Photography 1
2 This weeks photographers in Found Photography are Nsolanski and HotBurrito2 from Nsolanski is the photographer of Photos one, four and five. Photo one is named “Soverernty Over II”, photo four is named “rhyaan XXXVI” and photo five is named “htd 7”. Nsolansi is from
4 The US. His real name is Nirav. HotBurrito2 is the photographer for photos two, three and six. Photo two is named “the golden path”, photo three is named “blues for a ghost” and photo six is named “another summer comes home”. HotBuritto2 is from Austrailia. His real
6 name is not revealed on the site. Both photographers are very talented and take very beautiful and very different photographs. They each have their very own unique and personal syles of photoraphy and expression. More on them and their art is inside. Check it out! 1
HotBurrito2 Living in Australia, HotBurrito2 has many great opportunities to take some beautiful shots. The one to the left here is named “Rock, Hudson”. He says that this is his pet rock and that he often takes it on long walks down the beach. He said this jokingly of course. There is a great since of depth in this scene and very bold and beautiful colors that really make it an acceptation piece. He really captures Australia’s beauty.
The photo to the left is named “Scandinavian Summer Blues”. Is quirky and humorous while reinterpreting the world through impeccable technical ability. This photograph in particular is great for its juxtaposition of man made and natural, geometric and organic. The chair looks like a sculpture floating in the air. HotBurrito2 has many photos like this.
This photo is named “The Final Act”. HotBurrito2s use of the water again to reflect the subject of the photo increases your awareness of the branch and turns it into something else. Something that is common is made uncommon. This theme is seen throughout his gallery on DeviantArt. He is a wonderful photographer with a very different and playful perspective of the world.
Nsolanski The Photo to the right is titled “HTD 6” Nsolanski loves to play with textures and angles of buildings. This photo uses an extreme angle. Turning the buildings on it’s side makes the buildings something else. It turns the building into more than just a building. There is a great amount of texture in all of Nsolanski’s work. He uses the texture to create a pattern and mood that would otherwise not
be present in the photograph. The photograph to the right is named “rhyaan XLVI” This photo is on windows on a building. It looks almost apocalyptic. It really is a beautiful piece and is very dark. Again Nsolanski plays with texture and color to create a mood that would not normally be seen in the real world. Nsolanski creates an almost fairy tale like world in his photography.
This photo is named “rhyaan XLV”. This photo is very different from most of his other works. He still uses texture, but leaves no trace of what the subject may actually be. There is a great mood that is suggested in the photo. This photo easily gets filed away in the favorites section. Nsolanski is all about the emotion and the feeling being portrayed.
These stats are not to compare the two artists but to show more information about the artists. It is interesting hovever that HotBur-
Nsolanski HotBurrito2
Deviations 340 83
rito2 has less Deviations but more Comments and Pageviews. Thats interesting. Nsolanski needs some advertisments. Hope theis helps.
Comments 1,618 33,898
Pageviews 10,659 332,511
350 300
100 50 0
Nsolanski HotBurrito2
*These stats are for illustration only.
Found Photography is a newsletter that heralds underdog photographers who are under appreciated or unknown. It is run by monarch designs and written by Michael Blanda. Using the power of the internet, we scour the world for new, unknown or just fanfreakentastic photographers that no one should miss. The two photographers featured in today’s newsletter are from DeviantArt. com. Deviant Art is a web site dedicated to all that is art. It’s users range from amateurs to expert. Found Photography seeks out to find these pieces that would
Pageviews (x1000)
Comments (X100)
otherwise go unseen. By looking at sources that are community driven like DeviantArt, Found Photography has found amazing artist that are hidden away under a lot of amateur art. Many more artists are out there and Found Photography is still digging around looking for the best to bring them here to you. In fact, here is a preview of one of next weeks photographers, Kufe-Emiri with the photo Agva Yolu. The light is inspiring and this shot is amazing. But you will read more about that next week! -Michael Blanda