Professional Development Course Guide - Northwest Regional Key

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Northwest Regional Key

Professional Development Course Guide

Table Of Contents


Professional Development aligns to the New STARS System: CRITERIA: SQ.2.1 CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.2 CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.3 CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4 CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.5 CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.6 CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.7 CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.8 CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.9 CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.10 Core Knowledge Competencies: CKC 1 - Child Growth and Development CKC 2 - Curriculum and Learning Experiences CKC 3 - Family, Schools and Community Collaborations and Partnerships CKC 4 - Assessment CKC 5 – Communication CKC 6 – Professionalism and Leadership CKC 7 - Health, Safety and Nutrition CKC 8 - Program Organization and Administration

Professional Development Request Forms 2

Preface An essential component of Pennsylvania’s professional development system is Pennsylvania’s Core Knowledge Competencies for Early Childhood and School-Age Professionals (formerly known as the Core Body of Knowledge). It identifies a set of content areas that help define the knowledge expectations for professionals in settings within the early childhood education and school-age field. The exception is home visitors for which a separate set of competencies will be developed. Pennsylvania’s Core Knowledge Competencies for Early Childhood and School-Age Professionals (CKC) is Pennsylvania’s set of core competencies, linked to the learning standards, that specifies the scope of skills and knowledge that guides those who work with children to facilitate child learning and development and support their partnerships with families.

Overview While family members are children’s first and primary teachers, most children are influenced by other adults who are dedicated to supporting children’s early learning experiences. The role of the early childhood and school-age professional in supporting children’s growth and development is critical. While research demonstrates that children learn best when they explore and engage with materials and activities that enhance their skill development and creative thinking processes, the adults who facilitate those experiences are key. Children become confident and successful problem-solvers and learners when they are in the care of skillful adults who provide safe and stimulating environments, guide children’s discovery and mastery of the world and help them build strong relationships with Face to face or Online their peers and adults. Pennsylvania’s Core Knowledge Competencies for Early Childhood and School-Age Professionals (CKC) offers a road map for early childhood and school-age professionals. It communicates the critical areas of professional knowledge and skills that are necessary to help children in their care thrive and become successful in school and in life.

Framework Pennsylvania’s Core Knowledge Framework consists of the following three components: Core Knowledge Competencies: The Core Knowledge Competencies include an in-depth review and assessment of the breadth of content that prepares early childhood and school-age professionals to become master teachers and professionals. While every professional should become familiar with the sections and content within the Core Knowledge Competencies this will principally be the foundational document for higher education and professional development instructors. Big Ideas Framework:

A summary of the core competencies presented as Big Ideas and Essential Questions, this will be the primary tool for consideration of long and short term professional development goals and the creation of professional development plans for the individual early childhood educator. Individual Professional Development Plan and Self-Reflection: This is the culmination of the review of the Big Ideas Framework and is the summary of the decisions made related to professional development goals. It includes an assessment of how the acquired information is applied to the classroom and reflections on additional goals and steps as appropriate. This is the individual’s professional development plan, which will be available online in the near future.



A Strengths Based Approach to Best Practice Using the ECERS, Third Edition (ECERS-3)

Caring for the Caregiver-ECELS


Course Hours: 2.0

Course Hours: 3.0


CKC: 1 Modality: Face to Face

Pre-requisite 101-Foundations, attendance at an ITERS-R, ECERS-R or SACERS prior to July 2007, or completion of the online ITERS-R, ECERS-R, ECERS-3. This 3 hour seminar is part of the Keystone STARS core training series and meets the needs of child care facilities participating in the Keystone STARS child care quality initiative that are required to conduct an ECERS-3 self-assessment of their early childhood/ kindergarten classrooms (37 months through entrance into 1st grade.) Participants will learn about how the ECERS-3 scale reflects developmental appropriate practice, can be used to support continuous quality improvement, and its role as a selfassessment tool.

Active Supervision CRITERIA: SQ.2.1 Course Hours: 2.0

After-School Quality: The Process of Program Improvement (ASQ) Part 1 CKC: 5 Modality: Face to Face

Step 1: Preparing the Program Community for Improvement (staff and program stakeholders) Step 2: Preparing the Team (selecting the team and tools, and training the team) Step 3: Gathering Information (program observation, questionnaires) Step 4: Creating the Action Plan (analyzing and sharing information) Step 5: Taking Action (coordinating tasks, checking in on progress, solving problems) This session will focus on Step 1 and Step 2 of the process.

Authentic Child Assessment Course Hours: 3.0

Child Observation Level 2 - Unit 4: Observing as a Tool to Guide Classroom Structure and Daily Planning CKC: 4 Modality: Face to Face

This workshop will focus on how to use observations to continually observe the program, evaluate its effectiveness, and make changes based on the observations.

Child Observation Level 2 - Unit 5: Using Observation to Create Responsive School-Age Environments and Activities CRITERIA: SQ.2.1 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 4 Modality: Face to Face

This session will focus on using observations to plan the schoolage program and set up the best possible environment for school-age children.

Participants will be introduced to the 5 STEP After School Quality program improvement process and how to begin implementing the process in their program. The Five Steps include:


Workshop teaches early learning and school-age practitioners how to recognize and manage occupational health risks, drawing on the content in Caring for Our Children: National Health and Safety Performance Standards. Addresses management of stress, infectious disease risks, and musculoskeletal (ergonomic) challenges intrinsic to providing early learning and school-age care. Includes assessment of personal and work-site health promotion strategies. (ECERS-ITERS: Parents and Staff. Meets STAR Level 2 Performance Standard for Health and Safety.)

Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to Face

The active supervision workshop will provide detailed information on the definition and components of active supervision. We will discuss what active supervision should look like in the classroom, and what specific strategies to use to put active supervision in place. A self-reflection tool will be presented that will provide participants questions to help them to assess their current active supervision practices. They will also participate in some hands-on activities. Hand-outs and resources will be provided.

Course Hours: 3.0

Modality: Face to Face



CKC: 7

CKC: 4 Modality: Face to Face or Online

This lesson explores authentic child assessment techniques in early childhood programs. Discover what factors to consider when choosing or developing assessment tools and resources. Learn how authentic assessment can be used for lesson and program planning. Understand the role of the early childhood practitioner and families in the authentic assessment process. 4

Child Observation Level 2 - Unit 6: Sharing Your Observation with Parents, Team or School-Age Children CRITERIA: SQ.2.1 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 4 Modality: Face to Face

This workshop will focus on using observation to share or communicate observations in a positive way with parents, team members, or school-age children.

Common Illness-ECELS CRITERIA: SQ.2.1 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 7 Modality: Face to Face

Workshop uses a game approach to teach appropriate response to common illnesses. Content includes myths and facts about childhood illnesses and when temporarily ill children need to be excluded from their group. Includes distribution of current reference materials and the opportunity to practice using them. The reference for the discussion is Managing Infectious Diseases in Child Care and Schools, a publication of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Handouts include some of the tables and Quick Reference Sheets from this book. (ECERSITERS: Personal Care Routines, Parents and Staff. Meets STAR Level 2 Performance Standard for Health and Safety.)

ERS: School-Age Care Environment Rating Scale Updated (SACERS-U)



Course Hours: 3.0

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to Face

Course Hours: 2.0

This session provides ECE professionals with an introduction to the PA Keys' professional development system and two new resources that have been developed for practitioners’ use. Participants will learn how the Core Knowledge Competencies (CKC) and the Big Ideas Framework/Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP) documents can be used to help ECE professionals assess and chart their education, professional development needs, and accomplishments.

Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale-Revised (ECERS-R) 202 CRITERIA: SQ.2.1 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 2

This 2 hour seminar meets the needs of child care facilities participating in the Keystone STARS child care quality initiative that are required to conduct a SACERS-U self-assessment of their school-age classrooms (younger and older school-age children). Participants will learn about the indicators of quality in school-age settings, how the scale measures quality, and how to use the scale as a self-assessment tool.

Family Child Care Environment Rating ScaleRevised (FCCERS-R) 204 CRITERIA: SQ.2.1

Pre-requisite 101-Foundations or attendance at an ITERS-R, ECERSR or SACERS prior to July 2007.

Course Hours: 3.0

Engaging Families to Support Quality Early Learning CRITERIA: SQ.2.1 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 5 Modality: Face to Face

How do you show quality and what do you say to families to help them understand the importance of choosing quality? This course examines what families are looking for when choosing child care and compares it against how quality early learning programs currently market themselves. Participants will draft a communications plan to engage families as ambassadors who can provide free word-of-mouth marketing. They will also consider how to share early learning research and materials with families, in order to increase a family’s comfort level in talking to others about quality and sharing their personal success stories.

Environment Rating Scale (ERS) 101 - Foundations CRITERIA: SQ.2.1 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to Face

This 2 hour seminar is a pre-requisite for the ITERS-R, ECERS-R, or SACERS seminars. (Please Note: if you have taken an ITERS-R, ECERS-R and/or a SACERS prior to July 2007, this course is not required). Participants will learn: how the ERS scales measure quality; how the ERS scales are used in PA; and how to accurately score the ERS. Upon completion of Foundations seminar, participants will be properly prepared for the specific scale PD seminars: 201 ITERS-R; 202 ECERS-R; 203 SACERS.

Modality: Face to Face

Pre-requisite 101-Foundations or attendance at an ITERS-R, ECERS-R or SACERS prior to July 2007.

Modality: Face to Face

This 2 hour seminar meets the needs of child care facilities participating in the Keystone STARS child care quality initiative that are required to conduct an ECERS self-assessment of their early childhood/kindergarten classrooms (37 months through entrance into 1st grade.) Participants will learn about the indicators of quality in early childhood settings, how the scale measures quality, and how to use the scale as a self-assessment tool.

CKC: 2

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to Face

This event is an introduction to the idea of Continuous Quality Improvement in Family Child Care which is the basic premise for the Keystone Stars Quality Rating System. In addition to the philosophy of CQI, the process of and the issues associated with change will be discussed.

Family Child Care STAR Orientation CRITERIA: SQ.2.1 Course Hours: 3.0

CKC: 6 Modality: Face to Face

This is an introduction to the idea of Continuous Quality Improvement in Family Child Care which is the basic premise for the Keystone Stars Quality Rating System. In addition to the philosophy of CQI, the process of and the issues associated with change will be discussed. An overview of the Keystone Stars System will be given.

Food Allergies-ECELS CRITERIA: SQ.2.1 Course Hours: 3.0

CKC: 7 Modality: Face to Face

Learn the basics of food allergies and allergen types in foods and how to prevent a food allergy response. Use forms, guides, and links to online video and other materials. Practice reading food labels to find hidden ingredients that are the same as common food allergens. Describe how to modify menus to support children with allergies. and plan for safe handling of food in preparations.

Formative Assessment: An introduction to early childhood professionals CRITERIA: SQ.2.1 Course Hours: 1.0

CKC: 4 Modality: Online

In this session, participants will be introduced to formative assessment in early childhood classrooms. Formative assessment will be defined and compared to summative assessment. Strategies for formative assessment such as observation, running records, pre-assessment, and reflection will be overviewed and discussed. Participants will list ideas for what skills can be assessed using which techniques. 5


Core Knowledge Competencies (CKC) and Big Ideas Framework


-ups, childhood immunizations and sanitation procedures. Injury prevention will be addressed through information and discussion on: safety hazards, safety practices and the use of safety checklists. Participants will be asked to assess their own child care settings, illness and safety prevention practices and how to improve them. Information will be disseminated through lecture, discussion, group activities and handouts.

Full STEAM Ahead: Creating project based lessons integrating science, technology, engineering, arts and math CRITERIA: SQ.2.1 Course Hours: 3.0

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to Face

Participants in this course will overview the basics tenets and best practices of integrating STEAM education in early childhood and after school programs. Position statements and standards from NAEYC, PA Early Learning Standards, National Council for Teachers of Mathematics, and National Science Teachers Association will be analyzed and discussed. Using appropriate materials and objectives for toddler school age classrooms, participants will design integrated units of study that bring together science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics.

Implementing Best Practices for Health, Safety, and Nutrition CRITERIA: SQ.2.1 Course Hours: 3.0

Course Hours: 3.0

Incredible years teacher and children series: building positive relationships with students

CKC: 2


Modality: Face to Face

Course Hours: 3.0

Early childhood educators will recognize what STEAM learning looks like in home and classroom environments. This session will highlight the major characteristics of STEAM education, offer practical solutions for young learning using quick and easy STEAM-based activities, present how-to activities on creating lessons using content standards associated with the Early Learning Standards to enhance educational experiences for young learners. ECE Educators will learn low-cost ways and resources to provide an array of STEAM activities.

Course Hours: 3.0


Modality: Face to Face

Course Hours: 3.0

How head bumps and other active play injuries can happen with consideration to method of avoiding the risks will be discussed. How to choose age and skill appropriate play equipment is presented. Action plan in event of an injury occurrence is taught.

Modality: Face to Face

Infant/Toddler Health & Safety-ECELS

Interactive discussion, hands on activities, and visual aids to educate participants on practices which promote health and safety in early child care settings. Activities are consistent with PA State Regulations.

CRITERIA:SQ.2.1, SQ.3.4.6 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 7

Modality: Face to Face

The ECERS-3 Personal routines subscales, items of Meals/ Snacks, Toileting/Diapering, and Health Practices will be used to guide participants to recognize, implement and monitor the hygiene practice in their classrooms. CFOC Standards will be reviewed and discussed to build the knowledge foundation for improved hygiene practice decisions. Curriculum for instruction of children in hygiene lessons will be examined.

Healthy Habits to Prevent Illness and InjuryCCDBG Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to Face

This 2 hour seminar meets the needs of child care facilities participating in the Keystone STARS child care quality initiative who are required to conduct an ITERS self-assessment of their infant/ toddler classrooms (Birth-36 months). Participants will learn about the indicators of quality in infant and toddler settings, how the scale measures quality, and how to use the scale as a self-assessment tool.

CKC: 7


CKC: 2

Pre-requisite 101-Foundations or attendance at an ITERS-R, ECERS-R or SACERS prior to July 2007.

Health & Safety Basics: Requirements for Certification-CCDBG Course Hours: 6.0

Modality: Face to Face

Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale- Revised (ITERS-R) 201

CKC: 7


CKC: 2

This teacher training asks teachers to brainstorm ways they can build positive relationships with their students, particularly those students for whom they have developed negative feelings. The most obvious reason for teachers to develop meaningful relationships with students is because a positive teacher-student relationship built on trust, understanding and caring will foster students cooperation and motivation and increase their learning and achievement.

Head Bumps Matter-ECELS CRITERIA: SQ.2.1

Modality: Face to Face

This Course examines health, safety, and nutrition materials (PA Child Care Licensing Regulations, Step up to Quality Supervision, Caring for Our Children, All About ITERS, All About ECERS) to determine best practices. Participants will assess and create a CQI Plan for health, safety, and nutrition.

Full STEAM Ahead: Enhancing Learning Through STEAM Activities CRITERIA: SQ.2.1

CKC: 7

CKC: 7 Modality: Face to Face

Participants will be given information on: common communicable childhood illnesses and how they are spread, common injuries, and illness and injury prevention. Illness concentration will be on: personal hygiene habits, well check 6

CRITERIA: SQ.2.1 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to Face

Stocking a classroom with carefully chosen and interesting materials is an important part of the learning environment. Young children must have "something to do" in the classroom, but most importantly, each child must be effectively engaged and interested in the activities provided to them. This session will define the teachers' role in facilitating learning. Participants will use materials found in the classroom to practice effective questioning and extend involvement in order for learning to occur. Teachers will put into practice lessons and activities that maximize each child's interest, engagement and ability to learn. Many studies have shown that effective classroom interactions make a critical difference in student achievement.

Integrating Mathematics Throughout the Day CRITERIA: SQ.2.1 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to Face

Participants will become familiar with the new Early Childhood Environmental Rating Scale - 3 (ECERS-3) math items, and how practitioners will initiate and direct and go beyond children's use of materials in free play. We will also review 2014 Early Learning standards and how these standards on mathematical thinking and expression are foundational and important to academic success in all subjects. The question is "How do we get all of this done?" We will discuss ways to incorporate math activities and language that is meaningful and intentional throughout the day.

Integrating the Early Learning Standards into Your Lesson Plans CRITERIA: SQ.2.1 Course Hours: 3.0

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to Face

This course will help participants become more familiar with the PA Early Learning Standards. It will show them how to integrate those standards into their daily lesson plans to ensure quality activities are being planned throughout the day for young children. They will explore the standards and write lesson plan with those standards. Participants will also explore different lesson plan formats and find one that meets their specific needs. This course will help providers to take advantage of their daily schedule to integrate learning and standards into their entire day.

Keystone STARS Orientation Part 1 Center/Group CRITERIA: SQ.2.1 Course Hours: 3.0

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to Face

This session is an introduction to the idea of Continuous Quality Improvement which is the basic premise for the Keystone Stars Quality Rating System. In addition to the philosophy of CQI, the process of change and how to begin your journey through the Keystone STARS system will be discussed. An overview of DHS Certification and Keystone STARS supports and resources will also be discussed.

Course Hours: 6.0

Modality: Face to Face

This 6 hour event will define Curriculum and Assessment and the link to Early Learning Standards. Discussion will also revolve around how to apply your assessments to curriculum and then to all Key Learning areas in a program.

Milestone Tracking with Portfolios and checkbrics CRITERIA: SQ.2.1 Course Hours: 3.0

CKC: 4 Modality: Face to Face

Participants will be introduced to the idea of a checkbric (checklist + rubric) as a means for keeping portfolios organized and making sure that key skills and milestones are being met. Different examples of portfolios and checkbrics will be provided and participants will then be able to create their own outline for assessments. Techniques for sharing the assessments with families will be discussed as well. Applicable Age Groups: Infant - School Age

Moving Toward Best Practice: STARS Orientation Part 2 Center/Group CRITERIA: SQ.2.1 Course Hours: 3.0

CKC: 6 Modality: Face to Face

This workshop will explore the importance of the directors role in guiding a program through a quality improvement process. This workshop builds on the learning from part one of the STARS Orientation and the Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) workshop to take a deeper look at the change process and how it affects every member of the staff. Characteristics of effective leadership, leadership styles and building a team that works together to achieve results also are explored as strategies to achieve quality improvement goals.

Moving Toward Best Practice: STARS Orientation Part 2-Family CRITERIA: SQ.2.1 Course Hours: 3.0

CKC: 6 Modality: Face to Face

This workshop builds on the learning from part one of the FCC Home STARS Orientation to take a deeper look at the CQI process and how it affects the family child care program. Characteristics of effective leadership and professionalism are explored as well.

Navigating the CQI Process: Understanding and Planning for Continuous Quality Improvement CRITERIA: SQ.2.1 Course Hours: 4.0

CKC: 6 Modality: Face to Face

This session defines and presents the philosophy of Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) which is the basic premise for the Keystone Stars Quality Rating System. Participants will practice writing goals and objectives that will inform a CQI plan and will be introduced to CQI planning tools.

Obesity (What Adults Can Do to Reduce Childhood Obesity) - ECELS

Linking Standards, Curriculum Framework, and Assessment



Addresses national and state initiatives to reduce obesity among

CKC: 2

Course Hours: 2.0 7

CKC: 7 Modality: Face to Face


Instructional Learning Formats: Teacher-Child Interactions for maximized learning


children in group care. Includes nutritional needs of infants, toddlers, preschool, and school age children. Learn to adjust portion sizes, and evaluate food and nutrition labeling. Discussion includes comparing standards for physical activity and limitation of sedentary activities with current practices. Learn to use research about how children acquire attitudes about food and physical activity. Identify nutrition education opportunities for mealtimes, snacks, holidays and birthdays. (ECERS-ITERS: Personal Care Routines, Activities, Program Structure)

In this series, participants will be introduced to and gain knowledge about assessment practices and tools available in the field. Different types of assessment tools will be discussed as well as how to support current programming using the tools.

Safe Medication Administration Safety Review-CCDBG CRITERIA: SQ.2.1 Course Hours: 1.0

Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Online

This is a review of medication administration responsibilities and procedures for childcare providers with the assigned task of giving children medication. Content will review the "Five Rights" for giving medications for management of chronic illness, emergency situations and short term health improvement needs. Also discussed, are the communications to share with parents and health providers; how to manage a medication administration error or complication; and documentation for these responsibilities.

Observing with a Purpose CRITERIA: SQ.2.1

CKC: 7

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to Face

This competency level two (2) training elaborates on quality observational practices. It stresses the need to observe intentionally, how to plan and intentional observation and what to do with these quality observations once they are complete.

Science and Inquiry: Building on Natural Inquiry CRITERIA: SQ.2.1

PA Healthy and Green Initiative- Growing Up WILD Course Hours: 2.5

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to face

Session will provide an overview of inquiry-based teaching techniques including strategies for sensory exploration, nature Course Hours: 3.0 Modality: Face to Face observation, and science journaling. Differences between inquiry Growing Up WILD is an early childhood education program that centers and "touch tables" will be examined. Recommendations for builds on children's sense of wonder about nature and aligning to the PA Early Learning Standards for Scientific Thinking and encourages them to explore the world around them. Growing Technology and the NSTA Principles to Guide the Learning of Science Up WILD features 27 field-tested, hands-on activities about as well as using literature to promote inquiry will be included. wildlife, people and the environment. Each activity includes art Sharpening your observation skills projects, reading, music, math connections and outdoor learning as well as content about specific groups of animals or CRITERIA: SQ.2.1 CKC: 4 ecological concepts. The activities are designed to address Course Hours: 2.0 Modality: Face to face development and learning in all areas including social, Observation can tell us what a child knows, what he likes, what emotional, physical, language and cognitive domains. Participants will engage in some of the activities from Growing makes her frustrated, and what she finds rewarding. Observations help us draw conclusions about development, monitor progress, Up WILD and learn how to incorporate them into their choose appropriate activities and materials, and make changes in our classroom. All activities are correlated to NAEYC Standards, Head Start Domains and PA Education Standards. Participants environment. Observations are at the heart of our curriculum development and are central to the assessments of children we work will receive the Growing Up WILD guide. with. This workshop will help you improve your observation skills, PA Healthy and Green Initiative: Eco-Healthy Child advance your documentation of what you observe, and establish Care-CCDBG coordination of observations among classroom teachers. CRITERIA: SQ.2.1

CKC: 7


CKC: 7

Course Hours: 3.0

Step Up to Quality Supervision: Session 1 - Supervision What's Required?

