10195.Believing in what I’m doingand consequently increasingmy error probability rate.

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notazine n.3


Believing in what I’m doing and consequently increasing my error probability rate.

Mas s i moNot a-Gher ar doBor t ol ot t i


Believing in what I’m doing and consequently increasing my error probability rate.


PREFACE he et cat i odupl esnott i r horsomeonewhot heaut ngt Bei o dt l or w e h t f o r e d r o n a r e f f o o t t u b , r e d r o ) n unknow s( d’ l wor n hemai ,t f sel t di l hewor mentont i ,asanexper eader her t on, i t aposi uxt hej ogue,t al hecat et queshecanusear echni t f o t c e j o r p e h t n o y t i r ho saut nghi oundi .Andgr st i hel andt ces n e t n e s e t e l mp o c n i , s e g ma i d e r e t t a c s r e h oget ngt i her gat he st scover ydi l ual ngs,heevent nuousmeani i scont anddi m ng.Howevercomsdoi eofwhathei calcor hi yet el mat i nt i y sver hi om t r sf ’ t dscansound,Iguessi hesewor ngt i l pel e b n a c e r e h g n i t r a t s e n o e h t e k i l k o o b a t ha ewt ntofvi poi ood. st under caland aphi ndofgr saki ti ,i l sbook?Aboveal hi st Whati s ect cobj i het euncommonaest ,wher kammer balWunder ver n Wu y r e v e e k i L . y n i t s e d d n a e c a l p n rcommo hei ndt i f t m.Ononehand,i ndsofchar woki tt tcanexer ,i kammer der he chnessandt i her ht t swi eader her et nat asci canf ousappealof amor hegl ht t on,wi i ect l scol t angenessofi r st ent er f f nddi a e g n a r t s o s s e k ma t a h t , e c r o alf pet i r scent t i he shest avi tr herhand,i heot .Ont her oget ngs”comet hi t “ uf i r hecent nesoft i hel ongt onal i ent t ooksandat l s’ eader r e c n e t n e s d n a e r u g i ef ngl ysi ng,ever di shol ’ t vesi i galdr f oadi tt eadi on,andl i nat magi ri hei et ur ocapt et ngabl bei y t i eal sofr er amet entpar er f f ngdi i d,suggest l entwor er f aceof r sasat onappear i ect l scol t em ofi t yi Thus,ever ,amoveof hor heaut anactoft hathappened( ngt hi somet s heevent ot ont i eact nuousr i ocessofcont napr ,i d) l hewor t ons i cept ngsandper i eel s,f hought het ot e,t f i m ourl or hatf t he ng.Att enci i ngandexper i at ygener nuousl i econt wear ack, r sasat enceappear eorsent ur ct ypi me,ever i samet al hatgener sort hi ot ,t her heot ghtort nsi oonei ngt eadi l es. i mpl yi t i eal sr t di l hewor m oft or f he st ei her d,t eadysai r ,asal ay spl sdi hi toft hehear Att on,whosesequence i t aposi uxt onalpowerofj i at r r i / onal i at r ng i at egener l derwhi ousor gor i ,r ght ai r shesonest i abl est n, ur nt ngs.Andi i eel ngsandf edmeani l ol r eamsofuncont r st dbehevoi st ti d.I savoi e’ her on,t i t aposi uxt tofj hehear att he e:t i sl et wosecr et ,wher her heot ngandt hi weenonet t ot g n i g n i r b f o e c i o h c s i h s e d i h e h h c i h w n sone,i ’ hor aut ound ealgr her st hati s,t her ngsandnotot hi heset hert get s’ eader her k;t swor pandhi shi hor saut thi l chhebui onwhi w, o n k o t w o n k t o n d i d y he scoverwhatt heydi cht nwhi one,i e t mo e r n i e v i l t a h t s d r o w d n a s e i r mo me , aces ndpl i andf . f rsel hei easoft enar t got or andf aabor l ack,acol konal s:awor sbooki hi swhatt ’ hat So,t lbesomel ewi her cht nwhi ei ur ut ghtofanearf nsi oni i t ng. hi ngnot eadofhavi nst ng,i hi t i t ot ol t doBor ar Gher

10067. Of certain things I forgot the placement.

10112. Late at night, among the scenes occurring on local tv stations, memories of ancient landings on pale lunar shores appear on surface.

10122. Foolishness as a strategic choice, as

an operative phase of a plot of your own.

10123. d Entire professions dedicate esires, d y m f o to the satisfaction agreements e h t f o n o i t a to the preserv perception that restrain my sorrow, the the world, n o e v of the little power I ha on my self.

10127. My life, lived faraway from the places of entertainment.

10134. Some finds of very hard moments, coming to surface while the maintenance works on your days.

10144. Ready phrases, with no referent, good for the future events when “the plain of assumptions” will be the expression one’s looking for.

10149. In spite of everything, falling under the spell of a feminine presence.

10153. Moments of panic, in your heart, envisioning more labor market liberalization.

10162. Entire sectors of my mind, on different levels and according to well-reasoned placements, dedicated to the storage of base techniques: to refill a stapler, to make a coffee, to close a joint, to tie my shoes and button my shirt.

10176. Marketing campaigns to promote yourself, failed in the turn of a few sentences, at the first steps inside the pub.

10189. Increase in the number of hurricanes, in their frequency, in their reach in terms of force, size, caused damages.

10224. Survived to a concepts collision.

10236. Social objects, little emotional artefacts occupying your days, the scarce surface of your apartment.

10240. Entering the fashion district of your


10254. Responsible for managing a miscellaneous collection of thoughts, in the rooms of my days.

10258. In the evening, after dinner, feeling the lack of a motivation.

10273. Communication techniques, useful to make you think you’re happy.

10400. Lacking means to demonstrate they’re

all wrong.

10098. Concluding that symbols will not

be our salvation.

WORDS: Gher ar doBor t ol ot t i ht t p: / / bgmol e. wor dpr ess. com/ DRAWI NGS: Massi moNot a ht t p: / / www: not amax. i t

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