We, The Notorious Pronouns

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Copyright © 2010 All rights reserved to authors upon publication. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without expressed permission of the author(s). Printed in the United States of America at Queen City Imaging in Buffalo, New York Managing Editors: Katherine Kurtz, Jeremy Lessard, and Patrick Riedy Audio Managing Editor for accompanying disc: Letson Williams Layout Editor: Patrick Riedy Cover Designs and Photograph by Patrick Riedy We, the Notorious Pronouns are Vincent Cervone, Bobby Clark, John Cuttito, Michael Koh, Katherine Kurtz, Jeremy Lessard, Patrick Riedy, and Letson Williams. Proof Positive Publishing Buffalo, NY Contact us for questions or orders of books and CDs at: wethenotoriousp@gmail.com notoriouspronouns.blogspot.com Find us on facebook: search We, the notorious pronouns The pronouns would like to thank Karen Mac Cormack, Steve McCaffery, and David Hadbawnik.


forward.Karen Mac Cormack……………………………………………………………………….3 We, the notorious pronouns.a manifesto…………………………………………..................4



john.cuttito…………………………………………………………………………..............................25 michael.koh………………………………………………………………………….............................34

katherine.kurtz…………………………………………………………………………………………39 jeremy.lessard………………………………………………………………………............................46






poetry.arranged.by.author. alphabetical

Foreword The question “What does it mean to create poetry in the 21st century?” is one that the poets in this first issue of We, the notorious pronouns answer in ways as diverse as their own poems. Their collective explorations also led them to ask the accompanying query of what it takes to publish poetry in the 21st century and this journal is the first installment of their ongoing answer. Simultaneously they are organizing ways to distribute their new magazine; to arrange readings; and to transform their excitement and work into what could rightly be called a new poetic community. The poets in this collective met as students at the University at Buffalo, while taking various undergraduate creative writing courses. However, this is not a student enterprise — it arose from a semi-­‐regular series of Saturday night poetry sessions, part-­‐workshop, part-­‐party that shows no sign of ending in the near future. While the members of the collective may come and go (a shifting constellation) their claim that “. . . a poem is never finished as long as there is a poet” allows an openness to emerging developments and influences. This first issue of We, the notorious pronouns was produced independently by Vincent Cervone, Bobby Clark, John Cuttito, Michael Koh, Katherine Kurtz, Jeremy Lessard, Patrick Riedy, and Letson Williams. Not only are these poets looking for a broader audience, they are seeking other poets from near and far to interact with and contribute to their new community. I remain an honored witness to their collective vision and creative manifestations and I look forward to many future issues of We, the notorious pronouns. Karen Mac Cormack



We, the notorious pronouns,

in order to form a more current movement, establish an outlet, insure the ongoing life and cultivation, provide for the common dissent, promote a general criticism, and secure the blessings of poetry for Ourselves and Our posterity, do ordain and establish This manifesto as proof positive of Our life and survival, We are hereby undersigned as a united force of Hymns and Hers.

4 Â

Article 1. - Intrusion and the Willing Section 1. All interpretive powers herein granted from Your separate humanities shall be vested in the congress of Your thoughts, which will consist of Our intrusion upon Your willing minds.

Section 2.

The final composition is up to You. You may choose to make a monstrosity of Our imposition, but You must remember that We are inside of Your mind. We use no force and We ask no quarter. You are the reason that We sing, and so You are also inside Our minds.

Section 3.

You are willing to be subjected to Our influence. If You were not complicit, You would cease to be You, but We would not cease to be Us. A closed mind will always be Your loss.

Article 2. - Fragmentation of Theory Section 1. The written traditions of the past are numerous, too plentiful to name, let alone merge into some fusion of the past eight thousand years of humanity. This is not our goal. Poetry is very much a function of language, but as a tool to establish boundary and create meaning, language has since fragmented Us based on understanding, and We have systematically forgotten Our family, veiled by separate and distinct histories, cultures, and egos.

Section 2.

Poetry redeems the fragmented self-expressions of history, culture, and ego by placing Them in a simultaneous context . A poem creates a sphere of existence where readers can be unified, simply by experiencing the poem. You don’t necessarily have to understand an intended meaning. 5 Â

Language creates a sphere of meaning; Poetry creates a sphere of criticism. Language is a system, and poetry does not follow the rules of that system. Poetry is the resistance; It breaks rules whenever it wants to. Poetry invites the manipulation of language and conventional constraints, and encourages criticism of anything systemic, even Itself.

Section 3.

It is impossible for a poem to be ‘understood’ by Everyone. This is not Our goal. A poem is an end in Itself, valuable for Its own sake, and not for the sake of any defined system.

Section 4.

If a poem is not successful in more than one way, It is only being read by one person. Many poems are suspect, but all of them are telling expressions of an environment which is only partially under Their control. Poems invariably will be about who You are, at least indirectly. However, a poem comes to life within an audience that places It in a tradition.

Section 5.

Any poem is good if You get something from it. But please don’t lie to Yourself. Poetry is about truth. There is truth in You. There is truth in Them. There is truth in Us.

Article 3. - Bad Poetry Section 1. There are no bad poets, only bad poems. Everyone has the ability to be a great poet, but must acknowledge three things: the audience, the tradition, and the self.

Section 2.