Modality: Face to Face

This course introduces child care program directors and teachers to the most common environmental hazards that may be present in their programs. This information helps caregivers to reduce or eliminate the likelihood that children and/or staff are exposed to these particular environmental toxins. EcoHealthy Childcare is a nationally-recognized, science-based, pediatric environmental health program that is tailored to child care programs of all types.


PAEYC Online-Assessment in the Early Childhood Classroom (3 part series)

Step Up to Quality Supervision: Session 2 - Supervision Staff: Child Ratios



Course Hours: 10.0

Course Hours: 1.0

CKC: 7 Modality: Online

During this session participants will look at Pennsylvania regulations for child care centers for supervising children. Participants will rate their supervision skills, work with the definition of supervision as identified by Pennsylvania and develop an action plan focused on areas to be worked on to improve their supervision of children.

Course Hours: 1.0 Modality: Online

CKC: 7 Modality: Face to face

In this course the Pennsylvania regulations about staff: child ratio during active and nap time will be covered. Participants will have the opportunity to develop an Action Plan for their classroom/program 8

transitions are, why transition planning is crucial for all program types and ages and how to plan for and implement transition plans and activities into every aspect of their program. Participants will review practices to create transition policies and analyze how the policies meet Keystone STARS standards

Step Up to Quality Supervision: Session 7 Supervision - Moving Children CRITERIA: SQ.2.1 CKC: 7 Course Hours: 1.0

Using Portfolios to Bring Out the Best in School-Age Children

Modality: Face to face

This course will review the Pennsylvania regulations for transporting children. Participants will create an action plan to implement strategies when transporting children.


Supporting and responding to the uniqueness of families

A six hour professional development event to support the successful implementation of Portfolios to support children’s development and enhance program quality. Participants will learn about how Portfolios in school-age programs can be used as a tool: to document children’s growth and development; for program planning and implementation; for helping children reflect on their experiences and set goals; for sharing important information about children’s experiences with parents; for professional development. Information will be shared about using developmental checklists as a framework for portfolio development; analyzing completed checklist and related documentation; and comparing and linking checklists to the Pennsylvania Child Service Report and the Key Areas of the PA Learning Standards.

CRITERIA: SQ.2.1 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 3 Modality: Face to face or online

This course will explore and celebrate the uniqueness of families and discuss how family members and child care providers can partner together in order to maximize the family's ability to meet their goals. Participants will learn about the core principles of family development as outlined and researched by Clarie Forrest of Cornell University. Having an understanding of the core principles, child care providers will then become more able to support families, and especially their children, as they go through changes and experience stressors. Family Circle Assessment will be completed as a way to reflect on our own family's stressors and supports and this tool may become one the child care provider or support staff can use. Strategies will be given for building resiliency in children.

The Arts Plus STEM Equals STEAM: An Integrated Approach (ECEPD146) Northampton CC CRITERIA: SQ.2.1 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 2 Modality: Online

Full STEAM ahead into the 21st century! Experience the joy of participating in children’s learning. The language of art guides communication, representing and expressing and styles of relating. Learn how the arts lead science, technology, engineering and math concepts. Explore well-placed questioning, inquiry, emergent ideas and how to use these strategies to teach with intention. Connect children’s learning with the PA early learning standards.

The why and how to use lesson plans in early childhood education. Criteria: CRITERIA: SQ.2.1 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 2

Modality: Face to face

This workshop will focus on lesson planning for all age groups in childcare programs, beginning with the STAR 2 standards through STAR 4. We will take a look at many different kinds of lesson plans and how to choose one. Participants are encouraged to bring their current lesson plans.

Transitions Across Early Learning Programs CRITERIA: SQ.2.1 Course Hours: 3.0

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to face

This course is designed to offer support for directors and staff in implementing transition policies and activities in any program type. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of what

Course Hours: 6.0

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to face

What experiences should our children have? Criteria: CRITERIA: SQ.2.1 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 1

Modality: Face to face

Participants will become more aware of the PA Early Learning Standards. They will explore the format and how it relates to quality programming within early care and education programs. They will also identify key learning areas and their content, including area glossary. Participants will be introduced to the continuum which links early childhood learning to the third grade academic standards and displays sequential ways children learn.

Jump into the STREAM: An Integrated Arts-Based Approach to STEM Plus Reading ECEPD254 Northampton CC CRITERIA: SQ.2.1 Course Hours: 3.0

CKC: 2 Modality: Online

Jump into the STREAM of technology and innovation of the 21st century! Experience the joy of participating in children’s learning. The language of arts guides communication, representing and expressing and styles of relating. Learn how the arts are natural leads into the science, technology, engineering and math concepts. Explore well-placed questioning, inquiry, emergent ideas and how to use these strategies to teach with intention. Connect children’s learning with the PA early learning standards.

Developmentally Appropriate Practices and the Early Learning Standards (NW) CRITERIA: SQ.2.1, SQ.3.4.4 Course Hours: 4.0

CKC: 6

Modality: Face to face

Discover how Developmentally Appropriate Practice and the Early Learning Standards are linked. Participants will learn how 9


for ideas to try dealing with staff: child ratios.


using the Early Learning Standards leads to plans and teaching that is optimal for various age levels.

methods to incorporate health and safety lessons into the design of their curriculum.

Making Sense of Number Sense: Teaching Early Numeracy

Isn’t That Pinterest(ing?) Curating Quality Resources with the Curriculum in Mind

CRITERIA: SQ.2.1, SQ.3.4.4

CRITERIA: SQ.2.1, SQ.3.4.6, SQ.3.4.4

Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 2

Modality: Face to face

Course Hours: 1.0

In this course, participants will look at the development of number sense infant through Pre-K. The session begins with an overview of the developmental sequence of skills in early numeracy as supported by NAEYC, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), and the PA Early Learning Standards. Using this information, participants then assess sample learning experiences based on the level of developmentally appropriate outcomes. Finally, participants will create appropriate learning activities for group instruction and center-based play.

Raising Child Outcomes Through Your Environment CRITERIA: SQ.2.1, SQ.3.4.4

Do you ask yourself what quality decisions should be made as you arrange and stock your classroom for young children? Is it a responsive learning environment based on ages, abilities, home culture and the interests and needs of the children? We will plan and assess a high-quality environment based on the Early Childhood Environmental Rating Scale (ECERS-3) and developmentally appropriate practices. We will look at the "how" and "why" materials are in each interest area and how you, the teaching team, use the materials to increase learning outcomes.

iPads & Leading with Technology Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 5

CRITERIA: SQ.2.1, CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.7 8 Course Hours: 2.0


Modality: Face to face

This course will describe policy and procedures for Getting to Know You Questionnaire and Meeting, Ages and Stages Screening, Parent Teachers Conferences, and Illness and Injury Tracking Logs. Identify current practices within each program, Engage in supportive discussion to assist programs on ways to organize materials to maintain STAR 2 standards, and examine current practices and make changes based on best practice. CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.10

Mobile devices are rapidly transforming early learning and school age environments. The iPad, like other devices, is no exception. This course will explore ideas for integrating the iPad into the early learning environment that includes children, providers and families. This will course will include leadership, communication and learning theory, along with resources, strategies and supports for mobilizing leadership via the iPad. Other topics include how to support an iPad pilot project, facilitating quality interactions between adults and children as a media mentor, using developmentally appropriate apps and other features of the iPad for learning, documentation and assessment, safety and security issues, device storage ideas and peripherals/accessories, as well as the importance of technology policies that include mobile devices.

Teaching Health and Safety Lessons to Children Course Hours: 2.0

Maintaining STAR 2 and Getting Organized for STARS Learning Communities

Effective Communication Takes Skill and Heart

Modality: Face to face

CRITERIA: SQ.2.1, SQ.3.4.6

This course will explore the basics of using Pinterest including features and ideas for curating quality resources that support children’s play, learning, academic areas and social/emotional learning in the curriculum. It will include ideas/strategies for creating resource boards that relate to the PA Early Learning Standards to share with teachers, parents and other stakeholders.

CKC: 2

Modality: Face to face

CRITERIA: SQ.2.1, SQ.3.4.4, SQ.3.4.5

Modality: Face to face

CKC: 7

Modality: Face to face

A crosswalk of principles among CARING FOR OUR CHILDREN 3rd ed.' PENNSYLVANIA LEARNING STANDARDS FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD and a selection of development assessment tools will be examined. Followed by discussion of learning instruction methods applied to healthy and safety instruction for children. Reflection on importance of consistence between child care setting health practices and the family home health practices will be made. Then participants will identify age appropriate 10

Course Hours: 3.0

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to face

Communicating with families, staff, and co-workers takes skill and compassion. We will examine our listening skills, explore ways to build empathy, learn to use clear and respectful communication, review strategies to address conflict, and increase awareness of non-verbal communication.

Every Child Counts: Building Community CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.10 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to face or Online

Learn ways to bring out nurturing, caring behaviors in children to create a classroom community where children support each other. Learn how to use non-competitive games to foster acceptance of all children. Identify the strengths and weaknesses for you and the children in your program, and how to put the strengths to good use creating a sense of acceptance and community.

Improving Transition Times CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.10 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to face or Online

Most early childhood professionals say transitions are especially difficult times for young children. This module


Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 2

A Closer look at State Regulations for Early Learning Programs’ Physical Space CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.3 Course Hours: 2.0

Creating Culturally Responsive Early Care Environments

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to face

Early childhood educators face the challenge of building effective relationships with all children and families in the classroom. Each


individual, child and adult, have different communication needs influenced by culture, primary language and cognitive strengths and limitations. Educators can expand their range of communication styles to meet and support the communication needs of each child and family with the overall goal of increasing a child’s language and literacy skills. This session is based on evidence-based research and will present a variety of effective verbal and non-verbal strategies, have discussions on identifying appropriate communication style for child and family and expand on enrichment of a child’s environments, home and school that supports each child's development of language and literacy skills through communication.

Choosing Quality Children's Literature CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.3 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 5 Modality: Face to face

What was your favorite book as a child? Do you like to read books with children? These early language and literacy experiences with books have lasting effects on attitudes, knowledge and skills that prepare children to become readers and writers. This interactive workshop will discuss how literacy is related to cognitive development in infants, toddlers and preschoolers. We will look at how picture books support literacy, review a short video clip on strategies for brining books to life, identify ways to select quality books, and to use books for an integrated curriculum (e.g., relating books to language, math, science, cooking lessons, etc). A variety of children's books will be available for discussion.

Connecting Theory of Multiple Intelligence to School Age Programs ECEPD553 - Northampton CC CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.3 Course Hours: 2.0

research and will present variety of effective verbal and nonverbal strategies, have discussions on identifying appropriate communication style for child and family and expand on enrichment of a child’s environments, home and school that supports each child's development of language and literacy skills through communication.

CKC: 2 Modality: Online

Early childhood educators face the challenge of building effective relationships with all children and families in the classroom. Each individual, child and adult, have different communication needs influenced by culture, primary language and cognitive strengths and limitations. Educators can expand their range of communication styles to meet and support the communication needs of each child and family with the overall goal of increasing a child’s language and literacy skills. This session is based on evidence-based

CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.3 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to face

Our world is comprised of all types of diversity and the children and families we serve give us an opportunity to experience and celebrate diversity! When children and families are welcomed into an early childhood setting, their culture, abilities, family composition and more should be accepted and respected. Home, Center and School Age Teachers can get to know themselves, as well as their students and communities in order to create places of respect and learning. Research says this will surely inspire successful outcomes!

Healthy Social Emotional Development: Setting the Stage to Enhance the Performance of Positive Behaviors CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.3, sq. 3.4.4 Course Hours: 3.0

CKC: 1

Modality: Face to face

Child Development addresses physical, psychological, cognitive and affective human development from prenatal/birth to middle childhood. Included in this course is consideration of the development of the young ELL, children with disabilities and those children who come from diverse backgrounds. Health related issues are discussed.

How to Promote Literacy While Implementing Best Practices in Health and Safety CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.3 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 7 Modality: Face to face

This session examines the materials from; Caring for our Children, 3rd edition; Model Child Care Health Policies; Managing Infectious Diseases in Child Care; Managing Chronic Health Needs in Child Care; and the PA Position Statements. Staff will be able to identify resources to utilize in order to implement best practice in health and safety. Attendees will formulate appropriate responses for the children in their care and identify games and activities to promote language development. Staff will collaborate in assessing and creating an improvement plan while utilizing recommended health and safety resources.

Oral Language: Foundation for Literacy CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.3 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 5 Modality: Face to face or Online

Oral language is the foundation of literacy. Young learners must learn how to use talk to acquire new concepts, express their ideas, and problem solve.

Personal Filters ECEPD314 - Northampton CC CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.3 11

CKC: 3


focuses on helping children as they move from one activity to another throughout the day. Analyze your program’s daily schedule to find new ways to introduce children to, and help them with, transition times.


Course Hours: 3.0

Modality: Online

Discuss how our own beliefs, values and behaviors are shaped by our biases and societal stereotypes and how they impact cultural, racial, linguistic, and socio-economic experiences.

Powerful Interactions Roundtable Book Club Reflection ECEPD247 - Northampton CC CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.3 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 1

related to racial equity and tolerance in the early childhood education classroom. Participants will identify specific strategies to address race and culture and impact classroom behaviors and environment. Content includes an historical perspective of race; how young children develop racial identity, awareness and attitudes and the impact on their learning and development. Additionally, content will address strategies for having substantial conversations with peers, families and children about race to support respect and equality. Consists of the following module content:

Modality: Online

Explore the kinds of powerful interactions children deserve to optimize learning. Discussion of this book will surround teacher-child interactions, but specifically a very intentional and purposeful exchange in which the teacher “connects” with each child in order to “extend” that child’s learning just a bit. Although they may last just a few minutes, these interactions have the potential to deliver very “powerful” results for adult and child.

1) 2) 3)

Put on Culturally, Linguistically, and Ability Diversity (CLAD) Lenses to Look at Your Learning Environments and Supportive Practices: Explore the New

CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.3, SQ.3.4.9

CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.3 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 2 Modality: Online

Say this, not that: Effective communication to promote responsible behaviors in children CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.3 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 5 Modality: Face to face

Participants in this session will examine how language can influence the development of responsibility and personal choices in young children. With examples from encouraging positive behavior to trying new foods, participants will evaluate how their language can either manipulate children through guilt and peer pressure or how language can encourage children to make responsible and conscious decisions that benefit themselves.

Supporting Conversations About Race and Culture in Early Childhood Settings CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.3 Course Hours: 12.0

CKC: 3 Modality: Online

Participants will participate in a series of modules (12 hours)

Universal Design for Learning Approaches to Support Each Young Learner ECEPD256 - Northampton CC Course Hours: 3.0

CKC: 2

Modality: Online

As more and more children with special needs and multiple languages are included in early childhood classrooms, the principles of universal design become even more important. All children, regardless of their abilities, needs, or cultural heritage should have access to a rich learning environment designed to help them acquire the skills they need to be successful in school and life. The purpose of this session is to identify ways that preschool teachers can apply major principles of universal design to their classrooms.

A Proactive Approach to Improving Children’s Behavior: PBIS Positive Behavior Intervention & Support ECEPD153 - Northampton CC

CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4 CKC: 1 Course Hours: 3.0

Modality: Online

Early childhood educators encounter young children with challenging behaviors hindering their holistic development and disrupting the learning environment for all children. This session will feature a practical, evidence based framework designed to provide early childhood educators an understanding of social emotional development as it relates to challenging behaviors, how this inappropriate behavior serves a function for the child, the importance for building strong relationships with all stakeholders and identifying positive strategies for infants, toddlers, preschoolers and families.

Al's Caring Pals - Everybody's Somebody (Meaningful Involvement Module) CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 1 Modality: Face to face

Young children are curious about their bodies and the changes that occur during early adolescence. This workshop takes at a look at a topic most teachers and program administrators are uncomfortable discussing and addressing in the early learning environment. Understanding child development and how that 12


A newly developed tool, CLAD Inventory, can be used to examine your environment and the practices and policies of your early childhood program related to cultural, linguistic and ability diversity. With the enrollment increase of families with children who are culturally, linguistically and ability diverse, we need to provide high quality learning experiences that support the full participation of all children and their families. The CLAD Inventory is an instrument developed to examine early childhood environments and practices that support children and families who are culturally, linguistically and ability diverse. Participants will be able to take the tool and review their classroom/child care environments and teaching practices through a CLAD lens.


Beginning the Conversation; Historic Perspectives and White Privilege; Planning Supportive Environments for Children and Families (Part 1); 4) Planning Supportive Environments for Children and Families (Part 2)

Al's Caring Pals - Feeling Those Feelings (Understanding Emotions Module) CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 1 Modality: Face to face

While all children grow and develop in unique ways, some children experience delays in their development. This session will explore Pennsylvania’s early intervention and intermediate unit services, IFSP / IEP documents, transition, and the importance of team involvement, including family. There will be suggestions and strategies for working with families and with EI/ IU professionals in your classroom.

Al's Caring Pals - So? What Else? (Problem-solving I Module) CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 1 Modality: Face to face

cultural influence on behavior.

Big Body Play: What is an early childhood educator supposed to do? ECEPD705 - Northampton CC CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4 Course Hours: 3.0

CKC: 7 Modality: Online

Have you ever wondered why young children seem to play so roughly? How does rough play blend with developmentally appropriate practices? What is an early childhood educator supposed to do? Children have a fundamental need to experiment with and learn from their bodies in physical ways. Participants will embark on a journey to find how “Big Body Play” is beneficial for children and how the risks associate with it can be managed.

Blending Fine Art and Fine Motor CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to face

This session will help participants develop units of artist study aligned to fine motor objectives. Fine motor milestones will be overviewed as well as the use of art media which complement the child’s level of development. Major artworks and artistic movements will be adapted for young skill levels to reproduce motifs at a developmentally appropriate skill level.

To provide information about the importance of involving children in solving problems. To provide information on the "What Else" method of problem-solving.

Child Observation Level 2 - Unit 1: Observing Young Children’s Development

Applying Developmentally Appropriate Practices for SAC

Course Hours: 2.0

CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4 Course Hours: 1.0

CKC: 2 Modality: Online

This session takes a look at the book "Yardsticks: Children in the Classroom 4-14" and the developmental needs of students in school age programs. Considerations for physical, social, and cognitive differences in development will be discussed along with strategies for differentiating instruction and activities. Participants will create and share plans for specific activities as well as strategies for transitions and mixed age groupings.

Balancing DAP and Academic Pressure CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 1 Modality: Face to face (2hrs); Online (1hr)

CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4, SQ.3.4.8 Modality: Face to face

This session will help you learn how to use your observations to learn about and support children’s development.

Child Observation Level 2 - Unit 2: Using Observation to Support Individual Children’s Development CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4, SQ.3.4.8 Course Hours: 2.0

This workshop will help you learn how to use your observations to learn about and support an individual child’s development.

Child Observation Level 2 - Unit 3: Using Observation to Support Individual School-Age Children’s Development CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4, SQ.3.4.8

Behavior Guidance vs Behavior Management

Click2Science STEM Foundations



Course Hours: 12.0

Modality: Face to face

Behavior Guidance vs Behavior Management is an exploration of guidance strategies for promoting positive- social behaviors with individual and groups of children. Emphasis on cultivating self regulation verses teacher controlled behavior, including positive guidance principles and techniques, family involvement and

CKC: 4

Modality: Face to face

Participants will compare the pressures of academic initiatives and parental expectations to developmentally appropriate needs of students as they prepare for kindergarten. This session will provide an overview of the developmental skills for social, reading, math, and language development in conjunction with the progression of skills in the early learning standards. CKC: 1

CKC: 4

Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 4

Modality: Face to face

This session will help you learn how to use your observations to learn about and support individual school-age children’s development.

Course Hours: 3.0

CKC: 3 Modality: Face to face

Learn how to incorporate developmentally appropriate experiences into the routines and environment of the infant/ toddler classroom. This series focuses on early experiences in science, math and creative arts. Discover how arts integrated classrooms can enhance children’s ability to construct and 13


plays into children’s perception and experience with sexuality will allow early childhood professionals to have candid conversations with children, parents, and other caregivers on this topic. Facilitators will lead small and large group discussions with activities so that all participants can come away with knowledge on how to handle sensitive questions, discussions or situations that may arise in the early learning setting.


express knowledge, and develop critical and creative thinking. Please bring your copy of the PA Early Learning Standards for Infants and Toddlers to this session.

responsive routines, designing appropriate physical environments, and improving the emotional literacy of children in the early care and education setting.

