August 2010

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here was only one girl in the movie, surrounded by teenage guys. She got to kiss Christian Bale in the end. Wow, were we jealous. In the Special Features, she admitted that she did like the attention. Uh-huh, “liked” it. But for us, sitting on the rooftop, eating mango ice cream while huddled in blankets, the world of Newsies was far away. The world of America was far away…the world of guys. So we jumped on the trampoline singing at the top of our lungs, debating which boy was the cutest and claiming each one. Do normal girls do that? We were so far from the make-up-ing, magazine-reading, celebrity-seeking teens in the U.S, where every school had to have at least a few hot guys. Actually, we sort of assumed that America was covered with them. This kind of thing is typical, right? Everyone else does this, too?

Smudged Borders For a lot of us MK’s, there is a distinction between reality and what we expect in a relationship, especially if we haven’t been in one before. Since we live overseas, we are often cut off from that seemingly necessary high school commodity—guys. I’m one of those rookies, who hasn’t, I confess, much experience in relationships at all. But I feel a need to explain things from my own point of view. There may be popular, guy-magnet girls out there, who have been in more high school relationships than the fingers on their hands, and there may be the anorexic ones with low self esteem, sick with desire. They might even be MK’s. But that’s not who I’m talking to. Because I know that out there, there are people like me, who are confident in their relationships with God and keep telling themselves “I don’t need a boyfriend.” For us it’s just a little longing, a little nagging doubt that sticks in the back of our minds. This little brain weed is a common case in us, the teen MK girls. And as we battle it out for God’s glory and for our parents in a strange land that is devoid of boyfriends, we get a little lonely. So what do we do? We start dreaming. On our own, with the media, we take the stories we’ve heard and the movies we seen and create our own little Barbie fantasy that we want so badly sometimes it feels real. The line between real and Hollywood gets fuzzy and we start to think this is what my relationship could be…because we don’t know any better.

Delusions of Grandeur It’s easy, far too easy, to get consumed by the desire for male companionship we thought we had control over, especially when we are continually bombarded with appealing “truth” by the Media Monster. On my water cooler I have one of those cheesy, laminated bookmarks I got from somewhere that says something like Are you thirsty? Come to me. –Jesus. As corny as “God is ALL the friend I need” sounds, it is completely true that at the beginning and end of all things is God, and He wants you to be fully dependent on him, before he lets a guy into your life. He also


said in Matthew 6:24 that “no man can serve two masters,” so who do you think should be number one in your life? The Lord of all, or your future boyfriend? That little piece of paper has actually helped. I’ve seen God working in my life, trying day after day to make me content with what I have, forever dragging me away from the stupid stuff I run after, making sure my focus is on Him and I don’t get sidetracked. So what if He decided to not let me get the romantic part in the play, not get asked out when my friends did, not meet those hot guys that I knew were Christians anyway. He gave me a low tolerance for above PG -13 and chose me to be the advice-giver, who stands on the side, surrounded by friends who are cuter than I am and get liked first. And you know what? I praise Him for this. I thank God that he has kept me in a guy-less, MK shell, because He loves me. And when I’m finally ready and strong enough to live for Him only no matter what, He’ll get me a boyfriend. That is, if He wants to. Don’t think that this looking on the bright side of mine has been easy. I doubt it will be for you either. But in those purity seminars and studies we scoffed at, the adults did have a point: God first. Always. I challenge you to think long and hard: What are some of your delusions? Are they stopping you from getting closer to God, the one guy who makes all the right calls? For sure, God’s plan for you may not be exactly what you have in mind, but I can promise that it will be worth the wait.

Who are you? All these girls have their weaknesses, and it’s important to understand who you fit in with.

The Cynic:

She’s seen too many of her friends hurt by guys and has low expectations. Unsatisfied with what she sees, she’s given up on all hope of finding perfect love for who she is in any human guy.

The Dreamer:

She enjoys creating her own fantasy of what true love is, probably because she’s hardly met anyone of the opposite sex. Caught up in fairyland, the first heart-break will hit her hard if she doesn’t wake up to reality soon.

