Professional Technical Educator Program - 2022 Catalog

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professional technical educator program

2022 catalog

professional technical educator

NLC MISSION To improve lives, the industries we serve, and the country, Northwest Lineman College will be a dynamic, visionary, and leading international educational institution providing the benchmark standard of human performance, training, and products for the trades that exceed the expectations of customers.

NLC CORE VALUES PASSION Love what you do with persistence, motivation, and the attitude to succeed.

INTEGRITY Do the right thing—even when no one is watching—so trust, honor, and dependability are your hallmarks.

EXCELLENCE Innovate always, leveraging originality and teamwork, so your legacy of positive contribution to the industry is guaranteed.



PTE catalog

CONTENTS NLC MISSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 NLC CORE VALUES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 PROGRAM OVERVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 THREE-PHASE EDUCATIONAL MODEL . . . . . . . 5 FOUR-STEP DELIVERY METHOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 PROFESSIONAL TECHNICAL EDUCATOR CREED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 PROGRAM OBJECTIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 PROGRAM BENEFITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 COURSES OF STUDY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 PROGRAM DELIVERY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 STAFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 HOW TO ENROLL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 POLICIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21



professional technical educator

PROGRAM OVERVIEW At Northwest Lineman College (NLC), our business is education. And this commitment to improving the trades by training craft workers at all levels revolves around doing what’s best for the student. The Professional Technical Educator (PTE) Program fulfills this code by equipping participants to be the world’s best craft trainers. Those who are exceptional at what they do, whether it be professional craft workers or professional athletes, get there by focusing on the fundamentals. The PTE Program—available for craft trainers of any trade—focuses heavily on the educational fundamentals sequenced in NLC’s Four-Step Delivery Method. This delivery method applies to all field, lab, and classroom instruction at campuses, training centers, training yards, and at remote locations. The PTE Program is organized into four levels, each roughly equivalent to one year’s worth of training time (2,000 hours). Each level involves coursework with clear outcomes for knowledge, skill, and behavior supported by formal training materials. Candidates undergo skill evaluations by themselves, their supervisors, and a review board of educational experts. Evaluations are based on established rubrics that candidates can reference as they move through the program. Master craft workers are top in their trade. Adding training and education to their portfolios of achievement can elevate them into an elite category among their peers, opening endless opportunities for advancement and prosperity. During the first three levels, the candidate develops their skillset as a technical instructor. By completing Level III, the trainee qualifies as a US Department of Labor-certified educator and puts those skills to work teaching and mentoring lower-level PTE candidates. Those who graduate Level IV of the PTE program will earn the title of Master Instructor and the signatory credential of PTE, sanctioned by Northwest Lineman College, which can be added to their business cards and professional signatures. NLC is proud to offer this exclusive professional development program focused on transforming master craft workers into professional technical educators. The PTE program is the first step in building a long, rewarding career as a professional technical educator.



PTE catalog

THREE-PHASE EDUCATIONAL MODEL NLC created the Three-Phase Educational Model™ based on wellresearched educational theories. Using this model as the basis for all training in the PTE Program, each academic course, skill competency, and behavior expectation fits directly into one of the three educational phases: Knowledge, Skill, or Behavior.


-phase tional

Step ery od

The Knowledge phase addresses cognitive, or intellectual, activities. Engaging learners at the highest cognitive level occurs in both classroom and lab settings. Developing knowledge involves the recall or recognition of specific facts, procedural patterns, and concepts that help develop intellectual abilities and skills.

SKILL PHASE The Skill phase is the “hands-on” part of training. This is where learners practice their knowledge using established training methods first demonstrated by trainers. After learners build fluency in each competency through practice, they are rated for proficiency. The Skill phase offers PTE candidates the opportunity to turn new knowledge into effective habits tailored to their individual work environments.




Along with knowledge and skill, positive behavior is key to training an audience. For this reason, the Behavior phase focuses on safety, the trainer’s role, professionalism, and attitude, to help PTE candidates develop steadfast reputations for being mature, reliable, safe, and capable.