Creating a Positive Foundation for Young Children's Behavior

CSEFEL Preschool Module 1: Building Relationships and Creating Supportive Environments

CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4 Course Hours: 3.0

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to face

Course Hours: 6.0

Research tells us that the foundation for a person's behavior is formed at a very young age. Participants will explore positive behavior support strategies and explore how adult and peer relationships will influence behavior. The training will provide many examples of classroom environment and scheduling ideas that can influence how all children behave. Activities will be demonstrated to be used at home and school that can create lasting changes in how young children behave. The Teaching Pyramid Model will be shared and discussed.

Creating a pro-social classroom: steps for early childhood CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4 Course Hours: 3.0

CKC: 1 Modality: Face to face

This session will help participants identify the 5 STEPS for a Pro-Social Classroom: See problem behaviors, Teach words to describe the behaviors, Emphasize positive norms, Practice pro-social skills, and Share what your know. Participants will learn the basics of each step and develop action plans for using their new knowledge in the classroom. Applicable Age Groups: Toddler - School Age

CSEFEL I/T Module 1: Social Emotional Development within the Context of Relationships CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4 Course Hours: 6.0

CKC: 1 Modality: Face to face

Social emotional development begins at birth and continues throughout life, providing a foundation for meaningful relationships and learning. This workshop is designed to introduce participants to the process of infant toddler social emotional development, including key concepts such as temperament and attachment which affect a young child’s ability to develop strong social emotional skills. The workshop includes an emphasis on the importance of healthy relationships with caregivers for optimal social emotional development to occur.

CSEFEL I/T Module 2: Responsive Routines, Environments, and Targeted Strategies to Support Social Emotional Development in Infants and Toddlers CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4 Course Hours: 6.0


CKC: 1 Modality: Face to face

There are a number of strategies that can be used to intentionally support the social emotional development of infants and toddlers. This workshop is designed to present a sampling of those strategies to ECE practitioners. The primary strategies addressed in this course include creating

CKC: 1 Modality: Face to face

This workshop is designed to introduce participants to the process of social emotional development in young children and how such development is related to behavior. The workshop includes an emphasis on the importance of healthy relationships with caregivers and how supportive environments promote optimal social emotional development and prevent challenging behaviors. This session uses the training modules developed by the Center for Social Emotional Foundations in Early Learning.

CSEFEL Preschool Module 2: Promoting Social Emotional Competence: Social-Emotional Teaching Strategies CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4 Course Hours: 6.0

CKC: 1 Modality: Face to face

An important role for the early childhood teacher is to facilitate children’s social/emotional development such that children have the skills and foundation they need to be successful in school. This foundation includes the ability to solve problems, communicate emotions appropriately and effectively, and build friendships. This module focuses on effective strategies for teaching these skills to children.

Digital Media Literacy: A Tech Playdate for the Beginner CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to face

A professional development course that incorporates hands-on experience with a variety of technology tools along with guidance on the NAEYC/Fred Rogers Center Position Statement on Technology and Interactive Media in Early Childhood Programs. Students will also become familiar with resources that provide support to help make developmentally appropriate decisions with technology tools and digital media.

Digital Media Literacy: Digital Tools for Promoting Healthy Social and Emotional Development CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to face

A professional development course designed to look at how digital literacy can be used to promote healthy social and emotional development in children. Learn about the technology resources available to enhancing the teaching practice with children.

Digital Media Literacy: Going on an APP Hunt: Selecting and Assessing Developmentally Appropriate Apps CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to face

A professional development course designed for educators and


Digital Media Literacy: Going on an APP Hunt: Selecting and Assessing Developmentally Appropriate Apps CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4

CKC: 2

Modality: Face to face A professional development course designed for educators and administrators to critically examine low to high quality apps and to utilize the resources available to help make the best decisions for the children in their programs.

Digital Tools for Promoting Healthy Social and Emotional Development CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to face

A professional development course designed to look at how digital literacy can be used to promote healthy social and emotional development in children. Learn about the technology resources available to enhancing the teaching practice with children.

Friends and Frustrations CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to face

Friends and Frustrations is System's 1-2-3 collection of intentional social and emotional teaching strategies. This interactive session engages teachers and providers in understanding problems from the child's perspective, developing self-regulation and peer relationships, and effectively using reinforcement and redirection.

How Infants and Toddlers Communicate CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to face

How to Turn Good Play into GREAT Play Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to face or Online

This module takes a developmental look at play and the types of play skills that can be expected from typically developing children of various ages. Observe and assess children’s play skills using an assessment scale. Learn from early childhood practitioners as they model the adult’s role in helping children enhance their play skills.

Mind in the Making Learning Modules for Educators CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4 Course Hours: 36.0

The director and a designated partner from within an Early Learning Program participate within a learning group/cohort. The session offers a hands-on, experiential learning opportunity to prepare directors and their designee to offer 11 modules of MITM to staff within their early learning program. *******Please note that you must complete all modules to receive full credit for this course. Module 1- Beginning a Learning Adventure Module 2- Essential Connections Module 3- Focus, Self-Regulation, and Learning Module 4- Social, Emotional, and Intellectual Learning Module 5- Understanding and Responding to Children's Individual Differences Module 6- Building Competence and Confidence Module 7- How We Learn to Know Others' Thoughts and Feelings Module 8- Beyond the ABC's- Communicating, Creating, and Making Sense of the World Module 9- Connections Count- Encouraging Curiosity, Scientific Problem-Solving and Math Module 10- Stress and Learning Module 11- Summing It Up- Memory and Engaged Learning "

Observation for Early Learning Programs: Connecting What You See with What's Best for Children (ECEPD235) - Northampton CC CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4, SQ. 3.4.8 Course Hours: 6.0

In this course, you will identify ways infants and toddlers communicate to us without talking. You will identify ways to acknowledge and respect these attempts and appropriate responses. Infants and toddlers need respectful interactions to aid in their social-emotional development. The ideas generated and shared within this learning experience will provide the tools and knowledge that allow this to occur. CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4

learning opportunities and skill development for directors to become higher quality leaders and learning facilitators. It targets program-wide culture change for all staff in early care and education facilities. Each module is 3 hours. There is an additional 3 hours of mentoring during module 1.

CKC: 1 Modality: Face to face

Mind in the Making brings research to early learning programs in a very accessible manner and supports the content and delivery methods with hands on technical assistance. This model creates

CKC: 4

Modality: Online

Explore how to intentionally use objective observations to plan for daily positive interactions with children and to enhance their developmentally appropriate experiences in a quality classroom environment. Also explore how to efficiently document observations during the busy times in an early childhood day.

Opportunity Based Classroom CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 1 Modality: Face to face

The Opportunity Based Classroom is one in which the circumstances of the daily routine are used to promote engagement and social and emotional development. This interactive session engages teachers and providers in building practices for increasing respect and rapport, establishing a culture of learning, and using an opportunity focus to manage the classroom.

PAEYC - The Social Learner: Enhancing Young Children's Social and Emotional Strategies to Supporting Learning CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4 15

CKC: 2


administrators to critically examine low to high quality apps and to utilize the resources available to help make the best decisions for the children in their programs.


Course Hours: 3.0

Modality: Online


Children's preschool years are often called the "age of play;" moreover, "the age of social play." Children's social and emotional development surges during this period, integrating into other facets of growth and knowledge acquisition. Children utilize newly acquired and strengthened social, language, and emotional skills to engage in various play situations, learning experiences, and relationships. This course discusses the importance, preparation, and implementation strategies of ways to foster such experiences for young children. Course participants will reflect upon what it is like to be a "social preschooler," as well as brainstorm strategies to support children's social growth and learning.

Course Hours: 12.0

Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

The focus of Play and Children with Play Problems is for students to understand and appreciate the role of play in early learning and development, to recognize the varying play skills and play problems of children, and the interventions most appropriate for children with play problems.

Pyramid Building I CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 7 Modality: Face to face

As educators, our job is to create quality inclusive classrooms by enhancing learning opportunities for each student. The anti-bias concept, “We are All the Same; We are All Different” should resonate throughout the learning experiences. This session will explore addressing children’s curiosity about ability diversity, discuss teaching skills and strategies for fostering an anti-bias learning environment. The goal is to leave this session with knowledge, resources and experiences to cultivate an inclusive classroom of “everyone belonging, playing and helping each other learn in their own way.”

PBS Positive Behavior Support: What’s It All About? Does It Work? ECEPD150 - Northampton CC CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4

CKC: 5

CKC: 1 Modality: Online

Early childhood educators encounter young children with challenging behaviors hindering their holistic development and disrupting the learning environment for all children. This session will feature a practical, evidence based framework designed to provide early childhood educators an understanding of social emotional development as it relates to challenging behaviors, how this inappropriate behavior serves a function for the child, the importance for building strong relationships with all stakeholders and identifying positive strategies for infants, toddlers, preschoolers and families

Rock Solid Foundations: Enhancing Emotional Literacy CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to face

It's time to explore the true value of emotional literacy in supporting young children's emotional development! This training will increase your awareness of the kinds of interactions between adults and young children that support enhancing children’s emotional competency.

PCAN: Social/Emotional Development for Infants, Toddlers, and their Families

Rock Solid Foundations: Promoting the Social & Emotional Competence of Young Children


CKC: 2



Course Hours: 2.0

Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

A healthy social-emotional development foundation is established in the first three years of a young child’s life. Learn and practice skills that assist children and their families in building effective relationships with parents, caregivers, and peers that will support success in learning and social development.

Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

Want the children in your care to get along with others, feel secure, and be confident, engaged learners? This interactive training will teach you strategies for enhancing the social emotional growth, competency and success of the infants, toddlers and preschoolers in your care.

Rock Solid Foundations: Responsive Environments and Routines

PennAEYC: Using your observation to support teaching CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4, SQ.3.4.8

CKC: 1


CKC: 4

Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

CKC: 1 Modality: Face to face

Have you taken a close look at the environments and routines you’ve created for young children? This engaging training will provide specific strategies and resources on how to design a responsive environment that promotes children's social and emotional growth.

In this session participants will identify key components of DAP that will support intentional teaching. Participants will examine the components of observation, developmentally appropriate practice and compare tools/strategies that support ongoing collection and use of student observation that leads to intentional teaching and positive outcomes for children. Bring a sample observation with you to this interactive session. We will discuss ways to use the information collected with families as a tool to involve families in the planning process for improved outcomes for children and improved family engagement.

Self Active Play: Energizing the Early Childhood Professional Through Hands-On Discovery ECEPD246 Northampton CC CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4 Course Hours: 2.0

Play and Children with play problems 16

CKC: 2 Modality: Online

Social Emotional Development in Young Children CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4 Course Hours: 3.0

CKC: 1 Modality: Face to face

This course will provide the participants with details about the social emotional development in young children. It will also provide developmental activities to assist teachers in enhancing the social emotional development in young children.

Teaching with Smart Cookies I CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 2

perceptions of time at various ages and offers appropriate ways to teach children about concepts of time.

What Educators Need to Know: NAEYC/Fred Rogers Center Position Statement on Young Children and Technology CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4 Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

This course will focus on the key skills and knowledge that educators need to have in order to implement technology in effective, developmentally appropriate and intentional ways. We will explore what it takes to make teachers good technology implementers with the knowledge, skills and digital literacy needed to select, use, integrate and evaluate technology tools and interactive media in the classrooms with young children.

Early Learning 2.0: Ideas and Resources for Integrating Technology CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4, SQ.3.4.5 Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

CKC: 2

CKC: 2

Modality: Face to face

Smart Cookies is a strategy for developing social and emotional skills of children. The strategy helps users distinguish between (1) adult-based problems and child-based problems, (2) reactive and proactive approaches, and (3) punitive and positive approaches. The facilitator will help participants learn to create smart cookies based upon challenges present in their specific setting.

This session will explore developmentally appropriate ideas and resources for integrating technology into early learning environments. Strategies to support adult/child interaction and engagement through the use of various technologies will also be explored. This includes addressing what the barriers are to integrating technology into ECE environments, as well as discussing possible solutions.

Teaching with Smart Cookies II

Enhancing parent communication: discussing sensitive issues

CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 2

CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4, SQ.3.4.5

Modality: Face to face

Smart Cookies is a strategy for developing social and emotional skills of children. The session will help users (1) engage children in creating Smart Cookies, (2) enhance role plays related to Smart Cookies (3) assess outcomes related to Smart Cookies.

The Role of the teacher in children's play CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to face

While we may think that all children can play, we are seeing that fewer children come into our programs actually being able to engage in meaningful play activities. Engaging in and sustaining meaningful play is essential for cognitive and social emotional development. Teachers need to take an active role in teaching children play skills. But, how do you teach play skills? This session will focus on teaching play skills, balancing child-guided play with direct teaching and how dissecting play episodes help us to understand how children learn. There will be a developmental focus on play from infancy through preschool.

Course Hours: 3.0

CKC: 5

Modality: Face to face

This session will help participants identify key areas of communication with parents and develop strategies for effective interaction and establishing positive partnerships with parents at the early childhood center. Participants will simulate a conference with parents regarding a sensitive issue in developmental, behavioral, or social development.

High Quality Interactions: How Teachers Can Intentionally Improve Classroom Climate CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4, CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.5 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 2

Modality: Face to face

The focus will be on the student's role in creating classroom climate that accentuates the positive. The videos will demonstrate techniques and activities that create a positive energy; improving classroom climate by promoting a sense of belonging and social skill development.

Strengthening Families- Social and Emotional Competence of Children CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4, SQ.3.4.5, SQ.3.4.9

CKC: 3

What Does “Time” Mean to Children?

Course Hours: 2.0


The Strengthening Families™ Protective Factors Framework includes five factors that, when robust in families, reduce the risk of child maltreatment. This course, a module of Bringing the Protective Factors to Life, focuses on social and emotional

Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 1 Modality: Face to face or Online

This module takes a developmental look at children’s


Modality: Face to face


Learn how to incorporate developmentally appropriate experiences into the routines and environment of the infant/ toddler classroom. This series focuses on early experiences in science, math and creative arts. Discover how arts integrated classrooms can enhance children’s ability to construct and express knowledge, and develop critical and creative thinking. Please bring your copy of the PA Early Learning Standards for Infants and Toddlers to this session.

competence of children. Social and emotional competence of children is seen in their ability to communicate clearly, recognize and regulate their emotions, establish and maintain relationships with others and engage in problem solving and resolution. Children who have these skills are likely to grow up to have healthier behaviors, better peer relationships and a higher capacity to respond to stress. Helping children develop these skills can also improve family relationships and prevent child abuse and neglect. In this course participants will explore this protective factor, learning about the characteristics of children who are emotionally healthy. Participants will discuss realistic expectations of healthy social and emotional competence and how it relates to parental responses to children’s behavior. They will see examples of how parents and other caregivers can support healthy social and emotional development, and integrate effective strategies to support families’ competence in this area.


Links to Learning: Social Emotional Learning

Child Observation Level 1: The Basics of Observing Children

CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4, SQ.3.4.6 Course Hours: 2.0

CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.5 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 1 Modality: Face to face

This workshop will provide information about classroom awareness, and to suggest practices so that teachers can better respond to the individual needs of children in the moment. Participants will learn practical classroom strategies to become more aware of and responsive to children's needs. For experienced teachers, this may be a time to reflect on and strengthen their current level of awareness of the individual needs of the students. For new staff, this training introduces the importance of creating positive teacherchild relationships by being more aware of children's needs on a moment-to-moment basis. When teachers practice being aware of children's needs, they improve children's learning and strengthen the quality of the relationship in the classroom.

CKC: 2

Modality: Face to face


This session supports practitioner understanding of the role of afterschool in providing complementary supports to insure developmental progress of children. Participants learn how to guide curriculum planning in afterschool and how to link activities to social and emotional learning standards and quality standards. Target Audience: Directors and teachers school-age/afterschool programs Prerequisites: Highly recommended that participants attend Links to Learning: Foundations prior to attending this session

Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 4 Modality: Face to face

Explore the kinds of powerful interactions children deserve to optimize learning. Discussion of this book will surround teacherchild interactions, but specifically a very intentional and purposeful exchange in which the teacher “connects” with each child in order to “extend” that child’s learning just a bit. Although they may last just a few minutes, these interactions have the potential to deliver very “powerful” results for adult and child.

Connecting to Families through Social Media CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.5


Course Hours: 2.0

Cara's Kit CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4. SQ.3.4.9 Course Hours: 2.0

The CARA’s Kit for Infants and Toddlers will help teachers and therapist make adaptations for infants and toddlers children who are experiencing challenges during every day routines and activities. When adaptations are effective, adults can help young children with developmental delays participate and learn in typical activities. The workshop will describe how to use the infant/toddler’s typical routines and determine adaptations that will promote inclusion and learning. Practical application scenarios and real life stories of how the CARA’s Kit has been used by consultants and teachers will be discussed.

Developmentally Appropriate Expectations for Handwriting CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4 Course Hours: 2.5

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to face

Participants in this session will examine the development of the hand and arm muscles as it applies to handwriting. Milestones for proper grip as well as writing skill will be discussed as well as methods for accurately assessing a child’s handwriting capacity.

A peaceful classroom: Building and strengthening children's conflict resolution skills Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

This course will focus on how the early childhood and school-based community can utilize social media tools to engage families. Participants will employ social media strategies to build linkages between programs and families. Participants will develop their own social media plan for their organization.

CKC: 2

Modality: Face to face or Online


CKC: 2

Digital Media Literacy & Technology Tools for Early Learning: Engaging Families in Today’s Media and Technology Landscape

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to face

It has been said that "Discipline is like weeding a garden; if you don't get the roots out with the weeds, the weed will be back in a few days" In this workshop we will focus on the "weeds" the causes of unacceptable behaviors and reasons why conflicts occur. Most importantly, we will discuss how the teacher can "coach" children in appropriate skills to reduce conflict.

CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.5 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to face

This course will focus on how to communicate with and build relationships with families using technology tools and digital media. Participants will be asked to consider implications and benefits of using digital communication to bring families into the early education environment. Participants will also be encouraged to reflect on current practices and policies regarding technology in the

Building Relationships: Being aware of children's 18


The pre-requisite foundation for this course is Digital Media Literacy & Technology Tools for Early Learning: What Educators Need to Know: NAEYC/Fred Rogers Center Position Statement on Young Children and Technology"

Course Hours: 2.0

Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face or Online

Before learning to read and write, children need to develop a variety of important foundational skills. These emergent literacy skills develop over time and are important in a child’s journey to becoming a successful reader and writer. Learn developmentally appropriate ways to promote and enhance the development of children’s emergent literacy skills.

Digital Media Literacy & Technology Tools for Early Learning: What Educators Need to Know CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.4

CKC: 2

CKC: 2

Helping Families be their child's champion

Modality: Face to face


This course will focus on the key skills and knowledge that educators need to have in order to implement technology in effective, developmentally appropriate and intentional ways. We will explore what it takes to make teachers good technology implementers with the knowledge, skills, and digital literacy needed to select, use, integrate and evaluate technology tools and interactive media in classrooms with young children. This module is the pre-requisite foundation for the other three Digital Media Literacy & Technology Tools for Early Learning

Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 3 Modality: Face to face or Online

Learn how to use the Be Your Child's Champion workbook to help families identify conflicts and engage in a healthy problem-solving process to build supports and strengthen relationships related to raising their child. Become familiar with strategies to use when assisting families to become advocates for their child and how professionals can support families through this process.

Everyday interactions matter: Learning about our own practice through videos

Improving Environments Using Brain Research as a Guide ECEPD124 - Northampton CC



Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 1 Modality: Face to face

Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 1 Modality: Online

This session uses examples from participant's actual practice in the course of a workday to create opportunities for joint reflection with professional peer groups. Brief video clips from our actual work with children provide a mirror that reflect back our unique strengths and gifts in being with children. By sharing our practice with colleagues, and listening to the observations of our peers, we learn more about ourselves as professionals.

While all children grow and develop in unique ways, some children experience delays in their development. This session will explore Pennsylvania’s early intervention and intermediate unit services, IFSP / IEP documents, transition, and the importance of team involvement, including family. There will be suggestions and strategies for working with families and with EI/ IU professionals in your classroom.

Everyday Interactions Matter: Noticing the Simple and Ordinary

It's All About Families


Course Hours: 2.0

Course Hours: 2.0


CKC: 1 Modality: Face to face

PAEYC - It Takes a Village: Recognizing the Importance of Family-School-Community Partnerships When Providing High Quality Early Education

Family Engagement in Behavior Support I Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

This course opens with a history of family and its function in society. Participants will learn about family structure as seen around the world, and then focus on the various family types seen in the United States today. The third section defines and describes "family engagement" and gives strategies for building relationships with families that increase parent/child relationships, which nurture learning and development.

This session gives participants opportunities to pre-tape snapshots of their work with children. Clip contributors present these practices for the learning of all participants. Each contributor describes the brief clip along with the rich story and background for the clip. Peer groups share what they noticed in these clips, and discuss how we make such moments of interaction better and more available to children in our work. The session is designed as an opportunity to affirm our professional identity as an early childhood educator, and grow as part of the community of practice we share with one another.


CKC: 3


CKC: 3

Course Hours: 3.0

Modality: Face to face

CKC: 3 Modality: Online

In order to be effective as early educators, we must understand the families from which the children come and the opportunities and support they may receive or be able to receive from within the community. This understanding is necessary in creating positive working relationships that encourage the healthy development of the “whole child.” This online course focuses on the triangular relationship between early educators, children and families, and

This interactive session engages teachers and providers in using System 1-2-3 continuum of family engagement. Skills considered and practiced include listening, reframing, discussing and coaching positive approaches. Participants will leave with an action plan for enhancing family engagement.

Getting Ready To Read and Write: Supporting Children's Development 19


early education classroom.


community resources. Definitions and descriptions of families, community resources, and what is meant be a “collaborative, working relationship” will be discussed. In addition, course participants will share strategies for building and maintaining such relationships and which community resources are considered “important” to include within the early educational context.