The Veteran:

She’s been in plenty of relationships, has seen behind the wall and scoffs at this article. So what if she has a few ketchup stains on her white tablecloth of purity? Is she any worse for the wear?

The Angel:

Full of gentle naïveté, she still doesn’t know much about guys or relationships. She’ll be prey to the first man she sees if she doesn’t prepare her heart before God first and mature.

Print, cut out, and pass these cards around at your next sleepover. Have each pray for the request on her card. Fill in the blank with what you think should be valued between a boyfriend and girlfriend. You can pray about your first relationship, your future husband, or whatever you want. Or, just discuss why each of these is important. In my relationship I pray for…


Dependent on each other Each trusts the other to make good decisions ______________________________________________

• • •

In my relationship I pray for…

Depth · · ·

Selfless care for each other Both want to share an equal amount of their lives with each other ________________________________________________

In my relationship I pray for…

Honesty · · ·

No hiding things from the other person God is brought into the relationship ________________________________________________

In my relationship I pray for…

Respect · · ·

Each cares about the other and respects them Each makes sure the other’s voice is heard ________________________________________________

Light in the Darkness

part 3

 Jamilah looked at the rolling countryside, her aged eyes gazing fondly at the never-ending rice paddies. They really did seem to be never-ending. They stretched out as far as the eye could see in every direction. To the un-trained eye they looked like just a large grassy field, but to Jamilah they were much more than that. They were her livelihood; her childhood; her home. All the best things in life had happened to her in that field; they held a lifetime of memories. A gentle nudge awakened her from her reminiscing. “Ali! Why I didnʼt even see you there, little one.” She reached down and gave the little goat a pat on the head. She had found the animal near her house several years ago during a rain storm and had taken it in and cared for it since then. “What do you think? Do you like living in the rice paddies?” The goat nudged her hand and bleated. The old woman laughed a deep cracked laugh. “I thought you did. I thought you did.” She looked back onto her beloved rice fields for a moment before briskly turning around. “Well Ali, itʼs off to work! We canʼt just stand here all day!” Jamilah walked toward her small hut that was situated so the rice paddies stretched out behind it. It was located on the side of a small dirt road in the middle of practically nowhere. A young girl rode her bike down the road every morning, but other than her, Jamilah

never saw anyone pass. As she walked, Jamilah mentally ran through her list of things to do for the day. “Well Ali, might as well get the worst thing out of the way first: the washing!” She walked into the dim hut and stooped down to pick up a large, crude wooden tub. She carried it to the side of her house where she pumped icy cold water into it. When the tub was full she straightened out and put her hand on her back as she stretched. She heard a crack as she leaned back over. With a wry smiled she remarked, “Iʼm getting old, arenʼt I Ali? No matter, life doesnʼt slow down as you age. It might get a little harder, but it doesnʼt slow down.” She pushed the tub away from the pump and went back inside to fetch the laundry. She shoved the clothes in and out while she scrubbed them hard with soap. Ali lay near bye, grazing on the worn weedy grass. Jamilah sat back on her heals and wiped sweat off her brow. It was only 8 in the morning, yet already the sun was beating down on the earth. She pushed her hair back and kept scrubbing until everything was as clean as could be. She proceeded to lay them out in the sun where it would only take a matter of Continued

minutes before they were dry and ready to be folded. The first chore finished, Jamilah made her way to the front of the house and planted herself on the ground for her morning prayers. She slowly rocked back and forth as she recited the ritual. Her quiet was suddenly interrupted by a loud sound and a sharp cry. Jamilahʼs eyes flew open. On the dirt road in front of her home lay the girl who passed everyday; her bicycle was several feet away and blood was trickling down her knee. Jamilah hurried forward. Tears were starting to roll down the girlʼs cheeks and a smudge of dirt was on her face. Jamilah reached forward to wipe away the dirt and tears but the girl leaned backward, avoiding her hand. Presently, the girl got up and edged away toward her bike. Jamilah walked toward her, her hand still stretched out to help the poor girl. But she refused her, and angrily cried, “No! I donʼt need any help!” The girl got on her bicycle and hurriedly left. Jamilah watched her disappear from sight, slightly hurt that her help had been refused. She was just about to turn back toward her hut when she noticed something out of the corner of her eye. Lying on the dirt ground was a small leather book. Jamilah leaned down and picked it up, brushing off the dust. She figured it had