NLC is accredited by the International Association

01 Introduce

02 Deliver

for Continuing Education


and Training (IACET) and is accredited to issue the IACET CEU.




professional technical educator

FOUR-STEP DELIVERY METHOD What fundamental skills must craft trainers possess? The answer to this question is framed by NLC’s Four-Step Delivery Method. This condensed version of Madeline Hunter’s Seven-Step Delivery Model honors the integrity of the original model but is tailored to the practical realities of craft trainers. These four steps of delivery—introduce, deliver (for classroom instruction) or demonstrate (for practical instruction), guided practice, and close—create the framework for craft trainers to develop their skillset. Mastery of these principles helps propel a trainer into a long, rewarding career of continual growth and improvement. Without a clear understanding and continued application of these fundamentals, any additional skills are ungrounded. NLC founded the PTE Program as a natural starting point for the craft trainer. Supported by a solid foundation of understanding adult learning and effective delivery, these industry professionals can enjoy many years of professional growth as they exert greater influence through their vital roles.



PTE catalog

three-phase educational model

four-Step delivery method



01 Introduce

01 Introduce

02 Deliver

02 Demonstrate

03 Guided

03 Guided

04 Close

04 Close





professional technical educator

Professional Technical Educator


I am a Professional Technical Educator. I am privileged to improve lives, promote safety, and advance my industry. I will continually develop my teaching abilities, model excellence, and mentor other educators. I will create a learning culture that empowers craft workers with the knowledge, skill, and behavior to succeed in their trade.



PTE catalog

PROGRAM OBJECTIVE The Professional Technical Educator (PTE) Program educates craft professionals to be excellent teachers and trainers of adult learners in field, lab, and classroom environments. After completing this program, participants will have the knowledge, skill, and behavior to: •

Teach each element of the Four-Step Delivery Method at a mastery level as it relates to craft workers in classroom, lab, and field settings.

Demonstrate each element of the Four-Step Delivery Method at a mastery level as it relates to craft workers in classroom, lab, and field settings.

Model the highest standard of appearance, professionalism, and positive attitude that one would expect from the nation’s most prestigious craft trainer credential (PTE).

PROGRAM BENEFITS The benefits of well-trained instructors will echo through a company. In one 2020 business survey, around 80% of employees reported that training boosted both their confidence and productivity at work.1 Research by the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences found that average student achievement could increase by more than 20% if their teachers participated in substantial professional development.2 Over time, an investment in effective training helps businesses save time and costs often lost due to employees who are underskilled or just don’t know what they’re supposed to do.3 And in a utility industry facing a serious need for experienced, skilled workers, effective training can help fill that labor pipeline.4

1 pdf?_ga=2.254654152.1390518096.1631913916-2062132420.1631913916 2 3 The%20Electricity%20Workforce--Changing%20Needs%2C%20New%20 Opportunities.pdf 4



professional technical educator







Practice employing fundamental technology tools (hardware, software, and other presentation tools) commonly used in the instructional environment.


Familiarize yourself with the Professional Technical Educator Program during this online, independent study course. Watch informative videos on topics such as adult learning and the Four-Step Delivery Method, and complete activities to prepare for entry into the PTE.


DEL 1005 INTRODUCTION TO THE FOUR-STEP DELIVERY METHOD Learn the fundamentals of teaching using the four steps, including lesson preparation and creating a positive learning environment in any setting. Apply these principles by preparing and delivering two types of lessons: classroom and field.

LEAD 1017 FOUNDATIONS OF COACHING AND SUPPORT Learn how the human brain processes and uses emotion and how this translates to an educational environment. Develop tactics for controlling emotional responses in order to increase training success. Learn how emotional quotient (EQ) relates to a positive learning environment.



Identify your leadership style and discover how it relates to educational leadership. Learn how to strengthen your leadership skills to deliver best-inclass education to your organization in the field, lab, and classroom.

Demonstrate your skill with the four steps and other educational principles by teaching multiple sessions in a classroom environment.

DEL 1011 APPLY THE FOUR STEPS IN THE FIELD I COMPETENCIES Demonstrate your skill with the four steps and other educational principles by teaching multiple sessions in a field or lab environment.