This course acts as a bridge from knowledge to action. After deep exploration of each of the protective factors, participants will review what they have learned, reflect on how they can contribute to strengthening families in their personal and work experiences and reexamine not only how they do their work, but why they do it. Participants will be encouraged to examine how adopting this approach in their own work, within their organization and with partner organizations in the community contributes to a paradigm shift in how families are approached. Participants will identify how system-wide efforts and policy changes can establish this manner of working with families as “the new normal” that can bring about improved outcomes for children. Finally, participants will create an action plan to intentionally integrate or continue to expand these ideas and strategies in their work.

PCAN: Building Collaborative Relationships with Families CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.5 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 3 Modality: Face to face

Building partnerships with families is an important strategy to promote healthy child development. Learn how to build relationships with families with such strategies as practicing active listening skills, understanding the parallel process, and using reflection in relationships.

Strengthening Families CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.5 Course Hours: 6.0

PCAN: Supportive Responses to Troubled ParentChild Interactions CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.5 Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

In witnessing troubled parent-child interactions, caregivers may not be sure how best to help build family capacity, strengthen the connection between parent and child, and ensure the child’s safety. This session presents strategies that child care providers can use to support positive parenting and to intervene when providers witness a troubled interaction between the parent and child.

Strengthening Families: Building Collaborative Relationships with Families

Rock Solid Foundations: Friendship and Play Skills Course Hours: 2.0


CKC: 1

Course Hours: 3.0

Modality: Face to face

Strength-Based Approach to Stress and Crisis Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face or Online

In order for children to successfully thrive and develop, caregivers and parents must develop partnerships. These partnerships value home and child care/school experiences. When a family experiences chronic stress or a crisis, a caring and knowledgeable caregiver can provide knowledge and support as the family works through the situation. This course will provide information and opportunity to discuss the differences around stress and crisis. Participants will be able to apply this information in a strength-based approach when interacting with families who may be experiencing stress or crisis.

CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.5 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 3 Modality: Online

Being successful in delivering tough messages to families starts with you; trusting relationships are the key! Your feelings, past experiences, self-awareness and empathy play a big role in how you support families. By becoming more thoughtful and intentional in your interactions and learning how to apply concepts of emotional intelligence, challenging conversations will become easier, more effective and highly rewarding.

Professional Communication basics: daily interaction with parent and co-workers

Strengthening Families - Moving from Knowledge to Action Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

Turning Lemons into Lemonade: Strategies for Delivering Tough Messages to Families ECEPD131 Northampton CC

CKC: 3


CKC: 3

Though we know how essential building relationships with families can be, it can often be one of the most challenging parts of our jobs. This interactive workshop is designed to highlight tips for practitioners as they build and strengthen relationships with families. Additionally, we will discuss resources to support families in their journey raising their children.

Do you know that when children are successful at making friends, they have opportunities to learn and practice many social skills such as cooperation, sharing, turn taking, problem solving, and conflict resolution? This training explores how you could help set the stage for friendship.


Modality: Face to face

The Strengthening Families national initiative is based on research completed by the Center for the Study of Social Policy. The approach provides early childhood program staff and families with a framework that builds protective factors promoting family stability and preventing child abuse and neglect. The participants will learn about the protective factors and the framework, be able to provide instruction to early childhood program staff on current practices that support the factors and receive a toolkit of resources that includes easily implemented, practical, tools for supporting the Strengthening Families approach in the early childhood setting.

CKC: 3


CKC: 3

CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.5, SQ.3.4.10

CKC: 3

Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

CKC: 5

Modality: Face to face

In this course, participants will assess best practices in professional 20

communication with parents and colleagues by simulating the adult interactions experienced in a typical work shift. Strategies for communication with parents at pick-up and drop-off as well as written communication in newsletters and bulletin boards will be discussed and practiced. Participants will also determine when it is necessary to approach a director for assistance. Finally, participants will role play sharing information with colleagues efficiently during staff shift-changes.

Strengthening Families - Concrete Support in Times of Need CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.5, SQ.3.4.9 Course Hours: 2.0

knowledge of their child’s developmental stage are more likely to have realistic expectations of behavior. In this course participants will define what it means for parents to have knowledge of parenting and child development, and identify actions that can be taken to help increase this knowledge among families they serve. Participants will also learn to create opportunities for families to learn about child development and parenting tools.

Strengthening Families - Social Connections CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.5, SQ.3.49

CKC: 3

CKC: 3

Modality: Face to face Course Hours: 2.0 Modality: Face to face The Strengthening Families™ Protective Factors Framework includes five factors that, when robust in families, reduce the risk of child maltreatment. This course focuses on social connections. Positive social connections that support families through the diverse challenges they encounter can help them to stay strong, get through the hard times and enjoy family life. This course will help participants understand the value of helping parents and families connect to others in a variety of ways to reduce their isolation and increase their social supports. Participants will also consider ways to partner with parents to help foster these kinds of connections. Finally, they will integrate in their work ways to assist parents in developing new and positive sources of support.

Strengthening Families-Parental Resilience

Al's Caring Pals - Got a Problem? - Chill!

CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.5, SQ.3.4.9 Course Hours: 2.0

(Problem-solving II Module)

CKC: 3


Modality: Face to face

CKC: 2

The Strengthening Families™ Protective Factors Framework includes five factors that, when robust in families, reduce the risk of child maltreatment. This course, a module of Bringing the Protective Factors to Life, focuses on parental resilience. Resilience, simply defined, means the ability to recover from difficult life experiences. Resilient parents and caregivers have empathy for themselves, as well as others, and are able to maintain a positive attitude, solve problems creatively and take life’s events in stride. This course will equip participants to define and recognize signs of parental resilience, identify actions they can take to help build the resilience of parents with whom they work, share examples of ways to value and support parents and to respond to families in crises. Participants will be encouraged to integrate these concepts into their everyday practice with families.

Course Hours: 2.0

Strengthening Families - Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development


CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.5, SQ.3.49

The purpose of the Cavity Free Kids curriculum is to educate early learning providers, children, and families about oral health through: classroom activities, songs, lesson plans, parent meetings and home visits. Cavity Free Kids provides early learning educators with user-friendly tools to incorporate five essential oral health concepts into classroom activities, home visits, parent education and family fun nights. The Five Essential Oral Health Concepts are: Let’s

Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

To provide information about the importance of involving children in solving problems. To provide information on the "What Else" method of problem-solving.

Block Play Across The Curriculum CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.6 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 1 Modality: Face to face

In this course, participants will overview the research relevant to the benefits of block play, including the stages of block play. Participants will then design activities for the block center that reinforce math, literacy, community, science, and art.

Cavity Free Kids Course Hours: 3.0

CKC: 3

Modality: Face to face

The Strengthening Families™ Protective Factors Framework includes five factors that, when robust in families, reduce the risk of child maltreatment. This course focuses on knowledge of parenting and child development. Parents need information about their children’s development and ideas for how to parent at every stage. Knowledge of parenting and child development is one of the protective factors that help to prevent child maltreatment because parents who are prepared with the 21

CKC: 7 Modality: Face to face


The Strengthening Families™ Protective Factors Framework includes five factors that, when robust in families, reduce the risk of child maltreatment. This course focuses on concrete supports in times of need. All families need help sometimes – a ride to work when the car breaks down, a hot dinner delivered to the family of a new baby or low-cost health insurance for families who are not covered by employer plans. With support, families are better able to handle stressful situations while continuing to nurture and provide for their children. In this course participants will learn ways they can provide welcoming, non-threatening support to families. Participants will be challenged to think of ways in their own communities that they can link families to services and opportunities, and to consider ways in which culture and tradition can affect this work.



Clean Our Teeth, Get a Dental Check Up, Why We Need Teeth, What Hurts/Weakens Teeth, and We Can Keep Our Teeth Strong.

Course Hours: 3.0

Effective Curriculum Implementation CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.6 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to face

This session will identify the foundation of curriculum implementation, including room arrangement, components of the daily routine, and lesson planning. The content will also include an emphasis on supervision systems, study time, shared reading, letter of the week, novel words and structured mini math activities.

Enhancing Lesson Planning Using the Standards CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.6 Course Hours: 3.0

Participants develop daily and or weekly lesson plans using the knowledge of the content areas rooted in child development to provide high quality experiences for children as outlined in the PA Learning Standards and the Guiding Principles and create daily and weekly lesson plans. The Learning Standards for Early Childhood provide a framework for classroom implementation. Teachers who use the Standards as a guide for creating appropriate learning experiences build instructional strategies that focus on what children should be able to learn and do. Used together with curriculum content resources, the Standards help teachers provide responsive and intentional opportunities for learning to all children.

Learn, Grow, Eat & Go

CKC: 7

Course Hours: 2.0 Modality: Face to face The ECERS-3 Personal routines subscales, items of Meals/ Snacks, Toileting/Diapering, and Health Practices will be used to guide participants to recognize, implement and monitor the hygiene practice in their classrooms. CFOC Standards will be reviewed and discussed to build the knowledge foundation for improved hygiene practice decisions. Curriculum for instruction of children in hygiene lessons will be examined.

Intentional Teaching Practices for School Age Programs: Connecting the Dots ECEPD554 – Northampton CC

CKC: 7 Modality: Face to face

Learn, Grow, Eat & GO! is the new research-based curriculum of the International Junior Master Gardener® Program. Created by teachers, this multifaceted garden, nutrition, and physical activities curriculum is evidence-based and academically rich. Through twenty hands-on lessons, 3rd through 5th grade students will understand how plants provide for people’s needs. The 10week program (2 lessons per week) will step your group through the process of establishing a thriving garden. Fresh vegetable tasting/evaluation, simple recipe demos, and physical activities that research shows can improve on-task behavior and academic performance are included.

Links to Learning: Arts CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.6 Course Hours: 2.0

Hygiene Practices in the preschool classroom

Course Hours: 3.0

This interactive workshop will explore the award winning Color me Healthy curriculum as well as supportive materials and activities. Participants will develop an action plan for promoting good nutrition, planning healthy meals/snacks and integrating physical activity appropriate for preschool children within their own classrooms while addressing the PA Early learning Standards. Those completing this 3 hour training may have an opportunity to receive a variety of classroom materials for their facility. If participants are attending from a facility that has a Color me Healthy kit, they should bring it with them to this session.

Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face


Modality: Face to face


CKC: 1


CKC: 7

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to face

This course supports afterschool educators understanding of the role of afterschool in providing complementary supports to ensure developmental progress of children. Participants learn how to guide curriculum planning in afterschool and how to link activities to arts learning standards and quality standards. Target Audience: Directors and teachers school-age/afterschool programs Prerequisites: Highly recommended that participants attend Links to Learning: Foundations prior to attending this session

Links to Learning: Foundations CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.6 Course Hours: 6.0

CKC: 1 Modality: Online

Good teachers are intentional in everything they do-setting up the classroom, planning curriculum, making use of various teaching strategies, assessing children, interacting with them, and working with their families. Participants will learn how they can translate a developmentally appropriate practice framework into high quality experiences for school age children.

Keystone Color Me Healthy

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to face

This 6 hour course supports practitioner understanding of the role of afterschool in providing complementary supports to ensure developmental progress of children. Participants learn how to guide curriculum planning in afterschool and how to link activities to learning standards and quality standards. The content also explores theme and project-based learning and how they are beneficial to children in after-school programs. For school-age programs only, this course meets the Keystone STARS professional development requirement for learning standards.

Links to Learning: Homework CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.6 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to face

This session supports practitioner understanding of the role of 22

Links to Learning: Math CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.6 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to face

This session supports practitioner understanding of the role of afterschool in providing complementary supports to ensure developmental progress of children. Participants learn how to guide curriculum planning in afterschool and how to link activities to math learning standards and quality standards. Target Audience: Directors and teachers school-age/afterschool programs Prerequisites: Highly recommended that participants attend Links to Learning: Foundations prior to attending this session

Links to Learning: STEM Introduction to Science, Technology, Engineering and Math CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.6 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to face

This session supports practitioner understanding of the role of afterschool in providing complementary supports to ensure developmental progress of children. Participants learn how to guide curriculum planning in afterschool and how to link activities to STEM learning standards and quality standards. Target Audience: Directors and teachers school-age/afterschool programs Prerequisites: NA

NWRK Learning Communities: Building Professional Connections to Support Curriculum Practices for Transition CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.6 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to face

PCAN: Parent-Provider Partnerships in Child Care Zero To Three curriculum (10 courses) CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.6 Course Hours: 20.0

Smart Start: Teaching Preschoolers about Money CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.6 Course Hours: 2.0

Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to face

Smart Start: Teaching Children About Money is an educational curriculum designed to teach children ages 3-5 the basic concepts of money. Designed to be delivered in child care settings, it explores such questions as "What is money? And "What do we do with it." Preschoolers of today are the buyers of tomorrow. The earlier children learn basic concepts about money, the more prepared they will be to make sound financial decisions in the future. Smart Start lessons include: money awareness, spending money, sharing with others, and saving money.

Teaching Children Healthy Hygiene Habits CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.6 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 7 Modality: Face to face

The participants will identify age appropriate methods to incorporate health and safety lessons into the design of their curriculum. This is to align with Pa Learning Standards for Early Childhood, Caring for Our Children Standards, and Environmental Rating Scale related items.

The Elements of curriculum and how they are integrated to support children's learning CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.6

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to face

This session will provide participants with a detailed description

NWRK Transition Roundtable: Building Professional Connections to Support Curriculum Practices for Transition CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.6

Modality: Face to face

ZERO TO THREE is pleased to invite you to attend a special training: Promoting Responsive Relationships among Child Care Providers, Parents and their Very Young Children. Participants become familiar with ZERO TO THREE's training curriculum Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect: Parent -Provider Partnerships in Child Care (PCAN). PCAN provides the knowledge, skills, and strategies child care providers need to partner with parents in order to help prevent child maltreatment.

Course Hours: 2.0

This session provides ECE professionals with an overview on the benefit of establishing professional relationships in a community of practice and how these connections support curriculum practices for transition.


CKC: 5 Modality: Face to face

This session provides ECE and School District professionals with an overview on the benefit of establishing professional relationships in a community of practice and how these connections support curriculum planning/practices for transition.



afterschool in providing complementary supports to ensure developmental progress of children. Participants learn how to guide curriculum planning in afterschool and how to use the environment, relationships and learning goals to support homework policies and school achievement. Target Audience: Directors and teachers school-age/afterschool programs Prerequisites: Highly recommended that participants attend Links to Learning: Foundations prior to attending this session


of the elements of an early childhood curriculum including; room arrangement, learning areas and materials, the daily routine and teacher child interactions. The instructor will use a multi-media approach and provide small and large group learning experiences.

families. The CLAD Inventory is an instrument developed to examine early childhood environments and practices that support children and families who are culturally, linguistically and ability diverse. Participants will be able to take the tool and review their classroom/child care environments and teaching practices through a CLAD lens.

The Power of the Wind CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.6 Course Hours: 2.0

ACEs - Playing the Hand That's Dealt You

CKC: 2


Modality: Face to face

Course Hours: 2.0

The Power of the Wind Curriculum is about the wind and its uses. Youth work with members of a team to design, create, build, and test a wind powered devices and are given opportunities to explore wind as a potential energy source in their community.

Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

Professionals may face or be impacted personally by ACES, Adverse Childhood Experiences, and work with children who have been impacted by ACEs. The purpose of this session is to help participants to develop an understanding, awareness, and sensitivity to the impact of ACEs on children's lives. Those with disabilities face even greater challenges as they deal with the impact of ACEs, requiring great resilience. Recognizing ACEs can open minds and hearts so acceptance and inclusion are a reality.

Active Play: Infant and toddler on the move CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.8

CKC: 1

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to face

Participants will gain insights about the importance of engaging active play for very young children, birth to 36 months. Current evidence connecting active play and infant learning is examined. Barriers to active play are assessed. Tools to develop and evaluate active play curriculum will be utilized to initiate the participant's next steps action plan.

Child Development Prenatal to age 8 CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.9 Course Hours: 12.0

CKC: 1 Modality: Face to face

Child Development addresses physical, psychological, cognitive and affective human development from prenatal/birth to middle childhood. Included in this course is consideration of the development of the young English language learner, children with disabilities and those children who come from diverse backgrounds. Health related issues are discussed.

Language Development: Observing and Supporting for Ongoing Progress

Early Childhood Pedogogy CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.9


CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.8 Course Hours: 2.0

Course Hours: 12.0

CKC: 1

Participants will review and discuss the goals of early language development for infants and toddlers as identified on the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Website. The goals and the specific language skills that represent the goals will be associated with stages of infant and toddler development; young infant, older infant and toddler. Participants will be asked to identify children on their caseload whose language development reflects the skills described for each goal at each stage of development. In addition, participants will receive a copy of the program's School Readiness Goals for Infants and Toddlers and reflect upon the relationships of language development to each goal.

Early Intervention (EI) and Intermediate Units (IU): Meeting the Needs of Children with Diverse Abilities ECEPD253 - Northampton CC CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.9 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 2 Modality: Online

While all children grow and develop in unique ways, some children experience delays in their development. This session will explore Pennsylvania’s early intervention and intermediate unit services, IFSP / IEP documents, transition, and the importance of team involvement, including family. There will be suggestions and strategies for working with families and with EI/ IU professionals in your classroom.

A Deep Dive into Inclusion: Are you ready to take the next step? ECEPD263 - Northampton CC Course Hours: 3.0

Modality: Face to face

Early Childhood Pedagogy will focus on early childhood classroom management, setting up the physical environment, the basic skills of planning and delivering instruction, assessment strategies, and accommodations for special needs students. The learner will develop an understanding that a teacher must be a reflective and intentional decision maker.

Modality: Face to face


CKC: 2

CKC: 2 Modality: Online

A newly developed tool, CLAD Inventory, can be used to examine your environment and the practices and policies of your early childhood program related to cultural, linguistic and ability diversity. With the enrollment increase of families with children who are culturally, linguistically and ability diverse, we need to provide high quality learning experiences that support the full participation of all children and their

First Signs: Early Detection of Autism CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.9 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 1 Modality: Face to face or Online

The incidences of autism are increasing. 1 out of 88 children will be diagnosed on the autism spectrum this year. You can make a difference by detecting the first signs of autism in children as young 24


as 3 months old. Learn the first signs and play your part in recognizing developmental delays and guiding families towards early and effective interventions, which will ultimately improve the lives of children with autism and their families.

Inclusion: Making All Children's Education a Priority CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.9 Course Hours: 3.0

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to face

Participants will begin by learning the definition of inclusion and the legality behind inclusion. We will then take a look at Positive Behavioral Support (PBS). We will define what Positive Behavioral Support is and how it works in the classroom. Participants will complete a mock case, meeting a child and family who have participated in and found success using PBS. Participants will read through the mock case and step by step be involved in how the process works. An assessment tool will be utilized in order to determine the possibility of "why" a child may be behaving in a certain way and ways that we can help this child be successful in the classroom and in the home setting. Participants will learn how to work as a team in the process to improve negative behaviors in a positive way.

Special Needs Plans: Why, When, What and How CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.9 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 2 Modality: Face to face

Special Needs Plans are essential for care providers to safely and appropriately nurture many children with compromised normal health, growth and development. This course will present information as to indications for Individual Medical Plans (IMPs). Participants will learn to make intake assessment and how to secure an IMP that is meaningful for the care of a child with identified medical needs requiring individualized supports.

The ABC's of Behavior Change CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.9 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 1 Modality: Face to face

Understanding and successfully addressing behavior challenges is of critical importance to early childhood settings. The workshop introduces the use of applied behavior analysis and growth oriented intervention planning to do so. In addition to learning to use Antecedent-Behavior-Consequence recording for functional assessment, participants will learn to use them to plan routinebased intervention. A brief review of behavior principles will be followed by the introduction and examples of proactive reaching, growth-oriented behavior definitions and meaningful reinforcement. The facilitator will present concepts and engage participants in reflective and practice activities which will lead to new approaches for changing behavior.

The When and Why of Revising Approaches CRITERIA: SQ.3.4.9 Course Hours: 2.0

CKC: 1 Modality: Face to face

This workshop will engage participants in analyzing and revising behavior change strategies. Participants will enhance their skills in developing consistency and tweaking plan components. The facilitator will offer several examples to illustrate the enhancing as well as the fading of intervention.

Effective Teacher Child Interactions 25

fit” with the child’s environment and caregivers.

Course Hours: 3.0

PCAN-Building a Healthy Brain-BKC

Modality: Online (2 hrs); Face to Face (3 hrs)

Course Hours: 6.0

This course is an introduction to bullying prevention for childcare professionals. Participants will define the four types of aggression: physical, verbal, relational, and cyber. The three roles (aggressor, target, and bystander) will be defined in addition to the four levels of aggression (bummer, aggression, bullying, and violence). Through role play and discussion, participants will use multiple examples to practice identifying and distinguishing among the various aspects of bullying. The course will also discuss interventions that can be taught to children to prevent bullying and safely intervene in aggression when appropriate. Finally, strategies for teaching the difference between "I'm sorry" and "making it right" will be discussed.

In this session, participants identify ways to purposefully use these five strategies in their work with very young children and their families.

Al's Caring Pals - Grow Up? Do I Have To? (Creativity Module) Course Hours: 6.0

Al's Caring Pals - I'm So Angry I Could Explode (Calming Down Module) Course Hours: 6.0

Al's Caring Pals - Introduction to Resiliency (Resiliency Module)

I Am Moving, I Am Learning: Moving with the Brain in Mind

Course Hours: 6.0

Al's Caring Pals - That's An Idea (Brainstorming Module) Course Hours: 6.0

Keys to Developing Healthy Brains in Early Childhood

Modality: Face to Face

To provide information about the importance of brainstorming. To provide information on how to appropriately use brainstorming with children.