Bad poetry is selfish poetry. Any poem that is written with only a consideration of the self is a bad poem. Selfish poems often take the path of least resistance. However, if poetry is to be successful it must be a force of resistance. We must work Our self into a usable poem that is considerate of an audience’s perceptions, tastes, and precedents. 6

Section 3. Bad poetry is too traditional. Any poem that tries to do something which has already been done is a bad poem. Traditional poems often imitate uncritically. However if poetry is to be successful It must imitate. We must work Our self into a usable poem that is considerate of the self within the tradition.

Section 4.

Bad poetry reads like shit and looks like shit and You can tell because nobody is interested. Not when They see the page or hear the performance. Not even Us.

Section 5.

How do you turn piss into Gold? How does bad poetry become good?

Article 4. - Steal and Improve Section 1. The mind wanders. As it should. Therefore a poem is never finished as long as there is a poet.

Section 2.

You needn’t write the first draft to take credit for the next. Poetry invites You to redefine plagiarism.

Section 3.

If You usurp the throne, be remembered as a hero. Do not let Them call You a tyrant. We won’t let Them. Not if You are a good poet.


Article 5. - Make it up Section 1. A good poem does not require the poet to try to make something out of nothing. It requires You to make something. Novelty is a virtue, but mustn't be confused with creation.

Section 2.

A good poem creates a dwelling place that previously did not exist. A good poem squeezes into a space that already exists without Us.

Section 3.

A good poem has read critically. A good poem is well read.

Article 6. - Performance Section 1. Everything is performed. Even empty space. An unoccupied area is an occupied area.

Section 2.

Poetry in performance is the only way to impose Our self on the audience. Written poetry can be ignored. We will not be ignored. We will evoke a visceral reaction. We will fuck and fight with anything systemic.

Section 3.

You needn’t be the poet to perform a poem. Reading is an active process that requires an auditory experience. Take the poem out of Your head and put It in Your mouth. Keep Your eyes peeled for the poem that performs Itself.

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l l











w e

















a l l






r e s




o n d i

n g

n e


h s t




i d




o t

h u


f e n











t a


g e


9 track 27

Monday 1. Form a. (Structure) 2. Necessities a. Animosity b. Bashfulness c. Intellect (?) d. Ability to deceive Earth is a pigpen was a process now a certainty quite cartoonish//sleeping slants real murky, not the water why talk why think why take steps and become them shadowsleep your thoughts postponed. coiled and waiting for the trigger (proverbial) wait. crush finger against connection define

it was made clear that the time would eventually come and change the composition. faded color became rooted. holes everywhere nothing there but holes. everywhere holes. spoke with air and lifted up across the face. spoke in tongues. tongue is less. without a tongue. not a tong. less tongue. lift ed.

10 track 6

word-word speaking open tide smashedagainst fine tun- tawten-een tuned machinery Imagine nothing


nothing there

repe peeeeee //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////// echoing spiritual art form




f a l l I n g

theoretically there not here     

sound sells provides such a distinct name can’t dig your way out of the sky












p e a s a n t w e

m i s c h a n c e

t h e n o t h i n g f e v e r b



v o w

y o u c


musical chairs

with a

light bulb

in your mouth digested, yes wall has a hole stare visible on if the straight line

holy distance is


point useless


possible theory sure, the what is water

grass is water

shore not

this line ad vent urous since flower refuses to label it

grows liquid become aware

legs of


grow a


hello greet a little bit more would like to feel safe when the bottom breaks and everything begins to go openness

away requires

roaming population should

cavity man teeth broken trickle down

more than sense

will likely be separate oh, no romance

tra la la la la or candy

move arrive unless get


? needed

if you insist work something out with your cabinet if there is something located there you will obviously find it no trick involved want one? you can buy one nine dollars at the dollar store. attractive yet? betwixt no be and twist create illusion of carefulness realistically not dismissed pillow case feed book




river battery

matriculated forms of new motion………………..……………motion new of forms matriculated when

balance for clarity presence imagine all baked infinite human knees as eggs



really there

hope impossible into cake


chew a bit louder wait try talking with everything jammed in your mouth ironic speech while gnawing on finest mix of human dessert begin making less sense to justify way you are you knew the world yea, it knew you too guitar solo oh,



always looking for a place whenever


world spits in your face

13 track 26

bright green noise hit my face and you I felt standing over me nothing left but the sun there is light projecting itself on what isn’t my face but my composition when you leave the sun leaves nothing left but words falling and sinking everywhere but here

14 track 43





It begins to seem excessive. A cover page. Underneath the white gaze of the page, nothing matters. Underneath does not matter. Within is not necessarily with in. Define the realm of reasoning. Hold hands and depend until they break. Off. Physical, yes. Are not safe. A punctuating blue sits atop the highest peak of life. destination as a creation / creation as gaze Stimulating beauty. Registered automatically. Behold the softest eyes. Feel the penetration of distance. as the finger is pointed at the sky / as the world says goodbye Fortunate enough feet still carry. Change: tide rising to heaven. All must tread. water in the sky / not in your eye predicament is quite subtle / drowning in a puddle

16 track 41


I Won’t Be Found Nowhere


I go out nights and rattle round smash my empties on the ground then hoot and howl a vicious sound but I won’t be found nowhere

