours, just as and when needed.

Telephone: 01992 522351

Please apply by ringing 01992 524111.

Tylers Green, 284 High Road, North Weald CM16 6EG

St Clare set to host scorching Firewalk fundraiser! Calling all courageous soles...are you brave enough to conquer the coals for St Clare Hospice? Following the success of their 2017 Firewalk, in which more than forty fierce fire-walkers raised over £10,000 for the Hospice, the Hastingwood-based charity will be hosting another scorching event on Sunday 28th October at the hospice itself. St Clare supporters will be lining up to walk barefoot over red-hot wood embers, smouldering at over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, to raise vital funds for the charity. Registration is £25 per person and we ask participants to pledge to raise a minimum of £150 in sponsorship. The event is open to all ages, but under 18s must have signed parental permission to walk. Places are limited to 40 people. For more information and to sign-up for the event contact Emma Broadbent on 01279 773754 or email


All are welcome to come along Every Fourth Sunday of the month

Dear Editor,

I really enjoyed reading the monthly magazine. I have lived in North Weald for 80 years now. A younger member of my family asked me why ‘Skips Corner’ the bend half way through the village got it’s name and I couldn’t give him the answer. Perhaps you could find a little space in next month’s magazine and one of your readers could come up with the answer?

Lea Valley Card Club meeting From 10am until 2pm. North Weald Village Hall

Many thanks. I.J.W. Editor’s comment: As you can see I.J.W. I did find a space for this as I know one of my readers will be able to share information on this. Please let me know of any explanations of how Skip’s Corner was named. Thank you.

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Tel: 07814 863955

Refreshments and bar available. Stamp, coin & postcard dealers also wanted. For details contact Debby Fisher on 07501 854006.


Is your home really smoke alarmed? Did you know that smoke alarms alert occupants to just under half of fires in homes? The reason isn’t because they’re unreliable – they provide the best protection for keeping you and your family safe and giving you a chance of escaping without injury. The main reason is in fact that the smoke alarms are out of range; because it’s often wrongly believed that just one smoke alarm per house is enough to provide protection. Think about your own home for a moment… How many smoke alarms do you have? When did you last test them? If you’re unsure on the answers to either of these questions, there’s a good chance you are actually at risk in your own property. Think of it like this: you may have a smoke alarm in your living room, for example, but if there’s a fire in an upstairs bedroom, how long would it take for the smoke to reach it? It could be far too late. Following our five top tips is the best way to be sure that your home is properly smoke alarmed: Install at least one smoke alarm on every level of your home. Ideally the alarm should be on the ceiling, the middle of a room or on a hallway/landing. Rooms with lots of electrical items like TVs, computers and games consoles should be alarmed – especially if they’re near to sleeping areas. Don’t put alarms in or near kitchens/bathrooms, where smoke and steam can regularly set them off by accident. Replace your smoke alarms every ten years – but test them monthly! Now time for some good news: if you don’t have a smoke alarm in your property or would like further advice on fire safety at home, our Home Safety team can arrange for a free visit. Where necessary, a team member will also fit smoke alarms free of charge… so why not call the team today and arrange your visit? Call the team today on 0300 303 0088 or fill in our online form. Information courtesy of Essex Fire and Rescue Service.

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Tel: 07814 863955


Essential Local Numbers The Alzheimer Society

01992 717676

North Weald Chemist

01992 523887

Cats Protection

0333 200 1484

North Weald Methodist Hall

01992 522143

Citizens Advice Bureau

03444 77 0808

North Weald Library

033301 32683


0800 555111

North Weald Village Hall Bookings

01992 523731

Doctors High Street, Epping

01992 579270

North Weald Parish Council

01992 523825

Doctors The Limes, Epping (visits/emergencies)

01992 566500

Queens Community Hall Bookings

07522 473024

Doctors The Limes, Epping (appointments)

01992 573838

NHS Direct

0845 4647

Doctors The Limes, North Weald 01992 524383

Essex Police

0300 333 4444

Epping Forest District Council

01992 564000

Police, Neighbourhood/local


Epping Town Council

01992 579444

Police, Emergency


EFDC & ECC Cllr Chris Whitebread

01992 573557

Police Online reporting

EFDC Will Breare-Hall

01992 575843


01279 306058

MP Mrs Eleanor Laing MP

020 8508 8608

Stuart Poulton

01992 522607

24 Hour

01992 572607

Hospital, St Margarets, Epping

01992 561666

St Andrews Church

01279 451065

Hospital, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Harlow

01279 444455

St Andrews Primary School

01992 522283

London & Essex Boarding Kennels & Cattery (Kents Farm)

01992 522183


0870 6082608

North Weald Airfield

01992 564200

LOCAL CLUB DIRECTORY 3rd North Weald Beavers

North Weald Preservation Society

Queens Hall Charity

Tel: 01992 524672

Tel: read 01992 522618/522630

Tel: 522910

British Legion, North Weald Branch

North Weald Cricket Club

Rapier Cycling Club

Tel: 01992 614415

Tel: 524631

Epping Ongar Railway Volunteer

North Weald Scouts Group

Taoist Tai Chi Society

Tel: 01277 365200

01992 524672

Tel: 01992 523854/07803243625

Epping Forest Badger Group

North Weald Seniors Society for over 70’s

Theydon Jazz Club

Tel: 576038 Friends Force Hertfordshire/Essex

Tel: 522196

Thornwood Seniors

Tel: 522464

Tel: 577872

Epping Forest Rotary Club

North Weald Wireless Station Bowls Club

Tel: 07855 911323

Tel: 522803

Forest Highlanders Pipes & Drum

North Weald Women’s Institute (Afternoon)

Tel: 01279 415563

Tel: 01708 250820

Tel: 522700

West Essex Flower Club

North Weald Angling Club

Queens Hall Bowls Club

Tel: 524631

Tel: 01992 524071

Tel: 523375 or 522052

01945 588325/

Three Valleys Male Voice Choir

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