Introducing your Students’ Union
Welcome to the University of Nottingham Students’ Union! We’re one of the biggest, most active Students’ Unions in the UK and we’re glad to have you on board.
As a student at the University, you’re automatically a Will Vickers, member of the Students’ Union, which means you have President access to all sorts of services including clubs, societies, welfare, shops and events. We’re here to help you have For more information n about the Students’ Unio the best possible time at university and to support you if any thing mentioned or you ever need a helping hand, so make the most of us. in this pack, visit
We’ve got loads of activities on offer during the first week of term to help you find your feet and make new friends. We know there’s a lot to take in at the moment which is why we’ve got Week One Reps in each hall to point you in the right direction. If you haven’t done so already, don’t forget to pick up a wristband from your Week One Reps. It will be your ticket to all the fabulous day-time events and nights out we’ve got planned. Now, sit back, put your feet up and have a browse through this pack to find out about all the great things the Students’ Union has to offer. The Union wouldn’t exist without you, the students, and you can get involved from the very first day you register with the University. Whether you’re interested in welfare, media, sports or volunteering, there’ll be something to get you interested. The main thing is to have fun! Will Vickers, President University of Nottingham Students’ Union 2010/11
uk ww .notting ham .ac. and activate your account. ut You can find out more abo how to register on our 26. e website on pag You can find out more about Week One in the Week One booklet your Reps will have given you with this pack or by visit ing the Week One website.
It’s easy to find out about the amazing things you can do at university. Just join our officia l Facebook page and follow our Twitter accou nt: Also, don’t forget to join our official Freshers’ Week Facebook group to find out what’s going on in your first week: If you have an iPod or iPod Touch you can keep in the loop by downloading our app from the Apple Store. Search for University of Nottingham Students’ Union.
The Exec
The Students’ Union is run by the Executive (or the ‘Exec’ as they prefer to be called), a group of nine students voted in by you, the members. Their purpose in life is to provide you with representation so that your life at Nottingham is the best it can be. They also work hard so you can develop new skills and to offer you support and guidance.
Accommodation & Community Officer
Teddy Smith 0115 846 8773 (68773 internal)
Activities Officer
Douggie McMeekin 0115 846 8785 (68785 internal)
Athletic Union Officer
Dave Heads 0115 846 8785 (68785 internal)
Democracy & Communications Officer George Wright 0115 846 8773 (68773 internal)
Education Officer
Will Bickford Smith 0115 846 8773 (68773 internal)
Environment & Social Justice Officer
(part-time during term) Ellie Stone 0115 846 8773 (68773 internal)
Equal Opportunities & Welfare Officer
Katie MacKay 0115 846 8773 (68773 internal)
Finance & Services Officer Oli Margolis 0115 846 8773 (68773 internal)
Will Vickers 0115 846 8773 (68773 internal)
You can find out more about each Exec Officer at nottingh .
Ho w the Stu den ts’ Un ion Wo rks The Students’ Union is made up of you, the members. Without you, there would be no Union!
Union Council The highest decision-making body in the Students’ Union. Anyone can come to Union Council meetings or propose a new policy.
Executive Officers (The Exec)
Nine students who have been voted in by you, the students. The Exec represent you and help to make your time at uni the best it can be. They also campaign for change on the issues you care about. Anyone can run to be on the Exec during the elections in the spring term.
Volunteering, Committees & Networks, Athletic Union clubs, societies, student-run services, commercial services
Where do I fit in?
Anywhere you like. As a member of the Students’ Union you can run (and vote) in elections, join a society or sports club, do some volunteering or join a Network or Committee. All the Students’ Union’s events and commercial services are at your fingertips too.
Wherever you see this log o, you’ll find a Students’ Union ser vice. Keep your eyes open for it!
n O u r m is s io . st ate m e nt..
Studying at Sutton Bonington?
We know you’re a long way from University Park. That’s why you’ve got your very own mini Students’ Union – the Guild. You can contact the Guild on 0115 951 8648 (18648 internal).
e “To improv e nc e ri e the exp e lif t n e d of stu g in id v ro p by on, representati t n e m p develo s and ie it n u rt o opp es ic quality serv r u o for all of students.”
you’re automatically a member of the Students’ Union and there are countless ways for you to get involved. Visit or come and see us at Freshers’ Fair from 20th-22nd September to find out more.