Wrestling with the railing slobber stomp stumbling foot over foot foot on top of foot foot beside foot beside foot grasping sprawling spinning gasping that black wrought iron eel slithering through my fingers left leg walking right right leg walking left finally getting a firm hold on the eel’s knobby tail the rest of the colors returning to my yellow vision with uncertain steps up crawling stairs to boil that critter in a pot

I travel with the speed of a greyhound but no one’ll ever put me in the pound the king of midnight I am crowned and I won’t be found nowhere Streetlights always flicker and then go out on me if I’m the one you’re lookin’ for in the darkness I will be Racing against the sun is where I’m bound my shoes are laced my thoughts are wound in the shapes of shadows I am drowned yes I won’t be found nowhere

Wet Dream

Nature is a woman Lord

Sometimes I find it hard to utter my ripe thoughts that mutter through the butter of my mind

sweet maple trunks for thighs raindrops form her stormy eyes I will never forget the day it poured Nature is a woman Lord

Other times I think it better if all the world was that much wetter from an ejaculation of words

song of a mermaid in the sea her beauty waiting there for me the waves echo her heartstring’s chord Nature is a woman Lord her breath intoxicating champagne her touch a violent hurricane she loves with a double-edged sword Nature is a woman Lord the Alps her voluptuous breast in hot lightning is she dressed her weather always leaves me floored Nature is a woman Lord

17 tracks 25,35,36

Twelve: If you pee on me I will light a bunson burner to the Municipal building. Seven: Would you help me turn off the stove? Eight: I’m hungry for some red used weed whacker blades—they always seem to spin circle in my raspberry jam. Seven: Is it still on? Eight: Well is anybody going to feed me? Twelve: I have to go…go bad and so open your rabbit skull wallet if you won’t open your mouth—come on already this is going to be jawdropping & jawbreaking & windstorm ferris wheels. Six: I can’t believe how many minutes it takes to equate numbers into sequined words and how many times do I have to tell myself to stuff brown tortillas in Sunday’s pocket? (opens rabbit skull wallet) Seven: Politics! I need to spell already—before my alphabet soup goes fresh! Is that a flame or a San Francisco twilight? (Eight eats Seven’s alphabet soup in one steamy gulp) Twelve: I’m not nearly close to finishing, I drank a fraction of a parabola and my urine runs like Niagara Falls in September on the moon underneath a glass ceiling. Seven: Where’s my alphabet soup? I know it was here at one point and I know that this is another point but can’t we graph my memory in trapezoids on the fridge in magnets? Eight: You ate it already—I watched you and you said how filling it was after spelling scrabble sixteen times and begging us to play with your noodles. (six opens an umbrella and puts on octagonal lab safety glasses, a SARS mask and rubber gloves, two for each foot and one on his head so as he resembles something of a chicken) Twelve: I swear there’s only a couple more gallons in me but if there’s more I’ll just finish up in the backyard right inside the Cyclops snowman’s icy thighs. Seven: Really?


Eight: It’s as sure a thing as every philosopher with a necktie hangs himself by it. Seven: I guess it is starting to come back to me now but is the stove still on? Six: My arms are starting to buckle and I already am going to need a big red truck to drive as far out into the country as the country goes. Eight: If everyone is done rifling through shitty waiting room magazines I’m going to explode now. (Eight explodes and triangular pieces of his fried chicken fingertips land on the tongue sticking out of the wild boar head mounted crooked on the plain wall) Twelve: Okay that’s it—but I kinda have to take a shit, is your backpack around? (Six drinks the contents of his rabbit skull wallet shivers, turns purple and passes out on the floor hitting his head on a butterfly before reaching the ground) Seven: Oh geez you think I’m okay me and Eight used to make 15 all the time. Twelve: Yea but if you sit right here (picks up Seven and places him on stove) you’ll feel a whole lot better. Seven: Do you smell something? Twelve: Not since my nose was run over by a tractor but now I can hear out of it. (Seven starts aflame and is soon consumed and every part of him is melting, dripping down onto a cookie tray) Twelve: Thank God I’m never going to be 19 again!

19 track 24

Minus Zipcode

Hot Heaven

My clothes are dirty my body’s scarred I drive real fast and I walk real hard shifting gear tires wearin’ thin you’d never believe the shape I’m in I’m just a drifter tryin’ to move along a little swifter than the sun

On the day I was born my eyes could not see I wandered around blind until some girl gave an apple to me she said ‘take a bite sink your teeth right in’ then it rained for forty days and I drowned in a bucket of sin But the coastguard found me drifting along shore and Captain Teach, he advised me not to go swimming anymore I collapsed on the deck they left me to dry over on the starboard side a ship of animals floated by

I do what I want I eat what I can if you want good lovin’ baby I’m your man my voice sounds like an angel choir my brain is beating my heart’s on fire I’m just a drifer tryin’ to move along a little swifter than the sun

I shouted out ‘Moo!’ but was answered with a ‘Caw!’ my eyes leapt from my head and my jaw dropped down in awe there stood a blue giraffe with green spotted wings we took a ride into the sky to hear the choir of angels sing

I show up here and I end up there what times it is you know I just don’t care rompin’ in the country hustlin’ in the city I got long hair and my eyes are pretty I’m just a drifter tryin’ to move along a little swifter than the sun

When we pulled up to heaven the pearly gate was closed Saint Peter gave me a letter with sacred words from god enclosed ‘You must live on earth for fifty years more as a mammoth mouthless tube worm stuck to the ocean’s bottom floor’

