PORTF O LIO Noshin fariha Alam
You really have to believe not only in yourself; you have to believe that the World is actually worth your sacrifices -Zaha Hadid
CONTENT Graphical Design & Illustrations Mediatheque Centre design DCC Market & Commercial Centre (High Rise design) City Centre Urban Planning design New Market Commercial shop ( independent study) Geneva Camp Housing Redesign University of Creative Technology (functional analysis & design) Interior Design Works(Office & apartment) Personal Sketchworks
1 media is everywhere. it portrays a huge part of our society and educates us in existing social, cultural and sociological trends that many of us have limited knowledge about. the importance of this project is that it allows rare collections to be maintained and displayed to the world; to teach, show & educate
Two volumes of mass & a central space
concept: emotions duration: 3 weeks project type: individual
Connection between two masses
Slight tilting of masses allow more space
Mass tilted to allow more views
One mass aligned with the existing road while the other tilted with a central common space in between Emotions are used as a concept in order to allow people to connect with the building they are visiting. Each function is allocated a separate internal shape that conforms with the basic emotions that a person can face, i.e happiness, sadness, fear, and anger. That is why the roof and floor are straight but the walls are curvilinear or round in the interior. Also the walls are painted in accordance to the color that reflects the purpose of the room that is red for anger and so on. The bridge connects the two building masses with steps in between to allow natural stepped spaces for public to enjoy an open performance or interact freely while facing the water body. Circular openings on the roof carry natural light into the ground floor and consists of transparent glass surfaces as walls in some rooms as to allow more visual access into the interior.
The floor plans are designed as open plans to ensure a smooth flow of movement and the structural columns take care of the rest of the technical requirements. The curvilinear walls intersect with one another to create an interesting connection of spaces both internally and externally. Also due to the open floor plans, the circular walls are visible from the exterior. This avoids blocked views and creates a connection with outdoor activities, something that fosters a person’s emotions which supports the overall concept of the design.
The main building mass consists of public features like the audiovisual library, auditorium, cafeteria and open display spaces. Projecting towards the rear of the site are the classrooms and workshops that teaches students about media and its various aspects. The teacher’s offices are located on one side and double height exhibition spaces on the other where students display their projects.
Meanwhile, the upper floors consist of the library and is connected to the lower level by use of the double height space below. Moreover, the exhibition space looks out into the water body into the south creating a connection with nature and allowing natural light into the exhibition spaces.
Structural elements can create distinctive features of a high rise building while providing structural support to the tall building mass.
Escalators connect lower floors to the upper floors and give a visual connection after a loop of open spaces for the lower shop levels.
Exterior framework can give a sustainable meaning to the building, while having uses such as protecting from heat from the west and east.
Vegetation or greenery on facade of the building is also useful in terms of sustainability and the need for visual distinctive features
Integration of one form into another can allow several components to merge together to form a single structure that fulfills the purposes of the building as well.
Part of the structure can consist of one element while the other consists of a different one; both blended together to form a simple unique piece of work.
Cross bracing structures were initially considered then later changed due to the idea of a simple linear form of the building.
Envelop walls are aesthetically pleasing as well as functional. They protect the building from unwanted heat and dust.
How a building connects with other surrounding masses is also important so that it has a connection with the environment around it.
concept: Simplicity duration: 12 weeks project type: individual
The idea of the high rise building was to integrate facade elements into the interior structure such that it merges together to become one individual feature. The entrance to the building is automatically connected to the upper levels and once inside, the public could diverge into ones individual functions. There is an accessible food court on the north side outside the building mass where visitors can enjoy food from stalls in soft pavement and landscaping.
GROUND FLOOR PLAN Building core is placed on the east and west side of the site to improve wind flow in the north-south direction and reduce heat gain in half of the facade. Envelop walls on the west and south of the building project out in order to protect the rest of the facade.
Once an entry to the building is established one is directed inside into a flow of spaces; lobby in the centre and shopping malls directly above.
Shopping levels in the lower floors are connected through the open spaces and the escalators in the centre of the building block
The main idea is to create a simple design that solves functions and allows connection between the mass & its surroundings
There is a shaded pickup and drop-off while one can directly walk up to the first level of shopping floors if they don't require access the bank or lobby in the ground floor.
