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A message from our Board of Governors
This year has brought a feeling of excitement to Northwood. There is more activity, more community contact, and an easing of restrictions around visitations. Volunteer board members have missed being able to interact with residents, staff and other volunteers. We are looking forward to more opportunities to experience first hand our vibrant organization. Please take the time to read the many success stories in this report. We think you will be amazed at how many different programs and services are offered by Northwood.
We are pleased to report that relationships with external agencies and the government are very positive. Northwood is seen as a leader in community care thanks to the organization’s innovative approach and investment in research. We are a values based organization and we use those values to help in decision making at board meetings. The board looks at safety and quality issues and this guide’s resource allocation keeping focused on the needs of the clients, residents and families. We are also grateful for the community support and the work of the Northwood Foundation who raise awareness and funds to provide some of the “extras” that allow residents to live with dignity.
We are preparing for an Accreditation Canada survey later this year. This process plus our annual licencing inspections are very rigorous but provide important feedback on how we are doing as an organization. One of our values is “We can always do Better” and the board listens carefully to any suggestions on quality improvements. The board also monitors progress against strategic plans monthly and insures the organization is financially stable.
Northwood was founded over 60 years ago because of the need for societal change for those that need continuing care and supportive housing. Today the board continues to support and advocate for improved investments in community care. We are thankful for the many citizens and community groups who believe in and help further the Northwood vision.
On behalf of the board I want to thank the leaders at Northwood, the medical and clinical teams as well as the support staff who insure the best care for residents and clients. Northwood is indeed a community of caring and compassionate people.
With great appreciation, Barbara Hall,
Board Chair
Progress toward our established goals in the final year of our Strategy to Action Plan 2014 - 2023
As we look to our future, our 61st year of serving Nova Scotians, we continue to make progress toward our vision and mission. This report outlines the progress that the team has made to help Nova Scotians LIVE MORE. This report is intended to provide you with an overview of our progress over the past year toward our strategic priorities. Our Board of Governors have set this direction based on the needs of our tenants, clients, residents, families our community and our team, factoring our successes as well as our current challenges and future trends in delivering high quality services. These strategic priorities will continue to guide us in our journey over the next few years.
We sincerely thank our Board of Governors for their stewardship of the organization. These volunteers have supported the organization through challenging times, remaining dedicated to our mission, vision and values and continuing to be forward looking.
The Northwood Foundation continues to provide support to assist us in supporting individuals to LIVE MORE. We thank them for their dedication and support.
I continue to be so amazed at the resiliency of our tenants, clients, residents and their families, our team and our community. I would like to personally thank our team, our families and our community for your commitment and assistance to our values and assisting us in living our values. The Northwood family, with the tremendous support of our community and the entire health system, continues to respond to challenges we face and embracing new opportunities to further our mission and vision.
Our future is bright with new programs and services on our horizon. We are in the process of planning for new longterm care beds, expanding our campus model to other communities. While the communities and people we serve have evolved over the last 61 years, our commitment to continuously strive to do better and positively impact the communities and people we serve – our Power of Lovehas not.
Janet Simm President and CEO