fallen out of the girlʼs bag when she fell. She flipped through the thin pages; they were all folded and lots of words were highlighted in bright colors. It looked very used, and loved. Interested, Jamilah continued to stay in her squatted position, looking at the pages. A gentle breeze rustled them. She squinted down at the highlighted words, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.” Her eyes widened as she read the psalm. It wasnʼt a memorized prayer prayed out of guilt and obligation, but one of sincere praise. She knew he hadnʼt prayer that prayer because he had to, but because he wanted to. It was beautiful. That night Jamilah gingerly lowered herself down on the worn dirt space that looked out onto her rice paddies. The evening sun gently tossed light onto her dark, weathered face and a gentle breeze lifted a few strands of her gray hair from her sweaty face. The ends of her worn dress also fluttered in the wind along with the wavy grasses of the paddies. The paddy field looked beautiful in the soft sunlight and the pastel blue sky stretching out above them looked like a painted canvas. Her dark eyes held contentment as she looked at the peaceful scene. It was as beautiful as ever, but tonight its beauty was enhanced as she knew who had created it. She closed her eyes and a slight smile rested firmly on her lips as peace and happiness flowed through her.


Bible Verses on…

“As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life.” -1 Timothy 6:17-19

“Keep your life free from the love of money, and be content with what you have…” –Hebrews 13:5

“A faithful man will abound with blessings, but whoever hastens to be rich will not go unpunished.” -Proverbs 28:20

“Whoever trusts in his riches will fall, but the righteous will flourish like a green leaf.” -Proverbs 11:28

“Wealth gained hastily will dwindle, but whoever gathers little by little will increase it.” –Psalm 13:11

Planning Your Own Summer Party by

Summer: wading in the midst of dragonflies, sipping from a tall glass of cool lemonade while lounging in the pool, collecting intricate shells as the waves break over sharp rocks in an attempt to wet your rolled-up jeans, and entertaining friends at your own summer party! Parties are great any time of year, but summer is a great season for parties! There are four ingredients to any good party: The right setting; nice people; a good snack; and great fun. With these four things in mind, I’m going to write a few ideas to whet your appetite on how you can throw a summer party.

If forced inside by weather or lack of

All you really need is three or more people and a place to be. A festive mood is the only requirement.

outdoor space, create that summer evening outdoor feeling with a little creativity. Project a woodland scene onto the wall or create your own outdoors scissors and glue can do a lot. If the prospect of building a forest is exasperating, you can have a “pre-party” and invite a few friends over to help prepare before the actual party. Another way to change a flat into outdoors is to simply open up all the windows and doors creating a cool summer evening atmosphere. Use your imagination. Change some strips of orange paper into a campfire; make your microwave a fireplace and “roast” s’mores or a variation of s’mores if you don’t have marshmallows.

Parties would always be outdoors

if it weren’t for three things: yard space, bad weather and bugs.
You cannot help yard space or bad weather but fortunately you can do something about the bugs. Basil and lavender are natural antidotes against bugs. You could have some leaves of basil leaves or

sprigs of lavender ready to rub onto the arms and legs of your guests or you could go to the health food store and buy some basil or lavender essential oil. How to work with limited yard space can be a challenge. As long as the yard is mown and you have some decorations to give it a festive air, your yard should make a perfect party ground. Sweep and add a few potted flowers and you can make a welcoming spot to a small yard, porch, or balcony. Here are a few decorating ideas to make a cozy atmosphere for an evening party: lots of candles, an actual campfire, or Japanese Lanterns using wire and colored paper and flashlights (this is where it’s a fun idea to have a pre-party and invite some friends over to help prepare).


The right snack can make a good party GREAT. One idea is to have a smoothie bar. Go to the fruit market and get the most exotic fruit you can find: mangos, coconut, papaya, kiwi, figs, pineapple and bananas. If these are not available try frozen berries of any sort. You can also put lemon or strawberry ice cream into your smoothies. Keep your fruit cool until just before the party starts. Then ask early guests to help slice it. Arrange fruit as temptingly as possible in large bowls. Allow your guests to choose their fruit, mix it with yogurt, juice, or any other liquid, and then blend. If you have extra time before the party make some whip cream and frozen berries to top your creations. A variation on this idea is to have a sundae bar or even a pizza bar where guests can make their own dish using ingredients you have ready. Be creative!


