Chronicle Magazine 2023-2024

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A Decade of the Lower Schoo


Inside this Issue

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A Decade of the Lower School

Panther All-American The NYA Mission Statement

Students from Ukraine

North Yarmouth Academy is an independent, college preparatory, coeducational school. The Academy offers a structured program that establishes clear standards and high expectations in an environment that emphasizes values of mutual respect, trust, and community. North Yarmouth Academy is dedicated to fostering integrity, character, and intellect in its students. The North Yarmouth Academy program encourages students to develop: Problem-solving skills based on sound analytical and creative thought; Sophistication in writing, speaking, and artistic expression;


Appreciation for the importance of athletic activity, teamwork, and cooperation; :LSM JVUÄKLUJL HUK ZLSM YLZWLJ[ [OYV\NO H IYLHK[O of experiences that extend beyond the classroom; Concern for the larger community and an appreciation for the natural environment; Desire to continue the process of lifelong learning.



Kristi Belesca

Nathan Barmby ‘24

Caleb King, ‘24

Drive Brand Studio

Gretchen Bergill

Marissa Markonish P’19, P’23


NYA College Counselor

Head of Lower and Middle Schools

Dependable Layout & Design

Ellen Gagne P’19

Jennifer Richard P’29, P’31, P’33


Fourth Grade Teacher

Director of Development


Cindy Hould (LCSW) P’33, P’35

Sarah Ross

NYA Staff

NYA School Counselor

Development Database Administrator

Brian Beard Photo

Benjamin Jackson P’21, P’22, P’26

Connor Wolverton ‘24

Director of Marketing and Communications

Michael Krakowka Assistant Director of Marketing and Communications

Head of School

Letter from the Head of School BEN JACKSON, P’21, P’22, P’26 Dear Friends, The auspicious start to the 2023-2024 school year was interrupted by the tragic mass shooting in Lewiston. This shooting tested and challenged us all, directly impacting some in our community. It will take NYA and the greater Lewiston community a long time to recover, but the healing process has begun. I hope you join me in taking great comfort in how our community supported one another through this crisis. Our students provided particularly strong leadership. We will never forget this tragedy, but in the short term, the return to campus routines was important and healthy for everyone. As an institution, we continue to focus on the present while planning for the future. The trustees, faculty, staff, and administration are pursuing strategic goals that will continue to enhance the student experience. ;OL `LHY ILNHU ^P[O ZPNUPÄJHU[ TVTLU[\T VU ZL]LYHS RL` Z[YH[LNPJ priorities. We opened with nearly 400 students, an all-time high. Our Lower School is ten years old, and we just completed phase one of our two-phased Lower School expansion by adding new third and fourth grade classrooms. This opened space for additional toddler and primary classes. This fall, we VMÄJPHSS` YLVWLULK 5@(»Z ;YH]PZ 9V` (YLUH HUK -P[ULZZ >LSSULZZ *LU[LY This reimagined facility features enhancements for the player and spectator experience in the arena, locker rooms for NYA teams, a training room, a permanent home for the Edgar F. White ‘38 Athletic Hall of Fame, event ZWHJL H Z[H[L VM [OL HY[ Ä[ULZZ MHJPSP[` HUK H ^LSSULZZ YVVT 6\Y ZPNO[Z HYL now set on identifying support for a new performing arts facility to house

our incredible drama and music programs and create an additional space for the NYA community to gather. We continue to focus on several key program initiatives. ;OLZL PUJS\KL UL^ Ä[ULZZ HUK wellness programs, character and service initiatives, digital arts electives, and Diplomas with Distinction in the arts and creative writing. We will continue to invest and further develop our program at all levels to ensure we remain current and provide an exceptional education for our students. Our strategic plan is all about our students, families, faculty, and staff. The great momentum at the Academy would not be possible without every member of our supportive community. Thanks to each of you for making an impact on NYA and our students. Sincerely,

Board of Trustees 2023–2024 OFFICERS


Linda Manchester President P’15, P’20

Nick Alberding P’18, P’21

Drew Oestreicher ’89

Frederique Daniel P’26, P’28, P’30, P’32

Lori Poulin P’22

James Cabot James Garrett ’98 Vice President ‘98, P’30, P‘32, P‘36 Bob Hilscher P’16, P’18, P’20 Sarah Kirby Nathan Isaacson ’06 Vice President P’28, P‘30 Christopher Lorenz P’28, P’30 Jason Currier Jessica Lynch P’29, P’31 Treasurer ‘95 Steve Malcom P’15, P’17 Barbara Marr Linc Merrill ’75, P’04, P’06, Secretary P’17 GP’34


Peter Robbins P’22, P’25

We said farewell to two long-time trustees ^OV ZLY]LK HZ VMÄJLYZ K\YPUN [OLPY [LU\YL! Diana Garcia P’07, P’14 (Treasurer) and Rick Abbondanza P’04 (President, Vice President). Thank you, both, for your longtime service to NYA as a trustee and friend.

Catriona Sangster P’16

Joining the board this year are:

Sig Schutz P’23, P’24

Christie Rana P’26, P’28 Christie graduated from Greenwich Academy, earned a BA in Economics from Colby College, and a Master’s in Education from Manhattanville College. Her son, Harrison, is NYA Class of 2028. She lives in Falmouth with her husband Adam, Harrison, and two other children, William and Charlotte, and is involved in many facets of her community.

Christie Rana P’26, P’28 Hannah Renyi P’29, P’32

Meghan McGoldrick ’01 Stornelli Betsy Tod P’20, P’25 Caty von Brecht ‘05 Werner

Benjamin Jackson Head of School P’21, P’22, P’26 HONORARY MEMBERS Mary Anderson Stephen Anderson Mark Fasold P’96, P’99, P’03 Christopher Flower P’94

Margot Milliken P’03 Chris Pierce P’01, P’05 Michael Savage P’88, P’90 Priscilla Savage P’88, P’90 Curtis Scribner P’88

Meghan McGoldrick ’01 Stornelli Meghan is a physical therapist at Dynamic Physical Therapy and Sports Conditioning in Topsham, ME. She has a BS in Biology from Simmons College and a DPT from Boston University. She and her husband, Brian, NYA Class of ’01, live in Pownal. Head of School Letter


A DECADE OF THE By Marissa Markonish P’19, P’23, Head of Lower and Middle Schools


The idea of opening a Lower It is hard to believe School at NYA had been that our Lower School mentioned at various times over the years, but it was not until our hit its tenth-year families began to ask about the milestone this year! possibility with greater frequency

/H]PUN ÄSSLK [OL ZJOVVS PU `LHY one, we were quickly presented with a new challenge. Would ^L VUS` IL HISL [V LUYVSS Ä]L students in year two, or should we take another big leap and expand our programs and our physical space? With a strong belief in the vision for the Lower School, NYA’s trustees and administration 2014 made the decision to move ahead with an expansion project, nearly doubling our square footage and adding an additional Primary classroom, ,SLTLU[HY` JSHZZYVVT HUK V\Y ÄYZ[ ;VKKSLY JSHZZYVVT >P[O [OPZ NYV^[O Leslie Durgin assumed the role of Associate Director of Lower School and Admission and has been a tremendous support to Lower School students, families, and staff ever since.

that the concept really started to take root. They were looking for the same NYA experience for their younger JOPSKYLU >P[O [OL Z\JJLZZM\S HKKP[PVU VM V\Y ÄM[O NYHKL PU ^L ILNHU [V ponder building the division slowly over a span of years, adding one grade at a time. However, early in the winter of 2013, we were approached by the owner of Meadowbrook Montessori in Freeport about the possibility of moving their school onto our campus. The Montessori philosophy, with its focus on student-centered and hands-on learning and freedom within a structured environment, dovetailed so nicely with the values that are a part of an NYA education at any age that it seemed H UH[\YHS Ä[ *VU]LYZH[PVUZ X\PJRS` transitioned from leasing a space on our campus to integrating the program into a new Lower School KP]PZPVU H[ 5@( >L PKLU[PÄLK H 2021 space on campus, an old colonial house that was serving as a rental property, and began putting plans into motion. I was fortunate to be a part of the process from the very beginning and took on the role of Head of Lower School in addition to the Middle School to help ensure a cohesive program aligned with our mission. ;OVZL ÄYZ[ TVU[OZ ÅL^ I` HZ ^L TV]LK MYVT [OL [OLVYL[PJHS WOHZL [V [Y`PUN [V ÄSS H IYHUK UL^ ZJOVVS 0[ ^HZ UV[ HS^H`Z LHZ` HZ [OLYL ^HZ UV I\PSKPUN to show (I remember one prospective family asking to just get a peek at the space and telling them that a family was still living there!), but families believed in our mission and were ready to enroll. After a whirlwind summer of construction, we opened in September of 2013 with 52 students in our Pre-Primary, Primary, 1-2, and 3-4 classrooms, growing to our cap of 55 students before the end of the school year. It was such a delight to celebrate the successful opening of our newest division in the same year that we celebrated NYA’s bicentennial! 2


With each passing year, our Lower School has continued to grow. We created a stand-alone, full-day kindergarten program and grew to separate classes for grades one through four. In 2018, we added a second Toddler classroom and opened the Toddler House on campus. This past summer, ^L ILNHU [OL ÄYZ[ Z[HNL VM V\Y ÄUHS L_WHUZPVU WYVQLJ[ MVY [OL 3V^LY :JOVVS adding an additional Toddler and Primary classroom. Our third and fourth grades moved to their temporary home in the new classrooms overlooking Lewis Field. Over the next few years, we are looking toward another addition to the Merrill Lower School building. 2014










Seeing the growth and success of the Lower School and watching it become an integral part of our NYA community has been an incredible experience. Our youngest students are so fortunate to experience an authentic and experiential approach to learning in a warm and nurturing environment. Our team of talented educators fosters their curiosity and love of learning ^OPSL I\PSKPUN [OLPY JVUÄKLUJL HUK PUKLWLUKLUJL >L OH]L UV^ ZLLU [^V classes from the Lower School, our “ultra-lifers,” graduate from NYA, and look forward to many more graduates to come! Celebrating Lower School


Lower School Storyline

approached by Meadowbrook Montessori Winter 2013 NYA to move onto campus. Many NYA families inquiring about a Lower School option for their younger children. Decision made to add a Lower School division instead of leasing space.

Spring & Summer 2013

:WHJL PKLU[PÄLK WSHUZ HWWYV]LK and construction begins to renovate the rental property owned by NYA into the new NYA Lower School.

September 2013 New school opens with 52 students in pre-primary to grade 4. September 20, 2013 Ribbon Cutting.


Expansion project begins, nearly doubling the square footage and adding an additional primary and elementary classroom as well as 5@(»Z ÄYZ[ [VKKSLY JSHZZYVVT Continued growth each year. Created a stand-alone, full-day kindergarten program and grew to separate the classes for grades 1-4.

2018 The Toddler House opens, adding a second toddler classroom. September 18, 2018 The Merrill Lower School Building is dedicated to the Merrill family.

Summer 2023

;OL ÄYZ[ VM [^V WOHZLZ VM HU L_WHUZPVU project takes place. The third and fourth grades move to temporary new classrooms UL_[ [V [OL [\YM ÄLSK VWLUPUN \W HKKP[PVUHS toddler and primary classrooms.

Phase two of the expansion: over the next few years, NYA is looking toward another addition to the Merrill Lower School building, adding square footage and renovating existing spaces for additional classrooms, dedicated areas for specials, and teacher workspace.

Looking ahead

Julia Gagnon ‘20 Still singing and more! Julia Gagnon ‘20 has been busy since she graduated from NYA. She earned a degree in history early from Skidmore College and is currently in a pre-law program at USM, and she plans to attend law school. She lives and works in Freeport. She stopped by campus recently and caught a volleyball game (she played volleyball at NYA) where she sang the National Anthem with no preparation and seemingly no effort. The gym fell silent. 1\SPH JHTL [V 5@( HZ H ÄM[O NYHKLY HUK ^HZ ¸T\ZPJHSS` X\PL[¹ H[ ÄYZ[ said Nora Krainis, Julia’s chorus and theater director. “She refused to ZPUN \U[PS [OL LUK VM ÄM[O NYHKL ¹ YLTLTILYZ 5VYH :OHUUVU .HSSHNOLY 1\SPH»Z ÄM[O NYHKL [LHJOLY YLJHSSZ [OH[ ZOL ZOHYLK OLY PUJYLKPISL ]VPJL PU LHYULZ[ MVY [OL ÄYZ[ [PTL K\YPUN H talent show on the class schooner trip that spring. “It really was quite an amazing revelation when we heard her sing on the boat,” remembers Shannon. She was involved in music and drama the rest of her time at NYA. “In seventh grade, Julia and senior DJ Nicholas sang a surprise duet at Awards Day because DJ didn’t want to leave NYA without the opportunity to sing with her,” recalls Nora. “Julia has a supernatural gift when it comes to interpreting a song. She gets it. She gets everything about it. And she puts all that into her delivery and stuns her audiences. Which in turn makes Julia a gift to us.”

Julia has many memories from NYA, but one of her favorites is not music related. It was “when my high school friends, Faith, Alex, Serena, [and I] ^VU V\Y ÄYZ[ YLSH` YHJL VU [OL [YHJR team. We had all the odds against us, and none of us had run a relay before, but we pulled it off somehow!” Julia keeps in touch with most of her NYA teachers. “Whether it’s through social media or in person, I try my best to keep in touch because I owe so many of them gratitude for my self-improvement at NYA, musically, and otherwise!” This August, Julia participated in Central Maine Idol, a contest like American Idol. She won the title and the $10,000 prize! So, what’s next besides law school? She really can’t say. Legally, she can’t say. Hmm…

Alumnae Spotlight After Briana O’Hare Laurence ’99 graduated from NYA, she headed to Hamilton to play ice hockey and earn a B.A. in International Relations with a minor in Economics. She later earned an M.B.A. in Finance from New York University’s Stern School of Business. She ultimately landed in London where she is an Executive Director for Nomura, overseeing YLSH[PVUZOPW THUHNLTLU[ MVY ÄUHUJPHS PUZ[P[\[PVUZ PU PU]LZ[TLU[ banking and global markets. A dual US and UK citizen, she lives with her husband and two children. As a member of the NYA Alumni Association Leadership Council, Briana helps to create connections between the Academy and alumni. In February 2023, she was able to make a very meaningful connection between NYA and her children’s school in London, The Rowans. In doing so, Briana hoped “this would be an enriching experience for the students at both The Rowans School and NYA.”

+\YPUN H JLSLIYH[PVU VM 0U[LYUH[PVUHS >LLR JOPSKYLU PU ÄYZ[ HUK ZLJVUK grades from The Rowans and NYA had the opportunity to learn about different countries and build awareness of different cultures and traditions around the world as the classes met via Zoom. They chatted about school, sports, family, chores, pets, and daily life. The two classes also exchanged mailed letters with their new friends across the pond! “The most critical thing I learned at NYA was how to think. My teachers encouraged class participation, the open exchange of ideas, and taught us how to listen to and appreciate different perspectives, as well as articulate our own. This has been an important skill for me professionally,” remarked Briana.

Briana O’Hare Laurence ’99 Alumnae Spotlight


The Arts

The Little Mermaid NYA Drama took to the waves in their presentation of Disney’s The Little Mermaid. Sidney )V\THU » WSH`LK [OL Z[HYYPUN YVSL HZ (YPLS ^OV [YHKLZ OLY ]VPJL HUK ÄUZ MVY SLNZ [V [OL Evil Sea Witch, Ursula, (Cocoe Haedrich ’26) to be with her true love, Prince Eric (Apollo Birney ’27). Sidekicks, Sebastian, played by Gabriella Filler ’27, and James Vaillancourt ’28 as Flounder, help the heroine along her journey. Thank you to the rest of the cast and crew for making this show a sparkling success!

All-State Musicians NYA had a trio of All-State Musicians. Cass MacCarthy ’24 for bass and Genevieve Vaillancourt ’25 for viola joined the Orchestra. Hadley Smith ’26 was selected to the alto section of the Treble Chorus.

Annie Kids! The sun came out on the Lower School drama rendition of Annie KIDS!. Georgie Sheldon ’31 played the title role with Hudson Warde ’32 as her faithful dog, Sandy.

Children of the Sea NYA Drama Director and Music Teacher Liz Rollins wrote HUK KPYLJ[LK [OL ÄM[O NYHKL KYHTH Children of the Sea. This PZ H [HSL VM H ÄZOLYTHU»Z ZVU 4PYLU 4H_^LSS ;HSTHKNL ^OV ZH]LZ H ZLSRPL VY ZLHS WLYZVU -PH -PH :OLMÅLY MYVT his father’s (Emmett Myer) tangled nets and soon learns the secrets of his mysterious new friend.


Acorn Productions Workshop Laura Morris from Acorn Productions led a Middle School acting workshop. The troop focused on improvisation and monologue techniques using the theme, “empathy.”

Daniel Scruggs

Peace Culture Music Daniel Scruggs visited the Lower School last spring, where he presented beautiful instruments from around the world. Each instrument came with a story—where it was made and who inspired Daniel to add it to his collection. A natural storyteller, the children were drawn to Daniel’s juggling, puppetry, and amazing photographs of people he met during his travels. Daniel wove music and story together with the intention of incorporating mindfulness for the children, inspiring them to spread kindness and peace with friends, family, and their school.

Nicole Rabata Irish Flutist

Flutist Nicole Rabata introduced the Lower School students to ]HYPV\Z 0YPZO Å\[LZ HUK ^OPZ[SLZ HZ WHY[ VM [OLPY Z[\K` VM 0YLSHUK Nicole performs internationally and teaches at Colby College and UMaine Augusta.

Dr. Robert Lehmann

Director of Orchestral Studies at the University of Southern Maine

Marcus Santos

Brazilian Percussionist Brazilian Percussionist Marcus Santos returned to campus to teach a workshop to all divisions. Marcus spent much of his time with Middle and Upper School students, preparing them for a vibrant and lively performance.

Dr. Lehmann visited NYA last spring to work with the string players in all divisions. He conducted the Upper and Middle School Orchestras, helping them to prepare for their upcoming performances, and performed for the third and fourth grade violinists. Many of these guest appearances were made possible by grants from the NYA Parents’ Association. The Arts



Seventh Diploma with Distinction Added to the Program With the addition of creative writing, NYA now has seven Diploma with Distinction options for Upper School students. Those pursuing this distinction will study the art and process of creative writing and will assemble a substantial portfolio of original work. Hallmarks of the course have students explore the connection between writer and audience. They will publish some of their writing in print or online and present their work to the public in both formal and informal settings. Throughout the process, students will be encouraged to seek writing advice from a professional writer in their chosen focus area and consult regularly with a creative writing faculty advisor.

The Creative Writing Distinction joins NYA’s ZP_ V[OLY VɈLYPUNZ! • • • • • •

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math) Global Citizenship Music: Performance, Entrepreneurship, & Community Visual Arts Social Advocacy Outdoor & Environmental Leadership

Students Currently Pursuing Diplomas with Distinction Creative Writing STEM Social Advocacy Outdoor & Environmental Leadership Global Citizenship Music: Performance, Entrepreneurship, & Community Visual Art

5 7 1 5 2 1 1

The Triple Bottom Line

Partnered Organizations in the 2022 – 2023 School Year ENVIRONMENTAL Wild Seed Project Wolfe’s Neck Farm Maine Conservation Voters Enroads Climate Models


Much like Diplomas with Distinction, NYA’s Systems Thinking Independent Study Program offers students real world experience. In this format, students work with three organizations, one at a time, highlighting environmental, social, and economic health: the triple bottom line. Systems thinking aims to help people view issues from a IYVHK WLYZWLJ[P]L YH[OLY [OHU I` ZLLPUN VUS` ZWLJPÄJ L]LU[Z VWLYH[PUN alone and unto themselves. This program shows how we must weigh priorities and make points of mutual reinforcement. Four seniors and one junior are participating in the program’s third year, facilitated by Upper School science teacher, Bryce Hach. Olivia Hamilton ’25 is currently working with Maine Environmental Changemakers Network, a branch of the Maine Environmental Education Association (MEEA). “The Changemakers Network is passionate about promoting both environmental education and action, particularly with youth and with diverse communities as they believe in the importance of representation. I chose to work with the Changemakers Network because of their commitment to building leadership and accountability in young people to achieve a larger goal in their communities,” she explained.

Ronald McDonald House United Way of Southern Maine Catholic Charities of Portland Northern New England Goodwill

Sasha Schutz ’24 is at Maine Audubon. “I chose to work with the Audubon because I have been going there since I was a kid and did many of their summer camps growing up, so I wanted to give back to an organization that has given me such good memories.”


Gabi Muehle ’24 is working with Wolfe’s Neck Center for Agriculture and the Environment. Caleb King ’24 is working with the Maine *VUZLY]H[PVU =V[LYZ HUK ,[OHU :TP[O º PZ ILJVTPUN JLY[PÄLK ^P[O Enroads climate models. They meet as a group once a week to talk about what they’ve learned.

Greater Portland Regional Chamber of Commerce Maine State Chamber of Commerce Greater Portland Board of Realtors Maine Development Foundation



Soccer standout Angel Huntsman from Harpswell was named an All-American soccer player for the 2022 season. This is one of the highest athletic awards in the country and is an incredible accomplishment for any student-athlete, especially from a school of NYA’s size. Angel was also selected as the 2022 Peter Brawn Memorial Award winner. This award is a recognition by the Western Maine Board of Approved Soccer 6MÄJPHSZ MVY V\[Z[HUKPUN SLHKLYZOPW HIPSP[` HUK ZWVY[PUN ILOH]PVY VU [OL ZVJJLY ÄLSK NYA Athletic Director, Kelsy Ross says, “Angel is one of the most gifted athletes in our school’s history, and certainly within the state of Maine. Her list of soccer accolades should remind us that, YLNHYKSLZZ VM ZJOVVS JSHZZPÄJH[PVU WO`ZPJHS ZPaL VY access to playing club sports, you can work hard and be successful. We are incredibly proud of the recognitions she received this past fall.” Coach Ricky Doyon explains, “Angel is a remarkable athlete and person. She can play collegiate soccer almost anywhere she wants. Being named AllAmerican (just one of three players in Maine) demonstrates how talented she is. I am proud to say that I was her soccer coach for four years. Remember her name; there is more success coming her way.” 10 0

Angel’s list of local and regional accolades include: •

Tri-captain of the undefeated Class D Girls Soccer State Champions

NYA Girls Soccer Team Most Valuable Player

Western Maine Conference First Team Class C/D Girls

Varsity Maine Girls Soccer All-State Team

Maine Soccer Coaches, Southern Maine Class D Regional Senior All Star

Maine Soccer Coaches, All Southern Team

Maine Soccer Coaches Class D Girls Player of the Year

Forecaster, NYA Fall Female Athlete of the Year

United Soccer Coaches All New England Team

United Soccer Coaches All American

2022 Peter Brawn Memorial Award winner

Maine State Gatorade Player of the Year nominee

She will play basketball at Bates College in 2023.

Panther Athletics Championship Roundup The 2022-2023 athletics season started where the Panthers left off. Boys and girls soccer dynasties continued with two gold balls coming home in November. Brayden Kloza ’26 (Freeport) crossed Route 1 to help the Yarmouth Clippers ers 4HU -VV[IHSS ;LHT ^PU H Z[H[L [P[SL 5@( :VM[IHSS ^VU [OL ZJOVVS»Z ÄYZ[ *SHZZ + »Z ÄYZ[ *SHZZ + State Championship. The team was led by Coach Ricky Doyon, who also coached the girls soccer team to their fourth straight title in the fall. NYA YA is pleased plea to have Coach Doyon as a member of our full-time staff as our ur Assist Assistant Director ector of Facilities: Campus Safety, Compliance, and Transportation. tation. Rick R has worked in law enforcement for 33 years, retiring as a lieutenant, ant, and has 22 years as a supervisor. He has a master’s degree in criminal justice ustice administration.

Maddy Prokopius ’24 st started offf the 202 2023-2024 year by becoming NYA’s second Class Panther athletic ye oming N season, she was the C State Girls Golf Champion. n. Last sea state runner-up.

Winter 2022-2023 W 2022•

Girls Basketball Class C South Region Runners-Up Basketball - Conference Co

Fall 2022 •

Girls Soccer - Class D State Champions

Boys Soccer - Class D State Champions

Football (Co-Op with Yarmouth) - Large School 8-Man State Champions

Golf - Maddy Prokopius ’24 (Falmouth) - Class C State Runner-Up

Spring 2022 •

Softball - Class D State Champions

Boys Lacrosse - Class C State Championship Runners-Up

Girls Lacrosse - Class C State Championship Runners-Up

Outdoor Track and Field, Girls - Western Maine Conference Division II Champions and Class C State Championship Runners-Up

Fall 2023 •

Golf - Maddy Prokopius ’24 Class C State Girls Champion



Grand Reopening of Travis Roy Arena and Fitness & Wellness Center

Hebert Construction Gives Back to NYA 12

Tim Hebert P’25 & P’27, owner of Hebert Construction and lead contractor on NYA’s Travis Roy Arena and Fitness & Wellness Center project, made good on his pledge to donate back for each hour a student worked. He presented the Academy with a check for $35,950. Sixteen students worked 719 hours.

Both Marat and Kseniia, 15, come from very different backgrounds. Kseniia is from Sumy in eastern Ukraine, 25 miles from the Russian border. Her father was in the agricultural industry but now works for the Red Cross, and her mother was home with her younger sister but now works in a shop selling military clothing to soldiers. Marat is from Kyiv, six hours by car from Kseniia. His parents are attorneys, and he has a 29-year-old brother who is also an attorney. Marat’s father is currently not working as an attorney; he joined the military so his brother would not have to.

1<$·V 6WXGHQWV IURP 8NUDLQH .VHQLLD 6SDQRYVND 0DUDW 1D]DUFKXN By Kristi Belesca, Director of Marketing & Communications When I sat down to talk with Marat and Kseniia, NYA’s students from Ukraine, I expected a couple of quiet teenagers, who, due to the language barrier, wouldn’t have much to say. Surprisingly, they were quite talkative, especially when we discussed politics, war, the future, and dinner with Senator Angus King. They got along like siblings, teasing each other about their differences and rolling their eyes at one another. Key to their NYA story is Eliot Grady, NYA’s Modern & Classical Languages Chair and Upper School French teacher who lived abroad for over 20 years, including two in Ukraine where she taught at the Pechersk School International. In the summer of 2022, a Ukrainian friend asked if she knew of a school that would accept a Ukrainian student, and NYA gladly LUYVSSLK 4HYH[ 5HaHYJO\R 4HYH[ THKL NYLH[ HJHKLTPJ Z[YPKLZ PU OPZ ÄYZ[ year. This fall, Kseniia Spanovska joined them. She was referred to Eliot from the same friend.

5@( ^HZ JOHSSLUNPUN H[ ÄYZ[ K\L [V [OL SHUN\HNL IHYYPLY HUK J\S[\YHS differences. They agree it is much better now. In Ukraine, they have eight classes a day, and teachers are not available for discussion or questions. They were both surprised at the approachability of the NYA faculty. “In America, school is sports, community, and [classes]. In Ukraine, you just study and go home,” explained Kseniia. Marat said that at NYA, if he doesn’t understand a concept, he can speak with the teacher after class and easily catch up. Kseniia is an award-winning ballroom dancer. She ran cross country at NYA this fall, and she really enjoyed it—especially the people she ran with. She plans to pursue track in the coming seasons (though she jokes about trying ice hockey). Marat is an alpine skier and tennis player who managed the volleyball team this fall and will play keyboard in studio band and tennis later this year. Both noted that people in the United States smile and make eye contact, which doesn’t happen in Ukraine. “People here are much more polite and friendly. When I came to NYA, people wanted to know about me and talk to me. I was afraid, but now it’s good. I have friends,” explained Kseniia. They both miss their friends at home and Ukrainian food, which can take a long time to prepare (unlike American food, they say). They discussed the war and how it impacted their lives and those of their family members. Kseniia’s town was partially occupied for a period of time at the beginning of the war, during which they lived in her basement. “My father tried to get us away from Sumy, but we didn’t OH]L [PTL ¹ ZOL ZHPK 6U [OL ÄYZ[ KH` OL HZRLK OLY [V ^YP[L KV^U [OL phone numbers of her relatives on a piece of paper and always keep it ^P[O OLY ILJH\ZL OL ^HZ JVUJLYULK [OLPY WOVULZ TPNO[ IL JVUÄZJH[LK ¸0 OH]L [OPZ WHWLY UV^ ^P[O TL ZV 0 JHU YLTLTILY [OH[ ÄYZ[ TVYUPUN ¹ she said. Marat talked about bombs shaking his house and breaking ^PUKV^Z HUK OV^ OL KPKU»[ RUV^ ^OH[ ^HZ OHWWLUPUN H[ ÄYZ[ /L worries about his father who he didn’t hear from for several weeks this Z\TTLY ^OLU OL ^HZ ÄNO[PUN OL ^HZ YLJV]LYPUN MYVT PUQ\YPLZ HUK didn’t have access to a phone). In September, Senator Angus King was in Portland with a small group of supporters, including Eliot’s brother-in-law. Senator King is a proponent of Ukraine and visited Kyiv this past winter. He and Marat spent time that evening discussing Ukraine, and Senator King showed him a photo of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy next to him during his visit. “We have similar views,” said Marat. The following evening, Senator King sat at their table for dinner—an unexpected surprise. For the future, they both want the war to end and Ukraine to remain independent. They plan to graduate from NYA. After that, Kseniia plans to go back to Sumy. “We have a big future because my people are strong and proud. I think I will stay in Ukraine after the war,” she said. She wants to help rebuild it. Marat is not sure he wants to go back after graduation. He is keeping his options open and will see what happens. For now, we are honored to have Marat and Kseniia with us at NYA, and we hope for peace. 13


Leslie Pike Primary Teacher

Leslie Pike came to NYA four years ago and quickly earned the reputation as the “Child Whisperer.” After spending only a few moments in her soft-lit classroom with cozy corners and witnessing her interactions with students, you quickly understand why. “It’s about general respect to an individual,” said Pike. “When I see these children, I ask, how would I want to be treated? If they are having a hard time, how do I co-regulate? It’s not about me, it’s about me being your guide to help you be your best self. How that happens? It happens in so many ways.” Pike follows the Montessori methods of teaching. She loves the holistic approach that gives the children MYLLKVT [V ÄUK TH[LYPHSZ [OH[ ^VYR for them to meet their developmental needs. Her curriculum is more than math and literacy. She incorporates art, music, movement, mindfulness, and how to be a member of the group.


“I really bring it back to community. If you’re a person in this community, and your behavior is not helpful to the community, how are you going to make a choice to come back to the community? It doesn’t become control, and it doesn’t take away. They have ownership. When things aren’t working for you, how can I give you purpose? What is it that drives you? What are `V\ TV[P]H[LK I`& 0[»Z HIV\[ ÄUKPUN [OH[ spark in them and them having control over that. If they know that they have that, it gives them a greater purpose. It’s not about that endless tantrum.” Pike credits NYA and her coworkers with giving her the support and trust to run her curriculum the way she does, something she never had in her previous 15 years of teaching. “My teaching has taken off because I have that support. The children generally care for each other, too, which is very sweet. That is felt in the classroom. That is felt with the families.”

Ellen Gagne

Fourth Grade Teacher

Fourth grade teacher, Ellen Gagne, has been at the Lower School from the start. Teaching in a new division was “exciting and daunting at the same time,” she said. “NYA was so welcoming to the Lower School. We instantly felt that we were a part of the NYA community.” ;OL ÄYZ[ `LHY PU H UL^ KP]PZPVU TLHUZ UL^ traditions, and Ellen had a hand in creating the Annual Hop-A-Thon, Peace Day celebration at one of our Peace Poles, Trick-or-Treating around campus on Halloween, Lower School +YHTH *S\I HUU\HS ÄLSK [YPWZ <WWLY :JOVVS student mentors, and Lower School community service projects.

Since opening in 2013, the Lower School has undergone many changes in addition to growing in size. “I feel we are continually evolving in so many positive ways. Our program has so much to offer,” she explained. One of her fondest memories is the annual Lower School play. “I feel so fortunate to be able to be a part of this great program! I am always in awe of the students during their big performance. Each student truly shines!”

in Malawi. If she could take her class anywhere in the world, it would be there. “I would love to have my students experience the culture and kindness of this beautiful country.” In the coming years, Ellen hopes the focus continues to be providing the best possible experience for the students. Although much has changed, an important thing has stayed the same. “The love and devotion from administration, faculty, and staff at NYA to provide the best experience for our students.”

Ellen shares her passion for helping children in Malawi, Africa with her classes. Her students have organized numerous fundraisers for families

Jess Smith

Teacher Lower and Middle School Spanish Lower and Middle School Spanish teacher, Jess Smith, has watched students grow and change since the beginning of the Lower School. “It is one of my favorite things about being in a small school like this,” she says. Growing up in Maryland, Jess never thought she would one day teach Spanish in Maine. “I always loved the language, but it was never easy for me, and I tell my students that all the time.” An LPNO[O NYHKL :WHUPZO [YPW [V 7\LY[V 9PJV ZVSPKPÄLK her love of travel. “It was such an eye-opening experience to learn about what else is out there

in the world. I want my students to realize that there are so many amazing things happening all around us.” Jess teaches toddlers through eighth grade, and although her approach varies by age group, the philosophy—comprehensible input—remains the same. “I use things that are familiar to them. I use lots of expression and movement to make the language approachable.” When students ask PM [OL` ^PSS IL Å\LU[ ZOL [LSSZ [OLT [OH[ SLHYUPUN a language doesn’t usually work that way. Smith explains how we naturally learn through pictures,

modeling, repetition, and expression. “We understand more of what we are taking in than we can produce. Very young kids know what you are saying before they can respond back to you or answer you in a complete sentence. They may be taking it in but cannot yet verbalize.” NYA is a family affair for the Smiths. Jess’s husband Nate has been teaching at NYA’s Middle School for 19 years and daughters Hadley ’26 and Eliza ’28 are NYA “lifers.”

Teacher Spotlights


Crocs, and Fourth Grade, Cares by Ellen Gagne P’19, Fourth Grade Teacher The fourth grade class has a wonderful history of lending support to students in Malawi. Malawi has a special place in my heart as my sister-inlaw is from this beautiful country. A few years ago, I was fortunate to visit my extended family in Malawi. During this trip, my family and I visited several schools, including the Nkoma Primary School and the Chilanga School for the Blind. After looking at photos of students in Malawi, my fourth graders noticed that some children were wearing Crocs, while

most others were barefoot. We had a wonderful discussion, and the class came up with the idea of having a school-wide Croc Drive. This past year, we held our second Croc Drive at NYA. Through monetary contributions and donations of gently used Crocs, we were able to donate over 200 pairs of Crocs to children in Malawi. Thanks to our wonderful students at NYA, kindness is being spread globally.

The Story of Isabel and Paul Five members of the NYA Middle School Civil Rights Club authored and illustrated the children’s book, Isabel and Paul. The title characters each have a physical disability. The story starts in P.E. class, when two of Isabel and Paul’s peers tell them they cannot participate because of their disabilities. Isabel and Paul go on to show that they can do anything, and disabilities are not limiting but make them unique. Maia Barschdorf ’27, Ellie Belleau ’30, Alicia Fontana ’27, Veronika Kopytnik ’29, and Lillian Smith ’29 created the book to educate kids from a young age not to judge or exclude those different from you. “It is so important to learn about everyone and welcome everyone because everyone is different and incredible,” said Barschdorf. “Each person has their own story and experiences that are important, and everyone matters.”

Buddy Bench by Cindy Hould (LCSW) P’33, P’35, NYA Counselor For some children who are shy and introverted, recess can cause stress and social anxiety that becomes a hurdle to initiating play. At NYA, we have a new buddy bench located in the Lower School playground. The bench serves to cue students to interact with their classmates who might otherwise be apprehensive to initiate play. By sitting on the buddy bench, students are empowered to be seen and gain an opportunity to meet new friends without ULLKPUN [V ÄUK [OL ^VYKZ ¸^PSS `V\ WSH` ^P[O TL¹& NYA Upper School Art Teacher Colby Myer and Upper School art students will design a second buddy bench to be located near the Lewis Turf Field ^OLYL ÄYZ[ [OYV\NO LPNO[O NYHKL Z[\KLU[Z OH]L [OLPY YLJLZZ A special thank you to Jess Lynch P’29, P’31 for donating the benches and to the Lower School students who delighted in making their handprints a WLYTHULU[ Ä_[\YL

Environmental Club Awarded Grants The NYA Environmental Club has been quite productive this year thanks to a couple of student-authored grant awards. They received funds from the NYA Parents’ Association (PA) and ecomaine. Thanks to the PA grant, the club revamped the campus recycling initiative, partnering with ecomaine and investing in a large recycling dumpster. Previously, the club members collected recycling and drove it to the Yarmouth waste management station themselves. The Environmental Club also secured $2,275 from ecomaine’s Outreach & Recycling Committee through their School Waste Diversion Grant Program. The funds will be used to reinstate the on-campus composting program with Garbage-to-Garden. Thanks for helping to make our campus greener, Environmental Club!

Nat Geo Published


I took the photo this summer while in Yellowstone as a part of a National Geographic Student Travel Program. The program brought a group of high school students to the park for a week for a photography workshop and to work with the Nat Geo Photographer, Drew Rush. The photo is taken from Artist Point in the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. The catalog they put the photo in is an informational one for all of the National Geographic Student Travel programs. CALEB KING ‘24 Good Things


On May 12, Lower School students welcomed over 100 grandparents, family, and friends to campus for Lower School Grandparents’ Day and Celebration of the Arts. This year’s event was a culmination of their study of Ireland featuring new and traditional Irish songs, a jig, and student presentations followed by an art walk.



THE ARTS 2024 Lower School SAVE for Grandparents’ Days THE DATES Toddler & Primary

May 9, 2024 Kindergarten – Fourth Grade May 10, 2024


SPRING SOIRÉE On June 2, nearly 300 members of the NYA community gathered for an evening of camaraderie and support at the 39th Spring Soirée. The event tent was transformed into a speakeasy and featured silent and live auctions, games, signature drinks, dinner, and dancing all to support SAVE THE DATE expanded experiential learning opportunities for NYA students. FOR THIS YEAR’S

SOIRÉE: FRIDAY, MAY 31, 2024. 18

The event raised $193,745. NYA is deeply grateful to all the bidders, sponsors, volunteers, and attendees for their generosity.

Come Home to NYA

This year’s Homecoming and Reunion festivities kicked off with the 21st Annual Steve Morris Golf Tournament at Boothbay Harbor Country Club. The event, hosted by Jess Lynch and Dewey Mote P’29, P’31, included 42 golfers and sponsors – Patriot Insurance; Hebert Construction; HM Payson; Hopkinson & Abbondanza; the Poulin Family; IRC; and Traften, Matzen, Belleau & Frenette LLP – who all together contributed $24,760 to the Steve Morris Endowed Scholarship Fund. The Fund provides needIHZLK ÄUHUJPHS HPK [V Z[\KLU[Z ^P[O ZV\UK HJHKLTPJ and high citizenship standards.

Alumni Soccer Games

First row: Mia Desgrosseilliers ‘27, Brooklyn Goodman ‘25, Bria Pelletier ‘26, Hayden Wienckowski ‘24, Nell Rohde ‘25, and Coach Emily Baker ’16. Second row: Coach Laurie, Alicia Fontana ‘27, Graca Bila ‘24, Maddie Moody ‘25, Anaya Roundy ‘26, Ella Giguere ‘25, Emily Robbins ‘25, Kailyn McIntyre ‘24, Toree St. Hilaire ‘25, Maggie Holt ‘22, Carly Downey ‘20, Naomi Reischmann ‘21, E-Beth Goodrich ’21, and Coach Rick Doyon.

The Come Home to NYA events concluded with an alumni reception on Saturday evening in the Edgar F. White ‘38 Athletic Hall of Fame Room at the arena where over 30 alumni gathered with faculty to reconnect and reminisce. Many members of the Class of 2013 attended to celebrate their 10th reunion.

This summer, NYA hosted two alumni soccer games for current athletes and alumni to return to campus for a friendly game and dinner together. Thanks to all who participated:

Brayden Warde ‘23, Chas Rohde ‘22, Ryan Baker ‘19, Bryce Poulin ‘22, Noah Cannon ‘22, Wyatt Thomas ‘23, Cameron Goodrich ‘20, Jack Byrne ‘23, Jesse Mutagoma ‘25, Oliver Silverson ‘13, Theo Fahlgren ’25, Matt Powers ‘24, /LUY` (YZLUH\S[ º 1HJRZVU )HY[PJR » HUK *HLS >VLSÅLPU »



Alumni Lacrosse Games

In June 2023, NYA hosted the alumni lacrosse games and luncheon for current and former players to get out on the turf together and then reminisce over lunch. Hope to see everyone next year!

Standing: Coach Peter Gerrity ’05, Jack Tuite ’22, Bryce Poulin ’22, Chas Rohde ’22, Henry Bergeron ’22, Alex Holmgren ’23, Ethan Brochu ’24, Zach Stabb ’23, Gavin Thomas ’26, Timmy Taylor ’25, Rogers Crowley ’23, Zach Leinwand ’25, James Brogan-Provencher ’24, Theo Fahlgren ’25, Matt Brown ’24, Oliver Li ’25, Elliott Oney ’22, Nate Oney ’23, Jack Curtis ’23, Coach Ethan Brown.

Back: Clara Taylor ‘23, Jenna Block ‘16, Delia Fontana ‘25, Hadley Violette ‘26, Gwen Curran ‘25, Acadia Keefe ‘23, Josie Harper-Cunningham ‘23, Vy Tran ‘23, Catie Lee ‘25, Sadie Swenson ‘25, Alev Yilmaz ‘22, Emma Sharp ’22. Middle: Coach Molly Stokes ‘05, Nizzie Hemphill ‘25, Leah Dube ‘23, Lyla Casey ‘25, E-Beth Goodrich ‘21, Izzy Munro ‘15, Courtney Swenson ‘22.

Kneeling: Noah Cannon ’22, Wyatt Thomas ’23, Brayden Warde ’23, Matt Hawkins ’13, Oliver Silverson ’13, Nolan Pecora ’23, Taylor Norton ’10, Alex Wignall ’23, Caleb Waterman ’22, Cameron Goodrich ’20, Davis Gall ’24, Seamus Rohde ’23.

Front: Anaya Roundy ‘26, Ally White ’21.

NYA’s Head of School Reception was held on Wednesday, September 27. Hosted by Amity and Ben Jackson P’21, P’22, P’26, the event celebrated leadership benefactors and volunteers. Music was provided by Cass MacCarthy ‘24 of Pownal. Connor Wolverton ‘24 of Lewiston and Gabi Muehle ‘24 of Gray spoke about their

NYA experiences. Garrett Bowne P’09, P’11 was honored with the Cupola Award and Betsy Tod P’20, P’25 with the Fasold Award, recognizing outstanding service to the Academy. Congratulations to Betsy and Garrett, and thank you to all those who support the Academy with their time, talent, and treasure.

NYA Girls Hockey Coach and Associate Director of Athletics, Matt Poulin; Middle School Art Teacher and coach, Andrew Cook; Dewey Mote P’29, P’31; and Colby Myers P’30 (x2—twins) and Upper School Art Teacher at the Yarmouth Chamber of Commerce’s Annual Scholarship Golf Classic Tournament. This event, held on October 5, 2023 at Toddy Brook Golf Course in North Yarmouth, supports a scholarship for an NYA and Yarmouth High School student.

