gener8tor Nō Studios Min-Doc Proposal

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August 2023

Brand awareness campaign and mini-documentary production proposal Joe Kirgues Presentedto Nō Studios Presentedby
03 Nō Studios Capability Summary 05 Mission and Vision 06 Workflow Summary 07 Budget 08 Mini-Doc Examples TABLEOFCONTENTS
“The desire is to create a collaborative workspace and social community that offers an environment for artists and art lovers to come together.” John Ridley

ABOUT Nō Studios Production Services

NōStudiosProductionServicesisafull-service productioncompanywithcapabilityandexperiencein livestreaming,videopodcasts,filmproductionandvideo editing. Beyondthetechnicalexpertise,weareadeptat findingandtellingthestoriesoftheorganizationsand personalitiesthatweexcavate

Weareexpertincreatingcontentforarangeofplatforms includingsocialmedia,newsletters,filmscreeningsand liveviewing.Shortformatreelsandpromos,aswellas longerformat,cinematicvideosareallwithinour wheelhouse.

Ourproductionservicesteamownsitsequipment includingcameras,lenses,lighting,audio,andediting toolssoweareabletosupporttheentireproduction workflowfromcontentcapturetofinishedproduct delivery.


Project Proposal
nostudioscom | 1037 W. McKinley Avenue, Milwaukee WI
Project Proposal nostudioscom | 1037 W. McKinley Avenue, Milwaukee WI
ABOUT Organization + Management
Ridley Founder and CEO
4 The Nō Studios Production Services team reports directly to John Ridley The team is well networked in the media and content creation arena and leverages this network for contractor and advisory resources when required
Will Rose Production Director Marshall
Senior Producer + Editor


We have the following objectives:


It's important that we capture and communicate the story that you want to tell This will require intentional collaboration from both parties throughout the life of the project so that we can understand the essence of your message and properly position it.


Whether we are delivering a 30-second reel or a long format mini-documentary, the product will be of the highest quality


We know that your time and resources are precious (as are ours!) so we will work diligently to conserve both.

Project Proposal nostudioscom | 1037 W. McKinley Avenue, Milwaukee WI


Phase 01 Kick Off

The Kick-Off Meeting is critical During this initial meeting, we can establish a timeline, shoot dates ad deliverables We will require a Fork Farms point-ofcontact and check-in schedule so that the project remains on track.

Phase 02 Content Capture

Phase 03 Editing

The other important aspect of the kick-off meeting is goal setting, i e , how will you measure success? And we will precisely establish output requirements including the length, tone and style of the minidocumentary

Content Capture opportunities are time bound, so we will ensure our team's availability and technical readiness with appropriate planning.

Editing is an iterative process that will require us to become familiar with your style As we create a polished aesthetic that aligns with your brand, we will establish a point of reference style guide for future deliverables

Phase 04 Product Delivery

In the editing phase, it will also be important to understand where you intend to place your content. We can create a range of output with various aspect ratios, lengths and formats depending on whether your intended placement is to social media, a digital magazine, your website or a live event

We anticipate having simultaneous workflows running throughout the life of the project as we continue to capture content and meet various placement objectives.

Project Proposal 6 nostudioscom | 1037 W. McKinley Avenue, Milwaukee WI


Definitions and Assumptions


Theinterimcontentdeliveryrecommendationisforwideversionofdeliverable-idealfor YouTubeandothervideoplatforms-aswellasverticalforsocialplatformsi.e.InstagramReels. Additionaldocumentarylengtheditsareavailableforincrementalscalableengagement.

ProjectManagementreferstoworkflowmanagementaswellascontinualcheckinprocess ensuringprojectgoalsareinalignment

PHASE DESCRIPTION PRICEPERINSTANCE Content Capture Two camera shoot; 8 hours from load to tear down $2000 Edit One wide version (16:9) and social (9:16 vertical) reel per recording instance $1000 Edit 10-12min mini-documentary edit; Up to three rounds of revisions included. $4,000 Project Management Quarterly $1,500
Project Proposal 8 nostudioscom | 1037 W. McKinley Avenue, Milwaukee WI



Award-winning Milwaukee born-and-based performing artist, music producer, multi-instrumentalist, curator and light-radiating human


GegoYNony Jovanny

Sons of a musical family, brothers Gego y Nony are what the industry considers a triple threat. These two artists sing, rap, and write their own music With deep Puerto Rican roots the duo has a love affair with music, especially reggaetón

Jovanny Hernandez Caballero is a Milwaukee community artist and photographer. His work explores themes of his cultural heritage and identity, as a first generation American and descendants of Mixtecs



1037 W. McKinley Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53205

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