SEL 1005 SELF-DIRECTED LEARNING I Enrich your understanding in one of the topics covered during the first level of the PTE Program through research, interviews, and practical application.

CAP 1005 CAPSTONE I Upon successful completion of all Level 1 courses, prepare an application and video recordings of your lessons for the PTE proof of mastery review board that demonstrates your mastery of the Level 1 knowledge, skill, and behavior. Appear before the board via video conference to discuss your experiences.

PROFESSIONALISM BEH 1007 INTRODUCTION TO THE BEHAVIOR PHASE Gain a better understanding of the Behavior phase of the Three-Phase Educational Model. Learn how to influence the ways that learners think, believe, feel, and behave through modeling, reward systems, and effective use of teams.

BEH 1006 BEHAVIOR EVALUATION I Discuss, demonstrate, and display behaviors essential to the success of a professional technical educator. Exhibit professionalism and enthusiasm. Serve as a role model for learners and instructors as you apply the Four-Step Delivery Method and promote a positive learning environment.

PTE catalog





Enrich your understanding in one of the topics covered during the second level of the PTE Program through research, interviews, and practical application. Submit a research paper about the topic and how you’ve applied it in your instruction.


Improve your training by developing more creative and innovative methods for delivering the four steps. Tailor presentation techniques to different settings, enhance application activities, use better assessments, and organize your presentations more effectively.

DEL 2006 CREATING A POSITIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT Take an in-depth look at the power of a positive and supporting learning environment. Learn to implement the critical skills related to psychological safety in the learning environment.

WRI 2005 WRITING FOR EDUCATORS Improve your writing skills to avoid common errors such as misspellings, incorrect punctuation, and poor sentence structure. Complete a thirdparty training course and complete an NLC-proctored writing exercise.

DEL 2007 IMPROVING YOUR LESSON Refine your professional approach to instruction through repeated observation and feedback by a mentor or supervisor. Revise and improve a lesson plan based on these experiences.


Discuss, demonstrate, and display improved training behaviors related to your role as a professional technical educator. Exhibit professionalism and enthusiasm. Serve as a role model for learners and instructors as you apply the Four-Step Delivery Method and promote a positive learning environment.

Upon successful completion of all Level 2 courses, prepare an application and video recordings of your lessons for the PTE proof of mastery review board that demonstrates your mastery of the Level 2 knowledge, skill, and behavior. Appear before the board via video conference to discuss your experiences.

DELIVERY DEL 2009 APPLY THE FOUR STEPS IN THE CLASSROOM II COMPETENCIES Demonstrate improved competence in a classroom training environment through effective use of the four steps during multiple training sessions.

DEL 2010 APPLY THE FOUR STEPS IN THE FIELD II COMPETENCIES Demonstrate improved competence in a field or lab training environment through effective use of the four steps during multiple training sessions.



professional technical educator




Enrich your understanding in one of the topics covered during the third level of the PTE Program through research and interviews. Apply your learning to improve some element of your professional environment.

Learn the attributes and benefits of an effective mentoring relationship. Prepare to mentor a Level 1 or 2 PTE trainee in their knowledge and application of the Four-Step Delivery Method.

CAP 3005 CAPSTONE III DEL 3005 MASTERING THE FOUR-STEP DELIVERY METHOD Apply the principles of effective mentorship by coaching and advising no more than two Level 1 or 2 PTE trainees. Conduct classroom and field observations and then provide meaningful feedback to help the trainee progress in their abilities.

WRI 3005 WORKPLACE WRITING Demonstrate a solid grasp of business writing skills by completing an NLC-proctored exam that involves writing an email and student letter of recommendation. Avoid common errors such as misspellings, incorrect punctuation, and poor sentence structure.



Upon successful completion of all Level 3 courses, prepare an application and video recordings of your lessons for the PTE proof of mastery review board that demonstrates your mastery of the Level 3 knowledge, skill, and behavior. Appear before the board via video conference to discuss your experiences.

