First published in the United States in 2017 by Scholastic Inc
This edition published in the UK in 2023 by Nosy Crow Ltd
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Copyright © Thomas Flintham, 2017
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ISBN: 978 1 83994 928 9
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Have you played this game before, Chris?
No. I hope it isn’t too hard!
Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll do great!
Here we go!
Welcome to the Super Cup Grand Prix! In the Super Cup Grand Prix, racers compete in four races to win points.
The racer with the most points at the end wins the Super Cup! The cup is a special power up that gives the winner the power of super speed.
Who will win the Grand Prix and the Super Cup this time?
Name: Super rabbiT boy
LikeS: beiNg a hero
Name: SimoN The hedgehog
LikeS: beiNg faST
Name: kiNg VikiNg
LikeS: beiNg meaN
priNceSS piraTe
LikeS: cheaTiNg
Name: Jody racer
LikeS: WiNNiNg
Name: robo bobo
LikeS: ThroWiNg ThiNgS
Name: frog kNighT
LikeS: beiNg braVe
Name: NuggeT
LikeS: beiNg a chickeN
chooSe your racer.
I pick Jody Racer. She’s cool.
I choose Super Rabbit Boy. He’s my favourite.
I like Nugget. She’s weird and cute.
The first race is in Animal Town. Everyone gathers to cheer on the racers at the starting line. The countdown begins: 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . .
GO! Everyone speeds into action.
King Viking, Robo Bobo, and Princess Pirate are at the back of the pack. It looks like they have a plan. What are they doing?
Suddenly, Robo Bobo extends his Roboarms. They’re super long! He grabs Simon the Hedgehog and throws him off the course.
Then Princess Pirate bashes Frog Knight with her car’s super secret boxing glove.
Good work, Team Viking!
One of us is going to win the Super Cup. No one can stop us!
Now we need to stop these three losers. Then the race is mine!
Be careful, everyone! Team Viking is coming!