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Reflecting on the recent actions of the world, and while browsing the pagesof thisnew issue of NJM for thelatest "filings", I spontaneously thought how lifeis often in color, but sometimes in black and white. A film, somewould say. But even on thistherewould be to discuss... I find that there is a cyclicity in human actions: in the end, after a path, you alwaysreturn to the start, as in a circuit or in a special test, to understand. We take extreme actions, which inevitably affect our livesor theworld around us,and weoften look for a challenge, whether it?sjumpingon a snowboard from the top of a mountain, or jumping at 300 an hour with a car. But once we get to the finish line, are we really better than when we started? Why do we always repeat what we do, for better or worse? Maybebecausethefirst rival to fight is not your teammate, it is not the driver alongside you on the grid, and it is not even that snowy mountain, but it is simply our "I". Or our "Ego," if you will.

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