DELIVERY DEL 3007 APPLY THE FOUR STEPS IN THE CLASSROOM III COMPETENCIES Demonstrate great competence by effectively modeling the Four-Step Delivery Method during multiple training sessions in a classroom training environment.

DEL 3008 APPLY THE FOUR STEPS IN THE FIELD III COMPETENCIES Demonstrate great competence by effectively modeling the Four-Step Delivery Method during multiple training sessions in a field or lab training environment.

PROFESSIONALISM BEH 3005 BEHAVIOR EVALUATION III Discuss, demonstrate, and display advanced training behaviors related to your role as a professional technical educator. Exhibit professionalism and enthusiasm. Serve as a role model for learners and instructors as you apply the Four-Step Delivery Method and promote a positive learning environment.

PTE catalog




Develop your personal instructional philosophy based on what you’ve learned throughout the PTE Program as a step toward mastery of the concepts in PTE.

Review modern theories of learning and learn how they apply to the Four-Step Delivery Method. Consider and learn to apply concepts regarding culture, technology, diversity, and facilitation in your training environment.

DEL 4005 ADVANCED FOUR-STEP DELIVERY METHOD Research the Madeline Hunter Model of Mastery Learning and then outline a plan to enhance one of the four steps of the Four-Step Delivery Method in your own instruction.

DEL 4010 ADVANCED EDUCATIONAL THEORIES Explores various instructional models that serve as the foundation for the Four-Step Delivery Method, such as the ARCS model of motivation and Prosser’s theorems of occupational learning. Apply a deeper understanding of these foundational models to improve your effectiveness and also learner engagement in your training.

DEL 4009 APPLY THE FOUR STEPS IN THE FIELD IV COMPETENCIES Demonstrate an advanced ability at employing the Four-Step Delivery Method during multiple training sessions in a field or lab training environment.

CAP 4005 CAPSTONE IV Upon successful completion of all Level 4 courses, prepare an application and video recordings of your lessons for the PTE proof of mastery review board that demonstrates your mastery of the Level 4 knowledge, skill, and behavior. Appear before the board via video conference to discuss your experiences.


PROFESSIONALISM BEH 4005 BEHAVIOR EVALUATION IV Discuss, demonstrate, and display advanced training behaviors related to your role as a professional technical educator. Exhibit professionalism and enthusiasm. Serve as a role model for learners and instructors as you apply the Four-Step Delivery Method and promote a positive learning environment.

DEL 4007 APPLY THE FOUR STEPS IN THE CLASSROOM IV COMPETENCIES Demonstrate an advanced ability at employing the Four-Step Delivery Method during multiple training sessions in a classroom training environment.



professional technical educator

PROGRAM DELIVERY TIMELINE AND PROGRAM SEQUENCE The PTE program is designed to blend instructor-led training, selfpaced learning, and on-the-job learning for an experience that fits within your current career. Some courses are required prerequisites while others follow a recommended order. The following list outlines the program sequence.

LEVEL I ORE 1007 DEL 1005

Orientation to the Professional Technical Educator Program, self-paced Introduction to the Four-Step Delivery Method I, instructor-led

Complete the following courses in any order. A recommended order is listed: DEL 1009 Educational Technology, self-paced BEH 1007

Introduction to the Behavior Phase, self-paced

LEAD 1017

Foundations of Coaching and Support, self-paced Leading Students in an Educational Environment, self-paced Self-Directed Learning I, self-paced

LEAD 1018 SEL 1005 DEL 1008 DEL 1011 BEH 1006 CAP 1005



Apply the Four Steps in the Classroom I Competencies, instructor-led Apply the Four Steps in the Field I Competencies, instructor-led Behavior Evaluation I, instructor-led Capstone I, self-paced

PTE catalog

LEVEL 2 DEL 2005

Mechanics of the Four-Step Delivery Method, instructor-led

Complete the following courses in any order. A recommended order is listed: DEL 2006 Creating a Positive Learning Environment, self-paced DEL 2007 Improving Your Lesson, self-paced WRI 2005