George Wright Democracy & Communications Officer 0115 846 8773 (68773 internal)
I run elections and keep you up-to-date with what the Union s been doing. I also oversee the student-run media services: Impact magazine, URN (radio) and NUTS TV. ’
Commercial Services Making money from the Union for the Union
The Students’ Union runs a whole host of commercial services to cover basics like shopping and fun stuff like events. All the profits go straight back into the Union so we can provide a better service for you, the members. This means that every time you buy a notepad from a Union shop or get a ticket for a Union event from our Box Office, you’re actually giving something back that will benefit everyone – including you!
Students’ Union shops
The Union runs shops in the Portland Building at University Park, at Jubilee campus and in the Medical School at QMC. You can pick up all the essentials like a sandwich or a pint of milk and don’t forget to take advantage of the discounted newspapers – you can’t beat a copy of the Times for 30p!
r of a numbe There are s in the e ic ial ser v rc e m m co at Building Por tland at aren’t y Park th it rs , e iv n U ts’ Union e Studen th y b n ru ks, a two ban ell including a Blackw d fés an a c , ts o o B op. book sh
Print Shop Print Shop
If you need a poster, flyers or a project printed, the Print Shop (on B Floor of the Portland Building) is the place to go. The friendly staff offer a huge range of services and if they can’t do a job for you themselves, they’ll help you to find a company that can. You can view the price list at
Oli Margolis Officer Finance & Servicesrnal) inte 0115 846 8773 (68773 .uk .ac ham ting not sufso@
the , I’m responsible for developing nd our As Finance & Services Officer spe we t tha e s and for making sur like Union’s commercial servicesor ups gro t den stu for t out grants money efficiently. I also den services and JCRs. societies, sports clubs, stu t-run
Commercial Service Mooch
Mooch serves delicious, great value food and it’s a nice place to go for a relaxed pint or a hot chocolate after lectures. Feeling the pinch? Watch out for the super-cheap Skint? deals.
Nights out
There are weekly Students’ Union events at some of the top clubs in Nottingham and you can get tickets from the Box Office in the Portland Building.
The Students’ Union runs loads of one off events throughout the year too. Keep up to date by checking the website,, for the latest listings.
Box Office
The Students’ Union Reception in the Portland Building doubles up as a Box Office. You can get tickets for all the Union’s main events as well as for venues in town like the Royal Centre and Playhouse. Visit for more information.
NUS Extra
s, gigs, usive discounts on clothes, book The NUS Extra card gives you excl s just cost card The on! goes list the … ic computers, travel, eating out, mus ’ ents Stud your into goes straight back £11 per year and 40% of the cost , sports clubs, eties soci on d spen to ey mon Union, meaning there’s more make are, events, and all the things that student media, volunteering, welf fun. h your time at uni so muc the and you’ll also have Apply for the card online at www nationally recognised inter only the – card ISIC an to chance to upgrade it ide a proof of age. student card, or pass card to prov Students’ Union Reception in the the at y appl can you Alternatively, Portland Building.
elfa Representation & w We’ll give you the support and guidance you need to get the most out of university and we’ll campaign for change on the things that matter to you.
JCRs What’s a JCR?
JCRs (Junior Common Rooms) are
Committees in halls of residence that organise events and activities, offer welfare support and represent their students to the University and the Students’ Union. All JCR Committees are made up of students who live in the hall they represent and who are voted in by their fellow residents. They’ll be some of the first people you meet when you arrive at university and they’re there to help you, so don’t be afraid to say hello and ask them any questions you have about your hall, the University or the local area.
How to contact your JCR
Your JCR Reps live in the same hall as you. You’ll see them around over the first few days and they’ll be more than happy to have a chat and answer any of your questions – it’s what they’re there for, so don’t be shy. Alternatively, ask at your hall’s Reception if you’d like to have a chat with any of your JCR Committee and they can point you in the right direction.
Se c u rity
ptops, reds of la With hund s and o rs, stere MP3 playe residence f o TVs, halls g for ry temptin can be ve . d re e g n the light-fi t. caught ou Don’t get s w o d in w r Keep you or d your do closed an u’re not yo n e h w locked om! in your ro
JCR elections Nominations 4th-11th October 2010 Voting 20th-21st October 2010
Nominations for the JCR elections open on Monday 4th October and run until Monday 11th October. Any student living in halls is eligible to stand for a position, so why not have a go? It’s a great opportunity to get involved with the Students’ Union early on and it looks good on your CV. Don’t worry if you’ve never done anything like this before. If you’re voted in you’ll have access to all the training and support you need to do a great job.
Any Questions?
Don’t want to run for a position? Make sure you vote in your JCR elections from 20th-21st October. More information about the elections will be circulated in a week or two.
JCR Committee positions: You can find out more about your JCR by chatting · President e mitte to any of your JCR Com · Vice President members or by visiting · Treasurer k/ .ac.u gham ottin · Social Secretaries x 2 whereilive. t · Sports Representative If you’ve got any questions abou · Welfare Reps x 2 the JCR elections please email the (one male, one female) JCR Development Worker at
Representation & & welfare Networks Associations
Your Students’ Union has Networks and Associations to make sure your views and interests are represented to the Union, the University and the wider community. You can find out more on our website at
Education Network
The Education Network is made up of Course Reps, School Reps and Faculty Coordinators, all led by the Education Officer, Will Bickford Smith. Your Course Rep will usually be the first person you should speak to if you have any problems with or queries about your course. Course Reps will be voted in towards the beginning of the autumn term. If you’d like to run as a Course Rep and help support your fellow students you can email for more information. If you have a problem with your course before the Course Rep elections at the beginning of term, please contact Will Bickford Smith, Education Officer, on 0115 846 8773 or email
Will Bickford Smith Education Officer
0115 846 8773 (68773 internal)
I’m Will, your Education Officer. I’m here to represent you on any course related matters to the University and on a national scale. I also head up the Education Network. More Networks · Community Network · NAMAs (Nursing & Midwifery Associations at QMC, Derby, Boston, Lincoln and Mansfield) t · SEEN (Student Environmen & Ethical Network) · Welfare Network
Ellie Stone Environment & Social Justice Officer
0115 846 8773 (68773 internal)
I’m here to represent all students who care and campaign about environmental and social justice issues. I’m the conscience of the Students’’ Union, pushing to make the Union a more sustainable, socially responsible institution and lobbying the University to do the same. Representational Associations Black & Minority Ethnic Students’ Association Officer: Michael Etienne 0115 846 8773
Disabled Students’ Network Officer: Andrea Blendl 0115 846 8773
International Students’ Bureau (ISB) Officer: Sascha Fahrbach 0115 846 8773
LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans) Association
Officer: Elizabeth Goddard 0115 846 8773
Mature Students’ Association Officer: Stephanie El Hariry 0115 846 8773 The Mature Students’ Association represents all undergraduates who are over 21 when they start their course and all postgraduates who are over 25 when they start their course.
sentation & welfare Repre Representational Associations continued... PGSA (Postgraduate Students’ Association) Officer: Morgan Stankey 0115 846 8715 Morgan is a full-time Officer who works alongside the Students’ Union Exec. She runs the PGSA Committee and represents all postgraduate students.
Women’s Network
Officer: Rosie Tressler 0115 846 8788/7834
Elections for the Representational Officers are held at the same time as the Exec elections in the spring. Anyone can run and all positions, apart from the Postgraduate Officer, are part time, so you can carry on with your studies at the same time. You can find out more about elections from George Wright, Democracy & Communications Officer, at Even if you don’t want to run for a position, don’t forget to vote!
Morgan Stankey Postgraduate Officer
0115 846 8715 (68715 internal)
I’’m your Postgraduate Officer for 2010/11. Like most of the Exec, I work full-time so you can find in the Portland Building, Monday-Fmeriday, 9am-5pm. I organise events for postgraduates throughout the year to help you make the most of your free time and meet new people. I also represent all postgraduate students within the Students’ Union, to the University and in the wider community.
RC uilding, SPoA rtland B
ity Park Univers 6 8730 0115 84 ternal) in (68730 entre@ dvice-c a tn e .uk stud .uk/ notting g in tt o .n ndsupport a advice
Ma ke sure you pick up a Student s’ Unio n Safety Card wit h con tact info rmation for serv ices like SARC, NHS Dire ct and the Uni vers ity’s Hea lth Cen tre.
Student Advice & Representation Centre (SARC) The team of Advisors in SARC can offer advice on a huge range of issues including: • Education • Housing • International
• Money • Consumer • Legal
The Student Advice and Representation Centre is open Monday to Friday 9am - 4pm all year round, except Wednesdays during term time when we are open 10am - 5pm. The Welfare Advice Team are available for appointments between 9:30am - 12:30pm Monday to Friday, except Wednesdays during term time when we are available between 11:30am - 12:30pm. In addition, Welfare Advice ‘drop-in’ sessions run from 1pm - 4pm Monday to Friday, except Wednesday during term time when they run from 1pm - 5pm.
Jubilee Amenities Centre - Term time only: Monday 1pm - 4pm, ‘drop-in’ session. The Education Advice Team is available on an appointment basis only during the Student Advice and Representation Centre opening times. Got a problem with your course? Find out more about how the Education Network can help on page 12.
Representation & welfare Welfare Welfare Reps
Each hall of residence has at least one Welfare Rep who is part of the JCR Committee (see p.10 for more information on JCRs). They’ve been given training in listening and welfare issues and if you need further help they can direct you to the best person or organisation to speak to. There’s a special Welfare Rep just for medics too.
Lines are open 7pm-8am every night during term-time 0115 951 4985 (14985 internal) Nightline is a student-run, confidential listening and information service. Whether you’re feeling stressed about settling into university life or you need a taxi number at 3am, the friendly Nightliners will be more than happy to help.
Don’t want to call? You can email Nightline at As with all calls, your email will be treated with complete confidence (the person who picks it up won’t even be able to see your email address) and someone will respond within 48 hours during term.
B-eat B-eat is a self-help group for people with eating disorders. They run regular, confidential group sessions where you can share your experiences and discuss the issues you’re facing in a friendly and supportive setting. For more information, email
Easy Tiger Keep your eyes open for Easy Tiger during the first week of term. He and his helpers can be found in bars and clubs during Week One highlighting things like drink spiking and sexual health so that nothing gets in the way of you having a good (and safe) time.
Katie MacKay Equal Opportunities & Welfare Officer 0115 846 8773 (68773 internal)
your time at I’m here to make sure that you’re well looked after during need to get Nottingham and that you have access to all the information you year to the ut througho s campaign running be ll ’ I the most out of university. look out. a keep so stress, and security health, like issues of ss raise awarene
We think university’s about more than getting a degree. It’s about trying new things, making new friends and learning new skills too.
Find out about all the activities the Students’ Union has to offer and join societies and sports clubs at Freshers’ Fair from 20th-22nd September. The Fair will be open from 10am-4pm each day and all the fun takes place in the big tents on Nightingale Field. Don’t forget to pick up plenty of freebies including FREE PIZZA courtesy of Dominos.
r versity Registration and collect you Make sure you complete your Uni r you d nee ’ll you as e to Freshers’ Fair University Card before you com the fair and societies. If you can’t make s club student ID number to join . .uk you can join online at ww w.s
I’ve really enjoyed the extra responsibility of being on a society Committee this year. It’s a wonderful experience, especially as you get to influence how the society’s run. You get plenty of support from the friendly team in Student Activities too.
Amy, Psychology Society If n o ne o f t h e 200 s o c ie t ie s a re q u ite w h at yo u’ re lo o k ing f o r yo u c a n s t a rt a s o c ie t y yo u r ve r y of o w n . Em a il Do ug g ie McMe e k in, A c t iv it ie s O ffic at s u ac t iv e r, it ie s@n o t t ingh am . ac .u k f o r mo re in f o r m at io n .
The Students’ Union has a whopping 200 societies, giving you the opportunity to develop an existing hobby or branch out and try something completely new. This is probably the only time in your life you’ll have access to so many groups and activities for such a small amount of money, so make the most of it. Joining a society is a great way to meet new people with the same interests as you and most societies run their own socials throughout the year. Society members are generally a friendly, welcoming bunch so don’t be shy about going along for the first time, even if you’re on your own; you’ll be made to feel right at home. You can browse a list of societies at or you can find out more at Freshers’ Fair from 20th-22nd September.
kin Douggie McMee er fic Activities Of 785 internal) 0115 846 8785 (68 suactivities@nottin
cieties are ke sure thathealllpoustrudsoen ts to I’m here to ma o well run and inccielustieives .anI dalsI run fun events like set up new soir and the Societies Ball and Awards. Freshers’ Fa
Activities Sports
We run 77 sports clubs through the Athletic Union (or the AU as it’s more commonly known). Whether you’re at the top of your game or a complete novice, there’ll be an opportunity for you to join in.
Intra-mural sports
Nottingham has the biggest intra-mural league in the country. Over 160 teams compete every week during term at six different sports: football, netball, hockey, rugby, tennis and basketball. Joining the league is a great way to get involved with competitive sport on a friendly level with your course mates or with people from your hall or society.
Varsity Varsity is a charity sports series which sees the University of Nottingham compete against old rivals, Nottingham Trent, at some of the biggest sporting venues in the city. Thousands of spectators attend the matches so whether you’re playing on the pitch or cheering from the stands, you can enjoy being part of the action. Last year’s Varsity raised over £12,000 for the charity CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young), which promotes the cardiac health of young people.
BUCS (British Universities & Colleges Sports) t a fu ll li st Yo u ca n ge s and of so cie tie io n cl ub s at Athle tic Un .a c. u k otti n w w w.s u .n
gh a m
ore d fin d o u t m or come a n Fa ir from at Fre sh ers’ er. d S ep te m b 20th - 22n
BUCS is a national sports league for students around the UK. Last year we came seventh overall and we consistently finish in the top ten. Obviously, we want to smash our record this year so if you think you’re the man or woman who can help us do it, we want to hear from you!
Dave Heads Athletic Union Officer
0115 846 8785 (68785) suathleticunion@nottingham
running the in the Students’ Union. This incluSdesteam My job is to oversee all sports with s, BUC our g ortin supp , the country) intra-mural league (the biggestingin big Ball n Unio events like the Athletic co-ordinating Varsity and runn ions. etit comp and inter-hall
Student-run services
The Union supports eleven student-run services. Whether you’re interested in student media, theatre, events, welfare or other services like the CD & Record Library and TEC (sound and lighting), there’ll be a way for you to get involved. The Students’ Union also runs Karnival, the biggest student fundraising group in Europe, which raised over £1.2 million for charity during 2009. Find out more at Freshers’ Fair from 20th-22nd September or visit
Nottingham Advantage Award
If you decide to take on a bit more responsibility within the Students’ Union; for example joining the Committee for a sports club, society or student-run service, or starting your own volunteer project with the Student Volunteer Centre; you’ll have the chance to take part in the Nottingham Advantage Award. It’s a module, taught mainly through online tutorials, that gives you training in skills like leadership, assertiveness and project management so you can carry out your role even better. It will look great on your CV too. For more information, contact
Th e Trai ni ng Te am a group
The Training Team is rs who run of student voluntee Union training sessions for ion Un tic groups like Athle dent-run stu d an s tie clubs, socie is am Te services. Joining the le op pe w ne et a fun way to me for e nc rie pe ex and get some Email: your CV. Interested? .uk. .ac sustars@nottingham
The Students’ Union’s Student Volunteer Centre is THE place to go to find out about all the voluntary opportunities available either within the Students’ Union on Committees and Networks or in the community with one day projects or ongoing schemes. Volunteering is a great way to learn new skills, meet new people and try new things, and university is the perfect time in your life to try it out. It doesn’t matter how much time you want to commit or whether you’re unsure about the kind of work you want to do. The Student Volunteer Centre has a team of friendly staff and volunteers who can search their database for projects and opportunities that match your skills and interests.
You never know where volunteering might take you. You could find yourself working on a project right here in Nottingham or going as far away as Asia or Africa to do your bit. It’s up to you!
Student Volunteer Ce
ng, University Park B Floor, Portland Buildi internal) 0115 846 8750 (68750 volunteering@nottingham /volunteering .uk .ac ham ing ott
Activities Community projects
The Student Volunteer Centre works with about 100 external organisations to bring you volunteering projects that cover pretty much any area of interest. You could work with kids, refugees or the elderly and help with projects involving literacy, the environment or health in the local community or abroad.