Modality: Face to Face

Al's Caring Pals - What's That You Say?!? (The Importance of Clear Norms Module)

The developing brain is an integral piece of the learning puzzle that teachers and parents need to be cognizant of when creating brain-friendly learning environments. As educators and caregivers, one must be aware of the windows of opportunity for learning. During these critical time periods, environment and experiences are key to learning. This session will present research on the science of the brain while providing practical brain-friendly practices that will ensure positive brain-body connections.

Course Hours: 6.0

Modality: Face to Face

To provide information about the value of communicating clear norms to children about healthy behavior, with a focus on tobacco, alcohol and other drugs.

Al's Caring Pals - You Don't Notice Listening Until It's Missing (Listening Module)

PCAN: Helping Parents and Providers Understand Temperament Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to Face

To provide information about characteristics of resilient children and protective factors that promote resiliency. To explain how resiliency is related to children's healthy development.

Modality: Face to Face

The development of the brain in a child's first five years of life clearly shapes the learning capacity they have for the rest of their life. Students will learn how early brain structure and functioning can be enhanced through movement and physical activity. This course is one of the lessons from I am moving, I am learning.

Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to Face

To provide information about how young children learn to understand their feelings. To explain how to use the "Calm Down Steps" coping method to help children manage their strong feelings.

Modality: Face to Face

In this two hour workshop, participants will learn the facts about early brain development and what we know from the latest research. We will also look at the impact of poverty and stress on brain development.

Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to Face

To provide information about the importance of encouraging and affirming children's creativity and imagination.

How Early Learning Experiences Affect Brain Development Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to Face

CKC 2 - Curriculum and Learning Experiences

CKC 1 - Child Growth and Development

Bullying Prevention Basics

Course Hours: 6.0

Modality: Face to Face

To provide information about characteristics of listening and the importance of adults taking time to listen to children

Modality: Face to Face

Temperament influences a child’s style of interaction and the way in which he/she understands and experiences the world and the people in it. Learn about temperament types and the five key temperament traits. Examine the interaction between a child’s and a parent’s temperament and learn how to assist parents in understanding a “good

Art Appreciation for Young Children Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

The importance of exposing kids to art early in life is often undervalued. But giving young children an appreciation for art 26

Avoid Behavior Problems – Teach Self-Control Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

What is self-control, and how can it be taught to children of all activity levels? Learn about behavioral milestones to expect at different development levels, ways to help children develop selfcontrol, and learning activities that can help children learn selfcontrol

Becoming a Customer Service Star Course Hours: 3.0

Modality: Face to face

Customer service receives a great deal of attention in almost every business and industry. Excellent customer service is as much the responsibility of top management and front-line supervision as it is of the employees who provide the service. Becoming a Customer Service Star is designed to give individuals a picture of their customer service strengths and weaknesses. It is designed for getting people to see the multiple opportunities available to them for improving customer service and retention. It is effective with people at all levels and supports each person to identify his or her own service action plan

Beyond ABC's Creative Ways to Teach the Alphabet Course Hours: 2.5

Modality: Face to face

Participants will overview the major milestones in early literacy development from toddler through Pre-K. Strategies for teaching the alphabet, phonemic awareness, and pre-literacy will include whole group activities, center ideas, games, and music. Recommendations for choosing appropriate alphabet books will also be shared.

Cool, calm and collected: activities to bring calm to the chaos Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

Whether you began the year with a difficult class, have lost control of your class, or your students are just excitable because of an awesome lesson or activity, we all could use a few strategies to regain composure in the classroom (and your sanity!). This workshop will focus on being cool, calm, and collected in our classrooms.

Creating Special Moments with Infants and Toddlers (CDA3) Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face or Online

Special moments should occur more often than celebrating children’s birthdays or when developmental milestones are reached. This module will help you discover how to create special moments with infants and toddlers every day. Learn how to turn diaper changing and other routine tasks into special moments that you share with each child.

Developing an anti-bullying policy Course Hours: 2.5 Modality: Online (1 hr); Face to face (2 hrs) This session will focus on key elements of identifying aggression and bullying within your program and how to successfully intervene. An ""Intervention Matrix"" will be developed as a clear disciplinary code for dealing with all levels and forms of bullying. Additionally, participants will review Pennsylvania H.B. 1067 which regulates anti-bullying policies for school systems and being to develop a clear program wide policy for bullying and harassment among students. It is strongly suggested that participants bring their school’s current discipline or antibullying policy to the session for reference."

Building empathy with books, games and music

Digital Media Literacy: A Deeper Look: NAEYC/Fred Rogers Center Position Statement

Course Hours: 2.0

Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

In this session, participants define key developmental milestones as children grow from egocentric to empathetic in the toddler and preschool years. Participants will explore books that help students explore perspective taking from multiple points of view. Participants will also interact in several games and songs designed to encourage emotional literacy as well as completing a short series of activities designed to reinforce and apply these skills in the perspective classrooms.

Computer Basics Course Hours: 4.0

Modality: Face to face

This course is designed for those who are new to computers or those who would like some basic instruction before they feel confident buying and using a new computer. Students will explore fundamental concepts of computer hardware and software and they will become familiar with a variety of computer applications, including an overview of word processing and spreadsheet tools. Finally, this course will provide the skills necessary in performing basic computer functions as participants connect how basic computer skills will help them in their organization.

Modality: Face to face

A professional development course designed for educators and administrators to critically examine and develop a deep understanding of the intentions and guidance of the NAEYC Fred Rogers Center position statement. Course will encourage reflective practices to positively influence teaching, policy development, and dialogue about young children and technology.

Digital Media Literacy: Got Tech Policies? Reframing Policies to Reflect the NAEYC/Fred Rogers Center Position Statement Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

A professional development course designed to increase mindful and cooperative policy development for technology use in early education environments for families, staff, and children.

Early Brain Development and the Brain Architecture Game Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

Following an introduction to key concepts relating to risk and protective factors, participants will build their own brain using 27

CKC 2 - Curriculum and Learning Experiences

encourages exploration, self-expression, logical thinking, selfesteem, imagination, and creativity. Early art experiences also teach kids to think openly, create new meaning, be more tolerant of others’ differences, and gives them the courage to take risks. This workshop will focus on how to encourage art appreciation in the young child.

CKC 2 - Curriculum and Learning Experiences

game materials, a roll of the die and life experience cards. Presenter will facilitate a post discussion on the critical period of brain development in the first five to eight years of life, and our role as professionals to support young children, families, and our community.

for active movement activities. Participants may attend the entire series or individual sessions.

Early Brain Development Research: How it should be influencing our time with young children

Course Hours: 2.0

Course Hours: 3.0

I Am Moving, I Am Learning: Birth to Five Introduction to Motor Development Modality: Face to face

This course shares background information regarding motor development from birth to five. This information sets the stage for caregivers to build physical activity into their daily routines with young children.

Modality: Face to face

This course will look at all of the current early brain development research and the impact that has on a person for the rest of their life. This course will emphasize how vital the first 5 years of life are in that brain development. Participants will explore what that means to all areas of development. The impact of negative situations on the growth of the brain will also be explored. Emphasis will be placed on language development in those early years. Activities to improve early learning will be shared. Also, resources will be provided to share this information with parents and community members.

I Am Moving, I Am Learning: Making the Most of Your Music Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

Moving to music is a fun and healthy way to encourage movement and physical activity. This course helps adults understand how music helps with physical development and ways to incorporate new vocabulary and actions into children’s music.

Finding your Yes, and Other Behavior Guidance Techniques

I Am Moving, I Am Learning: Observing and Evaluating Motor Skills in Young Children

Course Hours: 2.0

Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

This event will allow participants to reflect on different types of behavior management techniques and to discover the benefits of using positive guidance to teach children selfregulation and acceptable behavior. Participants of center, group or family early learning programs as well as parents will come away with ideas and practice in guiding children’s behavior. Participants will have an opportunity to apply their knowledge in small group activities and through group discussions. Previous knowledge of the topic is not required

What is the difference between maturation and development? Learn to recognize that in young children every motor skill has its own developmental progression and how to use a developmental continuum to assess children’s motor skill development. This course is one of the lessons from I am moving, I am learning offered by the PA Key in combination with other IMIL lessons.

I want! I Want!! I WANT!!! : building good consumers

Giving Your Best: Making Secure Attachments Course Hours: 2.0

Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face or Online

Incredible Years teacher and children series: decreasing inappropriate behaviors

I Am Moving I Am Learning MVPA Modality: Face to face

Course Hours: 2.0

This session is the third in a series of four I Am Moving I Am Learning professional development events. Participants will engage in large and small group activities that educators can utilize to promote children's movement achievements. Comfortable clothing and footwear should be worn to allow for active movement activities. Participants may attend the entire series or individual sessions. This session focuses on MVPA or moderate to vigorous physical activity.

Modality: Face to face

In spite of the best proactive classroom management, misbehavior will occur. When a student disrupts the classroom with misbehavior, teacher responses are likely to be scattered, inconsistent, and sometimes merely reactive unless teachers have established a clear discipline plan. This program will emphasize the "law of least disruptive intervention." A classroom Discipline Plan means not only that rules and expectations are clearly delineated, but also that it is clear to every student exactly what the consequences will be if the rules are broken or expectations are not met.

I Am Moving I Am Learning: Body Language Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face or Online

This module takes a hard look at advertising and consumer culture and its effects on young children and their families. Early childhood educators will look carefully at their own programs and practices to identify ways they can reduce the effects of media and advertising on the children in their care.

This module focuses on understanding the impact of attachments throughout life. Analyze your own ideas and caregiving practices and learn how to build secure attachments with the children and families in your child care program. Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

Modality: Face to face

Incredible Years teacher and children series: Promoting Positive Academic and Social Behaviors

This session is the second in a series of four I Am Moving I Am Learning professional development events. Participants will engage in large and small group activities that educators can utilize to promote children's movement achievements. Comfortable clothing and footwear should be worn to allow

Course Hours: 12.0

Modality: Face to face

This teacher training asks teachers to brainstorm ways they can build positive relationships with their students, particularly 28

Incredible Years teacher and children series: the proactive teacher Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

When students are disruptive or deviant, it is all too easy for teachers to react emotionally or out of habit. The understandable impatience and frustration we feel towards negative behavior in the classroom undermines our ability to think strategically about how best to respond in order to modify the child's behavior. But rather than reacting to problem behaviors when they arise, it's possible for teachers to anticipate the kinds of classroom conditions that are likely to produce disruptive or disengaged behaviors and take proactive steps to prevent them. Proactive teachers structure the classroom environment and the schedule in ways that make problem behaviors less likely to occur.

for children to learn about math.

Math Play Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

How often have you heard teachers say, "Math - I was never good at math. How can I teach math to preschoolers?" Although you may not know it, you are teaching math everyday through play. This session will give you the ideas and strategies to encourage preschool math skills and math talk for infants, toddlers and preschoolers. Interactive strategies will include manipulatives, math books and lesson ideas for teaching math. Discover how easy it is to "teach math".

Music for the Non-Musical Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face or Online

Need new ideas and inspiration for including music in your child care program? Learn songs for the non-singer, how to make simple musical instruments, and lots of music and movement activities to do with children.

Keeping Transitions Smooth and Simple

Organizing Our Space - Some Methods for Our Madness

Course Hours: 2.0

Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

Infants and Toddlers experience numerous transitions during their time with caregivers. Whether it is within their daily schedule or as they grow and move between classrooms, ultimately, leave a center, transitions impact the Infants and Toddlers' experience and our ability to form relationships with them. This workshop will explore strategies to efficiently and effectively transition children through the various changes they experience. By utilizing the tools presented, practitioners can hope for smooth daily operations and more positive relationships with the children they care for, all while providing security and a positive sense of self to the child.

Living in the Real World: Acceptable Toddler Behaviors ECEPD520 - Northampton CC Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

Working with very young children can be an absolute joy and a challenge all at the same time. In this session, typical toddler behaviors will be explored and viewed from the perspective of the child, the family and the teacher to create a positive and cohesive group setting where children can grow and flourish, and where smiles dominate. Online

Make Story Time Interactive for Infants and Toddlers Course Hours: 2.0

In this class, participants will Identify and review different types of organizing styles, including identifying their own personal style. The participants will also investigate and match new methods of organizing with the different types of tools and how to use them in their own work space.

PAEYC - Being Different is a Good Thing! Elements to Effective Educational Differentiation Course Hours: 3.0

Modality: Online

Differentiated Instruction’ has become a jargon term within the field of early education. Professionals are constantly using the term in conversations around effective classroom practice, but very rarely does anyone discuss the true definition of the approach as well as the overall importance of it. This course is designed to stimulate thought and provide opportunity for shared reflection among early education professionals regarding differentiated instruction. Professionals will work together to obtain a more concrete and personal understanding of differentiated instruction as well as to set personal goals for implementation and professional growth.

PCAN: Relationship-based and Reflective Organizations

Modality: Face to face

Story time can be packed with fun and learning for infants and toddlers! If story time is enjoyable and interactive, very young children will eagerly participate while gaining the all-important beginning literacy skills. Find out how to bring popular stories to life for infants and toddlers!

Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

Program leaders can make significant progress toward programmatic goals such as providing high quality care and hiring and retaining skilled professionals by establishing a relationship-based reflective workplace. Learn the tools to begin building an organization characterized by collaborative relationships and where staff members have the opportunity to learn from one another, families, and their work.

Math for Every Age Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

Modality: Face to face or Online

Math learning for young children encompasses much more than being able to recognize and count numbers. In this module you will see demonstrations of math-related activities that can be used with infants and toddlers and more advanced activities to use with preschool children. Discover why hands-on learning is the best way 29

CKC 2 - Curriculum and Learning Experiences

those students for whom they have developed negative feelings. The most obvious reason for teachers to develop meaningful relationships with students is because a positive teacherstudent relationship built on trust, understanding and caring will foster students cooperation and motivation and increase their learning and achievement.

CKC 2 - Curriculum and Learning Experiences

Positive Behavior Management Course Hours: 2.0

Part 1: Doing the Groundwork: some common beliefs and practices will be examined and then analyzed in terms of why they might not be the best methods to use in the classroom.

Part 2: Connecting with every child: will focus on relationships that support successful discipline practices. Changing our relationship with a child who behaves inappropriately is often the most effective strategy.

Part 3 Understanding Difficult Behavior: we’ll discover the clue for understanding difficult behaviors. The clue is the behavior because behavior has meaning and it communicates something specific that can be addressed.

Modality: Face to face

Positive relationships with children serve as the foundation for addressing social emotional needs. When children understand routines and the expectations for their behavior, and when they are engaged in activities that are meaningful, they are less likely to engage in challenging behavior. Expectations and routines have to be taught to children using a range of teaching strategies. "If you want it, you must teach it." As a staff member, are you aware of "your buttons" and your attitude about challenging behaviors? Do you discipline, or do you punish? What is the difference?

Positive Behavior Support Basics: Verbal Reinforcement to encourage behavior

Reinforce with Enthusiasm, Redirect with Neutrality

Course Hours: 2.0

Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

In this introduction to positive behavior support techniques, participants will define positive, acceptable behaviors and develop lesson plans for teaching the behaviors to students. The remainder of the session will focus on providing reinforcing speech patterns. Applicable Age Groups: Toddler - School Age

Modality: Face to face

Reinforcement and Redirection are two of the most common strategies used to encourage desired behavior and discourage undesired behavior. This interactive session engages teachers and providers in analyzing their interactions with children in determining the reinforcing value of our responses.

Positive Guidance for Beginners

Rock Solid Foundations: Building Positive Relationships

Course Hours: 1.0

Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face or Online

In this workshop, participants will learn how to guide children's behavior in positive and developmentally appropriate ways. We will discuss how to set clear expectations for children and give clear and positive directions.

Problem Solving with Children Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face or Online

This module takes a step-by-step approach to helping children learn to solve their own problems. Topics include recognizing emotions, identifying methods for dealing with conflict, and techniques to use with children as they develop socially and emotionally.

Reading Makes Cents Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face or Online

Reading Makes Cents is comprised of a collection of activities developed around exemplary children’s literature that has money as a theme. The selected children's literature explores ideas, activities, and strategies that help children learn how to earn, save, share, and spend money. Children's literature provides a rich diversity of settings, people, income levels, relationships, ethnic backgrounds, cultures, religions, holidays, intergenerational friendships all related to money messages and learning.

Reframing Discipline – 3 part series Course Hours: 6.0

Modality: Face to face

Reframing our attitudes and beliefs is the first step in change. Reframing discipline is a 3 part series that: allows educators an opportunity to examine what has shaped their stance on discipline, highlights the importance of developing relationships so discipline techniques are more effective, and links our understanding of the meaning of the behavior to appropriate strategies. 30

Modality: Face to face

Want the children in your care to get along with others, feel secure, and be confident, engaged learners? This interactive training will invite you to consider ways to build positive, nurturing, responsive and dependable relationships with the young children in your care.

Room arrangement as a Teaching Strategy in Early Learning Classrooms Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

This class will concentrate on how classroom and outdoor environments can convey six positive messages for children: This is a good place to be; You belong here. You are a valued member of this community; This is a place you can trust; There are places you can be by yourself when you want to be; You can do many things on your own; This is a safe place to explore and try out your ideas. This class will also explore interest areas and how teachers can divide the classroom into distinct interest areas so that children have clear choices of activities and materials and can work in small groups.

School-Age Care: Improv Techniques for Improving Your Program and Your Waistline Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

Imagination, teamwork and failure. These skills are the foundation of innovation. While many children have imagination in spades, some can be teamwork and failure averse. Improv teaches us how to create an ensemble and that not only is it ok to fail, but that failure is necessary to success. Join us as we learn this and other foundational improv skills that will improve your classroom climate. *Improv may not improve your waistline, but laughing does burn calories!

Science for Young Thinkers Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face or Online

Social Studies in Early Childhood: Exploring Families, Communities, and Around the World Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

In this session, participants will explore best practices in teaching children about the social structures of families, communities, country, and culture at a developmentally appropriate level. Basic map skills, geography study, history, and culture will be overviewed along with recommendations for introducing the scope of systems (neighborhood, community, state, regional, national, global). Strategies for avoiding stereotype and cultural misappropriation will be presented as well.

Stating Behavioral Expectations Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

This presentation focuses on how to develop and teach expectations for children's behavior in the preschool classroom. The training will emphasize that stating behavioral expectations in advance is a proactive strategy that helps prevent behaviors before they may happen. Four main steps will be described: anticipating behaviors, developing a plan, teaching expectations and recognizing children's appropriate behaviors. The presentation includes video clips and examples that illustrate ways teachers can communicate their expectations to children. Learning activities offer participants the opportunity to discuss examples and practice applying the strategies.

building from young two's through early elementary school and how blocks stimulate learning in all developmental areas. Finally, common problems in the block corner will be addressed.

The How and Why of Changing Behavior Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

This workshop will engage participants in developing strategies for addressing behavior. Participants will enhance their skills in using proactive teaching, meaningful reinforcement, and responding to challenging behavior. The facilitator will offer several examples to illustrate critical behavior intervention concepts for individual and classroom behavior.

The Ins and Outs of Good Circle Times K2.15 C1 (CDA2) Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face or Online

The real goal of circle time is far more than teaching children to sit and listen — it is to help children join together and form a community. Learn what makes circle and group times successful. This module offers tips and ideas for gathering children together and keeping them involved.

The Who and Why of Recognizing Progress Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

This workshop will engage participants in recognizing success of behavior intervention. Participants will be given the opportunity to share some of their recent success addressing challenging behaviors. The facilitator will help generalize success stories into concepts which can be applied to other situations.

Successful Transitions

Tools of the Trade: Explore It! (Science) Design It! (Engineering) Use It! (Technology)

Course Hours: 2.0

Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

Modality: Face to face

When we are faced with change, as humans we inevitably imagine what the change will look like. The environment will be new, the challenges will be different, and new relationships will need to be formed. The classroom/school transition can be a stressful time for children and parents. However, the current and new teachers can ease the transition by working together. This workshop will provide information about how to make transitions easier on children, parents, teachers and classmates.

What does it mean to be scientifically literate? The American Association for the Advancement of Science describes a scientifically literate person as, "one who is aware that science, engineering and technology are human enterprises and applies scientific content and abilities in meaningful ways." Understand the relevance of science, engineering, and technology and the language of math in child care & afterschool settings and how these complement each other.

Tackling troublesome transitions

Tools of the Trade: Hands On! Minds On! Inquiry and Experiential Learning

Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

Transitions are a necessary part of the day as children move from one activity or one area to the next. This session will overview appropriate transitions for different age groups and how to prepare for transitions and avoid melt downs. Strategies for changing centers, switching activities, or moving from one room to another will be discussed and presented among participants. Applicable Age Groups: Toddler - School Age

The benefits of block play Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

Blocks have been described as one of the most important materials in an early childhood program, enhancing all areas of development. This workshop will be divided into three segments starting with a brief overview of the fascinating history of blocks. Participants will then look at the progression or stages of block

Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

Inquiry and experiential learning are natural ways to learn. This session introduces child care workers to the concepts of experiential learning and science inquiry. Understanding these concepts helps providers capitalize on children's interests, assures better learning outcome and provides exciting learning opportunities for acquisition of science, engineering, and technology knowledge and skills.