Writing for Educators, self-paced

SEL 2005

Self-Directed Learning II, self-paced

DEL 2009

Apply the Four Steps in the Classroom II Competencies, instructor-led Apply the Four Steps in the Field II Competencies, instructor-led Behavior Evaluation II, instructor-led

DEL 2010 BEH 2005 CAP 2005

Capstone II, self-paced


Mentoring Educators, self-paced

Complete the following courses in any order. A recommended order is listed: DEL 3005 Mastering the Four-Step Delivery Method, self-paced WRI 3005 Workplace Writing, self-paced SEL 3005

Self-Directed Learning III, self-paced

DEL 3007

Apply the Four Steps in the Classroom III Competencies, instructor-led Apply the Four Steps in the Field III Competences, instructor-led Behavior Evaluation III, instructor-led

DEL 3008 BEH 3005 CAP 3005

Capstone III, self-paced



professional technical educator

LEVEL 4 DEL 4010

Advanced Educational Theories, self-paced

Complete the following courses in any order. A recommended order is listed: DEL 4008 Advanced Adult Craft Learning, self-paced DEL 4005 DEL 4011 DEL 4007 DEL 4009 BEH 4005 CAP 4005

Advanced Four-Step Delivery Method, self-paced Instructional Philosophy, self-paced Apply the Four Steps in the Classroom IV Competencies, instructor-led Apply the Four Steps in the Field IV Competencies, instructor-led Behavior Evaluation IV, instructor-led Capstone IV, self-paced

CAPSTONE SUBMISSION To progress from one level to another—or to graduate from the program—participants must submit a capstone application that captures their mastery of the knowledge, skill, and behavior appropriate for their program level. The capstone application includes a personal training record (PTR) and a video of the participant demonstrating PTE skills during real-world training. Participants submit the capstone application only when their PTE mentor, employer, and direct supervisor have reviewed and approved their body of work for the level of the program in which they are enrolled. Each course for that level must be completed to the standards of the grading rubric to qualify. Submitting a capstone application should not be taken lightly. Participants must be highly dedicated to being successful in their coursework and take great care learning and preparing their materials. The applicant must focus closely on the grading rubric that will be central to the mastery review board evaluation.



PTE catalog

MASTERY REVIEW BOARDS At regularly scheduled intervals, a mastery review board will review the capstone submissions of PTE participants. Board members will use formal grading rubrics to determine if the applicant has achieved mastery of the knowledge, skill, and behavior appropriate to their level in the PTE Program. This grading rubric is provided to participants, their supervisors, and their employer’s leadership. If mastery of a given level is proven, the candidate will qualify for the next level of the program or for graduation. If mastery is not proven, the board will detail the areas of needed improvement. Members of the mastery review board will include, at a minimum: Quanta Services chief learning officer

Quanta Services vice president of safety and training

Northwest Lineman College president, vice president of campus operations, and chief education officer (or similar role)

PTE Level 4 educators


Northwest Lineman College, by virtue of the authority vested in it by law, and upon recommendation of the school faculty, does hereby confer upon


under sponsorship of <<Company>> successful completion of

Professional Technical Educator Program, Level 1 with all honors, rights, and responsibilities thereunto pertaining. In witness whereof this certificate, signed by the authorized officers of Northwest Lineman College and sealed with its institutional seal, is granted.

<<Date>> CEUs: <<CEU>>

Joe McMahon, Director, Educational Delivery

LEVEL 02 certification

Brendy McConnaughey, Registrar

Northwest Lineman College, by virtue of the authority vested in it by law, and upon recommendation of the school faculty, does hereby confer upon


under sponsorship of <<Company>> successful completion of

Professional Technical Educator Program, Level 2 with all honors, rights, and responsibilities thereunto pertaining. In witness whereof this certificate, signed by the authorized officers of Northwest Lineman College and sealed with its institutional seal, is granted.

<<Date>> CEUs: <<CEU>>

Northwest Lineman College, by virtue of the authority vested in it by law, and upon recommendation of the school faculty, does hereby confer upon


under sponsorship of <<Company>> successful completion of

Professional Technical Educator Program, Level 3 with all honors, rights, and responsibilities thereunto pertaining. In witness whereof this certificate, signed by the authorized officers of Northwest Lineman College and sealed with its institutional seal, is granted.