The list goes on so check out the website at for more information.
In the Students’ Union
If you’d like to help make your Students’ Union even better, there are countless ways for you to volunteer without even leaving campus. It takes a lot of work and a huge number of people to keep the Students’ Union running smoothly and much of this is done voluntarily by students like you. If you’d like to contribute, the Student Volunteer Centre will help you to find out how.
“One-off (volunteering) challenges are great if you don’t have much time to commit and want to try new things. I have met loads of awesome people through these days and got to know Nottingham that bit better! “
Volunteering continued...
Nicola, Art History student
Student-led projects
the It was great to have nt de support of the Stu en I set Volunteer Centre wh t. up my own projec at The staff and students d rke wo the school I’ve erfully with have been wond so I’m d enthusiastic an pleased that another student will continue ce to run the project on I graduate. Judith, nt-led founder of the stude t jec Eco Schools Pro
If you’re passionate about something that the Student Volunteer Centre hasn’t already got covered, the team can help you to start your own project. This can be a hugely rewarding thing to do and some student-led projects have been extremely successful. In fact, one former studentled project has now grown into an award-winning charity. Speak to one of the team to find out more. You can find out more about the Student Volunteer Centre and browse a list of projects at Come and talk to the team at Freshers’ Fair from 20th-22nd September or visit the Volunteer Fair in the Portland Building on Wednesday 6th October, 11:30am-3:30pm.
Teddy Smith mmunity Officer Accommodation & Col) interna 0115 846 8773 (68773 sucommunity@notting
l community - especially with more involved with the loca e they get credit My job is to get studentsVolu er Centre - and to make sur . I also represent live the help of the Student y nte y the ere place wh the on ke ma the act housing. imp e itiv pos for the whether they live in halls or in private rs tte ma tion oda omm acc on ts den stu
Useful Information Some handy bits and pieces to help you get settled in.
0115 951 4985 (14985 internal) 7pm-8am every night during term Get your worries off your chest or find out essential local information from the team of student Advisors. All calls and emails are treated in complete confidence.
Find out everything you need to know about where you live at
To get the most out of the Students’ Union’s website, you’ll need to activate your account. Once you’ve done this you can join societies and sports clubs online, buy tickets for events and keep track of your memberships. You’ll need to register with the Portal first at and have your student ID number ready. If you have any problems activating your Students’ Union website account, please email suwebsite@nottingham.
nion Students’ U rmation fo contact in 8800
15 846 Reception: 01 ). al rn (68800 inte nottingham.a n@ io un ts en stud uk c. .a ngham
Term datth es-
Autumn: 20th Sept 2010 10 Dec 2010 Spring: 10st th Jan 2011 1 Apr 2011 Summer: 3rdth May 2011 17 Jun 2011 Pro ble ms
If you’re havlo g g ing o n? getting your ing problems set up in yourcomputer cal the IT He new room, 0 11 5 9 51 339 6 lpline on (1339 6 intern al).
Getting Around Hopper Buses The University runs a free hopper bus service that connects University Park, Jubilee, King’s Meadow and Sutton Bonington campuses. You can pick up timetables from the Students’ Union Reception in the Portland Building or you can view them on the University’s website,
Taxis Make sure you get home safely. Only get into a licensed Hackney cab. It should have a meter and the driver’s ID should be clearly displayed. You can call Nightline on 0115 951 4985 (14985 internal) for the numbers of reliable taxi firms.
Local buses The following buses link University Park with Nottingham City Centre: · 4 (Derby Road) · 13/13C (University Boulevard) · 33 (University Boulevard) · 34 (Portland Hill) · 35/35A (Derby Road) · 36 (Derby Road) · Indigo (QMC and University South Entrance) You can get more information about buses and other public transport in Nottingham, including a journey planner tool, at
n ding yo u r Ne e d h e lp fi d c am p us? way a ro u n de d a We’ve in c lu -o u t m a p in ld h a n d y fo yo u wo n’t th is p ac k so ge t lo s t.
This booklet is available in large print, Braille, tape, electronic and disk versions. Please contact the Publicity Coordinator on 0115 846 8726. The University of Nottingham Students’ Union (company limited by guarantee) Company Registration No. 7229624 Charity Registration No. 1136986 Registered Office: The Portland Building, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD.