Learn about the Olympic Games and decode ancient Greek!
To Charlie and Lily - A.S.
For Mabli Clem, with all my love - J.W.L.
First published 2024 by Nosy Crow Ltd Wheat Wharf, 27a Shad Thames, London, SE1 2XZ, UK
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Published in collaboration with the British Museum. With special thanks to Dr Alexandra Villing from the British Museum and Dr Alan Johnston for their advice.
Text © Andy Seed 2024
Illustrations © James Weston Lewis 2024
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Welcome to Olympia in ancient Greece, the site of the world’s greatest sporting festival, the Olympic Games. A remarkable scandal is about to take place! Can you help young Greek friends Phoebe and Leon save the Games from disaster?
Phoebe loves solving mysteries. Her mother, Eirana, is a wealthy noblewoman from Sparta, who owns a chariot and horses, and is determined to win glory at Olympia. Phoebe travels with her to competitions, always watching out for strange goings-on. She also enjoys running and is hoping to enter a girls’ race at the festival of Hera at Olympia.
Leon is the son of one of the best chariot trainers in Sparta, who trains Eirana’s horses. Leon enjoys sport and adventure, and he longs to become an Olympic discus thrower. He doesn’t enjoy school but at least it has taught him to read and write. He’s hugely excited about visiting the famous Olympic Games with his best friend Phoebe.
Phoebe and Leon find themselves caught up in a secret plot during their visit to Olympia. Along the way they need to solve a series of puzzles to stop some villains from ruining the great Olympic Games. Can you help them? The people who lived across Greece spoke in ancient Greek, which has a different alphabet from English. To read their secret written messages and understand what the characters are saying, you will have to decode this language. Follow the clues on each page and use the special charts and dictionary at the back of the book to help you save the day!
Here’s an example:
What is this woman saying and what does the sign mean?
The woman is speaking a sentence or expression, so to translate this you need to use the ANCIENT GREEK PHRASES at the back of the book.
Greek phrase Meaning
Where is the entrance?
The guards are there ἐµοὶ
Help me!
Greek word Meaning
ἔλαιον olive oil
ἔξοδος exit
Ζεύς eus
The woman is saying, ‘Where is the entrance?’ The sign reads, ‘exit’
Observation challenge
Olympia was in a large, remote valley with many wild animals around. Can you spot a grasshopper in each scene? There are also three eagles hidden in the book, a sacred animal of the god eus.