<<Date>> CEUs: <<CEU>>

Joe McMahon, Director, Educational Delivery

Brendy McConnaughey, Registrar

Professional technical educator certification

P r o f e s s i o n a l t e c h n i c a l e d u c at o r m a s t e r c e r t i f i c at i o n

Professional technical educator certification

Joe McMahon, Director, Educational Delivery

LEVEL 02 certification

Upon successful completion of Level 3, graduates earn NLC Professional Technical Educator and U.S. Department of Labor certificates. At the successful completion of Level 4, graduates earn NLC’s Professional Technical Educator Master Certification and PTE designation, which can be added to their signature, professional networking sites, and business cards.

LEVEL 01 certification

LEVEL 01 certification

Brendy McConnaughey, Registrar

Northwest Lineman College, by virtue of the authority vested in it by law, and upon recommendation of the school faculty, does hereby confer upon


under sponsorship of <<Company>> successful completion of

Professional Technical Educator Program, Level 4 with all honors, rights, and responsibilities thereunto pertaining. In witness whereof this certificate, signed by the authorized officers of Northwest Lineman College and sealed with its institutional seal, is granted.

<<Date>> CEUs: <<CEU>>

Joe McMahon, Director, Educational Delivery

Brendy McConnaughey, Registrar

P r o f e s s i o n a l t e c h n i c a l e d u c at o r m a s t e r c e r t i f i c at i o n



professional technical educator

STAFF PTE staff are available to answer any questions or help with enrollment.



Educational Delivery Director

PTE Coordinator





Employed as a professional technical educator or craft trainer as indicated by official documentation.

Endorsed by two levels of supervision above them as indicated by signed documentation.

An employee in good standing.

Applicants must also be able to successfully complete English 101– level grammar courses.



PTE catalog

PROCESS If you are a company that employs craft trainers whom you wish to enroll, contact Northwest Lineman College at 888-LINEWORK or pte@ We are happy to help you with the enrollment process. •

Company reviews, completes, and signs the Professional Technical Educator Program Master Agreement. This document provides structure and clarity between your company as a program sponsor and NLC as a training provider. This is a one-time event for newly enrolling companies.

Each year the company will complete a Task Order that outlines specific training needs and pricing.

Trainees apply for enrollment and submit all required documentation to the program coordinator.

After enrollment is confirmed, trainees can be scheduled into appropriate classes based on availability.

Approximately 90 days before the first day of class, trainee curriculum will be ordered and shipped to the address provided by the company. Companies are invoiced for trainee tuition when books are ordered.

Tuition is paid in full.

The trainee will receive welcome communications and an acknowledgement of seat reservation in their first class, Introduction to the Four-Step Delivery Method.

ADVANCED STANDING Advanced standing recognizes previous training and allows trainees to enter the program beyond Level 1 with approval of the employer and under the following conditions: •

Trainees may enter into Level 3 if they have completed a nationally or regionally accredited undergraduate degree program in adult education.

Trainees may enter into Levels 1, 2, or 3 by verifying previous experience (consistent to the level of the program in which entry is preferred) with the program sponsor and completed the Professional Technical Educator placement exam. NORTHWEST LINEMAN COLLEGE


professional technical educator

All trainees, regardless of placement, must complete the following courses: •

Orientation to the Professional Technical Educator Program

Introduction to the Four-Step Delivery Method

TUITION Tuition for the Professional Technical Educator Program is $### per trainee, per year, to be paid in full 90 days prior to the first day of the program. Tuition is inclusive of student curriculum, standard shipping, and one retest per exam. Replacement curriculum orders are $200 and include expedited shipping. For individuals taking only the Introduction to the Four-Step Delivery Method course, the tuition is $### per trainee, to be paid in full 90 days prior to the first day of the course. Tuition is inclusive of student curriculum, standard shipping, and one retest per exam. Replacement curriculum orders are $### and include expedited shipping.


