148 Main Street Yarmouth, ME 04096 207.846.2376 NYA.org | admission@nya.org
Diplomas with Distinction
Who you are now is just as important as who you will become’’
North Yarmouth Academy offers five diplomas with distinction in the Upper School for students with exceptional achievement and specialized interests. The course of study is tailored to fit diverse student experiences, motivations, and goals. Students take ownership of both their program and their learning. Independent studies, seminars, and capstone projects are common components of this program. Students who successfully earn a NYA Diploma with Distinction receive this distinction along with their NYA diploma and recognition on their official transcript.
STEM science.
technology. engineering. mathematics.
The Distinction in STEM allows students to become highly proficient in STEM-related coursework and complete a capstone project addressing a real-world problem. Participants cultivate a depth of aptitude in STEM, pursue STEM-related interests, learn how all STEM disciplines are mutually functional, encourage an appreciation for the importance of STEM in the community, and lay the foundation for STEM-related college studies. Students participate in an ongoing STEM activity outside of the classroom and address a real-world problem utilizing design-thinking and inquiry, case studies, research, and collaboration with other organizations, students, or community members as part of a capstone project.
Complete a capstone project addressing a real-world problem’’ NYA | Science. Technology. Engineering. Mathematics.
Engage in significant experiential learning in a community other than their own’’
NYA | Global Citizenship
global citizenship The Distinction in Global Citizenship allows students to become highly proficient in a second language, demonstrate cultural competency, and engage in significant experiential learning in a community other than their own. Experiences associated with this distinction are designed to cultivate empathy, encourage perspective taking, and provide an understanding of oneself within a wider community. As part of this distinction, students compare and contrast multiple communities’ geographic, historical, artistic, social, or political features.
8 NYA | Music Performance, Entrepreneurship, and Community
music performance.
entrepreneurship. community.
The Distinction in Music: Performance, Entrepreneurship, and Community allows students to develop high levels of musicianship and engage in a significant experiential endeavor connecting music and the community. Students will cultivate a depth of musical aptitude, develop the ability to promote themselves and other musicians, encourage an appreciation for the importance of community and service, and lay the groundwork for lifelong involvement in music. Students create a personal media platform, including a webpage and press kit, and plan and participate in public performances.
Cultivate a depth of musical aptitude and develop the ability to promote themselves’’
Engage in a significant experiential endeavor and share those skills with others’’
NYA | Outdoor & Environmental Leadership 11
outdoor & environmental
The Distinction in Outdoor and Environmental Leadership allows students to become highly proficient in outdoor leadership skills and environmental practices, engage in a significant experiential endeavor, and share those skills and experiences with others. Students cultivate advanced level skills in outdoor adventure settings, integrate outdoor experiences into academics, learn to understand themselves within the natural world, and lay the groundwork for lifelong involvement in outdoor adventure and environmental stewardship. Students may choose to pursue either an outdoor leadership or an environmental leadership track.
social advocacy The Distinction in Social Advocacy allows students to pursue a course of multidisciplinary studies aimed to foster leadership and creative problem-solving while encouraging ethical development. Students will learn to identify and address multileveled social problems while developing skills to be a catalyst for change. As part of this distinction, students are immersed in the history and application of social advocacy, leadership, and character-building, and work to identify and address current, real-world social problems. Students participate in NYA’s Civil Dialogue Group as facilitators and conduct an experiential endeavor working to affect social change in the community.
Foster leadership and creative problem solving while encouraging ethical development’’ NYA | Social Advocacy 13
our mission North Yarmouth Academy is an independent, college preparatory, coeducational school. The Academy offers a structured program that establishes clear standards and high expectations in an environment that emphasizes values of mutual respect, trust, and community. North Yarmouth Academy is dedicated to fostering integrity, character, and intellect in its students.
Visit NYA.org/distinction