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NLC created its Three-Phase Educational Model™ based on well-researched educational theories. Using this model as the basis for the training in all NLC programs, each academic course, skill competency, and behavior expectation fits directly into one of the three educational phases: knowledge, skill, or behavior.
Knowledge Phase
The Knowledge phase addresses cognitive, or intellectual, activities. Engaging students at the highest cognitive level occurs in a classroom or lab setting. The development of intellectual skills includes the recall or recognition of specific facts, procedural patterns, and concepts that serve in the development of intellectual abilities and skills.
Skill Phase
The Skill phase is the “hands-on” phase of training. This is where students learn and practice the fundamentals of fieldbased methods. After skills are first demonstrated by training specialists, students practice and build fluency in each competency, which is later timed and rated for proficiency. Often strenuous, the Skill phase offers students the opportunity to condition their physical strengths to meet the demands of their industry.
Behavior phase
While knowledge and skill are important, positive behavior and attitude have been identified by utility and construction company leadership as attributes a potential employee must have. For this reason, the Behavior phase focuses on safety, camaraderie, customer service, and conviction, to help students develop steadfast reputations for being mature, reliable, safe, and civic-minded.