DEPARTMENT OF LABOR (DOL) REGISTRATION Enrolling in the Professional Technical Educator Program does not register or enroll the company or individual with the U.S. Department of Labor. NLC can assist with the Department of Labor registration process, but is not allowed to register any company or individual. NLC’s role is strictly advisory.



PTE catalog


Tuition must be paid in full before materials are issued and training begins. This policy applies to each year of the program in which an individual is enrolled. We encourage employers to pay tuition 90 days prior to the start date of each level. This ensures timely receipt of the materials and enables flexibility in scheduling. Shipping costs of materials are added to the invoice. TUITION REFUND POLICY Withdrawals are official only after the withdrawal form is completed and received by Northwest Lineman College. The date of receipt by NLC is the official withdrawal date. After the official withdrawal date has been confirmed by NLC, the amount of tuition refunded will be determined in accordance with the following: •

75%—Withdrawal more than 60 days prior to the class start date.

50%—Withdrawal within 30–60 days prior to the class start date.

No refund—Withdrawal form is received less than 30 days prior to start date.

Notes: • This policy applies for each year that an individual is enrolled in the program. •

Financial transactions of tuition will occur between the employer and Northwest Lineman College. The trainee’s employer or program sponsor must request, complete, and submit the PTE withdrawal form.

The refund amount will be based on the date the signed withdrawal form is received and verified by NLC. If a trainee withdraws from the program and wishes to reenter the program at a later date, the individual must reenroll in the program. All enrollment processes and policies apply.

ON-CAMPUS POLICIES ATTENDANCE Instructor-led training (face-to-face or virtual) is in session from 8:00 AM to noon, and 12:30 PM to 4:30 PM each day. Attendance is taken twice per day (8:00 AM and 12:30 PM) and may be taken at the discretion of the training specialist delivering the training. Trainees are allowed one tardy and one absence for the duration of instructor-led training. A tardy is counted when a student shows up between 0 and 15 minutes from the start of class or field training. Two tardies equal one absence. Trainees not in attendance after 15 minutes will be marked as absent. Trainees exceeding the “one absence + one tardy” rule will be marked as incomplete for the program. Trainees who violate the attendance policy can complete the program only after reenrolling and paying tuition as a new student.

ACADEMIC TESTING Trainees must meet NLC’s minimum academic test score of 70% on all exams. The grading system is as follows: A









Below 60%

Students must earn a letter grade of “C” or better in each academic course to successfully complete the program. NLC’s grading system is a straight scale with no rounding. Only the whole number will be reported and used to determine a student’s final grade in any applicable course. Students who scored below 70% are allowed one opportunity to retake an exam. Students who do not score above a 70% on their retake will not receive a certificate and can only do so by reenrolling and paying tuition as a new trainee. For courses that are graded based on a performance rubric, trainees must achieve a “Meets Expectations” level of performance for all assignments and examinations to pass the course. A trainee who does not meet this level of performance for a given course may not progress to the next level until they meet this standard. BEHAVIOR AND FIELD During in-person training and when interacting with fellow PTE participants and mentors, be sure to share, support your classmates, and contribute to a positive learning environment. Refrain from any



professional technical educator

behavior that you know doesn’t promote supportive collaboration and learning, in and out of the training environment. Participants will be assessed by their supervisors, course instructors, and PTE mentors. These will certify in writing whether the PTE participant will be allowed to progress, in compliance with their company’s standards and the stated requirements of the PTE Program. Those who exhibit unacceptable behavior will not advance in the program until the issues are resolved. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR HARDSHIP Trainees in this category have experienced a hardship beyond their control, which causes them to leave the program and exceed the maximum allowable absences per the Attendance policy. Examples of hardships include physical impairment, serious illness, or family tragedy. Trainees experiencing a hardship during the training session must notify NLC to obtain a Leave of Absence (LOA) authorizing release from the current session and provide it to program staff. Once released, the trainee will be scheduled to retake applicable courses at a later date. NLC will work with the trainee to reschedule at a time that is convenient for both NLC and the trainee. If a special session is required due to the hardship, the trainee’s employer will incur a fee for the service. DRUGS AND ALCOHOL NLC is a drug- and alcohol-free educational institution. The following rules apply in addition to any rules or policies imposed by the student’s employer:



