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STudent services
Our staff helps students get access to the services that we provide in-house and also helps them find information for local providers for services such as transportation, child care, counseling, and so forth. Students needing help should consult the information below or complete a student request form, and a member of our staff will provide prompt assistance. Here are some of the student services available:
Enrollment Assistance
NLC’s Admissions department is located in Meridian, Idaho. Admissions consultants specialize in processing student applications and are available to answer questions regarding enrollment. Admissions consultants can also connect students to our Student Accounts department for financial assistance. Call 888-LINEWORK to connect with a consultant.
It is the goal of NLC to set students up for success, and training specialists work daily to provide the guidance needed to do just that. Through daily and weekly behavioral and academic assessments, routine one-on-one evaluations, and academic improvement plans, instructors provide expertise and encouragement.
Student Records
The Office of the Registrar is located in Meridian, Idaho. The registrar is responsible for maintaining student records. To connect with the registrar’s office, call 888-LINEWORK.
Student Complaints
Student complaints are resolved by the respective president of each campus. Please see the Policies section of this catalog for further information on complaint procedure. To contact a campus president, call 888-LINEWORK.
NLC works with Collegiate Housing Services (FL, ID, TX) and the Historic Oroville Inn (CA) to provide assistance to students with short-term housing needs. For more information, visit lineman.edu or contact the Admissions department.
Employment Assistance
NLC works diligently to make sure students have everything they need to find gainful employment after graduation. Through initiatives taught in the Career Planning and Strategies course, students learn how to write résumés and cover letters, proper interviewing behavior, and effective methods for researching job opportunities—all tailored to hiring practices common in the utility-delivery industry.
Company Visits
It is common for utility and construction company representatives to visit NLC to recruit future graduates.
Alumni Job Portal
The Alumni Job Portal at lineman.edu is accessible only by alumni of NLC’s career programs, where companies throughout the industry post job openings exclusively for NLC graduates to view.
Alumni Outreach
After graduation, each graduate is contacted by a member of the campus staff to follow up on employment status and job prospects, and to offer assistance with transcripts and NLC-related topics.