Buprenorphine is a well-known medicine in the opioid addiction treatments. Doctors are using medicines for your health. In 2002, Food And Drug Administrative had approved the drug for the addiction treatments and till now, we have different variations of the drugs. If you want to know which medicine is the best, you must consult with a doctor from Norton Health Care.
Buprenorphine is a partial opioid drug that binds with receptor sites of the brain, without causing any euphoric conditions. It suppresses the withdrawal symptoms and makes the recovery process easier. Starting treatment when people get addicted to strong opioids like heroin is very difficult. To ease the process, doctors are offering the medicines to cut down the withdrawal symptoms. Book an appointment with doctors and find the best treatment for your health. We have a team of experienced doctors who will understand the health complications and prescribe the right treatment for you.
In the opioid addiction treatment, MAT is an important therapy choice. Medication-Assisted Treatment includes both medicines and therapies. The medicines help to lower the withdrawal symptoms while therapies strengthen your mental health. The three most important medicines are – suboxone, Subutex, zubsolv.
Norton Health Care knows how to treat health complications. We have the best team for your addiction treatment. Our doctors analyze your health issues and suggest the best treatment choice for you. Knowing about the three medicine is essential. Here, we are talking about medicines in a brief way.
Subutex: Subutex contains buprenorphine alone and it is called a mono-product. It comes in a white tablet form that dissolves under the tongue. The medicine is not provided for managing chronic pain. It is particularly designed for giving you relief from the withdrawal symptoms.
Suboxone: Suboxone is made with buprenorphine and naloxone and it is also called as dual-product. In 2012, the product gets approved by the FDA for addiction treatment. When it comes to differentiating the medicines, subutex has a higher chance of misuse than suboxone. Suboxone is available in buccal film that is placed under the tongue to dissolve the medicines.
Zubsolv: Zubsolv gets approved one year after suboxone. It provides a tough competition to suboxone because it contains naloxone. It comes in the sublingual tablet forms. These three medicines are effective for your opioid addiction treatment. Let your doctor decide which medicine is helpful for your health. Contact Norton Health Care and consult with our doctors. They prescribe the right medicine for you. After analyzing your health issue, we offer the best treatment plan. Visit our branch in Norton MA, and Salem NH.
85 East Main Street, Suite A Norton, MA 02766 Phone: (508)-285-8550
45 Stiles Road, Unit 206 Salem, NH 03079 Phone: (603) 824-6937
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