Employer’s Responsibility. It is the employer’s responsibility to confidentially notify NLC in writing if a trainee has been prescribed medication that could possibly impair his or her behavior, either physically or mentally. NLC’s Responsibility. NLC will notify the trainee’s employer prior to proceeding with any drug or alcohol test for any person enrolled the program. No-Tolerance Policy. Trainees will be immediately expelled from the program for any of the following: •

Refusing a drug or alcohol test that is ordered based on reasonable belief;

Altering, tampering with, or in any way compromising NLC’s drug or alcohol testing procedure, such as delaying the test or providing unusable or diluted samples;

Possessing, using, or selling any drugs or alcohol on NLC premises.

Cheating on exams, quizzes, competencies, or any other required evaluations.

Any behavior (on or offsite) that negatively affects student or staff, safety, morale, or the quality of the training or the training environment.

Using or possessing any illegal substances (on or offsite).

Being under the influence of an intoxicating substance (including alcohol with a blood alcohol content of .04) while on college property.

Destroying or stealing trainees or NLC property.

Disrespecting fellow students or faculty.

Trainees are expected to show professional courtesy by minimizing all potential distractions (including cell phones) during class sessions. Electronic devices may be used during training hours only if their use is directly related to the lecture or lesson (such as for taking notes).



The following are examples of possible reasons for immediate expulsion from NLC. They include, but are not limited to:

Auditing allows a trainee to attend a course without receiving credit. Trainees who wish to audit courses must contact the program coordinator for registration.

Any violation of NLC rules and policies. Most rules are listed in the program catalog and syllabus but may be presented in other curriculum or program documents.

PTE catalog

CONFIDENTIALITY AND NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT For the purposes of this Agreement, the term “Confidential Information” means and includes information provided by Northwest Lineman College to Recipient or its Representatives in connection with discussions regarding a Business Relationship, including, without limitation, any trade secrets and other business, commercial, technical, marketing, pricing, financial or other information, including, without limitation, whether in electronic, oral, or written form. Recipient agrees not to use the Confidential Information for any purpose other than evaluating and potentially entering into a Business Relationship. All Confidential Information and the rights thereto shall be and remain the exclusive property of Northwest Lineman College.

OFF-CAMPUS POLICIES BEHAVIOR AND STUDY GUIDE ASSIGNMENTS Trainees must remain in good standing with their employer by demonstrating safe, positive behavior and work performance. In addition, trainees are required to read and complete all courserelated assignments in the selfpaced courses. Trainees who do not complete these assignments will be scored accordingly on their formal evaluations until the assignments are completed and verified by the instructor. This must occur prior to submission of the Capstone material for each level.

TRANSFER WITHIN THE PROGRAM Trainees enrolled in the program who elect to terminate employment from their employer must complete the withdrawal process. If the trainee’s new employer participates in NLC’s Professional Technical Educator Program, NLC may grant continuance in the program provided that the transfer complies with the new employer’s standards and company policies. However, the trainee must enroll in the program with the new employer, and all applicable fees and tuition associated with the enrollment process will apply.

Trainees who are also members of any United States military service component called to active military duty or training may remain inactive until the trainee returns from such duty. The company must provide a copy of the trainee’s military orders to facilitate the inactive status.

INACTIVE STATUS An employer may elect to place a trainee on “inactive” status with NLC for not more than one year beyond the trainee’s official start date or official date of progression from one level to the next. All policies and procedures will apply as if the trainee is still active in the program with the following exception: the program sponsor must notify NLC in writing to change a trainee’s status to “inactive” and a fee of $150 is due at the time of “reactivation.” The fee is nonrefundable and nontransferable. Trainees must be in active status in order to attend classes or otherwise progress in the program. If the “inactive” status reaches the date of enrollment or progression, the trainee will be considered “withdrawn” from the program (current refund policy will apply) and must reenroll at full tuition as a new trainee.



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