The Grunts all at Sea - Chapter One

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Oh dear. The Grunts are back. Mr Grunt has to get a POGI (that’s a Person of Great Importance, apparently) to a certain person at a certain time. On an island. And there are others out there who want the POGI for themselves. Add to this the wheelchair-whizzing Speedy McGinty, the mysterious Max and Matha (sharing a single moustache between them) and Rodders Lasenby who’s turned rudeness into a fine art, and you’ll see why the Grunts’ stolen son Sunny doesn’t know who to trust ... or whether Fingers the elephant will sink the boat and leave them all at sea. PRAISE FOR THE GRUNTS IN TROUBLE A Telegraph Top Ten Children’s Book of the Year “clever word-play, irony and plain silliness ... wonderfully incisive and daft illustrations ... laugh out loud.” Telegraph “Their adventures are as unsavoury as they are entertaining ... Fans of Roald Dahl’s The Twits will delight in this disgusting but amiable family.” Guardian


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Praise for The Grunts in Trouble “Fans of Andy Stanton’s Mr Gum and Roald Dahl’s The Twits will delight in this disgusting but amiable family.” The Guardian “... as always with Ardagh, there is the clever word-­play, irony and plain silliness that make his books such fun ... To add to the enjoyment [it’s] full of wonderfully incisive and daft illustrations E\ $[HO 6FKHIÀHU /2/ ´ The Telegraph ³$[HO 6FKHIÀHU¶V LOOXVWUDWLRQV LPSDUW D TXLUN\ FRPLF charm to Ardagh’s daft and comic story about the Grunts.” The Sunday Times

Look out for:


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For  the  real  Mimi, a  real  friend First  published  in  the  UK  in  2013  by  Nosy  Crow  Ltd  The  Crow’s  Nest,  10a  Lant  Street  London,  SE1  1QR,  UK Nosy  Crow  and  associated  logos  are  trademarks  and/or  registered   trademarks  of  Nosy  Crow  Ltd Text  Š  Philip  Ardagh,  2013 &RYHU DQG LQVLGH LOOXVWUDWLRQV ‹ $[HO 6FKHIĂ€HU 7KH ULJKW RI 3KLOLS $UGDJK DQG $[HO 6FKHIĂ€HU WR EH LGHQWLÂżHG DV WKH DXWKRU and  illustrator  respectively  of  this  work  has  been  asserted  by  them  in  accordance  with  the  Copyright,  Designs  and  Patents  Act,  1988 All  rights  reserved 1  3  5  7  9  10  8  6  4  2 A  CIP  catalogue  record  for  this  book  is  available  from  the  British  Library This  book  is  sold  subject  to  the  condition  that  it  shall  not,  by  way  of trade  or  otherwise,  be  lent,  hired  out  or  otherwise  circulated  in  any form  of  binding  or  cover  other  than  that  in  which  it  is  published.  No part  of  this  publication  may  be  reproduced,  stored  in  a  retrieval system,  or  transmitted  in  any  form  or  by  any  means  (electronic, mechanical,  photocopying,  recording  or  otherwise)  without  the prior  written  permission  of  Nosy  Crow  Ltd. Printed  and  bound  in  the  UK  by  Clays  Ltd,  St  Ives  Plc Papers  used  by  Nosy  Crow  are  made  from  wood  grown in  sustainable  forests. ISBN:  978  0  85763  071  1

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CONTENTS 1. A Rude Awakening


2. “Duck!”


3. The Adventure Begins


4. The Pain! The Pain!


5. Speedy McGinty


6. The Man in the Motorcar


7. The Wodge


8. To the Harbour!


9. Splash Down!


10. Dropping By


11. Rescue?


12. “Land Ahoy!”


13. Surprise!


14. Unlucky For Some


15. The Final Chapter


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TheGruntsAllatSea_ins_V2.indd 17

07/05/2013 10:51

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TheGruntsAllatSea_ins_V2.indd 18

07/05/2013 10:51

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TheGruntsAllatSea_ins_V2.indd 21

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TheGruntsAllatSea_ins_V2.indd 22

07/05/2013 10:51

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07/05/2013 10:51

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TheGruntsAllatSea_ins_V2.indd 24

07/05/2013 10:51

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TheGruntsAllatSea_ins_V2.indd 25

07/05/2013 10:51

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