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Shuck and Share 5K Run
from OysterFest 2018
by Imagination
8 AM, October 7, Shelton, WA
Hundreds of walkers/runners show up each year to participate in the Shuck & Share 5K walk/run, which happens on OysterFest Sunday. The proceeds from the race help fund Mason County PUD 3’s Project Share program.
Project Share is a customer-funded assistance program to assist limited-income families in crisis situations who need help paying their electric bills. Through the generosity of donors, more than 300 low-income families are helped each year with a $175 payment on their accounts. As other sources of aid continue to dwindle, more of PUD’s customers rely on ProjectShare for assistance. For more than 30 years, Mason PUD 3 customers and employees have generously funded Project Share. The Shuck & Share Walk/Run began in 2014 as a way to raise awareness (and funds) for the Project Share program.
The run attracts about 200 runners each year and raises approximately $3,000 for the program. Mason PUD 3 employees and local community members volunteer their time to organize the race each year. It relies heavily on these volunteers and sponsorships from about 30 local businesses to be successful.
This year’s 5K takes place on October 7, 2018 at 8:00 AM, and located at the Huff N’ Puff across from the Shelton High School. It is a nice, flat, 5K loop. You don’t have to be a PUD 3 customer to help - register for the 5K at www.pud3.org/run. If you prefer, you can send a check payable to “Project Share” to PO Box 2148, Shelton, WA 98584.