CLAM FEST 2023 Yarmouth Clam Festival NYA Parents’ Association booth weekend summary: Volunteers scooped 4,704 scoops of ice cream and served: 50 pounds of popcorn, 450 pretzels, 18 gallons of lemonade, 12 gallons of iced tea, 20 gallons of cold brew iced coffee, and 25 cases of blueberry and root beer soda! WOW – thanks to everyone who helped make this possible. Proceeds help fund programmatic enrichment, guest speakers, student and faculty grants, and facilitate community building opportunities. On the other side of campus, the NYA Boys and Girls Hockey program organized parking in the rink lot and on the adjacent grass. They raised over $12,000 for their programs. Also, NYA was able to use the Patriot Insurance lot on Route 1 for parking (thanks to Linc Merrill ’75), and that lot brought in about $1,500 for the athletic department.

6XSSRUW IRU (QGRZPHQW 5HPDLQV 6WURQJ For the second year in a row, gifts to the NYA endowment totaled ULHYS` VUL TPSSPVU KVSSHYZ +\YPUN ÄZJHS `LHY [OYLL UL^ endowment funds were created by benefactors: •

The Lynch-Mote Family Fund WYV]PKLZ ULLK IHZLK ÄUHUJPHS HPK to students.

Opportunity & Excellence Endowed Fund reduces barriers that prevent students from accessing the range of activities and opportunities available at NYA.

The Susan Knight Cabot Library and Literacy Endowment Fund supports the academic programs, materials, equipment, technology, and furnishings needed to ensure NYA’s Bicentennial 3LHYUPUN *VTTVUZ M\SÄSSZ P[Z W\YWVZL VM MVZ[LYPUN PU[LSSLJ[ collaboration, and a desire for lifelong learning in its students, as well as literacy programs at all levels.

Gifts to the endowment create perpetual and essential sources of income to strengthen the Academy today and into the future. For a listing of all endowed and named funds at NYA, visit:

6RLUpH 6XFFHVV During the 39th Annual Soirée, over 300 people in the NYA community came together to celebrate the success of the year and show their support for the Academy. The corporate sponsors, auction item donors, bidders, paddle raisers, class basket organizers, and benefactors rallied together to contribute $193,745 to NYA and support experiential learning. Expanding experiential learning at NYA provides students with more hands-on opportunities to better connect theories and knowledge learned in the classroom to realworld situations.

6KRZ <RXU /RYH During the annual Show Your Love giving challenge, 506 alumni, parents, grandparents, faculty, staff, and friends made gifts to NYA totaling $55,721. The challenge goal was met and exceeded so a generous group of NYA Trustees stepped forward with an additional gift of $25,000! Here are a few of the many people who told us what they love about NYA... “The lifelong friends I met at NYA and the caring faculty.” - Carly Lappas ‘13

“For the opportunities provided to the students!” - Brad & Tammy Hamilton P’25

“Simply the best!” - Edward & Kristyne Kloza GP’26, GP’28, GP’34

“Great teachers!” - Jack Edwards ‘29

“Teachers that helped shape and inspire me.” - Tim Kendrick ‘92

“Because it’s preparing our children for the future!” - Valentine ‘87 & Michelle Sheldon P’29, P’31

“Academic rigor.” - David & Jennifer Talmadge P’28, P’30

“The supportive and inclusive community.” - Rodd and Cara Collins P’25

“My daughter is thriving, and loves her friends and teachers… ” - Julie & Michael Ouellette P’30

“High standards and a supportive environment.” - Ian Ramsey, Faculty “Memories.” - Chris Bixby ‘03

/HWWHU IURP WKH 'LUHFWRU 2I 'HYHORSPHQW Greetings from NYA, Thank you for making 2022-2023 another remarkable year for North Yarmouth Academy. This year, more than 500 alumni, parents, grandparents, corporations, and friends collectively committed over $3.7 million in support of the (JHKLT` ¶ THRPUN ÄZJHS `LHY [OL ZLJVUK consecutive year in which our community contributed more than $3 million. This year, we are especially proud that the Academy Fund surpassed its goal, benefactors added nearly $1 million to NYA’s endowment, and the reimagined Travis Roy Arena and Fitness & Wellness Center project, which was entirely funded by donors, was completed. This success YLÅLJ[Z [OL PUJYLKPISL TVTLU[\T [OH[ [OL 5@( community has built over the last few years.

It also demonstrates what can be accomplished when we all come together and give our time, talent, and treasure to move the Academy forward. The Philanthropy Report that follows recognizes those who have invested in the Academy in the ÄZJHS `LHY On behalf of all of us at NYA, please accept my gratitude for your generosity, which impacts every aspect of life on campus. Sincerely,

Jennifer Richard P’29, P’31, P‘33 Director of Development



FY23 $3,745,502 $800,551 Endowment

$596,495 Academy Fund & Core Operations

$2,154,711 Travis Roy Arena and Fitness & Wellness Center

$193,745 Soirée











Annual Fund 22




Auction/Soirée Mission Item







LEADERSHIP GIVING President’s Circle $50,000+ Anonymous Jarrod & Freddie Daniel P’26, P’28, P’30, P’32 * Case & Abigail Lynch GP’29, GP’31 * Martha Barrett & Stephen Malcom P’15, P’17 * McGoldrick Family Fund Jess Lynch & Dewey Mote P’29, P’31 * Estate of David B. Osborne Sigmund & Anne Thompson ’88 Schutz P’23, P’24 * Valentine ‘87 & Michelle Sheldon P’29, P’31

Legacy Circle $25,000-$49,999 Barbara Marr P’17 * Scott Marr P’17 * Lincoln ’75 & Kim Merrill P’04, P’06, GP’34 * Rob & Betsy Tod P’20, P’25 * Heather & Frederick Veitch III P’26

Heritage Circle $15,000-$24,999 James ’98 & Renée Cabot P’30, P’32, P’36 * .YPMÄU .YPMÄU 3PNO[PUN 33* Timothy & Melissa Hebert P’25, P’27 * Patriot Insurance *

Benefactor’s Circle $10,000-$14,999 Nick & Jessie Alberding P’18, P’21 * Bath Savings Lisa Hebert P’09, P’12 * Bob & Julie Moss P’04, P’05, P’09 * Chris & Lori Poulin P’22 * Anne Snow & Peter Robbins P’22, P’25 *

Academy Circle $5,000-$9,999 Richard & Debby Abbondanza P’04 * Gary & Laura Bergeron P’22 * Allen ’60 & Victoria Bornheimer GP’31 * Drs. Carrine Burns & Peter Bouman P’25, P’27 * Garrett & Janet Bowne P’09, P’11 * Jason ’95 & Colleen Currier Thomas & Anne Echeverria GP’35, GP’38 * José & Diana Garcia P’07, P’14 * Peter & Marie Gerrity P’05, P’07, P’12* Alison Hildreth P’78 Alice Ingraham GP’28, GP’30 * Walter & Linda Manchester P’15, P’20 * Frank & Debbie Pecoraro GP’24 * Michael & Priscilla Savage P’88, P’90 * Brian ’01 & Meghan McGoldrick ’01 Stornelli * Drs. Holly & Lee Thibodeau P’21, P’25 *

Founder’s Circle $1,814-$4,999 Anonymous* Walter & Gayle Barschdorf GP’27, GP’29 * Margaret Fenderson P’81, P’84, GP’14 * James ’98 & Courtney Anson ’98 Garrett * Mrs. Arline Gove P’81, P’82, P’83, P’85 * Harpswell Capital Advisors LLC Simon Hebert ‘09 Nathan ’06 & Alison Isaacson * HM Payson* Ben & Amity Jackson P’21, P’22, P’26 * Glenn & Jenna Jonsson P’21 * Walter Juve P’21 Knickerbocker Group, Inc. * Christopher & Mary Beth Lorenz P’28, P’30 * David & Libby Swinton Millar P’27, P’30 *

Drew ’89 & Alexa Oestreicher * Tim & Hannah Renyi P’29, P’32 * Andrew & Catriona Sangster P’16 * Southern Maine Pediatric Dentistry Dennis & Kelley St. Hilaire P’23x2 Hilary Rapkin & William Stiles P’23 * Dana & JoAn Street P’24 * James & Elizabeth Taylor P’16, P’23 * G. Robert & JoAnn Tod GP’20, GP’25 * Caroline Olmstead ’95 & Scott Wallach *

Carolyn Spear GP’25 Hall & Deborah Thompson P’88, P’90, GP’23, GP’24 * Cathy Davis-Tilton & Kevin Tilton GP’36, GP’38, GP’40 Michael & Aungelea Wayashe P’26 Dr. Whitney & Simon Wignall P’23, P’27 James ’66 & Zaidee Winton * Joe & Jodi Wolverton P’21, P’24 * Yarmouth Boat Yard, Inc. *

Head of School’s Circle $1,000-$1,813 Allagash Brewing Company Back Cove Financial Bates Mill Dermatology, PLLC Dean G. ’53 & Thelma E. Bornheimer * The Breakwater Group at Morgan Stanley * Cameron & Patricia Bright P’14, P’16 * Colin Bumby ’00 * Casco Bay Ford Holly Mitchell & William Chapman III P’16, P’19 * Chris & Alyson Claudio P’29 Timothy & Laura Coughlin GP’20, GP’25 Daniel & Catherine Coulombe GP’29, GP’33 * David & Mallory DeCubellis P’26 Grant & Judith Dinmore GP’23, GP’24 * Heidi & David Fitz P’98, P’05, GP’37, GP’39 * 1HUL (MÅLJR 7L[LY » -P[a 7» 7» Thomas & Leandra Fremont-Smith P’23, P’27 Dr. & Mrs. Richard Fox P’75, GP’04, GP’06, GP’09, GGP’34 * Jason & Laura Gall P’24 Ken & Giuia Grady P’20, P’26 * James & Mary Gribbel P’03, P’06 * Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare * Christopher & Jennifer Hinkley P’26 Christer & Christine Holmgren P’23 Hopkinson & Abbondanza * Joshua & Erin Houghton P’28 * Susan Kepes & F. Alan Hull P’16 * 0UK\Z[YPHS 9VVÄUN *VTWHU` Tara & Doug Johnson P’17 * Kevin & Theresa Kelley P’94, P’96 * Joshua Kelton ’06 & Aizy Jennings * Thomas & Sarah Kirby P’28, P’30 * Edward & Kristyne Kloza GP’25, GP’28, GP’34 * Michael & Renae Kovach P’30, P’32 Lebel & Harriman, LLP Nathaniel & Jennifer LeBlanc P’39 John & Shelley Linscott P’38 * Maine Craft Distilling, LLC John Andrew Mauger ‘73 Richard & Carolyn McGoldrick P’01, GP’24 * Betsy & Nelson Mead P’11, P’13 * Mid-Maine Oral Surgery Katie Pulsifer & Steven Morton P’16, P’20 Tom Moulton Paving & Construction Robert & Joan Murray GP’28, GP’30 * Peter & Lynn Noyes P’01, P’03, P’05 * Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Associates, P.A. Pat’s Pizza of Yarmouth * Payroll Management, Inc. * Pine Capital, LLC Bruce Poliquin P’09 * Preti Flaherty, LLP * Christie & Adam Rana P’26, P’28 Susan Myer Fahlgren Riley & Dixon Riley P’89, P’92, GP’25, GP’28 * Colin & Jennifer Roderick P’23 Curtis & Nina Scribner P’88 * Nelly Segal GP’26, GP’28, GP’30, GP’32 Dr. Lelan F Sillin GP’18, GP’21 * Silver Street Group, LLC *

*Three or more years of consecutive giving to North Yarmouth Academy

Thank You, Volunteers NYA gains strength from the dedicated volunteers whose gifts of time and energy make a substantial contribution to the Academy. Each `LHY 5@( PZ MVY[\UH[L [V ILULÄ[ MYVT HS\TUP parents, grandparents, students, trustees, and friends who volunteer thousands of hours collectively to enrich the NYA experience for all. To learn how to get involved, contact Jennifer Richard at

Every effort has been made to ensure that these lists are accurate and complete. If your name was omitted inadvertently or appears incorrectly, please accept our sincere apologies and contact so we can correct our records.



HONOR ROLL OF DONORS Alumni Class of 1947 9\[O * 4HUZÄLSK (UKYLU º Class of 1950 Gleynn ‘50 & Sandra Brooks Jr. * Class of 1953 Deane G. ’53 & Thelma E. Bornheimer * Diana Morse-Allen ‘53, P’88 * Class of 1954 Daniel H. ’54 & Constance B. Day* David ‘54 & Dorothy Selleck ‘54 * Class of 1957 Judith Scott Jones ’57 * Class of 1959 John J. ’59 & Susan Saunders Class of 1960 Allen ‘60 & Victoria Bornheimer GP’31 * Theodore ‘60 & Sharon Libby ‘61 Sharp * Class of 1961 Brenda Kaulback ‘61 Nazaire G. ‘61 & Judy LeBlanc * Theodore ‘60 & Sharon Libby ‘61 Sharp * Allan S. ’61 & Joyce Wilson George R. Wing Jr. ‘61 Class of 1962 Edgar ’62 & Laurie Curtis P’93, P’95, P’97 * Sally S. Johnston ‘62 Class of 1963 J. Nicholas Burns ’63 * Turner Porter ‘63 Robert S. True ’63 * Leslie Seymour Wears ’63 * Class of 1964 N. Rich ’64 & Laura Lindquist P’99, P’02 * Anthony L. Muench ‘64 Thornton D. ’64 & Elizabeth Ring Class of 1965 John B. Branson ’65 * Robert L. Crane ’65 *

Class of 1966 Bruce B. Brown, Jr. ’66 * Peter S. Johnson ‘66 James H. Mills ‘66 David E. Mullare ‘66 * Richard D. Samuelson ‘66 * James ’66 & Zaidee Winton * Class of 1967 David L. Mitchell ‘67 * Theodore ‘67 & Carolyn Vaughan * Class of 1968 William Hart ’68 * Thomas C. ‘68 & Holly McKenny * Douglas M. Mixer ‘68


During the period of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023, the following benefactors helped to strengthen NYA through their gifts. Thank you for your investment in NYA.