The shopping malls are located around the periphery of the building floor plan and some in the center with the escalators and capsule lift in the heart of the mass and a double height space to foster a connection between the shopping floor levels
On the upper floors is the multipurpose room, a waiting area and the cafeteria that can be shared by the inhabitants of the offices as well as the public who attend functions in the multipurpose room. Directly above that is the mechanical room following the same layout of plans
NORTH ELEVATION The core of the building blocks most of the heat in the north, the rest is blocked by the louvers on top of the ribbon glass windows to block the high angle sun ray.
The office floor plans follow the typical plan layout where each company can allocate their individual preferences of office spaces and design the space to suit their functions and needs. Meanwhile, the envelop wall on the north-west and south-east side protect the office spaces from unwanted heat.
SOUTH ELEVATION Louver composition on the south facade of the building blocks the evening heat from the south side of the site and the rest of the facade consists of glass windows with landscaping on its edges to keep the building cool. 6
7 The project site was chosen due to its close proximity to a main residential area that has potential for advancement with respect to the barren lands undeveloped on the east of the site. Here several residences existed in groups of few and the rest of the land was intersected by a river canal and surrounded by a water body on the south. The site as a whole consisted of primary and tertiary roads with a highway on the north and water body on the south. Most of the lands are empty and is in good soil conditions, ready for further development to match the already developed area on the left side of the site.
The charts show comparison between different years starting from year1999 and ending in 2006. The comparison shows slow development of land surrounding the site as well as the site itself, along with the natural development of the waterbody.
The site is divided into four sector, sectors A, B, C and D, each sector to be designed by groups of 6. Our group was allocated sector C on the south west side of the site. The sector consisted of a main city line entering the site from the adjacent site, and a canal from the water body and barren lands in the south side and existing residential blocks on the west.
The residential blocks on the west of the site are mapped out separately to give a layout of the building blocks so that designs can be adjusted around them without having to modify the existing nature of the residential community. A government plan furthermore shows the planned layout of roads and land along with the water channel. concept: create an urban grid duration: 12 weeks project type: Group project own contribution: site & project analysis, master plan, model making
Lynch Analysis is used as a technique to properly analyze the existing blocks and road patterns while simultaneously planning ideas and identify possible solutions and ideas to create a plan for future development. Furthermore a direct connection with the adjacent lands are important in order to create a plan that is integrated as a whole community instead of a separate one. That is why the roads are kept in connection with the city center that already exists in order to allow the flow of people, traffic and functions that are continued from the site beside into site C.
Lynch analysis identifies all the roadways, nodes, vistas. landscaping, edges of the site, the water body and the residential zone. The rest of the surroundings exist in the background to relate with the main site.
Primary roads, secondary roads, tertiary roads. water channel and future road connections are all identified in this road map. The thicker lines consist of the primary roads connecting with the water channel and the dotted lines show future road connections
This chart identifies the roads in connection with the existing footprint of trees and open green areas along with the water body in the south. When integrated together, all forms a distinctive character that creates the basis of a sustainable development.
It is important to identify the towering skyline that exists in the current dimension. The map expresses existing landmarks and the height of building blocks. It will set a basic proportion of building blocks that will eventually set the ground for height requirements.
In Site C, the main building blocks consist of residential homes while some commercial blocks exist in the center of the site following the adjacent site. The footprint of residential building blocks grow less dense as they move towards the center and right side of the site indicating that development is less on the east
In a city structure, the level of stories that make up the residential building masses identify the existing height variations but more than that it creates a pattern that can be used to predict future population needs in those existing housing apartments based on the current trend.
Landscape and open spaces have been integrated and adjusted with the existing masses, suited around to their needs and then created, ensuring a smooth flow of green spaces that can flow from one space to another, then finally into the water body.
Vehicular roadway is crisscrossed in a direct urban grid; one where the primary roads connect the highway on the north directly to the water body on the south. Meanwhile, the east and west road network directly connects adjacent site with site C.
Phasing is done in order to ensure that construction is done in a systematic manner so that proper work flow can be maintained. The residential blocks are to be built first while proposed housing patterns come second and commercial zones constructed last
The yellow zone indicates the existing residences while the dark orange is an indicator of few commercial blocks. Red means institutions, brown means industrial area and the various shades of blue indicate urban core, central and general zones.
