Updates that limit the efforts of SEO Consultants!
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tends towards the dead end and Google helps it to do so. Why? The most common reason is the regular updates of most preferable search engine- Google. Although, in recent few months, It does not announce any major official update, but previous updates are enough to bound Search engine optimizers.
Updates for SEO!
Code Name: Google Panda Launched on: Feb 24th, 2011 Last updated: Sep 21st, 2014 Total Versions: Focused on:
27 1. Keywords
2. Long tail Keywords 3. Content quality 4. Spamming
Code Name: Google Penguin Launched on: April 24th, 2012 Last updated: Oct 17th, 2014 Total Versions: Focused on:
6 1. Poor Quality Backlinks
2. Ethical Linking 3. White hat SEO 4. Paid Links
Code Name: Google Hummingbird Launched on: Sep 26th, 2013 Last updated: Sep 26th, 2013 Total Versions: Focused on:
1 1. Long tail Keyword
2. More relevancy 3. White hat SEO
Code Name: Google Pigeon Launched on: July 24th, 2014 Last updated: July 24th, 2014 Total Versions: Focused on:
1 1. Local Search
2. Local Listing 3. Local Relevancy
Apart from those update, SEO is still working and continuously refining itself for better outcomes. We are SEO Consultant in India‌. We are NOTO Solutions!
B-11, Lal Bahadur Nagar, Kesar Kothi, JLN Marg, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur – 302017 Rajasthan, India
Contact us! Phone- 0141-4034503 Website- www.notosolutions.com