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Loughborough Flower Lovers' Club
Article by Lynne Loughborough Flower Lovers Club this month looks forward to welcoming Sue Hodgson, a NAFAS area demonstrator who is based in Barrowby Lincolnshire.
Sue is a florist by day and a flower arranger by night who runs flower arranging workshops from her home base. She loves working with flowers and producing new designs. Her demonstration entitled “ Super Sleuths” sounds fascinating!
If you would like to find out more why not join us at Amherst School, Gray Street, Loughborough LE11 2DZ on Thursday May 18th from 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm. Parking is free in the school grounds and just outside the venue. Visitors are always very welcome. There is no need to pre book just arrive on the night and for a small fee of £6 enjoy watching beautiful flower arrangements being created by an expert. At the end of the evening all the arrangements are given as raffle prizes.
For more information ring 01509 853740 or email loughboroughflowerloversclub@hotmail.com
We look forward to seeing you.