Foreverlawn Playground Surfacing

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X S t a t ic ™ A n t is t a t ic Te c h n o lo gy

This is what kids wer e meant t o play on!

Playgr ound G r ass Ult r a S tatic build up can be a s erious problem for children with

Playground Gras s Ultra is a playground s urfacing product like no other. The innovative features of

hearing aids and other electronic devices . That’s why ForeverLawn developed Playground Gras s Ultra with XS tatic™ antis tatic technology. This patent-pending technology in Playground Gras s Ultra will not wear off over time or us e, and is effective immediately upon ins tallation of the turf. Now this s afe, acces s ible s urface offers s tatic reduction

Playground Gras s Ultra make it the mos t unique, advanced product available anywhere. Now you can maximize s afety, acces s ibility, cleanlines s , and beauty with thes e features built in to Playground Gras s Ultra: • Patent-pending XStatic™ antistatic technology • Antimicrobial protection

technology, making it the mos t innovative playground

• M ulticolored blade s tructure

s urfacing product on the market today. XS tatic™ antis tatic

• ADA acces s ibiity

technology is available only from ForeverLawn, the leader in

• AS TM 1292 s afety rated to 12 feet

s ynthetic turf.

• Cus tom colors available for unique themes

A S T M S A F E T Y R A T E D • A D A A C C E S S IB L E • A N T IM IC R O B IA L A N T IS TA T IC • M U LT IC O LO R E D • B E A U T IF U L M 0670 R ev. 09/11

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