Pedestrian walkways were designed keeping in mind that a close community is kept together by pedestrian connections to desired destinations. Blue dots represent walkways to workplaces; green dots show walkways along green spaces.
Building heights zoning tells us the array of heights that will form after the project is complete. Proposed housing blocks are proposed the highest10-15 floors) while commercial blocks are second(5-10floors)and existing residential blocks lowest at(1-6 floors).
Walking distances are mapped out as a 4 mile radius as design, along with creating connections between neighborhoods & transit systems so that a quick connection to one’s destination is fostered.
Designated spaces of view corridors connect city from the surroundings to this city center through intersecting roads.
Along with the greenery, agricultural land is also proposed near the water body that articulates neatly into the designated green public spaces as well as the river canal and water channel on the south.
Sketches are done as part of the analysis process that creates a basis for the design process. The existing residential building footprint is first analysed, then possible locations for future development are identified before allocating adjacent land to the waterbody and canal to green spaces as well as agricultural land that can be utilized for production of food supplies that will in return generate considerable employment and build a community of their own. Adjacent land and site of other groups are also analyzed as it is important to connect the site with land beside it. The analysis told us the road network that needs to be kept connected, along with green spaces as well as city center commercial functions
site analysis
11 The whole master plan is based on creating a community within a community, one that accommodates diverse cultural needs and integrate into one unique element that tries to fulfill maximum needs of people, nature, society, ecology and culture. That is why housing is developed on the east, commercial zone resides in the center, residential blocks are untouched and further developed from its existing state and agricultural lands are developed near the water bodies. The community will be thus a mix of social, territorial, symbolic and physical aspects that can be defined in a number of ways, including household type, income, culture and education along with the commercial and industrial functions. These Interfaces are important in a sustainable vision of dynamic urban life.
master model of site c Mixed use housing concept is adapted to the design mainly because it enables a multi functional approach to the concept of creating employment and refreshment in the same perimeter of land. This encourages people to stay within their community instead of having to go far away for employment and also creates more employment
housing community block
housing block
site c as a whole community
Urban spaces are beneficial to societies as they are open to everyone fostering community spirit. Green urban spaces provide opportunities to maintain biodiversity of natural habitats and improve urban conditions by reducing pollution and utilizing sustainable practices like water management. Urban areas can benefit from the economic growth engendered by urban parks and gardens as they add value to the neighborhood and attract new business.
Section along site c
Sectional elevation skyline
An urban area needs a neighborhood as the intermediate space between housing, public spaces and the city, a device that allows a link between private space of the housing and the collective whole city. One can question the idea that the neighborhood is dying due to the spatial explosion of the tow and the transformation of urban lifestyles. That is why it is even more important to promote the idea as a place of relationships and social practices, connected by proximity; or a space of life defined by the behavior of the inhabitants and the social context around them. Due to the concentration of poverty in specific areas, there is rising crime rates, high levels of unemployment, within unimproved areas of cities. This issue that needs to be addressed and creating a proper community is one of them.
The commercial and industrial zone in the center is a significant revenue-producing area whose closeness of proximity shortens trips, lessens dependence on automobiles and encourages alternative modes of transportation such as walking, cycling and public transportation. The mono-functional character of existing urban fabric, causes many of the difficulties in the life of a district or neighborhood. Because urban design is a very sensitive component of any town or city, the concept of mixed use seeks to rediscover the vitality and attractiveness of town centers; recognizes the role of equity in promoting affordable housing and tackle the economic, environmental, social and political problems of providing liveable communities in contemporary cities.
13 This study was done mainly to get an overview of the New Market of Dhaka city. Local markets are traditional public spaces that fosters physical, social cultural and spatial factors of urban life. This study focuses on the urban design aspect of New Market.
concept: market study duration: 5 weeks project type: individual
In different periods of history, the city has expanded into a metropolis due to significant development of trade and commerce. Hence an extensive growth of shopping centers started to grow through private initiatives. New Market is one such example. It is a triangular shaped market with high arched entry gates. There are 440 shops and a triangular lawn at the center. Besides it is a major neighborhood and a public transport hub as well as a junction between two contrasting sections of the city, Old and New Dhaka city. There are important routes to the market but there is chaos and congestion due to lack of proper planning and regulation. However New Market gains local advantage of central retail area surrounded by residential and institutional land use pattern. Morever, other important commercial functions such as banks, govt. institutions, post offices and cinema hall; all can be visited while accessing the market.