Tools of the Trade: Inspiring Young Minds-The Scientist in All of Us Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

Science is everywhere! Kids are curious and love to learn about the world around them. Preschool and afterschool staff can play an important role in facilitating children's learning about science, 31

CKC 2 - Curriculum and Learning Experiences

Find out how to make science exploration and learning fun for children and adults. Discover science basics, activity ideas, and the scientific method. Learn how you can offer hands-on science exploration every day.

CKC 2 - Curriculum and Learning Experiences

engineering, technology and math. This course encourage staff to nurture and inspire children to gain an appreciation and interest in these fields. It's not necessary to be an expert in STEM, just a love for investigation and exploration.

increase understanding.

Transition Magician Workshop

The major themes of non-fiction literature will be covered in this session: history, biography, science, and social interactions. Strategies for choosing high-quality, but appropriate non-fiction text will be discussed along with suggestions for thematic integration of non-fiction topics through art, gross motor, and fine motor projects. Participants will create a full-day lesson plan centered around a piece of non-fiction literature.

Course Hours: 2.0

Using Non-Fiction Literature in Early Childhood Course Hours: 3.0

Modality: Face to face

As a part of this course preschool practitioners will review their daily schedule and the transitions that occur throughout the day within their program. Practitioners will identify techniques to navigate various types of transitions and develop a “toolbox” of activities for extending, settling, sensory cues, excusers, stretchers, etc. Using the techniques reviewed, practitioners will create a plan to reduce wait times during routine transitions to keep children actively engaged in learning activities throughout routine transitions during the day.

What Do You Do with the Mad That You Feel? Course Hours: 3.0

Modality: Face to face

Who Me? Creative?

Children spend a lot of time transitioning between activities during their school day. Transitions can be stressful times for children, and provoke challenging behaviors. Whole group transitions, that often include periods of waiting with nothing to do, can increase the likelihood of challenging behaviors. This training will introduce basic strategies that support children's positive behaviors during classroom transitions as an effective teaching practice to maximize children's learning. Participants will focus specifically on creating and managing smooth transitions between classroom activities.

Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

Teachers who work with infants and toddlers will encounter children with multiple challenging behaviors. This workshop will provide center/home infant and toddler practitioners’ strategies and techniques to understand and manage some of these challenging behaviors that they see in the classroom. Practitioners will also receive background information on sensory integration, possible red flags for sensory issues, and learn how to implement games and activities geared to support children’s unique sensory needs in the classroom.

Using informational text to build literacy skills and knowledge Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

The precursors of adult creativity are clearly evident in young children. We will explore factors that will affect creativity in children and techniques in fostering this quality. We will look at how the participants are creatively and what materials we can use in the classroom to help our children.

Understanding and Responding to Challenging Behaviors in Infants and Toddlers Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

Angry feelings are a natural part of being human but children aren't born with self-control. It is important that adults help children find healthy ways to deal with them. This workshop will help staff learn ways to help children deal with their feelings in an appropriate way.

Transitions in the Daily Routine Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

Modality: Face to face or Online

Children construct literacy knowledge and build skills when there is a balance of informational text and reading literature in the classrooms. Effective teachers use appropriate strategies to intentionally use informational text during shared reading time, small group and large group read aloud time and intermittently throughout the day. Using these types of books can help children learn to enjoy, comprehend, give meaning, and evaluate the books being read to them. Their vocabulary can expand and they will grow in their ability to express new ideas and apply information. Making connections to the children's world can 32

The Family Unit: A Look at the Growing Diversity of Family Structures Course Hours: 2.0

This session will explore the wide range of family structures that form the fabric of our communities today. Family is the first point of reference for children as they begin to understand themselves and the world around them. Today only 28 percent of homes consist of a married husband and wife who are raising their biological children. It is important to help all children who come to you from a variety of family types to feel included and welcomed.

Appreciating the Parent Perspective Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

Professionals are often the "front line" person with regard to young children who may be demonstrating signs of delays. Being this individual can be tricky at times. The purpose of this session is to Try Another Way by encouraging session attendees to "take the perspective" of both parents and professionals as they help parents begin navigating the world of disabilities.

The View from the Door: Come On In… Everyone’s Welcome ECEPD105 - Northampton CC Course Hours: 3.0

Attendance as a factor in school readiness Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face or Online

Partnering with families and helping them to understand the importance of regular attendance is one of the first tenet that can lead to successful family and child outcomes. To maximize the development of the child, a child needs to be present daily. Participants will review and practice strategies to maximize the use of technology and personal communication with parents to increase daily attendance for each child enrolled.

Modality: Online

Imagine a workplace where everyone chooses to bring energy, passion, and a positive attitude to the job every day. Imagine an environment in which people are truly connected to their work, to their colleagues, and to their customers. Isn’t this what children, families and early childhood and school age professionals deserve? Read this brief, easy to read book and then have discussion through the web with colleagues to learn how the principles of “Choose your attitude,” “Make their day,” “Be Present,” and “Play” can motivate people to make a positive difference at work.

Trauma Informed Practice for Early Childhood Educators and Practitioners ECEPD317 Northampton CC

Digital Media Literacy & Technology Tools for Early Learning: Are you ready for the Digital Media Age? Assessing Your Tech Readiness Course Hours: 3.0

Modality: Face to face or Online

Course Hours: 3.0

Modality: Face to face

This course provides educators a way to inventory and assess how to use technology and digital media in the early education classroom. Participants will also create a simple lesson plan to integrate technology into the classroom. The information shared in this session will be based on Brian Puerling’s Teaching in the Digital Age: Smart Tools for Age 3 to Grade 3 Red Leaf Press. The pre-requisite foundation for this course is Digital Media Literacy & Technology Tools for Early Learning: What Educators Need to Know: NAEYC/Fred Rogers Center Position Statement on Young Children and Technology"

Modality: Online

What expectations should teachers place on toddlers during daily circle times? Discover evidence based developmentally appropriate skills for very young children’s participation in group interaction and activities. Together we will plan on the best approach to achieve successful delivery of topics from social skills to language to empathy and more for two year olds. Participants will discover successful strategies for both teachers and children to enjoy group gatherings as part of the daily routine.

Understanding Parenting Styles

PCAN: Building a Healthy Brain

Course Hours: 2.0

Course Hours: 2.0

Why does parenting differ from one family to another? Are you wondering how and what are child rearing practices and who does it well? Around the world, parenting does share a few goals in common: comprising of planning for the health and safety of children, preparing children for life as a productive adult, and sharing culture. This course will discuss parenting styles, including how parenting attempts to control children's behavior, and among other factors, what does love have to do with it.

Modality: Face to face

The development of the brain begins at conception and continues across the life span. In this session, identify strategies to purposefully support and promote very young children’s healthy brain development with the “5 R’s” - relationships, respect, repetition, routines, and responsive interactions

PCAN: Challenging Behaviors in Infants and Toddlers Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

Encountering challenging behavior in infant-toddler child care is inevitable. This training session provides participant’s opportunities to reflect on their own beliefs and feelings regarding challenging 33

Modality: Face to face or Online

CKC 3 - Family, Schools and Community Collaborations and Partnerships

behavior, learn more about the antecedents of challenging behavior, and practice discussing such challenges with parents in an effective and supportive manner.

CKC 4 - Assessment

Challenging Behaviors: Where Do We Begin? Course Hours: 6.0

difference in companies, resulting in improved morale, reduced absenteeism, increased recruitment, and reduced turnover. These positive benefits affect the bottom line . . . happier children and satisfied parents.

Modality: Face to face

There are multiple origins of a child's behavior and these behaviors can be difficult for staff to address. This workshop will help teachers gain knowledge to support children's behavior and develop strategies to support self-regulation.

Facebook for Early Learning Professionals Course Hours: 2.0

Observation Can Transform Your Teaching Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

This course will explore the basics of using Facebook including basic features, networking basics, building your online community and managing a page or group for your early learning organization.

Modality: Face to face

With close observation you can refocus, see the value of childhood, and remember why you wanted to be a teacher. If observation is already part of your teaching practice, you may find an expanded focus here. If it isn't, developing the art of awareness may transform your teaching.

Intro to Computers Course Hours: 12.0

Modality: Face to face

The What and Why of Challenging Behavior

This course is designed to cover the basics of MicroSoft Windows to include file management, basic text editing, and Word Basics.

Course Hours: 2.0

Links to Learning: Family Engagement

Modality: Face to face

The workshop will engage participants in assessing the challenging behavior of young children. Participants will increase the skills for defining, measuring, and analyzing challenging behavior. The facilitator will offer several examples to consider as we seek to understand and address the behavior from the child’s perspective.

Course Hours: 2.0

CKC 5 – Communication

This course will focus on the importance of family engagement in afterschool with regard to children’s learning and development. Participants will explore practical ways to engage families and develop a plan for better family engagement. Target Audience: Directors and teachers school-age/afterschool programs Prerequisites: Highly recommended that participants attend Links to Learning: Foundations prior to attending this session

Building Effective Communication with Parents Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face or Online

This course is divided into three sections. In the first section students will learn about "effective communication" and the barriers that can prevent communication from being "effective". The second section gives students ten strategies that can be used to help build effective communication. Although the strategies can be used in any communication with parents, this course emphasizes parent/teacher conferences. The third section focuses on talking with parents who are angry or upset. You will be given useful strategies, and asked to give situations, which the group will discuss for possible resolutions.

Bulletin boards, calendars and activity kits: Getting creative to promote family involvement Course Hours: 2.5

Modality: Face to face

Participants will overview best practices in family-school communication strategies. Participants will discuss and share ideas for being sure that families are reading information that is sent home or displayed by the center. Ways to enhance bulletin boards to display key information in a clear, organized fashion will be overviewed in addition to templates for creating and sharing classroom calendars. Other family engagement strategies such as activity kits and shared journals will be presented as well.

Communicating Kindness in the workplace Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

Modality: Both

In this course students will learn that how they treat their coworkers has an impact on staff morale, illness, stress and turnover. Kindness to yourself, colleagues, and community will be discussed. Strategies for making a difference will be given. This course concludes with suggestions that have made a 34

NWRK Learning Communities: Building Professional Connections to Support Program Quality Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

This session provides ECE professionals with an overview on the benefit of establishing professional relationships in a community of practice and how these connections support improvement quality.

School Connections for SAC Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

"Together we are better". We will have conversations about the benefits of school and out of school connections and the benefits for children and families. We will share ideas and a toolkit being developed to help build and sustain these relationships.

Strengthening relationships with children, families, and colleagues Course Hours: 6.0

Modality: Face to face

Participants will share, discuss and implement best practices that can be used to develop and strengthen relationships with children, families and colleagues. They will leave with a different level of awareness of how their own experiences, temperament and backgrounds influence the relationships they have or want to build with children, families and colleagues. In addition, they will reflect on their feelings about parent participation in their program and leave with ideas on ways to build a stronger home- school connection in their own program.

Course Hours: 2.0

Opening up to changes in your classroom: tips for learning from colleagues, supervisors and TA

Modality: Face to face

Course Hours: 1.0

This session will explore a little of everything around technology topics such as effective practices in integrating technology with children, supports to streamline business practices, technology grant ideas, using technology to connect with families and promote business practices, as well as connecting with the field through social media. This course is recommended for providers that would like the opportunity to pursue follow-up technical assistance in any of the areas covered in this course.

In this webinar, participants will embrace the role of teacher as learner as they explore strategies for enhancing their professional practice by working with other early childhood professionals. Participants will discuss how to professionally accept feedback from colleagues, supervisors, mentors, and/ or TA professionals and use that information constructively in the classroom. Techniques for asking questions to better understand feedback and synthesize evaluation will be discussed. Finally, participants will define acceptable situations where a teacher and supervisor can “agree to disagree” without coming off as resistant or defensive.

The Amazing Power of Nursey Rhymes Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Online

Modality: Face to face

Nursery rhymes are fun, children love them, and they provide a warm, nurturing experience between teacher and child. Songs and rhymes for young children have been passed down for generations. This workshop creates an awareness of the enormous educational value of nursery rhymes and informs parents and caregivers how to use them as a teaching tool.

PCAN: Supporting Staff in their Work with Parents Course Hours: 2.0

CKC 6 – Professionalism and Leadership

Business Basics – Introduction to Child Care Business Practices

Modality: Face to face

Center directors and other program leaders have an important role in the prevention of abuse and neglect among the families they serve. This unit provides center directors and program leaders an opportunity to learn about and practice relationship-based supervisory approaches and to explore how best to respond when staff members have concerns about suspected abuse or neglect.

PennAEYC: ECE What's It Really Worth? This professional development course is specifically designed for Determining the True Cost of Care and Paying a Fair Wage all child care directors and family providers who are looking to Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

develop or enhance their current business practices.

Course Hours: 2.0

During this course we will focus on: Establishing a budget spreadsheet that works for YOU. Establishing your cost of care. Policy and procedure manual. Emergency plans. Site Safety Checklists. Parent Handbook. "

ECE What's it really Worth? It is essential that we investigate the true cost of care if we ever plan to pay a fair wage in early education. In this session providers will begin to dive into the issues related to the true cost of care and paying for quality. Providers will examine the aspects to determine the true cost of care. It is important to understand all components of what it really costs to offer quality care and then begin to identify ways that make changes to support the true cost of care. Together we will review funding streams and discuss how to maximize funding levels, review the associated expenses related to quality care and examine a necessary shift in the way we think about the cost of quality care. ECE professionals will learn about the true cost of care and ways to advocate for funding to support that TRUE COST of quality care.

Family Child Care: Get Started Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Both

Those who care for children in their homes provide an important service to parents and to the community. Learn how to establish, operate, and maintain a successful child care business. Also, discover important information about understanding and supporting the developmental needs of each child in your care.

Mentoring student teachers and new professionals

Modality: Face to face

PennAEYC: DAP Leadership-Learning to Lead Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

In this course participants will examine the concepts of leadership. We will explore and compare various leadership Mentor teachers serve many roles in child care. According to research, mentoring can provide students and new professionals characteristics that influence the way others view us as well as the way we view ourselves. Leadership is a responsibility with a structured and supportive entry into the child care of all ECE professionals! We will review the NAEYC profession. A mentor is experienced and is committed to assisting a less experienced person in becoming prepared for all developmentally appropriate practice (DAP) principals and explore how these can be applied to leadership models. We aspects of their job. Positive or negative experiences with a will briefly review leadership styles and the importance of mentor can influence the trajectory of a student's career. This knowing your personal leadership style and the styles of workshop will focus on being a successful mentor. We will also others you are trying to lead. Leaders influence others, we discuss common problems and offer solutions for working with will explore positive ways to influence and inspire others on students and young professionals. your professional journey in early childhood education. Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face


CKC 6 – Professionalism and Leadership

Technology Tour

CKC 6 – Professionalism and Leadership

Maybe you did not intend to be a leader but "ended up" a leader in your center or you were focused and planned carefully to become a leader; leadership in ECE is is one of the most important jobs you hold! No matter how you landed or intend to land in leadership you have a very specific responsibility to your program, colleague's children and families. Come explore with us!

Course Hours: 2.0

PennAEYC: Understanding "Y": Generational Differences in the Workplace

Course Hours: 2.0

Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

In this course we will examine questions about generational differences in the workplace. It is important to better understand the needs and differences of various generational age groups so that professionals are best able to communicate and support children. We will discuss the influences of various generational differences as well as the often mistaken assumptions we have regarding specific age groups. This course is designed to challenge your current beliefs about various age groups and challenge you to think differently about generational differences to best support continuous quality improvement of the professional

Reflection: Making and taking time to think about professional practice Course Hours: 5.0

Modality: Online - Asynchronous

In this online, asynchronous course, develop and implement strategies to reflect upon your professional practice and set professional goals. Participants will sample various strategies for reflecting on their professional goals, lesson planning, classroom facilitation, and child development. Progress monitoring and self-accountability for reflection will be covered as well. Assignments include creating a resume, writing a personal philosophy of education, setting professional goals, reflecting on research, and evaluating your classroom schedule, lesson plans, teaching style, and interactions with children. Alternate assignments are available for participants who are in supervisory / administrative roles or are not currently in a classroom teaching experience. Note: This course is an independent study - it does not involve discussions or interactions with the other participants as the purpose is for you to think critically about your role and practice as an early childhood professional.

Roles and Responsibilities in the Early Care Classroom Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

Participants will consider the ways in which relationships, roles and responsibilities impact our work in the early care classroom. Time will be taken to explore varying types of relationships in the workplace and reflect on the difference between roles and responsibilities in our classrooms. Finally, participants will learn how to complete a Roles & Responsibilities Chart that they can take back to their own centers and use in their everyday work. All childcare staff will benefit from this workshop, but those working in teaching teams or as directors will benefit the most.

Soaring into Professionalism


Modality: Face to face

This workshop is all about personal excellence. New ideas, tips, reminders of things you already know, but may have forgotten, and new perspectives and approaches you can use to pursue your personal best and help others be their best, too.

Teaching Teams-Working Together Modality: Face to face

Participants will learn how to utilize a team approach to teaching. We will discuss how to capitalize on each team member's strengths in order to benefit the entire teaching team and ensure a successful classroom. We will discuss how to build and maintain successful working relationships that support a positive classroom environment.

The Importance of Self Reflection for Teachers Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

Teaching is a very meaningful career: educating future doctors, scientists and professionals. However, we are human. We get frustrated, lose our tempers, make bad judgment calls and sometimes wish for a do-over button. Self-reflection can help you to recognize the progress you made in a lesson, while simultaneously allowing you to consider improvements that you could make. This seminar will focus on self-reflection as well as the use of peer evaluation as tools to help us continuously improve our teaching.

The World of Education through the Eyes of Professionalism Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

In a professional environment what really matters? Why is it important to acknowledge and understand relationships, personal styles, and goals in order to complete the decision making process? Explore the world of education as we look closely at the cycle of professionalism between administrators, teachers, parents, and students. We will be evaluating the common term of “professionalism” and also looking closely at various ways to communicate with individuals around us.

Time Management and Self Esteem ECEPD619 Northampton CC Course Hours: 3.0

Modality: Online

Time management really has to do with Self-Management. Learn what you can control and what you cannot. Use self-reflection to discover how to manage all the items on your ‘to-do’ list.

Course Hours: 3.0

Let’s Move! Child Care (LMCC) is part of Let’s Move!, a comprehensive initiative started by Michelle Obama to help turn the rising tide of childhood obesity in the United States. Child care providers play an important role in helping to develop healthy eating and physical activity habits in young children. The two Let’s Move! Child Care goals that relate to physical activity are the focus of this workshop. The following topics are covered: 1. An overview of the issue of childhood obesity 2. An introduction to the LMCC Initiative 3. LMCC Goal “Increase Physical Activity” 4. LMCC Goal “Limit Screen Time” 5. Instructions for participation in the LMCC Initiative

Modality: Face to face

Since the American Academy of Pediatrics changed its recommendation for infant sleep position in 1992 from prone to supine, the number of infants dying from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or sleep-related infant deaths has declined by over 50%. However, a disproportionate number of these deaths occur in child care situation due to the infant being laced in the unaccustomed tummy sleep position, which increases the risk of death 20 times, or unsafe sleeping situations. The American Academy of Pediatrics has expanded its guidelines on safe sleep for babies, with additional information for parents and caregivers on creating a safe sleep environment for their infant.

First Aid: PedFACTS Hybrid

AHA Heartsavers First Aid CPR/AED Course Hours: 6.0

Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

This course is designed for childcare practitioners to gain the education, understanding, and confidence to know what to do if and when a child is injured or becomes severely ill. This course includes management of an obstructed airway, rescue breathing and one-rescuer infant-child CPR. Students will be trained in Automated External Defibrillator (AED). Individuals will be certified for 2 years upon completion of this course.

In this course you'll learn both first aid and CPR. In the classroom you'll watch a video. The video will show you how to give first aid and CPR and help you practice skills.. An instructor will coach and test you. If you can give first aid and CPR, you'll be better prepared for an emergency and better able to help save a life.

American Red Cross Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED Course Hours: 6.0

Modality: Face to face

Healthy Air + Healthy Spaces = Healthy Children

First Aid, CPR and AED procedures for adults and children will be presented through video and lecture. The instructor will guide participants through manikin skill practices.

Course Hours: 3.0

Modality: Face to face

Workshop uses interactive discussion, visual aids and hands-on demonstrations to address the causes, symptoms, bodily responses of asthma episodes. Learn current prevention and management for asthma episodes. (ECERS-ITERS: Program Structure, Personal Care Routines)

I Am Moving, I Am Learning: Including Infants and Toddlers Series

Better Living through a Mediterranean Lifestyle Course Hours: 2.0

Course Hours: 6.0

Modality: Face to face

Blood Borne Pathogens Modality: Face to face

Infant/Toddler Supervision

Preventing the spread of contagious disease is possible and always important, especially in the child care setting. This course will teach you about various diseases that can be spread through contact with blood and how to deal with accidental exposures. Information regarding the OSHA Exposure Control Plan is discussed and a sample Exposure Control Plan is included in the Resources Section of this course.

Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

Infants and toddlers require a lot of personal one on one time but you may have others in the group to supervise as well. This course will assess child supervision practices and make changes as needed to protect children and minimize the risk

Childhood Obesity Prevention: Inspiring Physical Activity Course Hours: 3.0

Modality: Face to face

Do the children in your care get at least 60 minutes of structured Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity (MVPA) every day? This course focuses on the IMIL goal of increasing the quantity or amount of physical activity children engage in throughout the day. Course participants will be moving the majority of the time as they participate in songs and activities to integrate MVPA into learning. This course is one of the lessons from I am moving, I am learning offered by the PA Key in combination with other IMIL lessons.

Caregiving is stressful and you need to care of yourself too. Researchers have discovered that those living in the Mediterranean have a lower risk of certain types of chronic disease. One study discovered that of people at high risk of heart disease their risk was reduced by 30% with simple, easy to implement diet changes. Starting a healthy eating plan can be key to living a long, healthy life and setting a good example for young children to try new foods.

Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Both

Healthy Air + Healthy Spaces = Healthy Children program. A 3-hour professional development program, focusing on reducing indoor pollutants and their effects on children's health by examining pest control methods and cleaning products that are often used in child care facilities. This program was developed as a joint effort between Penn State Integrated Pest Management and Better Kid Care.

Asthma-ECELS Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

Intruder Response for Child Care Programs Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

Modality: Face to face

This course is designed to provide information and educate 37

CKC 7 - Health, Safety and Nutrition

ABC's of Infant Safe Sleep (NW)

CKC 7 - Health, Safety and Nutrition

child care providers on effective response strategies for what to do in an active shooter situation. These strategies will assist directors and staff in their ability to: quickly and effectively respond; report; and protect themselves and their students from an active shooter during the critical moments while waiting for the police to arrive and what to expect from the officers once they are on scene.

Keeping Staff Healthy Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

Safe administration of medication and special health care plans Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

Participants will be given information on proper storage of medication, methods of administration, types of medication and medication safety. Information on Special Health Care Plans and what needs to be included in the plans will be given.

Safety Practices in I/T Classrooms

This course provides instruction about occupational health risks of child care workers. Risks discussed include infectious disease, non-infectious disease, environmental exposures and stress. Learners will consider their program's current staff wellness practices and prepare suggestions for improvement. Self-care planning for the learning will be completed.

Course Hours: 2.0

Medication administration for staff-five right for safety

In this course participants will have the opportunity to identify the risk rating of their early care setting and strategies to minimize the risk. Participants will have the opportunity to develop an Action Plan for their early care setting with ideas on how to create a lowrisk setting.

Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

Participants will receive training to prepare for safe administration of medications to children in care. A "six rights" self monitoring approach will be used to encourage a consistent step by step procedure for avoiding medication administration error. Content includes discussion of why and when medications should be given; necessity of clear program policy and procedure; and actions to take if an error or adverse side effect occurs.

Pediatric First Aid with CPR Course Hours: 4.0

Modality: Face to face

The PedFACTs course is designed to help those who care for young children provide pediatric first aid to a child who suddenly becomes ill or injured. All caregivers need to know what to do for minor injuries as well as for emergency situations. In this course, we use the term caregivers to include child care providers, teachers, school nurses, relatives, and others who care for children. Usually first aid involves simple, commonsense procedures. First aid is intended to keep the child’s medical condition from becoming worse. It does not take the place of proper medical treatment. In some situations caregivers may need to provide first aid until emergency medical services (EMS), a medical provider, or the parent/guardian assumes responsibility for the child’s medical care.

Personal Care Routines: Caring and Clorox the Dynamic Duo Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

Personal Care Routines: hand hygiene, diapering, sanitizing, and disinfecting will be examined in this course. The facilitator will point out the latest information on the PA Position Statements regarding best practices. Instruction will include handouts, video demonstrations, facilitated discussions, and guided practice opportunities.. Practitioners will have the opportunity to practice the skills in pairs or small groups while receiving feedback. Participants will develop an Action Plan for maintaining their skills upon returning to their facility.

Modality: Both

This workshop will review basic supervision and safety practices specific to infant and toddler classrooms.

Step Up to Quality Supervision: Session 3 - Supervision Positioning Course Hours: 1.0

Modality: Face to face

Step Up to Quality Supervision: Session 4 - Supervision Counting Kids Course Hours: 1.0

Modality: Face to face

This course will focus on why it is important to count children, identify when the critical times of the day are for counting children and some strategies to assure you know the number of children at any time during the day. Participants will have the opportunity to develop an Action Plan for their early care setting with ideas on how to improve their counting of children.

Step Up to Quality Supervision: Session 5 - Supervision Teamwork Course Hours: 1.0

Modality: Face to face

This course will focus on the concept of teamwork and how to apply the concept to their daily work in an early child care setting with a noted emphasis on transition times. Participants will have the opportunity to use teamwork principles to develop a Teamwork Plan for their early care setting.

Step Up to Quality Supervision: Session 6 - Playground Supervision Course Hours: 1.0

Modality: Face to face

This course will introduce a playground safety checklist, universal rules for outdoor play space and strategies for positions for supervising outdoor play space. Participants will create an action plan to improve supervision of children when they play outside.

Step Up to Quality Supervision: Session 8 - Your Center's Supervision Policy Course Hours: 1.0

Modality: Face to face

This course will focus on developing a Supervision Policy looking at staff: child ratios, positioning, counting children, teamwork, playground supervision and moving children.

Supervision Course Hours: 12.0 38

Modality: Face to face


Supervision: Count, Count, and Count Again Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

This course will evaluate safety and supervision practices. Using state regulations, practitioners will assess their facility safety and supervision practices. Indoor and outdoor play spaces will be evaluated. Participants will review their supervision skills, identify criteria to consider when supervising children, develop strategies to supervise children, and discuss the importance of counting children regularly. A supervision policy will be analyzed.

Totally Veggies Course Hours: 2.0

Using Daily Health Checks to recognize and manage common illness Modality: Face to face

Effective Strategies for Designing Online Courses: Considering Multimedia Design Principles and How People Learn Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

Giving Supportive Feedback to Colleagues and Staff

Evaluation of children and staff health to determine the need for possible exclusion or return is the focus of this course. Use of the daily health check procedure and well written wellness polices are examined as the foundation of this practice. Methods to keep exclusion to a minimum in frequency and duration will be topics for discussion.

Course Hours: 1.0

Modality: Online

In this webinar, participants will overview different strategies for effectively communicating with colleagues and staff. Models of providing honest, constructive, and strengths-based feedback will be discussed and practiced. Participants will also evaluate the effectiveness of giving advice and recommendations for improvement.

Your #1 Priority: Keeping Children Healthy and Safe (CDA1) Course Hours: 2.0

Participants will gain an understanding of the Child Development Associate (CDA) process, requirements and components. During this session the CDA process will be presented and explained in detail including the professional development requirements, portfolio development, observation visit and final test. Participants will have the opportunity to practice writing styles and competencies needed to complete the portfolio. They will also have the opportunity to review the CDA website for support.

This course will explore strategies for designing online course content that is relevant and engaging. E-Learning Theory related to Clark and Mayer’s six design principles for designing multimedia learning will be shared, along with ideas for developing course content based on how people learn. Participants will apply this learning to their own practices in developing online content for the early learning community. This course is geared towards PQAS instructors and consultants that want to create engaging and relevant courses for directors, teachers and providers.

Modality: Face to face

Getting kids (and sometimes even adults) to try new foods is a challenge, especially when you are introducing vegetables to their meals. "Totally Veggies� will help providers liven up meals by incorporating familiar and unfamiliar vegetables in new and unique ways.

Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

Modality: Both

Keeping children healthy and safe should be the top priority for all child care providers. This lesson addresses the key areas of hand washing, the use of sanitizers, and the safety of indoor and outdoor play equipment. Learn the latest research-based information and best ways to keep the children in your care healthy and safe.

Internet Basics Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

This is a very basic course designed for those who are new to exploring the Internet. Students will be introduced to basic web navigation, Internet browsers/search engines, as well as other Internet/browser features and functions. Strategies for avoiding Internet risks and safety concerns will be shared, as well as web resources applicable to early learning professionals. Finally, participants will be introduced to strategies and ideas to consider related to their digital footprint, along with ways that they may use web resources in their organization. This course is recommended for family child care providers.

Intro to Accounting Course Hours: 12.0

Modality: Face to face

This course provides a basic understanding of accounting concepts involving recording & reporting financial activities with an understanding of their effect on decision making.


CKC 8 - Program Organization and Administration

CDA Support

The focus of Supervision is on the administration and supervision of early care and education programs for ages birth through eight years. Best practice, quality programming, and program evaluation are examined. Management and leadership skills addressed include: leadership and advocacy, human relations, self-awareness, and staff management.

CKC 8 - Program Organization and Administration

It’s all about Timing: A Director’s Toolbox for Managing Time

personal accountability in achieving organizational results and learn the learn steps to accountability that support “above the line” behavior.

Course Hours: 2.0

Strengthening Fiscal Management Centers Budgets, Projections, & Planning

Modality: Face to face

Feel like you never have enough time in the day? Are you missing deadlines or creating lists that never get done? Through this seminar we will explore some common time management mistakes that cost valuable time and keep us from achieving our goals. We will also look at strategies to overcome these mistakes and find a way to bring balance back into our work and personal lives.

Jungle Escape - A team-approached training to increase collaboration & cooperation in problem -solving Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

This training will focus on helping groups to work through roadblocks to develop teamwork skills. Teamwork will balance planning time and implementation time for its task work. The amount of time that a group allots to planning and implementation phases of a project determines, in part, how effectively it will operate as a team.

Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

This dynamic 2-hour training for center-based providers will strengthen their foundational knowledge of sound fiscal management practices. It will focus on the budget development process, projecting revenue and expense, and short and long-term financial planning. Topics necessary to support a financial healthy program.

Strengthening Fiscal Management: Centers Financial Reports & Internal Controls Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

This dynamic 2-hour training for center-based providers will strengthen their foundational knowledge of sound fiscal management practices. This training builds participants understanding of three key financial reports and reviews the importance of strong internal controls.

Junkyard Games - A team-approached innovation training for process improvement

Strengthening Fiscal Management: Family Budgets, Projections, & Planning


Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

Junkyard Games This team-based innovation simulation pairs high levels of energy and competitive excitement with creativity and process planning. Team members work cooperatively, plan strategically and execute their plans effectively. Taking steps to innovate, they develop their skills in communication, teamwork, leadership and process improvement. Only using miscellaneous "junk" available to them, teams compete to create the most innovative tabletop game for an international competition among imaginary countries.

Leading with Technology: What Directors Need To Know Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

Technology is rapidly changing the field of early childhood/ school age environments and our greater culture. This is transforming the everyday lives of directors, teachers, children and family. This session is focused on director’s needs as we will explore technology-mediated resources, ideas and strategies to consider as they lead in their organization and in the field. The emphasis of this course will be to encourage technology leaders to plan, design and model effective technological environments that encourage innovative approaches to teaching & learning, business, communication and family/community outreach.

This dynamic 2-hour training for family child-care providers will strengthen their foundational knowledge of sound fiscal management practices. It will focus on the budget development process, projecting revenue and expense, and short and long-term financial planning. Topics necessary to support a financial healthy program.

Strengthening Fiscal Management: Family Financial Reports & Internal Controls Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

This dynamic 2-hour training for family child-care providers will strengthen their foundational knowledge of sound fiscal management practices. This training builds participants understanding of three key financial reports and reviews the importance of strong internal controls.

Teaching Online Using Instructional Design Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

This course is designed to help online instructors create the foundation for developing online courses using a learner-focused approach. Participants will explore instructional theories and adopt strategies for developing online content and materials using two instructional design models that will be shared. These include the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation) Instructional System Design and Dick & Carey ISD models. This course is geared towards PQAS Instructors as it will

Personal Accountability: Beginning Your Journey to the Emerald City ECEPD557 - Northampton CC Course Hours: 2.0

Modality: Face to face

Modality: Online

What is The OZ Principle? It’s an approach to accountability that will build inspiration and motivation for yourself and those with whom you work. Find out the importance of 40

CKC 8 - Program Organization and Administration

allow participants to develop their own flexible and dynamic online courses/materials that inspire and engage learners using a professional framework.

Visionary Director Book Study Course Hours: 12.0

Modality: Face to face

This 6 session course is a book study of the Visionary Director, Second Edition by Margie Carter and Deb Curtis. The facilitator will guide directors/owners through 6 chapters; 1)Guiding Your Programs with a Vision, 2) A Framework for your Work, 3) Your Role in Building and Supporting Community, 4)Your Role of Mentoring and Coaching, 5) Your Role of Managing and Overseeing, 6)Bringing Your Vision to Life. The authors of this book provide inspiration to create a larger vision. Visionary Director offers a concrete framework for organizing director ideas and work. Addresses topics such as; cultivating a vision, developing a "system thinking" for management roles, implementing principles and strategies for mentoring, building a learning community for adults and children, and bringing a vision to life. The cost of the Visionary Director book is approximately $45.00.


Index Course title (as listed in the PD Registry) A Deep Dive into Inclusion: Are you ready to take the next step? ECEPD263 Northampton CC

Criteria #



Criteria: SQ.3.4.9


Page 24

A peaceful classroom: Building and strengthening children's conflict resolution skills A Proactive Approach to Improving Children’s Behavior: PBIS Positive Behavior Intervention & Support ECEPD153 - Northampton CC A Strengths Based Approach to Best Practice Using the ECERS, Third Edition (ECERS3) ABC's of Infant Safe Sleep (NW) ACEs - Playing the Hand That's Dealt You Active Play: Infant and toddler on the move Active Supervision After-School Quality: The Process of Program Improvement (ASQ) Part 1 AHA Heartsavers First Aid CPR/AED Al's Caring Pals - Everybody's Somebody (Meaningful Involvement Module) Al's Caring Pals - Feeling Those Feelings (Understanding Emotions Module) Al's Caring Pals - Got a Problem? - Chill! (Problem-solving II Module) Al's Caring Pals - Grow Up? Do I Have To? (Creativity Module) Al's Caring Pals - I'm So Angry I Could Explode (Calming Down Module) Al's Caring Pals - Introduction to Resiliency (Resiliency Module) Al's Caring Pals - So? What Else? (Problem-solving I Module) Al's Caring Pals - That's An Idea (Brainstorming Module) Al's Caring Pals - What's That You Say?!? (The Importance of Clear Norms Module) Al's Caring Pals - You Don't Notice Listening Until It's Missing (Listening Module) Applying Developmentally Appropriate Practices for SAC Appreciating the Parent Perspective American Red Cross Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED Art Appreciation for Young Children Asthma-ECELS Attendance as a factor in school readiness Authentic Child Assessment Avoid Behavior Problems – Teach Self-Control Balancing DAP and Academic Pressure Becoming a Customer Service Star Behavior Guidance vs Behavior Management Better Living through a Mediterranean Lifestyle Beyond ABC's Creative Ways to Teach the Alphabet Big Body Play: What is an early childhood educator supposed to do? ECEPD705 - Northampton CC Blending Fine Art and Fine Motor Block Play Across The Curriculum Blood Borne Pathogens Building Effective Communication with Parents Building empathy with books, games and music Building Relationships: Being aware of children's needs Bulletin boards, calendars and activity kits: Getting creative to promote family involvement

Criteria: SQ.3.4.5


Page 18

Criteria: SQ.3.4.4


Page 12

Criteria: SQ.2.1


Page 4 Page 37 Page 24 Page 24 Page 4 Page 4 Page 37 Page 12 Page 12 Page 21 Page 26 Page 26 Page 26 Page 13 Page 26 Page 26 Page 26 Page 13 Page 33 Page 37 Page 26 Page 37 Page 33 Page 4 Page 27 Page 13 Page 27 Page 13 Page 37 Page 27


Page 13 Page 13 Page 21 Page 37 Page 34 Page 27 Page 18


Page 34


Criteria: SQ.3.4.9 Criteria: SQ.3.4.8 Criteria: SQ.2.1 Criteria: SQ.2.1 Criteria: SQ.3.4.4 Criteria: SQ.3.4.4 Criteria: SQ.3.4.6

Criteria: SQ.3.4.4

Criteria: SQ.3.4.4

Criteria: SQ.2.1 Criteria: SQ.3.4.4 Criteria: SQ.3.4.4

Criteria: SQ.3.4.4 Criteria: SQ.3.4.4 Criteria: SQ.3.4.6

Criteria: SQ.3.4.5

Course title (as listed in the PD Registry) Bullying Prevention Basics Business Basics – Introduction to Child Care Business Practices

Criteria #

Criteria: SQ.3.4.4. SQ.3.4.9 Criteria: SQ.2.1 Criteria: SQ.3.4.6

Cara's Kit Caring for the caregiver-ECELS Cavity Free Kids CDA Support Challenging Behaviors: Where Do We Begin? Child Development Prenatal to age 8 Child Observation Level 1: The Basics of Observing Children


Page Page 26 Page 35


Page 18 Page 4 Page 21 Page 39 Page 34 Page 24 Page 18


Page 13


Page 13

Child Observation Level 2 - Unit 1: Observing Young Children’s Development Child Observation Level 2 - Unit 2: Using Observation to Support Individual Children’s Development

Criteria: SQ.3.4.9 Criteria: SQ.3.4.5 Criteria: SQ.3.4.4, SQ.3.4.8 Criteria: SQ.3.4.4, SQ.3.4.8

Child Observation Level 2 - Unit 3: Using Observation to Support Individual School-Age Children’s Development

Criteria: SQ.3.4.4, SQ.3.4.8


Page 13

Child Observation Level 2 - Unit 4: Observing as a Tool to Guide Classroom Structure and Daily Planning

Criteria: SQ.2.1


Page 4

Child Observation Level 2 - Unit 5: Using Observation to Create Responsive School-Age Environments and Activities

Criteria: SQ.2.1


Page 4

Child Observation Level 2 - Unit 6: Sharing Your Observation with Parents, Team or School-Age Children

Criteria: SQ.2.1


Page 4


Page 37

Childhood Obesity Prevention: Inspiring Physical Activity Choosing Quality Children's Literature Click2Science STEM Foundations

Criteria: SQ.3.4.3 Criteria: SQ.3.4.4


Page 11 Page 13

Common Illness-ECELS Communicating Kindness in the workplace Computer Basics Connecting Theory of Multiple Intelligence to School Age Programs ECEPD553 - Northampton CC (N.C.OC.CTOMITSAPECEPD553NCC.F) Connecting to Families through Social Media

Criteria: SQ.2.1


Page 4 Page 34 Page 27

Criteria: SQ.3.4.3 Criteria: SQ.3.4.5


Page 11 Page 18

Criteria: SQ.2.1 Criteria: SQ.3.4.4 Criteria: SQ.3.4.4 Criteria: SQ.3.4.3


Page 27 Page 5 Page 13 Page 14 Page 11 Page 27

CSEFEL I/T Module 1: Social Emotional Development within the Context of Relationships

Criteria: SQ.3.4.4


Page 14

CSEFEL I/T Module 2: Responsive Routines, Environments, and Targeted Strategies to Support Social Emotional Development in Infants and Toddlers

Criteria: SQ.3.4.4


Page 14

CSEFEL Preschool Module 1: Building Relationships and Creating Supportive Environments

Criteria: SQ.3.4.4


Page 14


Page 14 Page 18


Page 9

Cool, calm and collected: activities to bring calm to the chaos Core Knowledge Competencies (CKC) and Big Ideas Framework Creating a Positive Foundation for Young Children's Behavior Creating a pro-social classroom: steps for early childhood Creating Culturally Responsive Early Care Environments Creating Special Moments with Infants and Toddlers K2.2 C2(CDA3

CSEFEL Preschool Module 2: Promoting Social Emotional Competence: SocialEmotional Teaching Strategies Criteria: SQ.3.4.4 Developmentally Appropriate Expectations for Handwriting Criteria: SQ.3.4.5 Criteria: SQ.2.1, Developmentally Appropriate Practices and the Early Learning Standards (NW) SQ.3.4.4 43

Course title (as listed in the PD Registry) Developing an anti-bullying policy

Criteria #


Page Page 27


Page 33

Criteria: SQ.3.4.5


Page 18

Digital Media Literacy & Technology Tools for Early Learning: What Educators Need to Know Criteria: SQ.3.4.5


Page 19

Digital Media Literacy: A Deeper Look: NAEYC/Fred Rogers Center Position Statement Digital Media Literacy: A Tech Playdate for the Beginner

Criteria: SQ.3.4.4


Page 27 Page 14

Digital Media Literacy: Digital Tools for Promoting Healthy Social and Emotional Development

Criteria: SQ.3.4.4


Page 14

Digital Media Literacy: Going on an APP Hunt: Selecting and Assessing Developmentally Appropriate Apps

Criteria: SQ.3.4.4


Page 14


Page 27 Page 27


Page 28 Page 5 Page 24

Digital Media Literacy & Technology Tools for Early Learning: Are you ready for the Digital Media Age? Assessing Your Tech Readiness Digital Media Literacy & Technology Tools for Early Learning: Engaging Families in Today’s Media and Technology Landscape

Digital Media Literacy: Got Tech Policies? Re-framing Policies to Reflect the NAEYC/ Fred Rogers Center Position Statement Early Brain Development and the Brain Architecture Game Early Brain Development Research: How it should be influencing our time with young children Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale-Revised (ECERS-R) 202 Criteria: SQ.2.1 Early Childhood Pedogogy Criteria: SQ.3.4.9 Early Intervention (EI) and Intermediate Units (IU): Meeting the Needs of Children with Diverse Abilities ECEPD253 - Northampton CC

Criteria: SQ.3.4.9


Page 24

Early Learning 2.0: Ideas and Resources for Integrating Technology Effective Communication Takes Skill and Heart Effective Curriculum Implementation

Criteria: SQ.3.4.4, SQ.3.4.5 Criteria: SQ.3.4.10 Criteria: SQ.3.4.6


Page 17 Page 10 Page 21


Page 39


Page 25 Page 5 Page 22


Page 17 Page 5 Page 5 Page 10 Page 19 Page 19 Page 34 Page 5 Page 5 Page 35 Page 19 Page 28 Page 37 Page 24

Effective Strategies for Designing Online Courses: Considering Multimedia Design Principles and How People Learn Criteria: SQ.3.4.9, SQ.3.4.10 Criteria: SQ.2.1 Criteria: SQ.3.4.6

Effective Teacher Child Interactions Engaging Families to Support Quality Early Learning Enhancing Lesson Planning Using the Standards Enhancing parent communication: discussing sensitive issues Environment Rating Scale (ERS) 101 - Foundations ERS: School-Age Care Environment Rating Scale Updated (SACERS-U) Every Child Counts: Building Community Everyday interactions matter: Learning about our own practice through videos Everyday Interactions Matter: Noticing the Simple and Ordinary Facebook for Early Learning Professionals Family Child Care Environment Rating Scale- Revised (FCCERS-R) 204 Family Child Care STARS Orientation Family Child Care: Get Started Family Engagement in Behavior Support I Finding your Yes, and Other Behavior Guidance Techniques First Aid: PedFACTS Hybrid First Signs: Early Detection of Autism 44

Criteria: SQ.3.4.4, SQ.3.4.5 Criteria: SQ.2.1 Criteria: SQ.2.1 Criteria: SQ.3.4.10 Criteria: SQ.3.4.5 Criteria: SQ.3.4.5 Criteria: SQ.2.1 Criteria: SQ.2.1 Criteria: SQ.3.4.5

Criteria: SQ.3.4.9

Course title (as listed in the PD Registry) Food Allergies-ECELS Formative Assessment: An introduction to early childhood professionals Friends and Frustrations

Criteria # Criteria: SQ.2.1 Criteria: SQ.2.1 Criteria: SQ.3.4.4


Page Page 5 Page 5 Page 15

Criteria: SQ.2.1 Criteria: SQ.2.1 Criteria: SQ.3.4.5


Page 6 Page 6 Page 19 Page 39 Page 28 Page 6 Page 6 Page 37 Page 6


Page 11 Page 19


Page 17 Page 26 Page 15


Page 11 Page 15 Page 22 Page 28 Page 28 Page 28 Page 37 Page 28 Page 26


Page 28 Page 28

Criteria: SQ.3.4.5 Criteria: SQ.3.4.10 Criteria: SQ.3.4.9


Page 19 Page 10 Page 24

Criteria: SQ.2.1


Page 6 Page 28


Page 28 Page 29


Page 7


Page 6

Infant/Toddler Supervision


Page 38

Instructional Learning Formats: Teacher-Child Interactions for maximized learning Criteria: SQ.2.1


Page 6

Integrating Mathematics Throughout the Day


Page 7

Full STEAM Ahead: Creating project based lessons integrating science, technology, engineering, arts and math Full STEAM Ahead: Enhancing Learning Through STEAM Activities Getting Ready To Read and Write: Supporting Children's Development Giving Supportive Feedback to Colleagues and Staff Giving Your Best: Making Secure Attachments Head Bumps Matter-ECELS Health & Safety Basics: Requirements for Certification-CCDBG Healthy Air + Healthy Spaces = Healthy Children Healthy Habits to Prevent Illness and Injury-CCDBG 6

Criteria: SQ.2.1 Criteria: SQ.2.1 Criteria: SQ.2.1

Healthy Social Emotional Development: Setting the Stage to Enhance the Performance of Positive Behaviors Helping Families be their child's champion High Quality Interactions: How Teachers Can Intentionally Improve Classroom Climate How early learning experiences affect brain development How Infants and Toddlers Communicate

Criteria: SQ.3.4.3, SQ.3.4.4 Criteria: SQ.3.4.5 Criteria: SQ.3.4.4, SQ.3.4.5

How to Promote Literacy While Implementing Best Practices in Health and Safety How to Turn Good Play into GREAT Play Hygiene Practices in the preschool classroom I Am Moving I Am Learning MVPA I Am Moving I Am Learning: Body Language I Am Moving, I Am Learning: Birth to Five Introduction to Motor Development I Am Moving, I Am Learning: Including Infants and Toddlers Series I Am Moving, I Am Learning: Making the Most of Your Music I Am Moving, I Am Learning: Moving with the Brain in Mind I Am Moving, I Am Learning: Observing and Evaluating Motor Skills in Young Children I want! I Want!! I WANT!!! : building good consumers Improving Environments Using Brain Research as a Guide ECEPD124 Northampton CC Improving Transition Times Inclusion: Making All Children's Education a Priority Incredible years teacher and children series: building positive relationships with students Incredible Years teacher and children series: decreasing inappropriate behaviors Incredible Years teacher and children series: Promoting Positive Academic and Social Behaviors Incredible Years teacher and children series: the proactive teacher

Criteria: SQ.3.4.3 Criteria: SQ.3.4.4 Criteria: SQ.3.4.6

Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale- Revised (ITERS-R) 201

Criteria: SQ.2.1 Criteria: SQ. 2.1, SQ.3.4.6

Infant/Toddler Health &Safety-ECELS

Criteria: SQ.3.4.4

Criteria: SQ.2.1 45

Course title (as listed in the PD Registry) Integrating the Early Learning Standards into Your Lesson Plans Intentional Teaching Practices for School Age Programs: Connecting the Dots ECEPD554 – Northampton CC Internet Basics Intro to Accounting Intro to Computers Intruder Response for Child Care Programs

Criteria # Criteria: SQ.2.1


Page Page 7

Criteria: SQ.3.4.6


Page 22 Page 39 Page 39 Page 34 Page 38


Page 10


Page 10 Page 19 Page 40


Page 9


Page 40

Criteria: SQ.3.4.6 Criteria: SQ.3.4.6 Criteria: SQ.3.4.6


Page 40 Page 38 Page 29 Page 26 Page 22 Page 7 Page 24 Page 40 Page 22 Page 7 Page 22 Page 34 Page 23 Page 23 Page 23

Criteria: SQ.3.4.4, SQ.3.4.6


Page 18

Criteria: SQ.3.4.6


Page 23


Page 29


Page 10


Page 29


Page 9

Math for Every Age


Page 29

Math Play Medication administration for staff-five right for safety


Page 29 Page 38

Criteria: SQ.2.1, SQ.3.4.4, SQ.3.4.5 Criteria: SQ.2.1, Isn't That Pinterest(ing?) Curating Quality Resources with the Curriculum in Mind SQ.3.4.6, SQ.3.4.4 It's All About Families Criteria: SQ.3.4.5 It's all about Timing: A Director's Toolbox for Managing Time iPads & Leading with Technology

Jump into the STREAM: An Integrated Arts-Based Approach to STEM Plus Reading ECEPD254 - Northampton CC Criteria: SQ.2.1 Jungle Escape - A team-approached training to increase collaboration & cooperation in problem-solving Junkyard Games - A team-approached innovation training for process improvement Keeping Staff Healthy Keeping Transitions Smooth and Simple Keys to Developing Healthy Brains in Early Childhood Keystone Color Me Healthy Keystone STARS Orientation Part 1 Center/Group Language Development: Observing and Supporting for Ongoing Progress Leading with Technology: What Directors Need To Know Learn, Grow, Eat & Go Linking Standards, Curriculum Framework, and Assessment Links to Learning: Arts Links to Learning: Family Engagement Links to Learning: Foundations Links to Learning: Homework Links to Learning: Math Links to Learning: Social Emotional Learning Links to Learning: STEM Introduction to Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Living in the Real World: Acceptable Toddler Behaviors ECEPD520 - Northampton CC Maintaining STAR 2 and Getting Organized for STARS Learning Communities

Criteria: SQ.3.4.6 Criteria: SQ.2.1 Criteria: SQ.3.4.8 Criteria: SQ.3.4.6 Criteria: SQ.2.1 Criteria: SQ.3.4.6

Criteria: SQ.2.1, SQ.3.4.7

Make Story Time Interactive for Infants and Toddlers Criteria: SQ.2.1, SQ.3.4.4

Making Sense of Number Sense: Teaching Early Numeracy


Course title (as listed in the PD Registry) Mentoring student teachers and new professionals Milestone Tracking with Portfolios and checkbrics Mind in the Making Learning Modules for Educators Moving Toward Best Practice: STARS Orientation Part 2 Center/Group Moving Toward Best Practice: STARS Orientation Part 2-Family Music for the Non-Musical Navigating the CQI Process: Understanding and Planning for Continuous Quality Improvement NWRK Learning Communities: Building Professional Connections to Support Curriculum Practices for Transition NWRK Learning Communities: Building Professional Connections to Support Program Quality NWRK Transition Roundtable: Building Professional Connections to Support Curriculum Practices for Transition Obesity (What Adults Can Do to Reduce Childhood Obesity) - ECELS Observation Can Transform Your Teaching Observation for Early Learning Programs: Connecting What You See with What's Best for Children (ECEPD235) - Northampton CC Observing with a Purpose Opening up to changes in your classroom: tips for learning from colleagues, supervisors and TA Opportunity Based Classroom Oral Language: Foundation for Literacy Organizing Our Space - Some Methods for Our Madness PA Healthy and Green Initiative- Growing Up WILD-3 hours

Criteria #


Page Page 35 Page 7 Page 15 Page 7 Page 7 Page 29

Criteria: SQ.2.1


Page 7

Criteria: SQ.3.4.6


Page 23


Page 34


Page 23 Page 7 Page 34


Page 15 Page 8

Criteria: SQ.2.1


Page 35 Page 15 Page 11 Page 29 Page 8

PA Healthy and Green Initiative: Eco-Healthy Child Care-CCDBG 5 PAEYC - Being Different is a Good Thing! Elements to Effective Educational Differentiation PAEYC - It Takes a Village: Recognizing the Importance of Family-SchoolCommunity Partnerships When Providing High Quality Early Education PAEYC - The Social Learner: Enhancing Young Children's Social and Emotional Strategies to Supporting Learning PAEYC -Assessment in the Early Childhood Classroom (3 part series) PBS Positive Behavior Support: What’s It All About? Does It Work? ECEPD150 Northampton CC PCAN: Building a Healthy Brain PCAN: Building Collaborative Relationships with Families PCAN: Challenging Behaviors in Infants and Toddlers PCAN: Helping Parents and Providers Understand Temperament

Criteria: SQ.2.1


Page 8


Page 29

Criteria: SQ.3.4.5


Page 19

Criteria: SQ.3.4.4 Criteria: SQ.2.1


Page 15 Page 8

Criteria: SQ.3.4.4


Page 16 Page 33 Page 19 Page 33 Page 26

PCAN: Parent-Provider Partnerships in Child Care - Zero To Three curriculum PCAN: Relationship-based and Reflective Organizations PCAN: Social/Emotional Development for Infants, Toddlers, and their Families PCAN: Supporting Staff in their Work with Parents PCAN: Supportive Responses to Troubled Parent-Child Interactions PCAN-Building a Healthy Brain-BKC Pediatric First Aid with CPR PennAEYC: DAP Leadership-Learning to Lead PennAEYC: ECE What's It Really Worth? Determining the True Cost of Care and Paying a Fair Wage

Criteria: SQ.3.4.6


Page 23 Page Page 16 Page 35 Page 20 Page 26 Page 38 Page 36


Page 35


Criteria: SQ.2.1 Criteria: SQ.3.4.4 Criteria: SQ.2.1 Criteria: SQ.2.1

Criteria: SQ.3.4.6 Criteria: SQ.2.1 Criteria: SQ.3.4.4, SQ.3.4.8 Criteria: SQ.2.1

Criteria: SQ.3.4.4 Criteria: SQ.3.4.3

Criteria: SQ.3.4.5

Criteria: SQ.3.4.4 Criteria: SQ.3.4.5

Course title (as listed in the PD Registry) PennAEYC: Understanding "Y": Generational Differences in the Workplace

Criteria #

Criteria: SQ.3.4.4, SQ.3.4.8

PennAEYC: Using your observation to support teaching Personal Accountability: Beginning Your Journey to the Emerald City ECEPD557 - Northampton CC Personal Care Routines: Caring and Clorox the Dynamic Duo Personal Filters ECEPD314 - Northampton CC Play and Children with play problems Positive Behavior Management Positive Behavior Support Basics: Verbal Reinforcement to encourage behavior Positive Guidance for Beginners

Criteria: SQ.3.4.3 Criteria: SQ.3.4.4

Powerful Interactions Roundtable Book Club - Reflection ECEPD247 - Northampton CC Problem Solving with Children

Criteria: SQ.3.4.3

Criteria: SQ.3.4.5, Professional Communication basics: daily interaction with parent and co-workers SQ.3.4.10 Put on Culturally, Linguistically, and Ability Diversity (CLAD) Lenses to Look at Your Learning Environments and Supportive Practices: Explore the New Criteria: SQ.3.4.3 Pyramid Building I Criteria: SQ.3.4.4 Criteria: SQ.2.1, Raising Child Outcomes Through Your Environment SQ.3.4.4 Reading Makes Cents Reflection: Making and taking time to think about professional practice Reframing Discipline – 3 part series Reinforce with Enthusiasm, Redirect with Neutrality Rock Solid Foundations: Building Positive Relationships Rock Solid Foundations: Enhancing Emotional Literacy Criteria: SQ.3.4.4 Rock Solid Foundations: Friendship and Play Skills Criteria: SQ.3.4.5 Rock Solid Foundations: Promoting the Social & Emotional Competence of Young Children Criteria: SQ.3.4.4 Rock Solid Foundations: Responsive Environments and Routines Criteria: SQ.3.4.4 Roles and Responsibilities in the Early Care Classroom Room arrangement as a Teaching Strategy in Early Learning Classrooms Safe administration of medication and special health care plans Safe Medication Administration Safety Review-CCDBG 1 Criteria: SQ.2.1 Safety Practices in Infant/Toddler Classrooms Say this, not that: Effective communication to promote responsible behaviors in children Criteria: SQ.3.4.3 School Connections for SAC School-Age Care: Improv Techniques for Improving Your Program and Your Waistline Science and Inquiry: Building on Natural Inquiry Criteria: SQ.2.1 Science for Young Thinkers Self Active Play: Energizing the Early Childhood Professional Through Hands-On Discovery ECEPD246 - Northampton CC Criteria: SQ.3.4.4 Sharpening your observation skills Criteria: SQ.2.1 Smart Start: Teaching Preschoolers about Money Criteria: SQ.3.4.6 Soaring into Professionalism Social Emotional Development in Young Children Criteria: SQ.3.4.4 48


Page Page 36


Page 16


Page 40 Page 38 Page 11 Page 16 Page 30 Page 30 Page 30


Page 11 Page 30


Page 20


Page 12 Page 16


Page 10 Page 30 Page 36 Page 30 Page 30 Page 30 Page 16 Page 20


Page 16 Page 16 Page 36 Page 30 Page 38 Page 8 Page 38


Page 12 Page 34


Page 30 Page 8 Page 30


Page 16 Page 8 Page 23 Page 36 Page 16

Course title (as listed in the PD Registry) Criteria # Social Studies in Early Childhood: Exploring Families, Communities, and Around the World Special Needs Plans: Why, When, What and How Criteria: SQ.3.4.9 Stating Behavioral Expectations Step Up to Quality Supervision: Session 1 - Supervision - What's Required? Criteria: SQ.2.1 Step Up to Quality Supervision: Session 2 - Supervision - Staff:Child Ratios Criteria: SQ.2.1 Step Up to Quality Supervision: Session 3 - Supervision - Positioning Step Up to Quality Supervision: Session 4 - Supervision - Counting Kids Step Up to Quality Supervision: Session 5 - Supervision - Teamwork Step Up to Quality Supervision: Session 6 - Playground Supervision Step Up to Quality Supervision: Session 7 - Supervision - Moving Children Criteria: SQ.2.1 Step Up to Quality Supervision: Session 8 - Your Center's Supervision Policy Strength-Based Approach to Stress and Crisis Criteria: SQ.3.4.5 Criteria: SQ.3.4.5, Strengthening Families - Concrete Support in Times of Need SQ.3.4.9 Criteria: SQ.3.4.5, Strengthening Families - Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development SQ.3.4.9 Strengthening Families - Moving from Knowledge to Action Criteria: SQ.3.4.5 Criteria: SQ.3.4.5, Strengthening Families - Social Connections SQ.3.4.9 Criteria: SQ.3.4.4, Strengthening Families- Social and Emotional Competence of Children SQ.3.4.5, SQ.3.4.9 Strengthening Families Criteria: SQ.3.4.5 Strengthening Families: Building Collaborative Relationships with Families Criteria: SQ.3.4.5 Criteria: SQ.3.4.5, Strengthening Families-Parental Resilience SQ.3.4.9 Strengthening Fiscal Management Centers Budgets, Projections, & Planning Strengthening Fiscal Management: Centers Financial Reports & Internal Controls Strengthening Fiscal Management: Family Budgets, Projections, & Planning Strengthening Fiscal Management: Family Financial Reports & Internal Controls Strengthening relationships with Children families and colleagues Successful Transitions Supervision Supervision: Count, Count, and Count Again Supporting and responding to the uniqueness of families Criteria: SQ.2.1 Supporting Conversations About Race and Culture in Early Childhood Settings Criteria: SQ.3.4.3 Tackling troublesome transitions Teaching Children Healthy Hygiene Habits Criteria: SQ.3.4.6 Criteria: SQ.2.1, Teaching Health and Safety Lessons to Children SQ.3.4.6 Teaching Online Using Instructional Design Teaching Teams-Working Together Teaching with Smart Cookies I Criteria: SQ.3.4.4 Teaching with Smart Cookies II Criteria: SQ.3.4.4 Technology Tour The ABC's of Behavior Change Criteria: SQ.3.4.9 The Amazing Power of Nursey Rhymes The Arts Plus STEM Equals STEAM: An Integrated Approach (ECEPD146) Northampton CC Criteria: SQ.2.1 49




Page 31 Page 25 Page 31 Page 8 Page 8 Page 38 Page 38 Page 38 Page 38 Page 8 Page 39 Page 20


Page 20


Page 21 Page 20


Page 21


Page 17 Page 20 Page 20


Page 21 Page 40 Page 40 Page 40 Page 40 Page 34 Page 31 Page 39 Page 39 Page 9 Page 12 Page 31 Page 23


Page 10 Page 41 Page 36 Page 17 Page 17 Page 35 Page 25 Page 35


Page 9

Course title (as listed in the PD Registry) The benefits of block play The Elements of curriculum and how they are integrated to support children's learning The Family Unit: A Look at the Growing Diversity of Family Structures The How and Why of Changing Behavior The Importance of Self Reflection for Teachers The Ins and Outs of Good Circle Times (CDA2) The Power of the Wind The Role of the teacher in children's play The View from the Door: Come On In…Everyone’s Welcome ECEPD105 Northampton CC The What and Why of Challenging Behavior The When and Why of Revising Approaches The Who and Why of Recognizing Progress The why and how to use lesson plans in early childhood education. The World of Education through the Eyes of Professionalism Time Management and Self Esteem ECEPD619 - Northampton CC Tools of the Trade: Explore It! (Science) Design It! (Engineering) Use It! (Technology) Tools of the Trade: Hands On! Minds On! Inquiry and Experiential Learning Tools of the Trade: Inspiring Young Minds-The Scientist in All of Us Totally Veggies Transition Magician Workshop Transitions Across Early Learning Programs Transitions in the Daily Routine Trauma Informed Practice for Early Childhood Educators and Practitioners ECEPD317 - Northampton CC Understanding and Responding to Challenging Behaviors in Infants and Toddlers Understanding Parenting Styles Universal Design for Learning Approaches to Support Each Young Learner ECEPD256 - Northampton CC

Criteria #


Page Page 31

Criteria: SQ.3.4.6


Page 23 Page 33 Page 31 Page 36 Page 31 Page 23 Page 17


Page 33 Page 34 Page 25 Page 31 Page 9 Page 36 Page 37


Page 31 Page 31 Page 31 Page 39 Page 32 Page 9 Page 32


Page 33


Page 32 Page 33


Page 12

Using Daily Health Checks to recognize and manage common illness


Page 39

Using informational text to build literacy skills and knowledge


Page 32

Using Non-Fiction Literature in Early Childhood


Page 32


Page 9 Page 41

What Do You Do with the Mad That You Feel? What Does “Time” Mean to Children? Criteria: SQ.3.4.4 What Educators Need to Know: NAEYC/Fred Rogers Center Position Statement on Young Children and Technology Criteria: SQ.3.4.4


Page 32 Page 17


Page 17

What experiences should our children have?


Page 9

Who Me? Creative?


Page 32

Your #1 Priority: Keeping Children Healthy and Safe (CDA1)


Page 39

Using Portfolios to Bring Out the Best in School-Age Children Visionary Director Book Study

Criteria: SQ.3.4.6 Criteria: SQ.3.4.4

Criteria: SQ.3.4.9 Criteria: SQ.2.1

Criteria: SQ.2.1

Criteria: SQ.3.4.3, SQ.3.4.9

Criteria: SQ.2.1

Criteria: SQ.2.1


Community-Based Professional Development Request Form Facility Name(s): Street Address: Contact Person: Email Address: Phone Number: STAR Level(s):



 STAR 3

County: Title or Content of Professional Development Request (One Course Per Form)

Criteria# (ie. SQ 3.4.4) or CKC (Needs-Based)

Number of Staff Needing This Course (Minimum of 15 Required):

PD Hours Requested: Event Preference:

 Daytime  Weekday

Times: Name of Site Willing to Host: Address of Site Willing to Host: Contact Person:

 Evening  Weekend (Days)


Professional Development Course Submission Form

Organization/Instructor: Street Address: Email Address: Phone Number:

Course Name:

Course Description:

Criteria# (ie. SQ 3.4.4) or CKC (Needs-Based)

Course Hours: Teaching Modality:

 Face to Face

 Online

 Both

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