Norwich High School for Girls 150 Bursary Fund

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Opening doors for future generations

Celebrating 150Yearsof Excellence: Supportingthe FutureofGirls' Education

When Norwich High School for Girls opened its doors in 1875, it was a revolutionary moment. At a time when educational opportunities for girls were scarce, a group of forwardthinking Norwich citizens approached the Girls' Public Day School Trust with a bold request to establish a girls’ school in Norwich The Trust answered the call, making Norwich the first school they founded outside of London.

In the 150 years since, Norwich High School for Girls has stayed true to its founding vision: to provide girls with exceptional education, opportunities and experiences in an environment that fosters both academic achievement and personal growth.

As we celebrate this remarkable milestone, it’s more important than ever to ensure that talented young girls are not held back by financial barriers Our school thrives on the diversity of its community, and we are committed to expanding access to all deserving students.

Each year, we receive over 50 applications for bursary places With your support, we can grow our bursary fund and reach even more girls from diverse backgrounds, helping them unlock their potential and succeed.


Bee Court, a Year 13 student and member of the Head Girl Team, joined Norwich High School for Girls on a full bursary.

"I was overjoyed to receive a bursary to attend Norwich High. Being in an all-girls school is amazing you don't feel the pressure to impress anyone, and you can just be completely yourself I love chemistry, and every day I go home and excitedly tell my mum, though it sounds like gobbledygook to her! The teachers here are incredible; they put so much time and effort into us. It feels like we are more than just a job to them "

Bee’s mum, Jess, adds:

"Receiving the bursary for Bee to attend Norwich High was life-changing we all cried! It was such an exceptional moment When we read the letter offering her a place with a bursary, I knew her opportunities for academic, extracurricular, and personal growth had expanded exponentially. Of course, Bee's future will be shaped by her own choices, but I knew a Norwich High education would bring her closer to reaching her full potential. 'Delighted' is an understatement "


OpeningDoorsforthe NextGeneration

We invite members of our school community to help us achieve this goal by donating to our 150 Bursary Fund By becoming a regular donor, you won't just open doors for these students you'll help ensure they remain open, offering lasting opportunities for future generations 1 5 0 B u r s a r

At Norwich High, we know how transformative our bursaries can be.

Now, we aim to make our exceptional education even more accessible by increasing the number of bursary awards for girls with the potential to succeed

"Norwich High gives

students levels of ambition,

and guidance that


could never provide alone. What they experience here during these crucial years will stay with them forever. For bursary students, school is an even more significant part of that journey."

-Mother of a bursary recipient


We appreciate donations of any amount and have provided some suggested giving levels below:

£12.50 amonth =£150ayear

Become a regular donor by giving £12.50 a month

£25 amonth =£150in6months

Become a regular donor by giving £25 a month

£125 amonth =£1500inayear

Become a regular donor by giving £125 a month

Annual Donation

Choose to give an annual donation of any amount by visiting the donation page below, or by completing a donation form. To

One-off Donation

Make a one off donation of any amount by visiting the donation page below, or by completing a donation form.

Named Bursary

Create a lasting legacy by establishing a bursary in your name or that of a loved one

Legacy Gift

If you are interested in leaving a gift in your will and would like more information please contact Elli Mitchelson, our Development Officer. Please contact Elli Mitchelson, Development Officer: e mitchelson@nor gdst net

The1875Society Bepartofsomethingspecial

Bybecomingaregulardonor,youwilljointhe1875Society,acommunity dedicatedtomakingalastingimpactonNorwichHighSchoolforGirls.

Asamember,yourgenerositywillbecelebratedwithexclusivebenefits, including:


Specialcommunicationshighlightinghowyourdonationisbenefitting theschoolandbursaryrecipients

Priorityaccesstoselectticketedschooleventsandreservedseating Invitationstopre-eventdrinksreceptions



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