5 minute read
Christine Radford
County Councillor for Shepshed
T: 01509 502974 M: 07796 544817
E: christine_radford@hotmail.com
Easter will soon be with us, Easter Eggs have been in the shops since just after Christmas and the east bunny is getting ready. I have managed to visit a number of Libraries in the county such as Ratby to see how they are performing as a Community Library. I attended the official opening of Ingeside House (part of Abbeyfield) in Loughborough which has a new dementia unit. Saw the exhibition at the Melton Carnegie Museum in Melton Mowbray created by young people from Long Field Spencer Academy on Make Your Mark.
This will be the last column until after the Charnwood Borough Elections on May 4th due to Purdah. But I will still be available to answer any of your concerns.
Full Council 22nd February
The meeting as usual discussed finances ready for stetting the budget. It was recommended that the budget for 2023/24 totalling £512.1m was agreed.
There were a number of questions asked by fellow councillors and a Notion of Motion was passed on the Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange. The Leader’s Statement covered a range of topics, from Support for Ukrainian Refugees, the Earthquake in Turkey and Syria, in which he thanked 4 of the Leicestershire Fire fighters who attended and one was from Shepshed together with 4 dogs.
Children and Family Hubs, Family Hubs are a mixture of physical and virtual spaces where all families can easily access a range of information, guidance and support to help give all children the best start in life and ensure families with children 0-19 (or up to 25 with SEND) have the resources they need to improve long term outcomes and reduce inequalities. He went on to mention the Suicide Prevention Conference which was held on 2nd February, Network Rail Performance, Leicestershire Climate and Nature Pact and the Nursery Partnership with the National Forest.
Warning of higher taxes and more cuts to services
The Leader of the County Council, Nick Rushton stated that financial pressure is being felt across the full range of services, not just the ones vulnerable people depend upon like social care, but the services we all benefit from such as road maintenance.
Leicestershire County Council is one of the lowest funded authorities in the country and the current economic crisis means it will have to further tighten its purse strings. A system where a person living in a £1 million Westminster property pays just £1,000 in council tax compared to someone paying £2,500 in a £375,000 property in Coalville cannot be fair.
Cabinet Friday 10th February
At the recent cabinet meeting the main topic was the Medium Term Financial Strategy 2023/24 to 2026/27 (MTFS) and the recommendation was a revenue budget for 2023/24 totalling £512.1m. Other topics discussed were Investing in Leicestershire Programme – Strategy 2023-2027, Passenger Transport Policy and Strategy, Outcome of Consultation on Eligibility for Care Technology Services, The Armed Forces Act 2021, Interim approach to Planning Issues in Charnwood Borough, Response to the City of Leicester Local Plan (2020-2036) Submission Draft Consultation, Leicestershire’s Policy on Admissions to Mainstream Schools; Determination of Admission Arrangement, County Council’s Representative on the East Midlands Freeport Board.
Bus services to face the axe in county
There are up to 26 bus routes across Leicestershire which are facing scrutiny because the county council says it can no longer afford to help keep them running. This is less than 10% of all the bus routes in Leicestershire. If these routes are not used by the public then realistically can we afford to support them? Money saved would be better spent on pot holes which will benefit all residents.
These services have all been subsidised by the Council because they have not traditionally been used by enough passengers for an operator to make a profit. As the saying goes, if you do not use it you could lose it.
Some of the bus routes have been subsidised as much as £200,000 which equates to over £20 per traveller. A large number of the routes being looked at are out towards Melton Mowbray, the nearest ones to affect our area is Service 125 between Leicester, Coalville and Castle Donington and the 159 Coalville to Hinckley.
Multiply Project
Multiply is a national numeracy campaign delivered across the county‘s Adult Learning Service. County received around £2.9m of funding over 3 years until March 2025 to deliver programmes to adults aged 19+ in innovative and creative ways. The successful delivery of the interventions will involve several key partners. These are delivered through Leicestershire Adult Learning Service and curriculum programmes (Go Learn), community partners and engagement and delivery from large FE providers through a procurement process.
Health and taster sessions held
A range of free taster sessions to help support health and wellbeing were offered by County Adult Learning Service Go Learn at venues across the county during February and March.
The ranges of sessions were aimed at improving adult skills. So, if people wanted to get fitter, improve their numeracy, and learn how to sew or just fancy something different these tasters fitted the bill.
For more information call 0800 988 0308
Charnwood Road Post Office
The Post Office in Charnwood will be temporary closed, it is a shame as this is a very useful facility which you could use in the evenings and all weekend. I hope that a new operator can be found asap. Customer information will be available in branch. This is due to the resignation of the current post master. I understand that the post office is looking at a replacement.
For more information visit
One off hospital discharge grant for unpaid carers was made available
Carers who have supported someone who lives in Leicestershire since 1st January 2023 may be eligible to apply for a one-off Hospital Discharge Grant to alleviate unexpected expenses.
Funding for Carers Hospital Discharge Grant is part of a larger Adult Social Discharge Grant received from the Department of Health and Social Care.
You can apply by completing the online application form www.supportforcarers,org/ hospital-discharge-grant/ or phone 01858 468543
Advance Notice of a Temporary Traffic Regulations (TTRO)
Please check the Town Council web page for up to date information.
Your help and support – my contact details
Without your help in keeping me informed regarding issues around Shepshed, I would not be able to do my job. For help and advice on County matters, I can be contacted on 01509 502974, or 07796 544817 or e mail christine_radford@hotmail.com or christine.radford@leics.gov.uk ,my monthly surgery, is held on the first Saturday of the month in the Town Council Offices, 47a Charnwood Road, (opp. Tesco) You do not need an appointment; I will be there from 10-11 am
Hathern Parish Council
Next Council Meetings
Mon 03 April 19:30, Mon 15 May 19:30
Clerk: Maureen Spencer Tel: 01509 842813 Email: clerk@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk www.hathernparishcouncil.org.uk Like us on Facebook: @hathernparish
Councillor: Roy Dann rdann@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Councillor: Martin Clayton mclayton@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Councillor: John Boyes jboyes@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Councillor: Ben Murdoch bmurdoch@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Councillor: Rachel Bennett rbennett@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Councillor: Dave Neville dneville@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Councillor: Shona Farmer sfarmer@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Shepshed Memory Cafe
A relaxing social and non judgmental group for you to meet others affected by dementia, take part in a variety of fun activities and reminiscence, enjoy a cuppa and receive support from our team.
Shepshed Memory Café Coming to GLENMORE CENTRE
Thorpe Rd, Shepshed, Loughborough LE12 9LU