I ramble round I ain’t in no hurry when you’re movin’ there’s no need to worry when I get to thinkin’ bout places I’ve been I get that itchin’ feelin’ to roll on back again Cause me I’m just a drifter tryin’ to move along a little swifter

Well my roots were strapped tight to a thermal vent the sunlight never came at all and so my sentence came and went but the day before fifty years was up I was almost a shark’s breakfast and stared death in the face close up So now my time was done living in the sand I caught a big yellow taxi said ‘take me to the promise land’ but when I got there there was no golf course I just saw Mahatma Gandhi being treated like a plow horse


Lady Amphetamine With your beads like glass that you wear like a queen and your love put in a capsule floating through my blood stream the taste of your salty skin makes me feel just like a dream and you just won’t stop moving me In the afternoon you glisten I see the sun behind your eyes and when you approach my mind you come with swimming thighs that never stop moving and my thoughts move likewise Lady Amphetamine your movements pump my heart clean and when I try to sleep you’re always there long velvet hair My stomach is empty and my pulse is quick the center of my head sits thick as a brick what’s going to happen next is something you can’t always pick sometimes it picks you When your sun is falling mine’s just waking up you’re a pot of black coffee planted in my stomach cup and your breath lingers sweet smells of maple syrup Lady Amphetamine I feel you down in my spleen and when I try to sleep you’re always there long velvet hair


Dark images are scraping at the edges of the light you bath the blackest midnight in a tender shade of white then come illuminated, haunting the shadows of my sight and I can feel you Your engines are still churning a friction train through my heart even when you’re lying still your black magic does its part and anyway you touch me makes me soar off the chart Lady Amphetamine please don’t you make me feel green and when I try to sleep you’re always there long velvet hair My mouth it won’t stop moving and I’m talking to no one inside me something’s building like the loading of a gun I hope you don’t mind I’m just trying to have some fun won’t you join me? And in the darkest hour right before the dawn I see the silhouette of slumber you have faintly drawn then you let out one last howl fade away and pretend to be gone Lady Amphetamine you’re like nothing else I have seen and when I try to sleep you’re always there long velvet hair


Went To See The Doctor I went to see the Doctor to ask him what to do he turned to me and said ‘Just what is it that’s wrong with you?’ I said ‘I’m feelin’ kinda low down my blood is burnin’ through my brain now won’t you tell me Doctor that you can ease all of my pain’ I said ‘I’m feelin’ low down and I don’t know what to do please say that you can heal me I got no one else to turn to.’ now the Doctor didn’t tell me maybe didn’t know what I had he looked me straight in the eyes and said ‘You must got it pretty bad.’ I said ‘Yes I do Doc, my knees, they always shake.’ he picked up a saw, and said ‘Don’t worry I never make any mistakes.’ I cried ‘Doctor, I’m feelin’ low down and I don’t know what to do please say that you can heal me I got no one else to turn to.’ I leapt up from the table, then he chased me around the room I’d nearly made it outta there until he came at me with the broom I yelled ‘Wait a minute Doctor there must be some kind of pill to stop my head from aching with an unlimited refill.’ 23

I cried ‘Doctor, I’m feelin’ low down and I don’t know what to do please say that you can heal me I got no one else to turn to.’ he goes and puts the broom away then he hands me a smoke he said ‘Oh come on you can relax now that was only a joke.’ ‘Take four of the red ones daily, and take one of the blue ones at night. then give it a couple of hours everything will feel allright.’ I said ‘Thank you Doctor, is there anything that I can do for you? he said ‘Just come on back here anytime you’re feelin’ blue.

i couldn’t remember what year it was and so i picked up my alarm clock and tied it to a stick of dynamite—needless to say i still don’t know what year it is but what if cabbage were really asparagus or oranges were really thomas jefferson and bulwinkle was just stuffed then seventeen would equal zebra again

24 track 5

An encompassing strangeness.

the overarching madness of indecision I wait up while she sleeps counting the ticks of time the repetition on days enveloped and replayed by nights lonely mind machine...


Forgive forgetfulness even this was fractured from the beginning Songs that taught us love Words to calm the tide and call down the moon from high on her perch Remember how that light held her in as night embraced a world still too large for convictions The condition of human choice Find this heart but lose this shallow voice I may have loved once The slow eviction of the tenant heart forget forgiveness Even this was emptiness from the start

Dreams and loose reams of reality duality of corners I turn lost in the cosmos imagining invention this pretention of ground crowned with something like magic tragic and curious furious it blossoms from Valhalla or Olympus exquisite Today’s Demons were Gods once.

25 track 16

Sacrificial. Now that our tongues have been silenced we have learned to write in the words of our fathers With simple solutions we simply scratch the surface. Swallow this, a bitter sadness, shallow kiss my hollow heart and find me filled Follow this heavy star as it forgets the sky. Churn the earth with feet made for walking on water Silent


the disorder



Problem of language Inquiry of individualization Disabused at ones system Based on dirt Something liquid And broken.