Class of 1969 Robert B. Colby ’69 * Class of 1970 Stephen D. Purington ‘70 Class of 1971 Thomas E. ’71 & Kathy LaMountain * Class of 1972 A. Amanda Arnold ‘72 Michael L. Shea ‘72 * Class of 1973 Jonathan H. Glasson ‘73 John Andrew Mauger ‘73 Class of 1974 Ross Cudlitz ‘74 & Donna Albury * Class of 1975 Lincoln ‘75 & Kim Merrill P’04, P’06, GP’34* Class of 1976 Greg Kellner ‘76 Class of 1977 Robert ’77 & Karen Swenson * Lisa A. Parker ‘77 * Class of 1978 Ann Woodworth Ellis ’78 * Class of 1979 Blair B. Shea ‘79 * Class of 1980 Dana ‘80 & Elizabeth Twombly P’09, P’12* R. Brian Clarke ‘80 John C. Leonard ‘80 Class of 1981 Burnett M. Hansen ‘81 * Gaetano & Phebe Royer ‘81 Quattrucci P’18 * Stephen H. Whittier ‘81 Class of 1983 Jane Ellyn Hamilton ‘83 Jeffrey McCarthy ‘83 Class of 1984 Margaret Fenderson ‘84 * Class of 1985 Ralph Wellman Brewer II ‘85 * Stephen A. Brown ‘85 Desiree Pullen ‘85 Merritt P’21 * Eric ’85 & Tracy Weinrich Class of 1987 Valentine ‘87 & Michelle Sheldon P’29, P’31 Class of 1988 Elizabeth Allen ’88 * Elizabeth Claffey McEvoy ’88 * Sigmund & Anne Thompson ‘88 Schutz P’23, P’24 * Class of 1989 Kelly Scharf-Fahlgren & Sven Fahlgren ’89, P’25, P’28 * Drew ‘89 & Alexa Oestreicher * Class of 1990 Ellen Benson ’90 * Eric Blakeman ‘90 Sunil Nayak ’90 * Class of 1991 Andrew ’91 & Ann Hayes * Class of 1992 Timothy W. Kendrick ‘92 Matthew H. Noone ’92 Class of 1993 Benjamin & Elizabeth Curtis ’93 Horowicz * Jeffrey Townes ’93 * Class of 1994 Jay ’94 & Julie Flower * Class of 1995 Caroline Olmstead ’95 Wallach & Scott Wallach * Jason ’95 & Colleen Currier

Class of 1996 Cory ’96 & Lyndie Fasold * Allison Felix Huke ’96 * Class of 1997 Jim Wilkerson & Christina ‘97 Cinelli * Johanna Coyle ’97 * Alysa Curtis Porter ’97 * Class of 1998 James ’98 & Renée Cabot P’30, P’32, P’36 * James ’98 & Courtney Anson ’98 Garrett * Michael & Heather Graul ’98 Geoghan P’28 * Class of 1999 George ’99 & Becca Briggs * Krista Lindquist Welch ’99 Hugh-John Robbins ’99 & Carrie Mathers-Suter * Jacqlyn Young ’99 * Class of 2000 Colin Bumby ’00 * Emily Clark O’Meara ’00 * Class of 2001 Parker Adams ’01 * Ashley Dunham Smalley ‘01 Bridget Gagne ’01 Brian ’01 & Meghan McGoldrick ’01 Stornelli * Class of 2002 Elizabeth Bachelder ’02 & David Messinger * Christine Clough ’02 * Ben & Eizabeth von Brecht ’02 King * Erik Piasio ’02 * Class of 2003 Christopher Bixby ’03 * Brittany Hosmer Longoria ’03 * Class of 2004 Julia Bachelder ’04 Cole * Daniel Bartlett ‘04 Tara Merrill ’04 * Class of 2005 Charles ’05 & Heather Fear * 1HUL (MÅLJR 7L[LY » -P[a 7» 7» Peter ‘05 & Julia Gerrity * Jim & Catherine von Brecht ‘05 Werner * Class of 2006 Scott Carpenter ‘06 Brian Chin ‘06 Katherine Gribbel Oberg ‘06 * Nathan I. ‘06 & Alison Hiler Isaacson * Joshua Kelton ‘06 & Aizy Jennings * Peter Lowell ’06 Chelsey Merrill ’06 * Millicent Moon ‘06 Dimitrios Pilitsis ‘06 * Parker Swenson ‘06 *

Class of 2007 Zachery ‘07 & Meghan Garcia * Grace Hyndman ‘07 * Robin Klasek ‘07 Choul Ngoal ‘07 * Wesley Norton ‘07 * Class of 2008 Marion Leslie Akie ‘08 * Caroline Anson ‘08 * Alexandra Noyes ‘08 Class of 2009 Garrett Bowne V ‘09 * Simon Hebert ‘09 Lucy Gerrity ‘09 Newton & Richard Newton* Cameron Smith ‘09 * Class of 2010 Matthew Stolt & Madeleine Beasley ’10 * Henry Sterling ‘10 Class of 2012 Hadley Gibson ‘12 Class of 2013 Matthew Hawkins ‘13 Mallory Ianno ’13 * Carly Lappas ‘13 Class of 2014 Jillian Bjorn-Caron ‘14 Sydney Garcia ‘14 * Kayla Rose ‘14 * Class of 2015 Hannah Austin ‘15 Clayton Manchester ‘15 Marina Stam ‘15 * Olivia Stam ‘15 * Class of 2016 Jenna Block ’16 * Elizabeth McIntosh ’16 * Mackenzie Sangster ‘16 * Class of 2017 Jake Malcom ‘17 * Class of 2018 Connor Dillon ‘18 Class of 2019 Helen Hamblett ‘19 * Alexandra Markonish ‘19 Amber Rose ‘19 * Class of 2020 Carly Downey ’20 * Pierce Manchester ’20 * Mason Parks ’20 * Class of 2021 Christopher Hamblett ’21 * Class of 2022 Emilia McKenney ‘22 Bryce Poulin ‘22 Christopher Prokopius ‘22 Class of 2023 Lucas Markonish ‘23

Parents of Alumni

Robert & Rebecca Hamilton P’04, P’06 * Joseph & Pamela Hanson P’06 * Richard & Debby Abbondanza P’04 * Jack & Kathleen Hardy P’12 * Jesse & Jennifer Abbott P’08 * James & Kathie Harper P’01, P’04 * Nick & Jessie Alberding P’18, P’21 * William & Tammy Harvey P’21 Lisa Anctil P’23 Lisa Hebert P’09, P’12 * Dennis & Christine Anderson P’07, P’08, Mrs. Horace A. Hildreth, Jr. P’78 P’13, P’15 Christine & Christer Holmgren P’23 Philip & Meredith Anson P’98, P’00, P’02, Jennifer & Richard N. Hubbell P’02, P’05 * P’08 * Susan Kepes & F. Alan Hull P’16 * Eric & Amy Austin P’15, P’17 * Peter & Deanna Huntsman P’21, P’22, Deborah Strachan & Stephan P’23 * Bachelder P’02, P’04 * Thomas & Laurie Hyndman P’07, P’09 Henri & Anna Benoit P’13 Ben & Amity Jackson P’21, P’22, P’26 * Gary & Laura Bergeron P’22 * Tara & Doug Johnson P’17 * Maria Tuta & Guilherme Bila P’22, P’24 Glenn & Jenna Jonsson P’21 * Kenneth & Beverly Bixby P’03 * Robert & Roberta Jordan P’07, P’12 * Garrett & Janet Bowne P’09, P’11 * Walter Juve P’21 James & Trudy Briggs P’99, P’00, P’05, Kevin & Theresa Kelley P’94, P’96 * P’08 * Kevin Kendall P’12 Cameron & Patricia Bright P’14, P’16 * Peter & Grace Kendrick P’88, P’92 * Christian & Michele Buehner P’19, P’23 * Seth & Anne Kolkin P’01, P’11 * Jeremiah & Susan Burns P’13 Eric & Gretchen Lacombe P’22, P’25 * Julia Bjorn & Michael Caron P’14 * Scott & Corinne Larson P’19, P’20 John & Ronni-Jo Carpenter P’06, P’09 * Bill & Cathy Latvis P’91, P’93 David & Lynne Champoux P’07, P’10 * Seaver & Anne Leslie P’08, P’11 Holly Mitchell & William Chapman III Susan Mello & Jonathan Lewis P’14 * P’16, P’19 * N. Rich ‘64 & Laura Lindquist P’99, P’02 * Peter & Gail Cinelli P’97 * Martha Barrett & Stephen Malcom P’15, John & Christine Cole P’97, P’00, P’05 P’17 * Joyce & Patrick Coughlan P’88, P’93, Walter & Linda Manchester P’15, P’20 * GP’25, GP’30 * Ross & Marissa Markonish P’19, P’23 * William & Sarah Crowley P’23 * Barbara Marr P’17 * Edgar ‘62 & Laurie Curtis P’93, P’95, Scott Marr P’17 * P’97 * William & Susan Martens P’01, P’04 James & Melissa Cusano P’23, P’26 * Richard & Carolyn McGoldrick P’01, Daniel & Kathleen Dearing P’06, P’14 * GP’24 * Edward & Jennifer Dillon P’18 * Kevin & Stacey McIntyre P’22, P’24 * Matthew & Wendy McKenney P’22 * Hilary Moyler McKinnon P’10 Jack & Elaine McMahon P’91, P’93, P’95 * Lincoln ‘75 & Kim Merrill P’04, P’06, GP’34* Desiree Pullen ‘85 Merritt P’21 * Warren Miskell P’15 * Diana Morse-Allen ’53, P’88 * Marti Morton P’16, P’20 * Katie Pulsifer & Steven Morton P’16, P’20 Bob & Julie Moss P’04, P’05, P’09 * Diane & Geoffrey Mutagoma P’22, P’25, P’33 * Debora Noone P’92 * Edward & Ann Noyes P’84, P’88 * Peter & Lynn E. Noyes P’01, P’03, P’05 * Penelope Harakidas & Vasilios Papavasiliou P’23 Yvon & Jackie Pellerin P’86, P’89, P’92, Brenda Downey P’20 * GP’20, GP’24, GP’25, GP’30 Janet Hansen & Bruce Drouin P’07 * Robert & Carol Potter P’15 Tom & Sandi Dunham P’01 * Christopher & Lori Poulin P’22 * Donald & Cynthia Falvey P’03 Gaetano & Phebe Royer ‘81 Quattrucci Shannon Dallaire & Chris Farion P’23 P’18 * Frank & Michelle Fassett P’16, P’19 Jeffrey & Holly Randall P’12, P’14 * Margaret J. Fenderson P’81, P’84 * Michael & Deborah Regan P’12, P’15 * Mary Elizabeth Filon P’22, P’24 * Ford & Karen Reiche P’01, P’07 Heidi & David Fitz P’98, P’05, GP’37, Jessie Reighley P’10 GP’39 * Susan Myer Fahlgren Riley & Dixon Riley Christopher & Jane Flower P’94 * P’89, P’92, GP’25, GP’28 Dr. & Mrs. Richard Fox P’75, GP’04, GP’06, Chiharu Katayama & David Rines P’16 * GP’09 * Anne Snow & Peter Robbins P’22, P’25 * Thomas & Leandra Fremont-Smith P’23 Jay & Lisa Robbins P’99, P’07 * Kris Gibson & David Gagne P’10, P’12, Thomas & Jennifer Roderick P’23 P’19 * Anne Hallward & James Rough P’22 * Edmund & Ellen Gagne P’19 * Andrew & Catriona Sangster P’16 * Jose & Diana Garcia P’07, P’14 * Michael & Priscilla B. Savage P’88, P’90 * Crombie & Deborah Garrett P’98 * Sigmund & Anne Thompson ’88 Schutz Brian & Linda Gee P’22, P’25 * P’23, P’24 * Peter & Marie Gerrity P’05, P’07, P’09, Curt & Nina Scribner P’88 * P’12 David & Julie Ann Shaw P’17 Mrs. Diane Goddard P’89, GP’22, GP’25 Pamela & James Shockey P’23 William Goddard P’89, GP’22, GP’25 Betsy Tomlinson & Peter Sillin P’18, P’21 * Arline Gove P’81, P’82, P’83, P’85, P’86 * Robert & Kate Silvers P’19 * Ken & Giuia Grady P’20, P’26 * Lauren Silverson P’13 * James & Deborah Graul P’98, GP’28 * Carol Eisenberg & David Simpson P’15, James & Mary Gribbel P’03, P’06 * P’22 P. Andrew & Meagan Hamblett P’18, P’19, P’21* Katharine Slack P’11 * *Three or more years of consecutive giving to North Yarmouth Academy

Amy Cohen & Austin Smith P’09, P’14 Kelley & Dennis St. Hilaire P’23, P’23 James A. & Julia Sterling P’03, P’04, P’07, P’10 * Hilary Rapkin & William Stiles P’23 * Teresa Stronge P’23 Brian & Julie Swenson P’22, P’25 James & Elizabeth Taylor P’16, P’23 * Hall & Deborah Thompson P’88, P’90, GP’23, GP’24 * Rob & Betsy Tod P’20, P’25 * Dana ‘80 & Elizabeth Twombly P’09, P’12 * Linda & Scott Vaillancourt P’22, P’25, P’28 * Danielle Lavoie & Matthew Vamvakas P’23 Sarah Verville P’09 Charles & Catherine von Brecht P’02, P’05 * Michael & Kimberly Wallace P’23 * Mike & Angela Warde P’23, P’32 * David Warren P’06, P’09, P’14 * Wilton & Ann Waterman P’22 Peter & Pamela Wellin P’05, P’07 Dr. Whitney & Simon Wignall P’23, P’27 Joe & Jodi Wolverton P’21, P’24 *

Businesses Allagash Brewing Company * Bates Mill Dermatology, PLLC Bath Savings Institution Blackbaud Brian Gilbert Associates Bruce’s Burrito, Inc. Buoy Media Casco Bay Ford Clayton’s Café & Bakery * Coastal Landscape Construction & Snow Services * Great Clips * .YPMÄU .YPMÄU 3PNO[PUN 33* Harpswell Capital Advisors, LLC Hebert Construction * H.M. Payson * Hopkinson & Abbondanza * 0UK\Z[YPHS 9VVÄUN *VTWHU` Knickerbocker Group, Inc. * L.D. Holmes Construction Lebel & Harriman, LLP Maine Craft Distilling * Maine Solutions FCU Network for Good Northeast Delta Dental Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Associates, P.A. Patriot Insurance Company * Pat’s Pizza of Yarmouth * Payroll Management, Inc. Pine Capital, LLC Pine State Pest Solutions Play It Again Sports Scott Dugas Trucking & Excavating Silver Street Group, LLC * Simons Architects LLC * Southern Maine Hearing Southern Maine Pediatric Dentistry Thrivent Tom Moulton Paving & Construction Yarmouth Boat Yard, Inc. *

Shannon Gallagher & Jason Tittle * Michael & Cynthia Gengras * Bryce & Sarah Hach P’27 * Kathleen & Jack Hardy P’12 * Cindy Hould & Nicholas Tsafos P’33, P’35 * Ben & Amity Jackson P’21, P’22, P’26 * Sara Jaffe Tara & Doug Johnson P’17 * Alex & Jocelyn Kloza P’26, P’28, P’34 * Renae & Michael Kovach P’30, P’32 Kelly Beth & Jeremy Lavertu P’31, P’34 Therese Liptak Caroline MacDonald & Andrew William Ross & Marissa Markonish P’19, P’23 * Christopher & Amy Mazzurco P’39 * Jennifer & Michael Michaelis P’25, P’27 Marion Morton P’16, P’20 * Heidi Hammond O’Connor & Michael O’Connor * Isabel &Chris Piper P’40 Ian Ramsey Ashley Randlett * Jennifer & Jarod Richard P’29, P’31, P’33 * Kelsy Ross P’34 * Sarah & Jamie Ross Kevin & Michelle Roy P’40 Erika & Jeremy Sahlman P’28, P’30 * Sagaree Sengupta * Liz & Phillip Smith P’28, P’30, P’33 * Nate & Jessica Smith P’26, P’29 *

Lynn Sullivan * Jessica Trahan Betsy Tomlinson & Peter Sillin P’18, P’21 * Linda & Scott Vaillancourt P’22, P’25, P’28 * Christine & Peter Van Alstine Jessica & Spencer Violette P’24, P’26 Michael & Angela Warde P’23, P’32 * Ashley Wright

Former Trustees, Former Faculty & Staff, Friends & Foundations Anonymous Pamelia Adams GP’15, GP’17 * Caroline Anson ’08 * Deborah Strachan & Stephan Bachelder P’02, P’04 * -HJ\S[` :[HɈ Allen ’60 & Victoria Bornheimer GP’31 * Jennifer Breton Anonymous Thomas Brown Eric & Amy Austin P’15, P’17 * Jeremiah & Susan Burns P’13 Danielle Fisher Barschdorf & Nicholas Burns Jason Barschdorf P’27, P’29 * Taylor Burns Kristi & Scott Belesca * A.J. Caputo Gretchen & Stefan Bergill John & Ronni-Jo Carpenter P’06, P’09 * Garrett & Janet Bowne P’09, P’11 * David & Lynne Champoux P’07, P’10 * Michele & Christian Buehner P’19, P’23 * Peter & Gail Cinelli P’97 * Cheryl Burger Joyce & Patrick Coughlan P’93, GP’25, Leslie Durgin & Erik Szymczak P’28 * GP’30 * David & Asha Echeverria P’35, P’38 * Daniel & Catherine Coulombe GP’29, Ellen & Edmund Gagne P’19 * GP’33 * David Gagne & Kris Gibson P’10, P’12, P’19 * Philanthropy


Edgar ‘62 & Laurie Curtis P’93, P’95, P’97 * Margaret J. Fenderson P’81, P’84 * Ann Deming * Kate Echeverria * Heidi & David Fitz P’98, P’05, GP’37, GP’39 * Jay ’94 & Julie Flower * Christopher & Jane Flower P’92, P’94 Dr. Richard & Barbara Fox P’75, GP’04, GP’06, GP’09, GGP’34 * Peter & Marie Gerrity P’05, P’07, P’09, P’12 Julia & Peter ‘05 Gerrity * Mrs. Arline Gove P’81, P’82, P’83, P’85 * Jack & Kathleen Hardy P’12 * Bob & Ross Henderson * Mrs. Horace A. Hildreth P’78 Jennifer Hould Jennifer & Richard N. Hubbell P’02, P’05 * Thomas & Laurie Hyndman P’07, P’09 Janet Kafkas Peter & Grace Kendrick P’88, P’92 William Lackey Bill & Cathy Latvis P’91, P’93 N. Rich ’64 & Laura Lindquist P’99, P’02 * Audrey & Brett Lane * Marion Leslie Akie ’08 *

Theda Logan GP’16 * Scott & Cynthia Mahoney P’15, P’26 Lee & Caroline Mallett P’17 * Richard & Carolyn McGoldrick P’01, GP’24 * Thomas C. ‘68 & Holly McKenny * Jack & Elaine McMahon P’91, P’93, P’95 * Betsy & Nelson Mead P’11, P’13 * Warren Miskell P’15 * Frederick & Deborah Molander P’00 * Bob & Julie Moss P’04, P’05, P’09 * Dr. Francis J. Murray, Jr. GP’11 Lucy Gerrity ‘09 Newton & Richard Newton * Debora Noone P’92 * Alexandra Noyes ‘08 Peter & Lynn Noyes P’01, P’03, P’05 * Bruce Poliquin P’09* Dianne Post Laurie & Peter Reed Ford & Karen Reiche P’01, P’07 Susan Myer Fahlgren Riley & Dixon Riley P’89, P’92, GP’25 GP’28 * John A. & Lisa Robbins P’99, P’07 * Michael & Priscilla B. Savage P’88, P’90 * Sigmund & Anne Thompson ‘88 Schutz P’23, P’24 * Curt & Nina Scribner P’88 * Theodore ’60 & Sharon Libby ’61 Sharp * John & Ann Sullivan * Hall & Deborah Thompson P’88, P’90, GP’23, GP’24 * David Warren P’06, P’09, P’14 * Peter B. Webster * Eric ’85 & Tracy Weinrich Peter & Pamela Wellin P’05, P’07

Grandparents Anonymous * Edward & Jeanne Austin GP’22, GP’24 * Walter & Gayle Barschdorf GP’27, GP’29 * 26

Allen ’60 & Victoria Bornheimer GP’31 * Edward & Jo Bradley GP’23 * Simms & Robin Browning GP’28 Joyce & Patrick Coughlan P’88, P’93, GP’25, GP’30 * Timothy & Laura Coughlin GP’20, GP’25 Daniel & Catherine Coulombe GP’29, GP’33 * Chris & Rita DeSimone GP’30, GP’32 Grant & Judith Dinmore GP’23, GP’24 * Judy Donnelly GP’23 Thomas & Anne Echeverria GP’35, GP’38 * Barbara Sullivan & Richard Emerson GP’38 * Mark & Norma Filler GP’27 Linda Fisher GP’27, GP’29 * Jack & Stacia Fitch GP’25 Heidi & David Fitz P’98, P’05, GP’37, GP’39 * Judith Fox GP’22, GP’23, GP’30 Christopher & Terese Geehern GP’32, GP’34 * Bonnie Florian Gepfert GP’20, GP’24 * Diane Goddard GP’22, GP’25 William Goddard P’89, GP’22, GP’25 Robert & Cathy Gordon GP’29, GP’30 James & Deborah Graul P’98, GP’28 * Jennifer Heald GP’24 * Alice Ingraham GP’28, GP’30 * Nicholas & Mary Katsarikas GP’27, GP’30, GP’33 * Kathleen King GP’33, GP’35 * Susan Kirby GP’28, GP’30 * Edward & Kristyne Kloza GP’25, GP’28, GP’34 * Leo & Cheryl Lacey GP’29, GP’33 Mary Ann Lacombe GP’22, GP’25 * Paul & Sharon Lavoie GP’32, GP’34 * Case & Abigail Lynch GP’29, GP’31 * Raphael & Tessy Maliakal GP’35, GP’38 * Edward & Frances McGillicuddy GP’27, GP’30, GP’33 Richard & Carolyn McGoldrick P’01, GP’24 * Hugh Riddleberger & Louise McIlhenny GP’37 * Bob Kelly & Meredith Michaelis GP’25, GP’27 * Sharon Mote GP’29, GP’31 * Istar & Moby Mudge GP’25 * Joseph & Cathleen Murphy GP’32 Robert & Joan Murray GP’28, GP’30 * Deirdre Nice GP’13, GP’16, GP’21, GP’23 Ray & Sherry Paprocki GP’37 Cynthia Parks GP’21, GP’22, GP’23 * Frank & Debbie Pecoraro GP’24 * Yvon & Jackie Pellerin P’86, P’89, P’92, GP’20, GP’24, GP’25, GP’30 Randy Pepper GP’28, GP’30 * Anne Powers GP’24 * Louis & Charlene Rana GP’26, GP’28 Joseph & Marjorie Richard GP’29, GP’31, GP’33 Susan Myer Fahlgren Riley & Dixon Riley P’89, P’92, GP’25, GP’28 * /LY /VUV\Y =H\NOU :JOVÄLSK .7» .7» Nelly Segal GP’26, GP’28, GP’30, GP’32 Thomas & Lillian Smith GP’26, GP’29 * Carol Southall GP’23 * Carolyn Spear GP’25 Rob & Sue Speirs GP’27, GP’29 Dr. Gerard & Carole Sweeney GP’26, GP’29 Hall & Deborah Thompson P’88, P’90, GP’23, GP’24 * Cathy Davis-Tilton & Kevin Tilton GP’36, GP’38, GP’40 * Robert & JoAnn Tod GP’20, GP’25 * Barbara Whitford GP’26, GP’29 Skip Auten & Gail Wilson GP’29, GP’32 Ralph & Judy Young GP’23 *

Parents Class of 2023 Lisa Anctil P’23 Christian & Michele Buehner P’19, P’23 * William & Sarah Crowley P’23 *

James & Melissa Cusano P’23, P’26 * Shannon Dallaire & Chris Farion P’23 Thomas & Leandra Fremont-Smith P’23 Christine & Christer Holmgren P’23 Dr. Robert & Kriss Hunold P’21, P’23 * Peter & Deanna Huntsman P’21, P’22, P’23 * Matthew & Molly Litz P’23 Ross & Marissa Markonish P’19, P’23 * Penelope Harakidas & Vasilios Papavasiliou P’23 Thomas & Jennifer Roderick P’23 Sigmund & Anne Thompson ‘88 Schutz P’23, P’24 * Pamela & James Shockey P’23 Hilary Rapkin & William Stiles P’23 * James & Elizabeth Taylor P’16, P’23 * Danielle Lavoie & Matthew Vamvakas P’23 Michael & Kimberly Wallace P’23 * Michael & Angela Warde P’23, P’32 * Whitney & Simon Wignall P’23, P’27 Class of 2024 Maria Tuta & Guilherme Bila P’22, P’24 Jaime Brochu P’24 Mary Elizabeth Filon P’22, P’24 * Jason & Laura Gall P’23, P’24 Jeff & Erin Lambert P’24 Kristine Godin & Eric Leclerc P’24, P’26 Anthony & Rebecca Madden P’24 Kasey Ann & Matthew Pelletier P’24, P’26 Geoffrey & Meghan Perham P’24 Amy Brogan & Marc Provencher P’24 Karen & Daryl Rawnsley P’24 Sigmund & Anne Thompson ‘88 Schutz P’23, P’24 * Wiley & Susan Smith P’24 * Dana & JoAn Street P’24 * Jessica & Spencer Violette P’24, P’26 Joe & Jodi Wolverton P’21, P’24 * Class of 2025 Drs. Carrine Burns & Peter Bouman P’25, P’27 * Jeff & Stacie Bowden P’25, P’30 Cara & Rodd Collins P’25 Michael & Tiffany Curran P’25 Kelly Scharf-Fahlgren & Sven ’89 Fahlgren P’25, P’28 Ryan & Jami Fitch P’25 Brian & Linda Gee P’22, P’25 * Eric & Jennifer Giguere P’25 * Tammy & Bradley Hamilton P’25 Rachel Hunter P’25 * Reed Anne Kelly P’25, P’28 Karen & Gary Kullman P’25 Eric & Gretchen Lacombe P’22, P’25 * Christopher & Petra Maier P’25 Michael & Jennifer Michaelis P’25, P’27 Diane & Geoffrey Mutagoma P’22, P’25, P’33 * Stacey & Frank Noreika P’25 Anne Snow & Peter Robbins P’22, P’25 *

Brian & Julie Swenson P’22, P’25 Drs. Holly & Lee Thibodeau P’21, P’25 * Rob & Betsy Tod P’20, P’25 * Linda & Scott Vaillancourt P’22, P’25, P’28 * Class of 2026 James & Melissa Cusano P’23, P’26 * Jarrod & Frederique Daniel P’26, P’28, P’30, P’32 * David & Mallory DeCubellis P’26 Ken & Giuia Grady P’20, P’26 * Christopher & Jennifer Hinkley P’26 Benjamin & Amity Jackson P’21, P’22, P’26 * Jeffrey & Beatrice Kalinich P’26 Alex & Jocelyn Kloza P’26, P’28, P’34 * Scott & Cynthia Mahoney P’15, P’26 Clinton & Lisa Nash P’26 Kasey Ann & Matthew Pelletier P’24, P’26 George Shervanick P’26 Pamela Shervanick P’26 Nathaniel & Jessica Smith P’26, P’28 * Sean & Sarah Sweeney P’26, P’29 James & Gina Tansey P’26 Jessica & Spencer Violette P’24, P’26 Michael & Aungelea Wayashe P’26 Gregory & Jennifer Wiessner P’26 Carll & Stephanie Wilkinson P’26, P’29 Class of 2027 Jason & Danielle Fisher Barschdorf P’27, P’29 * Benjamin Birney P’27 Drs. Carrine Burns & Peter Bouman P’25, P’27* Adam & Catherine Godfrey P’27 1VOU 1VZPL .YPMÄU 7» 7» Bryce & Sarah Hach P’27 * Timothy & Melissa Hebert P’25, P’27 * Scott & Becca Matusovich P’27 Michael & Jennifer Michaelis P’25, P’27 Brooke & Derek Nadeau P’27, P’27 Hop Nguyen P’27 Erika & Jeremy Sahlman P’27, P’30 * Jennifer & David Speirs P’27, P’29 Peter & Ann Taylor P’27 Dr. Whitney & Simon Wignall P’23, P’27 Class of 2028 Anonymous Connie Clifford & Scott Burrill P’25, P’28 Rachel Williams & James Clifford P’28 Jarrod & Frederique Daniel P’26, P’28, P’30, P’32 * David & Anne Daniel P’28 * Stephanie Sersich & Thomas Eichler P’28, P’29 Erik Szymczak & Leslie Durgin P’28 * Kelly Scharf-Fahlgren & Sven ‘89 Fahlgren P’25, P’28 * Alexis & Thomas Feeley P’28, P’31 Michael & Heather Graul Geoghan ’98, P’28 * Charlie & Angie Hesson P’28 Joshua & Erin Houghton P’28 * Reed Anne Kelly P’25, P’28 Thomas & Sarah Kirby P’28, P’30 * Alex & Jocelyn Kloza P’26, P’28, P’34 *

Christopher & Mary Beth Lorenz P’28, P’30 * Andrew & Karen Moore P’28 Christie & Adam Rana P’26, P’28 Erica Blair Reilly & Ron Reilly P’28 Elizabeth & Phillip Smith P’28 P’29, P’33 * David & Jennifer Talmadge P’28, P’30 * Linda & Scott Vaillancourt P’22, P’25, P’28 *