If possible, sing to a guitar or some other instrument, even CDs so you can sing camp-fire sons as the sun sets. Have some straw and old clothes ready and divide your guests into teams. Have a race to see which team can turn one of their team members into a scarecrow first. If your guests stay till it is dark out it is always fun to play a couple rounds of Hide-and- Seek, Sardines, Honko, or Capture the flag, etc. Have lots of balls available - a soccer ball, volleyball, or an American football. You can bob for apples inside and if you don’t want to get wet you can always try the more challenging way of “bobbing” for apples on a string. Set up various two-player games such as Checkers, Connect Four, Mancala, even Memory! Then have everyone play each other, winners stay and losers move to the next game.

I hope you are able to put some of these ideas to use. It is always fun to throw a party especially at the end of summer so you can get the last bit fun out of “freedom” before school starts again! Enjoy your summer and enjoy the company of others in your own creative way!

O LORD, you have searched me and known me!
 You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar.

You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways. Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O LORD, you know it altogether.

You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me. Such
 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well....

How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! If I would count them, they are more than the sand....

Search me, O God, and know my heart!! Try me and know my thoughts! And

-Psalm 139

What’s God up to?

Read how God is working in MKs’ lives around the globe!

My name is Amy and I'm an Mk living in France! I'm so blessed to have a wonderful family and good school friends, and I think recently the Lord has been (trying) teaching me to live with what I have. In the last year all my Mk friends have moved away and even if it's hard for me, I know that God has an awesome plan for me no matter what and I need to trust in Him and just glorify Him in His splendor!

-Amy A.


This year I have been babysitting and looking for something to spend my money on and one of the things that I looked at is an iPod touch. After considering it for a while, I decided to buy one. When it arrived, I was extremely excited; especially when I plugged it in and saw it turn on. That night after I put music and apps on it, I played some games, then let my brothers try some. As time went on I began to get more possessive with it. I hardly let my brothers play it; only friends got my permission. Finally, I decided that it is just an object, it will burn someday, and that people are way more valuable than iPods. I have also been spending less time on it, and more time with God.

-Kailyn P. Hungary

During the past year, God’s been teaching me one big lesson: love. As an MK, goodbyes are something I deal with often. In the last twelve months especially, I have had to say goodbye to literally dozens of friends. With so many goodbyes and my heart breaking time after time after time of saying goodbye to people I had grown to love, an easy response might be Stop loving! Stop caring! Stop opening your heart, girl, because it is only getting hurt. However, over this past year, God has whispered something else in my ear: Don't be afraid to love. Sure, it will hurt at times. Sure, it may seem easier the other way. But I promise you, my daughter, that it will be worth it. Just trust Me, just continue showing My love to everyone you meet ... and the rich rewards will fill you up and overflow. I just came back home from a trip with a ton of awesome MKs - and had to say goodbye to them all. But you know what? God was right. (Ha - like He would be wrong?) Loving them was way worth it.

-Amanda C. East Asia

A couple of months ago I started having trouble trusting that God would help me. I had become fearful of being sick and dying. I didn’t pray about it; I believed a lie that God wasn’t going to come through and help me. One night I went down to my mom and told her I was anxious and I felt like I was being attacked by fear. Then she, my Dad, and I all prayed that God would put courage in my heart and that I would not be afraid of being sick. For about three months before then almost every night I had gotten my mom up because I felt sick and afraid. Ever since we’ve prayed, I haven’t had to go get her. God has taught me that he will protect me. All I need to do is trust Him and pray. “Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.” -Philippians 4:6-7 (The Message)

-Avery H. Hungary

I love hearing from you so send me an e-mail at

What’s God up to in your life? E-mail me in a short paragraph and include your picture to be in one of the future issues!

In the next issue: makeup tips, your identity in Christ, thoughts from mk guys, and more!

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