How to Complete the
LCSC General Scholarship Application 03.01
f i l e by t h e priority deadline
· Fill out online or print and return
· Check the box of each scholarship for which you wish to apply · When answering essay questions, include your name and the question you are answering at the top of the page
· Sign the bottom of the application
the Application Complete · Answer all questions
Attach Essays to the Application to the Financial Aid Office Return · For electronic submittal, send completed application via your LCMail email account to *Incomplete and late applications will not be considered. No Exceptions. The scholarship application is separate from the admission application. It is due March 1 (Priority Deadline).
500 8th Avenue · Lewiston, ID 83501
to Go · Click on the “Scholarships” link
email web
ext. 2224 phone 1.800.933.5272
@LewisClarkState @LCSC
Various majors • Minority students • First-year freshmen Transfer students • Non-traditional students
Financial Aid Office
With an easy application for institutional scholarships, out-of-state tuition scholarships, and even outside funding opportunities, we can help you find a scholarship that fits your needs! Scholarships are available for:
ACCREDITATION: Lewis-Clark State College is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities. 8060 165th Avenue NE, Suite 100 Redmond, WA 98052-3981. TTY: This institution is an equal opportunity provider: TTY 1.800.377.3529. PHOTO STATEMENT: All photos/testimonials are of current students or recent graduates of LCSC. CONSUMER INFO CHECKLIST: Check out the consumer information link on LCSC’s homepage for important statistics and reports.
@LewisClarkState @LewisClarkState
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A Financial Aid & Scholarship Guide to
Learn abo u t
Admission Process
Priority Deadline March 1
You must be tentatively admitted to LCSC by March 1 for the greatest eligibility for federal aid and to qualify for LCSC scholarships.
What you will need to complete the
Your Social Security number (it's important that you enter it correctly on the FAFSA!)
numbers if you are a dependent student
Your driver’s license number if you
such as child support received, interest income, and veterans noneducation benefits, for you, and for your parents if you are a dependent student
Information on cash, savings
and checking account balances; investments, including stocks and bonds and real estate (do
have one
Your Alien Registration Number if you are not a U.S. citizen
not include the home in which you live); and business and farm assets for you, and for your parents if you are a dependent student
Federal tax information or tax
returns* including IRS W-2 information,
for you (and your spouse, if you are married), and for your parents if you are a dependent student: IRS 1040, 1040A, 1040EZ, Foreign tax return and/or Tax return for Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the U.S. Virgin Islands, the Marshall Islands, the Federal States of Micronesia, or Palau
Records of your untaxed income
Your parents’ Social Security
*If you do not complete your Federal Income Tax Return in time to meet the March 1 Priority Deadline, you should use estimated figures on the FAFSA and update them at a later time. Along with biological, financial and personal information, you must indicate you want LCSC to receive your Student Aid Report (SAR) in order for the school to receive your results.
$3,000 $6,000
$8,500 $17,000
Asotin County Residents
Part-Time 10-11 credits $3,000 Part-Time 1-9 credits $307/credit Overload 20+ credits
Your Warrior
Online application available at A complete guide to student admission requirements (including ProfessionalTechnical standards) can be found at *The cost of education may be different for individual students, based on such factors as enrollment patterns, state of legal residency, housing status, and instructional program. ** Full-time consists of 12 credits or more.
FINANCIAL AID TERMS COA: Cost of Attendance The total estimated amount it will cost to attend school. This annual figure includes tuition and fees, housing (on and off-campus), books, and transportation.
These are costs paid directly to LCSC. These may include tuition and fees and on-campus room and board. These are costs that will appear on your Student Account Statement which you are responsible for paying.
EFC: Expected Family Contribution
The amount the family is expected to contribute to the education of the student. This figure is determined by FAFSA using a congressionally established formula.
FAFSA: Free Application for Federal Student Aid This form allows you to apply for federal aid programs.
General Scholarship Application available online.
These are costs incurred by you while you attend LCSC, but not paid directly to LCSC. These may include books & supplies, transportation, personal expenses, off-campus room and board and any other miscellaneous expenses. The amount of these costs will differ for each student.
MPN: Master Promissory Note
A legally binding document that a borrower signs to get a loan. By signing this note, the borrower promises to repay the loan, with interest, on specific installments.
Need: Cost of Attendance (COA) & Expected Family Contribution (EFC)
Student need is computed by subtracting the EFC from the COA. This is how we determine your eligibility for need-based financial aid.
SAR: Student Aid Report
Fill out the FAFSA.
Priority Deadline: March 1 Be sure to have your General Scholarship Application and FAFSA turned in.
Federal Aid Award Letters (Pell grants, loans, etc.) mailed.
LCSC Award Letters for Meritbased Scholarships mailed.
General Scholarship Award Letters mailed. Students generally have two (2) weeks to return the Award Letter before aid is canceled.
Revised award letters are sent when new awards are offered. Be sure to check WarriorWeb!
of yo u r fi nanc i al ai d d o c u ment s , s u bmi t t ed FA FSA & co nfi rmat i o n nu mber
A summary of your FAFSA information.
The FSA ID allows students and parents to identify themselves electronically to access FSA web sites.
Yo u wi ll need a co py of yo u r t ax t rans c ri pt i n c as e yo u are s elec t ed fo r veri fi c at i o n.
Financial Aid Office
Free Application for Federal Student Aid 1.800.433.3243
Financial Aid Freddie
Questions about the Financial Aid process? Ask Financial Aid Freddie.