Class of 2029 Anonymous Jason & Danielle Fisher Barschdorf P’27, P’29* Rebecca & Ben Brown P’29 Chris & Alyson Claudio P’29 Meghann Donahue & Justin Corcoran P’29 Michelle Lohutko & Kaushik Dutta P’29 Stephanie Sersich & Thomas Eichler P’28, P’29 1VOU 1VZPL .YPMÄU 7» 7» Jess Lynch & Dewey Mote P’29, P’31 * Tim & Hannah Renyi P’29, P’32 * Jennifer & Jarod Richard P’29, P’31, P’33 * Timothy & Camilla Shannon P’29 4LSLLUH ,YPRZVU /\L` :OLMÅLY 7» P’30 Valentine ‘87 & Michelle Sheldon P’29, P’31 Matthew & Mariah Simard P’29 Elizabeth & Phillip Smith P’28 P’29, P’33 * Nathaniel & Jessica Smith P’26, P’29 * Jennifer & David Speirs P’27, P’29 Sean & Sarah Sweeney P’26, P’29 Carll & Stephanie Wilkinson P’26, P’29 Class of 2030 Jeff & Stacie Bowden P’25, P’30 James ‘98 & Renée Cabot P’30, P’32, P’36 * Jarrod & Frederique Daniel P’26, P’28, P’30, P’32 * Dayton & Tori Dunphy P’27, P’30 Thomas & Sarah Kirby P’28, P’30 * Michael & Renae Kovach P’30, P’32 Christopher & Mary Beth Lorenz P’28, P’30 * David & Libby Swinton Millar P’30 * Robert & Anne Nanovic P’30 Michael & Julie Ouellette P’30 Erika & Jeremy Sahlman P’27, P’30 * 4LSLLUH ,YPRZVU /\L` :OLMÅLY 7» P’30 David & Jennifer Talmadge P’28, P’30 * Class of 2031 Justin & Kelly Brewer P’31, P’33 Jess Lynch & Dewey Mote P’29, P’31 * Jennifer & Jarod Richard P’29, P’31, P’33 * Valentine ‘87 & Michelle Sheldon P’29, P’31 Class of 2032 James ‘98 & Renée Cabot P’30, P32, P’36 * Jarrod & Frederique Daniel P’26, P’28, P’30, P’32 * Collette Cushing & Michael Davis P’32 Michael & Renae Kovach P’30, P’32 Jeremy & Kelly Beth Lavertu P’32, P’34 Drs. Mary & David Lavoie P’32, P’34 Steve & Austin Reeves P’32, P’40 Tim & Hannah Renyi P’29, P’32 * Michael & Angela Warde P’23, P’32 * Class of 2033 Justin & Kelly Brewer P’31, P’33 Diane & Geoffrey Mutagoma P’22, P’25, P’33 * Jennifer & Jarod Richard P’29, P’31, P’33 * Elizabeth & Phillip Smith P’28 P’29, P’33 * Cindy Hould & Nicholas Tsafos P’33, P’35 *

Class of 2034 David & Rommy Holman P’34, P’36 Alex & Jocelyn Kloza P’26, P’28, P’34 * Jeremy & Kelly Beth Lavertu P’32, P’34 Drs. Mary & David Lavoie P’32, P’34 Kelsy Ross P’34 * Kristen Marsh & Manasse Shingiro P’34 Nicole & Paul Weinstein P’34, P’35 Class of 2035 David & Asha Echeverria P’35, P’38 * Cindy Hould & Nicholas Tsafos P’33, P’35 * Nicole & Paul Weinstein P’34, P’35 Class of 2036 James ’98 & Renée Cabot P’30, P32, P’36 * David & Rommy Holman P’34, P’36 Class of 2038 Jonathan & Ashley Shinay P’36, P’38 Class of 2039 Annie Huyler & Drew Barder P’39 Nathaniel & Jennifer LeBlanc P’39 Nour Maya Haddad & Vatche Tchekmedyian P’39

2022-2023 Trustees Richard Abbondanza P’04 * Nick Alberding P’18, P’21 * James Cabot ’98, P’30, P’32, P’36 * Jason Currier ‘95 * Frederique Daniel P’26, P’28, P’30, P’32 * Diana Garcia P’07, P’14 * James Garrett ’98 * Robert Hilscher P’16, P’18, P’20 * Nathan Isaacson ’06 * Sarah Kirby P’28, P’30 * Christopher Lorenz P’28, P’30 * Stephen Malcom P’15, P’17 * Linda Manchester P’15, P’20 * Barbara Marr P’17 * Lincoln Merrill ’75, P’04, P’06, GP’37 * Jess Lynch P’29, P’31 * Drew Oestreicher ‘89 * Lori Poulin P’22 * Hannah Renyi P’29, P’32 * Peter Robbins P’22, P’25 * Catriona Sangster P’16 * Sigmund Schutz P’23, P’24 * Betsy Tod P’20, P’25 * Catherine von Brecht ‘05 Werner *

Honorary Gifts Dr. Donald Frederick Gove Deborah Ahl Benjamin ‘36 & Alexander ’38 Shinay Katie Ames Bill Hallett P’93 Colin Bumby ‘00 Eliot Grady for inspiring the next generation of multilingual world citizens! James & Melissa Cusano P’23, P’26 Peter Shepley Ann Woodworth Ellis ‘78 Ms. Emma Schneider Ken & Giuia Grady P’20, P’26

*Three or more years of consecutive giving to North Yarmouth Academy

Michael Geoghan James & Deborah Graul P’98, GP’28 Kathi Hardy P’12 Jameson & Meagan Hardy Ryan Hemenway ’19, Nicholas Hemenway ’19 & Taylor Hemenway ‘21 Gary & Elaine Hemenway GP’19, GP’19, GP’21 The Art Department Alice Ingraham GP’28, GP’30 Eleanor Thompson NYA ‘48 Walt & Linda Manchester P’15,P’20 Clayton Manchester, NYA Class of 2015 Walt & Linda Manchester P’15, P’20 Pierce Manchester, NYA Class of 2020 Walt & Linda Manchester P’15, P’20 Lynn Sullivan Jennifer Matthews P’16 Anne Powell James & Polly Pierce All Middle School Teachers! Christie & Adam Rana P’26, P’28 Peter Sillin who is a remarkable teacher ^OV OHK H NYLH[ PUÅ\LUJL VU T` daughter, Christine. Jessie Reighley P’10 Linda Vaillancourt doing an amazing job growing the Music Program at NYA! Susan Myer Fahlgren Riley & Dixon Riley P’89, P’92,GP’25, GP’28 * Eric Austin, Chris Mazzurco, Jess Violette, Emma Schneider & Peter Sillin Anne Snow & Peter Robbins P’22, P’25 Eliot Grady /LY /VUVY =H\NOU :JOVÄLSK GP’23, GP’27 Kathi Hardy’s retirement Jonathan & Ashley Shinay P’38 Ian Ramsey James & Gina Tansey P’26 Betsy Tomlinson and Peter, Jack & Lane Sillin Sally Ryan Tomlinson GP’18, GP’21 Garrett Bowne Peter & Pamela Wellin P’05, P’07

Memorial Gifts In Memory of Don Gove P’81, P’82, P’83, P’85, P’86 Pamelia Adams GP’15, GP’17 In Memory of The Class and Staff of 1963 J. Nicholas Burns ‘63 In Memory of Don Gove P’81, P’82, P’83, P’85, P’86 Lawrence & Kitty Mullen

In-Kind Event Gifts 2022 Steve Morris Golf Tournament Sponsors Back Cove Financial Chistopher & Christine Byrne P’23, P’27 Engineering Assistance & Design Ross Cudlitz ‘74 HM Payson Anne Snow & Peter Robbins P’22, P’25 Jay ’94 & Julie Flower Patriot Insurance Company Lincoln ’75 & Kim Merrill P’04, P’06 Payroll Management, Inc. Gary & Elaine Hemenway GP’19, GP’21

2022 Steve Morris Golf Tournament Prize Donors Allagash Brewing Company Rob & Betsy Tod P’20, P’25 Cold River Vodka Drs. Holly & Lee Thibodeau P’21, P’25 Good Life Market Linda and Walt Manchester P’15, P’20 North 43 Bistro & Old Port Sea Grill David & Laura Argitis P’20 Scales & Fore Street Restaurant Dana & JoAn Street P’24 Soirée Sponsors & Champions Presenting Sponsors $4,000 Patriot Insurance Company Lincoln ’75 & Kim Merrill P’04, P’06, GP’34 Varsity Sponsors $2,000 Harpswell Capital Advisors LLC Southern Maine Pediatric Dentistry Dr. Whitney & Simon Wignall P’23, P’27 Panther $1,000 Bates Mill Dermatology, PLLC Drs. Carrine Burns & Peter Bouman P’25, P’27 Casco Bay Ford Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Steve Conley & Michele Duvall P’14, P’19 HM Payson Anne Snow & Peter Robbins P’22, P’25 Jay ’94 & Julie Flower Hopkinson & Abbondanza Rick & Debby Abbondanza P’04 0UK\Z[YPHS 9VVÄUN *VTWHU` Kelley & Dennis St. Hilaire P’23x2 Knickerbocker Group, Inc. Steve Malcom & Martha Barrett P’15, P’17 Lebel & Harriman, LLP Mid-Maine Oral Surgery Dr. Luke & Melissa L’Heureux DMD P’39 The Breakwater Group at Morgan Stanley Gary & Laura Bergeron P’22 Spinnaker Trust Drew ’89 & Alex Oestreicher Payroll Management, Inc. Gary & Elaine Hemenway GP’19, GP’21 Pine Capital, LLC Christopher & MaryBeth Lorenz P’28, P’30 Preti Flaherty, LLP Sigmund & Anne Thompson ’88 Schutz P’23, P’24 Silver Street Group, LLC Chris & Lori Poulin P’22 Orange $500 Brickyard Hollow Brewing Company Northeast Delta Dental Pine State Pest Solutions Parker Adams ‘01 Philanthropy


Scott Dugas Trucking & Excavating The Good Life Market Walt & Linda Manchester P’15, P’20 Black $250 Buoy Media 1HUL (MÅLJR 7L[LY » -P[a P’37, P’39 Clayton’s Café & Bakery Brian Gilbert Great Clips Tim & Hannah Renyi P’29, P’32 Maine Solutions FCU Jose & Diana Garcia P’07, P’14 Play It Again Sports Simons Architects LLC Southern Maine Hearing Drs. Holly & Lee Thibodeau P’21, P’25 Soirée Prize & Auction Item Donors Nick & Jessie Alberding P’18, P’21 Allagash Brewing Company Rob & Betsy Tod P’20, P’25 Rick & Debby Abbondanza P’04 BE Holistic Consulting Erinn Chang ‘96 Gretchen & Stefan Bergill Blue Lobster Urban Winery Jason ’05 & Danielle Kroot Falmouth Country Club 7L[L -P[a » 1HUL (MÅLJR 7» 7» Chris & Jane Flower P’94 Bryce & Sarah Hach P’27 Health Resonates Alice Ingraham GP’28, GP’30 Kharris B Creative Scott & Corrine Larson P’19, P’20 Maine Craft Distilling Bob Hilscher P’16, P’18, P’20 Maine Plastic Surgery Center Jarrod & Frederique Daniel P’26, P’28, P’30, P’32 Martha Barrett & Steve Malcom P’15, P’17 Kate & Ian Malin P’28, P’31 Amy Mazzurco P’39

My Super Smile Rancourt & Co. Kyle Rancourt ‘03 Kevin & Michelle Roy Pamela Shockey P’23 Starting Line Run Studio Jason ’05 & Danielle Kroot Drs. Holly & Lee Thibodeau P’21, P’25 The Village Framer Melissa & James Cusano P’26 Weatherize Northeast Jennifer Wiessner P’26 Yarmouth Frame & Gallery In-Kind Donors .YPMÄU .YPMÄU 3PNO[PUN 33* 1VOU 1VZPL .YPMÄU 7» 7» Allagash Brewing Company Rob & Betsy Tod P’20, P’25 Maine Craft Distilling Bob Hilscher P’16, P’18, P’20 One Stop Event Rentals Ryan & Chrysta Coulombe P’29, P’33 48 Long Stems

Alumni Association Leadership Council Hugh Robbins ’99, Chair; Julia Bachelder ‘04; Christopher Bixby ‘03; James Cabot ’98; Morgan Cuthbert ‘94; Jay Flower ’94; James Garrett ’98; Henry Gerrity º " 1HTLZ .PILYZVU º " .YPMÄU .YPIILS ‘03; Lynda Hathaway ‘61; Ellen Hilscher ‘20; Joshua Kelton ‘06; Carly Lappas ‘13; Whitney Martin ‘78; David Mitchell ‘67; Lucy Gerrity ‘09 Newton; Briana O’Hare Laurence ‘99; Mason Parks ‘20; Burke Paxton ‘13; Anne Thompson ‘88 Schutz; James Skillings, Jr. ‘84, Caroline Olmstead Wallach ‘95 North Yarmouth Academy Class Agents Christopher Bixby ‘03 James Cabot ‘98 Katie Cawley ‘12 Brian Clarke ‘80 Julia Bachelder ‘04 Cole

Ross Cudlitz ‘74 David Fenderson ‘81 Jay Flower ‘94 Henry Gerrity ‘07 Timothy Hardy ‘77 Ellie Hilscher ‘20 Allison Huke ‘96 Margaret Horan ‘85 Joanne Partridge Jones ‘57 Lissa von Brecht ‘02 King Anna Laprise ‘16 Peter Latvis ‘91 Peter Lowell ‘06 Whitney Martin ‘78 Lincoln Merrill ‘75 Reese Merritt ‘21 Drew Myers ‘98 Gianna Nappi ‘13 Lucy Gerrity ‘09 Newton Matthew Noone ‘92 Caroline Kendrick Orrison ‘88 Monica Simmons Parker ‘95 Mason Parks ‘20 Roderick Pendleton ‘84 Margaret Kingsbury Peterson ‘73 Marina Poole ‘15 Thornton Ring ‘64 Kayla Rose ‘14 Mackenzie Sangster ‘16 Anne Thompson ‘88 Schutz Jennifer Scully ‘97 Sharon Libby Sharp ‘61 Ralph Sparks ‘72 Katie Crockett Stack ‘00 Molly Moss ‘05 Stokes Parker Swenson ‘06 Sarah King ‘93 Taylor Joel Thompson ‘90 Jane Thompson Witzel ‘57 Alison Znamierowski ‘11 Anne Znamierowski ‘08 Founder’s Society Anonymous Estate of Mary Anderson Melissa Anderson ’91 Estate of Alice N. Blanchard Allen Bornheimer ’60, GP’31 *

James Cabot ’98, P’30, P’32, P’36 * Muriel Cleaves ‘52 Cater Coughlan ‘88 Ben Davis ‘72 David Fenderson ’81, P’14 Clifford George ‘71 Joanna Gove Smith ‘86 Estate of David Greep Estate of George Warren Hammond Oakley Jones ‘68 Estate of John Kauffman Lane Family Bequest Estate of Esther B. Mahall Estate of William Mann Mabel C. Marston Trust Estate of Helen D. Maxim Lincoln ’75 & Kim Merrill P’04, P’06 * Estate of Susan C. Merrill Warren Miskell P’15, P’18 * David Mitchell ‘67 Bruce Myers P’98, P’00 Julia Noyes ‘84 Estate of David B. Osborne * Estate of William Porter Sam Robinson P’89 Travis Roy ’94 Keith Russell ’84 Michael & Priscilla Savage P’88, P’90 * James Skillings, Sr. P’84, P’88 Estate of Howard Small P’61 Albert & Margaret Snith Dorothy Furber Smith ’42 Estate of Levi M. Stewart Charles & Anita Stickney Christine E. Sweetser ‘38 Hall & Deborah Thompson P’88, P’90, GP’23, GP’24 * Eric Weinrich ‘85 Edgar F. White ‘38 Estate of Charles & Lee McCabe Whittier P’78, P’81 Glen Zimmerman ‘67



Barbara “Coky” Burnham Peaslee ‘53 YLJLP]LK H JLY[PÄJH[L HUK H WPU MYVT St. Joseph’s College of Maine to JLSLIYH[L `LHYZ HZ HU (X\HÄ[ULZZ instructor. She is still teaching classes twice weekly.

“This facility was made possible by many generous benefactors, including Trustee Frederique Daniel and Dr. Jarrod Daniel who made the lead gift of $4 million dollars, said Head of :JOVVS )LU 1HJRZVU ¸0[ VMMLYZ H UL^ ]PZPVU MVY H[OSL[PJZ Ä[ULZZ and wellness at NYA. With this project, we honor and take inspiration from the legacy of Travis Roy ’94.”

In October, Prime Video released a documentary about NYA alumnus, Ernie Coombs ’45, otherwise known as “Mr. Dressup.” Mr. Dressup was a beloved TV program in Canada (similar to Captain Kangaroo in the US). The show ran on the air for thirty-two years, producing more than 4,000 episodes. Not only did Ernie attend NYA, his father Kenneth B. Coombs was the headmaster from 1950-1958. Ernie passed away in 2001.

This fall, the 1955-1961 basketball players met for lunch and reminisced. Attending were Chuck Ridlon ‘56, Buzzie (Earl) Pride ‘59, Louie Beckwith ‘59, Ted Sharp ‘60, Allen Bornheimer ‘60, and Rick Wile ’61.

John Branson ’65 recently retired from the National Park Service in Alaska after 30 years at Lake Clark National Park & Preserve.

Class Notes


Robert Crane ’65 is living happily in Point Richmond, CA. He had a civil service career after nine years with the U.S. Navy as a communicator. He now spends time reviewing slides, watching historical DVDs, and keeping up with Cincinnati Reds and Bengals. He hopes to return to NYA some day soon! David Mitchell ’67, the son of Jack Mitchell, NYA Headmaster (1958-65), recently came across a section of the 1964 NYA yearbook entitled “Prologue – Past and Present,” detailing the early history of NYA. To his astonishment, he found several ancestors among the group of 5@(»Z VYPNPUHS KVUVYZ [Y\Z[LLZ HUK L]LU [OL ÄYZ[ perception (head of school). He also discovered a connection between his Mitchell ancestors and the town of Yarmouth. His late father, Jack, never knew that his ancestors had ties to Yarmouth and NYA. Stunning connections and discoveries!

Three generations of Merrills! The grandson of Linc Merrill ’75, Liam ‘34, started second grade at NYA this year. His mother is Linc’s daughter, Tara Merrill ’04. Linc also reports, I frequently have breakfast at Toddy Brook Golf Course in North Yarmouth with Gary Ricker ‘53, Patricia Ricker ‘58, and Sheila Ricker Collins ‘59.

While taking her NYA fourth grade JSHZZ VU H ÄLSK [YPW [V -HSS )H` +H` Ellen Gagne P’19 bumped into former student and fellow teacher Jenna Block ’16 who is now a fourth grade teacher in Brunswick.

Scott Fox ‘76 has retired to the coast of the Low Country in Beaufort, South Carolina, where he lives with his wife Shirley, and two Jack Russells: Skipper and Ginger MaryAnn. Christopher Bixby ’03 writes, “I wanted to say hi [V HSS [OL HS\TZ MYVT 4H`IL ^L»SS ÄUHSS` have a reunion for our 25th.” Chris has been THYYPLK MVY Ä]L `LHYZ HUK V^UZ H OVTL OL»Z ILLU renovating. He moved to Minneapolis in 2014 and coached lacrosse for four years, including as head coach of a local high school team. He encourages alums to reach out to get to together in Minnesota or Maine, where he spends the summer. Julia Bachelder ’04 Cole got married in June 2023. While they did not meet in high school, her husband Alexander ran cross country at >H`UÅL[L HUK [OL` YLJLU[S` MV\UK WOV[VZ HUK video of races where they are both competing. She reports, “We are now a house divided living in Boston and planning to be back in Maine in a few years.” During the annual senior dinner, Ellie Hilscher ’20 and Mason Parks ’20 welcomed the Class of 2023 into the alumni body.

During a vacation to Nashville, Ellen Gagne P’19 and her daughter Hannah Gagne ’19 ran into Amber Rose ‘19, Kayla Rose ‘14, Elizabeth Coughlin ‘15, and Emma Warren ’14.


Alexandra Dietrich ’03 was nominated for a 2023 Grammy Award for her work on Boston Modern Orchestra Project’s album recording of “X: The Life and Times of Malcom X.”

Spinnaker Trust announced the promotion of Drew Oestreicher ‘89, CEPA, Senior Vice President and Senior Client Advisor, to Principal. +YL^ QVPULK [OL ÄYT PU HUK has been a key part of Spinnaker’s growth, serving individuals, families, and small businesses. After graduating from NYA, he received a Bachelor of Science in government from Hamilton College, with a minor in economics. Drew currently serves on the NYA Board of Trustees.

With her performance that included “Can’t Hold Us,” Julia Gagnon ’20 was crowned the winner of this year’s Central Maine Idol. See page 5 for details on Julia.

Dan Norris ’76 and his wife recently moved back to Ohio to be closer to their grandkids Lily (4) and Violet (6 weeks). Dan visited with Chris Bragg ’77 and Mike Avery ’77 in South Carolina this past April. Haley Bennett ’09 hangs with Questlove and friends backstage while working on her latest musical.

“NYA friendships last a lifetime,” says Dan who is hoping to attend the Steve Morris Golf Tournament next fall.

IN MEMORIAM Announcements of deceased NYA alumni are published in the Chronicle annually and as we become aware of their passing. We invite members of the NYA community to send VIP[\HYPLZ [V [OL (S\TUP 9LSH[PVUZ 6MÄJL HS\TUP'U`H VYN

Lissa von Brecht ’02 King and her husband, Ben, welcomed a daughter in January – Annie Lowden King.

Ryan Baker ’19 stopped by NYA to say hello in October 2022. We love it when alums visit!

The NYA community extends its deepest sympathy to the loved ones of recently deceased alumni and friends.

ALUMNI BY CLASS YEAR 1938 Mary Beote Pearson February 11, 2023

Ruth Andren ’47 recently celebrated her 95th birthday with family and close friends at the Sedgley Place in Greene, Maine. Gabby Linscott ’17 is currently a Ph.D. candidate at The University of Maryland.

Congratulations to Jason Kroot ‘05 who is making headlines as a MaineBiz 40 Under 40 award winner recognizing his leadership and for his company’s “Maine Needs More Miles” project. So much Panther Pride for Jason! Admission Director Ashley Randlett ran into Corinne Larson P’19, P’20 recently and learned that Katie ‘20 is sailing on the Baltic Sea.

Conor Welch ’01 has been super busy since NYA. He grew up in Auburn, and after graduating from NYA, he attended the University of Pennsylvania. From there moved to California to work his way up as a producer, responsible for putting [VNL[OLY H ]HYPL[` VM ÄST HUK ;= projects. He lives in Los Angeles with his wife, Julianne and three children, Neve (11), Nina (8), and Benjamin (5). He is an executive producer of the new Goosebumps series, based on the popular R.L. Stein books. The TV series debuted on Disney+ and Hulu this October. He is currently head of Stoller Global Solutions and was previously vice president of comedy development at Fox Broadcasting Co. He also produces Platonic which premiered last summer on Apple+ starring Seth Rogen and Rose Byrne. They are presently working VU W\[[PUN [VNL[OLY H ZLJVUK ZLHZVU /L HSZV Q\Z[ ÄUPZOLK H TV]PL JHSSLK Cordially Invited starring Will Ferrell and Reese Witherspoon and scheduled for release on Amazon Prime sometime next year.

Keep in Touch Alumni, let us know what you’ve been up to and be sure to send your J\YYLU[ THPSPUN HKKYLZZ HUK JVU[HJ[ PUMVYTH[PVU [V [OL 5@( (S\TUP 6MÄJL at:

1944 Edith Young August 21, 2022 Lawrence “Larry” Parisi November 22, 2022 1947 Kenwood J. Kimball September 20, 2022 Millard “Bob” Crossett January 3, 2023 Harry Storer September 3, 2023 1948 Josephine Knight Vosmus March22, 2023 Barbara Dennison Robinson March 28, 2023 1949 George Robert Merrill June 17, 2023 1950 Dorothy Freeman Hayward March 2, 2023 1954 Helen Payson Seager November 28, 2022 1955 Stanley “Stan” Whitney March 14, 2023 Shirley Ricker Lessard May 22, 2023 1956 John Bickford Pride May 3, 2023 George M. Stiles Jr. August 7, 2023 1961 Ernest William Frye November 9, 2022

1962 Philip “Phil” Townsend January 30, 2023 1965 Richard D. Roy May 19, 2023 Donald “Don” Day October 2, 2023 1980 Charles David Winslow May 13, 2023 1987 Michael “Mike” Hildreth January 20, 2023 1995 Gregory “Greg” Seitz September 12, 2023 2005 Peter Khor Paul March 29, 2023 OTHERS Dr. Donald Frederick Gove Former Trustee December 11, 2022 Alden Hart Sawyer Jr. Former Trustee February 11, 2023 Philip F. Maloney, Jr. Former Rink Manager February 12, 2023 Vaughn Douglas Fuller Former Faculty February 15, 2023 Frederic V. Stone Former Faculty February 16, 2023 Charles Frances Former Faculty June 10, 2023 Glen Allan Hutchins Former Athletic Coach June 28, 2023

Remember to follow NYA Alumni on social media! Class Notes


Why college tours are an important part of my job? By Gretchen Bergill, NYA College Counselor Gretchen with a group at the University of Exeter in Exeter, Devon, England

Gretchen at the Abu Dhabi Grand Mosque during an NYU tour

By visiting schools in person, the college counselor gains familiarity with a wide range of schools and learns important details about the programs, MHJPSP[PLZ JVZ[Z ÄUHUJPHS HPK HUK ZJOVSHYZOPW policies, and post-graduation opportunities they offer. By understanding the “where,” “what,” and “why,” I am better prepared to help NYA students ÄUK [OLPY ¸TH[JO ¹ Less well-known but equally suitable college options can be found across the country and abroad. And they may be more affordable and more suitable for a student’s particular interests and goals. But if you’ve never heard of Grinnell College in Iowa or Northeastern University’s Oakland, CA campus, how would you know to check them out?

When I am invited on a college counselor tour, I’m usually given the opportunity to hear from current students, meet faculty, sit in on classes, and to visit the college president’s home for candid conversations. It’s a privilege to be invited on these tours. Often the college fully funds [OL [YPW ZV 5@( Z[\KLU[Z YLHW [OL ILULÄ[Z VM my experiences. Counselor tours are also one of the best ways I know to be able to represent 5@( [V JVSSLNL HKTPZZPVUZ VMÄJLYZ HUK [V MVYNL connections with them. In the end, it’s just a lot easier to help a student build a college list when you’ve seen the colleges yourself, you know how easy or hard it is to get there, and if there is good coffee on campus!



Class of 2023 University of Maine (13)

Rochester Institute of Technology (2)

Purdue University (Main Campus)

Wentworth Institute of Technology (11)

St. Lawrence University (2)

Queen’s University

University of Denver (5)

University of Connecticut (2)

Quinnipiac University

University of New Hampshire (Main Campus) (5)

University of Massachusetts (Amherst) (2)

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

University of Vermont (5)

University of New England (2)

Rollins College

Boston University (4)

University of Utah (2)

Saint Anselm College

Concordia University (Montreal) (4)

Wheaton College - MA (2)

Suffolk University

Fordham University (4)

American University

Temple University

Hobart and William Smith Colleges (4)

Assumption University

Texas State University

Merrimack College (4)

Bryant University

The College of Wooster

Providence College (4)

Clemson University

The New School

University of Southern Maine (4)

Colgate University

The Ohio State University

Endicott College (3)

College of Charleston

Trine University

George Washington University (3)

College of the Holy Cross

Union College

McGill University (3)

Colorado College

University of Arizona

Roger Williams University (3)

Concordia University (Wisconsin)

University of British Columbia

Southern Maine Community College (3)

Connecticut College

University of British Columbia (Okanagan)

Stonehill College (3)

Drexel University

University of Colorado Denver

Western New England University (3)

Duquesne University

University of Manitoba

Bates College (2)

Elon University

University of Miami

Boston College (2)

Emmanuel College

University of Michigan

Champlain College (2)


University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh)

Clarkson University (2)

Georgia State University

University of Puget Sound

Colby College (2)

Gordon College

University of Toronto

Colorado State University (Fort Collins) (2)

Lehigh University

University of Wisconsin (Madison)

Dickinson College (2)

Lindenwood University

Villanova University

High Point University (2)

Loyola University Maryland

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Johnson & Wales University (Providence) (2)

Marquette University

West Virginia University

Nichols College (2)

Montana State University

Western University

Northeastern University (2)

Pitzer College

Westminster University

Roanoke College (2)

Plymouth State University

Worcester State University

Class of 2023


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148 Main Street, Yarmouth, Maine 04096



3L^PZ[VU PZ ÄSSLK ^P[O NLULYH[PVUZ VM MHTPSPLZ ^OV SV]L [OLPY JP[` >L HYL H JVTT\UP[` ÄSSLK with primarily blue-collar workers who live a simple life by doing what they know and are good at, working hard, and providing for their families. This tragic event that happened this past Wednesday uprooted and caused chaos in many of those simple lives. The support from all of you here and from around the world helped support the grieving people and comforted everyone who felt lost. This terrible act of violence is a reminder to everyone how fragile life can be. Let’s move forward with compassion and acceptance and be kind to others because you never know what’s happening in their world or their head. Thank you to everyone who gave and continues to give support to the people and families affected; I can speak for the Lewiston community when I say it is much appreciated. - Excerpt from speech given to the NYA community on October 30, 2023 by CONNOR WOLVERTON ’24, of Lewiston


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