26 track 48

Done with mouth always kill myself slowly wanting another heart -remember her heart scent your eager meager anatomy can imagine never under-imagine every love soil-music dizzy storm cocktail so you thought like rain mud will do -she got the ring save my head but believe warm over hard -color from sky stagger wicked skin tingle red girl, sing life live through thrill poet’s weed is word “voice is heard through black rain and under river moon this flowing through vein prison her delicious sound a whisper in the ear why not love the ghost until it too passes dirt shall dance cold under sun’s rhythm when summer meanders”. -night speak bound beside a brilliant murmur word luck this solitary swagger would sway the stone soul -our kids ate here, they ate disorder a full mouth of paradise peach In a stone garden this boy must matter - take not a thing Teach. Full of our days -tore out my heart just ask my darling I heard you but I’ve woke up. I see. I set. I bite when shot. Get it? -if you throw her back at him will you always plunge further into the sea? -feel stomped got the finger when a liar left. Feel More.

John Vs. Everything Fuck. I am sick of everything. Even this poem though I have barely started writing it yet.

27 track 53

Sudden oxygen self deprivation a slow desire for desecration Cast this fire melting nights and hands this too flickers and is gone Promethean discourse flaming tongue withers cotton dry mouth white with heat and rage Door opens wide for exiting; a simultaneity of nothing being let in


poised to slay

We are each coffins lined in pink silk Interred and interrupted by Whatever time living allows Intertwining admission Ignition of thought the precision Of lost Decision of concise words lacking In definition where none is to be had Suggestion of correlation close Abbreviation of senseless observation

Something rises and gives way to confusion. A brilliant star fades into negative Spu tt er ing blindly into eternity. Flaming tongue melted to mouth and night Then remains only the darkness of memory deep red scratches run through the sum of its parts Nocturnal Admissions. Truth in shallow gasps falls away then grasps at the possibility of this reality being the only. And fails to escape a vein prison.

28 track 30

Liturgical: a literation Please pay no ($) Attention To last year’s words They were merely and only Expressions. They and I have gone Yes I and they went And were nothing still 1,352 Always air and aplomb atomic astral apostles atrophying amidst alchemical antimonies ascribing antecedently arbiter against aggressive actuation absolve and acclimate adding ample alimony among acting audiences affecting anti-aircraft advisories archaic advertisements applying aural attitudes art ails acrimonious after all angels are also anguished assail anarchic assumptions absolution acquired accents arouse arise await Bottled beside bedsides beyond bedeviled banished bards beleaguered by boredom bothered bared bemused blighted bantered banally biographied bitched blue balled bearded by bawling beat boppers bedlam binges blindfolded bickering birthing bears betwixt beers behavior bequeathed belligerence belittled bent broken brow brawling bullet ballad bureaucracy beneath boards boy beaten boisterously before being befriended Clinging ceremony chosen conflux cascade creative cancer canting casually chimerical Caucasian causally consanguineous consequentially catastrophic carnage cantor culling chosen crafts circumventing corporeal carcasses child careened crammed ceaselessly ceded created crawling counter clockwise chance cocoon caged constraint call certain conflagrations control continuous cataclysmic convolutions concurrent crashes censored cacophony cowardly committed candidates constantly cowering Dead drunk dawn describes descendant debauchery diverts definition declining downward derailing decidedly dare day destroy darks dominion daunting deaths dirge do details deem dastardly deeds delicate dissent due descent deeper deafening damning diligence daily digressions disguised death deals decks denying disobedience declaring domination deliverance denoted deconstructed devils downfall dichotomy decision divining divergence

29 Â

Existence earth existential eliminational ending entreaties eternity enfolding everything enter ecological enlightenment exacting elocution executing endlessly erratic errands enacting erroneous extravagance each elegant eruption encircling entropic exiting easily extensive early educational eroticisms electric ecstatic entrails enough euphemisms enjoy entrenchment erect eventuality employing entire endings extol excretions entangled expecting ejaculations ever eager exemplar Fractured frail frozen freedoms forgotten foregone fantasies failures for flawed forgiveness fortunes falling from forever fallacy fermenting friends fallowing foreign fields fictive father foes faithfully fruitless feral fanged fighters focused freely forsake forwards fraternizing fools fondly favoring fervent formation floundering founders foolishly fierce follies found former foothold forecast future freak fabricational fantasy Garish grandiose gargoyle garnering great gruesome gasps gods growing gaunt granting gargantuan gilded guillotines guarded genomes gathering grossly gullible guarantees grateful grass greening gradually grafting gospel gains gothic graces grasp great grainy globular gory gloom goblet grotesquely glossy grey gloved ginned girl gives gladdened guy glassy guts gingerly germinate gluttonous gourmet genes He heard her having held himself hard habitual hints hapless horny horrid hollow hours harangued holding heart helplessly hostage hindered himself haunted hanging history hardly happening haphazard homogenous hearkening homeward healing hands helped hallowed hearth hell housed his hardships hidden handwoven handsome hunter hindered high herded heretics harnessed hips hungering horizontal horrors Impossible implosion impressive instant implicit in incendiary increments impeccably inane imprecise introvert intuitively introspective impressionists inkling into imperfect insanity institutional incantations introducing inhibitions in inhabitants intentional inconsistencies illness invasions insisting impenetrable impressions intentions I incidentally incite inclusive introductions instinctually incoherent ineptly illegitimate interioralized immorally indulgent immobilized immaterial intimate imposition inside indecent implications

