Students’ Union Print Shop
Price List
student/clubs and societies rate
Black and White Printing/Copying
100gsm white add 2p
Coloured paper add 2p
4p 5p
single sided double sided coloured paper add 2p
white card add 2p
7p single sided 9p double sided Prices are per copy
2m x 0.40m 3m x 0.45m 5m x 1m 10m x 1m
£68 £82 £152 £290
Printed in full colour on vinyl from your own design
Binding comb A4 A3
£2.10 £3.00
£2.90 £3.50
£3.60 £3.90
tape/wire A4 A3
£2.30 £3.30
£3.30 £3.80
£3.90 £4.20
Prices include clear pvc front and card back covers. A3 is landscape only. Maximum number of sheets: comb 450, tape 350, wire 100.
A4 60p
A3 £1
A2 £4
A1 £7
Pull up banners with deluxe pop-up stand
size 850 x 2000 mm
A0 £16
coloured card add 4p
Colour Leaflets A6 105 x 148mm 100gsm 280g gloss 350g matt A5 148 x 210 mm 100gsm 280g gloss 350g matt
500 single sided
1000 single sided
£29 £35 £37
£41 £48 £52
500 single sided
1000 single sided
£42.50 £51.00 £53
£77 £87 £89
Colour Printing/Copying A4 23p single sided card or glossy material add 10p A3 45p single sided
card or glossy material add 20p
prices are per copy
Large Format A0 1189 x 841mm A1 841 x 594mm A2 594 x 420mm
£14.90 £7.90 £3.50
£23 £11.90 £6.00
CAD printed on 90gsm paper A0 1189 x 841 A1 841 x 594 A2 594 x 420
£6.50 £3.40 £2.00
If you can’t see the prices for your requirements please call or email (see reverse for details).
How to order
Place your order over the counter, by email or by uploading your artwork to Prices include vat where applicable. Discounts may be given on large orders.
Students’ Union Print Shop
How to find us Find us on B Floor (ground), Portland Building (opposite Student Activities)
B Floor, Portland Building University Park Nottingham NG7 2RD e: t: 0115 8468777 w: