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The Friendship of Zoey and Finn

Zoey & Finn

A Pandemic Child Care Solution

By Jo Dee Black

The COVID-19 pandemic meant NorthWestern Energy Manager of System Innovation Jon Shafer of Bozeman, Montana, and his wife, Whitney, an elementary school teacher, became temporary home office mates in March 2020, along with their son Finn, who was just a couple of months shy of his second birthday at the time. The juggling act of parenting and work instantly became more complicated.

At the same time, one of Whitney’s former students, Zoey, suddenly found herself with too much free time after her classes shifted online. Socially distanced from friends and out of her regular routine, boredom was an unwelcomed new reality for the now eighth-grader, whose family was at home but working full time.

Then Whitney reached out to Zoey for help.

Zoey and Finn spent their days together at the Shafers, baking, hanging out outside, reading books, playing in the sprinklers and just enjoying their time together.

“They bonded, for sure, and it has been amazing to watch,” said Jon.

Zoey’s confidence and child care skills grew.

“She has been incredible; she plans activities for them to do together,” said Jon. “She has brought some of her old toys for Finn to play with.”

Finn adores her. It isn’t unusual for Zoey to tag along on Shafer family outings. The families are now closer than ever and enjoyed a couple of summer camping excursions together.

As classes shifted from online to in person, the schedule changed to some evenings and weekends. But what is unchanged is the certainty that Finn and Zoey are friends for life — and the Shafers are grateful.

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