Join Jumping jaded Jesus Jehovah jitterbugged joyfully justice just jailed jackknifed jerked jauntily jilted junkie jam jubilant jurist jeering justifiably jeopardizing jobless jackals jaws jagged jealous jarred johns joyride jinxed jeweled jive jockey jargon jangled juvenile judgment jester jilted jellied jungle jock jigging jovial joker jettisoned jousted joining joints journey jugular journal


Keats keen keepsake Kabala knights knowing Kant Kafka kindling kin ketamine kamikazes knocking knees kind kinetic Krishna king kissing kismet kinky Klansmen knifing kindergarten kids killing kind karma kneeling knothole kook kidnapped Kremlin keeps kissing killers kabuki kachina knitting kiloton kidneys Kashmir kettle knells kempt kelpie kenning knaves keeping kestrels kenneled Kinesics Lithe liquid lovers laying languid like liquored lambs later lantern lights lead leeward leaving licentiousness lolling lonesome longways Lackluster low ladies laughing loudly labeled laboring listing lacerated letters lastly lashing languages Landlocked Lurching. Local logic locus listlessly loaned, loaded lengthwise. Listen! Loud liaisons lounge lizard lies level loathing livid living loud lotus Man Mostly makes monuments mandible midnight magic mangled murderous misplaced mentionings meandering martyrs matching malice meaning mistakes made momentarily may mar months meetings marked misled mired misfortunes meanwhile metaphoric meat maintains memories missing mobility marking madness mysticism maturing malleably masked malignance masquerading metaphysically mythological mind’s mysterious mutation multifaceted mucus muddled mass movement Nevertheless noting needful necessities neither narcotics nor nature negates narcissistic nationals native navigation not neat nor nebulous, nonrevolutionary nectar nest Nazis necking nearby Naked naming naïve neighbors nocturnal nagging naturally nesting Navigating New neural networks nebulas needless needles nurturing nights neglectful niche nonsensical nude notation numerous nymphomaniacs nullifying nefarious neolatry neurogenesis nexus

Obscure opulence obtained organic overtures only one ontological original ordering often occluded optimism obeying officious orgiastic orangutans offering open opinions on orange occurrences oligarchic options owing overwhelming overtures onto Occidentalism ombrophobic occupational organisms oozing outdoor oak occasion’s obscure obsoletion organized out of outward orchard orchestration obtuse orphaned optic oceans occupied occipital orifice Possible perfection preceding possibilities partial penance proving pathological persistence perhaps ponderance provides plethora pathways past phallic perpetuation pantheonic perceptions partake Persephone’s perpetual playground pollute platonic 31

participations preferably pedantic pleasure portals parsimony punctured plush painted pad pictured plaid predators portioned pittance paupered paper prince pitied plus pitted package programmed perspective plentiful passion ploughed Questionable quotations quirky queens quoting quinary quiet queries qua quintessential quickies quester quickly quit queasy quart quota quenched queue querulous quarantined quadruped quite quaint quilted quacks quell querist quagmire quills quartered quasi quotations Quetzalcoatl ’ s quartz quintet quips quatrained quotes quivering quintuplet quincentennial quinine quarks quaffing quiescent quiche quoth Quran quotient quarrelsome quarries Reasonable resistance rallying righteous rabble rousers ragged revolution relinquish reason retaliate rancorously rancid romanticism repelled reiterate riotous revelry ritual resonance resurrecting residential residue restitution rendered religiously record renaissance rant raven reinstate retribution receive random rigid reductionist repertoires reapply recent renditions reify regional ribald remonstrations retrieve roman republic roots rose rises ruefully rejoice

SILENCE SATIRICAL SALUTATIONS SHE SINGING SORROW SHALL SEARCH SINGLEHANDEDLY STIFLING SLOW SENTIMENTS SERVICING SELFISHLY SOLO SOLDIER SHIVERS SEASIDE SAVE SIMPLE SOULS SEEK SENSATION SALVATION STANDARD SCHEDULED SEXUAL SYMPTOMS SINGED SEEING SECRET SCENERY SELLING SEMI SHADOWED SCHEMATICS SHOW SINGLE SHAPED SHROUD SHATTER SUPPOSITIONS SHED SKIN SINFUL SNAKE SWALLOW SHOTGUN SHELLS SINCERELY SIBILANT SYNCOPATIONS Transcendent transatlantic transportation translation tantric televangelist transformation tantalizing tertiary topographical textual transmogrification transgress the traumatic touch tree though technical tradition transfers television teachings trumping trance timings three through two towards tomorrow tentatively tethered to tense tattooed truncated transmuted tones temporally transubstantiated temporarily treacherous target trapped terrestrially trans-orbital treacherous transvestite troubadour travelling tearfully

Universally uninterested under umbrages umbrella unifying until useless uncharted ulcerated umbilicus undefined unto utopian underscores utterly underdeveloped unity unallocated unction undress uncoil uptight urchin urge urban upwelling underline untoward ululations unblock unanimous users unclean 32

ultimatums utilizing usurped ushers unoccupied umber utterances unarticulated ugliness uh-uh ultra ubermensch unverified uncertain untruthful unacceptable until unease Vast vengeful vagrant vagina vying verily view video vixens validating voracious vitality vegetative variance viable vascular vacuum venting vindications violin variable Venus vanguard vilifying vices venous venom victim verging vain values vaporizing variegated venues vast vernacular vivified vocally vital vocabulary voiced voluminous void vying vulnerable votives vouching vulgar vanity vote voluntary vulture When winters wild winds whipped wickedly we were withered while waking waged wars wherewith wanderers wiled willfully wistful wanting waned wailing witlessly wan with whiskey wounds washed warm warn weary wayfarer watch wealth weapon weak web woven weep woeful weathered warrior where whimsy waits weird whirlpool whistle whittles whole whosoever wings westward