For primary data collection, a structured questionnaire was prepared and a survey was done asking about the public opinion regarding the social, physical and spatial connections of New Market. Their responses were induced as percentages and analyzed in relation to various research from secondary sources from articles and research papers
Local markets provide a bridge between lower and middle class people and give them a chance to communicate especially as social communication happen very easily along market streets. They are an urban public place that foster public interaction and provide a platform to bring two societies together and interact with one another, decreasing social gap for a while. Furthermore, the market is located at an important converging section its location advantage plays an important role in a central retail area surrounded by residential and institutional land use pattern. This development has left behind a significant urban fabric manipulation.
The market avoids physical isolation from the surrounding urban landscape as the accesses are peripheral and circulation is internal. There is linkage among markets via customer movement patterns. Furthermore, gathering spaces and articulation of nodes encourage strong pedestrian flow.
The market has an open space character where the feel of space and visual connections are from the inside as well as outside. Natural light & ventilation allow better visibility and lack of high walls and open courtyard makes the market more visible and approachable making it easier for people to relate to the shops.
The physical appearance of the markets arched passageways of linear stretches of bazaar lined with diverse shops/ articulated clustered markets, when compared with pattern- grid layout of shops in modern malls, can be induced as a traditional approach to bazaars. This tradition is a part of their culture and history.
The complex triangular grid pattern creates a linkage between customer movement patterns and a smooth transition from one place to another. Furthermore, connection between nodal points of the site’s exterior is strong as there is a direct link between them. Thus a network of public spaces is created along the way.
The survey also stated that the market has good physical connection to its environment through proper access ways and viewpoints even though minority stated that it is still physically isolated from the surrounding urban context. Furthermore, the smell and conversations in the market create a connection between people
Public can use open spaces for social interaction & adjacent leisure activities nearby like the book market or the cinema hall. Thus the social, spatial and cultural aspects created an integrated urban fabric in the city. According to the survey people went to the market do fulfill their retail needs as well as spend some social time.
15 Geneva camp housing originally existed to help those who were stranded in Bangladesh from another country after the war and thus were allocated a specific area to live and grow their families The re design was a progressive step towards. improving the living conditions of those people so that they could live a better life at a better environment.
A close community of people can create the feeling of a home within a home; one where there is proper facilities nearby like a park or pedestrian walkway that allows people to interact with one another
housing blowup-prototype 1
housing prototype 2
pedestrian road
row houses
pedestrian road
mosque field
The community consists of houses, a mosque, grocery, fish and vegetable shops, and a big food court. Clinics are nearby the entire housing area in the road adjacent. There are open areas consistent all throughout that can experience children playing together in fields, or people gathering in a park.
open courtayrds
pedestrian road
row houses
pedestrian road
vegetable shop
concept: community duration: 12 weeks project type: group work
pedestrian road
row houses
row hs backyard fish shop
covered road internal courtyard
pedestrian road
row houses
row houses
pedestrian road
vehicular road
pedestrian road
Camp Masterplan
food court pedestrian road
kiosk (paan shop) internal green
kabab shop roof activity
cluster houses
shahjahan road
minar mosque veranda
Houses are clustered as such that there is a central opening space as a courtyard which allows a common space as well as ensuring a smooth air flow between the courtyard and the narrow slits between houses.
The community is designed as gated which enables a specific lifestyle of a group within the enclosed are to protect the residents from possible intruders, gated communities reflect an urban entity that is physically, socially and economically differentiated from the surrounding urban environment that furthermore allocates environments under the responsibility of the people. This is exemplified in a housing block where one lives close to neighbors but have no real social relationship. The opposite situation can occur as well: living in a house with a surrounding garden and having a real intense connection with one’s neighbors. The idea was to design and build customized dwellings that is design and build a place to live according to the specific needs or demands of those who will occupy it. This is because the community needs specific areas for shops, services, offices leisure, health, education, facilities and culture and mass customization allows that aspect
senior housing
general housing shops & mosque food courts
housing blocks, food court and mosque blowup Public spaces and other community functions like food shops and groceries play significant role and create a connecting framework for the combination of individual amenities. Public spaces may offer a number of variable, flexible elements that increase attractiveness of use.