*Xanax xian x-ray xxx xerarch xenophobic xes xaverian Xeroxed xanthocarpous xenotransplantation xylology xanthochromatic xenolithic xerxes’s xystarch xeroses xenophilic xanadu xerographied xenial x-rated xenogamy xfer xenomorhpic x-mas xerostomia xat xanthism x’ed xylotol xerothermic xiaozhuan xylomancy x-box xaxes xenon xeme x-disease xerodermic xebec xenarthra xipe xylum xenobiotic xenocratic xenopus xeranthemum xerically xeriscaping Xiamen -xion Yikes Yellow yardbirds yearly yen yearning yard yaks yapping yolky yin yang Yale yachtsmen yaw youthful Yankee yeoman yap yelping yelling yea you yielded yesterday yearling yawning yenta yipping Yiddish Yule yodeler yoga yogurt yogi yokes yonder yawning yokel youngsters yew yet yup you yuppified yes yowl yoyo y’ggdrasil yatter yawp Yeats Zesty zealous zip-line Zygote zebras zooming zooward zany Zeus zingers zombie zephyrs zillions zip zig zag zap Zen zazen zucchini zeitgeist zeppelin zeroed Zionist zenith zealot zero zenana zilched zinc ziggurat zulu zippered zirconium zit zapper zoomorphic ziti zonked zodiacs Zippo Zuni zonation zing zinfandel zone Zionism zeal zonked zoom zoologically zygomorphic

33 tracks 7, 8, 15, 39, 44, 51, 52

"C://seven.years.seem.longer.than.many.decades.of.the.past.txt/" INCOMING TRANSMISSION: ACCEPT? Y/N: _Y DOWNLOADING... DOWNLOADING COMPLETE START TRANSMISSION: _


>>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

Germs! Seven years is short, a fraction of a life barely a second in the life of the past extinction. eventful barely comprehensible sometimes opportunity to witness but also to actually create a small part of it. ideals; praises ideals, answer chance purest form of ideal, goals .Great experience proclaiming goals The goals are fantastic: the creation of blossoming bloom dawn. Unfortunately people today like a very worn-out groove on an old LP. a new, hook they promised the goal whose main element is unnecessary future supposed to be crowned by the future no one doubted differences) between them as it is the custom to shooting. And at that the consequences and this incredible blossoming, a blooming especially of God. ***

34 Â

>>> >>> _ >> >> opinion. >> asked if it agreed with >> others >> Old, >> bodies were dissolved >> bodies. >> >> imagine something better >> over a period of several centuries >> definitely impossible >> >> arrogance >> So >> right >> hacked up, >> torn open, >> away. >> >> helpless, >> losers >> no more >> forbid >> actions of >> themselves. >> of course, came >> an incredible system >> losers, >> The disorganization >> enhanced, >> ridiculed and warped. >> mercifulness or altruism. >> condemnation, >> blackmail >> guaranteed >> >> Complete memories >> : the >> 1918, >> 1919, and >> deterioration, >> enslavement and impoverishment >> complete hopelessness! >> unsettling >> trust not just >> itself, but >> justice. >> >> The hardhearted. >> wretchedness >> silencing >> time >> when all >> begging was >> futile, when >> one basic >> insight, >> allowed >> protesting. >> oneself! >> *** >>> SYSTEM REBOOTING... >>> INITIALIZING... >>> _ >> >> 15

35 Â

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>> >> >>

hope was hope for hoped for hope in hoped for a hope was in vain hope in the place of that previous hope: hope of the only help The place that hope occupied help us firstly our secondly the third that our earth and soil. This threaten in any way, purely instantaneous hate in others. tragic idea enthused people It did not appeal to others it did not appeal for presents it's own diligence, it's own energy, it's own intelligence. And shouting, cried out: what do you think you're doing, as if they had part in parallel power these 1933, so forced to leave the ridiculous begging and protesting. 1934: 1935: 1936: 1937: 1938:

began the general the situation the start the annexed

1939 the masks. an hour, the necessities of life often it more than one occasion except for a no, 300 centuries *** Today,

36 Â

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>> >>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

say: 300 like you, broke out. for God or goal. But never for God so many God forgotten that truth, the virtues. 300 40 million of course because love power or no, quite on the contrary this all happened as part of God's mandate Indeed, the sole champion of God, carry the main burden alone, mandated by God This is the same thing 40 million rapes, of extortions, of abuse, many things that would be unthinkable addicted to goals, although with ideals. And this is not even original anymore! burns itself Children of Hameln the apostle just once. silently hoped. goal is the destruction the extinction, appreciate this. this facilitates lying phrases? speak openly? the truth or lies. goal; it is 1648 torn apart. PLEASE WAIT...


80 million 300 140 30, 50, or 200 80 million Several

37 Â

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>> >>>

80 million two, three, maybe four hundred two, three, four hundred several thousand period who has who has not has not one one force decade and a half 46 million 40 million 20 years ago fertile 80 square 9 million trees. 80 million not more than 600,000 must be solved will be solved all are solved It was their eternal cry: dealt with this wish. 80 million vanish into thin air, closed, because claims. the goal, today. END OF TRANSMISSION

38 track 10

FOREPLAY (the Katherine Kurtz way)


patience wearing thin clean smelling skin goosebumps on my chest catching your attention like a girl in a café folding pepperoni pizza─ blue diamonds on the horizon where we made a game in every language & i laughed harder than i can remember i love that you bring out the giggles in me & i never want to leave not even when you take me too seriously─ you’re hot under the collar & it gets me off enough to look past the exhausting task of listening to you rant─ press up against me; caress my hips with hungry hands & be rough with me please─ i’d rather your tongue be between my legs than on welfare or those ridiculous sounds that you make while i marvel & i don’t know where this is going but i can take a guess that we will both be somewhat sore & hungry when it ends

39 track 29

cummings the girls i meet are not alright they go with guys who fuck and fight they do not have a care for fair and masturbate with kryptonite some are branded on their breasts some eat whiskey for the bite they do not rest without a mess the girls i meet are not alright they come with guys who fight and fuck who do not know and do not show who kill like they drink lemonade and light matches in the meadow the girls i meet are not alright they cannot dream of this and that they do not give a piss for sis their hair is sharp and song is flat they shoot whatevers in the mill they let whomever in their pants the girls i meet are not alright none of them know how to dance

Legacy "I buried Paul."

the famed four figures of the apocalypse bigger than Jesus now traipsing across my wall; one collective rockin' octopus left right left left leading leisurely eastly. folks familiar with the fable of the foremen, don’t Shout it out and yes you will be rewarded for your devotion down the Road where ‘signs’ sparked stories on the street— a man is dead. watch the turn to a procession: ditch digger decked in blues surveys the 'stiff,' sans socks, stoge smouldering, blind to the undertaker tracing the pristine paces of Father John— first out of frame, now we ask for your forgiveness. we'd let hype consume us, and pegged the wrong apostle.

40 tracks 3, 22

Space Lunch

WHAM BAM spiral ham! INTER-­‐ga-­‐lac-­‐tic peanut butter trails skidding out of frame— instant mash spud flakes populate:

ploinkploinkploinkploinkploinkploinkploinkploinkploinkploinkploinkploinkploinkploink the lord’s just eating a Reuben, please mind the interruption and flying particles of


cole slaw.

adjacent to the peach tree galaxy, I’ve heard the onion rings of saturn are outta this world! buy me a corona? i'll show you my lunar eclipse… mushrooms! mushrooms! foreign, sporin' shrooms!

crowdingrousingplayingamalga mating

supernovas juxtaposed are the prettiest light shows corned comets and aster roids, why yes nebula beans make for great balls of gas in my celestial salad, but now this caloric fest is quite the mess and causes me distress— napkin, please.

41 track 9

slaves to the veil lunch is fifteen we still can’t look each other in the eye torn cellophane & a paper strip All happiness is in the mind. my happiness is in the mud where no one lends a hand or a rag it congeals, cracks & i am at the mercy of the dry-­‐cleaners hesitant to change refraining the same lines i been fuckin saying for a year keep playing broken record broken rec or broke n wrecked or broke lady macbeth wasn’t delusional she was on the rag same as the rest of us drenched & frantically dabbing at the dripping from our mouths mopping puddles pooling on the floor truth bubbling in the throat

42 track 21

Plagiarism 11: contact. age gave new sight to older perspective and wonders why itself and kind his beard amid this newborn world before me revelation revolution rotation I am waiting in the wings −Darling do you mind if I pull down the curtain? we hide where we make whole our shattered dreams that once well together chimed. impatient for their use I stand to my feet in confidence I lift my heels and bend my wrist and you gave them back our neurons shouted at each other curling in the rush ∞ that cold math could never attempt to express collide; “oh agony” the crowd doth sigh; rusting tractors and blooming sunflowers look too, cries and I cry together we stripped Not so corners pursuers step. Be contain ‘sent, privacy,. Like your pubic hair fucking relentless shutting indifference mental objectors feared and hated in age alone, a bit smarter in making the same mistakes they are helpless against (post)colonialism present(ation) the ticking clock grinds to a slow halt and stop. M a l c o m m o t h e r f u c k i n g m o o n e y one night everyone will know I’ll back you up sometime in the night someone might come and steal… begging that shook my earthquake bones I said “I’m rollin out tomorrow” ruled lined queued to keep safe my life, which k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k we finally made it there in less than a decade I close my eyes and find each other words fraying: “−York and Chicago is Death Valley.” can’t tell you what’s what pieces then I’ll turn back time again you will smile then kill like drinking lemonade on Friday, like a girl in a café with none desired: the kl-­‐kk-­‐kl-­‐kk “Viva la Resistance!” when life selects not harshly I can be it, bound by plastic and my phalanges and fate the same lines I been bordering speed how can I maintain my independence? Add laughing add more to an infatuated state HHEH aaaA aCHOO! He’s the only one who had no sexual interest in me (a parenthetical) Aaron sits at the table, silent, smolders: will all the fear that you will find you must like be from at least some demented formal aspects? M M M M S & M M M M S sank beneath the atmosphere languid, this was told not heavy; I woke up today and everything was b e a u t i f u l .


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