housing cluster blowup
camp housing blocks
geneva camp mass model
sectional model
17 Shanto-Mariam University of Creative Technology was established in the year 2003. This university is considered to have unique curriculum due to which this organization is propagating the creative works and products of the students and integrating design with traditional and technological resources. Their aim is to produce versatile and resourceful practitioners with design, scientific, technological, cultural and social knowledge to equip them for the 21st Century. Project & Site Problems ·Existing factories on the west of the site creates noise & pollution ·Limited views outside the site due to industries and spinning mill. ·Site has only one access road which will increase traffic in future. ·Site is 4km away from facilities like hospitals, shops or residences. ·Students need public transport reach from main road to the site.
concept: connectivity duration: 24 weeks project type: individual
coconut trees
tall tree structures
Project & Site Solutions ·N o i s e & p o l l u t i o n c a n b e by green buffer & distance. ·Heat impact can be reduced by designing west screened facade ·Public transport provision near site will encourage transport. ·Increased distance from road to building mass will allow space barren land for cars to accumulate therefore site images decreasing traffic flow congestion. The site is bounded by a lowland agricultural land/ temporary water body on the south-east to north-east, .
industrial plot in the north and 25 feet wide main road in the west. There are existing informal tea stall, saloons and miscellaneous shops all along the accessible road. However, in the future when the campus is opened, this may become a little busy area, scattered with pedestrians, which may impede the flow of traffic along the main road.
The prevailing climatic conditions of the site can be attributed mainly to its close proximity to the Turag River and the large number of trees with huge canopies which virtually cover the entire site area on the East side – the result is a cool, shaded area all throughout, similar humidity to the rest of the region, and distinct breezes of wind flowing in from the side of the river. The sun rays strike a building from the east and north-west during late and early hours of the day. Since sun generates heat, causes glare and is the basic source of life, it must be handled with much care. The most conventional method of keeping the sun out is to orient the building in the north-south direction.
Campus life is about interacting with friends, teachers and even nature that help students to themselves. Functions that allow interactions can be placed around a zone that enhances public gathering & social networks.
music & dance program analysis
fashion design program analysis
fine arts program analysis
architecture & interior design analysis
dorm analysis
music & dance plan ideas
classroom section sketch
The initial idea included a central interaction zone surrounded by the administration, two academic blocks consisting of the two main faculties of Design and Technology and of Arts), and other public facilities like cafeteria, exhibition spaces, multipurpose and auditorium. The idea also consisted of doing the zoning as such that the functions are placed centrally in the site due to the possibility of adjacent land in the North and South being filled with building plots in the future. Furthermore, since the previous part of the Turag Rive in the East is now a low wetland, it can also be infilled in time. Therefore there is limited chances of adjacent sides around of the site to remain open in the future. It is thus best to place the masses centrally around the site so that with time there is ample open spaces for free air flow and around the university buildings.
21 Design ideas Music and Dance: Music classrooms should be in close proximity to the auditorium and separated from general traffic flow and noise. Doorways and hallways should be large enough to allow movement of instruments and doors and windows should be kept to a minimum to reduce sound leakage. Parallel walls of classrooms should be avoided and inclined walls at an angle of 11 degrees and buffer zones like corridors and storages will act as better sound insulators than single walls. Dance classrooms should be adjacent to toilet and dressing rooms and lockable storage and student locker spaces will be needed for smooth functioning of classes. The acoustic requirements are the same as music and sufficient wall area will be needed for placement of mirrors. Fashion Design, Apparel Manufacturing Management and Technology and Fine Arts: Fashion design department should have connection to exhibition gallery and multipurpose hall. It is the largest department of university requiring the maximum no. of classrooms. Apparel Manufacturing Management and Technology is mostly theory therefore they can share theory classrooms with fashion department. To further enhance design aspects several ideas can be applied that will aid in the design process. For example building corridors can be designed so that they can have a view or direction leading them their required destinations. Entries can be separated for academic and residential purposes with common entrances to help increase communication. Bridges can be used to connect buildings while the area under the bridge can also be used as a pedestrian walkways that connect all places.
Design ideas Architecture and Interior Architecture: They need open spaces for model making and others, providing workshops for them to work is also a good idea. They also need computer labs therefore either access to existing computer labs should be given or provision for labs inside the department will be required. Fine Arts on the other hand have several requirements like having a service drop off and ramp to carry materials and machines and close access to hand wash areas outside the toilet zone. Corridors need to be wide enough and workshops and access to outdoor working/drawing areas are highly required. A separate sculpture garden and kiln room is a must in order to allow proper allocated space for students to practice or display their work as part of their learning process and curriculum. It is thus important to provide students situations where they are able to learn from everything around them. Also academic should be placed around greenery and nature for thermal cooling, buffering while also being away from noise generating functions Spaces in the site are thus be arranged in a sequence that allows learning from all forms, like the industries in the west and nature, books or each other. Communal Learning occurs usually in the academic zone north of the site. Furthermore students learn in their own departments or have the chance to interact with students of variation in massing can fulfill the other classes. Other forms of learning includes open learning through outdoor classes, number of classrooms requirements workshops and even exhibitions. Moreover, knowledge can also be attained when or provide different areas like students are able to interact with each other and share information and knowledge. double height and spaces. Therefore, massing was done in a cluster that create a community of its own. Grouping of classrooms were done according to specific departments while other functions like faculty rooms and storage spaces were placed adjacently according to requirements. Furthermore areas are proposed to be used for exhibition spaces. Also introducing courtyards allowed them to act like a indirect visual separation of academic masses. Lastly pedestrian walkway has been enhanced more than vehicular driveway because a university is pedestrian oriented.
23individual blowup plan drawings
library blowup
fine arts blowup
In the Administration block, there is a separation of spaces kept mainly to adjust all the various space requirements in this building. On one side of the mass, there is the auditorium and on the other side there is the exhibition space on one floor, multipurpose on another and fashion gallery on the last floor. In the center there is the administration zone. For individual classrooms, windows are placed on both sides of the room, consisting of full height louvered windows to ensure natural ventilation. Top of the windows consist of glass to bring in more natural light. To protect the room from high angle sun rays of the North and South, overhang louvers descend down from the slab. To protect from heat, vertical louvres are placed alongside the east facade.
There is a bridge connection in the center that connects the Fashion block and Graphics block to the Music and Dance block and the Fine arts block. Below the bridge there is a pedestrian walkway that also connects the masses. In the dance and music block, dance classrooms are kept in one side and music classrooms kept on the other side as placing them on top of each other would have created acoustic issues, therefore they are placed adjacently.
graphic design & multimedia blowup
Furthermore, double height spaces are introduced in places like the library so that natural light coming from the East can fill the space.
multipurpose blowup
Clubrooms and other common functions like printing areas have been placed in the ground floor while the upper parts consist of classrooms and teachers rooms with the head of the department on the topmost floor. Meanwhile in the dorm and residential area, care has been made to ensure that there is ample air flow, light as well as privacy in the bedrooms. That is why for faculty residences, bedrooms have been placed on the North side with a void in the massing to ensure ventilation yet restrict unwanted views to others rooms.
mass model (initial stages)
final model images
view towards academic mass
Massing is done by placing departments according to their similarity in functions for example Fashion Design has been grouped with Apparel Manufacturing Marketing and Technology, Graphic Design and Multimedia is grouped with Computer Science and Information Technology and Computer Science and Engineering. Music and Dance is grouped together while Fine Arts, Architecture and Interior Architecture are placed in the same building block. All of the above have similar functions and study syllabus hence they can share classrooms when placed together. Studio Classrooms have been placed in one side of the floor and theory classes have been placed on the other side of the corridor so that students can move between studio to theory rooms easily and in less time. Classrooms are NorthSouth oriented with small gaps after a cluster of 2 classrooms so that air flow and light both orients around the rooms as well as the corridors. Toilets are placed in the East and West so that heat from those two sides cannot enter the area.
university final model image
Planning of the campus needed separate disciplinary functions to be housed in separate structures. These structure are grouped around the common plaza and will be link together by inter connected pedestrian route system. The separation of structure will also facilitate in phasing of construction which is an important factor for public building in our country due to limitation of resources and time which is why it is important to structure the masses properly. The concept of the central space was to provide a grand common space where students from different discipline can gather and interact with other. The central space will be the heart of all campus activities from where one can visually see almost all of disciplinary structure. The buildings, the corridors, the central plaza, landscape are treated in such a way that they create an inviting atmosphere along with keeping a provision for expansion in the future.
The purpose of a campus was thus to bring together diverse people and their ideas in an environment that creates potential for intellectual and social exchange. While the physical character and quality of a campus is defined by both its buildings and its open space, it is the open space which has the greatest potential for unifying the sense of community derived from actively shared space, and provide for the enriching experiences of both planned and chance encounter. Comprised of streets, walkways, greens, courtyards, plazas, gardens and play fields, open space has the potential to knit together the diverse elements of the campus in a coherent way. Individual buildings was therefore designed to maximize the opportunities for social and intellectual exchange. Public spaces are placed generously, providing places for conversations, and be visible to those using buildings and passing by them.
27 The concept of the interior design was a simple yet effective floor plan where the main workstation area is at the center and all the important functions are located around it. It is a functional approach to a complex job requirement and the remaining needs are fulfilled by thoughtful interior materials. furniture, lighting, flooring and wall structures.
sectional elevation of lawyer room, workstation and copy room
Low operable and clerestory windows, along with partition walls circulate air and create cross ventilation. There are false ceiling grids and protruding from there are the secondary false ceiling which holds all the lighting elements such as cove lighting, recessed spot lighting, pendent lighting and so on.
partner’s room section
conference room section
conference room section
The entrance to the office is kept on one side so that the rest of the space is free for the rest of the functions. The public spaces are near to the entrance and the lobby and as gradually one progresses, the rest of the functions emerge such as the photocopy room and file room. The semi-private area consists of assistant lawyers work station, the conference rooms and the break room. Lastly, the private functions include the partners’ offices, lawyers offices, internal conference room and the library. All the zones are hierarchically separated. For detailed interior, specification of lights, floor and ceiling materials, along with sample furniture models and possible materials and their model numbers are identified.
concept: emotions duration: 4 weeks project type: group work
concept: free flow duration: 4 weeks project type: group work
conceptual sketches
29 The interior design of an apartment is a simple, homely design whose purpose was to create a welcoming environment so that the interior of the place invites a person into someone else’s house and makes them feel at home. Simple ideas such Public as graffiti walls and louver ceiling with cove lighting and elegant furnitures can make a persons home feel warm and cozy. Furthermore, decorative walls, glass partitions, customized bookshelf and decorative brick wall add authenticity to the design concept: ambience duration: 4 weeks project type: group work
The entry foyer contains decorative elements to create an inviting ambience. The living area is elevated slightly that segregates the entry corridor and the internal zone of the house. The dining room contains decorative furniture and pendant lights to create a distinctive spatial characteristic and the family living makes use of natural light through use of louvers and the rest of the space is illuminated by wall lights and spotlights. Lighting in the master bedroom has been designed according to the cross- lighting of two existing verandas. The rest of the house consists of guest bedroom, kitchen and the servant rooms. Specifications of the materials, furnitures, lighting systems along with floor and wall finishes are provided with the name and model number researched from various catalogues and internet references.
Private Semi-publicPrivate Private
Graphics work in initial design studios included lighting installation in second semester, along with working a composition of of various materials. The composition consisted of lines illustrated by the use of sticks and acrylic along with a composition and decomposition of a block into blocks with the provision of reassembling of the block pieces. A leaflet design followed in the third semester in addition to t-shirt designs containing the name of architecture department of the school.
3d line composition
t-shirt design
exhibition leaflet
Lighting installation with cubic blocks
31 These personal sketches were done in free time in matters that seemed interesting; such as the still life sketch of objects such as bottles and drapery, the interior design perspective sketch of a living room or a simple sketch of a tree or a man along with the 3d sketch of a famous historic building called the Ahsan Manzil.
Other personal sketches were about tree plans drawn with watercolor markers that give a natural lively feeling to the sketch. Graphic sketches done on an experimental basis are provided in order to allow new dimension to a monolithic sketchpad and other natural landscape features like palm trees or huts, a statue or view outside a window, are minimal attempts to preserve basic things that we see around us. Lastly, a mosque or a house represent the refuge of religion and faith alone with the built forms of life that exist to provide shelter and protection.
Thank You